Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University

Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
School of Dentistry
Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Cardiff University
     School of Dentistry

     research                      excellence

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Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Friendly Supportive environment
Modern teaching laboratories
           We have one of the strongest
           BDS employability records
           among our competitor dental
           schools in the UK.

          Student Bloggers
          From study tips to where to eat, to societies, weekend trips and where
          to get your books, our student bloggers are real students talking about
          the reality of being a student at Cardiff.
          Don’t miss their latest blogs for the chance to find out more about what
          it’s like to study and live in Cardiff.

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Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Discover the Cardiff Experience
        A leading university . . .
                                        ◗◗ You’ll be part of a Russell Group              ◗◗ You’ll benefit from outstanding teaching
                                           university – one of the UK’s world-class          in a research-led environment – Cardiff
                                           universities.                                     is ranked in the UK’s top 5 universities
                                                                                             for research quality.
                                        ◗◗ You can choose from more than 350
                                           degree programmes. The Cardiff                 ◗◗ Staff include a Nobel Laureate and
                                           University degree is known and                    numerous Fellows of the Royal Society
                                           respected worldwide with a substantial            and other prestigious institutions.
                                           number accredited by the professions
                                           and other external bodies.

        in an outstanding city . . .
                                        ◗◗ You’ll live in a friendly, compact and safe    ◗◗ Your money will go further at Cardiff
                                           city with all your study, living and leisure      with capital city attractions at provincial
                                           needs within walking distance.                    prices – Cardiff is amongst the most
                                                                                             affordable/cost effective student
                                                                                             destinations in the UK.1

        with able and motivated students . . .
                                        ◗◗ You’ll be at a first choice university         ◗◗ You’ll be at an international university
                                           where demand for places is strong.                with students from more than 100
                                                                                             countries who have excellent career
                                        ◗◗ You’ll be studying in an environment with         prospects.
                                           able and motivated students who have
                                           high grades at A-level or equivalent.

        who have excellent career prospects.
                                        ◗◗ You can be confident of your future            ◗◗ You’ll be in demand – Cardiff is among
                                           prospects – 95% of our students were              the top 25 universities targeted
                                           employed or had entered further study             by employers seeking high calibre
                                           within six months of completing their             graduates.3


    1.		 Research by
         Natwest 2018
    2.		 HESA Destination of
         Leavers Survey 2016/17                                                            www.cardiff.ac.uk
    3.		 High Fliers Research
         The Graduate Market 2017                                                                @cardiffuniug

                                                                                           Contact us
                                                                                           For students from the UK and EU:
                                                                                           Tel: 029 2087 4455
                                                                                           Email: enquiry@cardiff.ac.uk
                                                                                           For students from the rest of the world:
                                                                                           Tel: +44 (0)29 2087 4432
                                                                                           Email: international@cardiff.ac.uk

2         www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Welcome                                                                       Contents
Your time as an undergraduate student                                         Cardiff: A capital city                        4
should be as enjoyable as it is rewarding.                                    Cardiff: A leading university                  6
Therefore, it is essential that you make                                      The Heath Park Campus                          8

a choice of university that is right for you.                                 Living in Cardiff                            10
                                                                              Studying at the
                                                                              School of Dentistry                          12
                                                                              Undergraduate Programmes
                                                                               Dental Therapy and Hygiene 14
                                                                               Dentistry                  16
                                                                              What do our students say?                    18
                                                                              Entry Requirements                           19

                                                                              This brochure will provide you with more details
                                                                              of our programmes. We hope that they will give
                                                                              you more than just a flavour of what we have
                                                                              to offer you. However, we are always ready to
                                                                              answer any questions you may have, by post,
                                                                              telephone or email, or when you come to
                                                                              Cardiff for a visit. You will find the appropriate
                                                                              contacts at the end of this brochure.
The School of Dentistry at Cardiff has a
longstanding reputation for excellence in                                     Important Legal Information
teaching, research and clinical care, with a                                  The contents of this brochure relate to
history of undergraduate education dating                                     the Entry 2020 admissions cycle and are
                                                                              correct at the time of going to press in
back over 50 years. This reputation has                                       June 2019. However, there is a lengthy period
been enhanced by significant investment                                       of time between printing this brochure and
in the School’s teaching facilities, including                                applications being made to, and processed
a recent £2.2M refurbishment of the                                           by us, so please check our website
School’s clinical skills laboratories.                                        [www.cardiff.ac.uk] before making an
                                                                              application in case there are any changes
The course is clinically led, with the human                                  to the course you are interested in or to
and oral biology providing an underpinning                                    other facilities and services described here.
                                                                              Where there is a difference between the
knowledge on which you build your
                                                                              contents of this brochure and our website,
diagnostic and clinical skills. Clinical                                      the contents of the website take precedence
teaching takes place within a friendly,                                       and represent the basis on which we intend
supportive and professional environment                                       to deliver our services to you.
within the University Dental Hospital.                                        Any offer of a place to study at Cardiff
                                                                              University is subject to terms and conditions,
Throughout the course in Cardiff you will                                     which can be found on our website
be taught by leaders in their respective                                      [www.cardiff.ac.uk/offerterms] and which
fields, ensuring that you achieve your                                        you are advised to read before making an
academic and clinical goals.                                                  application. The terms and conditions set out,
                                                                              for example, when we might make changes to
Thank you for your interest in the School                                     your chosen course or to student regulations.
of Dentistry at Cardiff University. I hope                                    It is therefore important you read them, and
this brochure provides you with all the                                       understand them.
information you need to join us at Cardiff,                                   If you are not able to access information
but please do not hesitate to contact                                         online please contact us:
the School directly if you require any                                        Email: enquiry@cardiff.ac.uk
further details. I wish you every success                                     Tel: 029 2087 4455
in your future studies and look forward to       Professor Alastair J Sloan   Your degree: Students admitted to Cardiff
welcoming you to the School in the future.       Head of School               University study for a Cardiff University degree.

