V2015 Additions & Changes

Page created by Lester Castro
V2015 Additions & Changes
v2015 Additions & Changes
                                          ECLIPSE · version 2011 · CC-1112- 353010-3 · 7/28/2011
    This Complete EHR is 2011/2012 compliant and has been certified by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT®), an
    ONC-ATCB, in accordance with the applicable certification criteria for Eligible Providers adopted by the Secretary of Health and Human Services. This
    certification does not represent an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services or guarantee the receipt of incentive payments.
    Read our blog for more information.
    This certification period ended by law as of 12/31/2013 and was reinstated for the period 10/1/2014 thru 12/31/2014
    for attestation purposes. We expect to seek certification under Stage 2 guidelines in 2015.

Copyright © 1985 - 2014 MPN Software Systems. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, or translated by any means without the prior written consent of MPN Software Systems, Inc.

         Did you know… that ECLIPSE can automate your credit card processing inexpensively with X-Charge? Visit
         www.eclipse-x-charge.com or call 1.888.412.8819.

 Email Note: If you are using a free email account such as those provided by Yahoo or Gmail, these companies specifically turn
 off the features needed by ECLIPSE (and other programs) to send email. These features are (in our experience) provided when
 you convert to a paid account for a small annual fee (e.g. $19.95).

November 20, 2014
    Added additional error checking to portal to ensure visits aren’t posted prior to setting up providers.
    Reverted Stage 1 clinical summary count to certified count within date range.
    Removed logo placeholder from AMR patient welcome letter.

November 19, 2014
    Dashboard photos are now proportionally scaled & centered within the display area.
    Display error message if Meaningful Use reporting period is undefined when report is generated.

November 18, 2014
    Corrected the MU counting mechanism following an 11/12/2014 update to properly reflect denominators based
     on patients that meet the visit criteria for the reporting period.

November 17, 2014
    Appointments created through the portal can now be directly edited and updated manually from the AMR Portal
     Pending message grid with immediate updates to both the portal & ECLIPSE.
    Appointments that were attempted past office hours are automatically backed to a prior available time on the same
     date if the patient has checked the appropriate search criteria (e.g. “Evening”).

November 12, 2014
    Version update to 2015.
    ECLIPSE now imports DICOM imaging (e.g. x-ray / CAT scan / etc.) files (with a DCM extension) that conform
     to the DICOM “Single File Standard” to any patient’s Documents tab. Review this NLM article online:
     Managing DICOM images. for an explanation of DICOM.
          o You must have a DICOM viewer installed on your computer. Santesoft Medical Imaging Software has
              viewers available including this one which is free of charge.
o    If you have multi-file DICOM images, you must either use a tool to convert them to a single DICOM file
                prior to import or upgrade the system that creates your DICOM image files.
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: The Patient Portal is now ready for use. Step-by-step instructions for practice setup &
       use are in your HELP Contents under the Patient Portal topic. Please read them carefully to avoid time-
       consuming problems & HELP Desk calls.
            o The patient portal is FREE and should be used by everyone (whether or not you’re interested in
                MU) to ensure better HIPAA compliance.
            o Patients can send secure messages and initiate appointment requests. You can reply to messages directly
                from the queued message grid. Messages that you respond to manually are displayed on a teal
                background. Those handled automatically by ECLIPSE are displayed in yellow.
            o You can respond to messages manually by simply clicking the ellipsis button in the Message column.
            o Configuration options allow you to automate scheduling requests. The portal allows requests based on
                date ranges, specific days of the week, specific times, as well as morning afternoon, and/or evening
                intervals. ECLIPSE will attempt to accommodate these requests. If this isn’t possible, it will leave the
                message queued for you to handle manually.
            o This is an online service that remains available as long as you maintain your ECLIPSE subscription.
            o We have already requested additional services from the portal providers which you may see in the near
            o In order to meet MU guidelines, encourage patients to contact you via the portal.
      The Clipboard tab available from the Ledger’s Print options now includes social security# as an option.
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: The Orders tab has now been exposed on the patient’s EHR tab. This tab exists to
       fulfill MU data entry requirements only. It allows you to create a database of medication, lab & radiology orders
       as required for some menu based objectives.
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: Updated Infobutton links & display parameters for Clinical Decision Support keyword
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: Updated HELP for Stage 1 & Stage 2 objectives.
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: Added tracking & reporting for signed electronic notes (Encounters).
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: Added tracking & reporting for imaging. Documents now have a checkbox that allows
       you to indicate whether they’re “imaging” documents.
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: Added tracking & reporting for secure messaging.
      Stage 2 Meaningful Use: Date ranges in your configuration are now active for MU reports. All reports include
       patients who have visits within the date range you set.
      Meaningful Use: The Patient List report has been updated as follows:
            o It automatically defaults to the configuration options you’ve entered for reporting stage & date range.
            o The date range is used to specifically include patients with actual visits during the date range.
            o The above details are now printed (as required) on the report.
      Updated to FairCom 10.3 library.

October 20, 2014
    Fixed Problem List issue resulting from required SNOMED additions.

October 17, 2014
    Meaningful Use: By request, we’ve improved performance for auto-generated clinical summaries by sending a
      CDA document to a browser window on your screen (which can optionally be printed) rather than automatically
      generating a PDF of patient information.
    Meaningful Use: By request, we’ve updated CDS notifications to include abnormal BP & BMI. If you want to
      take advantage of this, you must check the Automate CDS checkbox on the General tab of your Configuration.
      You can access your configuration from the File | Utilities | Configuration menu.

October 16, 2014
    Updated “Add Services & Payments” dialog title to reflect patient case.
    Updated Infobutton links for BP & BMI related Encounter Notifications.
    Corrected a patient update & retrieval issue when a patient’s folder is released by one networked ECLIPSE user
      while it’s simultaneously in use by another (for non-RTDF ECLIPSE setups).
October 14, 2014
    Corrected an Encounter issue introduced 3/4/2014. With certain combinations of Microsoft Windows &
      computers, ICD data didn’t save when codes were deleted. (Messages would display & indicate that data wasn’t
      saved during attempts to save the data.)

October 10, 2014
    Right-clicking your mouse on grids without context sensitive menus could crash the program in executables dated
      on or after 10/1/2014.
    Medicaid changes for UB-04 field 81.

October 4, 2014
    Microsoft changes in Windows 8 derailed ECLIPSE context sensitive menus during touchscreen operations. We
      have re-enabled those menus for all ECLIPSE grids by directly handling all touch/gesture related messages.
      Simply tap & hold your finger position for at least 1 second and the menu will appear when you lift it. All other
      touchscreen operations will continue to work as before.

