Volution The next step in alarm - Transforming the Fire Triangle FireNZ Conference 2015 - DEFSEC Media

Page created by Jerry Collins
Issue 11 September 2015

The next step in alarm
Transforming the
Fire Triangle FireNZ
Conference 2015
Ambo-fire dispatch
glitch sorted
Last call to surrender
ozone depleting gas
Fire testing for a variety
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4        ISSUE 11             |       September 2015

    Presidents Message..............................................................................................................................................................................6
    The next step in alarm evolution ............................................................................................................................................... 12
    Ambo-fire dispatch glitch sorted..................................................................................................................................................14
    Loktronic................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
    Fire Safety Review a slow burner.................................................................................................................................................20
    New era of fire industry innovation........................................................................................................................................... 24
    FireNZ Conference 2015 - Transforming the Fire Triangle - Program - Workshops - Speakers....................... 26
    Smart thinking gives fire training an edge............................................................................................................................... 38
    FLIR NFPA-Approved Firefighting Cameras.............................................................................................................................40
    The Innovative Tyrip Seam............................................................................................................................................................ 43
    Fire funding options squeezed.....................................................................................................................................................44
    Fire Services Review debate heats up....................................................................................................................................... 45
    Last call to surrender ozone depleting gas.............................................................................................................................46
    Advances in Fire Suppression Technology Hybrid Water Mist Systems ....................................................................48
    Kiwis take reins of IFE - Bridge building time........................................................................................................................50
    Truer course unfolding after disruptive decade.................................................................................................................... 53
    Evacuation consultants in spotlight ahead of legal framework alignments............................................................. 54
    Everyone in the industry should be properly trained......................................................................................................... 56
    Security-based fire alarms raise concerns about delays................................................................................................... 57
    Collective bargaining for fire levy doused............................................................................................................................... 58

    Fire Protection Association                                                               FireNZ welcomes articles and letters                        The views expressed in this
    New Zealand                                                                               from our readership. These can                              publication are not necessarily
    Private Box 302372, North Harbour                                                         cover any aspect of fire protection,                        those of the Fire Protection
    Auckland 0751                                                                                                                                         Association New Zealand,
                                                                                              fire engineering (performance
                                                                                                                                                          Institution of Fire Engineers
    Ph: + 64 9 414 4450                                                                       and design), legislation, fire                              (NZ Branch) or the Society of
    Fax: + 64 9 414 5707                                                                      safety practice, fire industry                              Fire Protectionn Engineers (NZ
                                                   NEW ZEALAND                                product development, fire fighting                          Chapter).
    fpanz@fireprotection.org.nz                                                               operations, techniques, equipment
    www.fireprotection.org.nz                                                                 and case studies and technical news.                        Articles are published in good
                                                                                              All articles will be assessed by an                         faith but FireNZ Magazine and
    Institution of Fire                                                                                                                                   its agents do not warrant the
    Engineers (NZ Branch)                                                                     editorial panel prior to publication
                                                                                                                                                          accuracy or currency of any
    PO Box 3961                                                                               who, at their discretion, reserve the
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    Wellington 6140                                                                           right to either decline use of the                          herein. FireNZ magazine and its
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    secretary@ife.org.nz                                                                      should inform, debate, educate and
                                                  THE INSTITUTION OF FIRE ENGINEERS                                                                       responsibility or liability
    www.ife.org.nz                                    FOUNDED 1918 • INCORPORATED 1924
                                                                                              help our readership through sharing                         whatsoever with regard to the
                                                                                              of both knowledge and expertise.                            material in this
    Society of Fire Protection
    Engineers (NZ Chapter)
    PO Box 91511, Victoria Street West                                                        Themes for the upcoming magazine
    Auckland 1142                                                                                                                                         Material in FireNZ magazine
                                                                                              production will be promoted in
                                                                                                                                                          is subject to Copyright.
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    Ph: + 64 9 308 7030
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    secretary@sfpe.org.nz                                                                     are able to meet the final magazine                         electronic form without the
    www.sfpe.org.nz                                New Zealand                                delivery timelines.                                         permission of the publisher.

      FireNZ Magazine is published by T&T Publishing Limited on behalf of Fire Protection Association New Zealand,
      Society of Fire Protectionn Engineers (NZ Chapter), Institution of Fire Engineers (NZ Branch)

      T&T Publishing Limited                                                             Contact Details

      27 West Crescent                                                                   Craig Flint
      Te Puru 3575                                                                       Phone: + 64 (0) 7 868 2703
      Thames RD5                                                                         Email: craig@tandtpublishing.co.nz                                                                The magazine for
                                                                                                                                                                            Fire Industry Professionals
      New Zealand

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6      ISSUE 11     |    September 2015

