VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally

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VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
                                                             05-06 Tools Pandora AMP
                                              07-08 Campaigns The Offspring, Lil Nas X,
                                                              Maroon 5, Lewis Capaldi
                                                      09–14 Behind The Campaign- Oasis

                                                                 OCTOBER 02 2019
                                                                       ISSUE 237

VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
                                                                                                                                                 light onto a previously little-discussed
                                                                                                                                                 industry practice: that of paying to run music
                                                                                                                                                 videos as pre- and mid-roll TrueView ads
                                                                                                                                                 on YouTube, with this counting towards the
                                                                                                                                                 videos’ view-counts.
                                                                                                                                                     This, we should stress, was totally legal.
                                                                                                                                                 According to YouTube, paid advertising
                                                                                                                                                 counts as a ‘view’ when someone watches a
                                                                                                                                                 complete advert that is 11-30 seconds long;
                                                                                                                                                 when someone watches at least 30 seconds
                                                                                                                                                 of an ad that is more than 30 seconds long;
                                                                                                                                                 and when someone interacts with the ad. In
                                                                                                                                                 this case the ‘ad’ was a clip of the song.
                                                                                                                                                     It’s also a widespread practice, particularly
                                                                                                                                                 in Asia and Latin America, where TrueView
                                                                                                                                                 ads are significantly cheaper than in other
                                                                                                                                                 parts of the world.
                                                                                                                                                     “The whole fucking industry does paid
                                                                                                                                                 views,” Times Music COO Mandar Thakur
                                                                                                                                                 told the All About Music conference in

                                                                                                                                                 Mumbai in August. An investigation by
                                                                                                                                                 Rolling Stone suggested the same was
                                                                                                    WHEN MUSIC VIDEO                             true in Latin America, where labels might

                                                                                                    PLAYS GET JUICED                             pay up to $100k for up to 12m additional
                                                                                                                                                 YouTube views.

When Indian star Badshah claimed to have broken the opening-day record for views of a new
music video on YouTube, people started asking questions. Some suggested that, by boosting plays
with TrueView ads, it wasn’t a record he had broken – it was the platform itself. YouTube was quick
to respond and put new rules in place. In the wake of this, we ask what the controversy could mean
for music marketing, how music charts are reacting to being juiced and why an obsession with
breaking records can sometimes do more harm than good.                                                                                              “The practice of bolstering views via ads is
                                                                                                                                                 as common as drinking water or breathing,”
                                                                                                                                                 Thakur tells music:) ally now. “Everyone

       ith the music industry having            Badshah had broken YouTube’s 24-hour            in a press release (as it has done in the past
       arranged its week around charts for      viewing record was still something to behold.   for these records) nor in response to direct     who can afford to in this part of
       the best part of the last century, it        To briefly recap: Sony Music India          enquiries from journalists.                      the world does it, make no mistake
should come as no surprise that a chart-        announced that the video for Badshah’s new          Quickly, it emerged that Sony Music          about it. To an extent some of this
topping feat can create considerable global     track ‘Paagal’ had been watched 75m times       India had used YouTube advertising to            bolstering serves a real purpose, whether
attention. And yet the interest - or for BTS’   in its first 24 hours on YouTube “dethroning    boost views of the ‘Paagal’ video – Badshah      it’s promotional or whether it’s to stand
superfans in particular, fury - that greeted    BTS and Taylor Swift”. Yet YouTube pointedly    himself announced this in an Instagram           out in the sheer amount of material there is
the news in July that Sony Music India artist   did not confirm the new milestone, neither      story responding to critics. The affair threw    out there.”

1 | sandbox | ISSUE 236 | 18.09.2019
VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
   Thakur thinks that it’s only when this                                                                                                           advertising: forcing a video as an ad, where it
practice becomes “misleading and harmful”                                                                                                           is obviously not a true play.”
that it becomes a problem. “In many cases                                                                                                               This is not to say that such ads have no
bolstered views help break a track but what                                                                                                         role to play in music-marketing campaigns.
we see is an inflated bubble of mostly ‘dry’                                                                                                        YouTube has made it clear that it sees
views,” he explains.                                                                                                                                legitimate reasons for labels to be using them.
   The main gripe within the music industry                                                                                                             “ TrueView , within the industry, is an
this summer, then, was not so much that                                                                                                             important part of many labels’ and artists’
Sony Music India had paid for views of                                                                                                              promotional plans,” Bryan told music:) ally.
 Badshah’s video , but rather that it had                                                                                                           “We believe it continues to be something
used the strategy to break a high-profile                                                                                                           that the industry should use to connect
YouTube record, and then bragged about it.                                                                                                          in a very targeted way with their most
   By September, YouTube was announcing        metrics into line with the policies of official   critical ways we recognise and celebrate the       important fans… Those fans can often
some changes to its chart and milestone        charts companies like Billboard and Nielsen.      success of artists on our platform,” he said.      become influencers on the platform for that
regulations. It would no longer count paid        Speaking to music:) ally when YouTube          “ We’re very focused on making                     content... so those targeted, early-stage
advertising views on YouTube towards its       announced the change, the company’s               sure that we maintain consistency                  campaigns, we believe, are really healthy for
own charts, nor would it count them towards    global head of label relations Stephen Bryan      and credibility in our records and in              the industry.”
24-hour-debut totals.                          explained the move as a way of ensuring the       our charts, because we want our focus                  Darren Hemmings, managing director of
   “Artists will now be ranked based on        credibility of its charts.                        to be completely on the success of our artist      marketing agency Motive Unknown, hopes
view counts from organic plays,” announced        “Our 24-hour records and our charts            partners and their labels and management           the move will change music marketing
YouTube, stressing that this brought its own   have always been, and increasingly are,           teams.”                                            plans. “It isn’t something we’ve engaged with
                                                                                                     When YouTube changes its policies, it can      for years now as we went there and learned
                                                                                                 be controversial: witness the recent protests      our lessons. But I live in hope!” he says.
                                                                                                 (and subsequent u-turn by YouTube) when                Hemmings thinks that labels should
                                                                                                 it changed the way its channel-verification        move towards using YouTube ads to market
                                                                                                 system worked. But in the case of paid views       a release or artist in the broader sense,
                                                                                                 of music videos, the industry response has         rather than simply trying to boost a chart
                                                                                                 been warm.                                         ranking.
                                                                                                     Thakur describes it as “a very welcome             “Which, frankly, is what it should have
                                                                                                 move from YouTube”, although he adds that          been used for all along. We are in this job
                                                                                                 “time will tell if the result of this is a deep    to build meaningful connections; to grow
                                                                                                 crackdown or not”. In his opinion: “Fake           audiences for artists. That takes time,
                                                                                                 views end up killing the creative industry and     thought, strategy and effort. TrueView ads to
                                                                                                 being more harmful in the long run to artists      game video views never did much to move
                                                                                                 - all around. It’s not real business, it’s sheer   the needle in that regard,” he says.
                                                                                                 vanity for the people, businesses and talent           “I don’t think it makes ads less
                                                                                                 who crave it.”                                     worthwhile; I mean this is a platform at the
                                                                                                     music:) ally’s head of digital strategy        end of the day. It’s what the ads you show
                                                                                                 Patrick Ross agrees. “This is definitely a         comprise, irrespective of whether said ad
                                                                                                 positive change because it was just silly          is on YouTube, Instagram or a massive ad
                                                                                                 that people were able to game the charts,”         hoarding in the middle of London.”
                                                                                                 he says. “Especially with that kind of                 Patrick Ross says that one of the main

