Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors

Page created by Leo Vargas
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
First Quarter
Newsletter                                                                                                           April 2021

                                        Three steps to successful
                                             I N V E S T I N G
Every once in a while, it’s useful                                                      GOALS. Under this heading, we
to step back from the permanent                                                         have two critical questions to answer.
chaos of political, economic and                                                        First, what are we investing for?
market events, and ask ourselves                                                        Most of us, I think, are accumulating
the fundamental questions: what am                              Gregory L. Kozerski     capital for retirement, and beyond
                                                                 CPA, CFP ®, AIFA®
I investing for, and how will I know                                 President          that for legacy. For the sake of focus,
whether I’m succeeding or not? How,                                                     let’s leave legacy out of the equation
indeed, does one even measure                                                           for the moment—because if we don’t
investment success?                                                                     get retirement right, chances are
The answers will be found not in                                                        there won’t actually be any legacy.
today’s headlines—and certainly not       and out of the market opportunely.            Thus, the threshold financial issue in
by attempting to predict tomorrow’s.      Considered properly, all portfolio            retirement is simply will we outlive
Nor will they be a function of whether    issues are subordinate to the two             our money, or will our money
the market’s next 20% move is up or       vastly more important questions:              outlive us?
down. You see, the answers you’re         (1) Have you set specific goals?              The second and more specific
looking for can only be discovered        And (2) Do you have a specific plan           question then becomes: how much
by the light of your own personal         for achieving those goals in the              is enough? That is, what will our
financial situation. In practice,         time allotted? (for most of us, that          income need in retirement be, and
they’ll depend on whether or not          will be our planned retirement date).         what capital sum might be expected to
you are following—in exactly this         The great thing about this is the             enable us to cover that income need,
order—the three fundamental steps         realization that the most important           at an initial withdrawal rate of four to
to a genuinely successful lifetime of     variables in investment success are           four and a half percent? Ideally, that
investing: goals—plan—portfolio.          within your control—as opposed                withdrawal would rise as our cost of
                                          to economic and market variables,             living rises, and we would also have
This may be somewhat startling
                                          which are beyond your control. Let’s          funds set aside for emergencies.
to investors who think successful
                                          consider them in order:
investing is a function of whether or                                                   This, then, is the essence of goal
not their portfolio is outperforming                                                    setting: knowing what we’re investing
some benchmark, or of getting in
                                                                                                          (continued on page 2)

                                          We believe that true wealth lies within all that you cherish that money cannot buy and
     The Waterford Difference             death cannot take away. That is where the Waterford difference begins.
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
First Quarter Newsletter

                                                 Ask yourself:
                                            What am I investing
                                              for, and how will I
                                              know whether I’m
                                             succeeding or not?

for and having a fairly good idea of     you retire. None of us were ever        first cut at this, but in the end, I think
how much capital will be necessary       trained to do this.                     you’re going to want to be looking
to fund that goal. That should be        Which is why this is where—if he/       in someone’s eyes as the exercise
very good information for the folks      she hasn’t already—your financial       unfolds. There’s just too much riding
who’ll ultimately read this little       advisor comes in. I suppose there       on it.
essay: without a clear, specific         are any number of software programs     PORTFOLIO. The last piece of the
accumulation goal—and a sense of         that might let you take a pretty good   puzzle is the portfolio you and your
when you’ll need to have reached                                                 advisor choose to be the funding
it—nothing else matters much. As                                                 medium for your plan. The key phrase
the immortal Yogi Berra said, “If you                                            in that sentence is, of course, “funding
don’t know where you’re going, you          Thank you for your                   medium.”
might not get there.”
                                          continued confidence                   A portfolio isn’t an end in itself, nor
PLAN. Then—but only then—the                                                     is beating a benchmark a financial
issue becomes making a written,           and trust in our team.                 goal. (Not running out of money in
date-specific, dollar-specific              A true compliment                    retirement is a financial goal—indeed,
plan for accumulating that capital                                               some of us see it as the financial
sum in the time allotted. Again, the         is to entrust us in                 goal.) The portfolio is simply a
issues are two-fold: (1) how much           assisting your loved                 means to an end.
must you regularly be putting away,
and (2) at what assumed rate of            ones to achieve their                 This tells you that you’re not going
                                                                                 to be choosing a long-term portfolio
return, to get you from where you are     financial goals as well.               based on some or another economic
now to where your (inflation-adjusted)                                           or financial out-look. You’ll choose it
goals say you need to be by the time
                                                                                                   (continued on page 4)

