Page created by Lorraine Campos

                                 FOR EFFECTIVE
NHS Fellow working with Improving Global Health, Cambodia. Photo: Timur Bekir

                                                                                                                                    About this guide                                       2    Featuring Google – a load of tools for free        11
                                                                                                                                    Definitions and Acronyms                               2    Featuring Evernote                                 13
                                                                                                                                    Considerations: technology and your partnership        3    Partnership project planning                       14
                                                                                                                                    Selecting and implementing new tools                   3    Managing your project                              14
                                                                                                                                    Barriers to implementing new tools                     3    Task Management                                    16
                                                                                                                                    Learning new technology                                3    Collaborative budgets                              16
                                                                                                                                    Online, offline and syncing                            4    Partnership project delivery                       17
                                                                                                                                    Free or low-cost software – what’s the catch?          4    Developing and Delivering Training and Mentoring   17
                                                                                                                                    Working across Platforms                               4    Volunteer and Training Management                  18
                                                                                                                                    Choosing for the future                                5    Data Collection                                    19
                                                                                                                                    Communication Tools                                    6    Dealing with low bandwidth                         21
                                                                                                                                    Communicating with your team                           6    Fundraising                                        22
                                                                                                                                    Communicating whilst travelling                        7    Keeping your information and work safe             23

                                                                                                                                    Communicating with your stakeholders                   7    More help                                          23

                                                                                                                                    Partnership Collaboration                              9    Conclusion                                         23

                                                                                                                                    Sharing Documents                                      9    Appendix: Sources for the Tools and Additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                Resources                                          24

    Partnership between Maddox-Jolie-Pitt & Improving Global Health in Cambodia. Photo: Timur Bekir

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DEFINITIONS                                                      CONSIDERATIONS: TECHNOLOGY AND YOUR PARTNERSHIP
ABOUT THIS GUIDE                                                    AND ACRONYMS
This guide identifies online and electronic tools that can help     APP	Software either on your mobile,
                                                                                                                                     Selecting and                                Check that everyone in the team is
                                                                                                                                                                                  comfortable using the tool; it can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Even if many of them could be useful,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 it is advisable to concentrate on a small
partnerships collaborate more effectively. We primarily focus on         computer or to be used in an internet                       Implementing                                 disempowering if they are not. Think           number that will most improve effective
tools that can help improve your partnership’s effectiveness in:                                                                                                                  about building IT capacity into future         collaboration.
• communicating with your team
                                                                         browser.                                                    New Tools                                    projects to ensure that all the people
                                                                    BANDWIDTH	The available ‘pipe’ of data you are                                                               you are working with can effectively
• communicating and working whilst travelling                                                                                        You should define clear objectives for       collaborate.                                   Key Point: Ensure tools are
                                                                               able to download from the internet.                                                                                                               appropriate in terms of IT skills,
                                                                                                                                     selecting new tools and you should only
• communicating with your stakeholders                                         If you have low bandwidth you can                     pick a tool if it will solve a problem or                                                   devices and bandwidth you have.
• collaborating and working as a team                                          only download minimal amounts of                      improve a process.                           Key Point: Implement one tool at a
                                                                               data.                                                                                              time and make sure it is answering a
• and managing information
                                                                    CLOUD COMPUTING	A secure server or computer outside
                                                                                                                                     Ideally, you should describe the process
                                                                                                                                     you intend to improve and identify:          genuine need for your partnership.             Learning New
This is not a guide to software for improving information
systems within health facilities or the wider health system.                         of your institution or home where               •   what information you need to share                                                      Technology
The purpose of this guide is to identify useful software tools
                                                                                     your data is stored. Data can be                •   who can access that information          Barriers To                                    When choosing tools, be careful that
that are low or no cost, multi-platform (can work on different
                                                                                     accessed over the internet.                     •   what platforms people are using          Implementing                                   you do not select one that is more
                                                                    CSV	Common separated values. A format                           •   what connectivity do they have                                                          complicated, and therefore harder to
IT operating systems), and ideally can be used on and offline.
Details of where to access the tools are in the Appendix.                that can be exported or imported                            •   what reports are needed
                                                                                                                                                                                  New Tools                                      learn, than you actually need. Some
                                                                                                                                     •   what software functions are required                                                    people find new tools easy to use and
Whilst every effort was made to seek independent reviews, not            into spreadsheets or databases.                                                                          Barriers to implementing new                   learn and are very comfortable finding
every product and feature identified in the guide was directly                                                                       Another good strategy is to jot down         technologies in the context of                 out how to use new technology. Others
                                                                    INTERNET BROWSER	The programme you use to access
tested. The list is not exhaustive and there are, undoubtedly,                                                                       three to five ways you would use the         institutional health partnerships include      can find it harder to learn to use new
                                                                                      the internet eg Chrome, Safari,                                                             unreliable connectivity and limited
other useful tools out there.                                                                                                        tool in your work every day. Evaluate                                                       tools and get the most out of them.
                                                                                      Internet Explorer, Firefox                                                                  bandwidth. Connectivity is your ability to
                                                                                                                                     the tools against these needs. Jumping
Technology moves fast, so many of the tools described here                                                                           into using a new tool before thinking        connect to the internet and the amount         Whilst most tools will have fairly
                                                                    INTERNET CONNECTIVITY	The ability to connect to the internet.                                                                                               comprehensive help systems, the
will evolve just as new tools will emerge. However, the ideas of                                                                     through the processes and needs of your      of bandwidth relates to the amount of
how to use technology for effective partnership collaboration                              If you have no connectivity you can                                                                                                   internet is also a rich source of ‘how
                                                                                                                                     partnership may result in a poor fit.        data you can download when you are
and how to decide on which to use will remain relevant.                                    not connect to the internet whereas                                                    connected. This is not, however, the only      to’ information from forums, to blogs,
                                                                                           if you have low bandwidth you can         Only try out one new tool at a time          limiting technical factor; for example,        to YouTube - there is a huge amount
Before describing these tools, we discuss general issues                                                                             rather than grappling with several                                                          of information about getting the most
                                                                                           connect but only download minimal                                                      your own institutions may block or not
concerning their selection and implementation for effective                                                                          at once. Find the people who are                                                            out of online and electronic tools. Every
                                                                                           amounts of data.                                                                       allow the use of certain software or
use based on partnership experiences. While electronic tools                                                                         champions of new technology – good                                                          group has technology enthusiasts and
                                                                                                                                                                                  internet sites/services. Other common
can be a powerful aid in collaboration, if not chosen and           PLATFORM	The type of computer system                            at learning quickly, communicating why                                                      those less comfortable with technology.
                                                                                                                                                                                  barriers that hinder implementation
implemented wisely they can prove counter-productive. The                                                                            the tool will be useful and putting in the                                                  Why not get the enthusiasts to send out
                                                                              or device that you are using eg                                                                     include lack of knowledge of what tools
rest of the guide outlines particular tools for particular needs.                                                                    time to get it to work right for the team.                                                  weekly simple tips across the group to
                                                                              Windows or IOS (apple Mac) or                                                                       are available, how they might be applied
This part of the guide is designed to be dipped into according                                                                       Implementation needs face-to-face                                                           help those who find it harder to get to
                                                                              Android or iPhone.                                                                                  and variable levels of technical skills.
to each partnerships particular needs rather than to be read                                                                         interaction and the opportunity to use                                                      grips with how the tools can simplify
as a whole.                                                                                                                          the tool together; sending out an email      It is better to pick simple tools, requiring   rather than complicate their work.
                                                                    SYNCING	Two devices are syncing when they
                                                                                                                                     and a guide is unlikely to start people      low bandwidth that can be used by all
                                                                             copy files or data from one device to                                                                members of the team; rather than tools
                                                                                                                                     using a new tool for their work.
                                                                             the other to ensure that both contain                                                                that only some team members can                Key point: Ensure you use the
                                                                             the same files or data.                                                                              use either because of their complexity         technology enthusiasts within
                                                                                                                                          You cannot introduce new tools          or their need for higher bandwidth or          your partnership to help everyone
                                                                    VOIP CALLING	Voice over Internet Calling. Making                                                             constant connectivity.
                                                                                                                                          over the internet, you have to                                                         work effectively together and give
                                                                                  voice calls to landlines or mobile                      use them together; you get no           Thinking about these barriers and              examples of how tools can simplify
                                                                                  phones over the internet.                               understanding otherwise. You            how they can be surmounted in your             rather than complicate your work
                                                                                                                                          cannot have just a written guide;       particular context is a crucial part of the
                                                                                                                                          it has to be practised. That is         process of deciding on and implementing
                                                                                                                                          when it works the best.                 any new software. It may be that many
                                                                                                                                          MARCIA ZONDERVAN,                       of the tools identified in this guide are
                                                                                                                                          London School of Hygiene and            not suitable for your partnership.
                                                                                                                                          Tropical Medicine, Vision 2020

