WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy

Page created by Darryl Brewer
WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
2020 – 2021
WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
This is ME…
 Likes: my job, my car, shoes & handbags, chocolate (all types), sunshine,
 beaches, reading newspapers, current affairs
 Dislikes: queuing, beetroot, liver, rain, cows
 Interests: gym, gardening, shopping, theatre, travelling – home and away.
 Been at Walton 5 years, loved and loving time spent at Walton - staff and
 students are stupendous.
 Family: Daughter 18 years, called Tia. I have 1 brother and 1 sister.
 Pets: Cocker Spaniel – Basil, 2 cats- Lulu, Tuffty, tortoise Tyrone!

WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
I have worked at Walton now for 12 years, starting as a teacher of drama in 2008.
  Since then I have been a Head of Drama, Head of Performing Arts, Head of House,
  Assistant Principal, Vice Principal and from September I am very excited to become
  Principal of Walton. I have spent quite a large part of my life at Walton as I also went
  to Walton for my secondary education, some people actually joke that if you cut me
  in half my blood would be green!
  I really enjoy performing on the stage and singing is a real passion of mine, keeping
  fit is also important to me and I enjoy running, biking and going to the gym.
  Reading is something that I find helps me relax and chill at the end of a busy day,
  recently I have purchased a Kindle which has been great as I now have unlimited
  books to read.
  I have three cats at home called Sky, Lily and Tinto, they are not the best of friends so
  they keep me busy with their chasing and fighting! Finally I think the most important
  thing is one of my favourite sayings ‘work hard, play hard!’…..
  I absolutely love working at Walton as we have such a great team of staff and
  students, there is nowhere more supportive. I can’t wait to meet you all in person
  and follow your journeys with us at the academy.

WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
Mr Hoad –                       Mrs Dolby –         Mrs Sharp –         Miss Gilbert –      Mrs Owen –
      Vice Principal                  Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
  Likes: STEM obvs - who              Likes/interests:         Likes:                        Likes/interests:           I have worked at Walton for
  doesn't love Space! Always          spending time with       I love being on or close to   history - especially US    nearly 5 years and the whole
  wanted to be an astronaut -                                  the sea and when I retire I                              of that time I have been in
                                      friends and family,                                    and Cold War history,
  closest I've got is watching Star                            am planning on sailing                                   the maths department.
  Wars (and visited NASA twice)       reading and baking                                     reading, the theatre,
                                      Dislikes: people who     round the world on a          science fiction, tennis,
  Dislike: Marmalade and I am                                                                                           At home I have, two children
                                                               yacht called ‘swn y mor’
  pretty ambivalent about             tell lies, spiders and                                 singing                    who are also in secondary
                                                               which means ‘sound of
                                      the dark!                                              Dislikes: littering,       school, a springer spaniel
  How long you have worked at                                  the sea’ in Welsh. I can                                 dog called Captain and a
                                      How long you have        speak basic Welsh!
                                                                                             when cyclists don't
  Walton                                                                                                                husband who is in the
                                      worked at Walton:        Dislikes:                     wear helmets
  3 and a half years                                                                                                    army.
  Family/pets                         since 2004 – 16 years!   Rudeness and reality TV       How long you have
  2 daughters (which create as        Family/pets: husband,    shows.                        worked at Walton:          My allotment keeps me very
  much mess as about 50 pets)         two children (Kian and   How long you have             since 2012 - 8 years.      busy and when I am not
                                      Brooke) and a dog        worked at Walton: five        Family/pets: wife,         working on it, cooking, or
                                      called Chase.            years.                        mum, brother and           preparing my work, I like to
                                                               Pets: I have a rescue dog                                keep fit by running, walking
                                                                                             two cats; Ralph and
THE LEADERSHIP TEAM                                            called Poppy.                 Louis
                                                                                                                        or doing gym sessions.
WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
I am Head of Belvoir and a
                                 teacher of Dance, Drama and                                              My name is Miss Morton
                                 Musical Theatre. I trained as a                                          and I am the head of House
                                 dancer at University and love                                            for Irnham. I also teach PE
                                 all things Dance, especially                                             and I have worked at
                                 watching it live in theatres- I                                          Walton Academy for nearly
                                 can't wait to do that again! I                                           5 years. I really enjoy baking
                                 love to travel to different parts                                        and reading in my spare
                                 of the world whenever I can –                                            time. I like to take part in
                                 that's when I'm not at home                                              lots of different sports and
                                 walking my puppy or going to                                             my favourite colour is
    Mrs Gleave                   the gym. I dislike snakes and           Mr WIlliams                      purple!
                                 being cold!                             BURGHLEY
                                                                     I have been teaching 24 years
 I ma Head of Belton House        Miss Beswick                       and Walton is easily the best           Miss Morton
 and Subject leader of            BELVOIR                            school I have ever taught at - I        IRNHAM
 Dance, I also teach Drama                                           love it! I live in the Vale of
 and Musical Theatre too. I                                          Belvoir with my wife Andre and
                                                                     my 9 year old son Henry (and
 like Performing Arts, going
                                                                     our black cocker spaniel, Lottie).
 to the theatre, travelling on                                       Out of school my major passion
 holiday, sport – I cannot                                           is hockey. I used to play at the
 wait to get out bike riding                                         highest level and I am a qualified
 on my new bike! I dislike                                           coach now too. I have always
 tarantulas and drying the                                           loved languages, music and
                                                                     sport. I am sure you will enjoy
                                                                     your time at Walton, where you
                                                                     will be supported in every way to
                                                                     ensure you can achieve your

