Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John

Page created by Clifford Roberts
Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
St John
Heart of Gold
Annual Appeal
Creating a
fundraising event.
Your guide to our
2021 Annual Appeal.
Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

                                                                                           Golden tip:
                                                                                                  Keep it simple
                                                                                         Often the simplest fundraising
                                                                                        activities gain the most support.
                                                                                          Be realistic; choose a project
                                                                                                which suits you and
                                                                                                 the people you’re

Getting started in 6 easy steps.
Step 1                                    You’ll need to consider things such as    > What are the risks associated with
Choose a fundraising activity or event    catering facilities (if you need them),     your event (i.e. injury, image/
that you’ll enjoy. If you’re having a     parking, wet-weather options, council       reputation, financial loss)? Make a
good time and believe in what you’re      permits and audio-visual equipment.         plan to reduce or eliminate these
doing, the people around you are                                                      risks.
more likely to donate to your efforts.    Step 4                                    > Work backwards from the date of
Feeling stuck for an idea? Have a         Now it’s time to think about the            your event.
look at our fundraising ideas and tips    people you want to get involved!
pages for some inspiration, or email                                                > Make sure you promote the – we’d          > Decide who you’re going to invite         event online. Upload your
love to help!                               or ask to sponsor you – don’t             pictures to Facebook and tag
                                            be shy! You’ll be surprised who           us @StJohnNewZealand or
                                            decides to lend you support.              send your pictures and stories to
Step 2
The next thing to think about is when     > Think of ways to tell people what
to have your event. Annual Appeal           you’re doing and give them lots of      > Finalise what tasks need to be
week is 5 April – 11 April 2021 but         notice.                                   completed, when and by whom.
you can host your fundraising event
                                          > Let people know why you are
anytime in April. Make sure you give
                                            fundraising for St John Annual          Step 6
yourself enough time to plan and                                                    > Thank your donors post-event. It’s
                                            Appeal – keep it simple and
organise your event.                                                                  extremely important to thank your
                                                                                      donors after the event and share
Step 3                                    > Find out who could donate                 your day(s) and all your effort.
If you’re planning an event, you’ll         auction/raffle prizes.                    Share your photos and stories of
need to choose a location, check                                                      your journey and show how their
whether it’s available and if you can     Step 5                                      support has made a difference.
get it free of charge. Investigate        Make sure you’ve covered all the
whether the venue is an appropriate       angles.
size and if it’s wheelchair accessible.
                                          > Do you need a contingency plan?

Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Be inspired to fundraise.
Remember to make sure all your fundraising is safe, legal and fun! If you’re in doubt or have
any questions at all please get in touch with us – we’re happy to help.

For businesses
> $ ask at till and online                                Brown bag lunch day
> Email your customers letting them know about Annual     Everyone brings their own lunch and donates the money
  Appeal dates and whether they would like to donate.     they would have spent.
> Do a social media post
                                                          Pot luck lunch
> Mention Annual Appeal in your Newsletters               Schedule a pot luck lunch at work. Ask for donations from
> Setup a payroll giving programme.                       colleagues equal to or more than what they would have
> Volunteer 2 hours of your time to bucket shake during   spent at a restaurant for lunch.
  Annual Appeal.
                                                          Vending machines
> During Annual Appeal week wear gold or yellow to        Coordinate with your vendor to add $1 to the cost of a
  work for a gold coin donation.                          snack or soft drink with the extra money going to St John
                                                          Heart of Gold Annual Appeal.
Auction a prime parking space at work

                                                                                 Golden tip:
                                                                                  Share your heart of gold.
                                                                           Upload your pictures to Facebook and tag
                                                                               us @StJohnNewZealand or send
                                                                                  your pictures and stories to

