Page created by Nelson Mcdonald
JULY 2019
                Christophe Pierre, Monaco - p.8-9

             TECH HIGHLIGHTS
             Next generation 112 - p.10

                   NEW FELLOWS
                   ETSI 2019 Fellows - p.18-19

Editorial                                                                                        The Interview
                                                                                                 Guillaume Lambert,
                                                                                            French Ministry of the Interior

                                                                                                     Meet the New
                                                                                         Standards people

                                             “eCall could save                                            New member
                                             hundreds of lives                                           Interview
                                             every year.”                                           Christophe Pierre,
                                                                                                    Smart Country Division

                                                                                            Tech Highlights
From April 2018, European regulation         In this summer edition of Enjoy! we are
has required all new cars be equipped
with eCall technology, giving automatic
                                             delighted to recognize the outstanding
                                             contribution to our organization of three
                                                                                              In the Spotlight
access to Europe’s 112 single emergency      new ETSI Fellows.                              Emergency communications:
number that’s triggered in case of a                                                                      watch out!
serious accident. Once the system is fully   Located in the famous French technology
implemented, the Commission estimates        park of Sophia Antipolis, we celebrated                                  P13/16
that eCall could save hundreds of lives      its 50th anniversary this year by
                                             organizing a Neighbours’ Day where
every year and allow emergency services
to assist injured people quicker.            we got acquainted with our peers from          Working together
                                             other companies around us. Meanwhile           Emergency communications,
This issue of Enjoy! is focused on           our online library offers new resources      the highest standards required
emergency communications and features        including our corporate brochure, brand
an exclusive interview with a member         new cybersecurity video and latest work                                     P17
of the French Ministry of Interior who       programme. Do not hesitate to ask for
tells us about the next generation of the    any of them to spread the word when
112 number. This is further developed        you attend conferences, to include in                          What’s on?
in our “Tech Highlights”, while we           your presentations or simply to get more                  Upcoming events
put critical communications “in the          familiar with ETSI.
spotlight” with our globally-used TETRA                                                                        P26/27
standard and its evolution. Elsewhere,       And now I will let you discover more
two of our members explain how ETSI          about our new members, our European
emergency communications standards           and global partners and much more…
are successfully implemented in Italy                                                    Enjoy! The ETSI Mag
and in the Principality of Monaco. We        Enjoy your summer!                          Edited and published by ETSI
also see how standards developed by                                                      Quarterly edition
our committee in charge of satellite                                                     Copyright ETSI 2019
communications have a key role to play in                                                Director of Publications: Nadja Rachow
disaster relief, while the 3GPP SA6 Chair                                                Editor-in-Chief: Claire Boyer
explores the role of 5G for broadband        Luis Jorge Romero,                          Design: Le Principe de Stappler
mission critical communications.             ETSI’s Director-General
                                                                                         Editorial office: ETSI,
                                                                                         650 route des Lucioles,
                                                                                         06560 Valbonne France
                                                                                         Tel.: +33 (0)4 92 94 43 35

2           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
News roundup

New ETSI Group                              New Mission Critical
on maritime                                 interoperability event
information-                                From 23 to 27 September, ETSI will
                                            organize the fourth MCx Plugtests™
                                                                                           tests with radio equipment with Unicast
                                                                                           and Multicast support and will also allow
sharing                                     event at the Savonia University of Applied     Over-The-Top testing of Mission Critical
                                            Sciences in Kuopio, Finland. The event will    Servers and Clients.
The new ETSI Industry Specification         test all components of the mission critical
Group on European Common Information        communication chain, Mission Critical Push
Sharing Environment Service and Data        To Talk, Mission Critical Data and Mission
Model (ISG CDM) held its first meeting in   Critical Video, specified in 3GPP, with test
May 2019.                                   cases based on the ETSI specification
                                            TS 103 564. These interoperability events
                                            are the first independent evaluations of
                                            public safety and mission critical Long
                                            Term Evolution (LTE) features testing the
                                            interoperability of MCx products and
                                            services. This year, sessions will focus on

                                            IoT week                                       for the deployment of IoT services. With
                                                                                           an expected participation of more than
                                            is coming!                                     200 experts, ETSI IoT Week is an excellent
                                                                                           opportunity to meet and interact with
                                            This year’s edition of the IoT week will be    other IoT stakeholders and to contribute
                                            held from 21 to 25 October 2019.               directly to the development of the future
The group will develop specifications       It has become the must-attend event for        of IoT standards. The event will focus
to allow data exchange between the          anyone involved in IoT who understands         on the IoT service layer interoperability,
existing systems in a cooperative           the importance of standard technologies        including both standard-based oneM2M
network to enable a Common European                                                                          and            industrial
Information Sharing Environment (CISE).                                                                      solutions, and also
CISE aims to improve maritime situational                                                                    on the IoT standard-
awareness by enhancing the maritime                                                                          based communication
public authorities’ abilities to monitor,                                                                    technologies, NB-IoT,
detect, identify, track and understand                                                                       LTE-M       and       5G
occurrences at sea and provide reasoned                                                                      developed by the 3GPP
grounds for relevant action. The work                                                                        partnership      project,
programme of the group and dates of                                                                          and IoT security and
the next meetings are available on the                                                                       privacy. Registration is
Committee’s page of our website.                                                                             now open, so join us!

ETSI MEC hackathon: the success story behind it
The ETSI MEC Hackathon has been the         in Sophia Antipolis, from 3 to 7 June 2019.    and join the Edge Compute Congress
main entrance to MEC standardization for    Mobile World Congress 2019, Barcelona,         thanks to the free entrance granted along
the recently founded company Edgegap.       was the place for the Canadian startup         with its ETSI prize one year before. The
The company won the first ETSI MEC          and its CEO, Mathieu Duperre, to               congress will host the next ETSI MEC
Hackathon prize in September 2018 in        demonstrate a new online gaming                Hackathon. Edgegap is a good example
Berlin before being selected in March       experience based on ETSI MEC                   of ETSI’s endeavour to attract and guide
2019 to join the team leading the Multi-    specifications.                                innovation while bringing startups,
Access Edge Computing Track at the                                                         developers and its Membership closer
upcoming NFV Plugtests® event, located      In September 2019, Edgegap will support        together.

                                                                                                   ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               3
The interview

                                                                                                    In our exclusive interview,
                                                                                                             Guillaume Lambert
                                                                                               explains the importance of the
                                                                                          next generation of the European
                                                                                                 112 emergency call, NG112.

