UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation

Page created by Philip Ray
UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation

                                                                                                     THE GET BUSY LIVING
                                                                                                     CENTRE IS FULLY UP
                                                                                                     AND RUNNING!
                                                                                                     This has completely changed
                                                                                                     the direction and focus of the
                                                                                                     Foundation. It has enabled us to
                                                                                                     support more beneficiaries and
                                                                                                     their families to find a direction

                                                                                                     in their lives. Instead of just
                                                                                                     giving our beneficiaries financial
                                                                                                     help towards individual pieces

                                                                                                     of equipment, we are now able
                                                                                                     to get people together to talk
                                                                                                     and share experiences.
                                                                                                     The centre has far exceeded all
MATT HAMPSON AND PATRON MIKE TINDALL ON 2ND OCTOBER 2018                                             of our expectations and we are
                                                                                                     changing lives on a daily basis.
The Get Busy Living Centre                                           benefit from the advice of
is located in the heart of                                           those who understand their      The next phase for our charity
the beautiful Leicestershire                                         unique challenges. With the     is to finish off the garden and
countryside. This idyllic rural                                      opportunity to be assigned      finally officially open the centre.
location provides the perfect                                        a mentor who has been           Josie our physio is the newest
setting for the home of the                                          affected by a similar injury    addition to the MHF team.
Matt Hampson Foundation.                                             the Centre provides an          She has become a great
                                                                     environment where people        asset to the Foundation
The construction of the Get
                                                                     are inspired and supported to   and has fitted in the team
Busy Living (GBL) Centre has
                                                                     ensure that they Get            perfectly. She completely
been a long held personal
                                                                     Busy Living!                    gets what the Foundation is
ambition of Matt’s and is
                                                                                                     all about and has become a
the culmination of years of                                          The Centre is also a place to
                                                                                                     crucial component of the MH
planning, dedication and                                             relax and enjoy the space,
                                                                                                     Foundation machine. Josie
endeavour. The Centre is                                             comfort and views that this
                                                                                                     has enabled us to improve
the Foundation’s focal point                                         amazing facility and location
                                                                                                     our beneficiaries physical well
where people affected by life                                        enjoys. The big screen TV’s
                                                                                                     being which has given us an
changing injuries can make                                           in the social area regularly
                                                                                                     extra dimension to what we
use of the state of the art       Hampson Foundation the GBL         show sporting events or
                                                                                                     can offer people.
rehabilitation facilities, meet   Centre provides a positive and     movies and there is often
fellow beneficiaries and relax                                       a Foundation Ambassador,        Through knowledge and
                                  supportive environment in                                          guidance we aim to empower
in peaceful surroundings.         which people who have been         Trustee or Patron making a
                                                                     visit. The Foundation also      our beneficiaries and give them
Built on the site of an old       affected by a life changing
                                                                     regularly hosts themed events   the tools to find a purpose.
aircraft hangar the GBL           injury can focus on their
Centre nestles in the rolling                                        which are hosted by guest       We are all very excited about
                                  future. This is the place where                                    the future prospects of our
landscape of Burrough-            people come to identify and        speakers and attended by
on-the-Hill near to Melton                                           beneficiaries, Ambassadors,     new centre and how many
                                  work towards what they can                                         more people it will allow us to
Mowbray, Leicestershire.          and will achieve, to share their   donors, partners and friends
                                                                     of the Foundation.              help and make an impression
Built as the heart for the Matt   personal experiences and                                           on their lives!
UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation
It is nigh on impossible to          What’s clearly emerging even
visit the Centre and not feel        before the Get Busy Living
compelled to re-evaluate             Centre is officially open is that
your personal perceptions            it isn’t just somewhere for
of what constitutes strength,        disabled people to visit to gain
wealth and success. Feeling          inspiration and strength. It is
obliged to undertake some            somewhere where anybody
self-reflection like this tends      can go to be inspired and
to only occur when something         motivated. The opportunity
special has happened such            to go somewhere where you
as being in the presence             are challenged to re-calibrate
of truly remarkable people.          what you perceive ability,
Here’s another secret, the Matt      disability and courage to be is
Hampson Foundation’s Get             one that can benefit so many
Busy Living Centre is full to the    people. Visiting the Centre is a
rafters with real superheroes        truly empowering experience.
and not one of them wears a          Matt’s dream of a place for
cape or tights.                      people who have suffered life
When you spend time at the           changing injuries to convene
Centre and the more true             in order to support each other
superheroes you meet the             and to focus on what can be
less interested you are in           achieved has become a reality.
finding out how their lives          By achieving his dream he
were changed. The somewhat           has also inadvertently created

