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Rev Med (São Paulo). 2018 May-June;97(3):301-7.


            Varicocele in the adolescent population: challenges in management

                            Varicocele no adolescente: desafios na abordagem

                        Joao Paulo Cardoso, Bruno Camargo Tiseo, Marcello Cocuzza

Cardoso JP, Tiseo BC, Cocuzza M. Varicocele in the adolescent population: challenges in management / Varicocele no adolescente:
desafios na abordagem. Rev Med (São Paulo). 2018 May-June;97(3):301-7.
ABSTRACT: Management of varicoceles in adolescents remain                    RESUMO: O manejo da varicocele em adolescentes continua
one of the most interesting and debatable topics. Although the               sendo um dos tópicos mais interessantes e debatidos. Embora
crescent awareness of varicocele-induced testicular impairment               a crescente conscientização do comprometimento testicular
has motivated several studies, some of the controversies in                  induzido por varicocele tenha motivado diversos estudos,
adult varicocele, regarding pathophysiology, treatment and                   algumas das controvérsias na varicocele em adultos, em relação
fertility issues can also be transposed the adolescent population.           à fisiopatologia, tratamento e problemas de fertilidade, também
                                                                             podem ser transpostas para a população adolescente. Além disso,
Furthermore, adolescents represent a heterogenic group with
                                                                             os adolescentes representam um grupo heterogêneo com desafios
challenges in diagnosis, clinical parameters, and limited                    no diagnóstico, parâmetros clínicos e preditores de desfecho
predictors. Physical and pubertal development reflects in                    limitados. O desenvolvimento físico e puberal reflete-se em
difficulties for standard management. The purpose of this article is         dificuldades para condutas padronizadas. O objetivo deste artigo
to review available data from literature regarding the presentation,         é revisar os dados disponíveis da literatura sobre a apresentação,
epidemiology and pathogenesis of varicocele in children and                  epidemiologia e patogênese da varicocele em crianças e
adolescents. We also address major limitations and challenges                adolescentes. Também abordamos as principais limitações e
of clinical evaluation and provide current evidence regarding                desafios da avaliação clínica e fornecemos evidências atuais
the dilemma of varicocele treatment in this particular subset of             sobre o dilema do tratamento com varicocele nesse subconjunto
patients. Interventions options and outcomes are also discussed.             específico de pacientes. Opções de intervenção e resultados
The current review is based on an electronic search using Pubmed/            também são discutidos. A presente revisão baseia-se em uma
MEDLINE databases and references of the identified articles                  busca eletrônica utilizando as bases de dados Pubmed / MEDLINE
performed between March and May of 2018.                                     e referências dos artigos identificados realizadas entre março e
                                                                             maio de 2018.
Keywords: Varicocele/therapy; Varicocele/physiopathology;
                                                                             Descritores: Varicocele/terapia; Varicocele/fisiopatologia;
Varicocele/epidemiology; Adolescent; Therapeutics; Review.
                                                                             Varicocele/epidemiologia; Adolescente; Terapêutica; Revisão.

Departamento de Urologia, Faculdade de Medicina FMUSP, Universidade de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, SP, BR.
ORCID: Cardoso JP -; Tiseo BC -; Cocuzza M - https:// E-mail:;;
Correspondence & Reprints: Marcello Cocuzza. Department of Urology, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Sao Paulo, Brazil. Av. Dr.
Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 255. 7º andar - Sala 710F. Cerqueira César - São Paulo, SP, Brazil. CEP: 05403-000. Email: mcocuzza@

Cardoso JP, et al. Varicocele in the adolescent population: challenges in management.

