TOWARD FEMINIST LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF CRISIS - PROGRESS IN A PANDEMIC: A Report Card on the Secretary-General's Fourth Year from the Feminist ...

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TOWARD FEMINIST LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF CRISIS - PROGRESS IN A PANDEMIC: A Report Card on the Secretary-General's Fourth Year from the Feminist ...
A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s
Fourth Year from the Feminist U.N. Campaign
TOWARD FEMINIST LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF CRISIS - PROGRESS IN A PANDEMIC: A Report Card on the Secretary-General's Fourth Year from the Feminist ...
A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 3

OVERALL REPORT CARD GRADES FROM 2017-2020                                                       For gender equality and for the United        began as the Commission on the Status
                                                                                                Nations, 2020 was supposed to be a year       of Women (CSW) was set to convene, it
A+                                                                                              of celebration and reflection. The United     became clear: for the United Nations and
                                                                                                Nations would celebrate its 75th year. UN     its leadership, 2020 was hardly the year
A                                                                                               Women would commemorate its 10th year.        for global celebrations of progress and
                                                                                                Women’s rights activists would mark the       commitments to increased ambition. The
A-                                                                                              25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration   milestones we had looked forward to
                                                                                                and Platform for Action. U.N. Security        were delayed, canceled or considerably
B+                                                                                              Council Resolution 1325 on Women,             scaled down.
                                                                                                Peace and Security would look back on 20
                                                                                                years. And with 10 more years to realize      This involved a resetting of expectations
                                                                                          B     the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for          for gender equality advocates who had
                                                                                                Sustainable Development, 2020 presented       campaigned with increasing fervor over
                                           B-                         B-                        an opportunity to call for increased action   recent years and had aligned around the
                                                                                                and more urgent implementation where          key moments and anniversaries of 2020
               C+                                                                               progress was lagging.                         with tremendous anticipation, and with
                                                                                                                                              a long list of demands of the Secretary-
                                                                                                But 2020 took us by surprise. The onset of    General himself and the U.N. system,
                                                                                                a global pandemic exacerbated inequality,     writ large.
                                                                                                shattering any sense of normalcy and
                                                                                                placing life’s most ordinary pleasures out    Four years ago, as the United Nations
                                                                                                of reach. The world in 2020 was flipped       prepared to pick a new leader, member
              2017                       2018                        2019                2020   upside-down, nearly unrecognizable—           states and women’s rights advocates alike
                                                                                                and the effects on women and girls were       were clamoring for female and feminist
                                                                                                particularly harmful.                         leadership at the United Nations. It was
                                                                                                                                              in this context that the International
                                                                                                As UN Women reports, “The impacts             Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
                                                                                                of crises are never gender neutral, and       convened a group of feminist thinkers,
                                                                                                COVID-19 is no exception. While men
Written by Spogmay Ahmed and Lyric Thompson of the International Center for                     reportedly have a higher fatality rate,
Research on Women on behalf of the Feminist U.N. Campaign.                                      women and girls are especially hurt
                                                                                                by the resulting economic and social
Special thanks go to Daphne Ho, Gisselle Flores, Joe Shaffner, Lindsay Bigda and Tanya          fallout. Impacts on women and girls
Khokhar for their invaluable contributions, report reviewers Dragica Mikavica, Sahar            have worsened across the board.”1 The
Moazami and Sarah Gammage, as well as all those who took part in key informant                  COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated violence
interviews and the global civil society survey.                                                 against women; a loss of earnings,
                                                                                                livelihoods and educational opportunity;
Recommended citation:                                                                           the burdens of unpaid care and domestic
Ahmed, S. and Thompson, L. (2021). Progress in a Pandemic: Toward Feminist Leadership           work; and lack of access to sexual and
in a Time of Crisis. Washington D.C., International Center for Research on Women.               reproductive health services.2

© 2021 International Center for Research on Women                                               As the crisis unfolded and lockdowns
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4 ICRW                                                                                                                          A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 5

         advocates and U.N. experts to imagine a        based harassment in the U.N. system.          severe funding shortfalls and backlash

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Cancillería Argentina/Flickr

         transformative and progressive agenda          But he lagged behind in fostering             on initial efforts.”8
         for women’s human rights and gender            greater freedom of information,
         equality in the U.N. system, anticipating      ensuring feminist implementation of the       And what of 2020? How to assess progress
         it might have its first female Secretary-      Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)          in a most extraordinary year? Is it fair to
         General (SG).                                  and transforming key gender equality          evaluate against the same criteria when,
                                                        institutions and convenings—like UN           for instance, one of our scored criteria is
         The General Assembly ultimately                Women and the Commission on the Status        strong leadership at the Commission on
         appointed António Guterres, who, while         of Women (CSW)—into stronger, more            the Status of Women (CSW), which was
         not a woman, proclaimed himself “a proud       inclusive bodies and resources within the     largely suspended?9
         feminist.” This and other statements by the    wider U.N. system.6
         SG indicated that he had potential to be a                                                   In truth, we considered punting to 2021
         champion for feminist reforms throughout       Following his second year, in 2018,           and electing not to publish the annual
         the system, and so the Feminist U.N.           Guterres again scored highly in promoting     scorecard. But, ultimately, we decided that
         Campaign was born.                             gender parity and prioritizing the            in a year that threatens to reverse decades
                                                        elimination of violence, discrimination       of progress on gender equality, this is no
         In 2016, the Campaign released its             and abuse in the U.N. system, particularly    time to let leaders off the hook on these
         flagship report, Toward a More Feminist        in the wake of the #MeToo and                 issues. Rather, we must press our case        brief on gender, the first in a series of
         United Nations, delineating an agenda          #AidToo movements. The Campaign               ever more urgently.                           thematic briefs on the crisis. Perhaps most
         for then incoming Secretary-General            noted improvements in the Secretary-
                                                                                                                                                    importantly, he also integrated a gender
         Guterres.3 The Campaign adapted these          General’s efforts to advance feminist         So we shall.                                  marker in the U.N.’s COVID-19 Response
         recommendations into an initial 100-           implementation of the SDGs and promote
                                                                                                                                                    and Recovery Fund, making program
         day framework, as well as actions the          greater freedom of information. However,      For 2020, the Feminist U.N. Campaign          funding in its second call for proposals
         Secretary-General could implement over         progress still lagged. Most notably, gender   once again measures to what extent the        contingent upon support for gender
         the course of his five-year term. These        equality initiatives and actors remained      Secretary-General advanced progress           equality and women’s empowerment.
         include six key points: (1) articulate and     vastly underfunded.7
                                                                                                      on our proposals for a more gender-
         implement a feminist leadership agenda,
         (2) ensure feminist implementation             In 2019, the Campaign noted “a year
                                                                                                      equitable world and U.N. system, even         Indeed, despite a year in which progress could
                                                                                                      and especially in the midst of a most
         and accountability for the Sustainable         of incremental progress” with “no
                                                                                                      turbulent year. We revisit our six priority   have easily stalled or been reversed, Guterres’s
         Development Goals (SDGs), (3) finance          measurable increase or decrease”
         for gender equality, (4) utilize feminist      compared to the previous year. While
                                                                                                      recommendations, assessing progress and       scores actually increased overall and in three
         leadership through parity and rights           his public messaging on gender equality
                                                                                                      setbacks in each area.
                                                                                                                                                    of the six areas on our agenda, resulting in a B
         protections, (5) enable a feminist             substantially increased in frequency,                                                       overall—his highest grade in the past four years,
         transformation for the Commission on           the Secretary-General turned much of          Overall, we find that Secretary-
                                                                                                                                                    although still offering room for improvement.
         the Status of Women (CSW) and UN               his attention to internal processes and       General Guterres responded
         Women, and (6) promote the freedom             outcomes. Those included continued
         of information in the U.N. system.4 Each       focus on gender parity, the High-Level        to the exigence at hand, both                 Specifically: the SG’s scores increased
         year following, the Campaign has issued        Task Force on Financing for Gender            recognizing and prioritizing                  over last year in the areas of feminist
         a report card grading the Secretary-           Equality and preparations for 2020 as a                                                     leadership and agenda-setting, reflecting
         General’s progress against this agenda.        key anniversary year for both the U.N.
                                                                                                      the gendered effects of the                   his leadership for gender equality in both
                                                        system and women’s rights globally.           COVID-19 pandemic.                            diplomatic and funding responses to the
         Following a strong rhetorical performance      However, as we reported in 2019, “the                                                       pandemic; feminist implementation for
         in his first 100 days,5 the SG has struggled   choice to focus on internal processes         He regularly cautioned against increased      the SDGs, where he did a better job of
         to secure the kind of transformation           to ‘get our own house in order’ resulted      levels of violence against women—calling      clearly linking the SDGs to the women’s
         imagined in the 2016 agenda. Following         in an understandable perception by            for peace worldwide and “at home”—            human rights agenda and called out
         Guterres’s first year in office, he scored     observers inside and outside of the U.N.      incorporated a gendered analysis in his       Goal 5 and targets such as sexual and
         highly in his efforts to achieve gender        of decreased momentum on the overall          policy recommendations to member              reproductive health and rights in the of
         parity and respond to violence and sex-        agenda, particularly in the context of        states and issued a standalone policy         the Decade of Action; and freedom of
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6 ICRW                                                                                                                                           A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 7

