Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland

Page created by Mitchell Harmon
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland

rketing materials, the preferred placement of the Coat of Arms is in the bottom

Coat of Arms should be placed on a solid colour or clear background.
annot be used on its own by departments, ie. elements may not be separated.
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
Toowoomba and the Darling Downs will capture your heart.
     From the moment you arrive, your senses will be overwhelmed
     by the region’s beauty.

     Clean crisp air, wide open spaces, picturesque places and
     views stretching as far as the eye can see.

Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland

                                                  4		 From the General Manager
                                                  5		 From the Directors
                                                  6		 Welcome to Toowoomba
                                                  12		 Landing in Toowoomba
                                                  14		 Employment in Toowoomba
he Coat of Arms is in the bottom
                                                  16   TAFE Queensland South West in the Community
         Thanks to our key partners Toowoomba
         Regional Council and Toowoomba           18   Key Industries
our or clear
         and background.
               Surat Basin Enterprise for their
         help in putting this presentation        20   Education - Why Study in Toowoomba?
elements may not be separated.
         together. Extracts have been taken
                                                  22   TAFE Queensland South West Supports
         from ‘LIVE Toowoomba’ Magazine
         for this presentation.                           Start Up Community
          There really is no better place to      24   Lifestyle and Liveability
          live, study, work and play.
                                                  30   Toowoomba - Green and Clean
                                                  32   Other Centres
                                                  36   Our Market Opportunity

                                                                                   Destination Toowoomba   | 3
marketing communications.
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
From the General Manager
                                Welcome to Toowoomba Campus.

                                 As Regional Managers for TAFE Queensland International it is our pleasure to
                              showcase our capabilities and what an international student will experience when
                              they start with us.

                                 International students can expect to study alongside Australian students in classes
                              that are small in size and have access to teachers with years of experience in their
                              chosen trade. Toowoomba offers a lower cost of living for students and excellent

                              employment opportunities on graduation from their studies.
                                We appreciate your willingness to promote Toowoomba to international students and
offers a lower                can assure you we will do everything to ensure they have a positive experience.
cost of living
                                                                                                   Trevor Schwenke
for students                                                                                            General Manager
and excellent

4 |   Destination Toowoomba
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
From the Executive Director of Studies
  TAFE Queensland South West is committed to offering international students
programs to help them succeed in this pursuit for a better life.
  We are keen to expand our range of programs on offer to international students with
new registrations in 2016 and 2017.
   Our faculty directors are devoted to ensuring international students and programs
are all inclusive, constructive and progressive.
                                                                            Jenni Butler
                                                                Executive Director of Studies

From the Director of Corporate Solutions
  Thank you for travelling to Toowoomba to experience our beautiful campus and
appreciate the opportunities our region can offer international students.
  We believe we can provide students with the Australian essence and lifestyle that
many students desire in their quest to live and study in Queensland.

                                                                    Michele Berkhout
                                                              Director of Corporate Solutions

                                                            Destination Toowoomba        |5
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
Welcome to
DEMOGRAPHICS                                   The Toowoomba Regional               CLIMATE AND WEATHER
     Toowoomba is situated 125km west     Council area is a growing residential
                                                                                       Toowoomba’s climate ranges from
of Queensland’s state capital Brisbane,   area, with significant rural and
                                                                                    quite cool during the winter months, to
crowning the edge of the Great            rural-residential areas, and some
                                                                                    warm during the summer months. The
Dividing Range 800m above sea level.      industrial and commercial land use.
                                                                                    city enjoys four distinct seasons and is
It is one of Australia’s largest inland   It is conservatively predicted that the
                                                                                    particularly magnificent during spring
regional cities with a population now     Toowoomba Regional Council area
                                                                                    due to the abundance of public parks
reaching just over 160,000. It is the     will be home to nearly 200,000 people
                                                                                    overflowing with flowers. The average
commercial and economic hub of the        by 2036. However, more optimistic
                                                                                    temperature ranges from 11.4 to 22.6
Darling Downs and widely accepted as      forecasts for the area suggest the
                                                                                    degrees, with an average yearly rainfall
the service centre for the Surat Basin,   population could be as high as 234,706
which encompasses a geographic area                                                 of 944mm. There are a vast number
                                          by 2036. There is no doubting that
from Toowoomba in the east, to Roma       the city is on the cusp of a major        of activities and events throughout the
in the west, north to Taroom and south    growth spurt, with an enormous set of     year, making the city a top spot to visit
to the New South Wales border.            opportunities to come its way.            any month of the year.

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6 |   Destination Toowoomba
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
Due to its elevation, even on the
hottest Queensland days the residents
of Toowoomba can relax with a cool                                                    Context

evening breeze. In fact, you’ll feel all
of the seasons here: there’s a true                                                                                    Walkable

winter with fog and frost, an autumn                                City Centre
of golden falling leaves, and a
                                                   Engagement       Master Plan
spring of non-stop colour.                                                                      Sustainable

   Toowoomba’s Gross
Regional Product was
                                          Safe                       & Skills
$8.19 billion in 2013,
having grown 3.2%
from the previous            Excellence
                                                                              URBAN DESIGN
                                                                              PRIORITIES FOR
year. However,                                                  Centres
recent predictions
from the Regional                                                            THE TOOWOOMBA
                                                                                                                The Best Urban Design
Australia Institute see
                                                                                                                At All Scales
a $10 billion boost to
Toowoomba’s GRP in                    Street Trees &
the next 15 years, more               The ‘Garden City’
                                                                                                                           Connected       Vibrant
than double the 2013
figure.                                                                                                  An Urban Design
                                                 Character & Style                  Enduring             Culture
   There are currently
nearly 80,000 people
employed in Toowoomba,
with the Health Care and Social
Assistance sector the largest                                      mid-term revie
                                                                                 w                            Next Generation
employer, generating nearly 12,000
jobs. This is followed by                                          OCreating
                                                                     ur CPlaces

Retail Trade and then Education and
                                                                   ToowoFor People                        Vision
Training.                                                                omba Re           gional Commu
                                                                  May 2014
                                                                                                               nity Plan
   The Construction industry has the                                                                             Queens
                                                                                                                 most fa d's
highest output at $2.49 billion, with
the Manufacturing sector coming in                                                                                        mily
second highest at $2.36 billion, and the                                                                          friendly
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector                                                                            city.
the third highest at $1.47 billion.
   The majority of the workforce are
within the 25-54 years age bracket.
The top three occupations are
professionals followed by clerical and
administrative workers and technicians
and trades workers. Manufacturing has
the largest total exports by industry,
generating $1.5 billion in 2013/14.
The Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
sector is another major contributor to
the export industry, generating $915
million, followed by Mining at $410
   For many workers and their families,
moving to Toowoomba and the wider
Surat Basin is proving to be the recipe
for a bright, new future and a major
boom for established and emerging

                                                                                                                Destination Toowoomba           | 7
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
HISTORY                                                Cunningham who named the region as       an influx of American and Australian
                                                       the Darling Downs after the New South    troops who took over parks and
   The Toowoomba region covers
                                                       Wales Governor, Sir Ralph Darling.       buildings for recreational, hospital and
an area rich in Australian history. The
                                                                                                training purposes, during the Second
region has a strong aboriginal history,                    Toowoomba as a township grew
                                                                                                World War. Following this period,
with the Indigenous tribes of the                      up in the 1840s as a convenient
                                                                                                Toowoomba proceeded to build and
Jagera, Giabal and Jaroweir people                     stopping place between Moreton Bay
                                                                                                add tertiary services, public service
inhabiting the region for at least 40,000              and the west. Drayton, which can
                                                                                                departments and military bases.
years before European settlement                       also lay claim to being the first town
                                                                                                This meant the expansion of a centre
which came in the early 1800s. When                    established beyond the Great Dividing
                                                                                                that had previously only been known
explorers set their eyes upon the fertile              Range in Queensland, was settled
                                                                                                as a commercial, agricultural and
land it became destined to be one of                   in 1842 and five years later the Royal
                                                                                                educational centre.
the country’s rural heartlands and give                Bulls Head Inn was built. Toowoomba
birth to the vibrant city of Toowoomba                 was officially declared a municipality      Over the past two centuries, the
and surrounding towns.                                 in 1860, became a town in 1887 and       region has continued to attract new
    The area around Toowoomba was                      was declared a city in 1904. Between     residents and grow to become an
first explored by English explorer Allan               1920 and 1950, Toowoomba homed           integral part of Queensland.