HEADS OF HOUSE                                                       potential. Good luck!
WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
Mrs Ashwin                   Mrs Pearce                                     Mrs Tall                          Mrs Etherington
  Attendance /Safeguarding     ELSA / Safeguarding                            ELSA Support                      Next Steps Advisor
                               I like the sunshine, travelling to             I’ve worked at Walton for
  Likes – spending time with   different countries, meeting friends and                                       My job includes helping students to
                                                                              nearly 10 years.
  and cooking for family and   having a good laugh                            I have a husband, 2 grown up
                                                                                                              make choices for their Next Steps.
  friends, camping and long    My interests are running, gardening​;                                          This could be choosing GCSE
                                                                              children and a granddaughter    subjects, thinking about Post 16
  walks in the countryside     specifically growing my own vegetables
                                                                              who’s nearly 9.                 options and starting to think about
  and seaside.                 and DIY. We have decorated nearly the
                               whole house during lock down.                  Likes-rock music and going to   careers, universities and
  Dislikes – feet and horror   I have worked at Walton for                    outdoor concerts and being      apprenticeships for the future. How
  films.                       approximately 18 years!                        with my family. Working with    exciting!
  Worked at Walton for 15      I live with my husband, one of my sons         the staff and students at
  years! Eek… J                Connaugh and my daughter Bria, my              Walton, taking cover lessons    Likes: spending time with my family
                               older son Cameron lives an​d works in          and being an ELSA.              and friends, growing things in my
  Family – husband, 2                                                                                         garden, cycling around the Vale of
                               Leeds. We have a​ lively Sp​ringer Sp​an
                                                                      ​ iel   Dislikes-Rude people and
  daughters and a dog.                                                                                        Belvoir
                               cross called Douggie and an elderly cat        really hot weather.
                               called Piper​ who is the boss of the                                           Dislikes: very spicy food, scary films
                                                                              No pets but borrow my son’s
                               house.                                                                         I have worked at Walton since 2009
                                                                              dog Monty. He’s a working       Family/Pets: husband, 2 grown-up
                               My dream place t​o live by and happy
                                                                              cocker spaniel and he’s very    children and partners, one grandson
                               place to be is the beach.
                                                                              well behaved.                   – and another on the way!

WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
Our Teaching Assistants

                                             Mrs Butcher     Mrs Sutton       Mrs Gregory           Mrs Burton
                       Mrs Banner           I love          I like walking   I love reading      Going for walks
                       Assistant            gardening,      my dog and       and going out       in the
    Miss Boot          SENDCO               cycling and     baking cakes.    for walks with      countryside
    SENDCO                                  having days     I don’t like
                                                                             my dog and my       with my two
                       I like socialising   outdoors with                    family.             dogs Jack and
 I like going for      with friends,                        spicy food.      I don’t like        Ted and my
                                            my family.
 walks in the          walking my dog,      I don’t like                     Marmite: you        lovely friend, I
 countryside and       eating out,          washing the                      either love it or   am also a keen
 socialising with      books and films.     dishes!                          hate it … sorry I   gardener.
 friends.                                                                    hate it!            I don’t like
                       I don’t
 I dislike coriander                                                                             olives.
                       like Brussel
 because it tastes     sprouts!! My
 like soap!            husband makes
                       me eat one
                       every year on
                       Christmas day!

WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
Our Teaching Assistants

      Mrs Clater         Mrs Robinson          Miss Pulfrey             Mrs Wright        Miss Watson

  I like cooking,      I like to go for      A like road trips      I like food,        I like art in all
  dancing and          walks in the          and adventures.        cooking and         forms and
  going for walks      countryside           Also a love            eating and I like   playing
  in the               with my family        spending time          to read fantasy     instruments. I
  countryside.         and our dog.          with my family.        books.              also enjoy
  I don’t like         I don’t like          I dislike              I really don’t      visiting new
  any thing which      people being          beetroot and           like liver and      places and
  has dried fruit in   unkind to one         picking up dog         turnip.             socialising with
  it                   another.              dirt! Urgh…but                             friends.
                                             it has got to be                           I hate spiders

WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
Mrs Bagnall                                Miss Scarborough                                                                                                       Mrs Bridge
Business Manager                                                        Mrs Holland                         Ms Beard             Mrs Pearson Learning             Reception
                                           Student Reception                                                                     Resource Manager
We look forward to meeting you at                                       Admissions Admin                    Reception                                             I enjoy playing netball,
Walton. Our fabulous admin team will       I enjoy being outdoors in    You will have so many questions                           For books, board games and      being part of local
be there to support you along the way!     my garden, walking in        when you start at Walton and our                         a warm welcome, find your        musical theatre groups
I love taking my dog for long walks with   the Peak District and        team will be happy to help you find                      way to the Learning              and spending time
a coffee and cake stop along the way!      spending time with my        the answers.                                             Resources Centre (LRC) as        with loved ones.
The more chocolate the better!             loved ones.                  I love walking with my family,                           soon as you start at Walton.
                                                                        playing with my grandchildren,                           When I’m not running the
                                                                        baking and of course eating cake!                        LRC, I enjoy running to keep
                                                                                                                                 fit, dog walking and (of
                                                                                                                                 course) the luxury of reading.

                                                                                                   Mrs Wiblin
                                                                                                   Exams and Cover Manager
  Mrs Flemming                   Ms Charity                            Mrs Cowan                   I co-ordinate everything exams-wise in the academy for
                                 Personal Assistant                    Finance Reception           Years 10 -13. You will probably only see me darting             Mrs Waudby
  Assistant Finance
                                 I work closely with our Leadership                                around but please say ‘hello’ to me.                            Data Manager
  Manager                                                                                          I enjoy cycling, going to the theatre, cinema and
                                 Team and Y11s. Love travel,
                                 reading and cats!                                                 concerts.

                                            OUR ADMINISTRATION TEAM
WELCOME TO WALTON 2020 2021 - Walton Academy
I’m Ms. Bottomley,
 Hi, I am Mrs Lindley and    teacher of English. I like   I am Mrs Martini,
 I am the Head of            to potter around my          teacher of English.
 English. When I am not      garden trying to grow        Here’s three things
 at school I like to spend   things with v arying         you might like to
 time in my garden,          degrees of success! I        know about me: I
 riding my pony or           have two cats, Ralph
 obsessing about dogs. I
                                                          love nothing more
                             and Louis, who rule our
 am a massiv e geek          household and take up
                                                          than a true crime
 and enjoy crafting and      all the sofa space. I’m      documentary, I
 collecting stationary       a crisp connoisseur and      enjoy long walks
 (especially Japanese) I     drink far too much tea.      through the Peak
 lov e Studio Ghibli,        I’m a big theatre goer,      District with my dog
 Superhero and horror        but when I can’t go to       Louis and I have
 films. My life motto is     the theatre you’ll
 ‘Ev erything is better
                                                          climbed an active
                             usually find me
 with ice cream’.            watching true crime
                                                          volcano in the ring
                             documentaries on             of fire.
ENGLISH                      Netflix.
I'm Mr. Hobby,        Mr Brewer here.        I’m Ms Fielding,            Hello! I’m Mrs
 teacher of English    Known try-hard with    teacher of English and      Charman-Smith:
                                              Person With A Loud
 and Drama. I          an inclination                                     book lover, dog
                                              Voice. I like writing,
 love to take my       towards the            reading, talking
                                                                          lover, crisp
 dog, Bilbo, out for   dramatic arts. Often   (sometimes                  enthusiast. If ever
 long walks and        found in the theatre   simultaneously) and         you need a book
                       or an English          have been teaching          recommendation
 am very partial to                           at Walton since 2004,
                       classroom. Interests                               feel free to find me,
 a chocolate           include share bags     which means I may           I always make time
 hobnob. I'm also      of sweets, cloud       have taught your            for book talk.
                                              mother! This makes me
 a big fan of          spotting and                                       Looking forward to
                                              feel v ery old, but I can
 Marvel, Star Wars     eyebrow raising.       still just about make it    meeting you all in
 and Lord of the       Caution: May be        up the tower block          September – have
 Rings.                acting.                steps if I’m promised a     a great summer!
                                              biscuit when I get to

