Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat

Page created by Juanita Obrien
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat

      Tim Bone
From MasterChef House
      to the Bakehouse
                   Pages 4–5

         ballarat.vic.gov.au   1
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Customer Service
                                           myMayor’s message
Open hours Monday to Friday,               I’m thrilled to be writing my very       Ballarat is also open for a huge
                                           first Mayor’s Message for the            range of events this summer,
                                           summer edition of myBallarat.            including Eureka 165 celebrations,
The Phoenix
25 Armstrong Street South, Ballarat                                                 Christmas festivities, the Ballarat
                                           What a great time of the year it is in
                                                                                    Short Film Festival and the return
Postal                                     our beautiful city, with our streets,
PO Box 655, Ballarat, VIC, 3353                                                     of our popular Summer Sundays.
                                           sporting fields, lakes and gardens
Phone                                      all buzzing with activity.               We also have an amazing array
5320 5500                                                                           of sporting events including a
                                           However, another area of Ballarat
Email                                                                               Women’s National Basketball
info@ballarat.vic.gov.au                   that buzzes all year round is our
                                                                                    League game, the FedUni Road
                                           hospitality venues.
                                                                                    National Cycling Championships,
ballarat.vic.gov.au                        Ballarat is rapidly gaining a            the Ballarat Gift and Western
NRS-friendly                               reputation as a mecca for food           United will play two A-League
Hearing or speech impaired?                lovers, with a wave of recent new        games for points at our very own
Call via the National Relay Service
                                           offerings making this town a true        Mars Stadium.
on 133 677
                                           culinary destination.
                                                                                    I urge you to get out and enjoy all
Connecting with                            As our own homegrown                     these wonderful events on offer.
myCommunity                                MasterChef contestant Tim Bone
                                                                                    Also in this edition, we highlight
                                           attests, people are now driving
       @BallaratCityCouncil                                                         the work of some amazing Ballarat
                                           from Melbourne to eat out in
                                                                                    residents. Learn about the work of
                                           Ballarat. What a great testament
       @cityofballarat                                                              the late Ray Mackay, and now his
                                           to the fantastic growth in our local
                                                                                    son Peter and grandson Andrew,
       cityofballarat                      hospitality industry offerings.
                                                                                    in laying the foundations for one of
                                           And as we move into the warmer           our most successful businesses,
                                           weather, what a wonderful time           Field Air. Ballarat can rightfully be
                                           to sit outside, enjoy a beautiful        very proud of the contribution Field
                                           meal and soak up all the beauty of       Air makes across Australia every
                                           Ballarat in summer.                      fire season.
                                           We are midway through the                We also speak to our Ballarat
                                           engagement process for the               changemakers – the people power
                                           Ballarat is Open strategy which          behind the community push to
                                           is a way for the community and           keep the Brown Hill Swimming
                                           business to have a say on what           Pool – the local pedal power
                                           Ballarat will be in the future, on       behind the FedUni Road Nats, the
Cover: Ballarat’s homegrown
                                           how we position the city and how         people charged with telling our
MasterChef semi-finalist Tim               we market the city as the best           Eureka story in a more accessible
Bone is part of a new generation           place in Australia to visit, to live     way and the absolutely wonderful
of foodies delivering mouth-               and to run a business.                   work of Ballarat Regional Industries
watering fare to Ballarat.
                                           As an example, the Ballarat is           – truly some of our unsung heroes.
The City of Ballarat respectfully
acknowledges the Wadawurrung               Open strategy will leverage our
and Dja Dja Wurrung people -               reputation as an emerging wining
traditional custodians of the land         and dining destination. It will
on which we live and work.
                                           showcase Ballarat as a place to
All information correct at time of going
to print.
                                           visit for our great food and cool
                                           climate wines, live here and enjoy
                                           our produce year-round or even
                                           start up your own hospitality
           Printed by Low Co2              business in an environment
           Certified Printer – Sovereign
           Press Pty Ltd Ballarat          designed to support food ventures.       Mayor Cr Ben Taylor

2     myBallarat Summer 2019–20
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Vines and wines: Michael Unwin and his wife Catherine with their dog Poppy at the site of the new Unwin Winery cellar door and
vineyard at Cardigan.

Unwin Winery moves to Ballarat
The decision by Michael Unwin                The 40-hectare property on                   The Unwin’s well-known warmer
to relocate his cellar door and              Remembrance Drive houses three               climate varieties continue to be
establish a new vineyard at                  huge buildings, with a red (earth)           sourced from the Grampians,
Cardigan is a coup for Ballarat,             floor, believed to be the first in the       Pyrenees and Moorabool regions.
adding to the list of local                  western world (Michael is unable to
                                                                                          After 15 years at Beaufort, Michael
attractions and a projected $2               find a modern precedent).
                                                                                          Unwin is grateful for the support of
million economic benefit for the
                                             The development is set to create a           Ballarat people. “I just hope they will
                                             whole new cellar door experience             continue to follow us, come out and
Award-winning winemaker Michael              for visitors who will arrive via a           enjoy the experience and watch us
Unwin is about to witness a three-           picturesque drive. A storyteller at          grow,” he says.
year plan come to fruition.                  heart, Michael is keen to share the
                                                                                          A ‘soft opening’ is expected in the
                                             process of winemaking with his
It was that long ago that he and his                                                      new year.
                                             customers, from planting to bottling
wife Catherine made the decision
                                             and of course – tasting.                     The Michael Unwin venture is
to move their successful family
                                                                                          an example of where the City of
business from Beaufort to Ballarat              Growing grapes and                        Ballarat’s Business Concierge
to be closer to their loyal customer
base and the growing population of
                                             making and selling wine                      service works to assist new and

