THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames

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THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames

                                                    June 2021
THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Dear friends,
I wonder what your hopes are for this       transformation - resurrection - out of
year? – a lifting of restrictions, a        the most traumatic and devastating of
chance to see family in the flesh, a        situations.
holiday maybe…
                                            The Bible tells us that we can
For most of us the last year has been       essentially live with one of two
an incredibly hard year, and although       opposing worldviews. You can either
we may remember some positive               live with hope in “the world”, where
moments when the sun shone, the             evil and darkness is always
birds sang and we clapped for the           rampaging - where we try and fix the
NHS on Thursday evenings, the               ever-increasing list of social ills in our
reality of the hardship of this last year   own strength, relying on our good, but
has been immense.                           inadequate understanding of the
                                            universe and our part in it.
The separation from loved ones, the         Or we can live with hope in a God of
huge increase of mental ill-health          grace - where we put our trust in the
problems, the economic turmoil not          creator of the universe and allow our
seen since the years after the second       lives to be formed and transformed by
world war, the loss of basic human          his Son.
interaction - all these things have hit
us hard. Most of us in Henley have          I am not saying that only Christians
been incredibly fortunate to live in        can have hope! In fact, there is much
such a wonderful part of the country        in our world to admire in examples of
with the river and beautiful                human endeavour and courage - but
countryside on our doorstep, but no         the key difference between people of
one has been immune from the                these different worldviews lies in the
detrimental effects of the pandemic. It     foundation of our hope.
is very important to acknowledge just
how hard it has been and how our            When things are going wrong, as they
levels of resilience have been worn         may, Christians know that God
down.                                       remains in control. They know that He
                                            can bring healing to those who are ill -
The psalmist asks, “Where does my           peace to the worried - he can break
help come from?” (Psalm 121)                the power of bondage to addictive
And the answer for Christians has           behaviours. Even if we find ourselves
always been and continues to be:            ‘feeling’ desolate we know we are
  My help comes from the Lord,              truly not alone.
   the Maker of heaven and earth..
                                            Psalm 121 speaks of God as ‘a
Christians are called to be people of       helper’.
hope because we know that God is              My help comes from the Lord, the
more than able to bring                     Maker of heaven and earth.

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
This is important. When I am anxious        And, finally the Psalm describes God
it is often very difficult to clear my      as a preserver:
mind of the struggles I am facing.
Things buzz round and round in in my         The Lord shall preserve thee from all
mind. I can lose sleep by being             evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
unable to clear my mind of worries.
What the psalm encourages is that           How does the LORD preserve us?
the first thing to do is orient ourselves   First, He preserves us from all evil.
towards God. We are encouraged to           This corresponds to the Lord’s prayer
look to God first. Then we will be able     where it petitions “deliver us from
to look at our problems in the light of     evil.”
who God is – our helper..
                                            But the psalm goes on:
The psalmist also speaks of God as a         The Lord shall preserve thy going
keeper:                                     out and thy coming in from this time
  He will not let your foot slip - he who   forth, and even for evermore.
watches over you will not slumber;          And notice, this not some broad
The reason why it was necessary to          address to the church as a whole;
establish first the sovereignty of God      “You lot will be ok” – a pat on the
before this verse is apparent. The          head in the face of trouble. No, it is
LORD must be able to help us. A             singular “your coming and going” (In
person might be willing to help             the King James version it reads: 8 The
someone in need, but if that person is      Lord shall preserve thy going out and
unable to do anything about the             thy coming in from this time forth, and
problem, then all we have is someone        even for evermore.) In other words,
to cry with us in our difficulties. His     this is God’s personal commitment to
being willing to help is not enough.        those who travel with him.
But once we grasp the fact that God         Christians may face hazards. Some
is sovereign the question remains           may face death. But we can (and
would he be willing to rescue us? If        must) rejoice that our relationship with
not, there will be no rescue. This          the Lord is secure in Jesus Christ –
verse underlines the wonderful fact         for all eternity!
that we serve a God who is both able
and willing to rescue those he loves –                                Best wishes,
and to guard our eternal security.
                                                      The Reverend Duncan Carter

