Page created by Jeanne Arnold
Town of Mt. Pleasant
 RECREATION & PARKS department
  Fall 2021 & EARLY winter 2022

TABLE OF CONTENTS:                                                                      TOWN BOARD
Page #                                                                                  Supervisor……………………………………..Carl Fulgenzi
General Information .........................................................1-4        Councilwoman……………............Laurie Rogers Smalley
Mt. Pleasant Branch Library ................................................ 4          Councilwoman......…………………………..Danielle Zaino
Registration Procedures ..................................................... 5         Councilman……………………………….Thomas Sialiano
Pre-School & Children Programs .....................................6-9                 Councilman……………………………..Jerry Schulman Jr.
Teen Programs ................................................................8-9
Karate Programs ............................................................... 10
Winter Vacation Camp ...................................................... 11          RECREATION & PARKS
Adult Programs ............................................................12-13
Family & Special Events ..............................................14-15             COMMISSION
Office of Elder Americans / Senior Activities ..................... 16                  Chairperson……………………..………… Debra Mancusi
Youth Sports Organizations .............................................. 17            Vice Chairperson…………………....………Patrice Duane
Northeast Westchester Special Recreation ...................... 17                      Secretary….……………………...………Mary Anne Carey
Fall Foliage Festival .......................................................... 18     Members…………………….…………… Skip Pennacchio
Mt. Pleasant Youth Hoops Tryout Forms .......................... 19                                                    Gina Harwood
Registration Forms .......................................................20-21                                      Ralph Nicoletti Jr
List of Park Facilities and Map .......................................... 22                                           Matt Carbone
                                                                                        Recreation Liaison…………………..………Danielle Zaino
TELEPHONE DIRECTORY                                                                     COMMISSION MEETING
Departments                                 Telephone Numbers (914)                     The Recreation and Parks Commission meets on the
Assessor ................................................................742-2345       first Monday of each month (unless it’s a holiday, in
Building ..................................................................742-2305     which case, it will meet on the second Monday)
Comptroller ............................................................742-2360        at Town Hall at 7:00 p.m. The ideas and suggestions
Engineering ............................................................742-2317        of the residents are vital to help the Commission develop
Highway ................................................................769-1045        the most satisfactory programs possible.
Justice Court ..........................................................742-2324        All meetings are open to the general public.
Planning & Zoning ..................................................742-2330
Police Dept. (Non-Emergency) ..............................769-1941                     RECREATION & PARKS
Receiver of Taxes ..................................................742-2348
Recreation ............................................................742-2310         STAFF
Office of Elder Americans ......................................592-6441                Superintendent of Parks ................................ Jon Petruzzelli
Sanitation ...............................................................592-4129      Recreation Supervisor ................................. Elaine Donnelly
Supervisor’s Office .................................................742-2300           Recreation Supervisor ............................ Elizabeth Linsalato
Town Attorney ........................................................742-2326          Sr. Recreation Leader ......................... Danielle Fairweather
Town Clerk .............................................................742-2312        Recreation Assistant ....................................... Chris Madera
Water & Sewer .......................................................831-1062           Parks Foreman .................................................. Scott Naylor
                                                                                        Assistant Parks Foreman ............................. Manny Morales
                                                                                        Maintenance Mechanic ..........................Nicholas Gasparre
OFFICE INFORMATION                                                                      Parks Groundskeeper ................................. Kevin Valentine
Recreation Office Location                                    Office Hours              Parks Groundskeeper .........................................Chris Sena
Town Hall                                              Monday thru Friday               Parks Groundskeeper ...................................Keith Holloway
1 Town Hall Plaza                                    8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.             Parks Groundskeeper .................................. Anthony Martin
Valhalla, NY 10595                                                                      Caretaker .......................................................... Kevin Holzer
                                                  Telephone Numbers (914)               Senior Office Assistant-Recreation .......... Angela Portanova
General Information ...............................................742-2310             Office Assistant-Recreation .......................... Lindsey Albano
Senior Citizen Programs ........................................742-2310
Office of Elder Americans ......................................592-6441
Mt. Pleasant Community Center ............................769-0155
Program Hotline .....................................................742-2364
Adult Sports Hotline ...............................................742-2367
Fax .........................................................................769-1070
Pool ........................................................................769-1766
                                                           PLEASE LICENSE ME
Leaves are collected by the Mount Pleasant
Highway Department commencing around
mid/late October and continuing until the
winter weather curtails the operations.
Loose leaves should be raked to the curb in a
pile; however, they should NOT be left in the
roadway under any circumstances seeing as
this is a safety hazard as well as a violation of
Town Code Section 166-7 Yard Waste.
Loose leaves should NOT be mixed with any
other materials seeing as they will not be
Loose leaves will be collected approximately
every 25 working days, weather permitting.          DID YOU KNOW IT IS A REQUIREMENT OF
This basically means that there will be             THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF
approximately two leaf vacuum pickups at            AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS THAT
each residence for the fall season.                 YOUR DOG MUST HAVE A NEW YORK
Please be aware that any leaves placed at           STATE DOG LICENSE?
the curb after December 1st, MUST BE
BAGGED, no exceptions!
It is important to note that during the fall        PLEASE CONTACT THE TOWN CLERK AT
months Highway crews do not follow a specific       (914)742-2312 TO FIND OUT MORE. WE
leaf collection schedule.                           WILL BE HAPPY TO HELP YOU THROUGH
Leaf bags are available for purchase at             THE PROCESS.
Berger Hardware and other local in-town
home centers.
Please feel free to contact the Highway
Department at any time should you have any
further questions and/or concerns
(914) 769-1045.
We thank you for your cooperation and we
wish all of our residents a wonderful fall
season ahead!
                                                              TOWN HALL
COVID 19 INFORMATION                                          RECREATION
We will continue to follow                                    EMAIL / WEB-SITE
                                                              RESIDENTS OF MT. PLEASANT MAY
CDC guidelines and                                            REGISTER FOR RECREATION PROGRAM
regulations. All of which are                                 UPDATES BY JOINING THE TOWN HALL
                                                              RECREATION EMAIL WEBSITE:
subject to change.                                            VISIT:

