Ultraviolet radiation and autoimmune disease: insights from epidemiological research

Page created by Teresa Reeves
Toxicology 181–182 (2002) 71 – 78

Ultraviolet radiation and autoimmune disease: insights from
                   epidemiological research
        Anne-Louise Ponsonby a,*, Anthony McMichael a, Ingrid van der Mei b
     National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National Uni6ersity, Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia
           Menzies Centre for Population Health Research, Uni6ersity of Tasmania, 17 Li6erpool St, Hobart 7000, Australia


   This review examines the epidemiological evidence that suggests ultraviolet radiation (UVR) may play a protective
role in three autoimmune diseases: multiple sclerosis, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and rheumatoid arthritis. To
date, most of the information has accumulated from population studies that have studied the relationship between
geography or climate and autoimmune disease prevalence. An interesting gradient of increasing prevalence with
increasing latitude has been observed for at least two of the three diseases. This is most evident for multiple sclerosis,
but a similar gradient has been shown for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Europe and North America. Seasonal
influences on both disease incidence and clinical course and, more recently, analytical studies at the individual level
have provided further support for a possible protective role for UVR in some of these diseases but the data are not
conclusive. Organ-specific autoimmune diseases involve Th1 cell-mediated immune processes. Recent work in
photoimmunology has shown ultraviolet B (UVB) can specifically attenuate these processes through several
mechanisms which we discuss. In particular, the possible contribution of an UVR-induced increase in serum vitamin
D (1,25(OH)2D3) levels in the beneficial immunomodulation of these diseases is discussed.
© 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Autoimmune disease; Epidemiology; Diabetes mellitus; Multiple sclerosis; Vitamin D

1. Introduction                                                     exposure (Ness et al., 1999). For example, it has
                                                                    been recommended that infants less than 6
   Accumulating evidence that excessive exposure                    months should be kept out of direct sunlight and
to solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) can increase                   that pediatricians should incorporate sun protec-
the risk of skin cancer has led to health promo-                    tion advice into their health supervision practices
tion activities aimed at reducing human UVR                         (AAP, 1999). However, the notion that UVR is
                                                                    inherently an adverse exposure to be maximally
                                                                    avoided cannot be fully reconciled with our evolu-
  * Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-2-6125-2378; fax: + 61-         tionary heritage. After all, we must presume that
  E-mail address: anne-louise.ponsonby@anu.edu.au (A.-L.
                                                                    levels of skin pigmentation in regional popula-
Ponsonby).                                                          tions originally evolved over many millennia to

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optimise the amount of UVR absorbed by the                  persensitivity (Duthie et al., 1999; Kripke, 1994).
skin in terms of the balance of biological benefits         Cytokine signalling alterations can also induce
and risks. The possible benefits of UVR exposure            soluble mediators which can exert systemic im-
on human health should therefore be assessed                munosuppression (Goettsch et al., 1993; Kripke,
alongside the adverse effects (Ness et al., 1999).          1994). Secondly, the active form of vitamin D
   In this review, we discuss the epidemiological           (1,25(OH)2D3), derived from UVR supported
findings that suggest a possible beneficial role for        biosynthesis, has immunomodulatory effects
UVR on three autoimmune diseases: multiple                  (Hayes et al., 1997; Lemire, 1992). Peripheral
sclerosis (MS); insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus         monocytes and activated T helper cells have vita-
(IDDM); and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the                min D receptors and vitamin D or its analogues
context of recent developments in photoimmunol-             can down-regulate T helper cell activity (Lemire,
ogy. Organ-specific T lymphocyte-mediated au-               1992). Thirdly, sunlight suppresses melatonin se-
toimmune inflammation appears to underlie these             cretion (Liebmann et al., 1997). Activation of
three diseases (Mackay, 2000). Genetic factors              melatonin receptors on T helper cells appears to
appear to be involved but the low concordance               enhance T lymphocyte priming and the release of
among identical twins for MS (Hogancamp et al.,             Th1 type cytokines such as interferon gamma
1997) and IDDM (Eurodiab ACE Study Group,                   (IFN g) (Liebmann et al., 1997; Maestroni, 2001).
2000) and temporal trends over time suggest envi-           A role for UVR in promoting the secretion of
ronmental factors are also important disease de-            melanocyte stimulating hormone (MSH), which
terminants. The trend in MS incidence over time             may suppress Th1 cell activity, has also been
is difficult to interpret in view of changing diag-         proposed (Constantinescu, 1995). Overall, these
nostic procedures. A temporal increase in the               findings indicate that UVR can suppress Th1-me-
annual incidence of childhood IDDM of 3.4%                  diated immune activity.
(2.5 –4.4%) has been documented in Europe from
1989 to 1994, with a higher increase among chil-
dren less than 5 (Eurodiab ACE Study Group,                 3. Latitude, season and these autoimmune
2000).                                                      diseases

