Page created by Max Weaver

CDP Global   CITIES,Chain
           Supply    STATES, AND REGIONS
                          Report 2020
MARCH 2020


With the kind
support of
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                                                                                       2

                                                              Foreword                                                                                                                03

                                                              Executive summary                                                                                                       04

                                                              About this report                                                                                                       06

                                                              Risks in the supply chain                                                                                               09

                                                              Climate: Encouraging trends, insufficient action                                                                        12

                                                              Forests: Supply chains without chainsaws                                                                                17

                                                              Water: Trickling improvements but a wave of                                                                             22
                                                              change is needed

                                                              Looking ahead                                                                                                           25

                                                              Appendix                                                                                                                27
                                                              Breakdown of risks by sector and geography
                                                              CDP Supplier Engagement Leaderboard

Important notice                                              publication without obtaining specific professional advice.      directors, officers and / or employees, may have a position
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CDP has prepared the data and analysis in this report         factors. Guest commentaries where included in this report
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CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                            3

                                       made climate a focus of everything            can go it alone -- government,
                                       we do: how we run our data centers,           communities, business and
                                       build our offices and products and            individuals all must do their part.
                                       how we work with our supply chain.            For example, Renewable Energy
                                       We have been carbon neutral since             Buyers Alliance (REBA) and the
                                       2007, and in 2019 we matched 100%             RE100 initiative help us work with
                                       of our electricity consumption with           hundreds of other businesses and
                                       renewable energy for the third year in        non-profit organizations to advocate
                                       a row.                                        for renewable power. These efforts
                                                                                     align with our efforts toward greening
                                       However, we know that minimizing
                                                                                     energy grids worldwide, such as
                                       our own footprint is insufficient to
                                                                                     our commitment to add 5GW of
                                       address a problem of this magnitude.
                                                                                     clean energy in key manufacturing
                                       Our supply chain is part of our strategy
                                                                                     regions through renewable energy
                                       for comprehensive climate action. As
                                       just two examples of our supply chain
Climate change is a constant           work; last year all of the new Pixel and      Finally, we must have a clear
                                       Nest products were designed with              understanding of how we can
threat to the global economy           recycled material, and today shipping         influence our partners and
and humanity more broadly.             of Google hardware to and from our            stakeholders to push their climate
Business must do our part to           direct customers is carbon neutral.           work further. At Alphabet we are
address the problem in our own         Although we are still learning and
                                                                                     committed to driving change through
operations and in the way we                                                         our work with suppliers, and need our
                                       adapting, we believe lessons from
                                                                                     suppliers’ ambition to match our own.
work with our supply chains.           past crises, most recently the
                                                                                     To nudge that along, we have recently
That is the focus we need to           pandemic, can provide direction as
                                                                                     announced a plan to develop an open-
create a better future.                we take fast action on climate change.
                                                                                     source collaborative platform to drive
                                       Specifically, data-driven solutions,
                                                                                     down the cost of renewable energy,
                                       collective action, and stakeholder
Ruth Porat                                                                           making it accessible to more suppliers
                                       engagement will be critical.
Chief Financial Officer                                                              and companies.
Alphabet                               First, we should build consensus
                                                                                     We are committed to going even
                                       around solutions grounded in data.
                                                                                     further. Looking forward, we aim to
                                       Drilling down on data is one of
                                                                                     operate on 24/7 carbon-free energy
2020 brought us the unprecedented      our best tools, and enables us to
                                                                                     by 2030, and help one billion people
global crisis of the COVID-19          accurately gauge the magnitude of the
                                                                                     live more sustainably through our
pandemic. The tragedy and challenge    problem. CDP Supply Chain is a core
                                                                                     products. We will also continue rolling
of COVID has been layered on top       part of our efforts at Alphabet to build
                                                                                     out technology to industry partners to
of the crisis that we recognize as     data-driven solutions to understand
                                                                                     drive climate action at scale.
climate change. Both threaten the      our total carbon footprint. With CDP,
global economy and lives worldwide,    we can measure and influence how              There is so much more to be done,
both demand strong action from the     our suppliers integrate climate change        of course. We must look outside
business community. We have seen       into their operations. In 2020, 96% of        the edges of our own businesses.
the leadership role businesses have    our surveyed suppliers reported their         We need our supply chain partners,
taken in the pandemic response.        carbon footprint, and 75% shared              and of course, they need us, and our
Business has increasingly come         their targets to reduce it. This visibility   climate priorities can and should be
to focus on the actions needed to      allows us to better select, support,          part of their climate priorities. The
address climate change, both through   and partner with our suppliers on their       world is out of time on this topic, and
individual corporate operations and    climate-related targets.                      this simple focus and prioritization
those in their supply chains.                                                        is essential. We must act now if
                                       Second, COVID has proven that
                                                                                     we are going to avert the worst
At Alphabet, we take our climate       collective action is critical to solving
                                                                                     consequences of climate change.
obligations seriously, and have long   urgent, global challenges. No group
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                  4

Response rate of suppliers:           To understand the environmental         Companies must engage their
                                      impact of a company’s economic          supply chains and address
                                      activity, it is not enough to look at   environmental risk to remain
                                      its direct emissions and risks. The     competitive and resilient
                                      entire value chain must be engaged to

52%                                   evaluate and improve its performance.

                                      This report explores the state of
                                      environmental risks in supply chains
                                      and what approaches businesses are
                                      taking to mitigate them.
                                                                              US$1.26 tn
                                                                              Total financial impact reported by
                                      Data is drawn from over 8,000
                                                                              suppliers due to environmental risks
                                      companies at all stages of the value

57%                                   chain who disclosed through CDP in
                                      2020. These companies responded
                                                                              (climate change, deforestation and
                                                                              water insecurity) expected in the
                                                                              next five years.
Forests                               to requests for transparency from
                                      154 major buyers who are members
                                      of the CDP Supply Chain program.
                                      Together these buyers spend US

59%                                                                           US$120 bn
                                      $4.3 trillion in procurement annually
                                      and ask suppliers to provide data via
                                      CDP’s disclosure platform to help
                                      them understand and address the
                                                                              A subset of the environmental
Water                                 environmental impacts and risks of
                                                                              risks will lead to direct costs of
                                      their value chain.
                                                                              US$120 billion within five years
                                                                              which are likely to be passed up
                                                                              the chain to buyers.
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                5

Suppliers are cutting their own emissions,                                    Percentage of suppliers
but must improve engagement in their own                                      driving upstream change
supply chains.                                                                in their own supply chain

619 million                            7%                                     37%
In aggregate, suppliers undertook      of the companies who completed the     Climate
activities reducing GHG emissions      CDP climate questionnaire made it
by 619 million metric tons and saved   onto the CDP Supplier Engagement
US$33.7 billion in the process.        Rating Leaderboard.