Participation is restricted to residents of the Town of       INSURANCE
Mt. Pleasant living outside the Villages of Briarcliff        The Town of Mt. Pleasant does not provide accident
Manor, Pleasantville, and Sleepy Hollow. If space is          insurance for any of its programs. All persons participate
available in any program one week before the start of the     at their own risk and should make certain they have their
program, non- residents and Village residents will be         own insurance.
allowed to participate by paying a 20% surcharge.             All participants must sign a COVID release form found in
                                                              our Recreation Department or on line on our website.
Senior Citizens ages 60 and over who live in the
Town Outside are entitled to a 25% reduction in program
fees for all adult programs unless indicated otherwise.
                                                              WAITING LIST
                                                              If your desired class is full you will be notified and placed
This does not apply to drop-in programs or trips.
                                                              on a waiting list. The department will make every effort
Proof of age is required.
                                                              to accommodate those on the waiting list. If any
                                                              openings become available, we will then go to the
The Recreation and Parks Commission maintains a
                                                              waiting list to fill the class.
policy that requires individuals in programs to help defray
costs involved. Fees have been established for each
program based on the cost of operating the program and        PROGRAM
the number of individuals served.
                                                              If programs are canceled due to inclement weather,
PROGRAM BEHAVIOR                                              a notification will be sent. The Recreation and Parks
                                                              Department has a hotline service that gives information
Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior
                                                              on program changes and cancellations.
at all times. The following guidelines have been
developed to make programs safe and enjoyable for all
participants. Additional rules may be developed for           Program Hotline Number
particular programs and athletic leagues as deemed            914-742-2364
necessary by the staff. Participants shall:                   Adult Sports Hotline Number
           -show respect to all participants and staff.       914-742-2367
           -refrain from using foul language.
           -refrain from causing bodily harm to other
           participants or staff.                             REFUNDS
           -show respect for equipment, supplies, and         Generally, refunds are granted only if a program is
           facilities.                                        canceled. The participant assumes the risk of all
                                                              changes in personal and business affairs. Any refund
                                                              request will be reviewed individually by the Commission
ACTIVITY                                                      and will, if granted, be prorated and subject to a 20%
CHANGES/SCHEDULES                                             processing fee. The Recreation and Parks Department
                                                              reserves the right to cancel any program and issue
Due to circumstances beyond our control, some
                                                              appropriate refunds whenever it is considered in the best
activities may require time or location changes. If a
                                                              interest of the Department.
change or cancellation does occur, participants will be
notified via email and/or phone call.                         Bounced check fee: $25.00
PICNIC FACILITIES                                              LIKE US ON FACEBOOK and
The Town allows group picnics at Broadway Field and                   INSTAGRAM
Bradhurst Park. Picnic permits are required and may be
obtained at the Recreation Office. Reserve your space          MT. PLEASANT RECREATION
early. All permits are granted on a first-come, first-                 & PARKS!
served basis. Picnic areas can be reserved up to one
year in advance. The Town reserves the right to cancel
any permit with a full refund if the Town needs the facility
for a Town sponsored program.
                                                               Do you need Community Service
                                                                  hours for CCD or School?
COMMUNITY CENTER                                                    Call us, we can help!
RENTAL                                                                   914-742-2310
The Community Center is available for use on a rental
basis for individuals and organizations within the Town of
Mt. Pleasant. Call 914-742-2310 for a detailed brochure
with policies and fees.                                             Mount Pleasant Branch
                                                                    Library 914-741-0276
                                                               The Mount Pleasant Branch Library, located in the
                                                               Community Center offers a variety of reading, viewing,
                                                               and listening material for adults, teens, and children. The
                                                               library’s collection for adults focuses on new popular
                                                               material including the latest fiction, nonfiction, and DVDs
                                                               and our collections for children are chosen to develop
COMMUNITY SIGN                                                 language skills and nourish imaginations. Additionally,
BOARD                                                          digital books, audiobooks, music, movies, and TV shows
Community sign boards are maintained by the                    can be downloaded or streamed for free using your
Recreation and Parks Department for the posting of             library card.
upcoming community events. A single sign is located in         We have resumed most of our regular hours and our
Valhalla, Hawthorne and at Thornwood Water District            book drop is available for returning materials 24/7.
Field and a frame with space for two signs is located at       Access to Wi-Fi, public computers, printing, and
Rose Hill Shopping Center in Thornwood. For additional         photocopying are also available. Please call the library or
information on the use of the signs and to reserve the         visit our online calendar for information about any
space, contact the Recreation Office at 914-742-2310.          programs for adults and children.
                                                               Visit our website: or call
                                                               us at 914-741-0276 to place holds or to get assistance in
                                                               choosing material. Our staff is here to help you.

                                                                              INCLEMENT WEATHER
       PHOTO POLICY                                             Program updates, rainouts, snow cancellations
The department reserves the right to photograph                   THE PROGRAM ACTIVITY HOTLINE NUMBER: 914-742-2364
Participants in our programs for publicity purposes.                 ADULT SPORTS HOTLINE: NUMBER IS 914-742-2367
                         Activity Online Registration will begin on Thursday, September 9, 2021.
 Please follow all instructions given when registering online. A current email is required from the parent/guardian in order to create an account
 online. If you do not have a valid email you must call the Recreation Department at 914-742-2310 to set up your household and at that point
                                                     you will then be able to use online registration.
             All Walk-In Activity Registrations will be accepted and processed starting on Thursday, September 9, 2021 upon receipt.
                     Mail-in Activity registrations received prior to Thursday, September 9 will be processed randomly on September 9.
                          Mail-in registrations and Walk-In registrations after September 9 will be processed each day upon receipt.
                    Registration forms and waivers filled out completely are required for all who register in person and by mail.
           Online registration must have required waivers filled out and emailed/sent to the Recreation Department upon registration.
                                                        Phone registrations will not be accepted.
                   “A spot can only be secured once registered and payment is applied”
                           A COVID -19 waiver must be filled out upon registration and attending all special events.
                               The form is included in this brochure and can be found online on our website.


                                 Register early   
           When registering please update all email addresses and
                             phone numbers
         Call the Adult Sports Hotline and Activity Program Hotline
                           for program information;
            Activity /Program Hotline Number- 914-742-2364
              Adult Sports Hotline Number- 914-742-2367
                                                 MESSAGE TO PARENTS
                                                 (AGE REQUIREMENTS)
 For all programs, age requirements will be as of the date of the first class unless otherwise specified. Please do not request to, or sign your
   child up for, a class he/she does not belong in. If you should do so and we discover the error, it may be too late to get your child in the
                             correct class because it is full. All age requirements are set to benefit the children and
                                            make instruction more consistent for the program leader.

                                  THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION
Pre-School / Children Programs

