Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning

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Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning

                                            Wenjia Xu1,3,4 ∗        Yongqin Xian1       Jiuniu Wang3,4        Bernt Schiele1      Zeynep Akata1,2
                                                    Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarbrücken, Germany
                                                            Cluster of Excellence Machine Learning, University of Tübingen, Germany
                                                         School of Electronic, University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China
                                                      Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing China
arXiv:2008.08290v3 [cs.CV] 7 Jan 2021


                                                      From the beginning of zero-shot learning research, visual attributes have been
                                                      shown to play an important role. In order to better transfer attribute-based knowl-
                                                      edge from known to unknown classes, we argue that an image representation with
                                                      integrated attribute localization ability would be beneficial for zero-shot learning.
                                                      To this end, we propose a novel zero-shot representation learning framework that
                                                      jointly learns discriminative global and local features using only class-level at-
                                                      tributes. While a visual-semantic embedding layer learns global features, local
                                                      features are learned through an attribute prototype network that simultaneously
                                                      regresses and decorrelates attributes from intermediate features. We show that our
                                                      locality augmented image representations achieve a new state-of-the-art on three
                                                      zero-shot learning benchmarks. As an additional benefit, our model points to the
                                                      visual evidence of the attributes in an image, e.g. for the CUB dataset, confirming
                                                      the improved attribute localization ability of our image representation.

                                        1       Introduction
                                        Visual attributes describe discriminative visual properties of objects shared among different classes.
                                        Attributes have shown to be important for zero-shot learning as they allow semantic knowledge
                                        transfer from known to unknown classes. Most zero-shot learning (ZSL) methods [30, 6, 1, 50]
                                        rely on pretrained image representations and essentially focus on learning a compatibility function
                                        between the image representations and attributes. Focusing on image representations that directly
                                        allow attribute localization is relatively unexplored. In this work, we refer to the ability of an image
                                        representation to localize and associate an image region with a visual attribute as locality. Our goal is
                                        to improve the locality of image representations for zero-shot learning.
                                        While modern deep neural networks [13] encode local information and some CNN neurons are
                                        linked to object parts [53], the encoded local information is not necessarily best suited for zero-shot
                                        learning. There have been attempts to improve locality in ZSL by learning visual attention [24, 58] or
                                        attribute classifiers [35]. Although visual attention accurately focuses on some object parts, often the
                                        discovered parts and attributes are biased towards training classes due to the learned correlations. For
                                        instance, the attributes yellow crown and yellow belly co-occur frequently (e.g. for Yellow Warbler).
                                        Such correlations may be learned as a shortcut to maximize the likelihood of training data and
                                        therefore fail to deal with unknown configurations of attributes in novel classes such as black crown
                                        and yellow belly (e.g. for Scott Oriole) as this attribute combination has not been observed before.
                                        To improve locality and mitigate the above weaknesses of image representations, we develop a weakly
                                        supervised representation learning framework that localizes and decorrelates visual attributes. More
                                        specifically, we learn local features by injecting losses on intermediate layers of CNNs and enforce

                                        34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2020), Vancouver, Canada.
Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
these features to encode visual attributes defining visual characteristics of objects. It is worth noting
that we use only class-level attributes and semantic relatedness of them as the supervisory signal, in
other words, no human annotated association between the local features and visual attributes is given
during training. In addition, we propose to alleviate the impact of incidentally correlated attributes by
leveraging their semantic relatedness while learning these local features.
To summarize, our work makes the following contributions. (1) We propose an attribute prototype
network (APN) to improve the locality of image representations for zero-shot learning. By regressing
and decorrelating attributes from intermediate-layer features simultaneously, our APN model learns
local features that encode semantic visual attributes. (2) We demonstrate consistent improvement
over the state-of-the-art on three challenging benchmark datasets, i.e., CUB, AWA2 and SUN, in both
zero-shot and generalized zero-shot learning settings. (3) We show qualitatively that our model is
able to accurately localize bird parts by only inspecting the attention maps of attribute prototypes
and without using any part annotations during training. Moreover, we show significantly better part
detection results than a recent weakly supervised method.