The scale of impact in the supply
chain is increasingly being                                                   Forests*
recognized by suppliers

11.4x higher 1,000+                                                           18%
Supply chain emissions are on          Setting targets to reduce emissions    Water
average 11.4 times higher than         throughout the value chain (Scope 3)
operational emissions, more than       is becoming a new business norm.
double previous estimate, due to       This is only achievable with strong
more comprehensive emissions           supply chain engagement. 1,000+
accounting.                            companies have set or committed
                                       to set science-based targets, which
                                       usually require Scope 3 targets.

                                                                                         *This figure was amended on 10
                                                                                         February 2021 to correct an error
                                                                                         in the original published version
                                                                                         of this report.
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                             6

                                             This report has been written by CDP,     time. In total 15,637 companies were
                                             using CDP’s Supply Chain program         invited to participate, with over 8,098
                                             data submissions to evaluate the         unique responses received.
                                             activities of reporting organizations
                                                                                      Most respondents provided
                                             as a group, and to identify
                                                                                      information on climate change,
                                             meaningful insights about the supply
                                                                                      with 8,033 disclosing suppliers. A
                                             chain impacts on setting science-
                                                                                      smaller number of businesses were
                                             based targets, zero-deforestation
                                                                                      asked to respond on forests and
                                             and water security targets.
                                                                                      water issues, as these are newer
                                             The CDP Supply Chain program,            additions to the CDP Supply Chain
                                             representing 154 member                  program. The Water questionnaire,
                                             organizations with US$4.3 trillion       introduced in 2013, was sent to 4,108
                                             in annual procurement spend,             companies with 2,449 completing
                                             requested that suppliers report to       the questionnaire. The Forest
                                             members on their current and future      questionnaire, introduced in 2017,
                                             risks and opportunities related to       was sent to 788 companies with
                                             these environmental issues.              448 completing the questionnaire.
                                                                                      The analysis in this report is
                                             Suppliers responded to standardized
                                                                                      representative of the CDP Supply
                                             questionnaires on climate change,
                                                                                      Chain program data only.
                                             forests and water security: a full
                                             version and a simplified version         During analysis responses have
                                             made available for organizations         been assessed and a small number
                                             with an annual turnover of less than     of outlier data points have been
                                             US$250 million or €250 million,          manually excluded to avoid reporting
                                             which can also be used by larger         misleading statistics.
                                             organizations disclosing for the first

CDP Supply Chain members1
Premium members                              Lead members

Microsoft Corporation                        Alphabet, Inc.                           LinkedIn
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.                 Bank of America                          L’Oréal

Walmart, Inc.                                Barclays                                 McDonald’s Corporation
                                             Bayer AG                                 Nike, Inc.
                                             Dell Inc.                                Nordstrom, Inc.
                                             Electrolux                               NRG Energy Inc
                                             GSMA                                     Ørsted
                                             J Sainsbury Plc                          Philip Morris International Inc.
                                             JT International SA                      Signify NV

      Climate change member                  Juniper Networks, Inc                    Target Corporation
      Forests member                         Kellogg Company                          The Coca-Cola Company
      Water member                           Koninklijke Philips NV                   Virgin Money UK Plc
1 Not all members are publicly listed here   The LEGO Group                           Wells Fargo & Company
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                     7

CDP Supply                                   Corporate members

Chain members1                               Accenture                   Deutsche Telekom AG

(continued)                                  Acer Inc.                   Diageo Plc

                                             Aguas Andinas SA            Eaton Corporation

                                             Airbus SE                   Empresas CMPC S.A.

                                             Ajinomoto Co. Inc.          Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV

                                             Altria Group, Inc.          FIRMENICH SA

                                             Amdocs Ltd                  Flowers Foods

                                             Anheuser Busch InBev        Ford Motor Company

                                             Arcos Dorados               Fujian Sunner Group

                                             ARKEMA                      Fujitsu Limited

                                             AT&T Inc.                   General Motors Company

                                             Avianca Holdings S.A.       Givaudan SA

                                             Banco Bradesco S/A          Grupo BIG

                                             Banco do Brasil S/A         Grupo Bimbo, S.A.B. de C.V.

                                             BMW                         Grupo CCR

                                             Braskem S/A                 Grupo Santander Brasil

                                             Bristol-Myers Squibb        Hewlett Packard Enterprise
                                             British American Tobacco
                                                                         Honda Motor Co., Ltd.
                                             BT Group
                                                                         Honda North America, Inc.
                                             Caesars Entertainment
                                                                         HP Inc
                                             Caixa Econômica Federal
                                                                         HSBC Holdings Plc
                                             CANPACK Group
                                                                         Husqvarna AB
                                             CBRE Group, Inc.
Lead members joining for 2021                                            Imperial Brands
                                             Cellnex Telecom SA
                                                                         Intel Corporation
Ahold Delhaize                               Cementir Holding S.p.A.
                                                                         International Flavors
Estee Lauder Companies Inc                   Chunghwa Telecom
                                                                         & Fragrances Inc.
                                             CIA ULTRAGAZ S/A
                                                                         Iochpe-Maxion S.A.
Corporate members joining for 2021           Cisco Systems, Inc.
                                                                         Itaú Unibanco Holding S.A.
Advance Auto Parts, Inc.                     Clorox Company
                                                                         Jaguar Land Rover Ltd
Capital One Financial                        CNH Industrial NV
                                                                         Johnson & Johnson
Keurig Dr Pepper                             Colgate Palmolive Company
                                                                         KAO Corporation
Moody’s Corporation                          Croda International
                                                                         KPMG UK
Senior PLC                                   CVS Health
                                                                         Los Angeles Department
Trimble Inc.                                 Daimler AG                  of Water and Power

1 Not all members are publicly listed here
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                           8

CDP Supply                                   Corporate members (continued)

Chain members1                               MasterCard Incorporated           Samsung Electronics

(continued)                                  MetLife, Inc.                     Santa Catarina

                                             Metro AG                          Sekisui Chemical Co.,Ltd.

                                             Metropolitan Transportation       Sky plc
                                             Authority (MTA)                   Snam S.p.A
                                             Michelin                          SSE
                                             Ministry of the Environment,      Stéarinerie Dubois
                                             Government of Japan
                                                                               Swisscom AG
                                             Movida Participacoes Sa
                                                                               Symrise AG
                                             MRV Engenharia
                                             e Participações                   TD Bank Group

                                             National Grid PLC                 Telstra Corporation

                                             Naturgy Energy Group SA           The Allstate Corporation

                                             NEC Corporation                   Toyota Motor Corporation

                                             NHS England and                   Unilever
                                             NHS Improvement
                                                                               U.S. General Services
                                             Nissan Motor Co., Ltd.            Administration
                                             Nokia Group                       Vale SA
                                             One Jeanswear Group               Varian Medical Systems, Inc
                                             PepsiCo, Inc.                     Velux A/S
                                             Pirelli                           Virgin Management Limited
                                             Prudential Financial, Inc.        Visa
                                             Prysmian SpA                      VMware, Inc.
                                             Restaurant Brands International   Vodafone Group
                                             Royal Bank of Canada              Volkswagen AG
                                             SABIC                             Volvo Car Group
                                             S Group                           Wal Mart de Mexico
                                             S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.          Western Digital
                                                                               The Yokohama Rubber Co., LTD

                                                                               Zurich Insurance Group Ltd.