                                                                                                 The emergency call in Europe is
                                                                                                 112, so what is NG112?
                                                                                                 The rapid pace of change in consumer
                                                                                                 technology creates intense pressures on
                                                                                                 public safety communications. Sending
                                                                                                 text messages, photos and video clips
                                                                                                 has become commonplace for users of
                                                                                                 mobile devices, yet the legacy circuit-
                                                                                                 switched system that is still used when
                                                                                                  dialling an emergency call does not
                                                                                                         support those features. The
                                                                                                            current 112 is not capable of
                                                                                                              handling text, video or data.
                                                                                                               Next-Generation 112 (NG112)
                                                                                                                developed in the ETSI
                                                                                                                 Technical      Committee
                                                                                                                   EMTEL is addressing
                                                                                                                    exactly this, making
                                                                                                                     e m e r g e n c y
                                                                                                                      communications fit

       Interview                                                                                                       for the new age of

       Guillaume Lambert,
       Deputy Secretary General of the French Ministry of the Interior

Guillaume Lambert is a senior executive      platform, the Deployment of eCall National
of the French Ministry of the Interior,      Infrastructure and the Definition of Artificial
with 15 years of operational experience      Intelligence strategy within the Ministry of
at the highest level of State, alternating   the Interior, to name a few. Currently the
executive responsibilities and the conduct   Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry
of strategic projects. Resolutely turned     of the Interior, he graduated from the Paris
towards innovation, Mr Lambert has           Institute of Political Studies and the Naval
been involved in the development of          Officer’s college.
the NexSIS digital emergency services

4           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
In France, the ANSC (Agence du                 communications and the impact it has
                                             Numérique de la Sécurite Civile, created       on operations, jobs and skills. This is not
        The rapid pace                       in October 2018) will operate NexSIS.          specific to operating emergency services,
           of change in                      The agency is currently drafting a call for
                                             tender for a system based on an ETSI
                                                                                            but the nature of this job demands that we
                                                                                            address this challenge swiftly and we are
             consumer                        standard. The standard is now stable;          putting in place programmes of change
            technology                       there have been three interoperability         management for all those involved. The
                                             events so we are confident that the            experience of others such as NG 911 in
       creates intense                       procurement should reference NG112.            the U.S. is a wealth of findings.
          pressures on                       As far as Europe is concerned, we believe      France is pioneering in Europe in how
                                             a common approach with the ESInets
          public safety                      design is necessary to ensure that all
                                                                                            to envisage and design emergency
                                                                                            communications and this “leap into the
      communications.                        emergency communications are routed            unknown” is exciting, challenging and full
                                             in the same manner, with the same              of expectations throughout the chain and
                                             functionalities in a seamless way across
                                                                                            among the public.
                                             Europe. For that matter, regulators have a
NG112 mainly relies on Emergency
                                             key role to play.
Services IP networks (ESInets) which will                                                   ETSI is proud that its standards-
connect several Public Safety Answering                                                     making platform was able to
Points (PSAPs), so when a call is made                                                      enable the development of NG112
to the emergency service, it is routed                                                      standards, but is there in your
through the ESInet with additional data.              We expect the                         opinion more ETSI could do to
NG112 is this layer that unleashes the                   operational                        support the next steps?
full potential of modern communication
in today’s emergency calls infrastructure.
                                                     deployment of                          My involvement in standards-making
It’s ultimately about synchronizing                NexSIS to start at                       is rather recent but I am convinced
                                                                                            that standards are essential to the
emergency calls to the IP era, hence
the fact that we talk about “emergency
                                                    the end of 2020.                        transformation of the economy and
communications” and no longer about                                                         society that digital technologies provide.
“emergency calls”.
This sharing of additional data (video,
                                             In parallel to the standardization work
text, location data, threads from social
                                             taking place at ETSI, we are discussing
networks, sensor data in a near future)
will tremendously increase the efficiency
                                             with the European commission and the                     Standardizers
                                             BEREC (the Body of European Regulators
of emergency services – and ultimately
                                             for Electronic Communications) the                   must ensure that
save lives.
For the record, the number to remember       proactive role they must take in the                   what is at stake
                                             transition to NG112 by promoting a
throughout the EU is and remains 112.
                                             common architecture of ESInets and
                                                                                                       and the value
The NG part is, if I may say so, “back
office”, even though thanks to this          taking the necessary regulatory steps                   of standards is
revolution, emergency services can be        to ensure EU-wide effective and reliable
                                             emergency communications.
                                                                                                     understood by
alerted directly from the internet as well
as by phone.                                 The French Ministry of the Interior                  all those who are
                                             recommended the inclusion in BEREC’s                          involved.
What    is    the   timeline           of    work programme 2020 of an item on next
implementation of NG112                in    generation emergency communications,
France and in Europe?                        with the objective of addressing the
                                             remaining issues of the ECC and making         I think however that the benefit of
We expect the operational deployment         emergency access fit for the new age of        standards is not well understood by
of NexSIS to start at the end of 2020.       communications.
NexSIS is the “node” of the system,                                                         “laymen”. This is quite important as
the nervous centre if you will, where                                                       standardization for the digital world
                                             This sounds like a sea change                  reaches out to new audiences, not
emergency communications will be
                                             in the operation of emergency                  necessarily specialists. Standardizers
received, processed and dispatched.
                                             services…                                      must ensure that what is at stake and
With NG112, not only calls will arrive but
also text, images, data and video, which     Right, and in fact the most challenging        the value of standards is understood
the NexSIS digital hub will then process     issues are not technical; they relate to the   by all those who are involved, be they
to the appropriate PSAP, aggregate and       digital transformation of the emergency        requirement providers, implementers or
dispatch to first responders.                                                               users.

                                                                                                    ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               5
Meet the new standards people

Welcome to our                                                NEW
     Aruba PEC, Italy
Aruba PEC is one of the companies of the Aruba group founded
in 2006. It is an organization accredited by AgID (Agenzia per
l’Italia Digitale) and it is also present in the public list of certified
mail operators.

      ambridge Blockchain SAS,
     United States
Present across three continents, Cambridge Blockchain makes
digital identity enterprise software for financial institutions. The
company allows financial institutions to better respect the new
data privacy rules, eliminate redundant identity compliance
controls and improve the customer experience.                                   Mangrovia Solutions, Italy
                                                                            Mangrovia Solutions is a systems integrator and software house
     CNH Industrial, Netherlands                                           specializing in applied cryptography technology. The company
CNH Industrial is a global leader, providing products for                   offers full-suite services comprising consulting services, smart
agricultural equipment and construction equipment trucks,                   contract development to tokenization models. A variety of
commercial vehicles, buses, and special vehicles in addition                industries are involved, such as energy, fintech, supply chain,
to powertrains for industrial and marine applications. The firm             food distribution and crypto gaming.
develops connectivity and improves digitization to offer better
customer experience.                                                             orwegian National Criminal
                                                                                Investigation Service, Norway
     Crypto International AB, Switzerland                                   The NCIS assists the Norwegian police in investigations and
Active in more than one hundred countries since 1910, Crypto                further develops police cybercrime expertise. The service also
helps keep societies and organizations around the globe                     provides help in digital forensics, operational crime analysis,
more secure by safeguarding critical assets through top-                    interception of communications, covert surveillance, informant
level cybersecurity and encryption services. Crypto focuses                 handling, witness protection, and investigation support with
exclusively on international operations.                                    evidence on the internet.

