Cheltenham Community Centre - Timetable of Activities & Programs Effective from November 2015

Page created by Lori Rodriguez
Cheltenham Community Centre - Timetable of Activities & Programs Effective from November 2015
Cheltenham Community Centre
62 Stroud Street North, Cheltenham SA 5014
T 08 8408 1390 F 08 8408 1122

Cheltenham Community Centre
Timetable of Activities & Programs
Effective from November 2015

“Charles Sturt is a safe and healthy city that supports
vibrant community life”
Cheltenham Community Centre - Timetable of Activities & Programs Effective from November 2015
Specialist / Support Services
Details                                                              Room          Time            Cost
Administrative Facilities                                                         9am‐3pm
Reasonable rates apply for use of our faxing, photocopying and                    (Mon‐Fri)
laminating services. Enquire at Reception on arrival.
Contact: Laurie, 8408 1390
City of Charles Sturt volunteers contribute in many and varied
ways to a vibrant community life. For information on how to
become involved call the number below or check out
volunteering on the City’s website
Contact: Vanessa, 8408 1828
Financial Counselling                                                             9am‐3pm
In partnership with UnitingCare Wesley Bowden, counsellors                         (Friday)
can help with credit/debt issues, managing bills, housing,
mortgages, rent, loans, budgeting, bankruptcy, understanding
and general concerns about your money. Contact: UCW
Bowden for bookings (essential) and information, 8245 7100
Friends of Cheltenham Community Centre
An informal advisory group who meet occasionally to provide
input into the activities and services provided at the Centre.
Contact: Laurie, 8408 1390

New Programs
Details                                                              Room          Time            Cost
Cheltenham Community Garden                                          Front Yard                     Free
We welcome expressions of interest from residents wanting to
help maintain our Centre’s Community Garden.
Contact: Laurie, 8408 1390
Men’s Forum – Expression of Interest
A forum where men can get together in a comfortable
environment. Life is richer when it’s shared, so if you live
alone, care for a loved one, or just need company then come
along and help decide what you’d like developed.
Contact: Laurie, 8408 1390
Cheltenham Playgroup                                                    Hall        10am‐         Gold Coin
Children 0‐5yrs are welcome to bring along their parents,                           12pm          Donation
grandparents, other adult carers to this fun‐filled session. Bring
                                                                                  (Thurs school
snacks, spare clothes, nappies, bottles. Thursdays during                          terms only)
school terms only. Contact: Jess, 8408 1390
Activity                                                         Room        Time            Cost
Gentle Keep Fit                                                    Hall      9.30‐              $6
Gentle, enjoyable exercises designed to maintain your fitness               10.30am
level. Contact: Debra, 0405 973 556

Adult Education Classes                                          Cottage      10am‐        Gold Coin
English, reading, writing and conversation. Ideal for new         Room        12pm         Donation
arrivals/migrants or persons wanting to improve their literacy              School terms
skills to find employment.                                                      only
Contact: Christine, 8408 1390

Basic Computer Classes for                                       Computer     10am‐        Gold Coin
Migrants/New Arrivals and Job Seekers                              Room       12pm         Donation
Supportive and stress free introduction to computer. Bookings               School terms
essential. Contact: Dean, 8408 1390                                             only

Western Bosnian Community Group                                    Hall     11am‐1pm           Free
Language and literacy program for individuals from a Bosnian
                                                                                             $5 for 3
background. Conducted fortnightly and supported by Ethnic
Link Services at UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide. Subsidised
                                                                                           course lunch
meals available, as well as access to other Centre programs.
Contact: Stojanka, 0428 129 928

Russian Language Group                                             Hall      11am –            Free
Language and literacy program for individuals from a Russian                  1pm
background. Conducted fortnightly and supported by Ethnic
                                                                                            $5 for 3
Link Services at Uniting Care Wesley Port Adelaide. Subsidised                              course
meals available, as well as access to other Centre programs.                                 lunch
Contact: Ellena, 8440 4244

Water Colour Painting                                              Hall       1‐3pm        $5 plus cost
Beginners welcome. Must supply own materials.                                              of materials
Bookings are not required.
Contact: Valli, 8408 1390

BOXercise – Indoor Fitness & Boxing                                Hall       6.30‐        1 month pass
Why put off feeling good any longer? Let MBRACE help you                     7.30pm         (4 sessions)
commit to be fit! Bring water, towel and energy. Please ensure                                $35 or
you have any medical requirements or preventions on hand.
First session only $5. Enquiries welcome, bookings essential.                              Casual $10
Contact: Danni, 0424 000 741 or                                                             per session
Activity                                                          Room        Time            Cost
Tai Chi                                                             Hall       10‐              $5
Traditional and graceful movements provide gentle exercise                   11.30am
and relaxation. Bookings not essential.                                      School terms
Contact: Doreen, 8408 1390                                                       only

