Unite and help each other to end Duterte's tyranny - Ang Bayan

Page created by Julie Vazquez
Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas
                      ANG                    Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo
                                                                                                        English Edition
                                                                                                         Vol. LI No. 14
                                                                                                         July 21, 2020


Unite and help each other
to end Duterte's tyranny

A       ll democratic forces must consolidate their ranks and help each other
        in their democratic struggles against the Duterte regime. The need
        for unity is urgent in the face of the successive attacks of the tyrant
against the people's interests.
                                                                                  masses, are being subjected to police
                                                                                  surveillance, using pandemic lock-
                                                                                  down restrictions as pretext.
                                                                                       With the law on state terrorism,
                                                                                  Duterte is set on mounting even
    On July 10, Duterte's rubber-        24 days without filing charges and       more attacks in the coming weeks
stamp congress carried out his or-       denying them the right to defend         and months. This shows his desper-
der to shut down ABS-CBN in a            themselves. Duterte will convene         ation to suppress the seething un-
clear case of political vendetta         Anti-Terror Council (ATC) which          rest and rising protests against his
against a media outfit that has al-      has the power to designate anyone        incompetent response to the Covid-
lowed the airing of criticism against    as a "terrorist" or "terrorist-linked"   19 pandemic, worsening corruption,
the regime. It is a grave attack on      or "terrorist-supporters" using the      devastation of the economy and
press freedom and a thinly-veiled        law's vague and overly broad defin-      complete disregard of the people's
threat against those in the media        itions. The ATC is set to conjoin        livelihood and well-being. Duterte is
who cross the tyrant. It also paves      with the NTF-ELCAC to consolidate        rushing to pursue his scheme of es-
the way for Duterte's favored olig-      Duterte's military junta.                tablishing a fascist dictatorship and
archs to make a bid of ownership of           Just days after, state forces       securing his rule or that of his
the broadcast company.                   mounted attacks across the country.      chosen successor beyond 2022.
    Earlier, Duterte signed his law      In Masbate, police and military                 The monster Duterte must be
on terrorism that is far worse than      forces massacred three peasants.         confronted and slain by the people's
Marcos' 1972 martial law. He             Successive arrests and harassment        giant power of democracy and free-
claimed the power to order the ar-       were also carried out against activ-     dom. To grow in strength, the various
rest of anyone without a judicial        ists and human rights workers. Mass      sectors must act as one. They must
warrant and detain people for up to      demonstrations,      even     Catholic   support each others' democratic de-
mands. Only by doing so can they            the children, youth and teachers to           ers, as well as the entire people.
muster the strength and courage to          open classes safely; and of migrants          When he signed the terror law, he
stand up against the tyranny.               for aid and safe return home.                 enraged not only of the Filipino
     While calling for junking the               Duterte is a rabid, but a sick and       people, but also people and organiz-
terror law and bringing ABS-CBN             dying monster. He exploited the pan-          ations around the world. More rage
back on air, they must also support         demic to claim extensive powers, ac-          will be ignited by moves to push for
the demand of nurses and health             cumulate wealth through corruption            charter change to allow 100% foreign
workers for protection, salary in-          and use of public funds. He forced big        ownership of enterprises and land, as
creases and mass testing to fight           business to their knees with threats          well as to allow removal of term ex-
the pandemic; of jeepney drivers to         to close or take over their property          tension limits in order to pave the
get back on the road; and of work-          and operations. He placed the entire          way for Duterte’s stay beyond 2022.
ers for higher wages and safety at          population under martial law control               A range of democratic forces are
work. They must collectively assert         causing widespread misery and                 now arrayed against Duterte's tyr-
for immediate and sufficient subsidy        hardship. Tens of thousands were              annical regime, from the patriotic
for millions who lost their jobs and        apprehended in the name of "public            and democratic organizations, alli-
whose livelihoods were lost due to          health." He murdered activists and            ances and movements; to the op-
the lockdown. They must join the            imprisoned critics. He bought billions        position forces in the conservative
demand of peasants and fisherfolk           worth of jet fighters, attack heli-           opposition, as well as Catholic
against destructive infrastructure          copters, artillery systems and other          Church, big business and those
projects, mining and other opera-           war matériel, all while accumulating          secretly within the government bur-
tions that will drive them away from        more than $5 billion of foreign loans         eaucracy and in the AFP and PNP.
their homes, land and fishing               for his favored infrastructure pro-                Street marches and large
grounds; of the indigenous peoples          jects to the detriment of the local           demonstrations must be mounted in
and rural folk against military occu-       economy and the people's livelihood.          the coming weeks and months to
pation of their communities, intim-              However, each time Duterte               fend off the regime's terrorist at-
idation and the brutal campaigns of         strikes at the people, he only be-            tacks. The bigger and more frequent
killings, abductions, aerial bom-           comes more isolated from the people.          these demonstrations become, the
bardment, artillery shelling and hu-        Striking at press freedom by shutting         higher probability that disgruntled
man rights abuses that characterize         down ABS-CBN roused the indigna-              military and police officers, as well
the regime's counterinsurgency; of          tion of journalists and media work-           as the international community, will
                                                                                          openly withdraw support and push
        ANG                               Contents                                        for a process of succession in line
                                                                                          with the 1987 constitution.
                                          Editorial: Unite and help each other to end          All the revolutionary forces un-
      Vol. LI No. 14 | July 21, 2020      Duterte's tyranny                           1
                                                                                          der the leadership of the Party are
                                          Offensives in Negros, Palawan at Sorsogon   3
                                                                                          aligned with the Filipino people's
        Ang Ang Bayan is published        CPP, NPA cannot be declared terrorist       3
                                                                                          aspiration to see an end to their
           in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko,    Attack against free press                   4
                                                                                          sufferings under the tyrannical re-
       Hiligaynon, Waray and English.                                                     gime. While continuing to conduct
                                          ABS-CBN employees, supporters protest       4
             Ang Bayan welcomes                                                           public health and economic work
                                          Neoliberal agenda in SONA 2020              5
           contributions in the form                                                      among the peasant masses, the
                                          Nurses protest for PPE, wage increase       5
         of articles and news items.                                                      armed revolutionary forces under
                                          SMC evicts residents                        6
           Readers are encouraged                                                         the New People's Army must mount
                                          Watchmen massacred in Masbate               7
             to send feedback and                                                         tactical offensives to defend the
                                          House-to-house search is unlawful           7
               recommendations                                                            people against the Duterte regime's
                                          ATA opposition broadens                     7
       for improving our newspaper.                                                       terrorist attacks against the people.
                                          Surveillance amid pandemic                  8
                                                                                               Amid the Covid-19 pandemic,
                                          Pandemic aggravates global hunger           8
                                                                                          the regime's overarching priority to
                                          Open schools safely                         9
         instagram.com/prwcnewsroom                                                       establish its fascist dictatorship is
                                                                                          putting whatever is left of the
                                                                                          people's democratic rights and the
                                                                                          people's health in great danger.
                                                                                          There is broad consensus that the
                                                                                          tyrant must be ousted from power
          Ang Bayan is     published fortnightly by the Central Committee                 as soon as possible. The Filipino
                       of the Communist Party of the Philippines                          people must firmly unite and rise up