1 Not all members are publicly listed here
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                     9

Unlocking the power of
your supply chain
                                      Environmental risks are material for      Environmental risks are set to
                                      business. Addressing these through        increase as the planet, society and
                                      supply chain engagement is vital for      economy changes.

US$1.26 tn                            companies to be competitive and
                                      resilient in the changing market and to
                                      build back better from COVID-19.
                                                                                Intensifying climate change and
                                                                                environmental degradation will
of revenue at risk reported by                                                  increase the physical risks. Society will
suppliers within five years           In 2020, over 8,000 suppliers             adapt in response, raising awareness,
                                      disclosing through CDP reported that      spurring action and increasing
                                      US$1.26 trillion of revenue is likely     reputational and regulatory risks.
                                      to be at risk over the next five years    So companies that fail to manage
                                      due to climate change, deforestation      the environmental risks in their

US$120 bn
                                      and water insecurity. The anticipated     supply chain will also face greater
                                      financial risk covers potential loss of   reputational and regulatory risks.
                                      revenue due to changing consumer
                                                                                Managing the direct environmental
in increased costs in the next        preferences, loss of access to capital,
                                                                                impact of your operations is no
five years due to environmental       and increased operational costs. The
                                                                                longer enough. Businesses must put
supply chain risks could be faced     increased costs alone amount to
                                                                                the spotlight on - and engage - their
by corporate buyers                   as much as US$120 billion, and are
                                                                                supply chains.
                                      caused by physical environmental
                                      impacts as well as addressing             Laggards that fail to take responsibility
                                      regulation and market changes.            for supply chain impacts and risks will
                                                                                fall behind, while leaders who manage
                                      Financial risks have a domino effect
                                                                                and reduce environmental risk
                                      throughout the chain and corporate
                                                                                through supply chain collaboration
                                      buyers will pay the price. Most supply
                                                                                will not only be more competitive
                                      chains run on very tight margins with
                                                                                today, but will be more resilient for the
                                      suppliers often passing cost increases
                                                                                economic shifts of tomorrow.
                                      on to their customers.

                                      Major buyers could see a hike of
                                      US$120 billion in costs in the next
                                      five years, due to these environmental
                                      risks in their supply chains.

                                      And that is only a current snapshot.
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                                           10

These leading companies include
CDP’s Supply Chain members.

The CDP Supply Chain program                                   These members are committed to              Companies are increasingly asking
brings together a diverse group of                             driving action by integrating data          their suppliers to match their
more than 150 major purchasing                                 into their purchasing processes.            ambition, reduce their greenhouse gas
organizations from around the world,                           In 2019 73% of CDP Supply Chain             emissions, safeguard water resources
with an enormous US$4.3 trillion                               program members when surveyed               and protect forests, through setting
in combined procurement spend.                                 said they expect to deselect suppliers      and achieving ambitious targets.
These companies work with their                                based on inadequate environmental
suppliers to encourage disclosure,                             performance.2
transparency, and continuous
environmental improvements, thus
building resilient supply chains.

                                                               Additionally, 65% of surveyed               94% of companies with science-based
                                                               members in 2019 reported using              targets include scope 3 emissions.
                                                               environmental metrics, including CDP
                                                               data, in their supplier relationship
                                                               management processes, with a further
                                                               30% saying they plan to reach that
                                                               point in the next two years.3

We want to do the right thing for the world around                                     The BMW Group has set a clear target to reduce
us and in 2020 we were the first Australian company                                    CO2 emissions by 20% for its supply chain by 2030,
to join CDP Supply Chain. This partnership helped                                      compared to 2019. Our supplier network plays an
us deliver training, tools and support to our strategic                                integral part in meeting these goals. We have been
suppliers as they considered and disclosed their                                       a member of CDP Supply Chain since 2014 in order
environmental impacts. We’re now using this                                            to create transparency around the CO2 emissions
information to understand the volume of emissions                                      of our key suppliers and engage with them to tackle
being released from the products and services                                          climate risks and cut emissions. The BMW Group
we purchase from our suppliers and to develop                                          itself has reported through CDP for years and is
ambitious strategies together to further reduce them.                                  proud to achieve a place on the ‘A List‘ in 2020. We
We’re buoyed by the enthusiasm and commitment of                                       also use CDP company scores for our suppliers as
our suppliers and, while we’ve got a long way to go,                                   an engagement tool.
we will reduce our impact on the environment.

Alexandru Butiri, Chief Procurement                                                    Wolfgang Obermaier, SVP Indirect
Officer, Telstra Corporation Ltd                                                       Goods and Services, Raw Material,
                                                                                       Production Partners, BMW

2 This statistic is taken from a poll conducted for the 2019 CDP Supply Chain report
3 This statistic is taken from a poll conducted for the 2020 CDP Supply Chain report
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                                                    11

Growth in CDP Supply Chain disclosures, 2008 – 2020


2020                                                                                            8,098                                                  15,637

2019                                                                                         6,957                                        13,111

2018                                                               5,600                                                         11,000

2017                                                    4,800                                                            9,970

2016                                               4,366                                                8,298

2015                                            4,005                                                7,879

2014                                    3,396                                        6,503

2013                             2,868                                     5,659

2012                         2,415                                                 6,215

2011                 1,864                                 4,234

2010         1,000           1,853

2009       710          1,402

2008       634                       2,318

       0             2,000                   4,000                   6,000                   8,000              10,000           12,000   14,000   16,000

   Total suppliers who disclosed through CDP
   Total suppliers asked to disclose
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                    12

Encouraging trends,
insufficient action
                                           Decarbonizing supply chains is        Over half of requested suppliers
                                           the key to meeting ambitious          responded. The information received
Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd. aims to         climate goals                         showed progress in cutting emissions,
achieve net-zero GHG emissions from
                                                                                 and thereby costs, but also revealed
its business operations by 2050, and we    Despite the profound global
have set a science-based target which
                                                                                 the size of the challenge as suppliers
                                           disruption of COVID-19, CDP Supply
includes a 27% reduction of our scope 3                                          looked more closely at their own
                                           Chain members continued to drive
emissions by 2030. Sekisui Chemical                                              supply chains.
Group engages in reducing GHG
                                           climate transparency and action in
emissions throughout the supply chain      supply chains.
by monitoring emissions at every stage,
                                           The number of requests for supplier
from raw material procurement to
development, production, transportation    disclosure from CDP Supply Chain                            8,033
                                                                                                       suppliers in 2020
and use of products.                       members grew by 19% to more                 6,892           disclosed on
                                           than 15,000 in 2020 - a result of         suppliers in      climate, which
The amount of emissions caused by
purchased goods and services account       new members but also of existing       2019 disclosed       was a 52%
                                           members deepening their engagement        on climate.       response rate.
for the largest proportion of our GHG
emissions in Scope 3, at 50% or more.      with their supplier bases.
To reduce these indirect emissions, we
will review the selection criteria when
adopting new materials. In addition,
we are engaging with our suppliers by
utilizing the CDP supply chain program,
in order to identify the emissions
reductions of our suppliers at the stage
of raw materials production.

Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd.
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                     13

Climate action is improving, with
suppliers demonstrating increased
emissions reductions                                                                  Toyota Motor Corporation became
                                                                                      a CDP supply chain member
                                                                                      in 2016 to support continuous
                                                                                      environmental initiatives conducted
                                        Suppliers reported combined savings           with our suppliers. The program
                                        of US$33.7 billion in 2020 through            enables us to determine our
                                        actively cutting emissions. This              supplier’s risks, opportunities and
                                        is a 67% increase in cost savings             their initiatives on climate change.
                                                                                      According to the spirit of mutual
                                        compared to 2019.
                                                                                      benefit based on mutual trust, we
                                        Suppliers undertook activities that cut       regularly create opportunities for
                                                                                      environmental communication
                                        emissions by 619 million metric tons
                                                                                      by holding briefing sessions and
                                        of C02e in the last year.                     response guidance, where we share
                                                                                      information on social trends and
                                        The total direct emissions by suppliers
                                                                                      Toyota’s initiatives and provide
                                        was 6,714 metric tons (MtCO2e),
Suppliers represent combined 2018                                                     feedback on response results.
                                        roughly equal to the combined 2018            These activities would encourage
greenhouse gas emissions of the US
                                        greenhouse gas emissions of the               our suppliers to continue improving
and Canada
                                        United States and Canada.                     their environmental performance
                                                                                      and disclosure. Through such close
                                        The ability to cut costs by reducing          collaboration with our suppliers,
                                        emissions would be a strong                   we received a 96% response rate
                                        argument for action, even if the risks        for CDP climate change 2020,
                                                                                      which accounts for approximately
                                        associated with failure to act were

619 MtCO2e
                                                                                      84% of our total purchasing value
                                        not as pressing as they are. Suppliers        in Japan. Through our continuous
                                        are treating the issue as a priority,         efforts, we were pleased to report
                                        with 72% of responding companies              that approximately two-thirds
of emissions were reduced by                                                          of our suppliers reduced their
                                        reporting that issues around climate
suppliers from 2019-2020...                                                           CO2 emission intensity (total
                                        change receive board-level oversight.
                                                                                      emissions/net revenues) in 2020
                                        This is easily justified by the scale         compared to the previous year.
                                        of the problem. In 2020, suppliers            Achieving the SDGs, including
                                        reported that they were exposed               environmental sustainability, is
                                        to some US$1.21 trillion in                   a huge challenge for us all. To

                                        potential financial impact related            contribute to this shared goal,
                                                                                      every Toyota person all over the
                                        to climate change.
                                                                                      world will be resolute in “Producing
                                                                                      Happiness for All”. We also wish
...equivalent to the annual emissions                                                 to take a strong step forward with
of 159 coal power plants                                                              our suppliers.

                                                                                      Toyota Motor Corporation

US$33.7 bn                                     Risk type                  # of reported
                                                                                             Risk US$

of savings from suppliers’                     Acute physical             1,981              319,334,077,747.44
emissions reductions

                                               Market                     1,553              741,870,472,483.50

                                               Emerging regulation        1,549              151,696,170,484.16
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                                        14

Suppliers are turning the spotlight                    These figures underline that real
on their own supply chains.                            climate leadership cannot be achieved
                                                       without tackling scope 3 impacts.
In 2020, suppliers reported upstream
emissions that were, on average, 11.4
times greater than those produced
                                                       Supplier engagement continues
                                                       to remain the exception rather          11.4x
through their direct operations.                       than the norm.

This is a big jump from 2019, when                     Measuring scope 3 emissions is
the reported upstream emissions                        only a first step, however. Despite
were five and a half times greater                     the quantification of risk exposure     Supply chain emissions
than operational emissions. This is                    and upstream emissions, only 37%        are 11.4 times higher than
not an indication of an increase in                    of suppliers are taking action and      operational emissions
supply chain emissions. Rather, this                   engaging with their own suppliers,
statistic promisingly shows that more                  down from 39% in 2019.
suppliers are measuring emissions in
their supply chain (known as scope 3

emissions), and accounting for those
emissions over the full lifecycle of
their products or services in line with
the GHG protocol.                                                                              of suppliers are taking supply
                                                                                               chain action themselves, down
                                                                                               from 39% in 2019

Upstream emissions: scope 3 emissions are on average 11.4 times higher than operational emissions

        Retail                                                                                                                          28.3

        Apparel                                                                                                          25.2

        Services                                                                                      21.2

        Food, beverage & agriculture                            11.2

        Biotech, health care & pharma            7.9

        Manufacturing                           7.7
                                                                                                    Fashion Charter signatories recognize
                                                                                                    that the biggest impact in terms of GHG
        Hospitality                       6.8
                                                                                                    emissions lies in the supply chain. At
                                                                                                    the same time, there is a recognition
        Materials               4.3                                                                 that Scope 3 emissions in the supply
                                                                                                    chain are a big challenge for the apparel
                                                                                                    sector. We began working with CDP, also
        Infrastructure        4.0
                                                                                                    at the request of many signatories, to
                                                                                                    demonstrate that existing and incoming
                 Transportation services 1.5                                                        companies to the Charter are measuring
                                                                                                    and ultimately managing emissions in
             Power generation       1.1                                                             order to meet the goals they have set
                                                                                                    through the Fashion Charter.

           Fossil Fuels 0.7
                                                                                                    Lindita Xhaferi-Salihu,
                                                                                                    Sectors Engagement Lead,
                                                                                                    UN Climate Change
       Average of final ratio (Scope 3 [supply chain emissions] : Scope 1
       +2 [operational emissions and direct emissions])
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                      15

    As a responsible business, reducing greenhouse
    gas emissions in our supply chain supports
    our ambition of reaching net-zero by 2050 to
    deliver a clean energy future for our customers.
    As a CDP supply chain member, National Grid
    uses CDP scores to maintain transparency
    and accountability in meeting customer and
    shareholder expectations to address climate
    change. We’re proud to be on the “A List” and are
    committed to keeping this good work going.