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Online, Offline                               Free Or Low-Cost                                Working Across                                     Choosing For                                  Even if one of your institutions has
                                                                                                                                                                                               access to some more expensive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            your partnership now may be feasible
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in 6, 12 or 18-months’ time.
And Syncing                                   Software – What’s                               Platforms                                          The Future                                    software solutions, you should consider
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Think about whether or not your data
                                                                                                                                                                                               whether or not it would be of benefit
Software that is only available online
                                              The Catch?                                      It is increasingly important that tools            Your partnership will change over             to your partner organisation to invest       is backed up anywhere else, other than
                                                                                              are available across different computer            time - it may grow significantly. Tools       time in learning the free or low cost        the vendors servers - they may cease
may be unsuitable for partners where
                                              There are lots of different types of            operating systems (platforms).                     should ideally also work for individuals      alternatives. This will mean that they can   operation. Consider whether or not the
internet connectivity is unreliable.
                                              software that are offered ‘free’ but watch                                                         in their day-to-day work, and with other      use these other alternatives with other      software allows you to export data if you
Increasingly, tools are saving data in
                                              out for the catch! Is the tool free for a        Platform                   UK          Africa     partnerships and projects. Thinking           projects and partnerships that they are      need to transfer to a different tool.
‘the cloud’ (off-site storage) so it can
                                              trial period only, free for only the basic       Desktop Operating Systems                         about the future and wider needs              involved in without your institution.
be accessible from any device with an
                                              functionality, free but with distracting                                                           should inform your decision to adopt
internet connection.
                                              advertisements or free temporarily                Windows                  80%          94%                                                      Things change quickly in terms of            Key point: Think about future use as
                                                                                                                                                 certain tools.
                                              whilst the vendors build a user base              apple Mac (IOS)          17%           4%                                                      technology. Mobile coverage and              well as present need.
There are a number of tools which             whom they will later start charging.                                                               Will the level of service/users be            internet connectivity will rapidly change
synchronise or copy (sync) content from                                                        Smartphone Operating Systems
                                              Some downloadable free software will                                                               sufficient for your needs in 2 or 5           over time. Tools that might not work for
the cloud to your local computer, tablet      also install adware on your computer              Android                  40%          50%        years’ time? If not, how much will it
or smartphone. This allows content to         as part of the installation process –                                                              cost to increase the level of service? It
be accessible both when you are online                                                          iPhone (IOS)             50%           5%
                                              although if you pay attention, you can                                                             can be hard to transfer from one tool             Over the 18 months I have been here the power stabilisation has really
and offline. Changes made whilst you are      often opt out of these toolbars and               Series 40 (Nokia)         0%          21%        to another – so getting this decision             improved and connection to the internet has really improved.
offline are synced to the cloud when you      special offers.                                  All % are approximate                             right in the first place will save future
are back online again.                                                                         (November 2014,                                                                    HERMAN FUNG,
                                                                                                                                                 headaches. Starting up a new project is
                                                                                                                                                                                                   VSO Volunteer Malawi
                                              When you do have to pay, it is                  In a recent study by the Firelight                 a good time to review the tools you are
Tools that store data or files in the cloud   increasingly common for payment to              Foundation of 27 of their community                already using.
are ideal for collaboration. Remote           be per user per month. Whilst the sums          based partner organisations in Malawi,
teams can access up to date information       may seem affordable when looking at             Tanzania and Zambia 71% of the staff
without having to constantly send files       one or two users, think about the future        used their mobile phones for emailing.
through email and check that they             and whether more people may need                In the same study, 61% of the staff used
have the latest version. The downside,        access at a later date – the outlay could       their mobile phones for accessing social
however, is that you need internet            become far more significant.                    media. For communication with local
connectivity to upload or download                                                            leaders or beneficiaries, text messaging
the files or data. Tools that can sync                                                        was widespread (96%). Only 13% of
                                              Open source applications and software
data or files to be available offline                                                         beneficiaries had access to email via
                                              developed by development programmes
as well as online, address access to                                                          mobile phone.
                                              are often offered on a truly free basis.
information when internet connectivity
                                              However, there may be hidden costs in
is unavailable. Ensuring that files and
                                              terms of ease of use and availability of        Key point: Cross platform
software only require low bandwidth
helps increase feasibility of tools even                                                      compatibility is good for partnerships
when bandwidth is an issue. There are                                                         – take the time to find out which
some tips on how to do this at the end of     Key Point: Be aware of the potential            platforms are being used by the key
this document. Choosing which folders
                                              limitations of free, low-cost software          people in the partnership to help
or files to sync to which device also helps
manage the amount of bandwidth you            before its adoption                             inform technology decisions.
use and the amount of space used on
your device.

