TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group

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TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
j. m. baxi group

ISSUE xXXIII                                                          APRIL - JUNE 2021

                 LOGISTICS:               TECHNOLOGY:               IN CONVERSATION:

08                                 18                          22
                Boom In Coastal              Achievements Of            With Mr. RINKESH
               Ocean Freight For           The INDIAN PORT               ROY, Ex-Chairman
                  Project Cargo         COMMUNITY SYSTEM                  of PARADIP Port
TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII

Table of Contents
  J. M. BAXI GROUP                                   05        J M BAXI OFFERS CONSOLIDATED SERVICES
                                                               FROM NORTH INDIA TO THE GULF VIA KANDLA
                                                     06        EXPANDING WINGS AND GIVING CUSTOMISED
  EDITORIAL TEAM:                                              SOLUTIONS
  Mr Nandan Yalgi
  Mr K K Krishnadas                                  10        MOVING A MONSTROUS YET DELICATE CARGO
  Capt. Tamal Roy
  Mr Sushil Mulchandani                              12        ALUMINIUM INGOT EXPORTS FROM PARADIP
  Capt. Sunil Chopra
  Mr Siddhartha Roy                                  14        HANDLING A $40 MILLION RIG IN A $400 MILLION
  Cdr. Sunil Dhulekar                                          AIRCRAFT: THE BAGHJAN OILFIELD BLOWOUT
  Mr Shirishchandra Shah
                                                     16         SHIP RECYCLING DURING COVID-19
  Mr Rajnish Khandelwal
  Mr Keki Master                                     20        INDIAN PORTS BILL, 2020 – A GAME CHANGER IN
  Mr Samir Shah                                                THE INDIAN MARITIME SECTOR
  Mr Sunil Shetty
  Ms Meera Kumar
                                                     25        INDIAN COTTON YARN – TRENDS AND INSIGHTS
  Mr Ajay Tolani                                     27        PORT STATISTICS
  Mr Ashish Sharma
  Ms Shwetal Kharbari                                          * All maps are for representation purpose only

  Ms Dhara Kapadia
  Mr Jayakumar Ramajayam
  Ms Shilpa Nalavde

  COver page:
  Paradip International Cargo

08                                                   18                                                22
                                                                 J M BAXI GROUP
                      A: Godrej Coliseum, 10th Floor, 1001-B Wing, Everard Nagar, Sion (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400022. INDIA.
                                        B: +91 . 22 . 6153 7900 | E: corp@jmbaxi.com | W: www.jmbaxigroup.com
TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

                                                                                                           Newsletter Issue XXXIII

From the
Quarter Deck

         ear Friends and Colleagues,     showing a positive trend. The long
         we are already in the first     tail of COVID-19 will last for at least
         quarter of 2021 and if we       six more months, maybe 12 months,
         were to compare this quarter    but India will take positive strides
with the first quarter of 2020, we       along the path it has taken for the
can observe some similarities and        last few years.
differences. In both years, cargo
volumes from Asia to the US and          In the last few months of the
from Asia to Europe were high and        pandemic crisis, as also in the           nations, India needs to own and
the ships were full. The difference is   coming times and months, some             create a strong manufacturing and
that freight rates are twice or even     of the policies of the government         technology base. Therefore, schemes
thrice higher and not 20% or 30%         of India give an interesting              like Atmanirbhar, production-linked
higher. The other differences are that   perspective, which will be very           incentive schemes, Made in India
the US has a new president and a         useful for the future. Specifically,      etc., will increasingly need to happen.
new administration and the new fuel      in the port sector, we have seen          They will happen and India will grow.
and SOx emission guidelines for ships    the formation of the Sagarmala
have been successfully implemented.      Development Company(SDCL),                Ports, transport, logistics,
The world has just endured almost 12     the Indian Port Rail Corporation          warehousing, FTWZs and SEZs,
months of interruptions due to the       company (IPRCL), the strengthening        are going to play a larger and
COVID-19 pandemic, with lockdowns,       of the Inland Waterways Authority         larger role in this new framework.
partial lockdowns, and disruption        of India, the dredging and creation       It is, thus, with a deep sense of
to long and short journeys. These        of terminals on various riverways,        excitement and adventure that
COVID-19 times have permanently          the corporatization of ports, the         we have welcomed Bain Capital to
changed some things. They have           introduction of new laws and acts,        partner us on our journey ahead.
accelerated some trends and              which are contemporary and aligned        Bain has acquired a significant
strengthened some practices. They        with modern needs, the port-led           minority stake in our terminals,
have brought to the fore some issues     development model, which aims             infrastructure, and logistics
we have all tended to underestimate,     to bring ports and port land into         activities. Our combined strength
such as the importance of                the SEZ, maritime clusters etc.           gives us considerable financial
robustness, resilience, repairing,       The pandemic also accelerated             heft. The partnership will increase
reforming, resurging, reassessing,       the adoption of more technology           our financial and administrative
redressing, and restoring.               and digitization into our work            discipline. Our network of terminals
                                         and processes. Moreover, due to           and facilities are well positioned
We, in India, entered 2021 with a        geopolitics, socioeconomic factors        and deeply embedded into the
spirit of positivity, as some of the     and the geo-economic realities, India     logistics and supply chains of the top
relevant numbers are positively          will try to increase its self-reliance.   industrial clusters and companies in
promising. Cargo volumes at ports        India’s coming of age as one of the       India, handling almost all types of
– both container and non-container       top 10 economies of the world entails     commodities and cargo. Most of our
– have seen a steady upward trend.       increasing the competitiveness of our     facilities have the ability to grow in
The demand for goods and services        manufacturing, agriculture, services,     size, scope and scale. Similarly, our
also has witnessed an increasing         infrastructure, and technology            logistics vertical is uniquely placed,
trend, and inflation seems to be         sectors. To achieve this objective        as we have multimodal capability
partially under control. Exports are     of being in the top five or top 10        including rail, road, water and air

TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII

From the
Quarter Deck
and we are also specialists in moving   growth and therefore a quick            shipping, but also by rail as well.
multiple types of cargo, such as        recovery and rebound. Most              India’s connectivity with Nepal is also
containers, break bulk, bulk and,       commentators and business leaders       witnessing strong steps.
of course, heavy lifts and projects.    are expecting a V-shaped recovery.
Our partnership allows us to think                                              One of the plans to combat the
higher and better. It will enable us     India presented its Financial          economic after-effects of the
to attain bigger goals and larger        Union Budget 21-22 and some of         COVID-19 pandemic has been for
objectives, while being sustainable      the highlights are:                    India to create and build world-class
and profitable! We shall continue to                                            infrastructure. The government
do what we have done for 100 years       1.   A substantial outlay for          of India has published a national
of sustainable growth.                        the health sector including       infrastructure pipeline, which lays
                                              preventive, curative, and well    out all the infrastructure projects.
We have seen volumes at ports and             being                             Interestingly and thankfully, the port