      Busy street scene in front of the Cramond and Stark building.
                                                                                                                 inland city

                                                                                                               third most
                                                                                                               regions to live in

                                                                                                  6            Queensland’s
                                                                                                               sixth largest

      Downs Co-op Dairy Factory - Circa 1908.

                                                                                                   Established in 1840

                                                                                                   By 2031, the
                                                                                                   population is
                                                                                                   expected to increase
                                                                                                   to over 200,000

8 |   Destination Toowoomba
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
Destination Toowoomba   | 9
Toowoomba - TAFE Queensland
AGRICULTURE                                dollars every year after that, there is still
                                           an optimistic outlook for the sector’s
   The Toowoomba region is
Queensland’s number one agricultural
region, generating upwards of                 The operations and maintenance
$664 million annually in gross value       phase has now kicked off for the
agricultural production in recent years    three major CSG and LNG projects in
and currently providing 3437 jobs.         the Surat Basin region; BG Group’s

                                           Queensland Curtis LNG project,
    Key outputs include grain, cotton,

                                           Santos’ project and the Origin
beef, dairy products, pork and eggs,
                                           ConocoPhillips Australia Pacific joint
along with a growing volume of
                                           venture project. It is the upstream
horticulture. With rapid economic and
                                           work (attendant processing plants and
population growth occurring in the
                                           pipelines) of these three approved CSG
Asian region, Australia is witnessing a
                                           and LNG projects that is located in the
rapid change in its export destinations
                                           Surat Basin and has not only created
for packaged and fresh food, a
                                           thousands of jobs, but also benefitted
situation that could not have been
                                           regionally-based businesses who have            of the avocados sold in
imagined a decade ago. The change
has always seemed inevitable but the
                                           been able to expand their operations.           November in Australia
pace of change is staggering.
                                           Many attest the CSG industry has led                are grown in the
                                           to the construction of long-awaited for
   There is much talk about Asia’s         and vital infrastructure in the region.           Toowoomba region.
potential to reshape the Australian
                                               Toowoomba and the wider Surat
economy through food imports and it
                                           Basin has also become a hub for well
seems this may prove to be particularly
                                           drilling and servicing. The reasons
relevant for protein food products.
                                           for this include: the location which
   Red meat shipments to China alone       provides transport and logistics
have increased by 400 per cent to over     efficiencies with reduced travel times
160,000 tonnes in 2012/2013 from           to the gas fields; the region has a lower
around 23,000 tonnes in 2009/2010.         cost of living compared with Brisbane;
China is now one of Australia’s largest    and there is a greater ability to recruit
agricultural export destinations and       and attract skilled labour compared to
the growth continues. Reports indicate     more remote locations. In Toowoomba
that the growth in demand for food is      alone, at least nine major drilling and
being driven by Asia’s strong economy,     servicing companies have a substantial
growing population, higher personal        base. Their strong presence has                 TOOWOOMBA REGION
incomes, tight supplies and food
safety concerns. This provides a real
                                           significant advantages for the region,
                                           such as experienced and respected
                                                                                             EGG PRODUCERS
opportunity for food producers in the      supply chains being in place, specialist           ACCOUNTS FOR
region, and with Toowoomba now             support services being introduced and
housing the new internationally capable    high quality workforces and training
Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport,            facilities coming to fruition.
export figures are only set to increase.
                                              The significant coal mine in the
                                           Toowoomba region is the New
RESOURCES                                  Acland Mine run by the New Hope
    Toowoomba is the gateway to the        Group. The mine is currently awaiting
Surat Basin Energy precinct which          Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

is rich in natural minerals and energy     approval of their proposal to expand its
resources. In the 2013- 2014 year,
the resource sector represented a
                                           operations on the easternmost edge of
                                           the Surat Basin within the Toowoomba                          .4
$2.5 billion economic contribution         Regional Council area.                                         %
to Toowoomba’s economy, 27 per                It is expected that the $900 million
cent of the regions total GRP, and         expansion will create 260 jobs during
employed well over 18,000 people.          construction plus another 135 jobs
Recent times have seen the resource        once the mine is operational. The
sector face some challenges as many        mine is also leading the way with its
of the major projects in the region        rehabilitated mined land for cattle.
transition from the construction phase     Currently being trialled on grazing
to the operations and maintenance          cattle, a combination of soil, pasture
phase. However, with operations and        and cattle fattening tests form the basis
                                                                                            OF QUEENSLAND’S
maintenance activities expected to
continue for the next 40-50 years, and
                                           of a long term trial to fully understand
                                           the impact of the mining operation on            TOTAL EGG
with these operations representing         grazing land with the intent to return
around a billion dollars of expenditure    this land to the best possible state
each year until 2020, and half a billion   post mining.

10 |    Destination Toowoomba
... grow
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            for food
 is being
by Asia riven
         's stro
   econom ng

 Destination Toowoomba   | 11
          in Toowoomba                                                                                                 WELCOME T
                                                                                                                        TOOWOOMO BA
   Toowoomba is the largest regional
centre in Queensland, and is situated at the                                                                              DEMOGRAPHIC
                                                                                                                                                                                     CLIMATE AND

intersection of three major highways - the
                                                                                                                          Toowoomba is                                                                  WEATHER
                                                                                                                                            situated 125k
                                                                                                                         Queensland’s                       m west of
                                                                                                                                           state capital Brisb                      Toowoomba’s
                                                                                                                         crowning the                              ane,                              climate range
                                                                                                                                          edge of the Grea                          during the winte                    s from quite cool
                                                                                                                         Range 800m abov                       t  Divid ing                             r months, to warm

Warrego, New England and Gore. The area                                                                                                        e sea level. It                      summer mont                                  during the
                                                                                                                        Australia’s large                        is one of                           hs.  The city enjoys
                                                                                                                                            st inland regio                        seasons and is                             four distinct
                                                                                                                        with a population                      nal cities                             particularly magn
                                                                                                                                              now reaching                         during spring                             ificent
                                                                                                                        160,000. It is the                       just over                         due    to the abun   dance of publi

has a diverse economy and is within an easy
                                                                                                                                            commercial and                         parks overflowin                                       c
                                                                                                                       hub of the Darli                            econ  omic temperatu                g with  fl ower   s. The average
                                                                                                                                           ng Downs and                                       re ranges from
                                                                                                                       accepted as the                       widely                                               11.4 to 22.6
                                                                                                                                           service centre                         degrees, with
                                                                                                                       Basin, which                           for the Surat                       an average yearl
                                                                                                ... abundance                                                                     944mm. There                          y rainfall of

drive of Brisbane (approx. 1.5 hours), the
                                                                                                                                       encompasses                                                 are a vast numb
                                                                                               of public parks        area from Toow                    a geographic                                                     er of activities
                                                                                                                                          oomba in the                            and events throu
                                                                                                overflowing            in the west, north                  east, to Roma                              ghout the year,
                                                                                                                                                                                 city a top spot                          making the
                                                                                               with flowers.                                 to Taroom and                                        to visit any mont
                                                                                                                     the New Sout                               south to                                               h of the year.
                                                                                                                                      h Wales border.

