The Vizag polystyrene plant accident - Analysis and comments - Chemical Weekly

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The Vizag polystyrene plant accident - Analysis and comments - Chemical Weekly
Special Report

The Vizag polystyrene plant accident – Analysis and

       eview and learnings for practicing                                                      of polymerisation (technically called as
       chemical engineers, based on                                                            ‘degree’) decides the properties. Styrene
       discussions among the B. Chem.                                                          – a common product made by petrochemi-
Engg. Batch (1978) of Institute of Chemi-                                                      cal industry world over – is itself an aro-
cal Technology (ICT), Mumbai, formerly                                                         matic organic chemical, made by catalytic
known as UDCT.                                                                                 reaction of benzene and ethylene to form
                                                                                               ethyl benzene, followed by dehydrogena-
Background and purpose                                                                         tion. Styrene is liquid at ambient tempera-
     The industrial accident on 7th May                                                        ture, and is reasonably safe to handle and
2020, at the polystyrene plant of LG                                                           transport, though inherently flammable
Polymers India Pvt. Ltd. at Vizag, lead-      B. Chem. Engg. batch of 1978, comprising         and toxic. The entire Indian requirement
ing to at least 12 deaths and over 2,000      of more than 15 chemical engineers. Their        of styrene is imported from China, and
people affected, has been a matter of         names are listed at the end of the docu-         several other countries.
concern to the Indian chemical industry       ment. The collective ownership of this
and engineering fraternity. As alumni of      document is with this team.                          Besides being used to make PS, sty-
ICT, Mumbai, with a life-time of experi-                                                       rene is also used as a raw material for some
ence in design, production, technology        The material/s                                   perfumery and speciality organic chemi-
and safety of chemical plants, some with           Polystyrene (PS) is a common engi-          cals. LG Chemicals, the Korean com-
first-hand experience in styrene and poly-    neering polymer, used on its own as a plas-      pany owns the PS plant at Vizag, Andhra
styrene plants, we felt compelled to dis-     tic or in combined forms with other plas-        Pradesh. This plant has gone through mul-
cuss and deliberate on this accident and to   tics, resins and chemicals. ‘Thermocol’,         tiple ownerships, with stepwise capacity
understand its root cause, so that we can     polyester resins, Styrene-Butadiene Rub-         enhancement over the last fifty years.
shed some light on the key issues facing      ber (SBR) are some of the well-known
the chemical manufacturing industry in        forms of PS.                                     The accident
India.                                                                                             A major leakage of styrene occurred in
                                                  PS is produced by controlled polymeri-       the early hours of 7th May 2020 from the
    It may be noted that this discussion is   sation of styrene. The extent or the degree      LG Polymers plant in Vizag. The spread of
not based on any direct investigation car-                                                     this gas into the residential areas surround-
ried out at the accident site, or access to                                                    ing the plant resulted in at least 12 deaths
the logbooks, or interaction with the ope-                                                     and over 2,000 affected people, caused by
rating or management teams. This may            Styrene:                                       its inhalation. The immediate corrective
come out in due course, after official in-                                                     actions taken by the plant management
vestigation by the authorities. The princi-                                                    and the district authorities are claimed
pal purpose of this document is to capture     Other Names      : Ethylbenzene,Vinylbenzene,   to have restricted the human cost of this
a learned view on the accident, so that        		phenylethene                                  incident.
recurrence of such accidents can be avoid-     Chemical Formula : C6H5CH=CH2
                                               Molecular Mass : 104.15 g/mol
ed in future. As professionals trained in                                                          It is understood that the plant was
                                               Physical Form : Liquid at NTP
chemical engineering by one of the top-        Density          : 909 kg/m3                    shut down for nearly 40 days, on account
rated chemical engineering institute in        Boiling Point    : 145°C                        the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in
the world, we feel it is our moral respon-     Vapour Pressure : 6.4 mmHg at 25°C              the country and was scheduled to restart
                                               Flash Point      : 31°C
sibility to check on the overall health of                                                     around 7th May. The accident apparently
                                               Explosive Limits : 0.90% LEL-6.8% UEL
chemical manufacturing industry and to         Toxicity: LD50   : 2194 ppm (mouse, 4 hr)       took place during the restart.
help improve its image in society.             		 5543 ppm (rat, 4 hr)
                                                                                                   It is important to note that accidents in
  The note is based on the discussions         Ref.:             styrene plants, storage and transit, caus-
among the WhatsApp Group of the                                                                ing styrene leak and associated damages,