October 1, 2014
    ECLIPSE will now display birthday reminders on the scheduler with the comment “Is xx today!!!” where xx is
      his/her age. This change will only be effective for appointments created on or after the date you load this update.

September 18, 2014
    Updated Krames license renewal checks for software based licenses.
    Updated audit searches to ensure the most recent date is always returned when using data to evaluate whether
      statements should be generated.
    Updated screen refresh routines.

September 14, 2014
    Updated ChiroMatrix import program to import to the main database following the 9/9/2014 & 9/14/2014 index
    Extended new grid capabilities added 9/12/2014 to the scheduler’s provider tab. Grid arrangements can be saved
      separately for each day of the week.
    Added an additional index to the patient file for an upcoming patient portal to match patient data.

September 12, 2014
    New functionality has been added to the patient ledger & document grids. New context sensitive menu options
      allow you to save (or clear) the current state of each grid. In other words, you can relocate columns, sort and/or
      group by specific columns and save the layout separately for each user on your system. Until you clear it,
      whenever you retrieve a patient, ECLIPSE will automatically use these settings.
            o   This functionality is specific to the computer – not the user.
            o   The layout is generic and applies to all patients you view on that computer in ECLIPSE.
            o   If the currently logged-in Windows (not ECLIPSE) user doesn’t have appropriate permissions, this may not work on your
       Fixed issue introduced 9/9/2014 which caused some windows (e.g. legacy audit view, EHR pending documents)
        to crash.

September 9, 2014
    Added an index to the patient file for the soon-to-be-released AMR patient portal to match incoming secure
      messages to patients.
    Updated an existing EHR index for extended MU Stage 2 data entry.
    Added 2 new indexes to the legacy SOAP phrase database now that it’s being used for free form Encounter entry.
      The new indexes allow direct searches by either key phrases or text.
    Added CPT code 95999 to ANSI 837 electronic billing.
    Updated screen refresh features.
    Added MN & WI specific payer control# for 837 claims.

August 14, 2014
   CMS 1500 box 14 change to condition screen to add a third option (date first consulted) for chiropractors
        submitting Medicare claims.
       Fixed an issue with seamless background coloring of the ledger.

August 7, 2014
    Multi-Document options on the Documents tab didn’t work properly after column headers were dragged to re-
       sort rows.

August 6, 2014
    Updated the way Encounters print with CMS forms: Previously, the provider assigned to the bill (i.e. box 33)
       determined whether Encounters were matched to billed services. Now, Encounters are matched directly to treating
    Adverse allergic reactions in the History tab can now be matched to CDC data tables.

July 21, 2014
     Added new reprint option to allow all claims (printed & electronic) to be sent to the ECS file for electronic

July 16, 2014
     Encounter page headers that follow page 1 (i.e. pages 2, 3, etc.) have been updated to include patient date of birth
        & the last 4 digits of the social security#.
     “Finger” has been added as a pulse source in the History tab.
     ANSI 837 changes for billing.
     ICD-10 databases are now available as per the 1/16/2014 README entry. These ICD-10 codes can be imported
        & merged directly with your existing ICD database:
            o Import will not affect your current ICD-9 database (unless your existing file is corrupt).
            o When you import the ICD-10 database, you’ll be prompted to select the chiropractic version (the default –
                which contains about 2800 ICD-10 codes) or the full 90,000+ code version. The full version – including
                an ICD-9 crosswalk – comes directly from the CDC as-is. To import the ICD-10 codes to your existing
                database, select ICD-10 from the File | Data Import/Export | Import submenu. You will then be
                prompted to enter your System Administrator password.
                      Select a database version and press OK to begin the import process.
                      This may take anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes depending on your computer &
                         selection. (The 90,000 ICD-10 code database merge will display two separate progress bars
                         during the import process. The 2800 code chiropractic database will not display progress.)
                      A message will appear when import is complete.
            o It’s important that you familiarize yourself with ICD-10 concepts before 10/1/2015. A good place to start
                is right here. Please make sure you don’t use ICD-10 before it’s mandated.
            o The “chiropractic” version contains both chiropractic & common physical therapy codes. This table has
                been carefully categorized by our team of D.C.’s to make it even easier to quickly locate the code you
                      Please note that myriad mistakes exist in some ICD-10 books for sale to D.C.’s. Our physicians
                         have spent considerable time carefully cross-checking such codes against the official USA CDC
                         data. If you believe you have located an error, please check it against an official (e.g. National
                         Library of Medicine) online data source before reporting the error to us.
                      Given the fact that no 1:1 correspondence exists between ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes, it’s
                         imperative that you familiarize yourself with both the actual codes & choices ultimately made by
                         Dr. Walters as she closely supervised construction of the ECLIPSE ICD-10 database. In fact, our
                         experience with errors in commercially released materials should serve as a lesson to all: You are
                         ultimately legally responsible for the codes you place in your clinical documentation & on bills.
                         Please make sure you pay careful attention to your choices.
                      How we determined which ICD-10 codes to include:
                               The team reviewed existing chiropractic ICD-9 office data in different areas of the
                                   country (based on different scopes of practice) as well as ICD-9 data from multi-
                                   disciplinary offices that employ physical therapists.
 An attempt was made to balance the total # of codes with the ease of scrolling through
                             them. For example: There are 27 different codes for various locations of Brown-Sequard
                             syndrome in the spine (depending on visit type initial, subsequent encounter and sequela
                             and exact location). Many practices have very few of these patients, so we opted to
                             exclude them from the ICD-10 database. Additional codes can be entered by you as
                      How we created categories:
                          Most diagnoses were categorized by region, excluding subluxation.
                          Subluxations were kept in their own category. Rationale: they’re generally used for
                             specific payers (e.g. Medicare) and would be more likely to be looked up together. (If
                             you want to change the category, simply access the ICD Database and change the
                          If a diagnosis relates to multiple areas (e.g. cervicothoracic) we placed it in the category
                             that appears first in the name.
                          We balanced the sheer number of categories and necessity to scroll through either too
                             many categories or too many items in a category.

July 10, 2014
     A new payment type of Payer Credit Card has been added to handle payer issued CC #’s as a payment alternative
        to direct deposit or checks.
             o For manual CC entries, simply use the new type.
             o For X-Charge processing, you must manually select this type. Otherwise, the standard patient CC type is
                 always assumed.
     CMS 1500 field 11 changes for VT.
     A CC processing defect introduced on 6/19/2013 voided a split X-Charge transaction w/o deleting the full amount
        of the original transaction.
     Tweaked screen refresh routines.
     Tweaked folder retrieval performance for patients with multiple cases.