Sunshine Coast (approx. 3 hours) and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Due to its eleva
                                                                                                                     The Toowoomb                                                                  tion, even on
                                                                                                                                                                                Queensland days                      the hottest
                                                                                                                                        a Regional Coun                                               the residents
                                                                                                                    a growing resid                         cil area is         Toowoomba can                            of
                                                                                                                                        ential area, with                                           relax with a cool
                                                                                                                    rural and rural                         significant          breeze. In fact,                            evening

the Gold Coast (approx. 2 hours).
                                                                                                                                       -residential areas                                         you’ll feel all
                                                                                                                    some industrial                          , and             here: there’s                        of the seasons
                                                                                                                                        and commercia                                          a true winter
                                                                                                                   use. It is cons                         l land              frost, an autu                    with fog and
                                                                                                                                    ervatively pred                                            mn of golden
                                                                                                                   Toowoomba Regi                     icted that the                                             falling leaves,
                                                                                                                                         onal Council area                     and a spring of
                                                                                                                                                                will be                          non-   stop colour.
                                                                                                                   home to near
                                                                                                                                   ly 200,000 peop
                                                                                                                                                      le by 2036.

   The new Toowoomba Airport is a
                                                                                                                  However, more                                               ECONOMY
                                                                                                                                      optimistic forec
                                                                                                                  the area sugg                          asts for
                                                                                                                                  est the population                          Toowoomba’s
                                                                                                                  as high as 234,7                        could be                            Gross Regional
                                                                                                                                      06 by 2036. Ther                       $8.19 billion in                     Product was
                                                                                                                 doubting that                           e is no                               2013, having grow

10 minute drive from the CBD and is                                                                                               the city is on                             the previous year.                       n 3.2% from
                                                                                                                 major growth                      the cusp of a                                 However, recen
                                                                                                                                 spurt, with an                             from the Regio                            t predictions
                                                                                                                 of opportunities                   enormous set                             nal Australia Instit
                                                                                                                                     to come its way.                       billion boost to                        ute see a $10
                                                                        4 | Live Toowoo                                                                                                                         GRP in the next

home to a number of flying schools,
                                                                                        mba.                                                                                15 years, more
                                                                                                                                                                                             than double the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2013 figure.

charter operators, business operators and

maintenance providers.

                                                        The Toowoomba estimated
   While it is now starting to cater for the
ever-expanding population of Toowoomba,           resident population for 2014 is
the internationally capable airport is expected
to change the face of the regions agriculture
                                                  161,970, with a population density
                                                                                               “                                              ERP, 2014

industry by opening up international export       of 0.12 persons per hectare.                                                                   Grown by 1,811 from
opportunities that did not exist before.                                                                                                         the previous year.

12 |    Destination Toowoomba





                                          100 Bridge Street,
                                          Toowoomba Q 4350

                                                                                                                             Hervey Bay
                                                                                                                                                                 “     Toowoomba is
                                                                                                                                                                  a safe family place
                                                                                                                                                                  to study without the
                                                                                                                                                                  distractions of a


                                                                                                                                                                  big city.
                                                                                                                 Nurunderi       Gympie

                                                                                                                                                                  If you would like to
                                                                                                     Kingaroy                      COAST
              Roma                                                                                                                                                visit the many tourist
                                                                                                                                              Island              attractions on offer,
                                                                                                                                                       Moreton    the Gold Coast and
TAFE QUEENSLAND                                                                         Dalby                                                                                            “

                                                                                                                                                                  Brisbane are only a
SOUTH WEST REGION                                                                                          Bundamba
                                                                                                                           Inala BRISBANEStradbroke
                                                                                                                                            Island                short drive away.
                                                                                       Millmerran                Springfield
       St George                                                                                                                            GOLD


                                                                                                                                                                     3.0           HRS

                                                                                                                                                                                   DRIVE TO
                                                                                                                                                                     SUNSHINE COAST
       8.0 HR            HR
                         FLIGHT                                             FLIGHT
                                                                  OR LESS TO MOST
                                                                  ASIAN COUNTIES

                                                                                                                                          DRIVE TO

        To Melbourne
        via Newell Hwy

                                                                                                                                 2.0   HRS
                                                                                                                                 GOLD COAST
                                                                                                                                                           DRIVE TO

       To Sydney                                                                                                                    To Sydney
 via New England                                                                                                               via Pacific Hwy

                                                                                                                                                                 Destination Toowoomba   | 13
                    in Toowoomba
   Toowoomba is the third most
   industrially diverse region in
   Australia with a wide cross-section
   of employment providing a buffer
   between the boom or bust
   nature of areas relying on a
   single industry.

BUSINESS NUMBERS                            employing (i.e. business owners only,    Regional Product (GRP)1) of $637.2
                                            no additional staff ) in 2010-11. An     million in 2010-11, accounting for 8.8%
   As of June 2011, there were
                                            estimated 20.2% of all manufacturing     of the total GRP of the Toowoomba
an estimated 526 businesses in
                                            businesses had workforces of one         Region ($7.3 billion).
the Manufacturing sector in the
                                            to four persons, with 18.6% of all          Manufacturing was the fourth
Toowoomba Region.
                                            manufacturing businesses with a          largest industry contributor to GRP in
    The Manufacturing sector                workforce of five to nineteen persons.   2010-11 behind Rental, Hiring and Real
accounted for 3.7% of the 14,374            The average workforce size across        Estate Services ($825.3 million), Mining
businesses in the Toowoomba Region.         all manufacturing businesses in the      ($799.4 million) and Financial and
The Manufacturing sector ranked tenth       Toowoomba Region was 15.1 persons,       Insurance Services ($655.6 million).
in terms of the number of registered        with a significant difference between
businesses behind Agriculture, Forestry     urban (18.9 persons) and rural (10.8
and Fishing (21.7%), Construction           persons) areas.                          PRODUCTIVITY
(16.7%), Rental, Hiring and Real Estate
                                               The average workforce size across         Productivity is a measure of the
Services (9.8%), Professional, Scientific
                                            manufacturing businesses in the          efficiency of production in a region and
and Technical Services (7.1%), Retail
                                            Toowoomba Region was marginally          is a key aspect of economic growth.
Trade (6.5%), Transport, Postal and
                                            lower than state (16.0 persons) and      By dividing the GRP of a region by the
Warehousing (6.3%), Financial and
                                            national averages (16.4 persons).        total number of hours worked, it will
Insurance Services (6.2%), Other
                                                                                     calculate the labour productivity within
Services (4.6%) and Health Care and
                                                                                     that region, i.e. the average total output
Social Assistance (4.3%).                   CONTRIBUTION TO                          produced by an hour worked by a
                                            GROSS REGIONAL                           person within that region.
WORKFORCE SIZE                              PRODUCT                                     The Manufacturing sector in
   Just over half (51.1%) of all               The manufacturing sector in the       the Toowoomba Region recorded
manufacturing businesses within             Toowoomba Region recorded industry       productivity (industry value added per
the Toowoomba Region were non-              value added (or contribution to Gross    hour worked) of $57.33 in 2010-11. This

