Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Chandrapur - Deekshabhoomi, Civil Lines, Chandrapur (M.S)

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Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce & Science, Chandrapur - Deekshabhoomi, Civil Lines, Chandrapur (M.S)
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Memorial Society’s

  Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts,
Commerce & Science, Chandrapur

     Deekshabhoomi, Civil Lines,
         Chandrapur (M.S)

The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC

All NAAC accredited institutions will submit an annual self-reviewed progress report to
NAAC, through its IQAC. The report is to detail the tangible results achieved in key areas,
specifically identified by the institutional IQAC at the beginning of the academic year. The
AQAR will detail the results of the perspective plan worked out by the IQAC. (Note: The
AQAR period would be the Academic Year. For example, July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013)

                                                        Part – A
AQAR for the year (for example 2011-12)                            :   2015-16

 1.    Details of the Institution

1.1    Name of the Institution                                     :   Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts,
                                                                       Commerce & Science, Chandrapur
1.2    Address Line 1                                              :   Deekshabhoomi,
       Address Line 2                                              :   Civil lines,
       City/Town                                                   :   Chandrapur (M.S)
       State                                                       :   Maharashtra
       Pin Code                                                    :   442401
       Institution e-mail address                                  :   dacchanda@yahoo.co.in
       Contact Nos.                                                :   07172-256080
       Name of the Head of the Institution                         :   Principal, Dr. Rajesh R. Dahegaonkar
       Tel. No. with STD Code:                                     :   07172-256080
       Mobile:                                                     :   9423691422, 7768833999
       Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator                               :   Keshao D. Kalaskar
       Mobile                                                      :   9421880517
       IQAC e-mail address                                         :   dacc.naac@gmail.com
1.3    NAAC Track ID                                               :   ------------
       (For ex. MHCOGN 18879)

1.4    NAAC Executive Committee No. & Date:                        :   EC/33/145 dated 16-9-2004
       (For Example EC/32/A&A/143 dated 3-5-2004.
       This EC no. is available in the right corner-
       bottom of your institution’s Accreditation
1.5    Website address                                             :   www.dacchanda.ac.in
       Web-link of the AQAR                                        :   http://dacchanda.ac.in/uploaded_fi
       For ex. http://www.ladykeanecollege.edu.in/AQAR201213.doc

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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1.6   Accreditation Details

                                                                                   Year of
          Sl. No.                Cycle                    Grade         CGPA      Accreditati
                 1              1st Cycle                  C+            63         2004             2009
                 2              2nd Cycle
                 3              3rd Cycle
                 4              4th Cycle

1.7   Date of Establishment of IQAC            :           DD/MM/YYYY                     02 July 2011

1.8   Details of the previous year’s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment
      and Accreditation by NAAC ((for example AQAR 2010-11 submitted to NAAC on 12-
            i.   AQAR – 2011-12    submitted to NAAC 0n              18/03/2016
           ii.   AQAR – 2012-13    submitted to NAAC 0n              18/03/2016
          iii.   AQAR – 2013-14    submitted to NAAC 0n              18/03/2016
          iv.    AQAR – 2014-15    submitted to NAAC 0n              18/03/2016
           v.    AQAR – 2015-16    submitted to NAAC 0n              18/03/2016

1.9   Institutional Status
      University                      State           √     central           Deemed            Private

      Affiliated College                 Yes          √         No

      Constituent College                Yes                    No      √

      Autonomous college of              Yes                    No      √

      Regulatory Agency                  Yes                    No      √
      approved Institution
      (eg. AICTE, BCI, MCI,
      PCI, NCI)
      Type of Institution                   Co-education                √      Men              Women

                                                   Urban                √      Rural             Tribal

      Financial Status                      Grant-in-aid                √     UGC 2 (f)    √    UGC 12B     √

                     Grant-in-aid + Self Financing                      √      Totally Self-financing

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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1.10     Type of Faculty/Programme
         Arts       √   Science   √      Commerce      √         Law               PEI (Phys edu

          TEI           Engine            Health
         (Edu)           ering            Science
       Others (Specify)
                                           Self Financing Courses
         1987-88        1997-98   2001-02           2003-04        2008-09     2012-13             2013-14
       M.A. English     B.A       B.Sc       M.A. Sociology      M.Sc.         Research       Research
                                                                 Chemistry     Centre-        Centre-
                                                                               Botany         Electronics
       M.A. History                          M.A. Economics      M.A.
                                             M.A. Marathi        M.Com.
                                             M.A. Pol. Sci.      B.Com.
                                             M.Sc. Math
                                             M.Sc. Botany
                                             M.Sc. Zoology
                                             M.Sc Electronics

1.11      Name of the Affiliating University (for the Colleges)

                   Gondwana University, Gadchoroli

1.12     Special status conferred by Central/ State Government-- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR etc
         Autonomy by State/Central Govt. / University                  No

         University with Potential for Excellence                      No       UGC-CPE                No

         DST Star Scheme                                               No        UGC-CE                No

         UGC-Special Assistance Programme                              No       DST-FIST               No

         UGC-Innovative PG programmes                                  No    Any other (Specify)       No

         UGC-COP Programmes                                            No

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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2.     IQAC Composition and Activities
 2.1    No. of Teachers                                                             07

 2.2    No. of Administrative/Technical staff                                       01

 2.3    No. of Students                                                             02

 2.4    No. of Management representatives                                           01

 2.5    No. of Alumni                                                               02

 2.6    No. of any other stakeholder and Community representatives                  00

 2.7    No. of Employers/ Industrialists                                            01

 2.8    No. of other External Experts                                               01

 2.9    Total No. of members                                                        15

2.10    No. of IQAC meetings held                                                   02

2.11   No. of meetings with various stakeholders:                No.          02         Faculty    02

       Non-Teaching Staff Students                        02    Alumni        01         Others     00

2.12   Has IQAC received any funding from UGC during the year?                Yes              No       √

       If yes, mention the amount

2.13   Seminars and Conferences (only quality related)
       (i) No. of Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Symposia organized by the IQAC
       Total Nos     --   International   --   National    --   State    --    Institution Level        --

       (ii )Themes         Workshop on Research Writing organised on 9/8/2015

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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2.14   Significant Activities and contributions made by IQAC
           1. Motivated STUDENTS towards enrichment of Social awareness, NSS & NCC
           2. Different projects were prepared under Environmental Science.
           3. Free and open Internet Access facility was made available for Faculties.
           4. Organized various sports competitions to motivate of students.
           5. Library and reading room were available to students for 24 hours.
           6. Motivated the students for research and competitive examinations.
2.15   Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome
       The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards
       quality enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year *
                   Plan of Action                              Achievements
       To further increase research                Dr. D. M. Pimpalshende (Physics) and Dr
       activities. (Annxure IIIA,V)                (Miss) Bina Moon (Commerce) were
                                                   awarded Ph. D. Other faculty members
                                                   published their research papers.
       To establish contact with experts           Faculty members attended the Seminars &
       from various fields through guest           workshops at National & International
       lectures, seminars, workshops               Level & Presented their papers.
       To galvanize the faculty talent             Faculties    attended     the    refresher,
       promotion through organization              orientation courses & Published their
       and participation in academic               research papers.
       To Influence community service              AIDS Awareness, ‘Non-Violence Day’ on 2nd
       through Self motivated pattern.             October and Blood donation Camp on 1st
       To Nurture and nourish the talent           Organized Felicitation Programme.
       of students through opportunities,
       rewards and awards.
       To further increase research             Dr. D. M. Pimpalshende (Physics) and Dr
       activities. (Annxure IIIA,V)             (Miss) Bina Moon (Commerce) were
                                                awarded Ph. D. Other faculty members
                                                published their research papers.
       * Attach the Academic Calendar of the year as Annexure.
2.16   Whether the AQAR was placed in statutory body               Yes    √      No