2                                                                                         July 21, 2020         ANG BAYAN
NPA strikes at fascist soldiers and police in Negros, Palawan, Sorsogon

A   t least 14 soldiers and police of the US-Duterte regime were killed and
    10 others were wounded in successive tactical offensives mounted by the
New People's Army (NPA) from June 8-16.
                                                                                 91st CMO Company in Barangay
                                                                                 Calpi, Bulan. A soldier was killed
                                                                                 while another was wounded. In the
                                                                                 same evening, the NPA also har-
     In Negros Occidental, 12 ele-      bushes in Taytay, Palawan on July        assed soldiers operating in the ad-
ments of the 15th IB were killed in     12 and 13. Red fighters fired at a       jacent barangay of Calmayon in Ju-
an ambush by the NPA-NPA-South-         mobile of the Philippine National        ban.
west Negros (Armando Sumayang           Police (PNP) along the highway at             On July 16, two elements of the
Jr. Command) in Barangay Pinggot,       Sitio Ibangley, Barangay Abongan         PNP 9th Special Action Battalion
Ilog last last July 8.                  on July 12. The PNP chief of Du-         were wounded in an NPA harass-
     The 15th IB is notorious for       maranan town and another police          ment operation in Barangay Tula-
conducting brutal SEMPO opera-          were aboard the said vehicle.            tula Sur, Magallanes.
tions in Southern Negros. Its sol-           On the next day, the people's            Earlier, during the first week of
diers are involved in the spate of      army ambushed soldiers of the            July, the PNP-Masbate paralyzed
killings, harassment and forced sur-    MBLT 3 who were deployed in the          the plunderous operations of Mati-
render of civilians in the area.        same area to respond to the am-          bay Cement Factory in Barangay
     Meanwhile, the NPA-South           bush. A soldier was killed while         Casabangan, Pio V. Corpuz. Red
Central Negros disarmed a family of     three others were wounded.               fighters destroyed its mining equip-
bandits at Sitio Binadlan, Barangay          In Sorsogon, the military and       ment.
Bi-ao, Binalbagan on July 14.                           police sustained four         The said cement-manufacturing
An M16 rifle, shotgun, .45 and                          causalties in a series   company will endanger the lives and
.38 calibre pistols, ammunition                         of harassment opera-     livelihoods of residents in 11 bara-
and handheld radios were                           tions mounted by the NPA      ngays in the towns of Pio V. Corpuz
seized from the the ban-                      in two days. The casualties        and Esperanza. Hundreds of hec-
dits. The bandits are in-                    were part of military units de-     tares of farmlands and residential
volved in landgrabbing,                     ployed to conduct "Community         areas are set to be covered by its
human rights violations and                 Support Program" in five towns       lime mining operations in the area.
anti-social activities in the                of the province.                    A coal-fired power plant is also set
area since 1990.                                  On July 14, at around 6        to be constructed in and pollute the
     The NPA-Palawan also                       p.m., Red fighters fired at      area to enable the company to be
mounted successive am-                            operating soldiers of the      fully operational.