                                              the top.
I am Italian and I have lived in the                            I really love my job and one of the best feelings is
                                                                                when a student “gets it” especially if they have
                UK for more than 20 years. I love                               worked hard to get there!
                cycling, sailing and playing tennis                             At home I have, two children who are also in
                when I can. I also enjoy cooking                                secondary school, a springer spaniel dog called
                                                                                Captain and a husband who is in the army. Being
                and eating with my family and                                   married to someone in the army means that my
                friends.                                                        family and I have lived in a few different places so I
                Another passion of mine is                                      am used to meeting new people and getting along
                                                                                with everyone.
                travelling (often to Italy) and                                 I enjoy socialising with my friends and family by
                visiting different places.                                      going to concerts (Stereophonics are my favourite)
                                                                                and eating out. I love a good curry or some yummy
 Mr Migloire                                                    Mrs Owen        Italian food.

Head of Maths

                 Facts about me:
                 I am an identical twin
                 I have two dogs called Nellie and Bam
                                                                                Message: Hi! I hope you have a lovely time at
                 I enjoy spending time with my friends                          Walton and I’ll be sure to introduce myself
                 and family, running to keep fit and sailing                    when I see you.
                 with my Mum and Dad (not that I’m an
                 expert.. I always wear a life jacket too!)                     Interests: I love football, playing video games
                                                                                and going to the gym. I am also the smartest
                 I really don’t like spiders!                                   maths teacher and I am better than them all,
                                                                                true story.
  Miss Orum                                                    Mr Birchenough

I’ve been a maths teacher at Walton                       Likes:
               Academy for 4 years and really enjoy                      STEM obvs - who doesn't
               getting to know my students and                           Space! Always wanted to be an astronaut - closest I've
               working with them. My interests                           got is watching Star Wars (and visited NASA twice)
               include football, mountain biking and                     Love travelling and experiencing other cultures
               skiing when I get the chance to go.                       Since moving to the countryside I've become a bit of
               I really like to travel and experience the                an obsessive gardener
               culture and food of wherever I go.                        Dislike:
               I have two teenage boys so have to                        Marmalade
               have my wits about me.                                    Pretty ambivalent about football
               We have two ragdoll cats called Lily                      How long you have worked at Walton
               and Daisy and a miniature dachshund                       3 and a half years
               called Goldie.                                             Family/pets
   Mr Dean                                                    Mr Hoad    2 daughters (which create as much mess as about 50

                Things I like are travelling
                singing walking and reading a
                good book in the sun.                                     Message: Welcome to our wonderful school,
                I enjoy pottering in the garden                           I'm sure you will all fit in fine. Enjoy the Walton
                and shopping in garden                                    experience.
                I have a dog who is 15 years                              Interests: Obviously I love Maths that is a
                old and a very dear friend J                              given, but outside of school I enjoy playing
                What I don’t like is cold                                 football and tennis and going on holiday to
                weather                                                   scuba dive and snowboard.