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Children’s Pages
                     Saint Alban – the first British martyr
Persecution of Christians worldwide is rising fast, so it is worth remembering Saint
Alban, the first British martyr. Alban was a Roman citizen living in England when
the Roman emperor, Diocletian, began a fierce persecution. Soon Alban found a
desperate priest on his doorstep, hunted by local soldiers. Alban gave the priest
shelter, and within days was converted. When the soldiers arrived, Alban took the
priest’s place, refused to offer sacrifice to the Roman gods, and was condemned to
death. Alban went to his execution on 22nd June 250 A.D. with such serenity that
one of the executioners was converted. He died on the site of the Hertfordshire
town that now bears his name.
Alban                 Diocletian            gods                  died
martyr                priest                condemned             site
persecution           converted             death                 town
Roman                 soldiers              execution             name
emperor               sacrifice             serenity              doorstep

                                                                       Parish Pump
THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Children’s Pages

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
The Vicar, the Reverend Duncan
Carter, will lead the morning services,
with the assistance of the Licensed
Lay Minister, Michael Forsdike.
The Reverend Sam Brewster, will
lead the Trinity at Four services.                      WEDDING
                                          29th May       James Thomas
        SUNDAY 6th JUNE                                           Herring-McEwen
     First Sunday after Trinity                      and Sian Elizabeth Chalk

10:00 A.M.     MORNING WORSHIP                          FUNERALS
                                          14th May      Peter Alan Smith
4:00 P.M.         TRINITY AT FOUR         25th May      Roy William Booth

       SUNDAY 13th JUNE
    Second Sunday after Trinity
10:00 A.M.     HOLY COMMUNION                  Reverend Duncan Carter
4:00 P.M.         TRINITY AT FOUR                Holy Trinity Vicarage
                                                     Church Street
       SUNDAY 20th JUNE                           Henley-on-Thames
     Third Sunday after Trinity                  Oxfordshire, RG9 1SE
                                                  Tel: (01491) 574822
10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP                    The Vicar is always glad to see
                                             anyone needing help or advice.
4:00 P.M.         TRINITY AT FOUR
                                          Talking through problems and praying
       SUNDAY 27th JUNE                    with people are his top priorities. Do
    Fourth Sunday after Trinity             not feel worried about sharing your
                                          problems, whatever the concern, large
10:00 A.M.     HOLY COMMUNION              or small. For your reference, his day
                                                      off is Saturday.
4:00 P.M.         TRINITY AT FOUR
           SUNDAY 4th JULY
       Fifth Sunday after Trinity         Our 10:00 a.m. services are available
                                          to watch live on You Tube. Go to:
10:00 A.M.        MORNING WORSHIP
                                          services-1.html for the link.
4:00 P.M.            TRINITY AT FOUR

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Howard Rippener

                   We are sorry to hear that Howard Rippener, a former
                   member of our congregation, has died. Some churchgoers
                   may remember the tall Rippener family who moved to Henley
                   and joined our church in 1987. Howard and his wife Liz with
                   their two children Karen and Julien were active members of
                   our church. Julien used to play the organ for us at services;
                   Karen led the singing group, amongst doing other things, Liz
                   helped with “The Chimes” Music Group, and was our
                   missionary link organiser, whilst Howard served on the
                   P.C.C, was a sidesman, and helped with the running of the
                   youth groups. Howard and Liz retired to Devon in 2002, and,
                   later, moved again to Scotland to live near their daughter
                   Karen. We send our condolences to Liz, Karen and Julien on
                   their sad loss.

  What do you think will happen after Covid?
You can take your choice: a recent       The new research has found that
survey has found that a third of us      “people feel a stronger sense of
think that society may never go          connection to their neighbours and
back to the old ways, a third of us      community. …We found a clear
think we will go back to exactly as      public appetite for a society in which
we were before, and a third of us        we are more connected to each
think that we will be keener than        other, and the community spirit of
ever to stay together.                   2020 is kept alive.”

