TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College

Page created by Janice Grant
TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College
2018–19 Guide for

TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College




TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College
         his brochure describes a        The Parents Website: The college maintains
                                         a website especially for parents.
         number of ways in which
         you may obtain information
                                         Trinity Today: Events and news for the Trinity
         about the college and about     community are posted daily on Trinity Today.
parent programs and activities.
We encourage you to attend events        TRINConnection: This electronic newsletter is
on and off campus and to visit the       published monthly during the academic year and
Trinity website often for news and       contains items of interest to Trinity parents. You
                                         will receive TRINConnection regularly if the college
updates. Best wishes to you and          has your current email address.
your Trinity student for a wonderful
academic year!                           Email: To ensure that you receive important
                                         announcements, newsletters, and the latest
                                         information about Trinity programs and events,
Be sure to visit the college website     be sure to add your current email address to our
at regularly for        self-service web app at
                                         Please note that the email list for newsletters and
up-to-date information about             other college communications is separate from
Trinity. The easiest way to find your    the TrinBillPay email list; to receive college
way around the site is to use the        communications, you must add your information at
                                         the site listed above. If you are a parent of a student
“A to Z” listing, which will take you    in the Class of 2022, you will not be able to add your
to an alphabetized list of all college   email address until late August 2018.
departments and programs. You            The Trinity Tripod: Parents may read the college’s
also can use the search tool to          weekly student newspaper by visiting commons.
search for topics and key words.

                                         The Trinity Reporter: The college’s alumni magazine
                                         is mailed three times a year to parents, alumni,
                                         and friends. Find it on the web at

                                         Athletics: Follow your favorite Bantam team at

                                         Trinity College on social media:
                                         Bantam sports on social media:

TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College

                hile the primary goal                    FACULTY ADVISERS: Every Trinity student has a
                                                         faculty adviser. First-year seminar instructors serve
                of the college experience                as advisers to their students for the first two years.

                              FOR YOUR STUDENT
                is to develop students                   Once a student has declared a major, no later than
                with independent habits                  the spring of the sophomore year, a faculty member
                                                         from the major department then becomes the
    of mind—along with the ability to find               student’s adviser. Advisers help students select
    needed information on their own—                     courses, offer guidance on choosing a major, and
    it may be useful for you to know about               refer students to other campus resources, such as
                                                         the Writing Center, the Aetna Quantitative Center,
    some of the key resources they will                  and the Raether Library and Information Technology
    be seeking.                                          Center. Your student will know who his or her
                                                         adviser is and is encouraged to meet with that
    DEANS: Trinity’s administrative structure includes   person on a regular basis to review academic
    a number of deans who are responsible for            progress and plan for the upcoming semester.
    administering both the academic and social aspects
    of the college.                                      FACULTY MEMBERS: Students are encouraged to
                                                         maintain contact with their professors outside of
       Joseph DiChristina                                the classroom. Every faculty member has regular
       Dean of Campus Life and Vice President for        office hours during which students are welcome
       Student Affairs                                   to stop by with questions or concerns about their
       860-297-2156                                      course work. Faculty members appreciate hearing                   from students and are ready to offer advice and
                                                         assistance as needed.
       Jennifer Baszile
       Dean of Student Success and Career                THE BANTAM NETWORK: Trinity’s Bantam Network
       Development                                       is designed to support new students from their very
       860-297-2496                                      first days on campus through a unique network of                     individuals and experiences. Designed by students
                                                         for students, the Bantam Network is at the heart
       TBA                                               of Trinity’s first-year experience. It helps incoming
       Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and         students get to know faculty and staff members
       Inclusion                                         and other students and offers the ready support
       860-297-4251                                      that new students want. The Bantam Network
                                                         gives incoming students the tools to succeed
       Tim Cresswell                                     and quickly makes them feel at home at Trinity.
       Dean of the Faculty and Vice President for Aca-
       demic Affairs

TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College
FIRST-YEAR SEMINARS: The first-year seminars
at Trinity are small, discussion-rich classes where
students and their professor engage one another
and wrestle intellectually with a topic. Students
practice critical reading and analysis, use writing
as a mode of learning, and develop essential skills
in research and documentation. Seminar instructors
serve as academic advisers to seminar participants
until they declare a major. Each seminar is supported
by a variety of academic resources, including a
dedicated upper-year academic mentor and first-
year librarian. The intimacy of the first-year seminar
prepares students for becoming active participants
in their own learning, fostering the capacity to
communicate effectively and collaboratively.