Send in your pictures and stories to

Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Auction a picnic                            Charity dinner                           Disco night
Assemble everyone together in your          Organise a dinner where people           Hold a Disco night at your local hall or
staff room, cafeteria or other general      pay for table tickets, dress up, eat     community centre. Charge a door fee.
meeting area and auction off a picnic       and dance the night away. Include
lunch.                                      activities such as a silent auction or   Draws
                                            raffles.                                 Hold draws for donated items from
BBQ lunches                                                                          local businesses (e.g. dinner for two,
Prepare bbq lunches for a donation.         Children’s drawing contest               movie tickets etc). Entry into the draw
                                            Give colleagues a photograph             is by way of donation.
Baby picture match                          of a director, CEO, principal, or
Invite employees to try their luck          local celebrity to take home to          Fish for a prize
matching baby and/or pet pictures           their children to draw. Ask for a        Set up a booth that looks like a pond
of team members or colleagues. Ask          $5 donation entry fee and have           with poles, etc; with prizes floating in
employees for a $2 donation per vote.       people vote for the best drawing         it and charge $1 to fish for a prize.

Balloon pop                                 by paying per vote. Give prizes for      For businesses
In this variation of a traditional raffle   all participants. Display winning        Add $ at till, email to databases and
team members collect prizes as well         portraits for all to see.                social media posts, mentions in
as donate their own goods or services       Colouring-in competition                 Newsletters, setup a payroll giving.
as prizes. Before filling a balloon with    Invite kids to participate in a heart-
helium, put a note inside with the                                                   Fun day!
                                            shaped colouring-in competition. See     Hold a car wash, garage sale, raffle,
name of a prize. People donate $2 to        page 10 for colouring-in sheets.
buy a balloon and pop it to find out                                                 bake sale, plant sale and craft fair all
what they have won.                         Contact local news                       on the same afternoon. Promote it all
                                            Talk with your local community           over town and pick a high traffic area.
Book sale                                   newspaper and ask them to feature
Dust those bookshelves and have a                                                    Garage sale
                                            you and mention your fundraising         All profits benefit St John. Advertise
book sale for donations.                    efforts.                                 the garage sale in your local paper.
Bowl away                                   Craft fairs
Go bowling with friends and collect                                                  Girls night in
                                            Have a craft table with items for sale   Invite your girlfriends to a girls night
donations.                                  at festivals, markets etc.               in. Watch movies and give each other
Bunnings sausage sizzle                     Dance                                    beauty treatments and what they would
Contact your local St John Fundraising      Host a dance – party, disco, themed      spend on a night out they can donate.
team to volunteer your time to do a         party or dance for senior citizens.
sausage sizzle at your local Bunnings                                                Gold face painting
on Saturday 10 April 2021.                  Dinners, dinners, dinners                Supply school with gold face paint
                                            Spaghetti dinners, gourmet feasts        for a special ‘Students Go Gold’
Change jar                                  and more. Throw a dinner party and       fundraising day.
Keep a change jar in high traffic areas     charge your guests a $10 donation to
Iike staff rooms etc.                                                                Golf outing
                                            attend.                                  Teams of four. Use a public course,
                                                                                     serve lunch and have prizes.