           Management          √       Syndicate                   Any other body

       Provide the details of the action taken
       Management body has decided to increase research activities, to create
       environmental awareness among the students and staff and to nurture and nourish
       the talent of students through Felicitation of Distinguished students. It was
       unanimously decided to submit AQAR to NAAC, Bangalore
IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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Part – B

Criterion – I
1. Curricular Aspects

1.1   Details about Academic Programmes
                                                   Number of                               Number of
                                                                       Number of
                                   Number of      Programmes                              Value Added
              Level of the                                                Self-
                                    Existing         Added                                  / Career
              Programme                                                Financing
                                  Programmes       During the                               Oriented
                                                      Year                                Programmes
      PhD                             02               Nil                  02                 Nil
      PG                              13                 Nil                13                 Nil
      UG                              06                 Nil                03                 Nil
      PG Diploma                      Nil                Nil                Nil                Nil
      Advanced Diploma                Nil                Nil                Nil                Nil
      Diploma                         Nil                Nil                Nil                Nil
      Certificate                     Nil                Nil                Nil                Nil
      Others                          Nil                Nil                Nil                Nil
      Total                           21                 Nil                18                 Nil

        Interdisciplinary             Nil                Nil                Nil                Nil
        Innovative                    Nil                Nil                Nil                Nil

1.2   (i) Flexibility of the curriculum: CBCS/Core/Elective option / Open options
      (ii) Pattern of programmes: (Annex. XII A- Prospectus)

       Pattern                                Number of Programmes
      Semester       03 Granted             B.A., B.Sc., B.Com
                     16 Non-granted         B.A., Sc., B.Com., MA(English, Marathi, History,
                                            Economics,         Geography,         Political    Science,
                                            Sociology), M.Sc. (Chemistry, Botany, Zoology,
                                            Maths,    Electronics),    M.Com         (English/Marathi
      Trimester                                           Nil

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Annual                                        Nil

       Others       02 Ph.D (Botany, Electronics)

1.3   Feedback from             Alumni Y     Parents Y      Employers N      Students         Y
      (On all aspects)
      Mode of feedback :        Online   N   Manual Y       Co-operating schools (for PEI)    N

      *Please provide an analysis of the feedback in the Annexure

1.4   Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their
      salient aspects.

      The University has introduced Choice Based Pattern (CBCS) for the UG and PG courses.
      Hence the syllabus was revised as per the University pattern. Some faculty members of
      the college are on the board of studies and actively participated in development of the
      curriculum. Our institution also encourages the faculty for participating Curriculum
      Development Workshop organised by the university.

      Some faculty members on Board of Studies are involved in designing of CBCS pattern
      syllabus for UG which is to be implemented from session 2017-18 in Gondwana
      University, Gadchiroli.

1.5   Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give details.        NA

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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Criterion – II
2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation
2.1 Total No. of permanent faculty

       Total            Asst.        Associate Professors            Professors                 Others
        33                28                    05                        00                 01 (Principal)

2.2   No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D                                                11

2.3   No. of Faculty Positions Recruited (R) and Vacant (V) during the year
           Asst.            Associate          Professors              Others                      Total
        Professors          Professors

        R        V         R        V         R           V          R            V           R            V
        00       05        00       00        00          00         00          01           00           06

2.4   No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and                    Nil              Nil            UG 21 + PG 25
      Temporary faculty

2.5   Faculty participation in conferences and symposia: ((Annexure – IIIA)

                No. of Faculty                International     National         Level             State
                                                  Level                                            Level
      Attended Seminars/ Workshops                 34                      41                       05
      Published/Presented papers                     12                    10                       03
      Resource Persons                               --                    02                        --

2.6   Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning

          1. Assignments for UG and PG students.
          2. Project work for PG students
          3. Some students have presented models in ‘Avishkar’ organized by Gondwana
               University, Gadhchiroli.
          4. Study tours and Industrial Visits were organized.
          5. E-Messages were sent to the parents to give information.
          6. Multimedia learning process, Mind maps, Teaching with sense of humour , Z
               to A Approach

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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2.7    Total No. of actual teaching days during this academic year                           185

2.8    Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by the Institution (for example: Open Book
       Examination, Bar Coding, Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice
          1. On-screen valuation of Post Graduate
           2. Online question papers from summer 2016
2.9 No. of faculty members involved in curriculum Restructuring/                    0         1         1
    revision/syllabus development as member of Board of
    Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development workshop

2.10 Average percentage of attendance of students                                            82 %

2.11    Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage:
         Title of the   Total                                   Division
         Programme        no.   Distinction
         (Final Year)     of         %
                          nts                     I%            II %            III %              Pass %
                                %       No    %        No   %          No   %           No   %          No
        B.A.            213     0.5%     1    8.5%     18   13.1%      28   37.6%       80   59.6%          127
        B.Com.(Eng)      12     0.0%     0    50.0%    6    50.0%      6    0.0%        0    100.0%         12
        B.Com.(Mar)      35     0.0%     0    17.1%    6    71.4%      25   0.0%        0    88.6%          31
        B.Sc.            47     0.0%     0    2.1%     1    10.6%      5    66.0%       31   78.7%          37
        M.A. Eng         39     0.0%     0    2.6%     1    35.9%      14   15.4%       6    53.8%          21
        M.A. Mar         31     0.0%     0    32.3%    10   45.2%      14   0.0%        0    77.4%          24
        M.A. Pol Sci     64     3.1%     2    50.0%    32   34.4%      22   4.7%        3    92.2%          59
        M.A. Hist        36     0.0%     0    41.7%    15   44.4%      16   2.8%        1    88.9%          32
        M.A. Soc         61     1.6%     1    29.5%    18   59.0%      36   0.0%        0    90.2%          55
        M.A. Eco         34     5.9%     2    17.6%    6    58.8%      20   0.0%        0    82.4%          28
        M.A. Geo         11     18.2%    2    63.6%    7    0.0%       0    0.0%        0    81.8%           9
        M.Com.(Eng       43     9.3%     4    51.2%    22   30.2%      13   0.0%        0    90.7%          39
        M.Com.(Mar       22     0.0%     0    31.8%    7    63.6%      14   0.0%        0    95.5%          21
        M.Sc.Math        16     0.0%     0    0.0%     0    18.8%      3    25.0%       4    43.8%           7
        M.Sc.Zoo         15     6.7%     1    46.7%    7    0.0%       0    0.0%        0    53.3%           8
        M.Sc.Bot         2      100.0    2    0.0%     0    0.0%       0    0.0%        0    100.0%          2
        M.Sc.Ele         2      50.0%    1    50.0%    1    0.0%       0    0.0%        0    100.0%          2
        M.Sc.Che         6      0.0%     0    50.0%    3    16.7%      1    0.0%        0    66.7%           4

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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2.12 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:

              IQAC monitors by regular observation on teaching periods through
              Evaluates by regular test examinations
              Student’s feedback is taken from time to time and appropriate action is
              IQAC Provides the LCD projector / Overhead Projector.
2.13 Initiatives undertaken towards faculty development

                                                                      Number of faculty
          Faculty / Staff Development Programmes
      Refresher courses                                                         02
      UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme                                       00
      HRD programmes                                                            00
      Orientation programmes                                                    05
      Faculty exchange programme                                                00
      Staff training conducted by the university                                00
      Staff training conducted by other institutions                            00
      Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc.                                  02
      Others (Short Term Course)                                                09

2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff

          Category          Number of   Number               Number of             Number of
                            Permanent   of Vacant      permanent positions       positions filled
                            Employees   Positions      filled during the Year     temporarily

      Administrative           14          06                   00                     06

      Technical Staff          05          00                   00                     00

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
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Criterion – III
3. Research, Consultancy and Extension
3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution

      The members of the IQAC through its different meetings decided to pay attention;
       Publication of Research papers in a peer reviewed journal with ISSN number.
       To take initiatives to encourage the faculties to complete their research.
       Students are encouraged to participate in the intercollegiate poster competition
         and model exhibition.
       Students are made aware and motivated to attain educational tours, debate and
         speech competition, participate cultural and sports events.
       News about achievements is displayed on notice board.