ZUMBA BABIES AND TOTS                                                TINY WARRIORS
Instructor: Peggy Raiskums                                           American Heritage Goju Karate
This 45 minute class for parent/caregiver and                        Instructor: Sensei Peggy Raiskums
child 1-3 years old, is a wonderful fun dance-n-play party           This program introduces boys and girls to the world of Martial Arts
for lil’ feet where these pint-sized party animals get silly          in a fun, non-aggressive manner. Basic skills and exercises
and begin their journey to a healthy future. Age-appropriate         specifically designed for this age group are taught to strengthen
music and props are used to help children learn to love moving       their bodies as well as their minds while improving their listening
their bodies and dancing to their rhythm. Singing and exciting       skills and their ability to follow directions. Increased balance,
activities will amuse, delight and stimulate your child benefiting   agility, coordination, confidence and focus, as well as respect for
their cognitive, emotional, and social development.                  themselves and others, are achieved through this program.
Maximum of 12 participants per class                                 Children progress through The Tiny Warrior belt and
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                        stripe system. Karate uniform and school emblem required
FALL SESSION                                                         and purchased through the instructor.
Tuesdays, Sept. 21 thru Nov. 23 (no class 11/2)                      Maximum 12 participants per class
941112 (A) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                   Mt. Pleasant Community Center
Fee: $113.00                                                         FALL SESSION
9 sessions                                                           Mondays, Sept. 20 thru Nov. 22 (no class 10/11)
Fridays, Sept.24 thru Nov. 19                                        944206 (A) 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Age 3 Fee: $104.00
944317 (A) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                   944206 (B) 3:25 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. Age 4 Fee: $113.00
Fee: $113.00                                                         944206 (C) 4:20 p.m. to 5:05 p.m. Age 5 Fee: $113.00
9 sessions                                                           9 sessions
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                 Wednesdays Sept. 22 thru Nov.17
Tuesdays, Nov.30 thru Jan. 25 (no class 12/28)                       944206 (D) 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Age 3 Fee: $104.00
951112 (A) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                   944206 (E) 2:10 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. Age 4 Fee: $113.00
Fee: $100.00                                                         944206 (F) 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Age 5 Fee: $113.00
8 sessions                                                           9 sessions
Fridays, Dec. 3 thru Jan. 28 (no class 12/24, 12/31)                 EARLY WINTER SESSION
954317 (A) 9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                                   Mondays, Nov. 29 thru Jan. 24 (no class 12/27, 1/17)
Fee: $91.00                                                          954206 (A) 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Age 3             Fee: $81.00
7 sessions                                                           954206 (B) 3:25 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. Age 4             Fee: $88.00
                                                                     954206 (C) 4:20 p.m. to 5:05 p.m. Age 5             Fee: $88.00
                                                                     7 sessions
                                                                     Wednesdays, Dec. 1 thru Jan. 19 (no 12/29)
                                                                     954206 (D) 1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Age 3             Fee: $81.00
                                                                     954206 (E) 2:10 p.m. to 2:55 p.m. Age 4             Fee: $88.00
                                                                     954206 (F) 4:00 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. Age 5             Fee: $88.00
                                                                     7 sessions
JUMP, JIGGLE, WIGGLE                                                        BUDDIN COOKS
Instructor: Carol Migliorelli, ISCA/ Promise Certified                      Head Chef: Rosa Carra Asst. Chef: Rosalie Fierro
Looking for a fun and active class to engage your little one (ages          For children in grades K, 1 & 2. Children will follow recipes to create
3/4). Come jump, jiggle, and wiggle with beanbags, scarves, balance         their own baked/cooked creations using a hands-on-process. All
beams, and everyone’s imagination!                                          math, reading and language skills are enhanced. Parents are always
It’s a fun way to exercise (large motor skills) and play! Child will need   encouraged to arrive 15 minutes early to enjoy their child’s finished
to purchase their own set of equipment                                      product. PLEASE INFORM THE RECREATION OFFICE OF ANY FOOD
It will be $15.00 and child can keep it.                                    ALLERGIES. THIS IS A DROP OFF CLASS.
Max of 10 participants each class                                           Max of 8 participants each class
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                               Town Hall Tower Room
FALL SESSION                                                                FALL SESSION
Mondays, Sept. 20 thru Nov. 15 (no class 10/11)                             Thursdays, Sept. 23 thru Nov. 18 (no class11/11)
941110 (A) 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m.                                         941502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $96.00 8 sessions                                                      Fee: $135.00 8 sessions
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                        EARLY WINTER SESSION
Mondays, Jan. 3 thru Feb. 14 (no class 1/17)                                Thursdays, Dec. 2 thru Jan 27 (no class 12/30)
951110 (A) 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.                                           951502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Fee: $72.00 6 sessions                                                      Fee: $135.00 8 sessions

                                                                            JUNIOR COOKS
LIL’ COOKS                                                                  Head Chef: Rosa Carra Asst. Chef: Rosalie Fierro
Head Chef: Rosa Carra Asst. Chef: Rosalie Fierro                            For grades 3-5. The art of cooking & baking will be introduced.
This program for 3-5-year-olds introduces children to the art of            Children will prepare, cook and eat their own creations through
cooking and baking! Children will prepare, cook and eat their own           hands-on experiences. All math, reading, and language arts skills
foods! This program will also enhance many skills such as early             will be enhanced through the cooking process. The children will go
math skills, pre-reading skills, and language skills as they learn about    home with the recipe, a related craft and rating. Parents are invited
measuring, counting, and word and symbol recognition. Parents are           to join their children 15 minutes before class ends to enjoy the
invited to arrive 15 minutes before the class ends, to enjoy their          finished product. PLEASE INFORM THE RECREATION OFFICE OF
child’s cooking creation. Please inform the Recreation Dept.                ANY FOOD ALLERGIES. THIS IS A DROP OFF CLASS.
of any food allergies. This is a drop off class.                            Max of 8 participants each class
Max of 8 participants each class                                            Town Hall Tower Room
Town Hall Tower Room                                                        FALL SESSION
FALL SESSION                                                                Fridays, Sept. 24 thru Nov. 12
Wednesdays, Sept. 22 thru Nov. 10                                           942502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
941501 (A) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                          Fee: $120.00 8 sessions
Fee: $135.00                                                                EARLY WINTER SESSION
8 sessions                                                                  Fridays, Dec. 3 thru Feb.4 (no class 12/24, 12/31)
Thursdays, Sept. 23 thru Nov. 18 (no class 11/11)                           952502 (A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
941501 (B) 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                         Fee: $120.00 8 sessions
941501 (C) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Fee: $135.00                                                                CHESS WITH THE US SENIOR CHAMPION
8 sessions                                                                  Instructor: Mr. Resika
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                        Chess with the US senior Champion and have fun while you learn!
Wednesdays, Dec. 1 thru Jan.26 (no class 12/29)                             Chess is perhaps the greatest game of skill in the world. It blends
951501 (A) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                          elements of sport, science, and art.
Fee: $135.00                                                                It has been proven to help increase a student’s ability to concentrate
8 sessions                                                                  on other subjects. It instills qualities including foresight, abstract
Thursdays, Dec. 2 thru Jan. 27 (no class 12/30)                             thinking, and helps a student understand that there are
951501       (B) 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                   consequences to their actions. Beginners through advanced
951501       (C) 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                    students are all welcome! 7 to 12 years old
Fee: $135.00                                                                In-person Class: Bradhurst Community Center
8 sessions                                                                  942123 (A) Wednesdays Sept 22-Nov 10 (8 Sessions)
                                                                            Minimum: 10 participants for class to run Max: 15 participants
                                                                            Fee: $125
                                                                            Zoom Class:
                                                                            976545(A) Tuesdays Sept 21-Nov 16 (No class 11/2) (8 Sessions)
                                                                            Max: 15 participants
                                                                            Fee: $125
Instructor: Alex Ortiz                                                  YOUTH TENNIS
This Class is the next level/age up from Tiny Ballet Dancers.           Instructor: Lifetime Racquet
These dancers will be introduced to more advanced steps,                Children ages 8 to 14.
positions, and technique including barre work.                          Certified instruction for all levels of ability
(For children ages 4-5 who have completed several sessions of           Saturdays, Valhalla Tennis Courts
Tiny Ballet Dancers and/or have had other ballet training. The          Beginner: Enjoy the fundamentals including forehand,
instructor will determine if this is the right class for your child.)   backhand, serving, and light play.
Maximum 12 participants per class                                       Intermediates: Master your groundstrokes, volleying, and learn
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                           various game strategies.
FALL SESSION                                                            Maximum 10 participants each session
Tuesdays, Sept. 21 thru Nov. 16 (no class 11/2)                         FALL SESSION
941119 (A) 12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.                                      Saturdays
Fee: $125.00                                                            DATES TO FOLLOW
8 sessions                                                              CHECK WEBSITES FOR UPDATES
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                    942204 (A) Beginner:       11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Tuesdays, Nov. 30 thru January 25 (no class 12/28)                      942204 (B) Intermediate: 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
951119 (A) 12:45 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.                                      Fee: $100.00
Fee: $125.00                                                            5 sessions
8 sessions