Even if software is only available online
it may still be useful to the partnership;
particularly if you do not need to access
it all the time but only for a specific job
such as sending out a newsletter using
MailChimp or setting up an online form
using Google Forms or accessing an
online forum in Facebook or Google+.

Key Point: Software that syncs to
local devices to enable data to be
used offline as well as online is ideal
for partnership collaboration.                  Volunteer Nurse Trainee at Kambia District Hospital, Sierra Leone. Photo: Timur Bekir             Trainees using medical equipment, Winchester-Yei Link. Photo: Tom Price

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TOOLS FOR EFFECTIVE COLLABORATION                                                                                                      Communicating                                Communicating With                            Mailchimp can also act as a shared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  database, including contact information
                                                                                                                                       Whilst Travelling                            Your Stakeholders                             and notes about your stakeholders.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  This information can be accessed via
COMMUNICATION TOOLS                                                                                                                    Whilst Skype and Google+ Hangouts
                                                                                                                                       provide an effective way to communicate
                                                                                                                                                                                    Keeping your stakeholders informed on
                                                                                                                                                                                    the progress made in your partnership
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Mailchimp apps, available on Android and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  iPhone/iPad (IOS) where you can also add
                                            available to fee free account holders.        is speaking and mutes the microphone of      whilst travelling, there are also other      and projects is good practice and often       new users. This information is available
Communicating With                                                                        other participants. You need a Google+       solutions.                                   key to success. This might be through         on your device even when you are offline.
                                            Vsee is a video and chat solution                                                                                                                                                     Hence, Mailchimp allows you not only to
Your Team                                   specifically designed for use with
                                                                                          account to use any of the Google tools.
                                                                                          Tools (mostly) work through Chrome
                                                                                                                                       Facetime is a very effective and free way
                                                                                                                                                                                    emails, e-newsletters or social marketing.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Keeping track of whom you need to             easily send out professional bulk emails
                                            low bandwidth reportedly using 50%                                                         for making video calls with other Mac        communicate with can be a headache.           but also enables you to keep track of
For people working together across                                                        (internet browser), within which you can
                                            less than Skype; if your call quality                                                      users (iPad, iPhone, iPod or Mac) over a     There are added challenges when you           information about your most important
countries, tools that improve                                                             install various apps from the Chrome
                                            is consistently poor with Skype, it is                                                     Wi-Fi connection. Rebtel allows its users    need to share that information.               stakeholders – not just for you but for the
communication are paramount. Whilst                                                       Store for each of the tools you want.
                                            definitely worth giving Vsee a try. There                                                  to make low-cost or free international                                                     whole team.
Skype is very popular in terms of day to                                                  apps can be launched through Chrome
                                            are other benefits too – drag and drop                                                     calls using its smartphone apps or           Your communications plan for your
day use, there are other options worth                                                    or through the Chrome app Launcher on
                                            file transfer, unlimited group video calls                                                 landlines. It works on any phone without     project and partnership may include
considering.                                                                              your toolbar or dock. You can also adjust
                                            (subject to bandwidth) and the ability                                                     installing software or needing an internet   different groups with whom you want to           Mailchimp is a way of streamlining
                                                                                          the quality of the video whilst in the
Skype is the most widely used video and     to share your screen during calls (screen                                                  connection and has cheaper call rates        stay in contact: supporters, government          communications, using it is
                                                                                          call according to your bandwidth. You
chat software. It also has VoiP calling     sharing or casting). The basic account                                                     than Skype when phoning mobiles or           and other key officials, volunteers, ex-         building the capacity of the
                                                                                          can start video chats from within Gmail
(internet phone) allowing you to make       for their Enterprise Video Chat is free; it                                                landlines. There is no contract – you can    volunteers, community members, funders           HQ. We can use more visual
                                                                                          contacts as well as from the Hangouts
low cost calls to mobiles or landlines on   limits you to one screencast a day with                                                    purchase credit and pay as you go or         and sponsors. Think ahead about whether          communication and track whether
a pay as you go basis. Therefore, even      no technical support. If you are looking                                                   purchase deals for particular countries      these different groups need different            or not it is being read. Found it
if the other person does not use Skype      at pricing plans look for their Enterprise                                                 that give even bigger savings. Whatsapp      content, different language, and different       quite straightforward and had a
you can still contact them. You can have    Video Chat option rather than OneClick                                                     is a very popular mobile phone app           frequency of communication. You can              high response rate.
group discussions in both audio and         Waiting Room which is a more expensive                                                     that allow free text, photo and video        then set up your software accordingly.
                                            remote consultation tool.                                                                  messaging to other people who also have                                                       GRACE LE,
video and share documents and screens.                                                       Use World Clock Meeting Planner                                                                                                         University of Oxford, COSECSA
                                                                                                                                       the app, subject to internet connection.     If your partnership and the interventions
Skype has recently made many features       Google+ Hangouts provides video, chat            to help with scheduling meetings                                                                                                        Oxford Orthopaedic Link
                                                                                                                                                                                    it has achieved are successful, it is
that were previously only available         and VoiP calls. The group video chat             across time zones – it is free.           Gmail Offline is available through           important to share what worked and why
to those with premium subscriptions         software changes the focus to whoever                                                      Chrome internet browser and is useful        with others – this ensures that we build
                                                                                                                                       for accessing information in emails and      on each other’s achievements and learn        Tinyletter (owned by MailChimp) is aimed
                                                                                                                                       drafting replies to emails whilst you        from each other rather than reinventing       at people who do not need the reporting
                                                                                                                                       are offline. If you don’t use Gmail then     the wheel. A good communications              and business features of MailChimp but
                                                                                                                                       Thunderbird is a free email programme        strategy can ensure you are fulfilling this   just a simple platform to write and send
                                                                                                                                       that also works offline.                     key aspect of good development practice.      out bulk email communications. Currently,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  it is offered completely free for up to
           PC MAC iPhone iPad Android               PC MAC iPhone iPad Android                  PC MAC iPhone iPad Android                                                          MailChimp is one of the most frequently
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  5000 subscribers although Tinyletter
                                                         WindowsPhone                                WindowsPhone                                                                   used applications to send out bulk
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  reserves the right to change this in the
                                                                                                                                                                                    email communications or e-newsletters
    Free and paid versions                  Free                                          Free                                                                                                                                    future. You can import contacts (including
                                                                                                                                                                                    – called campaigns. It is free for up to
                                            VoiP calls additional cost                    VoiP calls additional cost                                                                                                              from Gmail), add a subscription form
                                                                                                                                                                                    2000 subscribers and you can send up
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  to your website and link to Twitter. You
    Pros: Low bandwidth                     Pros: Already used by many people             Pros: Increasingly being used by people                                                   to 12,000 emails per month. You can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  cannot set up different groups within your
          Group video                             Group video                                   Group video                                                                         import contacts from Google contacts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  subscribers and there are no templates to
          Easy drag and drop file sharing         File sharing                                  File sharing from Google Drive                                                      or from a CSV or text file. You can set up
          Instant messaging                       Instant messaging                             links via chat                                                                      groups within MailChimp to send more
          Screen sharing (one per day)            Screen sharing                                Instant messaging                                                                   targeted communications to different          Other bulk email providers include
                                                  VoiP                                          VoiP                                                                                types of stakeholder. There are a number      SimplyCast and SendGrid. SendGrid’ free
                                                                                                Screen sharing                                                                      of templates you can use for your email       account gives you up to 400 emails per
                                                                                                Links with Gmail contacts                                                           communications and you can integrate          day.
    Cons: Not widely used                   Cons: High bandwidth use even when not       Cons: Not quite as easy to learn or setup                                                newsletter signup forms onto your
                                                                                                                                                                                    website and social marketing channels         The use of social media is outside
                                                   in a call                                     (need a free Google+ account and
                                                                                                                                                                                    such as Facebook and Google+.                 the scope of this guide although it
                                                                                                 free Chrome browser)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  should be recognised that social media
                                                                                                                                                                                    Once you have set up an account for your      represents a cheap and effective way of
You may also want to share ideas and        relationships strong. Choosing a platform     discussion with wider communities                                                         partnership you can give other members        communicating information about your
thoughts with your team which they can      that people already regularly engage          of practice.                                                                              of your team access to the contacts           partnership. Consider setting up a page
respond to in their own time. Setting up    with such as Facebook or Google+ may                                                                                                    database and who can then also create or      for your partnership on the major social
a closed or private group in Google+ or     enable better interaction than setting up     Key Point: try to choose platforms                                                        edit new communications. You can set up       networking platforms such as Facebook,
Facebook can make it into a forum for       a separate forum on your website that                                                                                                   different levels of access in your account    Google+, LinkedIn and, if you want to
                                                                                          with which people already regularly
sharing news, thoughts and ideas about      people need to actively access and log                                                                                                  settings.                                     share video, YouTube.
                                                                                          engage with since this will likely lead
the partnership and help keep personal      into. You can also create open groups for
                                                                                          to higher use and better interaction