    Presidents Message
    Fire Protection Association New Zealand

    It’s a pleasure on behalf of the               Each year FireNZ gives us the          The wider community will see
    FPANZ to extend a welcome to               opportunity to step away from          that we have another drive on
    everyone attending FireNZ 2015.            our normal activities and take         Halon recovery underway. With
         An event such as this is the result   stock of what’s happening in our       the assistance of funding from
    of a lot of work by a very dedicated       industry, where we have come           Ministry of the Environment (MoE)
    team from FPANZ, IFE and SFPE. No          from and where we are heading.         we are collecting around 4.5tonnes
    sooner has one event finished than         The ability to spend two days          of halon and exporting that for
    planning starts in earnest for the         looking, listening and talking         destruction overseas. Our first
    next year’s event.                         with like-minded people is a rare      shipment has left our shores.
         FireNZ 2015 is the largest and        opportunity and as I think about           This last year has also seen a
    most diverse event so far and full         this event, I can’t help but reflect   lot of time invested in assisting
    credit and thanks must go to the           on the achievements of the recent      with and representing our industry
    organising committee and FPANZ             past.                                  with the building code review
    staff team for this. Well done to you          The past year has seen             process. It is heartening to see
    all.                                       significant growth and                 the desire to consult with our
                                               achievement within FPANZ.              industry in an effort to improve our
                                               Probably the most important            fire regulations further and good
                                               measure of our progress and            communication with MoE is still
                                               success is evident in the continuing   occurring in this area.
                                               membership growth. Each month              Looking forward, Industry
                                               we see new members from within         Training and Education remain as
                                               all spheres of our interest groups     the big ticket items to improve.
                                               and a number of affiliated groups      Recently we have had various
                                               joining to support, contribute and     seminars around the country
                                               gain from all that the FPANZ has to    sponsored by Viking, Victaulic
                                               offer the industry.                    and AON which have been well
                                                   The rebranding and reimaging       supported.
                                               of our association is complete             We need to move to better ways
                                               and members are starting to            of engaging students to improve
                                               see the benefit of new logos,          delivery of the off job units and
                                               our ‘code of practise’ and how         continue with more on job related
                                               regular focused activity by our        practical seminars and workshops
                                               special interest groups (SIG’s)        to improve consistency and
                                               can make progress with the             better work processes. The FPANZ
                                               varying issues we face. Our new        through a newly formed training
                                               website has made member and            SIG group are working hard to
                                               visitor communication timely and       advance this and in so doing lift the
                                               effective and gives a great platform   student numbers whilst reducing
                                               to work from in the future. Our        the time taken to complete.
                                               approved equipment registers are
    David Nathan                               now on line and free access for        David Nathan.
    President FPANZ                            members is given.                      FPANZ President.
We put all our time, energy and care into delivering reliable
products, systems, services and support that help your jobs
   run smoothly. So you can move on with confidence.

             TRIED. TRUSTED. TRUE.

8      ISSUE 11     |     September 2015

    Presidents Message
    Institution of Fire Engineers (NZ Branch)

    IFE our Vision
    “A global organisation of fire professionals
    striving to build a society safer from fire”.

    Greetings to all                             Many of you have served as          comment to the gathering that “the
    As my final year as your President        mentors and sounding boards for        IFE has done more for me than I
    draws to an end, I will take this         me on numerous occasions over          have done for the IFE”. Well said
    opportunity to reflect on past            my term of office empowering me        Jack and I couldn’t agree more.
    achievements and promote                  with your passion.                     On this note I have also enjoyed
    the future of the New Zealand                There have been many                making contact with another long
    Branch. It has been a busy three          memorable moments and                  time member and past president
    years and I now appreciate the            achievements over the last three       Kevin Henderson. It is always good
    time sacrifices past presidents           years but one that stands out for      to have words of wisdom from our
    have made to ensure the Branch            me is how the Branch Council has       founder members and we have
    continued to grow. To all past            developed under the succession         several that regularly attend IFE
    presidents may I acknowledge              policy. I am confident that we now     functions.
    your efforts and commitment to            have a strong and capable Branch           Over my term I have had the
    the Institution.                          Executive and the councillors          luxury of tremendous support
                                              to support them. The transition        from our partner companies
                                              from my term to the next will be       PSL Fire &Safety, APC Techsafe
                                              effortless and without disruption,     and Metalcraft Insulated Panel
                                              the same passion and drive will see    Systems. These three companies
                                              the Branch continue to grow under      and the New Zealand Fire Service
                                              the leadership of Trent Fearnley. I    have played a huge part in the
                                              will continue on as Past President     development of the Branch and
                                              assisting where required working       continue to support us with many
                                              on special tasks and offering          new initiatives to help develop the
                                              feedback from the International        knowledge of our members and
                                              General Assembly. The members of       provide us with the confidence to
                                              Branch Council are all motivated,      expand into new ventures. They
                                              well developed and keen to see         share our passion and ideals and
                                              new initiatives introduced that will   I thank them for their continued
                                              support our members and attract        support.
                                              new applicants. The Branch is in           Looking ahead to the future I
                                              a very good place at the moment        can tell you that the New Zealand
                                              and I am very proud of what the        Branch has never looked better.
                                              Branch Council has achieved.           As mentioned before Trent will
                                                 One of the more memorable           take over from January 2016 and
    Graeme Quensell                           moments was when I was                 I am really looking forward to
    FIFireE, Grad.Dip. Building Fire Safety   privileged to present IFE              seeing the direction we go and
    & Risk Engineering, FNZFBI, NCAET         Companion Jack Maddox with             to what heights. He has passion,
    President of the Institution of Fire      a slice of the old Takapuna Fire       experience and is very motivated.
    Engineers New Zealand Branch.             Station pole in recognition of 25      He will be assisted by Ed Claridge
    Leader of the Institution of Fire         years of examination invigilation.     as Executive Director, another
    Engineers International General           Jack has been a member since           very experienced councilor
    Assembly.                                 1957 and I remember Jacks              with drive and qualities that will
ISSUE 11    |    September 2015       9