                                                                                        www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry                3
Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Cardiff: A capital city

    The Principality (Millennium) Stadium nestles in the heart of the city, and is home to numerous sporting events and concerts throughout the year

4   www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Cardiff: A capital city
Cardiff is a thriving and attractive              Cardiff is the location for award-winning
city, which is widely recognised as               television productions, including Doctor
an outstanding place in which to                  Who, Sherlock, Torchwood and Casualty.
live and study. It combines all the               The city is one of the UK’s best shopping
advantages of a compact, friendly                 destinations, with St David’s Dewi
and inexpensive location, with the                Sant retail centre standing alongside
cultural and recreational facilities              pedestrianised shopping streets, indoor
of a modern capital city.                         and outdoor markets, and a fascinating
Cardiff offers everything from the                network of glass-canopied Victorian and
excitement of the city to the peace and           Edwardian arcades.
tranquillity of the nearby coast and              Cardiff also has more urban green space
countryside. With its distinctive character,      than any other UK city, and offers easy
good quality of life, and growing national        access to the countryside, coast and
and international reputation, it hosts            mountains.
many high-profile cultural and sporting
events, including international rugby,            Lively, elegant, confident, cosmopolitan
soccer, cricket and motor sport.                  and ambitious are all words readily used to
                                                  describe modern-day Cardiff. Together, the
When it comes to entertainment, Cardiff                                                            The surrounding countryside and coast offer
                                                  city and the University provide students
                                                                                                   superb opportunities for outdoor pursuits
is well-equipped to satisfy student needs.        with the ‘Cardiff Experience’, a lifestyle our
There is a multitude of cafés, pubs               students remember long after graduation.
and nightclubs. The city is home to the
world-renowned Welsh National Opera,
it boasts prestigious concert venues               Don’t just take our word for it . . .
such as the Wales Millennium Centre,               “Cardiff is one of Europe’s youngest
St David’s Hall and the Motorpoint Arena,          capital cities – small enough to be
as well as the iconic Principality Stadium,        friendly and big enough to offer the
the National Museum Wales, several                 best of living in a major city.”
theatres and the historic Cardiff Castle.          The Complete University Guide 2017

 Come and see for yourself . . .
 Cardiff benefits from excellent road and rail links with Britain’s other major towns
 and cities. London, for example, is two hours by train, and the M4 links both the
 West and South of England, as well as West Wales. Travel to the Midlands and to
 the North is equally convenient. The journey by road from Birmingham, for example,
 takes only two hours. The main coach and railway stations are both centrally                      Cardiff is one of the UK’s best
 placed, and Cardiff also benefits from an international airport.                                  shopping destinations

                                                  “Cardiff is a thriving and attractive capital city,
                                                  widely recognised as an outstanding place to live.”
                                                  Complete University Guide 2019

 The Wales Millennium Centre is a world-class venue for the arts

                                                                                                             www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry           5
Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Cardiff: A leading university

6   www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
Cardiff: A leading university
Cardiff University has an international          Optometry and Pharmacy) are based at        What the Guides say . . .
reputation for excellence in teaching            the Heath Park Campus, approximately
                                                                                             “Cardiff University is a hugely
and research, built on a history of              one mile away, which is also home to the
                                                                                             popular UK university…[it] has
service and achievement since 1883,              University Hospital of Wales.               a reputation for world-class
and recognised by our membership                 Although dating from 1883, Cardiff is       research and provides an excellent
of the Russell Group of leading                  focused on the 21st century, and has        experience for its student body.”
research-led universities.                       modern state-of-the-art buildings and       Telegraph University Guide 2018
With attractive and compact campuses,            facilities. The University has invested
excellent student accommodation, and a           substantially in its estate in recent       “Cardiff University is highly rated
hugely popular Students’ Union, all within       years and continues to do so today.         on a local and global scale.”
easy walking distance of each other in           Most academic schools have benefited        The Telegraph 2018
a thriving city, it is not surprising that       from major refurbishment, including
Cardiff is a first choice university for many.   new and well-equipped laboratories,
                                                 lecture theatres, libraries and computing
We admit approximately 5,000
                                                 facilities. International opportunities
undergraduate entrants each year, the
                                                 are available via our Global Opportunity
majority of whom are school and college
leavers, and have high grades at A-level         Centre. These include study, work
or equivalent. While competition for             and volunteering placements in 27
entry is strong, Cardiff is an inclusive         EU countries as well as international
university with a good record on widening        exchange opportunities. All students
participation and fair access, and we            also have the opportunity to study a
welcome applications, irrespective of            language, in addition to their degree,
background, from everyone with the               through the University’s Languages For
potential to succeed at Cardiff University.      All programme.