                       information, again due to increased              with U.N. officials and comments from          has at last come to a close—we found,           Guterres’s first term and the rescheduled
                       transparency around the COVID-19                 his Executive Office continue to insist        across the board, missed opportunities          celebration of the Generation Equality
                       Response and Recovery Fund and                   that this is an internal-facing Task Force     to enable greater civil society access          Forum,10 all eyes are on the Secretary-
                       increasing telecast and virtual meetings         with no mandate to increase financing          and foster greater transparency, two            General to make this the banner year for
                       in the wake of the pandemic.                     for gender equality, and no clear plans to     critical components of our Feminist U.N.        gender equality and women’s rights—as
                                                                        disseminate any information with regard        agenda. As lobbies closed so too did            well as intersecting human rights issues
                       Scores remained the same in one area,            to the Task Force—from membership              valuable opportunities for information          that came to the fore in 2020, like racism—
                       on parity and rights protections, where          to recommendations—to the public,              exchange and influencing on the                 that 2020 was supposed to be.
                       he is ahead of schedule, and went down           an unfortunate development and one             margins of negotiations and debates,
                       in two: financing for gender equality            that has undermined pandemic-related           with no digital mechanism designed              We urge Secretary-General Guterres to make his
                       and enabling a feminist transformation           progress where financing is concerned.         to accommodate this. For every event
                                                                                                                                                                       commitment to gender equality a centerpiece of his
                       for CSW and UN Women. Two important              Finally, on the CSW, we elected not to         or forum we tracked, advocates and
                       notes here: On financing, the SG’s strong        score the SG this year given that the CSW      academics alike expressed frustration that      campaign for reelection, using his fifth year in office
                       leadership on the COVID-19 Response              was largely canceled, scheduled as it          meetings were still scheduled in Eastern        to cement progress to date, embrace outstanding areas
                       and Recovery Fund would have taken               was to convene in March, just as global        Standard Time, designed to accommodate
                       his score up rather than down had the            lockdowns were beginning.                      New York participation, even though
                                                                                                                                                                       of our agenda and set a strong expectation either for
                       Campaign not uncovered, in the course                                                           participants no longer were physically          himself or for his successors to achieve or exceed.
                       of this year’s research, a Concept Note          Zooming out a bit from the Secretary-          required in New York. In a year that could
                       outlining a significantly increased level        General himself to consider overall            have transformed colonial and Western-          In his first year in office, Guterres
                       of ambition and transparency that was            trendlines in the larger system, there is      centric approaches underpinning U.N.            proclaimed, “Do not let us in the UN off
                       initially planned for one of his signature       one important lesson from 2020 that            processes and events, civic space seemed        the hook.”11 The Feminist U.N. Campaign
                       efforts in this area, the High-Level Task        merits deeper examination, not only by         more constricted than ever. Particularly        took that request to heart. While we
                       Force on Financing for Gender Equality           the SG and his leadership team, but also       following the global protests that erupted      commend the Secretary-General’s efforts,
                       (HLTF). This document revealed that, at          by the various agencies, officials and         against racism and white supremacy, the         we recognize that a feminist U.N. system
                       least initially, the SG’s plans for the Task     member states operating throughout the         U.N. as an institution and the SG as its        is still far from reality. As such, we repeat
                       Force included a number of Campaign              system: as the pandemic necessitated a         leader must confront these intersecting         the Secretary-General’s words back to
                       asks: increased resourcing for gender            move to virtual modalities for a number of     issues head-on.                                 him: “Keep pushing. Keep inspiring. Keep
                       equality, civil society input and public         U.N. meetings, events and processes—a                                                          making a difference.”12
                       dissemination of report findings and             move that is likely to endure to some          Looking ahead to 2021, which marks the
                       recommendations. However, interviews             degree even after the pandemic chapter         fifth and final year of Secretary-General       The fight is far from over.

