Tono mō te Karahipi ā Te Kōhanga Reo - 2020 Scholarship Application

Page created by Ken Alvarado
Tono mō te Karahipi ā Te Kōhanga Reo - 2020 Scholarship Application
Tono mō te Karahipi
 ā Te Kōhanga Reo

 Scholarship Application

 Te Kōhanga Reo Alumni Foundation
Tono mō te Karahipi ā Te Kōhanga Reo - 2020 Scholarship Application
2020 Scholarships
The following scholarships are available for eligible He Manu Pīrere members to apply for in 2020:
(Note: Applicants can only be awarded a scholarship once so please do not apply for the same Scholarship if you are a previous recipient,
however you may apply for the other Scholarships if you meet the appropriate criteria).

                                     Te Tā Hemi Henare Scholarship
                                             “Me pioke he awhio mo te Kōhanga Reo, He taonga tuku iho nā te Atua,
                                     Te taonga e kore e ngaro, i ngā tau whakahuihui, i ngā tau takaoriori.” (Taa Hemi Henare)
                                     Upon the sudden loss of our prestigious rangatira, the Kōhanga Reo Whānau
                                     throughout the motu expressed their wish to establish a scholarship in honour and
                                     memory of Tā Hemi Henare who was Patron of the movement at the time.
                                     The Trust, with collective contributions from Kōhanga Reo whānau throughout
                                     Aotearoa and the Māori Education Trust, supported the establishment of the capital
                                     fund that underpins this scholarship. The annual interest derived from the capital
                                     fund services the distribution.
                                     One (1) scholarship valued at $10,000.00 will be awarded to a student studying at
                                     Doctorate PhD Level.

                                       TKR Masters Scholarships
                                       Five (5) scholarships, valued at $2000 will be awarded to students studying at
                                       Masters Level (or above).

                                       TKR Preferred Provider Scholarships
                                       The Provider Scholarships are made possible through the Preferred Providers
                                       programme negotiated in partnership with the Te Kōhanga Reo Whānau Card.

                                             •    Crombie Lockwood                          •    Placemakers
                                             •    Noel Leeming                              •    Active Electrical
                                             •    PowerShop                                 •    Mico Plumbing
                                             •    Ssangyong                                 •    Big Save
                                             •    SPARK                                     •    Carpet Court

                                       Twenty (20) scholarships, valued at $1000.00 will be awarded to students studying
                                       at undergraduate level. Undergraduate education is the post-secondary education
                                       and before postgraduate education. It includes all academic programs up to the
                                       level of a bachelor's degree.

                                       Victoria Taihonoa Scholarships
                                       Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust entered into an agreement with Victoria University
                                       referred to as the Taihonoa Scholarships.

                                       Any recipient of the He Manu Pīrere nō Te Kohanga Reo scholarships enrolled to
                                       study at Victoria University of Wellington will be eligible to access the Taihonoa
                                       scholarship, which will result in a dollar for dollar match in partnership with the

   Applications close at 5pm on 20 March 2020. Incomplete, illegible or late applications will automatically
Tono mō te Karahipi ā Te Kōhanga Reo - 2020 Scholarship Application
He Tāhuhu Kōrero
Mai te ōrokohanganga mai ki tēnei rā, neke atu i te 45,000 ngā mokopuna kua puāwai mai i Te Kōhanga Reo. Koianei
te kākano e kore e ngāro. Kua puāwai ake koutou ki te aō, hei Manu Pīrere nā Te Kōhanga Reo. Ko koutou e
whakaihu ana i ngā mahi tuku iho hei whakapoapoa i te ngākau o te iwi ki tōna ao Māori.

Nō reira hoki mai, tauiti mai ki tō whare Kōhanga reo, e roha nei ngā parirau o te Kaupapa ki te manaaki, ki te tiaki i a
koutou kua eke nei ki ngā taumata o te ao mātauranga.

Ko tā Te Poari Matua O Ngā Kōhanga Reo he tuku tautoko hei hāpai i ā koutou mahi rangatira, i roto i te whakaaro
                               “Pihi kau ake te whakaaro pai, hauhake tonu iho”.

He Manu Pīrere nō Te Kōhanga Reo – Te Kōhanga Reo Alumni Foundation
Te Kōhanga Reo established the alumni foundation ‘He Manu Pīrere nō Te Kōhanga Reo’ as a future framework for
sustained engagement between, and greater opportunities for graduates of Te Kōhanga Reo and their Whānau.

The term Pīrere is a literal translation for birds who leave or have already left their respective nest, which in this case
refers to graduates of Kōhanga Reo ‘language nest’. The second part of the name, ‘nō te Kōhanga Reo’ seeks to
reaffirm the place from which these graduates took flight, the Kōhanga Reo that nurtured them, and as a means to
encourage continued involvement with the Kaupapa itself.

