WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA Root cause analysis - the The ins - CAA

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WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA Root cause analysis - the The ins - CAA
Pointing to safer aviation                         Autumn 2020

    Root cause                 The ins     With aerodrome
   analysis – the            and outs of     safety, size
     five whys                Hamilton     doesn’t matter
WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA Root cause analysis - the The ins - CAA
2   Vector Autumn 2020

                                                                               ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS
                                                                                                                                                     WITH AERODROME SAFETY,
                                                                               – THE FIVE WHYS                                                       SIZE DOESN’T MATTER
    Cover: Photo courtesy of Warbirds Over Wanaka.

    In this
    issue...                                                                  WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA
    The take-off that                                                      As if you needed it, there’s                                          Planning an aviation event?. . . . . 25
    approached disaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3                 another reason to stay out of
                                                                           military airspace. Drones.. . . . . . . . 18                          Accident briefs.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
    Taking drone safety seriously.. . . 6
                                                                           Root cause analysis –                                                 GA defects.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
    Flying in and out of
                                                                           the five whys. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20   Register now for our safety
    Great Barrier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
                                                                           With aerodrome safety,                                                education workshops. . . . . . . . . . . . 28
    Warbirds Over Wanaka. . . . . . . . . . . 10
                                                                           size doesn’t matter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
    It’s more than Vector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
                                                                           Register your ELT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
    A warning on drug testing
                                                                           Aviation safety advisors. . . . . . . . . . 25
    for operators.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
                                                                           How to get aviation
    The ins and outs of Hamilton. . . 16
                                                                           publications.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

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    Manager Communications                                                 Wellington 6140, or email: publications@caa.govt.nz.                  COPYRIGHT Reproduction in whole or in part of any item
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    Design Gusto.                                                          controllers, an aviation medical certificate must be held,                                                           ISSN 1173-9614
WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA Root cause analysis - the The ins - CAA
Vector Autumn 2020   3

I learned about flying from that

This story from the archives
shows how even an experienced
and skilled pilot can become

A    fter leaving the air force, Jack secured himself a
     prestigious job flying a four-seat Percival Proctor
Mark 5 for a prominent motor dealership with branches
in New Plymouth, Auckland and Whangārei.
The Proctor had evolved from Percival’s pre-war racing
aircraft, and early models had sparkling performance,         Jack taxied to the aero club and cut the engine.
superior to contemporary American Cessnas and Pipers.         The sudden silence roused his passengers. “Nice
                                                              flight, Jack,” the senior member of their party
Regrettably the later, larger, heavier Proctor Mark 5 had
                                                              commented. “That’s how I like it. See you back

                                                                                                                                  Photo courtesy of Steve Richards/Kahu Nature Photography, www.kahunz.co.nz.
inferior performance compared with the Marks 1, 2 and 3.
                                                              here around 2.30. Fill ‘er up and we’ll be home
Jack would regularly fly the Mark 5 to any of the company’s   in time for afternoon tea.”
branches, and on the day of this story, had been called to
                                                              Jack headed toward the aero club after re-fuelling.
fly three branch managers to New Plymouth.
                                                              “Lovely day for flying,” the CFI commented. “They
Flying conditions were perfect and the somnolent roar         were supposed to have cut the grass yesterday.
of the Proctor’s Gypsy Queen engine soon lulled his           Recent rains have made it grow a lot.”
three passengers to sleep.
                                                              Conversation then ranged over the usual topics
“Wind variable at less than four knots, temperature two       discussed by flyers – employment, new aircraft,
four, altimeter setting one zero three zero. The kettle’s     pay, and working conditions.
on if you want a cuppa,” New Plymouth Tower reported
                                                              Temperature and barometric pressure increased
on first contact.
                                                              considerably over the next two hours, prompting
Misjudging his straight-in approach to the south-east         Jack to open the cockpit doors to cool the cabin.
runway, Jack ended up high and fast, necessitating early
                                                              His passengers returned at 2.30. “All set then,”
application of full flap. The aircraft initially ballooned
                                                              the party’s leader announced. “Gotta heavy box
upward before achieving the correct approach profile,
                                                              to go in the back locker if you don’t mind.”
crossing a field of grazing dairy cattle before landing on
the runway’s long grass surface.                              Jack loaded the box while his passengers boarded.
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4   Vector Autumn 2020

    It was 28 degrees C, and the wind light and variable.       Forty knots still, and 400 metres of runway remaining.
    There were patches of cumulus at 1500 ft, and the           Now 45 knots. A Proctor will stall at 52 knots with the
    barometric pressure now 1032 mb.                            flaps up and 44 knots with full flap extended.
    With full tanks, three heavy passengers and more than       One hundred metres of runway remaining and they
    15 kgs of luggage, the aircraft was probably at its         weren’t going to make it, but it was too late to stop
    maximum take-off weight. But runway length of 1200          the take-off.
    metres was more than enough for their requirements.
                                                                Over on the other side of the wooden airfield boundary
    Out on the airfield, a hawk circled in a thermal.           fence, the dairy cows had ambled to the milking shed.
    The temperature had risen another degree by the time        Airspeed increased slightly and the aircraft felt lighter
    Jack lined up on the north-west grass runway. He chose      on its wheels. But it still refused to become airborne when
    not to use flaps for take-off.                              Jack cautiously eased the control column back.
    “All set?” He turned toward the rear seat passengers.       There was now insufficient runway remaining to abandon
    “OK then, here we go.”                                      the take-off.
    But they were already asleep.                               A desperate idea occurred to Jack as the aircraft entered
                                                                the grass over-run area.
    Maximum weight, high temperature and pressure, local
    thermal activity causing wind shift – and something else…   Cranking down full flap, the aircraft ballooned up
                                                                in ground effect, as the flaps extended to the full
    Opening the throttle gradually and initially holding
                                                                down position.
    the control column back to assist directional control,
    Jack concentrated on tracking straight while checking       They cleared the wooden fence by less than a metre.
    his instruments.
                                                                Fifty knots of airspeed now but the Proctor refused to
    RPM 2400, boost pressure over 14 inches, engine             remain airborne, touching down on the close-cropped
    instruments within limits, air speed not indicating yet.    grass surface of the dairy farm paddock.
    Overhead, the hawk had centred in on a thermal              Sixty knots now and accelerating, Jack felt emboldened
    to their right.                                             to cautiously ease the control column back, while slowly
                                                                milking the flaps up to the take-off position. Ahead, a
    Jack centred the control column when the aircraft felt
                                                                line of Macrocarpa trees waited to entrap him and his
    light on its wheels, noting the airspeed had moved
                                                                passengers. Sixty-six knots now and increasing.
    off its stop. Aero club members watched as he passed
    the halfway mark, still earthbound.                         Converting his speed to height, Jack cleared the trees
                                                                by scant metres.
    Forty knots and 500 metres of runway remaining,
    the airspeed wasn’t increasing. Jack checked throttle       At 70 knots, 200 feet altitude and climbing at 400
    and pitch levers fully forward, the brakes were off         feet a minute, Jack turned on to course. He didn’t
    but the airspeed seemed reluctant to increase.              dare imagine what his passengers were thinking.

