Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ

Page created by Maria Chapman
Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
Welcome to

Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
Why Dunedin?

                                                                           Blackhead Beach Sunset

Dunedin is a confident              It’s become clear that a significant
commercial centre with a global     part of Dunedin’s future economic
focus and a strong emphasis         success lies in providing the ideal
on design and innovation,           environment for our increasingly
underpinned by cohesive business    successful startup, tech, gaming,
connections and a burgeoning        niche manufacturing and digital
talent pool. The city is enriched   industries to expand and thrive.
by successful businesses that       We believe we have all the right
produce cutting-edge products       ingredients in place for this to
and services selling into global    happen.
markets over a sustained period.
The city’s global connections,
particularly its sister city
relationships with Shanghai and
Edinburgh, have been carefully
fostered over time and are
underscored by a high level of
trust and integrity.

Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
The right focus

                                                                                                                               Port Chalmers

Dunedin’s Economic                      In 2012, the Dunedin City Council, The Economic Development
Development Strategy                    University of Otago, Otago
                                       Vision                                   Strategic context Strategy sits alongside and
                                       Dunedin                   Otago Chamber
                                                  will be a compelling          The Dunedinof Destinationcomplements
                                                                                                             Plan          seven other
The City’s vision is to be one of      destination, with highly regarded        is an implementation plan that
                                       attractions, educationOtago         Southland
                                                                 and lifestyle                           strategies
                                                                                will deliver on the vision  and        owned by the Dunedin
the world’s great small cities. This   experiences. Dunedin’s reputation        strategic objectives set out in the
                                        Employers             Association       and     Ngāi             City     Council which are also
vision encapsulates several ideas:     as a great small city will attract       city’s strategic framework (see the
                                        Tahu came together to develop
                                       visitors, investors  and  migrants.
                                       Our growing business vitality
                                                                                diagram    below),       intended to deliver the vision for
                                                                                DCC and the community. There
                                                                                                              by  the

• Dunedin is a centre of learning,      and
                                       will      agree
                                            improve         theincome
                                                      lifestyle,   2013-23
                                                                         and   Dunedin                   the
                                                                                are eight city strategies, alongcity and are summarised in the
                                       employment levels for our residents.     with the Council’s Long Term Plan
  education and research;               Economic Developmentand                  Strategy.
                                                                                     Financial Strategy,following
                                                                                                          and all are  diagram:
                                                                                underpinned by the principles of
• It sparks creativity and                                                      sustainability and commitment to
                                                                                the Treaty of Waitangi.
  experimentation in our
                                        Dunedin Strategic Framework
                                       Dunedin Strategic Framework
• It has an enterprising and
  pioneering spirit;
• It has strong relationships with
  mana whenua;
• The city has an inspiring                                                                      SPA
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  cultural heritage and natural
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• Dunedin is relevant and



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Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
The Economic Development           Dunedin as a digital
Strategy has two specific          destination
economic goals:
                                   Dunedin is increasingly becoming
• An average of $10,000 extra      a hub for thriving digital
  income for each person           businesses. We are recognised as
  (requiring GDP per capita to     a leading research centre for new
  rise by about 2.5% per annum);   technologies, including virtual
• 10,000 extra jobs over 10        and augmented reality. The city’s
  years (requiring employment      size, affordability and accessibility
  growth of approximately 2% per   - along with its educational and
  annum).                          research networks, pool of talent
                                   and culture of collaboration
                                   - make it a hub for creativity
To focus activities towards        and innovation. Dunedin also
achieving the goals, the Dunedin   has a higher growth in workers
Economic Development Strategy      employed in knowledge-intensive
comprises the following themes:    (3 per cent compared to 2.9
                                   percent nationally) and creative
• Business vitality;
                                   occupations such as film and
• Alliances for innovation;        music (2.4 per cent compared to
• Hub of skills and talent;        1.8 per cent nationally).

• Linkages beyond our borders;     Locally-owned, independent
                                   self-publishers such as Dunedin’s
• Compelling destination.          RocketWerkz and Runaway Play
For more information https://      are blending Dunedin creativity
www.dunedinnz.com/business/        with leading technology to create
enterprise-dunedin/strategy        successful games exported around
                                   the world.
                                   International gaming companies
                                   are now seeing our potential and
                                   are investing their digital futures
                                   here too.
                                   Dunedin’s growing digital
                                   industry will extend the into
                                   ‘serious games’ that can add
                                   value to our health and education

Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
A recognised Centre of               • Growing digital capability         While gaming and gamification
Digital Excellence (CODE)              through enhanced partnerships      applications is a priority for
                                       (building local partnerships -     CODE, we recognise that these
Our confidence in Dunedin’s
                                       firms, education providers, Ngāi   are not the only opportunities that
bright digital future is backed up
                                       Tahu, the startup ecosystem,       CODE can foster.
by the New Zealand Government’s
                                       developing and extending
decision to select Dunedin as                                             We’ve made a commitment at a
                                       international links, hosting
the base for its Centre of Digital                                        local level to work collaboratively
                                       international research fellows
Excellence (CODE).                                                        with education providers and the
                                       and speakers);
                                                                          local digital industry to maximise
CODE will build on existing
                                     • Supporting innovation to create    what CODE can deliver for
gaming and digital businesses
                                       growth through contestable         businesses, our city, the region
and the existing academic centres
                                       product development funds          and New Zealand.
in Dunedin. Over ten years, the
                                       targeted to areas of special
ambition of CODE is to move the
                                       focus (e.g. Māori coders, women,
computer gaming industry to a
                                       youth), hosting annual game
sector generating $1bn of output.
                                       development challenges;
The Government plans to invest
                                     • Facilitating growth in digital
significantly into CODE.
                                       employment in Dunedin
CODE will focus on the core            (leveraging investments in
factors identified by stakeholders     skills, capabilities, research -
as essential for growing Dunedin’s     industry and academic, and
video games development                innovation by building an
industry:                              environment that connects
• Developing skills (revamping         individuals with opportunities
  the tertiary education               leading to earnings and jobs);
  curriculum, investing to build     • Diversifying the industry
  school and non-school pathways       through targeted pathways,
  to the industry, providing           particularly for Māori, youth
  incentives that attract and          and women;
  retain talent, including Māori,
                                     • Attracting businesses and
  leading an annual workshop
                                       individuals to Dunedin
  on education options and skill
                                       (establishing Dunedin as a
                                       compelling location for game

Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
The right support

Business Vitality and City            For example, CODE aligns well to    Dunedin’s Startup Ecosystem
Investment in the Tech,               work already underway to support
                                                                          The Dunedin City Council has
Digital Ecosystem                     an engaged and motivated
                                                                          done some rigorous analysis
                                      startup ecosystem. This work has
There is growing interest from                                            around the challenges and
                                      gained momentum over the last
entrepreneurs, investors and                                              strategic approaches to Startup
                                      two years based on the efforts of
businesses in Dunedin due to                                              ecosystems. As a result, the city
                                      industry, the Startup Dunedin
its burgeoning talent pool and                                            is preparing to invest substantial
                                      Trust, investment by private
inclusive and creative startup                                            funding to nurture and grow the
                                      sector co-working spaces and
culture. The city also provides                                           startup ecosystem.
                                      support through agencies such as
an environment where people                                               • Startups have access to key
                                      the Grow Dunedin Partnership,
can set up at a fraction of the                                             players and resources to
                                      University of Otago, and Otago
cost of larger centres and do                                               grow their businesses, and
                                      Polytechnic. The Dunedin City
more with their resources. This is                                          to celebrate and promote
                                      Council invested nearly $250,000
complemented by the Dunedin                                                 startup success to improve the
                                      in activities to support startup
City Council’s ‘Red carpet, not red                                         perception of Dunedin as a
                                      businesses (particularly tech and
tape’ initiative - a proactive and                                          business-friendly city;
                                      digital startups).
business-friendly approach being
implemented across the council.                                           • Key investors and mentors
                                                                            continue to be drawn into the
Where in the past successful                                                ecosystem from within the city,
startups might only be found in                                             nationally and internationally;
the metropolitan areas of North
America, today a startup may                                              • Initiatives continue to be
emerge from any location where                                              developed - such as Rising
there is the right support and                                              Tide, a community driven grant
environment for growth.                                                     scheme designed to help launch
                                                                            early stage businesses and
                                                                            create better founders.

Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
Dunedin Cityscape

This work will combine the efforts   • Build on the innovation and       Co.Starters
and resources of Dunedin City          start up ecosystem being
                                                                         Co.Starters is a nine-week action-
Council’s partners and a range of      developed in Dunedin by
                                                                         driven, collaborative programme
other stakeholders, including the      retaining talent to support the
                                                                         in Dunedin that equips aspiring
private sector. Work is being done     growth of Dunedin businesses.
                                                                         entrepreneurs with the insights,
                                     For more information                relationships, and tools needed to
• Raise the profile and improve      www.startupdunedin.nz               turn business ideas into action.
  the attractiveness of the                                              The programme is run with a
  ecosystem to founders locally,                                         small and supportive group of
  nationally and internationally;    CreativeHQ – ‘Challenger            like-minded people led by two
                                     Series’                             experienced facilitators.
• Introduce investors to the
  Dunedin ecosystem locally,         The investment in the Startup       For more information
  nationally and internationally;    Dunedin Trust will also fund        www.startupdunedin.nz
                                     the continued rollout of the
• Provide tools and support to
  start ups (including ongoing       Challenger Series/ CreativeHQ
  delivery of Co-Starters and        incubation model in 2019/20
  Challenger Series), tracking,      Talent attracts talent and we’re
  and monitoring the ecosystem;      expecting great interest in the
• Coordinate on the Audacious        programme because Dunedin is a
  programme; The purpose of          thriving start up ecosystem.
  Audacious is to:                   Startups are growing in Dunedin
• Provide students with an           because of the proximity of a
  insight of how to develop an       burgeoning talent pool within
  idea into a business and in        the University of Otago and
  some cases, the experience of      Otago Polytechnic, Gig speed
  establishing a business;           connectivity (the fastest in the
                                     Southern Hemisphere), the rise
• Develop entrepreneurial            of creative and well- connected
  behaviours and understanding       work spaces and a collaborative
  of business realities through
                                     business culture.
  interactions with the business
  community, which make              For more information
  graduates attractive employees;    www.startupdunedin.nz
Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
The right

                                                                            Vogel Street, Warehouse Precinct

Warehouse Precinct                   Distiller
Dunedin’s Warehouse precinct         The Distiller is Startup Dunedin’s
took off in 1861 when Gabriel        early stage startup co-working
Read found gold, beginning the       space. The Distiller has a
Otago gold rush. This transformed    number of desks and offices
Dunedin from a town of about         available for startups which are
three thousand into New Zealand’s    in, or transitioning into Startup
largest and richest city. The        Dunedin’s programmes.
Warehouse Precinct and the           It is an increasingly important
nearby [Stock] Exchange area         community for budding
soon became the headquarters         entrepreneurs, offering support
of some of Australasia’s most        and guidance, and helping build
important companies.                 confidence, skills and networks.
                                     The space is also a feeder for other
The Dunedin City Council,
                                     co-workspaces in the city.
together with enthusiastic
building owners, are working to      Rachel Butler, General Manager
revitalise the Warehouse Precinct.   E: rachel.butler@startupdunedin.nz
This area has a new lease of life    www.startupdunedin.nz
with the arrival of innovative new
businesses, cafes and restaurants,
new hotel and apartments. The
next stage of the multimillion-
dollar upgrade of Dunedin’s
warehouse precinct will get under
way before the end of the year.
For more information

Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
Providing a space to do business in Dunedin, offering flexibility with private desks and offices in an
inspirational hub within a professional and comfortable environment. Welcoming startups, small businesses,
innovators and entrepreneurs to be a member of an affordable and vibrant community. Making connections to
support, grow and succeed together. Co-working members have easy access to Gigabit UFB and the ability to
move large amounts of data with state of the art technology. (Indicative rates only)
Jason and Kate Lindsey hello@petridish.co.nz M: 021 144 7185 www.petridish.co.nz

                      Studio                Resident               Social                Drop-In               Café Style
Price                 $799 month            $399 month             $299 month            $25 day               $10 day*
Space                 Private offi          Permanent desk         Hot desk              Shared table          Shared table
Access                24/7                  24/7                   9am - 5.30pm M-F      9am - 5.30pm M-F      9am - 5.30pm M-F
WiFi                  3                     3                      3                     3                     3
Ethernet              3                     3                      3                     –                     –
Meeting rooms         Included              Included               2 hours/week          From $25 hour         From $25 hour
Storage               3                     3                      3                     –                     3
Signage**             3                     3                      3                     –                     Option to purchase
*$50/month membership fees apply. Minimimum 6-month membership. **with a 6+ month agreement.