a regional city.                             will remain our core                         existing businesses when setting up
                                                                                          or growing their business. Delivered
Michael has spent that time
                                             focus.                                       by the City of Ballarat’s Economic
nurturing new vines in the rich,             – Michael Unwin                              Development team, the concierge
fertile red volcanic soil at Cardigan –      Expect some new varieties                    service provided Michael with a
perfect for cool climate wines – and         to emerge out of this move –                 single contact within the City of
planning and building a winery that,         chardonnay and pinot noir and                Ballarat to facilitate and guide him
when open, will be three times the           other more bolder varieties; gamay,          through the planning and building
size of his Beaufort operation.              pinot blanc and verdejo.                     processes to meet his business
                                                                                          relocation timelines.

                                                                                                              ballarat.vic.gov.au   3
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Tasty Toasties: Tim and wife Abbey at their first market stall at Lake Wendouree which was a sellout.

The new kids on the block
Ballarat has welcomed a new                   action when he presents a series of            A number of Melbourne visitors were
wave of foodies with 1816                     cooking demonstrations at the 2020             attracted to Tim’s sell-out five course
Bakehouse, Lola, Griffin Burger,              Ballarat Begonia Festival.                     dinners at the Hydrant Food Hall,
and Pancho among the many                                                                    a renovated heritage warehouse
                                              “I received so much support
additions. Alongside tried and                                                               in Ballarat, where he cooked all
                                              both during and after my time on
tested restaurants like Moon                                                                 his favourite dishes, each course
                                              MasterChef that I am inspired to give
and Mountain, Mr Jones and                                                                   carefully matched with local spirits,
                                              back to this beautiful city and help
Underbar, our choice for dining                                                              beers and wine.
                                              put us on the map,” Tim says.
out has never been more
                                                                                             He is genuinely excited by the variety
appetising.                                   “Ballarat has come such a long way
                                                                                             of food experiences now available in
                                              in the food scene, in fact, we’re
Just ask Ballarat’s MasterChef semi-                                                         Ballarat and the potential to further
                                              spoilt for choice.
finalist, Tim Bone.                                                                          capitalise on the popular Armstrong
The young entrepreneur is                       There has definitely                         Street North food precinct.
embedding himself in the emerging             been a shift in how                            “Imagine in summer closing off
Ballarat foodie scene, with a series of       Ballarat is perceived.                         Armstrong Street to traffic from 5pm,
‘pop up’ food experiences.                    We no longer have to                           with outside dining and string lighting
                                                                                             across the street. There’s no reason
After returning from the MasterChef           go to Melbourne for                            why Ballarat can’t create its own
house, Tim’s calendar remains full,
                                              a memorable food                               summertime central food hub.”
with appearances booked at key
events including the Ballarat Beer            experience.                                    Tim is making a conscious decision
Festival and the regional farmers’            – Tim Bone                                     in his own cooking to showcase
market circuit.                               “Melbourne people are coming                   Ballarat, partnering with local and
                                              here to check us out as a food                 regional suppliers and producers to
Ballarat residents will have the
                                              destination.”                                  ensure his food is fresh and tasty,
opportunity to see his talents in

4     myBallarat Summer 2019–20
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Custom Made: 1816 Bakehouse co-owner Josh Chapman at work at the popular new Armstrong Street bakery     1816_bakehouse

whether it’s smallgoods from the Salt    “There’s a real synergy there,” says
Kitchen, fresh mushrooms straight
from the farm or bread from the local
                                         1816 Bakehouse co-owner Josh
                                         Tim believes collaborations, like
One of his valuable collaborations       the one he has forged with 1816              toastie
came about partly by chance,             Bakehouse, and the willingness of            THE SMASHING PUMPKIN
discovering the 1816 Bakehouse on        Ballarat businesses to work together,        Roast pumpkin, bacon,
Armstrong Street, one of the newest      is what sets Ballarat aside.                 caramelised onion, gorgonzola,
additions to Ballarat’s food scene.                                                   rocket and maple syrup on 1816
                                         “Really, the sky is the limit where
   I walked in one                       food is concerned and while we               white sourdough
                                         have amazing restaurants in Ballarat,
morning and discovered                                                                  timbonefood #timstoasties
                                         there is still room to grow,” Tim says.
the most beautiful bread
                                         Looking ahead to his own future,
I’ve ever tasted.                        Tim hopes to create a bricks and
– Tim Bone                               mortar food business of his own in
The owner now bakes a custom-            Ballarat. We’ll toast to that.
length sourdough loaf for Tim’s          The City of Ballarat’s Ballarat is Open
tasty range of gourmet market stall      strategy will further cement our
toasted sandwiches – known as            reputation as a food destination and
‘Tim’s Toasties’.                        as the ideal place to live and work,
“What we really like about Tim is        where you can enjoy a lifestyle of
that he is as passionate about food      great food, coffee and wine.
as we are and about sourcing local
                                         Go to mysay.ballarat.vic.gov.au.
to deliver good quality produce.

