FEBRUARY 2021

               Want to Be More

           1004 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 | (703) 684-3450 | www.asaonline.com | communications@asa-hq.com
  Join us and take part in bringing standardized qualifications
                         to the industry!
  COMPASS aims to streamline the data collection process and help Subcontractors satisfy
 multiple qualification requests with our standardized form (the 1Form); eliminating the need
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If you agree with standardization in the qualification process, please show your support by
                                filling out this short survey


FASA'S                                                                                                                                                    FEBRUARY 2021

The Contractor’s Compass is the monthly educational
journal of the Foundation of the American Subcontractors
                                                                     F E AT U R E S
Association, Inc. (FASA) and part of FASA’s Contractors’
Knowledge Network. The journal is designed to equip
construction subcontractors with the ideas, tools and           Lagging or Leaping? Technology in Construction..........................................11
tactics they need to thrive.
                                                                by Jenny Harris and Mary Klett, ASA Communication Team members
The views expressed by contributors to The Contractor’s
Compass do not necessarily represent the opinions of FASA
or the American Subcontractors Association, Inc. (ASA).         When Good Projects Go Bad....................................................................................12
                                                                by Gregg Schoppman, FMI

MISSION                                                         Why Contractors Need to Make an IT Plan and Stick to It........................14
FASA was established in 1987 as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt          by Steve Antill, Foundation Software
entity to support research, education and public
awareness. Through its Contractors’ Knowledge Network,
FASA is committed to forging and exploring the critical         Three Behaviors Top Teams Avoid to Excel in Struggle...............................17
issues shaping subcontractors and specialty trade               by Chad Pearson, Plexxis Software
contractors in the construction industry. FASA provides
subcontractors and specialty trade contractors with the
tools, techniques, practices, attitude and confidence they      Six Ways to Improve Productivity in Construction
need to thrive and excel in the construction industry.          Using Technology...........................................................................................................20
FASA BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                         by Patrick Hogan, Handle.com
Richard Wanner, President
Courtney Little
Richard Bright                                                  Want to be More Productive? Safety and Productivity
Anthony Brooks                                                  Go Hand in Hand............................................................................................................22
Brian Cooper
Jack Austhof                                                    by Jack Rubinger, freelance construction writer
The Contractor’s Compass is a free monthly publication
                                                                How a Connected Platform Translates to Improved Performance........24
for ASA members and nonmembers. For questions about             by Michelle Turner, Procore Technologies
subscribing, please contact communications@asa-hq.
com.                                                            Productivity in Construction – The Elephant in the
ADVERTISING                                                     Room Needs to be Addressed.................................................................................26
Interested in advertising? Contact Richard Bright               by Eric Crawford, Fonn Construction
at (703) 684-3450 or rbright@ASA-hq.com
or advertising@ASA-hq.com.
                                                                Using Contract Skilled Labor Can Save You Time,
Contributing authors are encouraged to submit a brief           Increase Profit and Productivity..............................................................................28
abstract of their article idea before providing a full-length   by Ed Rojeck, Tradesmen International
feature article. Feature articles should be no longer than
1,500 words and comply with The Associated Press style
guidelines. Article submissions become the property of ASA      Five Tips to Improve Your Construction Productivity...................................30
and FASA. The editor reserves the right to edit all accepted    by Jessica Meno, writer for Raken
editorial submissions for length, style, clarity, spelling
and punctuation. Send abstracts and submissions for The
Contractor’s Compass to communications@ASA-hq.com.
                                                                     D E PA R T M E N T S
ASA is a nonprofit trade association of union and non-union
subcontractors and suppliers. Through a nationwide              ASA PRESIDENT'S LETTER.......................................................................................4
network of local and state ASA associations, members
receive information and education on relevant business
issues and work together to protect their rights as an          CONTRACTOR COMMUNITY...................................................................................6
integral part of the construction team. For more information
about becoming an ASA member, contact ASA at 1004               ALWAYS SOMETHING AWESOME.......................................................................10
Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3588, (703) 684-3450,
membership@ASA-hq.com, or visit the ASA Web site, www.
                                                                     QUICK REFERENCE
Angela M Roe
angelamroe@gmail.com                                            Upcoming Webinars..................................................................................................... 32
© 2021 Foundation of the American
Subcontractors Association, Inc.                                Coming Up........................................................................................................................ 32

                                Dear ASA Members:
                                   I hope that many of you are beginning to feel as I do that we finally
                                have two feet planted firmly in 2021. With the turn of every year
                                there is always excitement for what is on the horizon, and now I am
                                pleased to see that all of our enthusiasm wasn’t unwarranted. There
                                are incredible things happening here at ASA, and I am thrilled to
                                share just a few of them with you. All of us at ASA recognize that
                                SUBExcel was cancelled this year, which is why we are going out
                                of our way to offer additional webinars, both live and recorded, as
                                well as podcasts to meet all of your educational needs. Make sure
                                that you are unlocking all the value of your membership by reading
                                ASAToday, checking the members-only area of the website called
                                the "Info Hub," and subscribing to our social media channels. Making
                                sure that you are getting the most out of your ASA membership
                                is incredibly important to everyone at ASA National, and I highly
                                encourage you to take advantage of everything this organization has
                                to offer.
                                   There has also been exciting news on the advocacy front. On
                                February 5, 2021, I am very pleased to report that ASA, along with
                                13 construction industry trade and professional organizations,
                                sent comments to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
                                Council regarding their proposed rule to amend the FAR to
                                provide guidance on the use of reverse auctions. Collectively, our
                                comments represented tens of thousands of firms and individuals
                                engaged in architecture, engineering, construction program and
                                project management, surveying and mapping, prime contracting,
                                subcontracting, specialty trade contracting, supplying, and surety
                                bond producing. As such, these organizations have a unique
                                knowledge concerning reverse auctions and federal procurement.
                                It was our recommendation that FAR Subpart 17.803 be amended
                                to comply with the recently enacted law (Public Law No: 116-260),
                                which ASA drafted and advocated for during the 116th Congress,
                                directing the FAR Council to prohibit the use of reverse auctions in
                                the procurement of construction services.
                                   I want to thank all of you for your continued dedication to the
                                subcontracting community, and I look forward to the day when we
                                will all be able to gather together again.