June 24, 2014
    Fixed issue with EDI 835 Remittance Adjustment/Remark code retrieval & interpretation.
    Stage II Meaningful Use: New History tab columns for additional required immunization observation data &
       data tables. The Observations button allows you to add required data from required CDC and LOINC data tables.
    Up to 12 diagnosis codes will now print on receipts.

June 18, 2014
    CMS 1500 form changes of 6/17/2014 could affect form alignment.

June 17, 2014
    Stage II Meaningful Use: New demographic based data filters have been added for preferred language, race and
    Stage II Meaningful Use: New data filters for patient contact preferences.
    Stage II Meaningful Use: New default sort order for filters by date/time of last visit. The time element requires
       that an appointment can be matched to the service date.
    Stage II Meaningful Use: Infobuttons in the Lab Tests tab have been revised to work for KRAMES subscribers.
       The National Institutes of Health Medline Plus service (which is free) does not currently work for > 99% of lab
       tests we’ve researched. The Notifications button within the Encounter has been updated as well.
    Stage II Meaningful Use: New History tab columns for additional required immunization data & data tables. A
       variety of existing columns have been updated to reflect new government criteria. Note that since the government
       has changed the criteria for some columns (e.g. “Administered By” and “Units”), existing data may no longer
       appear but will not affect Meaningful Use attestation for Stages 1 or 2.
    New buttons (Mark All Bills and Clear All) have been added to the patient’s Billing tab within the Ledger’s
       print options dialogs.
    Stage II Meaningful Use: Incorporated 73,000 term LOINC (Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes)
   Fixed potential “Amount Paid” miscalculation for bills with filtered services that included service linked
      Updated ANSI 837 billing of disability dates.
      Added additional Encounter abbreviations.
      Fixed a conditional index that didn’t display deactivated users. If affected, an extended rebuild is required to
       attempt to repair the issue.
      Stage II Meaningful Use: Race, Ethnicity & primary language defaults can now be set in your configuration.
      Updated CMS-1500 form for Excellus BC/BS PIN fields 24, 32 & 33. Payer ID field must reflect “00806” to
       differentiate payer from other NY BC/BS payers.

May 28, 2014
   Updated KIOSK subscription check to handle software license values over 100,000.
   CMS 1500 form changes for TX Worker’s Comp.

May 21, 2014
   Fixed issue that caused a program crash when launching a patient from the scheduler’s dropdown menu.
   Ordering providers have always been included in ANSI 837 claims. They are now included on paper & print
      capture claims as well in box 17.
   Fixed issue created 4/21/2014 whereby information about previously scheduled room #’s didn’t display on the
   The lock confirmation dialog displayed when locking Encounters will now appear at the cursor position.
   Some types of legacy EHR based SOAP document edits could lose case associations. This has been rectified.

May 8, 2014
   CMS 1500 BC/BS taxonomy changes for box 24I in WA.
   Non-Client/Server rollback to pre-4/21/2014 FairCom library build.

May 6, 2014
   Fixed Encounter Plan template issue introduced 4/7/2014.
   A secondary attempt to activate ECLIPSE disabled the existing activation.

May 1, 2014
   Fixed issue with UNC paths that could affect FAC sub-directory databases.
   Changed authorization visit checks by CPT to include a date check as well. Thus, multiple CPT codes on the same
       date of service that fit the criteria will now be counted as “1” in the totals.

April 24, 2014
    Repaired issue introduced 1/19/2014 with regard to recording pulse origin in vitals.
    Repaired an issue introduced 3/20/2014 with regard to filtering scheduler providers.
    Repaired software licensing server addressing issue introduced 4/2014.

April 21, 2014
    Updated itemized statements to handle more than 4 ICD codes.
    Voiding a CC payment from the Add Services/credits… dialog could crash ECLIPSE following successful
       voiding of the transaction.
    If a stored CC is processed during manual service entry and isn’t approved, it will now automatically pop-up the
       X-Charge dialog to allow manual data entry.
    Updated to v10.3 libraries from FairCom, v9 libraries from \n software, and v5 AMYUNI libraries which have all
       been incorporated into ECLIPSE.
    Comments & non-standard appointment durations now appear on the scheduler when you hover your mouse over
       the grid.

April 9, 2014
    Email generated from the scheduler now automatically includes the appointment date & time in the subject/title.
    Fixed an issue with ledger grid positioning when adding credits to bills.
   Updated Google Calendar interface by request to remove canceled appointments in ECLIPSE from the Google

April 7, 2014
    Fixed Encounter Plan template issue introduced 2/2014.

April 2, 2014
    Added HELP menu support to take you directly to GalacTek’s new online ticketing system for HELP Desk
        related issues. Added a new Copy license info to clipboard button to the About dialog to allow you to copy &
        paste some info into the online system.
    Fixed issue introduced 3/25/2014 with case assignments for documents.
    For the Encounter, Medicare subluxations now appear automatically in Plan adjustments in the same manner as
        spinal subluxations.
    Fixed an issue with ledger grid positioning adding new data.

March 28, 2014
   The Import Image button on the Scan/Import Documents button now supports multiple file selection.
   Added Document Control # to ANSI 837 Institutional claims.
   Fixed an issue with case assignment to documents.

March 25, 2014
   Any EHR document can be re-assigned to a different case during editing.
   Fixed an issue with ledger grid positioning after data edits.
   Two new options have been added for payers.
   Two Condition tabs have been combined. The Medicare/Medicaid & Disability Dates tabs have been combined
      into a tab labeled Dates / Specialty / CMS to more accurately reflect content. The new tab has dropdown boxes to
      allow you to override boxes 14 & 15 on the new 02/12 CMS 1500 form (printed & print capture) from their
      default values on a per patient basis to handle all possible variations. Defaults are based on expected standard
      behavior for these forms.
   The payer Printed Claim Options tab has been updated with four new values to control whether CMS-1500
      02/12 boxes 14 & 15 should be displayed along with qualifiers. This allows you, for example, to globally remove
      the box 14 & 15 qualifiers for your local Medicare carrier. These fields affect printed and print capture forms.

March 22, 2014
   The Payer Paid & Patient Paid ledger columns have always reflected ALL line item credits, so these columns
      have been renamed. An issue with the immediate display of payer adjustment credits has been resolved.
   A new menu button has been added to the EHR Documents tab to separate document options that affect single
      documents vs. those that affect multiple documents as determined by the Select checkbox.

March 20, 2014
   Added a new option to the EHR Documents tab. Selected documents in the grid can be consolidated for export to
      a single PDF document. Remember, not all document types (e.g. video) can be exported to the pdf format.
   The Documents tab grid layout has been adjusted to accommodate modern monitors, and now provides more
      horizontal space for the grid.
   Fixed an issue with scheduler’s ability to filter columns by provider.
   Removed “recently” introduced Windows API calls that don’t exist in Windows XP.
   Updated CMS 1500 box 17 to automatically handle qualifiers for supervising [referral] providers.

