Urgent hypothesis on plane MH370 disappearance and related problems

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Urgent hypothesis on plane MH370 disappearance and related problems
Urgent hypothesis on plane MH370
             disappearance and related problems
            Demetris T. Christopoulos1 and Galina K. Ustinova2
   National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Economics,
  Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RAS, Moscow,

                                 September 5, 2014


            Some real processes are proposed and described, which could ex-
        plain tragedy cases of aircraft and ship missing, in particular, Malaysian
        MH370 disappearance.

Keywords. dark energy, gravitation, seismicity, tectonic activity, earth-
quake, vortex/whirlpools.

1       Introduction
  According to the current cosmological conception [1], [2] etc., our Universe
contains only 4.9% ordinary (baryonic) matter; the last ones are 26.8% dark
matter and 68.3% dark energy. Dark matter is a hypothetical form of matter,
which does not interact with electro-magnetic radiation, and reveals itself
only in gravitational interactions with ordinary matter [3]. Dark energy
is a hypothetical form of energy (corresponding to the absolute vacuum),
which follows from the mass-energy balance in the standard cosmological
model in order to explain the accelerated expansion of the Universe. It
is the most adequate present conception, corresponding well to the Λ-CDM
model. The phenomenon of the accelerated expansion was discovered due to
observation of SN Ia (carbon-detonation supernovae), which turned out to
be the ideal objects for estimating the Hubble constant [4], [5]. Mostly, these
were white dwarfs, which exploded as supernovae at the stage of the burning
of carbon and oxygen that approached the Chandrasekhar mass, Mchan ≈
1.39M⊙ . Because of the homogeneous characteristics of exploding SN Ia,

they are considered to be valuable indicators (“standard candles”) of the
local velocity of the expansion of the Universe and its geometrical structure:
the fainter the SN Ia, the greater the distance to it. (It is interesting, by
the way, that the last supernova explosion before the formation of the Solar
System was just SN Ia, which, probably, has determined the uniqueness of
the Solar System [7]). The observed acceleration of the Universe expansion
testifies to very low, practically, negative density of the dark energy, which
opposes the latter to gravitation. Indeed, based on mass-energy equivalence,
the density of dark energy amounts 1.67 × 10−27 m     3 , i.e., only ∼ 4 hydrogen
atoms in a cubic meter of space, [8]. There is no yet uniform understanding
about the structure of the dark energy: whether it is homogeneously spread
in the Universe, or space and time fluctuations are possible. Since we observe
a wide range of such fluctuations in the Planck length, lP = 1.616×10−35 m,
it is reasonable to accept in general that a kind of variability could exist also
for dark energy in universe.

2    Questionings
  Because of the ubiquitous existence of dark energy, it would be participate
in all cosmogony gravitational processes, including origin of galaxies, stars,
formation of planets, etc. If so, one may admit, for instance, that during
the planets formation some dark energy could be captured and deposited
in their interiors. It is possible if the planet formed rapidly enough in hy-
drodynamic anticyclonic vortices [9] (especially nearby the SN Ia explosion,
injected ∼ 0.6 − 0.8 solar mass of iron into the protosolar nebula) and in-
evitably captured a certain part of the environment homogenously spread
dark energy. The last turned out to be non-uniformly deposited in the Earth
entrails. Probably, dark energy exists at every planet in order to keep its
stability, maybe as a kind of compensation to the rotation of such a giant
object: If such an opposite force didn’t exist then perhaps all planets could
reach a very small radius and high density state, which could be similar to
that of a mini black hole.
     How could it manifested further? Naturally, there can be its motion
under the rocks and tendency to escape out, overcoming the gravitation of
the latter. We know similar processes on the Earth, namely, seismic activity.
It is supposed that earthquakes may be conditioned by tectonic processes of
plate collisions, by volcanism, by many reasons from local disturbances in the
crust up to disappearances of the whole continents, see a recent review [10].
But, what is probably another, non well studied, reason of seismic activity?
It is easy to see, indeed, how many problems turn out to be resolved if we
admit that a part of dark energy is accumulated in some caverns inside the
Earth, where it is equilibrated by the gravitation of the Earth matter. Its
stochastically arising escapes lead to motions under the Earth crust and to