14 |   Destination Toowoomba
was lower than the average productivity                                               most common occupations were
level for all industries across the region        Toowoomba remains                   Technicians and Trade workers
($68.80) such that manufacturing                                                      (30.2%), Labourers (28.9%), Managers
                                             one of the best places in
ranked eighth in industry productivity                                        “       (10.8%), Machinery Operators and
in the Toowoomba Region in 2010-11           Queensland for workers                   Drivers (9.9%) and Clerical and
behind Rental, Hiring and Real Estate                                                 Administrative workers (9.7%).
                                             looking to secure a job.
Services ($522.48), Mining ($429.01),                                                    Within the Manufacturing sector,
Financial and Insurance Services                                                      the Toowoomba Region had a higher
($189.68), Electricity, Gas, Water and                                                proportion of Labourers and a slightly
Waste Services ($145.66), Information                                                 higher proportion of Technicians and
Media and Telecommunications                                                          Trade Workers than Queensland in
($117.06), Wholesale Trade ($74.04),                                                  2011.

                                              5.5       % State Average
and Administrative and Support
Services ($60.43).
EMPLOYMENT                                                                            QUOTIENTS
    The manufacturing sector in the
                                                                                          Location quotients are ratios used

Toowoomba Region employed 5,628

                                                                                      to identify specialised industries in the
persons in 2011, representing 9.3%                                                    local economy.
of the region’s working population                           National Average            A location quotient greater than one
(60,292 persons). Manufacturing was
the fourth largest industry employer in
                                                             UNEMPLOYED               often, but not always, indicates the
                                                                                      industry sector is export-orientated.

the Toowoomba Region in 2011 behind
Health Care and Social Assistance
(14.8%), Retail Trade (11.7%) and
Construction (10.8%).
                                                 %           TOOWOOMBA’s
                                                                                        In this analysis, location quotients
                                                                                      have been used to assess the industry
                                                                                      concentration in the Toowoomba
                                                                                      Region and Queensland relative to
   In 2011, there were a higher
proportion of persons employed in                     Fallen by 0.3%
the Manufacturing industry in the                                                        The Toowoomba Region has
Toowoomba Region than across                                                          a greater manufacturing sector
Queensland.                                  Equipment Manufacturing (11.5%) and      employment concentration (location
    The largest employer within              Fabric Metal Product Manufacturing       quotient greater than one) than the
the Manufacturing industry in the            (6.9%).                                  national economy (1.10).
Toowoomba Region was Food Product                                                        By comparison, Queensland
Manufacturing, with 36.0% of the             OCCUPATION                               has a lower manufacturing sector
total industry workforce. This was               Of the 5,628 persons employed        employment concentration than the
followed by Machinery and Equipment          in the Manufacturing sector in the       national economy (0.95).
Manufacturing (11.9%), Transport             Toowoomba Region in 2011, the

                                                                    “       The Australian Bureau of Statistics review
                                                                     of industrial diversity placed Toowoomba at the
                                                                     top end of workplace variety, with health care
                                                                     and social assistance employing 8929 people -
                                                                     the most of any industry.

                                                                                            Destination Toowoomba         | 15
TAFE Queensland South West in the
COMMUNITY                                memorandums of understanding            Asia Century, and Farmfest.
ENGAGEMENT                               (MOU), sponsorships and partnerships.      We are proud to be part of the
   At TAFE Queensland South West we         We currently have high level         communities we operate and work
are committed to building a foundation   sponsorships and MOUs in place          closely to supporting events that
for sustainable growth and enterprise    with a number of regional chambers      promote the regions culture and
across the businesses, industries and    of commerce and regional economic       diversity.
communities throughout the region.       development organisations across the       These events also provide us with
                                         Darling Downs and surrounds. This       the opportunity to showcase our
    We achieve this through strong
                                         includes the Toowoomba Chamber of       diverse course offerings, industrial
partnerships across industry,
                                         Commerce, Toowoomba Surat Basin         capabilities, training facilities, and
community and education and
                                         Enterprise and the emerging Food        students’ knowledge and skills.
training. These alliances provide us
                                         Leaders Australia.                         Events we support locally include
greater access to a more diverse range
of organisations, which assists us to       TAFE Queensland South West           the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers
pursue more business opportunities       also sponsors or has a high level of    – Flower Food and Wine Festival,
and support communities. These           involvement in regional showcase        Toowoomba Winter Wonderland and
alliances often take the form of         events such as the Toowoomba Surat      Multicultural Festival.
co-provider arrangements,                Basin Mining & Energy Expo, Ag in

        ... TAFE
       Que e ns s t
               W  e
       Sout h       por t s
              s u p
     proudly mba’s
       Toowoo nts.
        local ev

16 |    Destination Toowoomba
Destination Toowoomba   | 17
   From health and education to manufacturing and resources, Toowoomba remains
the powerhouse to South West Queensland’s and Northern New South Wales
thriving industries. Recently named Australia’s 3rd most industrially diverse region,
and featuring a gross regional product in excess of $8 billion annually, Toowoomba
boasts a distinctively optimistic business climate and maintains steady economic
   In fact, the Regional Australia Institute recently predicted that the regions’ gross
regional product will increase by $10 billion in the next 15 years, further fuelling
confidence in Toowoomba’s economic stability. The region benefits from world-class
education facilities that have led to vast pools of skilled and experienced workforces
who are supported by a number of premium health care facilities.

EDUCATION                                       Toowoomba is home to three major          the manufacturing sector in the
                                              hospitals, including St Vincent’s Private   region in the form of food processing
   Toowoomba currently houses 86
                                              Hospital, Toowoomba Hospital and St         and machinery and equipment
primary and secondary schools, and
                                              Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital.                manufacturing.
also has a significant boarding school
sector, with eight of the 48 boarding            Toowoomba and the surrounding                The manufacturing sector employs
schools in Queensland found in                region is committed to promoting            6.3% of the total people employed
Toowoomba.                                    health and well-being, with a number of     in the Surat Basin and is the highest
                                              gyms and natural health practitioners       contributor to total imports for
HEALTH                                        available to residents.                     the region, contributing $3,499.2
    The Social Assistance Sector                                                          million (39.7%). Representing 11.3%
in the region provides an output of                                                       of total output for the region, the
                                              MANUFACTURING                               manufacturing sector is the fourth
$1.2 billion (5%) to the economy,
and encompasses hospital services,               The success of the manufacturing         largest contributor in this area and is
specialist services, medical support,         sector comes from a variety of              also the fourth largest contributor to
community health, Allied Health               avenues, including small family-run         total exports at $16.5%.
Services, Home and Community                  businesses and agriculture and energy
Care services (HACC), educations              industries.
                                                 The agriculture industry has proved
services and other outreach and health
promotion services.                           a significant catalyst for developing          Construction is one of the largest
                                                                                          industries in the Toowoomba region
                                                                                          and is a significant employer and
                                                                                          contributor to the local economy. the
                                                                                          local economy.
                                                                                             The constructions sector in the
                                                      AUSTRALIA’S                         Toowoomba region maintains stability

                                                        Third                             and contributes an impressive $2,008.8
                                                                                          million to total outputs, making it the
                                                    MOST INDUSTRIALLY                     second largest contributor to total
                                                     DIVERSE REGION                       outputs in the region.
                                                                                             The construction sector also has
                                                                                          the highest total industry turn-over,
                                                                                          turning over $968.4* (16.5%) million
                                                                                          in 2012/2013, and is the largest
                                                                                          contributor to gross regional product,
                                                               GROSS                      contributing $849.7* million (9.2%) in
                                                              REGIONAL                    2013/2014.