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Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Ballarat gears up for the Road Nats
The most prestigious national             Victory at the Road Nationals            The summer events program
event on the Australian cycling           entitles the winner to wear the          reflects the direction outlined in the
calendar returns to Ballarat and          Australian champion’s jersey for the     City of Ballarat’s Events Strategy
Buninyong this summer with                rest of the year.                        2018–2028 and the Ballarat is
the Federation University Road                                                     Open project to attract and sustain
National Championships from 8 to             It means a whole                      a vibrant events calendar and build
12 January.                               year of respect in the                   visitor economy.
Innovations this year include             professional peloton                     “Securing hosting rights is extremely
changes to the time trial course to       and it’s a super proud                   competitive. That we’ve retained
allow spectators to see more of                                                    the Road Nats for the past 14 years
the action, more often, while a new
                                          feeling to be able to pull               is mainly due to the event friendly
timeslot for the Gran Fondo and the       on that jersey.                          environment created by the City
return of the popular community           – Shannon Malseed                        of Ballarat and professional event
event in Buninyong are sure to be                                                  support provided by our events
                                          Fans can look forward to some
highlights.                                                                        team.
                                          exciting additions to the event
Home crowd advantages are a rare          program.                                 “We’ve facilitated and encouraged
event for most Australian cyclists.                                                changes to the program, like last
                                          The time trials will run on a new
                                                                                   year’s shift of the criterium to Friday
But for Nick White and Shannon            course which starts and finishes
                                                                                   night, to maximise the benefits
Malseed, racing at the Road               at the Federation University Mount
                                                                                   for our accommodation, retail
National Championships provides           Helen campus, providing a more
                                                                                   and hospitality sector, and we’re
an extra spur to success.                 technically demanding ride for
                                                                                   confident this year’s additions will
                                          competitors and better viewing for
Shannon, who grew up in Victoria’s                                                 further enhance those benefits,”
south west and spent five years in                                                 Heidi says.
Ballarat, took out the 2018 women’s       The Gran Fondo, where fans can
road race, while Nick, also from          ride the road race course, moves
Ballarat, won last year’s under-23        to a new timeslot on Saturday
men’s road race.                          afternoon, leading in to the popular
                                          Saturday evening community event
Both riders say the unique
                                          at Buninyong’s De Soza Park.
atmosphere generated by the
supportive local crowd provides a         City of Ballarat Events Manager
huge boost. It’s like our very own        Heidi Zukauskas says the Road
Tour De France, cow bells and all.        Nationals is a key plank of Ballarat’s
                                          summer events offering.                    The Federation University
“I spend most of the year racing
overseas where my family and              “What was once a quiet time of             Road National Championships
                                          year for the city is now alive with        will put Ballarat and
friends are on the other side of the
                                                                                     Buninyong in front of a
world. They don’t get to see most         events like Christmas in Ballarat,
                                                                                     global audience via SBS On
of my racing,” Shannon says.              Nitro Circus and Summer Sundays,”
                                                                                     Demand. In 2019, people as
                                          Heidi says.
“To have them here and close                                                         far away as Belgium tuned in
enough to reach out and touch me,         “The event also gives Ballarat             to watch.
it’s an amazing feeling. It’s one of my   unparalleled media exposure in
                                                                                     Australian viewers can catch
favourite races of the whole year.”       Australia and to tens of millions          the criterium, elite and U23
                                          internationally, through live              women’s road race and elite
Nick agrees: “To be able to pull off
                                          broadcasts across SBS and Fox              men’s road race live on SBS
a result for those people is pretty
                                          Sports.”                                   and Fox Sports.
special. It helps push you and
motivate you.”                                                                          roadnationals.org.au

6    myBallarat Summer 2019–20
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Race ready: Nick White and Shannon Malseed are all set for the 2020 Road Nats.   ballarat.vic.gov.au   7
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
8   myBallarat Summer 2019–20
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Leading the way: Nikki Foy is the City of Ballarat’s inaugural Aboriginal Cultural Liaison Officer.

