Page created by Frances Stevens
Welcome to WILDERNESS!

       Attracted by its wildly diverse natural beauty, friendly ‘small village’ atmosphere
     and the fabulous climate of Wilderness, more and more people are choosing to make
                                this piece of paradise their home.
                Your Estate Agent has undoubtedly told you that Wilderness enjoys perhaps the best
                climate in all South Africa, and that the sea, beaches, rivers, lakes and forest-covered
                hills make Wilderness a nature-lover’s delight! We still have bushbuck, rooikat, wild
                pigs, porcupines, and the occasional Cape clawless otter and honey badger sightings -
                plus over 260 species of birds too!
                But the challenge facing every Wilderness resident owner is to retain these natural
                gifts - so it is vital that every property owner is committed to responsible,
                ‘eco-sensitive’ development. Otherwise, with each house, guest house, fence and wall
                erected, Wilderness loses a little of its ‘wildness’ appeal and charm.
 Inside please find some helpful guidelines that the WRRA (your Wilderness Ratepayers and
 Residents Association) hopes you will find most helpful as a new home owner or builder.
 Historically, rock art and shell-fish middens found in the mountains behind us testify that this area
 was inhabited by the earliest human beings. In 1488, Bartholomew Dias wrote of Khoikhoi herdsmen
 roaming the Cape coast. But because the steep gorges of the Kaaimans and Touws Rivers barred ox-
 wagon access, Wilderness remained largely un-explored for some 100 years after the Dutch arrived in
 Cape Town in 1652. In 1877, George Bennett of Liverpool bought land along the Touws River and
                                 named it ‘Wilderness’. Montagu White, of Fancourt fame, acquired the
                                 farm in 1902 but only when sold by auction in 1921 did development
                                 begin. When the Knysna to George railroad was built in 1928,
                                 Wilderness was the only station
                                 along the way… and then in 1952
                                 the N2 arrived! In the 1980s the
                                 Wilderness National Park was
                                 proclaimed, preserving much of the
                                 natural beauty for us and future
                                 generations to enjoy to the full!
                              Wilderness falls within the Garden
                              Route Biosphere Reserve.

                                       For more hugely helpful and interesting information on Wilderness,
                                       go to the WRRA website: www.wrra.co.za. To keep in touch with

  WRRA                                 Wilderness, news, talks, events, fire and security matters, Police

A Community in Action                                                                                       1
Wilderness is a secure and caring community, passionate about the exceptional
 natural beauty that surrounds us and the gentle village lifestyle we embrace.

   Purchasing an EXISTING home?
   Number of pets: Generally the limit is 2 dogs and 2 cats in a residential area. These
   pets must be sterilized. (See the Animal Keeping by-laws on the WRRA or George
   Municipality websites.)

   Beaches: Look for signage as to where dogs are allowed. There are 3 zones: RED = no
   dogs allowed, (endangered coastal bird breeding areas or Blue Flag Beach regulations);
   ORANGE = dogs must be on leash 9am to
   5pm; GREEN = dogs can run free providing
   they are under the owner’s control.
   Aggressive dogs must be muzzled.
   Please bag and bin your dog poo on road
   verges, beaches and any public place… or
   risk a hefty fine and a day in court!
   No alcohol and no fires are allowed on any
   beach. N.B. Due to Wilderness being a high fire risk area, NO FIREWORKS are allowed at any time.

   Sea Safety: Life guards are only present on peak holidays only. Please be aware of rip tides. Should you find
   yourself carried away from shore, relax and go with the current until it dissipates, then swim back to shore.

   General Safety: Please do not give to beggars. Rather give a donation to initiatives that feed
   the poor: see www.wrra.co.za for details.

   You are encouraged to join your neighbourhood security WhatsApp group (see back for details).

   Your WRRA: To receive cell-phone fire, power and weather alerts, and to add weight to
   Wilderness getting the services it needs from the municipality, join the Wilderness Ratepayers and Residents
   Association. (See overleaf).

   Garbage: Black garbage bags and green garden waste bags should be put out by 7.30am Tuesday
   mornings (or Thursdays in Wilderness Heights), NOT THE PREVIOUS NIGHT, PLEASE! The limit is a
   generous 7 bags per week.

              Recycling: On the same day, your clean, dry, cardboard, paper, hard plastics, glass and
                tins should be put in a blue bag for collection by the municipality or an independent
                 company. A first blue bag can be collected from the Wilderness Info Office (George
                  Street). Thereafter, the recycling company will leave you a replacement blue bag.

                 Litter: Please help keep Wilderness litter free...and feel free to even remove weeds on road verges
                 when on your walk! As fire is an ever present danger, it is illegal for anyone (including a garden ser-
   vice) to dump garden cuttings on a verge or empty erven. Compost garden cuttings (or put in green bags for the
   Municipality to remove).      The Municipal dump (near George Airport) is open long hours. (See their website).

                                     Wildlife: Please enjoy the wildlife that may visit your garden (and be prepared to
                                  share a bulb or the occasional plant!). If you have a larger property, please help
                                  preserve our wildlife by not fencing along your boundary but rather closer to your
                               home to allow space for bushbuck to feed and breed! Snakes can be frequent summer
                            visitors but will move off if allowed to do so. Contact the snake catchers listed on the back
                           page should you want a snake removed.
                           Indigenous gardens are encouraged.

Building can be exciting and satisfying… providing regulations are adhered to.
         A good Environmental Practitioner and builder will ensure success.