Waterford Advisors, LLC                                   2
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
April 2021

                                                           T A X
                                                S P O T L I G H T
The past year has been unique and
challenging in many ways. It has also
provided us the opportunity to reflect
on values and things we hold dear. In
many cases, this includes a greater                                   Dan Byles-Smith
                                                                        CPA,CFP ®
appreciation for the community around us                                  Principal
which allows us to thrive. This quarter, we
have decided to replace our typical Tax
Corner article with a spotlight on a local
organization that has been an integral
part in building the local community over
the past 100 years, and through many
collaborative initiatives, has made an
impactful difference in helping those less
fortunate weather the storm of the past
12 months; the Community Foundation
                                                   “One of the first things
                                                     that I liked about
for Greater Buffalo.                                    the Community
                                                  Foundation for Greater
                                                   Buffalo is the fact that
                                                    we could set up our                   Working closely with clients, the
                                                                                          Community Foundation can be a
                                                  own foundation within                   philanthropic partner to make the process
                                                     the Foundation and                   of giving easier, more efficient, and
                                                    support the charities                 impactful. Clients can personalize their
                                                                                          plans and: Establish a fund or foundation
                                                      that we were most                   during their lifetime or as part of their estate
Making the Most of Your Generosity
                                                       interested in. The                 plan; give in Western New York and across
As Western New Yorkers, we want to be                                                     the globe; support specific organizations,
able to do good in our community and              Community Foundation
                                                                                          issues and communities they care
make a positive impact today, tomorrow,             introduces clients to                 about; give individually and/or as part of
and forever. That is true now more than            new ideas, new issues,                 a collective effort; engage their children
ever, as we not only work to address                                                      or grandchildren as future successors to
the current challenges we all face in the
wake of the pandemic, but also continue
                                                   and new possibilities.
                                                                               “          their fund or foundation; and/or give over a
                                                                                          period of time or create a perpetual source
to support the future of the organizations,              –Current Client
                                                                                          of funding.
causes, and communities we care about.
                                                                                          Most people want to leave a legacy; some
Doing good means something different to                                                   proof that their life made a difference.
                                              The Community Foundation hears time
each one of us, and these distinct values                                                 Legacy Funds are ideal for families
                                              and time again from clients that they
that every individual, couple, and family                                                 and individuals who want to support
                                              are focused forward on the future of
possesses influence charitable goals. We                                                  organizations, issues, and communities
                                              their families, their legacy and that of
recognize that your giving is as unique                                                   that meant the most to them during
                                              the organizations and communities they
as your fingerprint. For more than 100                                                    their lifetime.
                                              care about. Whether you are a teacher
years, the Community Foundation for
                                              who wants to support education forever,     The Community Foundation works
Greater Buffalo has worked with clients to
                                              part of a family foundation who wants       with clients to ensure their wishes are
provide customized and flexible solutions
                                              to pass along a legacy of giving to your    documented and carried out as intended,
to connect people, ideas, and resources
                                              children and grandchildren, or a proud      in their names, forever. Legacy funds
to improve lives in Western New York so
                                              Western New Yorker who wants to know        provide you with the flexibility and simplicity
people can give back in the way that is
                                              your hard earned dollars are still making   to include your fund as a beneficiary
most meaningful to them.
                                              a difference a hundred years from now,      of your Will, trust, or retirement assets.
                                              there is no limit to how you can make
                                              an impact.
                                                                                                             (continued on page 4)

                                                                  3                     • 716-580-3906
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
First Quarter Newsletter

               T A X
(continued from pg. 3)
                                           How It Works                                        The Impact of Endowments
Choose one or a combination of options
                                           This endowment was established
that can support specific organizations,
issues or areas of need, or the changing
                                           with $2.1 million in 1978 through
                                                                                               All balances in millions
                                                                                                                                  9.2 M
                                           a legacy gift (bequest) to the
needs of our community over time.
                                           Community Foundation from a parent
                                                                                        $7.5                      $
How will you leave your mark on Western    in honor of his son who died tragically      $6.0
New York? While that part is up to you,    as a young man. Today, decades
the Community Foundation will work         after both father and son have passed        $4.5
with you to make your charitable goals a   on, the initial gift has more than tripled
reality.                                   to $8 million, all while giving $9.2         $3.0
To learn more about the Community          million in grants to the organizations
Foundation, please contact Betsy           they cared about. Their fund will
Constantine at (716) 852-2857.             continue to honor this family’s
                                                                                        $1.5      $
                                           charitable giving legacy by making           $0.0
                                           grants to their favorite organizations                ORIGINAL          VALUE        TOTAL
                                           in their name, forever.                                 GIFT            IN 2020   GRANTS TO
                                                                                                  IN 1978                      CHARITY
                                                                                                                              SINCE 1978