One-stop shop for Ballarat families
Ballarat’s Girrabanya Integrated                staff on-site to provide families with            Nikki says the revamped centre is
Children’s Centre has almost                    information about early childhood                 “a culturally-safe, supportive and
doubled in capacity following a                 services.                                         inclusive space”.
major renovation and expansion.
                                                In 2008, Ballarat was recognised                     It is a place where
The Ballarat community can now                  by UNICEF as a Child Friendly
find expanded family and children’s             City. Child Friendly Cities improve
                                                                                                  our kids feel proud
services in the heart of the CBD                outcomes for children and                         and strong in their
courtesy of a $1.25 million Victorian           community and provide a framework                 cultural identity, where
Government revamp of Girrabanya                 to consider the needs of children
Integrated Children’s Centre.                   in planning. The City of Ballarat is
                                                                                                  our culture is evident
                                                committed to ensuring children’s                  throughout the facility
The upgrade of the City of Ballarat
centre in Steinfeld Street includes:
                                                voices are heard and their rights                 and our culture is
                                                are a central consideration in public
• a new 23-place occasional care                                                                  acknowledged, valued
                                                policies and decision-making.
  room                                                                                            and respected.
                                                Proud Gunditjmara/Wotjobaluk
• an expanded 33-place                          woman Nikki Foy joined the City of                – Nikki Foy
  kindergarten room                             Ballarat in 2019 as its first Aboriginal          “Girrabanya staff incorporate
• an overall increase of 11 long day            Cultural Liaison Officer.                         Koorie perspectives throughout
  care places                                   Nikki’s role within the City of Ballarat          their programs. For example, at
• an upgraded foyer, meeting space              is to work with the community,                    the beginning of each day, the
  and kitchen.                                  Councillors, officers and customers               children acknowledge the Traditional
                                                to achieve outcomes for the Koorie                Custodians of the land and all
The City of Ballarat’s occasional care                                                            Koorie community who live on
                                                community in Ballarat – to strive
service relocated to the centre after                                                             Wadawurrung country.
                                                for reconciliation, maximum self-
more than 30 years of operation in
                                                determination, or control of their                “It’s always great to walk into any
Market Street. The move provides
                                                own future, and sustainable positive              service and see links to our culture,
greater flexibility for families, with the
                                                change. Nikki will also work with                 for example, acknowledgement
ability to transfer between different
                                                City of Ballarat officers and the wider           plaques, Aboriginal flags and
types of childcare.
                                                community to deliver, monitor and                 artwork.”
“The expansion of occasional care,              report on the third Reconciliation
long day care and kindergarten                  Action Plan that was launched in                  Nikki is a big advocate of the
services at Girrabanya is in response           July 2019.                                        Victorian Government’s Early
to a growing demand for childcare                                                                 Start Kindergarten initiative, which
                                                Nikki also works to ensure the Koorie             provides Aboriginal and Torres
and kindergarten services in central
                                                community has equal access to                     Islander children with 15 hours of
Ballarat,” City of Ballarat Director
                                                the City of Ballarat’s programs and,              free kindergarten a week for two
Community Development Neville Ivey
                                                where appropriate, work to increase               years prior to attending school. To
                                                the use of council services to the                be eligible, children must be three
“Having a range of early childhood              Koorie community.                                 years of age by 30 April in the year
services integrated on the one site                                                               they’ll start kindergarten.
                                                The name Girrabanya – an
provides a one-stop shop for local
                                                Indigenous word for “place of                     To find out more about Girrabanya
                                                possums” – was chosen in                          Integrated Children’s Centre, call
Maternal and child health and                   consultation with the Ballarat                    5320 5720 or visit ballarat.vic.gov.au
immunisation services continue to               Aboriginal Co-operative in the lead
operate from the centre, with extra             up to the centre’s opening in 1992.

                                                                                                                    ballarat.vic.gov.au   9
Tim Bone From MasterChef House to the Bakehouse Pages 4-5 - Summer - myNews | City of Ballarat
Summer of events
             December                                     22     Ballarat Carols by Candlelight
                                                                 City Oval, 7pm
       1     Pose: Portraits from the
             Gold Museum Collection
      FREE   Gold Museum, 9.30am–5.30pm
                                                          28     Western United v Wellington
                                                                 Mars Stadium, 5.15pm
     1–31 Christmas      in Ballarat
                                                                   find us on facebook
                                                          31     New Year’s Eve Family Event
       1     Eureka 165 Community Day
             Eureka Centre, 10.30am–2.30pm
                                                                 Kryal Castle, 2–8pm
                                                                    find us on facebook
      FREE      find us on facebook

       3     Eureka 165
             Commemorative Service
      FREE   Eureka Centre, 9am
                find us on facebook                        4     Farmers Market
                                                                 Bridge Mall, 9am–1pm
                                                          FREE   bridgemall.com.au
       3     The Eureka Rebellion
             Sovereign Hill, 2.15pm
             sovereignhill.com.au                          5     Summer Sundays
                                                                 Ballarat Botanical Gardens,
                                                          FREE   4.30–7.30pm
       6     WNBL Game
             Bendigo Spirit v Canberra Capitals
                                                                    find us on facebook

             Ballarat Sports Events Centre, 7pm
                                                         8–12 FedUni Road National
                                                                 Federation University,
       6     Christmas Fest by the Lake
             Pleasant Street Primary School, 5pm–9pm
                                                                 Sturt Street and Buninyong

       7     Buninyong Village                            10     2020 Organs of the Goldfields
                                                                 25th Annual Organs of the Ballarat Goldfields
             Christmas Market                                    ballaratorgans.com.au
      FREE   Buninyong, 7pm
                                                          12     Summer Sundays
                                                                 Ballarat Botanical Gardens,
       7     Buninyong Community Carols
             De Soza Park, 4.30pm–9pm
                                                          FREE   4.30–7.30pm
                                                                   find us on facebook

