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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
                       AND THE LEGEND OF PILANG ISLAND

                            Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang, Indonesia

                                                Harry Andheska
                            Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang, Indonesia

                                               Cut Purnama Sari
                                    STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman Kepri, Indonesia

         Accepted: 2020-11-26, Approved: 2020-12-06 , Published: 2020-01-18

         The purpose of this research is to explore the values of local wisdom contained in the myth of
         Meriam Tegak and the legend Pilang Island. The research method used is qualitative
         descriptive. Data collection techniques are carried out using document techniques. Analysis of
         research data is carried out using content analysis techniques. The results obtained are the myth
         of the upright cannon and the legend of Pilang Island contains the value of local wisdom, such:
         (1) religious, (2) honesty, (3) not denouncing, (4) keeping the heart, (5) patient, (6) meek, (7)
         responsibility, and (8) the value of trust. The conclusion of the research is the myth of Meriam
         Tegak and the legend of Pilang Island contains religious values (Islam), ethical values, social,
         hard work, and educational values. The eight values of local wisdom combine to build a whole
         storyline of myths and legends. In addition, the eight values also decrypt local wisdom values.
         Keywords: values of local wisdom, myths, and legends

         INTRODUCTION                                        expected from elders to the younger
                Oral literature is a cultural asset that     generation; (2) the fewer native speakers of
         needs to be continuously maintained and             oral literature (age and death); (3) the
         developed. Whether it's myths, legends, or          process of transcription of oral literature to
         fairy tales. Do not let the diversity of oral       writing still does not go well; (4) the number
         literature that exists today do not (lost /         of oral literature studies of the region that
         extinct). Today there is an indication that the     are still small, there are still many forms of
         wealth of oral literature that exists today will    oral literature that have not been done
         be lost/extinct in the future. The indication       excavating the values contained in it,
         as seen, namely (1) the system of devolution        especially the myths and legends of Malay
         of oral literary forms that did not run as          Riau Islands; and (5) there is still a lack of

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         knowledge and understanding of our                  seven functions are as contained in some
         younger generation (students) towards               form of myth he inherited. Andalas (2019)
         various forms of oral literature. Are we            did not conduct a study on the value of
         going to take this kind of bad conditions for       mythical local wisdom but rather looked at
         granted? Will we just let our children no           the function of myths in Javanese society. It
         longer know the rich literary form of oral          is certainly not the same as what researchers
         literature that their ancestors had? In order to    do.
         answer the question, this is why the                       Goddess Hardiyanti, Arisal, Marhani.
         researchers conducted this study.                   2018. "The Value of Local Wisdom in
                The people of Lingga Regency of Riau         FolkLore and Its Role in Shaping Protégés."
         Islands Province have various forms of              Hardiyanti sees the value of local wisdom as
         myths and legends that have been passed             the formation of children's character
         down through generations. As for the object         education. The values of local wisdom
         of this research is the myth of The Upright         include: the value of honesty, compliance,
         Cannon and the legend of Pilang Island. The         cooperation,        deliberation,     firmness,
         scope of the study includes the values of           solidarity,        and        hard        work.
         local wisdom contained in both forms of oral
         literature, includes: (1) religuis, (2) honesty,    129/ pdf_37. The difference with what
         (3) not denouncing, (4) keeping a heart, (5)        researchers do is, researchers only see myth
         patience, (6) meekness, (7) responsibility,         as a form of folklore that is rich in local
         (8) mandate, (9) iklas, (10) willing to             wisdom values. Researchers do not link the
         sacrifice, (11) obedience to parents, and (12)      function of myth as a medium of education
         the love of the homeland. The five values           of children's character.
         as stated in Gurindam Twelve by Raja Ali                   Amalia Saleh (2015). "Multicultural
         Haji. ttp://      Educational Values in Films 'Entre Les
                The study of myths and legends has           Murs' Research Analysis of content. The
         also been done by some previous                     result is (1) the integration of content shown
         researchers, such as: (1) Doni Achman, Yuni         in the film through discussions between
         Pratiwi, and Oekhan. 2012 with the title of         teachers, not from the school curriculum;
         his research, "Study of Public Myths                (2) the process of construction of science is
         Against Folklore Ki Ageng Gribig". Doni             demonstrated from the method of teaching;
         Achman's study focused more on examining            (3) pedagogy of equality between people is
         public confidence in the story of Ki Ageng          demonstrated from the attitude of the teacher
         Gribig as the envoy of Mataram kingdom              that provides an opportunity for his students
         during the reign of Sultan Agung Hanyokro           to increase their sense of confidence,
         Kusuma in 1625. Doni Achman's study                 motivate students, and provide the same
         emphasizes the historical aspect rather than        knowledge regardless of ethnicity; (4) the
         the aspects of local wisdom values contained        reduction of prejudice is seen from positive
         in the myth.                                        behaviors such as interpersonal interactions
                Aggy F Andalas in 2019 with the title        from students that show efforts to reduce
         of his research, "Myths of Malang Regency:          prejudice, although there are still negative
         How Javanese Explain their World."                  prejudices in sight;            and (5) the
         Andalas sees more myths in Malang district          empowerment of school culture is seen from
         containing 7 aspects related to the ways of         school programs that enable the involvement
         Javanese in explaining their world. These

