ORI 19 EN - University of Technology Sydney

Page created by Jordan Woods
ORI 19 EN - University of Technology Sydney
ORI 19
  AUTUMN 2019

ORI 19 EN - University of Technology Sydney
A Guide to
   Orientation   Your Orientation Checklist           04

 at UTS          Welcome to UTS

                 UTS + You


                 International, Study Abroad and      08
                 Exchange Students

                 Faculty Welcomes                     09

                 Key Dates                            11

                 Craft Your Career                    12

                 Discover Your Campus                 18

                 Study Success                        25

                 Discover Entrepreneurship at UTS     31

                 Where Can I Get Help?                33

                 Looking for Tech Support?            35

                 Love Your Library                    39

                 University Life is a Balancing Act   43

                 The Social Side                      45

                 Helpful Links                        49
UTS ORIENTATION 2019         02

          Welcome to
           Your University
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                           04

Orientation            Activate and log in to your student email

Checklist              Attend an official UTS Welcome

                       Visit your faculties buildings and attend your
                       faculty sessions

                       Take a selfie somewhere on campus and upload it to
                       social media #CreateTheFutureYou

                       Log on to UTSOnline (or UTS Canvas) and read your
                       subject outline

                       Become familiar with the campus by going on a UTS
                       Campus Tour

                       Familiarise yourself with the UTS Campus and where to
                       find Student Centre’s at maps.uts.edu.au

                       Collect your student ID card

                       Join a UTS club, society or sports team at O’Day
                       28 February

                       Discover where the Library is and how to find journal
                       articles and books

                       Have an awesome time at Summerfest

                       Meet a Peer Networker from your faculty and ask your
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                        06

to UTS

A message from the Vice-

Chancellor and President of
UTS, Attila Brungs
Congratulations and welcome to UTS.
Orientation is designed to help you get the
most out of your studies and prepare you as
a successful professional from day one of
your university experience.                                                                      How does Orientation work?
                                                                                                 Orientation gives you everything you need
I would encourage you to attend as many
                                                                                                 for a successful start at University. So where
sessions as you can. You will learn about how
                                                                                                 do you begin?
the University works and what services are
available to assist and support you during
                                                                                                 orientation.uts.edu.au is your go-to for
your time here. Perhaps, most importantly,
                                                                                                 everything Orientation related. Here, you’ll
Orientation will get you thinking about the
                                                                                                 find your schedule, register for sessions,
skills you will need for your future career.
                                                                                                 and explore what else is happening around
You will be able to participate in sessions to   Orientation provides a wonderful opportunity    campus.                                          By registering and attending your sessions,
further your skills to enhance your personal     to meet other local and international                                                            you’ll be well on your way to success at
and professional development.                    students. It is a great opportunity to make                                                      UTS! You can also change your Orientation
                                                 vital social connections and start engaging                                                      schedule at any time at:
                                                 in the vibrant and exciting community at UTS.
                                                 University is about much more than what you                                                      orientation.uts.edu.au
                                                 learn in the classroom, so I encourage you to
                                                 ask questions and get involved.                                                                  Live session updates, university hacks, and
                                                                                                                                                  tips on getting started can be found on the
                                                                                                                                                  UTS Orientation Facebook page:

UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                            08

UTS + You                                                                                           Study Abroad
Orientation is your first opportunity to meet
your classmates, get to know your university,
                                                                                                    and Exchange
and learn more about the adventure ahead.

You’ll need to bring your student number with
you, which can be found in your UTS student
email or at one of the UTS Student Centres.
                                                                                                    What do you need to do?                        •   Essential International Advice:
                                                                                                                                                       International Students (Full Degree)
                                                                                                    If you have recently arrived in the country,       25 February and 8 March
                                                                                                    welcome to Australia! Most importantly,
UTS Official Welcome                                                                                welcome to UTS. While most of the sessions     •   Essential International Advice: Study
This is where it all begins. You’ll hear from the                                                   you need to attend at Orientation are the          Abroad and Exchange Students
Vice-Chancellor, who’ll officially welcome                                                          same as local students, there are a few            26 February
you to UTS as the newest members of our                                                             compulsory sessions.
                                                                                                                                                   •   Taking Charge: Studying Abroad
outstanding community and provide some                                                                                                                 and Your Mental Wellbeing
insider knowledge on what makes the
experience at UTS different.                                                                        We have sessions                                   26 February

                                                                                                    just for you!                                  •   Career Tips for International Students
                                                                                                                                                       26 February and 7 March
                                                                                                    To learn about session dates, times,
                                                                                                    and locations please visit the Orientation     •   Surviving on a Student Income:
                                                                                                    registration page:                                 Supporting Myself Through Uni
                                                                                                                                                       18 February, 27 February, and 5 March
                                                                                                                                                   •   Finding Part-Time Work
                                                                                                                                                       20 February, 27 February, and 7 March
                                                    UniSmart                                                                                       •   All About Accommodation Booth (not a
                                                    UniSmart explores the truths and myths                                                             session – located in Building 1, Level 4)
                                                    of life, love, study and, student survival                                                         18 February, 19 February, 20 February,
                                                    at university! Nothing is off limits in this                                                       and 25 February
                                                    interactive and entertaining session,                                                          •   Tools for English Language Improvement
                                                    delivering everything you need to know–                                                            6 March and 7 March
                                                                                                                                                   •   Avoiding Plagiarism at UTS
                                                                                                                                                       21 February, 26 February, 27 February,
                                                    U:Professional                                                                                     and 2 March
                                                    Learn how to hone your skills and get tips on
                                                                                                                                                   •   Writing in Academic Style
                                                    how to present yourself professionally! Find
                                                                                                                                                       20 February, 27 February, 1 March,
                                                    out what steps you need to take between
                                                                                                                                                       and 7 March
                                                    now and graduation to help you stand out to
                                                    future employers.

UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                       10

                                                                                          Postgraduate Welcomes

                                                                                          Graduate School of Health                          18 February
                                                                                          Master of Teaching                                 18 February
                                                                                          Faculty of Science                                 27 February

           Welcomes                                                                       UTS Official Postgraduate Welcome
                                                                                          Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
                                                                                                                                             7 March
                                                                                                                                             7 March

           Your faculty is a pivotal part of your university experience. It is vital to   Faculty of Business                                7 March
           attend your Faculty Welcome to get all of the important information            Faculty of Health                                  7 March
           about your course, meet your lecturers, and learn about the exciting           Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building       7 March
           things coming up.                                                              Faculty of Engineering andInformation Technology   7 March
                                                                                          Master of Data Science and Innovation              7 March
           Stay up-to-date with the events throughout Orientation on the UTS
                                                                                          Faculty of Law                                     7 March
           Orientation 2019 Facebook page.
                                                                                          Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences                7 March

           Undergraduate Welcomes

           Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education              18 February
           UTS Official Undergraduate Welcome                  19 February
           Bachelor of Business                                20 February
           UTS Official Undergraduate Welcome                  21 February
           UTS Official Undergraduate Welcome                  25 February
           Faculty of Health (Option 1)                        26 February
           Bachelor of Management                              27 February
           Bachelor of Economics                               27 February
           Faculty of Science                                  27 February
           ActivateUTS O’Day                                   28 February
           Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation             1 March
           Faculty of Health (Option 2)                        1 March
           UTS Official Undergraduate Welcome                  4 March
           Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building        5 March
           Faculty of Engineering                              5 March
           School of Communication                             5 March
           Register for your specific course welcome at

           Bachelor of Global Studies                          6 March
           UTS Official Undergraduate Welcome                  6 March
           Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology   6 March
           Bachelor of Arts in International Studies           7 March
           Faculty of Law (Option 1)                           7 March
           Faculty of Law (Option 2)                           8 March
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                               12

                                                                                        Craft Your
Key Dates                                                                               Career
 Autumn Session

 Orientation                                   Monday 18 February–Friday 8 March 2019   Why am I hearing about
 Session commences                             Monday 11 March 2019
                                               Wednesday 10 April 2019
                                                                                        careers at Orientation?
 Census date
                                                                                        Because believe it or not, your career really
 Mid-session StuVac (Study vacation)           Monday 22–Sunday 28 April 2019
                                                                                        does start today.
 Formal classes end                            Friday 7 June 2019
 Final StuVac (Study vacation)                 Monday 10–Friday 14 June 2019
 Final assessment period                       Saturday 15–Saturday 29 June 2019
                                                                                        UTS Careers
                                                                                        UTS Careers can help you turn your abilities
                                                                                        and experience into the start of a meaningful
                                                                                        career. They offer a number of services
                                                                                        and resources for UTS students, including
What is the census date and                    Once session starts, there               Drop-in, a service where you can talk to
                                               are critical dates to keep in            a Recruitment Advisor one-on-one, plus
why is it so important?                                                                 a wealth of other career-related events,
The census date is the last date to withdraw   mind. The most important is              workshops, and programs to help you land
from a subject without financial or academic                                            that dream job or internship.
penalties. The census date for Autumn
                                               the CENSUS DATE.
session is Wednesday 10 April 2019.                                                     careers.uts.edu.au

The last day to add a subject for Autumn
session is Monday 25 March 2019 (11 March
2019 for Calendar B Autumn).                                                                                                            If you’re unsure of your
                                                                                                                                        career path, don’t know
                                                                                                                                        where your degree
                                                                                                                                        could take you, or need
                                                                                                                                        help with your resume,
                                                                                                                                        visit the Careers staff
                                                                                                                                        at Drop-in in the Tower
                                                                                                                                        Building (CB01.04.13).
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                        14

You can also attend                                                                              Student Career
the following sessions                                                                           Resources
Finding Part-Time Work                           LinkedIn Labs                                   Professional Mentoring
Learn how to find jobs you didn’t know were      Become irresistible online with UTS Career’s
out there, build rewarding relationships,        LinkedIn Lab. Expert Career Consultants will
and MORE in this practical workshop that         help you build your LinkedIn profile from the   Join our online community that fosters
teaches you about finding employment to          ground up in this hands-on session.             connections and organic conversations
compliment your study.                                                                           through flash mentorship between mentees,
                                                 orientation.uts.edu.au                          and professional mentors from industry
                                                                                                 and UTS Alumni. Find your mentor based on
Career Tips for International                                                                    similar interests and affiliations, increasing
                                                                                                 your opportunity for personalised advice and
Students                                                                                         meaningful career conversations.
What’s unique about working in Australia?
And how do you adapt your skills and                                                             uts.ac/professionalmentoring
professionalism to be successful here? This
session is full of tips and advice to help
international students thrive in an Australian                                                   Rate My Resume                                   Career Action Plan
                                                                                                 Have your resume reviewed instantly – day        The Career Action Plan is a comprehensive
                                                                                                 or night – and receive feedback on what you      collation of advice and resources that can
                                                                                                 can improve on, to ensure you’re giving your     help you to navigate the career development
                                                                                                 best in your next job application!               process. Whether you are starting from
                                                                                                                                                  scratch, or focusing on a particular step in
                                                                                                 Draft your resume and upload it to receive       your career progression, you can access
                                                                                                 advice on structure, wording, length, design,    useful resources, complete activities,
                                                                                                 and MORE, as Rate My Resume benchmarks           and record your progress 24/7 via this
                                                                                                 your resume against others across UTS.           personalised tool.

                                                                                                 uts.ac/ratemyresume                              uts.ac/careeractionplan

                                                                                                                                                  Looking for more?
                                                                                                                                                  Visit careerhub.uts.edu.au and log in using
                                                                                                                                                  your student ID and password to gain access
                                                                                                                                                  to a host of jobs, career events, workshops,
                                                                                                                                                  and resources to help with resume writing,
                                                                                                                                                  interview preparation, and suit hire.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                         16

If you’re looking to start your internship
journey, we can help. Our internship website
gives you access to the UTS Student Guide
to Internships, as well as links to live
internship opportunities.

Visit interns.uts.edu.au and click on

‘Students’ to discover your next step
towards internship success!

