Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz

Page created by Rita Schwartz
Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz
                                                                         N U M B E R 1 – 2 0 1 9 W W W. B A R E N T Z . C O M

Trending ingredients to
optimize savoury products
“Savoury” is a food category with great business opportunities.     From Ohly we offer yeast powders that fit perfectly in formu­
Food innovators can use their knowledge and creativity in           lations for both meat and meat-substitutes to add colour and
applying trending international flavours to sauces, spreads and     accentuate dark, roasty tones.
snacks. In the meat and meat substitute categories new
ingredients are emerging that can be added in formulations to       The ketogenic trend keeps growing and at our American-based
create the bold flavors and multi-sensory experiences that people   production company AmTech the popular MCT oil is available in
are looking for nowadays. Read the interesting article about        spray-dried form. AmTech offers a whole range of powders for the
Trends in Savoury and Flavours to learn more about what             savoury market; mustards, vinegars, sauces and all their products
is trending.                                                        can be customized to meet individual needs.

In this edition of the newsletter we are presenting some savoury    We also introduce our Food & Nutrition Solutions center where
ingredients from our own production companies and principals        we support our clients in their formulation phase, showcasing
from around the world. Finnish Maustepalvelu has created a new      trending ingredients and recipes. Read about our range of instant
and interesting range of vegan, allergen-free bouillons adding      diet soups and let your mouth water!
flavours such as beef and fish to plant-based formulations.
Our principal Sonac’s natural bone broth is considered a                                                              Geert Ingelbert
superfood and a great alternative for meat-based applications.                                Vice President Barentz Food & Nutrition

Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz
2     BARENTZ NEWSLETTER – NUMBER 1 – 2019                                                                                                                                                                                        BARENTZ NEWSLETTER – NUMBER 1 – 2019                 3

   Trends in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The main flavour trends according
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to ITS (International Taste Solutions)

savoury and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 1    Coffee & tea: green tea, rooibos,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      mocha, cappuccino, latte.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2    Hot & Spicy: African and Mexican
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      are rising

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 3    Floral: Natural & exotic notes e.g.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rose, Lavender, Hibiscus and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4    Smoked: e.g. Smokey Paprika or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Smokey Cheese
        Flavouring is an ever-evolving art that closely follows                                                                                                                                                                  5    Japanese: e.g. Citric Yuzu, spicy
       the trends in the food and beverage industry. Creating                                                                                                                                                                         Wasabi, earthy Matcha tea, savoury
      meaty flavours without adding meat is one of the main                                                                                                                                                                           umami, and fishy seaweed
    trends in savoury flavouring following the shift to plant-                                                                                                                                                                   6    Herbal, botanical & roots: e.g.
       based food and the craving for bold and multi-sensory                                                                                                                                                                          Turmeric, ginger, lemongrass,
      flavours. The meat industry is adapting to this trend by                                                                                                                                                                        and rosemary
               creating meat hybrids and experimenting with
        surprising new meat flavours. In this article we will be
          looking at some of the trends in savoury flavouring.                                                                                                                      Smoked is one of the fastest growing
                                                                                                                                                                                      flavours, reaching far beyond meat.