Justice Carpio: CPP, NPA cannot be declared terrorists under ATA

A     former official of the Supreme Court asserted that the Communist Party
     of the Philippines (CPP) and the New People's Army (NPA) cannot be
declared terrorists under the new Anti-Terror Act (ATA).
                                                                                 lion, are not terrorists under the
                                                                                 ATA, and consequently they, indi-
                                                                                 vidually or as a group, cannot be
                                                                                 proscribed as terrorists under the
    Former Associate Justice Anto-      clared as terrorists." He pointed out    ATA."
nio Carpio shared this view in reac-    that rebellion is not considered a            It is thus clear that the ATA
tion to Duterte's declaration that      "predicate crime" by the ATA. This       was passed to suppress the forces
"the CPP is terrorist because I de-     is different from the Human Secur-       and activists openly defying the re-
clare it to be" and the clarification   ity Act (HSA) of 2007 which states       gime. It is just that they question
of Sen. Panfilo Lacson that only the    rebellion is absorbed under terror-      the law before the courts, especially
courts can formally proscribe as        ism. The ATA replaced the HSA.           since it violates their rights under
terrorist any organization. Carpio            Carpio added that the intent of    the country's laws.
said both Duterte and Lacson are        rebellion "is to remove any territory         Contrary to what the regime's
wrong because the CPP and NPA           or military force of the Philippines     officials claim, the Party and
are "rebels" and not terrorists.        from allegiance to the Government        people's army are not listed as ter-
    Carpio pointed out that under       or its laws" is different from ATA's     rorist by United Nations Security
the ATA, "under the ATA rebels are      definition of terrorism. "CPP-NPA        Council, Australia, United Kingdom
not terrorists and cannot be de-        rebels, whose intent is clearly rebel-   or Canada.