                                                           8 Billion
                                                                                             Employing 3,485* people, the
                                                                                          construction industry is also the
                                                            ANNUALLY                      eighth largest employer in the region.
                                                                                          With increasing population and rising
                                                                                          levels of local employment, the need
                                                                                          for residential dwellings will continue
                                                                                          to carry the construction industry in

18 |   Destination Toowoomba
the near future as mining-related             LNG for export through processing
construction activity begins to slow          plants now open in Gladstone.                      TOOWOOMBA
   The demand for new dwellings is
                                                 Many attest that the CSG industry               INDUSTRY SECTOR
                                              has led to the construction of long-
expected to stay steady until 2016,           awaited and vital infrastructure in

with an expected 1,225 new dwellings          the region, with opportunities for
needed per annum until then.                  the resource sector significantly
   Also growing the construction              increased in light of these
sector in the near future is the              developments.
number of major (over $25million)                                                                HEALTH CARE and SOCIAL ASSISTANCE
                                                 In the 2013-2014 year, the

projects in the pipeline for the region.
                                              Queensland Resource Council founds
These include the Toowoomba
                                              the Resource Sector contributed
Second Range Crossing due and the
                                              approx. $5.1 billion to Gross Regional
long anticipated Inland Rail Project
                                              Product in the Toowoomba and Surat
both due to begin construction in
                                              Basin region (figures based off the                                RETAIL TRADE

                                                                                                 9.7 %
                                              Toowoomba, Maranoa and Western
    QIC’s $460 million redevelopment          Downs Regional Council Areas).
of Grand Central and Gardentown,
which began construction in                       As a whole the sector employed
late 2014, will also prove a viable           26,667 people through direct and
opportunity to the construction sector        indirect jobs, and paid approx. $182
                                              million in wages. Growth projections

                                                                                                       7.9 %
until it’s completion in 2018.
                                              based on a medium-level scenario for
     The construction industry in the
                                              the potential of resource development
Toowoomba region also holds the
                                              in the Surat Basin predict that the
title of being the largest contributor
                                              production of coal and CSG will
to total local sales, generating
                                              increase ten-fold by 2031 from                     ACCOMMODATION and FOOD SERVICES
approximately $2,045.3 million within

                                                                                                 7.7 %
                                              current levels*.
the region.
                                                 The Toowoomba and Surat Basin
                                              region has now also widely been
RESOURCES                                     recognised as a Well Drilling and
   The Surat Basin is home to                 Servicing Hub to support energy rich               EDUCATION and TRAINING

a number of large multi-million               areas, with many local businesses
dollar CSG projects that produce              reaping the benefits of an increased
and deliver gas to Queensland’s               need for skilled workers and supplies
residential networks, and produce             of products and services.


                                           6.3% of total jobs
                                                                                                 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION and SAFETY

   16.5% of total exports
                                                                6.7% of total value-added

                                                                                                 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY and FISHING

                                                                         11.3% of total output
                                                                                                 TRANSPORT, POSTAL and WAREHOUSING

                                                                                                        4.7 %
11.3% of total imports

                                                LOCAL SALES
                                              $1,144.9M                                                   PROFESSIONAL, SCIENTIFIC
                                                                                                           and TECHNICAL SERVICES
                                             6.7% of total local sales

                                                                                                      Destination Toowoomba   | 19
    Why study in Toowoomba?
International students can study in a large regional city and belong to a community that welcomes
multicultural backgrounds.

TAFE colleges specialise in courses that provide you with skills for a particular industry or trade, and
courses range from Certificate courses to Advanced Diploma level. TAFE offers you hands-on practical
vocational learning combined with theory based learning sessions in small class sizes.

                Highly sought after industry-                           Facilities.
                focused qualifications.                                 Modern class and lecture rooms, flexi-learn
                We’ve more than 390 qualifications that will            centre, library, laboratories and workshops
                provide you with a current and relevant                 provide some of the best learning environments
                nationally-recognised qualification.                    available and many of which simulate the
                                                                        workplace. Our learning environments give you
                                                                        the opportunity to study and learn practical
                                                                        skills side by side with Australian students
                Professional teachers,                                  studying the same programs. Canteen - Our
                first-class facilities.                                 canteens sell food and refreshments and
                                                                        operate during the semester. Parking - Our
                Our teachers are industry professionals with            campuses provide free parking for our students
                great contacts, and a passion for passing on            and visitors during business hours.
                their expertise. You’ll learn in industry-current
                facilities, using the latest materials and tools.

                                                                        When international students graduate they may
                Location.                                               wish to apply for a General Skilled Migration visa
                Located in a regional area of Queensland,               (GSM), which means they may need to undergo
                Toowoomba is known as the Garden City                   a points test. Living, working and studying in a
                with crisp, clean air for a healthy lifestyle.          regional city such as Toowoomba can assist the
                There are a vast number of activities and               person to gain extra points towards that visa.
                events throughout the year, making the city   
                a top spot to study.                                    information/fact-sheets/24overview-skilled

                Personalised support.                                   Connected to Business.

                There is a dedicated unit available to you at all       We are connected to business and our close
                times to guide and support you through from the         relations mean workplace placement and
                initial orientation through to graduation of your       strong potential employment outcomes.
                program. We will provide you with information
                you need about the locations, accommodation,
                and other support services available to you.

20 |   Destination Toowoomba
Faculty Directors
          Health and Community Services Industries Faculty:
          Faculty Director Ann-Maree Lucht
          If you’re wanting to work with children, families, and at-risk members of the community the
          Health Community Services Faculty offers a range of industry-valued courses. Career outcomes
          include childcare educator, early childhood teacher to teacher aide; and community career
          outcomes include family support workers, foster carers and senior youth workers. Health
          services courses vary from youth work to family intervention and nursing; with career outcomes
          including disability officers, enrolled nurses and aged care workers. Our courses are highly
          regarded by industry and with Australia’s ageing population, qualified aged care and general
          health care workers are in high demand.

          Trades Training Industries Faculty:
          Faculty Director Alison Stewart
          Building and construction offers a solid trade career with our apprentice to post-trade level
          courses. There are a wide range of trade courses available, including carpentry, electrical,
          plumbing and building. Courses are also offered in the engineering and automotive industries,
          from mechanical and welding to engineering and diesel fitting. All are delivered by teachers with
          years of experience, using industry-current tools and training spaces.

          Resources and Infrastructure Industries Faculty:
          Faculty Director Debbie Jackson
          For a career in the resources and infrastructure industries, courses offered include tickets,
          licences, trade qualifications and diplomas from civil construction, work health and safety, project
          management, transport and logistics to process manufacturing resulting in skilled and
          job-ready students. If your career goals lie in the great outdoors, we offer horticulture, landscape
          construction and rural operations. Our qualifications and passionate teaching teams will have
          you skilled up, knowledgeable and ready to work.