                                               CareerHub is your one-stop shop for all
                                               things career-related. With hundreds of job
                                               opportunities, exciting events, and useful
                                               resources, this platform makes it easy for
                                               you to start developing your future career.
                                               Plus, once you create your customised
                                               profile, CareerHub will even recommend
                                               events and jobs to suit you!

                                               CareerHub can help you to:
                                               • Ask career-related questions                   We believe that everyone
                                               • Find jobs that are relevant to you             has the right to live and study
                                               • Register to participate in exciting events
                                               • Participate in programs to increase your       safely without prejudice. By
                                                  employability                                 joining our community, you
                                               To get started, create your profile using your   value the same.                 We have a few rules to live by:
                                               UTS login at careerhub.uts.edu.au.
                                                                                                We’re diverse – in background, in thought,     1.   Use your words
                                                                                                and in beliefs. It’s what makes us stronger.           ‘Wanna spoon?’
                                                                                                                                                       ‘Are you ok?’
                                                                                                                                               2.   Don’t forget your manners
                                                                                                                                                       ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ really are
                                                                                                                                                       the magic words
                                                                                                                                               3.   Keep an eye on your people
                                                                                                                                                       And they’ll do the same for you
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                     18

  Welcome to                                                    Key
                                                                  Faculty of Law

  UTS Central!                                                    Library
                                                                  Food Court
                                                                  Double Helix Staircase
                                                                  Student Spaces
                                                                  UTS Reading Room
  You’ve seen the futuristic                                      Faculty of Engineering
                                                                  and IT Research Spaces
  glassy facade of our all-new                                    Science Superlab
  Building 2, which will launch
  in mid-2019 - but what will
                                                                  Jones St. Lobby and
                                                                  Display Space
                                                                  Outdoor Terraces
                                                                                                          Discover Your
  be inside?                                                                                              Campus
                                                 Roof Garden
                                                                                                          There are over 60 buildings, and 900 rooms
                                                                                                          at UTS, but getting around is easy. Just go
                                                                                                          to wayfinding.uts.edu.au and search for the
                                                                                                          place you’re looking for.

                                                                                                          What if I get lost on campus
Two 350 seat theatres
                                                                                                          or need help?
and one 198 seat theatre                                                                                  Our Peer Networkers are here to help! Peer
                                                                                                          Networkers are a friendly group of students
                                                                                                          you’ll see around campus during Orientation
                                                                                                          – recognisable by their trademark bright
                                                                                                          orange t-shirts. They are here to answer your
                                                                                           Entry via      questions, guide you around campus, and
Entry via                                                                                  Alumni Green
Jones St                                                                                                  help you settle into university life. Don’t be
                                                                                                          afraid to say hi!

                                                                                     Alumni Green

  UTS Central will open its doors in mid-2019,      The UTS Library will relocate later in the year
  creating a dynamic student hub in the heart       and spaces for the Faculty of Law, Faculty of
  of our campus.                                    Engineering and IT, and the Science Superlab
                                                    will come to life throughout 2019/2020.
  One of the first spaces to open will be
  a dedicated food court on level 3, with           Stay updated on launch plans at:
  eight food outlets including a cafe/              uts.edu.au/UTSCentral
  restaurant opening on to the Alumni Green.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                            20

                                                                                                                                                ‘After Technology’ Exhibition
                                                                                                                                                Curated by Stella Rosa McDonald and
                                                                                                                                                Eleanor Zeichner
                                                                                                                                                26 February—18 April
                                                                                                                                                ‘After Technology’ surveys how the endlessly
                                                                                                                                                innovating promise of technology has shifted
                                                                                                                                                with cultural, social and political currents. The
                                                                                                                                                exhibition is a history of the future, presenting
                                                                                                                                                works by international and Australian artists
                                                                                                                                                that have embraced, critiqued, and been
                                                                                                                                                influenced by technology. ‘After Technology’
                                                                                                                                                asks how our experience of our bodies and
                                                                                                                                                nature —and what is considered human and
                                                                                                                                                natural—has changed as the world is reshaped
                                                                                                                                                by digital and technological developments.

                                                                                                                                                Check the website for other events, projects
                                                                                                                                                and public programs.

Guided Tours                                    Green Tours
Take time during Orientation to discover        Get to know some of the interesting
your campus. Guided tours are a great           UTS buildings and their innovative,
way to learn about the unique aspects of        environmentally friendly features.
UTS and meet other students in a relaxed
                                                Green Tours depart from CB01.04.006
                                                20 February, 26 February, and 4 March

UTS Campus Tours                                Student Showcase                                Indigenous Art Tour                             UTS Art
This tour will take you around some of          The Student Showcase is a physical and          Join the UTS Art Learning Coordinator to        Learn about a different side of UTS with UTS
UTS’s iconic structures, giving you a student   online space that promotes creative,                                                            Art. Join them for a roving tour of the UTS Art
                                                                                                learn about some of the art by Indigenous
perspective on how to find the library,         innovative work completed by students                                                           Gallery and key works in our art collection.
computer labs, your faculty, lecture rooms,     across all faculties. This is a fantastic       artists in UTS Art Collection and visit UTS’s
and more.                                       opportunity to gain exposure, impress           very own art garden, full of Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                For information on session times and
                                                the UTS community, and ‘wow’ external           medicinal plants native to the Sydney Basin.    locations, visit the Orientation registration
UTS Campus Tours depart from CB01.04.006
                                                visitors (including employers!). Check it out                                                   page.
18 February, 20 February, 26 February,
                                                on the stairs to Level 5 in Building 1.
27 February, 1 March, 4 March, and 5 March
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        22

     Navigating UTS
                                                                                                                                                            Haymarket Precinct                                                                 Understanding building
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and room numbers at UTS

                                                                                                     r l in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               With a bit of know-how, finding your


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               way around the University is quite

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CB05B                        straightforward. At UTS all rooms
                                                                                                                                             i   mo                                                                                            are labelled according to the Room
                                                                                                                                      Ul t
                                                                                                                                                             CB91                                              CB05A                           Identification Standard. This easy to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               understand code will help you find any
                                                                        St                                                                                                                                                                     location on-campus with numbers

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               corresponding to building number,
                                                   ar y

                                               M                                                                                                                                                                                               level, and room.