STUDENT HANDBOOK: The Student Handbook,
which can be found on the Trinity website, contains      questions. Most students choose to study on one
comprehensive information about the nonacademic          of the Trinity College programs, which have been
aspects of life at the college, as well as certain       designed intentionally to integrate with, and extend,
academic information. Students should be                 their Trinity educational experience. Trinity programs
thoroughly familiar with the handbook’s contents,        are located in Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Cape Town,
as they are responsible, in accordance with the          Paris, Trinidad, Rome, Shanghai, Vienna, and New
Student Integrity Contract, for knowing the              York City. They provide students with outstanding
policies and regulations it covers.    academic experiences that are deeply integrated
SiteCollectionDocuments/StudentHandbook.pdf              into the host cities as well as co-curricular and
                                                         extracurricular opportunities including internships,
TRINITY COLLEGE BULLETIN: The Bulletin is an             service-learning placements, volunteer programs,
important guide to all academic matters at the           and structured social activities, such as playing on a
college. It lists all courses and faculty members and    local sports team. In addition, students may choose
has an extensive section on academic regulations,        from more than 90 approved external programs that
covering everything from degree requirements             have been selected because they have academic and
to special programs. The Bulletin is the essential       extracurricular strengths that complement a Trinity
reference that guides students toward successful         education. Students also may choose from a suite
completion of these degree requirements. Students        of J-Term and summer study-away options.
must know how to access the Bulletin and how to
use it to meet the requirements for their course
of study.        CAREER DEVELOPMENT: The Center for Student
                                                         Success and Career Development provides students
STUDY AWAY: The Trinity College Office of Study          and alumni with the opportunity to develop an
Away contributes to the college’s mission of             individualized portfolio of experiences and
providing students with a well-rounded liberal arts      competencies required to create purposeful lives
education that extends beyond the classroom. Trinity     and meaningful careers. Our friendly staff works
offers a wide variety of study-away programs and         with students from the beginning of their Trinity
best-in-class study-away advising, staffed by highly     experience, through graduation and beyond. The
experienced advisers who are committed to                center supports students with a dynamic range of
helping students choose the destination and program      resources to achieve academic, professional, and
that they will get the most out of academically,         personal success. Students utilize a holistic range
professionally, and personally. All students are         of services, including individual career advising,
assigned a study-away adviser who helps them             internships, externships, treks, recruiting events,
through every step of the process, including while       and extensive alumni mentoring and networking.
they are away and when they return, so they always
know where to turn to find answers to their

TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College




TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College
TITLE IX COORDINATOR: The college’s interim              providers if requested. The center sees approximately
Title IX coordinator is Venice Ross. Her office is       40 percent of the students in any given year and
located at 124 Williams Memorial, and she may be         more than three-quarters of them at some point
reached at or 860-297-          during their four years at Trinity. The center provides
2072. The Title IX coordinator is responsible for        help with problems such as anxiety, depression,
ensuring that Trinity establishes and follows a          alcohol and drug issues, eating disorders and
prompt, thorough, and equitable process for              concerns, stress management, social adjustment
addressing allegations of sexual misconduct and          issues, homesickness, identity issues, relationship
discrimination or differential treatment based on        problems, and many other matters. www.trincoll.
sex. The Title IX coordinator is responsible for         edu/StudentLife/HealthWellness/Counseling
providing leadership and centralized support for
compliance with all requirements under Title IX of       HEALTH CENTER: The Trinity College Health Center
the Education Amendments Act of 1972 (Title IX),         (TCHC), located in Wheaton Hall, is available to all
the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security           students enrolled in at least two classes. The center
Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act),      is licensed by the State of Connecticut as an
the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), and other         outpatient clinic and functions as a primary-care
federal and state laws and regulations pertaining to     office for students, referring urgent care to local
sex discrimination, harassment, and sexual violence.     providers. The center coordinates ongoing care
The Title IX coordinator serves as the college           with home providers and assists students with
resource on Title IX requirements and compliance         referrals to off-campus specialists according to
and provides consultation as needed. The Title IX        insurance coverage. The TCHC website,
coordinator also is responsible for creating and, offers more
implementing complaint and investigation                 information.
procedures, as well as training programs related to            The TCHC uses a fee-for-service billing model.
Title IX compliance. See the Complaint Investigation     There are charges for office visits, laboratory
and Adjudication Process section of the Policy on        services, and pharmacy items. The TCHC files
Sexual Misconduct (      insurance claims directly to all insurance companies.
Documents/Policy-on-Sexual-Misconduct.pdf) for           Any charges deemed to be the “member
the Title IX coordinator’s specific duties related to    responsibility” by the insurance company, such
complaints of sexual misconduct.                         as deductibles, coinsurance, and co-pays, will be
                                                         posted to the student’s account for payment. It is
STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY RESOURCES: Trinity                 important that ALL students carry insurance cards
College provides reasonable accommodations for           and prescription cards. All health care sites will
students with documented disabilities. To receive        need to see the front and back of the insurance
accommodations, students must submit detailed            card at every visit. Should your insurance plan
documentation from a qualified provider.                 change, please provide your student with a
Applications should be submitted prior to May 31,        current insurance card.
2018. For more information and application forms,
please visit        CAMPUS SAFETY: The mission of the Campus
AccessibilityResources/Students.                         Safety Department, located at 76 Vernon Street, is
                                                         to promote and provide a safe, secure environment
COUNSELING AND WELLNESS CENTER: The Trinity              where members of the Trinity community can live,
Counseling and Wellness Center provides a full           study, and work. The department strives to provide
range of counseling and psychological services to        effective safety services, prevent crime, and foster
all students who desire assistance in coping with        an atmosphere in which members of the college
personal and emotional difficulties and social           community practice personal safety. The department
relationships. All counseling services offered by the    serves the Trinity community 24 hours a day, 365
center are free, and all contact with members of the     days a year. Please feel free to contact Campus
staff is privileged and confidential as provided by      Safety at 860-297-2222, or visit
law. In addition to counseling and psychotherapy,
the center provides medication consultation and
evaluation (for students in counseling or
psychotherapy in the center) for which student
insurance is billed, as well as referral to off-campus

TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College
STUDENT INVOLVEMENT: Campus life at Trinity             BANTAM BUCKS: Bantam Bucks are the funds
    College is vibrant and appealing no matter              deposited to a student’s Trinity ID card, which works
    your student’s interest area. Feel free to visit        as a debiting system that may be used for purchases to find              at many on- and off-campus venues. Some of these
    more information about activities and leadership        venues include the Underground Coffeehouse,
    opportunities on campus. Bantam Link, our student       Cinestudio, Peter B’s, the College Bookstore, and
    organization portal, will be your student’s main        any of the campus dining facilities. Bantam Bucks
    connection for getting involved. This portal is         also may be utilized for laundry/vending machines
    linked to a free app, CORQ (available on Android        and public printers. For more information, please
    and Apple devices), that provides an up-to-date         visit
    listing of all student events occurring on and off
    campus. While your student will have to log in to       CAMPUS DINING SERVICE: All students living
    Bantam Link with his or her Trinity credentials to      in college housing (except for members of Trinity-
    join student organizations and to get the full list     authorized eating clubs) must purchase a meal
    of scheduled events, you may see our complete           plan. For information on these plans, the many
    student organization list at                            on-campus dining venues, and other dining-related               topics, please visit
          New organizations come to life every year,
    so your student can visit the Office of Student         HEALTH INSURANCE REQUIREMENT: Trinity
    Activities, Involvement & Leadership (S.A.I.L.) to      College requires all enrolled students have
    talk to a staff member about starting one if existing   active health insurance coverage regardless of
    groups are not of interest. Student leaders also are    site of study. We recommend benefits and coverage
    a great resource for your student. All are specially    similar to the plan offered by the college to assist
    trained to assist with academic and social matters.     with access to local services. To ensure universal
    These leaders include first-year mentors, teaching      coverage, Trinity offers an annual undergraduate
    assistants, resident assistants, and P.R.I.D.E.         Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) that is
    leaders. Often students are most comfortable            billed to the student’s tuition account. Information
    approaching others of their own age with questions      about the college’s plan can be found on the
    before they seek adult assistance. Your student is      Trinity College Health Center (TCHC) website
    likely to find these peer leaders to be an invaluable   ( Students/
    source of initial advice and information. We hope       Parents may elect to maintain their coverage from
    that you will encourage your student to utilize these   home instead of keeping the college’s plan by
    resources, if needed.                                   completing a waiver that opts out of the coverage,
                                                            informs us of active coverage from home, and
    SPIRITUAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE:                           reverses the charge off of the student’s account.
    Spiritual and religious life at Trinity supports        Be advised that if your coverage originates outside
    spiritual formation and cultivates community life       of Connecticut, i.e. HMO plans or state Medicaid
    on campus, student well-being, social justice, and      plans, we highly recommend purchasing the SHIP,
    music and the arts. We embrace pluralism while          as your coverage may not allow access to the TCHC
    promoting the common good. We help students to          and local providers in Hartford.
    express faith and to engage in practice. We                  All families need to take action by the July 31,
    encourage members of the Trinity community to           2018, deadline by choosing to enroll in the SHIP
    explore and appreciate a range of religious and         or to decline the SHIP by completing the waiver
    nonreligious traditions and worldviews. Our             through the link found on the student health portal.
    multifaith team of professional staff and campus
    affiliates offers resources and care to all, and the    IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENT: Trinity College
    Reverend Allison Read, college chaplain, provides       students must comply with State of Connecticut
    confidential pastoral care and counsel.                 laws regarding immunizations required for     enrollment at an institution of higher education
                                                            in our state. Currently these requirements include
                                                            documentation of the following vaccines PRIOR
                                                            to arrival on campus:
                                                                 • Two doses of measles, mumps, rubella
                                                            		 vaccine (one dose after 12 months of age and

TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College
one dose at least 30 days after first dose)        their parents informed of their academic and
  •   Two doses of varicella vaccine (one dose           disciplinary standing and expects that students
		    after 12 months of age and one dose at             will inform their parents when there is a problem.
		    least 30 days after the first dose)                However, Trinity believes that there are some
  •   One dose of Neisseria meningitidis vaccine         situations about which parents should be informed,
		    [A,C,Y, W-135] after 16 years of age               and amendments to FERPA permit us to do so.
Please contact the TCHC at 860-297-2018 with             They are as follows:
any questions.                                           • Academic records—Parents of students who
                                                         are financially dependent may have access to
TRINBILLPAY AND STUDENT ACCOUNTS OFFICE:                 information concerning their child’s academic
Trinity College offers online e-billing and payment      records according to U.S. Internal Revenue Service
options and does not print and mail paper billing        rules. Each semester, copies of grades will be mailed
statements. All billing is handled electronically,       to the parents of dependent students. Trinity sends
and email notices are sent to the student’s Trinity      information to all students, requesting them to
College email address and any authorized payer           indicate their financial status. This same form has
email address each month. A student must                 a separate section that students, regardless of
create authorized payer access on TrinBillPay for        age, may choose to sign, authorizing the college
any parent(s) or person(s) assisting with payment        to release any conduct information, in addition
on the student account. The student and any              to what is described in the following, to parents.
authorized payer may access the account online           • Health and safety—Parents may be notified
and make payments by e-check or credit card              when the college learns that a student has been
(transaction fee applied to credit card payments).       admitted to the hospital or is suffering from a
Payments also may be made by check and mailed            life-threatening illness, or there is reason to
directly to the Student Accounts Office at 300           believe that a student’s health and well-being are
Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106. All billing           in jeopardy. Parents also may be notified if the
information is private and secure. Both students         college learns that a student has been arrested and
and payers should check email from                       is unable to arrange for his or her quick release. regularly. Failure
to view and pay bills by the established due date        • Drugs and alcohol—With the exception of
each term may result in late fees and financial          extraordinary circumstances, the college adheres
holds on registration. All users of the Trinity system   to the following guidelines: Parents may be notified
are expected to safeguard their personal login           if the college hears from law enforcement officials
credentials and should not share their username          that a Trinity student under the age of 21 has been
or password information with anyone. The Student         arrested during the academic session for an
Accounts Office processes payments, handles all          alcohol- or drug-related violation. Parents of
billing inquiries, and assists with private student      students under the age of 21 may be notified if
loans and Parent PLUS loan questions.                    their child incurs a serious sanction for a first-time          offense (such as removal from housing, censure,
Pages/TrinBillPay.aspx                                   suspension, or expulsion) or incurs any sanction
                                                         for a second or subsequent violation of the college’s
THE FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY                drug and alcohol policy. Lastly, parents may be
ACT (FERPA): Learning responsibility for one’s           notified if their student repeatedly puts himself or
actions is an important part of a college education.     herself at risk due to alcohol or substance abuse.
With this in mind, Trinity affords students the rights   Although in practice we may notify a student when
and responsibilities of adults and works directly        a parent or guardian has been contacted, we are
with them in matters pertaining to bills, grades,        not required to do so by law. In addition, under
course credits, and academic and disciplinary            some circumstances, we are permitted by law to
status. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy        release the student’s records to a court without the
Act (FERPA, also referred to as the Buckley              student’s or parent’s consent. For a discussion on
Amendment) prohibits the disclosure of a student’s       Trinity policies relating to alcohol and other drugs,
education records to anyone other than the student       please see the Student Handbook on the college’s
and “school officials with legitimate educational        website.
interest.” The college encourages students to keep       StudentHandbook.pdf