March 19, 2014
   Updated CMS 1500 boxes 14 & 15 for printed and “print capture” claims.
   ECLIPSE now supports online licensing & activation via your internet connection.

March 6, 2014
   Updated ledger view to ensure that added items are visible w/o scrolling.
   Updated CMS 2/12 print capture to handle NUCC/CMS -> ANSI translation issue. This may be a typo in the
        NUCC documentation.

March 4, 2014
   Multiple changes for new CMS 1500 2/12 form.
   Corrected an Encounter issue introduced 2/18/14 where some types of data for blank templates added using the
      new data button didn’t save.

February 26, 2014
    ECLIPSE now passes address & zip code information to X-Charge when processing credit card transactions.
    Updated CMS 1500 “print capture” files to exclude ICD descriptions even when the override is on.
    Added a new payer source of payment: HMO Medicare Risk.
    Updated ECLIPSE spell check behavior in the Encounter .
    The Encounter’s Review Note button has been updated with Previous & Next buttons to allow you to quickly
      traverse formatted Encounter text.
    Updated ledger to ensure current scroll positions remain after editing (e.g. updating a payment).

February 18, 2014
    A new button has been added to each Encounter row and appears at the far right edge of the 1st column – just prior
      to any data in column 2 (i.e. at the approximate center of each row). Pressing this button will have the same effect
      as pressing the existing button at the far right edge of the data column.

February 17, 2014
    Stage II Meaningful Use: We’ve updated data entry of patient smoking status to conform to new SNOMED
      requirements. (Prior entries are automatically mapped to their CDC -> SNOMED specified equivalents.)
    Stage II Meaningful Use: The behavior of the Encounter Notifications button has been updated as we continue
      our move to support both the InfoButton standard and Clinical Decision Support Meaningful Use objectives.
      Problem list items are now displayed in a browser as direct links to related information at NIH websites such as
    Added new “forwarded payer” capabilities for some 835 remittance files.
    Updated ICD code report layout for printing.
    Fixed potential issue with “print capture” files when bills are reprinted.
    The Encounter Edit box has been substantially enlarged when initially displayed (you’ve always been able to drag
      or maximize it to enlarge it) to accommodate users who dictate notes into free form Encounter fields.

February 3, 2014
    Stage II Meaningful Use: Clinical Support Decision Interventions now have individual permissions associated
      with them based on problem list, vital signs, demographics, etc.

January, 29, 2014
    Info buttons have been added to the Medications and Lab Tests tabs in the EHR. Please note that Medline may not
      always have more information on the topic as searched – especially for lab tests.

January 28, 2014
    As part of our Stage 2 preparations, we are introducing functionality which will allow you to perform context
      sensitive lookups on the internet with the click of a button. (The standard itself is known as the HL7 Infobutton
      standard.) Our first implementation of this standard is with ICD-9 and the MedlinePlus Connect service (which is
      free). Currently, when you select an ICD code from the list, you do so with a standard ellipsis button recognizable
      throughout the ECLIPSE user interface. A new & separate Info “ ” button will now appear to the right of the
      ellipsis. Clicking the Info button will launch your default browser with an automatic request for available
      information on that diagnosis. Medline Connect has not yet implemented this behavior for ICD-10.

January 23, 2014
    To complement the 1/20/2014 update, ECLIPSE will now maintain the current grid position as a reference point
      as you move through Encounters.
o   Grid positions will match if the template you’re viewing is of the same type (e.g. daily note vs. exam) & has the same # of rows as
                that template in the prior Encounter you were viewing. So, if you move, for instance, from an exam to a daily note, and you’ve
                hidden a variety of exam-specific rows, the grid position will not be exact.
       Tabs could be manipulated for locked Encounters.

January 20, 2014
    If you’re reviewing a specific tab (e.g. Plan) as you progress through a patient’s Encounters, that tab now remains
      in view as long as it’s attached to the next Encounter selected.

January 19, 2014
    Stage II Meaningful Use: We’ve updated data entry of patient vitals (e.g. weight, height, BP) to make it more
      efficient. The dropdown lists created for Stage 1 ensured that each line displayed then unit of measure for
      certification purposes. We have updated these to allow for direct data entry of values (e.g. weight) along with a
      spin button control that can be used as desired.
    Popup alert duration on the scheduler has been increased from 5 to 8 seconds. Hint: Move your mouse cursor
      over a popup hint to freeze it in place.

January 16, 2014
    Automatic service import has been updated: automatic write-offs now reflect the corresponding service date.
    Payer assignment can be edited for existing payer payments.
    ICD-10 import setup is complete. ECLIPSE can import one of two databases for your office. Use the ICD-9 to
      ICD-10 index until you become familiar with ICD-10 codes.
            o   See our blog here for more information about ICD-10.
            o   The full 79,000+ ICD-10 [2014 version] database is available now. It is imported along with a CDC provided crosswalk to match
                ICD-9 codes to ICD-10 comparable codes where applicable. Since ICD-10 descriptions can be over 125 characters in length, the
                codes are imported with alternate [official from the WHO] descriptions that are under 35 characters in length.
            o   The chiropractic specific ICD-10 database currently has over 400 codes and will be available in updates by this coming summer
                (well before any October 1st deadlines). Our team has had to review the original WHO & CDC source ICD-10 data due to the
                high error volume we’ve encountered in chiropractic specific reference books. Thus, if you note discrepancies, please confirm
                them with the official CDC data before contacting us. (Our doctors have notified vendors of these products with regard to
                specific errors.)
            o   When you import a database, it will add the ICD-10 codes to your existing ICD-9 database. Use the indexes to view the codes
                you want.
            o   Our recommendation: Do not import ICD codes until instructed to (likely by July) by us. Why? Simple, we’re not giving you
                the custom chiropractic list yet because it’s still a work in progress. And the full CDC list may be updated before then by CDC.
                (Once a code is imported to ECLIPSE, the data won’t be overwritten unless you create a new file.)
            o   ICD-10 codes can be imported by selecting ICD-10 from the File | Data Import/Export | Import menu. Your system
                administrator password is required.

January 10, 2014
    Service specific ICD selection (in the standard version or Plus/Advanced versions using standard ICD selection
      configuration) has been updated to provide a list that displays ICD descriptions as well as ICD codes.

January 8, 2014
    If you have X-Charge installed, your daysheet will now automatically list CC payments that were entered
      manually as opposed to being processed through the X-Charge system. X-Charge must be installed on the
      computer from which you run the report. Note that if you use a date range which includes dates prior to your
      X-Charge installation, the new report section will include all recorded CC transactions.