                                      Send in your pictures and stories to or tag us
                                                         @StJohnNewZealand on Facebook and we will share.
Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Guess the jelly beans in the jar         Lunch time golf-putt                      Quiz evening
Fill a jar with jelly beans, count how   Set up your own putt-putt course at       Invite team entries into a fun night of
many are in the jar as you fill. Ask     work. Ask for a donation to play and      questions and answers with prizes for
people for a dollar to write down how    award a winner.                           the winners.
many jelly beans they think are in the
jar. Closest guess wins the jar!         Move for the cause                        Raffle
                                         Host a fun walk/run or cycle wearing      A simple, easy way to raise money.
                                         gold or yellow on a course you set        Gift baskets, vouchers, rugby match
                                         (plan it well in advance)! Ask people     tickets, airline tickets, rental car
                                         to sponsor you for every km or donate     weekends, rounds of golf, dance
                                         a lump sum to keep you going.             lessons, a makeover, a massage, baby
                                                                                   basket, plants, a vacation day etc etc…
Host a pop-up shop                       Paint your nails gold
Clear the clutter and raise money by     Create buzz on social media – paint       Rec room bingo
selling your unwanted goods.             your nails gold and show your             Make your living room a bingo hall
                                         support of St John.                       and invite the neighbours. Ask for
Ice cream social                                                                   a $10 donation to play. Get prizes
Have ice-cream and toppings              Pancake breakfasts                        donated for the winners.
donated. For a donation, give bowls      Whip up pancake breakfasts and sell
and spoons to attendees and let          to friends, family and colleagues for a   Sausage sizzle
them create!                             donation.                                 Hold a BBQ or sausage sizzle at an
                                                                                   event, charge a fee.
Jog-a-thon                               Party
Organise a mini jog-o-thon in your       Host a party. Invite close friends        School carnivals
local community or at work during        to dinner or brunch and ask for a         Hold a school carnival / fair to raise
lunch break.                             donation. Ask them to match their         funds.
                                         donation to the amount they spent
Light it up                              last Saturday night. Dinner and a         Sports challenges
Talk to your local council to light up   movie? $60 donation. Cocktails and        Set up challenge matches between
buildings in gold for Annual Appeal      dancing? $30 donation. Pizza and          individuals or departments for
week.                                    video? $15 donation.                      bowling, tennis, softball or other
                                                                                   sports. Charge an entry and
Long table/street party                  Pies                                      admission fee.
Invite every house in your street to     Find which fruit is in season and bake
bring a shared plate and a donation.     delicious pies for a donation!            Story time reading
Organise closing the street (check                                                 Have a story time reading for kids for
with your local council if permits                                                 a donation.
are needed), set up tables and get                                                 Water balloon challenge
to know your community! Use the                                                    All your supporters can throw water
elements in our toolkit to decorate                                                balloons post-fundraising event… for
and create awareness for the appeal.                                               a donation of course.
                                         Make a quilt and raffle it.

Send in your pictures and stories to or tag us
@StJohnNewZealand on Facebook and we will share.
Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

A few final tips.

Enjoy yourself!                                               Ask for an extra hand
Choose a fundraising activity that you’ll enjoy. If you’re    Ask your employer if they will match dollar for dollar the
having a great time, the people around you are more           money you raise or give a donation. Well worth an ask!
likely to donate.
                                                              Get out there
Keep it simple                                                Approach local businesses for prizes or donations, ask
Often the simplest fundraising activities gain the most       friends to help with organising or promoting your event.
support. Be realistic; choose a project which suits you and   Most people’s reason for giving or supporting a charity is
you think people will support.                                because they were asked!

Spread the word                                               Be financially conscious
Let people know about our vital work and how their            Make sure your supporters know any donation over $5 is
contributions will make a lifesaving difference!              tax deductible. Just send us their details on the Donation
                                                              Form provided and we will post out a receipt. If you are
If you have a personal reason for undertaking your
                                                              using givealittle, this will happen automatically.
fundraising activity, and are happy to tell people, let
them know.                                                    Share your success
                                                              Thank your donors, volunteers and sponsors! Let
Set a target
                                                              everyone know how grateful you are for their support.
Set yourself an ambitious fundraising target and track
                                                              Share photos and the story of your fundraiser – you could
your progress. There’s nothing quite like a dream target
                                                              be featured in a future donor story on our website.
to keep you motivated and to get the attention of your
family and friends. Cost your event and stick to your         Thank your volunteers
budget to ensure you don’t spend more than you’re             Make sure the volunteers feel valued and appreciated. Ask
going to raise!                                               for your volunteers feedback on their experience during
                                                              the event. Let them know the result of your fundraising
Track contributions
                                                              event or how much you have raised.
You can use our Tracking Form to follow progress towards
your goal. Tracking is important – it keeps you focused
and people love to see the progress you are making.
Make sure you follow our fundraising guidelines when
fundraising on behalf of St John so you and your donors
receive tax receipts and acknowledgements.
                                                                              Golden tip:
                                                                                 Spread the word
Promote, promote, promote                                                   Let people know about what
Tell your friends, family and work colleagues about what                        we do, and how their
you’re up to and why you’re doing it, and ask them to tell                        contributions will
their friends too. Remind them on several occasions –                             make a lifesaving
repetition is important as people often forget. Keep your                            difference!
reminders fun, light hearted and engaging. Remember
also that people often leave their donation to the last
minute so be sure to remind them close to your deadline.