         It is important to note that this assessment             is listening to civil society’s calls for feminist   the Secretary-General is not solely responsible        as an institution born out of international
         evaluates the Secretary-General’s progress               leadership and is willing to take good ideas on      for effecting the recommended changes, and             crisis, in direct response to authoritarianism,
         against the Campaign’s recommended agenda,               board. We insist that our six action areas are       there are a number of factors beyond his               and chartered specifically “to reaffirm faith in
         not his own. The goal and intention of this effort       equally worthy of his attention and will continue    control—not the least of which are political           fundamental human rights, in the dignity and
         is to seed ideas for the SG’s action that would          to push for their consideration and uptake. For      undercurrents surrounding this era of decreasing       worth of the human person, in the equal rights
         lead to necessary transformation within the              even if Secretary-General Guterres does not act      resource flows, intensifying ethno-nationalist and     of men and women and of nations large and
         U.N. system, giving credit where he has taken            on all of our recommendations, some future           misogynist sentiments undergirding the rise of         small,” we believe the United Nations is up to the
         up civil society’s ideas and calling attention           Secretary-General might, and in the spirit of        authoritarian governments, and ongoing reforms         task and hence present our progress assessment
         where he has not. As we saw in those first,              forward momentum and future progress we will         that reflect and manifest these trends. Our order      as an appropriate and essential call to action to
         historic days, this is a Secretary-General who           continue to present them. We also recognize that     is, therefore, an admittedly tall one. Nonetheless,    realize these founding ideals.
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8 ICRW                                                                                                                         A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 9

         HOW TO BUILD
         The election of a new Secretary-General of the United Nations in 2016 provided an          THREE
         important opportunity to ensure that the United Nations implements an agenda that puts
         gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights at the heart of everything it does.
                                                                                                    FINANCE FOR GENDER EQUALITY
                                                                                                    Ensure there are sufficient funds committed to gender equality across the U.N.,
         The Feminist U.N. Campaign created its initial report card in early 2017, in response to
                                                                                                    including full funding for UN Women as well as for gender integration throughout
         Secretary-General Guterres declaring himself a “feminist” as he took the helm at the
                                                                                                    the U.N. system. Convene an annual High-Level Panel on Financing Gender Equality
         United Nations. Since then, it has measured the extent to which the Secretary-General
                                                                                                    to analyze and present the state of financing for women’s rights and gender
         advanced progress toward a more gender-equitable world and U.N. system across
                                                                                                    equality within the U.N. system. Publish funding sources to enhance transparency
         six recommendations:
                                                                                                    across all agencies.

         ONE                                                                                        FOUR
         ARTICULATE AND IMPLEMENT A                                                                 UTILIZE FEMINIST LEADERSHIP
                                                                                                    Increase the numbers of women and feminists in U.N. leadership, and protect women’s
         Secretary-General Guterres should set out and implement a full-fledged women’s rights      rights across the system. Secretary-General Guterres should achieve gender parity in his
         agenda for the duration of his term, including a commitment to report on progress and      appointments, call for nominations for strong female candidates to head critical agencies
         work with feminist civil society to hone and implement it.                                 and establish and implement feminist policies across the system, including whistle-blower
                                                                                                    policies and a zero-tolerance policy for all forms of gender-based violence.

         TWO                                                                                        FIVE
         ENSURE FEMINIST IMPLEMENTATION                                                             ENABLE A FEMINIST TRANSFORMATION
         ANDACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE SUSTAINABLE                                                      FOR CSW AND U.N. WOMEN
                                                                                                    Commit to ensure that the CSW and U.N. Women live up to their potential by
         The SDGs represent the single best opportunity to achieve gender equality and include      serving as inclusive platforms for civil society participation, with a specific focus
         a focus on gender and advance women’s rights across the U.N.’s efforts. Ensure the         on the inclusion of southern, feminist voices.
         goals have a strong accountability framework and continue to focus on gender including
         and beyond Goal 5, and align with other commitments such as the Beijing Platform
         for Action and have a clear mandate for oversight at the Commission on the Status of
         Women (CSW).                                                                               SIX
                                                                                                    PROMOTE THE FREEDOM OF
                                                                                                    INFORMATION IN THE U.N. SYSTEM
                                                                                                    Announce system-wide reforms to increase transparency within the U.N. and to
                                                                                                    build public trust in the U.N. system. Institute universal System-Wide Action
                                                                                                    Plan on Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (SWAPs) for all U.N.
                                                                                                    agencies and bodies, including the fifth committee, and make that data publicly
                                                                                                    available on a central platform.
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10 ICRW                                                                                                                               A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 11

