Page created by Kenneth Schmidt

2021-2022 SCHOOL YEAR

                          3550 Morning Glory Avenue
                             Baton Rouge, LA 70808


We are eager to welcome all of our students back to school on Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Our
number one goal is to keep our Trinity students, faculty and staff safe and physically present in
school. With Trinity’s generous classroom sizes and low student/teacher ratio, along with the safety
protocols detailed in this document, we are ideally set up for a safe return to campus. The TEDS
Safety Task Force, consisting of school leadership and subject matter experts, have thoughtfully
considered a variety of options and protocols to maintain the health and safety of the Trinity

This school year we will follow specific health precautions in accordance with local, state and federal
requirements and guidelines, including many of the protocols that were successfully implemented
during the 2020-2021 school year. This document details protocol changes necessary to keep our
campus safe in consideration of recommendations by the CDC, the American Academy of
Pediatrics, the Louisiana Department of Health and other state and local guidelines. These
protocols will be revised and adapted according to the most up to date information available.


                  FACE MASKS
           Face masks that cover both the nose and mouth will be mandatory while indoors for all faculty,
           staff, visitors, and students in grades K-5, regardless of vaccination status. The wearing of face
           masks will be encouraged in PreK3 and PreK4 to the extent practical. TEDS will provide paper
           face masks daily to our students, faculty, staff, and any school visitors. If a parent prefers to
           provide their child's face mask, it may be of any school-appropriate design. Neck gaiters are not

           All Students will wear face masks during Early Care and After Care when inside the building.

               Hand washing and/or hand sanitizing is effective in the prevention of infection. Trinity students
               will wash their hands for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer throughout the day. This will
               be done upon arrival, before and after eating, before and after using outdoor play equipment,
               and at departure. Hand washing/sanitizing will occur at a minimum of every two hours. Hand
               sanitizing dispensers are located outside of classrooms for students to use when entering and

                   SOCIAL DISTANCING
               Trinity's spacious campus, large classrooms and small class sizes allow us to implement social
               distancing. We will minimize the congregation of students in our hallways and elsewhere on


                VISITORS AND VENDORS
           We will continue to accommodate therapists and tutors in the Activities Building as we are able.
           Visitors in the school building will be limited. If it is necessary for a visitor to enter campus, a face
           mask is required.

                WATER BOTTLES
           To minimize the risk of viral transmission, the sip feature of the water fountains at Trinity will be
           turned off. Bottle filling stations with refrigerated water have been installed at all three water
           fountains inside the school building. Students will be required to bring water bottles labeled
           with their first and last names to school each day.

           In-line with the most stringent CDC guidelines, high-touch surfaces, including restrooms, will be
           continually disinfected throughout the day, and surfaces in our classrooms will be sanitized
           several times daily. Students will not disinfect their personal areas.

            We have installed three Global Plasma Solutions Ionization purification modules in our air
            conditioning equipment. An independent laboratory testing completed by Global Plasma
            Solutions demonstrated a 99.4% reduction rate on a COVID-19 surface strain within 30
            minutes. To neutralize the pathogen, Global Plasma Solutions utilized its proprietary
            needlepoint bipolar ionization, which both removes harmful pathogens from the air, as well as
            any particulate matter that intensifies the spread of a pathogen.


           We will continue to provide the option to purchase lunch through Piccadilly on a semester
           basis. Piccadilly employees will wear face and hair coverings and gloves everyday and serve
           lunch in closed containers from behind a Plexiglas shield in our cafeteria. We will provide
           individually wrapped, disposable silverware for our students. You may also choose to provide
           your child’s lunch (NUT FREE).

           We will accommodate parents and visitors for lunch on a weekly rotation. Your child's teacher
           will let you know the day of the week their class may have lunch visitors. All lunch visitors are
           asked to notify the teacher (via email) in advance of their visits.

           Our academic community is committed to providing social and emotional support for our
           students through our nurturing school environment, extra curricular activities and community
           service. We have increased the resources in our school library that focus on emotional
           support for children, and we are devoted to providing a safe environment for all.