     CTC advanced GmbH, Germany                                                 PCCW Global B.V., Hong Kong
CTC advanced provides tests and certification of electronic                 PCCW Global is a telecommunications provider, offering the
devices with most advanced telecommunication interfaces. The                latest voice and data solutions to multinational companies and
line-up of products tested is wide and ranges from e-marking for            communication service providers. Covering more than 3,000
subassemblies of vehicles to contactless credit cards as well as            cities and 150 countries, it reaches the most remote and hard-to-
hearing aids or magnetic resonance imaging scanners.                        reach places in growing markets.

      irection du Développement des
     D                                                                          Satixfy, Israel
     Usages Numériques (DDUN), Monaco                                       Established in 2012 by leading entrepreneurs in the satellite
DDUN, the Smart Country Division, aims at planning, managing,               industry, SatixFy designs next-generation satellite communication
defining, maintaining and promoting all the Principality’s                  systems based on in-house developed chipsets. It also develops
resources related to the electronic communications sector. It               a line of satellite communication modems with Satellite Digital
aims at increasing “smart city” services and, more generally,               Radio (SDR) and Electronically Steered Multi-Beam Array (ESMA)
promote the concept of “smart country”.                                     to support the most advanced standards.

     Eurosmart AISBL, Belgium                                                   Trend Micro, Japan
Eurosmart is an international non-profit association. The                   Trend Micro’s primary goal is to secure the exchange of digital
association represents the digital security industry in the fields          information around the world. Based on the security strategy
of digital identities, data protection, cybersecurity, Internet of          XGen™, their solutions for consumers, businesses and
Things, payments and border management. It is committed to                  government organizations deploy multi-layered security for data
continuously improving the quality of security applications.                centres, cloud environments, networks and endpoints.

6             ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
US Bank, United States
The US Bank provides banking, investment, mortgage, trust,
and payment services products to individuals, businesses,
governmental entities, and other financial institutions. In 2018
the company was recognized by the Ethisphere Institute as one
of the most ethical companies in the world.                                Behr Technologies Inc., Canada
                                                                       BehrTechis is a worldwide licensee of the MIOTY™ LPWAN
    Vayyar, Israel                                                     technology for Industrial IoT. The company is focused on
                                                                       commercializing, licensing, supporting the MIOTY technology
Founded in 2011 Vayyar develops safe, mobile, low-cost 3D              and the development of new MIOTY-based products and
imaging sensors, enabling applications in the fields of cancer         applications for the Industrial IoT marketplace.
detection, people-tracking, vehicle automation, security,
radiation-level testing and construction. Vayyar’s mission is to
help people around the world improve their health, safety and              Radboud University, Netherlands
quality of life.                                                       Radboud University is a public university with a strong focus
                                                                       on research. The university has seven faculties and more than a
    Verint Systems, United States                                      hundred programmes: bachelor and master. It is focused on the
                                                                       challenges of tomorrow such as digitalization.
Verint Systems is a global leader in software and hardware
products with a focus on customer engagement optimization,
security intelligence, and fraud, risk and compliance. Nowadays,           EUCOMREG, Belgium
over 10,000 organizations in more than 180 countries count on          EUCOMREG contributes to the evolution of the EU regulation and
intelligence from Verint solutions.                                    standardization in the areas of electronics, telecommunications
                                                                       and radio technology. It specifically focuses on radio
    ZITiS, Germany                                                     communications for the Internet of Things.
ZITiS is a service provider for security authorities in Germany. The        elecommunications User Interface e.V.,
tasks are based on the needs of security authorities and include
the areas of digital forensics, telecommunications surveillance,           Germany
cryptogram and large data analysis, as well as technical crime,        Telecommunications User Interface e.V. is involved in human
security and counter-intelligence issues.                              factors and user activities. It deals with issues relating to the ease
                                                                       of use and accessibility for all users and the users’ requirements.
    Nowina Solutions, Luxembourg
Created in April 2014, Nowina Solutions is an expert in eSignature         Peritum, United States
in the European Union. The company offers solutions on                 Experts in standard setting since the 1990s, Peritum provides
eSignature and helps other companies to seize the opportunity          engineering consulting services related to standards and
of eIDAS.                                                              communications systems.

                                                                                                         ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                7
New member interview

                                                                                                 The Interdepartmental mission
                                                                                                for Digital Transition of Monaco
                                                                                                        is helping the Principality
                                                                                                  move towards the new digital
                                                                                                 era. A member of this mission,
                                                                                                  Christophe Pierre, head of the
                                                                                                  Smart Country Division, gives
                                                                                                us an exclusive insight into their
                                                                                                                vision for the future.

                                                                                                   What is the role of the Smart
                                                                                                   Country Division within the
                                                                                                   Monaco Government?
                                                                                                   The Smart Country Division is under the
                                                                                                   authority of the Minister of State and is
                                                                                                   in charge of the digital transformation of
                                                                                                   Monaco. In coordination with government
                                                                                                   departments, we develop various
                                                                                                   services relating to the “smart city”, and,
                                                                                                     more generally, the “smart country”.
                                                                                                           These enhanced services include
                                                                                                               the planning, allocation and
                                                                                                                  management of all the
                                                                                                                   Principality’s    resources

Interview                                                                                                           relating to the electronic
                                                                                                                     communications sector
                                                                                                                      such as frequencies,

Christophe Pierre,                                                                                                     satellite     positions,
                                                                                                                         public highways and
                                                                                                                          traffic management.
DDUN Smart Country Division – Monaco

Christophe Pierre is head of the                 Holding an engineering diploma in
Smart Country Division (Direction du             telecommunications, he worked for 14
Développement des Usages Numériques)             years at Monaco Telecom and became the
for the Government of Monaco. Belonging          head of Monaco’s regulatory authority in
to the Interministerial delegation for digital   2010. In line with the Monaco Government
transition, he is in charge of two distinct      Programme for a whole digital transition of
missions, one to regulate operators,             the Principality, he co-leads thematics such
frequencies, numbering and domain                as Smart Mobility and Smart Education
names and the other to enable new digital        with the backing of relevant ministers.
Smart City and Smart Country services.