Chemical Weekly May 26, 2020                                                                                                           137
Special Report

      Table 1: Selected thermal runaway incidents related to the styrene process                 is currently imported, mainly from the
                                                                      Consequences               Middle East, North East and South East
 Date                     Location                                                               Asia. A styrene production plant requires
                                                                  Injury          Fatality
                                                                                                 significant investment to set up and run;
 07/05/1994               Kaohsiung, Taiwan                               0                1     and it does not seem economical for
 01/26/1996               Chiayi, Taiwan                                  1                0     Indian users of styrene to have their own
 01/21/1998               Kaohsiung, Taiwan                               4                0     production plants in India. This may have
                                                                                                 led to current Indian users being less
 12/24/1998               Kanagawa, Japan                                 0                0     informed on the practical aspects of
 06/27/1998               Channahon, IL, US                               1                0     handling styrene.
 06/23/1999               Pasadena, TX, US                               21                2
                                                                                                     Styrene tends to self-polymerise,
 10/06/1999               Chiayi, Taiwan                                  1                0
                                                                                                 even at ambient temperature, albeit at
 03/27/2000               Pasadena, TX, US                               71                1     very slow reaction rates. However, even
 04/02/2003               Addyston, OH, US                                0                1     the slow rates of self-polymerisation
 04/08/2004               Jiangsu, China                                  8                6     cause major operating issues, because
                                                                                                 of heat liberation, blockages in the tank,
 06/30/2005               Mesa, AZ, US                                    0                1     pipelines and pumps due to the formation
Ref.: Lin Zhao et al, ACS Omega, 2019 4 (5), 8136-8145
                                                                                                 of a solid polymer. The rate of this reac-
fatalities and non-fatal human damages            M/s. Polychem, operated in Mumbai from         tion doubles every 10°C. Such polymeri-
are not uncommon. In fact over last 25            the 1956 to around 2005. This was based        sation can lead to quality deterioration
years, there have been 11 accidents – four        on technology sourced from M/s. Dow            and operating issues. The combination of
in Taiwan, one in Japan, one in China and,        Chemical – initially 7,500-tpa (tonnes         polymerisation – heat liberation – tem-
four in USA – collectively accounting for         per annum) capacity, single-line, which        perature rise – and further polymerisation
12 fatalities and 107 injuries (Table 1), the     was later doubled. The PS was used to          can lead to rapid reaction and heating;
most recent being from the styrene-car-           make general-purpose PS (GPPS) and             this is known as a ‘run-away reaction’.
rying railway tanker at Cincinnati, USA,          high-impact PS (HIPS), the latter through      As the temperature rises, styrene starts
in Aug. 2005. In fact, EPA came out with          addition of polybutadiene rubber. The          vaporising. The pressure in the storage
an Emergency Response Guideline Book              Polychem plant was closed around for           tank may progressively increase, and the
with scientifically validated approach list-      environmental and economic reasons             safety valves provided on the tanks may
ing chemicals which undergo self-poly-            around 2005, and its assets were sold to       open. The styrene storage tanks are there-
merisation. (Ref.: https://www.    Supreme Industries Ltd.                        fore fitted with secondary containment
Newsletter/OCT08/TechSpeak.pdf).                                                                 facility, to prevent any leakage to the
                                                      The entire Indian requirement of sty-      environment. The tanks are also provided
Technical background of PS reaction               rene – about 850,000-tonnes in 2018-19 –       with cooling/chilling circuits, which can
     PS is made from styrene by thermal
initiation process; i.e. styrene is initially                                 Self-Polymerisation of styrene
heated to start up the reaction, following
which the inherent exothermic (i.e. heat-
liberating) nature of the resulting poly-
merisation reaction causes the temperature                           n                                             H
to rise rapidly. The temperature rise cannot
be left uncontrolled, and the heat gene-                                                                     C     C
rated, is removed by circulating a thermic                                                                   H     H   n
fluid (Dowtherm DTA), so that the reactor
operates at the desired temperature around               Enthalpy of polymerisation: 49-160 kcal/kg
450°C. The polymer formed is in the mol-                 TBC (Inhibitor) slows down the reaction rate; does not inhibit polymerisa-
ten form; it is extruded into strands, cut               tion totally.
into granules and despatched to customers.               Rapid temperature rise starts at 100-105°C, under adiabatic conditions.