Innov8 HQ
Founded by Heidi Renata, whose career spans over 20 years, with 13 years at the forefront of technology in the
ICT sector. She is a reputable Business Leader, Mentor & Consultant, who has worked across various industry
sectors, both in NZ and overseas, so fully understands the challenges and opportunities facing the Business
andEntrepreneur landscape today and it’s digital culture and brings with her an eclectic ecosystem of industry
experts, mentors & coaches to support and resource that demand. (Indicative rates only)
Heidi Renata Innov8 HQ – Founder/CEO info@innov8hq.com M: 021 443 439 www.innov8hq.com

                      Small Businesses      Private Suites         Permanent             Semi Permanent        Part Timer
                      $1250 month*          $699 month*            $535 month**          $360 month**          $280 month**
Space 3 or more 3 or less Dedicated desk                                                 Allocated desk in     Hot desk in
				                                                                                     Workstation Zone      Workstation Zone
Seating               Electronic Sit        Electronic Sit         Electronic Sit        Electronic Sit        Electronic Sit
                      /Stand Desks          /Stand Desks           /Stand Desks          /Stand Desks          /Stand Desks
Access 24/7/365 24/7/365 24/7/365                                                        3 days                2 days
				                                                                                     8am - 5.30pm M-F      8am - 5.30pm M-F
Gig WiFi + Ethernet   3                     3                      3                     3                     3
Meeting rooms         Unlimited use         Unlimited use          Unlimited use         8 hrs/month           4 hrs/month
Storage               Lockers included      Filing cabinet         Locker included       Locker included       Check out rates
Signage               3                     3                      3                     3                     3
Prices quoted are starting prices exclusive of GST. * minimum 6 month contract. ** minimum 3 month contract.

Welcome to Dunedin - DunedinNZ
Regus, a global, flexible workplace provider is located in Dunedin. The newly renovated workspace has
capacity for 42 private office and the ability to accommodate another 25-30 people. It off s businesses the
opportunity to rent various-sized workspaces for anywhere from one hour to years, depending on their needs.
(Indicative rates only)
Phillipa Calvert Harvest Court Mall, 218 George St M: +64 (0) 21 242 4676 www.regus.co.nz

                       Office 109 1WS         Office 142 2WS          Office 125 3WS         Office 116 6WS         Office 120 9WS
Price                  $522 month             $955 month              $1555 month            $4278 month            $6411 month
Space                  4.8m – internal with 7.6m – internal with
                            2                      2
                                                                      9.8m – handy to
                                                                                             19m – large
                                                                                                                    23.3m2 – large
                       lounge access        privacy                   meeting room           window to street       window to street
Access                 24/7/365               24/7/365                24/7/365               24/7/365               24/7/365
WiFi + Ethernet        3                      3                       3                      3                      3
Meeting rooms          Included               Included                Included               Included               Included
A fixed monthly account also includes: Dedicated secure office, basic furniture package, power, daily cleaning, security, access and use
of all common areas and business lounges, use of the community meeting room, use of any Regus business lounge around the world -
over 3500 locations, basic reception support and invitation to monthly community events.
An office/co-working desk can be taken on a month by month agreement, 6 months ( 5% discount), 12 months (10% discount ) or 24
months ( 15% discount)
Business Lounge Membership only – Weekdays and business hours only
$167 per month on a month by month basis
$157 per month for a six month term
$149 per month for a 12 month term
Regus quotes on an all inclusive cost. There are no set up fees. Bond for security purposes is two months lease in advance for Office and
one month for Reserved Co-working desks. Lease payment terms are a month in advance.

The right

                                                                                              Orokonui Ecosantuary

Dunedin has a well-educated          A growing pool of creative             Hub for Skills and Talent
population, with the highest         and high-tech enterprises              Dunedin is a hub of high value
concentration of postgraduate        and talent                             skills and knowledge, reflected in
qualifications of any New Zealand
                                     Dunedin has a high proportion of       its growing economy, a drive to
                                     workers employed in knowledge-         attract and retain talent, and the
                                     intensive occupations. Health          increase in jobs available in the
                                     technologies and biotechnology,        professional, scientific and tech
A strong knowledge base
                                     niche manufacturing and                services sectors.
The University of Otago and          engineering, ICT and creative-         Dunedin’s skilled and talented
Otago Polytechnic attract many       related industries have all            people don’t just serve the city
students and academics to            grown over the past decade,            - their businesses and services
Dunedin, (including substantial      representing more than $500            make significant contributions
numbers from overseas) and have      million to the Dunedin economy.        to organisations and businesses
expertise that supports research     These industries are built on the      within New Zealand and oversees.
and development in several of        city’s history of investments and
our industries. They also punch      capability and it would be difficult   Confidence in the city’s
above their weight with regard to    to replicate them elsewhere (for       technology sector is evident
external research. Together, these   example, the Medical School,           through recent and accelerating
institutions provide a rich pool     Natural History New Zealand,           growth in new business
of emerging talent for our digital   Invermay Agricultural Research         establishment and jobs. Overall,
industries.                          Campus).                               the current environment in
                                                                            Dunedin provides a solid, reliable
                                                                            platform that can support and
                                                                            absorb further acceleration.

Sector, job and population             A high proportion of this growth       In general, Dunedin continues
growth                                 occurred in 2018, when the sector      to attract and retain people.
                                       created the highest number of          The latest estimated resident
Improving economic conditions in
                                       new filled jobs in Dunedin (230).      population figures, released by
Dunedin are flowing through into
                                       Of the new filled jobs in the sector   Statistics NZ in October 2018,
labour market outcomes.
                                       in 2018, 122 were in computer          showed Dunedin’s population
The average number of people           systems design and related             had jumped by 1900 people, or
receiving Jobseeker Support            services (making up a total of 582     1.5%, to 130,700 in the year to June
declined 4.8% over the year to         jobs in this area within the city).    2018, and many of these are in
September 2018. This outcome                                                  the 15-39-year age bracket. This
                                       Over the past 9 years, the
is consistent with data from                                                  follows growth of 1,800 people the
                                       professional, scientific and tech
Statistics New Zealand that                                                   previous year.
                                       services sector also made the
showed employment within
                                       third-highest contribution to the      Programmes that are attracting
Dunedin businesses (i.e. excluding
                                       city’s growth in business units.       and retaining talent in Dunedin
self-employment) climbed 3.9%
                                       Given recent trends, this ranking      include:
over the year to February 2018 – its
                                       is expected to climb:
fastest rate of growth since 2002.                                            ICT Graduate School – SIGNAL
The University of Otago, Otago                                                The South Island ICT Graduate
Polytechnic and the health sector      Rental, Hiring and Real Estate         School (SIGNAL) plays a
underpin Dunedin’s knowledge           Services 312                           significant role in supporting the
and skills base with a high                                                   innovation networks Dunedin. It
                                       Financial and Insurance
proportion of workers employed in                                             facilitates the mixing of technical
                                       Services 249
knowledge-intensive occupations.                                              expertise and creativity across
                                       Professional, Scientific and           industry and education in a way
Over the past 9 years (2009-2018),
                                       Technical Services 174                 that has not previously been
the professional, scientific and
                                       Health Care and Social                 achieved. Based in Dunedin’s
tech services sector was in the
                                       Assistance 84                          burgeoning Warehouse precinct,
top 5 sectors creating the highest
                                                                              it is a partnership bringing
number of new jobs in Dunedin1:        Accommodation and Food                 industry and education together
                                       Services 81                            showcasing educational and
Construction 1,331                     All other industries 141               internship opportunities, with a
                                                                              focus on innovative experiential
Health Care and Social                                                        learning based on real world
Assistance 1,217                                                              challenges.
Public Administration                                                         For more information https://
and Safety 612                                                                signal.ac.nz/
Accommodation and Food
Services 605
Professional, Scientific and
Technical Services 505