8             ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
We also define the rules and eventual        as mobility, environment, urban planning,     resources, including all of the collected
limitations of the use of electronic         e-government, smart education, smart          data from multiple departments and
communications networks and services         healthcare, etc.                              thousands of IoT sensors. It is therefore
in application of the laws and regulations                                                 necessary to collect, qualify and analyse
                                             The smart education programme is
and environmental and public health          one of the projects we nurture where          all of this ‘city data’ in order to make it
issues. To do so, we certify electronic      we combine education and digital              relevant to users. The ETSI cross-cutting
communications equipment, playing a          technology. We work in close partnership      Context Information Management group
consultative role and making proposals       with the Ministry of Education in order       (ISG CIM) addresses this challenge. Their
relating to such issues as urban planning    to implement our actions. One key             goal is to enable applications to update,
and national security.                       achievement was the introduction              manage, and access context information
                                             of computer coding courses from               from many different sources, as well
                                             kindergarten up to junior high school; this   as publishing that information through
      We follow public                       coding skill can facilitate other subjects    interoperable data publication platforms.
                                                                                           We actually need business intelligence
                                             taught such as grammar and music. We
          health issues                      therefore provided young students with        so that collected data offer alternative
       very closely and                      digital devices such as tablets as well as    scenarios to the city operational
                                             digital assignments where teachers and        management. IoT security and data
       advise on urban                       alumni can interact with the students.        privacy is also a key topic for us along
          planning and                       This year we also decided to launch a         with other important areas of emergency
      national security.                     pilot AI-based “chatbot” to exchange
                                             with students and guide them through

                                             their choices of studies, based on their
                                                                                           Speaking       of    emergency
                                             skills and personal preferences. It will be   communications, is Monaco using
Establishing and maintaining close           more widespread at the beginning of the       an ETSI standard for its public
relations with foreign administrations       next school year.                             safety services?
and bodies that specialize in the field of                                                 Yes, in Monaco many public services
                                             As an ICT standards body ETSI
electronic communications, as well as                                                      currently use the ETSI TETRA standard!
                                             also addresses smart cities-related
with foreign public and private operators,                                                 The police, the fire brigade, hospital
                                             areas; is this what triggered your
is also an essential part of our role.       wish to join us?                              services, road authorities and even some
Monaco is highly involved in the                                                           utility companies such as gas, water and
                                             Yes, we wanted a neutral place where          electricity suppliers. There is a significant
smart country concept; can you               solutions would not be proprietary and
tell us more about it?                                                                     TETRA deployment in Monaco that is
                                             for us, ETSI is the right place to develop
                                                                                           managed by the police department in
Indeed, we have built up a dedicated                                                       order to make sure that all public safety
smart country programme (Extended                                                          services can be reached in the event of
Monaco) which involves the government                                                      an emergency even if the public mobile
and the private sector. This important                 We wanted a                         radio network fails. We also have cross-
initiative aims to encompass and improve               neutral place                       border interoperability with TETRAPOL,
the entire Monaco ecosystem. The idea
behind a smart country is to manage and            where solutions                         the other standard used in France.
                                                                                           Interoperability between neighbouring
enhance user experience on such topics                 would not be                        countries is a big issue for Monaco,
                                                   proprietary; ETSI                       and ETSI’s work on interoperability
                                                                                           between various technologies has
                                                   is the right body
          For our smart                              to develop ICT
                                                                                           helped us manage emergency situations
    education project,                            quality standards.                       The emergency call NG112, another
         we introduced                                                                     important ETSI standard, is also currently
      computer coding                                                                      being implemented in the Monaco area.
           classes from                      ICT quality standards. Standards              We are working on data acquisition
                                                                                           and interworking to process data in the
                                             are essential to us when making the
     kindergarten, as it                     right choices between IoT equipment           correct format for our emergency centres.
    is closely linked to                     manufacturers and are essential to            We also seek to enhance the overall
                                                                                           user interface with a better positioning
              grammar.                       provide interoperability. When we talk
                                             about smart cities, it means better           of mobile radio and data location of the
                                             monitoring and control of our city            fixed network.

                                                                                                    ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                9
Tech Highlights

Next Generation 112:
interoperability & conformity tested in Europe
ETSI Plugtests™ demonstrate maturity of technology which will change the way emergency
calls are handled.

                                                                                               emergency call
                                                                                               NG112 will also allow for the
                                                                                               interconnection of emergency call
                                                                                               centres. A range of new possibilities,
                                                                                               such as routing based on overload of
                                                                                               centres, will be created. Importantly,
                                                                                               NG112 is based on IP network-based
                                                                                               standard interfaces between all forms of
                                                                                               communications components. Existing
                                                                                               off-the-shelf hardware and software
                                                                                               can be deployed, which means more
                                                                                               technical commonalities between EU
                                                                                               Member States and the fostering of the
                                                                                               European public safety eco-system.

Thriving tech industries like the Internet of
Things and 5G can have a lifesaving role
                                                Improved                                       Interoperability
in Next Generation emergency response.
Embracing them can create more efficient,
                                                services for                                   and conformity
accessible and flexible emergency
services. But despite being deployed
                                                citizens                                       testing
in North America, Next Generation 112           As      we      move      increasingly    to   ETSI’s    recent    NG112     Emergency
is almost non-existent in Europe. This          communications based on video and              Communications       Plugtests™      2019
could all change as ETSI’s recent NG112         text, emergency services risk becoming         event tested all components of the 112
Emergency Communications Plugtests™             isolated as one of the only services           communication chain. In this third edition,
event demonstrated that the conditions          accessible exclusively by traditional          international organizations successfully
for procurement and deployment of               phone call. This will only become more         validated    the   interoperability    and
the architecture have been reached. In          of an issue when the Public Switched           conformity of their NG112 components.
parallel, the ETSI EMTEL Committee              Telephone Network is phased out.               Themes tested included location- and
(Emergency Communications) is working           NG112 involves a network of full IP-           policy-based routing and Next Generation
on an upcoming standard:                        based networks architecture. Emergency         media types. Outcomes demonstrated
ETSI TS 103 479.                                services will therefore be able to receive     that the NG112 technology is mature
                                                much more varied data than voice,              and that the elements available on the
                                                including text, photos and video calls.        equipment chain are interoperable. The
                                                The improvements will address difficulties     validated standard ETSI TS 103 479 will
                                                faced by the public, including the needs       be published in the following months. So
                                                of the millions of European citizens with      stay tuned!
                                                disabilities. Various use cases will soon be
                                                trialled in EENA’s (European Emergency
                                                Number Association) upcoming NG112             n Cristina Lumbreras, Vice Chair,
                                                pilot project.                                    ETSI EMTEL Committee

10           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Satellite communications
for disaster relief
Since crises can occur anywhere and at any time, satellite networks are essential to
provide high service availability through global coverage, an effective complement to
terrestrial networks whose coverage may be limited or subject to damage.