               Students may arrive and depart via the carpool lane or the walk-up gate (North Gate). For the
               safety of everyone, no one will be permitted to walk-up to the carpool side of campus (South
               Gate) during morning or afternoon carpool.

               Morning Carpool - 7:50 - 8:15 AM
               Afternoon Carpool - 3:05 - 3:30 PM


          State guidelines recommend forming cohorts (static groups of students) in an effort to reduce
          viral transmission. Cohorts may be together during lunch, recess and PE. In PreK, K and first
          grade each class will be its own cohort. Second and third grade will be a cohort, and fourth
          and fifth grade will be a cohort.

               EARLY CARE
          Masks are required for all students in Early Care.

          Early Care drop-off (7:25 - 7:50 AM) will be handled through the carpool lane. Students will
          enter the school building and report to a designated classroom where they will spend Early
          Care with other students in their grade level or cohort under the supervision of a teacher or
          teaching assistant.

               AFTER CARE
          Masks are required for all students in After Care while they are inside of the school
          building. After Care classes will be separated by grade level or cohort while indoors.


           Trinity’s dedicated faculty has completed professional development in the online component of
           Journeys, IXL (a personalized learning platform), Zoom video conferencing and more. We will
           continue to build our skill set to meet the needs of all students, and will be ready should we
           have to shift to distance learning.

                IN-PERSON LEARNING
           We are excited to welcome your children back to campus on August 11 and are eager to start
           the school year. We will offer in-person instruction five days a week and follow specific health
           and safety guidelines. As necessary, we will incorporate virtual learning into this option for any
           student who is at home distance learning for a short period of time because of COVID-related
           illness, increased risk or possible exposure to the virus.

                DISTANCE LEARNING
           If a class must shift to distance learning because of COVID-19 exposure, daily distance learning
           led by the classroom teacher will take place for the duration of quarantine. Should there be a
           state or local mandate that requires the interruption of physical, in-person operations, we will
           promptly shift to distance learning in grades K - 5. Our Early Learning Program (PreK3 and
           PreK4) will return to school for in-person instruction with their teachers -- unless a full
           shutdown is mandated by state and/or local authorities. We are committed to maintaining an
           effective and cohesive learning experience for all of our students - one that continues Trinity's
           high academic standards and is user friendly for both students and parents.


                IF SICKNESS OCCURS
           We ask parents to keep their children home from school if they, or anyone in close contact
           with their child, shows any signs of illness or feels the need to be tested for COVID-19.

           Students who test positive for COVID-19 should stay home and remain isolated for the CDC
           recommended amount of time. Trinity Episcopal Day School will continue to follow CDC
           guidance found at regarding when students will be allowed to return to school.

           If a student presents COVID-19 symptoms while at school, they will be relocated to a separate
           area away from other students until a parent or caregiver is able to pick them up.

           If it is determined that Trinity is the focus of infection for COVID-19, the Head of School, in
           consultation with the Safety Task Force, Board of Trustees, and Office of Public Health, will
           determine if the school should remain open or close for a period of time. A positive case of
           COVID-19 does not necessarily warrant classroom or school closure. However, there may be
           times that parents in a particular class or grade level are asked to provide a negative COVID-19
           test result prior to coming to school.

           The CDC definition of a "close contact" in a school setting is someone who has been within 3
           to 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour
           period starting from 2 days before illness onset or positive COVID-19 test result. .

                DIGITAL PLATFORMS
           RenWeb/FACTS - Trinity's main information system where families can access calendar
           information, grades, school accounts and directory information.

           Google Classroom - Students will be able to access online assignments through Google

           Zoom - This video conferencing platform allows students to participate in live lessons
           through a link provided by their teacher.

           IXL - This personalized learning platform supports student learning in math and ELA.

           Seesaw - All of our faculty will use Seesaw to share photos, videos and messages about
           what is happening inside of their classrooms with parents and caregivers.

               Thank you to the Safety Task Force of Trinity Episcopal Day School for their work in the completion
                       of this document. This document will be revised as safety guidelines are updated.
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