3.2 Details regarding major projects

                                 Completed           Ongoing       Sanctioned    Submitted

             Number                   00                   00          00             00

        Outlay in Rs. Lakhs           00                   00          00             00

3.3 Details regarding minor projects

                                 Completed           Ongoing       Sanctioned    Submitted

             Number                   00                   00          00             00

        Outlay in Rs. Lakhs           00                   00          00             00

3.4   Details on research publications (Annexure – IIIA)
                                           International        National         Others
      Peer Review Journals                      13                06                 00
      Non-Peer Review Journals                  00                00                 00
      e-Journals                                00                00                 00
      Conference proceedings                    24                15                 05

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3.5   Details on Impact factor of publications:
      Range             --       Average       --         h-index      --      Nos. in SCOPUS            --

3.6   Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry and
      other organisations

                                                              Name of the
                                            Duration                            Total grant    Received
       Nature of the Project                                    funding
                                              Year                              sanctioned
      Major projects                          NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL

      Minor Projects                          NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL
                                              NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL
      Industry sponsored                      NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL
      Projects sponsored by
                                              NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL
      the University/ College
      Students research
      projects                                NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL
      (other than compulsory by the

      Any other(Specify)                      NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL

      Total                                   NIL                   NIL            NIL             NIL

3.7   No. of books published (Annexure – IIIB)

       i) With ISBN No.                             02              Chapters in Edited Books         NIL

      ii) Without ISBN No                           NIL

3.8   No. of University Departments receiving funds from

          UGC-SAP                     NIL      UGC-SAP               NIL          DST-FIST           NIL

                                                     DPE             NIL     DBT Scheme/funds        NIL

      For colleges
         Autonomy                     NIL            CPE             NIL      DBT Star Scheme        NIL

           INSPIRE                    NIL             CE             NIL     Any Other (specify)     NIL

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3.10   Revenue generated through consultancy                                              NIL

3.11 No. of conferences organized by the Institution
        Level                          International National      State    University College
       Number                                00             00       00         00              00
       Sponsoring agencies                   00             00       00         00              00

3.12   No. of faculty served as experts, chairpersons or resource persons                 02
3.13 No. of collaborations
       International            NIL         National        NIL        Any other               NIL

3.14   No. of linkages created during this year                                                NIL

3.15   Total budget for research for current year in lakhs :
       From Funding agency            NIL    From Management of University/College             1.0

       Total                          1.0

3.16   No. of patents received this year
                Type of Patent                                                  Number
                                                       Applied                       00
                                                       Granted                       00
                                                       Applied                       00
                                                       Granted                       00
                                                       Applied                       00
                                                       Granted                       00

3.17   No. of research awards/ recognitions received by faculty and research fellows of the
       institute in the year
            Total          International     National      State   University   Dist       College
                04               00               01        02        01           00           00

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3.18   No. of faculty from the Institution who are Ph. D. Guides                       07

       and students registered under them                                              14

3.19   No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the Institution                            02

3.20   No. of Research scholars receiving the Fellowships (Newly enrolled + existing ones)

       JRF     00     SRF       00     Project Fellows        00        Any other      00

3.21   No. of students Participated in NSS events:
             University level            04                   State level             02

              National level             00              International level          00

3.22   No. of students Participated in NCC events:
             University level            15                   State level             00

              National level             00              International level          00

3.23   No. of Awards won in NSS:
             University level            00                   State level             00

              National level             00              International level          00

3.24   No. of Awards won in NCC:
             University level            01                   State level             00

              National level             00              International level          00

3.25   No. of Extension activities organized
       University forum         00    College forum           12

             NCC                02          NSS               15        Any other     03

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3.26   Major Activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional
       Social Responsibility
       NSS/NCC Activities:

           1.     International Yoga Day - 21 June 2015
           2.     World Population Day - 11 July 2015
           3.     Kranti Din Programme - 9 August 2015
           4.     Swachhata Janiv Jagruti Abhiyan - 9 to 15 August 2015
           5.     Independence Day & NCC Parade - 15 August 2015
           6.     Samajik Samarasata Pandharwada and Sadbhavana Divas - 20 Aug. To 3
                  Sept. 2015
           7.     Teachers’ Day - 5 Sept. 2015
           8.     International Literacy Day - 8 September 2015
           9.     NSS Foundation Day - 24 September 2015
           10.    Bari. Rajabhau Khobragade Jayanti & Debate Competition - 25 September
           11.    Swaschata Janiv Jagruti Abhiyan - 25 Sept. to 11th Oct. 2015
           12.    World Non Violence Day & Gandhi Jayanti - 2 Oct. 2015
           13.    Rastriya Ekata Din (Sardar Patel Jayanti) - 31 Oct. 2015
           14.    Savidhan Din (Constitution Day) - 26 Nov. 2015
           15.    AIDS Awareness Day - 1 Dec. 2015
           16.    Dr. Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Din - 6 Dec. 2015
           17.    Manavadhikar Din (Human Rights Day) –
           18.    Jagar Janiv Abhiyan - 18 to 21 Dec. 2015
           19.    Blood Donation Camp - 1 Jan. 2016
           20.    Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Jayanti - 3 Jan. 2016
           21.    Road Safety Drive - 4 Jan. 2016
           22.    Matdar Shiksha Sahbhag Karyakram - 17 to 25 Jan. 2016
           23.    Republic Day - 26 Jan. 2016
           24.    NSS Annual Camp - 11 Jan. To 17 Jan. 2016
           25.    Annual Sports & Cultural Mahotsav - 19 Jan. To 22 Jan. 2016
           26.    International Women’s Day - 8 March 2016
           27.    Girishbabu Khobragade Jayanti - 18 March 2016
           28.    Samajik Kranti Din - 20 March 2016
           29.    Bari. Rajabhau Khobaragade Smruti Din - 9 April 2016
           30.    Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti - 14 April 2016
           31.    Maharashtra Day - 1 May 2016
           32.    Budhha Jayanti - 21 May 2015

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Criterion – IV
4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources
4.1   Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:
      Facilities                                   Existing    Newly    Source      Total
                                                              created   of Fund
      Campus area                                 21348 Sq.      --        --     21348 Sq.
                                                   Meter.                          Meter
      Class rooms                                    33         00        --         33
      Laboratories                                    09        00        --         09
      Seminar Halls                                   02        --        --         02
      No. of important equipments                     00        00        --         00
      purchased (≥ 1-0 lakh) during the
      current year.
      Value of the equipment purchased                                    --
      during the year (Rs. in Lakhs)
         i. Staffroom                                 03        --        --         03
         ii. Toilets                                  05        --        --         05
        iii. HOD cabin                                09        --        --         09
        iv. Exam. Control room                        01        --        --         01
         v. Store Room                                02        --        --         02
        vi. Jr. College Office                        01        --        --         01
       vii. Scholarship section                       01        --        --         01
       viii. Administrative office                    04        --        --         04
        ix. Boys hostel                               01        --        --         01
         x. Girls Hostel                              01        --        --         01
        xi. Canteen                                   01        --        --         01
       xii. Gymnasium                                 01        --        --         01
       xiii. NAAC/IQAC/Admission Room                 00        --        --         01

4.2   Computerization of administration and library

          1. Administrative Office is Fully Computerised and has online service.
          2. Admission process has been computerised; correspondence, various list,
             reports, certificates, identity cards, results etc are being computerised.
          3. Wi-Fi, Internet & Fax Facilities have been provided.