                                 God Bless,

                                 Brian Cooper
                                 ASA President 2020-2021

4   F E B R U A R Y   2 0 2 1                       T H E    C O N T R A C T O R ’ S     C O M P A S S
Reverse Auctions are an Inappropriate Method of
Procurement for Design and Construction Services
  Reverse auctions are inappropriate platforms for          Reverse auctions ignore the protections of sealed
procurement of construction services. Due to the         bid procurement laws and regulations, and years of
complexities of design and construction projects,        precedent that address critical factors and ensure
the procurement of these services using the reverse      the integrity of the process. Where price is the sole
auction method fails to take into account the unique     determinant, the sealed bid procurement process
mix of services and systems tailored to individual       ensures integrity by assuring that the successful
owner needs and budgets, site conditions and             bidder is the most responsive and responsible
requirements, and the changing composition of the        competitor with the best price. The pressure and pace
project team, unlike products and commodities which      of the auction environment removes any assurance
are manufactured with little or no variability. The      bids will be responsive and material to the owner’s
reverse auction procurement method often favors          needs. This encourages significant risk taking, which
businesses offering the lowest price, rather than        is not appropriate for construction services that
those that are most qualified, which will compromise     potentially impacts life and property safety.
quality, overlook small businesses, or even require a       Proponents in support of utilizing reverse auctions
new bidding process down the road, eliminating any       might view this procurement method as practicable
perceived initial savings.                               and economically advantageous for procuring
   Reverse auctions do not offer federal owners a        simple off-the-shelf commodities; however, design
good way to evaluate non-price factors nor do they       and construction services are vastly different, far
guarantee any proven savings over competitive            too complicated, and present a high risk of failure
bidding. When price is not the sole determinant,         when procuring construction contracts using this
owners increasingly rely on selection criteria such as   procurement method. It is for this reason that qualified
past performance, qualifications and the capacity to     and sophisticated construction firms do not participate
meet the project’s unique needs. Reverse auctions        in federal reverse auctions as the process moves too
do not promote this dynamic. Instead reverse             rapidly in order for bidders to accurately assess their
auctions promote an approach in which parties            costs, which in turn has the potential to jeopardize
focus only on price. Software vendors and other          their construction firm, as well as downstream parties,
similar industries promoting reverse auctions have       i.e., subcontractors, and suppliers. Furthermore, the
not proven that reverse auctions generate savings in     surety industry responsible for furnishing surety
the procurement of construction or provide benefits      bonds, which are mandated on federal construction
of “best value” comparable to currently recognized       contracts above $150,000 by the Miller Act (40 USC
selection procedures. Unlike many products, for          3131, et, seq.) is opposed to reverse auctions for design
which the government awards contracts to the lowest      and construction services due to high-risk and the
bidder, or other services, which are awarded based       potential for contract default.
on the “best value”, construction services have long        These are just some of the many reasons reverse
been recognized as having a significant impact on        auctions are an inappropriate method of procurement
public health, welfare and safety. Moreover, reverse     for design and construction services.
auctions can put small businesses at a competitive

  T H E   C O N T R A C T O R ’ S     C O M P A S S                              F E B R U A R Y    2 0 2 1      5

ASA Annual Business                       organization better. Click here to        Verizon 5G network and 22%
                                          register today!
Meeting and Virtual Awards                                                          Discount for ASA members
Presentation                                                                          Whether your employees are working
   ASA has TWO exciting events                                                      from home, the office or a job site,
coming up that are incredibly                                                       they can now access Verizon’s new 5G
important to all ASA Members. Don't                                                 network. Plus, receive a corporate
miss out on meeting with members                                                    discount on Verizon. Eligible business
from across the country. Even though                                                members can save 22% off Verizon
                                            AssuredPartners signed a                monthly access fees.
we can't be together physically at this
                                          cooperative agreement with ASA to           As an ASA member, you’re
time, we look forward to celebrating as
                                          provide its subcontractor members         automatically a National Purchasing
an organization, and hope you will join
                                          with innovative Insurance & Risk          Partner member, and you can offer a
                                          Management education and product          similar discount to your employees
   On February 25th will be the ASA       solutions.
Virtual Awards Presentation. Come                                                   as well. Members can also save on
celebrate all of the ASA Award winners      Our Construction Blueprint process      5G capable devices. Restrictions may
this year! Every year ASA honors          starts with listening and collaboration   apply.
chapters, businesses, and individuals     with our Claims, Safety & Risk Transfer
                                                                                     • Verizon 5G marketing material
who excel in a wide variety of ways,      teams to determine your risk
                                          tolerance, so together we may find         • Link to ASA's NPP Landing Page
and we hope you will join us in
honoring them. This year's Awards         innovative solutions that lower your
Presentation will be virtual, but all     Total Cost of Risk.
award winners will be recognized            Our exceptional relationships with      ASA Calls Upon Congress for
during SUBExcel 2022. Click here to       Insurance and Surety underwriters         A Robust Multi-Year Highway
join us for the Awards Presentation!      gives ASA Subcontractors the benefits
                                          of a globally connected Insurance
                                                                                    and Public Transportation
   On March 10th will be the ASA                                                    Reauthorization Bill
Annual Business Meeting. This event       Broker and Risk Management
                                          Consultant with local services and          ASA joined 32 national associations
is open to all members, and so here’s
                                          responsive attention. It’s what we call   of the Transportation Construction
another chance to know what’s going
                                          Power through Partnership.                Coalition (TCC) calling upon
on, and how you can make our
                                                                                    congressional leadership for a robust,
                                                                                    multi-year highway and public