The University’s Cathays Park Campus             The University takes its environmental,
is located in and around the impressive          safety and security responsibilities very
Portland stone buildings, parks and wide         seriously. It has comprehensive policies
tree-lined avenues that form Cardiff’s           in place which are making great savings
attractive civic centre. The majority of         in energy consumption and, to support
academic schools are located here –              the safety and security of all members
just a few minutes’ walk from the city           of the University community and their
centre. The three academic schools               property, there is 24-hour security cover
offering healthcare courses (excluding           throughout the campus.

                                                                                                      www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry      7
Undergraduate School of Dentistry - www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry - Cardiff University
The Heath Park Campus
    Study in a multi-professional
    healthcare environment

    Facilities include a state-of-the-art radiography suite

8    www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
The academic schools based at our

                                                                                                                                                    The Heath Park Campus
Heath Park Campus share a 53-acre
site with the University Hospital of
Wales, a 900-bed hospital which is one
of the largest in the UK. Progressive
healthcare education and patient care
are successfully integrated with world-
famous research facilities in this major
teaching and research centre.
Our academic staff, many of whom are
acknowledged international experts in
their particular field, provide valuable
clinical services to the people of
Wales and further afield. We have
close relationships with general and
specialist hospitals and other healthcare
institutions across Wales, allowing you
to obtain excellent clinical experience in          Courses in virtually all of the healthcare professions are offered at the University
different environments, both urban and
rural, in hospitals and in the community.
Naturally, our closest links are with              Location and Facilities                             Teaching is split between two sites:
the Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust, which              The Heath Park Campus provides an                   Tŷ Dewi Sant at the Heath Park Campus
incorporates the University Hospital of            excellent range of teaching facilities              and Eastgate House near the city centre.
Wales, and which also has responsibility           from its location alongside 100 acres of            The striking Cochrane Building provides
for community health services.                     parkland and playing fields.                        an outstanding range of facilities,
This arrangement is important, as not all          Within the main hospital building are               including the three storey Health Library,
clinical experience is hospital-based.             four medical lecture theatres, and the              computing suites, study rooms and
We place great emphasis on teaching in             great majority of medical academic                  clinical skills/simulation laboratories.
the community and primary care settings,           departments. The Dental School and                  There is a range of support services
with some of our students being attached           Hospital, opposite the main building,               onsite which include confidential
to general practices and community clinics.        house the dental academic departments,              counselling, welfare advice and disability
                                                   130 operating surgeries, two lecture                support. Students have access to the
Undergraduate programmes are available                                                                 hospital’s occupational health service
                                                   theatres and one of the few separate
at the Heath Park Campus in virtually                                                                  and also the interdenominational
                                                   dental libraries in the country.
all of the professions underpinning
                                                                                                       chaplaincy service.
the National Health Service, including             The School of Healthcare Sciences
Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene,                 features outstanding clinical facilities,           Relaxation is provided on campus at the
Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery,           including a kinesiology lab, X-ray suite,           Sports and Social Club’s swimming pool,
Occupational Therapy, Operating                    physiotherapy room, mould room, 3D                  therapy suite, fitness suite, squash and
Department Practice, Physiotherapy,                radiotherapy suite and even a mock                  badminton courts and large sports halls.
Radiography and Radiotherapy.                      operating theatre and hospital ward,                In addition, the IV Lounge incorporates
Optometry and Pharmacy are available               featuring cutting-edge healthcare                   a deli bar and provides an ideal place to
at the Cathays Park Campus.                        simulation mannequins.                              meet between lectures.

 The £18m Cochrane Building provides an outstanding range of facilities including a new library, clinical skills and simulation laboratories and
 seminar space

                                                                                                                    www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry       9
Living in Cardiff