a specific set of earthquakes. Moreover, when the equilibrium is disturbed,
opening of a large cavern with dark energy may annul its anti-gravity support
of the upper rocks, so that whole continents might be come downward to
the earth core by gravitation (Lemouria?, Atlantis?). Apparently, its often
emanations take place in the Bermuda triangle, which probably could be the
reasons of disappearance of ships and airplanes due to their accidental entry
into the regions of low (even negative!) density. Possible accumulation of
dark energy inside the Earth imposes constraints on the models of the planet
formation. The models of the stochastic origin of the matter compressions
and their further accumulation by gravitation might not be sufficient. As
mentioned above, the MHD models only, including gigantic anticyclonic
vortices, could be adequate [9], see also [7].

3     MH370 tragedy
  Perhaps, that aircraft disappearance in the South-China Sea is that case
too. Indeed, the Chinese scientists had detected a slight seismic event on the
sea floor between Vietnam and Malaysia, i.e. in the region of the Malaysian
Airlines flight MH370 on March 8, see [11]. However, no acts of its hitting
and breaking up in the water have been registered on a seismograph, which
has been considered as doubtfulness of seismic reason of the accident. Never-
theless, it should be analysed that process in detail. In the conditions of the
low density dark energy emanation from the seabed, a giant whirlpool must
be developed, engulfing all the nearby things, changing previously their way.
To imagine it vividly, it is useful to remember “A Descent into the Mael-
ström” by Edgar Allan Poe (1841) [6], which shortly retailed below (see
also [7]):
     “To North-West from Norway, during strong storms a giant vortex,
maelström of about a mile in diameter is developed which draws in all the
things in the range of a Norway mile. The schooner of the hero was drawn
in by the vortex and started to whirl round the abyss with a terrible speed,
descending lower and lower. It continued for many hours, and the hero could
observe that the large bodies collapsed more rapidly than the small ones. He
guessed to tie himself to the empty barrel and jumped over the board. Soon
he saw that his schooner was plunged into the abyss, but he continued his
whirling up to the end of the storm, when the vortex was dissipated”
     When a vortex is developed by the dark energy emanation it is not
restricted by the sea surface but it is continued in the upper air space,
because density of the dark energy is much less than the air one. Due
to counterclockwise rotation of the Earth, the escaping dark energy forms
cyclonic vortex. When an aircraft is taken by the outer turn of the vortex
in the air space, its way is changed by the rotation also counterclockwise,
which was really observed in the way of MH370. Further fate of the aircrafts

depends on the balance between pressure dropping and mass of the aircraft:
large ones are instantaneously devoured, but smaller ones can worry along
several turns. Similar situation were apparently in the case of the Avengers
disappearance in 1945, the course of which declined counterclockwise several
times: from east to north, to west, to south. There is very important to
understand that just the total absorption of the aircrafts by the vortices
takes place without their destructions and without any hitting on the sea
surface: they drop into the abyss even up to the seabed (or even still further
into the earth entrails). Indeed, the detected ultrasound signals from two
sources at 37.5 Khz, belonging possibly to the MH370 black cases, points
out to the seabed depth of ∼ 4.5 km. (Taking into account the average flight
height of the modern planes of ∼ 10 km, the total height of the vortex might
be above ∼ 15 km).
     Therefore, just the absence of the destruction fragments at the surface
of sea may testify to validity of the scenario. Let us remember, for instance,
that in the case of South-Korean plane missing in 1983 its decline from the
course was clockwise at the very beginning, conditioned, apparently, by the
failure of autopilot, which had driven it towards the soviet air space, deeply
in which it had been, apparently, hacked down. Of course, the majority
of earthquakes probably are conditioned by the tectonic activity, provoked
by the dark energy, without escaping the latter from the Earth. Just the
Bermuda triangle effect − global disappearance of ships and airplanes with-
out their destructions, as well as previous groundless counterclockwise dec-
lination of airplanes from their route − testifies to the phenomena of the
dark energy escape, i.e. as MH370 case recently shows, it probably may not
has been related with even strong tectonic activity.
     Unfortunately, on the present stage of science we cannot avoid future
accidental catastrophes, similar to that tragedy. Although we don’t know
today the cause of the catastrophe, but we may suppose, and if our guess
about the dark energy is valid, might be any way to miss the accident? Yes,
for instance, strong increase of the plane velocity at the first sign that its
course unwarranted changes (especially counterclockwise) might be such a
way if sufficient reserve of the velocity above the used one is available. In-
deed, if not technical problem was yet the reason of the airplane catastrophe,
but the dark energy vortex took place, how much could the modern plane
abruptly increase its velocity to escape from the outest vortex curls at the
first sign that its course unwarranted changes? How is a possible reserve of
the velocity above the mean one used?
     There is a necessity for mathematical modelling of the processes. Per-
haps, it is especially interesting simulation based on mathematical analysis
of real tragedy cases: e.g. simulation of a vortex in two medium (water
and air), determination of its height in air space, as well as diameter of the
outer whirl, which might capture planes. It is rare and straight way to study
feature and properties of the dark energy itself and, therefore, its possible