      First on the list on Innova Market         food flavours and it reaches far beyond    HYBRID MEAT A POTENTIAL                    tempeh from Indonesia. Pickles made      tahini and hummus, and the plant-           Berbere, an Ethiopian spice blend,
      Insights’ Top Trends 2019 is “Discovery    meat. Fish, beans and vegetables           Looking further at the shifts in the       via fermentation, particularly more      based tuna Ahimi are other trends           combining ginger, basil, chili peppers
      – The Adventurous Consumer:                nowadays all come with smoky tones.        meat industry so-called hybrid meat is     exotic variants such as kimchi from      worth mentioning.                           and garlic and Ras el Hanout, a spice
      Exploring bold and multi-sensory food      Food manufacturers can, for example,       popping up. In a hybrid product a          Korea, is another example. Sour is                                                   mix from North Africa, that includes
      experiences.” Savoury may be the food      use dark yeast products (see page 4)       percentage of the meat, up to 50-50, is    a particularly trending flavour this     EXOTIC SPICES & SPREADS                     cardamom, cumin and ginger. For
      category with the greatest potential to    to add roasty, meaty flavour notes to      replaced with plant-based ingredients,     year, thanks to the popularity and       In 1950, the average home kitchen           Middle Eastern cuisine there is
      follow this trend. Bold and multi-         vegan products. Vegan bouillons            such as grains and vegetables. Since       influence of Korean, Filipino and        held 10 spices, seasonings and              Muhammara, a hot pepper dip
      sensory flavours are mostly associated     with beef, chicken and fish taste          there is a large amount of real meat in    Persian cuisines.                        extracts. Today that number is over 40.     common in Syria and Turkey that
      with ethnic cuisine as well as deep,       (see page 7) are another alternative       these products, taste and mouth feel                                                Exotic spice blends and international       combines peppers, walnuts, oil,
      meaty umami flavours. However, hand        to deepen the flavours of                  deviate less from the real meat            SNACKS FEEDING THE MIND                  spreads and sauces are approachable         breadcrumbs, lemon and various
      in hand with the Discovery trend, as       plant-based food.                          experience; something that makes the       Recent research supports a strong        avenues for consumers to satisfy their      spices and Lebanese Toum that
      number two on Innova’s trend list,                                                    switch easier for consumers that           connection between gut health and        growing curiosity to enjoy new tastes.      features salt, lemon juice, oil and garlic.
      goes “The Plant Kingdom”. How can the      COFFEE FLAVOURED MEAT                      simply want to reduce the amount           cognitive functions. Looking beyond      “Spice blends are an area of
      savoury food industry combine these        Other trending flavours are coffee and     of meat and not go fully vegetarian.       the gut-friendly fermented foods, the    opportunity for brands as they can          Barentz can support you in your
      two somehow conflicting desires?           tea, now reaching beyond drinks and        Experts in this field believe hybrid       market offers an increasing number of    take some of the guesswork out of           product development with flavour
                                                 dairy. Mintel reports: “Coffee continues   meat will become mainstream in             healthy snacks and drinks featuring      cooking,” said Caleb Bryant, senior         enhancing and healthy ingredients
      “The future of flavour lies in creating    to be a huge innovation area for the       the future.                                ingredients that support both a          food service analyst at Mintel.             that meet the needs of today’s
      healthy dishes without giving up           drinks category. However with the                                                     healthy gut and a clear mind such as                                                 consumers. Contact your local Barentz
      satisfying taste”, said Amanda Topper,     flavour becoming so established and        FERMENTED AND SOUR FOOD                    anti-oxidants, CBD oil, MCT oil (see     Togarashi is a common Japanese spice        representative to learn more about our
      associate director of food service         frequent, shifting it into the seasoning   Fermentation has made a come-back          page 8-9) and adaptogenic herbs and      blend that is often included in soups       wide ingredients offer.
      research at Mintel. “These flavours can    or sauce categories could be a white       in the west over the past few years        mushrooms. “Snacking is no longer        and proteins. In fact everything
      be achieved through the methods that       space opportunity for flavour brands.”     and interest keeps growing. Fermented      the optional extra, but the definitive   Japanese is a big trend this year           discovery-the-adventurous-consumer-tipped-top-trend-
      are typically used to cook meats, such     But this trending flavour is reaching      products fit right into the two trends     occasion”, according to Innova that      making the sixth basic taste kokumi, a      for-2019-by-innova-market-insights.html/video/on-a-
      as curing, grilling, and smoking.”         even further than that. At IFFE last       plant kingdom and bold flavours with       report that 69% of millennials are       confection of the Japanese words for        and-pickled-tastes-among-flavor-trends-tipped-by-comax-
                                                 month the surprising combination           its probiotic benefits and strong taste.   replacing meals with snacks. Healthy     “rich” and “taste”, more recognized in
      SMOKED GOES VEGETARIAN                     coffee and ham was presented, and          Fermented soybean products are             snacking options show the fastest        the industry. The list of trending
      And this is exactly what is happening.     meat now also comes with tones of          increasingly popular, including            growth for new product                   international spices is never ending        the-future-of-table-sauces-seasonings-and-oils-2019
      ‘Smoked’ is one of the fastest growing     Indian chai.                               miso and natto from Japan and              development. Seaweed snacks,             but to mention a few more we have           flavor-trends-2018-year-in-review
Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz
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                                                                                                                                                                                                      Meet Barentz at
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fi Europe in Paris
                                                                                                                                                                                                          3-5 DECEMBER 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                          We are looking forward to meeting you at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Food Ingredients Exhibition, which this year will be held in
Dark Yeast Powders from Ohly                                                                                                                                                                         Villepinte Parc des Expositions, in Paris. Barentz will be
                                                                                                                                                                                                    presenting a wide range of ingredients and solutions for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           all product categories, from bakery to meat;