Three steps to successful
      I N V E S T I N G
(continued from pg. 2)
based on what mix of assets has            Once again, then, the sequence                 still accumulating for retirement. But if
historically delivered the return          of the three steps to long-term                there is, I don’t know it. When you’re
you need over long time horizons.          investment success must always be:             beavering ahead, pursuing a multi-
Will that same mix deliver its precise     goals—plan—portfolio. Take these               year investment plan, you want the
historical trendline return over your      steps out of their proper order—much           market to go down the way the Boston
particular run-up to retirement? It        less skip one altogether—and at                Irish used to vote: early and often. The
doesn’t seem likely: the randomness        some point, you’ll get to watch all            more shares you can get into the barn
of equity returns being what it is,        the lights going out.                          at fear-driven low prices, the more
you may have to hunker down and            There is, however, one other point to          likely you are to reach your long-term
practice greater-than-projected thrift     be made here. It concerns the great            goals.
to have a hope of achieving your           reward we historically reap when we            If you haven’t got these three steps
goals. On the other hand, returns          pursue a long-term plan of investing           in place, and in this order, you know
may outrun your target, such that you      systematically toward a goal.                  what your next conversation with your
end up not having to invest as much        Specifically, we get to experience             financial advisor needs to be about.
money as you’d planned (unless,            perfectly normal equity market                 Hint: it isn’t what the market is going
of course, you want to). This is yet       setbacks as opportunists rather than           to do next.
another variable over which you            as victims.                                    © April 2021 Nick Murray. All rights reserved.
have no control. What matters is that                                                     Used by permission.
you always know where you are              There may be a more irrational
relative to where you expected to          investment policy than wanting
be and can adjust accordingly.             the market to go up while you’re

Waterford Advisors, LLC                                        4
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
April 2021

                                         H A P P E N I N G S
                   Here’s the latest from your friends at Waterford Advisors…

                     Marybeth Rose
                    Planning Associate

Celebrating a New
Waterford Generation
Please enjoy an update on some
of our newest additions to the
“Waterford family.”
                                         Alexandra Rachel
                                         “Allie” Kozerski
                                         Born 4/26/2018 to parents
                                         Greg and Erin Kozerski               Thomas W.
                                                                              Byles-Smith (left)
                                                                              Born 4/21/2016 to parents
                                                                              Dan and Jill Byles-Smith
                                                                              Jonathan M.
                                                                              Byles-Smith (right)
                                                                              Born 10/17/2018 to parents
                                                                              Dan and Jill Byles-Smith

 Maeve Rae Harmer                        Elise Marigold Brennan                    As always,
 Born 10/19/2020 to parents Mike         Born 2/26/2018 to parents Ellen
 and Marissa Harmer                      Bosco-Brennan and Mike Brennan       we welcome your
                                                                                 comments or
                                                                                questions and
                                                                              invite you to share
                                                                                our newsletter
                                                                                  with family
                                                                                  and friends.
  Joseph David
                                                                              Relationships Beyond Investing
  “Joey” Michalczak                      Isabel C. “Izzy” Polkovitz
  Born 1/30/2019 to parents              Born 11/03/2020 to parents Abigail
  Christina and Dave Michalczak          Shaw and Mark Polkovitz

                                                          5             • 716-580-3906
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
First Quarter Newsletter