shipping and transport volumes,          2. The outlay for infrastructure       sector has a sizeable percentage of
                                                                                this national plan, which presents
by and large, coming back to pre-             has been substantially
                                                                                interesting opportunities. Linked
COVID levels. Some ports, especially          enhanced with great emphasis
                                                                                to this, there are also various gas
in the US and China, have higher              on Rail, Roads as also PPP
                                                                                projects, especially in the LNG sector,
volumes than pre-COVID. Almost                in various sectors like Ports,
                                                                                such as port terminals, FSRUs, city
all commodities have made a sharp             Airports, Power especially
                                                                                gas distribution concessions and pan-
recovery to price levels comparable           renewable power, water and
                                                                                national highway gas filling stations.
to pre-COVID times. In some cases,            sanitation
commodity prices are even higher.        3. National infrastructure
                                                                                The first quarter of 2021 has seen the
There are orders for most types               pipeline
                                                                                2nd or 3rd wave COVID-19 pandemic
of new ships, especially container       4. National assets monetization
                                                                                in various countries. Some of these
ships, tankers and gas carriers.              pipeline                          countries has also seen a second
Concerns and commitments                 5. Create a development                or third lockdown or shutdown.
regarding the environmental impact            financial institution             Thankfully in most countries the
of ships, such as their CO2 and SOx                                             vaccination drive has begun as
emissions, have seen increased          The next 3 to 6 months will see the     also in India. But let us know and
experimentation and studies on new      privatization/disinvestment process     remember that vaccine is not a total
and different types of fuel, such       of the Shipping Corporation of India    complete cure. COVID-19 virus is not
as LNG, hydrogen, ammonia, wind         (SCI), Bharat Petroleum Corporation     yet eradicated. So, whilst we need to
power etc. The coming decade is         Limited (BPCL), Container               go ahead with confidence and hope
likely to see phenomenal changes        Corporation of India Limited            for 2021, we also need to be cautious
in this sphere. Just as we saw in the   (CONCOR) and other PSUs.                and careful in terms of masks and
last decade with the ever-increasing                                            physical distance.
and unimaginable growth in the size     In India, we are seeing cargo volumes
of ships, the coming decade is likely   beginning to come back to pre-          We are looking forward to working
to witness a paradigm shift in ship     COVID-19 levels. We are also seeing     with you and let’s hope and wish for
technology.                             many exciting developments in our       a great year ahead for all of us
                                        neighbourhood, with Bangladesh
These and other several plans and       and India becoming increasingly                             Krishna B. Kotak
                                                                                       Chairman - J M BAXI GROUP
schemes will lead to substantive        connected by road, river and coastal

TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

                                                                                                                                       Newsletter Issue XXXIII


                            J M BAXI Offers
                         Consolidated Services
                          From North India To The GULF Via KANDLA

       s a group J M BA XI tries to                                   Currently Prime Maritime has                 which will give ease to customers
       offer diversified and unique                                   fixed slot of 100 TEUs on a weekly           while operating with these two
       logistics solutions to its                                     basis on the BTL / Safeen service.           locations using ICT services.
       customers, which includes                                      This service runs on Tuesday from            Customer will have an option of
single window solutions for liner                                     Kandla and the routing is Karachi /          Mundra, as the port is mostly
services, container rail services and                                 Kandla/ MICT / GTI / Sharjah / Khalifa /     congested and slot availability
terminal services, transportation,                                    Bahrain / Dammam / Um Qasar. Prime           is always an issue from port for
freight forwarding and custom                                         Maritime is loading 150 TEUs / week          NVOs.
house services, with the help of its                                  on this service from Kandla port.            Operating costs for customers
different business vertical units.                                                                                 will be reduced as Kandla port
                                                                      Sonepat and Ludhiana are both rice           distance is less than Mundra. Also,
The north India terminal of JMB                                       export markets with major PODs               the port charges of Kandla are
group is Delhi International Cargo                                    in Gulf-based ports, some of Far             competitive in terms of Mundra.
Terminal which is currently one of                                    Eastern sectors, USA and Europe.             Customers have to communicate
the leading terminals in the NCR                                      With the introduction of this service,       with just one entity for the entire
region. We are currently serving                                      the rice exporters of the Sonepat            movement, which will give them
Mundra / Kandla / Pipavav ports from                                  and Ludhiana belt can utilize end-           confidence in our services.
these facilities.                                                     to-end services with our facility,
                                                                      which provides terminal services,                  ICT Will Also Benefit
Also, we have a daily service                                         rail services and shipping services all          From This Movement As
between Ludhiana and Mundra from                                      under same roof.
Kilaraipur (Ludhiana).                                                                                             ICT will be able to manage
                                                                      Currently Prime Maritime, Win win            inventory for customer between
As United Liners we have agency                                       Maritime and Radiant Shipping are            DICT and Ludhiana on its rakes
services for Prime Maritime, which                                    using Kandla port via DICT. We are           which will help them to develop
is one of the leading NVOs for the                                    developing the same service with             a base for customers at either
Gulf sector. With Prime Maritime we                                   other NVOCCs for the DICT and                location.
are working on the development of                                     Ludhiana locations also. This type           One more route will be developed
routing for Gulf-bound containers                                     of business prospect will provide            and will result in the addition of
from DICT and Ludhiana using Kandla                                   confidence to customers in using our         service sectors.
as the routing / loading port.                                        facility with end-to-end services till       There will be an improvement in
                                                                      POD. Customers will benefit from             the customer base and confidence
DICT started the Kandla service                                       this service in the following ways:          will be gained with multiple
w.e.f. June 2020 and handled                                                                                       movement options in case of any
approximately 1,400 TEUs during                                         Single door solution for rice              issue related to Mundra / Kandla
three quarters of FY 2020–21.                                           export towards the Gulf sector.            port.
                                                                        As inventory is a major issue
             DICT - KANDLA THROUGHPUT                                   for rice exporters (inventory            This unique proposition of integrated
              348                                                       imbalance due to major import of         service offering by J M BA XI
                                                                        40’ and export of 20’), as ICT we        has truly brought the concept of
                                 235                                    will bring import from the Gulf          containerisation to the doorstep
250                                                  210     226
200                      172
                                                                        using Kandla port which will result      of the customer, wherein a single
150                                        140                          in the addition of inventory for         infrastructure company is able to
100                                                                     both catchment areas.                    provide the landside as well as ocean
 50                                                                     Also, the surplus of inventory           service to its customers
 0 Jun -20    Jul -20   Aug -20 Sep -20   Oct -20   Nov -20 Dec -20     can be shifted to either place,

TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII


  Expanding Wings And Giving
     Customised Solutions
   nternational Cargo Terminals          Odisha is the mineral hub of India                Hirakud (aluminum and rolling
   (ICT), as a container train           and the largest aluminium, steel                  mills)
   operator, strives to provide best     and stainless steel producer in the
   in class train services from ports    country. It has the highest mineral               Talcher-Angul (thermal power,
to various locations and serve its       production of INR 49,505.66 crore                 aluminum, coal washeries, ferro
industrial base in catchment area.       with 13.88% of India’s total value.               alloys, coal mines)
                                         Odisha’s rich mineral reserves
ICT currently operates 20 rakes on       constitute 28% iron ore, 24% coal, 59%            Choudwar (ferro alloys, thermal
Indian railway circuits. Till a few      bauxite and 98% chromite of India’s               power, pulp and paper, coke oven)
months back, ICT had primarily           total deposits. Major companies like
focused on connecting its ICD, DICT      Tata Steel, Jindal Steel, Vedanta,                Balasore (pulp and paper, ferro
with the western gateways of Mundra      Hindalco, Raurkela Steel Plant, Visa              alloys, rubber industries)
and DICT.                                Steel, Bhushan Power and Steel,
                                                                         Performance For The Route
   As a container train operator, we
                                                                     JSL - VZG Performance (TEUs)                  Total TEUs
   were earlier operating between              2000
   western ports and north Indian                                                        1,620                 1,510
   ICDs. Now we are expanding                  1500
   services by adding more ports for                                           1,240
   the sector and spreading the same           1000
   to the eastern coast of India.                                  810