 Mrs Spowage
                                                            Mr Burgess

Mrs Keilty                      Ms Manjunath                Dr Dunham                Dr Edmonds
   Second in Science           Lead Teacher: Applied Science    Teacher of Biology       Teacher of Biology
 Lead Teacher: Biology               Teacher of Biology

 About Me:                         Interests/ Likes:           About Me:                 Interests/ Likes:
 I love going for walks            Zumba, walking,             I am Scottish, and grew   Cooking, baking and
 with my family and dog.           cooking and reading.        up outside Glasgow.       playing hockey.

 Interests/ dislikes: I love       Dislikes:                   Interests/ Likes:         Dislikes:
 pasta, but I hate                 Lizards, cauliflower,       Tap dancing and           Raisins and
 washing up afterwards.            spiders and feet.           reading.                  thunderstorms

Mrs Wright
                                  Mr Boyle               Mrs Gilbert
 Head of Science/ Year 11
                             Teacher of Chemistry    Science Technician
     Progress Leader

  About Me:                  Likes:                  About Me:
  I enjoy playing netball,   Cheesecake, BBQ’s and   I enjoy horse riding and
  swimming and yoga          diet coke               family film nights.

  Likes:                     Dislikes:               Likes:
  Practical chemistry        Marmite, football and   Chocolate and sweets.
  demonstrations,            hot drinks.
  especially the ones that
  go off with a bang!

Mrs Saxelby               Mrs Sharp                   Mrs Storr
     Lead Teacher: Physics     Assistant Principal         Teacher of Physics
                               Teacher of Physics

     About Me:                Likes:                     About Me:
     I love cooking, baking   Sailing, family time and   I love reading and horse
     and gymnastics.          the great outdoors.        riding.

     Dislikes:                Dislikes:                  Dislikes:
     Tomatoes and spiders.     Rudeness and reality TV   Bananas, celery and
                              shows.                     olives.

Mrs Gleave- Subject leader and
  I am Miss Sandell, I am the                            Teacher of Dance, I also teach                         I'm Mr. Hobby, teacher of English
  Head of the Performance                                Drama and Musical Theatre too.                         and Drama. I love to take my dog,
  Faculty. In September I will be                        I like Performing Arts, going to                       Bilbo, out for long walks and am
  starting my 11th year at Walton                        the theatre, travelling on                             very partial to a chocolate
  Academy. I love all sports,                            holiday, sport – I cannot wait to                      hobnob. I'm also a big fan of
  especially hockey and football-                        get out bike riding on my new                          Marvel, Star Wars and Lord of the
  I am a huge Arsenal fan!                               bike! I dislike tarantulas and                         Rings.
                                                         drying the dishes!

                                                                                     Mr Brewer here- teacher and
                          Mrs Dolby is a teacher of PE-
                                                                                     subject leader of Drama, also
                          Loves FOOOOD especially
                                                                                     teaches English. Known try-hard
                                                                                     with an inclination towards the
                          I dislike SPIDERS and people who
                                                                                     dramatic arts. Often found in the
                          tell lies!
                                                                                     theatre or an English classroom.
                          I supports Liverpool Football Club
                                                                                     Interests include share bags of
                          and have two children, Kian and
                                                                                     sweets, cloud spotting and eyebrow
                                                                                     raising. Caution: May be acting.

My name is Miss Morton and                                                                                        My name is Mrs Bingham. I teach
  I teach PE at Walton. I have                                                                                      Performing Arts. I like travel,
                                                           My name is Miss Grice, I teach
  worked at Walton Academy                                                                                          walking and meeting up with
                                                           Dance at Walton. I like dancing,
  for nearly 5 years and I really                                                                                   friends. I dislike it when it rains a
                                                           going to the theatre and going
  enjoy baking and reading in
                                                           out for dinner. I support                                lot!! I have been a teacher for 19
  my spare time. I like to take
                                                           Leicester City Football Club and I                       years and enjoy being part of a
  part in lots of different sports
                                                           have a fear of sharks.                                   team!
  and I hope you will too.

                       I am Miss Beswick, a Teacher of Dance, Drama
                       and Musical Theatre. I trained as a dancer at                    I am Miss Firth. I teach Music at
                       University and love all things Dance,                            Walton. I like going to the theatre,
                       especially watching it live in theatres- I can't                 with my favourite theatre
                       wait to do that again! I love to travel to                       performance being Fame. I dislike
                       different parts of the world whenever I can –                    football. I am interested in A Capella
                       that's when I'm not at home walking my                           Choir and was part of one at
                       puppy or going to the gym. I dislike snakes                      university for 2 years.
                       and being cold!