World Vision Craft Group                                          Cottage    10am‐2pm Gold Coin
Group of ladies working to raise funds for under privileged        Room               Donation
people overseas, sharing skills, knowledge and friendship.
Bookings not required. Contact: Lorice, 8408 1390

Basic Computer Classes                                            Computer     10am‐        Gold Coin
Falling behind with the Internet age? Learn the basics, along       Room       12pm         Donation
with e‐mailing and Internet searching in a stress free                          and
environment. No prior knowledge needed. Morning and                           12‐2pm
afternoon sessions available. Waiting lists may apply, bookings
essential. Contact: Dean, 8408 1390

Cheltenham 50s & Over Club                                          Hall       12.30‐       $10 Annual
Opportunity for people to get together to play indoor bowls,                  3.30pm        membership
make good friends and go on bus trips. Bookings not required,
come along and ask for Beverley. Contact: Beverley, 8408 1390
                                                                                            $2 per visit

Martial Arts & Fitness Club                                         Hall       7‐9pm            $5
Learn self‐defence through karate. Gain fitness, self esteem                                Ages 13 and
and co‐ordination through martial arts training with Dale,                                   above. No
Cheltenham Community Centre’s qualified coach from the                                      Joining fees
Australian Karate Federation. Contact: Dale, 8235 2702

Sahaja Yoga Meditation                                            Cottage    7.30‐9pm       Gold Coin
Learn how to achieve a balanced state and enjoy improved           Room                     Donation
mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Bookings not required. Contact: Sue, 0401 121 350

Activity                                                          Room        Time            Cost
Computer Club                                                     Computer    9.15am‐       Gold Coin
For people who have completed a basic computer class and still      Room       12pm         Donation
want more. This is an informal club with members that wish to
share their skills.
Needlecraft                                                            Hall      10.30am ‐      Gold Coin
Join this friendly, talented group for a fun and productive day at                2.30pm        Donation
Cheltenham. Ribbon embroidery, tapestry and cross stitch are
just some of the skills on show. All welcome.
Contact: Yvonne, 8447 7841

Cheltenham Walkers                                                   Meet at       11am‐          Free
Socialise and exercise with a weekly walk around the                 Centre        12pm
Cheltenham area. Subject to weather conditions, join in with         (by 11am)
sunscreen, hat, sensible shoes and something to eat/drink. All
welcome. Contact: Reception, 8408 1390

Yoga                                                                   Hall      7‐8.30pm         $10
Bring a mat or a throw rug. All levels are welcome.                              8 wk blocks
Contact: Lyn, 0423 655 076                                                       divided by 1
                                                                                  wk break

Cheltenham Residents’ Group                                          Cottage       7‐9pm          Free
Local Residents’ Group. Meets on the first Wednesday of the           Room
month. Contact: Trevor, 8356 4074

Weight Watchers International                                          Hall      5.30‐7pm From $14.95
Learn different weight loss ideas in a fun, supportive and caring                                per week
environment. Contact: Willma, 0412 172 605

Activity                                                             Room         Time           Cost
Sewing Classes for New Arrivals / Migrants                             Hall        10am‐          Free
This class is supported by the Muslim Women’s Association.                         12pm
Come and learn how to sew, make new friends and get support
if English is your second language. Bookings not required.                       School terms
Contact: Nisrine, 0405 772 858                                                       only

Cheltenham Playgroup                                                   Hall        10am‐        Gold Coin
Children 0‐5yrs welcome to bring along their parents,                              12pm         Donation
grandparents/other adult carers to this fun‐filled session. Bring
snacks, spare clothes, nappies, bottles, etc.                                    School terms
Contact: Jess, 8408 1390                                                             only

Adelaide Baby Wearers                                                  Hall       10am ‐        Gold Coin
Loving our children; holding them close! Adelaide Baby                           12.30pm        Donation
Wearers, a group of friendly, sociable parents with a passion for
                                                                                   Meets 3rd
all things baby wearing. Meet in this child friendly location to                  Thursday of
discover new, safe ways to carry your baby and have fun at the                    each month
same time. Contact: Katrine, 0421 690 033
A Place for Everyone                                               Cottage    10am‐1pm           Free
Seniors multicultural social group, provided in partnership with    Room      Meets 2nd &    (morning tea
Helping Hand. Obtain information about community programs,                    4th Thursday     included)
share culture, traditions, make new friends, have fun and enjoy               each month      $6.50 for 3
life. Subsidised meals available. Contact: Leonie, 1300 444 663
                                                                                             course lunch