INTRODUCTION                                                          Pathogenesis

                                                                              Traditionally, varicocele has been characterized by
       A      dolescence begins with the onset of
              physiologically normal puberty, and ends when
an adult identity and behavior are accepted. This period of
                                                                      its impact on spermatogenesis via local effects on Sertoli
                                                                      and germ cells. Nowadays, the potential deleterious
                                                                      impact in Leydig cell dysfunction is also recognized as
development corresponds roughly to the period between
                                                                      consequence of varicocele15-17.
the ages of 10 and 19 years, which is consistent with the
                                                                              The pathophysiology of varicocele-induced
World Health Organization’s definition of adolescence1.
                                                                      testicular impairment has been widely studied, with
Management of an adolescent must consider different
                                                                      no definitive answer. Suggested mechanisms are
stages of physical and pubertal development, and therefore,
                                                                      scrotal hyperthermia, hormonal disturbances, testicular
age must not be isolated criteria. Completely standard
                                                                      hypoperfusion and hypoxia, as well as backflow of toxic
approaches may also not be suitable in the care of this
particular subset of population.
                                                                              Current evidence suggests oxidative stress has a
        Varicocele is defined as an abnormal dilatation,
                                                                      central importance in testicle function. Reactive oxygen
elongation and tortuosity of the pampiniform plexus, the
                                                                      species act in important processes in sperm physiology,
structure in the spermatic cord responsible for venous
                                                                      such as capacitation, acrosome reaction and signalizing
drainage of the testis 2. It affects approximately 15-
                                                                      for fertilization19. Studies have reported increased levels
20% of the adult population globally3. Its prevalence is
                                                                      of ROS in semen from infertile man with varicocele and
higher on the left side, however in almost 50% of the
                                                                      also in men with incidental varicocele20-22. This imbalance
patients varicocele is found bilaterally. Isolate right-sided
                                                                      in ROS levels would be a final path of heat stress, ischemia
varicoceles are uncommon.
                                                                      and production of vasodilators, such as nitric oxide4.
        There are various theories regarding the ethiology
                                                                      Elevated ROS concentrations would affect several aspects,
of varicocele, not mutually exclusive. The right-angled
                                                                      from the fluidity of sperm plasma membrane to the integrity
insertion of the gonadal vein, leading to engorgement of
                                                                      of sperm DNA21, thus affecting male fertility.
the pampiniform plexus transmitting overload pressure, is
                                                                              Among adolescents, the theories are similar to
advocated by some. Other theory postulates incompetent
                                                                      adults. Elevated levels of nitric oxide have also been
venous valves resulting in retrograde flux. Ultimately,
                                                                      documented in the spermatic veins of adolescents 23.
another theory suggests partial obstruction of the blood flow
                                                                      Bertolla et al.24 studied adolescents with and without
by a compression of the left renal vein between the superior
                                                                      varicocele, and despite finding no differences in semen
mesenteric artery and the abdominal aorta (nutcracker
                                                                      analysis, DNA fragmentation rates were higher in the
effect) and consequent increase of hydrostatic pressure4.
                                                                      varicocele group. Those findings suggest spermatic loss
        In pre-pubertal individuals, prevalence of varicocele
                                                                      of DNA integrity as an early marker of oxidative stress.
in is low (
Rev Med (São Paulo). 2018 May-June;97(3):301-7.