It is somewhere
where anybody
can go to be                                                                          GET BUSY
inspired and                                                                          LEGACY
motivated                                                                             TREE.
                                                                                      The Matt Hampson
morbid interest in knowing           a place that can be so much                      Foundation is pleased to
how someone came to require          more for so many people. The                     offer you an opportunity for
the use of a wheelchair, for         Centre can and will impact                       you to purchase your very
example, involves looking            positively on the lives of all of                own legacy driveway tree.
back and that isn’t something        those who visit, including mere                  Each tree gets its own cast
these people do. For people          mortals who are able to walk                     iron plaque. Once ordered,
like Matt, Darrel and the            through the door.                                you’ll receive a certificate,
ever growing number of                                                                as proof of purchase
                                     If you would like to visit the                   and your plaque will be
Foundation beneficiaries it’s        Centre to check out the
all about looking forward to                                                          produced. Maximum 50
                                     facilities then please contact                   characters including spaces.
the future with laser like x-ray     darrel@hambo.co.uk.
vision that Superman would                                                            For more information on
be envious of. The incidents         It is a perfect venue for                        how to order your Legacy
that caused their life changing      corporate development and                        driveway tree contact
injuries are in fact of relatively   team building days and we                        Louis at the Get Busy
little significance. What is of      can build bespoke packages                       Living Centre.
considerable significance is         specific to your needs. This
how these amazing individuals
have reacted, developed and
                                     could include inspirational
                                     talks from Matt or one of the       AVAILABLE TO ORDER
                                                                         NOW £1,000
                                     Foundations beneficiaries or
grown since the incidents that                                                        TO ORDER CONTACT
changed their lives.                                                                  LOUIS@HAMBO.CO.UK
UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation

Patron of the Foundation Mike      Page who was joined by many
Tindall was joined by wife Zara,   of the stars including Ronan
Peter and Autumn Phillips          Keating, a duet by Thom
and a host of their celebrity      Evans and Ben Foden and an
friends including Ronan            amazing auction by the one
Keating, Jamie Dornan, James       and only Jonny Gould.
Anderson and Nigel Mansell.        The event raised a huge sum       event and one we look
The sun shone all day on the       of money which will be shared     forward to each year. Mike is
beautiful Brabazon course and      between the Foundation and        a wonderful Patron and really
the Golf was followed by a         The Cure Parkinson’s Trust.       cares about the work of the
gala dinner hosted by Natalie      Foundation CEO Tommy              Foundation, and this event has
Pinkham. The evening featured      Cawston commented on the          played a big part in getting the
entertainment from DNA, Cole       day “It’s an absolutely amazing   Get Busy Living Centre built.”