English Language Support Class                                     Computer    12‐2pm            Free
English language class for women following Sewing Classes for                 School terms
New Arrivals/Migrants supported by Muslim Women’s
Association. Contact: Mardiya, 0402 289 043
Cheltenham 50s & Over Club                                           Hall       12.30‐       $10 Annual
An opportunity for people to get together to play indoor bowls,                3.30pm        membership
make good friends and go on bus trips. Bookings not required,                                $2 per visit
come along, ask for Beverley. Contact: Beverley, 8408 1390
Tai Chi                                                              Hall     6‐7.15pm            $3
Traditional and graceful movements provide gentle exercise                    School terms
and relaxation. Contact: Les, 0416 000 274                                        only

Shape Me Up Fit Challenge                                            Hall       7.15‐           $2
Community 4 week challenge includes access to 3 exercise                       8.30pm         Donation
sessions a week, free regular body scan analysis, weekly
nutrition education, personal coach, continuous motivation,                                  (for 4 weeks)
                                                                                             Bookings and
group support, prizes for multiple winners. $5 optional post
workout recovery with an organic smoothie & herbal beverage.
Contact: Raine, 0430 769 366 or online                                                         essential.

Activity                                                           Room        Time            Cost
Financial Counselling                                              Eritrean   9am‐3pm            Free
In partnership with UnitingCare Wesley Bowden, counsellors          Room                     Appointments
can help with credit or debt issues, managing bills, housing,                                  essential
mortgages, rent, loans, budgeting and bankruptcy, general
understanding and concerns about your money.
Contact: UCW Bowden, 8245 7100 for bookings and
information on what to bring to your appointment

Leatherwork                                                        Cottage     9.30am‐       Gold Coin
Make your own leather accessories; belts, bags, diary covers,       Room       1.30pm        Donation
purses, wallets and more.
Contact: Nancy, 8244 0612
Parkinson’s Disease Support Group                                    Hall       10‐            Gold Coin
Support group for individuals and families touched by                         11.30am          Donation
Parkinson’s disease. Program supported by Parkinson’s SA Inc.                 1st Friday of
Contact: Anne, 8357 8909 or 0403 640 149                                      each month

Fab Fridays – A Take Five Program                                     Hall     10am‐             Free
A social group for people with disabilities by Uniting                         2.30pm
Contact: Meagan, 8150 7200

Friday Friendship                                                    Hall      12‐3pm           Games:
Lunch and social afternoon. Friendly group who come together
                                                                                               Gold Coin
to play board games, chat and enjoy the company of others.
Lunch available at 12pm. Games begin at 12.30pm. Everyone                                      Donation
welcome. Bookings essential for lunch. Transport provided to                                    3 course
eligible Charles Sturt HACC clients.                                                          lunch: $11
Contact: Lynn, 8408 1279 (HACC) or Laurie, 8408 1390
Oromo Community School                                              Hall &      4‐7pm            Free
A weekly gathering of students to further develop their skills
in the comfortable Community Centre environment.
Contact: Omer, 0401 093 163                                          Room

Saturday                                                            Room       Time             Cost
Weight Watchers International                                        Hall      9‐10am         From $14.95
Learn different weight loss ideas in a fun, supportive and caring                               per week
Contact: Lisa, 0402 022 641
Oromo Community School                                               Hall      11am‐             Free
A weekly gathering of students to further develop their skills                 1.30pm
in the comfortable Community Centre environment.
Contact: Omer, 0401 093 163

Sunday                                                              Room       Time             Cost
Forward in Faith Ministries                                          Hall     9am‐1pm            Free
Preaching the true and uncompromising Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Contact: Pastor Chris Mutsigwa, 0409 070 961
Dance Club                                                           Hall       6.30‐             $2
Traditional and ballroom dance in a fun, relaxing environment                 11.30pm          donation
with supper.
Contact: Van Tai Vo, 0413 138 826
Community Groups
 Adelaide Metropolitan Malayalee
 Association (AMMA)
 Community meets at Cheltenham frequently.
 Contact: Saji, 0433 649 616
 Eritrean Community Incorporated (SA)
 Community meets at Cheltenham frequently.
 Contact: Kahsai, 0421 488 586

 Knanaya Association of SA (KASA)
 Community meets at Cheltenham frequently.
 Contact: Bibin, 0470 634 823
 Maltese Aged Care Association SA Inc
 In‐home support services to the elderly, younger people with a
 disability and their carers, including culturally appropriate
 meals. Contact: Sue, 8241 0266 or 0412 014 313, email:
 Ogaden Community Association
 Community members interested in meeting please contact the
 Centre. Contact: Laurie, 8408 1390
 Oromo Community Association of SA
 Community members meet frequently at Cheltenham.
 Contact: Omer, 0401 093 163
 SA Zimbabwe Community
 Community members meet frequently at Cheltenham.
 Contact: Bellington, 0424 305 723 or email:
 Liberian Women’s Group
 Community members meet frequently at Cheltenham.
 Contact: Triphana, 0422 444 867

We acknowledge this land as the traditional land of the Kaurna people and their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge
the Kaurna people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still important to the living
Kaurna people today.
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