2 | sandbox | ISSUE 237 | 02.10.2019
VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
positives of YouTube’s rule change is that it
may encourage people to look at YouTube
views with new eyes.
     “We have done things with potential
clients who have 100,000 views of one of
their tracks on YouTube and the next one
has 50,” he says. “We ask them: ‘What’s
going on?’ ‘Oh I put money behind that one.’
If it is a quality view then they [viewers]
should be coming back. But you can tell
very quickly from looking at a channel which
ones they put ads behind and the ones they
     As such, YouTube’s move can be seen
as part of a wider discussion about what          aggressively to boost the views on new                             in YouTube’s
                                                                                                   were totally shallow;                           he says. “Anecdotally, and really, it’s hard
genuinely constitutes success for a song or       videos”. But the report also notes that the      analytics you can see retention on              to quantify if this works, but when we have
artist online, at a time when buying YouTube      cost per view of these ads in the US may         a video clip and this method was                an exciting new asset to share (like a music
views, Spotify streams and Instagram              be “five to ten times as much” as in Latin       inevitably the worst in that regard,            video) we’ll run targeted TrueView ads
followers (for example) is an option –            America, which would make it uneconomical        suggesting that it never drove meaningful       to rake in as much traffic to the asset as
however unwise – for marketers.                   for US labels.                                   connections at all.”                            possible within the first week.”
     “We are in an era now when we look at            A report on Badshah’s success in the             The question that Hemmings raises of            Byrne explains that if the video is
Spotify and we don’t talk about streams           Economic Times, meanwhile, claimed that          whether this kind of advertising works is       properly optimised - “cross-linked, tagged,
so much as followers and listeners,” says         for five millions rupees (around $75,000)        a tricky one to answer, one that depends        great thumbnail” - the label often sees
Ross. “For YouTube, even, their main metric       you can generate almost 67 million video ad      largely on what you want to achieve with        “strong ongoing numbers” from YouTube’s
is watch time. And yet you still get a fixation   impressions in India, something that would       your money. Using TrueView ads in this way
on views without having any qualitative idea      cost around $1.5m in the US or UK.               certainly drives views. But are they just dry
of what these views are. it points to a bigger,       Understandably, perhaps, Delgado says        views, with little or no engagement? Ross
wider question: is this actually working?”        that this practice is not common in Europe.      believes so.
      Fernando Delgado , marketing                “In the digital world there are certainly ways       “YouTube advertising of this kind – it’s
director, Ibero América, for PIAS, is less        to increase or rotate views, followers and       not real,” he says. “It doesn’t work. We have
convinced that YouTube’s decision will make       the lot. But it’s not a common thing,” he        run YouTube ads for a number of artists,
a difference to marketing plans. “I don’t         says. “Usually these sorts of technological      including Ruben Dawnson , and you get
expect a dramatic change in the game as           ‘shortcuts’ come mainly from new artists or      4k to 5k views for a small amount of money
my understanding is 99% of the players use        massive majors, when seeing an increased         but there is no commenting, no engaging,
marketing in the best way possible and            number of plays. Its not the normal way we       no liking. In the end it is just numbers on a
react to good numbers of plays / streams,”        spend money. Why? Because at the end of          screen. It really begs the question: what is
he says.                                          the day, you need to know real figures, not      this even doing?”
     This, in turn, raises the question of how    ghost plays.”                                         Duncan Byrne , marketing director of
widespread the practice of buying views is             Hemmings , meanwhile, says that this        Anjunabeats, offers an alternative take on
anyway. Rolling Stone’s investigation into        type of practice “was fairly commonplace”        the matter. “We run TrueView ads with
the matter claimed that labels operating          and that “it did work, yes, in that it drove     the intention of kickstarting the YouTube
in Latin America “have been spending              views in a rather lazy manner, but the views     recommendation algorithm, not for optics,”