Add meat flavour
                                                                                                                                                                                                        from confectionary to infant and sports nutrition.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Visit us to discuss the right solutions to all your

to vegetarian food
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ingredients challenges!

with dark yeast
Although many consumers resort to a meat-less or meat-reduced diet they do                     contributes to umami taste and the overall
not necessarily want to give up on the ‘meat taste’. Ohly’s Dark Yeast products                savoury flavour impression.                              Application example in
add color and flavour and work just as well in plant-based meat-substitutes,                                                                            a gravy-inspired recipe
e.g. veggie burgers and spreads, as in meat-based products.                                    Ohly® Flav-R-Dark MD: A very versatile
                                                                                               salt containing (30-35% NaCl) medium
Dark yeast extracts owe their colour and         can be used in savoury products such as       dark yeast extract from baker´s yeast
flavour to a natural browning reaction,          beef, poultry and pork, vegetarian patties,   which provides a brothy and pleasant
‘Maillard Reaction’, between reducing            sauces and seasonings, where it imparts       basic meat taste with some soy notes in
sugars and amino acids, resulting in the         brown, roasted and scorched notes that        the background. Can be universally used
formation of the brown colour and roasted        remind of flame seared meat.                  in any kind of savoury applications. Ideally
flavours we know from baking bread or                                                          suited for vegetable based meat
roasting meat.                                   Ohly® KTDD: A “darker” brother of Ohly®       substitutes.
                                                 KTD in colour and flavour to achieve an
Ohly’s range of Dark Yeast products are          even deeper overall impact than KTD.          YEAST EXTRACTS IN NON-SAVOURY
ideal for application in sauces and ready                                                      Interestingly, more and more non-savoury
meals, as well as for processed meat or          Ohly® BFT: Low sodium yeast extract           products are being launched that show          In this gravy-inspired recipe developed by OHLY®
meat-substitutes, to impart or enhance           powder that enhances roasted meat             “yeast extract” on their label. Examples are   KTD and KTDD impart a deep, brown colour and

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Visit us in hall 6,
brown colour and roasty/meaty flavour            flavour and umami taste. It works well        coffee and cacao based products such as        accentuate desirable attributes such as “roasted”,
notes.                                           with poultry, pork or beef based recipes,     hot beverages, confectionery or desserts &     “meaty” and “fried mushroom” and provide a long-

                                                                                                                                                                                                            stand B51
                                                 such as sauces and gravies, as well as dry    ice cream. In these products dark yeast        lasting aftertaste (AT). It also brings balance
OHLY® DARK YEAST PRODUCT                         seasonings and seasoning compounds.           extracts may contribute dark, roasted and      combined with overall flavour richness. KTD more­
Ohly® KTD: “The Allrounder” is a low             Ideally suited for vegan and vegetarian       bitter notes thereby creating a richer and     over enhances umami taste. Data was collected with
sodium yeast extract powder with a               dishes to impart a meat-like flavour          more intense flavour sensation.                the Ohly trained sensory panel (n= 10).                                 Register for free at:
robust, brown and roasted character. KTD         sensation and dark colour, it also                                                                                                            
Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz
6   BARENTZ NEWSLETTER – NUMBER 1 – 2019                                                                                                                                                                                     BARENTZ NEWSLETTER – NUMBER 1 – 2019   7