compliment the new President.           but we need to get local groups       present) to present and to chat
Both will have the support of a         being just as active. We need the     informally. The IFE has continued
good blend of councilors from           Groups to be running seminars         to provide international presenters
all over New Zealand and me as          and field trips, supporting local     that will provide you with insights
past president. The future looks        members and encouraging new           into global fire engineering
good as membership is growing           ones. To do this we need members      and lessons learnt from actual
at a steady pace and this is very       like you to take the IFE challenge    incidents. So put the 15th and 16th
pleasing and comforting for the         and become involved at the local      of October in Wellington into your
new president and the team. In          Group level, attend meetings, get     planners now.
July 2015 we will see Brian Davy        elected to the committee and start       These are great times for the
take on the role of International       introducing new initiatives. We       New Zealand Branch and the
President Elect and I am Leader of      now have Groups established in all    Institution as it nears its 100 year
the International General Assembly      major cities and new ones in the      centenary in 2018 and I would like
(IGA). This is great for the NZ         formation stage so the challenge is   to thank you all for your support
Branch as it recognises the level       there for you to take.                and for allowing me the privilege
of respect our Branch is given by           Before I finish I must mention    of being President of this historic
the IGA and the Board of Directors.     the 2015 FireNZ Conference and        Branch. So I will finish with Jack
The appointment of Brian to             AGM. This year’s conference is        Maddox’s words “the IFE has done
International President is another      shaping up to be a great event with   more for me than I have done for
memorable moment I will take            presenters from all over the globe.   the IFE”.
with me from my term.                   This year’s theme of “Transforming
    If there is one aspect of my term   the Fire Triangle” will discuss
                                                                              Graeme Quensell FIFireE
that has not pleased me it is that      design, safety and innovation so
                                                                              President Institution of Fire
I have not been able to get local       will appeal to all sections of the
                                                                              Engineers NZ Branch
groups functioning as I would have      fire community. Our International
liked. It’s all very well discussing    President Steve Hamm and              Leader International General
how successful the Branch Council       International President elect (our    Assembly of the Institution of
has been at developing ideas            very own Brian Davey will be          Fire Engineers
10      ISSUE 11       |   September 2015

     Presidents Message
     New Zealand Chapter of the Society
     of Fire Protection Engineers

                                                                                                      New Zealand

     Time has gone quickly since the              Looking back over the past year,     related fields, and the benefits of
     last President’s message, and            the SFPE New Zealand Chapter has         the Fire Engineering course at the
     the last FireNZ conference, with         been working hard on a number of         University of Canterbury. Previous
     this year’s conference coming up         important local initiatives some of      years SFPE NZ careers seminars
     rapidly.                                 which we will outline briefly below      and the hard work of the University
         Before getting into other matters,   and some of which will be discussed      course staff led to a full capacity
     I need to thank the executive            at the AGM to be held at the end of      intake of Fire Engineering Students
     committee for their huge support         the first day of the conference on       this year, we hope that the recent
     while I have taken a big step back       15th October 2015 (hope to see you       well attended session will have a
     from Presidential duties to become       all there!)                              similar effect on next year’s intake.
     a full time Mum to baby Beth.                                                         A number of companies have
     Particular thanks to Vice President      Plugging the skills gap                  taken the initiative and supported
     Geoff Merryweather who has                                                        internships for graduates and
     stepped up in numerous ways              To address the skills shortage in        students. Meanwhile the SFPE NZ
     including drafting much of this          the fire industry and following on       executive are hoping to finalise
     president’s message. I would also        from previous year’s very successful     the details of a chapter supported
     like to thank Michael James for his      efforts, the SFPE is again running       internship as discussed at last year’s
     contribution to organising the SFPE      presentations at the University of       AGM.
     elements of FireNZ and can say they      Auckland on the different careers
     wouldn’t be happening without him.       that are available in fire engineering   Industry stakeholder liaison

                                                                                       SFPE NZ have been continuing
                                                                                       to work hard to provide a linkage
                                                                                       between the members and
                                                                                       MBIE this year. We have opened
                                                                                       up our technical sessions to
                                                                                       allow MBIE to speak directly
                                                                                       with members. We have been
                                                                                       participated in the Engineering
                                                                                       Design Reference Group which
                                                                                       meets quarterly to discuss matters
                                                                                       of national importance in the
                                                                                       wider engineering sector. We also
                                                                                       provided SFPE NZ representation on
                                                                                       a committee that looks at the way
                                                                                       the Ministry use IT to disseminate
                                                                                       information. Invitations to formally
                                                                                       represent as an organisation are a
     Claire Williams                          Geoff Merryweather
     President New Zealand Chapter            BA MEFE MBA CPEng MIPENZ
                                                                                       great reflection on the dedicated
     of the Society of Fire Protection        Vice President New Zealand Chapter       work of the executive committee
     Engineers                                of the Society of Fire Protection        and active members who have
                                              Engineers                                assisted the Ministry in their
ISSUE 11        |   September 2015   11