          Business and Services Industries Faculty:
          Faculty Director Sharon Richardson
          This Faculty covers the hair and beauty, hospitality and events, business, IT and creative
          industries. Hairdressing and beauty to aromatherapy and massage courses see you train in
          real salons with real customers, ensuring you graduate job and client-ready. From cookery to
          event coordination, our courses are delivered in industry-grade kitchens and open to the public
          restaurants. If you want to discover the exciting, fast-paced world of corporate management,
          or seeking to help others through IT or legal solutions; our cutting-edge courses will give you
          the skills you need to make an impact, and a difference.

          Education Industries Faculty:
          Faculty Director Tom Rowe
          If you feel you were born to lead and share knowledge with those around you, a job in the
          education and training industries might be what you’re looking for. Career outcomes include a
          trainer and assessor. Whether you wish to improve your own language and literacy skills or teach
          trades, our courses will see you qualified and confident to stand at the front of the classroom.
          The faculty also offers pathways to higher level VET programmes and university studies through
          our Adult Tertiary Preparation course.

                                                                           Destination Toowoomba        | 21
          is proud to support the
                     Start Up Community
  TAFE Queensland South West            Canvas Coworking through the

is proud to support the Start Up        provision of working space.
community in greater Toowoomba                                                             A hub for the
                                           Key objectives of Canvas Coworking
region, which creates grassroots
                                        Inc are to provide a hub for the diverse
                                                                                     diverse community
opportunity and diversity in
                                        community of the Darling Downs                    of the Darling
entrepreneurial activity through
education, mentorship, acceleration,
                                        & South West Queensland which                  Downs and South
                                        encourages entrepreneurship, and to
incubation and promotion.                                                              West Queensland
                                        develop partnerships between skilled                         “
  Canvas Coworking Inc is a not-        mentors, freelancers and entrepreneurs        which encourages
for-profit association formed with      to foster collaboration, incubation and    entrepreneurship. ....
members of our community who are        acceleration of the development of
passionate about developing the local   innovative, scalable businesses that
startup ecosystem, and currently TAFE   will drive economic growth in our ever
Queensland South West supports          changing environment.

22 |    Destination Toowoomba

and innovative
Startups on the
Darling Downs
                                                                         Resulting in the Downs
                                                                      community becoming world
                                                                       leaders in technology and
                                          PEOPLE                           social innovation.

                                    We believe that by helping               And our own
                                      people to realise their              Formula E team!
 ENTREPRENEURS                     potential, we can create new
Startup Toowoomba supports        markets and change the way
entrepreneurs and Startups on     we do business on the Downs
 the Darling Downs. Creating            – any business.
  opportunity and diversity in
  grassroots entrepreneurial
  activity through education,
   mentorship, acceleration,
  incubation and promotion.                                                Find out more?
                                      Call David on 0422 590 552 or Leanne on 0407 360 897


                                                                          Destination Toowoomba    | 23
FESTIVALS and EVENTS                        with the Flower, Food and Wine              agricultural regions held over three
   Toowoomba is known as The                Festival, the annual event attracts more    days at Kingsthorpe (just outside of
Garden City with multiple award-            than 100,000 visitors to the city for its   Toowoomba) in June.
winning parks and gardens that,             parade, spectacular open gardens, live         Races are a major drawcard for
each spring, attract more than              music and local food and wine. Up-to-       many throughout the year. The biggest
100,000 visitors to the city for the        date information on all the events can      race day of the year is the Weetwood
Carnival of Flowers and Flower, Food        be found at                 Cup, held at Clifford Park in April. The
and Wine Festival. The temperate
                                                The Toowoomba Show is another           annual day attracts up to 10,000 race
climate, beautiful gardens and serene
                                            iconic event held annually every March      goers, to enjoy not only the races,
countryside all remain within minutes
of an increasing cosmopolitan, vibrant      at the Toowoomba Showgrounds. A             but Fashions of the Field events,
centre offering an enviable lifestyle for   favourite for families, the three-day       food and drinks. Other race days are
new residents keen to be a part of the      event includes rides, stalls and live       held throughout the year. Visit www.
region’s success.                           entertainment, offering something  for details
   The Carnival of Flowers has become       for all ages. Farmers can also delight      of upcoming events.
an iconic, ten-day community festival       with agricultural event FarmFest,              A multitude of markets are also held
held in September each year. Along          attracting crowds from surrounding          regularly, including the Queens Park

        ... we’re
        Walk Sc

24 |    Destination Toowoomba
Craft Markets held on the third Sunday
of every month and the PCYC Markets
offering fresh produce every Sunday
    Regardless of the time of year, there
is always something happening in
Toowoomba. Events are listed on the
Toowoomba Regional Council website
and are regularly updated.

   There are a number of art galleries
around the city, showcasing exhibitions
throughout the year. The Toowoomba
Regional Art Gallery is located beside
City Hall on Ruthven Street, and
was established in 1937, making it
the oldest public art
gallery in regional
                                                                                                                           THEATRE and FILM
Queensland. Tosari
Galleries on Margaret             TOOWOOMBA ENJOYS                                                                             Toowoomba’s Empire Theatre is a
Street draws art lovers
and visitors, who can
                                    HOUSING COSTS:                                                                         heritage-listed venue that first opened
                                                                                                                           as a silent movie theatre back in 1911.
enjoy and purchase                                                                                                         The theatre on Neil Street now boasts
original artworks,                                                                                                         the latest purpose-built facilities as well
limited edition prints,
along with a range of                                         20.4%
                                                     LOWER THAN BRISBANE
                                                                                                                           as retaining the grandeur and superb
                                                                                                                           acoustics, with the interior styling
unusual and beautiful                                                                                                      having been faithfully restored to the fi
Australian designed and                                                                                                    nest detail. It hosts a variety of concerts
made glass, ceramic                                                                                                        and shows, drawing local, national
and timber souvenirs.                        21.3%                                            27.9%                        and international acts to the city. Visit
                                                                                                                  for a
USQ Arts Gallery at                     LOWER THAN THE
                                        SUNSHINE COAST
                                                                       LOWER THAN THE
                                                                        GOLD COAST

the university also                                                                                                        full listing of what’s on.
showcases a variety of                       14.2%                                             40.6%                           The University of Southern
                                       LOWER THAN                      LOWER THAN
collections throughout                  TOWNSVILLE                       MACKAY                                            Queensland’s Shakespeare in the
the year.                                                                                                                  Park Festival is a delight for the young
                                        NB: Housing costs involve those for rent, electricity and other household fuels.
                                                                                                                           and old. Each year in October, a
                                                                                                                           different Shakespeare tale is re-told
                                                                                                                           to audiences, who flock to Queens
                                                                                                                           Park to watch the live performances
                                                                                                                           outdoors. Beginning in 2004, the
                                                                                                                           Festival continues to evolve and
                                                                                                                           grow, now offering a range of outdoor
                                                                                                                           and indoor cultural experiences in
                                                                                                                           celebration of The Bard. For further
                                                                                                                           information visit
                                                                                                                              Toowoomba also has two cinemas,
                                                                                                                           each playing the latest release movies.
                                                                                                                           The Toowoomba Strand is Australia’s
                                                                                                                           oldest purpose-built cinema on
                                                                                                                           Margaret Street. Originally a church,
                                                                                                                           and then a hotel, the building was
                                                                                                                           transformed into a cinema in 1914 and
                                                                                                                           has been renovated a number of times
                                                                                                                           throughout the years. The other cinema
                                                                                                                           complex is located at Toowoomba
                                                                                                                           Grand Central Shopping Centre. Visit
                                                                                                                           movie times for both venues.