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         of all school devices such as principals,           environmental sustainability that has
         teachers, students, and parents of students.        positive implications for environmental
                Suhardi. 2019. "Local Wisdom Values          sustainability.
         Folklore Of Bintan Regency.". The results of               Local wisdom according to Rosidi
         the study obtained are folklore of bintan           (Nunung, 2016, pp.238) is the ability of
         district community contains local wisdom            local cultures in the face of foreign cultural
         values, such as: (1) Islamic values, (2)            influences as the two cultures relate. Then
         ethical values, (3) social values, (4) hard         Supriatna (Nunung, 2016, pp239) defines
         work scores, and (5) educational values.            local wisdom as thought, awareness, action,
                Research related to myths has actually       proven beliefs practiced by people through
         been done by some previous researchers.             generations       and       become        their
         However, research into the values of local          foundation/guidelines in living their lives.
         wisdom contained in the myth of The                 Furthermore the value of local wisdom in
         Upright Cannon throughout the researcher's          literary works (myths and legends) are the
         knowledge to date has never been done by            values contained in the literary work itself as
         other researchers. Also included in this is         a product of the local community (region).
         research related to the value of local wisdom       Such values include: (1) religuis, (2)
         of pilang island legend. Even according to          honesty, (3) not denouncing, (4) keeping a
         the observations of researchers so far, the         heart, (5) patience, (6) meekness, (7)
         mythical and legend forms that exist in the         responsibility, (8) mandate, (9) iklas, (10)
         lingga district community are still many that       willing to sacrifice, (11) obedience to
         are not touched. What a pity it is.                 parents, and (12) the love of the homeland.
                Endraswara (2011,pp.154) states that
         the aspects that should be raised in oral           METHOD
         literature research (myths and legends)                   The type of research that researchers
         include at least 3 aspects, namely (1)              do this is qualitative research. Qualitative
         examining the origin of oral literature.            research is research that emphasizes more on
         Where literature was born, whether it               quality (Ghony and Almansur, 2012, pp.
         manages to reflect the state of society, and        25). The object of research is the myth of the
         how it transforms itself; (2) examine the           Upright Cannon and the legend of Pilang
         message and meaning of oral literature,             Island. Data collection techniques using
         namely what values to convey, what                  document techniques. While data analysis
         symbols are used to wrap the message,               uses content analysis techniques. Ratna
         whether it is still relevant whether it is still    (2011,pp48) stated that the content analysis
         relevant to society today; (3) examine oral         technique aims to latent content and nisi
         literature functions, for socio-political           communication. Latent content is the
         control, educating the public, insinuating,         content contained in documents and texts.
         and so on.                                          While the content of communication to
                According to Wuri (Hardiyanti,               determine the message contained in a
         2018,pp 315), local wisdom is formed as a           communication. In connection with this, the
         cultural advantage of local people as well as       analysis of the contents is more specifically
         geographical conditions in a broad sense.           to reveal the contents contained the myth of
         Furthermore, Suharso (Hardiyanti, 2018,pp           The Upright Cannon and the legend of
         315) local wisdom is a knowledge that               Pilang Island. The analytical steps carried
         manifests in behavior as a result of                out are (1) reading and understanding the

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         texts of myths and legends and (2)                  Almost every day Encik Nuh and Encik
         interpreting the values of local wisdom             Walek's house is not quiet from guests.
         contained therein.                                  Sometimes they sit in the house, sometimes
                                                             also sitting in front of the house, depending
         RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS.                            on the interests of the guests who come to
         A. Results Of Research                              their house. Encik Nuh and Encik Walek's
                                                             house is also the most crowded place in the
         (1) Synopsis Myths Meriam Tegak                     Far Sea. Sometimes men gather while
                Once upon a time a group of people           discussing their catch or the problems that
         lived in a place called the Far Sea. People         occur in their neighborhood.
         refer to the place by the name of the Far Sea              They gave each other input, but
         because it is located on the coast. It is           usually Encik Nuh 's speech is the most
         located in Dabo Singkep District, Lingga            heard and trusted because his knowledge in
         Regency, Riau Islands Province, now better          religious science is quite numerous and can
         known as Batu Ber leafy. The People of the          solve the problems faced. In the afternoon
         Far Sea work as fishermen. Some of the              many small children gathered at the house of
         People of the Far Sea still have ties to the        Encik Nuh and Encik Wallek. The children
         sultanate so some of its inhabitants with the       gathered to listen to various religious stories
         greeting "Encik. Encik. Nuh and Encik.              from Encik Nuh. He's good at storytelling,
         Walek, a longtime couple living in the Far          so kids don't get tired of listening to him. He
         Sea.                                                also specializes in religious stories so that
                Encik Nuh also daily works as a              religious values are embedded in the
         fisherman. When Encik. Nuh was at sea,              children's memory. In addition to his
         Encik Walek filled the day with gardening in        abilities, Encik Nuh is also known for a
         his yard and feeding the chickens he farmed.        cannon found in the yard of his house, which
         The People of the Far Sea believe that Encik        was once the land of the sultanate family. In
         Nuh has inner strength. This is none other          the past the cannon was placed there as a
         than because Encik Nuh is a descendant of           defensive weapon to deal with threats
         the court family and has had enough in              coming from the direction of the sea.
         studying religious science and inness.                     The position of the cannon is attached
         People living in the Far Sea and in nearby          like a cannon in general, with the direction
         villages often come to Encik Nuh 's house to        of the cannon's mouth facing the sea.
         ask to be cured of various diseases or ask for      Actually, the size of this cannon is not large,
         directions and solutions to various problems.       about a metre and a half. However, because
         In fact, there are also people who come just        it is located in the yard of the house, the
         to listen to religious stories. Encik Nuh was       cannon often makes Encik Nuh bother and
         pleased to receive the coming of those who          disturbed when cleaning his yard. "Sir!"
         came. Although the neighbors believed in            Encik Walek called her husband. 'What if
         his abilities, Encik Nuh never boasted of his       we just move the cannon? It's no longer in
         abilities. He is humble and sincere in              use. Honey, our yard's diminished in beauty
         accepting whatever concerns they have               because of that cannon, sir. I also find it hard
         caused him.                                         to clean the yard. The chickens also like to
                Encik Nuh and Encik Walek's friendly         play under the cannon, sir. Bother her
         and humble attitude made the locals more            mother, sir," persuaded Encik Wallek to her
         respectful and reluctant towards them.              husband.