ANG BAYAN July 21, 2020                                                                                            3
ABS-CBN closure, an attack on free press
W       ith a vote of 70-11, the Congress finally decided to kill the franchise
        bid of ABS-CBN, the biggest radio and television broadcast network
in the country. Thirteen hearings were held to deal with various issues hurled
                                                                                       This system undermines the right
                                                                                  of the media to free press. Similar to
                                                                                  how it was used against ABS-CBN,
by Duterte's minions in congress against the network. Among the issues dis-       this may also be used to silence other
cussed were the network's alleged tax evasion schemes, and the citizenship        media networks to prevent them
of former ABS-CBN chairman Eugenio Lopez III. The congressmen also dealt          from exposing government abuses
on issues regarding the content of TV shows, matters that are beyond the          and incompetence. In new franchises
scope of Congress.                                                                issued by the Duterte regime to
                                                                                  broadcasting companies such as
     In addition to its Quezon City       broadcast companies are required to     those granted to GMA and The 5
station, ABS-CBN operates 46 local        obtain a legislative franchise to op-   Network, a provision was inserted
stations across the country that          erate. These franchise bids have to     obliging them to allocate 10% of their
broadcast for free. It also has 12        pass through the bureaucratic eye of    paid commercials for government-
free digital channels, as well as 10      the needle of Congress, and then go     use. This is being used by the ruling
cable and four satellite paid chan-       to the president for signing in the     clique to freely broadcast their ad-
nels. It also operates DZMM and           form of a new law. Although applic-     vertisements and programs which
three other AM radio stations, as         ations go through hearings and dis-     feature the regime's officials. There
well as 17 MOR (My Only Radio) FM         cussions, the approval is mainly de-    is also a provision which grants the
stations and 16 more in the               pendent on who is in power. This is     president a special right to take over
provinces. These were closed down,        in contrast to countries where the      media stations, and to broadcast and
excluding paid cable and satellite        said authority is given to independ-    operate their facilities "in times of
channels that are not covered by the      ent commissions. The franchise sys-     war, rebellion, public peril, calamity,
franchise. The Lopezes disclosed          tem is also being used as a milking     emergency, disaster or serious dis-
that the company has been losing          cow by bureaucrat capitalists.          turbance of peace and order."
about ₱30-35 million per day since
their broadcast was put off-air.
     Congressmen deny that Rodrigo
                                                   Protest of ABS-CBN employees and supporters
Duterte was behind the closure or-
der. However, on July 13, Duterte           EVERY EVENING, SINCE July 10, employees and artists of ABS-CBN
himself boasted that he has suc-            have been converging in front of its Quezon City station to conduct a
ceeded in dismantling the oligarchy         noise barrage to protest the decision of Congress to deny the net-
by shutting down ABS-CBN. Since he          work's bid for franchise renewal.
sat in power, he has repeatedly                  On July 18, ABS-CBN supporters held a caravan from Makati and
threatened to close the network             converged in front of the station in Quezon City. Similar protest actions
which he accused of bias and favoring       were organized by employees and supporters in the cities of Cebu,
his rivals during the 2016 elections.       Olongapo, Bacolod, Tacloban, Davao, Cagayan de Oro and Zamboanga.
He was further enraged with the net-             Lawmakers from the Makabayan Bloc, who authored one of the
work for covering his regime's bloody       ABS-CBN franchise bills, participated in the protest actions. Members
"war on drugs." He ordered the clos-        of the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines, Altermidya,
ure of the company amid the pan-            Photojournalists' Center of the Philippines Inc., Kilusang Mayo Uno,
demic and lockdown, and at a time           Alliance of Concerned Transport Organizations and other sectoral
when only a few stations are capable        groups that advocate press freedom joined the mobilizations. More
of providing free television broadcast      than 500 journalists from various media organizations also expressed
services across the country.                their support for the protest.
     The franchise application pro-              Approximately 11,000 workers are set to lose their jobs or receive
cess has long weaponized against            lower salaries. The company already closed down their regional sta-
free press by the ruling clique as the      tions in various provinces, as well as its stations which provide free
approval of franchise bids are mainly       television and radio broadcast services. Aside from regular employees,
dependent on the whims of the pres-         workers who are outsourced by ABS-CBN from third-party manpower
ident and congressmen. In fact, this        agencies are also set to lose their jobs, as well as small entrepreneurs
process is often enmeshed in dirty          who operate their businesses around the station in Quezon City.
politics as the authority to grant          Today, ABS-CBN is only allowed to air its programs in the internet and
franchises is monopolized by those in       through cable channels.
power. Republic Act 3846 states that

4                                                                                  July 21, 2020         ANG BAYAN
Squeezing overburdened Filipinos further:

Neoliberal agenda in SONA 2020
I    n his upcoming State of the Nation Address (SONA) this July 27, expect
     Rodrigo Duterte to once again aggressively push for the implementation
of neoliberal economic reforms to further squeeze the already overburdened
                                                                                already meager incomes. This is
                                                                                doubly reprehensible especially now
                                                                                that majority of workers have lost
Filipinos. As what happened with the Anti-Terror Law, these schemes will        their jobs to the pandemic.
surely be railroaded by his majority as Congress resumes its sessions.               Duterte’s economic managers
                                                                                are busy finding other things to tax
    The measures are being pushed       on almost all food products. These      for debt servicing. The Department
by Duterte’s World Bank-trained         include dried fish, noodles and         of Trade and Industry recently
technocrats under the guise of          canned goods that are staple to         compelled small online sellers to
boosting the economy which has          many poor households. Excise tax        register their businesses in order to
seen a sharp downturn due to the        will also be levied on deep-fried and   impose taxes on them under pain of
Covid-19 pandemic. These are fo-        salty snacks; candies, sugary           facing criminal charges. Afterwards,
cused on “attracting foreign in-        desserts and sweetened beverages;       it stated that barter trading is il-
vestments,” borrowing money, and        and fastfood products. The fiscal       legal and must be taxed. New barter
passing the burden on the people in     reform is justified as “sin tax” pur-   arrangements such as “online
the form of of new taxes.               portedly to discourage Filipinos        barter trading” have emerged as
    Duterte’s economic managers         from eating unhealthy food. Filipi-     these have provided people with an
have set on a media campaign this       nos will be set back by at least        alternative source of food and other
month to aggressively push for the      P72.97 billion in should the tax be     basic needs amid the pandemic and
implementation of an utterly re-        implemented. The tax burden is          imposition of work restrictions.
gressive “Junk Food Tax” which          heavier for the poor majority who            Last July 9, Malacañang an-
aims to levy additional excise taxes    pay proportionally more out of their    nounced that Congress and Duter-
                                                                                te's economic officials have already
                                                                                agreed on which programs to prior-
                                                                                itize under the so-called Bayanihan
  Nurses protest for PPE, wage increase                                         2. The package primarily aims to