JULIAN EVANS SUMMITS DENALI.                                                                            are supporting this mission,
                                                                                                        including the UK’s largest
                                                                                                        care providers Caring Homes
                                                                                                        Group and BUPA, as well as
                                                                                                        Runwood Homes, Care UK,
                                                                                                        Avery Healthcare Group, Maria
                                                                                                        Mallaband, Hadrian Healthcare,
                                                                                                        Barchester, Hallmark Care
                                                                                                        Homes and Halebourne Group.
                                                                                                        Julian has raised another
                                                                                                        £60,000 with this expedition,
                                                                                                        for the The Matt Hampson
                                                                                                        Foundation and Foundation
                                                                                                        CEO Tommy Cawston
                                                                                                        commented “Julian is a very
                                                                                                        pro active Trustee, the money
FOUNDATION TRUSTEE & ADVENTURER JULIAN EVANS                                                            he raises allows us to help our
RECENTLY SUMMITED ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST                                                               ever increasing number of
                                                                                                        Julian said: “It’s about testing
Julian (45), who lives in          So far the nine challenges have                                      yourself. Outdoor endurance
                                                                     of completing the True
Great Easton, north-east of        only been completed by 15                                            events and expeditions have
                                                                     Adventurers Grand Slam.”
Market Harborough, is looking      people. He said: “I have been                                        brought me an immense
to become one of the few           a long-term supporter of The      His achievements so far            amount of satisfaction. Being
people to complete the True        Matt Hampson Foundation           include climbing Europe’s          able to conquer some of the
Adventurers Grand Slam, a          and now very proud to be          highest mountain, Mount            world’s greatest exploration
challenge to reach the North       a Trustee. It is constantly       Elbrus and a trek to the North     challenges whilst raising
and South pole and climb the       in my thoughts as I try to        Col at Mount Everest.              money for valuable causes
Seven Summits (the highest         raise awareness for the issue     Julian has a long list of          close to my heart is very
peak on every continent).          through my personal mission       generous sponsors who              rewarding.”

UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation
                                                                            Henry began relentlessly          Hotel in Hertfordshire, Henry’s
                                                                            smashing the goals that he        reputation as a talented artist
                                                                            set himself in order to move      is growing fast. If you haven’t
                                                                            forward and once he was           yet seen his work then check it
                                                                            discharged from hospital          out at henryfraserart.com and
                                                                            he made a commitment              be prepared to be impressed.
                                                                            to himself to take all the        Henry’s talents don’t stop
                                                                            opportunities that came his       there though. He is also a
                                                                            way. A troublesome sore on        published author whose
                                                                            his back meant that Henry         admirers include none other
                                                                            found himself having to           than J K Rowling, who even
                                                                            spend a sustained period of       provided the foreward for
                                                                            time in bed. Bored, Henry         Henry’s book entitled The
                                                                            needed something to pass          Little Big Things. Detailing his
                                                                            the time and he began to use      journey since the accident in
                                                                            a mouth stick and an app on       2009 which left the 17 year old
                                                                            his ipad to draw. At first he     Henry paralysed from the neck
                                                                            produced simple drawings          down, the book has received
                                                                            as he adjusted and learnt         well deserved recognition
                                                                            how to use the mouth stick        for its honesty, emotion and
                                                                            most effectively. This quickly    motivational message.
                                                                            moved on to more intricate        So that’s art and literature on
                                                                            pencil portraits and eventually   their way to being conquered,
                                                                            evolved in to paintings. In       but for a determined Henry
                                                                                                              that’s not enough. Having the
                                                                                                              opportunity to talk to Henry
EVERYONE AT THE FOUNDATION WAS THRILLED                                                                       on a one to one basis, it comes
TO WELCOME THE MATT HAMPSON FOUNDATION’S                                                                      as no surprise that he has also
VERY FIRST BENEFICIARY THROUGH ITS DOORS                                                                      forged a successful career in
RECENTLY. HENRY FRASER MADE A VISIT TO TAKE                                                                   delivering motivational talks
A LOOK AROUND THE PLACE THAT HE HAS HEARD                                                                     to the corporate world. Asked
                                                                                                              if he’s achieved things he
MATT TALK ABOUT SINCE THEY FIRST MET                                                                          wouldn’t have had he not been
BACK IN THE SUMMER OF 2010.                                                                                   injured in the most innocuous
‘I remember when Matt first            the journeys that they have                                            of ways on the beach that day
started talking about building         endured that have shaped                                               in 2009 Henry is forthright in
somewhere where people with            them in to who they are                                                his response.
injuries like ours could go and        today?                                                                 ‘I coasted along before and I
meet and support each other.           ‘I went to the very darkest and                                        took a lot for granted. I was
To see his dream actually              deepest of places whilst I was                                         lucky to have had a privileged
come alive is fantastic. Just          in hospital in the months after                                        upbringing and things came
having somewhere to come               my accident. I think that it                                           pretty easy to me to be
and talk and realise that so           took that journey to the edge                                          honest. What happened has
much is still possible will help       of absolute despair where I                                            forced me to work harder and
so many people. The facilities         cried for 24 hours straight                                            I believe it’s made me a better
are state of the art and it’s          before I was able to accept my                                         person. I never pushed myself
great to get to have a look for        situation and emerge stronger.’                                        before and my mind-set now
myself.’                               Try sitting in a room with                                             is to take every opportunity
Henry didn’t turn up empty             someone who tells you that                                             that comes my way, even
handed either. He brought              and not feel ashamed of the                                            those that scare the hell out
along the equipment that the           things that have frustrated                                            of me. At one time talking in
Foundation donated to him to           or annoyed you recently. It’s                                          front of classmates at school
help with his rehabilitation so that   absolutely incredible that a                                           would have been too much
it can continue to provide benefit     boy of 17 could display such                                           for me to consider but now I
to others for years to come.           emotional intelligence and                                             deliver talks to rooms full of
Anyone who has had the                 clarity of vison when at his                                           hundreds of people.
                                                                            the space of just over 3          I’ve only been able to do these
pleasure of meeting Henry              lowest ebb.
                                                                            years Henry has built up a        things by seizing opportunities
Fraser will know that he is a          ‘I decided that I just had to        hugely impressive portfolio       and forcing myself out of my
truly remarkable individual. He        get on with it. I had to start       of artwork which has brought      comfort zone. These are all
has a positivity and drive that        to push myself and focus on          considerable acclaim.             things I may not have achieved
are both infectious and utterly        achieving the things that they
humbling. After talking to him                                              ‘I loved art when I was           had I not had the accident.
                                       said I wouldn’t be able to
and hearing his personal story                                              younger, but as I got older       If I hadn’t started doing the
                                       do; things like being able to
you come away wishing that                                                  rugby took over my time. My       talks then the opportunity to
                                       breathe for myself and then
if you could be just a little bit                                           dad is a graphic designer and     write the book wouldn’t have
                                       ultimately get myself out of
more like him you would in                                                  my mum designs interiors so       emerged. Not being afraid
fact be a much better person.                                               creativity kind of runs in the    of failure leads to achieving
                                       When I first met Matt he was         family. The injury that I have
Henry personifies Matt’s                                                                                      things you never thought
                                       ‘living’. I had already started to   can leave you feeling quite
mantra of ‘Get Busy Living’.                                                                                  possible, it’s about taking that
                                       focus on what I can do rather        isolated at times. Drawing and
In fact Henry and Matt seem                                                                                   first step and allowing yourself
                                       than what I can’t but talking        painting helps to release that
to be cut from the same                                                                                       the opportunity to grow.’
                                       to Matt helped immensely.            isolation. I’m never alone when
cloth in so many ways,                 He understood in a way that                                            Visit Henry’s website
not least in terms of their                                                 there’s me and a painting.’       henryfraser.org for more
                                       nobody else could what I was
infectiously positive attitude         feeling and that support was         With a second art exhibition      information on this most
and outlook. Is this similarity        crucial.’                            taking place on the 15th and      remarkable of young men and
merely a coincidence or is it                                               16th September at The Grove       the work that he carries out.
UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation
  Travelling from coast to coast across America, it’s a pretty common ambition. You can picture it now, the sun beaming down
  from a cloudless sky on a palm stretched road. Passers by almost blinded by the glinting chrome on a perfectly polished,
  convertible muscle car. Not a care in the world as you leisurely cruise from town to town, city to city, state to state, coast to
  coast. Sounds like something from your bucket list?

