The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear

Page created by Joseph Doyle
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear

                  The State of
             Influencer Marketing
An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
Table of Contents

Executive Summary                                       3

2017: The Year Influencer Marketing Doubled Its Size    5

2017: Sponsored Posts Reach New Heights                 7

Brands Focus on Micro-Influencers                       9

Millennials Create Most of the Sponsored Posts         11

Influencer Partnerships: Top 10 Industries             12

Global Distribution of Sponsored Posts                 13

Top Fashion Brands                                     14

Top Food & Beverages Brands                            21

Top Consumer Electronics Brands                        28

Top Automotive Brands                                  35

Top Travel Brands                                      42
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
Executive Summary

In The State of Influencer Marketing annual report, we share with you the          Key Topics:

results and insights from 1.5 million Instagram #ad posts’. This report offers a   * Growth of Instagram partnerships in 2017

unique viewpoint on a rapidly growing industry which doubled its size in just      * Growth in times of FTC transparency guidelines

one year. This year’s edition includes selected works of influencers who have      * Industry demographics.

partnered with the industry’s top brands. We hope this will help you get           * Industries leaderboard

inspiration from the best performing brands when shaping your influencer           * Inspirational portfolio of influencer works

marketing strategy for 2018.

Key Findings:                                                                      How We Measured:

  ●     1,504,383 Instagram posts were tagged with #ad in 2017.                    * Tracking influencer partnerships on Instagram

  ●     Influencer marketing grew by 198% in 2017.                                 that follow the FTC guidelines and included #ad or

  ●     Fashion and Beauty are the leading industries for partnerships.            #sponsored hashtags in the caption.

  ●     83.9% of the #ad posts were posted by women.                               * Matching brands mentioned in the posts.
                                                                                   * Statistical analysis of trends.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                     3
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
Influencer marketing on
Instagram doubled in 2017.

Influencers published 1,504,300 Instagram posts with an #ad hashtag in 2017, compared to 767,800 in 2016.   4
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
2017: The Year Influencer Marketing Doubled Its Size
1.5 million #ad posts were posted during 2017, double than the previous year

There were 1.5 million posts with an #ad
hashtag on Instagram during 2017 - double
the number of posts in 2016.

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                             5
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
Influencers posted
1,504,383 sponsored
posts on Instagram
during 2017.

The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
2017: Sponsored Posts Reach New Heights
The new FTC guidelines set a new level of transparency, while not hurting the industry’s growth.

2017 was the year where sponsored
content reached a new level of
transparency. On September ‘17, the
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guided
marketers and influencers to clearly
disclose their connections to the brands
they promote or endorse.

The FTC’s new guidelines of transparency
were adopted quickly. As can be seen here,
the new rules did not change the growth
trend of sponsored partnerships.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                7
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
#ad Instagram posts got
1B likes in 2017 with an
average of 682 per post.

The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
Brands Focus on Micro-Influencers
Micro-Influencers were all the buzz in 2017. Marketers heard the rumor and follow through.

Micro-influencers enjoyed a lot of attention
in 2017. More companies took their first                                 Share of Posts in the #Ad Market

steps in the field and did so by connecting             Up to 10 likes                     18%
with niche mid-ranged influencers.
                                                              10-100                                        47.5%

                                                              100-1K                               24%
The data shows that almost 90% of the
sponsored posts in 2017 received up to                        1K-10K                9%
1,000 Likes per post, signaling the level of                10K-100K        1%
influence involved in #ad posts. The                  100K and above        0.5%
average #ad post got 682 Likes.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                 9
The State of Influencer Marketing - 2018 An industry analysis of branded partnerships and the strategies that reach success - Klear
83.9% of the #ad posts
were posted by women.

Millennials Create Most of the Sponsored Posts
Young Instagrammers welcome brand affiliation in their posts. Women are the top contributors.

                                                   Millennials Create Most of the Sponsored Posts
                                12-17                      13%

                                18-24                                                               42%

                                25-34                                              30%

                                35-49                      13%

                                50-64          1%

                                                            Gender Demographics

                               83.9%                                                                  16.1%

          The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                              11
Influencer Partnerships: Top 10 Industries
We categorized each sponsored post by company and industry. Here are the top 10 industries that
partnered with influencers in 2017:

       Fashion &                     Beauty &          Food &                                        Consumer
 #1                            #2                  #3 Beverages       #4                          #5 Electronics
      Accessories                    Cosmetics                              Automotive

 #6     Travel               #7 Entertainment      #8     Retail       #9      Tech                   Fitness &

          The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                   12
Global Distribution of Sponsored Posts
The top countries in which sponsored posts were posted during 2017.