    Vivienne Bracken, Chief Procurement Officer,
    National Grid

    The climate crisis means we must accelerate
    change. This means taking action across our
    value chain as we pursue bold purpose and
    sustainability ambitions – like our ambition to
    become Climate Positive before 2050 and our
    science-based targets.

    Achieving this requires collaboration not
    just within Givaudan, but with our suppliers,
    customers, stakeholders, colleagues and partners.
    That’s why engagements like our CDP supply
    chain membership are so important.

    As businesses re-examine their role in society, we
    must be resilient and prepared for the risks of a
    constantly-changing world. Now more than ever,
    businesses must come together and lead the way
    as a force for good.

    Willem Mutsaerts, Head of Global Procurement
    and Sustainability, Givaudan
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                              16

    For more than 10 years, The Estée Lauder              Bayer is committed to reach net-zero value chain
    Companies has reinforced its commitment               emissions, by 2050 at the latest. To achieve that,
    to environmental stewardship by disclosing            we’ve set science-based targets: we’ll reduce
    through CDP to ensure consistent, transparent         scope 1 and 2 emissions by 42% by 2030 - which
    reporting around its environmental impact.            is in line with 1.5°C, the more ambitious goal
    Now, in this critical decade for the planet, the      of the Paris Agreement. Likewise, we’ll reduce
    company is taking even more decisive action           our main scope 3 emissions by 12.3%. Overall,
    on climate change.                                    switching fully to renewable energy is key.
                                                          Addressing scope 3 - the biggest share of our
    As we take on the broader scope of addressing
                                                          footprint - is a challenge: data availability and
    carbon impact beyond the company’s direct
                                                          quality is poor and comparability often weak.
    operations, we’re excited to deepen our
                                                          Plus, it takes time to engage with suppliers on
    collaboration with CDP by becoming a Supply
                                                          this issue. To overcome these challenges and
    Chain member. With ambitious science-based
                                                          create impact at a larger scale, we became a
    targets for Scope 3 emissions at the forefront
                                                          member of CDP supply chain and we collaborate
    of our climate agenda, the CDP Supply Chain
                                                          with initiatives such as Together for Sustainability
    program will support the implementation of
                                                          (TfS) and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
    integrated solutions for emissions reduction
                                                          Initiative (PSCI).
    across the company’s supply chain, and foster
    joint value creation with supply chain partners       Thomas Udesen, Executive Vice President
    and third-party manufacturers.                        and Chief Procurement Officer, Bayer

    Building on the successes and learnings of
    achieving net-zero carbon emissions and 100%
    renewable electricity across our direct operations,
    the road ahead could not be more clear: resilient,
    low carbon supply chains are critical to ensuring a
    healthy, beautiful planet for generations to come.
                                                          As a CDP Supply Chain member, we at Samsung
    Gregory F. Polcer, Executive Vice President, Global
                                                          Electronics hope to see more of our suppliers
    Supply Chain, The Estée Lauder Companies
                                                          undertake actions to reduce emissions year
                                                          on year. In 2020 we asked our key suppliers to
                                                          disclose through CDP and received responses
                                                          from 163 suppliers, with a response rate at
                                                          71%. We also provide incentives to suppliers
                                                          to participate in CDP disclosure and set
                                                          carbon reduction targets. In addition, Samsung
                                                          Electronics operates joint educational seminars
                                                          regularly with CDP, which share experiences
                                                          to help suppliers reduce electricity, gas and
                                                          carbon emissions. We will continue our efforts
                                                          to engage with more supply chain partners by
                                                          making it easy to participate in carbon emission
                                                          reduction activities.

                                                          Partner Collaboration Center,
                                                          Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                    17

Supply chains
without chainsaws
                                              Deforestation: a growing risk
                                              in a post-pandemic world

Ten years ago, we started our first steps
on our journey to protect forests, at our     In response to the global pandemic,
production site in the heart of a protected   economic recession, climate change
French Natural Park.                          and the biodiversity crisis, the need to
                                              transition to a sustainable and resilient   suppliers disclosing
The path has been rich in challenges,
but with the feedback of our most             deforestation-free future has never         on forests at the
engaged customers and suppliers we            been greater. The precise pathway of        request of their buyers
have been able to progress towards            COVID-19 is not yet established, but
                                              deforestation is almost certainly an
Since our RSPO SCCS certification,            important part of the journey.4
through our ‘No Deforestation, No
                                              Protecting and restoring forests was

Peat, No Exploitation: Driving positive
impact for local communities and              already high on the global agenda, as
Inclusion of smallholders’ policy, we         a critical tool for meeting the goals of
have continuously improved our level of
                                              the Paris Agreement and achieving the
requirements all along the supply chain.                                                  in reported deforestation-
                                              UN Sustainable Development Goals.
                                                                                          related risks
There is no doubt that we need to             Continued loss of these carbon sinks,
accelerate action against deforestation,      along with the habitat and biodiversity
due to the urgency of addressing global
                                              they contain, will only exacerbate both
climate change. We also believe that
deforestation is linked with acts of          climate change and its impact.
corruption and violation of human rights

                                              Companies must act rapidly to
which have to be collectively tackled all
along the supply chain in accordance          ensure they identify and eliminate
with the Principles of the United Nations     unsustainable deforestation practices
Global Compact. This is a shared              within their supply chain, as well as       suppliers reported
responsibility between the consuming          identifying and managing inevitable
and producing countries.
                                                                                          sourcing commodities
                                              forest risk based on commodity              from forest risk
Consequently, we are engaged in               consumption.                                countries
collective initiatives allowing us to
increase traceability and transparency
of forest risk commodities. For us,
these are the key conditions to reach
zero-deforestation. Sharing experiences
and data through CDP Supply Chain with
our suppliers is a unique opportunity
and the way to succeed in the
transformation of the agricultural
commodities supply chain.                                                                 more suppliers (448 out
As the world still needs to be fed,                                                       of 788) responded when
sustainable agricultural practices must                                                   asked to disclose on forests,
be mainstreamed among small local                                                         compared to the pilot year
farmers, with knowledge-sharing of                                                        in 2017
best practices.