The Together Coalition, chaired by       It also found that around 12.4
the Archbishop of Canterbury, has        million people have volunteered
been working for the past year on a      during the pandemic, 4.6 million of
piece of research to track just what     them for the first time. And 75 per
has happened to communities              cent of those volunteers would be
during lockdown.                         happy to do so again.
                                                                   Pasish Pump

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
                                             when I pray God gives me the
                                             strength I need to carry on.
                                             I’m not judging anybody else. I know I
                                             need forgiveness as much as anyone
                                             – but I know God loves me and that is
                                             very special!
                                             I don’t say I am a Christian to blow my
                                             own trumpet. It’s more an expression
                                             of the fact that I know I need God to
I am a Christian – not because I have        be my guide through life, and I have
all the answers. I don’t think I know it     found He will never let me down –
all. I have studied as hard as I can - I     even when life is tough.
have degrees from two universities to
prove it – but I still have lots of          I still have questions: I don’t know why
questions. I am still learning.              God has allowed this pandemic. I
                                             don’t know why He allows any of the
I’m not claiming to be better than           suffering we see in the world. But, I
anyone else. I’m not bragging. I’m           know Jesus himself suffered unjustly,
admitting I have failed in lots of things    and that He understands these things
in life, and I can’t ever make up for        even if I do not.
the debt I owe to others or to God.
                                             You might say that for me being a
I’m not claiming to be perfect. I’ve got     Christian is a profession. But God
a long way to go! I’ve got lots of faults    found me way before I started
– just ask my children! I know some          working for the church. He reached
things that need to change – the rest I      out to me – not because I grew up
still need to be humbly taught.              in a Christian family, but because of
I’m not in myself an especially strong       what Jesus had already done. I
character. It’s not that I relish standing   knew the history - that he lived and
out from the crowd because of my             died and rose again – these are
faith. But I do that when it is right.       facts from the pages off history –
                                             but I found that they still mattered
By contrast, I am not especially             even across the centuries. You
‘needy’. I’ve been hurt really badly in      could say He found me, and I found
life and I still feel the pain of            His love. That is why I am a
heartache. But I’m fine. I know that         Christian!
                                                                Reverend Duncan Carter

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
On Getting to Church at a Social Distance
                                                                    The Rectory
                                                     Saint James the Least of All
My dear Nephew Darren
Since your parishioners mostly live in     fuss these days about having job
an area of half a square mile, where       descriptions at all.
their only concern in getting to church
is whether to take the underpass, or to    Major Crompton’s devotion to his new
risk a dash across the ring road, you      sit-on lawnmower has inspired him to
may have little understanding of the       travel to church on it. Since he is unable
problems our folk have in travelling our   to uncouple the mowing apparatus, the
long country lanes to church, especially   tarmac on his two-mile drive is acquiring
as we are keeping our social distance      interesting patterns. His drive at two
from each other.                           miles per hour along narrow lanes
                                           means he arrives leading a procession
Several parishioners have decided that     of cars with drivers given the opportunity
they can’t possibly share cars even        to exercise the Christian virtue of
with their own spouses, as in their 15-    patience.
room homes they have successfully
(and in some cases, happily) avoided       Mrs Pendleton, on the other hand, leads
each other for months. So the lane         a small but select group from the
outside the church has filled up each      Mothers’ Union who are all keen
week with Mercedes nudging Audis,          cyclists. They all arrive on a whoosh of
and Land Rovers easing in between          fresh air, their hair in total disarray, but
Bentleys.                                  with pink cheeks glowing with health.
                                           Nobody in church minds sitting near
Others arrive on horseback. But they       them, as anyone who can manage to
are careless about leaving their horses    peddle an old three-gear bicycle up the
to graze in the churchyard, and I have     hill to our church is most unlikely to be
had to remind them twice that flowers      sickening for anything.
in memorial vases are not fodder. The
horses do help to keep the grass down,     Finally, of course, the majority arrive on
but unfortunately our verger now           foot, having negotiated fields, stiles and
objects to standing outside during         assorted cattle on the way. The
Mattins, holding the reins of half a       countryside may well praise God, but
dozen horses. He says it is not part of    one does wish they wouldn’t bring quite
his job description, which only confirms   so much of it into church.
my view that there is entirely too much
                                                                  Your loving uncle,