    QBoost Pork BB90 from Sonac

    High protein, natural bone broth
    QBoost Pork BB90 from Sonac is a concentrated, high       and additive-free foods, and at the same time to tasty and
    protein, basic bone broth. It does not contain any        nutritious food such as high protein, low carb/fat diets.
    additives and preservatives which makes it a natural      Thanks to its collagen content, it also has health benefits for
    option for stocks and broths. Furthermore, it provides    joints, skin, etc that are contributed to collagen.
    viscosity, stability and body (mouthfeel) to savoury
    products.                                                 MAIN CHARACTERISTICS

                                                                                                                                MSpice      Bouillons
                                                              QBoost Pork BB90 has a basic savoury flavour (bony, meaty),
    Bone broth is described as a healthy superfood. As        contains 90% animal protein, and a low level of fat and
    such Sonac’s QBoost Pork BB90 appeals to the trend of     sodium. No MSG, salt or carriers are added to this 100
    increased awareness and consumption of healthy, natural   percent natural product (all components present are derived
                                                              from the pork bones). QBoost Pork BB90 is fully soluble and
                                                              has a brownish transparent color in solutions/gels. It is free
                                                                                                                                   rich in taste, vegan and allergen free
                                                              from additives (e-numbers), GMO and allergens, and is
                                                              therefore a perfect ingredient for clean label food products.     A rich and flavourful stock base is a      MSG-free. Moreover, the highly water-        kinds of meat substitutes and other
                                                                                                                                cornerstone that is meant to give an       soluble powder form makes it easy and        products that need full-body taste.
                                                              In addition to its basic broth taste, QBoost Pork BB90 brings     impressive depth, body and                 cost-effective to store, transfer and use.
                                                              increased viscosity to liquids in cold condition, and a nice      mouthfeel to the dish. Bouillons are                                                    Chicken (vegan)
                                                              body (mouthfeel) to soups and sauces in hot conditions. It        widely used in home kitchens,              DRY OR WET APPLICATION                       Very rich, deep and natural chicken
                                                              reduces the water activity in moist products. Because of this     restaurants, food service and in the       There are two ways of using MSpice           flavour, without any ingredients of
                                                              characteristic it has a stabilizing effect in savoury products    food industry. They can be used as         Bouillons. The highly water-soluble          animal origin. The stock base is
                                                              as well. For meat products it can also be used as a water         taste boosters in all kinds of savoury     powder can be added straight to any          perfectly balanced with tasty herbs
                                                              binder.                                                           products.                                  dish base such as soups, stews, sauces       and flavours.
                                                                                                                                                                           or hamburger dough. Another way is
                                                                                                                                Maustepalvelu has developed a new,         to make liquid bouillon of the powder        White fish (vegan)
                                                                Facts & Figures QBoost Pork BB90                                modern range of bouillons in powder        by adding hot water and using this           A bouillon with a white fish flavour
                                                                –   Protein (N*6.25): 90%                                       form called MSpice Bouillons, that not     stock just like any other traditional        combined with the typical herbs used
                                                                –   Fat: 2% (of which saturated 0.8%)                           only meet the general demands of a         broth or stock.                              in fish dishes, to be used as the
                                                                –   Sodium: 0,67%                                               bouillon in the kitchen but also live up                                                building block in vegan or non-vegan
                                                                –   Viscosity (12.5%) : 3.5-10 mPa.s                            to most of today’s top consumer            Bouillons can be used in a wide range        products, with no ingredients of
                                                                –   Appearance: liquid or in 5, 7, 18, 100 mesh                 trends:                                    of vegan or non-vegan products               animal origin.
                                                                –   Dosage: 1-5%                                                Allergen free: The raw materials           including soups, sauces, ready meals,
                                                                –   Favourable labelling: (pork) broth                          are selected in a way that avoid all       seasonings and stock cubes. For              Vegetable
                                                                                                                                allergens                                  example, a vegan bouillon powder can         Complex and balanced mix of spices
                                                                                                                                Vegan: All basic range products are        be the perfect base for a meat               and flavours , to be used as a stock
                                                              WHERE TO USE                                                      suitable for vegan diet                    substitute and the chicken bouillon,         base for mild tasting vegetarian dishes.
                                                              Given its basic broth taste, viscosity, and product stability,    Familiar raw materials: The bouillons      that despite its name contains no
                                                              QBoost Pork BB90 brings added value for food processors to        are made with real and well-known          animal based product, is a perfect           Low salt and customized taste
