Trinity 12, Sunday 30th August 2020 - St John's Church ...

Page created by Walter Byrd
Trinity 12, Sunday 30th August 2020 - St John's Church ...
Trinity 12, Sunday 30th August 2020
From the clergy…

Dear all

This has been a year of change in so many
ways. This has been true of the parish hall too,
which as well as having been given a splendid
new make-over by Darren our caretaker, has
undergone a change in how it is being rented

As you will know the pre-school Hoppers has used our parish hall for many years now, on a
part-time basis. There has been much pressure on them to become full-time: Ofsted
increasingly encourages pre-schools to move to this, and for many it is the only viable way
to run the business. Many parents need more childcare hours than a part-time nursery can
give. From this September the PCC has agreed that Hoppers, which has just come under
new management, is now going to rent our parish hall full-time.

What does this mean for us and other users? Firstly, any user groups normally using the hall
in evenings from 6.30pm and at weekends are not affected. The parish hall is still available
for hire, and indeed for our own church functions. We do have 5 user groups which have
been affected by this and we are so sorry for those we are unable to accommodate at a day
or time that works for them. We do feel disappointed that we have not got another space
to offer at this time. We hope one day to be able to offer you room in our new
NorthReach rooms.

But what this also means for us is that at a time of Covid-19, when other parish hall
bookings are not allowed and uncertain going into the future, when we are not yet able to
welcome back groups, when we have lost thousands in funding, we have secured a very
good permanent booking with Hoppers that is worth much to St John’s. In addition to the
regular financial support this brings us, we are so pleased to be able to work with Hoppers
in this way. The parents and children who attend are a very important part of our
community. What better way to engage with our local community than to be the home of a
thriving and well-respected pre-school and all the family life that comes through our doors?
We wish Hoppers all the best in this new venture and feel sure it will be a success.

And finally, as we continue to look to the future, continue to fund-raise for NorthReach,
our need for additional space and community rooms to hire to others as well as use
ourselves is even more important. Do take a look at the link below which takes you to our

Trinity 12, Sunday 30th August 2020 - St John's Church ...
fund-raising page on the Aviva website, where you can watch a computer-generated fly-
through of our new building and hear me speak about the vision we share. You can also
make a donation through that page.

A link will also be available on our website.

With love and blessings for the remaining of this summer

Revd Helen

Matthew 16.21-end

God of constant mercy,
who sent your Son to save us:
remind us of your goodness,
increase your grace within us,
that our thankfulness may grow,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

A prayer from St John’s on behalf of Broadstone Churches Together:
O Great Teacher, we pray this week for all children preparing to go back to school. We pray
especially for everyone starting new schools this week, for the gifts of friendship and discovery
that lie ahead. And we give you thanks for all the teachers and staff who work at Broadstone's
schools. Bless them in their work, and bless our community's children in their learning.

Baptism – This week, we give thanks for baby Alexander, who was baptised at St John’s on
Saturday 30th. We pray for him and his parents, and for the journey of faith which lies

Special prayers for the sick: June, Philp, Robert, Bill, Dorothy, David, Joan, Joy, Marjorie,
Jim, Roger

                      In remembrance
                      We remember Jean Caley, who died recently.

Trinity 12, Sunday 30th August 2020 - St John's Church ...
✣ The Parish Office will be closed tomorrow, Bank Holiday Monday. Those of you
receiving this Update by post will receive it one day later than usual.
✣ Revd Helen on annual leave. Our vicar will be on annual leave from today. She
returns to work on Wednesday 16th September. Please contact Revd Lyndon if you need a
member of clergy or our parish administrator for other matters.
✣ Housegroup meets this week via Zoom on Wednesday 7pm, as it does every fortnight.
Let Revd Lyndon know if you would like to join this group.
✣ Evening Prayer on Fridays at 4.30pm. We are offering a virtual Evening Prayer
online. It is a lovely way to 'end the day' and the week together and we will guide you
through this simple service of prayer. All are welcome, and you will find the Zoom link and
readings in the weekly email.

✣ Broadstone URC are looking for a local calligrapher to maintain their Book of
Remembrance. If anyone has calligraphy skills or knows of someone who does, please could
they let Geraldine know so that she can pass on the information.

✣ A Message from The Dean Of Salisbury Cathedral
Salisbury Cathedral is, due to Covid-19, operating a strict booking-in system for both
worship and visitors to the cathedral. From 1st September, the Cathedral has had to make
the difficult decision to charge for entry for visits (not for worship services). Parishioners in
the Diocese will be able to book up to two free visitor tickets however. We ask that this is
done through the parish administrator of each church. You will need to email your
administrator with your preferred date and time of visit, along with your email
or phone number and we will arrange it. Those without access to the internet may
call the Cathedral’s phone helpline on 01722 512156. We look forward to welcoming you
to your cathedral.

And a PS from your Parish Administrator – if you send me an email, please can you make
sure it contains all of the information asked for above so that I can simply forward it on to
the Cathedral. It comes via me to that I can check that you are a bona fide member of the

Puzzle Corner
Last week’s solution:

 1    King’s Cross
 2    Bond Street
 3    Swiss Cottage
 4    Oxford Circus

Trinity 12, Sunday 30th August 2020 - St John's Church ...
5   London Bridge
 6   Barking
 7   Seven Sisters
 8   Old Street
 9   Chalk farm
 10 Parsons green
 11 Queen’s park
 12 Oval
 13 Elephant and Castle
 14 Blackfriars
 15 Burnt oak
 16 Vauxhall
 17 Monument
 18 Hanger Lane
 19 Wapping
 20 Maida vale

The answers to the maths puzzles were:

Code:                Beautiful Brownsea Island is the birthplace of the scout

                     movement, and a home for rare birds and red squirrels.

Butterfly problem:   The Green Hairstreak was seen at 1pm and 4pm.

Part 2 of our Music Quiz from Eric this week.
Listed are another twenty surnames of some classical composers. What are their
first names? Some have middle names as well and you can have an extra point for
each one you can name correctly.

Trinity 12, Sunday 30th August 2020 - St John's Church ...
1. ………….....Gluck                            11………………..Rimsky-Korsakov

   2. …………….Strauss                             12………………..Fauré

   3. …………….Mendelssohn                         13………………..Elgar

   4. …………….Schumann                            14………………..Mahler

   5. …………….Liszt                               15………………..Mascagni

   6. …………….Verdi                               16………………..Sibelius

   7. …………….Wagner                              17………………..Pachelbel

   8. …………….Bruch                               18………………..Rameau

   9. …………….Holst                               19………………..Vivaldi

   10. …………….Rachmaninoff                       20………………..Grieg

Our lives at home

Mike and June’s Yucca is looking
splendid. It’s only the second time that
it has flowered. It’s a Yucca gloriosa
variegata. Stunning! It reminds me of all
the beautiful plants I saw in Madeira in

Golf Champ!

                                               This is a photo of Gez, Don and David
                                               after playing golf at Bulbury Woods
                                               Golf Club following Gez's purchase at
                                               the Auction of Promises to aid the
                                               North Reach Project. Gez proved to be
                                               a worthy winner!
                                               David said, “We'll do it again.”

Please send any contributions for future updates to Geraldine in the Parish Office
at the email address given below.

Rev'd Helen Bailey   01202 691 484

Assistant Curate
Rev'd Lyndon Webb 07872 651 981

Parish Office        01202 697 641

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