Requirements                                  Key requirements are:
                                              • Fast    deployment     of    temporary
                                                                                              Existing solutions
A set of “Reference scenario for                 communication networks. Lightweight          The following distinctions should be
the    deployment        of    emergency         and small-sized equipment for easy           made:
communications” has been analysed                transport,   self-set-up,    autonomic       • GEO-based     solutions  (ETSI   TS
in the specification ETSI TS 103 260             operation and battery-activated devices
                                                                                                 101 376 and 102 744) operating in
focusing on communication needs in the           are key to minimizing the operational
                                                                                                 bands below 3 GHz provide regional
event of earthquakes and mass casualty           constraints
                                                                                                 wideband services to nomadic and
incidents in public transportation.           • Broadband and secure communication              vehicle mounted devices and possibly
                                                 facilities  to    support      accurate
In this context, Satellite Communications                                                        narrowband services to specific
                                                 assessment of situations in theatre and
in     combination        with  terrestrial                                                      handheld devices
                                                 to activate the appropriate logistical
communications are expected to support           support accordingly                          • LEO-based       proprietary  solutions
the assessment and handling of specific       • Flexibility and scalability to support any      operating in bands below 3 GHz provide
risks as well as enable an efficient             network topology and traffic demand             worldwide narrowband services to
coordination of rescue operations, fire-      • Availability: as Public Safety officials        specific handheld devices
fighting and maintenance of public order         say in the U.S., “It needs to work first     • GEO-based      proprietary   solutions
(ETSI TS 102 181).                               time, every time”.                              operating in bands above 6 GHz
                                                                                                 provide regional broadband services to
                                                                                                 nomadic and vehicle mounted devices
                                                                                              While the wideband and broadband
                                                                                              services are typically used to backhaul a
                                                                                              deployed emergency cell, (ETSI TR 103
                                                                                              166), the handheld service is particularly
                                                                                              used by responders before such cells are

                                                                                              What is next?
                                                                                              In order to drive cost down, public safety
                                                                                              communications will be provided using
                                                                                              3GPP defined cellular technologies (LTE
                                                                                              and 5G) benefitting from its economy
                                                                                              of scale. Thanks to on-going efforts at
                                                                                              3GPP with TR 38.821, TR 23.737 and TR
                                                                                              28.808, future satellite communications
                                                                                              will also use the 5G technology
                                                                                              framework, allowing seamless integration
                                                                                              with cellular network at service and
                                                                                              possibly device level.
                                                                                              n Nicolas Chuberre, Vice Chair, ETSI TC SES

                                                                                                        ENJOY THE ETSI MAG                  11
Just Released

 Smart                                    Standard to facilitate
                                          Smart Body Area Networks
 Secure                                   The ETSI Technical Committee SmartBAN        wearables or actuators, to collect and

                                          has recently published ETSI TS 103 327, a    monitor vital data of a human being and
                                          standard for Smart Body Area Networks.       their environment, but not exclusively.
                                          It establishes standardized service and      This ETSI specification will enable, for

 for all sectors                          application interfaces and facilitators,
                                          APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
                                          and infrastructure for interoperability
                                                                                       instance, each patient coming to an
                                                                                       emergency room to have their medical
                                                                                       history already available.
 Trust and privacy, along with cost       management. It also enables secure           This is a first step towards horizontal
 and flexibility, are key to security     interaction and access to any SmartBAN       management of Body Area Networks in
 solutions for many applications in       data or entities. The resulting SmartBAN     multiple vertical application areas.
 today’s digital world. To address        reference architecture is a global and
 this challenge, ETSI’s Technical         integrated IoT reference architecture,
 Committee Smart Card Platform,           oneM2M and Multi-Agent based. The
 which standardizes the UICC,             architecture is provided with cross-
 the underlying security platform         functional components for allowing non-
 of the SIM, released ETSI TS 103         SmartBAN-enabled environments to
 465, a specification for a brand-        interoperate with SmartBAN.
                                          SmartBAN uses a set of low-power
 new platform called Smart Secure
                                          embedded devices, mainly sensors,
 Platform (SSP).

                                          Open Source MANO
                                          Release SIX
                                          Consolidates its end-to-end
 SSP offers an open platform for
 multiple applications with various
                                          capabilities and Edge support
 physical interfaces and form factors.
                                          OSM Release SIX provides many                which have been extended to support
 These include Serial Peripheral
                                          more capabilities to enable end-to-end       additional EPA (enhanced platform
 Interface (SPI), I2C, embedded,
                                          orchestration    across    heterogeneous     attribute) attributes and improve the
 and integrated into a System on
                                          networks and cloud technologies.             support of multi-segment networks.
 Chip (SoC). SSP supports, for            Release SIX makes the management of          All these enhancements come with a more
 example, a new flexible file system      complex services much easier thanks          flexible operator experience, improved
 and capabilities to support various      to the extended capabilities to create       control over orchestration roles, and
 authentication methods, as well as       Network Service primitives and the           better real-time feedback to the operator,
 features defined for a UICC such         extension of its Service Assurance (SA)      along with improvements to ease VNF
 as Toolkit and the contactless           framework, which now can control, store      onboarding and testing phases.
 interface. SSP is a highly secure,       and react to a much wider set of events
 scalable, thus cost-efficient solution   and conditions in the context of running
 optimized to fit many requirements,      Network Services and Slices.
 from a system of sensors in an IoT       In addition, Release SIX now provides
 application to complex solutions         better support of underlying technologies.
 hosting several applications such        Thus, new connectors have been
 as banking and payment, ID               developed for FOG05 Edge clouds, TAPI-
 management and access to mobile          based transport networks, and public
 networks.                                clouds such as Azure, in addition to the
                                          connectors available in previous releases,

In the spotlight

         WATCH OUT!
     Smartphones make a valuable contribution to public safety, allowing you to dial
     emergency numbers such as 112 or 911 – even when the keypad is locked or when the
     device does not have an active SIM card.
     An important part of our public safety standardization work at ETSI addresses the need
     for emergency communications. This is illustrated by the ETSI TETRA standard that has
     been designed to support the needs of government agencies; emergency services (police,
     fire, ambulance) for public safety networks; rail transport personnel for train radios and
     transport services for the army.
     Public safety demands fast and efficient communications, whether it’s through professional
     mobile radio, public access mobile radio or secure, robust public communications
     In this section, you will find a highlight of David Chater-Lea who worked on the
     implementation of TETRA and its evolution – and you’ll also find out how Italians manage
     their critical communications. Keep reading to discover more!