Currently serving Delhi NCR from
DICT Sonepat and Ludhiana using Kila                      90
Raipur via Mundra and Pipavav, we                  0
                                                        Jul-20    Aug-20      Sep-20     Oct-20      Nov-20   Dec-20
have recently added eastern coast
services and the Kandla North India      Indian Metal and Ferro Alloys,                    Chandikhol (stone crusher, coke
service to our portfolio, witnessing     National Aluminium Co., Balasore                  oven)
a diversity of service areas as a        Alloys, Tata Ferro Minerals are a few
container train operator.                major industries of the state.                    Duburi (integrated steel, ferro
                                                                                           alloys, rubber industries)
                                         The state attracted Foreign Direct
               Eastern Coast Services    Investment (FDI) inflow worth US$ 605             Paradeep (fertilizer, sea food
                                         million between April 2000 and March              processing, petroleum coke)
                                         2020 according to the data released
By starting a service between Vizag      by Department for Promotion of                    Khurda – Tapang (stone crusher)
port and Jajpur, ICT is giving options   Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT).
to the Orissa industrial belt for the                                                      Joda – Barbil (iron, sponge iron,
usage of the nearby port, which will     The state can be divided into twelve              ferro alloys, iron ore crusher,
bring down their cost and transit time   industrially active zones / areas,                mineral processing)
in comparison with JNPT (currently       namely:
used port by major industries).                                                            Rayagada (pulp and paper, ferro
                                             Rajgangpur (iron and steel,                   alloys).
   Movement was started from July            sponge iron, cement, secondary
   4th week with one rake for the            steel, melting and rolling mill and       Iron ore is abundantly available in the
   route while the same has been             refractories and chemicals)               districts of Mayurbhanj, Sundargarh,
   increased to up to three services                                                   Keonjhar and Jajpur. Chromite
   per week.                                 Ib Valley (thermal power, sponge          meanwhile is mostly available in
                                             iron, refractories, and coal mines)       Jajpur, Dhenkanal and Keonjhar
                                                                                       districts, which are mainly in the
TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

                                                                                                                      Newsletter Issue XXXIII

central part of the state, which has      Gopalpur, and has an average                      other catchment areas in eastern
an average distance of 600 km from        distance of 250 km from Vizag port                India, but services and slots for
Vizag port. With the upcoming railway     and 280 km from Paradip port, has                 shipping lines needs to be worked
line between Haridaspur and Paradip       reserves such as aluminium, heavy                 on and materialized as Odisha is an
port, it will only be 82 km for Paradip   minerals and ferro alloy, which need              export-driven market and from the
port.                                     to be explored for movement.                      shipping lines’ perspective JNPT port
                                                                                            is still the more favorable choice due
As customers of the area were mostly      Vizag port is also an ideal location for          to the availability of vessel schedules
using JNPT port due to the availability   Hyderabad / Secunderabad, with an                 and inventory for the sector.
of inventory and most frequent vessel     average distance of 650 km. Currently
slots, it was very tough to convince      customers of the Hyderabad vicinity               At ICT we are striving to get these
customers to try the new route via        are using JNPT port for exporting                 industrial areas on board with our
Vizag port, as major shipping lines       and importing their cargo, but with               state-of-the-art infrastructure at
started using the port but inventory      regular shipping line inventory and               Vizag and Paradip ports, and to build
and slots were still a problem for        services; this route can be explored              a new business route together with
the route. Also, customers were           and Vizag can be mapped as a major                industries and shipping lines for both
using Vizag port only for road-bound      hub for the eastern coastal regions of            infrastructure facilities.
movements as it was a faster way to       India.
move their cost and time-sensitive
                                                                                                      Kandla – North India
cargo.                                    Vizag port is also suitable for handling                    Service
                                          cargo of other eastern states.
 Also, this model can provide             Customers are currently looking
 store-to-door solutions for the          for alternatives to Haldia port, as               We started the DICT – Kandla service
 customers of the region, which           the port is having vessel berthing                w.e.f. June 2020 and up to December
 will be an add-on feature for            issues due to draft constraints. The              2020, DICT handled 770 TEUs imports
 customers to pursue for this             draft at Halida port is 8 metres,                 and 660 TEUs exports for the route.
 service.                                 which makes berthing of VLCC tough                Monthly volumes are as follows:
                                          as the draft required by a VLCC is                Currently Prime Maritime, Win win
 ICT, in coordination with Maersk         approximately 13 metres. The draft at             and Radiant are using Kandla port
 Line, took it as a challenge and,        Vizag port is 18 metres, which makes              for DICT-related movement. We are
 after many discussions and an            it more attractive for VLCC operators             also having continuous discussions
 operational feasibility analysis,        and shipping lines. Now Vizag has                 with other NVOCCs who are using
 started the service between              emerged as the major choice of                    Kandla port for their Gulf and Far East
 Vizag and Jajpur, where empty            shipping lines for handling EXIM                  services.
 units were brought from Vizag            shipments from the eastern coast.
 to Jajpur area and loaded units                                                            We are also working on developing
 were brought back to port.               Vizag port is handling cargo of Nepal             the Kandla–Ludhiana route, which
 Maersk took an interest in this          by rake where CONCOR is currently                 might start w.e.f. April 2021, as a new
 business proposition and jointly         handling rail movement between                    route in the ICTs service arena.
 we provided an end-to-end                Vizag port and Birganj.
 solution to Jindal industries. This                                                        At ICT we always try to build new
 model is a success story now and,        Paradip port is the ideal location for            routes and hope to add various new
 as a business partner, we may            handling the cargo of Odisha and                  business routes during FY 2021–22
 introduce this model to other
 customers in that area.                                                    DICT K ANDL A Volumes                                Import
We are trying to explore other                  200                   182             180
regions of the state for further                                166                                                   170
expansion of rail services for Vizag             150
port initially. Western zones, which                                                                       120
covers Jharsuguda, Lapanga and                             99                    98
                                                100                                                              90
Rourkela, have rich reserves such                                           74                        80
as aluminium and ferro alloys, and                                                          55   60                         56
an average distance of 500 km from               50
Vizag port, 400 km from Paradip port.
The southern part of Odisha, which                     Jun-20   Jul-20      Aug-20 Sep-20 Oct-20 Nov-20 Dec-20
covers Berhampur, Rayagada and
TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII


               Boom In Coastal Ocean
              Freight For Project Cargo
   t is well known that boosting        seen a number of packages above 70        complex units at temporary sites
   coastal and inland waterway          m in length, 10 m in width and height,    close to the final project site is not
   transportation can alleviate the     and 1000 MT in weight, and the            always an option. Even if it is, the
   pressure on roads and railways       packages keep getting bigger. This is     manufacturers are often concerned
while reducing logistics costs, a       because manufacturing packages in         about the quality of the final
boon for competitiveness and            state-of-the-art fabrication facilities   assembled product.
economic growth. Sea transport is       is more cost effective and results in a
also considerably more climate and      higher quality than assembling them       Over the next three years, we expect
environmentally friendly and safer      on site.                                  to see a spurt in the movement of
than road transport.                                                              super heavy-lift and super ODCs,
                                        Most of the manufacturers of such         which will require ocean transport,
India, however, despite its more than   pieces of equipment are based near        beginning with IOCL Paradip. The
7,500 km (4,660 miles) of coastline     the west coast of India whereas the       first shipment for this project was in
and 14,000 km of navigable inland       projects are mainly on the east coast.    August 2020.
waterways, transports only around       There is, hence, a consistent need for
6% of its freight by sea routes.        a coastal service from the west coast     This will be followed by two
                                        to the east coast of India.               prestigious refinery projects. The
The most efficient and safest                                                     first of these is HPCL Vizag RUF,
way to move project cargo is by          Here are some recent examples            which began in October 2020. Most
coastal routes and through inland        of expansion projects involving          of the supplies will come from Hazira
waterways. Project cargo in India        coastal ocean freight:                   but modules will also move from
has seen a fair need for multimodal                                               Kattupalli. Movements to Vizag RUF
logistics involving ocean or river           IOCL Haldia                          will last for about 24 months, so we
transportation. Moving the process           GR Engineering, BPCL Kochi           expect two coastal shipments every
equipment used in the oil and gas            Project                              month. At the same time, we expect
industry and the fertiliser industry         IOCL Haldia                          to make at least two coastal voyages
and the equipment for powerplants            HPCL Vizag                           for HRRL Barmer from Dahej.
has always required multimodal               IOCL Sindri Barauni
logistics, either because of the             Toyo Engineering, HURL               During 2020–22, we are also
location or because of the size or           Gorakhpur                            expecting that the container
weight of the packages to be moved.                                               terminals in the country will enhance
                                                                                  and modernise their RTG and RMQ
The recent past has seen a marked       The increase in production capacity       cranes, as demand for container
increase in the size of weight of       means that equipment keeps getting        movement is increasing. Under the
equipment being carried. We have        bigger, but assembling high-end           government of India’s Atmanirbhar
                                                                                  scheme, multinationals like Kone
                                                                                  Cranes are setting up manufacturing
                                                                                  bases in India. Other companies
                                                                                  are also expected to follow suit,
                                                                                  which will result in massive coastal
                                                                                  movement opportunities. We
                                                                                  are seeing a lot of inquiries for
                                                                                  movements from Hazira to Kandla,
                                                                                  from Kattupalli to Vizag, and from
                                                                                  Nhava Sheva to Goa.

                                                                                  The EPC contract for the FCI Talcher
                                                                                  project has been awarded to Wuhuan
                                                                                  Engineering in China, which will also

TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

                                          Newsletter Issue XXXIII

involve the procurement of major
components from Indian engineering
companies. This project will see large
packages landing from the west coast
of India into Paradip.

Even though cargo flows appear
to be unidirectional from the west
coast to the east, a lot of windmill
equipment is being supplied from
the east coast to the west. Last year,
Gamesa entered into a contract for a
few voyages of windmill equipment
from Tuticorin to Kandla, and we
are sure more will follow. A regular
return service running from the east
to the west coast would encourage
manufacturing units in the east
coast to look at coastal shipping as a
viable option, thus ensuring that we
have enough return cargo for these

There is a latent need for a strong
coastal service, given the restrictions
in road transport for super heavy
lifts and ODCs. With a decent
service, more and more equipment
manufacturers will start planning
their transport around coastal ocean

TIDINGS 08 - j. m. baxi group
April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII


                    Moving A Monstrous Yet
                    Delicate Cargo Package
   t is said that its people are a                     A stator when seen does not look                    It requires not only the best people
   company’s best assets. But what                     that intimidating in the world of                   but also the best equipment to move
   if the company also owns the                        heavy lifts. It is a mere 10.5 m in                 such beasts from their place of build
   best equipment? In some form or                     length by 4.26 m in width by 4.54                   to their operational site, where they
other, we are happy that Boxco is                      metres in height. However, the                      will sit and work silently, chewing out
serving the logistics, heavy lift and                  piece packs within its relatively small             electricity in large dollops, one turn
compliance requirements of major                       dimensions a whopping 358 MTs                       of the rotor after another, for years
projects.                                              of carefully laminated and placed                   and years, without respite.
                                                       electrical steel sheets and windings,
Jawaharpur Vidyut Utpadan Nigam                        good enough to feed power to a                      A good portion of the plant is then
Ltd’s power project at Jawaharpur,                     small town. This weighty package                    built around the stator when it is
a small town in the most populous                      needs a girder bridge to ensure its                 placed.
state of India, Uttar Pradesh, was                     weight across its axles is spread onto
already being served by Boxco.                         the road to remain within acceptable                All of the above mean that any
Project import clearances and                          limits. Moreover, it costs more than                delays in delivery were not an option.
reconciliation sheets have been                        INR 600 million and takes about 12 to               Any mishandling of the weighty
processed for several years. Quite                     15 months to build.                                 dwarf could have resulted in either
unrelated to this service, Boxco also                                                                      very expensive delays in this very
served the project through GE, by                      A monstrous yet delicate cargo at the               expensive project or a less than
transporting the mega stators for the                  same time!                                          optimum electricity generator, which
project.                                                                                                   would increase costs all round.

                                                              PEOPLE AND ASSETS

            20        SKILLED & 25 DRIVERS,
                      DEDICATED 3 OPERATORS AND
                      PEOPLE     8 HELPERS
                                                                     VOLVO       520         PULLERS,
                                                                                             A GIRDER
                                                                                             BRIDGE              16+16
                                                                                                                  HYDRAULIC AXLES


                          2   ELECTRIFIED
                                                             300                 ON A SINGLE-                 COUNTLESS SHARP TURNS

                              RAILWAY CROSSINGS                                  LANE ROAD                    AND NARROW STRETCHES

                                                  5.5M 6.2MWIDE
                                  CROSSED TOLL
                                  PLAZAS WITH A                                                   USING SOME INNOVATIVE
                                                                                                  ON-THE-SPOT SOLUTIONS
                              MAXIMUM WIDTH OF
                                                           CARGO                                  AND AVOIDING CIVIL WORK

                                            MOVEMENTS                             THROUGH OTHERWISE
                                            DURING NIGHT-TIME                     HEAVILY CONGESTED AREAS

                                                                AT THE TOLL GATE

                                                            JACKING UP TO CROSS OVER A
                                                            CLEAR AND     SHORT WALL

                              Assignments such as these exercise the best people and equipment in the trade, the pride of Boxco.

April - June 2021

                                         Newsletter Issue XXXIII

The transportation required careful
planning of the route, which is
approximately 1100 km long. In a
country like India, 1100 km through
various states means a riot of variety
and vibrant scenes. However,
different solutions need to be
worked out for particular stretches,
taking account of the strength of
road surfaces, bridges, arches and
other structures along the way.