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personal roles, earned respect and                  steps to publication. A fire assessor                       topics such as web-design
championed the role of the SFPE NZ                  benchmarking workshop is also                               (streamed live or accessed later
with the Regulator.                                 in the pipeline. We would like to                           on the SFPE YouTube channel).
    SFPE NZ chapter have also been                  take this opportunity to say a huge                       • Access to the fire protection
working closely with IPENZ and the                  thanks to all members who put in                            journal
Construction Industry Council to                    significant hours to be CPEng fire                        • The SFPE magazine
harmonise Practice Note 22 and the                  assessors.                                                • Voting rights on wider SFPE and
NZ CIC Guidelines, particular thanks                    SFPE NZ also worked together                            Chapter matters
to the active members who have                      with SESOC to host a series of
assisted in this work by attending                  seminars on fire engineering                                  Please see the website
the workshop and providing                          considerations for structural engin-                      www.sfpe.com for full details of
feedback on drafts some months                      eers to help plug any potential the                       the valuable professional member
ago. We hope this work will be                      gaps between the two disciplines.                         benefits.
ready to go out for full membership                                                                               As you can imagine all of this
consultation in the forthcoming                     SFPE Organisation                                         work takes time, thank you to
year.                                                                                                         all of our dedicated Executive
    SFPE NZ have also held                          SFPE NZ chapter has been working                          Committee and active members
discussions with IPENZ on member                    closely with the wider SFPE to                            who continue to volunteer their
concerns regarding increasing                       ensure that the benefits of full                          time to help achieve the vision
liability and are in the process of                 Membership meet our local needs.                          of the organisation to be “leaders
accurately scoping this potentially                 Those who are friends of the local                        in engineering a fire safe world”.
significant issue.                                  chapter may be interested to know                         Please do not hesitate to join us if
    This year substantial groundwork                the many benefits of applying for                         you are keen to get more involved.
has been done to maintain                           full professional Membership of
and improve transparency and                        SFPE;                                                     Claire Williams
consistency of CPEng assessments.                   • great webinars by world                                 President
The Fire Practice Field Guideline has                  renowned fire engineers on a
undergone draft updates to reflect                     range of topics from CFD and                           Geoff Merryweather
current practice and awaits the next                   Evacuation modelling to business                       Vice President
The next step in
The next step
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ISSUE 11    |   September 2015        13

The next step in
  The next step in
alarm volution
         alarm                                              volution
   volution Darwin’s most famous theory; it states that         The EIB164e Heat Alarm has new thermistor giving
evolutionary change comes through the production            a faster alarm response when the trigger temperature is
of variation in each generation and differential survival   reached.
of individuals with different combinations of these             With the introduction of the 160e series Brooks is
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    The theme of this year’s Fire New Zealand               of its industry leading
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Safety and Innovation fits comfortably with Brooks’s.       – RadioLINK+©. The
For over 40 years we have been providing life safety        RadioLINK+© module can
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Brooks, the 160e Series of Residential Alarms and           and RadioLINK+© alarms
the next generation RadioLINK+©, are pioneering a           and accessories via a plug
new era in the design and performance of residential        in module. The module
alarms. Brooks in conjunction with Ei Electronics in        just slots into the 160e series
Ireland have over 40 years introduced many industry         alarm and is automatically
firsts. Brooks have once again set a new standard in        activated ready to be House
innovation with the new 160e series of alarms.              Coded in with the rest of
     The 160e Series are mains powered with                 the system. RadioLINK+©
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lithium back-up for the whole 10 year life of the alarm     that recognises system
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Panasonic rechargeable cells to their previous 160          removal. RadioLINK+© is
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during the life of the alarm.                               the 160e series. If using
    Every 160e series alarm is built on the same high       wireless interconnection
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a whole raft of enhancements to increase performance.
The 160e range includes photoelectric, ionisation and
                                                            RadioLINK© Alarm
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development and proven optical chamber in the                   To see the latest in residential alarm technology

                           Tried - Tested - Trusted
EIB166e which uses the same optical chamber as used         come and see Brooks at Stand 41 and 42 at this year’s
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out dust, insects and other potential contaminants.         15th and 16th of October.

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14      ISSUE 11      |     September 2015

     dispatch glitch sorted
     By Keith Newman

     A robust fix is finally in                  The New Zealand Professional
     place eight months after an             Firefighters Union (NZFPU) first          An initial fix scheduled
     emergency communications                raised the matter with the NZ Fire
     glitch was first detected               Service (NZFS) in March when it           to go live at the end of
     between St John Ambulance
     and NZ Fire Service requiring
                                             learned “unacceptable” glitches
                                             and “unreliability” had resulted
                                                                                       June was broken when
     an old school phone back-up
     protocol to remain in place,
                                             in potentially life threatening
                                                                                       it was put through
     until recently.                             When it appeared nothing had          rigorous testing by NZ
         News that important messages        been done, a second critical memo
     from St John had been lost on           was leaked to the NZ Herald by an         Fire Service and St
     four occasions wasn’t escalated         unknown party. NZ Fire Service
     to national level at the NZ Fire        national operations manager Ken           John. The issue was
     Service until five months after the
     first occurrence, raising serious
                                             Cooper says once the issue was
                                             escalated from a technical glitch to
                                                                                       finally resolved in the
     concerns that firefighters were
     being placed at risk.
                                             one involving the safety of fire crews
                                             it “got onto the right radar” rapidly.
                                                                                       first week of July.
                                                                                          After an urgent high-level meeting
                                                                                      on 18 March this year software
                                                                                      provider Intergraph was on the case
                                                                                      and emergency services covered
                                                                                      themselves by phoning messages
                                                                                      and alerts for all fire and ambulance
                                                                                          Cooper says this was “a wake-up
                                                                                      call” which ended up “ripping the
                                                                                      plaster off the wound” to identify
                                                                                      other areas that could be improved,
                                                                                      especially through communications
                                                                                      with the Police. “The main concern is
                                                                                      the constant dynamic environment
                                                                                      the three emergency services are
                                                                                      working in”.
                                                                                          According to Paul Turner, the NZFS
                                                                                      medical response project manager
                                                                                      who took the lead in overseeing the
                                                                                      system fix, several issues were found
                                                                                      but it was decided to focus on a
                                                                                      “point fix”, targeting the intermittent
     Ken Cooper, NZ Fire Service,            Stephen Wilson,                          “dropping out” of messages between
     national operations manager             Intergraph New Zealand manager           ambulance and fire.
ISSUE 11    |    September 2015         15