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It is better to setup specific pages for an
organisation rather than as an individual
                                               Companies who host websites (for a fee)
                                               usually provide free software such as
                                                                                             website or social media sites, Audacity is
                                                                                             a free audio editor available on both PC       PARTNERSHIP COLLABORATION
on these platforms, since these pages          WordPress which you can install and use       and Mac. To edit video on PCs, Windows
work differently from individual accounts.     to build your site – although you do not      Movie Maker 12 is a free and intuitive
It is also inappropriate to link people with   need to be an expert, identifying someone     editing programme. Macs come with
an individual account as this potentially      who is technologically savvy will help.       iMovie.
shares personal content.                       There are other platforms that offer free
                                               website design for people with limited
Whilst setting up pages within these           design and technology skills such as Wix
platforms is straightforward, managing         or Weebly. Whilst you can host a basic site
the frequency and quality of content can       with them for free you will need to use
be challenging. There are tools such as        their domain (website address), there will       Remember to resize your
Hootsuite and Buffer that allow you to         be some advertising and the amount of            photos and other media before
schedule when your posts appear and            data you can have is limited.                    uploading them so they don’t
post to more than one social networking                                                         take up too much of your or
platform at a time eg Facebook, Twitter,       Social media works well with                     other people’s bandwidth.
LinkedIn and Google+. The free versions        photographic, audio and video content.
will only allow you to link to one account     There are some excellent free tools
per platform. Both Hootsuite and Buffer        available to help you produce professional    Increasingly NGOs are using other forms
are also available as Android or iPhone/       content for your social media channels.       of visual media to ensure their messages
iPad apps.                                     Macs come with iPhoto that provide basic      are getting through. Infographics present
                                               photo editing and organisation software.      results in a visually arresting way, memes
Telling the story of your partnership          Picasa for PC will organise your photos,      are pictures that combine photos with
through photo essays on your website or        allow basic editing and easily share with     short messages and word clouds show
blog is far more effective than text heavy     Google+. Instagram on your mobile phone       linked concepts or the frequency of
forms of communication. Blogger is part        allows you to upload photos to different      response for qualitative survey data. Free
of the Google suite of apps and is an          social media channels at one time and         tools to create these type of graphics
extremely easy way to set up a blog based      there are additional apps available to        include Piktochart (free limited version for
website using a variety of templates.          add text to those photos. If you want a       Non Profits) for infographics, Wordle or
You do not need any web design skills.         tool with more than basic photo editing       Tagexdo for word clouds. Although there
Blogger also works seamlessly with             facilities for your PC, try or,     are meme generating apps online and for
Google+ allowing people to comment on          for either platform, GIMP (which has a        smartphones, you don’t need them as
your blog. You can use the        steeper learning curve) both free and         you can easily create memes in any photo
domain or register your own domain to          are sophisticated photo editing suites.       editing software by simply adding text.
point to your Blogger site.                                                                                                                  Trainees on Spine Course, COSECSA Oxford Orthopaedic Link. Photo: John McLaughlin
                                               If you are looking to add audio to your

                                                                                                                                            Sharing Documents                            Setting up a shared folder in the cloud
                                                                                                                                                                                         where you can store documents that you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MailBigFile is a quick way to send up to 5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       files of 2GB per file to 1 person at a time
                                                                                                                                                                                         and whomever you share the folder with        for free. You drag the file(s) into the box
                                                                                                                                            There are two ways in which you can
                                                                                                                                                                                         both have access. This means that you         on the website and specify the recipient
                                                                                                                                            share documents when you are working
                                                                                                                                                                                         can ensure that everyone in the team has      and your message to them. They receive
                                                                                                                                            with people remotely without having
                                                                                                                                                                                         access to the latest project documents        the message and a download link for the
                                                                                                                                            to email large files, which can use up
                                                                                                                                                                                         (proposal, log frame, reports, training       file. The free account keeps files available
                                                                                                                                            mailbox space and block emails from
Infographic                                    Meme                                          Word cloud                                     downloading. The first is to temporarily
                                                                                                                                                                                         plans, monitoring and evaluation) and         for the recipient to download for 10
                                                                                                                                                                                         partnership information (MoU, contact         days. The Pro account allows more large
                                                                                                                                            upload files to the web for download and
                                                                                                                                                                                         list). When you share documents via the       files to be sent to more people.
                                                                                                                                            the second is to have a shared folder in
                                                                                                                                                                                         cloud your documents are located on
                                                                                                                                            the cloud.                                                                                 Hightail also allows the sending of a file
                                                                                                                                                                                         the provider’s servers. Often they also
                                                                                                                                            Using a web based programme to               provide back-up and restore services,         using an email link. You have to register
                                                                                                                                            temporarily upload your document and         meaning that you can recover your work        for the free account. You can send files
                                                                                                                                            email the recipient the link to it rather    if you accidentally delete it or go back to   of up to 250Mb to multiple recipients.
                                                                                                                                            than the whole document is good for          a previous version.                           Hightail has integration with Microsoft
                                                                                                                                            sending one document to people with                                                        Outlook and also has a folder storage
                                                                                                                                            whom you are not going to be routinely       One off large document sharing via the        and sharing solution similar to Dropbox.
                                                                                                                                            sharing documents. The recipient can         web
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Google Drive allows you to invite people
                                                                                                                                            choose when to download the document
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to collaborate on a particular document
                                                                                                                                            from the website.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       as opposed to sharing a folder.                                          