                                                              a variety of savoury food products, such as: soups (dried,        spices and herbs                           taste base for vegan nuggets.                If the right solution for your product is
                                                              concentrated, ready-to-heat and ready-to-eat), sauces             “Home-made” image: Non-natural             MSpice Bouillons Basic Range                 not found in these four product types,
                                                              (demi-glace and ready-to-use), gravies and marinades,             ingredients and E-numbers are                                                           it is also possible to prepare a tailor-
                                                              broths/bouillons/stocks (shelf-stable), stock cubes, dry          minimized                                  MSPICE BOUILLONS RANGE                       made product to suit your needs.
                                                              blends, broth drinks, ready meals and processed meat              Low salt: All flavours are made with       The MSpice Bouillons Basic Range             Every product can also be made with
                                                              products (ham, sausage, spreads).                                 NuTek salt replacement                     consists of four different products:         even lower salt solutions and different
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        touches to the tastes.
                                                              QBoost Pork BB90 that is added to a food product in               When it comes to the demands of            Beef (vegan)
                                                              de-hydrated or re-hydrated form can be labelled as (pork)         different types of diets, MSpice           Deep and rich beef flavours, without         Contact your local Barentz
                                                              broth, (pork) bone broth, (pork) bouillon or (pork) stock.        Bouillons fit right into the majority of   any ingredients of animal origin. Easy       representative for a sample of these
                                                              Local legislation should always be verified.                      them: vegan, allergen-free and             to use as a flavour base for different       delicious, modern bouillons.
Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz
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                                                                                                                                                                                                       MORE ABOUT MCT OIL
                                                                                                                                                                                                       MCTs, Medium Chain Triglycerides, are smaller in size than
                                                                                                                                                                                                       LCTs, Long Chain Triglycerides, which allow them to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                       absorbed and metabolised more rapidly by the body. MCT
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Oil is most commonly extracted from coconut oil, as more
                                                                                                                                                                                                       than 50% of the fat in coconut oil comes from MCTs. These
                                                                                                                                      With their wide experience in spray drying oils and using        fats are also found in many other foods, such as palm oil
                                                                                                                                      different carriers and emulsifiers, AmTech can create an         and dairy products. Four different types of MCTs exist;
                                                                                                                                      optimal oil powder meeting specific needs when it comes to       caproic acid (lipid number C6), caprylic acid (C8), capric
                                                                                                                                      ingredients, functionality and oil ratio. AmTech sources the                                         acid (C10) and lauric
                                                                                                                                      highest quality of raw materials from around the globe and                                           acid (C12), of which
                                                                                                                                      produces all of its powders in their state-of -the-art                                               caprylic and capric acid
                                                                                                                                      manufacturing plant in Albert Lea, Minnesota, USA.                                                   are most commonly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           used for MCT Oil. Even
                                                                                                                                      FULFILLING TRENDING CLAIMS                                                                           though the scientific
                                                                                                  AmTech Ingredients                  In AmTech’s proprietary line of MCT Oil Powders six different                                        research around MCTs
                                                                                                                                      formulas for both dairy and non-dairy formulations are                                               still has a way to go,
                                                                                                         spray dried                  available, using carriers such as tapioca and pea protein.                                           these benefits are
                                                                                                    powder solutions                  If you are looking to fulfil certain claims, AmTech’s products                                       usually ascribed to the
                                                                                                                                      are available in the following classifications:                                                      use of MCTs in a diet:
                                                                                                                                      −− Identity Preserved