                        BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
               "Don't worry, Ma'am. Just leave it that       Encik..," Encik Wallek called her husband.
         way," Replied Encik Nuh. That's how Encik           "Look, sir. Dead one of our chicks got stuck
         Nuh always responded to Encik Wallek's              in the hole under that cannon. I've been
         request to move the cannon. Mr. Noah did            reminded you, sir. Let's move the cannon
         not want to move the cannon not because he          quickly, sir," Encik Wallek told her
         was lazy to lift the cannon or to think that it     husband. After the incident, Encik Nuh
         was sacred, but rather because he                   began to think about moving the cannon
         appreciated the history of the cannon being         from their yard. He reflected and worried
         placed by his predecessors. Encik Nuh               that if the chicks went into the hole under
         believes the cannon was placed there for            the cannon it would repeat itself.
         various considerations. In addition, to place              Even if the hole is closed, there could
         the cannon also requires considerable effort..      be another hole. Encik Nuh also began to
               Although the cannon was somewhat              think about which was better, appreciating
         disturbing to the comfort and beauty of the         the history of the installation of the cannon
         yard, Encik Nuh appreciated the history of          or avoiding the risks that could occur to
         the gun's existence there. However, one day         other chicks. After a long time of thinking,
         something happened that Encik Nuh had               Encik Nuh finally made a decision. "All
         never thought of before. As usual, on that          right, Ma'am. Tomorrow after the sea, you
         day Encik Nuh went looking for fish. Encik          move the cannon," Encik Nuh told his wife.
         Nuh is also busy cleaning the yard and              The next day, as Encik Nuh promised his
         feeding his chickens their livestock.               wife, after the sea, Encik Nuh tried to move
         Unexpectedly, a chick went into a hole              the cannon. Because the cannon was small,
         under the cannon. The hole is not big, just         Encik Nuh thought that he could lift the
         the size of the chick. That's why the chicks        cannon himself...
         can get in, but can't get out. Unable to get               Therefore, he did not ask his neighbors
         out, the chick died in the hole under the           for help. What's more, Encik Nuh realized
         cannon.                                             that in the eyes of his neighbors he was
               In the afternoon, as Encik Wallek             considered to have a degree of ineanity high
         cleaned the yard and put the cattle chickens        enough that it would be embarrassing for
         in the coop, he realized there was a chick          him, if only to lift the small cannon, he
         missing. Encik Wallek is aware of this              needed the help of others. After establishing
         because he always pays attention to his farm        himself, Encik Nuh prepared to pick up and
         animals, so that he knows very well the             move the cannon.
         number and condition of his farm animals.           “Bismillahirrahmanirrahim," Encik Nuh said
         Encik Wallek immediately surrounded his             while trying to lift the gun. However, the
         yard and searched for the missing chick.            Cannon did not move in the slightest. Encik
         After searching everywhere, Encik Wallek            Nuh was confused. "Why not lift up, huh?
         finally found the chick trapped in a hole           Move in the slightest not.
         under     the     cannon.    Encik     Wallek              Maybe it's been a long time and rusty,
         immediately tried to get the chick out of the       so it's hard to lift it," he said. Encik Nuh
         hole. How sad was Encik Wallek's heart              tried again to lift the cannon. The second
         when he learned that the chicks he helped           chance still hasn't worked. The cannon's still
         were no longer lifeless.                            not moving. However, Encik Nuh did not
               Encik Wallek sat on the ground                want to give up. He tried to lift the gun
         holding the lifeless chick's body. "Sir...          repeatedly, but the results were still the

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         same. As the day was approaching, Encik             him to be patient even though his efforts
         Nuh finally stopped his efforts to lift the         have not been successful. However, Encik
         cannon and return to the house. "How's it           Walek began to be impatient and concerned,
         going, sir? Where's the cannon?" asked              especially after seeing the change in her
         Encik. Wallek to her husband.                       husband. Encik Walek began advising her
                "Not yet, Ma'am. It can't be moved           husband, even at dinner, not to continue his
         yet," Encik Nuh replied. "I don't know why,         efforts to move the cannon. "Sir, it's okay
         movess don't. I've tried a few times, still         that the cannon can't be moved. Don't go on
         can't. Come tomorrow, you'll try again. Now         anymore... Your appetite has been reduced
         you want to get ready to go to sea first," said     this way. The thinner you are, I see. Don't go
         Encik Nuh again. "It's okay, sir. Tomorrow          on, sir." "No, ma'am. You have to keep
         alone try again," said Encik Wallek. As             trying. There's no way you're quitting now.
         Encik Nuh promised, the next day he tried to        Who knows in a moment that the cannon
         re-lift the gun. However, just like the day         can be raised." Encik Nuh still hasn't given
         before, the cannon remains motionless. The          up.
         day ended like the day before. So did the                  Encik Wallek was initially patient
         next few days.                                      enough to see her husband's efforts that had
                "For days Encik Nuh tried and the            not come to fruition. In fact, Encik Wallek
         days did not seem the result. The cannon            also encouraged her husband and reminded
         still can't be moved. Encik Nuh was even            him to be patient even though his efforts
         more astonished by his making. "Why is it           have not been successful. However, Encik
         still not raised to this day?" thought Encik        Wallek Walek began to be impatient and
         Nuh. "Was it a ceremony when this cannon            concerned, especially after seeing the
         was installed, huh? Do I also have to hold a        change in her husband. Encik Wallek began
         ceremony to be able to lift it?" Encik Nuh          advising her husband, even at dinner, not to
         grew increasingly dizzy at the thought of the       continue his efforts to move the cannon.
         cannon he could not lift. His feelings are          "Sir, it's okay that the cannon can't be
         also increasingly disturbing because of the         moved. Don't go on anymore... Your
         thought of it. Encik Nuh also tried various         appetite has been reduced this way. The
         ways he could think of lifting the cannon.          thinner you are, I see. Don't go on, sir." "No,
         Encik Nuh began reading prayers and                 ma'am. You have to keep trying. There's no
         performing other rituals in hopes of lifting        way you're quitting now. Who knows in a
         the cannon soon. But what power, whatever           moment that the cannon can be raised."
         way Encik Nuh tried, still hasn't paid off.         Encik Nuh still hasn't given up.
         The cannon's still not moving. Seeing that,                Encik Wallek saw that the problem of
         Encik Wallek began to feel agitated and             moving the cannon began to affect the
         concerned. Encik Walek saw some changes             relationship between the two of them, even
         in her husband. Having not been able to             the relationship between Encik Nuh and the
         move the cannon, Encik Nuh began to                 neighbors. Indeed, Encik Nuh did not bother
         daydream frequently, even his appetite was          them to lift the cannon, but the relationship
         reduced.                                            between Encik Nuh and the neighbors was
                Encik Wallek was initially patient           growing. Having been busy finding a way to
         enough to see her husband's efforts that had        lift the cannon, Encik Nuh also reduced the
         not come to fruition. In fact, Encik Walek          time and less often to meet neighbors. In
         also encouraged her husband and reminded