                                   USA                                      49%

                                    UK                                 9%

                                   Italy                          5%

                             Germany                              5%

                               Canada                        4%

                              Australia                      4%

                                   UAE                       4%

                                France                  2%

                                 Brazil                 2%

                                 Spain             1%

          The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                  13

                  #1                                         #2                                         #3

                                                 #4                                       #5

* These are the most active fashion brands utilizing influencer partnerships in 2017 based on the Klear Annual Review.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                      14
1. Fashion
73% of luxury fashion brands have an active influencer marketing program.

Fashion is the no.1 category in influencer              The Swedish watches company was                The Opportunity of UGC
marketing on Instagram.                                 founded in 2011. Four years later, its         Fashion brands thrive on instagram.
                                                        earnings reached revenues of $220M/year        According to eMarketer, 96% of US fashion
Following our research, 25% of sponsored                by selling 1 million watches worldwide.        brands are on Instagram and 73% of luxury
posts are for fashion & accessories brands.                                                            fashion brands have an active influencer
                                                        To raise brand awareness, Daniel               marketing program. More than any other
The Daniel Wellington Sensation                         Wellington partners with thousands of          industry, fashion greatly enjoys the power of
A fabulous example of a fast growing                    influencers globally. Each month, the          user-generated content. People love sharing
fashion brand in influencer marketing is                company gets more than 50,000 new              new looks and being inspired by them. This
Daniel Wellington. The company owes a                   Instagram mentions from many different         leads to the greatest opportunity for brands
huge part of its success to Instagram                   types of creators including both celebrities   to encourage customers and creators to
influencers.                                            and niche influencers.                         share their outfits and raise brand
               The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                  15
#1   Daniel Wellington
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Elanna McGowan               82       Thirapat Ekbundit           75   Davina                           84   Francis Dominic           86

     93K                                  1.1K                            3.7K                                  2.2K
“The perfect accessory to             “Introducing a new icon -        “I would never order a cookie,        “I'm always on vacation time
this simple outfit.”                  The #DWClassicPetite”            but I like stealing (parts of)        according to my Daniel
                                                                       people's cookies.“                    Wellington.”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                         16
#2   Coach
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Vanessa Balli              72       Jana Rose Carrero               70   Megan Welker Bravinder 66          Denise Johnson              61

     186                                  441                                118                                179
 “Obsessed with my new                ”To be you is to be strong." - A    “Heading into the weekend          “Time to bring out this little
 @coach bag and this color”           message sewn into each Selena       with this pretty little @coach”    @coach cutie and explore
                                      Grace @coach bag                                                       the town a bit!”

           The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                             17
#3   Nordstrom
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Irina Bond                       76   Kristin Johns                 98   Crystalin Da Silva          77    Krystal Faircloth          85

     926                                    62K                               1.1K                              2K
 “Sharing my favorite style of          “Feeling sooo glowy with this     “Photos from the Tulip Farm in    “Wearing white after Labor Day
 midi dress for everyday                look!! ✨ All the products are     this adorable dress from          - Yay or Nay?!”
 #momlife”                              from Nordstrom”                   Nordstrom”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                          18
#4   Lulus
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Anna Rochella                  86      Chelsea Lankford               84   Bree Kleintop              83   Laura Jade Stone             84

     14.7K                                   1.2K                              7.4K                             15.2K
 “This dress is so pretty. Lulus is      “I love how many shades of         Life is good ☕   #lovelulus     “A cup of tea always makes you
 the best place to shop for              burgundy there are in this red                                     feel better ☕     Wearing
 formal occasions.”                      velvet Lulus jumpsuit”                                             lulus.”