                                                             ENJOY THE ETSI MAG           13
In the spotlight

communications: watch out!
Electronic communications have been essential to the operation of the emergency services since
the early days of telephone boxes on street corners, to mobile radio communications from the
1930s, to the advent of mass personal communications in the 1960s. See the whys and the hows…

Early radio communications used                 so TETRA specifications mandate low          the late 1990s, and nationwide rollouts
analogue modulation to provide speech           levels of noise and spurious emissions       started from around the year 2000. The
and later simple status and short               in adjacent channels (much lower than        transport industry, including airport,
message capability, only requiring simple       those levels found in consumer cellular      metro, tram and bus operators, also
specifications to ensure compatibility          technology).                                 saw the need for an efficient technology
between equipment. In the 1990s,                                                             which provided good data capabilities
                                                                                             as well comprehensive speech services
consumer         communications
transformed by the arrival of digital
                                                Data capability                              – Gardermoen Airport near Oslo became
communications. The Professional Mobile                                                      the first operational TETRA network.
                                                The explosion of data and growth of the
Radio (PMR) industry similarly needed to
                                                Internet were parallel trends in the early
adopt digital technology to integrate data                                                   Success in Europe led emergency services
                                                years of TETRA, and an IP packet data
with speech, and for improved spectrum                                                       in other parts of the world to look at TETRA.
                                                service supplemented the Status and Short    An industry association was formed,
efficiency. Therefore a new ETSI project
                                                Data Services, to support users’ growing     today The Critical Communications
was started which became TETRA,
                                                data needs. Internal data capabilities of    Association (TCCA), who promoted
Terrestrial Trunked Radio.
                                                the radios are used in applications such
                                                as resource management, location and
At the same time, the Schengen
                                                database enquiries. TETRA mobile and
agreement for a borderless environment
                                                portable radios also have a standardized
between European countries created a
                                                Peripheral Equipment Interface port
need for pan-European interoperability for
                                                which allows an ecosystem of third party
emergency services. Several European
                                                solution providers to provide innovative
government organizations joined the
                                                data applications.
TETRA standardization process to ensure                                                         TETRA for security
that TETRA would have the facilities                                                            services communication
that the emergency services needed,
including fast call set up (within 300msec)
                                                Take up
for all-informed group communications           Emergency services were among the first
and security mechanisms that met                users of TETRA, and nationwide TETRA
governments’          national       security   networks were planned to revolutionize
requirements.                                   communications in many European
                                                countries. Pilot systems commenced in

Technology                                                                                                         11

TETRA uses TDMA technology to                           TETRA mobile
facilitate duplex communications and
higher data rates, and provides individual                and portable                                       Advanced
call, duplex telephony, group call, status           radios allow third                                      Location
and data transfer combined with high
security, and Direct Mode Operation for
                                                     parties to provide
communications away from a network.                    innovative data
The PMR market required co-existence
with existing analogue and other digital
                                                          applications.                         © ETSI
technologies in the same spectrum,

14           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
worldwide in 2020 – a large number for a      public safety community, and so TC
                                                      niche industry.                               TETRA was transformed into TC TCCE
             TETRA is present                                                                       (TETRA and Critical Communications
                    in over 110                       Critical                                      Evolution) to provide mission critical
                                                                                                    services over broadband networks.
                countries, and
                  has put ETSI                        Communications                                Recognizing the parallel interest in North
                                                                                                    America and Asia, after some early work

             standards before                         Evolution                                     the standardization process moved into
                                                                                                    the global 3GPP organization. A new
                  government                          The TETRA Enhanced Data Service,              3GPP working group, SA6, was set up to
                                                      TEDS, was created as a scalable data          design Mission Critical architectures. The
               organizations in                       service allowing several hundred kbit/        first Mission Critical Push To Talk (MCPTT)
                most of these.                        sec in channels up to 150kHz wide, with       specifications were published in 3GPP
                                                      low spurious emission and noise levels        Release 13 in 2016. Mission Critical Video
                                                      for spectrum co-existence. However the        and Data services were added in Release
       TETRA internationally, and championed a        explosive growth of 3G and 4G commercial      14, and all are evolving to become more
       formal multi-manufacturer interoperability     networks raised users’ expectations for       comprehensive as the standardization
       testing and certification programme. It        improved capabilities, such as higher         process continues.
       is this industry led, third party validated    volumes of video, maps, telemetry, patient
       formal certification process that has          data and so on. Commercial networks are       TETRA systems are expected to be
       created confidence in the TETRA market         not usually designed for the same levels      in operation until beyond 2030, and
       that solutions truly are interoperable         of availability and security as traditional   interoperability between TETRA and
       and multi-vendor competitive supply            emergency service networks, but the           mission critical broadband will be key to
       of networks and terminals is possible.         investment in technology and its rapid        emergency service operation over the
       Today TETRA is present in over 110             evolution is unmatchable.                     next ten years. The ETSI TCCE committee
       countries, and has put ETSI standards                                                        is therefore working on standards for
       before government organizations in most        New standards were needed to combine          interworking between TETRA and MC
       of these. It is estimated that there will be   the strengths of commercial technology        services, in parallel with a similar activity
       over 5 million TETRA terminals in service      with the experience of the TETRA and          in 3GPP, with a goal of having a first
                                                                                                    interworking standards published in 2020.
                                                                                                    The standards maintenance activity on
Video for PSAP
& field officers                                         Command, control and
                                                         intelligence analysis
                                                                 Mission Critical PTT,
                                                                 data and video (4G-5G)                    between TETRA
                                                                                                                 and mission
                                                                                                         critical broadband
                                                                             Public Warning                    will be key to
                                                                              System: SMS                        emergency
                                                                                                          service operation
                                                                                                          over the next ten
                                                                              Digital satellite

                                                                                                    TETRA also continues, to ensure that the
                                                                                                    needs of TETRA users continue to be
                                                                                                    met through the 2020s, and that the ETSI
                                                                                                    TETRA standard continues to be a global
                                          ATEX TETRA radio for hazardous area                       success story for many years to come.

                                                                                                    n David Chater-Lea, Chair, ETSI TC TCCE

                                                                                                              ENJOY THE ETSI MAG               15
In the spotlight

Critical communications:
the Italian scenario
Critical communications have played and still play a fundamental role in supporting public
safety and emergency management agencies. Radio communications have been the
preferred communications media for well-known reasons.

                                                                                            VHF network, covering the main regional
                                                                                            roads and national highways, and plans
                                                                                            to revamp it with a DMR system; Fire
                                                                                            Brigades have region-wide VHF/UHF
                                                                                            networks transitioning to DMR with a
                                                                                            project aimed at implementing a nation-
                                                                                            wide DMR backbone. Moreover, civil
                                                                                            protection is based on regional and local
                                                                                            VHF networks for institutional activities
                                                                                            and various analogue radio networks
                                                                                            for volunteer organizations and is in the
                                                                                            process of adopting DMR.

                                                                                            In general, we can say all analogue
                                                                                            regional networks are being replaced
                                                                                            with different standard digital systems
                                                                                            (either DMR or TETRA), most of them
                                                                                            provided by Leonardo.