    An initial fix scheduled to go     man. They had to secure the loaded              Technically speaking the
live at the end of June was broken     weapon before proceeding.                   problem was in “the logic
when it was put through rigorous            In another case firefighters weren’t   tree” within the software. On
testing by NZ Fire Service and St      informed a “possibly violent” person        unpredictable occasions when
John. The issue was finally resolved   was in attendance at a fire in Dairy        multiple packets were sent between
in the first week of July.             Flat in October. On another call-out        fire and ambulance simultaneously
                                       a message informing them they’d             “it wouldn’t necessarily bring all the
Missed messages                        been stood down never arrived and           right data across”.
                                       in a fourth incident a message telling          Turner says the problem isn’t
    Firefighters Union national        crew that a helicopter was 12 minutes       specifically with the St John system
secretary Derek Best, although         away failed to arrive.                      but he agrees “if we were all on the
glad the issues have been rectified,        Part of the problem is that            same system we wouldn’t need to
remains concerned the fix took so      Police and the NZ Fire Service              have InterCAD”.
long.                                  use the InterCad (iCAD) system                  A back-up protocol remains
    “Many of these issues were         to link with the main emergency             in place. If an acknowledgement
bought to the attention of the fire    communications centre and St                has not been received within 30
service some time ago but nothing      John uses a different system known          seconds of a message being sent,
seemed to happen until we raised it    as VisiCAD. The systems work                a follow up phone call is made to
again.”                                slightly differently and require tight      ensure information hasn’t been lost.
    It was initially claimed the       synchronisation.                                “We need to make sure
problem didn’t affect police or             Fire and Ambulance services            information gets to the front line
ambulance communications, “if the      signed off a formal memorandum of           every time and we’ve been quite
Fire Service has a problem then the    understanding (MOU) in December             vigilant to ensure that it has,” says
others do as well. I don’t think it    2014 a decade after the NZFS                Turner. “We’ll keep that up until the
affects only one organisation.”        agreed to pick up an increasing             three agencies…decide the way
    He’s gracious in saying the NZ     workload of first responder and             forward.”
Fire Service is probably no better     medical emergency work.                         Intergraph put together its
or worse than a lot of institutions,        Turner says across the new             own local and global task force
“Unless there’s a disaster nothing     multi-agency environment there              and worked around the clock
seems to happen”.                      are now “50 million data packets an         with a series of rigorous tests to
    In November last year St John      hour being transferred around the           identify the issue. Stephen Wilson,
despatchers sent a warning to a fire   system”. Entire incident reports are        Intergraph New Zealand country
crew heading to a Corromandel          shared between agencies for each            manager, describes the problem
address but the message never got      initial call out and in subsequent          as a configuration issue related to
through and they found themselves      communications everything is                supplementary comments from
confronted with a gun wielding         filtered out except new comments.           Ambulance despatch.
                                                                                       He insists there’s no problem
                                                                                   with the underlying Fire and
                                                                                   Police dispatch system (CARD) or
                                                                                   the primary incident information
                                                                                   passed between dispatch systems.
                                                                                       An important key in resolving
                                                                                   the problem was the ability to have
                                                                                   VisiCAD data, being shared between
                                                                                   NZFS and St John, run through
                                                                                   Intergraph’s Wellington laboratory
                                                                                   to isolate areas of concern.

                                                                                   An award winner

                                                                                       Intergraph’s InterCAD system,
                                                                                   first implemented in 2009, enabled
                                                                                   the real-time sharing of essential
                                                                                   111 caller information between
                                                                                   Police, the Fire Service and
                                                                                   Ambulance. By June 2011 it had
                                                                                   dealt with 135,000 emergencies
                                                                                   and was described in a case study
                                                                                   as a ‘no wrong door’ solution with
                                                                                   services mobilised immediately no
                                                                                   matter who received the call.
16       ISSUE 11           |      September 2015

     The new hybrid fire-ambulance vehicle being piloted with outlying brigades around the   All 111 ambulance emergency calls terminate at one of three clinical control centres in
     country as part of the closer working relationship.                                     Auckland, Christchurch and the Wellington Free Ambulance centre. Essential call data is
                                                                                             shared with the NZ Police and NZ Fire Service, who are often first responders.