He Manu Pīrere was launched in November 2017 in Hamilton during the ‘Nōku te reo, Nōku te ao’ Expo. It is part of
the innovative framework acknowledging the many graduates of Kaupapa through the new Alumni foundation and
the revised scholarships distribution programme.
No reira e ngā Manu Pīrere nō Te Kōhanga Reo, nau mai, hoki mai ki te Kaupapa.

Alumni Membership
All Kōhanga Reo graduates that apply for a scholarship will be automatically enrolled as a He Manu Pīrere alumni. As
an alumni member, you will be registered for a Whānau Card, which provides discounts on selected items from a
wide range of suppliers. You will also be notified of the annual scholarships and any other applicable activities of

Kōhanga Reo graduates that do not wish to apply for a scholarship but would still like to register as an alumni, may
subscribe by emailing their name, address and Kōhanga Reo details to:

Scholarship Applications
To apply for a Scholarship, simply complete pages 5-8 of this application form and submit along with all the
accompanying attachments by the due date below. The receiving office for all He Manu Pīrere Scholarship
applications is:
 Postal Address                     Physical Address                     By Email
 Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust      Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust
 PO BOX 38-741                      67 Hankey Street                     Applications will be accepted electronically*
 WELLINGTON                         Mount Cook                           Ensure that all documents are scanned in a
                                    WELLINGTON 6011                      readable condition.
                                                                         *Please note: Email attachments must not
                                                                         exceed 10Mb as they will be rejected by our
                                                                         email servers. Please compress your files or
                                                                         send in separate emails to the above address

 Note: Applications close at 5pm on 20 March 2020. Incomplete, illegible or late applications will automatically
Tono mō te Karahipi ā Te Kōhanga Reo - 2020 Scholarship Application
He Manu Pīrere nō Te Kōhanga Reo – Alumni Foundation
ELIGIBILITY: Applicants must:
            i.    Have attended Kōhanga Reo (attach verification of attendance);
           ii.    Be enrolled full-time at a New Zealand Tertiary institute in the year of application (evidence must be provided)
          iii.    Include Te Reo as a component of the Study Programme (provide a course list confirming Te Reo is included)

REQUIREMENTS: Applicants are required to provide:
Wāhanga A: Tā Hemi Henare (PhD) Scholarship (1 at $10,000):
   a.   In 1500, words provide an overview of the value of te reo Māori in your personal and professional life including the role
        that the kaupapa of Te Kōhanga Reo plays. Identify your insight and aspirations for the future state of the Māori
        language and approaches to the revitalisation Te Reo Māori.

Wāhanga B: Te Kōhanga Reo (TKR) Masters Scholarships (5 at $2,000):
   b.   In 600 words provide an overview of the value of te reo Māori in your area of study including the role the kaupapa of Te
        Kōhanga Reo plays, and a description of your ongoing commitment to the revitalisation of Te Reo

Wāhanga C: Te Kōhanga Reo (TKR) Preferred Provider (Undergraduate) Scholarships (20 at $1,000):
   c.   In 300 words, provide an overview of your experience within Te Kōhanga Reo, and the value of te reo Māori in your
        programme of study.
                 All applications must be received on or before the closing date with supporting documentation.

  1. Please check your application before submitting. Incomplete or late applications will be deemed ineligible and decline
  2. Any change(s) to details in the application (including missing or corrected information), must be advised in writing (email
     or post) and received at Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Offices (67 Hankey Street, Mt Cook, Wellington 6011) by the
     closing date.
  3. Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust does not accept responsibility for lost or delayed applications caused by incorrect mailing
     instructions or delay in delivery.
  4. All applicants must have been enrolled at, and attended Kōhanga reo, for a period of 2 years or more. Supporting
     evidence of attendance must be provided with your application.
  5. If you meet the criteria for more than one scholarship you may apply for all, however you can only be awarded one
  6. Applicants can only be awarded one scholarship once. You cannot apply for the same scholarship twice (in more than one
     year) but you may apply for the other scholarships.
  7. All scholarships will be given up to the dollar amount and number of applicants. If there are no applicants, or less than
     the required amount, the value of those scholarships will remain the same.
  8. He Manu Pīrere scholarships are available to Kōhanga Reo graduates currently enrolled in a full-time tertiary-level course
     of study, at a Tertiary institution, which includes Universities, Wānanga, Polytech, Takiura PTEs and TEOs. Evidence of
     enrolment must be supplied with your application.
  9. All applicants will be notified of the decision to award (or not) in writing within two months of the scholarship closing
  10. Successful scholarship recipients will be invited to attend an awards ceremony in May (details will be confirmed)

  11. If the application is for a PhD student in their final year of study, the applicant may be required to give a 30 - 45 minute
      kōrero on their study to date.
  12. Recipients of a PhD or Masters award must supply a copy of their thesis to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust upon

Please ensure to read and complete all sections carefully. Incomplete applications will
not be considered.