10   www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
Living in Cardiff
As a fast developing capital city, Cardiff is a great place to be a student. It’s large
enough to offer you an exciting variety of activities and entertainment, but small
enough for you to feel comfortable in.
Accommodation                              There are 15 different residences,             which has included a new venue called
                                           providing more than 5,500 study                Y Plas, which at night becomes a nightclub.
Cardiff offers guaranteed University
                                           bedrooms and students can apply for            Hosting live music, club nights, stand-up
accommodation of good quality and
                                           the residences which best suit their           comedy, fashion shows and awards
value, and a range of residences to
                                           preferences, interests and budgets.            ceremonies, there’s lots to keep you
suit individual preferences and budgets.
                                           Some 70% have en-suite shower and              entertained from your first day to your last.
All undergraduates who accept their        toilet facilities and all halls of residence
offer of a place from Cardiff, on a firm   have computer network connection               Other facilities include a food court,
basis, are guaranteed a single occupancy   points and access to Wi-Fi.                    a bank, a print shop, a hair salon and
place in University residences during                                                     a bookshop. The Lounge offers IT and
                                           Fees depend on the facilities included         Skyping facilities, meeting rooms and a
their first year of study.                 and whether catered, part-catered              “chill-out” area, as well as snooker tables
Please see our website for full details    or self-catered, but prices compare            and multi-faith prayer room. The Union
of our accommodation guarantee and         very favourably with those of other UK         also has its own letting agency and an
associated deadlines:                      universities. Besides managing University      Advice and Representation Centre. In
www.cardiff.ac.uk/residences               property, the Residences Office maintains      addition, it is home to CU TV and Xpress
                                           close links with the private sector and        Radio (the students’ own TV and radio
The University is continually investing    provides assistance to students seeking
in its student residences, and the views                                                  stations) and more than 200 cultural,
                                           to rent or share houses or flats.
of students are taken into account at                                                     political, religious, social, sporting
the design stage. Unusually for a civic    Student Life                                   societies and clubs.
university, most of our residences are     The Students’ Union                            Jobshop
within easy walking distance of lecture
                                           Cardiff Students’ Union is one of the          Jobshop is the Union’s own student
theatres, libraries, laboratories, the
                                           biggest, best and most active in Britain.      employment service and provides casual,
Students’ Union and city centre.
                                           A multi-million pound investment has been      clerical and catering jobs around the
                                           made in Union facilities in recent years,      University to hundreds of students.

                                                                                           What the Guides say . . .
                                                                                           “Cardiff has one of the biggest,
                                                                                           best and most active students'
                                                                                           unions in the UK, with high quality
                                                                                           facilities including Y Plas, a 2,150
                                                                                           capacity nightclub; and the Great
                                                                                           Hall, a major concert venue.”
                                                                                           Complete University Guide 2019
                                                                                           Cardiff is amongst the most
                                                                                           affordable/cost effective student
                                                                                           destinations in the UK.
                                                                                           Research by NatWest 2017

                                                                                                     www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry          11
Studying at the
     School of Dentistry
     At Cardiff we offer an excellent student experience
     and our BDS students have one of the best
     employability records amongst UK dental schools.

12    www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
The School is located in the University

                                                                                                                                    Studying at the School of Dentistry
Dental Hospital on Cardiff University’s
Heath Park Campus, a 53-acre site
shared with the University Hospital
of Wales.
This is where the majority of clinical
teaching takes place on our three
undergraduate programmes. With
around 100 undergraduate students
per year, we are still a relatively small
dental school. We believe that this helps
facilitate a friendly and supportive sense
of community that helps ensure that our
students succeed. In the 2018 NSS,
94% of our dental students agreed that
staff were good at explaining things.
As the only Dental Hospital in Wales you
will have the opportunity to serve and
manage patients of diverse ages and
backgrounds with a wide range of dental
diseases, including some of the more
unusual oral cancers.                         A dedicated Dental Library can be found      recent performance in the Research
                                              within the Dental School that houses an      Excellence Framework, ranking first in
Clinical skills are developed in the
                                              extensive collection of books and journals   the UK in its Unit of Assessment.
School’s recently refurbished £2.2M
                                              to aid your learning. You will also have
clinical skills laboratory, a facility that                                                Our students have one of the best
                                              access to an undergraduate IT suite and
closely simulates the real clinical                                                        employability records amongst the UK
                                              to a new £1.5M redevelopment of lecture
experience, allowing you to prepare                                                        Dental Schools. In 2016/17, 100%
                                              theatres and student social spaces on
and practise for patient care throughout                                                   of our BDS student secured a UK
                                              the Heath Park Campus.
the programme. The opportunity exists                                                      position 6 months post qualification.
here for you to train alongside Dental        You will be taught by a dedicated team       Key destinations include Primary
Therapists, Dental Hygienists and             of dental, therapy and hygiene staff with    Dental Practice, Hospital Dental
Dentists learning the same skills.            further interactions under the supervision   Practice, Academic or Research Posts.
This will also give you an opportunity        and support from consultants and
to understand how your role fits into         primary care supervisors. The School
the dental team environment you               has a staff of more than 100. Many are
will work in when you qualify and             internationally renowned in their areas
commence practice.                            of expertise, as reflected in the School’s

The School provides the following undergraduate programmes:

 Programme                                         UCAS Code                                Length of Course
 Dental Hygiene (Diploma)                          B750 Dip/DH                              2 years
 Dental Therapy and Hygiene (BSc)                  B752 BSc                                 3 years
 Dentistry (BDS)                                   A200 BDS/Dent                            5 years
 Dentistry (BDS)                                   A204 BDS/Dent                            6 years

Mountain Ash Teaching Unit

                                                                                                      www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry   13
Dental Therapy and Hygiene programmes

14   www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
Dental Therapy and Hygiene
We offer two closely allied programmes: a Diploma in Dental Hygiene (2-year
programme) and a BSc in Dental Therapy and Hygiene (3-year programme),
both of which are modular, running in parallel for their first two years.