                                                                                                                                      −− Non-GMO                                                       Promotes weight loss: MCT Oil has been shown to
                                                                                                                                      −− Organic                                                       increase the release of two hormones that promote the
                                                                                                                                      −− Keto Compliant                                                feeling of fullness in the body. MCT Oil also has about

                       MCT OIL POWDERS
                                                                                                                                      −− Kosher Parve                                                  10% fewer calories than long-chain triglycerides (LCTs)
                                                                                                                                      −− Non-Dairy/Allergen-Free                                       which are found in foods such as olive oil, nuts and
                                                                                                                                      COMPLETE CUSTOMER SOLUTIONS
                                                                                                                                      AmTech Ingredients’ creative, out-of-the-box solutions           Promotes ketosis: MCTs can be converted into ketones
                                                                                                                                      within custom and contractual manufacturing has                  which are produced from the breakdown of fat when carb
            In addition to its wide range of powdered       MCT Oil is trending as a healthy fat that can provide high levels of      contributed to their quick growth, placing AmTech in a           intake is low. When following a ketogenic diet, MCT Oil
              vinegars, mustards and sauces, AmTech         energy as well as enhancing cognitive functions. The most common          prominent position in the world as a manufacturer of             increases the duration of the fat-burning state known as
                Ingredients offers a line of spray dried    applications for medium-chain triglycerides in the food & nutrition       Powdered Specialty Food Ingredients. AmTech will always          ketosis.
               oils. If you are looking for the trending    industry are dietary and health supplements.                              go the extra mile to find the right ingredients to meet every
                     MCT Oil for products supporting a                                                                                possible need. Whether it be to add convenience in               Fuel for the brain: Ketones readily cross the blood-brain
              ketogenic diet, AmTech Ingredients can        To create a well-functioning and healthy MCT Oil powder there are         handling during processing, consistency in preparation,          barrier to provide instant energy to the brain, as a back-up
            create a formula to go hand in glove with       many aspects to take into account. The highest quality MCT Oil            extending shelf life, a unique flavour profile or a specific     to the blood glucose.
                 your needs and deliver large volumes       powders are made with coconut oil, containing only caprylic acid (C8)     function in a formula, the AmTech product line offers a
                                within a short lead time.   and capric acid (C10), and have a natural carrier and a high oil ratio.   dynamic solution to food applications.                           Instant energy: MCT Oil has been called a super fuel since
                                                                                                                                                                                                       the body absorbs MCTs more rapidly than LCTs. MCTs
                                                                                                                                                                                                       easily enter the cells without being broken down, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       work as an immediate source of energy.

OTHER PRODUCT OFFERS FROM AMTECH INGREDIENTS                                                                                                                                                           Reduces lactate buildup in athletes: MCT Oil has
                                                                                                                                                                                                       become popular among athletes as well as body builders
    Oil Powders                        Sweeteners                 Mustards                          Vinegars                          Sauces                               Citrus Fruits               since they help reduce lactate buildup which can
    MCT Oil Powder                     Honey Powder               Salad Mustard Powder              White Distilled Vinegar Powder    Worcestershire Sauce Powder          Lemon Powder                negatively impact exercise performance.
    Coconut Oil Powder                 Molasses Powder            Dijon Mustard Powder              Buffered Vinegar Powder           Rochester Sauce Powder               Lime Powder
    Sunflower Oil Powder               Maple Syrup Powder                                           Apple Cider Vinegar Powder        Soy Sauce Powder                     Orange Powder               Sources
    Palm Oil Powder                                                                                 Malt Vinegar Powder               Tamari Sauce Powder                                    
    Olive Oil Powder                                                                                White Balsamic Vinegar Powder     Cayenne Pepper Sauce Powder                            
                                                                                                    White & Red Wine Vinegar Powder   Sriracha Sauce Powder                                  
                                                                                                    Rice Vinegar Powder               Buffalo Wing Sauce Powder                              
Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz
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                                                                                                                                                                                           BARENTZ FOOD & NUTRITION
                                                                                                                                                                                           Barentz Food & Nutrition Solutions development center