                                                               One of the most striking epidemiological fea-
2. Photoimmunology and organ-specific                       tures of MS is a gradient of increasing prevalence
autoimmune disease                                          with latitude. This is consistent with the hypothe-
                                                            sis of a protective effect for UVR-induced im-
   These autoimmune diseases are characterised              munosuppression on MS (McMichael and Hall,
by a breakdown in immunological self-tolerance              1997) because annual averaged UVR levels de-
that may be initiated by an inducing agent such as          crease with increasing latitude. For Australia, the
an infectious microorganism (possibly acting via            decrease is 1 kJ m − 2 per 10° latitudinal increase
molecular mimicry) or a foreign antigen from                (Udelhofen et al., 1999). An increase in MS is
food (Mackay, 2000). A cross-reactive autoim-               generally found with increasing latitude in Europe
mune response occurs and a ‘self-molecule’ is no            and the USA, with some exceptions (Hogancamp
longer self-tolerated, but becomes immunogenic,             et al., 1997). In the US, differences in ethnic
attracting a T helper cell type 1 (Th1)-mediated            ancestry by latitude may also contribute to the
response that results in chronic inflammation               latitude gradient (Page et al., 1993). However, in
(Mackay, 2000). Recent work suggests that UVR               the first Nurses’ Health Survey, a gradient of
exposure may be one factor that can attenuate               increasing MS incidence with latitude was ob-
Th1-mediated immune responses through several               served after adjustment for confounders, includ-
mechanisms. Firstly, UVR can cause local im-                ing ancestry (Hernán et al., 1999). Also, an earlier
munosuppression (Kripke, 1994) and a reduction              report showed that the association between MS
in contact hypersensitivity and delayed type hy-            prevalence and latitude at birth did not persist
A.-L. Ponsonby et al. / Toxicology 181–182 (2002) 71–78                          73