         He didn’t consider that the thermalling
         hawk and patchy cumulus were warning
         him of possible wind shear with tail
         wind on take-off.
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Vector Autumn 2020   5

The flight home gave him time to partially recover from       In his favour Jack had thought outside the square when
his narrow escape, but as he touched down on Ardmore’s        disaster seemed inevitable, and came up with a unique
grass runway 25, he noted his hands were still shaking.       solution that saved them all.
An embarrassingly long silence ensued after he parked         But he never did tell his passengers about the incident –
and shut down.                                                his rationale being that he wanted them to retain their
                                                              confidence in executive travel…
Anticipating some adverse comment would be passed to
head office about the recent incident, Jack busied himself    He did, however, share the experience with fellow pilots,
recording the flight times.                                   so they could learn what he had learned.
“Yes, well er… I’m sorry about that,” he muttered
apologetically. “This old girl doesn’t perform very well on   What did Jack learn?
long grass, with heavy loads and high temperatures…”          He realised he:
When nothing was said in reply, Jack opened the cockpit         •   was in too much of a hurry to “get home in time
doors noisily and announced to the passengers in the                for tea”
rear cabin that they had arrived.
                                                                •   didn’t consider all parameters before take-off,
“Quarter past three, gentlemen. You should be home                  especially the effect of long grass on the take-off run
in time for …”
                                                                •   didn’t consider that the thermalling hawk and patchy
They were asleep.                                                   cumulus were warning him of possible wind shear
“We’ve arrived,” he repeated. “My apologies for the…”               with tail wind on take-off

“Nice flight!” one interrupted, waking up and rubbing his       •   ignored the effect of weight, density altitude and
eyes to counteract the soporific effects of the lunchtime           temperature on aircraft performance
beer. “I slept the whole way.”                                  •   didn’t make a decision to abort the take-off early
“Yeah, that’s how I like it, Jack.” The leader of their             enough when sufficient runway remained
party had awoken.                                               •   did not reconsider his decision not to use flaps
“Nice quiet flight, no dramas. See you next week for the            for take-off in view of the state of the runway
Whangārei trip then, eh?”                                           (long grass).

                                                                                                                                     Photo courtesy of the Croyden Aircraft Company.
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6   Vector Autumn 2020

    The chief executive officer of NZ Drones may be only 19 years old,
    but he’s taken on his responsibilities regarding safety like someone
    who’s grown wise with years of experience and close calls.

    A     t 16, when most are considered to be way off
          adulthood, Jack Scott established his own drone
    photography company. It brought together a lifelong
                                                                                       of three finalists), “It is an exceptionally hard thing for
                                                                                       a young man who owns a business to turn down income.
                                                                                       But this simply demonstrates Jack’s maturity, and his
    fascination with model aircraft and enthusiasm                                     ongoing commitment to safety”.
    for videography.
    Since then, NZ Drones has become Part 102-certificated,                            Constantly building safety
    with Jack leading the development of the company                                   The NZ Drones' exposition is a living document,
    exposition. He’s attended numerous UAV operating and                               according to Jack.
    aviation safety courses, completed a drone night rating
    course and is working towards his PPL to improve his                               “We don’t say, ‘okay, we have an exposition, now we’re
    aviation knowledge.                                                                safe’. We’re always amending it to make sure it’s current,
                                                                                       and to make it more easily understood. That makes
    Jack’s incorporated SMS principles into the NZ Drones                              it easy for staff and contract pilots to comply with it.”
    ops manual, even though Part 102 organisations are not
    required to.                                                                       NZ Drones has also made it convenient for anyone to
                                                                                       report an incident. Jack has developed a writable PDF,
    “I’ve got a really strong attitude towards safety,” he says.                       which means staff and contractors can fill out a report
    “I regard drones as I do manned aircraft: if you’re flying                         on their tablet, then upload it to the company’s server.
    over people and property, or in the same airspace as                               “We meet regularly to review reports,” says Jack, “and
    manned aircraft, and you lose control of the C2 link1,                             talk about whether something needs changing, or if we
    the result could be catastrophic.”                                                 can do something better. We brainstorm a whole lot
    To the disgruntlement of an early client, he turned down                           of ideas, write them down, and consider implementing
    a well-paying job of operating a drone over a street parade                        them if they’re appropriate.”
    – on safety grounds.
                                                                                       Jack has also hired staff whose attitudes reflect his own.
    And another client, a real estate agent, wanted a view                             His safety manager Mick Turner plays a big part in the
    of the property he was selling, that would have required                           operations of NZ Drones.
    Jack to fly into the confines of the airport, and potentially
                                                                                       “Mick is always there to give me new ideas on how
    into conflict with manned aviation.
                                                                                       to improve safety,” says Jack.
    Again, he refused to undertake the assignment because
                                                                                       Many of the company’s clients have little understanding
    he felt there was “really no safe way to do it”.
                                                                                       of drone operation safety, and Jack finds himself often
    As noted in his nomination for the CAA’s inaugural                                 patiently explaining what he will, or will not, do because
    Young Aviation Professional Award in 2019 (he was one                              of safety considerations.

    1 The C2 link is the radio frequency connection between the control unit and the
      drone itself.
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Vector Autumn 2020   7

Drones are not toys –
despite being easily

   Jack Scott, CEO NZ Drones.