JobDUN Business                       In 2018/19 96% of businesses        Recruitment Agencies
Internship Programme                  were satisfied or very satisfied
                                                                          Select Recruitment
                                      with quality of inters and 100%
Established in 2009 by the                                                Phone: +64 3 477 0873
                                      were satisfied or very satisfied
Dunedin City Council, JobDUN                                              www.select.co.nz
                                      with the quality of the JobDUN
is a paid internship programme
                                      programme.                          Crew Consulting
for Dunedin businesses and
                                                                          Phone: +64 (0)3 477 2929
tertiary students. Since 2009 131
businesses across 13 sectors have     JobDUN has also facilitated the
been involved. There have been                                            Platinum Consulting
                                      creation of new businesses in
388 internships resulting in 270                                          Phone +64 3 477 3633
                                      Dunedin where interns who are
positions. Just over half of all                                          www.platinumrecruitment.co.nz
                                      developing under the expertise
interns in JobDUN are offered         of senior business mentors see      Human Connections
ongoing positions in Dunedin.         that they too can establish their   Phone +64 29 200 1595
It meets business needs, creates      own globally focussed business      www.humanconnectionsgroup.com
high value jobs, retains skills and   here in Dunedin. CloudCannon        Fluid Recruitment
talent in the city and contributes    is one example, with offices now    Phone: +64 3 467 7220
to the economic growth of             in Dunedin and San Francisco,       www.fluidrecruitment.co.nz
Dunedin. Funding is available         employing nine people locally,
to assist your business to help       serving customers from all over
cover the costs of an intern’s        the world, and now themselves
remuneration.                         employing interns through
It’s an easy way for startups and
high growth SMEs from across the      For more information https://
city, to link to students from the    jobdun.co.nz/
University of Otago and Otago
Students have entered business
as young interns and have grown
into the new business leaders in
their sectors Former JobDUN
interns are now are taking
leadership roles in businesses like
Tussock Innovation, Blue Jeans
and Education Perfect.

The right

                                                                             An example of Dunedin Street Art – Phlegm (UK)

Red carpet not red tape                 •   Council relationship managers     Dunedin Heritage Fund
                                            to help specific business
The Dunedin City Council is                                                   The Dunedin City Council and the
actively helping and encouraging                                              New Zealand Historic Places Trust
local economic prosperity               •   Proactive knowledge sharing       (NZHPT) jointly administer the
through:                                    within the business community     Dunedin Heritage Fund to support
                                            on information that’s relevant    the protection and conservation
•    Investing in new and existing
                                            to new business, such as          of Dunedin’s built heritage, as
                                            available land and building       well as the continued use and
•    Supporting business                    space.                            appreciation of these places by the
     development initiatives.                                                 community.
•    Helping promote the city to                                              The Heritage Fund may provide
     current and potential investors,                                         assistance through grants, interest
     skilled staff and others with                                            free loans, or a combination
     access to resources.                                                     of both, to approved projects.
•    Supporting effective                                                     There is currently no maximum
     procurement policies.                                                    or minimum assistance amount.
                                                                              Any assistance will be approved
•    Helping create a city that is                                            based on the amount specific on
     attractive to visit and live in.                                         the application form or a lesser
•    Working to ensure the city’s                                             amount.
     economy is resilient to future
•    A business relationship
     management model to manage
     the process for businesses who
     want to set up or expand in the


                                                                            Information Services Building, University of Otago

GigSpeed                                   corrects them, tackling the        Eduroam
                                           problem of waste and rework
With support from Chorus, New                                                 Eduroam (education roaming) is
                                           when writing software code.
Zealand’s largest infrastructure                                              the secure, world-wide roaming
                                           The GigStart funding allowed
company, Dunedin has one gigabit                                              access service developed for
                                           them to speed up trials and
per second (1Gbps) broadband                                                  the international research and
                                           will ultimately help them get
services, placing the city on the                                             education community. It allows
                                           Codelingo to market more
map as the most connected in the                                              students, researchers and staff
Southern Hemisphere. Chorus                                                   from participating institutions
has contributed over $1M to the        •   Is now working with a handful      to obtain Internet connectivity
development of Dunedin as a                of key clients to ensure its       across campus and when visiting
gig enabled city. It became the            product is functioning well        other participating institutions by
country’s first GigCity, providing         and to build up a quality          simply opening their laptop. As
free public access to this network.        story. Ultimately its customer     Dunedin has a broader catchment
As a result of the competition,            base will be international         of wifi enabled spaces than any
over $700,000 has been distributed         because the “developer             other city in New Zealand the
to 11 startups and 21 not-for-profit       community doesn’t really have      eduroam platform is dispersed
groups for community-based                 a geography”;                      over a wider area.
projects.                              •   Is now transitioning from an
All 11 startups funded through             interesting software project
GigCity have continued to operate          with potential into an actual
successfully in the city. One              company with a good revenue
example is Codelingo, who were             stream and a global customer
granted $20,000 in 2017.                   base.
Codelingo:                             Dunedin welcomes input and
                                       collaboration from international
•   Was established to tackle the
                                       industry to further develop the
    problem of waste and rework
                                       opportunity and attract and retain
    when writing software which
                                       talent from within the city and
    costs time and money for
                                       For more information https://www.
•   Has developed a tool that
    scans computer software code
    for errors and automatically
A positive