Not to Dylan Bogg, Robin                 competitor. Despite all this       “The crew had to adapt the        German effort to win the Over
Brookes, Roger Canham                    nothing can ever fully prepare     plan and book hotel rooms so      50’s category. “It was a massive
and Karl Mamos. They much                you for something as gruelling     that we could still get some      sense of achievement, not
preferred the prospect of                and intense as the RAAM.           much needed sleep when            just for us 4 riders, but for the
travelling over 3000 miles               “We did some research in           it wasn’t our turn to ride.       whole crew as we couldn’t have
through deserts, crossing                to what has worked well for        Without the support crew we       done it without the support of
12 states, climbing 175,000              other teams in the past and        wouldn’t have had a chance of     everyone involved. Everyone
feet across 3 major mountain                                                                                  knew that they had played an
ranges.on bikes.                                                                                              integral part.”
This isn’t cycling it is ultra-cycling                                                                        In total the team has raised an
and it is definitely not for your                                                                             incredible £60,000 which they
average weekend cyclist.                                                                                      will be donating to the Matt
The RAAM (Race Across                                                                                         Hampson Foundation.
America) is a notoriously                                                                                     “We wanted to support a
difficult and challenging event                                                                               local charity and preferably
that pushes human physical                                                                                    something sport related.
and mental endurance to the                                                                                   I’m a life-long Tigers fan so
absolute limit.                                                                                               I was already aware of the
When asked if he is in fact                                                                                   Foundation. The beauty of
more than a little bit crazy                                                                                  sport is that it brings people
Dylan responds with a laugh;                                                                                  together and it provides the
“That is not the first time I                                                                                 opportunity to forge life-long
have been asked that and to                                                                                   friendships and that is what
be honest I was miss-sold the                                                                                 the Get Busy Living Centre is
idea to a certain degree. I only                                                                              all about. We couldn’t think of
realised how tough it would be                                                                                a more appropriate charity to
after agreeing to do it!”                                                                                     donate to.”
The team of 4 intrepid riders                                               completing the race.”             The Foundation cannot thank
                                         came up with a plan we were
had to put in a minimum of                                                  Chuck in ridiculously hot         Dylan, Robin, Roger, Karl and
                                         happy with. The rules are that
15 hours training each week                                                 temperatures, high winds,         all the others involved in their
                                         you always have to have one
for over a year to prepare for                                              sandstorms, exotic road kill      unbelievable achievement
                                         of the team riding at any one
the mammoth ride. Even with                                                 and a developing battle for the   enough. Completing the
                                         time. We worked in pairs doing
coaching input from Luke                                                    lead with a German team you       RAAM is a fantastic example
                                         30 minute intervals for 6 hour
Mosely from Real Endurance                                                  get the picture that this was     of the mental resilience that
                                         shifts before swapping over.
Coaching providing individual                                               not going to be an ordinary       humans can demonstrate,
                                         The logistics involved were
development plans, this was                                                 race. Did I also mention that     something that aptly
                                         really complex, but we felt we
never going to be anything                                                  the teams have to complete        represents the strength shown
                                         had some solid tactics. That
other than a huge undertaking.                                              the 3000 miles in no more         every day by our beneficiaries.
                                         was until our RV broke down in
The guys have some seriously             the first 12 hours of the race.”   than 9 days?                      So what next for the middle
impressive sporting pedigree             This was a real bombshell.         In traditional Hollywood style    aged men in Lycra?
between them. Dylan is                   The RV, which is American for      the good guys ultimately pulled   “One of the guys sent an email
a former Leicester Riders                ‘Camper Van’, was a vital part     through. Team Get Busy Living     around a couple of weeks ago
basketball player, Robin                 of the race strategy providing     triumphed against all odds        asking the rest of us if we want
and Karl are both extremely              two riders with the chance to      and completed the race in just    to enter the RAAM again next
accomplished Triathletes and             freshen up and rest when it        over 6 days, which meant that     year. Let’s just say that we’re
Roger is a world class Ironman           wasn’t their turn to ride.         they overcame the determined      pretending we haven’t seen it!”
UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation
                                  DARREL WHITE OUR NEW