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         fact, there are times in one day he won't             increasingly sensitive and emotional. Encik
         receive any guests.                                   Wallek also over time became increasingly
                The little ones who usually listen to          impatient and could not bear to see the
         stories from Encik Nuh can no longer listen           change in her husband. One day, having
         to the story because Encik Nuh continues to           been unable to hear his wife's advice, Encik
         be busy trying to lift the cannon. It was             Nuh said to his wife, "This mother only
         Encik Wallek who was ashamed of the                   commented from yesterday. Try your own
         neighbors for her husband's change. As                adoptive mother if you can.
         much as he could meet neighbors and guests                   If you can lift it, I admit it's better than
         even though he could not fulfill the wishes           you." Encik Nuh told his wife that he would
         of his guests because his knowledge was not           acknowledge his wife's greatness if she was
         the same as Encik Nuh's knowledge.                    able to move the gun. However, in Encik
         Therefore, Encik Wallek increasingly                  Nuh's heart he was sure his wife would not
         advised her husband that their relationship           be able to lift the gun. The husband's
         and the relationship between them and the             remarks made Encik Wallek feel challenged.
         neighbors improve again. Encik Wallek's               Although Encik Wallek felt himself weak,
         words to Encik Nuh to stop trying to move             he was increasingly seriously thinking about
         the cannon were received by Encik Nuh's               ways to lift the cannon.
         heart. Encik Nuh's heart was increasingly                    One day Encik Wallek saw a strange
         disheartished because he had not managed to           incident behind his house. He noticed
         lift the gun, especially since his wife no            something strange with a dimped dimp in
         longer supported and encouraged him. Encik            the yard of his house. The dimples are no
         Wallek feels the same way. Her heart did not          longer used to mash rice by Encik Wallek,
         change because she saw her husband's                  then discarded because the wood is
         attitude that had changed. Encik Wallek's             weathered. The damaged dimped was
         advice was not followed by her husband, so            removed not far from the yard of his house,
         sometimes a defiant word came out of her              just placed under his house, at the back near
         mouth. "Come on, sir. If you can't, I'll just         the kitchen. Over time, after a few days of
         pick it up." Constantly hearing such words            attention, it turns out that the dimpation is
         made Encik Nuh's heart and mind                       rising from the ground level, little by little
         germinate.                                            higher.
                Finally, instead of following his wife's              Encik Wallek was astonished he made
         advice, Encik Nuh instead told his wife to            it. "There seems to be something strange.
         try to move the cannon himself. "Ah," said            What lifts these broken dimps?" Encik
         Encik Nuh, "The father who has been trying            Wallek was curious and found out what was
         to lift it for days, still can't, especially if you   in the dimples, which made the dimples
         pick him up. That's it, Ma'am. Let me just            even more lifted. Then, behind it the dimped
         move it. I don't have to think about it. How          was broken. It turns out that under the
         could you possibly lift it, let alone move it."       broken dimpling it grows mushrooms or
         That's how the atmosphere in Encik Nuh and            mushrooms. "It's a mushroom. It's also fast
         Encik Wallek's house became more                      that this fungus grows here, but is it possible
         disharmonic and stiffer just because of the           for this mushroom to lift the dimpling, huh?
         problem of moving cannons. Encik Nuh,                 The dimples are quite heavy, while the
         who was embarrassed that he had not been              mushrooms are weak and soft," Encik
         able to move the cannon, became                       Walek said. Long enough Encik Walek