after adjustment for winter solar radiation                 found no variation with month of birth
(Acheson et al., 1960).                                     (Buchanan et al., 1987). Variation in MS risk has
   In Australia, a 6-fold increase in MS prevalence         also been reported, with a spring (James, 1991;
from North Queensland (latitude 19°S) to Ho-                Sadovnick and Yee, 1994; Templer et al., 1992) or
bart, Tasmania (43°S) exists (McLeod et al.,                autumn (Salemi et al., 2000) birth excess. In view
1994). The gradient persists even among immi-               of the increasingly seasonal distribution of ambi-
grants from the United Kingdom and Ireland, a               ent UVR with increasing latitude, a formal assess-
subgroup of similar ancestry (Hammond et al.,               ment of how seasonal birth risk varies by latitude
2000). We have recently reported a strong associa-          is required. The winter– spring excess of births in
tion between regional UVR levels and MS preva-              schizophrenia has been suggested to possibly
lence in Australia (r = −0.91, P =0.01) (van der            reflect inadequate maternal vitamin D during a
Mei et al., 2001). The amplitude of the change in           critical foetal programming period during early
MS prevalence by latitude (a nearly 4-fold in-              life (McGrath, 1999) because vitamin D has been
crease) (McLeod et al., 1994) between Brisbane              shown to have a role in neural (Musiol and
(28°S) and Hobart (43°S) is more consistent with            Feldman, 1997) and immunological (Bouillon et
the UVR difference between Hobart and Brisbane              al., 1995) development. An analogous situation is
mid-winter (a 4.9 fold difference in daily total            possible with autoimmune disease because central
effective UVR in mean erythemal doses (MEDs))               immunological tolerance, resulting in the elimina-
(Gies, 1994) than mid-summer (a 1.2-fold differ-            tion of self-reactive lymphocytes during lympho-
ence in daily total effective UVR (MEDs)) (Gies,            poiesis, develops primarily in fetal life (Mackay,
1994). A latitudinal gradient has also been re-             2000).
ported for childhood IDDM. An examination of                   Seasonality of disease onset is a well described
childhood IDDM incidence across 15 countries                feature of childhood IDDM with most (Karvonen
reported that a model based on temperature and              et al., 1998; Neu et al., 1997; Toth et al., 1997) not
latitude appeared to explain 40% of the variation           all (Ramachandran et al., 1996) studies reporting
in IDDM risk (Diabetes Epidemiology Research                seasonality in IDDM incidence. Again, a formal
International Group, 1988). In Europe, an ap-               examination of how the seasonal pattern of dis-
proximately 3-fold incidence increase has been              ease onset varies by latitude could be informative.
observed with increasing latitude (Eurodiab ACE             The onset of RA or MS may be more insidious
Study Group, 2000) and a gradient of increasing             than IDDM and thus temporal onset patterns are
incidence with latitude has also been reported              more difficult to examine. Optic neuritis (ON) is a
within China (Yang et al., 1998). A recent review           common presentation of MS characterised by
has also noted that RA has also been reported to            acute disease onset with a short latent time to
be more common at higher latitudes (Cantorna,               diagnosis (Jin et al., 1999). A seasonal pattern of
2000).                                                      monosymptomatic ON has been reported with a
   The seasonal variation of UVR, with a winter             higher spring incidence compared to winter and a
nadir, increases with increasing latitude. For ex-          positive correlation between presentation and av-
ample, within Australia, the mid-summer to mid-             erage monthly sunny hours (r= 0.67, P= 0.02)
winter ratio of daily effective UVR (MEDs), in              (Jin et al., 1999). This correlation, at first exami-
Darwin (12°S) is 1.1 while the ratio is 3.0 for             nation, may appear inconsistent with previous
Brisbane (28°S) and 12.8 in Hobart (43°S) (Gies,            reports of an inverse association between UVR
1994). For childhood IDDM, a seasonal pattern               and MS. However, ON presentation may well
of births with summer excess has been reported in           reflect an underlying pathological process that
several locations (Rothwell et al., 1999; Sa-               may have commenced some months prior and, if
muelsson et al., 1999; Schranz, 1998) but this has          this were the case, ON disease initiation, rather
not been consistently found (Jongbloet et al.,              than presentation, may still be inversely related to
1998; Rothwell et al., 1999). RA has not been               UVR. Optic neuritis is likely to be affected by
studied to the same extent, although one report             direct environmental exposures acting at the back
74                            A.-L. Ponsonby et al. / Toxicology 181–182 (2002) 71–78