January 6, 2014
    The Encounter free form edit dialog now allows you to save & recall phrases with a new button. So, you can add
      categorized phrases to a database and then recall them into any Encounter area that uses the free form edit control.
      If there are existing phrases in the database when you first attempt to use it, have the HELP Desk delete the
      existing database to wipe out its content. Note that any WYSIWYG attributes added (e.g. bold) will be
      automatically removed once the text is actually selected into an Encounter.
    ICD description length has been extended for ICD-10.

January 2, 2014
   The new CMS 1500 02/2012 form has been implemented for pre-printed forms, as a form image to print on blank
        paper, and as a “print capture” format for clearinghouse use.
            o   We do not recommend print capture for electronic billing. Electronic billing should always be managed via ANSI 837 compliant claims
            o   If you use “print capture,” you must coordinate mapping of the 02/12 compatible file with your clearinghouse. Otherwise, any changes you make
                will likely result in rejected files.
       Updates to our SRSsoft EHR interface by request of SRSsoft.
       The daysheet report option that allows you to include missing Encounters has been amended to include unlocked
        Encounters as well.
       The Billing Preview report has been updated to display all service assigned ICD codes.
       Updated visit count calculation for authorized visit restrictions by CPT code.
       A programming error was introduced to the user database on 11/13/2013 and affects anyone who has added new
        users since that date. We apologize for any inconvenience, but user databases created on or after that date and
        before today must be re-created.

December 11, 2013
    Stage II Meaningful Use: The new federal standards for Ethnicity & Language require standardized databases.
      This update includes files which can be imported to your existing database and include appropriate codes. We
      have disabled the ability to add, edit or delete your own codes as per Stage II requirements. In order to import the
      attached file to any existing database:
            o   Be prepared to use your administrator password.
            o   From the File | Data Import/Export | Import submenu, select Language & Ethnicity.
            o   Enter your password at the prompt. Messages will appear as each database is imported (a few seconds).
            o   You can begin using the new additions immediately.
            o   If you made have made additions to this database in the past, those entries will remain and cannot be deleted. You can differentiate them from
                imported entries using the new code column.
            o   ECLIPSE counts all entries for Meaningful Use.
       Added CMS-1450/UB-04 box 15: Admission Source to printouts. This field is already sent via ANSI.
       On 10/31/2013, ICD-10 changes were implemented. We have added an additional ICD-9 to comparable ICD-10
        index for chiropractic ICD-10 codes so you can directly review ICD-9 codes in ICD-9 order and see the
        corresponding ICD-10 code in the next column. We have begun the process of creating the new databases which
        you will be able to import directly into your existing database from the ECLIPSE menu. (You will also be able to
        import the entire ICD-10 list if you choose.)

December 4, 2013
    Stage II Meaningful Use: The patient demographic requirements have changed subtly but substantially from
      Stage 1. In order to document a patient’s race, we must now track multiracial traits based on an approved list from
      the CDC. In other words, if a patient has mixed heritage (e.g. White & Asian), each must be separately recorded.
          o The existing Stage 1 field has been retired and can no longer be accessed by you. If you have placed data
              in that field, ECLIPSE will still count it for Meaningful Use purposes.
          o Once you begin using the new field, it will supersede the old field for documents that include relevant
          o The list cannot be edited by you. It’s now standardized – like ICD. Items in the list have unique “concept”
              codes (which are never displayed).
    Fixed issue with printing alerts.

November 27, 2013
    Specific, rarely used operations such as recalculating a patient balances from the ledger could crash ECLIPSE on
     32 bit systems because the Encounter tab wasn’t re-synchronized.
    Updated policy id# filter to handle partial string searches in addition to exact matches.
    Updated DrFirst Rx downloads to updated the date last confirmed when a prescription is renewed.
    Corrected an extremely rare Encounter issue that wouldn’t display the 1st word of a section in a generated note if
     that section had no header and did not begin with a space.

November 19, 2013
    Encounters forced prompts indicating there was updated data when exiting a patient’s folder even though no
     (Encounter) data was added or updated.
   Peripheral Encounter data (e.g. provider, exam assignment) could be updated even if the Encounter itself was

November 15, 2013
    Added multiple bill# display to [split payment] totals from 11/14/2013.
    Updated stats reports to include payer EFT/other breakdown with totals.

November 14, 2013
    Added further protection to avoid inadvertent Encounter locking by authorized users. Users can be assigned to a
     specific provider and can only lock Encounters for that provider.
    The patient’s ledger display has been updated to automatically show split payments in a new way. A single
     “master” row is displayed which can be expanded to display the individual credits by clicking the “+” sign to the
     left of the row. This row cannot be edited or deleted. You can turn this behavior off by setting the “No packing”
     checkbox on your Configuration’s Ledger tab.
    Patient ID #’s have been added to the rolodex.

November 12, 2013
    Fixed a problem introduced 11/4/2013 for Stage II Meaningful Use that affected patient comment edits.
    Updated data filters to allow birthday filters to select month & day (and thus ignore the year).
    Updated Encounter checklists by request to disable multiple (simultaneous) highlighted selections.
    Patient assigned alerts can optionally be declared case independent during creation or editing.

November 5, 2012
    The scheduler’s print tab has a new check option: generate a report that reconciles patients marked as arrived [but
     not completed] with actual visits (i.e. services that correspond to CPT visit codes) to ensure all patients marked on
     the scheduler have had services entered. Practice management tip: the smartest way to handle this is to
     reconcile your sign-in sheet with your daysheet printout. Patient visit totals should match sign-in totals

November 4, 2013
    Stage II Meaningful Use: ECLIPSE CDA documents (with some modifications from 10/31/2013) have been
     tested against the NIST validator and run without errors or warnings for all CDA document types.
    Box 22 change for Medicaid print capture. If you’re using print capture, it’s time to switch to ANSI and move
     away from 1970’s era concepts!