6    F E B R U A R Y     2 0 2 1                                T H E    C O N T R A C T O R ’ S       C O M P A S S
transportation reauthorization bill.        (OSHA) released guidance for                4. Implementing protections from
Our surface transportation system is        employers titled, Protecting Workers:          retaliation and setting up an
in dire need of additional investment       Guidance on Mitigating and                     anonymous process for workers to
and the American Society of Civil           Preventing the Spread of COVID-                voice concerns about COVID-19-
Engineers (ASCE) identified a near          19 in the Workplace. This guidance             related hazards.
$2.5 trillion funding gap for our surface   contains recommendations as well as            Return to Work Criteria
transportation network, of which            descriptions of mandatory safety and         The guidance discusses additional
$1.7 trillion is needed for our nation’s    health standards. It does not create       measures for limiting the spread of
highways, $181 billion for bridges, and     new legal obligations for employers.       COVID-19, starting with separating and
nearly $535 billion for our nation’s        Instead, as stated by OSHA, “the           sending home infected or potentially
transit system, over a 20-year period.      recommendations are advisory in            infected people so they cannot infect
Addressing this gap with additional         nature, informational in content, and      other workers. Employers should
investment would pay dividends by           are intended to assist employers           follow a symptom-based strategy for
improving safety and mobility.              in providing a safe and healthful          identifying, separating, and sending
  Meanwhile, the COVID-19                   workplace.” The Construction Industry      home workers according to OSHA,
pandemic continues to take its toll on      Safety Coalition (CISC) prepared the       although there may be limited
transportation construction revenues        following outline of OSHA’s Guidance:      circumstances where a test-based
and programs, and state and local             COVID-19 Prevention Programs             strategy is appropriate.
transportation agencies are plagued by        The guidance encourages employers          Under a symptom-based strategy,
uncertainty surrounding the September       to implement COVID-19 Prevention           workers who think or know they had
30th expiration of federal highway          Programs in the workplace. According       COVID-19 and had symptoms should
and public transportation programs.         to the Agency, these programs are an       only return to work after:
A robust, multi-year reauthorization of     effective way to mitigate the spread        1. At least 10 days have passed since
the FAST Act would provide a much-          of COVID-19 at work and employees              symptoms first appeared;
needed boost to economic recovery           and/or their representatives should
and restore confidence that Congress        be involved with the program’s              2. At least 24 hours have passed with
and the president can work together to      development and implementation. The            no fever without fever-reducing
achieve shared national objectives that     guidance lists 16 elements—four of             medication; and
will improve the lives of all Americans.    which are considered key elements—          3. Other symptoms of COVID-19 are
To that end, we called for three core       that should be included in a COVID-            improving (loss of taste and smell
principles:                                 19 Prevention Program. The four key            may persist for weeks or months
 • at least a five-year reauthorization     elements that should be included are:          and need not delay the end of
   to allow for long-term planning and       1. Identification of where and how            isolation).
   investment;                                  workers might be exposed to              Some workers may need to isolate
 • significant funding increases over           COVID-19 at work by conducting a       longer than 10 days, as recommended
   current levels to meet America’s             hazard assessment.                     by their doctor. Please keep in
   transportation needs and improve                                                    mind that while the Americans
                                             2. Identification of a combination of
   the safe and efficient movement of                                                  with Disabilities Act (ADA) permits
                                                measures that will limit the spread
   people and goods; and                                                               employers to ask for a doctor's note
                                                of COVID-19 in the workplace.
                                                                                       to verify that workers are healthy and
 • build on the project delivery and            This includes a combination of
                                                                                       able to return to work, OSHA does not
   regulatory approval process                  eliminating the hazard, engineering
                                                                                       encourage such a practice given the
   enhancements made in the                     controls, workplace administrative
                                                                                       potential delays and demands on the
   previous two surface transportation          policies, personal protective
                                                                                       healthcare system.
   laws to ensure the timely delivery of        equipment (PPE), and other
                                                measures, prioritizing controls from     As for workers who have been in
   projects and benefits.
                                                most to least effective, to protect    close contact with a COVID-19 positive
                                                workers from COVID-19 hazards.         individual, local health departments
                                                                                       typically establish the quarantine
OSHA’s Recent COVID-19                       3. Instruct workers who are infected      guidelines for such individuals. While
Workplace Guidance                              or potentially infected to stay        the CDC continues to recommend that
  On January 29, 2021, the U.S.                 home and isolate or quarantine         such individuals stay home for 14 days
Department of Labor’s Occupational              to prevent or reduce the risk of       after their last contact and monitor
Safety and Health Administration                transmission of COVID-19.              their symptoms, it recently provided

   T H E    C O N T R A C T O R ’ S         C O M P A S S                                  F E B R U A R Y      2 0 2 1         7
the following two options to shorten an     between workers and ventilation. At          employers provide all workers with
individual’s quarantine below 14 days:      fixed workstations where workers are         face coverings at no cost to the worker.
    1. Quarantine can end after 10 days     not able to remain at least six feet away    In addition, employers should require
       after an individual’s last contact   from other people, OSHA recommends           any other individuals at the workplace
       with COVID-19 without testing and    that transparent shields or other solid      (e.g., visitors, customers, non-
       if no symptoms have been reported    barriers (e.g., plexiglass, flexible strip   employees) to wear a face covering
       during daily monitoring.             curtains) be installed. These barriers       unless they are under the age of two
                                            do not replace the need for social           or are actively consuming food or
  2. Quarantine can end after seven         distancing according to the Agency,          beverages on site.
     days after an individual’s last        and six feet of separation should still         OSHA standards may require
     contact with COVID-19 after            be maintained between individuals            employers to provide PPE to
     receiving a negative test. The test    when possible.                               supplement other controls when the
     must occur at least five days after
                                               OSHA also recommends that                 measures discussed above cannot be
     the individual’s last exposure.
                                            employers improve ventilation to             implemented or do not protect workers
   In either of these scenarios, the        prevent the spread of COVID-19 in            fully. In these scenarios, employers
individual must continue to monitor         buildings. The guidance lists a number       must determine what PPE is necessary
their symptoms until 14 days after          of helpful strategies to achieve this        and provide all necessary PPE to
their last exposure and self-isolate if     goal, such as:                               workers at no cost in accordance with
symptoms reappear within that period,                                                    relevant OSHA standards.
                                              1. Increase ventilation rates when
wear a face covering, stay at least six
                                                 possible.                               Sanitization, Cleaning, and Disinfecting
feet from others, wash hands, and
                                              2. When weather conditions allow           Practices
avoid crowds, amongst other steps to
prevent the spread of COVID-19.                  and it does not pose a safety              Per OSHA’s guidance, employers
                                                 or health risk to others in the         should ensure that workers, customers,
   In limited circumstances, employers
                                                 building, increase fresh outdoor air    and visitors have adequate supplies
may consider permitting critical
                                                 by opening windows and doors.           and time to clean their hands
infrastructure workers to continue to
                                                 Fans can be used in conjunction         frequently and cover their coughs
work when it is necessary to preserve
                                                 with open windows to increase           and sneezes. Posters encouraging
the function of critical infrastructure
                                                 effectiveness.                          hand hygiene and physical distancing
                                              3. Reduce or eliminate air                 should be posted at the entrance to a
   Social Distancing Measures                                                            workplace and in other areas where
   Maintaining at least six feet of                                                      they are likely to be seen. These
                                              4. Improve central air filtration
distance between individuals can                                                         posters should be in a language
                                                 to the MERV-13 or the highest
be one of the best ways to protect                                                       workers can understand, including
                                                 compatible with the filter rack,
individuals from infection. As such,                                                     non-English speakers.
                                                 and seal edges of the filter to limit
OSHA recommends that employers                                                              Employers should also develop,
implement various measures such as                                                       implement, and maintain a plan to
limiting the number of people in one                                                     perform regular cleanings to reduce
place at any given time (including          Face Coverings and PPE
                                                                                         the risk of exposure to COVID-19 in
during toolbox talks and safety                Face Coverings are simple barriers
                                                                                         the workplace. This should include
meetings), increasing the physical          that help prevent respiratory droplets
                                                                                         routine cleaning and disinfecting of
space between workers and/or                from reaching others. According
                                                                                         all frequently touched surfaces and
customers, altering work spaces to add      to OSHA, face coverings should
                                                                                         portable jobsite toilets, prohibiting the
physical cues reminding individuals to      be made of at least two layers of a
                                                                                         sharing of objects or tools between
physically distance from one another        tightly woven breathable fabric and
                                                                                         workers or ensuring appropriate
(e.g., signs, tape marks, decals, etc.),    should not have exhalation valves or
                                                                                         cleaning and disinfection of shared
offering vulnerable workers duties that     vents. They should fit snugly over
                                                                                         tools, providing disposable disinfecting
minimize their contact with others, and     the nose, mouth, and chin with no
                                                                                         wipes so that commonly used surfaces
prohibiting handshaking or other forms      large gaps on the outside of the face.
                                                                                         can be wiped down before each use,
of physical contact.                        When worn properly, face coverings
                                                                                         storing and using disinfectants in a
                                            can suppress the spread of COVID-
                                                                                         responsible manner, and advising
Engineering Controls                        19. Wearing a face covering, however,
                                                                                         workers to always wear gloves or
                                            is complementary to and not a
  The guidance discusses two                                                             additional PPE appropriate for the
                                            replacement for physical distancing.
specific types of engineering controls                                                   chemicals being used.
for employers to consider: barriers            The guidance recommends that