                                                                                            While TETRA and DMR represent well-
                                                                                            established and reliable technologies,
                                                                                            proven in the field for years, there is
                                                                                            also growing interest for broadband as a
                                                                                            complement to the narrowband networks
                                                                                            to enhance operational capabilities of
Many agencies across Europe have            by Leonardo as part of a full-service
                                                                                            public safety agencies. Currently there
developed regional or nationwide            contract with the Ministry of the Interior.
                                                                                            are no private broadband networks in use
support infrastructures leveraging ETSI     Previous regional networks (VHF or UHF)
standards like TETRA and DMR (Digital       still in operation to serve police forces are   by Mission Critical operators in Italy, nor
Mobile Radio).                              going to be replaced as the TETRA PIT           harmonized spectrum available for First
                                            program develops. More specifically, the        Responders: some agencies are thus
In Italy, for example, Police forces        National Police have a legacy nationwide        relying on Public Telco services, but there
(National Police, Carabinieri, Financial    synchronous network at lower VHF                is interest in models that allow greater
Police and Penitentiary Police) teamed      (70MHz), the Carabinieri have a legacy          security and control, such as Mobile
up in the late 90s to develop the Italian   analogue network at UHF, both organized         Virtual Network Operator. Leonardo
nation-wide TETRA project (PIT -            at province level, and the Financial Police     is active in development of standard
Programma Interpolizie TETRA) that          have a VHF national synchronous radio           broadband solutions leveraging 4G and
encompasses a nation-wide TETRA             network for their aeronaval section (i.e.       5G integrated with current narrowband
infrastructure shared among participants,   helicopters and patrol boats) covering          networks in order to support their
which provides virtual private networks     the Italian coast.                              customers with solutions for today and
for various user groups, allowing privacy                                                   tomorrow.
and independence. The project is still in   DMR also plays an important role in the
progress and currently covers over 60%      Italian national context: the Penitentiary      n TFederico Frosali, Leonardo, Broadband PMR
of the potential users. TETRA system is     Police (serving prisons and inmate              Product Manager; Angelo Benvenuto, Leonardo,
being developed, managed and operated       transfer) has a nation-wide synchronous         Homeland Security Marketing Manager.

16          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Working together

Emergency communications
the highest standards required
The people we rely on in a crisis – the police, the fire and rescue services, the medical teams
– are in turn reliant on their communications systems as they work to protect and support our
communities. The ETSI TETRA standard has been key for emergency communications.

When an emergency call is made, it sets
in motion a chain of events that can
succeed or fail based on the quality of the
communications. The leading standard
for critical communications is TETRA –
Terrestrial Trunked Radio. TCCA specified
the user requirements that underpinned
the original development of the TETRA
standard by ETSI. TCCA has evolved
to represent all open standards in use
by critical communications users, and is
driving the evolution to broadband whilst
remaining the guardian of the TETRA

The key to TCCA’s successful input into
the standardization process is its long
association with ETSI TC TCCE – the
ETSI Technical Committee for TETRA and
Critical Communications Evolution. Such
partnerships reinforce the ongoing trust      The future holds a mixture of TETRA         supports ETSI with the MCX (MCPTT,
in the quality of critical communications     updates     and    improvement      along   MCData and MCVideo) Plugtests™ - the
services.                                     with      broadband-related       reports   fourth event is due to be held in September
                                              and specifications that will address        in Finland. The goal of these events is to
The role of the TCCE committee is to          standardization issues not covered by       validate the interoperability of a variety of
develop and maintain standards for both       3GPP. In particular, the TETRA items        implementations using scenarios based
TETRA and critical communications             include enhancing security to ensure        on 3GPP Mission Critical Services in
broadband services. The relationship          ongoing protection as the potential for     Release 14, with tests based on 3GPP,
with TCCA is close and essential. TCCA        cyber attacks increases, and improving      ETSI and IETF standards.
provides input to TCCE on new work            TETRA packet data services. Work on
items, changes to existing specifications,    broadband is becoming more and more         As for TETRA, for critical broadband
and spectrum and regulatory matters           focussed on the need for interworking       TCCA will continue to provide input
through TCCA’s spectrum liaison officer.      between TETRA and 3GPP critical             and guidance, and work with ETSI
The main sources are TCCA’s Technical         broadband systems, and this is underway.    and important stakeholder partners to
Forum and Security and Fraud Prevention                                                   achieve excellence in standardization
Group (SFPG), with additional input           The emergence of critical broadband         for the benefit of all actors in critical
coming directly from TCCA member              communications standardization was          communications.
organizations.                                catalysed by TCCA. The goal was to
                                              ensure that as ‘consumer’ standards         n Tony Gray, Chief Executive, TCCA
TCCA attends TCCE plenaries to report on      evolved, the specific requirements
market activities, direction and progress,    of critical users were also taken into
and much joint work is carried out around     account. TCCA’s efforts ensured that
the world to promote the importance of        3GPP Releases now incorporate critical
robust and open standards.                    communications features. TCCA also

                                                                                                    ENJOY THE ETSI MAG             17
ETSI New Fellows

ETSI 2019 Fellows
The ETSI Fellowship programme rewards individuals who have made an outstanding
personal contribution to ETSI, to building the work of ETSI, or to raising its reputation in
specific sectors of standardization. Meet our 2019 new Fellows.

David Chater-Lea                                                                                Roberto
                           David has spent over 35 years of his career in mission
                           critical communications and has tirelessly supported                    Involved in ETSI for more than 20
                           the development of ETSI standards and needs of                          years, as a participant then as a
                           the industry in other standards bodies and industry                     Chairman from 1997, his globally
                           fora. He is probably the person who has done the                        recognized expertise allowed
                           most to evolve the standards from TETRA into critical                   ETSI Harmonised Standards
                           communications over broadband.                                          for fixed radio services and
                                                                                                   microwave point-to-point and
                                                                                                   point-to-multipoint systems to
                                                                                                   be considered as THE worldwide
                                                                                                   reference by non-European
                                                                                                   telecommunication authorities
                                                                                                   and microwave equipment
Can you tell us a bit more about                 From a European standard, it has                  manufacturers.
your background? How did you get                 become a global standard, now used
into critical communications?                    in more than 110 countries, so actually
                                                 used by millions of users. The emergency
Actually, I’ve always been interested in         services are the biggest market for
radio so I naturally ended up working            TETRA, and right from the start they saw
in mobile radio and joined what would            that this could be the technology that
become Motorola in the UK. Police                they needed for cooperation between
forces were major customers, and it was          countries, and became involved in its
especially important to understand how           standardization.
they were using their equipment.
                                                 With 5G coming up, is the
How did you career evolve to                     technology going to change?
                                                 TETRA provides speech and data but it
My first experience in ETSI standards            can’t give you the speed of a 4G or 5G
was in the late 1980s, with a binary             network, and these higher data speeds
technology working over analogue radio.          will obviously bring new capabilities to       Can you tell us a bit more about
However, by the 1990s, when digital              jobs in emergency services. So, as ETSI        your background, how you got
radio started to arrive, we realized that        is part of 3GPP, four years ago we started     into Fixed Service (FS) radio
digital communication needs a great              the 3GPP working group SA6 to provide          communications?
deal more standardization than analogue          new capabilities and define critical
                                                 communications over mobile networks.           It was actually due to several events.
technology to achieve full interoperability.
                                                 They won’t replace TETRA for now, as           At secondary school, where I learnt
TETRA is one of ETSI’s biggest                   TETRA has been designed for ultra-             mechanics, I was employed by GTE.
success stories. What’s the impact               reliability and ultimate security. We’ll see   After one year, restless for professional
today?                                           things evolve then…                            life, I joined Polytechnic university to

18           ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
Fred Hillebrand
study electronics. Then I took a chemistry
examination, the only exam I failed in my
life, which confirmed that electronics was
my way forward.