         It won the Excellence in                                 resources linking incident addresses                       communications centre to use,
     Networked Government category of                             and vehicle locations to street                            including tracking who put what
     the 2010 annual Institute of Public                          maps.                                                      information where.
     Administration of New Zealand                                    Lee Brooks, St John Assistant                              NZFS medical response project
     awards.                                                      Operations Director of Clinical                            manager, Paul Turner says data
         InterCAD was part of an                                  Control Services insists the recent                        comes to emergency services
     overarching vision promising                                 issues were not related to load or                         with an address, which needs to
     faster, safer, more efficient, shared                        traffic as the platform is designed                        be verified for accuracy before the
     emergency services through linking                           to handle high intensity workloads.                        incident is accepted and imported
     the common Intergraph despatch                                   He says St John has invested                           into the GPS map-based system
     systems at Police and Fire with the                          significantly to ensure its service                        used by fire and ambulance to give
     one used by Ambulance.                                       is as seamless as possible and                             directions. This is likely to become
         Previously if a second service                           after working with Police and                              “more seamless”.
     was required the request had to be                           Fire it was determined no further                              Discussions are also underway
     made by phone often resulting in                             development was necessary from                             with communication centre
     delays and errors through double                             VisiCAD’s developers.                                      staff, their union and frontline
     handling of information. The                                     “We have been fully engaged                            fire service people on how their
     agencies also required different sets                        with both agencies to provide all                          interactions with the Intergraph
     of information and had different                             the assistance needed to ensure                            systems might be improved. This
     ways of dealing with it.                                     the interface between our systems                          includes the “whole package of
         When the new system was first                            remains at the desired level.”                             how we can work more efficiently
     scoped out in 2008 it was a world                                He says there’s been no thought                        with ambulance,” says Turner.
     leader. A budget of $600,000 was                             of St John moving to the same                                  One enhancement that has
     allocated with members from each                             system as Fire and Police although                         been agreed on is the addition
     agency and Intergraph reporting                              it is working on a future CAD                              of time stamping so St John can
     to a steering committee as they                              roadmap and migrating to new                               see automatically when a fire
     tackled what was described                                   infrastructure to ensure continued                         truck has arrived at a job. “At
     as “significant technical and                                reliability. No details were available                     the moment we have to send it
     organisational hurdles”.                                     at publication date.                                       through manually and they enter it
         The different systems and call                               “We are committed to making                            manually. This will free them up to
     handling processes had to be                                 our CAD system the best possible                           do other work.”
     aligned without compromising                                 solution it can be, recognising that                           Turner says NZFS and St John
     existing IT and call centre systems                          at the centre of decision making                           now have “far better processes
     while assuring privacy and security                          will be the interests of our patients                      for dealing with issues more
     of information.                                              and our specific emergency, non-                           quickly” and communication with
                                                                  emergency and clinical needs.”                             Intergraph is much improved.
     More refinements ahead                                           Now that the glitch between                                And while ideas are being
                                                                  NZFS and St John systems has                               shared about future enhancements
        St John first began implementing                          been ironed out, there are plans                           he says “these aren’t something
     the VisiCAD despatch system from                             to further improve and enhance                             you just plug in, they have to be
     US-based Tritech in 1996 which                               the InterCAD system so it’s                                thoroughly worked through in a
     gave it GIS map-based display of                             easier for people in the main                              test environment”.



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20      ISSUE 11     |       September 2015

     Fire Safety Review a
     slow burner - Greater
     industry input urged

     A poor fire industry response to             The MBIE effort to get
     an extensive review of fire safety       industry involved, including a
     regulations and practice in New          comprehensive questionnaire on           Serious concerns have
     Zealand means critical changes,          issues impacting fire safety, saw
     now being considered as part             around 80% of those involved             been raised about
     of an extended Fire Programme            making no comment and many
     process, have been influenced            failing to even tick the basic choice    conflicts, confusion
     by around 10 percent of those            boxes.
     eligible to have a say.                      Serious concerns have been           and misunderstanding
        NZ Fire Protection Association        raised about conflicts, confusion
     chief executive Keith Blind warns        and misunderstanding since               since the revision
     the New Zealand fire industry has        the revision of the Building
     become far too apathetic about its       Code provisions and supporting           of the Building
     own future. “People either aren’t        documents for fire safety were first
     across the issues or they don’t          released in April 2012.                  Code provisions and
     care about them. We need a more              The law change which came into
     cohesive cross industry view.”           effect in July 2013 was supposed         supporting documents
                                              to improve criteria and methods
                                              for designers, fire engineers and
                                              Building Consent Authorities so that
                                                                                       for fire safety were first
                                              fire design could be applied more
                                                                                       released in April 2012.
                                                  MBIE conceded the fire and
                                              building industry had struggled
                                              with significant changes in content     manager Chris Rutledge admits
                                              and structure, leaving things open      there’s likely to be spill over into
                                              to interpretation and resulting in      2017 for at least six of the projects.
                                              inconsistencies with the way the           Each project has a timeframe
                                              new fire safety requirements were       and review process to ensure it is
                                              interpreted.                            on track with quarterly updates
                                                  After six months of processing      provided and opportunities for
                                              industry feedback MBIE announced        stakeholders to have input. In
                                              at the end of July, a series of         several cases there will be a need
                                              14 projects known as the Fire           for further extensive consultation.
                                              Programme, designed to make fire           Rutledge says it’s unlikely any of
                                              safety more “performance based”.        the Fire Programme adjustments
                                                                                      will need legislative changes,
                                              Slipping into the future                although any Building Code
                                                                                      changes will require detailed or full
                                                 While the timeline stated it         public consultation, including those
                                              would be all done and dusted by         relating to acceptable solutions and
     FPANZ CEO Keith Blind                    around August 2016, MBIE project        timber linings.
ISSUE 11    |    September 2015         21

                                                                 FPANZ takes a stand
                                             The Fire Protection Association (FPANZ) membership survey on fire
                                         safety issues gave a strong indication that unnecessary costs could
                                         be avoided if qualified Fire Evacuation Consultants were involved in
                                         building design from the outset.
                                             That would also ensure the need of people with disabilities were
                                             There was general agreement that a Building Warrant of Fitness
                                         (BWOF) should reflect the integrated nature of all fire protection
                                         systems to enable evacuation consultants to more effectively plan and
                                         manage a relevant fire evacuation philosophy.
                                             There was opposition to building owners removing hand held
                                         fire equipment from buildings where it was in accordance with the
                                         original design.
                                             There was strong agreement that any firefighting equipment in a
                                         building should be part of a building’s code of compliance and little
                                         doubt that designated persons or wardens should be trained in the
                                         use of those appliances.
                                             MBIE has confirmed that FPANZ feedback provided a useful input
                                         ahead of the current Fire Programmer being established.
                                             FPANZ is determined to remain part of the discussion to ensure its
MBIE Fire Programme project leader       findings are adequately dealt with and pursued further.
Chris Rutledge