                                                                        CPR HEARTSAVER CERTIFICATION OR
                                                                        Instructor: Kathy Margiasso
                                                                        Bradhurst Community Center
                                                                        Saturday, January 15, 2022
TINY BALLET DANCERS                                                     938205 (A) 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Instructor: Alex Ortiz                                                  Fee: $80.00 Max 5 participants
A ballet class to guide young dancers, ages 3 and 4, through
ballet movements, stretches, and various dance games. Your
child will learn basic ballet positions along with a variety of         BABYSITTERS TRAINING COURSE with CPR
movements and jumps while gaining flexibility, strength, posture,       Instructor: Kathy Margiasso
grace, and confidence. This is a fun introduction to classical          For children ages 11 thru 15. Prepares student with the training
ballet, in a positive, encouraging atmosphere.                          every parent wants in a babysitter, including safety, basic
Ballet slippers are required.                                           childcare, safe play, critical emergency action skills, CPR and
Leotard and tights are recommended.                                     first aid. The student becomes certified in babysitting and CPR.
Maximum 12 participants per class                                       Bring a bagged lunch.
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                           Bradhurst Community Center
FALL SESSION                                                            Saturday, October 23, 2021
Tuesdays, Sept. 21 thru Nov.16 (no class 11/2)                          942402 (A) 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
941107 (A) 12:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                                     Fee: $95.00
Fee: $125.00                                                            Maximum of 5 participants
8 sessions
Tuesdays, Nov. 30 thru January 25 (no class 12/28)                      SAFE ON MY OWN
951107 (A) 12:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. .                                   Instructor: Kathy Margiasso
Fee: $125.00                                                            Safe on My Own is a program for children in grades 3 thru 5
8 sessions                                                              taught by a Red Cross/ASHI Instructor, on the safety measures
                                                                        of what to do when home alone.
                                                                        Bradhurst Community Center
                                                                        Thursday, October 21, 2021
                                                                        942401 (A) 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
                                                                        Fee: $35.00
                                                                        Maximum of 12 participants
                                                                    Instructors: Staff A mini basketball training program for
                                                                    boys and girls in 2nd grade. Participants will learn the basic
The Town of Mt. Pleasant Recreation and Parks Department and        offensive and defensive skills, dribbling and shooting and will use
the Town of Mt. Pleasant Police Dept. are proud to provide a        lower baskets. No games will be played.
unique atmosphere for students. The evening includes music,         Location to be determined
game room, prizes, and a chance to mingle with friends.             Saturdays Dec. 4, 2021 thru Feb. 5, 2022 (no class 12/25, 1/1)
Pre-teens in grades 5 to 8 can take advantage of the                952212 (A) 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.
Mt. Pleasant Community Center on Lozza Drive                        Fee:$60.00 8 sessions
between the hours of 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.                        Max 50
Tickets will be available for “The Premier” at
the Recreation Office.
Refreshments will be available for purchase.
                                                                    INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE
Masks will be required for the duration of the event.               Instructor: Luis Lewis
Subject to change do to CDC guidelines                              For players in grades 3 to 9. Divisions and teams
MAX 40 PER NIGHT                                                    are formed based on age, gender and skill level.
                                                                    Great fun while fine-tuning your skills.
Doors will open at 7:30 p.m.
987654 (A) Friday, November 5, 2021                                 Location to be determined
                                                                    Saturdays, January 8 thru March 5 (no class 2/19)
987654 (B) Friday, January 28, 2022                                 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Fee: $10.00 at the office                                           952211(A)
$15.00 at the door                                                  Fee: $65.00
                                                                    8 sessions
For Grades K to 5
Parents go out and enjoy yourselves for a few hours on your
own. We’ll take care of the kids – you take care of yourselves.
Under the supervision of Recreation Staff, children will enjoy
games, arts and crafts, organized activities in the gym and have
loads of fun! Includes pizza, drinks and ice pops.                  MT. PLEASANT YOUTH HOOPS
PLEASE LEAVE CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES                     Program Director: Chris Madera
HOME!                                                               League games and instructional clinics for area youths.
MAX 50 PER NIGHT                                                    There are separate divisions for boys and girls in grades 3 thru 8
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                       practices:
5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.                                              Elementary- 3rd and 4th grade 952213 (A)
916501 (A) Saturday, October 2, 2021                                Junior-         5th and 6th grades 952213 (B)
916501 (B) Saturday, November 6, 2021                               Senior -        7th and 8th grades 952213 (C)
916501 (C) Saturday, December 18, 2021                              Fee: $110.00
Fee per session: $15.00                                             Training and team assignments are held on November 13 & 20.
Fee at door per session: $20.00                                     Practices starts December into January
                                                                    Practices will be held once a week during the weekday.
KIDS NIGHT OUT                                                      Games will be on the weekends.
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                       Staff will be coaching the teams. Player registration must be
Friday, December 10, 2021                                           submitted to the Recreation Office no later than
K-5 graders come to our indoor “Drive In Movie”                     Friday, October 1. As of October 15, registrations will be
Kids will be able to watch a holiday movie on our 16 x 9 screen.    accepted on a space available basis only and a late fee $50.00
Bring a blanket and a pillow to sit on.                             NOTE:
Movie tba
                                                                    BOTH REGISTRATION AND TRYOUT FORMS MUST
Kids will also have a special someone arrive to hand out goodies.
Pizza, popcorn, drinks & ice pops included.
                                                                    BE FILLED OUT.
916501 (D) 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.                                   SCHEDULES TO BE DETERMINED
MAX 50
Fee per session: $15.00
Fee at door per session: $20.00
                                                       Sensei: Todd Sayers