                                  GBL CENTRE MANAGER
                                  Darrel and Matt met when they
                                  were both patients in Stoke
                                  Mandeville Hospital in 2005,
                                  quickly forming a strong bond
                                  that has lasted ever since.
                                  A successful entrepreneur
                                  with a background in retail
                                  and catering Darrel has been
                                  involved since the early days
                                  when the Matt Hampson Trust
                                  was originally formed.
                                  Appointed as the Get Busy
                                  Living Centre Manager in early
                                  2018 Darrel’s is usually the first
                                  face and always the first voice
                                  you hear when you arrive. You
                                  are always guaranteed the            t
                                  warmest of welcomes when
                                  Darrel is on site!                   KIERAN FLYNN
                                                                       My name is Kieran Flynn          Wheelchair rugby has been
                                  fantastic and everyone is here       and I was paralysed in           fantastic for me. It has
                                  for the same reason, to have         2013 in a tackle whilst          increased my self belief,
                                  a positive impact on the lives       playing rugby union. I was       confidence and fitness.
                                  of the beneficiaries. It’s an        introduced into wheelchair       Alongside the gym & healthy
                                  inspiring place to work.”            rugby in Wrexham a little        eating, rugby has helped
                                                                       over two years ago. I went       me lose 5 3/4 stone in 18
                                  Josie knows the importance of        into a division 3 team           months. It has improved my
                                  making sure physiotherapy is         (Liverpool Lions). In my         independence and given
                                  part of an inclusive and holistic    first season we won the          me a sense of belonging
                                  approach to rehabilitation.          league and subsequently          following my spinal cord
                                  “The great thing about               were promoted to division        injury. The benefits of the
                                  what the Foundation is               2 where I played for a           sport are much more than
                                  looking to provide is that the       full season before joining       just physical. The mental
                                  physiotherapy treatment isn’t        Leicester Tigers (the Division   benefits are fantastic. It is
                                  seen as a standalone part of         One Champions) for the           a release from the day to
                                  recovery. Supporting people          National Championships.          day life of having a spinal
                                  through what is often a long         I have also recently been        cord injury. The team bond
                                  path of recovery involves            selected onto Great Britain’s    and spirit between the team
                                  identifying key milestones and       development squad.               remind me of my previous
                                  giving them the confidence to                                         life playing rugby union.
 t                                achieve. When life changing
                                  injuries occur to an individual
                                  leaving hospital can often be
PHYSIOTHERAPY AT GET              quite an isolating experience.
BUSY LIVING CENTRE                What we aim to do is to
The Matt Hampson Foundation       motivate people to get on
is delighted to announce that     track to reclaiming as much
Josie Ledbetter recently joined   independence as possible and
the team as Lead Physio.          the GBL Centre is the perfect
Providing the highest quality     environment and atmosphere
physiotherapy treatment for       to do that.”
beneficiaries has always been     Getting Josie on board is
a high priority for Matt and      another major step towards
was always going to be a huge     gearing up the Centre for its
part of the offer provided by     official opening later in the
the Get Busy Living Centre.       year. At the Foundation’s
Josie is hugely respected         heart is the understanding           t
within her field and qualified    that it’s not just good enough
as a Chartered Physiotherapist    to have the best facilities and
from the University of East       equipment. It’s the people           SAM APPLETON
London in 2004. Specialising      involved who create the              My name is Sam, my mum           physiotherapy even though
in neurological rehabilitation    positive atmosphere and              contacted the Foundation in      I’m still in a recovery phase!
Josie has worked both in the      culture needed for great             August 2017 and although
                                                                       t                                My mum found a private
NHS and the private sector        things to be achieved. Josie’s       I don’t speak to them every      Neuro Physiotherapist
and got to know Matt a couple     huge depth of physiotherapy          week or every other week         and the Matt Hampson
of years ago whilst providing     knowledge and experience             we’re helped and supported       Foundation pay for me
him with treatment.               along with her infectiously          by the Foundation every          to see her twice a week!
“I feel genuinely lucky to        positive attitude make her a         day! Since my discharge          Without this I dread to think
be part of the team at the        great addition to Team Hambo.        from hospital I get very         where I would be in my
Foundation. The facilities are                                         few amounts of NHS               recovery!
UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation
CHIEF EXECUTIVES REPORT                                                                            TOMMY CAWSTON