                                                                                                                                                                                           supports Barentz’ customers and suppliers in finding the best
                                                                                                                                                                                           food solutions for their specific needs.

                                                                                                                                                                                           With an experienced team of food technologists, the innovative
                                                                                                                                                                                           Food & Nutrition Solutions center stays on top of new market
                                                                                                                                                                                           and ingredient trends, following the latest scientific findings

diet soup
                                                                                                                                                                                           and adapting to the regulations within Food & Nutrition.
                                                                                                                                                                                           In the practical application laboratory the work is divided into
                                                                                                                                                                                           ‘single’ and ‘blend’ solutions with market segments like
                                                                                                                                                                                           Nutrition, Bakery, Meat, Fish, Meat Substitutes, Beverages

                                                                                                                                                                                           and Savoury.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Tests are being executed on a daily basis for taste optimization,
                                                                                                                                                                                           functionality improvement, market comparison, quality, sales
                                                                                                                                                                                           support or new business development. For each market
                                                                                                                                                                                           segment, several powder blends are formulated and presented
                                                                                                                                                                                           as Solution Cards to show the possibilities of the Barentz Food &
Our food habits have high influence on our health. This awareness increases the                  instant protein soups are suitable.            suffer from malnutrition. Because of       Nutrition solutions. It is possible to customized products
demand for products that support a healthy lifestyle. At Barentz Food & Nutrition                Compared to a regular soup serving, the        the higher risk of insufficient protein    according to specific customer requests.
Solutions, a range of convenient instant diet soups has been developed that fit                  Vegan Protein Rich Curry Soup delivers         indigestion in the elderly, the soups
perfectly with a healthy lifestyle or a reduced calorie diet.                                    12g more protein. To use the nutritional       have a base of collagen with high
                                                                                                 claim ‘Protein Rich’, a minimum of 20% of      biological value.
MEAL REPLACING SOUPS                              One serving delivers 30% of the recom­         the calories should come from the
In order to use claims for the food category      mended amount of vitamins and minerals.        proteins; this soup delivers 29%.              There are three gluten-free versions
‘meal replacement for weight control’ the                                                                                                       available: chicken, mushroom and
product must comply with the specific             Furthermore, the soups are high in plant-      Nowadays, not only professional                green veggie. All are fortified with a
European Commission regulations. For              based proteins and they provide a              sportsmen need extra protein but also the      specific vitamin/mineral premix to
example, a meal replacement product               minimum of 6,6g of dietary fibre per           growing group of vegetarians, vegans and       support the prevention of one of the
must provide at least a certain amount of         serving which permits the use of the ‘high     flexitarians. To compensate the dietary loss   following prevalent conditions in the
nutrients per serving. This is all taken into     fibre’ claim. Both macros support the          of high-quality animal proteins, more          elderly: Cognitive Decline, Sarcopenia
account at the development of the meal            feeling of satiety after consumption. The      intake of plant-based proteins is required.    and Osteoporosis.
replacement soups where you can replace           soups contain natural vegetable powders        If a non-vegan soup is preferred it is also
one or two meals a day. They come in two          and a fine selection of herbs and spices for   possible to develop the soup with a base       The Elderly Soups are small sized, have
versions: Vegan Meal Replacing Tomato             a tasteful, savoury experience. Preparation    of milk proteins and/or collagen.              a soft mouthfeel, an easy to swallow
Soup and Vegan Meal Replacing Green               is easy; simply mix the powder into 280 ml                                                    consistency and intense taste. All
Bean Soup.                                        hot water.                                     ENRICHED ELDERY SOUPS                          essential criteria adjusted to the needs
                                                                                                 Last but not least, the new range of instant   of the elderly.
The nutritious vegan soups are well               PROTEIN RICH SOUPS                             Elderly Soups has been developed
balanced with the necessary macro- and            When there is a need for a higher protein      specifically to prevent malnutrition or        For more information contact our Food
micronutrients per serving of 60g powder.         intake, the Food & Nutrition Solutions’        improve the health status of those who         & Nutrition team at
Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz

New trans-fat regulations
On 24 April 2019, the European                       These are the main elements of the new
Commission adopted a new Regulation                  regulation:
with regards to trans fat.                           −− A maximum limit of trans fat, other than
                                                        trans fat naturally occurring in fat of
Trans fats are a particular type of unsaturated         animal origin, in food which is intended
fatty acids. In Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011            for the final consumer and food intended
trans fat is defined as “fatty acids with at least      for supply to retail, of 2 grams per 100
one non-conjugated carbon-carbon double                 grams of fat
bond in the trans configuration.” Some trans         −− Definitions of “fat” and of “trans fat” in line
fats are produced industrially. The primary             with the definitions in Annex I
dietary source of industrial trans fats is              to Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011
partially hydrogenated oils. Partially               −− An obligation for business to business
hydrogenated oils generally contain saturated           transmission of information on the
and unsaturated fats, among them trans fats             amount of trans fat in foods when
in variable proportions (with trans fats                it exceeds the limit of 2% of fat
ranging from a few up to more than 50%)              −− Food which does not comply may
according to the production technology used.            continue to be placed on the market
Trans fats can also be naturally present in food        until 1 April 2021.
products derived from animals, such as dairy
products or meat.

                                                              Fun facts about French fries                NEWSLETTER
                                                                                                          NUMBER 1 – 2019
                                                             The origin of French fries is not clear.
                                                            Belgium, France and Spain all claim they      Editorial address
                                                           invented the fries.                            Barentz International BV
                                                                                                          Saturnusstraat 15, 2132 HB Hoofddorp
                                                                                                          The Netherlands
                                                                                                          Elisabeth Roest Kempemo
                                                                                   Belgians per capita    E-mail
                                                                                    eat a third more      Editors
                                                                                    French fries than     Elisabeth Roest Kempemo
                                                                                  Americans.              Mariano Vasconcellos
                                                                                                          Henk-Jan Schuuring
                                                                                                          Louise Rice
                                                                    There are at least 18 types of        Icarus, grafisch ontwerp & illustratie, Utrecht
                                                                     fries, from shoestrings to           Printer
                                                                     waffles.                             Drukkerij LibertasPascal, Utrecht
                                                                                                          © Barentz BV
The most common                                                                                 
  cause of restaurant                                                                                     If you do not want to receive this newsletter
 fights is taking fries                                                                                   please unsubscribe by sending an e-mail to
off of a friend’s plate.                                                           A quarter of  stating your
                                                                                                          name and company.
                                                                                    the potatoes
                                                                                    consumed in           Our company accepts no liability for the content of
                                                                                                          this newsletter, or for the consequences of any actions
                                                                                     the US are           taken on the basis of the (product) information
   Supposedly fries were used as a                                                    consumed as         provided in this newsletter, unless that information is
                                                                                                          subsequently confirmed in writing by the company.
   fish substitute during the Belgian                                                  French fries.      Please note that product availability differs from
                                                                                                          country to country. The company cannot be held
  hard winters back in the 1600s. When                                                                    liable for any non-availibility of the products.
 the rivers froze those that used to fry fish
                                                                                                          No part of this publication may be reproduced without
                then turned to frying potatoes.                                                           the prior written permission of the publisher.
Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz Trending ingredients to optimize savoury products - Barentz
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