    “Code changes require                  The review of acceptable                   Only around 250 turned up
ministerial decisions and some will     solutions (C/AS1-7) is also underway      throughout the country. Then, of
be delegated to the chief executive     and fire design for prisons, fire         the 220 stakeholders responding to
of MBIE and the general manager of      stations and other specialist             emails in October 2014, an average
building systems performance.”          buildings is “quite a way down the        of less than 20% ticked the boxes
    In the meantime the industry will   track”. Passive fire protection will      or gave any written feedback to
have to work with existing codes        kick off early next year.                 questionnaires “designed to drill
and requirements. “There’s nothing         MOBIE chief engineer Mike              deeper into the key issues” raised
technically wrong with existing fire    Stannard says the Fire Programme          during the workshops.
regulations. This is an opportunity     charts a clear direction and                  Project manager Chris Rutlege
for stakeholders to work with MBIE      comprehensive plan for the future         says MBIE has an email list of 800-
to make changes around how the          development of fire regulations.          900 stakeholders, representing
system works.”                             “It is expected that through           the majority of those who want to
    Rutledge agrees some aspects        a more interactive and inclusive          be actively involved. “We think a
of the system are “not working as       stakeholder engagement, coupled           quarter of those turning out to the
efficiently as they need to be from     with other sector-based initiatives,      workshops to give us feedback is
anyone’s perspective, particularly      MBIE and the sector will be better        pretty good.”
in relation to consenting…which         able to deliver on their expected             But what about the low response
is probably harder than it needs to     roles within the regulatory system.”      from the questionnaire? He reckons
be.”                                                                              a lot of that had to do with the
    The goal is to achieve as much      Failure to ignite interest                number of questions and how they
as possible by the end of 2016. “A                                                were structured. “A lot of people
good approach to anything like this         The Fire Safety Review was            only answered those questions in
is to take a pause after 18 months,     designed to improve co-ordination         which they had a specific interest.”
assess what we have achieved,           across the sector and with MBIE               While the feedback was low at
look at what’s left and apply what      but failed to ignite a groundswell        one level, those on the mailing list
we have learned to the rest of the      of interest in the initial consultation   helped give a fairly representative
programme.”                             process.                                  view. “I think we would design the
    Rutledge says four projects are         Around 3700 representatives of        questionnaire differently if we did
underway including supported            the wider fire industry, excluding        the same thing again.”
housing (for the disabled) and the      the NZ Fire Service, were given the           Rutlege is hoping for “high level
reintroduction of alternate solutions   opportunity to participate in five        of engagement as we move into
and the effectiveness of the fire       workshops in major centres last           these projects including participation
engineering brief (FEB) process         year seeking to understand what           in working groups and feedback on
which are at an early stage             was and wasn’t working.                   what’s been developed.”
22      ISSUE 11    |   September 2015

      “A good approach to                           Fire Programme projects
      anything like this is to               1.    Fire Safety Requirements for Supported Housing
      take a pause after 18                  2.    Alterations to Existing Buildings and As Near As Reasonably
                                                   Practicable (ANARP) Decisions for Fire Safety Requirements
      months, assess what                    3.    Material Group Numbers – Timber Linings
                                             4.    Role of the New Zealand Fire Service (NZFS) in Consenting
      we have achieved,                      5.    Stakeholder Access to MBIE Guidance and Advice
      look at what’s left and                6.    Re-Introduction of Alternative Solutions and the Effectiveness of
                                                   the FEB Process
      apply what we have                     7.    Review of Acceptable Solutions C/AS1-7
                                             8.    Understanding Building Categorisation Systems
      learned to the rest                    9.    Fire Design for Prisons and Fire Stations and other Specialist
      of the programme.”                     10.   Structural Stability and Storage Buildings
      MBIE Fire Programme                    11.
                                                   Evacuation for Persons with Disabilities in Commercial Buildings
                                                   Installation and Compliance of Passive Fire Protection Systems
      project leader Chris                   13.   Construction Monitoring and Post-Construction Compliance
                                             14.   Understanding all of the Legislation and Regulations that applies to
      Rutledge.                                    Fire Safety in buildings

         Although valuable high-level       Time to move forward                    to address a disconnect with
     comments reflecting wider                                                      legislation which had led to
     industry concerns were made                In presenting the summary of        uncertainty.
     during the process, FPANZ CEO          the initial review of the 2012 Fire        Industry feedback showed
     Keith Blind remains concerned at       Safety Building Code, MBIE’s chief      concern at the widely varying
     the level of apathy.                   engineer Mike Stannard, stated          advice offered by BCAs and a
         Most contributors appeared         much had been learned and it was        recommendation that more
     to be fire engineers and building      now “time to move forward”.             training and guidance on Fire
     controllers, “where, for example           He concluded: “Re-litigating        Safety Design be provided to them,
     were the property management           issues and concerns around the          architects and tradies.
     groups?”                               history of the changes will only           Feedback suggested it was
         Even a separate FPANZ survey       slow and stymy the progress we          difficult to find qualified fire
     didn’t attract the level of response   can collectively make.”                 engineers and BCA’s with
     it was hoping for to ensure all            The goal was to achieve a           sufficient knowledge and proper
     stakeholders were informed about       collaborative sector-wide approach      training.
     proposed changes.                      to achieve “an effective and               It was suggested the Building
         The FPANZ survey seeking           efficient best practice regulatory      WOF Compliance Schedule should
     answers to 30 questions including      system for fire safety in New           include signage and passive fire
     15 specific member concerns, was       Zealand”.                               protection measures, including
     accepted after the MOBIE deadline          The review partly arose from        greater awareness of the inter-
     in an attempt to add value to the      a briefing of key MBIE staff in         dependency of systems
     research.                              September 2014 where concerns
                                            were raised about earlier fire          Consenting inconsistencies
                                            safety code changes, particularly
                                            engagement with “fire review               Claims were made of
                                            stakeholders”.                          inconsistency between what was
                                                Among the top issues raised         agreed during resource consent
                                            were the need for further guidance      and evacuation regulations with
                                            around alterations to existing          designers hiding behind the
                                            buildings including how passive fire    Building Code level of performance
                                            resistance was treated along with       “creating conflict and issues for
                                            concerns about delays, increased        their client down the track.”
                                            costs and a lack of accountability         It was also suggested current
                                            and confidence.                         “acceptable solutions” had
                                                There was a need to clarify         increased costs for building
                                            the building inspection regime          owners without increasing safety
                                            and WOF compliance schedule             or providing value for money with
ISSUE 11   |   September 2015   23