Instructor: Sensei Todd Sayers                                        Instructor: Sensei Todd Sayers
WELCOME to our “Little Lions” program. This year we are               WELCOME to our Junior Class!! This exciting and high energy
offering the option to participate on Monday OR Wednesday for         streamlined martial arts program is designed by American
boys and girls ages 6 and 7 years old. We do however                  Heritage Goju Karate-Do for boys and girls ages 6 thru 11.
encourage students to participate twice a week for faster             Students in this class will be taught a wide variety of self-defense
advancement, important knowledge and better health choices            techniques in a motivating, structured, safe and friendly
using the Martial Arts. Our program is designed to train the          environment. Public and private schools are intended to teach
students to further develop their basic motor skills, to increase     students many good and important things… but what they lack in
their balance, and hand-eye coordination. Our classes are a           is so many other important life skills, such as focusing, a sense of
perfect blend of focus, fitness, and fun while they are learning      self-respect, self-defense, and fitness. For the individual that
fundamental martial arts skills and acquiring other constructively.   does not do well in team sports, our program is designed for
Our instructors use drills that are exciting and motivating,          Individual Growth for Individual Achievement, which results in a
encouraging all to do their best through positive reinforcement.      confidence boost. Students in this class will learn to achieve their
Non-aggressive self-defense skills are taught at a speed and          goals by developing a more positive self-image through our
level that is appropriate for this age group. Male and Female         “students mentoring” concept. Uniforms and school patch are
instructors focus on Individual Growth for Individual Achievement!    required, and can be purchased through the instructor.
Official uniform and school patch are required and can be             Mondays & Wednesdays, Mount Pleasant Community
purchased through the instructor.                                     Center.
Monday & Wednesdays, Mount Pleasant Community Center                  FALL SESSION
(All Belt Levels)                                                     Sept. 20 thru Nov.8 (no class 10/11)
FALL SESSION                                                          944201 (A) 5:30 p.m. to 6:30pm Fee: $175.00 14 sessions
Sept. 20 thru Nov.8 (no class 10/11)
5:30 p.m. to 6:30pm                                                   EARLY WINTER SESSION
942208 (A) Monday              Fee: $95.00 7 sessions                 Nov. 29 thru Jan 24 (no class 12/27, 12/29, 1/17)
942208 (B) Wednesday Fee: $95.00 7 sessions                           954201 (A) 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 pm Fee: $175.00 14 sessions
942208 (C) Monday and Wednesday Fee: $175.00
14 sessions                                                           MT. PLEASANT AMERICAN HERITAGE GOJU KARATE
                                                                      Instructor: Sensei Todd Sayers
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                  WELCOME! Our Martial Arts Program is designed for adults and
Nov. 29 thru Jan 24 (no class 12/27, 12/29, 1/17)                     teens ages 12 and up. Students will learn a wide variety of self-
5:30p.m. to 6:30 pm                                                   defense techniques in a motivating, highly structured, safe and
952208 (A) Monday           Fee: $95.00 7 sessions                    friendly environment. Students will develop a stronger and
952208 (B) Wednesday Fee: $95.00 7 sessions                           healthier mind, body and spirit with our effective instruction,
952208 (C) Monday and Wednesday Fee: $175.00                          including meditation and relaxation techniques for stress
14 sessions                                                           management. Our program encourages respect for yourself and
                                                                      others while developing a more positive attitude, enhancing self-
                                                                      esteem and peaceful resolutions to conflict. Male and female
Additional $15.00 discount per additional child.                      instructors focusing on Individual Growth for Individual
Students ages 8+ must have sparring equipment                         Achievement! Sessions are held continuously throughout the
UNIFORM FEE: $38.00 + $10.00 for a Patch                              year. Uniforms and school patch are required and can be
                                                                      purchased through the instructor. All instruction, requirements,
                                                                      standards and rank promotions are governed by the American
                                                                      Heritage Goju Karate-Do Organization. (All Belt Levels)
                                                                      Mondays & Wednesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
                                                                      FALL SESSION
                                                                      Sept. 20 thru Nov.8 (no class 10/11)
                                                                      944201 (B) 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Fee: $195.00 14 sessions
                                                                      EARLY WINTER SESSION
                                                                      Nov. 29 thru Jan 24 (no class 12/27, 12/29, 1/17)
                                                                      954201 (B) 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Fee: $195.00 14 sessions
    Town of Mt. Pleasant Recreation Department is offering an opportunity for your child(ren) to choose from a variety of workshops during the
    school break. These workshops are great for boys and girls. There are 6 sessions in each workshop. You can sign up for one
    workshop or all the workshops. We are also offering a $75.00 discount for the 2 nd child for the Total Workshop only!
                            Tuesday thru Friday, Mt. Pleasant Community Center, February 22 thru February 25