                 REPORT CARD                                                                                   General for maintaining a rhetorical
                                                                                                               focus on gender equality with speeches
                                                                                                               devoted entirely to the issue, and for
                                                                                                                                                               called out “default man” thinking, which
                                                                                                                                                               accepts men’s circumstances, preferences
                                                                                                                                                               and lifestyles as standard and normal—
                                                                                                               increasing references to gender in other        compared to women as the exception. In
                                                                                                               remarks—an uptake of the Feminist U.N.          the same speech, Guterres asserted that
                                                                                                               Campaign’s recommendations.                     sexual and reproductive rights are “under
                                                                                                                                                               threat from different sides”—responding
                                                                                                               In addition to the laudable increase in the     to our Campaign’s recommendation to
                 ONE                                                                                           number of speeches connecting gender            more frequently and publicly address
2020 GRADE: A-   ARTICULATE AND                                  But 2020 shattered expectations. A            equality to other topics and outside of         gender issues deemed “controversial.”
2019: B+                                                         global pandemic ground progress to            gender-related events or anniversaries,         He also spoke about the role of gender
2018: B+         IMPLEMENT A FEMINIST                            a halt, canceled events and rendered          the content of the SG’s speeches with           stereotypes in promoting risky behaviors
2017: B          LEADERSHIP AGENDA                               anniversaries moot, not to mention the        regard to gender equality also improved,        among men and boys—driving the point
                                                                 havoc it wreaked on the global populace,      becoming more substantive and                   that gender inequality is to the detriment
                 Our Ask: The Feminist U.N. Campaign             most especially women and girls.              containing more systemic and power-             of all, and not just women.13
                 defines a feminist leadership agenda as:                                                      based analyses of structural constraints
                 i) a full-fledged women’s rights agenda based   As we assess the Secretary-General’s          to equality.                                    In the 14 speeches focused entirely on
                 on U.N. policies of human rights, equality,     leadership in this unprecedented and                                                          gender issues, Guterres frequently spoke
                 fairness and nondiscrimination, which           unpredicted context, we find the pandemic     This was most notable in the Secretary-         about women’s leadership, gender parity,
                 ii) outlines which members of the Secretary-    featured heavily in shaping his agenda—       General’s speech on “Women and Power”           violence against women, and conflict,
                 General’s administration are responsible        and that ultimately, his focus on gender      delivered at The New School, a university       peace and security—issues he has focused
                 for implementing its key provisions, and        equality remained or perhaps even             in New York City, in February. This high-       on in previous years as well. While the
                 iii) reports progress to the public on an       increased in light of the pandemic.           visibility speech set a strong tone and clear   SG frequently mentioned the Beijing
                 annual basis with consultation from                                                           priority for the year’s focus on gender.        Declaration and Platform for Action and
                 feminist civil society and U.N. staff to hone   Each year, we examine the Secretary-          In his remarks, Guterres proclaimed:            the Generation Equality Forum in this
                 and implement.                                  General’s messaging around gender             “Gender equality is a question of power;        set of 14 speeches, there were very few
                                                                 equality and various related issues           power that has been jealously guarded           references to this commemoration in his
                 Progress to date:                               through a coding and analysis of his public   by men for millennia.” For a global public      93 other speeches. Speeches focused
                                                                 speeches. In the time period analyzed         and political leader, blatant language          entirely on gender are delivered to an
                 The Agenda                                      for this report (December 15, 2019 to         about power and patriarchy is uncommon.         audience rather familiar with gender
                 Our 2019 analysis found that, for               December 11, 2020), Secretary-General         We commend the Secretary-General’s              equality issues and events; therefore, we
                 those both inside and outside of the            Guterres delivered a total of 169 public      efforts to raise awareness around the           encourage the Secretary-General to raise
                 U.N. system, there was a sense of lost          speeches. Of this number, 14 were entirely    roots of gender inequality, as indeed           awareness about the Beijing Declaration
                 momentum as the Secretary-General               on gender issues (equal to last year)—        power was mentioned not just in this            anniversary and Generation Equality
                 turned inward from his proactive agenda         mainly delivered at commemorative             speech, but in several remarks delivered        Forum in his other engagements. In the
                 to focus on other matters, such as funding      events or occasions and key women’s           throughout the year. In the same “Women         same set of speeches, Guterres made
                 shortfalls and corresponding budget cuts.       rights meetings or conferences. The           and Power” speech, Guterres identified          sure to point out the pernicious impacts
                 “Progress stalled,” the title of our report,    number of speeches on other topics that       five key areas relevant to gender equality:     of the COVID-19 pandemic on women.
                 was a prevailing theme. If there was some       nonetheless included a focus on gender        conflict and violence, the climate crisis,      While he often highlighted increasing
                 upside, there was a sense that 2020 would       grew, however (93 as compared to 85           inclusive economies, the digital divide and     levels of gender-based violence during the
                 be different, marking a major push on           last year). A large number of these were      political representation. He challenged         pandemic, he also referenced women’s
                 gender equality initiatives, implementation     pandemic-related as the SG consistently       accepted ways of thinking around gender         leadership during crisis, invisible and
                 and awareness-raising, particularly with        focused on the gendered impacts of            equality issues; for instance, when             unpaid care work, and women frontline
                 the 10th anniversary of UN Women, the           COVID-19 (an emphasis on violence             referencing the trillions of dollars poured     and essential workers.
                 20th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 and the          against women, which he termed “the           into peace and security, he asked, “Whose
                 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration     shadow pandemic,” was particularly            peace? Whose security?” and questioned          Guterres improved in integrating
                 and Platform for Action and associated          prominent). 61 speeches did not reference     the inequality that is foundational to          gender into non-gender speeches and
                 Generation Equality Forum events.               gender at all. We commend the Secretary-      structures and institutions. Guterres also      settings, a key recommendation from
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12 ICRW                                                                                                                                     A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 13

                        last year. He also became much more            Secretary-General should increase and          While the Secretary-General rightfully          This year, we again analyzed the Secretary-
NEARLY 15%              conversant in feminist analysis,               elaborate on such references. Patriarchy       responded to staff concerns, he and the         General’s social media engagement
of tweets from the      recognizing power at the root of gender        and colonialism are deeply related;            entire U.N. system must be more proactive       through his posts on Twitter. Of his 902
SG this year were       inequality issues. In the 93 speeches          their influence permeates not just             in standing up against racism. Racism is        tweets in the period of analysis, 133 tweets
about issues related    not explicitly about gender issues, there      global inequalities and international          a rights issue, and a feminist issue; in the    were gender-related—nearly 15 percent.
to gender.              were 143 non-substantive references            relations, but also the organization and       face of blatant rights violations, the U.N.’s   This reflects a significant increase from
                        to gender or gender-related topics, and        success of the U.N. system itself. In his      actions must match its rhetoric.                last year, when he tweeted about gender
                        38 substantive references.14 Last year’s       remarks about racism in the workplace,                                                         only 56 times out of 540 tweets (nearly 11
                        85 speeches not explicitly about gender        delivered in November, Guterres lacked         The Secretary-General also made minimal         percent). A large portion of these gender-
This is a
                        issues included 51 substantive references      any substantive references to women and        references to adolescent girls. In few          related tweets (34 percent) focused on
4% INCREASE             and 81 non-substantive references. The         gender.17 It is important that he recognize,   instances, he mentioned girls’ education,       COVID-19, mentioning disproportionate
from last year.         Secretary-General frequently pointed           and act upon, the biases, barriers and         child marriage, pregnancy and young             effects on women (e.g. increased domestic
                        out the gendered effects of COVID-19           discrimination facing women of color in        women’s participation in leadership and         violence, job loss, pushback on women’s
                        in exacerbating inequalities. He often         the workplace and worldwide.                   decision-making. However, he often              rights). Guterres frequently tweeted about
                        spoke about women’s leadership, violence                                                      spoke about youth as a bloc—instead             gender-based violence (about 22
ABOUT 22%               against women and conflict, peace and          Taken particularly in the context of the       of recognizing the intersections of age
of the gender-related                                                                                                                                                 percent of his gender-related tweets),
                        security. However, much of his language        police killing of George Floyd last year,      with other identities. Guterres articulated     both in the context of COVID-19 and
tweets from the SG
focus on violence.      on gender issues reaffirmed gender as          which prompted mass protests for racial        many barriers facing adolescent girls in        regarding sexual and physical violence
                        binary. For example, in his speech at the      justice, both in the U.S. and worldwide,       his speech on “A Call to Action for the         in war. 18 of the Secretary-General’s
                        New School—otherwise perceived as a            the SG’s leadership in recognizing             Education of Adolescent Girls,” delivered in
                                                                                                                                                                      gender-related tweets focused on
                        rather progressive speech—Guterres             the intersecting issues of racism and          February, but could better integrate such
                                                                                                                                                                      achieving parity, particularly through
                        referred to men as “half the population,”      gender equality is all the more pressing,      references in other speeches.19
                                                                                                                                                                      an increase in women’s leadership and
                        which was critiqued for excluding other        noticeable and overdue. Initially, the U.N.
                                                                                                                                                                      participation. Three of these tweets
                        genders. Similarly, at the opening of the      discouraged its staff from participating in    A common trend emerging from the
                                                                                                                                                                      discussed parity in U.N. peacekeeping
                        General Assembly, he referenced women          protests and breaking curfew. The U.N.         Secretary-General’s speeches was his
                                                                                                                                                                      forces. Additionally, 14 of his gender-
                        as “half of humanity,” and his references      ethics board issued a circular that stated,    pivot to speaking about gender parity
                                                                                                                                                                      related tweets mentioned power
                        to LGBTIQ+ individuals are exceedingly         “Participation in public demonstrations        when discussing how the U.N. exemplifies
                                                                                                                                                                      differentials between men and women.
                        rare.15 We urge the Secretary-General to       in the current circumstances may not be        its commitment to gender equality. For
                        use more gender-inclusive language, and        consistent with the independence and           example, in his speech to the 33rd African
                                                                                                                                                                      Like his speeches, Guterres’s tweets still
                        to expand his definition of gender parity      impartiality required of us as international   Union Summit, Guterres identified gender
                                                                                                                                                                      reaffirm gender as binary. Only two tweets
                        and equality—both within the U.N. system       civil servants.” According to an article       equality as one key to poverty eradication,
                        and worldwide.                                 in Foreign Policy, Guterres had initially      proclaiming: “At the bottom line this is
                                                                       endorsed this circular; however, his office    a question of power. We live in a male-                     2% 3%
                        Key informants pointed out that Guterres       disputes this coverage, claiming he did not.   dominated world. That is why I have made
                        often falls short of recognizing the           The ethics board instructions prompted         gender parity a centerpiece of U.N. reform
                        intersections of gender, race and other        significant pushback from U.N. staff and       and gender equality and the advancement                                 21%         FIGURE 1
                        identities. His references to race and         advocates, who argued that their guidance      of women a top priority in all the U.N.                                             Survey respondents’ satisfaction
                        racism were often separate from his            defied rights to free speech and peaceful      does.”20 While the Secretary-General’s                                              with the SG’s leadership and
                        references to gender—and he had                assembly. Guterres eventually reversed         efforts to advance gender parity are                                                response to the COVID-19
                        very few references to race at all. One        this position, citing the U.N.’s record of     important and overdue, parity does                                        15%       pandemic in regards to gender
                        strong example is his Nelson Mandela           challenging racism and discrimination,         not shift power if underlying ideologies                                            and women’s rights issues (n=66).
                        lecture on inequality and a new social         and urging staff to contact U.N. leadership    remain unchanged and continue to                     45%