       7     Farmers Market                               18     Ballarat Short Film Festival
                                                                 The Mallow Hotel, 3pm
             Bridge Mall, 9am–2pm (extended hours)                 find us on facebook
      FREE   bridgemall.com.au

       8     Mt Pleasant Christmas Carols                 19     Summer Sundays
                                                                 Ballarat Botanical Gardens,
             Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre, 6pm–8pm       FREE   4.30–7.30pm
      FREE     find us on facebook                                  find us on facebook

      12     Brown Hill Lions Club
             Carols in the Park
                                                          25     Farmers market
                                                                 Brown Hill Hall, 9am–1pm
      FREE   Progress Park, 5.30pm–8pm                    FREE   ballaratmarkets.com.au
                                                          26     January 26 Survival Day
      14     Ballarat Motorcycle Toy Run
             Crown Hotel Buninyong to Victoria Park,      FREE   Dawn Gathering
                                                                 Lake Wendouree, 5.30am
             arrive at Crown Hotel at 9.30am
                 find us on facebook
                                                          26     Fireworks at Lake Wendouree
                                                                 Lake Wendouree, 9.30pm
      14     Motor City Sound Concert                     FREE
             Minerva Space at the Ballaarat Mechanics’
             Institute                                    26     Lunar New Year
                                                                 Sovereign HIll, 10am–5.30pm
             ballaratmi.org.au                                   sovereignhill.com.au

10     myBallarat Summer 2019–20
7–9      ROCK Ballarat
         Civic Hall, Mining Exchange, 5pm start
            find us on facebook

8–9      Ballarat Gift
         City Oval

  9      Ex–Prisoners of War Memorial
         Commemoration Service
         Ex-POW Memorial, 11am

 15      Ballarat Beer Festival
         North Gardens, 11am
           find us on facebook

 16      Ballarat Cycle Classic
         Lake Wendouree, 7.45am
           find us on facebook

 16      Western United V Brisbane
         Mars Stadium, 4pm
           find us on facebook

 16      Cricket for Causes – Super 7’s
         Victoria Park, 9am
22–3 Next Gen 2020
May Art  Gallery of Ballarat

22–      Victorian Goldfields
         Medieval Faire
23       Polocrosse Grounds, Airport Road

 22      Farmers Market
         Brown Hill Hall, 9am–1pm

 27      Ballarat Lyric Theatre
         presents Les Miserables
         Her Majesty’s Ballarat

28–      Ballarat Swap Meet
         Airport Road Ballarat, 7am–6pm
29       ballaratswapmeet.com.au
            find us on facebook

 29      Nitro Circus
         Mars Stadium, 5–7.30pm
           find us on facebook

                                       ballarat.vic.gov.au   11
A fresh vision for the Eureka Centre
It’s the site of Australia’s most          Representing the committee’s advice        “This experience has helped me
famous rebellion and the home of           to Council, the 2030 Vision presents       see the emotional ties and collective
the flag under which it was fought.        strategic recommendations in the           memories connected with the
                                           focus areas of place, partnerships,        people of Ballarat as well as further
Now a new 2030 Vision for the
                                           advocacy and programming to                afield.”
Eureka Centre has been developed
                                           inform ongoing strategic and
to position it for a sustainable future.                                              One consideration was the bid
                                           business planning.
Together with an Interpretation Plan                                                  by 13 councils, including the City
for the centre and Eureka Stockade         The committee’s diverse skillsets          of Ballarat, to have the central
Memorial Park, the vision will guide       and backgrounds include education,         Victorian goldfields region added to
how the Eureka story is told over the      history, heritage, culture, business,      UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
next decade and beyond.                    marketing, government and tourism.
                                                                                         I think it is important
Finding new ways to bring historic         For Samantha, that includes
sites to life is familiar territory for    more than two decades curating,
                                                                                      to view this location
Samantha Fabry.                            researching and advising on historic       and its history not only
Samantha is a member of the
                                           collections and sites in Australia and     as a ‘site of memory’
Eureka Centre Community
                                           abroad, including a stint as curator       but also as part of a
                                           at Sydney’s World Heritage-Listed
Advisory Committee, formed in                                                         World Heritage site, as
                                           Hyde Park Barracks Museum.
2018 to advise on the promotion,                                                      it maintains local, state,
commemoration and celebration of           “It’s a been a great experience, and
                                                                                      national and international
the Eureka Stockade and its legacy.        I‘ve met some wonderful people as
                                           part of this process who have a vast       significance.
The committee’s primary task over
                                           amount of knowledge and expertise          – Samantha Fabry
the past year has been to define
                                           in this field,” Samantha says.
a vision for the Eureka Centre and                                                    As part of the process, the
surrounds.                                                                            committee also considered