    A plant for making PS, named as                Ref.:

138                                                                                                     Chemical Weekly May 26, 2020
Special Report

bring down the temperature and control        Uncontrolled polymerisation during                             the probability of such failures occurring
the reaction.                                 prolonged storage                                              is low.
                                                  It is understood that the PS plant was
     In order to avoid such polymerisation,   closed during the COVID-19 lockdown                            Non-adherence to standard operating
styrene is mixed with a polymerisation        and was being restarted after relaxation                       procedures (SOPs)
inhibitor – 4-tert-butylcatechol (TBC) – at   of lockdown conditions. The accident                               All plants are slated to follow set
controlled concentrations. This prevents      took place during the restart operations.                      SOPs. There are well-defined SOPs even
polymerisation during high sea or road        Was the right level of TBC added to the                        for shut-down and start-ups, including
transit, as well as during storage. Before    styrene stored, given that the ambient                         for warm-shutdown and warm-start up
utilising the styrene for PS synthesis, the   temperature in March to May can be very                        (which means stopping a running plant
TBC needs to be removed. Provision to         high (≥40°C). The styrene in the storage                       and restarting the same with materials held
remove the TBC is an integral part of         tank could thus have experienced such                          up in the plant). For the mature technology
styrene storage facility. Use of TBC is       high temperatures for almost forty days                        used in PS plants all over, such procedures
practised especially by those users who       during the shutdown, resulting in uncon-                       are followed globally and any abnormal
handle and store large quantities of sty-     trolled polymerisation inside the storage                      temperature/pressure in the styrene stor-
rene. Users of small quantities or those      tank; and temperature/pressure rise could                      age tank would have been detected before
who make immediate use of styrene within      cause the styrene to evaporate, build up                       re-starting up the plant. All failure condi-
minimal storage time, may not use/add TBC.    pressure and escape through vent.                              tions are expected to surface through a
                                                                                                             structured pre-start audit procedure. Since
    In the event of styrene vapours escap-    Failure of the temperature control                             the plant shutdown was likely to have been
ing from the tank/premises, it is required    system on styrene storage tank                                 done at a short notice, due to COVID-19
to know how far the vapours can spread;           In case polymerisation commenced                           lockdown order, the SOP for warm shut-
and how many people/animals/farms             in the storage tank, it is possible that the                   down, which should have been followed
may get affected. The regulatory au-          temperature control system based on the                        as a rule (covering, for example, emptying
thorities have made it mandatory for the      circulation of coolant fluid/chilled water                     transfer line, mixing additional dosages of
producers to evaluate the spread of the       may have failed. Good design practice                          polymerisation inhibitor, recording of tank
vapour and its human impact on mathe-         – as shown in Figure 1 – generally provides                    temperature during shutdown, etc.) may
matical diffusion models, accounting for      for interlocks which does not permit such                      not have been fully followed as per com-
external factors like wind direction and      failure to occur, because alarm systems get                    pliance requirements.
speed, ambient temperature, season and        activated well in advance of failure. In a
time of the day, and the location of human    well-designed & well-maintained plant,                              Chemical engineers in this WhatsApp
population in a 360 degree radius of the
                                                                                                 STYRENE TANK
plant. Permitted quantities for storage,
the primary and secondary containment                                                    CIRCULATION IN PROGRESS
measures, disaster management facili-
                                                                                                SET POINT (LO)#COM 0 C
ties mandated and the consent to operate                                                        SET POINT (H1)#COM 0 C
are planned based on these modelling
studies. The consent to operate are also
audited periodically by statutory authori-
ties and by plant management audits, to
assure total compliance.                                                        LT-sty

    Strict adherence to the above guid-                                                                            HE-7
ance assures safety in styrene handling,                      #COM                                                                   CHWS

transit, storage and PS production facili-
                                                                                                                                            Ch water supply valve Interlock
                                                                                                                                             Set [point        Ch water

ties.                                                                  #COMMT                                                    TO BL1
                                                                                                                                              #com c       <    #com c

                                                                                                                                 TO BL3

Possible causes of the accident                     STYRENE            STYRENE
                                                                                                                                 TO BL5

    With the above technical background,
we discussed the possible causes of the
accident, which are summarised here.                                               Fig. 1: Styrene storage tank safety system