“Sometimes they think it’s okay to just go with the           The number of drone user breaches of airspace and rules
lowest price operator, because to begin with, they            has prompted Jack to begin writing drone operation
think it’s just about price. But most clients do come to      training courses. He wants NZ Drones to become a Part
understand that you can’t put safety in jeopardy just         141 training organisation, and through that, to become
to get a low price.                                           more influential in the field of aviation safety.
“We show clients our operating procedures and                 “There’s a lack of education. Children and teenagers,
maintenance checklist, what we do to train our pilots,        even adults, sometimes find the rules a bit difficult to
and our preflight procedures: it all helps to convince        understand. There’s also those people who think they
them of the advantage of going with a safety-                 can buy a drone and just go out and do commercial
conscious company.”                                           work and they have no idea of the rules. They fly over
                                                              people without consent, they fly over property without
Part of Jack’s commitment to safety includes selecting
                                                              consent, and they fly within controlled airspace
the best equipment for the job. He says that in Wellington
                                                              without any training.”
particularly, many of the commercial off-the-shelf drones
are not up to operating in high winds.                        With his PPL, Jack will become one of a small number
                                                              of drone operators who are also conventional pilots.
“But I’ve managed to get access to military grade drones,”
Jack says, “which are capable of flying in the rain and in    “I think it’s good for each sector to have people who
wind gusts of up to 90 kilometres per hour.                   do both. It gives you insight into the things each type
                                                              of pilot faces.”
“These are not cheap options, but they do ensure the
operation is as safe as possible.”                            What would he say to other drone operators about
                                                              staying well clear of manned aircraft?
As one would expect, NZ Drones requests NOTAMs
are issued for most of its operations. This helps notify      “I don’t think people flying drones, particularly as a hobby,
other aviators that a UAV is operating in the designated      actually understand pilot workload. They’re doing their
location, which potentially prevents a near miss or           checks and they’re listening out for other manned aircraft
incursion from manned aviation.                               and they’re listening out for instructions from air traffic
                                                              control. The workload is massive.
“We do have the occasional problem with manned aircraft,”
Jack says. “And frequent problems with hobby drone            “People need to understand what that’s like for a pilot.
operators. When they first unbox their aircraft, some of      They don’t get why pilots get so agitated by drones flying
them regard the rules as ‘terms and conditions’ – that is,    around airports and by people not doing the right thing
they ignore them and just want to get the drone in the air.   with UAVs.
“But these drones are not toys – despite being                “But they need to realise it will take only one disaster
easily purchased.”                                            to disrupt the whole drone industry.”
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8   Vector Autumn 2020

                             FLYING IN AND OUT OF


                                                                                                                          Photo courtesy of B Shepherd.
    Great Barrier is one of the more popular destinations to fly to in the
    Hauraki Gulf but as a busy commercial aerodrome pilots need to be
    aware of the island’s unique features.

    “I     n the summer we are doing one flight every hour
           in and out of Auckland Airport to Great Barrier.
    As well as passengers, we take most of the freight and
                                                              North Shore Aero Club Chief Flying Instructor Daryl
                                                              Gillett has been flying in and out of Great Barrier for
                                                              the last 18 years.
    all the mail,” says Matt Cameron from Barrier Air.
                                                              His biggest observation is a lot of pilots don’t comply
    Matt’s the company’s operations manager and chief         with standard procedures.
    pilot and says Great Barrier aerodrome gets extremely
                                                              “One of the issues that I’ve seen over the years at Great
    busy over summer with a lot of private pilots coming
                                                              Barrier and other aerodromes is pilots joining in any
    and going, on top of the usual commercial operators.
                                                              circuit direction. I’ve even seen stand-offs out there
    Matt says being aware of the circuit pattern is           where there’s an aircraft on final for both Runway 28
    essential given the amount of commercial traffic          and Runway 24. It’s a ‘who’s going to give way to who’
    coming in and out.                                        situation. If everyone was to use standard procedures
                                                              and be courteous then it would all work out quite nicely.
    “Ninety percent of the pilots are pretty good and we
    don’t have too many issues. As long as you’ve read        “It appears some people have the attitude ‘I’ll just
    the AIPNZ Vol 4 plates, you understand the circuit        do it my way’ or ‘we’ve always done it that way’.
    direction and you’re making the radio calls on the
    correct frequency – on 124.4 MHz.”
WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA Root cause analysis - the The ins - CAA
Vector Autumn 2020   9

“Compared with an aerodrome like North Shore, there’s
fewer people out there, fewer people watching, so it’s             It appears some
really incumbent on pilots to regulate themselves.”
                                                                    people have the
Weather                                                             attitude ‘I’ll just
                                                                    do it my way’ or
Daryl says weather can be an issue at Great Barrier.
“It gets pretty turbulent on the eastern side of the island
in westerly conditions. And if you’re using Runway 28 in
a westerly, you’re taking off into the terrain and into the        ‘we’ve always done
downdrafts. It could be necessary to drift right after take-
off onto the upwind side of the valley, while climbing, and         it that way’.
fly a figure eight pattern back into the downwind position.”
He says it’s similar to operating in any mountainous
environment.                                                   Mixed use
“You can get quite a lot of low cloud backed up on the         The North Shore Aero Club does quite a few training runs
western or eastern side. Often the cloud will sort of sit      out to Great Barrier, using both IFR and VFR operations.
on the tops of the highest points of the terrain.”             The IFR approach into Great Barrier includes a cloud
                                                               break procedure so IFR traffic comes in and out regularly.
Dan Power is the flight ops manager at Sunair. He’s been to
Great Barrier more than 500 times over the past 25 years.      CFI Daryl Gillett says VFR pilots just need to be aware
                                                               of where the instrument approach is coming from.
Dan says prevailing winds and turbulence around the
airfield are a consideration.                                  “It’s basically directly from the east. The missed approach
                                                               point is 2.7 NM from the aerodrome. So usually aircraft
“Great Barrier typically has wind speed of about 10
                                                               that are training or doing instrument approaches,
knots higher than at the west end of the Hauraki Gulf,
                                                               don’t really conflict with circuit traffic. But be aware
say around Ardmore. The prevailing wind there is a
                                                               of the typical radio calls you might expect if there’s an
southwesterly through westerly at the airfields on the
                                                               aeroplane on the instrument approach.”
east side of the island. So, within the vicinity of the
airfield you can frequently get bad turbulence.”               Dan Power says there’s an increasing amount of IFR
                                                               traffic going in and out of there from Auckland.