12                                                  Vision for the future: Eureka Centre Community Advisory Committee members
                                                                 Phillip Moore, Serena Eldridge, Samantha Fabry and Ron Egeberg.
submissions from the public                  Eureka Centre Manager Anthony
gathered through consultation for an         Camm says the committee
accompanying Interpretation Plan for         is confident the centre is well
the centre and its surrounds.                positioned for sustainable growth.
Advisory Committee member                    “We’re fortunate to be the home of
Phillip Moore is past president              the Eureka Flag, one of Australia’s
and honorary life member of                  most alluring destination objects,”
Eureka’s Children, an association            Anthony says.
of descendants of those involved
in the Eureka Stockade. Phillip              “We’re in a landmark building on a
says the Eureka story has enduring           National Heritage listed site.                    Pathway of
significance for all Australians.            “These are features both the 2030                 Remembrance
“Eureka is the first stand for               Vision and the Interpretation Plan                Tuesday 3 December marks
rights and liberty in this country           hope to build on.”                                the 165th anniversary of the
– their demands for democracy                                                                  Eureka Stockade.
                                             City of Ballarat Heritage and Cultural
are embedded in our Australian
                                             Landscapes Officer Catherine McLay                As part of this year’s
constitution,” Phillip says.
                                             says the ideas the community and                  commemorative activities,
“It’s up to every Australian to protect      stakeholders shared had shaped the                City of Ballarat is partnering
and enhance our democracy which              direction of the Interpretation Plan.             with Eureka’s Children to
is being challenged every day of our                                                           formally open the Pathway of
lives.                                       “It’s clear there is a strong attachment
                                                                                               Remembrance at the Eureka
                                             to this important story we all share,
“That’s the importance of Eureka and                                                           Stockade Memorial Park. The
                                             and a groundswell of support for the
the Eureka Centre, which will inspire                                                          pathway acknowledges those
                                             Eureka Centre to go from strength to
us to become more engaged in our                                                               who died during the battle on
                                             strength,” Catherine says.
democracy.”                                                                                    3 December 1854.

A unique place: The Eureka Stockade Memorial Park is National Heritage listed for its connection to the Eureka Stockade.        13
Ballarat changemakers
Almost 15 years ago, the Brown          voice for groups such as the Brown      Brendan says the committee
Hill Progress Association rallied       Hill Partnership and Local Area Plan    manages the workload thanks to
to save the Brown Hill Pool from        Working Group.                          the many community groups and
closure. Today, the dedicated                                                   residents willing to lend a hand
                                        Brendan says the pool means a
community group continues                                                       or provide sponsorship but they
                                        lot to the local community, with
to manage this outdoor City of                                                  always need more.
                                        many families spanning several
Ballarat aquatic facility to ensure
                                        generations having spent their          “I’ve never lived in any other part of
the community can get together
                                        summers there.                          Ballarat where there’s been such a
to make a splash each summer.
                                                                                strong community feel,” he says.
                                        “The pool is over 50 years old and
The Brown Hill Pool is much more
                                        the council built the pool but the      “It is great to see families have
than a fun place to cool off on a hot
                                        community built all of the other        birthday parties and family
day or evening.
                                        facilities here,” he says.              celebrations at the pool – it is like a
Brown Hill Progress Association                                                 great big shared backyard for the
(BHPA) secretary Brendan Stevens           The actual bricks                    Brown Hill community over summer.
says it also brings the community       in the walls of our
                                                                                “People are really proud of the
together through events such as an      changerooms were                        community area. The kids who live
annual Australia Day party, Learn to    handmade bricks, made                   in the area know this is their asset
Swim program and Toys at the Pool
                                        by volunteers in working                and they look after it.
                                        bees and laid by local                  “There’s a strong sense that this
“Last year we had about 90 kids
participate in our low-cost learn to    bricklayers.                            pool is ours and we want to make
                                                                                sure it stays here.”
swim program for children aged four     – Brendan Stevens
years and older,” Brendan says.
                                        Located in Humffray Street North,
“We also run Zumba water classes
for adults and kids in the evenings
                                        the Brown Hill Pool features a 30
                                        metre unheated outdoor pool, a
                                                                                    Cool summer
in January and February. One night,     toddlers’ pool, waterslide, barbecue        Ballarat’s aquatic facilities
we had 68 people in the pool,           and picnic facilities, a kiosk and a        include:
leaping around and doing Zumba          basketball half-court.                      • Ballarat Aquatic and
with the music going. It was just                                                     Lifestyle Centre (BALC)
                                        “Our customer demographic is
                                        mostly primary school kids and              • Brown Hill Pool
A recently retired X-ray and            younger, their parents and their            • Eureka Pool
ultrasound technician, Brendan          grandparents. It is very family
                                                                                    • Buninyong Pool
joined the BHPA when his                orientated,” Brendan says.
neighbour asked him to help fit out                                                 • Black Hill Pool
                                        Brown Hill is the only City of
the pool’s first aid room.                                                          • Midlands water play space
                                        Ballarat-owned aquatic centre
BHPA is the umbrella association                                                    • Sebastopol water play
                                        managed by the community.
under which is a committee of                                                         space
                                        “The pool has gone from strength
management for the Brown Hill                                                       For more information
                                        to strength each year,” Brendan
Pool. The group also works closely                                                  about the facilities visit
                                        says. “Last year the City of Ballarat
with the Brown Hill Community                                                       ballarataquaticcentre.com
                                        put a whole new pump system into
Hall Committee, produces a local
                                        the pool and it made our job a lot
newsletter six times each year,
runs an annual community festival
and maintains an online presence        There’s a lot of work that goes into
through the Brown Hill Community        running the centre, from cleaning
Online Hub.                             the pool after winter and carrying
                                        out repairs to recruiting lifeguards
BHPA also assists the local
                                        and managing the centre’s day-to-
kindergarten, primary school and
                                        day operations in summer.
Uniting Church and is a community