October 31, 2013
    Add & display patient photos to the Dashboard with the new Add Photo button.
           o Photos are stored with other patient documents and can be viewed or deleted from the Documents tab.
                    Since even inexpensive cameras can create images that are 10,000,000 bytes (10MB) or larger,
                       we automatically resize your photos and maintain their aspect ratios during import.
                    ECLIPSE will NOT erase your original image.
           o Photos are not case specific and are not stored by case.
           o You can import standard camera image types such as JPG, BMP, and PNG. We recommend JPG.
    Since documents within the patient’s EHR have always been assignable to both bills & service dates, we have
      limited viewing to case related documents within a patient’s case tab. However, as we’ve added other data (e.g.
      Medications) to the EHR, such data has been case independent. New checkboxes now appear where appropriate to
      allow you to view or select from all case related documents simultaneously.
           o In the patient’s EHR Documents grid, documents will always be ordered first by case, and then by date.
               You can change that order at any time by clicking the various column headers.
           o When consolidating and printing documents associated with bills automatically, documents must still be
               associated with the same case as the bill to be considered for inclusion.
    Locked Encounters copied between cases did not have the locks removed.
    Fixed Encounter message display issue introduced on 10/12/2013 that affected custom text editing.
    Removed ODBC control characters from file headers for better FairCom v10 compatibility.
    Updated provider filters for alphabetical searches.
    Enabled up & down arrows in Encounter pop-up grids.
   Stage II Meaningful Use: ECLIPSE has been updated to export CDA documents from the patient’s History tab.
        (The CCR document type specified for Stage I is still exported as well.) Both types are recognized within the
        EDocuments tab. The document is simply a summary of care document that can be recognized universally by
        internet browsers such as IE, Firefox, and Chrome.
       ECLIPSE is now fully ICD-10 ready. We will soon provide partial and extended ICD-10 databases for import.
        However, you can now enter ICD-10 codes directly into your existing database. If you bill electronically, you
        must check the ICD-10 checkbox to indicate an ICD-10 diagnostic code.
            o New indexes are created automatically when you first launch this update. These new indexes allow
                 separate views of ICD-9 vs. ICD-10 codes in ICD or category order. Report any errors to the HELP Desk
                 so a HELP technician can help you manually rebuild your ICD files.
            o An additional new field can display [where appropriate] an ICD-9 comparable field for ICD-10 codes. We
                 will be using this field when we create ICD-10 data for you to import.
            o Currently, ECLIPSE defaults to the generic ICD code index during ICD selection. As of 10/1/2014, when
                 you select a code, the default index will automatically change to ICD-10.
            o If you use ICD-10 codes before they’re mandated, your claims will be rejected.
            o In some states, certain state agencies or payers may insist you continue to send ICD-9 codes. You must
                 ensure that you’re compliant with the requirements of any entity you submit to.

October 16, 2013
    New form letter & template variables have been added for ICD codes and separate parts of an Encounter.
    Custom 4 Encounter tab added 10/7/2013 wasn’t displaying automatically with saved data.
    Manual responsibility changes could be overwritten automatically during ledger entry as new services and credits
      were added.

October 12, 2013
    The Encounter now allows you to create separate daily note & exam views for your templates. The ability to hide
      individual rows has been updated to allow you to optionally hide rows for a daily note, exam, or re-exam.
      Additionally, once you have entered data for a given row, that row will appear for any Encounter that contains
      data – regardless of whether it was marked as hidden.
           o Use the existing Hide/show rows option on the Encounter’s context sensitive menu. Simply make
               selections on the grid to determine which rows you want to hide for each type. For example, you might
               choose to hide Present for History during a Daily Note or Re-Exam. This allows you to completely
               customize the view to the type of note you’re working with.
           o Simply check or uncheck the Exam or Re-Exam Options checkboxes on the lower right-hand side of the
               Encounter to instantly change the view.
           o If you decide during a daily note that you need to enter additional data (e.g. you decide to update
               dermatomes after the patient says her thumb is numb today), simply click the Exam checkbox (which
               presumably contains this information) to alter the view, and update the data. Then uncheck Exam. When
               the view changes back to the daily note, it will include the single row of information you entered in the
               Exam view.
           o Don’t forget, as you move from an exam to a daily note, if you transfer all your exam information to the
               note, that data will continue to appear as new information for the current note.

October 10, 2013
    Updated Launch option on scheduler’s drop down waiting room menu to handle Windows 8 issues where context
      sensitive menus are not properly displayed.

October 8, 2013
    Multiple updates to data filters for alphabetical searches.

October 7, 2013
    X-Charge CC Transaction ID#’s and approval codes now appear in the ledger under Check# and Authorization
    A new Custom4 template that mirrors templates Custom1 & Custom2 has been added to the Encounter upon
October 1, 2013
    Stage II Meaningful Use: ECLIPSE has been updated to use government specified servers to get the current date
      & time and set them on any computer it’s running on. This is done at regular intervals.
    ANSI-837 institutional electronic billing updates.
    As appropriate based on your configuration, the KIOSK Queue is now launched any time you logon.

September 28, 2013
    Fixed issue with filtering a report alphabetically by profile.
    Added Launch option to scheduler’s drop down menu to handle Windows 8 issues where context sensitive menus
      are not properly displayed.
    Updated Encounter note text to refrain from printing height & weight along with vitals if no data was entered.
    Updated some pop-up Encounter dialogs (e.g. check lists) to be resizable.
    ANSI-837 institutional electronic billing updates.
September 23, 2013
    Fixed issue with filtering a report by phone #.
    Fixed issue introduced 9/12/2013 which affected responsibility when adding credits to the ledger.

September 12, 2013
    A new Encounter [context sensitive] menu option allows you to change the order of existing tabs as well as delete
      them. This replaces the prior delete only capability.
    Document type editing is now password protected under Database Permits.
    Fixed Copy/Paste & Import issues with the History tab.
    Updated automated date changes when posting services & payments to fix lingering issues with matching
      behavior to prior grid structures.

September 10, 2013
    G codes can now be printed on UB-04 forms.
    EHR documents consolidated from a patient’s Ledger to email on 64-bit systems now display same email options
      available in the patient’s Personal folder.

September 4, 2013
    Fixed issue created 8/19 (see entry below) with Encounters.

August 19, 2013
    A specific sequence of events (starting a new Encounter, switching to the Ledger tab and adding services,
       updating & saving the Encounter) could cause two copies of the new Encounter to be saved. This has been
    After using the drag & drop sort capabilities on the History grid, attempting to exit the patient folder would abort
       or crash the program. This has been corrected.
    HL7 import changes for lab data.

August 13, 2013
    Fixed sales tax issue when multiple sales tax levels were in use and a taxable service with a level 2 tax was edited.
    Fixed issue affecting copayment distribution during ledger entry as items were deleted or dates were changed.

August 9, 2013
    Locked Encounters are printed with the notation: Electronically signed. Last edited on xx/xx/xxxx. This has been
       updated to: Electronically signed on xx/xx/xxxx.
    The default sort order in the Scheduler for the Waiting/Treatment Room grid is now automatic by arrival time in
       the Arrived column. You can change this by clicking on another column.
    The Plan template has been updated. The Additional column in the Patient given grid is now a dropdown and you
       can add your own custom text to it.
    A checkbox was inadvertently introduced to dates added during daysheet entry with the new grids. This has been
August 7, 2013
    Older appointment grids automatically snapped to row & column boundaries. Newer grids show partial rows &
       columns – making it difficult to precisely re-align grids following updates that don’t add rows. After a great deal
       of experimentation, we have devised a way around this obstacle to allow absolute positioning within the same
       parameters as the old grids (i.e. when the total # of rows and columns remains the same after a refresh).