Send in your pictures and stories to or tag us
@StJohnNewZealand on Facebook and we will share.
Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Using the
St John logo.
Please be aware that the St John logo is trademarked.    Thanks all round!
Naturally we’re happy for you to use it to help your    “Thank you” is such a key part of the fundraising
efforts, however you will need our approval to do so.     process. First of all, we want to thank YOU for
Please contact your local St John fundraising team        fundraising for St John. We also ask that you
and they will be able to explain how and where          remember to thank everyone who helps you and
you can use it or download our Logo Guidelines              contributes to your efforts. Whether they
PDF at and then click             donate time, resources, or money, let
resources..                                                        them know you appreciate it!

Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Keeping it safe
and legal.
If you’re thinking about hosting a sausage sizzle, raffle or    Sausage sizzles or BBQs
street stall you may need a council permit to do so. Your       Held on an occasional basis in a public place by a
local St John fundraising team can help you through this        recognised charitable organisation are permitted, check
process – simply get in touch with them for advice.             with your local council for details.

Here are some guidelines to help ensure your                    While St John will assist in any way it can, it does not have
fundraising event or activity is safe, legal and fun.           the capacity to provide volunteers to help support events.
                                                                The event is the individual’s/organisation’s responsibility
Street stalls                                                   and is a great opportunity to involve your own family,
Thinking about selling raffle tickets or holding cake stalls?   friends and networks in the fun and fellowship of helping
                                                                New Zealanders.
Some commercial areas in town are classed as ‘restricted’
areas and you will need to gain a street stall permit if you    The responsibility for the sale of tickets rests with the
are considering setting up a stall. Please contact your         organisers.
local Council who will discuss your request and check
availability of the date (only two organisations on any one
day may have a stall in the same town). If all is in order
they will issue a permit. The shop owner outside whose
premises the stall will be held plus shop owners either
side will need to give their permission.

Raffles and lotteries with a prize over $5000 need a
licence from the Department of Internal Affairs, under
the Gaming and Lotteries Act. Licence forms are available
online at The form must be completed
and then posted to DIA. Once approval is granted a stall
permit will be required, as above.

Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Arranging payment
of your Donations.
There are various ways to transfer your donations to St John. You can send a cheque in the mail to the addresses
below or you can contact your local St John Fundraising Team for their bank account details for any electronic
ASB is required to adequately identify anyone making cash deposits through its branch network. Please ensure
you take 2 forms of ID with you when depositing cash.
ASB is no longer supplying charity deposit bags so get in early to get your standard deposit bags from your local
ASB branch. Please keep a record of the banking bag numbers for reference.

Northern Region                          Central Region                           South Island
If you live in the North Island (north   If you live in the North Island          If you live in the South Island, please
of the Bombay Hills, Hauraki and         (between Wellington and Auckland –       send your cheques along with your
Coromandel) please send your             excluding Hauraki and Coromandel)        donation form and fundraising
cheques along with your donation         please send your cheques along with      tracking form to:
form and fundraising tracking form       your donation form and fundraising
                                                                                  St John
to:                                      tracking form to:
                                                                                  Attn: Fundraising Co-ordinator
St John                                  St John                                  PO Box 1443
Attn: Fundraising Co-ordinator           Attn: Fundraising Co-ordinator           Christchurch 8140
Private Bag 14902                        Private Bag 3215
                                                                                  Alternatively, if you would like to
Panmure                                  Frankton
                                                                                  make an electronic transfer, or
Auckland                                 Hamilton 3240
                                                                                  deposit the funds at an ASB Branch,
Alternatively, if you would like         Alternatively, if you would like to      please call the Fundraising Team
to make an electronic transfer,          make an electronic transfer, or          on 03 353 7110 ext 3332 or email
or deposit the funds at an ASB           deposit the funds at an ASB Branch,      southisland.fundraising@stjohn.
Branch, please contact Jo Eve on         please call the Fundraising Team for more details. Along with
09 526 0527 ext 9803 or email            on 07 847 2849 ext 7801 or email         our bank account number you
northernregionfundraising@               will require your Donor ID and a for more details.          nz for more details. Along with          reference to deposit the funds. This
Along with our bank account              our bank account number you              will help us track your donation.
number you will require your Donor       will require your Donor ID and a
ID and a reference to deposit the        reference to deposit the funds. This
funds. This will help us track your      will help us track your donation.

