FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...

FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
FIWARE enabled

WiseTown use case
   City Quality Enhancer
FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
Implementing Smart Solutions means gathering and managing
     data from many different heterogeneous sources!
FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
Data is very often organized in data silos

                                                                Sensor Data
                         Smart   Smart     Smart
                                                   Government    from Cities
                Smart                      Home
Smart Smart
                Water   Parking Mobility
Light Waste

FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
Context Broker: core FIWARE technology
Enable Organisations – from public administration to business - to collect, manage, and share context
             Managing Real time Data gathered from the different                                 A system able to
             vertical systems within an organisation, or from different                        inform in right time
             organisations, generating a holistic view on what is                                what is currently
             currently going of interest.                                                           happening
             Processing and analysis of data, referred as context
             information bringing support to take smart decisions or
             make smart automation of certain processes.
             Share                                                                            Context information
             Core component for Open platform standards easing the                            support the adoption
             development of smart solutions for collecting, managing                           of smart decisions
             and sharing context information.
FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
     Today          of aoften
           data are very  Context
                                       Management standard brings the opportunity to
                                        in silos
     share information across domains/systems

                                                                              Sensor Data
                         Smart     Smart             Smart
                                                                 Government    from Cities
Smart Smart
                                  Mobility           Home
                Water   Parking
Light Waste

     API            Context Information Management – standardized data

FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
Smart City Governance Systems                                                                                                   Open Data Portal                    Data Marketplace
                                                                                                                                  (supporting                        (Data Economy
                                                                                                                                   Right-time                           support)

 Complex Event                  Big Data                AI                          Advanced       Operation                               Extended Publication Platform
  Processing                   Algorithms           Algorithms                      Data Maps     Dashboards                                       (e.g., CKAN)

                                                                 High-level                  Web              Business
              Processing Engines                                  Context
                                                                                            Mashup           Intelligence
     (Flink, Spark, Tensorflow, Hadoop, …)                        Updates

                                                                                                                                                                     IdM & Access Control
  History Data

                                                                                                                                                                       API Management
                      Data stream connectors

                                                                                                                                                                                            BIZ Framework
                                                                     NGSI-LD Context Broker
                                                                       Bus                                                                      Citizen claim
                                            Parking space              • location                                                               • location
                 • location                                                                     Waste Bin
                                            • location                 • route                                         shared car               • citizen id
                 • traffic                                                                      • location
                                            • no. slots                • next stop                                     • location               • description
                 • pollution                                                                    • capacity
                                                                       • time next stop                                • status

                                                      NGSI Agent Framework
  Real-time             IoT platforms
media stream
                                                                                Adapter     …          System

                                                                     CRM          Social
                                                                                 netwoks   …            Smart
                                                                                                                                                  Mngnt         …        TMForum
                                                                                                                                                                        Open APIs
Deployed IoT networks,
machines, cameras, robots                                        Other information sources            Vertical solutions
FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
Smart City highlights
In-line with DestinE (Digital Twin of the Earth), the EC vision: by 2030 a large
number of EU Cities and Communities should benefits from (AI-enabled) Urban
Digital Twins, at the convergence of connectivity, data and cloud
infrastructures and by harnessing the power of AI.

From the EC Data Strategy vision, an enabling legislative framework for the governance of common
European data spaces is being put in place, by prioritise interoperability requirements and standards
within and across sectors.

FIWARE is relevant actor in the future definition of an EU UDT Toolbox
all the value stack: AI, Digital Twin, Data Platform, Data Space
FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
FIWARE: Smart City engine
 FIWARE brings the key building blocks to support the creation of Data Spaces enabling
 effective and trustworthy data sharing.

 FIWARE is bringing today mature technologies,
 compatible with IDS and CEF Building Blocks, that
 may accelerate the delivery of data spaces to the
 market and the materialization of initiatives like
 GAIA-X in Europe.
 Clear example is i4Trust project ( 32 Bottom-Up Experiments will
 contribute to the digital transformation of industrial value chains across multiple domains.