2   Related work

Zero-shot learning. The aim is to classify the object classes that are not observed during training [20].
The key insight is to transfer knowledge learned from seen classes to unseen classes with class
embeddings that capture similarities between them. Many classical approaches [30, 6, 1, 50, 41] learn
a compatibility function between image and class embedding spaces. Recent advances in zero-shot
learning mainly focus on learning better visual-semantic embeddings [25, 50, 16, 5] or training
generative models to synthesize features [43, 44, 57, 56, 18, 31]. Those approaches are limited by
their image representations, which are often extracted from ImageNet-pretrained CNNs or finetuned
CNNs on the target dataset with a cross-entropy loss.
Despite its importance, image representation learning is relatively underexplored in zero-shot learning.
Recently, [48] proposes to weigh different local image regions by learning attentions from class
embeddings. [58] extends the attention idea to learn multiple channel-wise part attentions. [35] shows
the importance of locality and compositionality of image representations for zero-shot learning. In
our work, instead of learning visual attention like [58, 48], we propose to improve the locality of
image features by learning a prototype network that is able to localize different attributes in an image.
Prototype learning. Unlike softmax-based CNN, prototype networks [46, 39] learn a metric space
where the labeling is done by calculating the distance between the test image and prototypes of each
class. Prototype learning is considered to be more robust when handling open-set recognition [46, 32],
out-of-distribution samples [3] and few-shot learning [33, 11, 28]. Some methods [3, 47, 23] base the
network decision on learned prototypes. Instead of building sample-based prototypes, [8] dissects the
image and finds several prototypical parts for each object class, then classifies images by combining
evidences from prototypes to improve the model interpretability. Similarly, [55] uses the channel
grouping model [52] to learn part-based representations and part prototypes.
In contrast, we treat each channel equally, and use spatial features associated with input image patches
to learn prototypes for attributes. [8, 58, 55] learn latent attention or prototypes during training and the
semantic meaning of the prototypes is inducted by observation in a post-hoc manner, leading to limited
attribute or part localization ability e.g., [58] can only localize 2 parts. To address those limitations,
our method learns prototypes that represent the attributes/parts where each prototype corresponds
to a specific attribute. The attribute prototypes are shared among different classes and encourage
knowledge transfer from seen classes to unseen classes, yielding better image representation for
zero-shot learning.
Locality and representation learning. Local features have been extensively investigated for repre-
sentation learning [14, 40, 27], and are commonly used in person re-identification [34, 38], image
captioning [2, 22] and fine-grained classification [52, 10, 51]. Thanks to its locality-aware archi-
tecture, CNNs [13] exploit local information intrinsically. Here we define the local feature as the
image feature encoded from a local image region. Our work is related to methods that draw attention
over local features [17, 34]. Zheng [52] generates the attention for discriminative bird parts by
clustering spatially-correlated channels. Instead of operating on feature channels, we focus on the
spatial configuration of image features and improve the locality of our representation.

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
ProtoMod       black eye


      Image Encoder
                                                  blue crown                                     black eye
                                                                                                 red beak


                                                                                                 striped wing
                                                  solid belly
                                                                                                 blue crown
                                                                                 0.39            yellow leg

            Learnable feature

            Intermediate feature
                                                                                                 solid belly

            Similarity maps        BaseMod

            =     vector

Figure 1: Our attribute prototype network (APN) consists of an Image Encoder extracting image
features f (x), a BaseMod performing classification for zero-shot learning, and a ProtoMod learning
attribute prototypes pk and localizing them with similarity maps M k . The end-to-end training of
APN encourages the image feature to contain both global information which is discriminative for
classification and local information which is crucial to localize and predict attributes.

3     Attribute Prototype Network
Zero-shot learning (ZSL) aims to recognize images of previously unseen classes (Y u ) by transferring
learned knowledge from seen classes (Y s ) using their class embeddings, e.g. attributes. The training
set consists of labeled images and attributes from seen classes, i.e., S = {x, y, φ(y)|x ∈ X , y ∈ Y s }.
Here, x denotes an image in the RGB image space X , y is its class label and φ(y) ∈ RK is the class
embedding i.e., a class-level attribute vector annotated with K different visual attributes. In addition,
class embeddings of unseen classes i.e., {φ(y)|y ∈ Y u }, are also known. The goal for ZSL is to
predict the label of images from unseen classes, i.e., X → Y u , while for generalized ZSL (GZSL)
[42] the goal is to predict images from both seen and unseen classes, i.e., X → Y u ∪ Y s .
In the following, we describe our end-to-end trained attribute prototype network (APN) that improves
the attribute localization ability of the image representation, i.e. locality, for ZSL. As shown in
Figure 1 our framework consists of three modules, the Image Encoder, the base module (BaseMod)
and the prototype module (ProtoMod). In the end of the section, we describe how we perform zero-
shot learning on top of our image representations and how the locality enables attribute localization.