           Fire Safety Review
         Stakeholder Summary
 Overview of comments and questions
 •  Errors within Acceptable Solutions and Verification Method
 •  Performance based Code versus prescriptive elements
 •  Inconsistent approach from fire engineers, designers and BCA’s
 •  Lack of fire engineering or fire sector resources nationwide
 •  Code and associated documents too open to interpretation
 •  Disparate views, varying opinions on key issues

 High level summary (Top 12 issues)
 1. More guidance for alterations to existing buildings
 2. Concern changes have increased costs, caused delays and loss of
 3. Building inspection regime, WOF and Compliance Schedule need
 4. Disconnects between legislation creating uncertainty
 5. Clarify the role of NZ Fire Service and firefighting water
 6. Re-address interior surface finishes and performance level
 7. More consistent advice needed from MBIE
 8. BCA advice varies widely, requiring more training on Fire Safety
 9. Guidance needed on Passive Fire Protection and service
 10. Verification Method should be more flexible and allow innovation
 11. Fix errors and inconsistencies in Acceptable Solutions C/ASx
 12. Review acceptable solutions for Community Care, Property
     Rating, Disabled Evacuation and Fire Fighting

errors across multiple documents     without requiring “an engineering
causing confusion, delays and        review on top of the peer review”.
uncertainty.                             It was alleged that there were
   Some acceptable solutions         too many requests for further
were allegedly inconsistent with     information arising from the Fire
the Building Code, with councils     Service consent review, resulting in
not understand the consenting        delays and increased costs.
and compliance requirements and          Another response suggested
designers spending too much time     the Fire Service ought to be
having to justify their designs.     better resourced with qualified
   The NZ Fire Service came in       fire engineers and get back to the
for its fair share of criticism in   basics of “looking at operational
the Review document. The role        reviews or evacuation scheme
of Fire Service involvement was      approvals and administration of
questioned with suggestions it       trial evacuations.” There was a
should limit its advice to what      request for a complaint process for
was required by the Building Act     NZFS failings.
24      ISSUE 11    |    September 2015

     New era of fire
     industry innovation

     The fire industry is entering a new
     era of innovation, improvements
     in design and changing legislation
     and needs to “step forward and
     lift the level of professionalism,”
     says New Zealand Fire Protection
     Association CEO, Keith Blind.
         The theme of this year’s fire
     industry conference “Transforming
     the Fire Triangle” is about the need
     for a refresh across design, safety
     and innovation based on changes
     in fire safety legislation, the latest
     technology and international trends.
         The annual two-day conference
     at the TSB Arena and Shed 6 on
     Wellington’s Queens Wharf from 15-
     16 October is designed to provide
     insight and learning and extend              In the passive fire protection       to the HOFFE market you will need
     thinking around key industry issues      space, FPANZ is working with MBIE        to be registered and listed with
     including the latest developments in     and BRANZ on delivering a suite          us and the equipment will need
     fire protection.                         of design guideline documents for        to be standards approved by an
         The event run jointly by FPANZ,      the installation and maintenance         independent body,” says Blind.
     the Society of Fire Protection           of passive fire systems. The                 A complete refresh of the fire
     Engineers (SFPE) and the Institution     programme, expected to be                evacuation consultants code of
     of Fire Engineers (IFE) has attracted    completed in 12 months, is industry      practice, designed to replace an
     keynote speakers from the USA,           funded and supported.                    earlier attempt in 2012, will also be
     Australia and New Zealand and                “There’s a lot going on in the       launched at the conference. “This
     industry professionals from              training space with the update           will provide terms of reference and
     throughout the Pacific.                  of qualifications and registering        guidelines for people preparing
         Three key areas being worked         new ones within the existing             and supplying evacuation plans for
     through are accreditation,               framework.”                              different types of buildings.”
     certification of products and “bright        An accreditation and certification       Anyone with an interest in fire
     new ideas and elements that are          scheme for the hand operated             safety can attend including fire
     shifting in the design space,” says      fire fighting equipment (HOFFE)          protection contractors, consultants,
     Blind.                                   market will also be introduced at        fire engineers, architects, surveyors,
         FPANZ is backing the launch          the conference in an attempt to          developers, manufacturers,
     of 3D software packages for the          “improve quality and lift the market”.   distributors and installers of fire
     designers of fire protection systems         A new registration scheme            equipment, insurance professionals,
     that plug into CAD design suites         is being introduced alongside a          regulatory authorities, fire service
     and will host training workshops on      listing of fire equipment product.       personnel, property and facilities
     their use.                               “If you are an importer or supplier      managers.
You can also read