3 | sandbox | ISSUE 237 | 02.10.2019
VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally

                                                                                                       PAAGAL: WHAT HAPPENED NEXT?
                                                                                                       The current controversy was ignited by
                                                                                                       Badshah’s ‘Paagal’ video, published on Sony
                                                                                                       Music India’s YouTube channel on 10 July.
                                                                                                         It reached 75m views in its first 24 hours,
                                                                                                       but what happened next?
                                                                                                         At the time of writing this article (1
                                                                                                       October) the video had 171.3m views: a
                                                                                                       daily average of 1.2m views since that first
                                                                                                       24-hour period.
                                                                                                         Figures aren’t available for Indian
                                                                                                       audio-streaming platforms, but on Spotify
                                                                                                       globally, the track has a mere 4.4m streams
                                                                                                       so far.

                                                                                                     of thumb. As such, Hemmings recommends            but if not, it makes it hard to know the size
                                                                                                     getting creative with your advertising.           of your audience.
                                                                                                     “Understand that original, creative, brilliant        The whole affair has reminded some
recommendation tools. “At the end of the         that this is something a lot of people are          ads grab attention, invite interest and drive     people of the days, a few years ago, when
day, what’s the point in making a really nice    watching at that point,” she says. “People          connection,” he says.                             buying YouTube views was all the rage, and
video if no one sees it?” he asks. “TrueView     want to watch the video because they don’t              “There’s no secret sauce here: create         also when view-counts for YouTube videos
allows us to broadcast the content we’re         want to miss out on something. So it’s not          things that will connect with audiences.          were frozen at “301+” for the first day. A
most proud of to millions of people very, very   important that it broke the record. More that       There’s no shortcuts.” He also recommends         process that (in YouTube’s words at the time)
cheaply.”                                        there is some noise about it.”                      focusing on sequencing ads, which address         “assures that the video views are quality
    Perhaps one of the most intriguing              This ties into a wider point about online        short-term attention spans by building            views and discards the low quality playbacks”.
questions to come out of the Badshah             buzz and virality. Was the Badshah                  a narrative over successive advertising           The policy was ended in August 2015.
furore is what this will do with the music       video the 24-hour viral success that                campaigns.                                            “When YouTube counts used to freeze
industry’s mania for records. For YouTube,       Sony Music India implied it was?                        Ross, meanwhile, suggests using               after 301 views on day one, they were
these kind of records are clearly important      Probably not, as genuine virality is                remarketing lists for YouTube ads. “That          fighting fake views,” says Ross. “Fast
in its PR drive. Superfans, too, care a lot –    nigh-on impossible to buy. Did it then              seems to be the one type of ad that does          forward to 2015, when they took that
the mobilisation of the BTS Army following       become a viral sensation, when news of              actually show to your actual audience,” he        [freeze] away, and people have gone back to
Sony’s Badshah announcement offered              the record and the subsequent controversy           says. “The others drive views but they aren’t     using that same thing to game the system.”
visible proof of that.                           broke? Possibly – but not in a way that             quality.”                                             With YouTube having taken action, good
    music:) ally marketing executive Marlen      reflected well on the artist.                           That’s another problem with using             marketers will continue using tools like
Hüllbrock suggests that the record in itself         Delgado says that the golden rule of video      TrueView ads to drive ‘dry’ video views: it can   TrueView responsibly. Don’t be too surprised
is less important than the buzz this kind of     advertising is to tell the truth. “Don’t lie,” he   give you issues with your remarketing list,       if people find other loopholes to exploit until
news can create.                                 says, “Don’t pretend to create a buzz you           because you’ll have people on that list who       they’re fixed, though: this cat-and-mouse game is
    “If it’s a viral moment, most consumers      don’t have.”                                        watched your video as an ad, and who aren’t       a familiar cycle for any platform whose metrics
don’t know it until they get the feeling             Quality over brute quantity is another rule     true fans. You can extract them from the list,    carry weight in an industry – music included. :)

4 | sandbox | ISSUE 237 | 02.10.2019
VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
TOOLS                                       PANDORA AMP
Even with 64.9m Monthly Active Users
(MAUs) in Q2 2019 and a host of free
on-platform marketing tools available to
artists, Pandora sometimes feels overlooked
when compared to Spotify or Apple Music
(especially as it is only available in the US).