                                                                                lower corporate income tax, rail-
         urses of the San Lazaro Hospital in Manila City mounted a silent
                                                                                road the regime's infrastructure
         protest last July 16 to demand better treatment. The nurses dis-
                                                                                projects, and extend Duterte's
  closed that around 60 health workers in the hospital were infected
                                                                                emergency powers. (Read related
  with Covid-19. Among them are 48 patients who compose 60% of the
                                                                                article in Ang Bayan, May 21.)
  facilities Covid-19 patients.
                                                                                     Simultaneously,        Duterte's
       They lamented that the infections were primarily caused by the
                                                                                henchmen are aggressively pushing
  lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the wrong type of face
                                                                                to expedite the privatization of
  masks that were given them. They also criticized the slow disburse-
                                                                                government properties to pur-
  ment of funds for a wage increase, as well as the absence of hazard
                                                                                portedly augment public funds amid
  pay and other benefits.
                                                                                the Covid-19 crisis. Senator Francis
       As of June 30, the Department of Health has distributed only 2
                                                                                Tolentino recently filed the “Covid-
  million despite being appropriated a budget for the procurement of 10
                                                                                19 Economic Lifeline Act” which
  million PPE. So far, the agency has been able to procure and distribute
                                                                                aims to create a Covid-19 Privatiz-
  only less than half of much-needed medical equipment. Recent reports
                                                                                ation Commission. The said com-
  revealed that majority of Covid-19 wards have already reached full ca-
                                                                                mission will oversee the disposition
  pacity and could no longer accept critical patients.
                                                                                of state-owned assets. Earlier in
       The Filipino Nurses United bared that nurses are overworked yet
                                                                                April, Duterte himself expressed his
  underpaid and left unprotected from Covid-19. On July 18, the De-
                                                                                intent to sell the land where the
  partment of Budget and Management issued a circular to implement
                                                                                Cultural Center of the Philippines
  the increase in salary grade of nurses as stipulated in the Philippine
                                                                                and the Philippine International
  Nursing Act. This entitles entry-level nurses in public hospitals to a
                                                                                Convention Center stand on. The
  salary of ₱32,000-₱34,000 from ₱22,000-₱24,000 previously. The said
                                                                                said area has long been targeted by
  law was enacted in 2002, or 18 years ago, but is only set to take effect
                                                                                big bouregois compradors who are
                                                                                seeking to expand their reclamation
                                                                                activities in the Manila Bay.

ANG BAYAN July 21, 2020                                                                                           5
Behind SMC’s humanitarian facade
T    he San Miguel Corporation has been boasting of its huge contributions to
     the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. Behind its humanitarian
facade, however, is its oppressive treatment to people to further squeeze
                                                                                  boasted that it has contributed aid
                                                                                  worth P13 billion to various indigent
                                                                                  sectors. It counted as “aid” the P3-
profits through their misery. While its president Ramon Ang is busy with its      billion compensation it gave to its
donation drives, other personnel are also busy evicting thousadns of urban        own workers, and the funds it spent
poor residents, peasants and fisherfolk.                                          in constructing a private testing
                                                                                  center which it uses to test its
    Amid the pandemic, SMC               The Bulacan local government and         employees. The entire P13 billion is
threatened to demolish the houses        the 48th IB assisted in evicting the     tax-deductibe, in accordance to
of nearly 3,000 residents of Cas-        residents. THe Aerotropolis is set to    Duterte’s order to deduct all dona-
tañas, Guisguis San Roque, Guisguis      destroy the livelihood of 1,000          tions, in the form of funds, material
Talon, and Talaan Aplaya in Saria-       fisherfolk and 2,500 hectares of         or services, that have anything to
ya, Quezon to pave way for its coal-     mangroves crucial to Manila Bay’s        do with the Covid-19 pandemic.
fired power plant project in the         ecosystem.                                     In exchange, the regime awar-
area. Residents from Sitio Tayawak,           The Aerotropolis is an unsoli-      ded the company the most con-
Barangay Castañas have been              cited project proposal which re-         tracts under its Build, Build, Build
evicted on July 6. In 2018, the local    placed the planned rehabilitation        program. In addition to the Aero-
government approved the project          project of the current international     tropolis, it awarded to SMC several
after the SMC bribed provincial          airport in Metro Manila.                 construction projects including the
board members. In addition to the             Ang is one of Duterte’s most        Skyway 3, Skyway Extension, Sky-
power plant, the company plans to        favored oligarchs. Duterte considers     way 4, MRT-7 and TPLEX. The MRT-
put up a cement plant, a brewery         him as his “close friend” especially     7, previously awarded to the Ay-
and a port in Sariaya.                   after SMC donated funds for his          alas, have dislocated 300 families
    Prior to this, the company           suppression        campaigns.      His   and has resulted in a spate of ex-
evicted 400 families from their          donations include the P2-billion         trajudicial killings of peasant lead-
communities in Taliptip, Bulakan,        funds for drug rehabilitation cen-       ers. It is set to evict 40,000 more
Bulacan, to pave way for Aerotro-        ters under the “war against drugs,”      residents in Caloocan City. The said
polis, an infrastructure program         the P330 million donation to famil-      projects are behind Duterte's
approved by Duterte. The fisherfolk,     ies of soliders who were either killed   earlier efforts to lift economic re-
whom the company made to appear          or wounded when they besieged            strictions in the construction sub-
to have voluntarily left, were in fact   Marawi City, and another P2.52           sector, prior to opening other in-
threatened to be evicted without         billon for the "rehabilitation" of       dustries under the lockdown.
                           compen-       Marawi and parts of Davao devast-              In 2019, SMC registered P1.02
                            sation.      ated by the AFP’s bloody counter-        trillion in net sales and P48.6 billion
                                                           insurgency    cam-     net revenue. Amid the pandemic, it
                                                           paign.                 plans to construct 12 additional
                                                               During       the   animal feed factories and breweries
                                                          pandemic,       SMC     in Cagayan de Oro City and Laguna.
                                                                                          It also plans to build addi-
                                                                                            tional facilities in its newly-
                                                                                              acquired Masinloc Power
                                                                                                Plant in Zambales. Ma-
                                                                                                  jority of the company
                                                                                                    is owned by the fam-
                                                                                                      ily of Eduardo Co-
                                                                                                        juangco, one of
                                                                                                        the biggest cro-
                                                                                                        nies of the late