8      F E B R U A R Y     2 0 2 1                                 T H E    C O N T R A C T O R ’ S         C O M P A S S
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            This is the first in a series that we will include in The Contractor’s Compass on an
             ongoing basis, highlighting the achievements of ASA members. Do you want to
           share something awesome?! Send us an email at communications@asa-hq.com.

  As one of the largest                                                                                 Mark Drury, S&D’s
mechanical contractors                                                                               vice president, business
in the DC metropolitan                                                                               development, gives the tour,
region, Shapiro & Duncan                                                                             and explains each aspect of
has built a team of welders,                                                                         the facility, including the 302-
pipefitters, plumbers,                                                                               kW solar farm on their facility
instructors, and virtual                                                                             roof, which produced 97
design coordinators                                                                                  percent of the energy used at
to create state-of-the-                                                                              the facility in 2019. In 2020, it
art plumbing and HVAC                                                                                was 99 percent. In addition,
assemblies and modular                                                                               they sell back to the grid
system components ready                                                                              any energy produced during
for just-in-time delivery and               include captions, since many people                      non-operating times. They
installation.                               need to watch in silent mode. With            estimate their investment will be paid
  In a normal year, Shapiro & Duncan        good planning, the filming took a day.        off in about six years, with a 25-year life
(S&D) gives dozens of behind the            Shapiro & Duncan pride themselves on          span for the panels. Here’s a different
scene tours to students, customers -        the preparation and thought process of        video on the solar installation.
and even competitors, of its 52,000 sq.ft   their prefab facility, and included that in      Future plans for the plant include
prefabrication facility in Landover, MD -   their video production as well.               expanding the laydown space, as they
the largest open merit shop in the Mid-       The video shows how their                   find themselves needing larger areas to
Atlantic region. But 2020 changed all of    equipment maximizes the efficiency of         assemble pre-fab components.
that, and while the interest in the shop    each cut, reducing waste; showcasing            Thanks to Shapiro & Duncan for
continued, the practical alternative was    their solar farm, modular construction,       sharing this video and letting everyone
to put the tour online. And so they did.    productivity, equipment, quality              get a glimpse of what goes on inside a
  After researching other shop tour         control, safety, training, storage, and       well-run pre-fab facility.
videos, Stacey Holsinger, S&D’s             technology. Their 2016 Fab Shop video           Again - if you have news to share,
marketing manager, knew they needed         details how S&D handles the creation          innovations, or just want to highlight
to focus on sound quality (how do you       of Spool 53 - the largest pipe in the         something you think your company is
drown out welding and cutting noises        HVAC system. Take a look at this video,       doing well, just send us a note.
while recording?) and to                    detailing the “life of pipe.”

10   F E B R U A R Y       2 0 2 1                                 T H E     C O N T R A C T O R ’ S         C O M P A S S
Lagging or Leaping? Technology in Construction
by Jenny Harris and Mary Klett, ASA Communication Team members

  Initially, construction may have been a slow adopter of                          industry to the front of the tech pack. They’ve been able to
technology, but over the years we have seen a significant                          do just fine “the old way.” Construction industry workers have
shift. The construction industry now embraces technology                           not had the luxury of an incremental tech adoption, like many
and all the advantages it provides in helping contractors                          other industries.
manage the myriad of multifaceted, intricate and extremely                           ASA is experiencing a surge of tech companies joining our
complicated construction processes. The recent (and                                organization, bringing their software and systems to ASA
ongoing) adoption of hand-held computers for tasks such                            members. It’s a win-win for everyone, but it can be difficult to
as reporting, measuring, and contract-signing, has brought                         know what is the best product for your business. Below is a
the construction industry to the forefront of technological                        brief summary of the software-based technology companies
advances for productivity.                                                         that have joined the ASA fold. As fellow ASA members, we
  Sometimes it’s still tough for construction workers who                          encourage you to give them a look and see if the answer to
are accustomed to working with pen and paper to push the                           your most recent issue could be right at your fingertips.