Both courses have been validated by          with its aim of preparing you for your first   recognise the importance and necessity of
the General Dental Council as recently       patient contact in term three.                 your lifelong and professional development.
as 2015. Our aim is to educate you in                                                       Your opportunity to engage and motivate
                                             Year 2 (Common to both)
becoming practicing Dental Hygienists                                                       patients and provide contemporary clinical
                                             Course subjects include dental radiology,      treatments make Dental Therapy and
and Dental Therapists/Hygienists
                                             oral medicine and dental public health,        Hygiene a stimulating career.
eligible for unsupervised clinical
                                             taught before the focus turns to
practice (under the prescription of a
                                             periodontology (gum disease) and its           Your Career
Dentist) integrated within dental teams.
                                             clinical treatment. During this year you       Dental Hygienists and Therapists work
Our students must possess a high level       will also be managing your own patients        closely with other members of the dental
of manual dexterity and demonstrate          under supervision.                             team. A Dental Hygienist can carry out
attention to detail. Excellent verbal and                                                   treatments such as scaling and polishing,
                                             Year 3 (Therapy only)
written communication skills and the                                                        oral health promotion and preventive
ability to work as a team are critical.      Emphasis continues with both paediatric        fissure sealants for both adults and
You must also have a genuine interest        and adult clinical practice as well as a
                                                                                            children. In addition to the duties
in the empathetic care and treatment         year-end research project.
                                                                                            described for Dental Therapists are
of patients.                                 Years 2 and 3 offer opportunities for          able to carry out a variety of restorative
                                             you to attend clinical placements at           treatments (fillings) on patients. They
Programme Structure                                                                         may also extract deciduous (baby)
                                             local ‘outreach’ dental clinics, providing
The modular courses make integrated          treatment to the public in situations          teeth, undertake pulpotomies (nerve
use of lecture-style teaching, interactive   closely allied to the general practice         treatments) and place preformed crowns
seminars, clinical simulation and            arena. In some of these areas you will         on badly decayed children’s teeth.
clinical practice.                           work alongside dental students in a
                                                                                            On qualification, clinicians register with
Year 1 (Common to both)                      teamwork approach to patient care.
                                                                                            the General Dental Council and are able
Your time is spent in teaching of            Throughout the programmes the teaching         to work in various areas of the dental
biomedical sciences, human disease           and implementation of professionalism          sector: general practice; community
subjects and oral disease and its            is critical, you will be taught aspects of     dental clinics; teaching hospitals and
prevention. An introductory module to        law and ethics in dentistry as well as the     dental schools as well as opportunities
clinical practice takes place in term two    practicalities of dental treatments, and to    in the armed forces.

                                                                                                       www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry        15
Dentistry (BDS)

16   www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
                                                                                                                                               Dentistry (BDS)
BDS programmes                                 Programme Structure                             Dentistry, community dental clinics, district
                                                                                               general hospitals and dedicated outreach
The five year BDS programme is for             Year 1                                          teaching facilities in and around Cardiff.
applicants that have undertaken                During Year 1, you will spend much of           A deeper understanding of the treatment
Chemistry and Biology at A-level.              your time pursuing your studies in the          planning process, the management
                                               Biomedical Sciences Building at the Cardiff     options, including preventive orientated
The six year BDS programme is for
                                               School of Biosciences. Here you will learn      patient care, are developed giving our
applicants who have no science subjects
                                               about the human body in health and              students a very broad based education
or a maximum of one science subject at
                                               disease as well as disease of the teeth and     to prepare them for their exciting careers.
A level. The preliminary year gives you an     the supporting tissues. You will spend every
opportunity to build on your sciences to       Friday in the School of Dentistry, where        Placements
progress to the full BDS programme.            you will be introduced to clinical dentistry.   Cardiff has had a long tradition of clinical
During the preliminary year you will           As you progress through the programme,          teaching and experience outside the
study 120 credits alongside students           you will learn more professionalism             School. These experiences are valued
from other science disciplines. Your           and skills in patient management, the           by employers. As you become more
combination of modules will depend on          importance of whole patient care, and their     experienced in your fourth and fifth year,
your prior qualifications, but this usually    long-term management – just as if you           you will spend time away from the
includes modules on biological and             were a qualified dental surgeon.                Dental School in primary care settings
chemical sciences, mathematics and                                                             for a period of around five weeks.
                                               Year 2 and 3
optional modules in subjects such as                                                           These placements give you the opportunity
psychology and languages. A 10 credit          In Year 2 onwards you will be based in the      to observe and treat an extended range of
module has been developed to allow             School of Dentistry. Initially in Years 2 and   patients in community dental practice and
early integration with clinical practice,      3 you will develop your clinical skills and     district general hospitals throughout Wales
where you will shadow year 4 and 5             knowledge through a variety of lectures,        and England. In addition, the School has
students at St David’s Hospital in Cardiff.    seminars and simulated clinical activities.     two dedicated outreach centres located
                                               Under close supervision you will see your       in the city centre and surrounding areas
Provided you satisfactorily complete the       first patient in Year 2 and from then on        where you will manage your own patients
Preliminary year, you will progress onto       you will have patients allocated to you to      in a primary care setting regularly over the
Year 1 of the five year BDS programme.         manage and treat. To underpin this you          last two years of your course.
                                               will need to understand the basics of
Teaching                                       disease, including those that affect the        Your Career
Teaching on the BDS programme is               dento-facial area, their management and         Once you have qualified there are a
integrated, so you will learn the scientific   prevention, along with the diagnostic tools     number of different careers open to you.
and pathological processes underlying          required for clinical practice. Fundamental     Everybody needs to undergo a period
oral and dental disease at the same            to clinical practice is the requirement to      of foundation training whatever branch
time as you acquire the skills to manage       work professionally and ethically and to        of dentistry they initially take up.
patients appropriately. We use a variety       be able to communicate effectively to           Advice to help you make the appropriate
of methods to enrich your learning             patients and staff. These essential skills      choice is available from your tutor as well
experience. These include lectures, small-     are explored in detail at many points           as other members of staff.
group seminars and tutorials, individual       during the programme through innovative
teaching on clinics and e-learning. Project    and exciting interactive sessions.              In 2018, 100% of our BDS students
work allows you to work in groups or                                                           secured a Dental Foundation Training
individually and you will be encouraged to     Year 4 and 5                                    (DFT) placement, ensuring that we have
research topics and present work to your       In Years 4 and 5 the emphasis is on             one of the strongest BDS employability
peers. Other methods include problem           developing clinical skills in a variety of      records among our competitor dental
solving exercises and practical classes.       environments including the School of            schools in the UK.