                                                                                          Middlemarch Sutton Salt Lake

City GDP                                                                     Dunedin has significant
                                      Health Tech               $7.41m       advantages with its strong
GDP in Dunedin City                                                          knowledge base attracting
                                      Engineering, Health &
measured $5,005m                                                             students and academics from all
                                      Science Professionals    $27.7m
in the year to March                                                         over the world. A high proportion
2018, up 2.6% from a                  Creative                  $109m
                                                                             of people are employed in
year earlier.                         ICT                       $72.4m       knowledge intensive occupations
Tertiary industries account for the   *Manufacturing &                       including health technologies
largest proportion of GDP(36.5%)      Technology               $570m         and biotechnology, niche
                                      Total value:              $786.51      manufacturing and engineering,
in Dunedin.
                                                                             ICT/tech and creative industries.
                                      *The split in value between
                                                                             The Dunedin tech sector is
Tech secton                           manufacturing and technology is        increasingly important to the city’s
                                      estimated to be 50/50.                 growth generating approximately
                                      Economic growth in Dunedin             $330 million to GDP and provides
            $330 million              has now remained above 2% per          2000 jobs.
            3.5% of local economy     annum for four straight years –        Tech sector and startups/scale-ups
                                      with 2.6% growth in 2018.              are growing in Dunedin because
            Exports                   In the five years to 2018, the         of the proximity to a burgeoning
            $154 million              number of filled jobs in Dunedin
                                                                             talent pool within the University
                                                                             of Otago and Otago Polytechnic,
                                      increased by 4,721 (an average of
                                                                             Gig speed connectivity (the fastest
            Employees                 1.6% per annum). In 2017 and 2018,
                                                                             in the Southern Hemisphere), the
                                      the number increased by 2,864
            1,904                     (an average of 2.4% per annum),
                                                                             rise of creative and well-connected
                                                                             work spaces, and a collaborative
                                      indicating the rate of job growth is   business culture.
Health technologies, niche            accelerating.
                                                                             While all sectors of the economy
manufacturing and engineering,        Job growth in Dunedin 2014-2018:       make a valuable contribution,
ICT/Tech and creative-related                                                there is an opportunity to
industries have all grown over        2014            59,321        0.5%
                                                                             build tech, and to build scale in
the past decade. As of March          2015            60,268        1.6%     exporting facing sectors where we
2018, their value to the Dunedin      2016            60,873        1.0%     have growing capability and real
economy was:                          2017            62,091        2.0%     advantage.
                                      2018            63,737        2.7%
12 | Welcome to Dunedin

Some local examples                                Spaces, and meeting rooms.                          Hillside Workshops is home to
include:                                           The head office is located in                       Antipodean Explorer sleeper
                                                   Luxembourg City.                                    carriages ad tourism venture
•   The Bison Group who have
                                                                                                       established by Fu Wah a Chinese
    developed a world-first           Fisher & Paykel Appliances is
                                                                                                       enterprise that invests in
    portable container-weighing       a Dunedin-based research and
                                                                                                       diversified industries and real
    scale in response to changes      development centre owned by
    in container shipping logistics   whiteware giant Haier from China.
           Global companies that have Speights
                                      a strong interest                                                    Silver Fern Farms is a
                                               Brewery in
                                                        is Dunedin
                                                           owned by
                                                                                                           multinational meat company
• PhotonicMixBitInnovations         whoservice thatLion
                   is a video sharing                        whichbyistwo
                                                       was created        New     Zealand’s
                                                                              of the three co-founders of YouTube, Steve Chen and Chad
                                                                                                           owned in equal partnership by
   use lasers
          Hurley tofrom
                     detect     toxic and
                          the USA.                    largest alcohol beverage company
                                                                                                           Silver Fern Farms Co-op Ltd,
          Regusgas      leaks
                   offers  fully and   were
                                 Serviced             and is
                                            Office Spaces,     located
                                                            Virtual        in Co-working
                                                                     Offices,  Australia.Spaces, and meeting rooms. The head office is
                                                                                                           a cooperative of 16,000 New
   one oflocated
           the top     3 New Zealand
                    in Luxembourg      City.          Emerson’s Brewery Dunedin                            Zealand sheep, cattle and deer
          Fisherof    the year     in 2016.           boutique ale       is owned     by Lion, centre owned
                   & Paykel     Appliances   is a Dunedin-based     research   and development             farmers    and Shanghai
                                                                                                                 by whiteware             Maling
                                                                                                                                 giant Haier
• Software company Timely
          from   China.                               the Australasian brewer owned                        Aquarius Ltd a China- based
   provides    cloud-based
          Speights                  owned by Lion by
                      Brewery isbooking                   Japanese
                                                      which             beverages
                                                             is New Zealand’s           giant
                                                                                  largest alcohol beveragecompany
                                                                                                             company andprimarily
                                                                                                                           is locatedengaged
                                                                                                                                       in        in
   software    to the global salon and Kirin, which has expanded its
          Australia.                                                                                       the production, processing and
   spa sector.
          Emerson’s Brewery Dunedin boutique          footprint     in boutique
                                                         ale is owned   by Lion, theales   by
                                                                                      Australasian  brewerdistribution      of meat
                                                                                                            owned by Japanese           products.
          giant Kirin, which has expanded its footprint                                 Emerson’s
                                                                  boutique ales by buying     Dunedin-based Emerson’s Brewing.
                                                                                                           Scott Tech provide advanced
          Content creator NHNZ is a Blue Ant Media company an international content producer,                 distributor and  channel
Global companies                that have                                                                  engineering      and    robotic
          operator headquartered        in Toronto. Content creator NHNZ is a
invested in Dunedin                                                                                        technologies      for  various    industries
          Bradken is a global foundry and metal       Blue   Antbusiness
                                                        casting     Media specialising
                                                                              company inancustom-designed  and is owned by JBS, the second
                                                                                                                parts  and equipment
             is the byworld’s
                       Bradken leader
                                  Australia.in        international content producer,                      largest food company in the world
cloud video    conferencing
          Hillside   Workshops isenabling             distributor
                                      home to Antipodean      Explorerand    channel
                                                                        sleeper         operator
                                                                                  carriages                fromestablished
                                                                                             ad tourism venture    Brazil who  by has
                                                                                                                                  Fu Waha controlling
users to easily
          Chineseand      securely
                     enterprise                       headquartered
                                  that invests in diversified   industries inandToronto.
                                                                                 real estate.              stake in the company.
hold live video     calls,   webinars,
          Silver Fern Farms is a multinationalBradken  meat companyis a owned
                                                                                    equal partnership by Silver  Fern Farms is
                                                                                                           RocketWerks        Co-op  Ltd,
                                                                                                                                 a Dunedin-
conference    calls, andofonline
          a cooperative        16,000 New Zealandand   sheep,  cattle and   deer farmers   and Shanghai   Maling  Aquarius  Ltd  a China-
                                                           metal casting business                          based gaming studio currently
            It is company
                               primarily in
                                          engaged in the production, processing and distribution of meat products.
                                                      specialising in custom-designed                      undergoing rapid expansion and
San Jose,Scott
           California,       United States.
                  Tech provide advanced engineering   partsandand    equipment
                                                                 robotic             owned
                                                                          technologies         by industries
                                                                                        for various             and is owned by JBS, the
                                                                                                           having    attracted investment from
Regus offers fully Serviced Office
          second    largest   food company     in the world from   Brazil
                                                      Bradken Australia.   who  has  a controlling stake in the company.
                                                                                                           Hong Kong-based internet giant
Spaces, Virtual     OfficeCo-working
          RocketWerks       is a Dunedin-based gaming studio currently undergoing rapid expansion          Tencent.
                                                                                                              and having attracted
            investment from Hong Kong-based internet giant Tencent.


