Page created by Kyle Vasquez
Welcome to the inaugural Make              We pride ourselves on taking
Venues White Paper report, which           inspiration from a range of brands,
looks into the concept of customer         sectors and individuals, some of
service excellence.                        which we showcase in this report.
This is an area we were passionate         With the postponed Olympics now
about before the coronavirus crisis,       set for 2021, it’s interesting to look at
as we think back to celebrating both       improvements as a series of marginal
the 2019 BVA BDRC VenueVerdict             gains, a sporting philosophy made
awards for Small and Mid-sized Group       famous by Sir David Brailsford, the
for a seventh consecutive year, plus       former performance director of British
Best Value for Money Venue Group           cycling and current general manager
2019. It’s an area we’re still extremely   of the Team Ineos cycling team in
passionate about as we reshape             Manchester.
our business for a world in which
                                           Brailsford realised, as many
the customer needs to feel safe and
                                           businesses owners do, that there
assured that their chosen venue has
                                           is no magic bullet to turn high
quality procedures in place for an
                                           performance into elite performance.
exceptional experience.
                                           He concluded that if you break down
As we continue to strive to deliver an     everything you can think of that goes
offer that exceeds customer service,       into riding a bike, and then improve
food and beverage, event delivery,         it by 1%, you’ll get a significant
and venue product expectations             increase when you put them all
across our three UK venues, we have        together.
to repeatedly ask ourselves, ‘what
constitutes quality in today’s world?’

In terms of improving kit and hardware,         I know it is a cliché but ‘happy staff lead
like in any business, there were obvious        to happy customers’ – body language,
benefits to British cycling. But the concept    attitude, personality, empowerment and
of marginal gains really sets itself apart by   passion.
shining a torch into unexplored corners.
                                                In the meantime however, the notion
Riders had their own personal                   of ‘Excellence’ can be defined in other
hypoallergenic bedding and mattresses           ways too. In this report we explore the
transported from hotel to hotel to improve      relationship between achieving brilliance
their sleep quality, whilst a surgeon           and contributing factors such as the need
was hired to teach athletes proper hand         for purpose, and - specifically for our
washing techniques to minimise illness          industry - how creative customer service
(something we’ve all now had to relearn).       and food and event formats play their part.
Literally no stone was left unturned in         We hope you gain inspiration from our
the search for marginal improvements            delve into understanding excellence. And
and the results were there to see - Team        we look forward to welcoming you to a
GB won 16 gold medals at the 2008               Make Venues property soon.
and 2012 Olympics in cycling and have
                                                David Vaughton
utterly dominated the Tour de France for
                                                Make Venues, Managing Director
a decade.
It is not our role to determine what quality
looks like as the customer drives our
standards through their expectations
and demands. Our success in achieving
excellence is governed by how we
engage with customers and get to
understand their needs.
It isn’t about having the flashiest product
offering but how we make the customer
feel, do we make them happy and
content. A ‘moment of truth’ that delights
a customer will override any other
observations they have made up until that

Quality has long been a familiar way of       This trend was given a massive boost
                                                                                           marketing and branding a product or           by Simon Sinek’s book and TED Talk
                                                                                           service, from the heritage grandness          called Start with the Why. He articulated
                                                                                           of Fortnum & Mason and the Ritz, to           how people no longer wanted to know

                                                                                           hand-stitched leather seats in an Aston       simply about the ‘How’ of a product or
                                                                                           Martin. Believe it or not, the lager Stella   service but more importantly, the ‘Why’,
                                                                                           Artois was also branded as “reassuringly      its purpose.
                                                                                           expensive” in one of its earliest modern-