The stator began its journey on 16½
axles. It covered vast stretches till
near the site, safely ensconced in
a cradle. Then 16 + 16 axles were
required on a girder bridge and it
safely ended its journey on the 16½-
axle configuration. Covering the
distance took a dedicated team of 20
personnel over 80 days

April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII


                     Aluminium Ingot Exports
                         From PARADIP
      he aluminium industry in India                        downstream. The upstream segment                        Mode Of Export
      is strategically well-placed and                      produces primary or “unwrought”
      is one of the largest producers                       aluminium from smelting of calcined                 Containerized Export
      in the world. India’s rich bauxite                    alumina, which is produced from                                           CY 2020 – In
mineral base renders a competitive                          bauxite. Approximately 4 kg of                  Port         Company
edge to the industry as compared to                         bauxite is required to produce 3 kg                          HINDALCO          9,028
its counterparts globally.
                                                            of alumina and 1 kg of aluminium.                            VEDANTA           24,464
                                                            Primary aluminium is the starting          Visakhapatnam      BALCO              5,133
The four major primary producers in
India at the forefront of aluminium                         block for aluminium products and                              NALCO            3,465
production are the privately owned                          is mainly in the form of ingots and                            Total           42,090
Hindalco Industries Ltd, Vedanta                            billets.                                  Note: 1 TEU is approximately 25 MT
Aluminium Ltd., Bharat Aluminium
Co. Ltd. and the public sector                                       Aluminium Ingots –
                                                                                                                 Break-bulk Export
undertaking National Aluminium Co.                                      Introduction
                                                                                                            (April 2020 to December 2020)
                                                                                                             Port                  Qty (MT)
                                                              Ingots are the material that is cast
                                                              into a shape suitable for further          Gangavaram                 62,000
                   Installed Capacity Of
                   Aluminium (2018–19)                        processing and are produced               PICT (Paradip)              31,471

                                                 Annual       through the smelting process.
                                                                                                          Standard Operating Procedure –

                Company          Plant          capacity      Ingots are remelted and further
                                                  (MT)        processed into a large number of           For Break-bulk Export Shipments
                National                                      products for various downstream
                                Angul                                                                 In view of reduced ocean freight in

            Aluminium                           460,000       applications.
                Co. Ltd.
                               (Odisha)                                                               break-bulk shipments owing to larger
                                                              Usage is in industries engaged in       parcel size, recently most overseas
                                                245,000       casting, utensils, automobiles,         buyers prefer the cargo to be shipped
                            (Chattisgarh) I
            Aluminium                                         aerospace, lithium batteries,           in break-bulk from India.
                Co. Ltd.
                                                325,000       currency coins and others.
                           (Chattisgarh) – II
                                                              Size of ingots: 740 mm x 170 mm x                  Process Flow For
                                                360,000       114 mm.                                          Exports In Break-Bulk
                                                              Weight of Ingot: 22.7 kg +/- 1.5 kg
                Hindalco   Hirakud (Odisha)     215,000       each on average.                            Receipt of laden DSO containers
            Industries     Mahan (Madhya                                                                  at railway siding (ingots inside
                  Ltd.                                                                                    containers are in bundles of 1

                                                                        Exports – India
                           Renukoot (Uttar
                                                                                                          MT each with approximately 22
                                                345,000                                                   ingots per bundle)
                                                               Aluminium Ingots Export From
                Madras                                                 India (in MT)
            Aluminium                            40,000
                             (Tamilnadu)                       Cargo       FY 2017–18    FY 2018–19
                Co. Ltd
                                                            Aluminium     1,370,375     1,538,455
                Vedanta                         500,000     Ingot
                                                1,250,000   Exports were mainly to Malaysia
                                                            (18%), USA (12%), Republic of Korea
                                                            (10%), Turkey (9%), Mexico (6%), Italy
The aluminium industry comprises                            (5%), Taiwan & Spain (4% each) and
two basic segments: upstream and                            Japan (3%)

April - June 2021

                                                                                                     Newsletter Issue XXXIII

 De-stuffing the containers at yard   Loading the cargo onto trailer for
 using forklifts                      transportation to wharf

                                      Unloading of cargo at wharf and
                                      loading into vessel using ship gear   Paradip International Cargo Terminal,
                                                                            Paradip – an ideal gateway for ingot

                                                                                 Clean-cargo terminal at Paradip
                                                                                 port, having two full-length rail
                                                                                 sidings, with one line dedicated to
                                                                                 steel & aluminium movements

 Unitisation of bundles using                                                    Adequate yard space to handle
 industrial-grade straps and cargo                                               larger parcel size
 stacking at yard
                                                                                 Minimal pre-berthing delays and
                                                                                 higher load rate with reduced
                                                                                 turnaround time

                                                                                 Single window services with
                                                                                 provision of value-added services

                                                                                 Strategically located PICT helps in
                                      On-board stacking inside vessel            reducing the overall expenditure
                                      holds using forklifts                      on the railway freight.
 Color coding the cargo for
 segregation as the basis of the                                            The table below shows the proximity
 sequence for discharge port/                                               of PICT from the major origin points:
                                                                                              Avg. Rail Distance (km)
                                                                             SN      State
                                                                                                  PICT          VIZAG
                                                                             1      Odisha        397             553
                                      Lashing and choking with                      Uttar
                                                                             2                    981            1,272
                                      adequate fumigated dunnage                   Pradesh
                                      inside vessel hold to avoid metal-           Madhya
                                                                             3                   1,093           1,193
                                      to-metal contact                             Pradesh

                                                                                 PICT with all the afore
                                                                                 mentioned benefits is an
                                                                                 ideal gateway terminal for
                                                                                 companies like HINDALCO,
                                                                                 VEDANTA and NALCO for their
                                                                                 ingots exports

April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII

Agency & Services

Handling A $40 Million Rig In
  A $400 Million Aircraft:
                               The BAGHJAN Oilfield Blowout