in pampiniform plexus. Extension of Wilms tumor in                     21st month after first ejaculation, with total motile count
renal vein or vena cava may also be related to a secondary             reaching normal levels after 24 months. Before this time
varicocele26-29.                                                       reference, boys are usually azoospermic or oligospermic36.
        Most of the patients are asymptomatic, with                    Classification of adolescent samples in normospermia or
approximately 5% presenting with scrotal pain5. Dull ache              oligospermia consider adult parameters, since there is no
or “scrotal heaviness” is often referred by patients with              specific normal distribution for this subset of population.
varicocele30. Usually is greater with the patient standing,                    In a survey by Fine et al.37 only 13.1% of responding
and can be eased with the patient lying down. Those who                pediatric urologists included semen analysis in their
present with pain are more likely to have a higher grade               routine. Almost 50% had some degree of discomfort, and
varicocele31.                                                          90% of those professionals never ordered a semen analysis
        Varicocele is identified in physical exam, the gold            for a patient with varicocele. From the patient and parents
standard for evaluation. Patient should be evaluated in                point of view, most of them were uncomfortable with
a heated office, in both supine and orthostatic position.              obtaining a semen sample. Interestingly, lack of knowledge
The scrotum is visually inspected with indirect light, and             regarding the exam was the main barrier according to the
examined by palpation. In orthostatic position, the patient            survey. Therefore, a careful counseling would probably be
should be asked to perform a Valsalva maneuver Definition              able to surmount this barrier.
and grading are identical to adults, as described by Dubin                     Nevertheless, as in adults, varicocele affects
and Amelar32: grade I when varicocele is palpable with                 negatively semen parameters in adolescents. Previous
Valsalva, grade II when palpability standing only, and grade           studies by Diamond et al.38 and Mori et al.39 demonstrated
III when visible with standing. When no varicocele is found            lower sperm concentrations and lower progressive motility.
in clinical evaluation, but is detectable by ultrasonography,          Diamond et al.5 also reports correlation between testicular
the denomination subclinical grade can be used – grade 0 –             asymmetry and decrease in total motile count. Correlation
as expanded by World Health Organization (WHO) criteria.               between semen parameters and varicocele grade has not
        Testicular size and volume can be estimated in the             been established5.
office. Since discrepancies may be found with the use of                       As aforementioned, studies in adults have described
isolated physical examination, it is recommended to use                changes in both spermatogenesis and testosterone
an auxiliary technique to increase accuracy. Orchidometers             production from varicocele. Apart from the fertility issues,
are available to measure testis in a clinical setting. Among           the development of hypogonadism and future androgen
several types of orchidometers, Prader’s carries an accurate           deficiency could motivate an early intervention17.
correlation with ultrasound measures, depending on                             Nonetheless, endocrine evaluation in adolescents
provider experience33.                                                 carries practical considerations. Immaturity of the
        In general, ultrasound measurements are more                   hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in the different stages
accurate than orchidometer’s measurements34. With                      of development would demand different standards for
testicular asymmetry being the principal clinical finding              evaluation40. Fideleff et al.41 performed a prospective study
for indication, it is important to achieve more accuracy.              with 93 adolescents and found no difference in hormonal
Ultrasound allows the evaluation of a questionable physical            parameters of FSH, LH, Testosterone and GnRH from
examination, with more precise measurements of testicular              varicocele individuals and controls, even after correction of
volume and spermatic veins status26. Experience of the                 Tanner stage. Although recent studies in adults have so far
clinician and inter-examiner variability can influence both            demonstrated improvement in hormonal parameters after
ultrasound and clinical measures, therefore, measurements              varicocelectomy42, there is no available data to correlate
should be analyzed over a period of time during follow-up              this studies for the adolescent population.
by the same method.
                                                                       Treatment: indications and options
Seminal analysis and hormonal evaluation
                                                                               Awareness of the potential damage associated with
        Routine use of seminal analysis in the pediatric/              long standing varicoceles has motivated urologists to
adolescent population finds barriers regarding the exam                become more conscientious in their pursuit of adolescent
and its indications. First, parameters provided by the                 varicocele treatment. There is an assumption that
WHO concern adult males35. Secondly, the natural history               varicocelectomy would cease the effects of varicocele,
of semen analysis in adolescents is still being elucidated.            while observation would result in future infertility25 or
Finally, beside changes in the semen profile and difficulties          testicular dysfunction.
on the correct interpretation of the exam, there is an ethical                 Routine surgery is inappropriate for all adolescents,
dilemma of collecting adolescent’s semen for analysis.                 since it is not cost effective and fertility will not necessarily
        Studies regarding semen parameters in adolescent               be affected by varicocele, as exposed before. Non-selective
population found normospermia being reached beyond the                 surgical intervention would submit a large population

Cardoso JP, et al. Varicocele in the adolescent population: challenges in management.