                          BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         noticed the mushrooms growing under the             Eventually, he decided to move it inland,
         broken dimples. When observed, the fungus           away from the beach. Indeed, after eating
         is not much different from the fungus it is         the vegetable mushrooms, Encik Wallek
         used to pick.                                       became stronger. Encik Wallek did not seem
                Understandably, Encik Wallek has             to struggle when carrying the cannon. The
         often taken mushrooms to cook until he              cannon feels as light as a wooden stick. He
         knows the difference between edible                 even carried it like a stick to walk. Encik
         mushrooms and poisonous. Usually, Encik             Wallek arrived at his intended place, and he
         Wallek looks for mushrooms in weathered             plugged it into the top of the gun's mouth so
         and moist logs. However, seeing there was           that it appeared to stand upright. Because it
         already a fungus near in front of him, he was       took a long time and had a fight with her
         also happy because there was no need to get         husband just to move the cannon, Encik
         tired of looking for mushrooms anymore.             Wallek was so furious with the cannon that
         Then, the mushrooms are removed to be               he placed it in such a position. "It turns out I
         cooked into vegetables later. The next day,         can be this strong.
         at dawn, Encik Walek recalled the fungus he                It's true that mushrooms have power.
         had picked, which could have lifted the             My weak one could also end up lifting that
         dimples. He thinks if the fungus is strong          heavy cannon," Encik Wallek said. After he
         enough to make the dimpling lift, maybe the         finished moving the cannon, Encik Walek
         mushroom will also give a power effect to           returned to his house, and carried out the
         the person who ate it. Finally, Encik Walek         activity as usual. A short time later, her
         decided to try the efficacy of mushrooms            husband returned home and was astonished
         that he had already picked. That morning            to learn the gun was no longer in the yard.
         also cooked the mushrooms to be used as             "Mom... Mother... Where's the cannon?"
         vegetables. Then, immediately, he ate the           asked Encik Nuh.
         mushroom vegetable. After eating the                       "I moved the cannon there," Encik
         vegetable mushrooms, Encik Walek rushed             Wallek said, pointing toward the move.
         out of the house. He immediately                    Encik Nuh immediately ran toward his
         approached the cannon in the yard of his            wife's designated direction. There he saw a
         house. Encik Walek hesitated for a moment,          cannon that had bothered them all along had
         but by confirming the intention and while           actually moved on. Encik Wallek also said
         reading the prayer he finally tried to lift the     to her husband, "If you can lift, raise the
         cannon. "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim," Encik           cannon again." Eventually, Encik Nuh
         Wallek said, raising the cannon with both           returned to his home and acknowledged the
         hands.                                              prowess of his wife who could move the
                Magic! It turned out that Encik Wallek       cannon, while he himself, in various ways,
         managed to lift the cannon, even very easily.       could not do so.
         "It turned out to be true! The mushroom I                  Encik Wallek smiled satisfied to hear
         ate was a magic mushroom so I had the               Encik Nuh confession. She was content to
         power to lift the cannon," said a amazed            prove her strength to her husband. However,
         Encik Wallek. When her heart was filled             Encik Wallek kept a secret about the
         with delight and amazement at successfully          mushrooms he had eaten with his husband.
         lifting the gun, Encik Wallek recalled that         On the other hand, Encik Nuh finally
         she had to move the gun immediately before          realized that some time ago his heart and
         her husband came home from the sea.                 mind had been covered in pride. He was

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         arrogant because he felt he had so much             wandering nothing but to improve the
         knowledge that he could not see that there          economic condition of the mother. Pilang
         was anything greater than him. Because of           promised that if he would succeed in the
         that arrogance, he became emotional and did         region, he would always send money to his
         not want to hear advice and advice from his         mother in the village.
         wife. Encik Nuh apologized to his wife for                The mother is no longer biased to
         his actions some time ago, who did not              break her son's heart. However, he can no
         consider, even underestimated his wife's            longer be in the lerai to travel. The mother
         ability. Encik Wallek also forgave her              only told Pilang to be careful and to live in
         husband. Then, their relationship returned          the region. Keep speech and manners. Do
         harmoniously as it was, as did the                  not be arrogant and always pray five times.
         relationship between them and the neighbors         Pilang promises to always remember his
         (Source: Faisal).                                   mother's message. Early in the morning
                                                             Pilang's mother was up. He immediately
         (2) Legend Synopsis Pilang Island                   cooked rice and boiled water. Soon the food
                 In Dabo area there is a legend, namely      and drink is ready for the mother to serve.
         the origin of the island named Pilang Island.       Pilang was up and finished bathing. After
         It's said there used to be a story. Live a          breakfast, Pilang said goodbye to his
         mother with her child alone in an old hut not       mother. It didn't feel like her tears were
         far from the beach. This mother's son is            flowing down her cheeks. The mother
         Pilang. Since childhood the mother has              remembers how her son's fate would be in
         cared for and raised Pilang with affection.         the region. With whom he will stay. How to
         Since her husband (Pilang's father) left her,       drink it. Pilang's mother is just biased to
         the mother has lived on her own. To meet            pray that her son will make his journey.
         his life needs the mother sought firewood in        Happy travel, and easy to accept in the job.
         the forest and then sold it to the community.             As a child who has become
         The result of the sale of firewood is used by       accustomed to living hard in kampong,
         the mother to buy rice and side dishes and a        Pilang in the region does not feel the right
         little saved for pilang snack.                      way of life. He always prayed for success at
                 Because of the late mother caring for       work. Pilang was accepted to work on a
         Pilang, pilang has now become a grown               large ship that sailed from island to island.
         man. Pilang every morning is always with            Because Pilang was an honest, polite, and
         his mother to help find firewood into the           hardworking young man, Pilang was loved
         forest. Pilang is very sad to see his mother        by the owner of the ship. Day-to-day, month
         who is getting older still working hard to          to month, and year after year, life is getting
         find firewood into the forest. That's when          better. Pilang was finally married to the son
         Pilang's mind turns to trying to travel,            of the owner of a beautiful and kind ship.
         change nasih, so that he can help his mother.       Her wedding party was done massively
         Pilang tries to talk to the mother about her        during the week. Now pilang has become
         intention to travel. How surprised the              the son-in-law of the owner of the ship.
         mother, the only child of her puppet would          Pilang was later trusted by his in-laws as the
         leave her to go wandering. The mother tries         skipper of the ship with some of his men.
         to advise Pilang, if she leaves, later if she is          Pilang's life bathed in wealth makes
         sick who will take care of her. Pilang tried to     Pilang forget himself. Pilang forgot his
         explain his good intentions that he was             promise before wandering, which is to