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Sharing folders with your team via the cloud                                                                                                     Featuring Google – A                           Google Sheets

The following table summarises the features, pros and cons of some of the most popular tools offering storage for files in the cloud.            Load Of Tools For Free
                                                                                                                                                 Google offers a large number of useful
                                                                                                                                                 apps that work together and are designed
                                                                                                                                                 for team collaboration, most of which
                                                                                                                                                 can be accessed for free. Together they
                                                                                                                                                 offer some particularly useful solutions for
                                                                                                                                                 institutional health partnerships.
                                                                                                                                                 Google Forms can be used to design
                              Dropbox               Google Drive             Microsoft OneDrive            Spideroak              Copy           online forms which save data to the
                                                                                                                                                 Google spreadsheet app Sheets.
 Free storage           2GB                     15GB                        15GB                     2GB                   15GB                  Partnerships can set up forms for a variety
                                                                                                                                                 of purposes as already described but
 Earn extra storage     Earn up to 19GB                                     Earn up to 5GB           Earn up to 10GB       Earn up to 5GB        also to track visits, activities, monitoring   Google highlights the sections of the           To access the apps, you need a Google or
 Paid plans             $10 per month 1TB       $2 per month                $2 per month             $10 per month         $10 per month         and evaluation data, training courses          document being worked on and indicates          a Google+ account and to use the Chrome
                                                100GB or $10                100GB                    100GB                 250GB                 delivered, participant lists and pre- and      who is working on which sections. This          internet browser. Within Chrome you click
                                                per month 1TB                                                                                    post-test questionnaires. Further analysis     is particularly useful when working to a        on the apps button and then go to the
                                                                                                                                                 needs to be done within the spreadsheet        deadline.                                       Chrome Store in order to add apps to your
 Other ways of          With some mobile                                    1TB free with                                                        in Google Sheets. The data is accessible                                                       browser and to the Chrome app Launcher.
 getting storage        phone contracts                                     Office 365 annual                                                    to everyone in the team through sharing        With Google Calendar you can set up             The Chrome app Launcher appears on
                                                                            subscription                                                         within Google Drive.                           multiple calendars and choose with whom         toolbar (Windows) or dock (Mac).
 Online/offline sync    Select which folders    Select which folders        Select which folders                                                                                                to share them.
                        to sync                 to sync                     to sync                                                              If you are working on a joint document
                                                                                                                                                 such as a proposal or report using Google      The Calendar app syncs with many
 Ability to restore     For up to 30 days       Only if trash not           Only if recycle bin is   Yes                   In Account                                                           different email clients and mobile phone
                                                                                                                                                 Docs and Sheets within Google Drive,
 files                                          emptied                     not emptied                                    settings can                                                         apps. This is really useful for ensuring that
                                                                                                                                                 the software allows multiple users to
                                                                                                                           undelete                                                             everyone knows key deadlines and events.
                                                                                                                                                 work on the same document at the
                                                                                                                                                 same time. There is an added facility,
 Platforms                                                                                                                 iPhone/               Google Chat that allows you to discuss
                                      Windows                       Apple                            Android
                                                                                                                                                                                                Accessing apps or Chrome Store in Chrome
                                                                                                                                                 or ask each other questions as you work.

 Pros                   Easy to set up and      Save attachments            Integrated with          Additional privacy    Splits storage
                        use                     from Gmail to drive         Microsoft Office         as data cannot        of shared
                                                                                                                                                    PARTNERSHIPS USING
                        Good on PCs and         Integrates with             Set permissions on       be accessed by        folders between
                                                                                                     Spideroak             accounts                 GOOGLE APPS
                        Macs                    Google apps                 shared files/folders
                        In transit and stored   Online collaboration        Online collaboration     Saves versions of     Simple, Fast             Partnerships have used Google
                        encryption                                                                   files as you update   Integrates with          Forms with Google Sheets to
                                                                            Upload photos from
                                                                                                     them that can be      Microsoft Office         register course participants and
                        Restore files for up                                phone
                                                                                                     restored                                       collect information on their skills
                        to 30 days
                                                                                                                                                    and experience to help pitch the
                        Upload photos from                                                                                                          course at the right level. Other
                        phone                                                                                                                       partnerships have used Google               Accessing apps or Chrome Store in Chrome
 Cons                   Low free storage        Storage limit               Best for windows         Low free storage      Issues with              Forms for the recruitment of
                                                includes Gmail              devices                                        resetting storage        volunteers.
                                                                                                     Focus on back up
                                                and Google+                                          rather than sharing   limits after
                                                                                                                                                    Jay Evans, Regional Director Asia
                                                                                                                           deleting files
                                                                                                                                                    from Medic Mobile described
                                                                                                                                                    Gmail, Google Documents and
In summary, if you are concerned about the privacy of your data             particularly on Windows devices, then OneDrive is the                   Drive as essentials when working
then Spideroak has the strongest privacy and security. Dropbox              obvious choice.                                                         remotely across low resource
is a reliable, easy to use solution but it offers less free storage                                                                                 settings. In particular, the ability
than other free services and if space is a factor then Copy may
be worth checking out. Dropbox has a 30 day storage of files that
                                                                            Sharing documents with the                                              to work on a document at the
                                                                                                                                                    same time and see where others
have been deleted or changed allowing you to restore files that             public                                                                  are working in Google Documents
have been accidentally deleted or overwritten.                                                                                                      was of particular importance.
                                                                            If you want to share your documents with the public then there
If your team routinely use Google apps then Google Drive is                 are a number of sites where you can upload files and share them
the right solution. If your team routinely uses Microsoft Office,           with the world: e.g. Scribd and SlideShare