Ghislaine Auméras Broch,
Head of Sustainability,
                                              4 See also: Bats, Coronaviruses, and
Stéarinerie Dubois
                                              Deforestation: Toward the Emergence of
                                              Novel Infectious Diseases? Aneta Afelt,
                                              Roger Frutos, and Christian Devaux
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                                                           18

Commodities driving deforestation:                236 suppliers reported sourcing              This demonstrates the pressing need
Cascading awareness                               commodities from forest risk                 for companies to continue to request
                                                  countries. By increasing their               this information from their suppliers,
The CDP Supply Chain program
                                                  engagement with suppliers from               an essential first step in understanding
began covering forests in 2017.
                                                  high-risk regions, companies can             and minimizing their risk exposure.
Since then, the number of members
                                                  expand capacity building efforts,
has more than doubled from 8 to 19,                                                            Deeper knowledge is even more
                                                  increase transparency, disseminate
as awareness of the urgency of the                                                             lacking, with just 26% of suppliers able
                                                  best practices and reduce their
issue has grown. These members are                                                             to trace even part of their
                                                  deforestation risks.
engaging with suppliers involved in                                                            forest risk commodities back to the
the production and use of forest risk             Suppliers were asked to report on            forest, plantation or farm where they
commodities linked to deforestation               the forest risk commodities that they        originated. Furthermore, many found
(including timber, palm oil, cattle               produce or consume. The responses            it difficult to measure and report
products, soy and rubber).                        show a huge knowledge gap between            their risk exposure. Although 73% of
                                                  the various forest risk commodity            suppliers said they had undertaken
Between 2001 and 2015, 27%5 of
                                                  sectors. 84% of timber products              a forest related risk assessment,
global forest loss can be attributed
                                                  suppliers disclosed data, while just         the internal skills and capabilities to
to deforestation through permanent
                                                  28% of coffee suppliers disclosed.           address those risks remain limited.
land use change for commodity
                                                  These numbers drop further when
production, including beef, soy, palm                                                          Despite this incomplete picture, 37%
                                                  suppliers were asked to drill down to
oil, and wood fiber.                                                                           of suppliers still reported a total
                                                  consumption and production data.
                                                                                               potential financial impact of
Members requested disclosures on
                                                                                               US$5 billion* associated with risks
forests from 788 suppliers, receiving
                                                                                               linked to the production, consumption
448 responses - a fivefold increase
                                                                                               and trade of forest risk commodities.
since the pilot year in 2017.

                                                                                                  % of responding suppliers disclosing
                                                                                                  exposure to commodity
                                                                                                  % of exposed suppliers disclosing
90                                                                                                data on commodity
                                    84                                  84
                                                                                                  % of exposed suppliers disclosing
                                                                                                  consumption and/or production data

70                                                                68
                55                                                                                                                                  55

                             30                   30
30                      27                                                                                             28
          22                                                                                      25
10                                                                                                              9                            7


               Cattle             Palm Oil             Soy             Timber             Cocoa                      Coffee                      Rubber

               Forest risk Commodity                                                                   5 Curtis, P.G. et al. (2018). Classifying drivers of
                                                                                                       global forest loss. Science 361:1108-1111. DOI:

                                                                                                       *Likely to be at risk over the next five years
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                        19

Strengthening supplier engagement        Promoting collective action                  The complexity and nature of this
                                                                                      environmental challenge also requires
The coordinated action of the CDP        Hundreds of companies had made
                                                                                      unprecedented collaboration. Many
Supply Chain program is clearly          pledges to eliminate deforestation
                                                                                      CDP Supply Chain members have
having an impact. In 2020, its 19        from the production of agricultural
                                                                                      joined the Consumer Goods Forum’s
forests members had 130 suppliers        commodities by 2020, as part of
                                                                                      Forest Positive Coalition of Action
(17% of total sample) in common,         a collective commitment made by
                                                                                      to continue promoting and driving
despite covering diverse sectors.        the Consumer Goods Forum and
                                                                                      positive changes.
Supplier companies that received         through the New York Declaration on
disclosure requests from multiple        Forests. While this ambitious industry       All supply chain actors must adopt
members had a much higher                goal was missed, many companies              this level of ambition and commitment
response rate of 75%, compared           have reiterated their commitment to          to collaborative action. Only then will
with those that only received requests   eliminate deforestation and contribute       we be on the right path to a resilient,
from a single member at 57%.             towards restoring the world’s forests.       zero-deforestation, net-zero economy.
Changing supplier behavior is best
                                         Public commitments are a critical
achieved with clear and consistent
                                         first step, but these statements must
expectations from customers. By
                                         be followed by concrete actions by
integrating data and insights into
                                         companies and their value chain
procurement decisions, CDP Supply
                                         partners. This is still far from the norm,
Chain members are accelerating
                                         with comparatively few companies
the pace at which this change
                                         making it onto the CDP A List for
will happen.
                                         forests. Encouragingly, however, this
                                         number is steadily rising, doubling in
                                         2020 from 8 to 16.

of timber products suppliers
disclosed data, while just
28% of coffee suppliers

Only 26% of suppliers
are able to trace even
part of their forest risk
commodities back to the
forest, plantation or farm
where they originated
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                           20

    The Chinese white feather poultry enterprise        CMPC encourages small timberland and sawmill
    Sunner has adopted a cradle-to-gate and circular    owners to use sustainable forest management
    economy approach to its breeding, cultivation       and/or chain of custody certifications or to
    and deep processing activities, including           operate under our “CMPC non certificate supplier
    waste-to-fertilizer and waste-to-energy.            procedure”. Through the years, with the support
                                                        of our compliance department and a dedicated
    Corporate sustainability is vital for Sunner
                                                        committee, CMPC developed a continuous
    to achieve our business goals. Sunner has
                                                        improvement process to identify and address
    insisted on increasing our core competence
                                                        potential weaknesses. The aim is to maximize
    by benchmarking with international good
                                                        the area under certification, which in turn reduces
    practices whilst expanding our corporate
                                                        inherent risks such as the procurement of timber
    sustainability work.
                                                        coming from high-risk sources. As a result,
    Sunner mainly uses soybean, palm oil, and           CMPC is able to ensure that 97% of the total fiber
    cattle products during the feeding, incubating,     input for its pulp, wood and paper production
    and processing period of our white feather          is certified or has undergone a rigorous due
    chicken and beef products. These high forest-       diligence process. In Chile, the company supports
    risk commodities are sourced through vendors        the certification (FSC and PEFC) of small and
    in China. Sunner can trace the country of origin    medium-sized timberland owners through a
    of these commodities to countries with high         sustainable forest management group. In doing
    deforestation risk, such as Malaysia, Indonesia,    so, CMPC provides technical consulting services
    Brazil, and Argentina. Disclosing information       to group members, in an effort to support and
    about forest conservation through CDP enables       give priority to local and small business-owners.
    us to act on deforestation risks and incorporate    CMPC currently offers four support programs to
    ‘zero deforestation’ into our overall sustainable   small forest-holders, which were launched after
    business strategy.                                  Chile’s large wildfires in 2017. These include
                                                        technical workshops for suppliers; incentive plan
    This goes beyond disclosure and transparency        for implementation of due diligence systems;
    - we want to fundamentally reduce and manage        wood log procurement program from SMEs; and
    deforestation risk and climate change impacts.      the creation and promotion of sustainable forest
    Thus, we chose to join CDP as a supply chain        management certification groups.
    member. In 2020, we invited strategic suppliers,
    including suppliers for animal feed, grain oil      Nicolás Gordon, Director of Corporate
    and herbal medicine, to disclose forest-related     Sustainability , CMPC
    information to us via CDP. We also work with
    CDP to provide capacity-building activities for
    our suppliers to enhance their awareness and
    management capacity for deforestation risks.
    In the coming year we will continue to help our
    suppliers increase their transparency and take
    further actions on deforestation
    and sustainability.