       he dousing of the blowout at       and coordinate with OIL to obtain         due to the inadequate firefighting
       Baghjan is a classic example       the necessary documentation to            capabilities at the airport for the An-
       of the coordinated integrated      ensure all clearances were compliant      124.
       logistics and service assistance   and speedy. Boxco also prepared
we offer to our distant clients. The      the equipment and ensured vehicles        The Kolkata team showed true
Baghjan Oilfield in Tinsukia district,    were ready when needed. Thus,             resilience and grit in attending to
Assam, a state in the north east of       while the Canadian contractor was         the change in the flight destination
India, has 21 active wells, of which      loading an Antonov An-124, frantic        from Gauhati to Kolkata. They had
4 produce natural gas while the           activities were centered around           to work with various organisations
remaining produce oil. Baghjan            the J M BAXI GROUP, which had to          and with different contracts to
Oilfield’s Well No. 5 was established     coordinate at various levels with         obtain clearances from multiple
in 2006 and produced natural gas.         staff at Baghjan, OIL’s regional HQ in    agencies for handling the cargo on
It had drilled down to a depth of         Kolkata, Pentagon Freight Systems         the tarmac for the chartered flight. It
3,870 m and was producing between         in Singapore and the contractor in        must be mentioned that the dynamic
80,000 to 100,000 standard cubic          Calgary, Canada.                          situations were handled nearly
metres of gas per day before the                                                    instantaneously.
leak.                                     Initially, the charterers were to bring
                                          the Volga Dnepr An-124 aircraft to        The team took cognisance of the
The 2020 Assam gas and oil leak, also     Gauhati, using Kolkata as a technical     many imponderables and found
referred to as the Baghjan gas leak, is   halt. They were instructed by OIL         solutions, to the satisfaction of the
a natural gas blowout that occurred       to undertake the clearance of the         client. However, when such projects
in Baghjan Oilfield on 27th May 2020.     cargoes at Kolkata. The JMB teams         are handled, it is very rare that things
The site is operated by Oil India Ltd.    advised that since the aircraft           go in textbook style and this project
(OIL), a public sector undertaking.       was to fly to Gauhati anyway, it          was no different. With just a day
The leaking well subsequently caught      was better to clear the cargoes at        remaining for the aircraft to arrive,
fire, which resulted in two deaths,       Gauhati and began to arrange this.        it was reported that the foreign
large-scale local evacuations and         At Kolkata, the cargo, the aircraft       national who was to operate the
environmental damage to the nearby        and its consumables would be              rig out of the aircraft had not been
Dibru-Saikhowa National Park.             declared as imports, since then the       given security clearance. The rig,
                                          Kolkata–Gauhati leg would be purely       which was the main cargo apart from
After the initial evacuation of nearly    for domestic carriage. Customs was        about a hundred other items, was
3000 personnel, a Canadian company        approached, both at Kolkata and           a 40-tonne tandem-steered tri-axle
was appointed by OIL to assist in         Gauhati, in advance to help facilitate    snubbing/hydraulic workover unit, a
killing the fire with their equipment     the transport of the critical cargo.      very complicated thing to drive out.
and personnel. This Canadian              The contracts, plans and other            Boxco rose to the occasion. A trained
company in turn contracted a              documents were studied and the            Indian operator was provided, the
Singapore-based company to handle         appropriate customs paperwork             appropriate paperwork completed,
the Indian side of the logistics and      prepared. The requirements of the         meetings arranged with the Canadian
compliances.                              Bureau of Civil Aviation Security,        operators to confirm the rig controls
                                          CISF and the airport authorities were     and with proper approvals, the Indian
M/s. Pentagon Freight Services            all simultaneously understood and         operator was tasked with doing the
Private Ltd., Singapore, contacted        conveyed. Initially, it was reported      needful.
Arya Offshore Services Pvt. Ltd.,         that upon limiting the touchdown
which arranged for Boxco Logistics        weight of the loaded aircraft, all        The aircraft arrived at 0130 hours. By
to be available to respond to queries,    clearances for Gauhati had been           0430 hours, all the cargo and the rig
make multiple arrangements in             obtained. However, much later the         were safely discharged and stacked
advance, prepare documentation            permission was reportedly denied          under the supervision and control
April - June 2021

                                                                                                        Newsletter Issue XXXIII

Agency & Services
of Boxco’s team, who worked in           Once the customs clearance was          As we go to press, the abandonment
tandem with the An-124’s crew and        completed within the airport            of the well is now complete and
the ground handlers. Boxco’s team        complex, the complete cargo             arrangements are being made to
completed the task as well as would      including the rig was driven out        transport the equipment back to
be expected from the most seasoned       by Boxco’s operators. Everything        Calgary, either by sea or air, and
handlers in the trade. It must be said   was then stacked onto vehicles and      Boxco Logistics has been requested
that the entire team was focused the     driven from Kolkata to the site by      to provide customs clearance and
whole night due to the adrenalin-        transporters appointed by OIL.          allied services at Kolkata.
fueled tension resulting from the
various challenges. The operation        The Indian and foreign experts killed   This was yet another unique project
at a busy major airport involved         the disastrous well 173 days after      for J M BAXI GROUP and two of the
backing the critical rig safely out      it had suffered a blowout, which        group’s companies. Team members in
from the intimidating interior of the    ejected natural gas and associated      Mumbai and Kolkata had to interact
An-124 and onto the cargo tarmac,        compounds uncontrollably from a         with freight forwarders in Singapore
which the specialist handlers flown      depth of 3.7 km. The well was killed    and technical teams in Calgary.
in from Canada monitored remotely,       12 days after the 60-tonne snubbing
and looking after the pieces of loose    unit, flown in from Calgary, Canada,    This was a truly multi-national project
equipment.                               reached the site on 4th November        of national importance. It was
                                         2020.                                   completed successfully and carefully
                                                                                 by a professional team

April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII

Agency & Services

                     Ship Recycling During

         lang is widely known as the      Alang is the preferred location for          annual shipbreaking capacity of India
         largest graveyard in the         ship scrapping primarily owing to its        will double from 4.5 million tonnes
         world for ship demolitions.      location. It has one of the highest          to 9 million tonnes LDT by 2024.
         Ship recycling yards in India,   tidal variations in the coastal regions      This is also expected to generate
Pakistan, Bangladesh and China,           of the Indian sub-continent. Further,        employment to over 150,000 people.
handle over 90% of all ocean-going        during high tide the ocean currents          There are also plans to set up
                                          are very strong, leading to vessels
vessels demolished in the world. A                                                     container manufacturing units in this
                                          coming ashore with relative ease.
ship traded in international waters       Another advantage of Alang is                region, which can utilize the scrap
in its economic life might have never     the availability of a large force of         steel that comes out of shipbreaking.
called at any Indian port; however,       unskilled workers at affordable costs,
many of these ships come to India for     who are able to perform the majority          Hongkong Convention
demolition upon completion of their       of demolition activity manually.
lives.                                    Owing to such multiple advantages,           Alang had also attracted lots
                                          Alang handles almost half of all             of attention in the past for the
The ship-demolition business was          vessels demolished in the world.             deploring conditions in which the
controlled by yards in the US and                                                      labour force had been working,
Europe till the 1970s. However,           Presently the shipbreaking industry          with minimal regard to safety. A
                                          in Alang provides direct employment
with rising labour wages in the                                                        lot of effort has been put by the
                                          to over 50,000 workers coming from
Western world, this industry shifted      different parts of country. There are        government and the Ship Recycling
to Asia, where labour was available       further labourers engaged in ancillary       Association and other bodies to
abundantly and at lower costs. India      industries like steel rolling mills, scrap   spruce up the facilities at Alang. India
made a strong pitch for this business     traders, oxygen gas plants, furniture        became a signatory to the Hongkong
in the 1980s and the first vessel,        traders, transporter, real-estate, etc.      Convention in 2019 and presently
M.V. Kota Tenjong, beached at Alang       The industry contributes substantial         most of the demolition yards have
on 13th February 1983. Since then         revenue to the central and state             exhibited proper SOP in place for safe
the business has grown multifold          government in the form of taxes.             and environmentally friendly ways of
at Alang, and presently there are         In its latest budget announced in            breaking a ship. No toxic or metallic
153 beaching plots spread over a          February 2021, the Indian government         wastes are dumped into the sea.
                                          announced a series of measures
coastline of 10 km.                                                                    The workers are provided necessary
                                          for further development of this
                                                                                       safety gear and taught about safe
                                          industry. It is expected that the
                                                                                       working practices. Further, the yards
April - June 2021