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Some of the useful free apps available from Google are listed in the table below.
                                                                                                                                            Featuring Evernote
                 app          Function                      Highlights                                                                      Evernote is a hugely flexible free
                 Gmail        Email                         Available both on and offline. Download offline version separately.             application that can be used online
                                                                                                                                            and offline and is available on PC, Mac,
                                                                                                                                            Android and iPhone/iPad (IOS). At its
                 Calendar     Calendar                      Set up multiple shared calendars for individual projects or partnerships        simplest it is like having a series of
                                                            so you can all track key visits, events and deadlines. Will sync with most      notebooks for storing different types
                                                            smartphones. Can use offline.                                                   of information, but it can be used for
                                                                                                                                            much more. Some uses include project
                 Drive        Document hosting in the       Your documents can be shared and worked on collectively. Works best if          management, task management, contact
                              cloud                         you use Google documents. Also available offline.                               lists, stakeholder information, planning
                              Like Dropbox                                                                                                  training content, mentoring notes, sharing
                 Document     Word processing               True collaboration if online – can be working on a document at the same         resources, research notes, or keeping
                                                            time and the app will indicate which section is being edited by other           track of events and participants.
                              Like Microsoft Word                                                                                                                                           Another stand out feature is the Evernote       All kept in one place. Evernote also has a
                                                            people. Very useful for finalising reports or bids to a deadline. Available
                                                                                                                                            Evernote has a desktop version for              Web Clipper extension which works               chat function so that discussions about
                                                            through Drive – also available offline.
                                                                                                                                            Mac and PC, can be accessed via a web           with all the main internet browsers and         resources can continue offline. Use in
                 Sheets       Spreadsheet                   Similar to Document you can collaborate and work on the same                    browser and has apps for Android and            allows you to save web pages to Evernote        combination with Vsee or Skype.
                              Like Microsoft Excel          spreadsheet at the same time. Available through Drive – also available          iPhone/iPad (IOS).                              notebooks as you browse them. The
                                                            offline.                                                                                                                        extension adds a small button to your           Project Management – Create templates
                                                                                                                                            Essentially, Evernote it is a storage place     browser which you press when you want           to be used for project information. Have
                 Forms        Online surveys and forms      Your forms can be set up to populate a Google Sheet which can then              for information, plans and ideas. You can                                                       one notebook per project or a stack
                              Like Surveymonkey             be analysed and shared amongst your team. Available through Drive.                                                              to save the web page you are viewing – a
                                                                                                                                            store lots of types of data: text, tables,      dialogue box pops up and you simply             of notebooks for each project. Include
                                                            Online only.                                                                    checklists, photographs, clip web articles                                                      contract information, M&E information,
                                                                                                                                                                                            choose to save in a particular notebook.
                 Contacts     Contact Database              Within Gmail. Can sync with mobile phones. Also available offline with          or pages, pdfs or audio. All of these can       This is really useful when doing research       deadlines, task assignments, reports,
                                                            Gmail offline.                                                                  be shared with other people via Work            or for keeping track of useful resources or     stakeholder information, activity plans,
                                                                                                                                            Chat within Evernote. Information within        organisations.                                  contact information.
                 Groups       Communities of practice       Set up groups who can view and respond to posts online or via email.            your notes can be searched easily and
                              or forums                                                                                                     extremely quickly. The free version has         Notebooks can be shared with other              Research – collect research notes,
                                                                                                                                            a limit of 250 notebooks and an upload          Evernote users. This makes it a powerful        interview notes and collate research
                 Google+      Social networking             Set up a page for your partnership, or a closed community to share ideas        limit of 60MB per month. The premium            tool for ensuring that everyone in the          papers. This guide used Evernote to
                                                            within your partnership.                                                        version (£48 per annum) also allows you         partnership has access to key information;      collate information and reviews on
                              Like Facebook                                                                                                                                                                                                 collaborative online tools.
                                                                                                                                            to search within scanned pdf documents,         but it also can be used to share to do lists,
                 Blogger      Setting up a blog based       Set up your own blog based website to be able to post updates on your           business cards and to sync information          capture ideas and share resources.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Training – plan training, notes for ideas
                              website                       partnership activities.                                                         to your mobile or tablet to be accessed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            can be stored alongside reference
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            material and photographs for inclusion
                 Google       Video, phone calls and        Video calling is set up to facilitate conversations between many people in                                                                                                      in the materials as they develop. Have a
                 Hangouts     messaging                     different places. Supports screen sharing. Additional add ons.                  You set up notebooks and stack them to
                                                                                                                                            store information in a way that makes                                                           central note listing all training delivered,
                              Like Skype                                                                                                    sense to you. The real strength of                                                              dates and where. Then individual
                                                                                                                                            Evernote is not only its complete flexibility      If you are sharing notebooks with            notes for each training session showing
Documents and spreadsheets produced           documents will be synced to Google              In terms of security of your data, all
                                                                                                                                            but also the ability to search everything          people with low or intermittent              participants, content, trainers, trainee
in the Google apps can be exported as         Drive once you are back online again.           communication between your device
                                                                                                                                            at lightning speeds. Imagine being able            connectivity, be careful about the           feedback.
Microsoft Office document types or pdfs.                                                      and the Google servers is encrypted and
                                              Google for Non Profits                                                                        to search a stack of paper notebooks for           kind of information you save in the
                                                                                              backed up regularly. You can also opt for                                                                                                     Proposal Development – have notes
Google has a very comprehensive help                                                                                                        any word written in them or the content            notebook. Text will take very little
                                                                                              all your data stored on the servers to be                                                                                                     for ideas, to do lists, collect resources
system which covers their suite of tools.     Google for Non Profits gives members                                                          of pdfs. You can also search within                bandwidth but photos may take
                                                                                              encrypted. So your data is arguably more                                                                                                      relevant to the proposal.
                                              access to premium Google products and                                                         photographs (although this seems more              up a lot if not reduced in size. Links
                                                                                              secure on Google servers than on your
As indicated in the table many of the         support if they are a charity registered                                                      reliable on the browser version than the           to websites will also take up less
                                                                                              own computer. However, Google does                                                                                                            Meeting Management – have a note for
Google apps are now also available            in England and Wales. It excludes                                                             desktop version. This means that you can           space than taking a snapshot of
                                                                                              use information that you provide through                                                                                                      items for the agenda, take the minutes
offline, although you usually have to         government entities, hospitals and other                                                      take photographs of log books or other             the site.
                                                                                              Google apps mainly to sell advertising. So                                                                                                    and agreed actions within Evernote.
download additional software to make          healthcare providers or schools, academic                                                     key documents and then search within
                                                                                              Google will collect information from your
this feature work. For Gmail, simply add      institutions or universities. But if you have                                                 them.                                                                                           Travel Information – hotel information,
                                                                                              account profile, the type of computer you
the Gmail Offline app within Chrome.          registered your partnership as a charity                                                                                                      Some ideas on how Evernote                      restaurants, tips, flight routings.
                                                                                              are using, your IP address, search queries
For Drive, you have to go into the app        in England or Wales you should qualify.                                                                                                       can be used by partnerships
                                                                                              through the Google search engine,                                                                                                             Other products like Evernote include
and then click on Install Drive for your
computer then use the Gear menu               Data safety and privacy with                    telephone call information etc. It will use                                                   Mentoring – Create a notebook for each          Microsoft’s OneNote, part of its Office
to select whether or not you want to          Google                                          this information to target advertisements                                                     Mentee. Make notes of discussions.              Suite. Moxtra (see Project Management)
                                                                                              at you. Google has recently announced                                                         Have a to do list for agreed actions. Add       also has similar functions.
sync documents to the desktop. When
                                              There have been many publicly stated            that it would not give access to third                                                        resources that relate to discussions.
working offline changes to your
                                              concerns about privacy and Google.              parties to any of the data that you store
                                                                                              on its servers without a warrant.