It’s true that the service has seen a decline
in its userbase, but according to recent
MusicWatch data, 17% of weekly music
listening in the US happens on Pandora
– far ahead of Apple and Amazon, which
each have a 6% share. Moreover, its recent
$3.5bn acquisition by satellite radio                                                                                                                 They can also use this feature to schedule
giant SiriusXM could bring exciting new                                                                                                           a series of messages supporting different
opportunities to the DSP.                                                                                                                         goals throughout their release cycle. For
     It’s therefore key for any artist team                                                                                                       instance, this series could start with the
to get to grips with Pandora’s Artist                                                                                                             artist introducing the first new single with a
Marketing Platform (AMP) in order to be                                                                                                           message straight out of the studio to provide
able to effectively engage the platform’s         part is getting that first Pandora account;       their songs to Pandora’s team. Pandora’s      context around the song. A second message
huge listenership and to grow an artist’s         so if they have a friend in the US, or can find   data science team will listen to the          could announce the pre-order of the album
own audience.                                     another way to access the Pandora signup          submissions and put them in the Music         and a third one might drive traffic to the
    It also has to be mentioned that              page, then they’re set to be able to access       Genome Project, analysing the track and       music video premiere.
Pandora has evolved a lot since its               AMP after that’s done.”                           informing where it might be placed.               By default, these messages are targeting
inception as a radio streaming service. It                                                             Unlike on Spotify for Artists, these       all markets in the US, but you can also
now offers two additional tiers besides           Independent Artist                                submissions only happen after a song          choose to only target specific markets (with
its ad-supported one: a subscription radio                                                          has been released rather than from            up to five per message). When it comes to
offering called Pandora Plus; and the new                                                           pitching in advance.                          touring, this means it is possible to create
interactive subscription service called           Pandora’s latest feature within its self-                                                       messages for individual tour dates geo-
Pandora Premium.                                  serve suite is its Independent Artist             Artist Audio Messaging                        targeted to each city.
     In order to access Pandora’s AMP,            Submission tool. One difference between                                                             In this context, AMPcast is very
you first need a regular and free Pandora         Pandora and other DSPs is that, by dint of it     With Artist Audio Messaging, acts can         interesting for those artists who are keen
account and then you can sign into AMP.           predominantly being a non-interactive radio       provide messages to be played before or       to enrich their music with spontaneous
There’s also a workaround for artists and         streaming service, it is a curated listening      after one of their songs of choice – with     messages while on the go. Artists can use
managers outside the US.                          experience on its main tier.                      a clear call to action promoting various      their phone to upload 15-second messages
    Alan Poyer, product manager for                  The new Independent Artists                    campaign elements like releases, tickets or   in what feels like an audio-only Story version
Pandora’s AMP, tells music:) ally, “The tricky    Submissions tool helps any artists to pitch       merchandise.                                  for the streaming realm.

5 | sandbox | ISSUE 237 | 02.10.2019
VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
                                                                                                  it as this will help its data science team     Next Big Sound
                                                                                                  understand where it could fit.                 You can also connect your Pandora AMP
                                                                                                      Ranasinghe say, “It’s all about taking     account with the Next Big Sound platform,
                                                                                                  an artist’s new single and it’s the same       which the company acquired a few years
                                                                                                  algorithms that deliver radio programming.     back and now serves to deliver social and
                                                                                                  We use those algorithms in reverse. For this   streaming analytics.
                                                                                                  new single: who are the fans that are most        This is data you don’t get on multi-
                                                                                                  likely to be interested in the new single?     platform analytic websites like Chartmetric,
                                                                                                  So, we use that same technology and data       which therefore makes it important to sign
                                                                                                  science to help artists find their next true   up and see what’s happening for your artist
                                                                                                  fan. We’re able to find people and find fans   on Pandora.
                                                                                                  while they’re listening to it.”                   Pandora only integrates Facebook
                                                                                                                                                 and Twitter data, with public Instagram
                                                                                                  Campaigns                                      data obviously missing – which feels like
                                                                                                                                                 something of an oversight. However, it is
                                                                                                  When creating an audio message, you            the only DSP that has integrated social and
                                                                                                  automatically launch a campaign which you      event data to contextualise with streaming
    The photo displayed alongside the                                                             can then enrich with more audio messages       engagement.
message is the artist’s picture on Pandora,                                                       and feature tracks. Within your campaign           There is a lot to unpack on Pandora AMP,
but you can also customise this for each                                                          you’ll be able to combine and view metrics     with many great and free features to help
message like with a behind-the-scenes                                                             from each tool side-by-side.                   artists grow and engage their audience. Plus
photo from your camera roll.                                                                          If you’re also using Pandora AMP’s app,    there are lots of very useful guides to help
    music:) ally believes that this can be a                                                      its activity feed notifies artists when the    you get started.
great way for artists to send authentic and                                                       campaign reaches meaningful milestones            In other news, Pandora is also reportedly
personal (rather than sales-y) messages to                                                        and lets them know when time to make an        planning to test interactive voice ads later
potential new fans, thereby enabling users           Over the course of eight weeks, Pandora      adjustment or add an element.                  this year; so we’re not far off a scenario
to connect with them.                           will introduce the track to new listeners and                                                    where you might hear an ad for an artist’s
    Shamal Ranasinghe, Pandora’s VP of          on more stations than it would typically          Pandora Stories                                new album (or just for their concert tour) and
product management, catalog & creators,         reach. Pandora highlights how this can be                                                        be able to talk back to it to reserve tickets or
says, “[Pandora AMP] allows for artists to      useful to test out the response to a song –       In early 2019, the DSP introduced a new        get alerted when they go on sale. :)
promote anything they want to their fans        i.e. before deciding if this should be the next   feature called Pandora Stories that
when they’re listening to their music, which    focus single or whether or not to invest in a     allows artists and other creators to add
is when fans are most likely to be receptive    music video.                                      commentary to their playlists. Acts like 2
to their messages. This is unlike anything           This might not be the most impactful         Chainz have already started to leverage the
that exists [out there].”                       when it comes to direct streaming revenues,       feature, giving them the chance to share the
                                                considering that this concerns the ad-            meaning and inspiration behind their songs.
Featured Track                                  supported tier on Pandora, but it certainly is        Ranasinghe says, “We have seen data
                                                a very powerful tool to help drive discovery      that shows that listeners listening to these
Artists can spotlight a Featured Track if it    on-platform without the need to spend.            stories come back and listen more than they
receives at least 10 spins per week, has been        Pandora recommends waiting for around        would otherwise. It promotes more listening.
released within the last year and hasn’t been   three or four weeks after a track has started     It’s not substitutional; it makes listeners
featured before.                                spinning on the platform before featuring         listen to more music.”