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4.3   Library services:
                                         Existing                 Newly added                                  Total
                                   No.             Value         No.            Value                 No.              Value
      Text Books                20932         2605891            788         152371               21720           2758262
      Reference Books           16367         4169478            804         822144               17171           4991622
      e-Books                 --              --                 --                --                  --                --
      Journals                     187           11460           58             3140                  245           14600
      e-Journals                    --               --          --                --                  --                --
      Digital Database              --               --          --                --                  --                --
      CD & Video                    --               --          --                --                  --                --
      Others (Magzines)            2233          34266           82             2218                  2315          36484
      *N-LIST-INFLIBNET, Ahmadabad
4.4   Technology up gradation (overall)
                                                            Browsi-      Compu-
                 Computers,   Computer                                                                       Depart-
                                                 Internet     ng           ter               Office                           Others
                  laptops &     Labs                                                                         ments
                                                            Centres      Centres
      Existing   40+04+24     12+00+02      Broadband -     01          00              14+00+11            14+04+11
                                            Wifi – 2
      Added      05+01+02     right         --              --          --              --                  05+01+02
                 (Right       off—                                                                          (Right off
                 off—         01+00+00                                                                      01+00+00)
      Total      43+05+26     11+00+02      03              01          00              14+00+11            18+05+13

4.5   Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and any other
      programme for technology upgradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)
        1. Internet access to Teachers and Students
        2. Each department has Computer with internet facility
        3. E-scholarship, e-dispatch, e-admission
        4. HRMS
4.6   Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs :
      i) ICT                                                                                           7.77696

      ii) Campus Infrastructure and facilities                                                         8.62834

      iii) Equipments                                                                                  0.51833

      iv) Others                                                                                       0.02203

                                                                      Total :                         16.94566

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Criterion – V
5. Student Support and Progression
5.1   Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services

      The Institution publishes its updated prospectus & college magazines (Mukti) every
      academic year. In addition to this the following activities are taken for students
      support services.
          1. Academic/Employment / Carrier Guidance Cell
          2. Grievance Redressal Cell
          3. Extra Curricular Activities
          4. Excursion Tour
          5. Seminars & group Discussion
          6. Scholarship & free-ship scheme
          7. Health Check-up of students
          1. Women’s Cell

5.2   Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

          1. Filling the student profile
          2. The college has Career Counseling Cell to guide aspiring students about
              career, job opportunities, and vacancies etc. It also guides the students about
              the employability skills & new avenues.
          3. Print outs, photocopies and Newspaper cuttings about various competitive
              exams, jobs, and vacancies are displayed on college notice boards and in the
          4. College notice regarding pre-coaching or pre-training of specific services is
              circulated to the students.

5.3   (a) Total Number of students
                   UG                         PG               Ph. D.            Others
                  1769                        1160               07                00

      (b) No. of students outside the state                                         0

      (c) No. of international students                                             0

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No.              %                             No.              %
                Men                                           Women
                                 1491            51                            1438              49

                         Last Year                         This Year

      General     SC     ST     OBC       PH      Total General         SC    ST   OBC      PH    Total

        UG        574   321     462        0     1565        247       600 385        537   0     1769
      PG 137      313   104     320        0      874        210       373 134        443   0     1160

       Ph. D                                          05     02                                       07
        346       887   425     782        0     2444        459       973 519        980   0     2936

                                     UG – 100 : 76                                     UG – 3.15%
         Demand ratio                                          Dropout %
                                     PG - 100 : 126                                    PG – 5.68%

5.4 Details of student support mechanism for coaching for competitive examinations
    (If any)

          1. College notice regarding pre-coaching and pre-training of specific services is
                circulated to the students.
          2. Internet facility is made available 24 hours for preparing competitive
          3. Reading room is made available 24 hours for preparing competitive
                examinations (with books and searching jobs).

                No. of students beneficiaries                          Data not available

5.5 No. of students qualified in these examinations:
         NET            02       SET/SLET        02         GATE                      CAT

        IAS/IPS                 STATE PSC                   UPSC                   OTHERS         14

5.6    Details of student counselling and career guidance

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1. The Institution encourages students and provides guidance to them from time
              to time for higher learning.

          1. The carrier counselling cell encourages the students to appear to various
              competitive exams.

      No. of students benefitted                         151- Competitive Exams

5.7   Details of campus placement
                                      On campus                                       Off Campus
       Number of Organizations             Number of Students     Number of           Number of
              Visited                         Participated         Students         Students Placed
      Wide Wing Soft Excel,                        150           10 (insurance              --
      Chandrapur                                                   Advisor)
      Rayat Nagari Co-operative                    10                     01
      Bank, Chandrapur                                               (Computer
      Anand Nagari Co-operative                    05                 01 (Clerk)
      Bank, Warora

5.8   Details of gender sensitization programmes

             The NSS camp was organized from 11th 17th January to 17th January 2016 at
              Village Kondha (Tah- Bhadravati). In this program a lecture on Gender
              Sensitization was conducted for the students and villagers.

5.9 Students Activities
5.9.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events
       State/ University level             02+22    National level    09    International level   00

       No. of students participated in cultural events

       State/ University level               02     National level    00    International level   00

5.9.2 No. of medals /awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events
       Sports: State/ University level       00+07 National level      00 International level     00

       Cultural: State/ University level      02     National level 00      International level   00

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5.10   Scholarships and Financial Support
                                                   Number of Students                 Amount
       Financial support from institution                  --                           --
       Financial support from                 GOI :
       government                                                  SC      703             6228915
                                                                  OBC 535                  3649629
                                                                   SBC       22              163880
                                                                  ST       388             3223488
                                                                   NT        61              452648
                                                         -----------------------   --------------------
                                                               Total 1709                 13718560
                                              FREESHIP :
                                                                   SC        32               179831
                                                                  OBC        01                   850
                                                                  SBC        05                33208
                                                                  ST         00                     00
                                                                  NT         16               119357
                                                         -----------------------   --------------------
                                                                Total        54               333246
       Financial support from other                        --                              --
       Number of students who                                 --                          --
       received International/ National

5.11   Student organised / initiatives
       Fairs: State/ University level        Nil National level      Nil International level       Nil

       Exhibition: State/ University level   Nil National level      Nil International level      Nil

5.12   No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students                                       Nil

5.13   Major grievances of students (if any) redressed:

                 Students demand for drinking water facility in Science Building was
                 Students demand for College Uniform was undertaken into consideration..