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Managing your project                                                                                                                                                                   Evernote                            Moxtra                               Asana
                                                                                                                                               Free version                 Note and upload limit               Short term all free                Less than 15 users
If your partnership is managing a large or complex project or
a number of projects or you will need to keep track of project                                                                                 Paid version                 £48 per annum – larger limits       Planned                            More than 15 users
information, plans, deadlines, contact lists and tasks. You may                                                                                                             and offline mobile sync
also want to keep track of key learning and ideas as the project
                                                                                                                                               Offline sync?                PC Y                                Mac Y                              PC N
progresses. Whilst many of the project management tools
currently recommended are designed to be used exclusively                                                                                                                   Mac Y                               Mobile Y                           Mac N
online and are expensive there are a few packages that offer                                                                                                                Mobile (Paid only)                                                     Mobile N
good value to institutional health partnerships.
If you just want to track or report on some information within                                                                                 Platforms                                Windows                   Apple                         Android
the project, think about using Google Forms (featured in the
Data Collection section). You can design a form to gather M&E
                                                                                                                                               Built in communication       Chat                                Voice
results or after each trip to track number of days contact time
or headline information on projects. All data or information                                                                                                                                                    Chat
gathered via the form can be outputted to a shared                                                                                             Pros                         Flexibility                         Flexibility                        Task focus
spreadsheet in Google Drive. You can protect the spreadsheet         Moxtra was designed in India and has been built to work                                                Low bandwidth if keep to text       Offline sync                       Email reminders
to avoid inadvertent editing. You can also add additional            within the context of intermittent connectivity. Hence, you                                            Offline sync                        No limit on members
analysis on other sheets within the document. You can use this       can work with the content you have within the programme
system to build your own set of databases using online forms                                                                                                                100 shared notebooks
                                                                     offline. Once you get online again information is synced in the
to ensure consistent data input.                                     cloud. You can install Moxtra on your Mac, Windows PC and                                              Can share with 500 people

If you are comfortable with Gantt charts as a way of managing        mobile device. Moxtra stores information in Binders which are             Cons                         Lack of structure                   Lack of structure                  Online only
your project then Gantter Project is worth having a look at. It is   equivalent to projects. You can store files, discussions and to
                                                                                                                                                                            Mobile offline sync only in paid    Windows desktop version not
available as a download or online – it is completely free.           dos in individual binders – it works similarly to Evernote in this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                yet launched
                                                                     way. Moxtra also allows for messaging and voice conferencing
Logframer is a project management tool built around log              – bringing together task lists, project information with team                                                                              Still in development
frames and Gantt charts. It is not collaborative, however, and is    conversations. At the moment all functions are free, but some                                                                              Pricing policy in development
only for Windows. It not only allows you to build your log frame     of them will probably soon become chargeable; although
and project plan but also contains modules for risk planning         Moxtra is committed to continuing to provide the basic
                                                                                                                                              If you want a very structured focus on tasks and your team is       Moxtra is a relative new comer still in development and so may
and M&E. You can export plans and then share them by other           package for free.
                                                                                                                                              less than 15 then Asana is a good solution. The email reminders     change significantly.
                                                                     Asana is a well-designed project management system which is              offset the lack of offline access.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  If you are looking for a more complex tool Podio allows you to
If you want to keep structured information about your project        free for up to 15 members. It is not available offline but does
                                                                                                                                              Evernote and Moxtra are good options in terms of value for          track and report on all sorts of information in a structured way
or projects then Moxtra, Asana, and Evernote are all worth           have smartphone apps. Asana is structured into workspaces,
                                                                                                                                              money and offline access but they have no structure and so          without having to employ a database expert. It is not, however,
checking out. They take very different approaches to storing         projects and tasks and has lots of functionality around
                                                                                                                                              require some careful thinking and planning if you are going to      easy to learn or set up and needs some technical knowhow. It is
project information, with Moxtra and Evernote focus on               prioritisation as well as the ability to add notes to tasks. Asana
                                                                                                                                              use them for project management. Evernote is a mature app and       online only and free for up to 10 users.
collecting and sharing information with the structure being          can send out email updates related to the tasks that are
determined by the user. Asana focuses on tasks. All are              assigned to you or which you follow.
commercial products with free and paid plans.
Evernote (see feature) is used by many people for project
management but it has no structure. If you are going to use
it as a powerful project management tool you have to decide
on the structure of your notebooks – how many for each
project, titles and then you can also set up notes as templates
with tables or headings to enable you to keep track of more
structured information on activities, M&E, contacts, volunteers,
stakeholders or projects themselves. You can build checklists in
Evernote for assigning tasks. Excellent for typing up the agenda,
minutes and to do lists from all your meetings all in one place.
All information within Evernote is searchable making it easy
to find information. Evernote is free and available on Mac, PC,
Android and iPhone/iPad (IOS).

                                                                                                                                          VSO Malawi Programme.      Health worker using new lab equipment, Winchester-Yei Link.
                                                                                                                                             Photo: Herman Fung      Photo: Tom Price

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Task Management                                                                                                                           PARTNERSHIP PROJECT DELIVERY
Being able to share lists of tasks and deadlines across your partnership is an important part of ensuring that you work
together effectively.