6 | sandbox | ISSUE 237 | 02.10.2019
VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
CAMPAIGNS                                                             The latest projects from the digital marketing arena


Marshmello has quite a lot to                                                                                                                                                  Road’; but it all shows how
answer for. After playing a DJ set                                                                                                                                             tracks today have to be
inside Fortnite back in February,                                                                                                                                              herded through carefully
just showing up and playing a                                                                                                                                                  plotted marketing spikes
football game on Twitch was no                                                                                                                                                 that can stretch over many
longer enough for pop stars.                                                                                                                                                   months. The fact it has also
                                                                                                                                                                               just got a new (proper) video
It is clearly good that musicians                                                                                                                                              is proof of how everyone
all have broader ambitions here,                                                                                                                                               involved is taking a second
but they also have to accept that                                                                                                                                              swing at it.
whatever they do will always be                                                                                                                                                    In an age of endless
compared to what has passed                                                                                                                                                    distractions on DSPs (not
before and come with a “following                                                                         TikTok absolutely helped make Lil                  just songs, but also podcasts), acts and
in the steps of Marshmello with                                                                           Nas X’s ‘Old Town Road’, but it was a              labels have to find a series of new ways to
his DJ set in Fortnite” caveat in there                                                                   (seemingly endless) series of remixes and          draw consumers back to songs. We can only
somewhere. So without further ado…                                                                        collaborations (seeing the song morph into         presume the other 24 remixes will stretch
     Following in the steps of Marshmello                                                                 multiple iterations like a mogwai fed after        into next year.
with his DJ set in Fortnite, US skate-                                                                    midnight and then thrown in a swimming                 If dressing a song in new (remixed) cloaks
punk band The Offspring have played a                                                                     pool) that kept it in the charts and all over      worked once, then we can be sure it will be
virtual concert within World Of Tanks.                                                                    DSPs for the majority of the year.                 tried again and again (and again). Until it
(It is a massively multiplayer game                                                                                                                          stops working. In the next issue of Sandbox,
based around military combat that has                                                                     Following the “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it”   we will look in greater detail at how multiple
been going since 2011 and not, we are                                                                     lessons learned here – and with a keen eye         remixes are being used to not only keep
saddened to report, a massive shop just                                                                   on ensuring he does not go down in history         tracks in the public consciousness but also
selling fishtanks.)                                                                                       as a one-hit wonder – he is planning a lot         to break acts in whole new markets and
     It was part of a bigger push by the game’s        The band played five songs during their            (and we mean a LOT) of remixes for his             work on multiple platforms.
developer called Tank Festival, made up of         virtual set – yes, they did play ‘Pretty Fly (For      ‘Panini’ single (the one with an interpolation
a variety of sub-events, which runs until          A White Guy)’ – and their sound does, for the          of Nirvana’s ‘In Bloom’).
7th October. The band’s virtual show will be       most part, work as the audio backdrop to                  “PANINI REMIX 1 OF 25 TONIGHT!” he
accessible by the game’s players until then.       computer-generated tanks smashing things.              tweeted to announce the beginning of this
     “When the World of Tanks guys approached          None of this is going to turn the world            Content Avalanche, the first fruits following
us with the idea of an in-game concert, we         on its head, but it does a good job of being           soon after with the arrival of a version of the
thought, ‘Hell yeah, let’s do it!’,” said Dexter   that part of the Venn diagram where                    track featuring rap star DaBaby.
Holland of the band in a press statement.          “interest in a particular genre of game” and              The song itself is not actually new, first
“Video games are cool but video games where        “interest in a particular genre of music”              coming out at the end of June, having been
you can blow stuff up are even cooler.”            overlap quite nicely.                                  lost somewhat in the viral dust of ‘Old Town

 7 | sandbox | ISSUE 237 | 02.10.2019
VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
CAMPAIGNS                                                            The latest projects from the digital marketing arena