6                                                                                 July 21, 2020           ANG BAYAN
Police massacre 3 barangay watchmen in Masbate
T   hree barangay watchmen were abducted by police and soldiers on July 4
    at midnight and were massacred in the boundary of barangays Bagacay
and Marintoc in Mobo, Masbate. The victims, identified as Edgar Mingoy,
                                                                                 slapped with a trumped-up charges
                                                                                 of murder for purportedly killing
                                                                                 two soldiers in 2018.
Marlon Bajar and Rolly de la Cruz, were all falsely presented before the media       Activists protested in Legazpi
as members of the New People's Army (NPA).                                       and Naga City on July 10 to con-
                                                                                 demn the arrests.
     The suspects include troops of      around 2 a.m. Two drones were also          Militarization. At least five
the Regional Mobile Force Battalion      seen flying overhead. The incident      military units have been besieging
5, 9th Special Action Battalion, Re-     traumatized residents especially        the towns of Juban, Magallanes,
gional Intelligence Unit, Masbate        children. Thirty-seven families         Bulan, Irosin and Matnog in Sorso-
Provincial Mobile Force Company          evacuated from their communities        gon since the last week of June. In
and the Mobo Municipal Police Of-        after the incident.                     Irosin, 23 out of its 28 barangays
fice. Elements of the 96th Military          Arrests. State elements arres-      are currently being occupied by
Intelligence Company were also in-       ted activist Jenelyn Nagrampa-Ca-       soldiers under the guise of con-
volved in the crime.                     ballero in Barangay San Isidro, Na-     ducting "Community Support Prog-
     The perpetrators repeatedly         bua, Camarines Sur on July 7. Nag-      ram." The 22nd IB has also began
fired their guns in the air for an       rampa is the chairperson of the         constructing its camp in Barangay
hour to make it appear that they         Bicolana-Gabriela and concurrently      Calomagon in Bulan.
encountered an NPA unit.                 serves as the national vice chair-          The fascists are conducting
     Mingoy served as a barangay         person of Gabriela.                     house-to-house searches and listing
watchman for 20 years, while Dela            On July 9, state elements also      the names of residents. They also
Cruz also served as a councilor in       arrested Rev. Dan San Andres, 61        coerced barangay councils to stage
their village.                           years old, of the United Church of      the surrender of their constituents.
     Bombing. Using two FA-50            Christ in the Philippines in Sipocot        Last July 7 and 8, soldiers and
fighter jets, the military dropped       town in the same province. San An-      police ransacked the houses of
eight bombs near two Lumad com-          dres is the spokesperson of Kara-       eight residents in Barangay Maalo
munities in Barangay Diatagon, Li-       patan-Bikol.                            and Calmayon in the town of Ju-
anga, Surigao del Sur on July 15 at          Both veteran activists were         ban.