3.1     Base Module (BaseMod) for global feature learning

The base module (BaseMod) learns discriminative visual features for classification. Given an input
image x, the Image Encoder (a CNN backbone) converts it into a feature representation f (x) ∈
RH×W ×C where H, W and C denote the height, width, and channel respectively. BaseMod then
applies global average pooling over the H and W to learn a global discriminative feature g(x) ∈ RC :
                                                              H X W
                                                         1   X
                                              g(x) =                 fi,j (x),                              (1)
                                                       H × W i=1 j=1

where fi,j (x) ∈ RC is extracted from the feature f (x) at spatial location (i, j) (blue box in Figure 1).
Visual-semantic embedding layer. In contrast to standard CNNs with fully connected layers to
compute class logits, we further improve the expressiveness of the image representation using
attributes. In detail, a linear layer with parameter V ∈ RC×K maps the visual feature g(x) into
the class embedding (e.g., attribute) space. The dot product between the projected visual feature

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
and every class embedding is computed to produce class logits, followed by cross-entropy loss that
encourages the image to have the highest compatibility score with its corresponding attribute vector.
Given a training image x with a label y and an attribute vector φ(y), the classification loss LCLS is:
                                                     exp(g(x)T V φ(y))
                              LCLS = − log P                      T
                                                                            .                             (2)
                                                   ŷ∈Y s exp(g(x) V φ(ŷ))

The visual-semantic embedding layer and the CNN backbone are optimized jointly to finetune the
image representation guided by the attribute vectors.

3.2   Prototype Module (ProtoMod) for local feature learning

The global features learned from BaseMod may be biased to seen classes because they mainly capture
global context, shapes and other discriminative features that may be indicative of training classes.
To improve the locality of the image representation, we propose a prototype module (ProtoMod)
focusing on the local features that are often shared across seen and unseen classes.
Attribute prototypes. ProtoMod takes as input the feature f (x) ∈ RH×W ×C produced by the
Image Encoder where the local feature fi,j (x) ∈ RC at spatial location (i, j) encodes information
of local image regions. Our main idea is to improve the locality of the image representation by
enforcing those local features to encode visual attributes that are critical for ZSL. Specifically, we
learn a set of attribute prototypes P = pk ∈ RC k=1 to predict attributes from those local features,
where pk denotes the prototype for the k-th attribute. As a schematic illustration, p1 and p2 in Figure 1
correspond to the prototypes for black eye and blue crown respectively. For each attribute (e.g.,
k-th attribute), we produce a similarity map M k ∈ RH×W where each element is computed by
a dot product between the attribute prototype pk and each local feature i.e., Mi,j       = hpk , fi,j (x)i.
Afterwards, we predict the k-th attribute âk by taking the maximum value in the similarity map M k :
                                             âk = max Mi,j .                                             (3)

This associates each visual attribute with its closest local feature and allows the network to efficiently
localize attributes.
Attribute regression loss. The class-level attribute vectors supervise the learning of attribute pro-
totypes. We consider the attribute prediction task as a regression problem and minimize the Mean
Square Error (MSE) between the ground truth attributes φ(y) and the predicted attributes â:
                                          LReg = ||â − φ(y)||22 ,                                        (4)
where y is the ground truth class. By optimizing the regression loss, we enforce the local features to
encode semantic attributes, improving the locality of the image representation.
Attribute decorrelation loss. Visual attributes are often correlated with each other as they co-occur
frequently, e.g. blue crown and blue back for Blue Jay birds. Consequently, the network may use
those correlations as useful signal and fails to recognize unknown combinations of attributes in
novel classes. Therefore, we propose to constrain the attribute prototypes by encouraging feature
competition among unrelated attributes and feature sharing among related attributes. To represent the
semantic relation of attributes, we divide all K attributes into L disjoint groups, encoded as L sets of
attribute indices S1 , . . . , SL . Two attributes are in the same group if they have some semantic tie, e.g.,
blue eye and black eye are in same group as they describe the same body part, while blue back belongs
to another group. We directly adopt the disjoint attribute groups defined by the datasets [37, 19, 29].
For each attribute group Sl , its attribute prototypes {pk |k ∈ Sl } can be concatenated into a matrix
P Sl ∈ RC×|Sl | , and PcSl is the c-th row of P Sl . We adopt the attribute decorrelation (AD) loss
inspired from [15]:
                                                     XC X  L
                                            LAD =               PcSl 2 .                                  (5)
                                                  c=1 l=1
This regularizer enforces feature competition across attribute prototypes from different groups and
feature sharing across prototypes within the same groups, which helps decorrelate unrelated attributes.
Similarity map compactness regularizer. In addition, we would like to constrain the similarity
map such that it concentrates on its peak region rather than disperses on other locations.