Hospital Rebuild                      Waterfront                           The plan, driven by Dunedin-
                                                                           based architect Damien van
Construction of a new hospital        The proposed Dunedin Harbour
                                                                           Brandenburg and Animation
for Dunedin is set to start within    waterfront development will be
                                                                           Research Ltd’s managing director
the next three years and is due for   pedestrian-friendly and connected
                                                                           Ian Taylor, is part of a 25-year
completion in 2026.                   to the town centre, university and
                                                                           vision for Dunedin.
                                      Dunedin stadium by walkways
This building project, worth
                                      and cycleways. It will provide a     In December, the Dunedin City
between $1.2 to $1.4 billion,
                                      spectacular and easily accessible    Council voted to invest $20
is likely to be the largest in
                                      focal point in the city for locals   million into the project, with other
Dunedin’s history. It will employ
                                      and visitors alike to gather and     funders identified to contribute.
1000 workers on site.
                                      enjoy.                               The Government has so far
When finished it will be the most                                          committed $820,000 to complete
                                      The proposal includes:
modern hospital in New Zealand.                                            a business case for the project, the
                                      •   a shell-shaped hotel and         results of which are pending.
The University of Otago
                                          conference centre
and Otago Polytechnic have                                                 For more information
historically had close links          •   a marine education centre        www.dunedin.govt.nz/waterfront
with Dunedin Hospital and the             shaped like a whale’s tail
decision to build on a central city
                                      •   a redesigned steamer basin and
site close to their campuses will
                                          new trees.
strengthen these relationships.
For more information

                                                                               Dunedin Harbour Proposed Development
A progressive, supportive
 educational environment

                                                                             Autumn at Otago Museum

Dunedin’s world-leading higher         Secondary Schools
education institutions make the
                                       Offering a quality high school
city a first-class study destination
                                       education since 1871, Dunedin’s
and a global source of knowledge
                                       schools are dedicated to helping
and research.
                                       young students learn and grow in
With a wide range of study             a safe and secure place.
opportunities, and New Zealand’s
                                       With strong support for
strongest and most affordable
                                       English language students,
student learning environment,
                                       our 12 high schools teach over
Dunedin offers the very best in
                                       40 internationally recognised
higher education at all levels.
                                       subjects, encouraging every
The study is career-focused and        student to make the most of their
Dunedin graduates are work-            experience in Dunedin.
                                       Providing rewarding pathways to
                                       higher learning, Dunedin is the
                                       place for a world-class high school
                                       For more information https://www.

Otago Polytechnic                   CONTACT DETAILS                    ABOUT US
Otago Polytechnic is proud to be    Otago Polytechnic                  www.op.ac.nz/about-us
a leader in high-quality, career-   Forth Street, Private Bag 1910,    •   1st in New Zealand for course
focused education with some of      Dunedin New Zealand                    completions*
the best student achievement
and satisfaction results in New     Within New Zealand: 0800 762 786   •   97% of our graduates are in
Zealand.                            International: +64 3 477 3014          work or further study**
Employers love our graduates                                           •   3 campuses
because they are work-ready,        www.op.ac.nz
                                                                       •   43 degrees/postgraduate
confident and solution-focused.     www.facebook.com/OtagoPoly             programmes
We offer more than 150              www.youtube.com/user/              •   20 New Zealand teaching
programmes of learning (ranging     OtagoPolytech www.instagram.           excellence awards
from certificates to postgraduate   com/otagopolytechnic
                                                                       •   1: 16 teacher to student ratio
qualifications, including a
                                                                           (small class sizes)
doctorate) and have approximately
9,200+ students on campuses in                                         •   20+ dedicated support staff
Dunedin, Cromwell in Central                                           •   80+ international exchange
Otago, and Auckland.                                                       partners
We have been given the highest                                         •   24 ways to make you more
possible quality ratings from                                              employable – our Learner
Government and are proud of our                                            Capability Framework
teaching excellence; in the past                                           identifies the transferable skills
15 years, 20 of our teachers have                                          employers value, and helps you
won National Tertiary Teaching                                             continue to develop them
Excellence Awards.
                                                                       * Source: Tertiary Education
In addition, international                                             Commission Educational
study abroad and exchange                                              Performance Report (2017)
opportunities enable our
students – and those from partner                                      **Source: Otago Polytechnic
institutions – to broaden their                                        Graduate Destination Survey
cultural experience and gain                                           (2018)
global understandings.
We believe our people make a
better world and our alumni are
global citizens who care about
making a difference. We are
committed to sustainability and
are working towards a sustainable
future for ourselves and future

DUNEDIN CAMPUS                        ENGLISH LANGUAGE                        ACCOMMODATION
www.op.ac.nz/dunedin                                                          www.op.ac.nz/dunedin-
                                      www.op.ac.nz/study/english              accommodation
•   Right in the heart of the
    education and student district    •   New Zealand Certificate in          •   Te Pā Tauira – Otago
                                          English Language (from Level            Polytechnic’s on-campus
•   Easy walking distance to the
                                          2 – Level 5)                            Student Village
    centre of town
                                      •   English language summer             •   Accommodation services
•   Close to shopping, restaurants,
    cafes, museums                                                            •   Homestay
                                      •   English language support
•   Close to gymnasiums and                                                   •   Flatting
                                          classes and Learning Advisors
    sports grounds
                                                                              •   Studio and hostel
•   Close to the Forsyth Barr                                                     accommodation
    Stadium – music, events, sport    STUDENT SERVICES AND
•   Library on-site
                                                                              RELIGIOUS FACILITIES ON SITE
•   On-campus cafes and social
                                                                              •   Chaplain
    areas                             •   International student advisors
                                                                              •   Close to a range of churches
•   On-campus student                 •   Tailored international student
    accommodation                         orientation                         •   Close to Dunedin’s mosque