Terrain                                                        “Therefore it’s important that separation can be
Daryl Gillett says there are very few options in the event     maintained, that they comply with VFR Met minima.
of an engine failure, “It’s pretty hilly out there. There’s    To have VFR traffic flying close to cloud or in poor
not much open ground – it’s all pretty much bush.              visibility is a hazard for inbound IFR traffic.”
The western side of the island is basically all rock.”         Barrier Air flies Caravans to Great Barrier and Matt
Dan Power says multi-engine operators need to consider         says they come in and out at a similar speed as the Piper
the risks around using Runway 28 with respect to engine        Aztecs flown by Sunair “but they will arrive a bit quicker”.
out performance after take-off.                                It’s worth noting that simultaneous operations on the
“Because their ability to avoid terrain with one engine is     seal and parallel grass are prohibited. So you can’t be
                                                               backtracking while someone’s landing; you have to be
quite compromised by the fact they’re taking off into a
                                                               clear of the whole runway.
valley. And we as a multi-engine operator would prefer to
take Runway 10 with a slight tail wind, rather than face       Pilots need to be familiar with their standardisation
the terrain of 28.”                                            of overhead joins and the correct radio calls.
Matt Cameron says the mountainous terrain can                  Using the official visual reporting points will also avoid
contribute to the wind.                                        confusion for pilots unfamiliar with the area.
“Given it’s an aerodrome right by the beach, on certain        For more information about flying around Auckland,
windy days you get a lot of wind shear up and down so a        email publications@caa.govt.nz for a free copy of In, out
little bit of mountain flying technique comes into play.”      and around Auckland.
WARBIRDS OVER WANAKA Root cause analysis - the The ins - CAA
10   Vector Autumn 2020

                          By Liz Christini, Airways senior flight service specialist

                                                                                       Photos courtesy of Warbirds Over Wanaka.
Vector Autumn 2020   11

A significant number of aircraft will be converging
on Wanaka over the Easter period for New Zealand’s
biggest regular aviation event, Warbirds Over Wanaka.

Preflight preparation and publications
There are a number of documents you need to plan
a safe flight to and from Warbirds Over Wanaka:
  •   AIP New Zealand, Vol 4
  •   Visual navigation charts covering your proposed
      route and all alternative routes
  •   AIP Supplement 36/20 – this covers procedures for
      operating in the Wanaka area from 9 to 13 April 2020
  •   Warbirds Over Wanaka website, “Private aircraft
      coming to WOW”.
  •   Weather information and NOTAMs.

Getting there
Eastern routes
From Christchurch there are several alternates if
weather is a factor. The Mackenzie Basin, Omarama,
and the Lindis Pass form the most-used route, leading
conveniently to the Tarras VRP. A low cloud base on
the east coast might require using the Waitaki valley
to get to the Lindis area, or even diverting to the south
of Dunedin to access the Clutha Valley. Any diversions
need careful revision of your fuel plan.

Western routes
From the Blenheim area, the Wairau, Buller and
Inangahua/Grey valleys offer an easy scenic crossing
to the West Coast. However, please note diversion
choices – fuel and radio coverage are very limited south
of Hokitika. The Haast Pass is a convenient entry to the
Wanaka area, but before getting too far up the Haast
River, check that the cloud base will let you cross the 1845
ft pass and transit the narrow valleys at a safe height.
Quick tip – look carefully for the junction of the Haast
and Landsborough Rivers, as here the Haast enters
through a sharp turn from the south, so it’s easy to miss.
12   Vector Autumn 2020

     Air traffic services                                           or with Christchurch Information. IFR flight plans will be
                                                                    terminated by Wanaka flight service.
     Wanaka aerodrome flight information service, “Wanaka
     flight service”, will be provided when NZR998 (refer to        When nominating a SARTIME, add a buffer to deal with
     AIP Supp 36/20 for dimensions) is not active on 120.1 MHz.     delays on arrival/departure days. Flight plans should be
                                                                    filed with the National Briefing Office before departure.
     They will provide traffic information in the vicinity of
     Wanaka aerodrome for all aircraft, as well as co-ordinate
     clearances for IFR aircraft with Queenstown Approach.          Once you get there
     An ATIS will also be in operation on 127.6 MHz. Listen         Once pilots arrive, proceed to the designated parking
     to the ATIS before Tarras/Lake Dunstan, or on first            areas. Itinerant aircraft parking is located by the RWY 11
     contact on the ground, eg, “Wanaka flight service,             threshold. Display aircraft parking is located by the RWY
     Alpha Bravo Charlie, PA28 3NE Tarras commencing                29 threshold. Tarmac parking for private jets is available,
     Tarras Arrival Alpha 1013”.                                    but with limited spacing – contact Warbirds Over Wanaka
                                                                    to book your spot.
     For more information on the aerodrome flight
     information service, check out “Parapara…um...?”
     in the Summer 2019/20 edition of Vector.                       Display practice days
                                                                    Display practice will occur when NZR998 is active.
     Controlled VFR / surveillance monitoring                       Only authorised aircraft are permitted to operate.
                                                                    If practice times change, aircraft will be asked by
     If you require air traffic services, check which frequencies
                                                                    Warbirds Over Wanaka display directors to remain
     you need during preflight checks. In flight, call as early
     as possible before entering controlled airspace, including     clear until the airspace is re-opened. If unsure, listen
     your call sign, aircraft type, position report, and your       to the ATIS on 127.6 MHz or check NOTAMs for an
     intentions. Clearances are subject to traffic and there        update on airspace and aerodrome status.
     may be delays.
                                                                    Practice sessions are as follows:
                                                                      •   Thu 9 Apr 1000–1200, 1400–1700 NZST
     Flight plans
                                                                      •   Fri 10 Apr 1000–1200, 1400–1600 NZST
     Pilots are required to cancel their VFR flight plans
     filed with the National Briefing Office on 0800 626 756        (Note: lakefront event occurring at Roys Bay between
     (landline users only) or 03 358 1509 (mobile phone users)      1630–1700 NZST Friday).
Vector Autumn 2020   13