              The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                         19
#5   forever21
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Kelsey Floyd                 85      Alaine Kristina Limjoco        87   Nicole Glover             62   Evelynn Escobar Thomas 67

     8K                                    4.8                               225                            521
 “   Boots and shirt dress             Always a good time in Palm         “see ya l8r @forever21         “Looking back at it in
 from @forever21”                      Springs esp in my @forever21       #weareforever”                 @forever21”
                                       cut offs “

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                  20
Food & Beverages

                           #1                               #2                                        #3

                                                #4                                      #5

* These are the most active food and beverages brands utilizing influencer partnerships in 2017 based on the Klear Annual Review.

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                  21
2. Food & Beverages
For millennials, Instagram food pictures are more than aesthetic, but are a part of their identity.

Instagram changed the way we think and                As you can see from the Top 5 Food               food is not just what you eat, it’s a way to
treat food. From a mundane activity, it               brands, they are not seeking foodies to be       define your self-identity.
became an opportunity to share parts of               their ambassadors. Their teams of
your identity.                                        influencers are people of lifestyle, sports,     Meeting the New Food Values
                                                      creative, family, and entertainment.             The challenge for the big food brands in
A Google survey found that when cooking                                                                today’s world is not just the high-end
at home, 27% of respondents were likely to            Stunning food pictures became so ordinary        aesthetics standards, but other values
share the experience of with friends.                 on instagram, that food brands were              people now seek in their food. Organic,
                                                      looking for something completely different.      local, vegan, or healthy food are are just
Food is not just for Foodies                          Instead of focusing on the product, they         some examples of what people look for. For
Brands on Instagram consider food and                 encourage influencers to showcase their          brands, partnering with relevant influencers
drinks as a lifestyle experience.                     experiences. This virtue fits millenials best:   who cherish these values is a great

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                   22
#1   McDonald’s
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Hailee Lautenbach            87       Andrew Kuttler                80   Katie Stauffer                93   Matt Crump                   87

     1.8K                                   3.3K                              4.5K                              11.5K
 “I only feed my pet seal (aka my       “Skatin' through Summer           “When you ask Finn what he         “No dessert pairs better with
 bae) the best of food”                 Always on board with a            wants for pretty much any meal     my intergalactic magical wall
                                        #McCafe Strawberry Shake”         he always says McDonald’s“         travels than a McDonald’s
                                                                                                             McCafe Shake!”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                           23
#2   Coca-Cola
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Athina Oikonomakou            92      Vasiliki Laskaraki      94   Teresa Barajas                 79   Amy Purdy                    89

     36.8K                                  33.6K                      4.3K                                 2.6K
 “Summer moments       with             “Lost in paradise!”         “In celebration of Hispanic         “That one time I dressed up all
 Coca-Cola & inspiration from                                       Heritage month I have partnered     crazy and danced on the top of
 #crete!”                                                           with Coca-Cola”                     a float at Carnaval!”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                       24
#3   HelloFresh
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Mary Kate Robertson           97      Katie Shelton                  82   Amelia (Emmy) Jones            83   Sarah Fortune               78

     25.4K                                  1K                                 2.3K                               562
 “John Luke and I have been             “When our @hellofresh box          “My kids live for helping in the    “Always wanting to “help” with
 having fun with @hellofresh as         showed up on our porch, she was    kitchen!“                           dinner on @hellofresh nights.“
 you can obviously tell haha!“          the one to ask to get cooking.”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                             25
#4   Oreo
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Adam Goldberg               91       Chrissa Sparkles               82   Juj Winn                      73      ÄL                             76

     2.5K                                  1.2K                               696                                   948
 “How good does a matcha green         “My #MyOreoCreation would be       “I've just been sitting at my desk    “Oreo as thin as my origami
 tea @Oreo cookie sound?“              Strawberry-Lavender Sundae Oreo    dreaming of a vacation in the         butterflies”
                                       cookies, topped off with love!”    sun...”