Bespoke Metrics (COMPASS)                               report critical, construction-related information     Visit their website for a demo. Email to: connect@
Bespoke Metrics blends expertise in data control,       like retainage, prevailing-wage rates, certified      plexxis.com. Tel: 1-905-889-8979.
model development and user interface to provide         payroll, multiple trades, job activities, percent
innovative solutions for industries looking to          complete, change orders, POs and subcontracts,        Procore Manage your projects, resources, and
utilize data to its fullest. Their COMPASS tool         equipment usage, AIAs, union deductions and           financials on one open, easy-to-use platform—
analyses risk for subcontractors and contractors        fringes, etc. Executive dashboard, timecard           designed for how you actually build. One million
by looking at financial statements, assets,             submissions, document imaging - store and             projects running on Procore. Pre-construction,
revenue, income. For subcontractors the “1Form”         access. Visit their website for a live demo. Email    project management, quality & safety, design
is a qualification form whereby you get approved        to: info@foundationsoft.com. Tel: 1-800-246-0800.     coordination (VDC, design, ops, field teams).
by 70+ general contractors across North America.                                                              Located in 125 countries. Received 2021 Best
Subcontractors satisfy multiple data requests. GCs      Kahua Computer Software                               Customer Support Award from TrustRadius. Visit
get higher quality data. It also satisfies more than    Construction program and project management           their website for a demo. Tel: 1-866-477-6267.
92% of surety applications. Their new DataControl       software. Manage construction program costs,
app lets subcontractors respond directly and            documents and processes from inception through        Raken More than 4,000 GCs and specialty
securely to questions from contractors. Visit their     turnover to improve efficiency and reduce risk.       contractors use Raken’s field management
website. Email to: info@compass-app.com. Tel:           Founded in 2009 and first product released in         solution. Designed to integrate with other
1-800-689-6819.                                         2014. Kahua means foundation or platform in           construction management tools. Raken won
                                                        Hawaiian. Project management and collaboration        more than 12 awards in G2's latest report such
Fonn Construction team collaboration                    software for real estate, design, engineering,        as best ease of use, best estimated ROI, highest
management software. For builders, created by           construction and operations.More than 5,500           rated support, and most implementable in the
builders. Create and share forms, documents,            customers, 80,000 projects managed on Kahua           construction software space. Visit their website for
warranties, communications. Cost is per project.        software, and 1000+ apps developed. Named to          a demo and 15-day free trial. Tel: 866-438-0646.
Company was founded in 2016 in Norway, and              Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500 of 2020. Visit their
major construction companies in Norway, UK,             website for a demo. Email to: info@kahua.com. Tel:    Rhumbix Transform your field reporting into
and U.S. are clients. In January they reached           1-770-641-9994                                        data-driven workflows to save time and increase
a milestone of 20,000 projects using Fonn                                                                     your project insights. The Rhumbix Field Data
technology. Visit website for a demo and free,          Plexxis Project management, accounting,               Platform enables your team to seamlessly capture
2-week trial. Email to hello@fonn.io. Tel: 1-888-418-   estimating and mobile apps on a single tech stack     and connect your vital field data to gain stronger
1995.                                                   that enables live feedback between bidding, field     project-level visibility. Time & Materials Tracking,
                                                        & finance while eliminating the need to build and     Timekeeping & Payroll tracking, Production
Foundation Software Construction                        maintain integrations. In-house lifetime services     Tracking, Daily Construction Reports, Custom
Accounting Software - Job costing, payroll,             for development, DBA, deployment, support &           Workflows. Designed for the field. Visit their
and project management. With construction               optimization, delivering a 98.4% rate of adoption.    website for a demo. Email to: info@rhumbix.com.
accounting software, you can track financials and       Features focused on subcontractor workflows.          Tel: 855-748-6249.

   T H E       C O N T R A C T O R ’ S                  C O M P A S S                                               F E B R U A R Y             2 0 2 1            11
 When Good Projects Go Bad
 by Gregg Schoppman, FMI
    Most projects don’t start off being bad.      “spotting” the Polar Wolves 14 at the start
 They begin with the best of intentions but       of the game or handicapping their odds.
 possibly lack the nurturing, caring and          In the end, if the Reptiles win – which
 planning to be successful. There are also        was expected – but fail to achieve a two-
 those projects that take a dark turn, but        touchdown advantage, fans, pollsters, etc.
 their trajectory provides a false sense of       see it as a failure. An uncanny example of
 security to management. They exhibit             winning but failing at the same time.
 signs of being a best in class project,          Similarly, consider a contractor that has
 one that will become the cover page of           a project that they bring in at 20% gross
 the sales brochure. However, below the           margin. On the surface, this sounds like a
 surface, there are signs and indications. A      win. However, after you factor in that the
 client starts to pay just a little bit slower.   project was estimated at 45% and the            handicapping factor.
 A key trade partner goes bankrupt. The           overhead of the firm is 21%, you realize that      For each project, the collection rate
 supply chain sees a small interruption. A        this project was an unmitigated disaster.       show Pre- and Post-COVID. The resulting
 ripple. Before long, the poster project             Now consider projects in the new             “Payment Risk Handicap” is shown on the
 quickly becomes the pariah.                      environment. What if projects in this new       far-right side. The aim of this factor is to
    Firms are spending a great deal of            Post-COVID world had similar                    normalize the data in such a way provides
 energy to understand the short and long-         handicapping practices to provide a             an accurate comparison. For instance, the
 term ramifications of the Post-COVID-19          different set of optics on a project?           factors are shown in Table 3.
 world. Throughout the world, there are           Consider the list of projects in Table 1.

                                                                                                     It is important to note that all of these
                                                                                                  handicapping factors are deeply subjective.
                                                                                                  While there are most likely industry
                                                                                                  benchmarks, the idea is to use the internal
                                                                                                  firm comparatives. For example, industry
                                                                                                  collections hover around 45 days for above
                                                                                                  average performance. That being said, the
                                                                                                  contractor in this example operates
                                                                                                  in multiple sectors so it is important to
 projects that were irreparably harmed due           This snapshot illustrates the firm’s work    provide a factor that can translate to all
 to stops and restarts, while others barely       in progress for its complete portfolio. In      project types.
 saw a hiccup of a delay. For many, their         addition to showing the variance from bid          Now look at Multi-Family B. This project
 work in progress report may have seen            day, additional comparisons are shown           actually showed some modicum level of
 little disruption, allowing leaders to take a    Pre-COVID and the margin as of today. The       margin enhancement (7.15% from 7.00%)
 deep sigh of relief. Is this a tad premature?    contract values are shown to help provide       but it is also showing a deterioration
 Are some of these projects heading into the      context on the margin contribution. From        in collections. On the surface, this one
 “Bad Zone?”                                      this perspective, the forecast for the firm     indication does not demonstrate potential
     In what seemed like an eternity ago, we      looks relatively strong. It appears our team    failure but is it a portent of things to come.
 had sports. Take a college football game         will win but as we know from sports, this is       In an similar fashion, the same process
 pitting two rivals - the Southern Reptiles       also the reason we play the game.               could be done for other aspects of the
 versus the Northern Polar Wolves - against          One of the first areas that should be        project. For instance, the aim is to examine
 each other. The Southern Reptiles in this        analyzed is the collection cycle. Table 2       areas that might have been adversely
 game are favored by 2 touchdowns, or 14          is an illustration of the same project list     affected by the COVID-19 pandemic or
 points. Put another way, the Reptiles are        but with a different characteristic – the