                                                               Thanks for letting us know your new address – we get
                                                               a flurry of messages after every Vector mailing. But the
                                                               wording of the emails clearly shows that many do not
                                                               understand the legal obligations of holding a New Zealand
                                                               aviation document.
                                                               Section 8 (2) of the Civil Aviation Act 1990 requires every
                                                               applicant for a New Zealand aviation document to supply
                                                               an ‘address for service’ in New Zealand including, where
                                                               applicable, telephone and facsimile numbers.
                                                               The Act also requires aviation document holders to notify
Outside these times, Wanaka aerodrome will be open             the Director promptly of any changes to the address for
to all users and flight service will be in operation.          service, telephone number or facsimile number. You can do
Be aware, aircraft formations may still be practising          this using the online form under “Contact us” on the CAA
                                                               website, aviation.govt.nz, or by emailing info@caa.govt.nz.
in the Hāwea Flat/Wanaka lakefront areas, and scenic
flights by a large variety of aircraft will be taking place.   An address for service is a physical address. You can have
So a good lookout and situational awareness is key.            mail sent to a different address if you like, but maintaining
                                                               a current physical address for service with the CAA is
                                                               a legal requirement under the Act. This applies to both
Airshow days
                                                               individuals and organisations, whether based in New Zealand
On Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 April, Wanaka                     or overseas. The requirement is specified on relevant
aerodrome will be closed to non-authorised aircraft            application forms.
from 0930 to 1630 NZST. During these times,
Warbirds Over Wanaka display directors will be in              If you live overseas, or plan to relocate overseas, you must
                                                               nominate a physical address in New Zealand. This could
operation on 118.9 MHz. They will not provide traffic
                                                               be the address of a lawyer, a family member, or an aviation
information or traffic avoidance advice and will
                                                               organisation. In doing so, you accept that delivery to that
ask aircraft to remain clear. Be aware that aircraft
                                                               address is formal notification for the purposes of the Civil
displays will be in progress.
                                                               Aviation Act 1990.
                                                               If you use a separate postal address, that can be a New Zealand
See you there                                                  address or an overseas address, but be aware that Vector
Thorough preparation will enhance your flying                  magazine is sent only to New Zealand postal addresses.
experience. Brush up on your mountain flying skills
                                                               Applicants under the Trans Tasman Mutual Recognition
and make contingency plans. Don’t succumb to ‘get-
                                                               Act also need to comply with the Civil Aviation Act 1990,
there-itis’ when getting to Wanaka or flying home.
                                                               and the relevant forms (24061/09 and 24061/10) reflect this.
Make sure you are fully briefed on weather and
NOTAMs. It is recommended that you file a flight plan.         You also need to advise other organisations that you do
                                                               business with, of your change of address. If you subscribe
If you are filing a VFR flight plan, please remember
                                                               to AIP New Zealand, for example, you need to contact
to terminate it.
                                                               Aeropath, shop.aeropath.aero. If you operate an aircraft
Take decisive action en route, and enjoy flying in this        with a 406 MHz distress beacon, you must notify RCCNZ,
spectacular environment.                                       beacons.org.nz, of any changes to your contact details.
14   Vector Autumn 2020

                           A WARNING ON
                            DRUG TESTING
                          FOR OPERATORS
                               An operator was anguished after
                            discovering that several employees
                            deliberately set out to deceive him
                                  by trying to stymie a drug test.
                                 The employees had purchased
                               ‘synthetic urine’ off the internet,
                                        and from a local retailer.
Vector Autumn 2020   15

                                T       he operator had conducted random drug testing
                                        since 2012, and in this particular location, had
                                        had only one ‘non-negative’ result in that time.
                                But last year, a laboratory found numerous instances of
                                                                                                   A lab test will
                                                                                                   always pick up if
                                synthetic urine from the one testing session.
                                                                                                   a urine sample is
                                “We have a number of staff who’re NZQA-qualified to
                                undertake drug testing,” says the operator. “One of
                                them tested a single sample which turned out negative
                                for the presence of a drug, but the tester questioned
                                the temperature of that sample, as it was cooler than
                                                                                              The operator’s message to other operators?
                                                                                              “If there’s any level of suspicion whatsoever, make sure
                                “So he took a second sample from the same employee,
                                                                                              the urine sample goes to the lab, even if you’re using
                                which was also clear. But still questioning the
                                                                                              external drug testers. Tell those external drug testers
                                temperature of that first sample, he sent it off to
                                                                                              you want the sample to go to a lab.
                                a laboratory. The lab finding was that the first
                                sample was, in fact, synthetic material.                      “When this all came about, we engaged a professional
                                                                                              drug detection company, and they admitted even their
                                “So we hit everyone at that location with a test, and
                                                                                              tests cannot identify synthetic urine.
                                sent all the samples to the lab where more synthetic
                                urine was identified.                                         “So any doubts at all, insist on it being sent to the lab.”
                                “The team leader who carried out the original testing         After the three samples were found to be synthetic
                                was devastated. There was a real sense of betrayal.           material, the operator held an all-staff meeting.
                                It was worse than if we’d been made aware of non-
                                                                                              “We tabled what had happened, we told them what we
                                negative findings. This was so calculated.”
                                                                                              would be doing in the future about drug testing, and that
                                The fallout of an accident involving an employee with         there’d be zero tolerance for such deception.
                                the presence of a drug in their system is not lost on
                                                                                              “For a while after this incident, we sent every test off
                                the operator.
                                                                                              to the lab, but it all comes at a cost, so we now send a
                                “There’d be the trauma, shock and guilt triggered by an       random selection, at random times.
                                accident. Then the reputational damage to our company,
                                                                                              “Tell your staff what you’re doing; what your drug testing
                                and to the industry in general, would be enormous.
                                                                                              regime will be, and how lab tests will always pick up
                                “The staff members involved would find themselves             synthetic material.
                                in a terrible legal disciplinary situation of their own
                                                                                              “Hopefully that will stop you experiencing the same
                                making, and unsupported by us.”
                                                                                              distress as us.
                                The operator says he’s been told a lab test will always
                                                                                              “It made us feel so naive that this was happening under
                                pick up if a urine sample is synthetic.
                                                                                              our noses, and we were unaware of it.”
                                “The employees had been told the sample would pass
                                                                                              CAA Flight Operations Inspector Mac McCarthy
                                muster. It was all ‘chemically balanced’ to perfectly
                                                                                              commends the operator on how they responded to
                                mimic natural urine. But it was a lie. They were naïve
                                                                                              the incident.
                                and it caught them out.”
                                                                                              “Every operator needs to know that something like this
                                The operator says it’s unnervingly easy to purchase
                                                                                              could happen to them. So it’s also to the credit of this
                                the synthetic material.
                                                                                              operator that they reported it to the CAA, and kept us
                                “I went online and searched ‘synthetic urine for sale NZ’     in the loop.
                                and it was disturbing how much was for sale. One of our
                                                                                              “That meant we could share it with the wider
                                staff even bought it from a retailer just down the road.
                                                                                              aviation community.”
Photo: istockphoto.com/BraunS

                                “You can even buy artificial genitalia so if a staff member
                                has to produce the sample in the presence of the tester
                                – which our employees do not have to do – the employee
                                can carry the deception even further.”
16   Vector Autumn 2020

                    THE INS
                   AND OUTS
                  OF HAMILTON
     Pilots flying in and out of Hamilton aerodrome need to know it’s a busy
     piece of airspace, with a lot of training traffic. It’s also a relatively small
           control zone which means things can happen pretty quickly.