                                 Going to BUILD?
                            Much of Wilderness is situated on fossilized sand dunes and developmentally sensitive
                            ecology. It is bordered by SANParks land with the RAMSAR Wilderness Lakes system in its
                            centre and the Indian Ocean coastline to the south. Historically the area was host to an
                            abundance of wildlife, endemic plants and bird life. However, development has slowly taken
           its toll and many of these species are threatened.

           But, by respecting current environmental, planning and building regulations and legislation, we can avoid
           losing more natural beauty that we all appreciate and fight for- and avoid the hefty fines that go with not
           complying! Here are some of the laws that may pertain to you and your property. Please contact the George
                                   Municipality (044 801 9111) and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Devel-
                                   opment Planning (DEADP, George – 044 805 8600) to clarify which permissions relate
                                   to your property and proposed development. Please note: In addition to the George
                                   regulations, Wilderness has its own Scheme Regulations and areas such as Constantia
                                   Kloof even have additional ‘regulations’.

                                   Outeniqua Sensitive Coastal Areas Act (OSCA): The disturbance and/or clearing
                                   of any vegetation and any earthworks require an OSCA permit from George
                                   Municipality.* (Check the George Municipality or WRRA websites to see if your erf
                                   requires an OSCA permit.)

                                   Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): If your building site requires more than
                                   300m2 of vegetation removed, you may need an EIA*.
                                   * These documents are usually prepared by a qualified Environmental Practitioner.

           Land-use regulations: Even if your property is zoned for Agricultural use, one has to apply to the
           Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF, Knysna – 044 382 5466) to cultivate
           uncultivated land. Should you wish to use the property for other reasons (e.g. a resort or guest house), a
           change of land use will be necessary through the municipality.

           The National Heritage Resources Act of 1999 (NHRA) also gives a certain protection to                  envi-
           ronmental assets and any development that will change the character of an area.

           Declaration of Invasive Species: When you purchase your property you must be given a list by the seller of
           any invasive species present. This means that you are now responsible for the clearing of those invasives from
           your erf, thereby saving indigenous species, saving water and reducing fire risk. Invasive plant species (e.g.
           Rooikrans, Black Wattle, Port Jackson, Pines and Eucalyptus) should be removed in a responsible manner and
           prevented from spreading. (For details see the SANBI web site.)

                                     Protected trees: The pruning, transplanting or removal or any protected trees
                                     (such as Milkwoods and Cheesewoods, etc.) require a permit from the Department
                                     of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF previously DAFF) in Knysna: 044 382
                                     5466. Where possible, mature indigenous vegetation must be incorporated into the
                                     design of new houses or structures. Rehabilitation, following construction,
                                     should be done with suitable indigenous plant species that occur in Wilderness.

                                     WRRA can supply you with a list of Environmental Practitioners who can guide you
                                     and help ensure compliance with these regulations. Email secretary@wrra.co.za to
                                     request the list, or see the WRRA website: www.wrra.co.za.
    Wilderness Police Station            044 877 0011          NSRI                             082 990 5955

    Warrant Officer Boshoff              084 300 1151          Wilderness Life Guards           044 801 6311
    Fire Department, George              044 801 6311          SANParks (24/7)                  044 877 1197
    Garden Route Fire and                044 805 5071          Southern Cape Fire               044 302 6912
    Emergency                                                  Protection Association
    George Municipality                  044 801 9111          Snake Catchers:
    After hours                          044 801 6300          Gerhard                          076 777 3909
    Water leaks and                      044 801 9262          Hennie                           082 972 2232
    Electricity faults                                         Nick                             082 378 7384
    Sewage leaks                         044 801 9258          OSCA permits                     044 801 9038
    Conservancy tank emptying            044 801 9266          SPCA                             044 873 1990
                                                               After hours emergencies          082 378 7384

                         WHATSAPP GROUPS. Contact the relevant Administrators to join                 As at August 2020

     AREA                    CHAT GROUPS                SECURITY GROUPS                 FIRE (Your local FMU)
     CONSTANTIA KLOOF        Donald 083 251 8401        Donald 083 251 8401             Dave      083 225 4551

     DIEPRIVIER              Hein      072 350 2577     Hein      072 350 2577          Nadine 076 514 0747

     HOEKWIL                 Abri      072 119 4963     Johann    082 857 9953          Lynn      083 321 6869

     KINGFISHER CLOSE        Roxi      071 442 7259     Ian       072 993 2953          Dave      083 225 4551
     KLEINKRANTZ             Kevin     081 556 2877     Liz       072 118 4328          Dave      083 225 4551

     LANGVLEI DUNES          Cato      082 820 6373     Jacques 076 782 8747            Andre     084 401 3006

     RONDEVLEI               Gavin     082 469 3236                                     Gavin     082 469 3236

     SANDS ROAD                                         Lucy      076 903 0257          Dave      083 225 4551

     SOUTHSIDE/10th          Claire    073 232 4407     Claire    073 232 4407          Dave      083 225 4551

     WHITES ROAD                                        Isobel    082 553 3288          Lydia     079 525 6377

     WILDERNESS EAST         Roxi      071 442 7259     Ian       072 993 2953          Dave      083 225 4551

     WILDERNESS HEIGHTS      Lynn     082 521 4496      Roy       082 060 7474          Lydia     079 525 6377

     WILDERNESS LAKES                                                                   Ashleigh 073 780 3032

     If you love Wilderness, please join the WILDERNESS RATEPAYERS
    & RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION. You will strengthen our voice with the
     municipality and other authorities, and help maintain a clean and
        safe village. Contact wrra@tiscali.co.za or visit our website:
       www.wrra.co.za for how to join plus the latest NEWS and a
                       wealth of other information.
                   Be informed, be active, be involved!
                                                                                 A Community in Action
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