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         always send money to his mother in the              my mothers". "Just look down, sir, what's
         village. Even in Pilang has turned into an          not!". With a heavy heart because he had
         arrogant man figure. Pilang who while being         been asked by his beautiful wife he went
         a ship's men be have a good behavior and            down the stairs of the ship and met an old
         speech is now a grumpy and rude man. The            lady who had been waiting for him again.
         people who used to love him so much have            Pilang's mother watched from her son's eyes
         now turned a hundred and eighty degrees             approach him. After being close the mother
         dislike him.                                        said "Pilang my son, it's been a long time
               On his voyage, the islands were               since you left Mak. I've missed this heart
         surrounded. Once upon a time Pilang's ship          wanting to see you, son. Come here son of a
         was leaning in the harbor in his own                hug!" Pilang arrogantly said "Hi, old granny,
         hometown. News of Pilang's boat leaning in          who are you, how dare you confess to my
         the harbor is heard up to his mother's ear.         mother". I don't have a mother an time,
         Pilang's mother was thrilled to hear the news       because since I was a child my mother has
         that her son had now been successful in the         died." Pilang's mother replied, "Right son,
         region. Pilang has now become the skipper           this is your mother, which you left behind
         of the ship and is rich. There was a huge           for so long!". Pilang said "No, you're not my
         desire for the mother to see her son. Before        mother. How could my mother be this
         leaving, the mother prepared the food that          bad!"" Until your heart says your mother is
         her son loved as a child.                           bad". "I've forgotten you how I've been a kid
               On his voyage, the islands were               since I was a kid. Looking for firewood I
         surrounded. Once upon a time Pilang's ship          went into the woods to raise you". Pilang's
         was leaning in the harbor in his own                mother was deeply saddened and
         hometown. News of Pilang's boat leaning in          heartbroken. All the food he brought that
         the harbor is heard up to his mother's ear.         was originally to be given to him was spilled
         Pilang's mother was thrilled to hear the news       into the sea.
         that her son had now been successful in the                "Already, now you're leaving my ship.
         region. Pilang has now become the skipper           "Pilang, which one makes you forget
         of the ship and is rich. There was a huge           yourself like this?". Forget you when you're
         desire for the mother to see her son. Before        going to travel first, you promise to make
         leaving, the mother prepared the food that          your mother happy. But why is this now
         her son loved as a child. "Mr. Permizi, we          what you gave me son". How sad is my
         are sorry, in that there are old mothers who        heart, son, is this my sacrifice all this time
         claim that he is his mother sir! He wants to        for you?"" Pilang without turning away
         see sir!" Hearing that Pilang began to realize      ordered his men to expel his mother. Pilang
         his mother's whereabouts. Pilang began to           went straight to the top floor of the ship
         realize his promise. But what can be done,          without any process.
         when it will be done to marry first, he has                With tears like heavy rain pouring
         already said that his mother is gone. Pilang        down the cheeks of this old grandmother.
         has also imagined that her mother must now          Pilang's mother was very disappointed with
         be a bad old grandmother. So ashamed to             her son. The only child who will teach hope
         introduce his beautiful wife and the                to make himself happy in old age, turns out
         descendants of the great rich.                      to be unscinged. By being sgoed himself out
               "Who's sir?" Ask Pilang's wife. "Taka         of his son's boat. The ship's men are so sorry
         da. There are old mothers who claim to be

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         to see this mother. She helped her get to the
         edge of the harbour, afraid of falling.              No.     Nilai kearifan    Mitos     Legenda
                                                                          Lokal         MT          PP
                Pilang's mother is heartbroken,                1    Religious            √           √
         because her son no longer recognizes                  2    Honest               √           √
         himself as his mother. Pilang's mother                3    not denouncing       √           √
         immediately prayed to God. "Yes, God. My              4    keep your heart      √           √
         son has now become lawless. She no longer             5    Patience             √           √
         recognizes her mother as the one who gave             6    Meek                 √           √
         birth and raised her. Teach this lesson to my         7    Responsibility       √           √
                                                               8    Trusted              √           √
         son, O God!". The mother kept walking
         back to her house.
                                                             B. Discussion
                God is great. God heard what Pilang's
                                                              (1) Religious Values
         mother said. God began to anger Pilang. A
                                                                   The myth of Meriam Tegak contains
         very sunny day turned drastically dark.
                                                             the value of local wisdom, namely religious
         Black clouds containing rain run fast in the
                                                             values (Islam), such as the figure of Mr.
         air covering the sunlight. The day is getting
                                                             Noah who is known to the public as a figure
         darker. The wind is starting to blow. Pilang's
                                                             whose knowledge of religion (Islam) so that
         ship began to leave the port and continued
                                                             he is often asked for advice by citizens as a
         its journey. Not long ago the strong stern
                                                             guide to life so that he does not get lost from
         wind was dating. The waves are up. Pilang
                                                             the guidance of religion. As seen in the
         began to be wary of his safety. He is very
                                                             following excerpt:
         atakut of the coming wrath of God. Pilang
                                                                   “Encik Nuh was a descendant of the
         wakes up and shouts "Mom, forgive your
                                                                   court family and had had enough of
         son this has disobeyed you". Pilang's mother
                                                                   studying religious science and inness.
         heard a roar until her son's screams. He
                                                                   People living in the Far Sea and in
         doesn't care anymore. He continued to walk
                                                                   nearby villages often come to Mr.
         to his house.
                                                                   Noah's house to ask to be cured of
                Pilang's ship was tossed by a large
                                                                   various diseases or ask for directions
         wave to the rock. Pilang's ship overturned
                                                                   and solutions to various problems. In
         and sank with his entire ship. Shortly
                                                                   fact, there are also people who come
         thereafter, at the location where Pilang's ship
                                                                   just to listen to religious stories. Encik
         sank, an island appeared. The local people
                                                                   Nuh is happy to accept the coming of
         call it Pilang Island. While treasures in the
                                                                   those who come.”
         form of gold spilled into the sea also became
         islands. People call it the Golden Island .
                                                                    “They gave each other input, but
         (Sources: Amry B.Tuah).
                                                                    usually Encik Nuh's speech is the most
                                                                    heard and trusted because his
         (3) Nilai Kearifan Lokal Mitos Meriam
                                                                    knowledge in religious science is quite
         Tegak dan Legenda Pulau Pilang
                                                                    numerous and can solve the problems
               Based on the synopsis of mt myth and
                                                                    faced. In the afternoon many small
         pp legend, it can be described the value of
                                                                    children gathered at the house of
         local wisdom of both literary creations as
                                                                    Encik Nuh and Encik Wallek. The
         seen through the following table:
                           Tabel 01                                 children gathered to listen to various
           The Value of Mythical Local Wisdom Myths                 religious stories from Encik Nuh.”
           Meriam Tegak and Legend of Pilang Island