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                 26
#5   Dunkin’ Donuts
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Alyssa Amoroso               79       Krystal Faircloth             85      Sierra Furtado               98    Jeremy Cohen                  83

     1.2K                                   7.1K                                170K                               5.9K
 “Mondays are always a bit better       “y'all they have a S'MORES flavor    “Give me a donut and you'll get    “I am working with Dunkin’
 when iced coffee is involved”          for summer.”                         this reaction”                     Donuts to make it rain in NYC
                                                                                                                on a sunny day”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                               27
Consumer Electronics

                  #1                                         #2                                         #3

                                                 #4                                       #5

* These are the most active fashion brands utilizing influencer partnerships in 2017 based on the Klear Annual Review.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                      28
3. Consumer Electronics
Consumers seek genuine reviews leaving brands on the look-out for the best influencers to share

For the consumer electronics industry,                support buying decision with more              Long-Term Relationship
being noticed on social media is a must.              knowledge. This is exactly where influencer    The electronics industry evolves rapidly.
72% of Instagram users said they make                 recommendations comes into play.               New devices are launched every day and
purchasing decisions based on products                                                               shelf lives are relatively short. Brands in this
they saw on their feed.                               In this industry, brands do not partner with   industry partner with influencers on the
                                                      influencers just for a photo display. They     long run to inform them about new
Embracing Authenticity                                put a huge focus on encouraging their          products and upgrades. For the companies,
The buyer decision process for an                     partners to share a genuine first-person       loyal influencers can lead to loyal
electronics product is quite different from           experience. This is why it’s so common to      customers.
fashion or food products. The time people             see a variety of experts involved in each
take to make a decision is much longer with           influencer campaign including product
more thought put into it. Consumers today             reviewers, photographers, lifestyle
                                                      influencers and more.
             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                     29
#1   Samsung
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Jim Chapman                100       Allan Dixon                      95   Roman Königshofer                88   Nataly Osmann                   90

     64K                                   41K                                  7.9K                                  29.6K
 “Adding the finishing touches to      “Yes this is a real grizzly bear!    “Exhausted but happy we made          “Be free, be wild, be yourself ....
 my look. My watch of choice           @lgusamobile”                        it back to the parking lot in         Cuba mood”
 tonight is the Samsung gearS3”                                             darkness... #DoWhatYouCan”

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                      30
#2   Dyson
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Katie Stauffer                93       Daniella Monet                  98        Anissa                    82   Samuel Anthony                90

     8.2K                                    41K                                     1K                             4.5K
 “They're having just as much fun        “This Dyson purifier that not only       “my new Dyson cord-free has    “The Dyson Pure Hot + Cool
 playing with the vacuum as I am         cleans the air but it cools and heats    made vacuuming way more fun    Link Purifier eliminates 99.97 of
 using it.”                              the space so I can do yoga”              the past few weeks”            allergens and pollutants in my

              The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                 31
#3   Bose
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Kirsten Alana               86       Terri                             82       Dominic Loneragan              75   Atsuna Matsui                  86

     2.8K                                    2.9K                                   460                                  11.6K
 “Thank you to @bose for gifting       “I cannot believe the power behind        “No wires, no distractions”         “Playing my favorite tunes helps
 me this #Soundlink Micro that         this @BOSE SoundLink Micro                                                    set the vibe, especially as
 made our recent picnic at The         speaker       it's incredible AND it's                                        @BOSE Micro speaker has great
 Old Sugar Mill so much better”        waterproof”                                                                   sound quality.”

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                      32
#4   Canon
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Amelia (Emmy) Jones          83       Morgan Phillips               90      David Clark                   84   Robert & Christina          93

     2.7K                                   10.4K                               4.2K                                15.2K
 “I'm a long time supporter of          “Patiently waiting while working     “I'm constantly asked what         “Spent the day shooting around
 @CanonUSA and the Canon80d             with @Canonusa, my #Canon80d         camera I use. So for this trip     town for a fun project.”
 doesn't disappoint!”                   in my hand, the sun finally came     Canon is equipping me with
                                        out but only for a brief moment.”    Canon EOS Rebel T7is...”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                              33
#5   Asus
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Noémie                        92      Sara                          95    JNEL                          85       Mark Matthews                  86

     37.8K                                   11.8K                            1.2K                                   5.2K
 “Did you see the new @asus             “Today I had the opportunity to    “Capturing this view in style using    “Stoked I was able to set a high
 phone?”                                test the phone brand ASUS          my #ZenFone3Zoom from                  shutter speed for this shot
                                        Zenfone 3 MAX 5.5-inch”            @ASUSUSA”                              using my #ZenFone3Zoom”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                  34

                  #1                                         #2                                        #3

                                                #4                                       #5

* These are the most active automotive brands utilizing influencer partnerships in 2017 based on the Klear Annual Review.

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                          35
4. Automotive
The tech giants fight traditional car brands for millennials’ attention and the future of car ownership.