Funds must be given to St John within two weeks of completing your FUNdraising activity.

Toolkit Creating a fundraising event - St John
Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Donation form.
Thank you for raising funds on behalf of St John.               To ensure you receive the appropriate recognition for
Please complete the following information and submit            your community fundraising efforts, please complete all
your Fundraising Tracking Form and any donations within         information. If you would like to share your success with
15 days of your event or activity.                              others, please include a full description of your event and
                                                                send photos to

     Are you fundraising:
         As an individual
         On behalf of an organisation / name:
         On behalf of a club             / name:
     Your name:
     Your group/business or school name:
     City and postcode:
     Daytime phone:                                           Alternate phone:
     Email address:
     Description of fundraising activity (you may attach another page if you need more space):

          Yes! Share our fundraising success with the St John website. St John has permission to use our story,
            quotes, details of our fundraising activities and photographs to inspire other volunteers to help raise
            funds in their community.
          Please attach the Fundraising tracking form, so we can send individual donors receipts.

     Cash                         $                            Total Amount Raised          $

     Cheque                       $                            Date banked                  __/__/____

If you would like to make your donation electronically, please contact your local office (details on page 9) so that we
can provide you with the correct banking details and what is required in the ‘particulars’ field.

Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Fundraising tracking form.
  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here
Donors over $5 can receive a tax receipt. The donor’s name and address must be clearly printed on the form above to receive a tax receipt from
St John. Please send this form along with your Donations Form for processing. Details and addresses to send this to are outlined on page 9.
Donations made online will receive an instant tax receipt via email.

Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Fundraising tracking form.
  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here
Donors over $5 can receive a tax receipt. The donor’s name and address must be clearly printed on the form above to receive a tax receipt from
St John. Please send this form along with your Donations Form for processing. Details and addresses to send this to are outlined on page page 9.
Donations made online will receive an instant tax receipt via email.

Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Fundraising tracking form.
  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here

  First name:                                       Last name:                                                    Pledge:
  Address:                                                                                                        Payment:
  City:                                    Postcode:                 Telephone:                                   Amount Collected:
  If you would like to receive information from St John, please tick here
Donors over $5 can receive a tax receipt. The donor’s name and address must be clearly printed on the form above to receive a tax receipt from
St John. Please send this form along with your Donations Form for processing. Details and addresses to send this to are outlined on page 9.
Donations made online will receive an instant tax receipt via email.

Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

Putting the FUN in fundraising...

Heart of Gold Annual Appeal 2021

We’re here                    St John Northern Region
                                                                        St John South Island Region

to help.                      604 Great South Road
                              Ellerslie, Auckland, 1051
                                                                        PO Box 1443
                                                                        Christchurch 8011
                              Private Bag 14902                         Tel: 03 353 7110 ext 3332
Have questions? Need
more support? Feel free
                              Auckland 1741
to contact us at one of our
                              Tel: 09 526 0527 ext 8476
local headquarters – we’re
happy to help!

                              St John Central Region
                              Private Bag 3215
                              Hamilton 3240
                              Tel: 07 847 2849 ext 7801

                     | 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646)

Toolkits available:
Toolkit 1:   Creating a fundraising event
Toolkit 2:   Street Collections 101
Toolkit 3:   Campaign assets
Toolkit 4:   What we’re fundraising for and where the money goes
Toolkit 5:   Schools Fundraising Toolkit
You can also read