                        contract, delivered in July. In his remarks,   if they face racial profiling themselves.18    reinforce the binary construction of
                        he commented that “multiple inequalities       If Guterres had in fact endorsed the           gender. It is equally important to ensure
                        intersect and reinforce each other across      circular, this situation raises questions      that all people in leadership roles embrace
                        the generations” and that colonialism          about the centrality of race and racism        feminist values and pledge to challenge             Very dissatisfied           Dissatisfied        Neutral
                        and patriarchy are “two of the historic        to the U.N.’s mandate—particularly its         the patriarchal, colonialist culture
                        sources of inequality in our world.”16 The     alleged commitment to human rights.            pervading the U.N. system.                          Satisfied                   Very satisfied      Don’t know
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14 ICRW                                                                                                                            A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 15

          mention LBGTIQ+ individuals. Given the         gender-based violence, and exacerbated         on children highlights the damaging,             support for the COVID-19 Response
          potential for social media to reach broad      conditions in conflict, fragility and          differential effects of the pandemic on          and Recovery Fund (which is further
          audiences, we suggest he adopt more            emergency contexts. The policy brief           girls—particularly girls’ education. It points   addressed in Section 3) and the U.N.’s
          gender-inclusive language in his online        makes three main recommendations: to           out that girls’ limited access to digital        framework for immediate socio-economic
          engagement as well. Despite sexual             ensure women’s equal representation            technology affects their opportunities           recovery.31,32 Women Rise for All brings
          harassment being a major issue in the          in all COVID-19 decision-making and            for online learning, and warns of a rise         together women leaders across sectors
          U.N. system itself and globally, Guterres      response planning; to address the paid         in teenage pregnancies as girls drop out         to encourage greater action to “save lives
          only mentions harassment in one tweet—         and unpaid care economy; and to target         of school.27 Similarly, the policy brief on      and protect livelihoods” and to insist that
          in the context of harassment against           women and girls in all socioeconomic           impacts of COVID-19 on older persons             governments “address the human crisis
          women leaders. Guterres tweeted about          responses to COVID-19.23 According to          brings attention to older women, who             of the pandemic.”33 This includes women
          the “#GlobalGoals” (SDGs) 33 times, but        comments shared by the EOSG, this policy       are often more vulnerable to violence,           advocates, philanthropists, Heads of State
          mentioned women in just four. He only          brief informed the General Assembly’s          abuse and neglect.28 The gendered                and heads of U.N. agencies. This initiative
          tweeted about the 25th anniversary of          Third Committee24 resolutions on the           effects of the COVID-19 pandemic were            links COVID-19 recovery to the Decade
          the Beijing Declaration and Platform for       advancement of women and girls within          incorporated in 18 other policy briefs and       of Action to achieve the Sustainable
          Action once (in March), posting: “25 years     the COVID-19 pandemic,25 as well as the        documents, including those focused on            Development Goals (SDGs) (further
          after the Beijing women’s conference,          General Assembly Omnibus Resolution            regional conditions, food security and           addressed in Section 2), and centralizes
          violence against women & girls is still        on COVID-19 Response.26 Following              nutrition, disability inclusion, migration       women’s frontline leadership on the
          not only common, but accepted as a fact        significant civil society advocacy, the        and refugees, mental health and economic         global stage. Together with the Secretary-
          of life. This must change. Achieving           Omnibus Resolution also incorporates           recovery.29 Additionally, the Global             General’s other actions, initiatives
          gender equality is the key to securing         a reference to the SG’s call for a global      Humanitarian Response Plan for COVID-19,         and messaging, these efforts reflect a
          our future,” linking to a press release        ceasefire and “peace at home and in            released by the United Nations Office for        commitment by the U.N. system to both
          about a UNICEF, Plan International and         homes around the world.” The Omnibus           the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs         integrate gender in COVID-19 response
          UN Women report on girls’ education.21         Resolution recognizes the pandemic’s           (OCHA), also integrates several references       and recovery and amplify women’s
          Likewise, he tweeted about joining             detrimental toll on women in several           to the detrimental impact of COVID-19 on
                                                                                                                                                         leadership in times of crisis.
          the #GenerationEquality movement               references, including:                         women and girls, specifically referencing
          just once—a missed opportunity to                                                             GBV and access to sexual and reproductive
          raise awareness about an important             “Deeply concerned that the                     health services. In its gendered analysis,       The Team Responsible
          commemoration, particularly when the           disproportionate impact of the COVID-19        it also mentions that “Greater harm can          Like previous years, much of the
          Generation Equality Forum is upcoming.         pandemic on the social and economic            also be expected for lesbian, gay, bisexual,     Secretary-General’s core team remains
                                                         situation of women and girls and their         transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) people         the same—including several women in
          Assessing the Secretary-General’s              access to education and essential health       who typically face prejudice, discrimination     leadership positions. This includes Deputy
          commitment to a feminist leadership            services, the increased demand for paid        and barriers to care, due to their sex,          Secretary-General Amina Mohammed
          agenda this year necessarily warrants          and unpaid care work and the reported          sexual orientation, and/or gender                leading work on SDGs; Under-Secretary-
          examination of his response to the             surge of sexual and gender-based               identity.”30 This demonstrates effort and        General (USG) and Senior Policy Advisor
          COVID-19 pandemic. The Secretary-              violence, including domestic violence          intention by the Secretary-General’s office      Ana Maria Menéndez serving as a focal
          General’s office released a series of policy   and violence in digital contexts, during       to prioritize gender in post-COVID-19            point for civil society, co-chairing the High-
          briefs on the impacts of COVID-19 on both      confinement, are deepening already             response and recovery, and to insist that        Level Task Force on Financing for Gender
          thematic areas and regional issues.22 The      existing inequalities and risk reversing the   member states follow suit. Going into            Equality and leading on accountability
          first thematic policy brief, released in       progress in achieving gender equality and      2021, the Secretary-General must continue        and implementation of the SG’s Gender
          April, focuses entirely on women—a             the empowerment of women and girls             to reiterate these messages and policy           Parity Strategy; and Senior Gender Advisor
          clear indication that gender equality          made in recent decades.”                       recommendations—in public speeches,              Nahla Valji providing substantive gender
          ranks highly on the Secretary-General’s                                                       documents and any bilateral and                  expertise on the Secretary-General’s
          agenda, and in his efforts to influence        Importantly, in addition to a strong brief     multilateral meetings with global leaders        overall agenda. Assistant-Secretary-
          member state policymaking around               on COVID-19 and gender, almost all other       and Heads of State.                              General (ASG) for Strategic Coordination
          COVID-19. It highlights adverse effects        COVID-19 policy briefs and documents                                                            Volker Turk, appointed last year, works
          on economic well-being, unpaid care            incorporate a gender perspective (except       In April, Deputy Secretary-General (DSG)         closely with senior leadership in the Chief
          work, health—including access to sexual        the one focused on debt). For example,         Amina Mohammed launched “Women                   Executives Board (CEB) and liaises with civil
          and reproductive health services—and           the policy brief on impacts of COVID-19        Rise for All,” an advocacy initiative urging     society leaders.
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16 ICRW                                                                                                                                     A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 17