Tick the Scholarship(s) you wish to apply for:
                                                                                          Total scholarships available:
    Tā Hemi Henare (PhD) Scholarship (1 at $10,000):                                      One only available
    TKR Masters Scholarships (5 at $2,000):                                               5 (@$2,000) available
    TKR Provider (Undergraduate) Scholarships (20 at $1,000):                             20 (@$1000) available

                                                  PERSONAL DETAILS

 Ingoa Whānau

 Ingoa Tuatahi
 First Name

 Ingoa Waenganui
 Middle Name (s)

 Tō Hanga                                                         Rā Whānau
 Gender                                                           Date of Birth

 (Postal) Address

 Wāhi Noho

 Nama Waea                                                        Waea Pūkoro
 Home Phone                                                       Mobile Phone

 Email Address

                                       WĀHI NOHO - RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS

 (Physical) Address


 Wāhi Noho

                                                 KOHANGA REO DETAILS

 Kōhanga Reo
  ID number
  (if known)          
   Name of
 Kōhanga Reo

________________ _______________                             _________________ _________________
                  Tupuna/Tipuna                                          Tupuna/Tipuna

              _______________________                                  ___________________________

                         Pāpā/Matua                                          Whaea/Kōka


Whakapapa endorsement:

Kaumatua/Kuia ingoa:______________________________________________________________________

Kaumatua/Kuia Kaihaina:______________________________________ Te Rā: ________________________

I ahu mai koe i whea? Identify your tribal affiliations

                                                    TŌ KOROWAI MĀORI




Ko te reo Māori te mauri o te Mana Māori: Please indicate application by ticking the Wāhanga preference below:
 Wāhanga A:                                Wāhanga B:                                Wāhanga C: 
 Tā Hemi Henare (PhD) Scholarship                 TKR Masters Scholarships                TKR Provider (Undergraduate)
          (1 at $10,000):                              (5 at $2,000):                             Scholarships
                                                                                                 (20 at $1,000):
 Criteria 1500 words*                       Criteria 600 words (1 ½ - 2 pages)*        Criteria 300 words (1 page)*
 In 1500 words, provide an overview of      In 600 words, provide an overview of the   In 300 words, provide an overview of
 the value of te reo Māori in your          value of te reo Māori in your area of      your experience within Te Kōhanga Reo,
 personal and professional life including   study including the role the kaupapa of    and the value of te reo Māori in your
 the role the kaupapa of Te Kōhanga         Te Kōhanga Reo plays, and a description
                                                                                       programme of study.
 Reo plays. Identify your insight and       of your ongoing commitment to the
 aspirations into the future state of the   revitalisation of Te Reo.
 Māori language and approaches to the
 revitalisation of te reo Māori.
                                                                                       *attach additional pages as required

                                                                          Please ensure you sign your submission

                                                                 Kaitono: ________________________________________

TKR Preferred Providers Internships
Successful recipients of the 2020 He Manu Pīrere nō te Kōhanga Reo Scholarships may also be eligible to receive
an internship with one of our Preferred Providers. If you would like to be considered for a position, please indicate
below which Provider(s) you would prefer to undertake an internship with. Please note: Places are subject to

Select one or more from the following list of Providers

     Crombie Lockwood             Placemakers              Big Save                 SPARK                 Mico
     Noel Leeming                 Active Electrical        Carpet Court             PowerShop             Ssangyong

Please attach confirmation / verification of your 2020 enrolment details (authorised by institution)

 Name of Tertiary Institution:

 Fulltime Course of study:
 (e.g. Bachelor of Arts)
 Length of Course:
 (e.g. 3 years)
 Current year of study cycle:
 (e.g. second year)

Please provide a bank encoded deposit slip or bank verification of your bank account details

Please ensure you have read and completed all sections of the form, and provided all accompanying documentation
as specified.

        ⃝ I confirm that the information provided in this application is true and correct.

        ⃝ Should my application be successful; I agree to attend an awards ceremony.

        ⃝ I consent to my details being used for Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust publication purposes.

Kaitono: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________
Incomplete applications will automatically decline. Prior to submitting your application please ensure to re-check the
following details:

     Completed all sections of this form, including the declaration
     Provided verification of the Kōhanga Reo you attended
     Provided confirmation / verification of your full-time tertiary enrolment details (authorised by institution)
     Provided a copy of your course outline, verifying that Te Reo Māori is included in your programme of study
     Your whānau, hapū and iwi affiliation is endorsed by a Kaumatua/Kuia
     Completed the requirements outlined on page 7 – applicable to the scholarship
     Attached an encoded bank deposit slip or verification of your bank account
     You have signed and dated the form.
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