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Criterion – VI
6. Governance, Leadership and Management
6.1   State the Vision and Mission of the institution
      Vision of the Institution:
      To kindle the spirit of learning among the youth, to uplift the lives of downtrodden,
      Minority communities, eradicate their poverty and make them lead a sustainable life,
      to consistently pursue excellence preserving the tradition of high reputation while
      meeting the challenges of globalised world.

      Mission of the Institution:
      To provide:
         Equal Opportunities of Education.
         To impart universal teaching of Lord Buddha and practise Dr. Babasaheb
           Ambedkar’s slogan “Learn, Organise and Agitate.”
         Holistic education ensuring all round development of students.
         Create human capitals, which can be an asset to the nation.

      Aims and Objectives of the Institution:
         To preserve human values of equality, freedom, fraternity, amity, compassion
          and tolerance among students.
         To provide opportunities to premising students from Minority communities who
          have been denied progress and prestige by religious, social system for many
         To create opportunities of education for the poor students of rural areas.
         To develop the overall personality of students alongwith their educational,
          physical, mental and intellectual development.
         To inculcate the spirit of service, sense of sacrifice and social commitment among
         To exhort the students regularly to give utmost importance to moral principal in
          their personal and social life.
         To educate the students in order to make them realize the significance of
          parliamentary democracy, secularism, socialism and supremacy of Indian
          constitution and the rule of law.
         To enable the students to accept the change in every walk of life and face the
          challenges that come along with it.
         To develop analytical, intellectual and logical thinking among students.
         To awaken the students to believe it is not caste, religion, sect, language, region
          or creed but nationalism which is the supreme loyalty of all.

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6.2    Does the Institution has a management Information System
       YES. The Institution has a management Information System concerning academic

           Administrative procedure including finance.
           Students Admission.
           Students records - TC, Bonafides and certificates etc.
           Common Message facility.
6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the

6.3.1 Curriculum Development
          Many faculties have attended workshops on the revised syllabus in various
            subjects conducted by university
          Some faculties of the institution have contributed significantly to enrich the
            syllabus with modification (and modernization).
          Some faculties have written books on syllabus.

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

        The institution strictly follow the academic calendar of university and each
        department prepare teaching plan accordingly which is circulated among the
        students. For the effective implementation of teaching and improving the teaching
        skills following methods have been adopted.
         Power Point Presentations.
         Use of internet.
         Tutorials/Assignments.
         Field visits / Excursions.
         Use of audio visual aids.
         Guest lectures/group discussions.

6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

         As per the norms of Gondwana University, Gadchiroli Examinations are conducted
            semester-wise and spot evaluation is done.
         Semesters and CGPA pattern is followed.
         Unit test and pre university exams are conducted at college levels.

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6.3.4 Research and Development

              Teachers have attended, participated and presented papers in workshops,
               Seminars and Conferences at State, National and International levels to expand
               knowledge in research.
              Teachers are encouraged to apply for research projects to different funding
              More Research students are working in Botany department.

6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation

        21720 text books, 17171 reference books and 245 journals.
        Computers and internet facility to all departments.
        All laboratories are furnished with required equipments.

6.3.6 Human Resource Management

        Timely recruitments (as per requirement).
        Placement.
        Training and development (orientation , refresher, workshop, short term course).

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

               All recruitments are done on merit basis subject to the rules and regulations laid
                down by UGC and Government of Maharashtra.
               Contributory staff is recruited as per strength.

6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

        Industrial/field visits are arranged for the students (along with teachers) to
              interact with industry.
        Department of Electronics, Computer Science, Mathematics and Botany are doing
              collaborative research work.

6.3.9 Admission of Students

        The college Admission committee guides the students for the selection of
         appropriate subject group of study/ interviews & admits them to the preferred
        Admission procedure is done on the basis of first come first serve as per
         university norms.
        Spot admission process is adopted.

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6.4   Welfare schemes for
      Teaching         &   Non      Pension and Gratuity
      teaching                      Dr. Ambedkar Karmachari Sahakari Pat Sanstha provides
                                      loan facilities to fulfil urgent needs of staff.
      Students                      e-scholarship
                                    Health check-up
                                    Reading room is available for 24 hours
                                    Hostel facility for boys and girls
                                    Book bank scheme
                                    Student welfare fund

6.5   Total corpus fund generated                                                            Nil

6.6   Whether annual financial audit has been done                     Yes       √        No

6.7   Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

                                        External                                 Internal
          Audit Type
                           Yes/No               Agency                  Yes/No           Authority
                                        Senior Auditor & Joint                            Chartered
          Academic           Yes                                          Yes
                                           Director Office                               Accountant
                                        Senior Auditor & Joint
      Administrative         Yes                                          Yes             Principal
                                           Director Office

6.8   Does the University/ Autonomous College declares results within 30 days?

      For UG Programmes               Yes                                 No                   √

      For PG Programmes               Yes                                 No                   √
6.9   What efforts are made by the University / Autonomous College for Examination
          Final examination is conducted by University.
          BOS meetings are organised regularly by the university.

6.10 What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the
     affiliated/constituent colleges?

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6.11 Activities and support from the Alumni Association
       Ex-students participate and support various culture and sports events conducted
         by the college.
       Alumni association helps and support in the NSS camp.

6.12 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association
       Meetings are conducted yearly to interact with the parents.
       Feedback is taken from the parents those who attended the meeting and seriously

6.13 Development programmes for support staff
       Duty leaves are sanctioned to aspiring faculty members for attending workshops,
         conferences, orientations and refresher programs.
       Some faculties are deputed for short term courses.

6.14 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly
       Tree plantation
       Anti-plastic campaign.
       No vehicle day on second Monday of every month.

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Criterion – VII
7. Innovations and Best Practices
 7.1   Innovations introduced during this academic year which have created a positive impact
       on the Functioning of the institution. Give details.
         Students were provided with seed money to participate in district, university and
           state level Avishkar Competition (research convention).
         Staffs of the college observe ‘No Vehical Day’ on 2nd Monday of every month to
           reduce the pollution.
         Funds were provided to the faculty members by college authorities for
           participating in conferences, workshops and seminars.
         Faculties those who have completed their Ph.D. and M. Phil. donated their thesis
           to the library.
 7.2   Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at
       the beginning of the year

        Academic calendar was strictly followed during the year.
        Chemistry department arranged the Study tour to Raman Science Centre, Nagpur
        Chemistry department arranged the model for Science & Engineering Project
          exhibition organised at Raman Science centre and Planetarium, Nagpur.
        The Zoology Department arranged the Study Tour to Amal Nala, Gadchandur Dist
        The Commerce Department arranged a Study Tour to the various Industries such as
          Ballarpur Paper Mill.
        The Geography Department arranged a Study Tour to the Metrological centre,
        Political Science Department arranged a Study Tour of fifty students to observe
          State Assembly Session on 16/12/2015 at Nagpur
        Political Science Department deputed            one student to observe           National
          Parliamentary member meeting and 45th Parliamentary study class on 7-11
          Dec.2015 at Nagpur
        NCC, NSS student organized Constitution Day rally (26th Nov.) in the Chandrapur
          city they also participated in the tree plantation in the area of Chandrapur.
        The assessment of Teachers by student was done through regular feedback