 Smart Data Models (Open licensed data models for helping developers to successfully create
 semantic and interoperable tools and services - joint initiative by FIWARE Foundation,
 TMForum, IUDX)
                    More than 50 data models in Smart City domain
FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
City data infrastructure and
   civic tech applications
FIWARE enabled architectures WiseTown use case - City Quality Enhancer - Alpine ...
15+ anni di esperienza nello sviluppo di soluzioni Smart City

                           WiseTown è un brand di
                           TeamDev, software house di
                           Perugia fondata nel 2008. La
                           società ha saputo mixare le
                           proprie competenze software
                           con le competenze GIS
                           (Geographical Information
                           Systems) per creare strumenti
                           e prodotti in grado di
                           supportare i problemi dei
                           mercati verticali nelle attività
                           quotidiane e nei problemi di
                           analisi predittiva.
Comprendere e gestire i
processi che caratterizzano
oggi la città è cruciale per
una pianificazione efficace
e capace di affrontare le
sfide che la                       Il presupposto di una
contemporaneità propone.           progettazione efficace è
                                   una rappresentazione
                                   veritiera e aggiornata
La rapidità delle                  delle dinamiche in atto.
trasformazioni in atto, sia
fisiche che culturali e sociali
rende il lavoro di pianificatori
e amministratori locali
ancora più arduo che in
Data enabled cities

   ACQUIRE                                    USE


    Data from                           Organized data to
different sources                       deliver: one-to-one
 (portals, social                            feedback,
networks, mobile                        geographic anlysis
  app, sensors                            for events and
 (IoT) and open                            emergencies,
                    Information for a    decision support
       data)         comprehensive       system, real-time
                     knoledge base       mangment, open
WiseTown è un ecosistema tecnologico ideato
per favorire lo sviluppo delle Smart City.

É una suite di applicazioni cloud che mira a
supportare tanto la Pubblica Amministrazione
quanto le aziende private con finalità
pubbliche con l'intenzione di:

    • migliorare la pianificazione urbana;
    • modernizzare i servizi pubblici e
    semplificare la gestione della città;
    • ottimizzare l'accesso ai servizi e
    sostenere il rapporto tra persone e PA,
    dando ai cittadini l'opportunità di
    partecipare al processo decisionale
È una piattaforma composta da componenti mobile,
                    interfaccia con i social e una dashboard geografica di
                  controllo che fornisce un ausilio considerevole in ambito
                    di gestione delle emergenze e di eventi, mostrando in
                      tempo reale cosa sta accadendo in un determinato
                      scenario. Integra ed elabora informazioni relative a
                    un luogo specifico da diverse fonti, come sensori IoT,
                   social network e altre applicazioni di raccolta dati. Dalla
                 loro interpretazione è possibile ottenere informazioni utili
SITUATION ROOM    per il processo decisionale, che vengono prese mediante
                           l’invio di incarichi a personale specifico e
                                 qualificato situato sul territorio.
                   Attraverso Situation Room è possibile monitorare e
                   dettagliare un evento in base alle sue caratteristiche
                                   spaziali e temporali.
WiseTown® Situation Room – Operational Flow

 1     Field info
                              2   real-time supervision,
                                    management tasks       3   Task management by
                                                                  field operators

     Field operators report
     - Operators’ issues
     - Citizens’ reports
                                                           4    Real time data and

     - Security issues
     - Help requests

                                  situation Managers
  WT app        geo-tweets
During July 4th, Independence Day,
       celebration the small City of
Independence, 8.600 citizens, hosts more
          than 20.000 persons.

- Monitor the safety of an event and
prevent potentially dangerous situations
. Possibility of involving several figures at
the same time
- Accelerating intervention practices
- Optimize communication with citizens
and collect their suggestions
- Possibility of integration with third party
- Zero impact installation on the territory

                                                US Government Innovation Award
The City of Perugia uses
 WiseTown Crowd Planning to
 show collect comments and
    opinions on future city

    Citizens’ feedbacks are
 integrated into the Smart City
      development project
  according to Corwdsourcing
         Best Practices.
Torino BeBi rappresenta la
prima mappatura territoriale
con georeferenziazione dei
 servizi e delle offerte per i
 bambini da 0 a 6 anni, in
 partnership con Save the
 Children, Fondazione San
Paolo e Comune di Torino.
is a TeamDev S.r.l. brand

     TeamDev S.r.l.
    Via Settevalli, 320
 06120 Perugia (PG), Italy

 Andrea Cruciani
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