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
Therefore, we apply the following compactness regularizer [52] on each similarity map M k ,
                                  K XH X W       h
                                                          2         2 i
                        LCP T =             Mi,j    i − ĩ + j − j̃ ,                                    (6)
                                     k=1 i=1 j=1
where (ĩ, j̃) = arg maxi,j Mi,j denotes the coordinate for the maximum value in M k . This objective
enforces the attribute prototype to resemble only a small number of local features, resulting in a
compact similarity map.

3.3   Joint global and local feature learning

Our full model optimizes the CNN backbone, BaseMod and ProtoMod simultaneously with the
following objective function,
                           LAP N = LCLS + λ1 LReg + λ2 LAD + λ3 LCP T .                                  (7)
where λ1 , λ2 , and λ3 are hyper-parameters. The joint training improves the locality of the image
representation that is critical for zero-shot generalization as well as the discriminability of the features.
In the following, we will explain how we perform zero-shot inference and attribute localization.
Zero-shot learning. Once our full model is learned, the visual-semantic embedding layer of the
BaseMod can be directly used for zero-shot learning inference, which is similar to ALE [1]. For ZSL,
given an image x, the classifier searches for the class embedding with the highest compatibility via
                                      ŷ = arg max g(x)T V φ (ỹ).                                       (8)
                                                 ỹ∈Y u
For generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL), we need to predict both seen and unseen classes. The
extreme data imbalance issue will result in predictions biasing towards seen classes [7]. To fix this
issue, we apply the Calibrated Stacking (CS) [7] to reduce the seen class scores by a constant factor.
Specifically, the GZSL classifier is defined as,
                              ŷ = arg max g(x)T V φ (ỹ) − γI[ỹ ∈ Y s ],                               (9)
                                   ỹ∈Y u ∪Y s
where I = 1 if ỹ is a seen class and 0 otherwise, γ is the calibration factor tuned on a held-out
validation set. Our model aims to improve the image representation for novel class generalization
and is applicable to other ZSL methods [57, 43, 6], i.e., once learned, our features can be applied
to any ZSL model [57, 43, 6]. Therefore, in addition to the above classifiers, we use image features
g(x) extracted from the BaseMod, and train a state-of-the-art ZSL approach, i.e. ABP [57], on top of
our features. We follow the same ZSL and GZSL training and evaluation protocol as in ABP.
Attribute localization. As a benefit of the improved local features, our approach is capable of
localizing different attributes in the image by inspecting the similarity maps produced by the attribute
prototypes. We achieve that by upsampling the similarity map M k to the size of the input image with
bilinear interpolation. The area with the maximum responses then encodes the image region that gets
associated with the k-th attribute. Figure 1 illustrates the attribute regions of black eye, blue crown
and solid belly from the learned similarity maps. It is worth noting that our model only relies on
class-level attributes and semantic relatedness of them as the auxiliary information and does not need
any annotation of part locations.

4     Experiments
We conduct our experiments on three widely used ZSL benchmark datasets. CUB [37] contains
11, 788 images from 200 bird classes with 312 attributes in eight groups, corresponding to body parts
defined in [49]. SUN [29] consists of 14, 340 images from 717 scene classes, with 102 attributes
divided into four groups. AwA [20] contains 37322 images of 50 animal classes with 85 attributes
divided into nine groups [19]. See supplementary Sec.B for more details.
We adopt ResNet101 [13] pretrained on ImageNet [9] as the backbone, and jointly finetune the entire
model in an end-to-end fashion to improve the image representation. We use SGD optimizer [4] by
setting momentum of 0.9, and weight decay of 10−5 . The learning rate is initialized as 10−3 and
decreased every ten epochs by a factor of 0.5. Hyper parameters in our model are obtained by grid
search on the validation set [42]. We set λ1 as 1, λ2 ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 for three datasets, and
λ3 as 0.2. The factor γ for Calibrated Stacking is set to 0.7 for CUB and SUN, and 0.9 for AwA.