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Special Report

group, with considerable experience in            A supply of TBC must always be              Green tag system and Lock out Tag out
start-up and shut-down of similar plants          available in the plant raw material         (LOTO) system is also rigorously fol-
(such as LPG, hydrogen sulphide, and              stores for emergencies.                     lowed. For a non-routine operation (like
other reactive monomers), have high-              It may be noted that even technically       drilling exploration or High-Pressure
lighted the need for total rigour in follow-      empty styrene tanks are prone to con-       High Temperature well), DWOP (Drill-
ing procedures for shutdown and restarts          tain solid deposits of polymer, which       ing Well On Paper) exercise is carried
in order to avoid accidents.                      can often be found on, and inside, the      out and hazard analysis is undertaken in
                                                  casing of submersible pumps. This           detail, including severity matrix and miti-
    Considering that the plant and tech-          may be attributed to the polymerisation     gation methods. This makes the people
nology is well established, and several           of residual styrene, traces of which can    and management prepared for any even-
shutdowns and start-ups may have been             accumulate inside sumps and pumps,          tuality by revising the basics of process
done, SOP must have been available for            causing jamming of the pump impel-          safety.
these operations.                                 ler. When this was observed in a sty-
                                                  rene storage system a few years ago,            Industry-specific safety measures (if
Practices in MNCs using styrene as raw            the Plant Safety Audit Committee re-        not available) must be developed and
material                                          commended removing and overhauling          rigorously followed by all sectors of the
    The members of this WhatsApp group            of the submersible pump at the end of       chemical industry. There are no short
with considerable expertise in handling           each production campaign. Jamming           cuts to safety and safety has no holiday.
styrene wish to share the following good          of submersible pump can also hap-
manufacturing practices:                          pen with a fresh lot of styrene due to          The recent circular from the Ministry
                                                  the inherent fine clearance between         of Industries (issued post the LG Polymers
   When styrene is used in small quan-            the pump shaft sleeve and the bush-         accident) regarding safe restart procedures
   tities with short storage times, the           ing mounted inside the hollow vertical      to be followed is a glaring example of
   polymerisation inhibitor needs to be           pipe of submersible pumps.                  the lack of serious thought.
   monitored to avoid depletion. Many             Normal production campaigns gene-
   medium/small users of styrene do not           rally run continuously round the clock      Partial failure of knowledge transfer
   check the levels of this vital inhibitor       and situations involving cold/warm              It is observed that for many mature
   (LG is a large company though). We             start-up and shut-down are very rare.       technologies transferred to the develop-
   understand that after the accident, LG         As such, plant operating personnel          ing world, the effectiveness of know-
   Polymers urgently purchased the in-            have little or no practical experience of   ledge transfer between generations of
   hibitor to save the remaining quantity         these kind of start-ups and shut-downs.     engineers is not robust. With the comfort
   of styrene.                                                                                of good safety track records of such mature
   A spare or standby storage tank hav-            All the above learnings from different     technologies, the current generation of
   ing the same capacity as the styrene        plants around the world must become an         plant engineers often do not possess the
   tank under consideration must always        integral part of the knowledge base of any     necessary practical understanding and
   be available in case of emergency, so       styrene handling facility globally.            insights, which the earlier generations of
   that styrene can be transferred from                                                       engineers – who were involved in plant
   the regular storage tank if the storage     Hazard & Operability Analysis (HAZOP)          design and construction – possessed.
   system fails.                                   Oilfield operations involve many           During the transfer of knowledge bet-
   As far as possible, it is desirable to      start-ups/shut-downs and so-called ad          ween generations, a lot of key messages
   continue running the production plant       hoc operations. It is common practice          gets inadvertently obscured.
   until all the styrene is completely         to undertake a complete HAZOP before
   used up, and then organise the shut-        any operation. Oil rig operations involve          We observe that, despite its invalu-
   down. This will eliminate the need to       highly flammable materials and are             able role in the success of chemical manu-
   store and monitor styrene.                  hazardous. Even in the case of routine         facturing industry, technology transfer
   It is also good practice not to store       operations, a ‘permit to work’ system is       remains a non-standardised process. It
   styrene over extended periods of            in place and is strictly adhered to.           remains a one-time activity, when the
   time.                                                                                      technology is purchased, or transferred
   Stored styrene must preferably be               Toolbox talk is mandatory to create        from lab to plant, and no formal process
   under nitrogen blanketing all the           the ethos, to revise well-known practices,     for technology transfer is standardised in
   time.                                       and to warm-up for a safe operation.           the later life of a plant. It is required to