Bonjour ! Hola! My name is Mrs Byrne and I am faculty          I teach French and Spanish here at
         leader for Modern Foreign Languages. Languages are a fun       Walton.
         and exciting part of your learning at secondary school and I   I have been teaching 24 years and Walton
         hope you enjoy both your French and Spanish lessons at         is easily the best school I have ever taught
         Walton.                                                        at - I love it!
                                                                        Out of school my major passion is hockey.
         In my spare time, I like to go on outdoor adventures with      I used to play at the highest level and I am
         my 3 year old son and I also have a passion for travelling     a qualified coach now too. I coach at
         and cooking. I was born and bred in France and I speak five    Boots HC, where my son also plays, and it
         languages which is always a bonus when meeting new             takes up a lot of my spare time, but I
         people!                                                        don’t mind at all because I am passionate
                                                                        about the sport.
         I look forward to meeting you all in September but in the      I have always loved languages, music and
         meantime, have a lovely summer break everyone ☺                sport. I have lived (and played hockey) in
                                                                        Oviedo, northern Spain and in Le Mans,
         Hi I’m Miss Boot and I’m the SENDCo at Walton
         Academy. I have worked at Walton for nearly 8
                                                                        Hi! My name is Miss Edwards and I am
         years in the MFL department teaching French                    very excited to join the Modern Foreign
         and Spanish but have also been a Head of                       Languages team at Walton Academy. I am
         House supporting our students pastorally. I                    thrilled to be a teacher here and I am
         love working with all of the amazing staff and                 looking forward to an exciting, fun year of
         students here at Walton and supporting our                     learning. I can’t wait to find out more
         SEND students to achieve their goals. Outside                  about you all in September but first I will
                                                                        tell you a little bit about me!
         of school I enjoy spending time with my family                 I am from Cornwall and I graduated from
         and friends and going on holiday to hot and                    Nottingham Trent University two years
         sunny places with my husband. I can’t wait to                  ago! I have had the opportunity to do
         see you all next year but I may be a little late               some interesting things over the past two
         joining you all as we will be welcoming our                    years and then I decided to become a
         baby boy into the world at the start of                        French and Spanish teacher! Even though
                                                                        I love going to the beach, I’m one of the

                                                                        few Cornish people that can’t surf!
Mrs Twilley
                Mrs Stow                                               I have a dog called Winston and
  I love teaching here at Walton                                         a cat called Millie. My interests
    Academy. Most of my time is                     Miss Hare               include gardening sewing,
    taken up by looking after my       I have been at Walton for 5     knitting and cross stitching. I love
   adorable toddler and walking           years now and love it.        reading and enjoy holidays and
     my giant dog Duke, well he            I enjoy swimming and                        baking.
     walks me most days not the                                         When I left school I trained as a
                                        helping at my local choir. I
 other way round! I enjoy baking,                                            state registered nurse and
                                       have two very cheeky cats          became a ward sister. I then
   cake decorating so if you are
   lucky I will bring you some in. I
                                            as well as three lively    trained to become as a teacher.
 also love to weightlift, swim and           teenagers at home.           l thoroughly enjoy teaching at
        attempt to keep fit.                I dislike rudeness and       Walton and find the staff and
                                         violence, Oh and celery!       students wonderful to work with.

Miss Volley – My          Mrs Percival – I work 3   Miss Williams – I love   Mr Reynolds – I love
great loves in life are   days at Walton. I like    Art and                  the paintings of
obviously Art,            being creative and        Photography. In          John Everett Millais
particularly painting     crafty in the house,      particular               and the sculpture
and mixed media           kitchen and garden!       Photography, which       of Rodin. I am a car
work as well as           I also enjoy running      is my specialism. I      enthusiast and I am
animals / wildlife. I     and long walks with       like to photograph       currently restoring a
enjoy living in the       my family. I trained in   people and animals.      23 year old Jaguar
countryside with my       Fine Art but do all       The love of my life is   XJ8 now that my
partner, 2 horses         sorts of art now.         my dog Colin.            house is finally
and a cat.                                                                   finished!