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
ZSL               Part localization on CUB
 Method                       CUB AWA2 SUN Breast Belly Back Head Wing Leg Mean
 BaseMod                      70.0 64.9 60.0 40.3 40.0 27.2 24.2 36.0 16.5 30.7
 + ProtoMod (only with LReg ) 71.5 66.3 60.9 41.6 43.6 25.2 38.8 31.6 30.2 35.2
  + LAD                       71.8 67.7 61.4 60.4 52.7 25.9 60.2 52.1 42.4 49.0
    + LCP T (= APN)           72.0 68.4 61.6 63.1 54.6 30.5 64.1 55.9 50.5 52.8
Table 1: Ablation study of ZSL on CUB, AWA2, SUN (left, measuring top-1 accuracy) and part
localization on CUB (right, measuring PCP). We train a single BaseMod with LCLS loss as the
baseline. Our full model APN combines BaseMod and ProtoMod and is trained with the linear
combination of four losses LCLS , LReg , LAD , LCP T .
                                                                                                          Evening Grosbeak

          Mallard                            Breast   Belly       Back   Head   Wing      Leg










    Evening Grosbeak
Figure 2: Part localization Breast       Belly
                            results: Attention mapsBack        Head
                                                    for each body           Wing
                                                                   part of the          Leg
                                                                               bird Mallard generated
by our APN (first row) and BaseMod (second row). Boxes mark out the area with the highest attention.

Attention maps are min-max normalized for visualization.

4.1   Zero-shot and generalized zero-shot learning results

In the following, we present an ablation study of our framework in the ZSL setting. In addition, we
present a comparison with the state-of-the-art in ZSL and GZSL settings.
Ablation study. To measure the influence of each model component on the extracted image represen-
tation, we design an ablation study where we train a single BaseMod with cross-entropy loss as the
baseline, and three variants of APN by adding the ProtoMod and the three loss functions gradually.
Our zero-shot learning results on CUB, AWA2 and SUN presented in Table 1 (left) demonstrate
that the three additional loss functions improve the ZSL accuracy over BaseMod consistently, by
2.0% (CUB), 3.5%(AWA2), and 1.6% (SUN). The main accuracy gain comes from the attribute
regression loss and attribute decorrelation loss, which adds locality to the image representation.
Comparing with the SOTA. We compare our APN with two groups of state-of-the-art models:
non-generative models i.e., SGMA [58], AREN [45], LFGAA+Hybrid [26]; and generative models i.e.,
LisGAN [21], CLSWGAN [43] and ABP [57] on ZSL and GZSL settings. As shown in Table 2, our
attribute prototype network (APN) is comparable to or better than SOTA non-generative methods in
terms of ZSL accuracy. It indicates that our model learns an image representation that generalizes
better to the unseen classes. In the generalized ZSL setting that is more challenging, our APN achieves
impressive gains over state-of-the-art non-generative models for the harmonic mean (H): we achieve
67.2% on CUB and 37.6% on SUN. On AWA2, it obtains 65.5%. This shows that our network is able
to balance the performance of seen and unseen classes well, since our attribute prototypes enforce
local features to encode visual attributes facilitating a more effective knowledge transfer.
Image features extracted from our model also boosts the performance of generative models that
synthesize CNN image features for unseen classes. We choose two recent methods ABP [57] and
f-VAEGAN-D2 [44] as our generative models. For a fair comparison, we train ABP and f-VAEGAN-D2
with finetuned features [44] extracted from ResNet101, denoted as ABP∗ [57] and f-VAEGAN-D2∗ [44]
respectively in Table 2. As for APN + ABP and APN + f-VAEGAN-D2, we report the setting where
the feature generating models are trained with our APN feature g(x). APN + ABP achieves significant
gains over ABP∗ : 2.6% (CUB) and 5.3% (AWA) in ZSL; and 2.7% (CUB), 2.3% (SUN) in GZSL.
We also boost the performance of f-VAEGAN-D2 on three datasets: 0.9% (CUB) and 1.4% (AWA)