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
                The text excerpt shows that the              Furthermore Gurindam Twelve First
         religious value contained in the myth of the        Chapter states "Whoever knows God, tell
         upright Cannon is attached to the figure of         him not to be abusing him." The sign of the
         Mr. Noah. Mr. Nuh is believed by the public         one who knows God, whatever is done
         to be a figure who has a lot of knowledge           always according to His command.
         about religious science (Islam). Therefore,
         Mr. Nuh deserves to be a place to ask               (2) Honesty Value
         questions for the community about religion                 The value of local wisdom in the form
         (Islam).                                            of honesty value is attached to the character
                The same thing happens in the legend         of Mr. Nuh. In this myth implied The
         of Pilang Island. The value of local wisdom         attitude of Mr. Noah who was dishonest to
         in the form of religious values (Islam)             others (his neighbors). He did not want to
         contained in the legend of Pilang Island is         ask his neighbor for help to move the
         attached to the figure pilang. Pilang in this       cannon in front of his house because it was
         myth is described as a figure who was               very disturbing to the scenery and reduce the
         initially good then after wandering and             beauty of the house. She was afraid that if
         housed turned into a no good. Therefore,            she asked the neighbors for help, she would
         God rewarded Pilang by sinking the ship and         be harassed. This is seen through the
         its contents into the sea. This is as seen          following quotation of the mythical text of
         through the following quotation:                    the Upright Cannon:
                “God is great. God heard what                       “…He didn't ask his neighbors for
                Pilang's mother said. God began to                  help. What's more, Mr. Noah realized
                anger Pilang. A very sunny day turned               that in the eyes of his neighbors he
                drastically dark. Black clouds                      was considered to have a high enough
                containing rain run fast in the air                 degree of insanity that it would be
                covering the sunlight. The day is                   embarrassing for him, if only to lift the
                getting darker. The wind is starting to             small cannon, he needed the help of
                blow....... He was very afraid of god's             others.”
                wrath. Pilang wakes up and shouts
                "Mom, forgive your son this has                     Encik Nuh should not have to be
                disobeyed you". Pilang's ship was            afraid of being harassed by his own
                tossed by a large wave to the rock.          neighbors. It is not certain that what he
                Pilang's ship overturned and sank with       feared was true. From this text it is clear that
                his entire ship.”                            Encik Nuh 's character is dishonest.
                                                             Gurindam Twelve chapters of the fourth
                God has proved His wrath to those            state, "If the slightest lying, it may be that
         who have wronged their parents. God does            his mouth is pekung." If you want to know a
         not like children who are not devoted to            happy person, it is very important to keep
         their parents until Allah sends down His            the vain" (Article Five). Encik Nuh 's fearful
         punishment.. Gurindam Twelve Articles Ten           act of asking neighbors for help caused his
         states: “With the father do not disobey, that       time to run out in vain. His attempt to move
         God may not be wrathful. With your mother,          the cannon was unsuccessful, too.
         be respectful, so that the body can be safe. ”             The same thing happened to Pilang.
         Pilang had disobeyed his mother so he had           Pilang was dishonest with his wife. He
         to accept god's wrath for his mistake.              doesn't want to honestly say that what's in

                        BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         front of him right now is his birth mother.
         Pilang is ashamed to have a poor and bad
         birth mother so she does not recognize her
         birth mother as her own mother. as seen             “Ah," said Mr. Noah, "The father who has
         through the following text excerpts:                been trying to lift it for days, still can't,
               “Hi, old granny, who are you, how             especially if I raised it. That's it, Ma'am. Let
               dare you confess to my mother". I             me just move it. I don't have to think about
               don't have a mother an time, because          it. How could you possibly pick it up, let
               since I was a child my mother has             alone move it?.”
               died." Pilang's mother replied, "Right
               son, this is your mother, which you left             Mr. Wallek felt that her husband had
               behind for so long!". Pilang said "No,        denounced her by saying that she would not
               you're not my mother. How could my            be able to. The remarks certainly hurt Mr.
               mother be this bad!"" Until your heart        Wallek himself. The same thing happened to
               says your mother is bad". "I've               Pilang. Pilang denounced his mother as "old
               forgotten you how I've been a kid since       granny", "the ugly one". Such words are
               I was a kid. Looking for firewood I           very clear in Islamic teachings including
               went into the woods to raise you".            those that are forbidden to be spoken to our
               Pilang's mother was deeply saddened           parents. Note the following excerpt:
               and heartbroken. All the food he              “Hi, old granny, who are you, how dare you
               brought that was originally to be given       confess to my mother". I don't have a mother
               to him was spilled into the sea.”             an time, because since I was a child my
                                                             mother has died." Pilang's mother replied,
                The actions of pilang figures clearly        "Right son, this is your mother, which you
         include the actions of dishonest people.            left behind for so long!". Pilang said "No,
         Pilang is not honest that the one who came          you're not my mother. How could my mother
         was indeed his own birth mother. Mother             be this bad!"" Until your heart says your
         who's been pregnant and raised her all this         mother is bad". "I've forgotten you how I've
         time. This is clearly a bad deed. This is the       been a kid since I was a kid. Looking for
         deeds of those who do not know Allah in             firewood I went into the woods to raise you".
         him. Gurindan The First Twelve Chapters             Pilang's mother was deeply saddened and
         state: "Whoever knows Allah, tell him not to        heartbroken. All the food he brought that
         be abusing him.”                                    was originally to be given to him was spilled
                                                             into the sea.”
         (3) Value Not denouncing
               The value of local wisdom in the form               The actions of Mr. Nuh's character to
         of value does not denounce others melakat           his wife (Encik Wallek) and the figure of
         on the character Encil Wallek. The desire of        Pilang with his mother when he found
         Mr. Wallek (Mr. Noah's wife) to help her            himself is clearly a prohibited act in religion
         husband move the cannon in his yard was             (Islam). Those who do this are clearly those
         not welcomed by the husband. The husband            who do not know Allah. "Whoever knows
         was very confident that his wife would not          Allah, Tell him there is no misbusing"
         be able to help him. He just can't afford it let    (Gurindam The First Twelve Chapters).
         alone his wife. This is as seen through the
         following text excerpts:                            (4) The Value of Keeping the Heart