              Key informant interviews with U.N. staff               in-depth initiatives and discussions with     Public Reporting and                           that were not limited to those who could
                                                                     LGBTIQ+ communities, including staff, are     Opportunities for Feminist Critique            afford to travel to New York—or, as has
              revealed that the Executive Office of the              necessary and welcome.                                                                       increasingly been an issue in recent
             Secretary-General (EOSG) has prioritized                                                              and Civil Society Input                        years, who could obtain visas to enter
                                                                                                                   On the matter of annual progress
          greater learning, discussion and collaboration             Through key informant interviews
                                                                                                                   reporting, limited information continues
                                                                                                                                                                  the United States.
                                                                     and comments shared by the EOSG,
             on gender equality with senior leadership.              we also learned that the Deputies’            to be available to the broader public, with    While the town hall is the SG’s primary
                                                                     Committee (comprised of Assistant-            the notable exception of the gender parity     opportunity to hear from feminist civil
                     An example cited was that the Executive         Secretary-Generals, or ASGs) held a           dashboard, which is quite comprehensive,       society, it only takes place once a year. Key
                     Committee (EC) held a discussion on             day-long retreat specifically on gender       and, as of this year, regular public           informants expressed a desire for more
                     obstacles and opportunities for women’s         equality, during which they discussed         reporting on COVID-19 response efforts.        continued, regular engagement with the
                     political participation with a key focus on     the women, peace and security agenda;         As in previous years, we only learned          Secretary-General—instead of a single
                     violence. As a result of this discussion, the   the 25th anniversary of the Beijing           of many of the SG’s efforts through our        event in which they may or may not be
                     Executive Committee developed guidance          Declaration and Platform for Action;          interviews with U.N. officials close to        granted the opportunity to speak. Indeed,
                     for U.N. Country Teams on how the               global trends around gender and the           the Secretary-General. We continue to          the move to virtual consultation in 2020
                     U.N. can systematically support women           future of work; and gender biases in          recommend that the EOSG develop                would seem to facilitate more regular
                     candidates and women’s meaningful               data and analysis. This greater attention     a mechanism to make these efforts              exchange, if waiting for feminists from
                     engagement in politics. According to the        to gender equality at this level of system    visible and accessible to the broader          around the world to travel to New York
                     EOSG, this guidance is soon to be shared        leadership is progress, albeit overdue; in    public, and recommend annual, public           is no longer a prerequisite. To encourage
                     with Resident Coordinators. Also per            the words of one key informant, gender        progress reporting as both a matter of         broader participation, virtual town halls
                     comments from the EOSG, the EC hosted           equality has become “part of the DNA”         transparency and an opportunity to             can be held more frequently and to
                     discussions on femicide, civic space and        of senior leadership, with “not tokenism      leverage more broadly those resources          accommodate multiple time zones.
                     women’s civil society and other gender-         or ticking the box, but a genuine, deep       that are developed as part of his
                     specific issues. Their comments indicated       discussion.” Per comments from the            ongoing efforts.                               Comments from the EOSG provided
                     that gender was mainstreamed into a             EOSG, the retreat culminated in senior                                                       additional information about the scope
                     range of thematic and country-specific          officials making personal and institutional   With regard to opportunities for feminist      of civil society engagement with the
                     discussions among the EC. We urge the           commitments to shifting the needle on         critique and civil society input, the          Secretary-General’s team. In lieu of her
                     EC to continue such discussions, and            “default male” thinking and ensuring          COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically             regular country travels, DSG Amina
                     bring attention to often-overlooked, yet        that decisions are based on gender data       changed the landscape for participation        Mohammed conducted a two-day virtual
                     pressing topics; for instance, civil society    and analysis. The EOSG has followed-          in any and all U.N. convenings,                visit to Colombia. She met with young
                     insists that U.N. leadership bring greater      up by initiating an in-depth analysis of      simultaneously creating unprecedented          women peacebuilders, women human
                     attention to the systematic killing and         EC decisions since 2017 which a key           barriers and opportunities thereto. The        rights defenders and women leaders
                     repression of women human rights                informant says resulted in an increase        64th session of CSW—scheduled for March,       on the implementation of Colombia’s
                     defenders worldwide. Key informants             in the number of gender references in         as in all years—was largely suspended.         2016 peace agreement, as well as new
                     revealed that the EC also held, for             EC decisions, particularly throughout         The Commission proceeded only with             challenges arising within the context of
                     the first time, a discussion on sexual          2020. Some of these decisions ensured         an opening session and adoption of a           the COVID-19 pandemic.34 Furthermore,
                     orientation and gender identity (SOGI).         that gender data was considered as            draft Political Declaration. Any interactive   according to comments from the
                     They discussed support for and barriers         part of the implementation of broader         sessions and side events were canceled.        EOSG, ASG Volker Turk hosts regular
                     facing LBGTIQ+ staff and communities            decisions, while others actively engaged      Since his first year in office, Secretary-     consultations with civil society on a range
                     worldwide, examining how the U.N. can           with women as agents of change. These         General Guterres has hosted an annual          of issues, and approximately 30 percent
                     advocate for LBGTIQ+ rights and inclusion.      developments are best seen as part of the     town hall with women’s civil society           of these meetings are with gender and
                     It is unclear whether any outcomes came         Secretary General’s stated commitment         organizations during CSW. This year,           women’s rights organizations.
                     from this unprecedented and overdue             (as expressed in the New School speech)       instead of canceling the town hall entirely,
                     discussion. While this is certainly progress,   to confront “default male” thinking within    he hosted it virtually some months later,      Like every year, opportunities for civil
                     key informants from civil society pointed       the organization and to explore ways          in August. This reflects a continued           society participation in major convenings,
                     out that the U.N. continues to lag behind       to leverage the influence of the United       commitment to hear from women civil            like CSW and the High-Level Political
                     in supporting LGBTIQ+ communities               Nations to ensure women’s representation      society leaders year after year, and           Forum on Sustainable Development
                     worldwide. As such, additional and more         in political and peace processes.             opened opportunities for participation         (HLPF), and everyday U.N. affairs are
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18 ICRW                                                                                                                        A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 19