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
Zero-Shot Learning                    Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
                          CUB AWA2 SUN                   CUB                AWA2               SUN
   Method                  T1     T1     T1        u      s       H      u     s    H     u     s     H
   SGMA [58]              71.0   68.8    −        36.7   71.3    48.5 37.6 87.1 52.5 −          −     −
   AREN [45]              71.8 67.9 60.6          38.9   78.7    52.1 15.6 92.9 26.7 19.0 38.8       25.5
 § LFGAA+Hybrid [26]      67.6 68.1 61.5          36.2   80.9    50.0 27.0 93.4 41.9 18.5 40.4       25.3
   APN (Ours)             72.0   68.4 61.6        65.3   69.3    67.2 56.5 78.0 65.5 41.9 34.0       37.6
   GAZSL [56]             55.8 68.2 61.3          23.9   60.6    34.3 19.2 86.5 31.4 21.7 34.5       26.7
   LisGAN [21]            58.8 70.6 61.7          46.5   57.9    51.6 52.6 76.3 62.3 42.9 37.8       40.2
   CLSWGAN [43]           57.3 68.2 60.8          43.7   57.7    49.7 57.9 61.4 59.6 42.6 36.6       39.4
   ABP∗ [57]              70.7 68.5 62.6          61.6   73.0    66.8 53.7 72.1 61.6 43.3 39.3       41.2
   APN+ABP (Ours)         73.3   73.8 63.1        65.8   74.0    69.5 57.1 72.4 63.9 46.2 37.4       41.4
   f-VAEGAN-D2∗ [44]      72.9 70.3 65.6          63.2   75.6    68.9 57.1 76.1 65.2 50.1 37.8       43.1
   APN+f-VAEGAN-D2 (Ours) 73.8   71.7 65.7        65.7   74.9    70.0 62.2 69.5 65.6 49.4 39.2       43.7

Table 2: Comparing our APN model with the state-of-the-art on CUB, AWA2 and SUN. † and § indicate
generative and non-generative representation learning methods respectively. Our model APN uses
Calibrated Stacking [7] for GZSL. ABP∗ and f-VAEGAN-D2∗ use finetuned features extracted from
ResNet101. APN+ABP and APN+f-VAEGAN-D2 respectively denote ABP [57] and f-VAEGAN-D2 [44]
using our APN features. We measure top-1 accuracy (T1) in ZSL, top-1 accuracy on seen/unseen (s/u)
classes and their harmonic mean (H) in GZSL.

in ZSL; and 1.1% (CUB), 0.6% (SUN) in GZSL. It indicates that our APN features are better than
finetuned features over all the datasets. Our features increase the accuracy by a large margin compared
to other generative models. For instance, APN + ABP outperforms LisGAN by 14.5% on CUB, 2.2%
on AWA2 and 1.4% on SUN in ZSL. These results demonstrate that our learned locality enforced
image representation makes better knowledge transfer from seen to unseen classes, as the attribute
decorrelation loss alleviates the issue of biasing the label prediction towards seen classes.

4.2   Evaluating part and attribute localization

First, we evaluate the part localization capability of our method quantitatively both as an ablation
study and in comparison with other methods using the part annotation provided for the CUB dataset.
Second, we provide qualitative results of our method for part and attribute localization.
Ablation study. Our ablation study evaluates the effectiveness of our APN framework in terms of the
influence of the attribute regression loss LReg , attribute decorrelation loss LAD , and the similarity
compactness loss LCP T . Following SPDA-CNN [49], we report the part localization accuracy by
calculating the Percentage of Correctly Localized Parts (PCP). If the predicted bounding box for
a part overlaps sufficiently with the ground truth bounding box, the detection is considered to be
correct (more details in supplementary Sec.C).
Our results are shown in Table 1 (right). When trained with the joint losses, APN significantly improves
the accuracy of breast, head, wing and leg by 22.8%, 39.9%, 19.9%, and 34.0% respectively, while
the accuracy of belly and back are improved less. This observation agrees with the qualitative results
in Figure 2 that BaseMod tends to focus on the center body of the bird, while APN results in more
accurate and concentrated attention maps. Moreover, LAD boosts the localization accuracy, which
highlights the importance of encouraging in-group similarity and between-group diversity when
learning attribute prototypes.
Comparing with SOTA. We report PCP in Table 3. As the baseline, we train a single BaseMod with
cross-entropy loss LCLS , and use gradient-based visual explanation method CAM [54] to investigate
the image area BaseMod used to predict each attribute (see supplementary Sec.C for implementation
details). On average, our APN improves the PCP over BaseMod by 22.1% (52.8% vs 30.7%). The
majority of the improvements come from the better leg and head localization.
Although there is still a gap with SPDA-CNN (52.8% v.s. 73.6%), the results are encouraging since
we do not need to leverage part annotation during training. In the last two rows, we compare with the
weakly supervised SGMA [58] model which learns part attention by clustering feature channels. Under
the same bounding box size, we significantly improve the localization accuracy over SGMA (78.9%