     Police house-to-house search                                   Opposition to Terror Law broadens
              is unlawful                                    THE MOVEMENT AGAINST Tyranny and Concerned
THE ORDER OF Sec. Eduardo Año of the De-                     Lawyers for Civil Liberties protested in front of the
partment of Interior and Local Government                    Commission on Human Rights in Quezon City last July 11
(DILG) to the Philippine National Police (PNP) to            to oppose the Anti-Terror Act.
do "house-to-house" to search and "appre-                        The said groups are among those that filed the 10th
hend" and bring Covid-19 positive individuals to             petition at the Supreme Court demanding to junk the
quarantine facilities is another militarist meas-            law.
ure.                                                             On July 16, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the
    Año's new order will further trample on civil            Philippines issued a pastoral letter expressing its
rights. This goes against even the reactionary               "alarm" on the provisions of the law which allows
laws which require police to have a warrant to               warantless arrests and detention. It noted that a num-
enter and search private homes. It also violates             ber of Catholic priests and bishops are being accused of
privacy rights which are upheld even during                  being "communists," and thus "terrorists, for their ad-
medical situations. Earlier, Año order local                 vocacies.
government officials to arrest "quarantine viol-                 Meanwhile, 45 US congressmen demanded the im-
ators" to teach them a lesson. Almost 900 were               mediate junking of the law. They said that this will only
arrested and fined on July 9 in Quezon City. On              be used by Duterte to further suppress the rights of or-
Huly 16, at least 300 were apprehended in                    dinary Filipinos. The lawmakers submitted their letter to
Navotas.                                                     the Philippine Embassy on July 16.

ANG BAYAN July 21, 2020                                                                                            7
Surveillance amid the pandemic
I   n July 8, the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on Emerging Infectious
    Diseases allowed the opening of barbershops, parlors and salons up to
50% of their regular clientele in Metro Manila. Among the AITF’s requisites is
for all costumers to use contact tracing applications like the StaySafe.Ph.

    StaySafe.Ph is a phone applica-      in 2016 and served as a consultant
tion which registers the location        to the NSC in 2017. He worked on         Data can be sold to interested
wherever the user may be. The ob-        some "technical surveillance" pro-       businesses.
jective of this app is supposedly to     jects for the agency. The                    Critics and the political opposi-
provide fast and easy information        StaySafe.Ph was said to be com-          tion fear that it will be used against
to individuals if they come in con-      missioned by the National Intelli-       them, especially under the newly-
tact with a Covid-19-positive indi-      gence Coordinating Agency. PLDT          signed Anti-Terror Law. The Na-
vidual by registering phone num-         holds 45% of the company since           tional Investigation Bureau, which
bers to establishments they patro-       2018.                                    has persecuted Duterte’s critics in
nize.                                         Many technology experts have        the guise of stopping the prolifera-
    The app was developed and is         sounded alarm against StaySafe.Ph,       tion of fake news, will have access
being ran by MultiSys Technology         claiming that the application could      to the app’s data.
Corp. It was endorsed by Hermoge-        be used to spy on the people and vi-         On June 29, the Makabayan
nes Esperon of the National Secu-        olate their right to privacy. It col-    bloc proposed that Congress in-
rity Council (NSC) and officialized      lects extensive data from registered     vestigate irregularities and privacy
by the IATF generals last April 22.      cellphones. Aside from determining       issues of the app. Its representat-
The company aims to enrol half of        the user’s location, it has permission   ives cited the complaint lodged by
the Philippine population. It has ac-    to read and change messages and          then DICT official Eliseo Rio Jr. who
cess to all active cellphones and can    contacts, access the camera and          said that the app is incapable of
directly send messages to all            microphone, read storage and             contact tracing. At the time it was
through the Department of Infor-         change phone settings, among oth-        endorsed by the IATF, the app was
mation and Communications Tech-          ers.                                     only capable of collecting phone
nology (DICT).                                The app has no declared privacy     numbers and determining locations.
    Multisys Technologies Corp.          statement and it is unclear how the      It is not integrated with the data-
was founded by David Almirol Jr.         collected data will be used after the    bases of the Department of Health
who previously worked in a US mil-       pandemic. It can be used by those        and local agencies which are dir-
itary base in Iraq. He met Esperon       in power during the next election.       ectly in charge of contact tracing.