          severely restricted. Such participation
          became even more complicated as
                                                       persons, environmental defenders,
                                                       children, young people and members             WHAT’S LEFT TO BE DONE:
          meetings moved online; while online          of ethnic and religious minorities and
          convenings can reach a broader audience,     indigenous groups among targeted civil
          they do not necessarily encourage                                                           These are three areas in which we             early on that gender is foundational to
                                                       society actors.36
          meaningful participation unless                                                             evaluate progress in this section: the        the COVID-19 pandemic, and moving
          organized to do so. Furthermore, timings                                                    articulation and implementation of a          forward, he must maintain momentum
                                                       Shortly after his speech at the New            “feminist agenda” per our definition
          did little to anticipate or accommodate                                                                                                   and urgency. Furthermore, we urge the
                                                       School, the Secretary-General launched         above; the delineation of a team
          global engagement; from HLPF to UNGA,                                                                                                     Secretary-General to more frequently
                                                       a Call to Action for Human Rights at           responsible for seeing it through; and
          the timings of various virtual events were                                                                                                and substantively recognize multiple and
                                                       the opening of the Human Rights Council        the transparency, accessibility and
          still scheduled in EST, and held over long                                                                                                intersecting forms of discrimination—
                                                       where he identified gender equality as         permeability of that process to civil
          hours that resulted in participants in the                                                                                                even within the U.N. system. He must
                                                       a priority. In a follow-up to this Call, per   society stakeholders. Our 2020 analysis
          Eastern hemisphere in particular staying                                                                                                  speak more regularly and in more depth
                                                       comments submitted by the EOSG, the            finds that progress is needed in the          about the effects of racism, LBGTIQ+
          up until two and three o’clock in the
          morning in order to stay engaged.            EOSG and the Office of the U.N. High           following areas:                              rights, adolescent girls, disability and the
                                                       Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)                                                        intersections of multiple identities—and
          This also raises questions of how the U.N.   have been working closely to transform         In the context of COVID-19, the Secretary-    ensure that these serve as the foundation
          would integrate the voices and needs of      these priorities into concrete actions and     General seems to have sharpened the           of future policies, programming and
          those women and girls without internet       transform his commitments in the speech        feminist lens through which he views          leadership decisions.
          access. As one key informant pointed         into improved realities on the ground.         the world, increasing the scope of his
          out, “How many grassroots organizations      According to the EOSG, work has begun          gender analysis and its connection to
                                                                                                                                                    According to information provided by the
          holding the gender equality agenda can       on leveraging the U.N. to repeal gender        other issues. He has been a key global
                                                                                                                                                    EOSG, the EOSG and OHCHR are working
          afford to be on video and deliberate with    discriminatory laws and use the human          spokesperson bringing needed attention
                                                                                                                                                    to advance implementation of the SG’s
          decision-makers?”                            rights tools available under the Convention    to the pandemic’s detrimental effects
                                                                                                                                                    Call to Action for Human Rights in two
                                                       on the Elimination of all Forms of             on women’s rights and gender equality
                                                                                                                                                    areas: amending discriminatory laws
          Promoting and protecting civic space—        Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW),          through his speeches, social media
                                                                                                                                                    and increasing the use of TSMs. We urge
          which refers to opportunities for citizens   such as the use of Temporary Special           engagement and various official policy
                                                                                                                                                    the Secretary-General to see through all
          and civil society organizations to freely                                                   briefs and documents. This is critical
                                                       Measures (TSMs) and quotas, for more                                                         remaining Call to Action commitments,
          assemble and express their views—has                                                        progress at a challenging time. He must
                                                       catalytic progress on SDG 5 and ensuring                                                     and ensure more meaningful inclusion of
          also been on the U.N.’s agenda.35 In line                                                   continue to raise awareness about
                                                       women’s participation across all spheres                                                     civil society throughout the U.N. system.
          with the SG’s Call to Action for Human                                                      the Beijing Declaration and upcoming
                                                       of society. The Call to Action for Human                                                     The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed
          Rights, the U.N. issued a Guidance Note on                                                  Generation Equality Forum, particularly to
                                                       Rights—released to commemorate the                                                           the world’s power differentials and
          Protection and Promotion of Civic Space in                                                  audiences who may be less familiar with
                                                       U.N.’s 75th year—also pledges to “launch a                                                   challenged its institutions. The U.N. must
          September. This Guidance Note, directed                                                     this commemoration.
          to U.N. staff and leadership, recognizes     dialogue on more systematic participation                                                    use this opportunity to reexamine its own
          civic space as essential to COVID-19         of civil society in United Nations bodies      Moving forward, we urge the Secretary-        establishment, and defy the remnants of
          response and recovery, and urges U.N.        and agencies, with special attention to        General to continue using his leadership      colonialism and hegemony within its own
          leadership to understand “attempts at        women’s rights organizations and young         platform to ensure that U.N. agencies         ranks. As virtual meetings and conferences
          limiting participation and silencing those   people” and to “design a system-wide           and programs, as well as member               continue into 2021—and perhaps longer—
          who speak” as “early warning signs” of       strategy on civic space and adequate           states, prioritize women and girls in their   the U.N. must ensure broad reach and
          restrictive action. The Guidance Note        guidance to U.N. leaders in the field,”        COVID-19 response and recovery teams          accessibility. It must accommodate
          recognizes women advocates, LGBTI            among other commitments.37                     and plans. In moments of crisis, gender       multiple time zones, set up mechanisms
                                                                                                      is often forgotten, robbed of human and       for more meaningful participation and
                                                                                                      financial resources that are redirected       determine effective strategies to engage
                                                                                                      to other urgent crises. We commend            women and communities without
                                                                                                      Secretary-General Guterres for recognizing    digital access.
20 ICRW                                                                                                                                  A Report Card on the Secretary-General’s Fourth Year From The Feminist U.N. Campaign 21