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
Method                Parts Annotation BB size                       Breast    Belly   Back    Head       Wing     Leg    Mean
           SPDA-CNN [49]                                                         67.5     63.2    75.9    90.9       64.8     79.7   73.6
                                        3           1/4
           Selective search [36]                                                 51.8     51.0    56.1    90.8       62.1     66.3   63.0
           BaseMod (uses LCLS )                                                  40.3     40.0    27.2    24.2       36.0     16.5   30.7
                                        7           1/4
           APN (Ours)                                                            63.1     54.6    30.5    64.1       55.9     50.5   52.8
           SGMA [58]                                 √                            −        −       −      74.9        −       48.1   61.5
                                        7          1/ 2
           APN (Ours)                                                            79.4     91.9    94.7    89.7       87.2     68.0   84.7
           Table 3: Comparing our APN, detection models trained with part annotations (top two rows), and a
           ZSL model SGMA. BaseMod is trained with LCLS . For BB (bounding box) size, 1/4 means each part
           bounding box has the size 14 Wb ∗ 41 Hb , where Wb and Hb are the width and height of the bird. For a
           fair comparison, we use the same BB size as SGMA in last two rows.

             black back 0.90     yellow breast 0.78    black wing 0.70    brown forehead 0.66       white breast 0         grey wing 0.23

              red belly 0.80      black wing 0.67        red leg 0.75         black leg 0.77        buff belly 0.1       blue forehead 0.43

           Figure 3: Attribute localization results. Red, blue, orange bounding boxes in the image represent
           the ground truth part bounding box, the results from our model, and BaseMod+CAM respectively. The
ack 0.52
           number following attribute name is the IoU between ours and the ground truth. Green (purple) box
           outside the image indicates a correct (incorrect) localization by our model.

             striped wing 0.66   pointed wing 0.63    striped wing 0.59    solid wing 0.76     pointed wing 0.91     multi-color wing 0        black leg 0.54      black leg 0
           v.s. 61.5% on average). Since the feature channels encode more pattern information than local
           information [12, 53], enforcing locality over spatial dimension is more accurate than over channel.
           Qualitative results. We first investigate the difference between our APN and the baseline BaseMod
           for localizing different body parts. In Figure 2, for each part of the bird Mallard, we display one
           attribute similarity map generated by APN and BaseMod. BaseMod tends to generate disperse attention
           maps covering the whole bird, as it utilizes more global information, e.g., correlated bird parts and
               white belly
           context,        0.80
                      to predict   grey belly 0On thebuff
                                 attributes.              bellyhand,
                                                      other     0.1  thegreen belly 0.77
                                                                          similarity     white
                                                                                       maps of belly
                                                                                               our 0.58
                                                                                                     APN arewhite
                                                                                                             more belly 0.91
                                                                                                                    concentrated              grey forehead 0.69   blue forehead

           and diverse and therefore they localize different bird body parts more accurately.
           In addition, unlike other models [49, 36, 58] that can only localize body parts, our APN model can
           provide attribute-level localization as shown in Figure 3. Compared with BaseMod+CAM, our approach
           produces more accurate bounding boxes that localize the predicted attributes, demonstrating the
           effectiveness of our attribute prototype network. For example, while BaseMod+CAM wrongly learns
               grey wing
           the black     0.51from
                      wing       black
                                       image       greyof
                                           0.70region   wing
                                                          the0.23    orange
                                                               head (row  1,wing 0
                                                                             column 3grey
                                                                                       of wing 0.62 3), our
                                                                                          Figure        blackmodel
                                                                                                              wing 0.67
                                                                                                                     precisely                  cone bill 0.58     dagger bill
           localizes the black wing at the correct region of the wings. These results are interesting because our
           model is trained on only class-level attributes without accessing any bounding box annotation.
           As a side benefit, the attribute localization ability introduces a certain level of interpretability that
           supports the zero-shot inference with attribute-level visual evidences. The last two columns show
           some failure examples where our predicted bounding boxes achieve low IoUs. We observe that our
           predicted   bounding
                grey back 0.54  boxes  for 0.52
                                brown back the grey
                                                 black backand
                                                    wing    0.90bluegrey
                                                                     forehead    are not
                                                                         back 0.59       completely
                                                                                      black back 0.65 wrong  while
                                                                                                        grey back    they are
                                                                                                                  0.13                        yellow breast 0.78   buff breast
           considered as failure cases by the evaluation protocol. Besides, although our attribute decorrelation
           loss in Equation 5 alleviates the correlation issue to some extent (as shown in the previous results in
           Table 1 and Figure 2), we observe that our APN seems to still conflate the white belly and white breast
           in some cases, indicating the attribute correlation issue as a challenging problem for future research.