of the retina (Hutter and Laing, 1996) of which             to examine relationships between past UVR expo-
visible light is an obvious exposure with seasonal          sure and MS, IDDM or RA incidence are ham-
variation. The clinical course of relapsing-remit-          pered by difficulties in serial exposure
ting MS has been characterised in some studies by           measurement during childhood, a long latent pe-
a spring excess of relapses (Sandyk and Awer-               riod (particularly for MS and RA) and the low
buch, 1993). In progressive MS, a winter peak of            incidence of these diseases at the population level.
IFN g and interferon 12 has been observed (Bal-             Cohort studies to examine the effect of personal
ashov, 1998). A recent ecological study has shown           UVR exposure on disease progression are more
a striking inverse correlation (r = −0.85) between          feasible, particularly for MS. Case-control studies
population monthly serum 25(OH)D levels, which              may be hampered by poor exposure measurement
are largely UVR-induced (Holick, 1994), and the             of past sun exposure and recall bias. The measure-
mean monthly number of active MS lesions de-                ment of lifetime sun exposure has been problem-
tectable by imaging scan 2 months later among               atic in skin cancer epidemiology over time
MS patients in South Germany (Embry et al.,                 (Armstrong and Kricker, 1995). The rarity of
2000).                                                      these autoimmune diseases has generally led to
   Overall, these ecological studies have some epi-         prevalent rather than incident case-control stud-
demiological features that are consistent with the          ies. However, since sun exposure and dietary vita-
hypothesis that UVR-induced immune suppres-                 min D intake may be affected by the presence,
sion is beneficial for these diseases. However, the         severity or duration of disease, the contribution of
evidence is far from conclusive. These studies lack         disease to the measurement of these exposures
individual exposure level data and within popula-           must be carefully considered.
tions there is a wide log normal distribution of               Recent improvements in communication tech-
personal sun exposure (Gies et al., 1999). Further-         nology now enhances the opportunity to conduct
more, these studies cannot control for the con-             multicentre incident case-control studies, which
founding effect of other possible causal factors in         include the additional benefit of providing large
the aetiology of these diseases that may also vary          variation in field exposures such as ambient UVR.
by latitude or season, such as infection or diet. In        Study measurements to assess past sun exposure
addition, because of the lack of data on joint              are also developing. These include measurements
exposures at the individual level, possible interac-        of age-adjusted actinic damage on the dorsum of
tions between environmental exposures can not be            the hand (Fritschi et al., 1995) the possible use of
studied for these complex diseases. Low dietary             a ratio of spectrophotometric melanin density in
omega-3 fatty acids have been implicated in MS              exposed to unexposed sites to indicate cumulative
(Hutter and Laing, 1996) and have also been                 lifetime sun exposure (Lock-Andersen et al., 1998)
shown to increase UVB-erythemal sensitivity                 and the possible use of mitochondria DNA dele-
(Rhodes et al., 1994). Infections may play a role           tions in the epidermis as a candidate biomarker
in autoimmune disease development but UVR                   for past UVR exposure (Birch-Machin, 2000).
exposure may act as a modifier, down regulating             The use of dietary-adjusted serum 25(OH)D levels
infection-induced T helper cell overactivity                as a biomarker for UVR exposure over the past
(McMichael and Hall, 1997).                                 1 –2 months also requires consideration. Further-
                                                            more, the classification of skin phenotype, a possi-
                                                            ble confounder or effect modifier of UVR-induced
4. Analytical epidemiological studies on UVR and            suppression, has improved with the use of spec-
these autoimmune diseases                                   trophotometric skin measures at 400–420 nm
                                                            which correlate (r= 0.68) with melanin density
  There has been a lack of observational analyti-           histologically (Dwyer et al., 1998). These recent
cal epidemiological studies on the association be-          advances, together with our growing understand-
tween UVR exposure and the incidence or clinical            ing of photoimmunology, indicate that future an-
course of these diseases. Potential cohort studies          alytical observational studies on this issue should
A.-L. Ponsonby et al. / Toxicology 181–182 (2002) 71–78                         75