Grades K to 2                                             912210               Grades 3 to 5                                            912211
COOKING                                                    (A)                 GYM WARRIORS                                                (A)
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.                                                        8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
This workshop introduces children to the art of baking and cooking.            Studies have shown that children who are physically active
Children will prepare, cook and eat their foods. This program                  in the morning have active brain stimulation. Children will participate
introduces early math skills as they learn about counting and word             in a variety of fitness games and activities.
and symbol recognition.                                                        Maximum 10 children. Fee: $65.00
Maximum 10 children. Fee: $80.00
                                                                               COOKING                                                   (B)
HAVING A BALL                                                  (B)             10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                                                       This workshop introduces children to the art of baking and cooking.
Children will participate in a variety of exciting, fitness-based games        Children will prepare, cook and eat their own foods.
and activities while stimulating their mind and body.                          All math, reading, and language arts skills will be enhanced through
Maximum 10 children. Fee: $65.00                                               the cooking process.
                                                                               Maximum 10 children. Fee: $80.00
LUNCH AND GAMES                                             (C)
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                                                       LUNCH AND GAMES                                             (C)
This workshop is designed for the child who will participate                   11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
in all-day workshops. They will be able to have lunch,                         This workshop is designed for the child who will participate
socialize, play board games with their friends.                                in all-day workshops, they will be able to have lunch,
NOTE: BRING BAGGED LUNCH                                                       socialize, play board games with their friends.
Maximum 10 children.      Fee: $30.00                                          NOTE: BRING BAGGED LUNCH
                                                                               Maximum 10 children.       Fee: $30.00
CREATIVE CLAY WORKSHOP                                    (D)
12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                                        CREATIVE CLAY WORKSHOP                                     (D)
Children will explore working with model magic to create                       12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
their own 3D forms. Many different techniques will be taught.                  Children will explore working with model magic to create their
Maximum 10 children.       Fee: $65.00                                         own 3D forms. Many different techniques will be taught.
                                                                               Maximum 10 children.       Fee: $65.00
STICKY FINGERS                                                   (E)
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.                                                         STAINED GLASS AND MORE                                        (E)
A fun and creative workshop for young children to explore                      2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
different art. Children will work with a variety of materials.                 Children will learn the technique of painting on plexi-glass.
After the craft, the child will play organized fitness activities              They can create their own designs or use stencil.
in the gym.                                                                    Maximum 10 children         Fee: $65.00
Maximum 10 children           Fee: $65.00
                                                                               LEGOS                                                          (F)
LEGOS                                                          (F)             3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                                         The focus of this class will be on visual buildings, exploring
The focus of this class will be on visual buildings, exploring                 shapes, brick building, color usage and creating mosaics,
shapes, brick building, color usage and creating mosaics,                      as well as always having fun. Children will not bring home
as well as always having fun. Children will not bring home                     any Lego bricks or the models they create.
any Lego bricks or the models they create.                                     Maximum 10 children          Fee: $65.00
Maximum 10 children          Fee: $65.00
                                                                               TOTAL WORKSHOP                                                (G)
TOTAL WORKSHOP                                               (G)               8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.                                                         Enjoy an all-day total workshop experience. Learn to cook,
Enjoy an all-day total workshop experience. Learn to cook,                     play sports and games, create their 3D forms, explore
play sports and games, create their 3D forms, explore                          different art and have fun with Legos while socializing with Friends.
different art and have fun with Legos while socializing with                   Maximum 10 children        Fee: $280.00
Maximum 10 children        Fee: $280.00
Adult Programs
YOGA                                                                   ZUMBA DANCE
Instructors: - Lucy Pallogudis                                         Instructor: Peggy Raiskums, Licensed Zumba Instructor
The century’s old practice is today’s most popular fitness             Hate to exercise… to dance? Love to dance, love to
endeavor. Increase your body’s strength, endurance, and                exercise? Then Zumba is for you. Dance, laugh, and smile to
flexibility like no other program. As you practice Asanas              this fun, easy to follow class. For any age and fitness
(postures) along with conscious breathing, you will achieve a          level….Move….Shake ….Shimmy at your own pace. Please
sense of calm, balance and well-being on more than just the            wear sneakers and bring water. Maximum of 12 participants.
physical plane. The session ends with deep relaxation and              Thursdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
guided meditation. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a floor         FALL SESSION
mat. Maximum of 12 participants                                        Sept. 23 thru Nov.18 (no 11/11)
Wednesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center                              944310 (A) 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
FALL SESSION                                                           Fee: $88.00
Sept 22 thru Nov. 10                                                   8 sessions
944304 (A) 6:00 p.m. to 6:55 p.m. Fee: $114.00                         EARLY WINTER SESSION
8 sessions                                                             Dec. 2 thru Jan. 27
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                   954310 (A) 6:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
Dec 1 thru January 26 (no class 12/29)                                 Fee: $99.00
954304 (A) 6:00 p.m. to 6:55 p.m. Fee: $114.00                         9 sessions
8 sessions
THE KNITTING CIRCLE                                                    Instructor: Carol Migliorelli, ISCA/Promise Certified
Instructor: Sharon Campbell Rubens                                     Aerobics, Step, and Toning...Get it all in one workout: burn
All skill levels welcome, including no-skills-at-all. Beginners will   calories and sculpt your body. This fun interval workout will
be taught the basics of this ancient craft and move on to hat          flatten that tummy and tone those muscles! Note: Please bring
and scarf projects. More advanced knitters can hone their              3-5 lb. weights, mat, and step (optional but recommended for
skills, acquire new techniques, and work on projects of their          optimal workout)
choice. Please bring to class one pair of medium size (US 7            Maximum of 12 participants.
through 9) knitting needles, and any worsted weight basic yarn,        Mondays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
or purchase a starter kit containing needles, yarn, book and           FALL SESSION
tote from the instructor at the first class.                           Sept. 20 thru Nov.15 (no class 10/11)
Maximum of 12 participants                                             944301 (A) 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Tuesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                Fee: $114.00
FALL SESSION                                                           8 sessions
Sept. 28 thru Nov 23(no Nov. 2)                                        EARLY WINTER SESSION
944118 (A) 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fee: $77.00                         Nov. 29 thru Jan. 31 (no class 12/27 & 1/17)
8 sessions                                                             954301 (A) 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
EARLY WINTER SESSION                                                   Fee: $114.00
Nov. 30 thru Jan 18                                                    8 sessions
954118 (A) 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Fee: $77.00
8 sessions                                                             CORE CONNECTION
                                                                       Instructor: Carol Migliorelli, ISCA/Promise Certified
                                                                       Bring your stability ball and strengthen and tone your whole
ADULT TENNIS                                                           body, emphasis on creating a strong core which leads to less
Instructor: Lifetime Racquet                                           back pain and greater mobility. Hand weights and mats are
Certified instruction for all levels of ability                        also required.
Beginner: Enjoy the fundamentals including forehand,                   Maximum of 12 participants.
backhand, serving, and light play.                                     Mondays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
Intermediates: Master your ground strokes, volleying, and              FALL SESSION
learn various game strategies. Maximum of 10 participants              Sept. 20 thru Nov 15 (no class 10/11)
Saturdays, Valhalla Tennis Courts                                      944314 (A) 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
FALL SESSION                                                           Fee: $114.00
DATES TO FOLLOW                                                        8 sessions
CHECK WEBSITE FOR UPDATES                                              EARLY WINTER SESSION
944204 (A) Beginner:             9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.               Nov. 29 thru Jan.31 (no class 12/27 & 1/17)
944204 (B) Intermediate: 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.                      954314 (A) 7:30 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.
Fee: $100.00         5 sessions                                        Fee: $114.00
                                                                       8 sessions
MAHJONG                                                             ADULT BASKETBALL
Instructor: Regina Klenosky                                         An organizational meeting for ADULT BASKETBALL
The Chinese game of skill and Luck. Brush up on your                LEAGUES will be held on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 at
Mahjong skills while making new friends! Learn how to               7:00 p.m. at the Mt. Pleasant Community Center. If you are
assemble tiles into specific patterns. Formulate your hand by       interested in entering a team and have any questions, please
picking and discarding tiles. Beginners and amateurs improve        attend or send a representative. Each league is limited. For
their Mahjong skills: learning the basic rules, including passing   additional information, contact the Recreation Department
tiles, indispensable strategies, and invaluable betting tactics.    914-742-2310.
Master a social, competitive game that requires practice,
strategy—and a little bit of luck! Sets and cards provided by       PIANO IS FUN! (please note date change)
instructor. Maximum of 12 participants.                             Instructor: Debbie Moran
Mondays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center                              Now is your opportunity through this course to learn basic keys
FALL SESSION                                                        to play some of your favorite songs on the piano. A keyboard
Oct.18. thru Dec. 6                                                 will be provided. Max 5 participants
944316 (A) 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                   18 years and older
Fee: $80.00                                                         Fridays, Town Hall Tower Room
8 sessions                                                          FALL SESSION
                                                                    Sept. 24 thru Nov. 12
PICKLEBALL                                                          940118 (A) 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Instructor: Charlene Dundie                                         Fee: $165.00
Pickle ball is a combination of tennis, badminton and ping-         8 sessions
pong. It provides exercise, social interaction, competition and     EARLY WINTER SESSION
fun. Hone up on your skills, forehand, backhand, serve and          Jan.7 thru March 4 (no class 2/25)
dink. Practice new techniques, third shot kitchen, lob and          950118 (A) 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
volley. Implement various game situations and strategies.           Fee: $165.00
Max 12 participants. Beginners only. Equipment provided.            8 sessions
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
Tuesdays, Sept. 28 thru Oct. 26
                                                                    GUITAR IS FUN!
944326 (A) 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.                                   Instructor: Debbie Moran
Fee: $110.00                                                        If playing guitar is your dream, here is your chance! In this
5 sessions                                                          class we will learn easy chords, strumming, finger picking and
                                                                    eventual note reading. Please bring your guitar to class.
                                                                    Max 10 participants. 18 years and older
DEFENSIVE DRIVING                                                   Fridays, Town Hall Tower Room
Instructor: Dan Oderifero                                           FALL SESSION
Upon successful completion of this program, you may be              Sept. 24 thru Nov. 12
eligible for a 10% insurance discount as well as a 4 point          942107 (A) 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
removal from your driving record. If you pass the course and        Fee: $165.00 8 sessions
would like the certification, there is a $14.00 fee due at the      EARLY WINTER SESSION
first class made payable to National Safety Council to              Jan.7 thru March 4 (no class 2/25)
receive the certification.                                          952107 (A) 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Maximum of 12 participants per class                                Fee: $165.00 8 sessions
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
September 13 and September 14 (Mon & Tues)
                                                                    TOTAL BODY SCULPTING TO THE CORE
944401 (A) 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
                                                                    Instructor: Margaret Cunzio
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
                                                                    This workout will sculpt your body “to the core” with precision
October 18 and October 19            (Mon & Tues)
                                                                    and control. Bring weights and a mat for a total body workout
944401 (B) 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
                                                                    that incorporates strength, core, and flexibility for a total
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
                                                                    package and a new you! Maximum of 12 participants
November 8 and November 9             (Mon & Tues)
                                                                    Wednesdays, Mt. Pleasant Community Center
944401 (C) 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
                                                                    FALL SESSION
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
                                                                    Sept. 22 thru Nov.10
December 13 and December 14 (Mon & Tues)
                                                                    944308 (A) 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
944401 (D) 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
                                                                    Fee: $114.00 8 sessions
Maximum of 12 participants per class
                                                                    EARLY WINTER SESSION
Mt. Pleasant Community Center
                                                                    Dec. 1 thru Jan. 26 (no class 12/29)
January 10 and January 11              (Mon & Tues)
                                                                    954308 (A) 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
944401 (E) 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
                                                                    Fee: $114.00 8 sessions
Fee per session: $40.00
Come and join us for a night of fun and entertainment. Get your       FALL FOLIAGE FESTIVAL
teams together. Prizes will be awarded for the top 2 teams. Food      SAVE THE DATE
trucks will be available for your dinner needs. BYOB for adult        Broadway Park, Hawthorne
nights only. Family nights no alcohol is permitted. Prizes will be    11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
given to the top 2 teams. Bring a lawn chair                          Saturday, October 16, 2021
Carroll Park, Thornwood, NY                                           Come out and enjoy this fabulous community celebration with your
7:00 pm Trivia begins                                                 family. The day will include pumpkin decorating, arm/ hand
Fee: $10.00 per Resident Fee: $15.00 per Non Resident                 painting and glitter tattoos, rides, games, music, food,
956016 (D) SEPTEMBER 9 - TRIVIA NIGHT– OVER 21                        refreshments and a farmers market.