                                                                                                          Newsletter Issue XXXIII

Agency & Services
have set up basic accommodation          for boarding of government officials      functioning in June with limited
and medical facilities for the workers   and other stakeholders at anchorage       capacity, which meant there was a
attached to their companies. Owing       through tugboats. This requires           shortage of hotel rooms in Alang.
to the various positive measures         precise coordination for using            This was compounded by the fact
taken, many of the yards comply          minimum anchorage boarding as             that there were no international
with the Hongkong Convention on          otherwise every boarding involves         flights operating out of India during
Ship Recycling prescribed by the         lots of time and expenditure.             that time, which meant the signed-
IMO. There have been numerous            All paperwork has to be done              off crew were occupying the hotel
independent studies by international     expeditiously so that the vessel can      rooms for a longer duration and
agencies that eventually gave clean      beach in the allotted time, otherwise     hence the room shortage increased.
chit to the yards, resulting in ships    missing a tide might mean the vessel      Further, the crews had to be kept in
from Europe and other developed          would have to wait for the next tide,     safe and secure condition so as not
nations heading to Alang for             perhaps a fortnight away. JMB has         to get infected with the virus; hence
demolition.                              been able to consistently perform         they were effectively locked inside
                                         successful beaching of many vessels       their rooms altogether for days. The
 Ship Agency For Ship Recycling          over the years and this has regularly     government granted extended visas
                                         been appreciated by shipowners.           to the signing-off crew till the agents
Vessel agency for ship recycling is                                                could find suitable repatriation
a very complex job and J. M. Baxi &       Demolition Activity Post Lockdown        options.
Co. has been performing this task
regularly since the emergence of         During the COVID-19 pandemic, from        Post lockdown, JMB handled 15
this industry in the 1980s. There are    the last week of March till early June,   vessels at Alang, which included
numerous tasks involved requiring        the beaching of vessels at Alang          tankers, parcel tankers, bulk carriers
parallel co-ordination between           stopped. With no jobs at hand, there      and car carriers. As with all vessel
the seller, i.e. the shipowner, the      was an exodus of many migrant             demolitions during that period, the
buyer, beaching yard or their trading    labourers to their native places,         most important task was to ensure
counterpart, government authorities      which in a big country like India         safety of seafarers. All crew were put
viz. customs, immigration, Gujarat       was often far off. The government         up in hotels, which were evaluated
Maritime Board Port Office, the          allowed ship-demolition activity to       by the JMB in advance for the safety
manning agency for the signing-          start in stages in June 2020, and the     protocol the hotels had put in place.
off crew and others. Preparations        Gujarat Maritime Board played a           Unfortunately, in one instance,
for these activities starts days in      very proactive role in supporting the     one of the signed-off crew tested
advance and meticulous planning          industry to bounce back to normalcy       COVID positive. JMB ensured that
has to be done for all tasks to be       within days. There were numerous          the affected crew was given proper
performed within a window of a day       hiccups in the initial days, but the      and timely medical attention. The
of two maximum. In order to have         industry was back buzzing with            rest of the crew also had to be put
seamless operations at minimal costs     activity before long. During the year     under mandatory quarantine for 14
to the shipowner, JMB had set up         2020, a total of 196 vessels beached      days. This meant all arrangements
a dedicated ship dismantling desk        in Alang, as against 182 the previous     for hotels and transport had to be
in Bhavnagar, which is about 50 km       year.                                     reworked within the limited options
from Alang.                                                                        available at that time.
                                         For JMB, apart from the coordination
This team guides the vessel to the       between various agencies, the             Through a mix of private chartered
location to drop its anchor, which       biggest challenge was to sign off         flights and regular commercial
depends on the draught of the ship.      the crew and repatriate them home         flights, all crew were safely
The JMB team thereafter arranges         safely. A few hotels in Alang started     repatriated home. JMB arranged for
                                                                                   the repatriation of over 400 crew
                                                                                   members and there was not a single
                                                                                   case where the crew was unable to
                                                                                   board a flight or take a connecting
                                                                                   flight for want of necessary
                                                                                   documents, including a COVID test
                                                                                   report conducted within 72 hours.
                                                                                   The JMB team did all the running
                                                                                   around, gathering all the permissions,
                                                                                   so that each seafarer could reach his
                                                                                   family in a safe and secure manner

April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII


  Achievements Of The INDIAN

             President of India            Minister of Electronics & IT                    Digital India Awards
                                                                                                New Delhi

       he trade practices in our         PCS1x increase from 7 to a mammoth
       industry are based on manual      26 within 9 months of going live, finally
       processes, which created          reaching 29, which is an achievement
       several hindrances in these       in itself.
dire times. However, we quickly
realised that the internet and the       Over and above the initial plan, PCS1x
ease of online solutions were a boon.    is the first-ever integration with
                                         customs to ensure the real-time and
Like a knight in shining armour, the     secure exchange of information via
                                                                                              Vigyan Bhawan
Port Community System PCS1x was          an API. Apart from customs, PCS1x
already available and protected          is also integrated with the Indian          Due to its immense contributions, its
the industry from the wrath of the       Navy, Indian Railways, the Ministry         understanding of the requirements
pandemic. PCS1x is a cloud solution,     of Road Transport and Highways,             of maritime stakeholders and for
so it is accessible from anywhere        the Directorate General of Shipping         always being proactive, the spotlight
anytime, which made operating from       and others. Other initiatives, such as      in the last quarter of 2020 was on
home much easier.                        an integration with the Directorate         the Indian Ports Association (IPA),
                                         General of Foreign Trade, are in            its membership and the International
With the quick and efficient decision-   progress.                                   Port Community Association, which
making and agile implementation                                                      were recognised by the trade and the
of solutions by the Indian Ports         Another unique feature launched             Indian government.
Association and the service provider     during the pandemic was latch-on – a
Portall, the industry was soon using     unique concept built in and delivered       On 30th December 2020, during
electronic bills of lading. These were   with PCS1x. Latch-on facilitates the        the award ceremony of the Digital
further strengthened from a long-        trade as it encompasses features            India Awards 2020, an honour
term perspective with trusted digital    and functionalities that are critical       was bestowed on the Indian Port
and blockchain solutions for the         to business. This feature of PCS1x          Community System, due to its
entire process. In such times, the       has made the system invaluable to           critical importance and impact on
system-to-system integrations via an     its stakeholders. Even though such          the Indian Port Community, by the
API also helped the trade.               features require a seamless flow of         Honourable President of India, Shri.
Even before these unprecedented          data and documents, they do not             Ram Nath Kovind. PCS1x received the
times, it was commendable to see the     overload PCS1x. It is the best in its       National Digital India Award 2020 in
number of organisations relying on       class, being available, tried and tested.   the Exemplary Product category in

April - June 2021

                                                                                                          Newsletter Issue XXXIII

                                         Dr. A. Janardhana Rao, MD of the         Digital India Awards to promote
                                         IPA, delivered his words of gratitude    innovation in egovernance and the
                                         virtually to the organisers, the         digital transformation of government
                                         World Logistics & Supply Chain           services.
                                         Congress Awards, Thought Leaders,
                                         CMO Asia, Global MICE Congress           The Digital India Awards, instituted
                                         Awards, the World Federation of CSR      under the aegis of the National
                                         Professionals and the trade.             Portal of India, recognise innovative
                                                                                  digital solutions and thereby inspire
  The esteemed officials of the              About the Digital India Awards       emulation by all government entities.
  Indian Ports Association receiving                                              In the sixth edition of the Digital
   the award.
                                                                                  India Awards, 24 teams across seven
                                                                                  categories received awards. These
the august presence of the Hon’ble                                                24 digital initiatives are contributing
Minister of MeitY, the Hon’ble MoS,                                               richly to make the lives of our citizens
MeitY, and the Secretary of MeitY,                                                better, safer and happier.
among other dignitaries.
                                                                                           Impact On The Ports
The IPA also won a hat trick of
National Awards! It bagged awards                                                 The successful implementation of
for Excellence in Logistic & Supply                                               the Indian Port Community System
Chain and Excellence in Public                                                    PCS1x has had a positive impact on
Sector Unit under categories Best                                                 the ports and their processes. PCS1x
E-Governance Implementation, Best-                                                is facilitating the Indian maritime
in-Class IT System Provider and Best     The National Informatics Centre (NIC)    trade by reducing the time required
IT Project of the Year, all because of   within the Ministry of Electronics       for completing various processes, by
PCS1x.                                   & Information Technology (MeitY)         reducing transactions costs and by
                                         has been conducting the biennial         protecting the environment