                                                                                                                                 Destination Toowoomba          | 25
ATTRACTIONS                                which is rich in history from the original   Located on the edge of the Great
                                           Jondaryan station. The woolshed              Dividing Range, the café is open during
    For those looking for a more
                                           itself is an original sheep-shearing         the day seven days a week and for
active day out, Tabletop Mountain is
                                           shed and is the oldest and largest           dinner Friday and Saturday nights.
a challenging yet rewarding climb.
                                           operating woolshed in the world that             Take a passenger train from the
Be aware it can be quite demanding
                                           still operates. There are daily tours        CBD to the heritage-listed site Spring
at times, with rocky sections and
                                           and activities for the young and old,        Bluff Railway Station. Located on the
a scramble before the summit. It is
                                           from billy cart racing to shearing           main railway line between Ipswich and
recommended you don’t carry anything
                                           demonstration and the animal nursery.        Toowoomba, there are two daily return
in your hands, as there may be times
                                           Visit www.jondaryanwoolshed.                 routes to the station which includes
you are on your hands and feet!
                                  for more information.                 a café where visitors can sit, enjoy
Located on the edge of Toowoomba,
the top provides vast views of the             For those who enjoy a drop of            food and drinks while enjoying the
neighbouring Lockyer Valley. Allow         wine, a visit to Preston Peak winery         breathtaking gardens and scenery. Its
roughly two and a half hours to walk up    is a must. The family owned winery           significance stems from 140 years of
and back. Access is via South Street       is located just 10 minutes outside of        railway history. “Acting” Station Master
which turns into Tabletop Drive.           the city and offers wine tastings and        Ralph Hickey is always on hand to
                                           sales throughout the week. It is also        explain the history behind the site,
   Toowoomba is known around the
                                           a popular venue for weddings and             and if you’re lucky, a song and dance
country for its picturesque and vibrant
                                           functions.                                   welcome too. Call (07) 4688 6883 to
parks and gardens. While September
                                              Picnic Point is another popular           find out more.
sees a surge of people visiting the city
to get a glimpse of the picture-perfect    meeting spot, due to its stunning                There are a variety of day
gardens during the Carnival of Flowers,    views of the escarpment coupled              trips for those wanting to explore
the parks can be just as beautiful other   with al fresco and indoor dining.
times of the year. The city’s major                                                                              ... the
parks include Queens Park, Laurel                                                                            Jondar
                                                                                                             Woolsh n
Bank Park and Newtown Park, and
are all regularly maintained by council.                                                                               ed
At USQ, the Japanese Gardens are a                                                                           is rich i
must see for new residents or visitors.                                                                       history.
The peaceful park is Australia’s largest
and most traditionally designed
Japanese stroll garden and a popular
venue for weddings and picnics.
Admission is free.
   Located roughly 30 minutes outside
of Toowoomba at Jondaryan is the
Jondaryan Woolshed. At the heart of
the woolshed is the museum village,

26 |    Destination Toowoomba
Inbound Toowoomba, Event Venue, Winebar and Café

                                                                        The city hosts a number of professional
                                                                          sporting events throughout the year.

outside of the city. Just one hour and                   FOOD and NIGHTLIFE                                        • The Ridge Shopping Centre,
       FOOD AND
45 minutes’    driveNIGHTLIFE
                      away is the Granite                 Major shopping centres include:                   ToowoombaHume  Showgrounds
                                                                                                                               Street offers a fantastic
                                                           Toowoomba’s dining scene is                      recreation facility for the whole community to
Belt region,  which dining
       Toowoomba’s     includes    towns
                               scene  is diverse. With  • Grand Central Shopping Centre,                           • Clifford   Gardens       Shopping      Centre,
                                                      diverse. With plenty of local pubs                    use and   enjoy. The   site’s undulating   terrain
such asplenty of local pubs
          Stanthorpe,         serving up and
                          Ballandean      classic         Margaret Street
                                                      serving                                                        James     Street    and
                                                                  up classic pub meals, there is also makes it an appealing facility for elite  Anzac    Avenue
       pub  meals,  there  is
Applethorpe. The booming wine also a selection of       • The Ridge Shopping Centre, Hume Street
                                                      also    a selection                                   state and   national  competition    or training.
       international cuisines and fine dining,           • Clifford  Gardensof     international
                                                                               Shopping    Centre,cuisines         • K-Mart     Plaza,    Ruthven     Street
region includes more than 50 wineries,
       offering something for all tastes and          and    fine Street
                                                          James    dining,and offering   something
                                                                                 Anzac Avenue               The city  hosts  a number     of professional
                                                                                                                   • Hooper Centre, Hume Street
with a budgets.
        wide range
                              a number of bars that     • K-Mart    Plaza,   Ruthven   Street               sporting events throughout the year, giving
                                                      for  all tastes    and    budgets.     There
accommodation        and   tourist  venues.             • Hooper    Centre,                                        • The
                                                                                                            residents   theRange
                                                                                                                            chance Shopping          Centre,
                                                                                                                                      to watch world-class
       open late, with  venues   along  Margaret      are   a number       of Hume    Streetopen late,
                                                                               bars that
Visit www.granitebeltwinecountry.
       Street in the CBD busiest on both Friday                                                                      James     Street
                                                        • The Range Shopping Centre, James Street athletes in action. The Tour of Toowoomba
                                                      with venues along Margaret Street andtoSaturday  nights.
              see what’s      on offer.                 • Wilsonton Shopping Centre, Bridge Street attracts           the country’s top cyclists for four days
                                                                                                                   • Wilsonton      Shopping Centre,
                                                      in• the  CBD busiest
                                                          Northpoint    Shoppingon     both Friday
                                                                                     Centre,                of gruelling rides in May. The exhilarating
   Two hours’ drive North West of                     and    Saturday      nightsStreets
                                                                                     with over 142                   Bridge    Street
                                                          Ruthven    and Jones                              racing event attracts spectators from around
Toowoomba       areselection
       For a wide    the Bunya     Mountains.
                              of shops   in the one   restaurants,      bars and
                                                        • Highfields Village           coffee
                                                                                 Shopping       shops
                                                                                             Centre,               • Northpoint
                                                                                                            the country,              Shopping
                                                                                                                          for four days             Centre,
                                                                                                                                          of road stages,   team
Situated   amongst
       location, head atodistinctive
                          the city’s biggest shopping in Toowoomba
                                                          Highfields RoadCity.  and Lauder Drive             time trails  and the and
                                                                                                                     Ruthven      innerJones
                                                                                                                                         city criterium.
       centre Grand
set of peaks           Central.
                that are  part Itofoffers
                                    the the only                                                            Visit for
                                                        SPORTS AND ACTIVITIES                                      • Highfields Village Shopping Centre,
       Myer store in the region and also features                                                           more information.
Great Dividing Range, the area is a
       over 50 fashion stores, a cinema, a 550        SHOPPING
                                                        Many Toowoomba residents know the                            Highfields Road and Lauder Drive
popular   spot for bushwalkers with an
       seat food court and 140 specialty shops.         value of sports and physical activities, with
                                                                                                            Throughout the year, a number of state and
abundance      of trails                                   For a wide selection of shops in the national tennis tournaments are held in the
       Margaret   Streetwithin
                         is also the
                                        with stores,    an abundance of local clubs and facilities                 SPORTS              and ACTIVITIES
               clothes toPark   and theshoes and
                                                      one    location, head to the city’s biggest city including
                                                        catering for all types of sport. From tennis
                                                                                                                             the Toowoomba       International
                                                      shopping       centre    Grand     Central.  It       at the  Toowoomba
                                                                                                                       Many        Regional
                                                                                                                               Toowoomba       Tennis  Centre know
surrounding mountains. There are a
       electronics.  Grocery  stores  are  dotted       and  rugby,  to bowls,   cricket,  soccer and
                                                                                                            in October. Golf also attracts pro-golfers to
       around Toowoomba,
large selection               while there are several offers
                   of accommodation                     hockey,the   only
                                                                  there  is aMyer   store
                                                                              club for      in the region
                                                                                        all standards and          the value of sports and physical
                                                                                                            the city, with a number of tournaments held
       big centres for hardwares, including
options, ranging from campgrounds to                  and
                                                               For features
                                                                    a directoryover    50
                                                                                  of clubs, fashion
                                                                                             see Page 48           activities, with an abundance of local
                                                                                                            at golf courses around the region including
       Bunnings Warehouse, Mitre 10 and Masters. stores,or visit the
                                                                  a  Toowoomba
                                                                    cinema,      a   Regional
                                                                                   550   seat   Council
                                                                                                food  court        clubs andPGA  facilities   cateringatfor all
holiday homes to chalets.                               website for information on facilities available
                                                                                                            the  Queensland           Championship
                                                      and    140 specialty shops. Margaret                         types
                                                                                                            the City  Golf of  sport.
                                                                                                                           Club.   OtherFrom
                                                                                                                                           clubstennis   and
                                                                                                                                                  in the city
   Packing a picnic or riding a bike is                 and park at
                                                      Street is also lined with stores, selling include            rugby,   to bowls, Golf
                                                                                                                     the Toowoomba        cricket,
                                                                                                                                                Club soccer
                                                                                                                                                      Middle and
a great way to take advantage of this                   Cycling istopopular
                                                      clothes                 amongstshoes
                                                                     homewares,          both amateur
                                                                                                 and        Ridgehockey,
                                                                                                                    with 18 holes
                                                                                                                              therecarved    out offor
                                                                                                                                       is a club     beautiful
                                                                                                                                                        all standards
stunning city: take in tea houses, B&Bs,                and professional cyclists, with a strong
                                                      electronics. Grocery stores are dotted                natural parkland and the Eustondale Golf
                                                                                                                   and ages. For a directory of clubs,
galleries, cafes, ordered gardens or                    cycling contingent in the city. The                 Course which is a par 33 course, offering
                                                      around      Toowoomba, while there are
                                                        Toowoomba Criterium Track located at the
                                                                                                                   see Page 48 or visit the Toowoomba
                                                                                                            golfers of all abilities a challenge.
natural wilderness. Toowoomba City                       several big centres for hardwares,                        Regional Council website for
is great for history-buffs: there are                    including Bunnings Warehouse, Mitre                       information on facilities available
about 50 heritage listed sites in the                    10 and Masters.                                           and park at
                                                                                                                                         Live Toowoomba. | 25