Movies under the STARS:                                               Sleepy Hollow Cemetary Tour
Come to our movie night with our large outdoor screen. Sit            Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is the final resting place of numerous
outdoors and enjoy the ambiance of the stars and night time air.      famous figures, including Washington Irving (The Legend of Sleepy
Bring your own lawn chairs. Movies are TBA. Look on our               Hollow), Andrew Carnegie and Leona Helmsley to name a few.
Facebook page 2 weeks before each movie to vote for your              Whether you are a history buff, love sculpture or enjoy beautiful
favorite. Bring a lawn chair                                          scenery, a visit to historic Sleepy Hollow Cemetery is a treat.
Fridays, Broadway Field, Hawthorne, N.Y.                              Also we will tour the old Dutch Church and the kids will do a
Fee: $5.00 Resident       Fee: $7.00 Non-Resident                     scavenger hunt after the tour. Max: 25
Check website and or Facebook 2 weeks prior                           The tour focuses on the south end of the cemetery.
Time: Movie starts 7:30 pm                                            Rain or shine. Please park at the south gate parking lot:
934002 (J) Friday, September 17                                       430 North Broadway
934002 (K) Friday, October 1                                          DATE: Saturday, October 23, 2021
                                                                      TIME: 9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M
FAMILY BINGO NIGHT                                                    938300 (A) Fee: $20.00 residents
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                                     Fee: $25.00 non-residents
912342 (D) Friday, October 8, 2021                                    938300 (B) Fee: FREE UNDER 5 YEARS OF AGE
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Come and join us for this fun family activity. Each person will
receive 2 bingo cards and we will play many games of different
bingo ending with a full card! Prizes will be given to the winners.
                                                                      Monster Bash
Town Resident Pre register: $ 5.00                                    938305 (A) Friday, October 29, 2021
                       At door: $10.00                                Fee: Resident $5.00 per person
Non-Resident Pre register: $ 7.50                                     Fee: Non-Resident $6.00 per person
                       At door $15.00                                 4:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
                                                                      Dress in your favorite costume and join us for a Halloween
                                                                      celebration. Bring a carved pumpkin to Broadway Park for us to
                                                                      display. All are invited to join us in watching a Halloween movie
HALLOWEEN WINDOW DECORATING                                           under the stars. Be prepared to hunt for candy.
Friday, October 15 for ages 5 thru 12. Sponsored by the               Food Truck will be available.
Mt. Pleasant Recreation & Parks Department and
the Rosehill Shopping Center Merchants Association.
Windows will be assigned at Rosehill Shopping Center.
Resident Fee: $5.00 per person                                        STUFF A PLUSH TURKEY/ MAKE A PIE
Non-Resident Fee: $6.00 per person                                    Friday, November 12, 2021
942504 (A) Group 1: 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.                            K to 3 will Stuff a turkey and make a delicious pie to bring home.
942504 (B) Group 2: 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m.                            THIS IS A DROP OFF PROGRAM.
All registration forms must be in the Recreation Office               Community Center
By October 12.                                                        946518 (A) 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm
NOTE: You must use permanent markers                                  Maximum of 15 children
                                                                      Fee: Resident $25.00
                                                                      Fee: Non-Resident $30.00
Ladies                                                                 .
Yes ladies, This is your night! BINGO!
What can be better than a room full of ladies enjoying great food,
drinks, prizes, and being with friends!?!
Leave your worries at the door! Includes dinner and dessert,
coffee, and tea. Bring your own beverages!                             HOLIDAY HOME DECORATING CONTEST
FOR LADIES 21 AND OVER 914000 (A)                                      Fill your, lawns, porches and windows with the most festive
WHEN: Friday November 19, 2021                                         holiday decorations. All submissions will be voted on by the
WHERE: Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                   Recreation and Parks Department staff.
TIME: 6:00p.m. to 9:00p.m.                                             We will be looking at creativity, festivity, and cheer.
FEE: $40.00 Residents FEE: $48.00 Non-Residents                        E-mail photos of your decked-out homes to
Register online or at the Recreation Dept.                    with
                                                                       the subject “Holiday Home Decorating”.
TRIANGLE TREE LIGHTING                                                 In the body of the email be sure to add the family last name
Saturday, December 4, 2021                                             and contact info. Photo submission is due by 12:00PM on
6:00 p.m.- 8:00pm FREE                                                 Monday, December 20th.
Residents & Friends of all ages are invited to                         Winners will be contacted by Wednesday, December 22nd.
stroll down Elwood Avenue and play games, drink hot cocoa, sing
carols, enjoy the holiday lights and bring your holiday spirit for a
festive evening. There will be a special appearance by Santa.
                                                                       Where’s the Grinch ?
                                                                       The Grinch is taking over Mt. Pleasant.
VALHALLA GAZEBO TREE LIGHTING                                          He has taken pictures throughout the town, and has asked the
Sunday, December 5, 2021                                               Recreation Department to post them for you to guess where he
6:00 p.m. at the Valhalla Greens                                       was. You have to name the location and the corresponding
Co-sponsored with the Valhalla Chamber of Commerce                     hamlet.
and the Valhalla Girl Scouts.                                          The photos will be posted on our Facebook page (Mt. Peasant
                                                                       Recreation and Parks) and our website
ORNAMENT MAKING WORKSHOP                                      Photos will be
For grades Kindergarten to 3. Create a beautiful ornament              posted on weekdays and Saturdays (not Sundays) from
For your child to take home and decorate the house for the             December 1st to December 14th. Photos will only be up for 24
holidays! This is a drop off program. Max 15 children                  hours so be sure to keep an eye out. Don’t forget to fill out the
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                          photo location for that day on the “Found the Grinch” form
Friday, December 10, 2021                                              (forms and rules can be found on our website and Facebook
956101(A) 4:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.                                       page).
Fee: $25.00                                                            Completed forms must be emailed to
                                                              with the subject “Found the
BREAKFAST WITH SANTA                                                   Grinch” by 9AM on Thursday, December 16th.
Saturday, December 11, 2021                                            The winner will be contacted on Monday, December 20th.
Mt. Pleasant Community Center                                          For more information please call (914)742-2310, visit us on
Add extra cheer to your holiday this year with a special breakfast     Facebook (Mt. Pleasant Recreation and Parks), or our
buffet with Santa. Enjoy crafts, music and entertainment and a         website
visit with Santa. Bring your cameras!
955501 (A) 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Limited seating.                     SHARE A VALENTINE
Fee: $10.00 15 years & up                                              Share a Valentine with a senior adult! Children ages 5 and
955501 (B) 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Limited seating.                     over are encouraged to make a homemade Valentine and drop
Fee: $ 5.00 14 years & under                                           it off at the Recreation Office no later than Friday, January 28,
                                                                       2022. Valentines will be distributed to our local senior adults
SANTA’S CALLING                                                        after February 7. Valentines should be no larger than
Wednesday, December 1, 2021                                            8 1/2 x 11” and can be decorated with whatever your heart
Have your child receive a special call from Santa this Holiday         desires. Participants should include their name, and age on
Season! You must complete an information form available at the         the back of their Valentine. Each child who participates will
Recreation Office. For children in Kindergarten thru 4th grade         receive a special surprise.
NOTE: Your child must be available for Santa’s phone call
between 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. COST: FREE
Office of Elder Americans
                                                         63 Bradhurst Avenue
                                                         Hawthorne, NY 10532
                                                  Director of OEA, Laurie Gonzalez
                                           Services available to residents 60 years and over