                 TWO                                            access to sexual and reproductive health         Similarly, one key informant pointed out           Declaration as “problematic.” This civil
2020 GRADE: B-   ENSURE FEMINIST                                services and rights; and ending the gender       that it seems the SG is “hitting the right         society representative pointed out that it
2019: C                                                         pay gap are just some of the areas we            notes” in many of his words and speeches.          was “harder to call for accountability” and
2018: C          IMPLEMENTATION AND                             are targeting.” We ask the Secretary-            Guterres must continue highlighting the            that the format was “tricky and opaque.”
2017: D+         ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THE                         General and the Deputy Secretary-General         connections between the 2030 Agenda                In addition to the Ministerial Declaration,
                 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT                        to ensure that the Decade of Action              and other key anniversaries and turning            on which member states never reached an
                                                                is not just about awareness-raising,             points, like the COVID-19 pandemic and             agreement, key informants noted that the
                 GOALS (SDGs)                                   but also implementation and long-                economic recovery, the anniversaries of            resolution on ECOSOC reform “went into
                                                                term sustainability.                             the Beijing Declaration and Platform for           hiding” with no mechanism for civil society
                 Progress to date:                                                                               Action and other human rights instruments          input. Another key informant pointed out
                 We only have ten more years to realize         Despite the urgency of instituting a             and occasions. He should also take actions         that meeting times were mostly amenable
                 the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for           Decade of Action, we find less frequent          where he is able to institutionalize those         to those in the Global North, and that few
                 Sustainable Development— and COVID-19          references to the SDGs and their relation        connections—as he has in the case of the           translations were available.
                 has only set a world that was already          to gender equality in the Secretary-             COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund.
                 behind further off-track. In such a context,   General’s speeches. These were,                                                                     While online convenings have the potential
                 it is essential that Secretary-General         understandably, largely overtaken by             Each year, the HLPF is cited as an area            to reach more people, their design can
                 Guterres advance public communication,         references to COVID-19 and its detrimental       of weakness in the Secretary-General’s             either restrict or expand meaningful
                 implementation and member state                impact on women. There are a few                 agenda. While the HLPF is largely a                participation. In the case of HLPF, key
                 assistance to achieve the SDGs, and            powerful examples, however. In his               member state-driven process, as is SDG             informants indicated that potential for
                 in particular, to champion Goal 5 on           address marking the 64th session of CSW,         implementation, the Secretary-General              expansion fell victim to exclusion: as one
                 gender equality, which has suffered            Guterres claimed: “We all understand             and the Deputy Secretary-General can               survey respondent pointed out, “Due to the
                 acute setbacks across targets in the           the imperative of achieving Sustainable          play a key role in raising global attention        nature of it having to be virtual, there was
                 wake of the pandemic.                          Development Goal 5 on gender equality.           to the forum and its purpose—but they              limited ability to have discussions on the
                                                                This is, quite simply, a question of justice.”   continually fall short of responding to civil      margins or to meet with member states to
                 This urgency is clearly not lost on the        He also noted that achieving the SDGs is         society concerns. Each year, civil society         give better language, red lines or input to
                 SG. In January, the Secretary-General          integral to “accelerate the implementation       organizations cite restrictions on their           the negotiations in general.”
                 launched the Decade of Action to deliver       of the Beijing Platform for Action.” We          time and participation in HLPF, as well as
                 the SDGs. This was a direct response           commend and encourage the SG for this            intimidation from member states. Civil             Our survey showed mixed results on civil
                 to the 2019 Political Declaration of the       language, as linking SDG implementation          society organizations possess important            society’s level of satisfaction with HLPF,
                 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF)—             with human rights and the Beijing                insights on local development processes,           likely demonstrating the varied effects
                 wherein member states called upon              Declaration and Platform for Action was          implementation and impacts on local                of the shift to online convenings: virtual
                 the SG to mobilize actors in “generating       one of the Feminist U.N. Campaign’s              communities. Limiting their participation in       events can enhance accessibility for some
                 solutions and accelerating action” on          initial recommendations.                         HLPF thereby prevents accurate reporting           respondents, while restricting it for others.
                 SDG implementation, and to “organize                                                            on SDG progress. In an era of shrinking civil      Survey results, as demonstrated in this
                 an annual moment to highlight inspiring        As in years past, a majority of global civil     society space, the Feminist U.N. Campaign          section’s figures show that 41 percent of
                 action on the Goals.”38 The Decade             society representatives who responded            asks the Secretary-General to use his              respondents were satisfied or very satisfied
                 of Action calls for global, local and          to our survey39 either agree or strongly         leadership platform to request greater             with consultation between governments
                 “people” action to advance sustainable         agree that the Secretary-General has             accommodation, respect and equity for              and civil society on SDG implementation in
                 development. In his speech at the New          expressed support for full implementation        civil society participants. It is also important   the 2020 HLPF, 35 percent were dissatisfied
                 School on “Women and Power,” Guterres          of SDG 5 on gender equality (83 percent),        to make connections between the HLPF               or very dissatisfied, and 21 percent were
                 announced, “The Decade of Action is            as well as gender mainstreaming across           and other U.N. mechanisms on human                 neutral. On satisfaction with opportunities
                 aimed at transforming institutions and         all SDGs (75 percent) (n=87). Indeed,            rights, as the HLPF remains a largely              for civil society to input into the Ministerial
                 structures, broadening inclusion and           actions speak louder than words, and             voluntary convening.                               Declaration, 47 percent felt satisfied or very
                 driving sustainability. Repealing laws that    in 2020 the SG explicitly linked the                                                                satisfied, while 35 percent felt dissatisfied
                 discriminate against women and girls;          COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund              This year’s HLPF encountered new—yet               or very dissatisfied, and 18 percent were
                 increasing protection against violence;        to SDG implementation, and to Goal 5             avoidable—challenges as the format                 neutral. On satisfaction with the SG’s efforts
                 closing the gap in girls’ education and        in particular, in its Terms of Reference         moved entirely online. One key informant           to increase opportunities for civil society
                 digital technology; guaranteeing full          (to be further addressed in Section 3).          described the negotiation of the Ministerial       participation in this HLPF, 47 percent
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