CBD and inner city suburbs alone,                                                                        
                                                         Major shopping centres include:
and self-guided historical walking
tour pamphlets are available from the                    • Grand Central Shopping Centre,                            Cycling is popular amongst both
information centre.                                        Margaret Street                                         amateur and professional cyclists,

                                                                                                                           Destination Toowoomba              | 27
with a strong cycling contingent in         rides in May. The exhilarating racing
the city. The Toowoomba Criterium           event attracts spectators from
Track located at the Toowoomba              around the country, for four days of
Showgrounds offers a fantastic              road stages, team time trails and
recreation facility for the whole           the inner city criterium. Visit www.
community to use and enjoy. The    for more
site’s undulating terrain also makes it     information.
an appealing facility for elite state and      Throughout the year, a number of
national competition or training.           state and national tennis tournaments
   The city hosts a number of               are held in the city including the
professional sporting events                Toowoomba International at the
throughout the year, giving residents       Toowoomba Regional Tennis Centre           WALKING in TOOWOOMBA
the chance to watch world-class             in October. Golf also attracts pro-
                                                                                          Toowoomba City is very walkable
athletes in action. The Tour of             golfers to the city, with a number of
                                                                                       with a walk score of 82 (www.
Toowoomba attracts the country’s            tournaments held at golf courses
                                                                             , most errands
top cyclists for four days of gruelling     around the region including the
                                                                                       can be accomplished on foot in
                                                  Queensland PGA Championship
                                                                                       Toowoomba City.
                                                  at the City Golf Club. Other
                                                  clubs in the city include the          There are over 142 restaurants, bars
                                                  Toowoomba Golf Club Middle           and coffee shops in Toowoomba City.
                                                  Ridge with 18 holes carved out of
                                                                                          People in Toowoomba City can walk
                                                  beautiful natural parkland and the
                                                                                       to an average of 8 restaurants, bars
                                                  Eustondale Golf Course which is
                                                                                       and coffee shops in 5 minutes.
                                                  a par 33 course, offering golfers
                                                  of all abilities a challenge.


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28 |    Destination Toowoomba
18 | Live Toowoomba.   Destination Toowoomba   | 29
               and CLEAN


30 |   Destination Toowoomba
The Toowoomba Regional Council has environmentally friendly
    policies and ideas for water usage, waste and recycling,
    sewerage, waterways and bushland, wildlife, sustainability
    and environmental conservation.

   The Toowoomba Region has the             built environmental assets and              community. Our diversified primary
best of city and country – it is a place    scenic landscapes are valued by our         production (including agriculture,
in which we love to live!                   community and managed sustainably.          forestry and fisheries) is eco-efficient
   Toowoomba City is a prosperous              Toowoomba is a thriving region with      and adaptive to changing climate
place with a cosmopolitan heart that        a robust and adaptive economy that          conditions. Land with best capacity
retains its “rural heritage” and services   provides opportunities for all. We take     for food production is protected and
the Darling Downs and beyond. A             advantage of opportunities presented        buffered.
network of vibrant towns, each with         by our unique position as a gateway to          The economic benefits of extraction
their own character and identity,           the east and west.                          of finite land and water resources
embraces a relaxed country lifestyle           Our governance structure supports        (including quarry and mineral
and rural qualities.                        local community leadership and              resources) or generation of energy
                                                                                        are balanced with community and
   Our family-friendly and safe             decision-making, and our communities
                                                                                        environmental needs. The use and
communities are defined by their            actively participate in Council decision-
                                                                                        re-use of a range of land, water and
resilience, a spirit of collaboration       making processes.
                                                                                        atmospheric resources in primary
and a rich cultural life. Good quality         How will we best use what we have?       and secondary production is well
services and infrastructure equitably       Our valued scenic landscapes and            understood and only occurs if impacts
meet the diverse needs of our healthy       regional green spaces are protected         are managed and resources are
communities. We care for our people!        and our natural areas and resources         returned or rehabilitated to a similar or
   Our region’s various natural and         are well managed by landholders and         better condition.

                                                                                              Destination Toowoomba          | 31
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