                                      VISUAL ARTS
My name is Miss Wells and I am                 My name is Miss Lee and I am the          My name is Mrs North and I hav e
Subject Lead of History. I enjoy               Subject Lead of Geography. I have         w orked at Walton for eight years. I
running and cycling, baking cakes              w orked at Walton for 3 years. I love     enjoy trav elling, my tw o favourite
and going to the cinema and                    going out on trips, especially to the     places I hav e visited so far have
theatre. I also play the piano and             coast. I n my spare time I lov e to       been New Zealand and Arizona in
enjoy singing. I hav e 2 young                 read, w atch mov ies and spend time       America. I also enjoy reading,
daughters, no siblings and no pets.            w ith family and friends. I don’t hav e   baking cakes and spending time
                                               any pets but w ould like a dog one        w ith my family and friends.
                                               day. I am looking forward to
                                               meeting you all soon!
I am Mrs Gilbert - Assistant Principal        Hi I ’m Miss Wicks and my form group       My name is Mr Madejski. I'm a
and History teacher. My interests are         is I rnham D. I teach Geography and        teacher and cov er supervisor in
history - especially US and Cold War          v ery much look forward to teaching        Walton Academy. I like spending
history, reading, the theatre, science        some of you! I enjoy sitting out in the    time with my two lov ely daughters. I
fiction, tennis and singing. I dislike        sunshine and finding new                   like sw imming and playing v olleyball.
littering and w hen cyclists don't w ear      adv entures to go on with my dog. I        I like meeting with my family and
helmets! I hav e worked at Walton for         dislike waking up early and Brussel        friends. I don't like people who are
8 years. My family includes my wife,          sprouts.                                   not honest.
mum, brother and two cats.

Hi Year 7! I ’m Mrs McKeown and I             I am Miss Hopkins – Teacher of             I am Mr Chase and I teach History at
teach Criminology and Philosophy &            Humanities and PSHRE Lead at               Walton Academy. My fav ourite part of
Ethics. I n September I will also be          Walton. I n my spare time I like to        History is understanding how and w hy
leader of Post 16. I hav e two little girls   socialise w ith friends and family,        today’s w orld came about. I w as the
called Polly and Annie w ho keep me           bake and go running. I also lov e to       captain of the Senior Men’s Rowing
v ery busy! I have a dog called Lucky         trav el and v isit new places, eat         Squad when I was at univ ersity, and I
who is extremely naughty! I lov e             chocolate, read a good crime               also played in an in-house Jazz band
being outdoors, w alking, running,            nov el and binge w atch Harry Potter.      on the Alto and Tenor Saxophones
cycling – preferably when it is sunny.        I can’t wait to meet you all soon!         during my time there too.
Mrs Justice              Mrs Elson                   Mrs Hanks                   Miss Willett           Mrs Campion

 Likes/interests:         Likes/interests:            Likes/interests: My         Likes/interests:        Likes/interests:
 Keeping fit and          spending time with my       horses, Rocky and Casio.    Cooking, dog walking    Reading and baking
 walking my dog Arnie     family, riding my horses    Dislikes: Flies- I hate     and spending time       Dislikes: Untidiness
 and spending time        and watching television.    them.                       with friends            How long you have
 with family and          Dislikes: snakes !!          How long you have          Dislikes: Mice          worked at Walton: A
 friends.                 How long you have           worked at Walton: This is   How long you have       long time !
 Dislikes: Weak coffee.   worked at Walton: since     my fourth year !            worked at Walton:       Family/pets: I live
 How long you have        2011 – 9 years!             Family/pets: Two girls,     First year              with my husband
 worked at Walton: 10     Family/pets: boyfriend,     one is an officer in the    Family/pets: I live     Simon and children
 Years                    two children (Lily and      Army and based in           with my boyfriend       Will and Megan
 Family/pets: I live      Charlie) and a dog called   Edinburgh and the other     Paul and our dog
 with my husband, 4       Billy, 3 horses called      is the Marketing Manager    Annie
 daughters and Arnie      Nelson, Billy and Yano.     for Urban Outfitters in
 the dog.                                             London.

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