12    F E B R U A R Y          2 0 2 1                                    T H E     C O N T R A C T O R ’ S            C O M P A S S
However, the scoreboard actively provides
                                                                                                  feedback throughout the game and team
                                                                                                  leaders use that data to develop course
                                                                                                  corrections. If they are down by two
                                                                                                  touchdowns in the first quarter and they
                                                                                                  have zero yards of rushing, the coaches
                                                                                                  enact a mitigation plan. Construction
                                                                                                  leaders today cannot be lulled to sleep by
                                                                                                  a “satisfactory” scoreboard. Doing so will
                                                                                                  allow complacency to set in and the good
                                                                                                  to become the bad.
any other economic deviation. In the             process compliance are also calculated,
example in Table 4, the supply chain and         the Table 7 provides a summary of each
                                                                                                  About the Author
the critical path are investigated. Hospital B   handicapping factor as well as a total.
project shows the greatest impact related                                                         As a principal with FMI, Gregg specializes
                                                    It comes as no surprise that Multi-
to material procurement. Interestingly                                                            in the areas of productivity and project
                                                 Fam B shows the greatest POTENTIAL
enough, this project was performing at a                                                          management. He also leads FMI’s project
                                                 for becoming “bad.” So, was the intent to
margin of 11% but it also shows the greatest                                                      management consulting practice. He has
                                                 create a tool that serves as a self-fulfilling
potential risk through schedule overages.                                                         completed complex and sophisticated
                                                 prophecy? The aim of any tool – whether
The handicapping factor was calculated                                                            construction projects in the several different
                                                 it be a standard work in progress report
based on the overage in Table 5.                                                                  niches and geographic markets. He has
                                                 or a handicapped version – is to drive
                                                                                                  also worked as a construction manager
                                                 action. With so many warning signs, senior
                                                                                                  and managed direct labor. FMI is a unique
                                                 management not only has the optics to
                                                                                                  and fast-growing firm of professionals
                                                 defuse a potential disaster but implement
                                                                                                  passionate about creating a better future for
                                                 a series of steps to protect the firm. For
                                                                                                  engineering and construction, infrastructure
                                                 instance, the firm can do any of the
                                                                                                  and the built environment throughout
                                                                                                  North America and around the world. For
                                                  • Owner Meetings – Discuss payment              more information on FMI, please visit www.
                                                     terms and examine customer liquidity         fminet.com or contact Schoppman by email
                                                  • Schedule – Develop alternate work             at gschoppman@fminet.com.
   Similarly, a firm can measure the                 schedules or alternate products that may
potential “General Condition Burn Rate”              be more readily available
which is another extension of the schedule
impacts. See Table 6.                             • Subcontractor Performance
                                                     – Conduct a series of deep
   We see once again Multi-Fam B rears its           trade partner coordination
ugly head again. While it would be intuitive         meetings to discuss
to assume that any projection or forecast            performance, risk mitigation,
would account for general condition                  etc.
overages, there are probably many
instances where managers fail to correlate          Harkening back to the
the critical path and monthly cost report        football example, if the Reptiles
effectively.                                     were down by two touchdowns
                                                 at the end of the game, there
   After additional factors for trade            would be great disappointment.
contractor performance and internal

   T H E     C O N T R A C T O R ’ S             C O M P A S S                                         F E B R U A R Y         2 0 2 1         13

Why Contractors Need to Make an IT Plan and Stick to It
by Steve Antill, Foundation Software

                                                            According to the 2020 JB Knowledge
                                                            ConTech Report, more than 22% of
                                                            construction workers said they use more
                                                            than six construction-based apps.

                                                                                      team to use the technology correctly,
                                                                                      it doesn’t always go according to plan.
                                                                                      According to AGC, while over 60% of
                                                                                      contractors indicated that they had a
                                                                                      formal IT plan that supports business
                                                                                      initiatives — compared to 48% in 2019
                                                                                      — many still struggle with choosing
                                                                                      tech and training employees to use
    As the COVID-19 pandemic and           realize the extra benefits technology      their technology effectively. By creating
 its restrictions continue at the start    brings to their businesses. In its         an effective plan — and sticking to it —
 of 2021, the dust is still settling for   2021 Construction Hiring and               contractors can succeed in their tech
 contractors and the construction          Business Report, Associated General        goals throughout every stage of the
 industry. Although a stimulus package     Contractors of America (AGC) stated        process.
 and recovery could be on the way,         that over 25% of respondents said that
 in the meantime, contractors’ focus       they planned to increase spending          Starting your Own IT Plan
 should remain on finishing existing       on tech for document management,
                                                                                        Often, the best place to start creating
 projects while preparing their business   project management, accounting,
                                                                                      your IT plan is by reviewing what you
 for whatever the future holds. To be      estimating, and human resources.
                                                                                      already have. Begin talking with your
 ready for what’s in store, contractors      Along with this increase in individual   IT person or perform your own internal
 need a plan — or, more specifically,      pieces of software, IT plans are also      audit to get an idea of the software and
 an IT plan. A formal IT plan can          beginning to take a more rounded           systems you currently have in place,
 help contractors explore viable tech      approach by looking at the entire          along with which of those programs
 options to increase the efficiency of     picture of the tech platform to increase   integrate to “talk” to one another.
 their business, even in the face of the   efficiency at every step of the way.       Next, list the areas of your business
 unfamiliar.                               Assessing which programs and               that you know need improvement.
                                           platforms are client-hosted compared       In Foundation Software's 2020
 Keeping Ahead of the                      to vendor-hosted, for instance, helps      Construction Business Report, for
 Competition                               to make sure that future software          example, 41% of contractors noted that
   A good IT plan can save your            decisions align with IT plans. By having   they needed better communication
 business time and money, improve          this mapped out ahead of time, owners      between teams. 32% contractors
 remote work, speed up workflow            can get a clearer picture of how they      struggled with manual processes, and
 and strengthen data security, but it      should proceed when implementing           17% had problems with the lack of
 also helps to keep you competitive.       new technology, and ultimately reduce      mobile and integrated technology. As
 That extra edge will be necessary         costs.                                     common areas where problems tend
 to keep up as seemingly more and            However, from finding the right          to pop up, these may be good areas to
 more contractors are beginning to         product or platform to getting the         begin your review.