TRINITY PARENTS 2018-19 Guide for - Trinity College

    EMAIL: The email formula for most members of the        SENDING FLOWERS AND OTHER GIFTS: If you
    Trinity community is firstname.lastname@trincoll.       want to send flowers to your student, please have
    edu. For example,            them delivered to the Mather Hall Front Desk. The
                                                            delivery should include your student’s cell phone
    REGULAR MAIL: Address all mail to your student          number and email address for notification.
    to: Trinity College, 300 Summit Street, Hartford,
    CT 06106. Include your student’s post office box        HAVEN’T HEARD FROM THEM?: If you are
    number, which your student can give you.                concerned because you have not heard from your
                                                            student in a while and your efforts to make contact
    TELEPHONE LANDLINE: All Trinity landlines can           are not successful, please notify the Residential Life
    be reached through the college’s switchboard at         Office at 860-297-2305 or the Dean of Students
    860-297-2000.                                           Office at 860-297-2156 during normal business
                                                            hours, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
    HOW TO ORDER A BIRTHDAY CAKE FOR YOUR                   Friday. In an emergency situation, please contact
    STUDENT: You can have a birthday cake made and          Campus Safety at 860-297-2222.
    a card delivered to your student’s mailbox by calling
    the college’s dining service, Chartwells, 48 hours in
    advance at 860-297-4086.


COME FOR A VISIT: The Greater Hartford area is          STAY AT THE SMITH HOUSE: The Smith House is
filled with fascinating restaurants, shopping, and      a Victorian-style guest house located on campus.
interesting cultural and historical attractions. Your   It offers four guest rooms, each with a private
student will appreciate a chance to see you and         bath, cable TV, wireless internet, phone, and air
enjoy an off-campus family outing while you are         conditioning. The house also features a 56-seat
here. Visit          dining room and conference rooms accommodating
Hartford.aspx for more information on area              up to 10 people. Please note: the house is unavailable
destinations.                                           during major college events. Please email
      Find hotels and restaurants at www.trincoll. for room availability.
Note that the college maintains a membership in the     Office/Pages/SmithHouse.aspx
Wadsworth Atheneum, granting your student free
general admission with a Trinity ID. Other family
attractions can be found in nearby area towns such
as West Hartford and Wethersfield.





MAJOR EVENTS                                             ATHLETIC EVENTS                Cheer on your favorite Bantam team, either on
                                                         campus or at an away game near you. It’s a great
President’s Convocation, August 30, 2018                 way to support our players and to meet other
First-year students are officially welcomed to Trinity   Trinity parents. Find schedules and more at
during this ceremony. Parents are an essential part
of the event and are cordially invited to participate.
A live webcast also will be available at                 REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TRINITY                              EVENTS: Trinity College parents and alumni live
                                                         all over the world, and as the college continues to
Family Weekend, October 26–27, 2018                      develop as a truly global institution, our network
This annual event is an excellent way to get to know     has become global as well. Area clubs and regional
more about Trinity. It also provides an opportunity      events constitute the primary means by which
for you to see how your student is doing.                Trinity College and its alumni and parents
                                                         (particularly those who are geographically
Honors Day, May 3, 2019                                  separated from the college) can establish and
Trinity celebrates the academic successes and            maintain a close working relationship. Local events
community involvement of its students at this            are organized to create opportunities for networking,
annual event. A live webcast will be available at        ongoing education, and Bantam camaraderie. They                              also help to establish, renew, and maintain the
                                                         connections of alumni, parents, and friends in the
Commencement, May 19, 2019                               local community. Regional volunteers and current
The Trinity community gathers with families              clubs work with the college to plan events in Africa,
and friends of the graduating class in the most          Asia, Europe, Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver,
important event of the Trinity academic year.            Fairfield, Florida, Hartford, Los Angeles, New Haven,
Parents of graduating seniors will receive               New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Washington,
information about Commencement in early                  D.C., and more.
                                                         PARENTS AND CAREER DEVELOPMENT: Trinity
                                                         parents and families play a critical role in the
                                                         Center for Student Success and Career Development.
                                                         Share your workplace experience, post a job on
                                                         our job board, sponsor a summer internship, or
                                                         meet with a group of students during a career
                                                         exploration trek. For more information, please