    Fujian Sunner Group
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                      21

    Arcos Dorados is aware of the impact its supply
    chain has on the sustainability of its business,
    and this is a priority for us. As a company, we
    are fully committed to the environment and are
    doing everything possible to reduce the impact
    of our operation by means of our Recipe for the
    Future platform. For this reason, we actively
    work to identify, reduce and mitigate the social
    and environmental impacts, together with our
    suppliers, encouraging best practices in each
    stage of the supply chain. Environmental and
    social management must permeate the entire
    supply chain, which is why Arcos Dorados works
    with our suppliers, ensuring they comply with
    best practices, endorsed or recognized under
    international standards.

    The company participated in the CDP Supply
    Chain Program as a member in 2020 for the
    fourth consecutive year. Arcos Dorados plays
    a leading role among the members of CDP
    Latin America, achieving the highest response
    rates from our suppliers in disclosing their
    environmental impacts through the CDP
    questionnaires. In 2020, Arcos Dorados achieved
    a 99% response rate from our requested suppliers
    in three questionnaires: climate change, forests
    and water security. In 2019, their suppliers have
    had a total emission reduction in the last year of
    close to 9 million tCO2e, which is equivalent to
    taking 640,000 cars off the road for one year.

    As the largest franchisee, Arcos Dorados is
    following McDonald’s corporate commitment
    to reduce GHG emissions from 2015 levels by
    36% in the restaurants and offices by 2030. Also,
    the company is committed to reducing GHG
    emissions from 2015 levels by 31% in supply
    chain processes by 2030.

    Leonardo Correa De Souza Lima, Corporate
    Sustainable Development & Social Commitment
    Director, Arcos Dorados
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                  22

Trickling improvements but a
wave of change is needed
Preserving water as a resource             A rise in reported reputational risks
Water is vital to sustain life on Earth,
and it is also a critical component
                                           In 2020, suppliers identified US$248
                                           billion associated with all water-
of the global economy. Currently,          related risks. In previous years the       Responders
businesses risk draining our finite        value of reported risks was dominated
freshwater resources and polluting         by physical impacts (e.g. floods,
what remains.                              droughts, storms) whereas this
                                           year we see a major increase in the
To prevent the worst impacts of
                                           financial value of reported reputational
water pollution, scarcity, flooding,

                                           and market risks, which is now almost
and disruption to people, planet
                                           equal to physical risks.
and business, companies need to

undertake a paradigm shift in their        These reputational risks will not only
water stewardship and management.          affect the companies that report
This means looking not only at their       them. Companies are coming under
own practices but those in their           more and more scrutiny regarding           Risk associated
supply chain.                              water stewardship practices in their
                                           supply chain. Those companies that
                                           want to minimize and mitigate these
                                           environmental and financial risks
                                           urgently need to engage their suppliers
                                           on water security.                         14%
                                                                                      of disclosing companies
Types of risk                                                                         reported that more than
                                                                                      half of their facilities are
                                                                                      exposed to water risks
                                                                                      with the potential to have
                                                                                      a substantive financial
                                                                                      impact on their business.

                                           Reputation & markets

Technology & Other
                                              US$119 billion

US$2 billion

                                                                                      of suppliers are engaging
                                                                                      with their own suppliers on
                                                                                      water stewardship
Regulatory                                    US$129 billion
US$1 billion
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                           23

Increasing clarity on water use
                                                                      2019 suppliers      2020 suppliers     % responding
As companies begin considering                                        reporting this      reporting this     suppliers
their water-related risks, the first step                             data                data               reporting data
is to understand their withdrawal,                                                                           2020
consumption, and discharge rates.
More and more suppliers are                        Withdrawal                   1,208               1,504               61%
disclosing information in each of
these categories in response to
                                                   Consumption                  1,134               1,444               59%
requests from CDP Supply Chain
water member companies. This
improvement needs to continue so                   Discharge                    1,091               1,377               56%
that all companies can better manage
their water-related risks and usage.

Furthermore, each supplier must
engage with its own value chain to
fully understand its own water risk.

The size of the financial risk
identified by suppliers from water
issues shows how urgent this need
is. These companies need to step up
and better understand the risks and
opportunities in their supply chain.

Leadership and cascading action             Only 32% of disclosing suppliers had a      Support from the highest levels of a
                                            public water policy, and just 5% had a      company is imperative to effect real
CDP Supply Chain members have
                                            company-wide target for reducing their      change. This year 62% of suppliers
illustrated their commitment to
                                            water pollution. This is significantly      reported board-level oversight on
water stewardship and supply chain
                                            lower than the performance of the           water, making 2020 the second year
management. Their suppliers have
                                            purchasing organizations requesting         in a row with a 3% of higher increase.
responded by increasingly disclosing
                                            information from their suppliers.           This pace of improvement is steady,
their water-related risks and the
                                            Amongst these Supply Chain                  but unimpressive. For climate change,
potential financial impacts they face.
                                            members, 76% reported having a              for example, 72% of suppliers report
However, this increase in disclosure        public water policy and 15% had a           board-level oversight. This growth
has not yet been followed by                company-wide target for reducing their      continues to illustrate the slow but
improvements in water-related               water pollution.                            steady pace at which companies are
metrics associated with leadership.                                                     improving their water management
                                            Although three times as many Supply
Suppliers are still lacking strong                                                      oversight.
                                            Chain member companies have water
governance structures, targets and
                                            pollution targets as their suppliers        We need to see a wave of change
public commitments. This illustrates
                                            (15% vs. 5%), this is still far too low.    in water leadership and governance,
a dearth in the corporate leadership
                                                                                        to mitigate business risks throughout
needed to achieve water security.           There is room for improvement at all
                                                                                        the value chain and to build a safe,
                                            levels of the supply chain - just 18%
                                                                                        water-secure future.
                                            of suppliers report engaging with their
                                            own suppliers on water security.
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                      24

    At Walmart Mexico & Central America we are
    acutely aware of the challenges of water security
    for Mexico. Water management in our supply
    chain is key to achieving our commitment of
    becoming a regenerative company by 2040 and
    protecting 50 million acres of land and 1 million
    miles of ocean. This will depend on the collective
    action and transparency that we can encourage
    for our operations and suppliers. The use of water
    is essential to the production of our products,
    so we identify suppliers that have strong levels
    of sustainable water management to ensure
    the supply of these products into the future.
    During 2020, 48% of our suppliers reporting
    through CDP were national to Mexico, while 52%
    represented suppliers from 15 other countries.
    This year, 66% of our suppliers already include
    water security within their long-term business
    objectives, aligning with our shared vision and
    adopting good practices. An indicator of the
    importance of managing water resources is that
    13% of these suppliers already identified some
    negative impacts due to water risks during the
    2020 reporting period. Therefore, collaboration
    with suppliers is key to act in advance of these
    challenges, and improve risk awareness in the
    supply chain - 48% of our suppliers reported that
    they also run water risk assessments with their
    own suppliers. This is cascading transparency
    and awareness down the chain. Our goal is to take
    advantage of common opportunities and shared
    long-term strategies to mitigate water risks with
    our suppliers, as we seek to generate shared value
    through our value chain.