August 5, 2013
    Fixed issue when using payer filters with an alphabetical range.

August 1, 2013
    When appointments were updated (e.g. marked as complete or otherwise changed), global update messages were
       sent across the network, but the local instance of ECLIPSE didn’t receive messages to update the display.
    Ledger grids used in ECLIPSE prior to the DB2 version did not display through dates for credits such as cash
       payments (which have no purpose). The DB2 version now works in the same manner.
    Despite the fact that our busy beta sites definitively demonstrated that the F4 key is as fast as the up & down
       arrow keys when entering line item payments, some of you prefer the old arrow keys. So, for the line item
       payment grid only (since that grid doesn’t host affected controls such as calendars) you can now use the up &
       down arrow keys. However, if you’re editing data, you must press the up/down arrow key twice. The first press
       ends the edit session for the current cell. The next press moves you to the next (higher/lower) cell. Please see the
       6/10/2013 entry for more information.

July 30, 2013
     Case balances have been added to the Dashboard tab above the Charges pie chart.
     Dashboard users can now scroll Encounters with two new buttons below the Dashboard’s Encounter window.

July 29, 2013
     An EFT checkbox has been added to the bill editing dialog.
     A context sensitive menu has been added to the scheduler’s waiting room.
     A new column has been added to the patient’s Appointment tab to display the last edit date.

July 28, 2013
     Bulk finance charges can now be calculated based on patient responsibility.
     Printing “Future appointments scheduled today” from the Scheduler was not functional due to an index error.
        Following today’s date, this will work automatically. For prior dates, a simple re-index will correct the problem.

July 24, 2013
     Since the new scheduler was released, an issue which affected how the times display (on the left side of the
        scheduler) has appeared when Show Available is on. We reported the issue to BCG and it has been resolved.
     The scheduler’s context sensitive menu is once again fully available.

July 23, 2013
     Added new scheduler icons for reminders, blocked appointments and patients who have been marked “Arrived”
        but never complete the appointment.

July 21, 2013
     Updated scheduler so arrow buttons advanced the calendar a day (vs. a week) at a time when the week view
        wasn’t a display option.

July 19, 2013
     Fixed printing issue with Alerts.

July 17, 2013
     Fixed scheduler messaging issue that affected screen updates after copy/paste and other functions.
     Added service/payment/adjustment colors back to the “Add services/credits” grids.
   As you change dates in the “Add services/credits” grids, based on your configuration settings, this option will
       now work in the same manner as prior versions of ECLIPSE… once you change the date of any row, any new
       rows will reflect that date until it’s changed again.
      Using the Force edit on double-click configuration option for the scheduler could result in Arrived patients
       appearing as double entries in the waiting/treatment room grid.

July 16, 2013
     Fixed issue when using payer filters with an alphabetical range.
     Fixed configuration issue with scheduler tab display.

July 12, 2013
     Fixed scheduler issue introduced 7/11/13 which could intermittently affect 32 bit Windows versions when
        changing providers.
     1:25PM: RTDF was turned off for this morning’s update and is once again operational.

July 11, 2013
     The scheduler has been expanded to handle icons for treatment rooms 1 through 12.
     Responsibility edits during daysheet entry were nullified by recalculations. This has been corrected.
     New Appointments & updates have been added to the RTDF messaging system.
     A new approach to scheduler screen updates limits grid deviation from the existing view & keeps prior selections
        in place where possible. Additionally, new RTDF updates ensure that changes made by other users don’t refresh
        your view if you’re not currently viewing the affected date range.

July 7, 2013
     A new Functional Goals section has been added to the Encounter’s Plan template to handle documentation for
        Physical Therapy G code requirements.
     During service entry, the patient owed amounts once again reflect changes by date.

July 3, 2013
     Manually deactivated alerts are now immediately deleted and can no longer be retrieved following deactivation.
     When using the Limit views to selected date configuration option for the scheduler’s Week view:
            o Double-clicking to create a new appointment would pre-select a different date during the week.
            o Extended appointments weren’t marked on the scheduler.

July 2, 2013
     Fixed issue with Source of payment data filter.

July 1, 2013
     Fixed issue with alerts grid when permissions disallowed alert deactivation.
     Fixed scheduler issue that only displayed an update icon in the waiting room grid when updated at another

June 30, 2013
    Where applicable, appointments are now displayed on multiple lines in the scheduler so comments are visible
       without hovering your mouse.
    An issue with Encounter updates triggering a program crash during RTDF has been addressed.

June 27, 2013
    Fixed issue with regard to editing blocked appointment times.
    Removed automatic “through date” processing during ledger/daysheet entry when “through date” column is
    Updated Encounter Condition dialogs to handle 12 diagnoses.
    Fixed grid issue introduced 6/26/2013 that affected Encounters.

June 26, 2013
   Added Available tab to scheduler views.
       Fixed an issue with deactivating alerts. A new column indicates alert status after deactivation.
       The Add Services & Credits grid has been updated to reflect column settings (e.g. Thru Date & Units) based on
        your configuration.
       Updated ledger & scheduler grids to zero-in on prior data during refreshes.

June 24, 2013
    Fixed issue updating scheduler’s Waiting / Treatment room grids from Provider tab.
    Fixed issue with legacy ANSI 837 4010 Professional electronic billing for ASHN.
    Fixed scheduler issue that affected selected appointment cell visibility following a refresh of the grid.

June 21, 2013
    Following passionate requests from a few users who felt restricted by the inability to print times when using the
       grid’s built-in print capabilities, we contacted BCGSoft (the Russian vendor that authored the code libraries) to
       see if there were any possible solutions. They kindly provided an internal code change to accommodate us.
    Fixed issues with blocked appointments.

June 20, 2013
    Using the legacy context sensitive menu to mark patient as “Arrived” updated the data on screen, but didn’t save
       the update to the database. This has been corrected.
    Reminders & blocked appointment groups were displayed with icon. The icon has been disabled for these items.
    New appointments initiated via the Provider tab’s Edit menu selection (instead of the preferred double-click
       method) didn’t select the columns provider.
    Patient Ledger’s Bill tab now remains on the currently selected bill after editing.