                                                                                                                                         There’s been a simultaneous rise in
                                                                                           day campaigns.
                                                                                                                                         interest in our own personal values
                                                                                           More recently, we’ve started to expect        and purpose, influencing everything
                                                                                           and enjoy so-called ‘quality experiences’.    from starting our own business as an
                                                                                           From music festivals to theatrical and        entrepreneur to a much greater interest in
                                                                                           outlandish dining out, we also want to        working in an ethical environment.
                                  The concept of ‘Quality’ in both goods and services      feel special, the first through the door,
                                                                                                                                         We now actively seek out companies,
                                  has been around for a very long time.                    respected, prioritised and able to convert
                                                                                                                                         services and experiences that match our
                                                                                           that experience into ‘Instagrammable’
                                  Literally hundreds of years.                                                                           highest values. And those companies
                                                                                           photos and stories to share.
                                                                                                                                         who have treated employees badly during
                                  It’s weaved into our language – just think of familiar   Covid-19 won’t change this but it             this pandemic or who haven’t lived up to
                                  marketing phrases like ‘hallmark of quality’, ‘quality   will shine a brighter light on an often       our value expectations will find it harder
                                  guaranteed’ or ‘great quality every time’.               understated aspect of how we view             to regain consumer trust.
                                  There are ‘Quality Standards’ in hotel                   quality that is now coming increasingly to
                                                                                                                                     In reality, values have always been
                                  accommodation and visitor attractions, as well as        the fore – values.
                                                                                                                                     our most important drivers in making
                                  many other business areas. More recently, these          As far back as the formation of the Body  decisions. There’s a concept known as
                                  standards have also grown to reflect environmental       Shop, the very first company perhaps      ‘neurological levels’ that suggests our
For most, the term quality
                                  and green quality marks in response to consumer          to put its values front and centre of its behaviour comes from a much deeper
is synonymous with service
                                  demand.                                                  appeal, companies have been doing more level than we think. It’s a hierarchy of
excellence. Ken Kelling, a life
coach for overworked event        We also understand the concept of a ‘quality service’    to convince us that their values should   thought that implies our behaviour is
professionals, discusses the      – a blend of efficient and friendly service standards    make them a service of choice.            always influenced by our purpose, values
relationship between quality      that are customer-centric, prompt and focus on                                                     and beliefs. These are really what’s
and a sense of professional       timely communication.                                                                              influencing our decision-making.

It means getting crystal clear on your values as a
workplace, as people, and what it means for those
you work with, including your clients, especially in
today’s ‘new normal’.
It also means thinking about the impact you want to
have on others, including your local community and
the world at large. How do you want people to feel
about you? What do you want them to know about
your purpose?
These ideas may seem far from the notions of
service excellence that we’ve lived with for many
years, but with increasing awareness of sustainability
in its widest sense, buyers and planners are thinking
about these ideas because they know how their
delegates and attendees want to feel.
They will be looking for venues, services and
products that are clear about their purpose and
that will help them deliver a quality, purposeful
experience for attendees.
Those destined to succeed in this context will be
clear about, not just what and who they are, but also
their ‘why’ and the impact they want to have on those
that come into socially distanced contact with them.
It’s the newly paved road that leads to a stand-out

WHAT DOES                                                                                   THE RITZ-CARLTON HOTEL SARASOTA

                                                                                            When it comes to customer service, The Ritz-Carlton Hotel
                                                                                            Company is often spoken about in the same breath as iconic
                                                                                            people pleasers such as Disney and Starbucks.
                                                                                            In his book, What’s the Secret to Providing a World Class

SERVICE LOOK                                                                                Customer Experience, author John R. DiJulius writes, “I left
                                                                                            The Ritz-Carlton Sarasota in such a rush for the airport that I
                                                                                            forgot my laptop charger in my room. I planned to call when I

                                                                                            got back into my office, but before I could, I received a next-
                                                                                            day air package from The Ritz-Carlton Sarasota. In it was my
                                                                                            charger, with a note saying, ‘Mr. DiJulius, I wanted to make
                                                                                            sure we got this to you right away. I am sure you need it, and,

                                                                                            just in case, I sent you an extra charger for your laptop.’”
                                                                                            The note was signed by an ordinary member of hotel staff.
                                                                                            When DiJulius investigated further, he discovered that