    Claudia de la Vega Martínez, Director
    of Corporate Affairs, Walmart Mexico
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                       25

How to build back better
Despite the devastations,                In our global COVID-19 recovery            Supply chain engagement works. The
uncertainty and economic turmoil         efforts, we have an obligation to build    companies who are working with their
of 2020, corporate commitment            back better. To mitigate and adapt         customers and reporting through CDP
to transparency and improvement          against the shocks of irreversible         have already undertaken activities
on environmental performance             climate change and environmental           reducing GHG emissions by 619
has intensified.                         devastation, companies should start        million metric tons and saved US$33.7
                                         by building resiliency into business-as-   billion in the process. That’s equivalent
The number of CDP Supply Chain
                                         usual. Engaging with the entire value      to shutting down 159 coal power
members asking for environmental
                                         chain to reduce emissions, mitigate        plants for a year.
transparency is up by a fifth, to more
                                         deforestation and manage water
than 150, while 14% more suppliers                                                  But there is still a long way to
                                         resources better must be high on any
(8,098) responded to their demand                                                   go. Despite the risks of inaction,
                                         board’s agenda.
than in 2019. Sustainability is no                                                  companies are slow to drive change
longer a nice-to-have; it is now core    Since the average company has found        along the whole of the value chain.
to running any business.                 emissions in its supply chain more         Only 37% of suppliers are engaging
                                         than ten times as high as its direct       their own suppliers on climate change.
The reasons are clear: at US
                                         emissions, a cascade of supply chain       We need to see a cascade of action.
$1.26 trillion, the environmental
                                         action will have enormous impact
risks reported in value chains are
                                         globally - helping build a thriving,
substantial. With major corporate
                                         sustainable economy.
buyers facing US$120 billion in
increased costs in the next 5 years
from a subset of those environmental
risks, companies must now take
ambitious action.
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                    26


Where to start:                                                What next:
For companies beginning their journey on                       For companies who are already engaging with their
supplier engagement:                                           suppliers on environmental issues:

1                              2                               3                             4
Ask questions                  Collaborate with others         Set public targets for the    A chain reaction
                                                               supply chain
Start asking your suppliers    Supplier companies are                                        Ask your suppliers to
to assess and report their     more likely to act when         Setting targets publicly      engage with their own
environmental data to you      requested to do so by           gives buyers and suppliers    suppliers. Risks and
through CDP’s disclosure       multiple customers. For         clarity on their climate,     opportunities don’t stop
system. You cannot             example, 57% of suppliers       deforestation and water       at tier one. By driving
manage what you haven’t        disclosed on forests if         security goals, and a clear   disclosure requests, target-
measured. If your suppliers    requested by one member         shared pathway towards        setting and collaboration
are regularly disclosing,      and 75% disclosed when          achieving them.               across your suppliers’
you can pinpoint risks,        asked by multiple members.                                    values, you are future-
identify opportunities and     Therefore, seek out                                           proofing your own business.
start collaborating to build   opportunities to collaborate
resiliency.                    with peers, investors and
                               other stakeholders that
                               influence your suppliers’

With US$120 billion at stake, addressing environmental                          Being a CDP supply chain
risks through supply chain engagement is vital for                              member helps you to engage
companies to be competitive and resilient in the changing                       your suppliers, pinpoint risks
market. Leading companies that manage and reduce                                and identify opportunities. Our
environmental risks in their supply chains will benefit from                    150+ members worldwide are
lower costs and better reputations giving them a more
                                                                                using the program to set and
competitive edge today and being more resilient for the
economy of tomorrow. Meanwhile, laggard companies                               achieve their science-based
risk being left behind. As the climate and ecological                           targets, zero-deforestation and
crisis worsens and the economy shifts, it’s essential for                       water security targets.
both business and society that we have a Green Recovery
from COVID-19 and build back better. Smart business                             Learn more and join us
procurement is key to that transition.

Sonya Bhonsle
Global Head of Value Chains, CDP
CDP GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN REPORT 2020                                                                                              27

Sector breakdown                                                             Geographical breakdown

                               Total risks          Risks related to         Country                                          USD
                                                    increased costs

Climate Change                 $1,003,427,676,927   $112,282,169,838         Japan                                 $28,552,004,721

Forests                        $5,076,208,799       $716,132,859             United States of America              $24,512,764,942

Water                          $248,973,772,326     $7,640,152,719           Taiwan, Greater China                 $20,386,578,109

Total                          $1,257,477,658,052   $120,638,455,416         Mexico                                $14,327,200,919

                                                                             Republic of Korea                     $6,687,838,352

                                                                             France                                $6,205,904,066
Sector                                                                 USD

                                                                             Ireland                               $3,656,704,436
Manufacturing                                           $64,019,282,974.87

                                                                             India                                 $3,207,286,489
Food, beverage & agriculture                            $16,908,243,359.86

                                                                             Switzerland                           $2,305,700,411
Power generation                                        $11,313,350,387.57

                                                                             United Kingdom of Great Britain and   $2,178,150,959
Infrastructure                                          $10,588,539,092.69   Northern Ireland

                                                                             China                                 $1,997,570,663
Materials                                                $5,031,488,854.52

                                                                             Brazil                                $1,653,346,235
Services                                                 $4,480,199,065.61

                                                                             Germany                                 $864,964,628
Fossil Fuels                                             $3,226,890,209.79

                                                                             Spain                                   $563,037,925
Retail                                                   $2,348,839,536.01

                                                                             Italy                                   $562,198,461
Transportation services                                  $2,118,205,471.18

                                                                             Colombia                                $543,810,676
Biotech, health care & pharma                              $459,942,056.63

                                                                             Netherlands                             $458,026,519
Apparel                                                     $76,523,757.45

                                                                             Canada                                  $243,117,297
Hospitality                                                 $66,950,649.28

                                                                             Finland                                 $195,797,579

                                                                             Portugal                                $194,854,824
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