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
Attribute Prediction              Part Localization Accuracy
 Attribute type        Seen      Unseen       Breast Belly Back Head Wing Leg Mean
 APN + Binary          86.8       86.7         61.8 54.5 30.0 64.2 54.1 47.7 52.1
 APN + Continuous 86.4            85.7         63.1 54.6 30.5 64.1 55.9 50.5 52.8
Table 4: Attribute prediction accuracy and part localization accuracy of APN model trained with
binary attributes (“APN+Binary”) or with continuous attributes (“APN+Continuous”) on CUB dataset.

Binary v.s. continuous attributes The class-level continuous attributes are usually obtained by
averaging the image-level binary attributes for each class, which are expensive to collect. In this
section, we test if our model can work with class-level binary attributes, which are easier to annotate.
Specifically, we retrain our attribute prototype network with class-level binary attributes which
are obtained by thresholding the continuous ones. We then evaluate its performance on the part
localization and the image-level attribute prediction tasks on the test set of CUB dataset. Our APN
model can make an attribute prediction by thresholding the predicted attribute â at 0.5. As shown
in Table 4, our method works equally well for both binary and continuous attributes in terms of
attribute prediction accuracy (86.4% with continuous attributes vs 86.8% with binary attributes on
seen classes) and part localization accuracy (52.8% with continuous attributes vs 52.1% with binary
attributes). It indicates that our model does not rely on the expensive continuous attribute annotation
and generalizes well to the binary attributes that are easier to collect.

5   Conclusion
In this work, we develop a zero-shot representation learning framework, i.e. attribute prototype
network (APN), to jointly learn global and local features. By regressing attributes with local features
and decorrelating prototypes with regularization, our model improves the locality of image represen-
tations. We demonstrate consistent improvement over the state-of-the-art on three ZSL benchmarks,
and further show that, when used in conjunction with feature generating models, our representations
improve over finetuned ResNet representations. We qualitatively verify that our network is able to
accurately localize attributes in images, and the part localization accuracy significantly outperforms a
weakly supervised localization model designed for zero-shot learning.

Broader Impact
Computers have become much smarter over the past decades, but they cannot distinguish between two
objects without a properly annotated training dataset. Since humans can learn general representations
that generalize well across many classes, they require very little or even no training data to recognize
novel classes. Zero-shot learning aims to mimic this ability to recognize objects using only some
class level descriptions (e.g., identify a bird according to the color and pattern of bird body parts),
and takes a first step to build a machine that has a similar decision process as humans. Therefore,
ZSL techniques would benefit those who do not have access to large-scale annotated datasets, e.g. a
wildlife biologist who wants to build an automatic classification system for rare animals.
Our work introduces an attribute prototype network, which is good at predicting attributes with local
features. Specifically, we deal with the attribute correlation problem, where the network cannot tell
attributes apart because they co-occur very often, eg, the yellow forehead and yellow crown of birds.
By decorrelating attribute prototypes, we use the local information for predicting attributes, rather
than using the correlated contexts, which is an important direction that we hope there will be a greater
focus by the community. Additionally, we strengthen the interpretability of the inference process, by
highlighting the attributes our model has learnt in the image. Interpretability is important for helping
users to understand the learning process and check model errors.
Broadly speaking, there are two shortcuts of zero-shot learning. Firstly, the prediction accuracy
is still lower than models trained with both seen and unseen classes. Thus ZSL is not applicable
to those settings that require high accuracy and confidence, e.g., self-driving cars. Secondly, the
model’s generalization ability depends to a great extent on the quality of side information that
describes the similarity between seen and unseen classes. Thus biased side information might harm
the generalization ability of ZSL models.

Attribute Prototype Network for Zero-Shot Learning
Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding
This work has been partially funded by the ERC under Horizon 2020 program 853489 - DEXIM
and by the DFG under Germany’s Excellence Strategy – EXC number 2064/1 – Project number
390727645. We thank Stephan Alaniz, Max Maria Losch, and Ferjad Naeem for proofreading the

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