                                                                                            Ritz-Carlton actively encourages staff to improve the guest
                                                                                            experience by authorising them to spend up to $2,000 per
                                                                                            day on creative customer service solutions when necessary.
                                                                                            Another heartwarming example is when Ritz-Carlton helped a
                                                                                            dad convince his son that a left-behind stuffed giraffe was just
How do brands earn the loyalty of their      They provide frictionless communication        enjoying a few extra days holiday by creating a booklet filled
customers? How do they consistently          and support with a human touch, plus           with photos showing how Joshie the giraffe had spent his
delight and empower people so they not       they focus on implementing rapid,              time, before being posted home.
only keep returning, but they refer others   problem-solving solutions that leave
to become customers too?                     lasting and memorable impressions.
The answer often lies in exceptional         The following brand examples each
customer service and brand purpose.          provide an inspirational take-away that we
To achieve excellence in these areas,        can all adapt to suit our pursuit of quality
successful brands promote the values         during these unprecedented times.
that their customers truly care about.

                                                                                        The world’s largest low-cost airline has long been hailed
                                                                                        a bastion of quality customer service with a raft of tales
                                                                                        to support its global reputation for competitive prices, free
                                                                                        checked luggage, friendly employees and a hassle-free
                                                                                        Our favourite story is the one about the suitcase belonging
                                                                                        to a teenage girl, which showed up on the luggage carousel
                                                                                        with a damaged handle. When the girl’s father walked into
                                                                                        the Southwest office to complain, he was greeted with a
                                                                                        friendly employee and a choice - he could either fill out some
                                                                                        paperwork and arrange to have his luggage repaired, or
                                                                                        Southwest would replace the luggage with a brand new piece;
LYFT                                                                                    immediately – on the spot.
Lyft, the ride-sharing company operating in 644 cities throughout the United            Choosing the latter, the man was taken into a room that was
States and 12 cities in Canada, is a great example of a purpose-led brand. Its          filled with all types of new luggage. He was asked to pick out
customers take pride in supporting a business they feel represents their social         one that closely resembled his daughter’s broken luggage.
and political views.                                                                    After a very short amount of paperwork to acknowledge
In 2018, Lyft announced it would immediately start offsetting the carbon                the exchange, it was just a matter of transferring the girl’s
emissions from all rides globally. This was a multi-million dollar investment in        belongings into the new luggage before heading home.
the first year alone, which has made Lyft one of the top voluntary purchasers of        It’s easy to be great when things go well. It’s when things
carbon offsets in the world.                                                            don’t go well that can make or break a reputation. That’s
The year before, Lyft donated $1 million to the American Civil Liberties Union          when a good system has to be in place.
(ACLU) in response to the introduction of an executive order that restricted            That system, along with properly trained employees, can be
immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries to the United States.                  the difference between losing and retaining a loyal customer.
Lyft joined the widespread condemnation of the act, writing in an email to
customers: “Banning people of a particular faith or creed, race or identity,
sexuality or ethnicity, from entering the U.S. is antithetical to both Lyft’s and our
nation’s core values. We stand firmly against these actions, and will not be silent
on issues that threaten the values of our community.”

                                                                                           Jo Causon, CEO at The Institute of
                                                                                           Customer Service sums it up best:

                                                                                           “In today’s complex world, it is
                                                                                           vital that organisations get the
                                                                                           basics right first - efficiency of
                                                                                           service, complaint handling and
                                                                                           the actual customer experience.
                                                                                           On top of this, consumers are
WARBY PARKER                                                                               placing growing importance on
Warby Parker, an online retailer of           When Warby Parker sends customers            trust, transparency, emotional
prescription glasses and sunglasses           glasses to try on, it recommends sharing
based in New York, has revolutionised         selfies on Instagram using the hashtag       connectivity and ethical behaviours.
the way people purchase frames and            #WarbyParkerHomeTryOn.
eyewear by enhancing the customer
                                                                                           Our research shows there’s a
                                              Take a look, it’s a great way to encourage
service experience.
                                              brand advocacy among followers and
                                                                                           compelling argument for meeting
Upon arriving at Warby Parker’s website,      get friends to give their opinion on which   both these types of customer
visitors are asked to take a quiz, which is   frames to go for.
both fun and designed to build excitement                                                  priority for a profitable business
                                              Providing customers with more options
about the product range.
                                              and making the purchasing experience         return. Brands can overcome the
From there, visitors can browse the           fun, frictionless and ‘Instagrammable’ has   uncertainties we currently navigate
selection of frames, and they can choose      transformed Warby Parker into a beloved
five options to try on, free of charge, at    fashion brand.                               as businesses by understanding
home. No reason to leave the safety of
your home, no reason to travel to a store
                                                                                           what is genuinely important to
and try on frames wearing a face-mask.                                                     today’s consumer and acting on it.”

                                                          Gamification is the process of creating
                                                          game-like systems around content,
                                                                                                        getting them to compete against each
                                                                                                        other in challenges such as checking into
                                                          whether that be by creating teams,            sessions, sharing photos, and scanning
Service excellence is often synonymous with               rewarding points for tasks, or tracking       QR codes around the venue.
personalisation when it comes to the event experience.    completion. It’s a great way to incentivise
                                                                                                        Attendees were even sent a Hogwarts
                                                          attendees to engage with content in
Innovative and meaningful meeting formats are preferred                                                 acceptance letter letting them know
                                                          meaningful ways.
over large impersonal auditoriums as planners seek to                                                   which house they had been sorted into
foster authentic engagement with both the content, the    YourMembership, the world’s largest           by the Sorting Hat. Upon entering the
venue surroundings and between attendees.                 provider of membership-management             conference space, they had received a
                                                          software, used an event-specific app          push notification letting them know that
Here’s three ideas we endorse across Make Venues to
                                                          to divide delegates into the four Harry       they’d arrived at Platform 9 ¾.
get attendees involved and engaged
                                                          Potter-themed houses of Hogwarts before

DISCUSSIONS                                 There’s nothing better than making use
By creating breakout sessions in smaller    of the great outdoors to stimulate creative
groups, events can not only take place      thinking, maintain attendee energy
more safely but these smaller gatherings    levels, inspire a different perspective and
will also encourage more audience           promote a healthier, more covid-aware
participation, give everyone a chance to    environment.
say their piece, and make sure that each    At Woodland Grange, we have introduced
attendee is heard.                          fire pits situated on the lawn adjacent to
During IMEX America each year, Hot          the venue’s Café Bar.
Topic Tables tailored around a specific     The fire pits, as well as being a warm
subject, give attendees the opportunity     and welcoming home comfort, are also
to break out and discuss the topics that    designed to allow team building exercises
are most important to them with a handful   and incentives to continue after the
of peers who share the same interests.      meeting, but in a more relaxed way.
These small, moderated round-table
discussions prevent attendees from          They are ideal for story-telling, informal
becoming disengaged by spending a           post event discussions, or the chance to
whole day in a large group listening to     sit with a drink and roast marshmallows
speaker after speaker.                      at the end of a productive day. They’re
                                            literally perfect for a campfire format in
                                            the summer months.

FOOD FOR                                               When we talk about our commitment to great food,
                                                       we’re promising so much more than maintaining high

                                                       standards of food on the plate. We scrutinise every
                                                       element of the offer, from sourcing to packaging,
                                                       transportation to aesthetics and how we serve each