Car ownership among young people is                   While both groups are fighting for              buttons of who they are instead of what
declining. Millennials have a lower rate of           millennials’ attention, their strategies are    they own. On their influencer campaigns
car ownership than previous generations at            completely different.                           you’ll find lifestyle experiences like LGBTQ
their age. The car industry decided to fight                                                          events, eating out and Netflix binging.
back.                                                 The traditional car brands partner with
                                                      instagram influencers to promote values         Shaping a Flexible Lifestyle
Ridesharing vs. Car Ownership                         like the freedom to travel and living life to   The automotive industry tries to win
The top 5 companies in the field reveals a            its fullest with no geographical boundaries.    millennials’ trust, by shaping the way they
fascinating view about the transportation                                                             think about their lifestyle and freedom. The
industry. The short list encompasess giants           The ride-sharing companies are going in a       top 5 brands here are a great example of
like Toyota, Kia and Mazda, alongside the             different direction. Uber and Lyft attract      how to show these values effectively with
new shiny ridesharing rivals, Uber and Lyft.          their target audience by pushing the            influencers.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                  36
#1   Kia Motors
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Marta Carriedo              91       Jenna Ezarik                  96      Africa Miranda               76     Ashley Outrageous             85

     14K                                   14.8K                               1.2K                                488
 “Check out the awesome day I          “Got the chance to see the new       “Another year of great designers    “I linked up with
 had with @KiaMotorsUSA during         2018 @KiaMotorsUSA Stinger...        and a game changing addition to     @KiaMotorsUSA to take the
 NYFW “                                and it looks absolutely amazing!”    the @KiaMotorsUSA family”           new #Cadenza17 for a spin”

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                37
#2   Toyota
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Sam Landreth                   86       Alberto Ortiz Rey                 88   Dannon K. Collard            80     Marissa Pedersen              71

     5.2K                                     5.8K                                 288                                 1.3K
 “Marfa sunsets with @ToyotaUSA           “The new #ToyotaCHR will make         “Thank you @ToyotaUSA for           “I was lucky to be driving a Land
 Highlander”                              you fall in love, not only for its    making our trip to Maggie Valley    Cruiser from @toyotausa that
                                          engine or design, but for             so comfortable!”                    smoothly went over all the
                                          everything that goes with it!”                                            snow and ice”

               The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                   38
#3   Uber
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Jessica Wang                 91       Tommy Lei                     84       Kim Genevieve                 80     John Philp Thompson              79

     9.8K                                   2.1K                                 1.1K                                 2.8K
 “Showing you how to manage             “Always on the go, always on time.    “Uber makes adding extra pick ups    "A sneak peek into a 'typical
 that holiday stress on the blog        Thanks to Uber”                       easy w/ their new multiple           day' of mine & how much I rely
 with Uber today”                                                             locations”                           on Uber to get around!”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                     39
#4   Mazda
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Goldenwoofs                80       Andrea Khoury                   69        Devan                     86     Erika Batista                 71

     702                                  3.2K                                    13.7K                             196
 “Woofs for a #zoomzoom               “Feeling a little sporty this week in    “Woke up to gorgeous Bay Area    “This @mazdausa has the
 weekend adventure”                   the @mazdausa #cx3!”                     skies today + The New            prettiest interior, #obsessed
                                                                               #MazdaCX5 To Get Me Around“      with the white leather seats “

           The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                 40
#5   Lyft
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Annabelle Fleur              93       Miles Mckenna                 98   Samantha Lee                 92     Ryan Minaj                 96

     17.5K                                  70.6K                            27.6K                               12.1K
 “Thank you @lyft for getting me        “HUMANS!! Round up and donate     “Zooming through the big city       “In honor of pride month @Lyft
 to the airport on time!”               your @Lyft ride to support the    with @Lyft! Where is your ride?”    is asking you to Round Up and
                                        Human Rights Campaign.”                                               Donate”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                            41

                      #1                                        #2                                      #3

                                                 #4                                       #5

* These are the most active travel brands utilizing influencer partnerships in 2017 based on the Klear Annual Review.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                     42
5. Travel
Instagram is now a leading source for travel inspiration and travel influencers are the trendsetters.