                                                                                       Photo: istockphoto.com/andrew_t
Vector Autumn 2020   17

G    reg Hagarty, the CFI at Hamilton’s flight training
     school L3Harris Airline Academy, says people need
to appreciate the volume of traffic operating at and
                                                            Tim says if pilots have a good understanding before they
                                                            come to Hamilton aerodrome, it will make their lives a lot
                                                            easier in the busy airspace.
around Hamilton.
                                                            Peter Wilson, the CFI at Waikato Aviation, agrees.
“In terms of movement numbers, it’s second only to
                                                            He’s been flying in and out of Hamilton for 15 years
Auckland, which operates more hours of the day than us.
                                                            and says if you’re a first-timer, you must read the arrival
The training areas around Hamilton are very busy.”
                                                            and departure procedures thoroughly before coming
That means pilots must be well prepared and study           to Hamilton.
the arrival and departure procedures in AIPNZ Vol 4
                                                            He says situational awareness, keeping a good
thoroughly before flying to Hamilton.
                                                            lookout, and maintaining an active listening watch are
“The arrival procedures require thorough study              all essential.
before coming in. Don’t underestimate the procedures,”      “Have an idea where traffic is in the area, because
Greg says.                                                  there are some quite high density points for arrival
He says the entry and exit points from the zone means       and departure and a lot of training traffic in the area.”
traffic tends to concentrate at either Cambridge in the     Peter says people should also be aware of Te Kowhai
east or west around Temple View.                            aerodrome on the north-western side of Hamilton
“They’re nice, easy points to pinpoint your location as     aerodrome.
you’re coming in and out of the zone and the arrival        “There’s quite a few light sport aircraft that operate
procedures reference these points. Arrival briefings        out of and around and south of Te Kowhai.”
should be completed in good time to allow pilots to
concentrate on looking out and listening out. If you
are not immediately given clearance into the zone,          Radio traffic
you may find yourself holding clear with a number           Greg Hagarty says the radio traffic can be very busy.
of other aircraft.”
                                                            “Remember to push the PTT (push to talk) before you
Tim Bradding, the chief controller at Hamilton              start to talk and do not rush your radio call. Speak clearly
Tower says the other factor is that there’s a lot           and at the correct pace. Rushing your radio calls often
of training aircraft.                                       leads to having to repeat the call or the readback.
                                                            Clarify with ATC if you have any uncertainty about
“They’re all working as hard as they can to do the right
                                                            what to do; they are there to help you.”
thing, but it is a training environment, so errors do get
made. The aerodrome is busy and also prone to people        He says some arriving and departing traffic may be
doing the unexpected,” Tim says.                            operating on the Tower frequency, while other traffic
                                                            may be on the CFZ frequency.
That means they have very standardised procedures.
                                                            “It’s that juggling act departing the zone and calling clear
“The key thing for us as controllers is that people
                                                            on Tower frequency as you enter the CFZ, which is right
are well briefed on those procedures before they
                                                            up to the edge of the control zone. Our guidance has
come to Hamilton.
                                                            always been that when you’re within close proximity of
“It’s very likely that they will get those published        the control zone, you should be on the Tower frequency
procedures when they arrive rather than just plain          so that as you depart you have awareness of joining traffic
language clearance.”                                        and as you return to the aerodrome you have awareness
                                                            of departing traffic. That does potentially put you out
Tim encourages any pilots who are uncertain about
                                                            of comms with people on the CFZ frequency who may
anything, to make a phone call to the tower.
                                                            be transiting close to the CTR without talking to ATC.
“We would really recommend that they give us a call         This is where two com boxes can be of benefit but it
and have a chat about it.”                                  does require intelligent management. Regardless of
                                                            anything else, do not let use of radio distract you from
He says they also encourage pilots to tell them if it’s
                                                            maintaining a good lookout.”
their first time flying into Hamilton when they first
call up on the radio.                                       Peter Wilson says you have to stay on top of the radio.
“So that we can be aware of that, and just give them a      “Especially from your initial call prior to entry to the
little bit more space and time to get themselves sorted.”   arrival reporting points at Mystery Creek or Rukuhia.
18   Vector Autumn 2020

                                                            AS IF YOU NEEDED
     “Getting that call in, you have to be active on the
     radio. You also need to know where to hold if you

                                                            IT, THERE’S ANOTHER
     can’t get that radio call in.
     “Keep an active listening watch and know the
     visual reporting points.”
                                                            REASON TO STAY
                                                            OUT OF MILITARY
     Tim from the Hamilton Tower says it’s critical
     pilots are aware they’ll have to change frequencies.
     “The initial call will be made on 122.9 MHz
     and that’s a controller who will give them their       AIRSPACE. DRONES.
     clearance into the airspace.
     “Then prior to entering the airspace, they change
     to 126.8 MHz and that’s the controller who’s
     actually controlling all the traffic within the
     control zone.                                          The NZDF is increasingly concerned
     “They must make that frequency change,                 about near misses between its drones
     otherwise they won’t receive any instructions
     as to what’s going on.”                                and manned aircraft.

     Tim says the RT in Hamilton is extremely busy
                                                                  eneral aviation aircraft shouldn’t be in active military
     with clearance limits in each part of the procedure.
                                                                  operating areas anyway. But sometimes they unwittingly
     “We need people to be very aware of what those         or carelessly ‘wander through the gate’. Now, aside from the
     clearance limits are, and not to break them if they    risks posed by weapons firing, demolition exercises, and low-
     can’t get in on the RT.”                               level aerobatic training, civil pilots also need to be aware
                                                            of possible military drone activity.
     He says there are specific procedures if you can’t
     get in on the RT.                                      The New Zealand Defence Force is increasingly testing and
                                                            using drones – both commercial and military – and has more
     “And that’s to hold at certain points. So the key
                                                            than 200 qualified drone operators.
     message is – if you can’t make a call, make sure
     you know what you should be doing next.                “Drones are a proven lifesaving capability for NZDF,” says
                                                            Hayden Robinson, the army’s experimentation manager.
     “We often have occurrences where people who
     can’t get a call in on the RT will just continue on    “It’s genuinely a game changer. Our personnel can conduct
     flying and join the circuit – these are often pilots   reconnaissance tasks and find adversaries without putting
     who come from uncontrolled aerodromes.”                themselves in harm’s way.
     Tim says another thing they see quite often            “Our work has also highlighted a range of additional tasks
     is itinerant pilots joining into the downwind          where UAS1 can be valuable. They include security tasks at
     and then turning onto a very short base leg            camps and bases, surveying, search and rescue, firefighting,
     without making a radio call.                           and delivery of small logistic packages such as water or
                                                            first aid kits.”
     “That’s a dangerous position to put yourself in
     because the circuit’s so busy that we’ve got traffic   Hayden says the NZDF has developed procedures for the safe
     on both sides of the circuit pattern. And if they      and professional use of drones, with a certification process
     make a turn into the base leg without having           and many of its airworthiness rules and policies mirroring
     made a radio call and having received a sequence       those of the CAA.
     from us, chances are they’ll be turning directly
                                                            Squadron Leader Don Richardson from RNZAF Flight Safety
     towards traffic coming on the opposite base leg.”
                                                            says “All our UAS-trained personnel are taught the CAA rules,
     He says in that situation a pilot should keep          and also to be familiar with the idiosyncrasies of the Defence
     extending downwind until they can make a call          Force airworthiness system.”
     to the Tower or the controller can call them and
     give them instructions.
                                                            1 Drones are also referred to as remotely piloted aircraft systems, RPAS; unmanned aerial
                                                              vehicles, UAVs; unmanned aerial systems, UAS; and UA, unmanned aircraft.
Vector Autumn 2020   19

                                                                                                                                                                Photos courtesy of NZDF.
  A soldier from 16th Field Regiment, Royal New Zealand Artillery prepares the Puma UAS for flight during a training course at Makomako, near Pahiatua.