Covid-19 pandemic aggravates global hunger

T    he Covid-19 pandemic continues to aggravate hunger in countries where
     food crisis is most severe and is creating new epicenters of hunger
across the globe. In a report published last July 9, Oxfam International
                                                                                  270 million before the end of the
                                                                                  year, an 82% increase from 149
                                                                                           million in 2019.
identified 10 countries where hunger is most severe, as well as four                              It noted that among
countries which are experiencing rapidly rising levels of hunger due to                        the factors behindthis is
the pandemic. Oxfam is a confederation of 20                                                   the disruption in the
independent charitable organizations focused                                                  production of small-scale
on the alleviation of global poverty.                                                       farmers who are at the
                                                                                          backbone of local food sys-
    Using data from the World Food       already        the                              tems in many poor coun-
Programme, Oxfam projected that          highest since the                                tries. Farmers are adversely
12,000 people per day could die          onslaught of the pan-                             affected by lockdowns as
from hunger. This figure is higher       demic. The number of                              they are restricted to ac-
than the 10,000 Covid-19 deaths          people in crisis level hun-                       cess their land to cultivate,
per day recorded in April which is       ger is projected to rise to                       "Covid-19...," continued on page 9

8                                                                                 July 21, 2020           ANG BAYAN
"Covid-19...," from page 8         Pediatricians recommendation:
plant or harvest crops. Travel
restrictions impede access to
markets to sell their produce
                                   Open schools safely
or buy seeds and tools. The
                                        he 67,000-strong American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommended
disruption in local production
                                        last June for schools to be opened and for students to be present in
has resulted in inflation in
                                   schools the soonest possible time. They came up with eight principles in con-
many countries.
                                   sidering school re-entry policies in its paper entitled "COVID-19 Planning
     Additionally, the shutdown
                                   Considerations: Guidance for School Re-entry," last updated on June 25. It
of economies resulted in
                                   emphasized that all policy considerations "should start with the goal of hav-
massive job losses in the past
                                   ing students physically present in school.”
months. Latest statistics by
the International Labor Orga-
                                        The pediatricians assert that       demic, 1.3 billion children worldwide
nization indicate that 305
                                   schools do not just provide academic     have been forced to stop school since
million full time jobs have been
                                   learning to children and adolescents.    March-April. According to the
lost across the world because
                                   These also serve as a venue for stu-     UNICEF, the perils for children being
of the pandemic. The figure
                                   dents to develop their social and        out of school grow and will continue
still excludes workers in the
                                   emotional skills, and to exercise and    grow if schools remain shut, espe-
informal sector. Oxfam said
                                   get access to mental health support,     cially in backward countries. Chil-
that millions of people could no
                                   among many others that cannot be         dren who have stopped school are in
longer afford to eat after los-
                                   provided by online learning. But ac-     danger of never coming back. This
ing their jobs and lack of sub-
                                   cording to them, schools should also     will result in greater inequalities,
sidy from their respective
                                   be ready to adapt and decisions          weaker health systems, violence,
governments. It disclosed that
                                   should be flexible and nimble.           child labor exploitation and child
hunger and food crisis is worst
                                        There has been many researches      marriages.
in Yemen, Democratic Republic
                                   on the surprising aspect of the pan-          The decision on when and how to
of Congo (DRC), Afghanistan,
                                   demic wherein children appear to be      open schools is not easy, says the
Venezuela, West African Sa-
                                   infected "far less frequently than       agency. It will need large infusion of
hel, Ethiopia, Sudan, South
                                   adults and, when infected, typically     funds and close supervision, as past
Sudan, Syria and Haiti. Hunger
                                   have mild symptoms." Children are        weaknesss of the system should be
levels are also rising in poor
                                   also "less likely to spread the infec-   addressed before schools can be
countries including India,
                                   tion," particularly those under 12       opened. Governments should be
South Africa and Brazil.
                                   (10 in some researches.) When chil-      aware of the advantages and disad-
     Amid rising levels of hun-
                                   dren are infected, it is most frequent   vantages of opening schools as
ger, the eight biggest food and
                                   that they contract the virus from        against online learning. Beside
beverage manufacturing mul-
                                   adults.                                  health facilities, governments need
tinationls continue to rake in
                                        The UK's 2,500-strong Royal         to coordinate closely with teachers
superprofits and paid out over
                                   College of Paediatrics and Child         and parents. Funds are also needed
$18 billion to their sharehold-
                                   Health made the same appeal to the       for those children who lag behind
ers since January this year.
                                   UK government, stating that keeping      and those with special needs.
These companies include Coca-
                                   schools shut "risks scarring the life
Cola which paid out dividends
                                   chances of a generation of young
worth $3.5 billion, Danone
($1.35 billion), General Mills
                                        Most pediatricians do not
($594 million), Kellogg ($391
                                   discount that outbreaks
million), Mondelez ($408 mil-
                                   in schools can happen,
lion), Nestlé ($8.2 billion for
                                   and are even inevit-
the entire year), PepsiCo ($2.7
                                   able, but the benefits
billion) at Unilever (around
                                   of opening them out-
$1.2 billion). The total amount
                                   weigh the risks. They
is ten times bigger than the
                                   reiterated         that:
funding requested by the
                                   "Every child deserves
United Nations to feed the most
                                   to have an uninter-
vulnerable peoples across the
                                   rupted education."
                                        Due to the pan-

ANG BAYAN July 21, 2020                                                                                        9
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