Millennials are inspired to take their next           hotel chains, and agencies. Although it’s    Unfolding the Unknown
vacation to destinations they’ve seen on              clear that no company can afford to ignore   The promise in travel is for a new and
Instagram. According to an academic                   partnering with influencers, each brand      exciting adventure. Travel encompasses the
research that analyzed travel                         goes in a different direction.               hope for meeting new people, seeing
decision-making, 82% of the respondents                                                            stunning sceneries, and experiencing
indicated Instagram had influence on their            The top travel companies partner with        foreign culture. Influencers play the role of
travel planning.                                      photographers, travelers, and even fashion   helping the target audience decide where
                                                      influencers. AirBNB promote experiences,     to go and what to do when they arrive.
Promising Adventures                                  while brands like Marriott focus on
Instagram took over the travel industry. In           showcasing luxurious comfort. You also
the top 5 companies you can find a variety            have brands like VisitDubai, who portray
of companies, from AirBNB, to airlines,               possible adventures.

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                43
#1   Airbnb
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Amelia Fullarton            78       Ryan Field                 85    Veronica Ferraro             96    Olya Hill                      95

     2.9K                                  9K                             9.4K                                26.2K
 “last minute weekend escape in        “Weekend well spent @airbnb”    “Enjoyed the best @airbnb          “We took full advantage of new
 this cosy @airbnb beach shack.”                                       experience today in Barcelona.”    @airbnb experience and
                                                                                                          escaped for an afternoon of
                                                                                                          "us" time together mixed with
                                                                                                          the cocktail craft class..”

            The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                           44
#2   Delta
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Carolyn Yuen Marino           71      Mariann Yip                    83        Josh Fu                       82   Shay Mitchell               100

     1.1K                                   3.2K                                   1K                                 261.4K
 “Thank you to @Delta and               “For those who think they can’t be      “I can get out there using the     “Last night, I hosted the launch
 @AmericanExpress for a                 in two places at once, think again!”    Blue @Delta SkyMiles® Credit       event for the new Blue @Delta
 delicious evening last night with                                              Card from @AmericanExpress..”      SkyMiles Credit Card”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                   45
#3   Royal Caribbean
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Shay Mitchell                 100      Anika Morjaria                78    Dan Moore                    77   Oliver Vegas                   92

     685.3K                                  2.1K                              500                                10.9K
 Had the thrill of a lifetime last       “Harmony is truly an incredible    “Home sweet home. Arriving at     “It's Caribbean time, for enjoy
 week on board Royal Caribbean's         ship!”                             Airley Beach, Queensland”         the most beautiful beaches,
 ship, Oasis of the Seas”                                                                                     islands and sea.... with
                                                                                                              @royalcaribbean ”

              The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                             46
#4   Marriott Hotels & Resorts
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Christine Hsu                  85       Keira                        89       Kirsten Ortez               73      Peggy Dean                     82

     5.7K                                     23.5K                               468                                  1.7K
 “Let’s set sail!”                        “Taking in my last few moments in    “Loved my stay at the               “What if... all those ideas that
                                          Bangkok. Time for some home          @marriotthotels in Torrance last    are born in the shower could be
                                          time with my fur kids                weekend!”                           effortlessly captured?”

               The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                 47
#5   Visit Dubai
Selected Works of Influencer Partnerships

Kenza Zouiten Subosic        99       Samantha Lee                     92   Caroline Daur               97        Nina May                      83

     45.5K                                  5.4K                                68.3K                                 9.5K
 “Arabian nights. ✨ One of my           “Making music video with my          “Visited the desert in Dubai today    “We arrived in DUBAI ❤ the
 favorite moments from Dubai!“          desert guide while admiring the            caught this beautiful and       journey was great - Malina
                                        breathtaking view   . Dubai is       special sunset “                      mastered the flight wonderfully”
                                        mesmerising. (”

             The State of Influencer Marketing 2018                                                                                                   48
Master Influencer Marketing in 2018
About Klear
Klear is an influencer marketing platform used by the
world’s leading brands and agencies.

With the power of 6 years’ worth of historical data, Klear
is proud of setting a new market standard for:
                                                             Request a Demo
measuring influence, vetting social creators, and
measuring influencer campaigns.

2017 was the year Influencer marketing boomed. Don’t
let 2018 slip away. Schedule a demo today.
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