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semester-wise and the action report on the feedback was given by the Principal.
       Open Discussion with the students made by the Principal.
       Marathi Department organized Elocution Competition on the occasion of Marathi
         Bhasha Din.
       Faculty-wise co-ordination committee meetings were arranged in each term in
         which discussion on feedback about the assessment of teachers by students was
         undertaken and remedial measures were planned accordingly. In addition to
         seminars, viva voce, group discussions were arranged in the classes in order to
         develop soft skills of the students.
       Monthly Teaching Report: At the end of every month, the teaching report
         maintained by the teacher was discussed with the Vice principal / Faculty In-charge
         of concerned faculty.
       Attendance: Attendance of students was recorded daily in the attendance book
         and the names of students whose attendance is below 75% were submitted to the
         Vice principal/Faculty In-charge of concerned faculty at the end of every month.
       Term Test: Unit test were conducted during the respective Semesters and results
         were analysed.
       Seminars: Seminars of P.G. students were arranged at the end of every semester
         and the performance of the students was evaluated by the concerned teachers.
       Pre Annual Examination: Pre-annual examination was conducted. Results were
         analyzed at coordination meetings. Reports and model answers were discussed
         with students.
       Prizes: For the encouragement of students, college awards prizes to meritorious
         students, Debate Competition winners, Sports Competition winners etc.
       Hundreds of new reference books, journals and periodicals were added to the

7.3   Give two Best Practices of the institution - (Annexure IV)

       Research Activity.
       University representative is felicitated by the principal every year.
         *Provide the details in annexure (annexure need to be numbered as i, ii,iii)

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7.4   Contribution to environmental awareness / protection
         Tree Plantation Programme.
         Global Warming Awareness.
         Anti-plastic Campaign.
         No Vehicle Day Campaign.
         Geography Day.
         Save Water and Electricity Campaign.

7.5   Whether environmental audit was conducted?                     Yes            No      √

7.6   Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add. (for example SWOC
      Dhammachakra Anuvartan Din is organized by the society and college every year on
      15th & 16th October. This program is organized in the memory of Dhammadeeksha
      given by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar on 16th October 1956. For this religious program
      about 4 lac Dhammabandhu and many Bhikkusangha from National & International
      levels participate.
      SWOC analysis:
      1. Strengths: College management is aware and sensitive
           College is situated on the historical place (Dikshabhoomi) where Dr Ambedkar
             had given the Dhammadiksha (16th October 1956).
           14 PG courses.
           Botany and Electronics research centre.
           Laboratory & library facilities are best resources available in the college.
           Highly qualified and experienced staff.
           Large play ground.
           Adequate infrastructure.
      2. Weakness:
           Weakness in consultancy.
           Required more students in research centre.
           Full time librarian not appointed.
           Weak in organisation of Conferences & Seminars at national and international

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3. Opportunities:
          More scope in research activity.
          Due to newly established university, the staffs of our college has more scope in
              participation of university statutory bodies.
          As the college has been awarded Buddhist Minority Status, there more scope
              to work for weaker society.
     4. Challenges:
          Recognition to research centre in More Subjects.
          To compete with upcoming private universities.
          To increase the infrastructure and new courses..

8.    Plans of institution for next year
               To purchase software in the computer job work for the library.
               To purchase barcode printer and symbols scanner for barcode work for all
                the books in the library.
               To increase the special collection books/literature with respect to UPSC /
                MPSC, IIT-JEE, NET, SET etc Competitive exams.
               To start the research centre in more subjects.
               To construct Library building and Badminton court
               To construct the parking stand with shade for staff members.
               To provide additional Apparatuses, Instruments, Classrooms, Seminar Hall,
                Practical Labs.
               To fill up the available vacancies by the highly qualified Applicants.
               To improve the research activity in college.

        Name - Keshao D Kalaskar                        Name- Dr. Rajesh R. Dahegaonkar

     Signature of the Coordinator, IQAC                Signature of the Chairperson, IQAC

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List of enclosures:
1.     Annexure-I: Academic Calendar & Plan of the Session 2014-15

2.     Annexure-II: Feed-Back Analysis

3.     Annexure-IIIA: Research papers and Publications

4.     Annexure-IIIB: Books Published

5.     Annexure-IV: Best Practice-I & II

6.     Annexure-V: Ph.D. Supervisors List

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Annexure – I
                 Academic Calendar & Plan of the Session 2015-16
                 Date                                    Event (Activity)
21 June 2015                         International Yoga Day
11 July 2015                         World Population Day
9 August 2015                        Kranti Din Programme
9 to 15 August 2015                  Swachhata Janiv Jagruti Abhiyan
15 August 2015                       Independence Day & NCC Parade
20 Aug. To 3 Sept. 2015              Samajik Samarasata Pandharwada and Sadbhavana
5 Sept. 2015                         Teachers’ Day
8 September 2015                     International Literacy Day
24 September 2015                    NSS Foundation Day
25 September 2015                    Bari. Rajabhau Khobragade Jayanti & Debate
25 Sept. to 11th Oct. 2015           Swaschata Janiv Jagruti Abhiyan
2 Oct. 2015                          World Non Violence Day & Gandhi Jayanti
31 Oct. 2015                         Rastriya Ekata Din (Sardar Patel Jayanti)
26 Nov. 2015                         Savidhan Din (Constitution Day)
1 Dec. 2015                          AIDS Awareness Day
6 Dec. 2015                          Dr. Ambedkar Mahaparinirvan Din
10 Dec. 2015                         Manavadhikar Din (Human Rights Day)
18 to 21 Dec. 2015                   Jagar Janiv Abhiyan
1 Jan. 2016                          Blood Donation Camp
3 Jan. 2016                          Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Jayanti
4 Jan. 2016                          Road Safety Drive
17 to 25 Jan. 2016                   Matdar Shiksha Sahbhag Karyakram
26 Jan. 2016                         Republic Day
11 Jan. To 17 Jan. 2016              NSS Annual Camp
19 Jan. To 22 Jan. 2016              Annual Sports & Cultural Mahotsav
8 March 2016                         International Women’s Day
18 March 2016                        Girishbabu Khobragade Jayanti
20 March 2016                        Samajik Kranti Din

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9 April 2016                             Bari. Rajabhau Khobaragade Smruti Deen
14 April 2016                            Dr. Ambedkar Jayanti
1 May 2016                               Maharashtra Day
21 May 2015                              Budhha Jayanti

Gondwana University (Session)            Gondwana University (Exam)
Term I           : 15 June 2015 to 21
Oct. 2015                                Winter Semester : From 22 Oct. 2015
Winter Vacation : 22 Oct 2015 to 21      Summer Semester : From 11 April 2016
Nov 2015                                 Practical Semester : Feb., March 2016
Term II          : 22 Nov. 2015 to 30
Apr 2016
Summer Vacation : 1 May 2016 to 13
June 2016
Actual Teaching Days                     Actual Teaching Days
Term I           : 15 June 2015 to 18    TERM-I
Oct. 2015                                Unit Tests I : 4th week of July 2015
Term II          : 22 Nov. 2015 to 10    Unit Tests II : 4th week of Aug. 2015
Apr 2016                                 Unit Tests III : 4th week of Sept. 2015
                                         Unit Tests IV : 2nd week of Oct. 2015
Completion of Syllabus
About 95 % shall be completed in the     TERM-II
1St Sem up to 18 Oct 2015 & syllabus     Unit Tests I : 4th week of Dec. 2015
of Sem II will be completed up to last   Unit Tests II : 4th week of Jan. 2016
week of February 2016.                   Unit Tests III : 2th week of Feb. 2016
Extra Classes: will be arranged on       Unit Tests IV : 1rd week of Mar. 2016
Sunday & holiday if needed.