                                                                                                       TIKTO-KING: LEWIS CAPALDI AIMS TO BECOME SOCIAL MEDIA SOVEREIGN

                                                    movies, and the Photos app may suggest the              Scottish singer Lewis                                                  and what I love the
                                                    band’s latest single as the soundtrack to your          Capaldi has taken James                                                most is the fact that
                                                    visual keepsakes,” explains Apple in a press            Blunt’s self-effacing                                                  people don’t take
                                                    statement. According to the company, Maroon             approach towards                                                       themselves seriously;
                                                    5 will be the background music to the feature           social media and really                                                you can be yourself
                                                    for “a limited time”.                                   run with it. His Twitter                                               and people will love
                                                        Apple also gets something extra out of the          and Instagram feeds                                                    you for that.”
                                                    band in the shape of the video for the band’s           are full of images of                                                     In a video
                                                    own photo collection – with the ‘Made With              himself that are far from                                              message on the app
Time was when getting a sync for an Apple           Memories’ video being exclusive to Apple                airbrushed and contain                                                 he says, “Here are
product advert was the making of an act.            Music, showing images of the band in their              posts like “I’M MY OWN                                                 some reasons that I
Just ask Feist, CSS, Jet, Wolfmother, The Ting      earliest days.                                          FAVOURITE ONE HIT                                                      should be named the
Tings and more.                                         One does have to wonder if the name of              WONDER” which fly in                                                   King Of TikTok: 1) I am
                                                    the single was pure serendipity or if it was            the face of how a pop star is supposed to      the King Of TikTok; 2) devilishly handsome;
With the might of Apple behind them, new            built to order. And, if it was named to fit, one        present themselves online.                     3) have I said I was handsome?; 4) I can do
careers could get a serious kickstart or existing   also has to wonder how David Guetta, Shawn                                                             a lot in 15 seconds – trust me, ask my ex.”
careers could get a serious boost. Let’s skim       Mendes, Weezer, Four Tet and Petit Biscuit are          Tongue firmly in cheek, his latest wheeze is       He already did the #FindingLewis
over, however, certain acts putting an entire       all feeling knowing their own ‘Memories’ songs          to try to become King Of TikTok, urging fans   challenge on the platform where he got
album in everyone’s iTunes collection without       were overlooked in favour of Adam Levine and            to make him the most-followed pop star         fans to submit videos of him showing up
them asking…                                        his bandmates.                                          on there. Naturally the related hashtag is     in photo form in unusual places such as a
    Times change and so does technology. The                                                                #kingoftiktok.                                 hotel room and a toilet.
statement ads for iPods long dried up as Apple                                                                 “I’m quite new to TikTok, but it’s one of       So will this new push make him King
shifted its focus to iPhones, but music is still                                                            the best apps I’ve come across,” he said       Of TikTok? Absolutely not, especially given
a big part of its advertising, even if what it is                                                           in a statement. “I find TikTok hilarious       that he currently has 558.8k fans on the
advertising is strictly not music-related. Ahead                                                                                                           app after a few months while BTS just
of the release of a new album, Maroon 5 are                                                                                                                opened their channel and got over 2.2m
the latest act hoping for that Apple halo effect.                                                                                                          followers in the first day. Yet that’s not
    They have a single called ‘Memories’ and                                                                                                               really the point. He knows he’s never going
Apple has a feature in its Photos app called                                                                                                               to be King Of TikTok, but he will have a lot
Memories (which collates and curates images                                                                                                                of loyal subjects there.
in the camera roll on a user’s iPhone or iPad),                                                                                                                This is all about a pop star who revels
so it was a marketing open goal to have                                                                                                                    in the inherent ridiculousness of pop
Maroon 5’s song soundtrack the slideshow.                                                                                                                  stardom and social media bragging finding
    “You can easily edit the photos in the                                                                                                                 his rhythm on a new platform and making
Memories feature and select the song as the                                                                                                                it bend to him rather than the other way
soundtrack for any of your existing Memories                                                                                                               around.

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VIewTUBE - sandbox 05-06 Tools Pandora AMP - WHEN MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS GET JUICED - Music Ally
                              Photo: James Fry
                                                               Oasis’s debut album, Definitely Maybe, had an immediate and enormous impact on both music and culture when
                                                               it was released in August 1994. To mark its 25th anniversary, a fan-centric campaign was created to trumpet its
                                                               influence and its continued relevance. The marketing was run by management company Ignition whose Big Brother
                                                               label arm has the Oasis catalogue. CLARE BYRNE, marketing manager at Ignition, and GABRIELLE NICOT-BÉRENGER,
                                                               digital manager at Ignition, explain how fans were the primary consideration at every stage, where key lyrics were
                                                               used because of their cultural resonance, why a special podcast about the album was created and how a well-
                                                               maintained archive really came into its own.

                                                               Planning the 25th anniversary                                                 as well as creating new assets.
                                                               CB: We had re-released the first                                                 We released two limited-edition
                                                               three Oasis albums – Definitely                                               vinyl formats – a picture disc as a D2C
                                                               Maybe, (What’s The Story) Morning                                             exclusive and a silver-coloured vinyl
                                                               Glory? and Be Here Now – for                                                  that was available at retail. Although
                                                               the Chasing The Sun catalogue                                                 there was no new music, we wanted
                                                               campaign staggered over a two-                                                to make special collectible formats for
                                                               and-a-half-year period from                                                   the anniversary. We also made a new
                                                               2014. They were all remastered                                                classic merchandise range available
                                                               and reissued with bonus and rare                                              on the band’s online store.
                                                               content.                                                                         We announced it on 8th August,
                                                                  With the 25-year anniversary of                                       which was the 25-year anniversary of
                                                               Definitely Maybe being such a landmark,                                  the release of ‘Live Forever’, one of the
                                                               we were keen to have activity around                                     iconic singles from the album. This felt like
                                                               the date. However, having released the                                   the natural point to start the campaign
                                                               reissues five years ago, we wanted to                                    and it meant that we had a three-week
                                                               focus this predominantly on being a                                      period before the actual anniversary [29th
                                                               celebration of the album.                                                August] to roll out the content we had
                                                                  We also wanted to be creative about                                   planned to keep the fans engaged.
                                                               how we presented it, as this wasn’t about                                   This obviously wasn’t a traditional
                                                               releasing new music, and to do something                                 album marketing campaign with a
                                                               special and quite different to what had
                                                               been done before.

                                                               Fans were at the heart of the campaign
                                                               CB: To create a celebration, the
                                                               ambition was to involve the
                                                               fans as much as possible. We
                                                               were leading the campaign by
                                                               presenting assets, but we wanted
                                                               fans to share their own memories
                                                               and their stories about the album.
                                                                  We planned to utilise original content
                                                               that hadn’t been seen for quite a long time