                                                                                                          www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry          17
What do our students say?

     Magenta Merrony                           Shyam Karia                               Cara McNamara
     Dentistry                                 Dentistry                                 BSc Dental Therapy & Hygiene

     I feel privileged to have been able to    In our 1st year Cardiff students learn    The Dental Therapy and Hygiene
     study at one of the top dental schools.   anatomy by dissection. This is very       programmes at Cardiff provide a nice
     We are given earlier and more clinical    hands on way to learn and gives you       mix between academic study and
     exposure than other universities and      an immense appreciation of the            early patient contact. Within your
     the staff members work closely together   human body from a really young age.       first couple of weeks on the course
     to ensure that we are supported           Once you’ve done dissections, you         you will be starting to develop your
     throughout, so that we are safe and       can never go back to learning from        clinical skills in the new state-of-the-
     confident dentists when we graduate.      pro-sections and text books!              art Clinical Simulation Suite. During
     As a result, we love what we do.                                                    such clinical sessions and when you
                                               It’s a great city with lots of little
                                                                                         go onto see patients, instant feedback
                                               hidden gems. Welsh people are also
                                                                                         is provided giving you the chance to
                                               very friendly and easy going, making
                                                                                         reflect and discuss with your supervisor
                                               them ideal as first patients for any
                                                                                         and develop your skills based on the
                                               new dentists!
                                                                                         feedback provided. The support from
                                                                                         the tutors and lecturers within the
                                                                                         Dental Therapy & Hygiene programme is
                                                                                         excellent and all staff are approachable.
                                                                                         The early introduction to the clinical
     Shin Kua                                                                            environment increases motivation
     Dentistry                                                                           in academic learning and can help
                                                                                         with your understanding of topics,
     The best part of studying at the                                                    consolidating knowledge learnt
     School of Dentistry in Cardiff is all     Tim Forshaw                               during lectures.
     the opportunities it has provided me
                                               Dental Therapy & Hygiene                  As well as providing me with the
     to gain some of the most memorable
                                                                                         teaching and clinical experience to
     experiences whilst here.
                                               Coming to Cardiff University to study     soon be qualifying with the therapy/
     I’ve had the opportunity to be exposed    Dental Therapy & Hygiene has been         hygiene qualification, the course
     to clinical experiences very early on     an amazing experience. The city           has also contributed to my personal
     in the course, to be taught by skilled,   itself is big and has loads to do but     development. By the end of the
     experienced clinicians and to learn so    still manages to maintain a homely        course, students are very well-rounded
     much about the variation in patient       feel. Being quite a small course has      professionals ready to enter the world
     demographics, needs and expectations      meant that I’ve gotten to know staff      of work and ready to start practising
     in Wales through the clinical sessions    and students really well, and being a     within their therapy or hygiene role.
     within the dental school itself as well   close-knit group has made for a good
     as all the outreach programmes.           atmosphere in the both the classroom
                                               and clinics.
     The support from peers as well as                                                   “The facilities in the Dental School
     staff has been amazing, and not to        Starting clinics early in the course      & University are excellent with newly
     forget the warm Welsh hospitality         and working independently under the       re-furbished surgeries and modern
     I’ve had the opportunity to enjoy.        supervision of a clinical tutor really    equipment that allows each session
                                               enabled my confidence to grow quickly     on clinic to be completed with
                                               and something that I am continually       ease, also catering for left handed
                                               thankful for. I would really recommend
                                                                                         clinicians. The libraries are full to
                                               Cardiff and the Dental Therapy &
                                                                                         the brim with every dental or dental-
                                               Hygiene programme to anyone who
                                                                                         related book needed to support your
                                               wants to pursue a career in healthcare.
                                                                                         studies or to further your education
                                                                                         on topics of interest.”