role in plate tectonics.
    We dont know all the properties and features of the dark energy, except
for two ones: its practically negative density and its antigravity in interaction
with matter. How could these properties be revealed if dark energy tuned
out to be in a bounded volume, e.g. inside a planet? Apparently, it repels
itself if environment allows it, but while being prisoner in the Earth entrails
it cannot reconcile itself to such a fate. It is clear, when a balance between
antigravity pressure of dark energy and gravitation of surrounding matter
conserve. However, there are many processes on the planets, which can
disturb such a balance, e. g. rotation of planets. It can force motion of dark
energy, which, in its turn, can be a source of tectonic activity. Certainly,
many other conventional factors have contributed to plate tectonics (e.g.,
methane escape). Nevertheless, the dark energy might be initial trigger of
all the other processes, participating in plate tectonics.

4    Discussion
  If we look at the distribution of Earthquake activity, see Figure 1 with
data from [13], we will observe that it is identical with the boundaries of
Earth’s tectonic plates. More precisely the area of MHD370 disappearance
is one of the most seismic active regions in planet.
     Analysis of the registered seismicity in the Greece region by using data
from [12] and in the whole world with data from [14] reveals its cumulative
growth in time, see [15]. In Figure 2 the inflection points mark a critical
time range of 1982-1983 and 2005, after which the seismicity tends to fur-
ther increase in Greek region and globally in the world, respectively. Such
inflection points indicate a maximum for seismic happenings.
     How might the above findings be explained from the point of view, that
dark energy deposited inside the Earth operates its seismic activity? Per-
haps, the dark energy depositions approach gradually with time to the Earth
surface; so that its emanation becomes easier, as well as tectonic activity
increases due to higher speed of rotation of the nearer surface layers. If our
analysis is correct, then we have, apparently, a rare opportunity − by using
our investigations of seismic activity on the Earth − to study unknown yet
features and properties of the dark energy itself.
     Indeed, homogenous spread of the dark energy concerns unbounded
space only. How is its behavior in restricted volumes, e.g. in some cav-
erns inside the Earth, where its pressure is equilibrated by the gravity of the
surrounded rocks? Do its features depend on its quantity?
     As known, dark energy reveals itself in gravitation interactions only,
ignoring electromagnetic ones, which are much stronger. For instance, ev-
eryone knows that two little oppositely charged balls attract each other,
whereas the neutral ones don’t. Nevertheless, everyone knows that planets

are attracted by the sun and have an influence upon each other. There-
fore, the manifestation of the gravity depends on the mass of matter, and
it can be so strong in the presence of large material objects that, probably,
may distort space. Similar in the case of the dark energy’s antigravity: be-
ing, apparently, a perfect vacuum energy, homogeneously distributed in the
Universe, dark energy is exhibited itself only as weakening gravity in every
point. However, everyone nowadays knows that just all the 68.3 % dark
energy in the Universe is a cause of the accelerated expansion of the latter.
Thus, there are good questions, indeed, for the present theoretical physics:

    • What are the properties of the dark energy in the restricted space?
    • Do they depend on the dark energy quantity?

5    Acknowledgments
We are grateful to all the participants of ResearchGate engaged in useful

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Figure 1: Global seismicity is evident near tectonic plates of Earth

Figure 2: Inflection points in cumulative magnitude of main seismic events
in Greece in 1900-2006 and globally in the world in 1976-2011

                           (a) Greece 1900-2006

                           (b) World 1976-2011

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