prove worthwhile. A recent analytical case-control           the recommended dose of vitamin D during the
study on MS mortality recently reported that                 first year of life (2000 IU daily) had a lower risk
among outdoor workers, the adjusted odds ratios              of subsequent Type 1 diabetes (RR 0.22 (0.05–
for low, medium and high regional sunlight were              0.89)) (Hypponen et al., 2001). Fourth, molecular
0.89 (0.64, 1.22), 0.52 (0.38, 0.71) and 0.24 (0.15,         epidemiological work has shown that individuals
0.38) for MS compared to indoor workers with                 with vitamin D receptor gene allelic variants
low ambient sunlight (Freedman et al., 2000).                (Zmuda et al., 2000) are at increased risk of MS
                                                             in a Japanese population (Fukazawa et al., 1999).
                                                             Variation in VDRG status has also been associ-
5. Vitamin D and these autoimmune diseases                   ated with IDDM (Chang et al., 2000; McDermott
                                                             et al., 1997).
   We now consider vitamin D in relation to these               These studies indicate that any beneficial effect
diseases. Vitamin D deficiency has been noted                of UVR on these diseases may be mediated
among patient groups with RA and MS for many                 through photosynthesised vitamin D. However,
years but earlier reports highlighted that this may          among darkly pigmented and lightly pigmented
reflect disease-related alterations to either dietary        people, differences in disease incidence, particu-
or solar determinants of vitamin D or changes in             larly for MS, show some discrepancy with regard
vitamin D metabolism (Als et al., 1987; Nieves et            to this hypothesis. For a given level of UVR
al., 1994). In rheumatoid arthritis, intervention            exposure, individuals with darkly pigmented skin
with vitamin D or its analogues has been linked to           are more prone to developing vitamin D defi-
lower levels of disease activity (Andjelkovic et al.,        ciency (Holick, 1994). Dark skin immigrants to
1999; Oelzner et al., 1999). A small study of                higher latitudes have been shown to have an
vitamin D and mineral intervention in MS pa-                 increased rate of vitamin D deficiency and this has
tients showed that, after a period of 1– 2 years,            been associated with a higher prevalence of sev-
less than half the number of exacerbations were              eral non-autoimmune diseases that are related to
observed compared to the expected number based               vitamin D deficiency. However, in general, host
on patient case histories (Goldberg et al., 1986).           Caucasian populations have higher rates of MS.
Although the ecological report of an inverse asso-           In the US, the MS prevalence rates in African–
ciation between 25(OH)D level and MS disease                 Americans are half those for white Americans
activity (Embry et al., 2000) could possibly reflect         (Hogancamp et al., 1997). This apparent anomaly
that 25(OH)D was a good marker for other UVR-                could reflect one or more of the following four
induced processes that independently suppressed              explanations: (i) autoimmune disease prevalence is
disease activation, other findings indicate that vi-         under-reported in vitamin D deficient popula-
tamin D, itself, may be the pertinent UVR-related            tions; (ii) vitamin D deficiency during early life
exposure. First, in 1999 the Eurodiab Group re-              may be more important (in the United Kingdom,
ported that vitamin D supplementation in infancy             whereas MS was uncommon among adult immi-
was inversely associated with childhood IDDM                 grants from India, Asia and Africa, the children
(AOR 0.65 (0.52, 0.83)) in a multicentre case-con-           of these immigrants had a higher MS prevalence
trol study (Eurodiab Substudy 2 Study Group,                 similar to the general English population (Elian et
1999). Second, a population-based case control               al., 1990)); (iii) people with darker skin may have
study in Norway found mothers of children with               other immunological changes related to skin pig-
IDDM were less likely to report antenatal supple-            mentation, not mediated by vitamin D, that can
mentation with cod liver oil, a substance rich in            counter any effect of vitamin D deficiency on
vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. The adjusted              autoimmune up-regulation (Rees and Flanagan,
odds ratio for cod liver oil consumption in preg-            1999); (iv) protective factors operating outside the
nancy and childhood IDDM was 0.36 (0.14, 0.90)               pathway of UVR-induced suppression are more
(Stene et al., 2000). Third, a birth cohort study in         common in dark-skinned populations (e.g. earlier
Finland recently reported that children who took             age of childhood infections with EpsteinBarr
76                                  A.-L. Ponsonby et al. / Toxicology 181–182 (2002) 71–78

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