14   myBallarat Summer 2019–20
Going from strength to strength: Brown Hill Progress Association members   ballarat.vic.gov.au   15
Rachel Zuidland, Liz Mason and Brendan Stevens.
Field Air’s big vision
In April 1963, armed with a big           “We extended the dealership to                Better facilities
vision, the late Ray Mackay               include Asia and the west Pacific
chose carefully when he started           region, selling into China, Malaysia,
                                                                                     at the airport will
his agricultural aerial spraying          the Philippines, Indonesia, New            improve employment
and spreading company at                  Zealand and in Australia.”                 opportunities, open the
Ballarat Airport.
                                          Fire fighting                              possibility of commercial
Fifty-six years later Field Air is
                                          When the Australian fire season hits
                                                                                     passenger flights,
a Ballarat success story. Ray’s
                                          Field Air is at its busiest, contracting   provide for air freight
son Peter and grandson Andrew
run the thriving business in
                                          its fleet of specialist firefighting       and the development of
conjunction with a long-serving
                                          aircraft – Air Tractor AT- 802F’s – to     an Emergency Services
                                          battle the devastation caused by
team of dedicated employees and
                                          blazes in Victoria, New South Wales
                                                                                     and Innovation Hub.
management staff.
                                          and Tasmania. Ballarat can be proud        – Peter Mackay
Field Air has expanded its services       of the role this local company plays
                                                                                     Peter says Field Air’s capacity to
to include aerial firefighting,           in protecting communities around
                                                                                     expand further at Ballarat Airport
pilot training, aircraft sales and        the country.
                                                                                     and to create more jobs, is limited
maintenance and regional bases
                                          “The AT-802F’s have a 3200-litre           by the length of the runway.
in Deniliquin, Finley and Hay,
                                          capacity and computerised
supported by 50 permanent staff                                                      “We’d like to expand our aircraft
                                          technology for accurate placement
and a fleet of 18 aircraft.                                                          maintenance capabilities at Ballarat
                                          of fire suppressants, they’re
                                                                                     Airport but because larger planes
Peter Mackay is the company’s             recognised around the world as
                                                                                     can’t land here our engineers
managing director. He says his            extremely effective initial fire attack
                                                                                     have had to go off site to carry
father chose to set up business in        aircraft.
                                                                                     out maintenance on these aircraft.
Ballarat because it offered good
                                          “We’re also responsible – in               We’re spending money out of town
infrastructure and a great lifestyle.
                                          conjunction with Canadian                  to do business, we’d much prefer
“Ballarat Airport offered excellent       company Conair – for the Australian        to have the facilities in Ballarat to
facilities and was centrally located      operations of the Avro RJ-85, larger       do this work – access to a longer
to the Western District, Wimmera          air tankers which are deployed on          runway to bring in larger aircraft is
and Mallee, where demand for              contract to fight fires around the         essential for us.”
aerial agricultural support services      country.”
was greatest. These were essential
                                          Field Air has recently installed an
factors in my father’s decision to
                                          Air Tractor flight simulator to train
start Field Air in Ballarat. In the
                                          local and international pilots and has
beginning there were two pilots,
                                          expanded its maintenance facility
two small Piper Pawnee aircraft,
                                          to employ 25 aircraft maintenance
two loading trucks, a couple of
Holden utes and three ground
support personnel,” Peter says.           A longer runway
A turning point                           The north south runway at the
                                          Ballarat Airport was cut in half by
In 1978 Field Air imported two Air
                                          an access road in the 1960s. The              • 20+ community groups
Tractor aircraft from the USA to
                                          City of Ballarat is seeking $22.5               use the Ballarat airport
provide larger, more cost-effective
                                          million funding from the Victorian
aircraft to service rice growing                                                        • 10+ businesses operate
                                          and Australian governments to
operations in the Riverina.                                                               from the airport
                                          reconnect and upgrade the runway
Ray Mackay secured the Australian         to reduce ongoing maintenance                 • During the Second World
dealership for Air Tractor, the           cost. A business case to support the            War it was home to
world’s largest manufacturer of           investment is underway. This is core            around 2,000 personnel
agricultural and firefighting aircraft.   infrastructure for a regional city the          and the RAAF radio
Peter says it was a turning point.        size of Ballarat.                               training facility.

16   myBallarat Summer 2019–20
The sky’s the limit: Field Air’s Andrew and Peter Mackay.   ballarat.vic.gov.au   17
No glass: Andrew Clarke and Lisa Forssman with the new recycling message.