 14   F E B R U A R Y      2 0 2 1                               T H E    C O N T R A C T O R ’ S        C O M P A S S
Knowledge ConTech Report, over 22%
                                                                                          of construction workers said they use
                                                                                          over 6+ construction-based apps. Not
                                                                                          only can this cause “app fatigue” for
                                                                                          your staff from having to cycle through
                                                                                          all of these programs but without
                                                                                          integrations connecting these different
                                                                                          tools it also becomes too easy for data
                                                                                          to become scattered and segmented
                                                                                          across multiple platforms. With the
                                                                                          proper integrations in place, necessary
                                                                                          information can be easily shared with
                                                                                          minimal user intervention, ultimately
                                                                                          reducing errors and creating a single
                                                                                          source of truth for your data.
                                                                                             What’s on the horizon
                                                                                             While projections initially were
Fig. 1 Construction Business Report                                                       thrown off by the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                                          contractors may see government
   With your audit of current tech           get rid of it — or specifically invest in
                                                                                          relief sometime within the next few
complete, list out some of the needed        new technology because it offers that
                                                                                          months. But in the meantime, don’t
features that your current tech doesn’t      feature if they don’t have it. It can make
                                                                                          sit around waiting for recovery to just
have. If you have one, talk to your IT       all the difference in how work moves
                                                                                          happen. Be proactive about improving
person to see what feedback they             through the office.
                                                                                          your workflow through information
have. Similarly, see what the office staff
                                                                                          technology. Forming an IT plan will
likes and dislikes about your current        Exploring Integrations                       help you recognize areas you can
tech — and make sure not to leave out           After finding what you and your           improve in the short and long term and
the field team, either! They may have        employees need from your tech, talk          prepare you for whatever the future
different problems or encounter other        to your software vendors to see what         holds.
issues that your office staff doesn’t.       suggestions they have, even if it’s for
Keep this wish list in mind to help          products they don’t specifically offer.
you narrow down your search to the           Ideally, your vendor will have a solution    About the Author
technology you actually need and not         that addresses all your needs while             Steve Antill is the CRO at Foundation
just the software or tech that looks         also integrating with your current           Software and Payroll4Construction.
“pretty.” As always, whenever you’re         software.                                    com, where he leads the charge for
looking for new tech, make sure it’s            Through integrations, you can             continual revenue growth, including
addressing your needs first.                 connect separate programs together           new entry points into market to
   Keeping your employees involved in        to allow for cross-usage that normally       serve contractors. He invests much
the IT plan also helps make it easier for    wouldn’t be possible. For instance,          of his time building partnerships and
them to “buy in” to any changes that         a contractor may have software that          relationships across the construction
have to occur. While a few employees         specializes in job costing, but they         industry with contractors, CPA
may suffer from technophobia and be          may find that they’re spending too           firms, associations and technology
naturally resistant to any tech changes,     much time moving that data over to           vendors. Over 20 years, he’s led more
putting new systems in place or              their bidding estimate software. With        than 1,000 software selections and
altering the steps to routine processes      the right integration, they’ll be able to    implementations for contractors of
can be frustrating for everyone              access job costing data and features         numerous sizes and trades.
involved. On top of that, new tech           right from the bidding software’s               Foundation Software delivers job
almost always requires more training,        interface. In the end, this results in       cost accounting, project management
disrupting already busy schedules            saving time while also preventing any        and mobile applications, along with
while making more demands from the           costly re-entry mistakes.                    payroll services, to help contractors
staff to fit in training time. Because          Many contractor’s IT plans often fail     run the business side of construction.
of this, it’s important to keep your         to include services that work with each      For information, call (800) 246-0800 or
employees in the loop with your tech         other, resulting in more time wasted         email info@foundationsoft.com.
plans. If there’s a feature that makes       on entering the same data in multiple
their tasks easier, you may not want to      locations. According to the 2020 JB

  T H E     C O N T R A C T O R ’ S          C O M P A S S                                    F E B R U A R Y      2 0 2 1      15

Three Behaviors Top Teams Avoid to Excel in Struggle
by Chad Pearson, Plexxis Software

   The bad news is struggle will define      in a group completes 50% of the work,           We serve the team by providing
the next five years. The good news is        while the rest of the group shares the        everything they need to succeed
those who excel in struggle will define      remaining 50%"                                while protecting them from threats
the next 20 years.                              For example:                               and three categories of harmful
   Thankfully, top teams who consistently      • If there are 10 people in a group,        behaviors: distracting, destructive, and
outperform competitors, regardless               approximately three people do             incompatible.
of the struggles they face, share one            50% of the work and 7 share the             As leaders protect and serve the team,
common thread we can all learn from in           remaining 50%.                            teammates protect and serve each other
order to build teams that not only excel       • If there are 25 people in a group,        by giving their best effort to make each
in struggle, but absolutely love it.             approximately 5 people do 50% of          day easier for everyone while supporting
   A little warning first. This is a long        the work and 20 share the remaining       each other through bad days and
article so if you’re concerned about the         50%.                                      protecting each other from bad habits.
next 5 years, set some time aside...If you     • In a group of 100 people,                   Here’s a detailed breakdown of the
got the attention, we got the tips. Enjoy!       approximately 10 people complete          three categories of behaviors we avoid in
                                                 50% of the work and 90 share the          order to prevent Price's Law and excel in
Here we go                                       remaining 50%.                            struggle.
  Many teams use their collective               Any reasonable person would agree
wisdom and historical data to predict        that Price's Law exposes unfairness           Category 1 of 3:
and plan but that’s not enough anymore.      between those who invest their best           Distracting Behaviors
While past behavior has normally been        effort, often referred to as ‘The Roots’ or      An exceptional experiment called ‘The
a great predictor of future behavior,        ‘A Players’ versus those who invest just      Bad Apple Experiment’, by Will Felps
we now live in a VUCA world (Volatile,       enough effort to get by. Even though          from the University of South Wales
Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) where         most would agree, few try to prevent it       identifies three distracting behaviors.
the future is unpredictable and how          when it becomes visible.                      (You can read about the experiment and
people interact is changing.                                                               how it ties to culture in; ‘The Culture
  Past experience and metrics are            How do top teams prevent                      Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful
becoming dangerously unreliable for                                                        Groups, by Daniel Coyle). Felps labels
predicting and planning for the future of
                                             Price’s Law?
                                                                                           the behaviors as;
our VUCA world.                                 Top teams who consistently
                                             outperform others, despite challenges,          • The Jerk (aggressive and defiant)
  Top teams who excel in struggle and                                                        • The Downer (has a tired depressive
                                             maintain an exclusive culture of
constantly outperform others go beyond                                                          attitude)
                                             performance and family-like chemistry
metrics and focus heavily on preventing
                                             that naturally protects them from Price's       • The Slacker (withholds effort)
Price's Law from infecting their team.
                                             Law in the same way strong families care         While these three types of behaviors
Teams who prevent Price's Law turn
                                             for each other and protect each other         impact teams differently, Felps showed
the struggle of VUCA scenarios into
                                             from threats and harmful behaviors.           that all three categories of behaviors
advantages instead of obstacles while
taking immense pleasure in doing so.            Our company, Plexxis Software,             decreased the effectiveness of the
Following their path may be the single       creates software for subcontractors.          groups by about 30%.
most effective way to crush the next 5       As subcontractors work in a VUCA                 In short, when there’s a Jerk in the
years while becoming a defining force for    industry, we have been hyper focused          room, people don’t feel safe enough to
the next 20.                                 on maintaining a culture that prevents        open up, which harms the team and their
                                             Price's Law for over 20 years. Of the         outcomes.
What is Price’s Law?                         dozens of tactics we use at Plexxis, the         When there’s a Downer in the room
                                             MOST important for maintaining a strong       who starts telling everyone how tired
  Price’s law is an imbalance of effort      culture that prevents Price's Law is our
on the team that gets worse as groups                                                      they are and shows physical signs of
                                             ‘protect and serve’ mindset.                  defeat, such as hanging their head low,
get bigger. The law itself says that “the
square root of the total number of people                                                  others in the room start behaving the