                         BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
                Encik Nuh's actions to Encik Wallek          residents enjoy visiting his home. Pay
         who assumed his wife would not be able to           attention to the following text excerpts:
         match her strength were clearly the actions                “Encik Nuh and Encik Wallek's
         of her husband who did not look after his                  friendly and humble attitude made the
         wife's heart. This is certainly forbidden by               locals more respectful and reluctant
         Allah, the fund of a household. Similarly,                 towards them. Almost every day Encik
         what Pilang did to his mother clearly                      Nuh and Encik Wallek's house is not
         included actions that did not take care of his             quiet from guests.”
         own mother's heart or feelings. It can hurt
         the hearts of our own wives and mothers                   Encik Nuh among the citizens became
         (sin).                                              a respected and viewed figure. This is as
                                                             gurindam of the Twelve Fifth Article stated
         (5) The Value of Patience                           "If you want to know a good person, look at
               Encik Wallek's character is a patient         the people when mixing with the people.”
         figure because he does not want to dispute
         the husband's words when he is said to be           (7) The Value of Responsibility
         unable to move the gun. He kept trying to                  Encik Nuh and Encik Wallek are
         calm down because he didn't want to make a          highly responsible figures. Encik Nuh
         fuss. On the other hand, Encik Nuh's                always tried to go to sea to get a reski for the
         character is an impatient figure. The proof is      lives of himself and his wife. Encik Wallek
         he's emotional to his own wife. Pay attention       did, too. She always tries to help her
         to the following text excerpts:                     husband make a living by growing
               “One day, having been unable to hear          vegetables and raising chickens. Pay
               his wife's advice, Encik Nuh said to his      attention to the following text:
               wife, "This mother only commented                    “Encik Nuh also daily works as a
               from yesterday. Try your own adoptive                fisherman. As Encik Nuh seared, Encik
               mother if you can. If you can lift it, I             Walek filled the day with gardening in
               admit it's better than you." Encik Nuh               his yard and feeding the chickens he
               told his wife that he would                          farmed..”
               acknowledge his wife's greatness if she
               was able to move the gun”.                          The same is the case. Pilang is also a
                                                             figure who is responsible especially to his
               Pilang's mother is also among those           wife. He's always trying for his family.
         who lack patience in the face of her own            However, it is not responsible to the birth
         child's treatment. This may be the effect of        mother herself. He lived abundantly while
         such deep let downness on his own son. The          his mother lived in poor papa's village.
         child is expected all along to be devoted in        Pilang is not devoted to his own parents.
         his old age. Pilang's mother prayed to God
         to teach her son a lesson. His prayer was
         granted by God. Pilang drowned with his             (8) Trustworthy Value
         boat.                                                     Encik Nuh's character is a trusting
                                                             figure. The proof is that he did not want to
         (6) Meek Value                                      move the cannon in front of his house even
              In various situations, Encik Nuh and           though it was very disturbing to the beauty
         Encik Wallek are meek figures so that               of his own house. This was because Encik

                        BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
         Nuh thought the fighters must have put this    
         cannon in front of his house with reckoning.             n/323113958_Mitos-
         Therefore, he has an obligation to take care             Mitos_Kabupaten_ Malang_Cara_
         of and maintain it.                                      Orang_Jawa_dalam_Menjelaskan_Dun
               In contrast to pilang. Pilang is an                ianya
         insecure person (hypocrite). When she was
         about to leave, she had promised her mother         Berutu, C. I. dk. (2019). Analisis Nilai-Nilai
         that one day if she succeeded her mother                Pendidikan Karakter dalam Legenda Si
         would be happy. He's going home to fix his              Mardan Anak Durhaka dan
         old house. All those promises are just                  Implementasinya Terhadap
         promises. After his success Pilang forgot his           Pembelajaran Sastra di SMA.
         promise. Stop by to see his mother just don't.
         CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS                         Doni Achman, Yuni Pratiwi, dan O. (n.d.).
         A. Conclusions                                          Kajian Mitos Masyarakat Terhadap
                Based on the results of analysis that
                                                                 Folklor Ki Ageng Gribig. 2012.
         has been done on the myth of Upright
         Cannon and the legend of Pilang Island              Endraswara, S. (2011). Metodologi
         shows that both myths contain local wisdom              Penelitian Sastra: Epistemologi,
         values, such as values: (1) religuis, (2)               Model, teori dan Aplikaasi. CAPS.
         honesty, (3) not reproach, (4) keeping the
         heart, (5) patient, (6) meek, (7) response-         Faisal. 2016. "Cerita dari Kepulauan Riau:
         bility, and (8) the value of trust.                      Meriam Tegak".
         B. Suggestions                                           glnsite/wp-
               The myth of the upright cannon and                 content/uploads/2017/10/Cerita-
         the legend of Pilang Island is certainly still a         Meriam-Tegak.pdf
         small part of some of the myths and legends
         that exist in the community of Riau Islands         Ghony, M. D. dan F. A. (2012). Metodologi
         Province. There are still many myths and                Penelitian Kualitatif.
         legends that have escaped observation.              Hardiyanti, Dewi.dkk.2018. "Nilai Kearifan
         Therefore, in the period of dating it is            Lokal dalam Cerita Rakyat dan Peranannya
         necessary to conduct a study also so that the       dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Didik.
         local wisdom values contained in it can be          Proseding Seminar Nasional Administrasi
         known. In addition, in order to introduce           Pendidikan dan Manajemen Pendidikan.
         various forms of oral literature that exist to
         our younger generation, especially among            29
         students and students.
                                                             Kemendikbud. (n.d.). Kamus besar bahasa
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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 20 Nomor 1 Januari 2021
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
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                        BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2021
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