Recycling revolution
Tucked away in Mitchell Park’s             and empowering them to live rich,          There’s also a kiln on site which
industrial area is a perfect               independent and fulfilling lives.          heat treats timber for export while
example of the circular economy                                                       old broken wheelie bins from across
                                           As well as providing employment
in action.                                                                            Victoria, truck mudguards and
                                           opportunities, BRI helps with
                                                                                      some types of drums are broken
Ballarat Regional Industries (BRI)         workplace training, person-
                                                                                      down, put through the granulator
not only has the City of Ballarat          centred plans that help people
                                                                                      and re-purposed.
contract to deliver new garbage            with disabilities live the life they
bins but it also takes away old bins,      want to lead and a range of                “We also have a landscaping
puts them through a granulation            support services to help with social       division that does some mowing
process to break them down into            participation.                             and roadside clean ups.”
tiny pieces and sells them to a
                                           Andrew has been with BRI for eight         BRI’s events division helps with
plastic re-modeller to be made into
                                           years and still marvels at the range       decorations for City of Ballarat
new products then used across the
                                           of services they offer, particularly for   events, installing the Christmas
                                           the City of Ballarat.                      decorations in Sturt Street every
“It’s like a really round circle,” BRI                                                year.
manager Andrew Clarke says.                   We have over 50
                                                                                      One of the recent contracts BRI
                                           business customers in
“It’s actually a really, really good                                                  carried out for the City of Ballarat
story because it’s a Ballarat              the Ballarat region who                    was the placement of ‘No Glass’
company (Replas) that we sell it to.       we collect cardboard                       stickers on all of the municipality’s
“They mould it into different types of     and paper from and                         recycling bins.
products – it might be a park bench        we do document                             According to Andrew, the process
or a bollard.”                             destruction for more                       flowed “very smoothly”.
Established in 1984, BRI provides          than 500 businesses.                       And he has a message for all
jobs for people with disabilities          – Andrew Clarke                            Ballarat households, particularly in

18   myBallarat Summer 2019–20
Waste not, want not: BRI recycles cardboard and paper from over 50 business customers.

light of the recent recycling changes      it contaminating the rest of the
caused by a push to use more of            recycling load, especially as glass
the product in local manufacturing.        can shatter in the bin and embed in
                                           the product.
“With any form of recycling, the
better you sort it, the better dollar      The City of Ballarat is taking a lead by
value we get for it.”                      working closely with industry to find
                                           solutions that involve recycling glass.
Recycling changes
                                           By separating glass from recycling,
With overseas markets no                   the glass product remains clean
longer taking as many Australian           and can be used for research and
recyclables, and with the collapse         development opportunities, including
of former recycling contractor             road making materials and concrete
SKM, the City of Ballarat appointed
a new contractor, Australian
                                           product trials.
Paper Recovery, which specialise           The intent is to use all glass                economy
in sourcing paper, cardboard,              recovered for the highest and
aluminium and plastics for local           best recycling purposes, with this
                                                                                         in action
markets.                                   ideally being the production of food          The park bench you sit on
                                           and drink class containers of the             may have once been an
To meet the requirements of these                                                        old, broken rubbish bin put
                                           future. The market within Australia
manufacturers the material needs                                                         through the granulation
                                           is reasonably limited. The City of
to be as clean as possible. As a                                                         process at BRI, broken down
                                           Ballarat is also exploring less high
result, the focus of no glass, bagged                                                    into tiny pieces and given
                                           end uses such as road making
rubbish and clean and empty bottles
                                           materials.                                    new life by plastic remodeller
and containers is really important.
Residents across the municipality          Visit recyclingballarat.com to
have been asked to take all glass          discover how you can better recycle
out of their recycling bin to avoid        and reuse.
                                                                                                      ballarat.vic.gov.au   19
                                                                      Mayor Cr Ben Taylor
                                                                      5320 5685

                                                                      Cr Des Hudson
                                     CENTRAL                          0409 865 093

                                                                      Cr Jim Rinaldi
                                                                      0407 325 693

                                                                CENTRAL WARD
                                                                      Deputy Mayor Cr Belinda Coates
                                                                      0417 456 513
The Ballarat municipality is divided into three
wards – South, Central and North – with three
elected Councillors representing each ward. The
                                                                      Cr Mark Harris
City of Ballarat Council is made up of a dynamic
                                                                      0409 930 928
group of people, led by Mayor Cr Ben Taylor.
Council encourages community participation at its
Ordinary Meetings, which are open to the public and
held at the Ballarat Town Hall every three weeks, on a
                                                                      Cr Samantha McIntosh
Wednesday, from 7pm.
                                                                      0458 004 880
The next Council meeting will be held on 11 December,                 samanthamcintosh@ballarat.vic.gov.au
with meeting dates for 2020 to be confirmed. Follow us on
Facebook to find out more.
                                                                NORTH WARD
• Delacombe • Sebastopol • Canadian • Mount Clear                     Cr Amy Johnson
• Mount Helen • Buninyong and part of Mount Pleasant.                 0417 018 369
• Ballarat East • Eureka • Black Hill • Soldiers Hill • Redan
• Newington • most of Mount Pleasant and Brown Hill
• part of Alfredton                                                   Cr Daniel Moloney
                                                                      0418 165 503
NORTH WARD                                                            danielmoloney@ballarat.vic.gov.au
• Ballarat North • Invermay Park • Wendouree • Lucas
• Cardigan • Miners Rest • Learmonth • Burrumbeet
• most of Alfredton and part of Brown Hill.
                                                                      Cr Grant Tillett
                                                                      0417 256 671
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