                                      •   20+ student ambassadors –
                                          current students happy to talk      FEES AND COSTS (IN NZD)
                                          to those thinking of studying
www.op.ac.nz/study                        with us                             EDUCATION FEES

Agriculture; arboriculture;           •   Learning Advisors                   Tuition per year $18,000 - $28,000
architectural studies; art;                                                   (approx.)
                                      •   Full on-campus library facilities
automotive; business; beauty                                                  Tuition per week – special
therapy; brewing; construction;       •   Health services (Student            programme (i.e. English
cookery; culinary arts; design;           Health centre, Counselling,         language) $400
early childhood education;                Chaplain)
engineering; English language;
                                      •   Disability support                  ACCOMMODATION COSTS
food design; hairdressing;
horticulture; hospitality; hotel      •   Career services                     Contact international@op.ac.nz
management; information               •   Otago Polytechnic Students’         for more details
technology; leadership for change;        Association (OPSA)
massage therapy; midwifery;
nursing; occupational therapy;        –   run by students, for students       APPLICATION AND
outdoor adventure; personal           •   Clubs and societies                 ENROLMENT
training; photographic media                                                  •   Students can apply via our
                                      •   Gymnasium & sports grounds
arts; snowsports; social services;                                                website www.op.ac.nz/apply
sport, exercise and health; sports
                                                                              •   We recommend that students
turf management; stonemasonry;
                                                                                  apply at least three months
tertiary education; tourism;
                                                                                  before the start of the
veterinary nursing; viticulture

University of Otago                  CONTACT DETAILS                      MAJOR AREAS OF STUDY
Welcome to the University of         University of Otago                  As a world-class teaching and
Otago – ranked in the top 1% of                                           research University, Otago offers
                                     PO Box 56, Dunedin 9054
universities in                                                           a first-class education across a
                                     Phone +64 3 479 7000                 range of qualifications in Business,
the world and awarded 5 stars plus
                                     www.otago.ac.nz                      Health Sciences, Humanities and
– the highest-possible rating for
teaching                             Enquire now
                                                                          Otago has 12 flagship
and research (QS World University    otago.ac.nz/international/           multidisciplinary research centres
Rankings and QS Stars Rating).       enquiries                            and 17 research themes with
After 150 years we are New           Facebook.com/                        particular teaching and research
Zealand’s oldest university, are     OtagoInternationalOffice             strengths across the areas of
ranked 176th in the world and        Instagram.com/otago.                 Applied Sciences, Accounting
we’re still leading the way when     international Weibo.com/otagonz      and Finance, Biomedical Sciences,
it comes to world-class research                                          Clinical Medicine, Dentistry,
                                     Wechat ID: otagonz
led teaching and a legendary                                              Earth Sciences, Economics,
student lifestyle – the two core                                          Education, English Language and
elements that set the University     ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES                  Literature, Food and Nutrition,
of Otago apart, and the reason                                            Law, Medicine, Pharmacy,
students from across the country     In the 2019 QS World Rankings,       Philosophy, Physics, Psychology,
and international students from      Otago placed in the top 100          Public Health, and Tourism.
100 countries choose us for their    Universities in 14 subject
tertiary education.                  areas including Archaeology,
                                     Development Studies., Education,     QUALIFICATIONS
We are New Zealand’s leading         Geography, Physiology, Dentistry,
postgraduate research university                                          Bachelor, Diploma for Graduates,
                                     Earth and Marine Sciences, and
and have earned an international                                          Honours, Postgraduate Diploma,
                                     sports-related subjects.
reputation for the quality of our                                         Master, PhD
research and training.               Otago offers over 200
                                     undergraduate and postgraduate
Most study takes place at our        programmes. We are home to New       OTAGO AT A GLANCE
campus in Dunedin, a safe city       Zealand’s first medical school
where education is the main                                               •   ranked 176th in the world (QS
                                     and New Zealand’s only Schools           World Rankings 2019)
activity. Dunedin is the only true   of Dentistry and Surveying.
university city in New Zealand and   Our internationally accredited       •   ranked 201-250 in the world
Australia.                           Business School is an Asia-Pacific       (Times Higher World
                                     leader in education and research,        Rankings)
                                     and our arts and humanities are      •   ranked 34th in the world for
                                     within the top 100 in the world.         Dentistry & 20th for sports-
                                                                              related subjects (QS World
                                                                              Rankings 2019)
                                                                          •   ranked 94th in the world for
                                                                              life sciences and medicine;
                                                                              eight Humanities subject
                                                                              areas are ranked in the top
                                                                              100 internationally (QS World
                                                                              Rankings 2019)
•   unmatched record in the          ACCOMMODATION                       FEES AND COSTS (IN NZD)
    National Teaching Excellence
                                     •   accommodation Office            EDUCATION FEES
                                     •   14 undergraduate Residential    Tuition per year:
•   tops all TEC (Tertiary
                                         Colleges (Halls of Residence)   Undergraduate - $26,364 - $100,085
    Education Commission)
                                                                         Postgraduate - $27,966 - $102,211
    performance indicators for the   •   1 postgraduate Residential
                                                                         PhD - NZ Domestic fees
    retention of students, course        College.
    and qualification completions,                                       ACCOMMODATION COSTS
    and progression to higher
    study                            RELIGIOUS FACILITIES ON             Residential College* - $16,000 -
                                     SITE                                $18,000
•   global employability 95% of                                          Flatting $12,000 - $18,000 per year
    Otago graduates go directly      •   prayer rooms
                                                                         * Prices indicative only of what
    into work or further study.      •   mosque a block from Campus      you might expect to pay.
                                     •   university Chaplains.
                                                                         OTHER FEES
PROGRAMMES                                                               Medical and Travel Insurance
                                     SPECIAL ACTIVITIES                  $620
•   University of Otago Language
                                     •   international and university
                                         orientation programme
•   English for Otago programme                                          APPLICATION AND
                                     •   more than 150 student clubs     ENROLMENT
                                         and societies
                                                                         •   Students can apply online at
                                     •   international Food Festival         www.otago.ac.nz/international
                                     •   international Cultural night.   •   No application fee

