UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands

Page created by Ethel Ruiz
UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands
Free Courses for Members
Why not take this opportunity to broaden your horizons and do a free course with

No extra cost for UNISON Members

Learning support provided where needed

Delivery online with a tutor

Certificate of attendance once completed

UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands
Learning with UNISON
UNISON is happy to be able to provide you with the following free courses:

As you can see there is a variety on offer but if you have any more
suggestions or would like to get more involved in UNISON Learning, please
contact us via LMD@unison.co.uk

Dog First Aid               Menopause              Supporting Children who                  Introduction
Learn how to administer     Awareness              Demonstrate Challenging                  to Yoga
first aid to your dog for   Menopause                                                       Release the
sickness and injury with    affects everyone, if                                            stresses and
                                                   Your tutor will cover:
an online tutor. The        not you, your                                                   strains of your
                                                   - General de escalation strategies
course will cover how to    mother sister or                                                body, mind and
                                                   - Getting behind the cause of the
complete a full body        wife. Bust the                                                  spirit with an
exam, how to take and       myths. Be                                                       introduction to
                                                   - Following the STAR system that
read vitals, choking, eye   empowered to                                                    some basic yoga:
injuries, burns and         make the right                                                  breathing and
scalds, dog fights and      choice for you                                                  movement
much more all online.       secure in the                                                   practices that can
                            knowledge your         Bollywood Dance and                      help release
Self Defence/               facts are true!        Keep Fit                                 tension and
Safety Awareness                                   Join us for a hour of vibrant fun        support
This online training will   Andropause             where we take you to one of the          mindfulness.
show practical, simple      Is it a real thing?    largest cinema hubs in the world.        Suitable for all
and easy to learn           Myth put to bed,       Led by Nisha Nath, one of our            abilities, ages and
applications for self       yes, some people       leading Indian dancers/                  body types
protection purposes.        refer to it as the     choreographers, you will have a
                            male menopause.        chance to learn some of the              IT for the
                            Are you aware of       ‘signature’ Bollywood dance moves,
How to Video Call                                                                           Retired
                            the signs and          gestures and expressions.
- Teams + Zoom                                                                              Keep on top of
An overview of both                                                                         your IT skills,
                            Bringing               Autism Awareness                         refresh knowledge
Teams + Zoom and how
                            equality to the        In this course delivered by the Open
to set up a meeting.                                                                        on how to use
                            forefront, lets talk   University you will learn how autism     programmes for
Explore the differences
                            openly about what      presents, how to support those with      email, documents,
and similarities between
                            it really means.       autism and what the OU can offer.        browsing the
these video tools.
                                                                                            internet and file
                            Jungle Jo and her Reptiles                                      management. This
                            You’ll be joining Jungle Jo direct from her animal room.        course is for
                            She’ll be doing a live exotic animal display where you’ll see   anyone who
                            these animals up close to the camera through an                 wants to brush up
                            interactive zoom call. She’ll be telling you some great facts   on their skills for
                            and getting you all to fire questions at her by typing them     IT in day-to-day
                            in the zoom chat as you go along. See a wide range of           life. No previous
                            species where Jo will help you and make you braver and          expereince
                            hopefully inspire you to love all these marvellous animals.     required.
UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands
Spring Learning Programme 2021
All courses below will be delivered online, and in most cases using either Zoom
 or Teams. All courses will be tutor-lead in groups with other learners so dates
   and times are not flexible. Some courses have a limited number of spaces
available and may become full quickly so please apply as soon as possible and
            be aware of application deadlines to secure your space.

Course                                                                              Date               Time                  App Deadline*
 Dog First Aid                                                                      7th Feb            1pm - 5pm             31/01/2021
 Andropause                                                                         10th Feb           7pm - 8pm             03/01/2021
 Introduction to Yoga                                                               10th Feb           12:30 - 1:30          03/01/2021
 How to Video Call/Teams + Zoom                                                     24th Feb           9:30 - 11:30          17/02/2021
 Supporting Children W/ Challenging Behaviour                                       24th Feb           9:30 - 11:30          17/02/2021
 Supporting Children W/ Challenging Behaviour                                       24th Feb           1pm - 3pm             17/02/2021
 Self Defence/Safety Awareness                                                      27th Feb           1pm - 3pm             20/02/2021
 Bollywood Dance and Keep Fit (Evening class)                                       4th Mar            6:30 - 7:30           25/02/2021
 Autism Awareness                                                                   9th Mar            9:30 - 1pm            02/03/2021
 Menopause Awareness (Evening class)                                                9th Mar            6:30 - 8:30           02/03/2021
 IT for Retired Members                                                             21 Apr             10am - 1pm            14/04/2021
 Jungle Jo and Her Reptiles                                                         24th Apr           1pm - 2pm             17/04/2021
The orange dates are weekend courses

To apply for any of the above courses please either:

scan the QR code on the right
or click the link here - https://forms.gle/kTp86rcSjdG2WtmcA
or email unisonderbyshirelearning@gmail.com for the link

Please note that places on courses are limited so applications
are dealt with on a first-come first-serve basis

Keep your eyes peeled for further courses coming from Region UNISON East
Midlands Education and Training including Mindfulness, Excel Refreshers and
Makaton Level 1. Advertisements will be posted via the website below:


Application form link: https://forms.gle/kTp86rcSjdG2WtmcA - (All courses are only available for members of a Derbyshire Branch) - *Application Deadline
UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands
Christmas Wreaths
In December 2020 our Lifelong Learning
Officer from Derbyshire County
organised a Christmas Wreath Making
course for all Derbyshire members.

This was the 2nd time we had run this course
but the 1st time on line. I have to say I was very
apprehensive as to whether it would work but
there was no need, it all went fantastically. With
the superb support from the Regions Union
Learning Fund local Organiser Ella the
information got out to people seamlessly.

100 members from across Derbyshire and from
the various sectors of UNISON took part and
the feedback was excellent with 97 people
returning their feedback form (that in itself
was amazing), all comments were positive and
around how the course had helped their mental
health and wellbeing plus giving them something to
look forward to during the year of the

I have to thank the Union Learning Fund in
supporting these course by assisting in the
funding of them, without that we could not have
delivered the course to so many, believe it or
not we had over 360 applications for the
course, that again bowled me over.

I am so proud to be part of a union that puts its
members at the heart of it. Thank you UNISON.

Jayne Barry
Lifelong Learning Officer and ULR
UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands UNISON DERBYSHIRE Free Courses for Members - No extra cost for UNISON Members Learning support provided where needed - UNISON East Midlands
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