of boys to unnecessary surgery. On the other hand, it is               occurrence rates stand between 0 and 17% for open
unacceptable to allow a potentially reversible cause to                techniques and 0 to 13% in laparoscopic techniques.
manifest as infertility or other testicular dysfunction in             Approaches with lymphatic sparing techniques describe
adult age.                                                             hydrocele occurrence in 0-2% of patients48.
        Indications for treatment of varicoceles in pediatric/                 Interestingly, the choice of a laparoscopic Palomo
adolescents vary among urologists. A survey conducted by               technique is more common between pediatric surgeons,
Pastuszak et al.43 among pediatric urologists revealed that            while the microscopic open inguinal or subinguinal
96% of surgical referrals were due to diminished ipsilateral           approaches are preferred by urologists. This is probably due
testicular size, 79% for testicular pain and 39% for semen             to inexperience or lack of familiarity with the microsurgical
parameters alterations.                                                technique among pediatric surgeons. Another possibility
        Testicular asymmetry is the principal clinical                 is the fear of rare testicular atrophy after spermatic
finding for indication, albeit a controversial criteria.               vein ligation. Nevertheless, several groups have safely
Available studies are heterogeneous in methodology, using              performed microsurgical varicocelectomy in children and
clinical and ultrasonographic measures. What consists an               adolescents with no cases of testicular atrophy52.
asymmetry is one of the main points of debate, with studies                    Therefore, microsurgical varicocelectomy performed
describing absolute size differentials of 2 or 3 mL44, and/or          through an inguinal or subinguinal incision is recognized
relative size differentials from 10 to 15%45. Natural history          as the gold-standard approach to varicocelectomy, with
of the asymmetry is also controversial. Previous studies               high success rates and minimal complications53. Operating
reported resolution of size asymmetry in up to 71% of                  microscope allows an minimally invasive access and
patients in a long follow-up46 while other reports discrepant          preservation of the testicular artery and lymphatics
findings with 43% progression of asymmetry.                            vessels, resulting in lower recurrence rates as well as
        Regarding to semen analysis, Chu et al.47, using               lower rates of hydrocele after the procedure54. Technique
semen analysis to follow-up, described adolescents with                for microsurgical approach is similar to that performed
normal sized testicles and varicocele, with improvement                in adults, and previous studies also describe safety and
in total motile counts even without surgery. On the other              effectiveness of the method in adolescent population55,56.
way, Locke et al.48 performed a systematic review and meta-                    The European Society of Pediatric Urology (ESPU)
analysis of randomized controlled trials in adolescents.               recommends optical magnification when open surgical
Overall, combining the similar studies, there is a low to              access is used. EAU (Europeans Association of Urology)
moderate level of evidence that varicocele treatment is                also highlights the advantages of microscopic approach in
associated with improvement in testicular volume and                   their guideline as described in the next section.
semen concentration, with no difference in motility or
morphology49-51.                                                       Guidelines and best practice statements
        Pain is probably the least controversial and
                                                                                Roque et al.29 performed a systematic review of
most acceptable indication for treatment of varicoceles
                                                                       clinical practice guidelines and best practice statements
in adolescents. Data from previous studies, although
                                                                       with recommendations from AUA (American Urological
performed in adults, have demonstrated an overall
                                                                       Association), ASRM (American Society for Reproductive
resolution of 61-100%, specially for sharp pain. Other
                                                                       Medicine), EAU (European Association of Urology) and
conservative treatments have not been as effective5.
                                                                       ESPU (European Society of Paediatric Urology). Most of
        In summary, despite all controversies involving
                                                                       the recommendations derived from nonrandomized clinical
indication, parameters and moment for intervention, the
                                                                       trials, retrospective studies and expert opinion. Differences
clinical guidelines and best practice statements remain
                                                                       in methods, data collection and analysis make clinical
with common indications being testicular size discrepancy,
                                                                       practice guidelines and best practices statements hard to
semen analysis, when available, and pain25.
                                                                       be summarize in single statements. Nonetheless, when
        Varicocelectomy method is another field of
                                                                       combined with physician judgement, guidelines may help
debate in the treatment of adolescent varicocele. Both
                                                                       to enhance quality of health care.
surgical and non-surgical treatments may be considered.
                                                                                Overall, diagnosis is achieved by physical
Percutaneous sclerotherapy or embolization are the non-
                                                                       examination as a standard for all guidelines. AUA and
surgical methods. Surgical options include Palomo (high
retroperitoneal), Ivanissevich (inguinal) or microscopic               ASRN recommends ultrasound only for inconclusive
inguinal or subinguinal.                                               examinations, while EAU recommends color duplex
        Locke et al. 48, in a recent systematic review                 analysis for confirmation in all patients. ESPU is specific
and meta-analysis, describe recurrence rates for open                  in recommending US for confirmations of orchidometer
varicocelectomy between 0 and 31%, and for laparoscopic                measurements and states a 20% or 2 mL difference between
interventions rates between 0 and 8%. Lymphatic sparing                testis as hypoplasia. In terms of treatment indications,
techniques studies reported rates from 0 to 2%. Hydrocele              AUA recommends treatment for reduced ipsilateral