                                                                                                                                                            Blackfriars Precinct

                                                                                                                                              a  yS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Building ID                  Room No.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    CB           04.            03.      05.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Building No.



                                                                             T ho                                                                              CB23        CB24

                                                                                                                                              e                             CB25


                                                                                                   UTS                                G                                       CB26

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               City Campus, Building 4, Level 3, Room 305
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Note: Signs on some doors or entryways do not
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               always show the dots between numbers or the
                                                                 B roadway                                                                                                                                                                     zeros found in the room identification code.
                                                         Aber crom bie St

                                                                                                                                                            Broadway Precinct



             Business                                                       Transdisciplinary Innovation            Arts & Social Sciences
             Building 8                                                     Building 15                             Building 3 & 10

             Blake Library                                                  Engineering & IT                        UTS Housing Service                                                  CB10
                                                                            Building 11                             Building 6                                                                                            CB02   CB01

             UTS Central                                                    UTS Tower                               Central Park
             Building 2 (Under Construction)                                Building 1                                                                                                          CB11

             Law                                                            Health                                  Central Train Station
             Building 5                                                     Building 7

             Science                                                        Design, Architecture & Building         Bus Stops
             Building 4 & 7                                                 Building 6
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                       24

Scholarships                                     ActivateUTS
UTS proudly awards scholarships to eligible
students every year.                             Volunteer of the Year:
Through scholarships, UTS endeavours
to reward achievement and recognise
motivation to succeed, as well as share our
                                                 Soundarya Ramesh
passion for education, equity, and innovation.   When someone asks me what university life          It wasn’t until my second year when I really
UTS is also committed to providing support       is like, I tell them that it’s exactly like high   started to explore what uni had to offer. I
to students experiencing financial hardship      school. Essentially, it’s the same routine of      joined the BUILD program and SOUL Award,
or other educational barriers.                   classes, assignments and studying. It can be       both programs which provide opportunities
                                                 dull. It can be stressful.                         to develop your leadership skills potential
There’s a range of scholarships available                                                           and build your network.
for both commencing and current students,        But it can also be so much more if you’re
including scholarships that are university-      willing to put yourself out there.                 I also learned more about the clubs and
wide, faculty specific, equity-based, athlete                                                       societies here at UTS, and volunteered
focused, study abroad support and more.          Going from high school to university is            throughout the year with various clubs
                                                 like stepping into the ocean, an unknown           including EcoSoc and UTS Red Cross
In addition to the financial benefit, many       territory filled with opportunities waiting to     Society, but also as a member of The Pack
scholarships also offer work placements and      be discovered. It’s a chance to discover your      who help facilitate many of the events held
mentoring opportunities to enhance the UTS       potential and forge an identity beyond your        on-campus. Not only did I have heaps of
learning experience.                             high school self.                                  fun, I also gained many close friends in the
Find out what scholarship could be for you at    My first year of university involved me mainly
uts.edu.au/scholarships                          focusing on classes and assignments,               Each new adventure has helped me take one
                                                 unwilling to go beyond my comfort zone             more step away from my bubble, and allowed
Remember, scholarships open at different         particularly as I only knew a few people           me to experience a university life filled with
times throughout the year, so have a look        at UTS, none of whom were in my course.            friendships, memories and new avenues
through the UTS scholarships site and the        Things started to change when I decided to         waiting to be explored.
scholarships brochure to see what you may        volunteer as a HELPs Buddy, where I met up
be eligible for!                                 with an international student to help them         University is what you make of it, and
                                                 practice English. While I initially went in        the campus is a treasure trove brimming
                                                 without any expectations, I ended up leaving       with opportunities to help you grow as an
                                                 that conversation with a new friend and a          individual. So, go on - get exploring and make
                                                 newfound love for helping others.                  your university experience an adventure of a

                                                                                                    Soundarya Ramesh was ActivateUTS’s 2018 Volunteer
                                                                                                    of the Year Award recipient and is involved with the UTS
                                                                                                    HELPS Buddy Program, UTS BUILD Program, SOUL Award
                                                                                                    and The Pack. Soundarya is also involved with ActivateUTS
                                                                                                    Clubs and Societies, being an active member of EcoSoc
                                                                                                    and The Big Lift, giving up her time to assist with events
                                                                                                    such as plants stalls and tree planting days.

                                                                                                    ActivateUTS runs a variety of clubs, societies and
                                                                                                    events around campus. Visit activateuts.com.au to find
                                                                                                    out how you can be involved and make the most of your
                                                                                                    time at University.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                  26

                                                                                             Successful Study Strategies                     Know the grading system
Success                                                                                      Learn how to organise your study, develop
                                                                                             learning and memorisation strategies, and
                                                                                                                                             High Distinction (HD) 85-100%
                                                                                             form your own independent approach to           Distinction (D)       75-84%
                                                                                             learning that will help you succeed at UTS.
                                                                                                                                             Credit (C)            65-74%
                                                                                             For information on session times and            Pass (P)              50-64%
Studying at UTS:                                                                             locations, visit the Orientation registration
                                                                                                                                             Fail (F)              0-49%
Preparing for University                    Writing in Academic Style                                                                        Withheld (W)          Result withheld
This hands-on session will help you use     What is academic writing? How can you            orientation.uts.edu.au/sessions
                                                                                                                                             Results pending (Q)   Awaiting completion
essential online resources and provide an   adapt your writing style for UTS? This session
opportunity to ask key staff questions so   covers everything you need to know.
                                                                                                                                             Some subjects are ungraded, in these cases
you can excel academically.
                                                                                                                                             only a Pass or Fail grade is awarded.

                                            Giving a Presentation
                                            Giving a Presentation will help you prepare,
                                            present and overcome the challenges of
                                            giving a presentation in front of a group.