The Office of Elder Americans offers support and guidance to individuals and families living within the unincorporated areas of the Town
of Mount Pleasant, including Thornwood, Hawthorne and Valhalla.

The purpose of the Office is to provide services and support that reduce social isolation allowing the individual to be maintained in their
home environment, preserving their dignity and independence.

You must call ahead two business days if you wish to participate, attend or need transportation for the following programs:

*The Pleasant Lunch Bunch (3 days/week) M, W, F
Community Center 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A nutritious hot lunch is provided as well as nutrition education. Activities include bingo,
cards and friendship!

*Bradhurst Nutrition Center (2 days/week) T,Th
Bradhurst Community Center 11:00 am. to 2:00 p.m. Frail and/or socially isolated individuals are provided therapeutic activities,
socialization, and a hot lunch in a warm, supportive setting. This atmosphere also provides respite for caregivers.

*Home Delivered Meals (5 days/Week, Monday – Friday)
Up to two nutritious meals a day can be provided for any person 60 years or older who are frail, isolated, homebound individuals, unable
to meet his/her nutritional needs because of difficulty in shopping and preparing meals. This program is available on a temporary or on-
going basis.

Information, referral and or assistance with issues pertaining to the senior population such as entitlements, benefits and home health

Visiting Nurse Service of Westchester. Blood pressure and blood sugar screening is available on the second Wednesday of the month
from 11:00 a.m. to 12 noon at the Mt. Pleasant Community Center except during the months of July, August, and December.

*Weekly shopping trip to local supermarkets on Tuesdays.
     Please limit your groceries to only two bags.
     Should be able to carry them without help.
     The 1st, 3rd & 5th weeks of the month we shop at Shop Rite.
     The 2nd & 4th weeks of the month we shop at Acme
     Reservations for shopping are taken the TUESDAY before the week you want to shop on a first come first serve basis.

For services indicated *, a contribution is requested. Call OEA Office for more information. No individual is denied a meal or
transportation services if they are unable or unwilling to meet the suggested contribution.

Employment opportunities, community service, internship and a variety of volunteer experiences are also available. For information, call

   Office of Elder Americans is funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, NYS Office for Aging, Westchester County
                                             Department of Senior Programs and Services.
AMERICANS WITH                                        YOUTH SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS
                   DISABILITIES ACT                                        Many youth sports in the Town are organized by voluntary
                                                                                organizations. These groups are listed below:
The Mt. Pleasant Recreation and Parks Department is committed                                  Baseball/Softball
to ensuring that individuals with disabilities are able to utilize and   Sherman Park Little League
enjoy our programs and activities to the fullest extent possible.        Hawthorne, Thornwood, parts of Valhalla and
When registering, please let us know if you or your family               Pleasantville Programs for ages 6 to 15
members have any special needs.                                          Contact: and
 NORTH EAST WESTCHESTER SPECIAL                                          Kensico Little League
                                                                         Valhalla, North White Plains and parts of Greenburgh.
          RECREATION                                                     Programs for ages 6 to 15
                                                                         Contact:              Bob Candrea         914-288-0504
                                                                         Mt. Pleasant Wildcats Football Club
Programs offered by North East Westchester Special Recreation,           Contact Football & Cheerleading for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th
an agency supported and sponsored by Mt. Pleasant, are                   grade students of the Mt. Pleasant Central School
available to children and adults with developmental disabilities         District. Program runs from August through November
from our community. North East programs offer a variety of year-         Contact:              Dan Euvino          914-522-1589
round recreation activities for all ability levels, designed with the    Valhalla Jr. Vikings
specific support needed for participant success in this                  Flag Football: Programs for 1st & 2nd graders
environment. Programs are highly structured, professionally              Tackle Football & Cheerleading: Programs for 3rd – 6th
staffed and closely supervised. Program goals may focus on               grade students of Valhalla Union Free School District
teaching skills, fostering fun and/or cultivating friendships.           Program runs August thru November
For information call 914-347-4409.                                       Contact:              Fred Feit
Employment opportunities, community service credit, educational          Email:      
internships, and a variety of volunteer experience are also              Website:    
available at North East.                                                                            Soccer
  MOUNT PLEASANT BRANCH LIBRARY                                          A fun soccer league for Mt.Pleasant and Valhalla school
           914-741-0276                                                  district children from pre-K through 12th grade (ages 4-
                                                                         18). Everybody plays and positive parent coaching.
The Mount Pleasant Branch Library, located in the Community              Website/Registration:
Center, offers a variety of reading, viewing, and listening materials    Email:
for adults and children. Our hours of operation for the fall have yet    Contact:          Chris Mattoni 347-205-1763
to be determined. Currently we are offering pickup service at the        F.C. Mt. Pleasant Soccer
door for materials you wish to check out. Additionally, digital          A competitive travel soccer league
books, audiobooks, movies and TV shows may be downloaded or              Contact:
streamed from our website. We also offer virtual programs for all                                 Girl Scouts
ages online, including story times with Miss Debbie.                     Valhalla Troup 01189
                                                                         Brownies 6 & 7 ages
Please visit our website ( or call the      Christine Rahmer 646-996-3120
library to place holds or get assistance in choosing material. Our       Email:
librarians are here to assist you.                                                                  Scouts
                                                                         Hawthorne Cub Scouts: Pack 1 Boys Grade 1-5
          TOWN OF MOUNT PLEASANT                                         Contact: Robert Occhiogrossi
            HISTORICAL SOCIETY                                           Email:
The Town of Mount Pleasant Historical Society is looking for             Hawthorne Boy Scout: Troop 1
individuals interested in researching, documenting and preserving        Boys ages 11 to 17
past events and places in the Town’s 229-year history. The               Email:
Society meets monthly from September through June in the                 Valhalla Cub Scout s: Pack 111 Boys grade 1-5
evening usually at Town Hall. Individuals wishing to assist in the       Contact: Michelle Bergey 914-831-3899
Society’s efforts can contact Society President and Town Hall            Email:
Historian Jim Maxwell at for further              Valhalla Boy Scouts: Troop 1
information.                                                             Boys grade 6-12 / ages 11-18
                                                                         Contact: Lisa Stelling 347-224-7555
                                                                         Contact: Marcelo Quellet 917-679-5280
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