   T H E    C O N T R A C T O R ’ S          C O M P A S S                                      F E B R U A R Y      2 0 2 1       17
same way and adopt the low energy                  There are many destructive behaviors,      tech companies have invested trillions
attitude. In a relatively short period of       but we labelled four as the top behaviors     of dollars into creating ways of stealing
time, others have their heads down and          needing swift decisive action in order to     people’s time and attention while
arms folded just like the downer.               protect teammates:                            influencing human behavior. Depending
    When there’s a Slacker in the room,          • HENIs (Hoarder of Information,             on the study you read, people are
the group quickly picks up on the                  Emotional, Narcissistic, Impatient)        interrupted by their phones between
vibe. They tend to get their work done           • LALAs (Low Attention,                      90-160 times per day. This is not healthy
faster but do half-assed jobs. What’s              Low Absorption)                            in any arena, let alone on a team, but it
interesting is that they end up believing                                                     shows how powerful social tech tactics
                                                 • Smiling Assassins
they are doing good work when in fact,                                                        have become.
                                                 • Entitled
it is not good work at all. They simply                                                          Social tech is so good at what they do
pick up on the bad attitude and their              The HENI is that person who                that many people cannot even drive a
insufficient work ends up hurting the           hoards information, is highly                 car without checking their devices. So
team.                                           emotional, narcissistic and impatient.        many people have fallen victim to social
                                                These behaviors by themselves are             tech tactics that distracted driving laws
    Felp’s experiment also found that when
                                                manageable, and at times can be found         had to be put in place in order to keep
strong teammates lead engagements,
                                                in any one of us, but together they are a     people alive. Even car manufacturers
deflect negativity and keep others
                                                destructive cancer that needs to be cut       have started building lane automation to
engaged, the harmful behavior was
                                                out from any team.                            keep drivers in their lanes. (Let that sink
                                                   These are the types of people who          in)
    An important thing to recognize here
                                                need to control the world around them            LALAs are extremely susceptible to
is that attributes like intelligence, talent,
                                                and are willing to make their teammates'      social tech’s theft of time and attention.
experience and other abilities you find on
                                                lives more difficult in order to maintain     Just like distracted driving, an effective
resumes matter much less than people’s
                                                their own comfort. They will consistently     way to protect teammates from LALAs is
attitudes and interactions. It is not what
                                                inconvenience others just so they can         to mandate and educate.
people do...it is how they interact that is
                                                get what they want while refusing to
most important.                                                                                  Mandates command a healthy use
                                                learn about and empathize with other
    When teammates are aware of                                                               of devices and online content while
distracting attitudes they bring into                                                         education informs of the risks to mission,
                                                   The LALA is that person who willfully      self and the team so teammates can
action, they can put effort into a healthier
                                                invests low attention to teammates and        make healthier decisions on their own.
mindset that helps them be their best
                                                tasks and fails to stay in step with the
while maintaining an environment that                                                            Smiling Assassins are those who
                                                team. They have a disregard for mission,
helps others be their best.                                                                   are nice in front of you but gossip
                                                self and team and tend to spend their
                                                                                              and undermine you in secrecy. While
                                                time on things that have little to no value
Category 2 of 3:                                to anyone.
                                                                                              everyone deserves a chance to improve
                                                                                              their behaviors, this type of behavior
Destructive Behaviors                              Every working hour that a teammate         should be considered a one strike you’re
   Cutting these people from the team           invests into ‘low attention and low           out violation.
is usually an easy decision as they are         absorption’ re-distributes workload
                                                                                                 Entitled are those who believe
so toxic to the team. The challenge with        onto other teammates while the lack of
                                                                                              oneself to be deserving of special
these people is when they are owners,           attention to detail often results in errors
                                                                                              accommodation. Entitled behavior is
family, friends or key talent such as           that require other teammates to repair
                                                                                              difficult to change but not impossible. At
CFOs, controllers or top salespeople.           later.
                                                                                              Plexxis, we use a macro/micro empathy
   In that scenario where the destructive          LALAs are not to be confused with          test to help make decisions on personal
behavior is from an owner, friend, family       neurodiversity. Those with conditions         accommodations. When someone has
member or key talent, leaders can lack          such as ADHD or dyslexia do not choose        a personal ‘micro’ request, we test to
the courage to protect the team. This           to pay less attention while in action and     see if it fits and helps the team ‘macro’
lack of courage comes at a great cost.          when provided the right environment,          mission. If the macro and micro fit, the
   It may help those in this scenario to        they can be among the highest                 accommodation is considered.
know that this scenario is the leader’s         performing and most caring teammates.
biggest opportunity to show the team               LALAs choose to give their attention       Category 3 of 3:
how important they are. The single              away to other things that result in harm
courageous act of cutting seemingly             to teammates, the mission and even their
                                                                                              Incompatible Behaviors
indispensable people who are toxic can          own heath.                                      These behaviors are extremely
reset an entire team on an incredible                                                         challenging to avoid in today’s
                                                   Today’s biggest threat in relation to
path.                                                                                         environment as they can be great
                                                LALAs are online distractions. Social

18   F E B R U A R Y         2 0 2 1                                    T H E    C O N T R A C T O R ’ S          C O M P A S S
You can also read