June 19, 2013
    Updates to professional 837 claims for Horizon BC/BS of NJ. Payer ID must be 22099. Then, ECLIPSE will
       insert provider’s Blue Cross PIN.
    FairCom database update.
    Fixed a scheduler issue that could result in extra rows appearing on the Provider tab.
    Updated column alignments in the Ledger tab grids to streamline the views.
    Voided CC transactions could result in deletions of ledger data that were not part of the CC transaction. This has
       been corrected.

June 18, 2013
    Updates to institutional electronic 837 claims for physical therapy.
    An obscure Windows messaging issue which we developed a workaround for last week inadvertently affected
       Real Time Data Flow messages. The problem has been corrected.
    Spaces (blanks) could be added as ICD codes on the Condition’s General tab.
    Fixed a scheduler issue that allowed new patient appointments to be retrieved via the context sensitive menu.
    Fixed a scheduler issue with available appointment display on the Provider tab.
    Editing the amount of a payment or adjustment (from the ledger) that had previously been applied to a bill would
       result in an incorrect balance on the bill. This has been corrected.

June 17, 2013
    ECLIPSE once again exports (based on your configuration) the scheduler’s “arrived” information.
    Grid checkboxes were set on 6/15/2013 so they were in “read only” mode. This has been corrected.

June 15, 2013
    Added a configuration option to suppress the scheduler’s waiting room enhancements.
    Fixed a scheduler issue on the Provider tab which forced over booked appointments to appear to be scheduled for
       a subsequent time slot.
    Fixed a scheduler issue on the Provider tab when “Show Available” is OFF that affected proper column display.
    In the event the scheduler is configured to reinstate legacy double-click behavior, the Arrived option now appears
       on the context sensitive menu.
June 10, 2013
    Database updated to ECLIPSE DB2 version with conversion utility.
    New patient index for cell phone #’s allows you to do quick lookups when patients respond to text messages.
    Conditions now support up to 12 ICD codes each. Use the arrow or tab keys to navigate the grid with the same
       functionality you had before (e.g. enter an ICD code and press TAB to get the description).
           o   Note that though each service also “supports” 12 ICD codes internally for the future, you can only apply 4 of the 12 condition
               codes to a specific CPT code. This is not an ECLIPSE limitation. This is as per government specification for both paper and
               electronic billing formats. Anyone who believes otherwise is misinformed. Please feel free to contact us for documentation.
           o   If you currently use a “print capture” format, that’s not the same things as sending ANSI formatted claims. To use 12 ICD codes,
               you must send ANSI formatted electronic claims to your clearinghouse.
           o   A new CMS 1500 form has been designed and is currently awaiting approval by CMS. Once approved, it will be added to
      ECLIPSE has new fields to allow a suffix such as “Jr.” to be added for patients & guarantors.
      Real Time Data Flow™: ECLIPSE now offers unrestricted access by an unlimited # of simultaneous users to all
       the data in any patient chart (provided they have permission). Everyone instantly sees changes saved by anyone
           o   ECLIPSE has always provided full privileges to the first user who retrieved a patient’s chart. Secondary users were restricted
               with regard to their ability to make changes.
           o   A new configuration option allows you to bypass the ECLIPSE locking scheme and use a new paradigm. As data is saved by any
               user on your network, messages are broadcast to identify which patients and data types have been updated.
                        First, implement the ECLIPSE Chat feature (see 5/14/2012 entry) on your network and send messages from each PC to ensure that
                         messages are not being blocked on your network. If there’s a problem, review the Chat HELP for troubleshooting.
                        In order to turn RTDF ON, the ECLIPSE and ECLIPSENet32 executables must both be running & launched from separate
                         computers on your network.
                        To enable this new feature, select System from the File | Utilities | Configuration menu and check Override default record locks with
                         ECLIPSE Multicast.
           o   In the event an affected patient’s folder is currently in use, ECLIPSE will automatically save data where appropriate and display
               the changes. Here are some examples for a 7 user system where Jane Doe’s file is currently viewed on two different workstations.
               No “timers” are involved. All changes take place in under 1 second.
                        User 1 adds a service… The Ledger tab for users 2&3 is updated immediately to show the new entries and balances.
                        User 2 updates the patient’s address… The Personal tab for users 1&3 immediately reflects the changes.
                        User 1 is updating Condition 3… User 2 makes a simultaneous update to Condition 4. Data being edited by both users is saved and the
                         updated information is available to each of them and user 3 immediately.
                        The receptionist marks the patient as arrived. The doctor, in a treatment room, notes this on her tablet and retrieves the EHR in-
                         between patients. She enters the treatment room, begins an Encounter, and enters services. While she’s adding a few Encounter notes,
                         the patient moves to the check-out desk, where the chart on the screen has already been updated with the new services added by the
                         doctor. Payments are entered and the next appointment is scheduled. The doctor notes this before closing the chart on her way to a
                         subsequent patient.
      The ledger grids have been updated and can be sorted or grouped on any column. For example, drag the Bill#
       column header to the Group by area over the grid and watch it instantly sort by bill# with headers separating each
      Multiple services & credits can be selected simultaneously and then deleted as a single action.
      The “Add services/credits” dialog now has more room to view services without maximizing the view. And the
       Apply 1st provider to all rows option now includes automatic adjustments.
      The scheduler grids have been updated as well.
           o   A new Waiting / Treatment Room grid remains in view and always displays current data – regardless of the week you’re
               viewing. A splitter control allows you to adjust the viewing area between the scheduler and room grid.
           o   Individual appointments are accompanied by a variety of colorful icons to provide even more “at-a-glance” information about the
               appointment. For example, the icon indicates an appointment was not marked as completed.          indicates the patient is in room
           o   Each appointment cell for today now has a dropdown to allow you to instantly change that appointment’s status and assign the
               patient to either the waiting room or a specific treatment room.
           o   Alerts now display in pop-up windows for 5 seconds when a patient is marked as arrived and disappear on their own.
           o   When waiting or treatment room information is updated, every copy of ECLIPSE on your network will instantly reflect the
               change… so everyone can follow the flow in real time.
           o   In order to improve performance, only the Week of and Provider grids have been made available. The By Room and Available
               grids have been removed since they are used by fewer than 0.01% of clients. The Queue is no longer relevant.
           o   Configuration Options:
                        Appointments have always been marked as completed automatically. You can optionally turn this feature off in your configuration to
                         allow manual sign-in & sign-out of the patient.
                        In the past, double clicking an appointment brought you to the edit tab. Appointments for today’s date now have dropdown lists for
                         immediate assignments (e.g. Arrived or Room 3). However, you can override this behavior by changing the configuration to force
                         double click edits for all.
      We have finished replacing & updating all grids in ECLIPSE. This process took several years and was necessary
       in order to keep current after our prior Canadian vendor stopped supporting their code libraries (which are no
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