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Annexure – II
                                Feed-Back Analysis
        The student’s feedback is taken through structured questionnaire for the
assessment of the teachers. Feedback of every teacher has been taken approximately10
percent students of the concerning subject. The Principal of the college also obtain oral
feedback through meetings with student‘s council. Oral feedback is also taken from the ex-
students and overall feedback about the institute was obtained from the parents during the
teacher-parents and alumni meet. It is found that the feedback given by the students about
the faculty was good. However, the alumni and parents express their feelings and suggested
some modifications like vehicles stand.

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Annexure – III A
                       Research Papers & Publications
     Name of                                                                              Main/C
                       Title of the         Journal / Proceeding
SN   the                                                            ISBN/ ISSN            o-
                       paper                Name
     Teacher                                                                              author
1    Dr. V.Y.      1   Marathi dalit        Uni research e-         Publication           Main
     Gedam             kavitetil aai        journal                                       author
                   2   Dr. Babasaheb        National Conference     ISBN-978-93-1289-     Main
                       Ambedkaranchi        on Dr. B.R.Ambedkar     36-5                  author
                       Saundaaryadrush      : An Architect of
                       ti                   Modern India

2    Shri. K. D.   3   Document Image       International Journal   Publication           Co-
     Kalaskar          segmentation         of Computing            ISSN:2278-9669,       author
                       using region         Science &
                       Based method         Information
                                            Technology 2015,
                                            Vol.3, issue 3
                   4   Document Image       International Journal   Publication           Co-
                       segmentation         of Computing            ISSN:22347-8527,      author
                       using Edge           Mathematical
                       Detection            Science (IJCMS) pp
                       Method               Vol.4,issue 6 pp94-99
3    Shri.P.H.     5   Thermal stress       International journal                         Main
     Munjankar         analysis due to      of advances in                                author
                       surface heat         applied mathematics
                       source.pp:139-       and mechanics
                       149                  Vol.2(2),2014
                   6   An inverse Quasi-    An international                              Main
                       static Thermal       conference                                    author
                       stresses due to      organized by
                       cylindrical          Mechanical
                       surface heat         Engineering
                       source               Department,Malaviy
                                            a National Institute
                                            of Technology,
4    Shri.M.T.     7   Hkkjrh; L=h          Gurukul                 ISSN No. 2394-8426    Main
     Sontakke          eqDrh pGoGhr         International                                 author
                       ç.ksr%s              Multidisciplinary
                       MkW-ch- vkj-         Research Journal
                       P. No.151 - 153
                   8   ckS/n /kEEk % vkt    UGC, Sponsored          ISBN –978-81-         Main
                       ds vk/kqfud          Interdisciplinary       926293-1-5            author
                       ifjis{; es           International
                       P. No. 253-255       Seminar On
                                             Impact Of Buddhism
                                            On Global Societies
                   9   Hkkjrh; L=h          UGC, Sponsored          ISBN –81-904279-6-    Main
                       thoukrhy             Interdisciplinary       2                     author
                       ifjorZukr            National Seminar On

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                                                                                         Page 35
vkacsMdjkaps          Contribution &
                     ;ksxnku               Impact of Indian
                     P. No 86 - 87         Thinkers & Social
                10   MkW-ckcklkgsc         UGC, Sponsored Two       ISBN -978-81-         Main
                     vkacsMdjkaps          Days Interdisciplinary   930336-9-2            author
                     fo|kihBh;             International
                     f’k{k.kkfo”k;h        Seminar
                                           On Contribution Of
                      P. No. 61 - 64
                                           Dr. Ambedkar For
                     vol- 2
                                           Nation Builder
                11   egkRek xka/khpk       UGC, Sponsored           ISBN -978-93-         Main
                     Hkkjrh;               Two Days                 85882-06-7            author
                     fL=fo”k;d fopkj       Interdisciplinary
                     P. No. 288 - 291      International
                                           Seminar On
                                           “BE THE CHANGE
                                           YOU WANT TO SEE
                                           IN THE WORLD”
                                           MAHATMA HANDHI
5   Sh.D. J.    12   ^^vkfnoklhapk         Gurukul                  ISSN No. 2394-8426    Main
    Ramteke          ‘ksrtfeuhpk           International                                  author
                     iz’u vkf.k            Research Journal
                     /kksj.k**] pp. 200
                13   Hkkjrkrhy             International            ISBN – 978-81-        Main
                     fo|qr ÅtkZ            Interdisciplinary        930336-9-2            author
                                           Conference on “Dr.
                     /kksj.kkr             Ambedkar as a
                     ckcklkgsc MkW-        Nation Builder” Org
                     vkacsMdjkaps          by Dr. Babasaheb
                     ;ksxnku**] pp.        Ambedkar
                     402                   Gondwana University
                                           Chandrapur 13-14
                                           Feb. 2016
                14   ^^vkfnoklhapk         fon'kZ ejkBh             ISSN No. 2394-8426    Main
                     ‘ksrtfeuhpk           lekt'kkL= ifj"knsps                            author
                     iz’u vkf.k            6os jkT;Lrjh;
                     ‘kkldh;               vf/kos'ku Org by
                     /kksj.k**] pp. 200    Gondwana University
                                           Gadchiroli 22 - 23
                                           Feb. 2016
                15   ^^ckcklkgsc MkW-      National Conference      ISBN No. 978-93-      Main
                     vkacsMdj ;kaps        on                       81289-36-5            author
                     'ksrhfo"k;d /kksj.k   “Dr. B. R. Ambedkar -
                     vkf.k dk;Z**]
                                           An Architect of
                     pp 237
                                           Modern India”
                                           Org. by Dr.
                                           Ambedkar College of
                                           Arts, Commerce &
                                           Science, Chandrapur
IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
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                                                                                         Page 36
6   Shri. S. G.   16   MkW-ckcklkgsc       An International         spcial Issue vol. 5    Main
    Petkar             vkacMs dj ds        Refereed Journal         !no. 2! Sept. 2015     author
                                                                    ISSN NO. 2231-4466
                       '©{kf.kd foPkkj
                       page no. 283
                  17   vkfnoklhapk         Gurukul                  2394-8426              Co-
                       ‘ksrtfeuhpk iz’u    International                                   author
                       vkf.k ‘kkkldh;      Research Journal
                       /kksj.k page no.
                  18   MkW-ckcklkgsc       International            978-81-930336-9-2      Main
                       vkacMs dj ;kaps     Interdisciplinary                               author
                                           Conference Dr.
                       cgwmÌs'kh; unh      Ambedkar As A
                       £¨js ÁdYikfry       Nation Builder
7   Shri.J. R.    19   MkW‐ ckcklkgsc      National seminar on      Publication            Main
    Chimurkar          vkacMs djkaps       "The Relevance Of        ISSN.No.2347-9639      author
                                           Phule-Shahu-             PageNo.79
                       'ksrhP;k fodklkr    Ambedkar Thought"
                  20   MkW‐ckcklkgsc       Dr. Babasaheb                                   Main
                       vkacMs djkaps       Ambedkar Teachers                               author
                       lkfgR;fopkj o       Chandrapur (M.S)
                       R;kaph QyJ`rh
8   Dr.M. B.      21   ckS/n /kEEk % vkt   UGC, Sponsored           ISBN –978-81-          Main
    Bhagat             ds vk/kqfud         Interdisciplinary        926293-1-5             author
                       ifjis{; es          Seminar On
                       P. No. 253-255      Impact Of Buddhism
                                           On Global Societies
                  22   MkW-ckcklkgsc       UGC, Sponsored Two
                                                                    ISBN -978-81-          Main
                       vkacMs djkaps                                930336-9-2             author
                                           Days Interdisciplinary
                       fo|kihBh;           International
                       f’k{k.kkfo”k;h      Seminar On
                                           Contribution Of
                       fopkj               Dr. Ambedkar For
                       P. No. 61 - 64
                                           Nation Builder
                       vol - 2
                  23   Sciences &          Multi-Disciplinary       Publication            Main
                       Buddhist            International            ISBN:978-81-           author
                       Philosophy          Conference on            925843-3-1
                                           Resonances of
                                           Ancient Indian
                                           Culture In The World
                  24   egkRek xka/khpk     UGC, SponsoredTwo        ISBN -978-93-          Main
                       Hkkjrh;             Days Interdisciplinary   85882-06-7             author
                       fL=fo”k;d fopkj     Seminar On
                       P. No. 288 - 291    “BE THE CHANGE
                                           YOU WANT TO SEE