David Vaughton, Managing Director of                   Quality in food is also a farther-reaching subject,
Make Venues shares his beliefs on what                 concerning global food production and its economic
constitutes a first-class food offering in a           and ecological effects; from the cost of rearing beef
culture of ever-changing nutritional trends.           to the growing movement of vegetarian and vegan
                                                       lifestyles. All the time though it is twinned with the
                                                       increasing discernment amongst consumers to get
In November 2019, George Midgeley, our Head Chef       the best, tastiest, healthiest meals, created with
at Woodland Grange, picked-up the prestigious ‘best    authenticity and care.
main course’ accolade at the Venues of Excellence      Pre-coronavirus crisis, the food display at Woodland
annual ‘Cook & Serve Awards’ with a dish that was      Grange was laid out in buffet formats. The display
hailed as ‘Michelin standard’ by the judging panel.    would start with the most stunning rainbow salads;
The award served as the pinnacle of a series of        beetroots, carrots, greens, sweet potatoes, tomatoes
initiatives we’d undertaken over the course of the     and aubergines. They looked colourful and inviting,
second half of last year to reinforce our promise of   so much so that they made the salad bar a viable
focusing on a exceptional food and beverage offer      alternative to the other ‘naughty’ goodies displayed
throughout the venue group.                            further down, not just ‘a place for the healthy people’.
At the time of George’s award, Woodland Grange’s       Along from there we had pulses, beans, lentils
General Manager Mark Thurman said: “This               and other energy options, also as part of the salad
recognition underlines our commitment to great food    section, and again bringing colour and interest to the
and our desire to reach the highest standards in the   display.
industry. It is also a great source of pride amongst
both our staff and our customers, that we’re serving
this level of quality every day.”

As one moved along, delegates could
grab their meats, either to supplement the
salads and greens, or for those looking to
a hot menu option.
                                             But equally, we need to remind ourselves
                                             that although delegates are on business,
                                             this is also a ‘day out’, and we can’t be
                                             judgemental on anyone who wants to
                                                                                           THE LAST WORD
                                             treat themselves.                             We hope you’ve enjoyed our delve into the notions surrounding service excellence
These meats are sourced only through
providers who give their livestock the       In truth, despite the changing trends of      The last word goes to Genevieve Scoville, Head of Content for Policy Foresight,
best possible environment to support         the food movement and the fact that we        a provider of training and symposiums for government officials, local practitioners,
their welfare. Every supplier we work        are currently unable to display our food in   academics, third sector professionals and business leaders to gain insight into
with shares our values on ethics from the    a buffet-style format, we’ve never really     national policy thinking and local policy implementation. Genevieve says:
outset. Things taste better when they are    changed from the basics of what quality
produced with care and consideration,        food is all about; colour, variety and        “Quality is a fundamental requirement        Its excellent quality is underpinned
that’s from farm to fork.                    nutrition.                                    for success. It is about delivering          by outstanding customer service. The
Moving towards the end of the display,       This has helped us excel as both a food       a seamless product without the               staff are warm, enthusiastic and hard-
delegates could choose ‘naughties’ and       business and a meetings and events            impression of excess effort. Central to      working, understanding the needs of
stickies.                                    one. For now, what makes our food stand       this is providing an excellent service       their clients, organising everything to
                                             out is in the taste and governance but I      that matches the needs of a client           meet them whilst remaining flexible
Even with the desserts, everything is                                                      whilst making them feel valued in            to respond to any changes that arise.
                                             look forward to the day our buffet display
made on site, using fresh ingredients, in                                                  the process. Broadway House, the             This drives the sense of being valued
                                             returns. Sometimes you just have to stick
season, and sourced locally whenever                                                       Westminster-based venue we use,              as a client and they act as a key
                                             with the basics, all the answers are there.
and wherever possible. For the very                                                        does this in leaps and bounds.               partner in the successful delivery of
pragmatic reason that it can be served                                                                                                  every event.”
fresher and tastes better. Our chefs, like                                                 “For almost 10 years, I have worked
myself, believe in this approach very                                                      with Broadway House and continue
strongly.                                                                                  to return to organise conferences at
                                                                                           the venue because it provides such an
                                                                                           excellent service.

Discover one of Make Venues’ three venues of quality for yourself.
Visit www.makevenues.co.uk or call us on 0845 8623366
to arrange a visit or enquire about holding an event.
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