140                                                                                                  Chemical Weekly May 26, 2020
Special Report

develop, follow and execute a technical            ruthlessly and improved, based on the         work. The severity of such accidents man-
standard for the same.                             experience, in line with the word and         dates that chance of errors should be mini-
                                                   the spirit of the audit, by honest audit-     mized through automation, interlocks, and
Audit failure                                      ing agencies. (Ref.: https://www.nistinsti-   controls.
    The rigour and discipline of audits  
(plant audits, safety audits, management           cal-industries.php).                          Timely legal/punitive action
audits) is supposed to take care of pro-                                                              Prima facie it looks like there was
cedural lapses and bring back the disci-        Seriousness in execution of warm                 gross negligence on somebody’s part
pline. Audits, if conducted seriously, can      shut-down and warm restart                       while preparing to restart the closed plant.
help correct many such lacunae. This                In the case of LG Polymers, we un-           The main reason for such casual attitude
WhatsApp Group strongly feels that              derstand that this was not a normal shut-        is lack of concern for safety of fellow be-
most audits are now conducted with the          down. It was unplanned shut down. Com-           ings – both inside and outside the plant.
intent of securing certification, which         pany could have approached government            The Bhopal accident is a glaring example
are mandated by statutory authorities or        and continued some operations, till it           of how no one was deemed liable and the
the customer, and miss out on compre-           was safe to shut down. The inventory             guilty escaped unpunished. We sincerely
hensive corrective actions. This needs to       could have been reduced to safest levels.        hope that those liable in this case are
be redressed as a matter of priority.           The intermediate tank, after removal of          brought to account. Timely punitive action
                                                polymerisation inhibitor, should have            (including stringent actions as cancellation
    The team feels that the following           sprinkling system fitted to keep material        of qualification/licence, ban on similar fu-
good practices need to be seriously put         cooled during shut-down. There must be           ture employment, financial liability etc.)
to implementation:                              round-the-clock monitoring of such tanks         can prove to be strong deterrents to casual
    Management commitment to conduct            for temperature and pressure. The opera-         approaches which some plant personnel
    business in safest and sustainable way.     ting personnel need to be adequately             seem to take.
    Repeated and consistent training to         trained, specifically for shut-down and
    employees on process sensitivities, in-     recommissioning.                                 Change management
    cluding safety awareness.                                                                        There are many changes made dur-
    Regular, frequent and comprehensive             It is observed that most managements         ing normal running and shutdown. These
    safety drills.                              normally do not give the necessary atten-        changes must be authorised by expert
    Sustained campaign on safety aspects        tion to recommissioning; and push for rapid      members of senior leadership team, and
    for all operations in business.             production. The restart of a plant after         operating personnel must be well trained
    Adequate funds and skilled manpower         shutting down is most difficult, even more       and informed about the changes made.
    to accomplish the tasks.                    difficult than the initial commissioning.        There must be a documented system
    Recognising and rewarding emplo-            This is due to the presence of a big team        for the same, and changes should be re-
    yees who follow practices, and puni-        to supervise first commissioning of a plant      viewed by top management. It is very im-
    tive actions against those found to be      (Design, R&D, Projects, Instrumentation,         portant to get HAZOP done before these
    non-compliant.                              Maintenance etc). But in the case of plant       changes are implemented.
    Comprehensive & brutally honest             restart, it is only the core production team
    audits (safety audit, systems audit &       that is involved. The restarting team rarely     Learnings
    overall management audit). In our           know the amount of energy they are hand-             Since the purpose of this analysis is
    opinion, the ‘big rot’ lies here and must   ling and hence can be negligent. Many a          not to find the specific causes of the Vizag
    be corrected as a matter of urgency.        times, auditors can find vital alarms being      accident, but to capture and consolidate
    Good audit practices, such as: not us-      bypassed. Training and commitment to             the learnings so that such accidents can be
    ing the same auditor/auditing agency        SOP are critical.                                avoided in the future, the team has listed
    for more than two years; no sample                                                           the main learnings. These may serve as
    audit, but comprehensive audit of all       Human errors                                     useful for practising chemical engineers,
    aspects, every two years; financial             Human errors cannot be the excuse            designers and students of chemical engi-
    liability of auditors individually and as   for industrial accidents. Experience shows       neering and process safety, alike.
    agencies, for auditing failures; audit of   that human errors can be minimised
    audits, etc., need to be implemented.       through multiple, interlocked actions such       Continuous, comprehensive & rigorous
    NIST/ISO standards available for            as efficient supervision, pre-job safety         training
    such purpose need to be implemented         meetings, and comprehensive permit to                The plant personnel at all levels