                                                                         Parish Pump

THETrinity TIMES The Parish Magazine of Holy Trinity Church, Henley-on-Thames - June 2021 - Holy Trinity Church Henley-on-Thames
Lockdown restrictions eased                  Bishop of Oxford’s Appointment
There is not a lot of church news these      The Lord Bishop of Oxford, the Rt
days to record for the church magazine       Revd Dr Steven Croft, is among the
archives, but some good news is that         thirteen peers appointed to the ‘Lords
on May 17th, after we had endured            Select Committee for the Environment
three national Lockdowns, a significant      and Climate Change’. Bishop Steven is
relaxation of the restrictions took place.   a leading advocate of fossil fuel
We hope that we are now at least at          divestment within the Church of
the beginning of the end of this             England and has previously called for
challenging pandemic thrust upon us.         ‘nothing less than an ecological
                                             conversion of every person and every
Limited numbers of people can now            part of society’.
visit friends’ and families’ homes, and
even stay there overnight. Pubs and
restaurants, museums, theatres,
cinemas and hotels are now fully open
again, and going on foreign holidays to
some countries is now possible. In all
the above cases, precautionary
requirements must be observed.
Our church, Holy Trinity, maintains its
Sunday services both in church, and
on-line, whilst many churches                25 Years of NOMAD
throughout the country, for various          This year, NOMAD is marking 25 years
reasons, have remained closed. Our           of helping young people. ‘Nomad
services are reasonably well-attended,       Youth & Community Project’ is a local
and all required precautions are taken       charity supported by Holy Trinity
to keep churchgoers safe.                    church. Its headquarters is at the D:two
                                             centre in Henley-on-Thames. In 2005
                                             Nomad gained its own charitable
                                             status. NOMAD runs Henley’s Food
                                             Bank, and last year distributed over
                                             1300 food parcels. The aim of the
Parish weather                               charity is to help people to become full
The parish, in keeping with most other       and useful members of our local
places, has had topsy-turvy weather so       community and society as a whole, to
far this year. Snow in March, hardly         improve the conditions of their lives,
any April showers, a cold wet and            including their physical, mental, and
windy May, some days having a year’s         spiritual capacities. Their work includes
selection of weather - frost, rain, wind,    working in schools and providing
hail, snow, and hot sunny spells, all in     parenting and family support and after-
one day. Gardeners are not pleased,          school activities.
and when going out, you haven’t
known what to wear for the best.                                                   JB

June flowers, wisteria and roses in the riverside gardens, Holy Trinity parish

  The current parish magazine of Holy Trinity church, Henley-on-Thames.
    Published monthly throughout the year. This issue is Number 318.
  Holy Trinity church parish magazines have been produced since 1890.

   The Reverend Duncan Carter       Holy Trinity Vicarage            57 4822
Minister for Trinity at Four
   The Reverend Sam Brewster        29 Gainsborough Hill      07899 843461
Licensed Lay Minister
    Michael Forsdike                1 Brookside, Watlington         61 2161
   Barbara Williams                 14 Lovell Close                 57 4533
   Michael Forsdike                 1 Brookside, Watlington         61 2161

PCC Treasurer            Stefan Kotas                         07539 822201
Magazine Editor          Richard Young                             57 8422

          The STD Code for Henley telephone numbers is 01491

        Holy Trinity website :

     Readers are invited to contribute articles, features, notices, etc., for
     publication in the Trinity Times. Submissions should be delivered to
 Richard Young, 11 Saint Mary’s Close, (Telephone 578422), or E-mailed to
    the Trinity Times mailbox at ‘’.
    For inclusion in the next magazine, submissions must be received by
                            Sunday the 13th of June.
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