While that means the Defence Force has its safety ducks                        “Among other activities, we hope they will help us patrol
in a row, manned aircraft breaching military operating                         the vast areas of our maritime domain.”
airspace can, in one itinerant meander, put ‘people and
                                                                               Don says drones will continue to help the Defence Force
property’ at lethal risk.
                                                                               be more effective and efficient.
“Typically our UAS operations are conducted within
                                                                               “And it’s our intent to continue to be responsible and
our military operating areas (MOA) such as the Waiouru
                                                                               professional airspace users, who operate safely.
military training area and various danger areas,” says Don.
                                                                               “But we also need the help of the civil aviation community
“In late 2018, MOA were also permanently established
                                                                               in respecting military operating area boundaries, and
over Linton Military Camp in the Manawatu and
                                                                               checking NOTAMs for, and remaining clear of, activated
Burnham Military Camp near Christchurch.
                                                                               danger areas.”
“These MOA enable us to conduct UAS operations at
heights above 400 feet AGL, by day or night, and beyond
visual line-of-sight.
“Sometimes we conduct exercises outside of our
camps, bases and training areas. When that happens
we operate under Part 101 rules.
“We will often promulgate temporary MOAs by way
of AIP Supplement.”
Despite the precautions, in the past 12 months, there’ve
been five near-miss occurrences between manned aircraft
and military-operated drones in MOAs, and in danger
areas made active by NOTAM.
That worries the NZDF because it’s planning to make
more and more use of drones.
“We’re buying many more of them,” says Don, “from
small, short-range, hand-launched systems to larger,
long-range systems with sophisticated sensors.
                                                                                 The Puma UAS being launched by hand as part of a military
                                                                                 training exercise.
20   Vector Autumn 2020

        – THE FIVE WHYS
          After an occurrence, some operators ‘fix’ what they see as the most
          obvious cause of a failure. And they’re perplexed when the failure
            happens again, because they ‘fixed’ it, didn’t they? But the real
           cause could be buried deep inside the operation, ready to trigger
                            another unpleasant surprise.

     L   et’s say a pilot of a small cargo operation has an
         occurrence. The internal investigation finds pilot
     error to be the cause and the pilot receives extra training.
                                                                    “Blame is the enemy of safety,” he says. “Phrases like
                                                                    ‘he ought’, ‘she should’ – those are ‘blame words’ and
                                                                    using them often veils the true cause of an issue.
     Then another pilot in the same operation does something        “They’re part of a faulty set of conclusions called
     similar. There’s obviously something going on other than       ‘hindsight bias’. This prejudice arises when someone
     pilots making decisions that led to occurrences.               not involved in an incident looks at all the factors
     An investigation that asked ‘why’ the first pilot made the     involved laid out in front of them and thinks, ‘well
     decision they did might have found they were fatigued.         it’s obvious to me what happened; they should have
     Asking why they were fatigued might have found they            seen it too’.
     were overworked. Asking why they were overworked may           “Whereas, when you’re in the decision-making
     have found there was a seasonal influx of work and too         environment itself and things are unfolding and you
     few pilots to meet the demand.                                 cannot necessarily see what is going to happen next,
     And asking why that had happened may have identified           all the factors that led to the occurrence are not
     poor personnel management practices at the operation           obvious at all,” says Dan.
     – employing just the adequate number of pilots to meet         “It’s very rare that a pilot or engineer does something
     the requirements of low season work, but not employing         deliberately foolish. So you have to put yourself in their
     extra personnel to cover high season needs.                    position and think, ‘right, they were flying along, or in
     Diving deep like this into the possible cause of an            the workshop, and they made these decisions and those
     occurrence is called root cause analysis and the method        decisions made sense to them at the time.
     described here is called the five whys.                        “Now why is that’, why didn’t they do the things that
     It’s used by CAA’s safety investigators.                       seem so obvious to us?”

     “We ask, ‘is it training that caused this?’” says CAA          Colin Grounsell says most organisations do a good
     Safety Investigator Colin Grounsell, “Or is it the             job of investigating an occurrence.
     ergonomics of the aircraft – have the manufacturers made       “But what can be really difficult is when the investigation
     the landing gear selector handle look similar to the flap      leads you down into the culture of the organisation.
     lever and have them in close proximity to each other?          It’s like throwing rocks inside your own glasshouse,
     “Could it be poor maintenance practice, or is the              and may not be taken very well.
     maintenance manual deficient?
                                                                    “So you can understand internal investigators’ reluctance
     “Or is it the way the company is organised?                    to start asking the harder questions of the CEO.”

     Fellow CAA Safety Investigator Dan Foley says                  But Dan Foley says the real value comes from asking
     it’s easy to blame human error.                                those difficult questions.
Vector Autumn 2020   21

“It’s a mark of the organisation’s maturity – and its                                  “Let’s say someone slips in a pool of water. That’s
resourcing – to be able to do it. But an organisation will                             traced to a leaking air conditioner. That’s tracked back
sometimes struggle if one or two people are wearing                                    to a seal that’s been faulty for some time, and the ‘why’
multiple hats. In that situation, contracting an outside                               of the long-term faulty seal leads back to a poor
investigator can be a good move.”                                                      reporting culture.