                                        Photo: Paul Slattery
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                                             so we pushed the hashtag across all                                                       CB: Having close access to the archive
                                             channels. We quickly started seeing fans                                                  and original assets is so important. We’re
                                             posting photos of their Definitely Maybe                                                  able to give fans something to talk about
                                             albums, their Live Forever tattoos, footage                                               and it helped generate conversations.
                                             from live shows they’d been at, their first                                               We created a schedule of assets to share
                                             concert tickets and that sort of thing, so                                                every day from launch across the whole of
                                             the activity started to grow organically.                                                 August, including one key fan interaction
                                                There was an Oasis exhibition in                                                       at least once a week to keep fans engaged.
                                             London in 2014 and in Manchester in 2016,
                                             including a life-size recreation of the front                                             GN-B: Each week we had a key moment
                                             room featured on the album’s cover, so                                                    for fans. In the first week, we shared
                                             lots of photos re-emerged from that as                                                    the sheet music for [album track] ‘Slide
                                             well. There was already lots of content out                                               Away’ and invited people to record their
                                             there related to Definitely Maybe anyway        the management team so were ready to      own covers and share them using the
                                             and so people just got on board with this.      use. Key people from the Definitely       #SlideAwayChallenge hashtag.
                                                On the Facebook page , we created            Maybe era got involved like
                                             a group called Definitely Maybe: Oasis          Brian Cannon who did the album            CB: We made a video of the sheet music
                                             Community. It is a closed group so              artwork and who had amazing               after obtaining permission from the
                                             people have to request access to become         things to share; but it’s also            publisher, so fans could follow it and play
                                             members, which gives it that extra              been amazing to see how much              along. The response was brilliant.
                                             community feel. It’s a space for super-fans     memorabilia fans have also kept
                                             to connect and share. Each day we would         through the years.                        GN-B: We created a dedicated Slide Away
                                             share original Definitely Maybe-related            The fans have really enjoyed being     Challenge playlist on the Oasis YouTube
longer pre-order period and with the         content.                                        part of this community and we could see   channel and added the best versions to it,
artist undertaking promotional activities       The catalogue assets had been archived       conversations and constructive debates    which we then shared across all channels.
and so on. It was an intense window of       for the reissues by Daisy Blackford from        about the album happening naturally.         On the website we have a page called
activity about making content available.                                                                                               ‘Fans’ and, using the hashtags, it pulls
There were weeks of planning before                                                                                                    together all the different online content
this and it evolved into a well-structured
strategy and cohesive campaign across all

Ramping up the activity
GN-B: We decided to go live on the ‘Live
Forever’ anniversary and that’s when
we launched the campaign trailer with
the hashtag #DefMaybe25 . That was
the hub for everyone to share their own
   We run all the official Oasis accounts
on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube
and their website, plus the mailing list,

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from Twitter and Instagram. That means
whenever people use #DefMaybe25
or #DefinitelyMaybe25 – we had a few
different hashtags that people could use –
it pulls everything onto that page. We also
manually go through each platform so as
to not miss some gems.

CB: In week two, we created a super-
fan quiz – Definitely Or Maybe, based
on True Or False questions. We worked
with consultant Michael Mulligan who
wrote the questions, ranging from easy to
relatively difficult.

                                              GN-B: We picked that song looking at what       followed the same creative so that we had
                                              popular user-generated content using            consistency with our aesthetic.
                                              Definitely Maybe tracks were on YouTube
                                              but for which we didn’t have our own            Launching an album podcast
                                              videos. Based on that, we decided to do an      CB: We created an Oasis podcast
                                              official lyric video for ‘Fade Away’ that was   working with [podcast company] Cup &
                                              shared during the week of the anniversary.      Nuzzle. It was called Listen Up and named
                                                                                              after one of the B-sides to ‘Cigarettes &
                                              CB: We had assets including a trailer for       Alcohol’ [the fourth single from the album].
                                              launch and an unboxing video for the               We felt that the story around the           impact of the band and the album at the
GN-B: It was interesting looking at the       LP picture disc to show the fans what           making of the album had been told many         time. It was a seminal debut album that
answers as there were no questions            it looked like. The bulk of these were          times before, so with the podcast we           influenced the music scene and the youth
where everyone got it right. Some of it       created in-house by Sarah Mansfield and         wanted to focus on the social and cultural     culture around it.
was very tricky.                                                                                                                                 We wanted the people who were
                                                                                                                                             involved with the album at the time to tell
CB: We did 25 questions, obviously, to                                                                                                       that story. We worked on a wish list of
mark 25 years. We hosted the quiz with                                                                                                       people we wanted to interview – including
Typeform.                                                                                                                                    those involved with the making of the
                                                                                                                                             record, musicians, industry people and
GN-B: It was also a way for us to identify                                                                                                   media. We also wanted to talk to the fans.
core fans and build up our re-marketing                                                                                                          We had a really good response from
audience.                                                                                                                                    everybody we approached. When the
                                                                                                                                             interviews had been completed, Cup &
CB: We also created a new lyric video for                                                                                                    Nuzzle had over 18 hours of content to
‘Fade Away’ .                                                                                                                                edit down.