                                            Avoiding Plagiarism
                                            This workshop uses real life scenarios
                                            to discuss what plagiarism is, what its
                                            consequences are, and how to avoid it. This
                                            session introduces UTS referencing styles
                                            and online referencing resources.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                      28

Read & Write Literacy                                                                          You can also attend free daily workshops
Support                                                                                        and holiday programs to improve your
                                                                                               presentation and pronunciation skills.
Read&Write is a floating toolbar you can
download for free. Working across Microsoft,
Google, Adobe, and more - Read&Write helps
with reading, writing, and research skills                                                     Academic Writing Skills
(including referencing!)                                                                       Improve your academic writing so you can
                                                                                               excel in your assessments, with a number of
                                                                                               sessions running across the semester.
                                                                                                                                             Intensive Academic
U:PASS                                                                                                                                       Preparation Programs
Is a peer-assisted learning program run                                                                                                      Offered during holiday periods, these cover
by trained student leaders. Students get                                                       Writing Support sessions to give you the      areas such as academic writing, grammar,
together for weekly hour-long sessions                                                         opportunity to work on your assignments       seminar presentation, pronunciation
to discuss lecture and textbook material,                                                      in a safe and productive environment, and     correction, and workplace communications.
compare notes, and work through problems.                                                      a HELPS advisor on hand to answer any
bit.ly/UTSupass                                Speak with Confidence                                                                         The UTS Library also have a number of online
                                                                                                                                             resources available, as well as their Tools for
                                               HELPS has many programs that will help you                                                    English Language Improvement Workshop.
                                               become a confident speaker, whether you’re
Higher Education Language                      an international student looking to make        Daily Academic English                        Remember, you can just drop-in to the
& Presentation Skills (HELPS)                  new friends or an English speaker looking to    Workshops                                     HELPS Centre if you have any questions
                                               improve.                                                                                      about your assignments. You can also get a
HELPS provides English language and                                                            Programs are run throughout the
                                                                                               Autumn, Spring, and Summer sessions           longer consultation if you want to discuss
academic literacy support to UTS students                                                                                                    how to improve your assignment draft.
in a friendly environment. Their individual  Conversations @ UTS                               for international and local students to
and group programs help students develop                                                       improve general English language and
their English language skills and academic   A program giving you the opportunity to           academic literacy skills.
understanding so they can reach their career practise and develop spoken conversational                                                      Help Someone
and study goals.                             English and learn to network in a friendly,
                                             supportive environment. Open to all students                                                    HELPS trains student volunteers to be Peer
You can find HELPS in CB01.05.25             through HELPS.                                                                                  Advisors or Conversation Leaders to assist
                                                                                                                                             students with their English language writing
                                                                                                                                             and speaking development at the drop-in
                                                                                                                                             service, workshops, and daily conversation
                                               HELPS Buddy Program                                                                           classes.
                                               Looking to diversify your network? The
                                               HELPS Buddy Program matches international
                                               students with local students! Learn a new                                                     To learn about key session dates, times, and
                                               language and/or practise your English. It’s a                                                 locations, visit the Orientation registration
                                               great informal way to improve your listening,                                                 page.
                                               conversation, and pronunciation skills.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                    32

Entrepreneurship                                                                               Begin your startup journey
                                                                                               Being an entrepreneur means deciding what
at UTS                                                                                         problem you want to solve, instead of being

Interested in entrepreneurship but not
                                                                                               Do you have something you
sure how to get involved?                                                                      want to solve?
                                                                                               Join the UTS Startups community: a program
UTS equips you with the tools to become                                                        designed to inspire UTS students to become
an entrepreneur, whether it’s with our free                                                    entrepreneurs, and to support startups
entrepreneurship courses, bootcamps,                                                           launched by UTS students.
hackathons, internship opportunities,
or startup community, there’s an
entrepreneurship offering available
                                                                                               Have questions? Email UTS Startups at         Entrepreneurship at UTS
for you!                                                                                                                                     Tours
                                                                                               startups.uts.edu.au                           •   Wednesday 20 February

                                                                                                                                             •   Friday 22 February
Entrepreneurship Bootcamps Startup Internships                                                                                                   3.30pm
Gain insight into the world of                  Build an internship experience that matters                                                  •   Tuesday 26 February
entrepreneurship with our 2-day intensive       to you and apply to intern with a startup!                                                       11.00am
bootcamps! You’ll be introduced to methods      It’s an opportunity for startup communities
and tools that you can use to solve problems,   to recruit our best and brightest, inject                                                    •   Friday 1 March
test ideas, create impact, and launch           fresh ideas and perspectives into their                                                          4.00pm
businesses.                                     startups, and inspire the next generation of
                                                                                                                                             •   Tuesday 5 March
                                                It’s a win-win! Students have the chance to:                                                 •   Wednesday 6 March
                                                •   Develop entrepreneurial and                                                                  3.30pm
                                                    technological skills to be
                                                    communicated to future employers                                                         Join us for a tour around UTS to see all our
                                                                                                                                             entrepreneurial offerings, innovative spaces,
                                                •   Gain insight into the local startup                                                      and the variety of ways we can help you get
                                                    ecosystem                                                                                started on your entrepreneurial journey.
                                                •   Be supported by managers, not managed
                                                                                                                                             Tours depart Building 1, Level 3

UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                                           34