Aside from the fright Matt gave
us the rest of 2018 has seen
some great developments. All
the hard work of the last few
years is now finally coming
to fruition and I am delighted
to announce that the Get                                                Tindall for April we really are   our doors. As I mentioned
Busy Living Centre will be                                              expanding the breadth and         earlier our Physio Josie started
officially opened on Tuesday                                            diversity of events we run.       in June and we have already
2nd October by Matt and our                                             There are also some exciting      witnessed the amazing impact
patron Mike Tindall.                                                    new opportunities on the          she has on our beneficiaries.
Building the Centre is one thing                                        horizon such as the potential     Some patients are actually
but building a team to run it                                           to work with the Dallaglio        taking their first steps after
and support beneficiaries is                                            Foundation who are doing          being told they would never
just as important. Our already                                          some amazing things through       walk again. It is both humbling
fantastic team of people has                                            their Rugby Works Programme.      and heart-warming to be
recently been boosted by the                                            We have people fundraising        involved in these life changing
addition of two new members                                                                               developments and the
of staff. Darrel White and Josie                                                                          respect I personally hold for
                                    the benefit of others Samuel
Ledbetter have joined Team                                                                                professionals like Josie could
                                    became a youth advisor helping
Hambo and have already made                                                                               not be greater.
                                    influence and shape services
a tremendous contribution.          for other young people with                                           The Centre has won two
Darrel has been appointed           similar injuries to himself.                                          awards at the annual East
as the Centre Manager. His          After a period of successful                                          Midlands RICS Awards for Best
personable character and long       rehabilitation Sam trained as a                                       Community Project as well as
association with Matt make          young wheelchair skills trainer                                       the regional Project of the Year
him an ideal figure head. Josie     supporting other young people                                         and now goes forward to the
is a Physiotherapist with a         to develop and improve their                                          National Awards in November.
huge amount of experience           wheelchair skills. Sam continues                                      The Centre also won Most
and knowledge that will help        to transform his community                                            Inspiring Building Project of
our beneficiaries in their          and strongly believes that after                                      the Year at the Inspire Awards
rehabilitation and recovery. It     a spinal cord injury you can                                          and has featured on BBC East
is an absolute pleasure to have     still do anything you want to                                         Midlands and the main BBC
both Josie and Darrel on board.     do. He helps others to build                                          sport website.
BENEFICIARIES                       the confidence and positive                                           SUMMARY
Our beneficiaries continue to       approach he has and by doing                                          As you would expect with Matt
inspire us all and they regularly   so he inspires us all. A true Get                                     at the helm we continue to
achieve some absolutely             Busy Living attitude!               for us all the time and this      have big aspirations and new
amazing things. We will             FUNDRAISING                         continues to increase which       goals to strive for such as the
certainly have more contact                                             is crucial to our aims. From      provision of accommodation
                                    We continue to both run and         people running marathons
with them all when the centre       be the nominated charity in                                           on site. The focus for the
officially opens in October.                                            to school kids having a non-      coming months is to complete
                                    numerous high profile events        uniform day we benefit from
Being able to have a place          of exceptional quality which                                          the finishing touches to
where everyone involved in                                              the generosity of so many         the Centre and getting the
                                    remain the largest source of        people and we always try and
the Foundation can come and         revenue for the Foundation.                                           remaining rooms sponsored.
spend time with each other is                                           offer as much support as we       Slater and Gordon have just put
                                    Events such as the Knight           can to assist their wonderful
truly a dream come true.                                                                                  their name to a meeting room
                                    Frank Dinner with Bradley           efforts.
A special mention must go to                                                                              and we are looking forward to
                                    Wiggins in October and the
our beneficiary Sam Appleton                                            GET BUSY LIVING CENTRE            working with them. By the day
                                    David Strettle Testimonial
who recently won a Diana                                                The Centre was finished in        of the Grand Opening there
                                    Dinner in March provide an idea
Award. Sam is 12 years old                                              November 2017 and we have         is no doubt that the Centre
                                    of the calibre of events that
and the Foundation helped to                                            actually occupied the building    will be fully operational so
                                    we are proud to be associated
fund his physiotherapy costs                                            since December. The facility      that it can continue to have
                                    with. With the inaugural Matt
following a spinal cord injury                                          allows us to help a huge          the impact it was designed
                                    Hampson Foundation Golf Day
he sustained in the middle                                              number of people and we           and built for, supporting our
                                    at the Belfry arranged for the
of a rugby match at the age                                             know we will have an influx       beneficiaries to get busy living
                                    4th October and the planned
of just 9. Determined to use                                            of people wishing to visit us     again.
                                    Val D’Isere Ski Challenge
his personal experiences for        event being planned with Mike       as soon as we officially open

UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation
EVENTS 2018/19

This year’s Rugby Captains Dinner will take place on Wednesday
21st November at Battersea Evolution. The exclusive event will
celebrate England winning the 2003 World Cup, fifteen years on.
Lions Tour winning captains and home nations heroes will come

                                                                       FEBRUARY 27th 2019
together to share and reflect on their respective tests, offering
original insight into what it takes to build and lead a team to the
ultimate rugby prize.
The evening will include hosted Q&A sessions with leading             SIX NATIONS DINNER 2019
personalities of the 2003 Rugby World Cup, including Martin           The Matt Hampson Six Nations Dinner, a spectacular evening
Johnson, Sir Clive Woodward, Lawrence Dallaglio, George               with the stars of Rugby at Battersea Evolution, London on
Gregan, plus many more stars of the 2003 World Cup. Guests            Wednesday 27th February 2019. This will be an unforgettable
will also enjoy live entertainment, delicious catering from Smart     evening where you and your guests will be entertained by the
by Angela Hartnett and a spectacular live auction with once in a      sporting greats, a sumptuous meal followed by an after dinner
lifetime opportunities. Tickets from £275 Per Person Ex VAT.          party until 1am. Contact Clare for booking information, tables of
Contact Clare for booking information, clare@ourlegend.com            10 or individual places, clare@ourlegend.com

  JUNE 22nd 2019
                                                                      MATT HAMPSON FOUNDATION SUMMER BALL 2019
                                                                      The Matt Hampson Summer Ball at Marston Trussell Hall,
                                                                      Leicestershire. Join players from the Leicester Tigers at this
                                                                      fantastic setting for a champagne reception in the beautiful
                                                                      grounds of the Hall, before a three course dinner in a spectacular
                                                                      marquee. Entertainment throughout the evening followed by
                                                                      a live band and dancing till late into the night. Tables of 10 and
                                                                      individual tickets available contact clare@ourlegend.com for
                                                                      further information and booking.

                                                                      GET BUSY LIVING!
                                                                      LEGACY PATHWAY
                                                                      The Matt Hampson Foundation is pleased to offer another
                                                                      opportunity for you to purchase your very own engraved paving
                                                                      flagstone for the new Get Busy Living Centre. Whether it’s for
                                                                      you, your family, friend or business. We’ve set aside an area
                                                                      around the perimeter of the building which will be dedicated
                                                                      to our supporters as the legacy pathway for the Matt Hampson
                                                                      Foundation Get Busy Living Centre. Once ordered, you’ll receive
                                                                      a certificate, as proof of purchase and the flagstone will be
                                                                      engraved and inserted into the pathway in 2018.

                                                       AVAILABLE TO ORDER
                                                         NOW £295                                BUY ONLINE OR CONTACT

UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation UPDATE - Matt Hampson Foundation
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