                                                         FAMILY GIVING: Trinity families play a central role
                                                         in the college’s success, supporting initiatives that
                                                         transform the educational experience for all Trinity
                                                         students. These acts of generosity greatly enhance
                                                         student life, financial aid, curriculum, facilities, and
                                                         more. Parents and families can support the Trinity
                                                         College Parents Fund, which provides unrestricted
                                                         support for the college’s operating budget and
                                                         reinforces every part of the Trinity experience.
                                                         In addition, gifts may be designated to restricted
                                                         purposes such as financial aid, career development,
                                                         and athletic teams.

GETTING INVOLVED                                     PARENTS COUNCIL: The Trinity College Parents

                                                          Council is the volunteer organization for Trinity’s
                                                          parent outreach efforts. Membership on the Parents
             arents and families of Trinity               Council provides an opportunity to participate in
             students play an important                   the growth and development of Trinity while
             role in advancing the mission                fostering stronger ties to your student’s
                                                          experience and the Trinity community. Parents
             of the college as donors and                 Council members provide annual unrestricted
     ambassadors and help cultivate                       support at the leadership level of $2,000 or more.
     positive relationships with fellow                   They are invited to attend two meetings per year
                                                          on campus that provide exclusive access to
     Bantam families. You can be actively                 Trinity’s president, senior administrators, and
     involved with the college in many                    faculty. Parents Council members provide an
     ways, including:                                     important link between Trinity parents and the
                                                          administration of the college and serve a crucial
       • Giving philanthropic support to the Trinity      role as ambassadors for the college in their home
     		 College Parents Fund                              communities. Members support the college’s
       • Volunteering time to help raise gifts for the    strategic initiatives and enhance the experience
     		 Trinity College Parents Fund                      for all Trinity students.
                                                               If you would like more information on family
       • Providing mentorship, access to job
                                                          giving or getting involved with the Parents
     		 opportunities, and internships for Trinity
                                                          Council, please contact the family giving staff.
                                                          If your passion or expertise lies outside of
       • Offering to host events and representing         advancement, the Office of Family Giving will
     		 Trinity in your home community                    connect you to the appropriate resources in the
       • Attending regional events held in major cities   Center for Student Success and Career Development,
     		 and engaging other parents and families           the Admissions Office, athletics, or another area.
     The family giving program in the Office of College
                                                          Kerry Smith
     Advancement coordinates the efforts of dedicated
                                                          Director of Family Giving
     parents and families who devote time and resources
     to maintaining Trinity’s excellence.

FALL 2018
August 30               Thursday                 Class of 2022 and transfer students arrive
September 1 Saturday                             Classes of 2019, 2020, and 2021 students arrive
				                                             Residence halls open after noon to returning students
September 3             Monday                   Labor Day; college offices closed
September 4             Tuesday                  Fall term begins
October 8–9             Monday–Tuesday           Trinity Days (college open, but regular classes not held)
October 22              Monday                   Midterm
October 26–27           Friday–Saturday          Family Weekend
November 21–25 Wednesday–Sunday                  Thanksgiving vacation (college closed; residence halls
				                                             remain open)
December 10             Monday                   Last day of classes
December 8, 9, 11, 12   Sat., Sun., Tue., Wed.   Review period
December 13–19          Thursday–Wednesday       Final exams
December 20             Thursday                 Residence halls close at noon

January 19              Saturday                 Residence halls open after noon
January 21              Monday                   Martin Luther King Jr. Day (college closed)
January 22              Tuesday                  Spring term begins
February 21–22          Thursday–Friday          Trinity Days (college open, but regular classes not held)
March 11                Monday                   Midterm
March 16–24             Saturday–Sunday          Spring vacation (residence halls remain open)
May 1 		                Wednesday                Last day of classes
May 2–5                 Thursday–Sunday          Review period
May 2–3                 Thursday–Friday          General examinations for seniors
May 3		                 Friday                   Honors Day
May 6–10                Monday–Friday            Final exams
May 11 Saturday                                  Residence halls close at noon to all students except
May 19                  Sunday                   193rd Commencement
May 20 Monday                                    All students, including seniors, must be moved out of
				                                             residence halls by 9:00 a.m.

For the complete academic calendar, please visit

       300 summit street
    hartford, ct 06106-3100

                                 RRD.4/2018. 7M
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