Where Can I
Get Help?                                                                                         Financial Assistance
                                                                                                  The Financial Assistance Service can assist
                                                                                                  you with practical and financial aspects
There are numerous support and                                                                    of life while you are at university. This
administration services available across                                                          includes student loans for immediate crisis,
campus, housed with professionals                UTS Health Service                               Centrelink and other benefits available to
in health, counselling, legal, tech (IT),                                                         you, tax help, and more.
                                                 The Health Service is a bulk billed on-
finance, and more!
                                                 campus medical service for students.
                                                                                                                                                 Student Legal Service
                                                                                                  Financial Assistance can be reached via
                                                                                                                                                 The UTS Student Legal Service provides
Student Centre                                   The Health Service is located at                 email at financial.assistance@uts.edu.au
                                                                                                                                                 free and independent legal advice to
                                                 CB01.06.001                                                                                     UTS students. They provide guidance
The UTS Student Centre is your one-stop                                                           uts.ac/financeassist
shop for university administration advice.                                                                                                       on areas such as: tenancy issues,
                                                 uts.ac/healthservice                                                                            employment/internship matters, family
Including subject and course information,
study plan and enrolment enquiries,                                                                                                              matters, contractual matters, motor traffic
academic progression, exam matters, and
                                                 Accessibility Service                            UTS Housing                                    matters, criminal offences, and many other
leave of absence details.                                                                                                                        legal issues.
                                                                                                  UTS Housing staff can help you with finding
                                                 The Accessibility Service is the central point   suitable private accommodation around
The Student Centre has two locations, one        of contact for students with accessibility                                                   The Student Legal Service is located at
                                                                                                  the city campus. This includes UTS student  CB01.05.12
in Building 10 in Broadway and the other in      requirements, as well as medical or              housing, off-campus housing and short-term
Building 5 in Haymarket. You can find out        mental health conditions. Accessibility          accommodation.
more at the link below:                          assists students in accessing services,                                                      uts.ac/legalservice
                                                 and adjusting assessment and study               Housing can answer your questions in their
uts.ac/studentcentre                             arrangements.                                    online chat.
                                                 You can find Accessibility at CB01.06.001        housing.uts.edu.au                             Emergency Assistance
                                                                                                                                                 In case of an emergency on-campus (fire,
Multi-Faith Chaplaincy                           accessibility.uts.edu.au
                                                                                                                                                 medical emergency, assault, or other) if first
UTS offers chaplains of multiple faiths                                                                                                          aid is required or you notice a hazard on
to offer you personal and/or spiritual                                                                                                           campus, please contact UTS Security.
support throughout your university journey,      Counselling Service
regardless of whether you have a faith or not.                                                                                                   To reach them dial 6 from any phone or call
                                                 Counselling offers UTS students a                                                               1800 249 559 (great to save as a contact in
                                                 confidential service for a wide range                                                           your phone!)
You can contact the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy
                                                 of personal, psychological, study, and
on uts.chaplaincy@uts.edu.au or call
                                                 administrative difficulties. There are also
9514 2523
                                                 a number of online self-help resources.

                                                 Counselling is located at CB01.06.001

UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                        36

                                                                         UTS Systems
Looking for                                                              Familiarise yourself with key online systems
                                                                         used at UTS. This session will take you
                                                                         through your IT & email account, where to

Tech Support?                                                            find your subject outlines, lecture notes,
                                                                         timetable, grades, assignment submissions,
                                                                         WiFi, printing, and more. Sessions are held
                                                                         across multiple dates during Orientation.


                       Student Login and My
                       Student Admin
                       Your student login provides access to
                       computer labs and My Student Admin (MSA);          Learning Systems
                       an online portal were you can manage               UTSOnline is where you will find subject
                       your personal details, enrolment, subject          announcements and course content. Log
                       withdrawal, timetable, results, invoices,          into UTSOnline using your student ID and
                       and more!                                          password, to participate in subject activities,
                       uts.ac/MSA                                         complete assessments, access subject
                                                                          outlines, and more (use UTS Canvas in
                                                                          cases where your subject is being offered
                                                                          in Canvas).
                                                                          online.uts.edu.au and canvas.uts.edu.au

                       ServiceConnect and IT help
                       ServiceConnect is your IT Support Centre
                       website. Visit us to find IT user instructions,     Printing at UTS
                       information, and to submit help requests for        There are 50 printers available to students
                       all things IT-related.                              on campus. You can print from any UTS
                       serviceconnect.uts.edu.au                           computer, or with your own by logging
                                                                           into MyPrint. Printing is charged to your
                                                                           MyMonitor account, which can be recharged
                                                                           in buildings 5, 6, 10 and the Library. For
                                                                           assistance with printing and binding
                                                                           you can visit the Digital Imaging Centre
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                          38

                                                UTS Plastic
                                                10 easy ways to ditch plastic!
                                                At UTS we’re doing our bit to reduce the
                                                mountains of plastic waste polluting the

                                                Here’s what you can do
                                                to help:
                                                1.   Choose to refuse. Don’t use plastic         5. Reduce plastic bottle waste by choosing
                                                     straws.                                        tap water. It’s free, tastes great, and
                                                                                                    there are bottle filling stations on every
                                                2.   Cut back on plastic bags. BYO bag              floor of every UTS building. Locations on
                                                     or grab a cloth ‘share bag’ from the           the UTS sustainability website.
                                                     boomerang bag station in the foyer of
                                                     Building 1 level 4, use it and return for   6. Shop on-campus at the Broadway Food
                                                     someone else to do the same.                   Coop, prices are low because they’re
                                                                                                    not-for-profit, and they’re big fans of
                                                3.   Carry your own BYO cup for takeaway            zero waste packaging.
We’re being explicit about                           coffee. Disposable cups are not
                                                     recyclable and go straight to landfill.     7.   Say no to plastic cutlery.
consent. You should too.                             Some campus cafes offer a discount if
                                                     you BYO cup.                                8. Avoid fruit and veggies wrapped in
Not sure what looks wrong, or right? As part                                                        plastic, they already come in nature’s
of your UTS student responsibilities, you’re    4. If you already BYO cup, try a BYO lunch          perfect wrapping.
expected to take an online training about          box. Carry your container and use it
healthy relationships, consent appropriate         at campus food outlets. Wash it at the        9. Quit chewing gum – yep, it’s made of
behaviour and being an active bystander.           student kitchens around campus.                  plastic polymers!
Complete it in UTSOnline before results
release date to avoid a sanction.                                                                10. Share your positive actions on social
                                                                                                     media, spread the word and get
online.uts.edu.au                                                                                    everyone choosing to refuse single-use

                                                                                                 More information on the UTS Sustainability
                                                                                                 website and Facebook UTSGreen.