                                                         W H AT I S A
                                Target Date Fund Glide Path?
A Target Date Fund (TDF) is the “set                                                                          It’s important to note that the managers of
it and forget it” fund option for many                                                                        TDFs don’t just change the percentage of
401(k) plan participants and retirement                                                                       equity funds and fixed income funds over
investors. This type of fund automatically                                                                    time but also tactfully manage the types
rebalances the overall asset allocation for                                   Christina M. Michalczak         of equities and fixed income funds over
                                                                                    CFP ®, QPFC
a targeted mix of equity and fixed income                                             Principal               time as well to take advantage of current
investments based on the investor’s                                                                           market opportunities and benefit the
age and an assumed retirement date.                                                                           retirement investor. TDFs are an easy and
Often TDFs are named as the default                                                                           efficient way of ensuring that participants
investment option within 401(k) plans                                                                         have a proper asset allocation based on
since they are designed to be age                                                                             their age and time until retirement that they
appropriate and generally do not require                                                                      don’t have to manage themselves.
the participant to make any allocation                                                                        TDFs can help participants avoid being
changes themselves over time. The                           A TDF’s glide path                                their own worst enemy by being too
year noted in the TDF name is the year                                                                        reactive to volatile markets. It’s important
the plan participant plans to retire; their                is the changing mix                                to remember that even with their growing
targeted retirement date (ex. Target                                                                          popularity, TDFs aren’t perfect and are
Date 2030 is referring to the year 2030,                    of equity and fixed
                                                                                                              not always the optimal choice for every
a participant looking to retire during that               income investments                                  participant or retirement investor. All
year would select this fund as his or                                                                         investments carry some risks and TDFs
her investment option). Most TDFs are                            over time.                                   are no exception. However, for many
named in five-year increments, so the                                                                         participants, the one stop convenience
participant would choose the fund closest                                                                     often makes them the right choice.
to his or her planned retirement date.              of the portfolio value throughout the
Most TDFs assume a retirement date of               participant’s retirement time frame. A                    If you have questions about a TDF that
age 65, however a participant can select            65-year-old is still a long-term investor                 you’re invested in or you would like to
any TDF that is appropriate based on his            with a 30-year time horizon which needs                   learn more about them, please don’t
or her goals and desired retirement date.           to be planned for by the portfolio asset                  hesitate to contact our office.
                                                    allocation. Below is a basic example of a                 Source:
A TDF’s glide path is the changing mix                                                                        understanding-tdf-glide-paths/
of equity and fixed income investments              TDF glide path.
over time. As the participant’s target
retirement date gets closer, the fund’s             TDF Glide Path
overall asset allocation “glides down” to                            Build Wealth                                                 Preserve Wealth
a less volatile mix of investments. For       100
younger participants with a significant                                                                         • Inflation Protection
amount of time before reaching their          90
                                                          • Balanced Funds                                      • Capital Preservation
targeted retirement date, the overall asset   80                                                                                                         Fixed Income
                                                                                                                • Income
allocation will be much more aggressive                                                                                                                Bonds shift refunds
                                                                                                                                                         with higher credit
and hold a greater percentage of equity       70
                                                                                                                • Diversification                               quality and
funds than fixed income funds, with a         60          • Growth-and-Income Funds                               from Equity                               lower duration

primary goal of growth. Over time, those
investments will shift to more fixed income   50
                                                                                                                • Equity Income
investments so that the overall asset         40
allocation becomes more conservative
and more aligned with preserving capital      30
and generating income.                                                                                                                                Exposure gradually
                                              20          • Growth Funds                                                                         shifts to higher-yielding
Some TDF glide paths continue holding                                                                                                              fund with a history of
                                                                                                                                                           lower volatility
some equity funds past the targeted
retirement date in order to provide growth     0

opportunities to ensure the longevity               45   40     35      30        25   20     15    10         5     Retirement +5
                                                               Accumulation                             Transition                              Distribution

                                                    Source: Capital Group/American Funds

Waterford Advisors, LLC                                                       6
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
April 2021