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Dr. Ambedkar College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Chandrapur
                                                                                          Page 37
9    Prof. V. M.   25   Rainfall and       SPM Jar peear           ISSN 2277-3908        Main
     Dhadade            water harvesting   Review Journal                                author
                   26   Dr. Babasaheb      Int. Journal            ISSN                  Main
                        ambedkar aani                              2394-8426             author
                        bhartatil arthik
                   27   Dr Babasaheb       International           ISBN 978-81-          Main
                        ambedkaranche      Conference              930336-9              author
                        vichar ani
                   28   Bhartiya           National Conference     ISBN 978-93-81289-    Main
                        Ghatanasanhita                             36-5                  author
                        va Dr Babasaheb
                   29   THE CHANGING       State level             ISSN NO-2249-5134     Main
                        WORLD OF THE                                                     author

10   Shri. K.N.    30   Aspects of         Writings The Times      978-93-84535-42-1     Main
     Mahajan            Marginalization                                                  author
                        in Kamala
                        Novels P.No.127-
                   31   A Role Of          Two Days                978-93-85882-06-7     Co-
                        Gandhiji in        International                                 author
                        Empowerment        Conference
                        of Women.
                   32   A Role of          Two Days                                      Main
                        Gramgeeta in the   International           978-81-930336-9-2     author
                        Nation Building    Conference
                   33     A Role of Dr.      One Day               978-93-81289-36-5     Main
                          B.R.Ambedkar       International                               author
                          as a Writer in     Conference
                          shaping of the
                          Modern India
11   Dr.S.R.       34   Synthesis and      International Journal   ISSN No. (On line)
     Gawali             Characterization   of Researches in        2347-517 X
                        of Substituted     Biosciences,
                        Calcium            Agriculture and
                        Hexaferrites by    Technology
                        Auto-combustion    Issue(3) Vol II
                        PP 178-181         May201y
12   Dr.D.M.       35   “Stability of                              DOI                   Main
     Pimpalshen         luminescence in                            10.1002/bio.2705.     author
                                            2015; 30: 144–154
     de                 LaPO4,
                        LaPO4:RE [RE=

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                                                                                        Page 38
Dy, Eu]
                  36   “ Water energy,      International                                  Main
                       resources and        Conference on “Dr.                             author
                                                             1.     ISBN: 978-81-
                       conservation in      Ambedkar as a
                       Chandrapur           Nation Builder”
                       district: New
                  37   “PL                                                                 Main
                       Characterisation                     2.      ISBN: 978-93-          author
                                            Proceedings NCLA–
                       of DPQ, Br-DPQ                                82570-72-1
                       & Cl-DPQ:
                       Coparable Study”
                  38   “Scientific facts:   Proceedings –2016.                             Main
                       Following the        Organized by Dr. 3.     ISBN: 978-93-          author
                       Indian tradition     Ambedkar College,        81289-36-5.
                       & customs in         Chandrapur on 14
                       …..modern India”     April 2016.
13   Dr.I.R.      39   Study on             In. Nat. Jr. Bionano    ISSN: 2320-9593 (E)    Main
     Mithani           Seasonal             Frontier                                       author
                       Bionano Frontier,
                       2-1(5): 267-269.
                  40   Seasonal             Rec. Trend in                                  Main
                       Abundance Of         Bioinfor. &Biostat                             author
                       Zooplankton In
                       River Wardha Of
                       District in
14   Shri. R.M.   41   Gandhijis.Contrib    International level                            Main
     Labhane           ution:Truth and      Interdisciplinary                              author
                       Non-Violence         Conference on Be
                                            the change you want
                                            to see in the
                                                        th    th
                                            Gandhi. 29 to 30
                  42   M‚- ckcklkgsc        International level                            Main
                       vkacMs djkaps        Interdisciplinary                              author
                                            Conference on
                       dkexkj lanHkkZr      Dr..Ambedkar As
                       pGoG o dk;ns         Nation Builder. 13

                       % ,d –f"Vdksu             th
                                            to 14 Feb.2016

                  43   pkj vk;Z             National level          ISBN-978-93-81289-     Main

IQAC Report – 2015-16 (AQAR)
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                                                                                          Page 39
lR;kcíy M‚-        Conference on          36-5                  author
                       vkacMs djkapk      Dr.B.R.Ambedkar:An
                                          Architect of modern
                       –f"Vdksu (312)     India.
15   Shri.B.W.    44   Gandhian           UGC Sponsored          978-93-85882-06-7     Main
     Atkulwar          Thoughts :Its      Interdisciplinary                            author
                       Relevance          International
                       Uniqueness         Conference
                       Pg.No-33 to 35     organized By New
                                          Arts, Commerce And
                                          Science College,
                                          Wardha on 29 And
                                          30 Jan. 2016
                  45   Dr Ambedkar :      organize by            978-93-81289-36-5     Co-
                       An Architect Of    Dr.Ambedkar college                          author
                       Mordan India       , Chandrapur
16   Shri.G.T.    46   A Role of          International          ISBN : 978-93-        Main
     Panchabhai        Gandhiji in        Interdiciplenary       85882-06-7            author
                       Empowerment        ConferenceBE THE
                       of Women           CHANGE YOU WANT
                                          TO SEE IN THE
                                          WORID" Mahatma
                  47   Dr.                National Conference    ISBN 978-93-81289-    Main
                       Ambedkaranche      on DR. B. R.           36-5                  author
                       shikshan vishyak   Ambedkar : An
                       vichar and         Architect of Modern
                       karya..            India"
17   Ku.M.N.      48   Naxalvaad ani      Marathi Pradhyapak     ISSN-2454-7409        Main
     Raipure           Adivasi            Sanshodhan Patrika                           author
                  49   Bhartiya           International          ISBN-978-81-          Main
                       Mahilanchya        Conference on Dr.      930336-9-2            author
                       Vikasat Dr.        Ambedkar as a
                       Babasaheb          Nation Builder
                       yanche Yogdan
                  50   Bhashawar Prant    National Conference    ISBN-978-93-81289-    Main
                       Rachanevishayi     on Dr. B.R. Ambedkar   36-5                  author
                       Dr.                : An Architect of
                       Ambedkaranche      Modern India
18   Ku.B.D.      51   Vimuktancya        SPM-JAR Journal of     ISSN 2277-3908        Main
     Ratnaparkh        Jivnatil           Academic Research                            author
     i                 Mahatvacha

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                                                                                      Page 40
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