18   www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
Entry Requirements

                                                                                                                                           Entry Requirements
Typical Entry Requirements                     OR                                            Selection Policy
                                               ◗ A nationally recognised dental              The aim of Cardiff School of Dentistry
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)                 nursing qualification Level 3               is to educate individuals to safely
GCSE/IGCSE: Must include A grades                (or equivalent) plus two A-level            practice as a dentist, therapist or
in the single sciences or a minimum of           grade Bs, one of which must be              hygienist in a training environment
AA grades to be achieved in the Double           in Biology or Human Biology.                appropriate to their professional
Award plus a B grade in English Language                                                     aspirations. They should be able to
or Welsh first language, with a preference     B750: All applicants must have
                                               obtained a minimum of 5 GCSEs/                combine and use knowledge, skills
given to applicants with A grade.                                                            and judgement and have appropriate
                                               IGCSEs (or their equivalent) including:
A-level:                                                                                     attitudes to deliver a high standard of
                                               ◗ English Language or Welsh First
5 year programme (A200): Grades AAA                                                          professional care.
including Chemistry and Biology.                 Language at grade B or above.
                                               ◗ Four other GCSE/IGCSE in any                The School operates the same
6 year programme (A204): Grades AAA                                                          selection policy for entry for our three
including no more than one in Chemistry,         subjects at grade C or above.
                                                                                             undergraduate programmes.
Biology or Physics.                            All applicants must also have
General Studies and Critical Thinking are      one of the following:                         At Cardiff, we are seeking to admit
not accepted.                                                                                students from all backgrounds who can
                                                ◗ Two A-levels at grade C or above
                                                                                             demonstrate the following qualities:
Five year course: Welsh Baccalaureate              which must include either
                                                   Biology or Human Biology.                 ◗ Evidence of and potential for
Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate.
This is no longer a pass it is grades either                                                    high academic achievement
A, B or C.                                     ◗ A nationally recognised dental              ◗ An understanding of the demands

Six year course: Welsh Baccalaureate             nursing qualification Level 3                  of dental training and practice
Advanced Skills Challenge Certificate.           (or equivalent), plus one A-level at        ◗ A caring and committed
This is no longer a pass it is grades either     grade C in Biology or Human Biology.           attitude towards people
A, B or C.                                     Please contact us for details of              ◗ Excellent communication skills
IB: Diploma                                    equivalent qualifications that                ◗ A willingness to accept responsibility
5 year programme (A200): 36 points             are not listed on this page.                  ◗ Evidence of a broad social,
with a minimum score of 6 at Higher                                                             cultural or sporting interests
Level in Chemistry and Biology.                Admissions and Applications
6 year programme (A204): 36 points                                                           Along with your UCAS application the
                                               Open Days                                     selection policy involves making a
with a minimum score of 6 at Higher
Level in ONE of Chemistry or Biology.          Open Days give you an opportunity to          judgement about your ability to meet the
                                               visit the School, located in the University   qualities listed above. If you meet the
Other: We welcome applications from            Dental Hospital and to have a tour of the     interview threshold your suitability for
international students.                        clinical and teaching facilities that will    the profession will be assessed via Multi
UCAT: Applicants for the BDS Programme         support you throughout your training.         Mini Interviews (MMIs). It is important
are required to take the UCAT aptitude         You will also be able to meet with            for you to know that there are no right
test before applying and the test must         members of the School’s teaching staff        or wrong answers for many scenarios
be taken in the same year of application:      and chat to our current students who will     you participate in. Underpinning these
(www.ucat.ac.uk).                              be able to provide a personal insight into    principles is a commitment that the
                                               the life of a Cardiff student across all      selection criteria and its operation should
Therapy and Hygiene Programmes                 three undergraduate programmes.               be open and that the process is equitable
B752: All applicants must have                                                               and applied fairly to all.
obtained a minimum of five GCSEs/              Please note that tours of the School
IGCSEs (or their equivalent) including:        are not possible on weekend open              The final decision, based on a
                                               days due to the closure of the                combination of rankings from your
 ◗ English Language or Welsh First
                                               Dental Hospital. Further information          academic profile, and MMI performance
   Language at grade B or above.
                                               is available on our website at:               will be made by the School’s Lead
◗ Four other GCSEs/IGCSEs in any               www.cardiff.ac.uk/study/undergraduate         Admissions Tutor. By using the combined
   subjects at grade C or above.                                                             rankings, we aim to ensure that no single
All applicants must also have                                                                aspect of your application, whether
one of the following:                                                                        academic ability, personal qualities or
                                                                                             ability to communicate will predominate
 ◗ Either three A-levels at grade B or
                                                                                             in the selection process.
    above which must include either
    Biology or Human Biology.