Global stocks continued to power upward                                                           of the pandemic. There is a lot of
this quarter from their pandemic bear                                                             potential pent-up spending. Add in an
market low on March 23, 2020. U.S.                                                                expected economic rebound from the
stocks, developed international stocks,                                                           pandemic, and the Fed doing everything
and emerging-market stocks are now up                                       Mike Harmer           it can to stoke a healthy level of inflation,
                                                                             CFP ®, EA
an astonishing 80.6%, 74.8%, and 74.6%,                                       Principal           and investors and consumers are
respectively, since then. Clearly, it paid                                                        understandably worried about maintaining
not to panic and get out of the markets                                                           their purchasing power. An inflation spiral
last spring.                                                                                      would be bad for stocks, bonds, and
Due to expectations for a reinvigorated                                                           pocketbooks.
economy this year, the market has              fiscal stimulus enacted early in the new           In the coming months, we will in fact
seen a “reflation rotation”: For a couple      administration, will supercharge economic          see year-over-year inflation increase,
of quarters now, equity investors have         growth further. That should in turn feed           most likely to the 3%-plus range. But
been betting on more economically              into company earnings. Yet the Federal             this is largely due to prices rebounding
sensitive small caps and value stocks          Reserve continues to reiterate that it will        from the pandemic lows. We want our
and eschewing large caps and previously        not preemptively raise interest rates. It          clients to know that what really matters is
highflying growth stocks.                      intends to wait till it sees inflation above its   meaningful, sustained inflation. The jury
The reflationary winds tore through            2% target for an extended period of time,          will still be out even after the next couple of
the bond market as well. The prospect          a new policy that suggests this economic           months as to whether this higher inflation
of higher growth and higher inflation          cycle has plenty of room to run.                   will be transitory or the beginning of a
caused interest rates to jump. The                                                                longer-term trend.
                                               So high economic
10-year Treasury yield more than tripled       growth, strong
from the historic low it set last August.      earnings growth,
Correspondingly, the core bond index           but low interest
fell 3.6%, suffering its worst quarter since   rates? Equity
1981. On the flipside, floating-rate loans,    investors couldn’t
which benefit from reflation, gained           ask for more. The
1.8%. And most of the flexible, active         main threat is our
bond strategies we invest with delivered       old friend valuation
positive returns this quarter, despite         risk. However, stocks
higher rates (and all outperformed             remain reasonably
core bonds).                                   attractive relative
Investment Outlook                             to bonds.
The primary variables that will determine      Speaking of bonds, longer-term                     Our portfolios tilt toward stocks that will
the direction of the economy and markets       interest rates have risen in anticipation          benefit from higher economic growth.
remain COVID-19 developments and the           of a higher-growth, more inflationary              Floating-rate loans offer natural inflation
fiscal/monetary policy response. These         environment. That has hurt bond                    protection. And we have diversified into
currently imply a base case for a strong       investors this year. We have felt less             flexible bond strategies that, with their
economic rebound, particularly in the          of an impact as we were significantly              yield advantage and active management
United States but also globally. This will     underweight to core bonds to protect               flexibility, should outperform core bonds.
support the fundamentals underpinning          against just this occurrence. Rates could          Our financial planners are always
higher-returning asset classes (stocks,        rise further in the short run leading to           available to answer any specific
credit sectors of the bond market) if          greater bond price declines, but they              questions that you may have.
interest rates do not move sharply higher.     should stay contained unless inflation             Please feel free to contact our
                                               spikes up and stays higher.                        office at any time.
At the current vaccination rate, experts
estimate the United States could               What About Inflation?                              Source: Certain material in this work is proprietary
                                                                                                  to and copyrighted by Litman Gregory Analytics and
achieve herd immunity by late summer.          Inflation has been at the top of investors’        is used by Waterford Advisors, LLC with permission.
                                                                                                  Reproduction or distribution of this material is
Controlling the pandemic will enable           list of concerns lately. Governments               prohibited, and all rights are reserved
us to start getting back to normal lives,      all over the world have passed large
boosting economic activity. The American       fiscal stimulus packages in the wake
Rescue Plan (ARP) Act, the massive

                                                                      7                          • 716-580-3906
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
First Quarter
Newsletter                                                                                                                          April 2021

                                                                                            C O N G R AT S
                                                                                      Please join us is congratulating Ellen Bosco-Brennan
                                                                                         in attaining the Financial Paraplanner Qualified
                                                                                       Professional™ Designation! The FPQP™ program
                                                                                      covers the main facets in personal financial planning
                                                                                      with a focus on practical application, such as estate,
                                                                                        tax, retirement, insurance, and investments.

                Certified Financial Planner™
              Visit us online at
                      Phone: 716-580-3906

                3858 North Buffalo Road, Suite 2
                 Orchard Park, New York 14127

 Inside this issue…
                  Tax Corner                                  Happenings
                  Page 3                                      Page 5

                  Target Date                                 Market Recap
                  Fund Glide                                  Page 7
                  Page 6

 Securities offered through Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc., member FINRA/SIPC.
 Advisory services offered through Waterford Advisors LLC, an SEC Registered
 Investment Advisor. Waterford Advisors and Cadaret, Grant & Co., Inc. are separate
 All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however, we make no
 representation as to its completeness or accuracy.
Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors Three steps to successful - Waterford Advisors
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