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Special Report

should be repeatedly trained in all as-       properly – whether for process, safety,      datory for recording and monitoring of
pects of the process and tested repeatedly.   environment, quality, finance, or man-       critical areas of plant operation includ-
Training should be meant for all – from       agement. Never look at audits as a mere      ing storage systems. Obsolete persona-
plant management to the plant cleaning &      means to get certification, or awards.       lised system of monitoring, which is a
security personnel.                           Never interfere with the auditors’ work;     routine practice followed in old plants,
                                              demand a thorough audit; do not be de-       must be replaced.
Extra focus on non-routine situations         fensive; do not take short-cuts with audi-
and change management                         tor’s comments and recommendations,              Government of India must restrict the
    Even situations which are extremely       even if it takes time for implementation.    expansion of plants over 50 years old,
uncommon, but possible, should be co-         Change the auditors/audit team periodi-      which are already depreciated. These
vered in these trainings. The comfort and     cally, lest both parties develop a comfort   plants pose serious dangers to human
familiarity developed by operating per-       with each other, and compromise on the       health, whenever actions fall short of ope-
sonnel through long stretches of no-loss-     audit quality. An auditor who agrees that    rational standards. Environmental emis-
time runs, which the plant must be rightly    everything is okay in your plant is most     sion standards must also be comparable
proud of, should be questioned. Change        likely not to be doing his/her job to the    with new plants elsewhere.
management is a critical aspect of non-       right extent of professionalism. Let the
routine operations: it must be system         auditors know that you want them to               Government of India must also re-
based, with proper authorisation, assign-     be brutally honest. Auditors are critical    strict/ban and impose financial disincen-
ment of responsibility, and interlocks for    watchdogs for longer-term success.           tives on organisations importing tech-
checklist. Such change management pro-                                                     nologies older than, say, 25 years for
cedures need to be emphasized periodi-        Combination of punitive actions and          manufacturing chemicals in India.
cally and revised on any plant upgrades,      rewards
overhauls etc. Standard safety pyramid            There will always be situations where    List of contributors
data based on near-misses to fatalities,      compromises are made in the interest of          The following ICT alumni contri-
should be captured, analysed and shared.      short-term gains (such as meeting daily      buted to the discussion (in alphabeti-
Data and learnings from external plants       volumes, costs). Management may ap-          cal order of names): Amberkar Vivek,
engaged in similar processes/products         preciate a production team for such          Bhirud B.V., Dharmadhikari Rajendra,
must be captured and shared for learning.     achievements, but simultaneously repri-      Gulati R.S., Kakade Vikas, Katti Sanjeev,
                                              mand them for the shortcuts taken and        Kulkarni Nandkumar D, Kulkarni Sad-
Never underestimate a chemical/               negligence. They should get a weighted       guru, Kulkarni S.R., Mehta V.P., Mhatre
material                                      average of both these actions! Set up a      Mangesh, Narvekar Ravindra, Niranjan K,
    Plant operating personnel must never      system to take timely punitive action on     Pai Raiturkar Avadhut, Phalak Kiran and
become complacent and feel that ‘we           such behaviour; and reward those who         other members of the WhatsApp group:
have handled this chemical/material for       honour and implement the correct way of      UDCT B. Chem. Engg. 1978.
years, so nothing will happen.’ Treat         working. Let this message be made loud
every chemical/material with the due          and clear to all.                               Coordinated and edited by Sadguru
respect it deserves.                                                                       Kulkarni and K Niranjan.
                                              Additional suggestions
Know-what, Know-how, know-why                      A few more suggestions:                    Contact for communication: sadguru.
    Establish a system for knowledge               Styrene is handled in India by seve-
transfer; and ensure that people con-         ral PS manufacturers since 1956, but no
cerned have the know-what (what they          accident has occurred so far. The Vizag      Disclaimer
are supposed to do), know-how (how            plant is over 50-year-old and was taken           The authors do not claim to have
they are supposed to do it) and know-why      over by the Korean MNC LG Chemi-             first-hand knowledge of the LG Polymers
(why they have to do it that way). The        cals, who are a knowledgeable in the         accident. The information and comments
responsibility with which people will         manufacture of PS. It is necessary for       made above are based on their profes-
work, goes up by orders of magnitude          the current owners to bring state-of-the-    sional experience as practising chemi-
when they know-what-how-&-why.                art technology, SOP for safety standards,    cal engineers. ICT is not associated with
                                              and technical audits while operating and     this article and does not stand liable. The
Brutally honest audits                        further expansion in plant capacity. Up-     authors do not stand liable for the use of
   Ensure that companies use auditors         grading technology must be made man-         the information given in this document.

142                                                                                               Chemical Weekly May 26, 2020
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