                                                                                                        www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry        19
Health Checks                                 Tetanus Vaccination                              Notes for Welsh Language Applicants
     All offers made by the School will be         Applicants who decide to accept an               We recognise that if you are a Welsh
     conditional upon a satisfactory health        offer from the School should check with          speaker you may feel more comfortable
     check. Health questionnaires are sent         their GP that they have an up-to-date            speaking to a Welsh speaking personal
     to applicants when offers have been           Tetanus vaccination (i.e. within the last        tutor. Provided there are Welsh speaking
     firmly accepted.                              ten years). If a vaccination is required you     members of staff in your subject area,
                                                   will need to arrange for this to take place      every effort will be made to allocate a
     Requirements                                  at least six weeks before the start of the       Welsh speaker to you. If you wish, you can
     All UG students are required to attend        programme (i.e. by mid-August).                  also submit your assessed work and take
     Student Occupational Health for enrolment                                                      your examinations through the medium
     screening, including screening for blood      Disclosure and Barring Service Check             of Welsh, regardless of the language of
     borne viruses and tuberculosis shortly        Admission is subject to the Rehabilitation       tuition of the course you are following.
     after enrolment and those that are non-       of Offenders Act (1974) Section 4 (2)
                                                                                                    Some of the accommodation at Talybont
     immune to Hepatitis B will be required to     (exemption) Order 1975 and DHSS
                                                                                                    and Senghennydd Court students
     complete a full immunisation programme        Circular HC (88) 9 guidelines regarding
                                                                                                    residences has been allocated for Welsh
     before becoming involved in clinical          child protection and police checks.
                                                                                                    speakers and learners who would like
     procedures. This will be administered by      It is also considered important to ensure
                                                                                                    to be grouped together. If you would like
     the Occupational Health Service. Cardiff      that applicant’s attitudes and values
                                                                                                    to take advantage of this please make a
     University has responsibility for ensuring    are such that he or she can reasonably
                                                                                                    note of this on your accommodation form.
     that the programme is completed.              be admitted to the Dental Profession.
     However, prospective students might           All offers given to applicants will,
     enquire beforehand with their local           therefore, include a condition relating to
     General Practitioner or Travel Centre         a satisfactory criminal record check.
     to begin the vaccination programme
                                                   This condition must be satisfied before an
     before joining the university (a charge                                                         Further Information please contact:
                                                   offer is finally confirmed. Applicants will be
     may be made for this).                                                                          Mrs Victoria Ocock
                                                   required to complete the Disclosure and
     Please note enrolment screening forms         Barring Service application process (at the       Undergraduate Programme and
     part of your entry conditions and there is    “Enhanced” level). Detailed information           Admissions Officer
     a possibility that the results of screening   will be sent to applicants in the spring          School of Dentistry
     for BBV could prevent a student from          of the year of entry. Information on the          College of Biomedical & Life Sciences
     undertaking the course.                       Disclosure process can be found on the            Cardiff University
                                                   Disclosure & Barring Service Website:             Heath Park Campus
                                                   www.homeoffice.gov.uk/dbs.                        Cardiff CF14 4XY

                                                   All information will be treated in                Tel: (029) 2074 6917/2468
                                                   absolute confidence and applicants with           Email:
                                                   convictions to declare will be assessed           DentalUGAdmissions@cardiff.ac.uk
                                                   individually as to their suitability.

20    www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry
Terms and Conditions
                                                                                  Every effort has been made to ensure
                                                                                  that the information contained within
                                                                                  this brochure is correct at the time
                                                                                  of going to press . However, the
                                                                                  University does not accept any liability
                                                                                  for any errors that it may contain, or
                                                                                  for any subsequent changes to the
                                                                                  University or Government policy that
                                                                                  may affect the information given.
                                                                                  Cardiff University expressly excludes
                                                                                  any representations or warranties
                                                                                  (whether expressed or implied) and
                                                                                  all liability including direct, indirect,
                                                                                  special, incidental or consequential
                                                                                  damages arising out of the use of the
                                                                                  information on these pages, to the
                                                                                  fullest extent possible under law.

                                                                                  This brochure is printed on paper
                                                                                  sourced from sustainably managed
                                                                                  sources using vegetable-based
                                                                                  inks. Both the paper used in the
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                                                                                  The printers are also accredited
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                                                                                  When you have finished with this
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                                                                                  Thank you.

  ■ School of Dentistry                                                           This document can also be made
                                                                                  available in large print (text),
  ■ University and NHS Buildings                                                  Braille and on audio tape/CD.

  ■ Student Residences                                                            To request an alternative format,
                                                                                  please contact Laura Roberts:
  ■ School of Biosciences                                                         Tel: 029 2087 4455
                                                                                  Email: RobertsL9@cardiff.ac.uk

How to find the School
The School of Dentistry is located at the University Dental Hospital on Cardiff   Cardiff University is a registered
University’s Heath Park Campus, a 53-acre site shared with the University         charity, no. 1136855
Hospital of Wales.

                                                                                         www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry          21
To find out more about the School of Dentistry
please visit our website: www.cardiff.ac.uk/dentistry

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Don’t miss their latest blogs for the chance to find out more
about what it’s like to study and live in Cardiff.

Enquiries                                 Stay in touch
Tel: (029) 2074 6917/2468                       Find us:                    Follow us:
Email: DentalUGAdmissions@cardiff.ac.uk         facebook.com/cardiffuniug   @cardiffuniug
School of Dentistry
Cardiff University
Heath Park Campus
Cardiff CF14 4XY
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