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                                              fascinating as it all happened so quickly.      include the hashtag in small type
                                                 We made it available across all              underneath – the idea being that
                                              platforms simultaneously. A podcast was         if you were familiar with Oasis
                                              something we’d never done before, so it’s       and the tracks, you’d get it
                                              been a new experience for us. We’re really      straight away; and if you weren’t,
   Having people telling their stories from   pleased with the result and had a strong        the copy would provide intrigue.
the time was really evocative and very        response to it.                                    We had great early pickup in regional
entertaining. [Each episode is between 36                                                     press and online. And the fans were
minutes and 49 minutes in length.]            Lyrics proved a key asset                       getting excited and were sharing it.
   We included assets from the BBC            throughout the campaign
archive, covering original interviews         CB: I was really keen to do some activity       GN-B: Photos started popping up on
and live recordings mixed in with the         using the lyrics. As so many of the             Instagram and because of the hashtag
storytelling, which worked really well.       tracks are classics, some of the lyrics         people would be looking it up as well.
We were also able to add music from           are ubiquitous. We started this activity        That was another way to discover the
the album as we have the rights to            with a regional outdoor poster campaign         campaign.                                        featured on the GIPHY homepage.
the masters. It was a big jigsaw to put       which ran the week before the actual                                                                On the day the posters went up, we
together and was turned around in a           anniversary.                                    CB: On the day of the anniversary, we did        also had digital stickers going live which
relatively short timeframe.                       There were four creatives with four         statement digital ads around London              mirrored the poster creative so fans could
   The podcast evolved into a series of       key lyrics. They included “You can have it      – in Notting Hill, Bethnal Green, Clapham        add them to their Instagram Stories. There
four episodes and we launched the first       all, but how much do you want it?” [from        Junction and King’s Cross. We also wanted        have been around 5m views of the GIFs
one on the actual anniversary of the          ‘Supersonic’], “Tonight I’m a rock ‘n’ roll     to replicate this physical activity digitally.   so far.
album – 29th August – with the other          star” [from ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Star’], “You and I
episodes following at weekly intervals.       are gonna live forever” [from ‘Live Forever’]   Working with GIPHY and All On The Board          CB: It was important for us to replicate the
   They were structured in a chronological    and “Have I finally found something worth       GN-B: On anniversary week, we launched           physical activity digitally as well.
order, so the first one introduced the band   living for?” [from ‘Cigarettes & Alcohol’].     an official Oasis GIPHY channel . They              We also worked with All On The Board
and when they got together. Then it went         We put the posters up and we                 hadn’t had one before. We created GIFs           who create original content for London
into when the album was released, when        deliberately excluded the Oasis                 based on each track on the album and             Underground on whiteboards in stations. It
they got really big and so on. The story is   logo from them, although we did                 bundled them all into a story that got           turns out they’re big Oasis fans. They wrote

13 | sandbox | ISSUE 237 | 02.10.2019
                                                                                                                                                                      manager for Oasis and she always comes
                                                                                                                                                                      up with great content to put on their
                                                                                                                                                                      channels – such as throwbacks. We
                                                                                                                                                                      consistently promote the catalogue, more
                                                                                                                                                                      or less directly, so there is an ongoing
                                                                                                                                                                      campaign happening on the socials.

                                                                                                                                                                      CB:  We obviously want to keep
                                                                                                                                                                       the fans engaged, but it’s also
                                                                                                                                                                       important not to post too much.
                                                                                                                                                                       I think we’re quite careful when
                                                                                                                                                                       posting; it is mainly about having
                                                                                                                                                                       good content and key moments.
                                                                                                 fresh content, such as the podcast and                               We’re a small team, managed by John
                                                                                                 new assets that we were creating, to                                 Leahy, and work closely together to ensure
                                                                                                 share with the fans, but also to get the                             that all content is of a consistent quality
                                                                                                 fans involved as much as possible as we                              – both relevant and engaging.
                                                                                                 did with the cover challenge and the quiz.                              We felt this was a very successful
                                                                                                                                                                      campaign. The album charted at number
                                                                                                 GN-B: The album hashtags also trended on                             6 in a busy week of new releases and was
                                                                                                 Twitter in the UK on the anniversary. The fan                        number 1 in the vinyl album chart.
                                                                                                 reaction was incredible. We know the band’s                             The results of this campaign have given
                                                                                                 reach and expected there were going to be                            us lots to build on. For example, we saw
                                                                                                 lots of people engaging, but hearing all the                         a growth in our social following, we saw a
                                                                                                 stories of what this album meant to people                           significant increase in our streaming and
                                                                                                 was really heart-warming.                                            we engaged with both a younger audience
                                                                                                                                                                      and a new audience.
                                                                                                 Wider media and retail support                                          We achieved our objective to getting
                                                                                                 CB: While the initial focus was on making                            people to reappraise an album that has
                                                                                                 this about the fans, it was warmly received                          been out for 25 years and show how
                                                                                                 across all media. We had vast coverage                               relevant and iconic it still is today. :)
                                                                                                 for the album across national and regional
                                                                                                 radio as well as press and online.
                                                                                                    We had a lot of support from retail
a brilliant Definitely Maybe-related poem,       GN-B: On the day of the anniversary itself,     and from the DSPs – and including for the
                                                                                                                                                 WANT TO FEATURE IN
incorporating the track titles. They placed      we also released a Facebook frame               podcast. This was a global campaign and
                                                                                                                                                 BEHIND THE CAMPAIGN?
                                                                                                                                                 Marketing people: do you have a campaign you are working
that at North Greenwich station and they         incorporating the artwork so fans could add     Ray McCarville, who handles International,
                                                                                                                                                 on that you would like to see featured in Behind The Campaign
also did a version for online. The footfall in   their faces to it. That proved really popular   had a strong response ex-UK.
                                                                                                                                                 in a future edition of sandbox? If so, send a brief synopsis of
North Greenwich was over 80,000 that day.        and had great reaction on their socials.
                                                                                                                                                 it to Eamonn Forde for consideration and your work (and your
It was an extension of what we’re doing                                                          Keeping their social channels
                                                                                                                                                 words) could appear here.
with the lyrics and it also helped people to     CB: The campaign was spread across all          active at all times
embrace the anniversary celebration.             the platforms. It was great to have this        GN-B: Lucy Fortescue is the community

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                                                                                                                                   Boat: Holly, Holborn Studios
                                                                                                                                   49-50 Eagle Wharf Rd
                                                                                                                                   London N1 7ED



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