                                          SOME FEATURES OF THE SYSTEM

  Messages                               Prior to PCS1x              Post PCS1x

  Vessel profile                         2 days (48 hours)           Average 1–2 hours
  (submission and approval)

  Voyage registration and                2 days (48 hours)           Average 30 minutes
  VCN allocation

  Berth request and berth                Next day in the             Immediate without any
  allocation                             berthing meeting            manual intervention

  Container- related messages            Physical submission         All the documents are submitted by users from
                                                                     their office and these are uploaded into the
                                                                     system very quickly

  Cargo-related messages: delivery       5–6 hours                   Online within 1 hour of submission

April - June 2021

Newsletter Issue XXXIII

In Focus

              INDIAN Ports Bill, 2020 –
               A Game Changer In The
                                    INDIAN Maritime Sector

       he Indian Ports Bill, 2020                                                 capacity and competitiveness of
                                            Key Features Of The Bill Include
       governs both major ports                                                   the existing ports/ facilities etc. The
       and non-major ports. It                                                    government may, after obtaining
       will replace the antiquated                                                prior recommendation from the
Indian Ports Act, 1908. The Bill                 The Bill’s Provisions            MPRA, determine (a) whether the
seeks, inter alia, to enable the                                                  Act shall be extended to any port in
structured growth and sustainable        The Bill contains 95 sections as         which the Act is not in force or to any
development of ports to attract          against 68 sections of the original      part of any navigable river or channel
investments in the port sector for       Act by bringing in new provisions        which leads to any port and in which
optimum utilisation of the Indian        and making the new Act more              the Act is not in force; (b) specially
coastline by effective administration    comprehensive.                           extend the provisions of the Act to
and management of ports. It shall                                                 any port to which they have not been
further ensure greater investment                Maritime Port                    so extended; (c) withdraw the Act or
in the Indian maritime and ports                 Regulatory Authority             any part thereof in which it is for the
sector through the creation of an                                                 time being in force, fix and alter the
improved, comprehensive regulatory       The Bill provides for the formation      port limits etc.
framework, including the creation        of a Maritime Port Regulatory
of the Maritime Port Regulatory          Authority (MPRA) consisting of a
Authority (MPRA), state maritime         chairperson to be appointed by                   Adjudicatory Boards
boards, adjudicatory bodies and          the central government and two
appellate tribunals for the resolution   members to be appointed by the           The Bill envisages the setting up of
of disputes and to curb any anti-        central government as full-time          adjudicatory boards by each state
competitive practices etc.               members, which shall include one         government. These adjudicatory
                                         member (legal) and two members to        boards will have powers to
The Bill also seeks, inter alia, to      be appointed by rotation from the        adjudicate any dispute relating to
create an enabling environment           coastal state governments.               or connected with non-major, PPP
for the growth and sustained                                                      concessionaires, state maritime
development of the ports sector                                                   boards, captive users or port
in India through the formulation of              Functions Of The MPRA            officials or port users or port service
the national port policy and national                                             providers or port. The appellate
port plan in consultation with coastal   The functions of the MPRA shall be       tribunal, for the purposes of the Act,
state governments, state maritime        to advise the central government         is designated the adjudicatory board
boards and other stakeholders.           on matters relating to the national      constituted under section 54 of the
                                         port policy and plan, formulate          proposed Major Port Authorities Act,
Various provisions of the Indian         short-term and perspective plans         2020.
Ports Act have been updated to           for development of the port sector
ensure the greater safety, security,     and co-ordinate the activities of
pollution control, performance           the planning agencies for optimal                State Maritime Boards
standards and sustainability of ports.   utilization of the coastline of India,
The Bill ensures that all up-to-date     to make recommendations on the           Every state government for a
conventions/protocols to which           necessity, feasibility and viability     port other than a major port shall
India is a party are also suitably       of new and/or existing ports,            constitute, for the purposes of the
incorporated.                            assessing efficiency, economy,           Act, a maritime board for the state

April - June 2021

                                                                                                            Newsletter Issue XXXIII

In Focus
to be known as the state maritime           rates between the PPP operators          must provide that routine matters,
board. The functions of the state           in major and non-major ports and         including fixation of tariffs and /
maritime board shall be to initiate         third-party service providers also       or other administrative issues in
plans, execute works and generally          come under the purview of the            relation to any port (major or minor),
to promote the use, development,            regulator. From the point of view        should be subject to the appellate
and improve the functioning of non-         of operational freedom for the PPP       jurisdiction of the High Court under
major ports.                                operators, there is a need to review     whose control the port is situated.
                                            such provisions.                         The Bill may consider that matters
                                                                                     of policy, including the introduction
        Areas Of Concern                    The MPRA will also have power to         of new ports, etc., be subject to the
                                            make such regulations or guidelines      appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme
The major areas of concern are in           or directions, which shall be binding    Court.
respect of powers given to the MPRA         on the ports, port officers, port
to recommend defining or altering           operators, port service providers        The port tariffs will be determined
port limits, fixation of tariffs etc        etc. This gives the MPRA power           by each port subject to the
which have hitherto been under the          to set regulations that are binding      supervisory control of the MPRA. It
purview of the state governments            upon port operators which may            seems this provision is applicable to
in respect of non-major ports. While        interfere with the provisions of the     all the ports, including major ports.
some central planning is essential          concession /licence agreements. It       But the port charges related to major
to prevent haphazard growth of              needs to be ensured that concession      ports are governed by the Major
ports, such centralization should           / licence agreements made with PPP       Port Authorities Bill, which envisages
not impinge on the autonomy of the          operators will continue as they are      giving tariff freedom to port
state governments which will have a         with no changes in the terms and         operators. This contradiction needs
direct bearing on the functioning of        conditions.                              to be removed and PPP operators
private ports in states.                                                             should be given complete freedom in
                                            The Bill provides that an appeal         levying market-determined tariffs.
The MPRA will also have powers              shall lie against any order, other
inter alia to specify the model terms       than an interlocutory order, of the      Having said that, the Bill is a welcome
and conditions for different types          appellate tribunal, to the Supreme       step in the right direction and will
of contracts entered into for the           Court. It is not advisable that any      lead to uniform and sustainable
purpose of executing port activities,       orders passed by the MPRA and the        development of ports in India,
port operations, port services              tribunal ought to directly be subject    bringing in greater transparency,
or port works, including those              to the appellate jurisdiction of the     lower transaction costs and quality
contracted out to third parties. It is      Supreme Court of India. The Bill         infrastructure
not clear whether the contractual
                                                     Features Of The Bill

                               Maritime Port
                            Regulatory Authority             Adjudicatory Boards               Areas Of Concern

          The Bill’s Provisions            Functions Of The MPRA            State Maritime Boards

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