                                                                                              University of Otago
A lifestyle that’s
    hard to beat

                                                                                                             Fur Seal

Excellent amenities                     •   An enviable range of recreation   Cohesive communities
Dunedin is unique in New Zealand
                                            and leisure opportunities and     and whānau, and a great
in having a high standard of
                                            facilities, such as parks and     lifestyle
                                            reserves, the Otago Peninsula,
cultural, leisure, public and natural                                         Many people choose to live in
                                            tracks and cycleways
amenities. There is also a strong                                             Dunedin for lifestyle reasons. It
commitment to environmental             •   World-class venues, including     is an excellent city in which to
sustainability and city resilience.         Moana Pool, the Forsyth Barr      raise a family. The 2018 Quality
Key amenity strengths include:              Stadium and the Edgar Centre      of Life report indicated 88% of
                                        •   A high standard of                Dunedin residents rated their
•    The largest amount of green
                                            infrastructure                    overall quality of life as ‘extremely
     space per person for a New
                                                                              good’ or ‘good’. There is a strong
     Zealand city and a stunning
                                                                              sense of place and understanding
     natural environment
                                                                              of the importance of heritage.
•    New Zealand’s largest                                                    There is a strong social glue
     collection of heritage buildings                                         and commitment towards local
     in our city centre                                                       community. The style of doing
•    Numerous theatres, galleries,                                            business is open and relaxed and
     churches and community                                                   based on personal reputation and
     facilities                                                               integrity. Dunedin’s size makes it
                                                                              perfect for creating and fostering
•    Award winning architecture                                               networks.
•    Access to quality public and
     private health services
•    A relatively safe city with low
     crime rates

Dunedin - Our people                 Population by ethnic group, 2013               Tertiary qualifications
130,700 people live in Dunedin,      Dunedin                                        23% Dunedin people have a
according to the most recent         •   NZ European/Pakeha – 82%                   tertiary qualification VS 20% for
population estimates                                                                the rest of New Zealand
                                     •   Māori – 7%
                                     •   Pacific – 2%                               26517 tertiary students in Dunedin
                                                                                    in 2015
People born overseas                 •   Asian – 6%
18% Dunedin people were born         •   Other – 3%
overseas VS 25% for the rest of                                                     People living in a one-person
                                     New Zealand
New Zealand                                                                         household
                                     •   NZ European/Pakeha – 67%
                                                                                    28 % live in a one-person
                                     •   Māori – 13%
                                                                                    household VS 24% for the rest of
People aged 65 years and over        •   Pacific – 7%
                                                                                    New Zealand
15% of all Dunedin people are        •   Asian – 11%
65 years or over VS 4% of Māori      •   Other – 2%
people living in Dunedin are 65      Sources: Statistics New Zealand, Quality of
years or over                        Life Survey (seven cities include: Auckland,
                                     Hamilton, Hutt, Porirua, Wellington,
                                     Christchurch and Dunedin).

People aged 15 years or less
16% of all Dunedin people are        Dunedin residents rate their
aged 15 years or less VS 32% of      quality of life the highest of seven
Māori people living in Dunedin       New Zealand cities.
are aged 15 years or less
                                     •   88% rate their quality of life as
In 2013, 2,556 Dunedin people were       good or extremely good
aged 85 years and over.
                                     •   81% rate their health positively
                                     •   57% experience a sense
                                         of community in their

What’s changing?
Dunedin is growing.
Dunedin’s population is expected to grow by 290 people per year between 2018 and 2028. Much of the growth
will be in visitors to the city. The number of visitors on a ‘peak’ or busiest day is expected to be 30,800 by 2028.

                              Residents                    Visitors                     Total peak day
                                                           (peak day)                   (Residents + visitors)

 2018                         126,820                      27,125                       153,945
 2028                         129740                       30,800                       160,540
 2048                         130,725                      32,285                       163,010
 2068                         130,945                      34,775                       165,720

Over time, Dunedin’s population is becoming more diverse.
Ethnic group projections Percentage of area’s population who are:

 Year                         European/Other               Māori                        Asian
 1996                         93%                          6%                           4%
 2001                         92%                          6%                           4%
 2006                         91%                          7%                           6%
 2013 (base)                  90%                          8%                           7%
 2018                        88%                           9%                           8%
 2023                        86%                           10%                          9%
 2028                        85%                           11%                          9%
 2033                        83%                           13%                          10%
 2038                        82%                           14%                          11%

Dunedin people by age group, 2018 and 2028

                              2018                         2028
 0-9 yrs                      13,120                       12,489
 10-19 yrs                    18,591                       18,476
 20-29 yrs                    23,179                       22,137
 30-39 yrs                    13,050                       14,980
 40-49 yrs                   14,378                        12,424
 50-59 yrs                   16,095                        13,729
 60-69 yrs                   13,649                        15,165
 70-79 yrs                   9,086                         12,409
 80 years or over            5,671                         7,932
Like the rest of New Zealand, the                   Links to Dunedin – get a
population is ageing.                               feel for the city
By 2028, 22% of people in Dunedin                   There’s something special about
will be 65 years or older, meaning:                 this place
•   There will be fewer people of                   https://www.youtube.com/
    working age and more people                     watch?v=C1zWQ9C1jb0
    on fixed incomes, potentially
    making rates less affordable for                Small Business in Dunedin –
    some households.                                Wild Fennel
•   More demands on health and                      watch?v=ThBkyXHhOEY
    other services to enable people
    to be safe and healthy in their                 Autumn in Dunedin
    homes.                                          https://www.youtube.com/
•   A need to explore and develop                   watch?v=sBh4AZ70myQ
    housing options to address the
    changing needs and make-up
    of Dunedin households.                          Further Information
•   A need to develop accessible                    Please contact Chanel O’Brien
    transport options                               +64 3 474 3736
•   More older people in work                       E: chanel.o’brien@dcc.govt.nz
    (by 2031 it is expected 31% of                  www.dunedinnz.com
    older people in New Zealand
    will be in work, up from 19% in
    2011). As a result, the economic
    value of older people’s paid,
    unpaid and voluntary work will
Sources: DCC growth projections, Statistics
New Zealand, Ministry of Social Development;
The Business of Ageing Update 2015

©2020 - The authors have made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this publication is reliable but they make no guarantee of its
accuracy and completeness and do not accept liability for any errors. Information may change at any time. The information in this publication is of
a general nature and should be used as a guide only. The companies referred to in this publication are not an exhaustive list and do not comprise all
companies located in the city.

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