How did standardization start in
the radio industry?                                                    Successful Chairman Fred has enabled the
In the late 70s, CEPT established TM4,                                 development of many standards: he contributed to
                                                                       the development of the GSM standard and led the
which produced some recommendations.
                                                                       implementation of Deutsche Telekom’s GSM network,
TM4 became the TM4 working group of                                    and also initiated the creation of 3GPP as the future
ETSI TC ATTM, which I attended and                                     global standards body for mobile communication.
became the Chairman of in 1997.                                        Since 2004, Fred has been providing patent
                                                                       consulting services in mobile communication.
And what was the role of ETSI in
this area?
The ETSI TM4 group turned 25 pre-
RTTED ENs into globally accepted
standards with the EN 302 217 series.         Fred, what was your                main       Was working with other continents
And the Harmonized Standard EN 302            involvement with ETSI?                        difficult?
217-2 has become a reference for point-       I was appointed Chairman of ETSI              I realized that it was impossible to
to-point equipment for any application        Technical Committee SMG (Special              develop a consistent set of technical
and any Fixed Service allocated band.         Mobile Group) from 1996 to 2000. SMG          specifications through decentralized
                                              was responsible for GSM and UMTS              work in different organizations. In order
What is the status of Fixed Service                                                         to remedy this situation, I initiated a
radio today?                                                                                single global working structure for the
                                              How successful was GSM in the                 future, which eventually became 3GPP.
Today an average of 70% of base stations      world market?                                 3GPP applied the model of an “ETSI
are connected to a fibre optic network                                                      Partnership Project”, as defined in the
                                              GSM was the leading 2G mobile
through one or more Fixed Service links,                                                    ETSI reform of 1996.
                                              communication system. The number
which the media tends to forget, being
                                              of countries that implemented GSM             How successful was 3GPP?
more focused on “xG Access” and “Fibre        networks grew from 70 to 140 from 1996
Optic” as leading technologies improving                                                    The new organization started successfully
                                              to 2000.                                      at the end of 1998. Nowadays, 3GPP
global communication and citizens’
                                              Was the GSM evolution programme               is undoubtedly the worldwide centre of
welfare.                                                                                    excellence in mobile communications.
                                              sufficient for the future success?
With 5G coming up, how will fixed                                                           ETSI took a leading role in 3GPP and
                                              In 1995 it became clear that a satisfying     gained broad global influence on future
radio evolve and contribute to                mobile     Internet  access     required      mobile communication standardization.
network evolution?                            much higher data rates than the GSM
From a FS perspective, solving challenges     evolution called Phase 2+ could provide.
                                              Fortunately, a European research
such as larger payload, improved
                                              programme called UMTS had achieved
performance and easier deployment
                                              some useful results.
should be within the reach of the industry.
FS will also benefit from new FS frequency    How was this integrated into the
bands within the 92/174.8 GHz range.          standardization process?
                                              TC SMG and all the relevant stakeholders
Therefore, even if Fibre Optic increases
                                              agreed to add a 3G evolution to the GSM
its penetration rate in first backhauling
                                              platform, based on the UMTS research
levels, the absolute number of fixed          results. This would be based on a new
services should remain equivalent and is      UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA)
likely to increase. And 6G is just around     and on an evolution of the GSM core
the corner...                                 network.

                                                                                                     ENJOY THE ETSI MAG          19
News on 3GPP

A 3GPP initiative
Broadband Mission Critical Communications
Mission Critical Communications, primarily used by law enforcement and public safety
and security agencies – such as police, fire, ambulance and military – are essential for
Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) operations, to protect lives every single
day and in every corner of the world.

Over the years, Land Mobile Radio (LMR)      communities to move voice services over        set of standards serving both the public
technologies such as TETRA and P25           as early as 2019.                              safety and the railway communication
have been central to the public safety                                                      needs. This will lead to a coherent set
agencies due to their reliability and ease   Now the features developed for the             of capabilities across different mission
of use. However, these agencies’ needs       Mission Critical users have also               critical vertical industries. The full set of
are evolving and they now demand             become sought after by many new [to            FRMCS standards is scheduled to be
an evolutionary approach towards             3GPP] industries, such as railways,            completed within Release 17.
broadband functionality.                     transportation, utilities, and others
                                             that are governed by mission critical          Looking to the future and the availability
3GPP has responded by specifying             operations. These users have been              of 5G, the 3GPP SA6 Working Group
for Mission Critical Services (MCX) –        attracted by highly reliable MC Push-          has begun work on its first study on
initially by making Push-to-Talk services    to-Talk based voice communication, but         MCX services over 5G – with publication
available over LTE networks – a move         increasingly data and video capabilities       expected in 2020. Now is the time for
strongly supported by the global public      are beginning to play a vital role in future   newcomers to bring their expertise
safety community, including the likes of     plans that they have.                          and their use cases to help us in the
FirstNet in the USA, the UK Home Office,     Building on this strong LTE foundation,        effort to create the future of critical
the Government of South Korea and the        the MC standards development is                communications!
Police Force of the Netherlands.             evolving further with MCX enhancements         For more information on 3GPP mission
                                             that introduce Mission Critical Video          critical standards, please refer to the
The 3GPP work on Mission Critical            (MCVideo) and Mission Critical Data            pages of 3GPP SA6 WG.
Services in Release 13 brought together      (MCData) and provide for interworking
over 600 strong user requirements            with legacy LMR systems.                       n Suresh Chitturi, 3GPP SA6 Chair, Samsung
(Stage 1) from public safety agencies.
In a coordinated and driven way the          3GPP SA6 Working Group is now
architecture and the detailed protocol       actively engaged with the development
specifications were developed for            of standards for Future Railway Mobile
Mission Critical Push-to-Talk (MCPTT)        Communication System (FRMCS), which
within 12 months of the start of the         are built on the same foundation of MCX
work, to allow early adopter public safety   standards, in order to enable a single

                      TM                                                 Rel-15                  MCPTT 4.0
                                                                         MCPTT 3.0               MCData 3.0
                                                  Rel-14                 MCVideo 2.0             Interworking 1.0
                                                   MCPTT 2.0             MCData 2.0              Railways 1.0
     3GPP Standards              Rel-13            MCVideo 1.0           Interworking 1.0        MBMS API
        Timeline                 MCPTT 1.0         MCData 1.0            Railways 1.0            MC Over 5GS (Study)

                                     March 2016            June 2017                 June 2018               December 2019

20          ENJOY THE ETSI MAG
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