Colin says the ‘five’ in five whys should not be                                       “While the poor reporting culture is the root cause
taken literally.                                                                       of the incident, identifying the faulty seal clearly gives
                                                                                       the opportunity to fix it.”
“You could go on to 11 whys if needed. Or you might
find the cause in three.”                                                              An internal investigation also needs to question why
                                                                                       its safety management system didn’t identify the
An Australian quality system consultant, Mike Sondalini,                               potential risk, or if it had, why the risk escalated
says at each stage of the five whys, investigators must                                to a fully formed occurrence.
have concrete evidence that they’re on the right track.
                                                                                       “Following an investigation,” says CAA Safety
“[Otherwise] they end up fixing problems that did not                                  Management System Specialist Charlotte Brogan,
cause the failure incident … it is never certain that you                              “operators should review their risk controls to
have found the root cause unless there is real evidence                                ensure those they’ve documented and have in place
to confirm it.”¹                                                                       actually worked.
He says if physical evidence is truly impossible to get,                               “Or if the controls they had in place weren’t effective
clear logic can also be used to map the path from cause                                in stopping the occurrence happening, operators should
to occurrence.                                                                         look at what controls will be effective.
“Impeccable logic that withstands scientific scrutiny                                  “And if the occurrence was something unrecognised as
can also be used to identify the failure path,” he says.                               a potential risk, it now needs to be captured within the
“It is evidence and clear logic that decides the path                                  risk register.”
to take, not someone’s opinion.”                                                       Colin Grounsell says anyone struggling with an internal
                                                                                       investigation can contact the Safety Investigation Unit
Dan Foley says if some issue along the way is found to
                                                                                       at the CAA and ask for help.
have contributed to the incident, even if it isn’t the root
cause, identifying it gives an opportunity to fix it.                                  “We’re happy to help, and it’s free of charge,” he says.

1 Web article: Understanding How to Use The 5-Whys for Root Cause Analysis,
  Lifetime Reliability Solutions.

    Five whys analysis example                                                                                         OCCURRENCE
                                                                              By repeatedly asking                     WORKSHOP
          Caught          Why?                                                the question “Why?”
                                                                              you can peel away the
                                                                                                                     Colin and Dan are
                  Late for        Why?                                        layers of an issue and
                                                                                                                     presenting a new CAA
                   work                                                       get to the root cause of
                                                                                                                     workshop on occurrence
                                                                              a problem. Keep asking
                           Got up         Why?                                “Why”? until you reach
                            late                                              an actionable level.                   See the back cover for
                                                                                                                     dates and places where the
                                Alarm clock        Why?                                                              workshop will be held.
                                didn’t work
                                                                                                                     Email publications@caa.
                                            Dead           Why?                                                      govt.nz for your free copy
                                          batteries                                   Remedy                         of the updated booklet,
                                                                               Get a plug-in alarm clock
                                                                                                                     How to report occurrences.
                                                Root cause                      or replace the clock’s
                                                  Forgot to                     batteries at set times
                                                replace them                     before they run out.
    Chart courtesy of Impac.
22     Vector Autumn 2020


             SIZE MATTER                              DOESN’T

                 ‘Private aerodrome’ conjures up a simple strip and little activity.
                      Some, however, are quite complex and increasingly busy.
                   Pilots who don’t plan their flights properly and barrel through
                   the circuit areas of these aerodromes put everyone in danger.
                  Vector spoke to three aerodrome owners in Canterbury because
                               their issues reflect the national picture.

                                                                                       Photo courtesy of Pam Collings.

The three vectors of Forest Field aerodrome.
Vector Autumn 2020                                  23

C   es and Pam Collings established Forest Field
    aerodrome – 10 NM northwest of Christchurch
Airport – in 1989. Its standard circuit altitude and
                                                                  “Even making a radio call does not absolve a pilot from
                                                                  maintaining situational awareness because we have quite
                                                                  a bit of NORDO aircraft round here.
procedures lent themselves to flight training, and
                                                                  “It’s possible some pilots think there won’t be any traffic:
from the start, Ces and Pam gave local flight training
                                                                  often Forest Field is quiet, but other times it’s quite busy.
organisations access to their airfield.
                                                                  You don’t know if and when there’ll be activity, or if and
Since then, Forest Field has grown into quite a complex           when there’ll be NORDO traffic in the vicinity.”
aerodrome. Ten aircraft are based there, and there are
a number of houses on site.
                                                                  The wrong frequency
“There are also three runways,” says Pam. “With six               Russell Brodie of Rangitata Island, 15 NM from Timaru,
potential circuit patterns there can be aircraft anywhere         used to have regular problems with pilots flying overhead
within the vicinity of the aerodrome, ie, a two NM radius.”       his aerodrome, even cutting the circuit areas.
Over the years the number of aircraft flying in the area          “About 15 years ago, we got our aerodrome published
has increased; some of that due to airspace changes               in the AIP Vol 4, and that’s made a big difference.”
altering traffic flow patterns.
                                                                  Nevertheless, Russell says, there are still some aircraft
Training aircraft fly between Christchurch Airport                completely oblivious to the presence of a privately owned
and the western training areas, and there are numerous            aerodrome directly beneath them.
north-south transiting aircraft each day.
                                                                  “Clearly they don’t consult the charts,” says Russell.
At an airfield elevation of 400 feet, the circuit traffic at      “Or their charts are hopelessly out of date.
Forest Field is at 1400 feet and joining altitude is 1900 feet.
                                                                  “It’s the same with radio frequencies. Before publication
“That’s a slim margin of 100 feet between joining height          in the AIP, we’d been on the Timaru frequency. Then
and the lower limit of the control area, and as a result,         for a short time after publication we went to 119.1 MHz.
we’ve had some close calls,” says Pam. “Especially lately.”       It was pretty quickly realised that wasn’t going to work
The problem is nationwide. According to latest figures            because we’re so close to Timaru. So for many years now
from CAA’s analysts, reported unauthorised airspace               we’ve been back on the Timaru frequency of 119.5.
incursions at unattended aerodromes more than doubled             “But, even now, some pilots make calls on 119.1.
from 14 in 2017, to 32 in 2019. Analyst Charlotte Rose
says this cannot be explained by increased activity.              “What does it take for pilots to realise what frequency
                                                                  you’re on after all this time?” he asks.
“During the same two year period, activity has remained
relatively stable,” she says.                                     Like Forest Field, Rangitata Island can be a very
                                                                  busy place. It has two vectors, extensive NORDO
“The raw data indicates the causes are often a failure            microlight activity and standard join training.
to read the charts, and check NOTAMs.”
“Increasingly, transiting pilots are flying through at
1500 ft,” says Pam. “I suspect that sometimes they’re
                                                                                                                                      Photo courtesy of Russell Brodie.

using Forest Field as a waypoint. But this puts them
in direct conflict with any circuit traffic.
“It isn’t hard to avoid the area,” pleads Pam to itinerant
pilots, “so please do it.”

Frequency issues
Aircraft approaching from Christchurch, or from the
north, change from the Canterbury CFZ frequency,
120.0 MHz, very close to Forest Field (119.2 MHz).
“So there’s not much time for making calls or hearing
calls from circuit traffic,” says Pam, “before being in
the airfield area.                                                  Rangitata Island can be busier than Timaru aerodrome some days.
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