Rev Med (São Paulo). 2018 May-June;97(3):301-7.

testicular size, and follow-up with testicular size and/or             testicular condition affecting fertility. Finally, for treatment
seminal analysis for symmetric testis. ASRM includes                   modalities, AUA recommends treatment according to
bilateral varicocele in their recommendations, apart from              physician expertise. ASRM assumes different possibilities
the AUA statements. EAU recommends treatment for                       of treatment, both surgical and percutaneous, but
testicular asymmetry in follow-up, with a level of evidence            comments on lower rates of complications and recurrence
3 observation of possible overtreatment. ESPU has de                   with microsurgical approaches. EAU also comments in
widest recommendation for treatments, including: testicular            microsurgical advantages. ESPU recommends use of
hypoplasia, bilateral varicocele, pathological sperm quality           optical magnification and lymphatic-sparing procedure.
in adolescents, symptomatic varicocele and additional                  Recommendations are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1: Summary of clinical guidelines and best practice statement

             Diagnosis                            Indication                                  Treatment options

                                                  Offer varicocele ligation for objective
             Physical examination; confirm
                                                  testicular asymmetry. Follow up             Choice of treatment based on
 AUA         suspected varicocele with
                                                  for patients with normal ipsilateral        physician’s expertise
                                                  testicular size
                                                                                              Surgical or percutaneous approaches.
                                                  Offer varicocele ligation for patients
             Physical examination; ultrasound                                                 Consider lower recurrence rates and
 ASRM                                             with unilateral or bilateral varicocele
             for inconclusive clinical approach                                               complication rates in microsurgical
                                                  with ipsilateral reduced testicular size
                                                  Recommend treatment if testicular
             Physical examination should be       asymmetry in serial follow up (grade        Microsurgical approach as the most
             confirmed by color duplex            B). Risk of overtreatment (level of         effective and least morbid method.
                                                  evidence 3).
             Clinical examination, upright        Recommended treatment: small testis
                                                                                              Use of optical magnification for
             position. Confirm testicle           associated with varicocele, bilateral
                                                                                              surgical ligation (level of evidence 3
             asymmetry by ultrasound or           palpable varicocele, abnormalities in
 ESPU                                                                                         grade B). Testicular hypotrophy and
             orchidometer. Testis smaller         sperm analysis (older adolescents),
                                                                                              hydrocele prevented by lymphatic-
             by 2 ml or 20% in comparison         symptomatic varicocele, other
                                                                                              sparing techniques.
             considered asymmetric.               conditions affecting fertility.
Adapted from Roque et al.29

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46. Kolon TF, Clement MR, Cartwright L, et al. Transient                      Accepted in: May 22, 2018

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