Adapted from ‘Make Your Move!’ Missoula 2017.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                         40

Love Your
                                              Library Tours
The UTS Library connects                      Multiple Dates
people, knowledge and culture                 Take a guided tour of the UTS Library and
                                              discover the array of spaces, resources and
with a wide range of online                   assistance available to your throughout your
                                              studies (select tours are available in English
and on-campus services                        & Mandarin).

and resources to support
                                              Quick Start Workshop                             Play Day
your studies. It also features                Multiple Dates                                   Wednesday 7 March 2018
facilities to help students,                  Get ready for university with UTS Library!       If you’re reading this, you’ve been selected
which include study areas,                    This workshop will help you get a head
                                              start on your studies by teaching you
                                                                                               (as an elite operative) to go undercover at
                                                                                               UTS Library. Your mission, should you choose
silent study rooms, group                     how to understand your reading list and
                                              find scholarly articles and books for
                                                                                               to accept it, is to infiltrate the Library’s Play
                                                                                               Day in a virtual reality experience. Please join
presentation rooms, adaptive                  your assignments (available in English &         us for table tennis, games, prizes, and free
                                              Mandarin).                                       lunch!
equipment and more.
                                                                                               Tools for English Language
The Library is on the corner of Ultimo Road
and Quay Street:                                                                               Improvement
lib.uts.edu.au                                                                                 Come along to learn about the great English
                                                                                               language resources the UTS Library has to
                                                                                               offer. This hands-on workshop will help guide
                                                                                               you through online programs that can help
                                                                                               you with both general and academic English

                                                                                               To learn about session dates, times, and
                                                                                               locations, please visit the Orientation
                                                                                               registration page.

UTS ORIENTATION 2019             42

Building 11
The home for the Faculty of
Engineering and Information
Technology since 2014.
5 Star Green Certified design.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                         44

University Life                                  Maintaining Faith in                       Surviving on a Student
                                                                                            Income: Supporting
                                                 a New Environment
is a Balancing                                   Are you searching for answers
                                                 to the big question in life, or for
                                                                                            Myself Through Uni
                                                                                            Understand the expenses you may
                                                                                                                                          Jumbunna Institute
                                                                                                                                          for Indigenous
Act                                              strategies to maintain your faith in a
                                                 secular environment? This session
                                                 will help you discover the Multi-
                                                                                            expect living as a student on limited
                                                                                            income, as well as the support
                                                                                            available to you. This session looks
                                                                                                                                          Education & Research
                                                                                                                                          Jumbunna Indigenous House
Living matters and here at UTS we want to        Faith Chaplaincy and the variety of        into income support, budgeting,               of Learning provides support
ensure you succeed in EVERY part of your         student faith groups on-campus.            study assistance, and more.                   services to Indigenous students
life! There are a host of sessions running                                                                                                to ensure they achieve academic
across Orientation and throughout the                                                                                                     success and positive wellbeing
year to help clear your mind and get you                                                                                                  while they are at university.
back on track.                                                                                                                            Jumbunna is located on CB01.06

Visit orientation.uts.edu.au for dates, times                                                                                             bit.ly/UTSinda
and locations.                                       Consent Matters
                                                     Some people find it very difficult               All About
                                                     to talk about sex openly, and
                                                     not everyone feels comfortable                   Accommodation
                                                     being direct, assertive or explicit.             Booth
                                                     That’s why all UTS staff and
      Positive Vibes:                                students are taking mandatory                    UTS Housing will have a stand
      Mastering Your Mental                          consent training. Drop in to                     on the main floor of Building 1
                                                     complete your mandatory                          where friendly staff can guide
      Wellbeing While at Uni                         Consent Matters training with                    you through accommodation
      Hear real stories from UTS students            support (but don’t worry, if you                 listings, information on suburbs,
      about maintaining positive mental              can’t make this session, you can                 transport, and basic tenancy
      health while at university. This               still do it online).                                                                   BlueBird Brekkie Bar &
      session will outline what support you                                                           housing.uts.edu.au
      can give to others and how you can                                                                                                    Night Owl Noodle Bar
      look after yourself during stressful                                                                                                  A free, natural, and fresh
      periods, such as throughout exams                                                                                                     breakfast or dinner made
      or when results are released.                                                                                                         by students for students.
                                                       Go Global                                                                            Come meet new people and
                                                                                                                                            fill your stomach in a relaxed
                                                       At UTS, you can gain                                                                 environment.
                                                       international experience before
                                                       you graduate! Experience new               Speed-Friending                           uts.ac/bluebirdbar
                                                       cultures and build a global                21 February and 6 March
                Mindfulness                            network through the UTS
                                                                                                  Speed-Friending will help you
                Meditation                             Global Exchange Program or
                                                                                                  meet like-minded people and
                                                       BUILD Abroad. Register for an
                Regular mindfulness practice           information session to find                learn about the extracurricular
                has been shown to be effective         out where you can go, how to               activities on-campus that will
                for improving wellbeing. This          apply, scholarships and loans              give you a rewarding, well-
                presentation will introduce            available, and more.                       rounded university experience.
                mindfulness and three
                techniques that will help you
                cope during your degree.
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                  46


The Social
Activate UTS is a non-profit organisation       ActivateUTS Summerfest
that works to give you a richer student         8 March
experience at UTS through a variety of clubs
and societies, sports, activities, facilities   An on-campus music experience not to be
and events. If you’re looking to enhance your   missed! Summerfest is back—the biggest
time at uni, visit activateuts.com.au to find   party of the year at UTS. The Alumni Green
out how.                                        will be transformed into a music festival
                                                dream with live acts, epic sound and light
                                                production, comedy, art, and food. Don’t
                                                have festival attire? We’ve got you sorted
ActivateUTS O’Day                               with a glow-up station.
28 February                                                                                  Discover Sydney
O’Day is your best chance to meet new           Go to activateuts.com.au and find out more
people and join our clubs and societies, as     about ActivateUTS on campus.                 with ActivateSocial
well as get a taste of what ActivateUTS and                                                  Join us as we explore the City of Sydney
UTS have to offer you while studying. There’s                                                through a range of activities during Orientation,
always loads of free stuff, food, games and                                                  or head to activateuts.com.au to see regular
demos for you to give a go.                                                                  events throughout the year:

You can chat with representatives from
your favourite clubs and societies to learn                                                    Event                 Date        Cost            Booking
more about them. On the Alumni Green and
Building 1 (levels 3-5), there will be booths                                                  Sydney Opera          4 March     $5              activateuts.com.au
from a number of clubs and societies across:                                                   House Tour

•   Gaming and pop-culture, Social and                                                         Sydney Harbour        6 March     $25             activateuts.com.au
    Creative Arts, Sports, Theatre, Culture                                                    Jetboat

•   Technology, Politics, Religion, Social                                                     Harbour Bridge Walk   12 March    $5              activateuts.com.au
    Justice, Professional Development and                                                      & Pylon Lookout
                                                                                               Sydney Sightseeing    14 March    $20             activateuts.com.au
                                                                                               Bus Tour

                                                                                               Manly Snorkel Tour    16 March    $30             activateuts.com.au
UTS ORIENTATION 2019                                                                                                                                                       50

                                                                                  Where’s your
Helpful Links                                                                     head at? Look
Student Centre
                                            UTS Newsroom
                                                                                  Out Before

                                                                                  You Step Out
                                            UTS Careers
careerhub.uts.edu.au                        careers.uts.edu.au
                                                                                  It’s easy to become complacent about       Before you cross the road:
UTS Handbook                                Campus Maps                           pedestrian road safety, especially on
                                                                                                                             •   Look before you cross. Just because
www.handbook.uts.edu.au                                                           a familiar route such as on your way to
                                            maps.uts.edu.au                                                                      someone else decides to cross, doesn’t
                                                                                  and from uni. Taking risks and not being
                                                                                                                                 mean it’s safe for you.
Academic Liaison Officers                   Safety and Security                   mindful on the roads can have serious
www.uts.edu.au/current-students/                                                  consequences. Have your head in the
                                            www.uts.edu.au/current-students/                                                 •   Unplug your earphones and put away
students-with-accessibility-requirements/                                         moment. Make safe decisions when
                                            campus-life/your-campus/safety-and-                                                  your phone.
accessibility-service/services-and-3                                              crossing the road.
                                                                                                                             •   Never assume that an approaching
UTS International                           Wayfinding                                                                           vehicle can see you, or will stop for you
international.uts.edu.au                    wayfinding.uts.edu.au                                                                –wait until all vehicles have stopped
                                                                                                                                 before you step off the kerb.
Student Services Unit                       Entrepreneurship at UTS                                                          •   Avoid crossing between parked cars or
www.uts.edu.au/current-students/support     entrepreneurship.uts.edu.au                                                          at the front or back of buses and large
The Co-op Bookshop                          UTS Startup Internships
www.coop.com.au                             startupinternships.uts.edu.au                                                    •   At intersections, check for turning
                                                                                                                                 vehicles before you leave the kerb, and
Student Association                         IT Support Centre                                                                    while you are crossing the road.
www.sa.uts.edu.au                           serviceconnect.uts.edu.au
                                                                                                                             •   Wear bright, light coloured clothing at
Equity and Diversity                        UTS Engage Facebook                                                                  night or in reduced visibility conditions.
www.equity.uts.edu.au                       www.facebook.com/UTSEngage

ActivateUTS                                 UTS Orientation Facebook                                                         When crossing the road:
activateuts.com.au                          bit.ly/AUT19OrientationEvent                                                     •   Always use pedestrian crossings.

                                                                                                                             •   Wait for the walk signal.
UTS Library
lib.uts.edu.au                                                                                                               •   At traffic lights, don’t enter the road if
                                                                                                                                 vehicles are moving through the crossing
                                                                                                                                 or if the red don’t walk signal shows.

Notes                   Preferred Paths
                        Around Campus

                                                   PARK                                                                                           ULTIMO

                                                                                                                                                                                              91                                                                                                     CHINATOWN

                                                                            Kelly St                                        81                     MARY ANN
                                                                                                                                                  STREET PARK

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Darling Dr
                                       BULGA NGURRA
                                      STUDENT HOUSING                                                                                   Mary Ann St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Omnibus Lane

                                                                                               Wattle St


                                                                   tain S

                                                                                                                                                                      Thomas St                                                                                                    Ultimo Rd

                                                                                                             10                                     07                                                                           ABC

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Harris St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The Goods Line
                                                                                                                                       Jones St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Quay St
                                                                   GU                                                                                                                                                                           CA06
                                                                 NG MAL                                                                                                                                                                          YURA
                                                                   U                                                                              ALUMNI                                      04
                                                                STU RANG                                                                                                                                                                        MUDANG
                                                                                                                                                  GREEN                01
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                        Par                                                                                                  ay
                                      Rd                      CA03                                                                                                                                                     06
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Harr is St Footbr idge
                                                                                                              11                                   02
                            PARK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SYDNEY




                                                         22 25                                                                                             ay

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Pitt St
                                                       Blac                                                           CEN
                                                           kfria                                                          TRA                                                                                                                                                                         BELMORE
                                                                    rs S                                                      L PA                                                                                                                                                                      PARK
                                                                             t                                                    RK                                                                                             RAILWAY

                                                                                                                                                                                 n St

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Devonshire St
                                                d St



                                                                            bie S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CENTRAL STATION

                        Get around campus on foot easily, quickly                                                                                               Did you know jaywalking is illegal?
                        and safely by following these paths.                                                                                                    Not only is it dangerous and can lead to injury
                                                                                                                                                                or death, in NSW the current fine for jaywalking
                                                                                                                                                                is $72.
                        Top Tips
                        •         Avoid busy roads by using pedestrian links
                                  including the Harris St footbridge, Alumni
                                  Green and The Goods Line                                                                                                                              Preferred path of travel
                        •         Always cross at the lights and pedestrian
                                                                                                                                                                                        Pedestrian crossing at traffic lights
                        •         Stick to well-lit paths at night                                                                                                                      Underground path

DISCLAIMER: The information in this booklet is correct as at January 2019.
Changes in circumstances after this date might alter the accuracy of the
information. UTS reserves the right to alter any content described in this booklet
without notice. Readers are responsible for verifying information that pretains to
them by contacting the University.
You can also read