You can use checklists in Evernote (see feature) to keep track of tasks; but you may also want to check out Workflowy and                 Developing And                                Tracking CPD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Skype is not useful sometimes
Trello. Both have a free basic version which does a good job of managing tasks across teams. The solutions outlined in the
Project Management section of this report also have task management functions.                                                            Delivering Training                           Evernote (see feature) can be used to
                                                                                                                                                                                        capture CPD activities. Clip websites
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          due to connectivity issues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          When you are connected up to
                                                                                                                                          And Mentoring                                 that you have accessed, make notes                a lecture suddenly you lose it
                                                                                                                                                                                        of training, workshops and mentoring              but you cannot stop the lecture
                                                                                                                                          Whilst there are many online tools            activities. These notes can then easily be        so then people lose out. That is
     Workflowy is a tool where you can
                                                                                                                                          designed for delivering training remotely     used to put together a report.                    a big problem. They do screen
     create collapsible or zoomable lists that
     contain information and tasks. Any list                                                                                              or managing training or designing                                                               cast but that is too big so they
                                                                                                                                                                                        Osmosis (£24.99 per annum) is a suite
     can be shared and others can view or                                                                                                 training, most of them are high cost and                                                        cannot access it. Even Dropbox
                                                                                                                                                                                        of tools designed for GPs to capture
     collaboratively edit that list according                                                                                             designed to be used in the context of                                                           which everyone likes using here
                                                                                                                                                                                        CPD activities and generate a report. It
     to your choices. As you type your list                                                                                               access to high bandwidth. Some of the                                                           does not always work over there.
                                                                                                                                                                                        includes a journal and extensions for all
     you use symbols to allocate tasks or add                                                                                             tools already highlighted in this guide                                                         Some countries it does but it
                                                                                                                                                                                        the popular internet browsers to enable
     searchable tags. Workflowy has been                                                                                                  can be used to good effect to support the                                                       takes sometimes 30 minutes to
                                                                                                                                                                                        you to automatically track website
     used very effectively by people for project                                                                                          development, management and delivery                                                            download and then the computer
                                                                                                                                                                                        activity on selected relevant websites. It
     management. Workflowy has an offline                                                                                                 of training or to support mentoring.                                                            is frozen.
                                                                                                                                                                                        also has an app on Android and iPhone/
     desktop version that you can download                                                                                                Partnerships who have been using screen       iPad (IOS).                                       MARCIA ZONDERVAN,
     – you just need the Chrome browser                                                                                                   sharing to deliver training between the
     installed as well. Workflowy also has apps                                                                                           UK and their partners in Africa have
                                                                                                                                                                                        Delivering real time training                     London School of Hygiene and
     on Android and iPhone/iPad (IOS) that                                                                                                experienced mixed and sometimes
                                                                                                                                                                                        remotely                                          Tropical Medicine, Vision 2020
     work offline as well as online.                                                                                                      frustrating results. If you are seeking to    Skype, Google Hangouts and VSee all
                                                                                                                                          develop a full e-learning platform then       support screen sharing so that you can
                                                                                                                                          the tools in this guide are not for you,      use them to deliver training remotely. As
                                                                                                                                          but there are many potential partners         previously described, Vsee is specifically     Recording training
                                                                                                                                          who have experience of designing and          designed to take less bandwidth; Skype
                                                                                                                                          implementing such platforms in low            on the other hand uses a lot; reportedly       ScreenR is a completely free online
     Trello is a very visual task management                                                                                              connectivity settings.                        Google Hangouts uses less than Skype.          tool that enables you to record your
     solution with a series of piles of task cards                                                                                                                                      Vsee limits you to one screencast per          screen and voice and then publish it
     that can be moved between piles. Adding                                                                                              Remote mentoring                                                                             to social networks such as Facebook,
                                                                                                                                                                                        day if you use the free account for its
     attachments and notes mean that it can                                                                                               Remote mentoring can be well                  Enterprise Video Chat solution (make           hence allowing people to download your
     also be a way of keeping information                                                                                                 supported using a low bandwidth video         sure you are not looking at the more           content when they have connectivity.
     together with the tasks that need to be                                                                                              and voice conferencing solution such          expensive OneClick Waiting Room).              Snagit (£34.95) for PC and Mac will take
     done. You can also use Trello to list ideas                                                                                          as Vsee (see Communicating with your                                                         any image from your screen and enhance
     and then get people to vote on them.                                                                                                 team) coupled with a shared space for         Google Hangouts is designed to ensure          it or create a quick video of your
     Trello is online only in a web browser. It                                                                                           notes, to do lists and resources. This        that the focus is on the one who is            computer screen.
     can be used on iPhone/iPad (IOS) and                                                                                                 shared space could be a folder within a       speaking and will mute the microphones
     Android online or offline - syncing to                                                                                                                                             of other participants. You can also opt        Training Development
                                                                                                                                          cloud storage space such as Dropbox,
     cloud once you are back online.                                                                                                      Google Drive or OneDrive or a shared          to broadcast your training through             Evernote (see feature) or Moxtra can be
                                                                                                                                          notebook within Evernote (see feature).       Hangouts in Air so that others can view        used for planning new training. Clip web
                                                                                                                                          If you can, type notes and to do items        live (although not participate) in the         resources to be used in the development
                                                                                                                                          directly into your chosen note taking         training.                                      of training. Take notes of ideas and
                                                                                                                                          document whilst the meeting is taking         The difficulties in delivering live training   planning meetings. Create to do lists.
Collaborative Budgets                           budget, or you can restrict collaborators
                                                to edit only specific sheets for their
                                                                                                                                          place.                                        to institutions with low connectivity          All kept in one place.
                                                                                                                                                                                        should not be underestimated…
A common problem for remote teams               particular element of the budget whilst                                                   Genius Scan for Android and iPhone/
working on projects is keeping track of         keeping the overall budget protected. You                                                 iPad is a free app which allows you to
the latest version of the budget whilst         can also restrict editing to named ranges.                                                scan anything with your smartphone.
also creating budgets that are specific to                                                                                                The quality is often better than
                                                You can do some of this with Microsoft         If doing this type of collaborative        using traditional scanners due to its
partner organisations.                                                                         budget updating make sure that
                                                Excel by protecting the sheets and                                                        enhancement function. It has been used
One solution is to create your budget           allowing users to edit different ranges        you keep archive copies of the             to scan case notes, x-rays and slides.
using a Google Sheets spreadsheet – with        within the sheet with a password specific      budget at various points so that           You can then share your scan via Gmail,
a master budget and then separate sheets        to teams or individuals. Then save the         you can go back if changes prove           email, Google Drive, Skype, Evernote,
for different partner budgets or activity       document to a cloud space such as              to be problematic.                         Podio, Trello, or Dropbox. This tool is of
budgets. You can then share the entire          Dropbox or OneDrive.                                                                      great potential use for clinical mentoring.
spreadsheet allowing everyone to edit the                                                                                                                                                Training course with COSECSA Oxford Orthopaedic Link. Photo: John McLaughlin

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Data Collection                                                     Google Forms is one of the apps available in Google Drive (see
                                                                                                                                                                                                                feature). Once you design your survey you can publish it online
                                                                                                                                            Collecting and analysing data is crucial for the monitoring and     and then send the link to those you want to complete it. You
                                                                                                                                            evaluation of any project and partnership. Some data relevant       have a choice to keep the data in the forms and download as a
                                                                                                                                            to the outcomes of the programme will be gathered within            csv file or send the data directly into Google Sheets either as a
                                                                                                                                            institutional data collection and reporting systems. The tools      new spreadsheet or a new sheet within an existing spreadsheet.
                                                                                                                                            outlined in this guide are not to replace those systems but are     Within Google Sheets you can add additional analysis and graphs.
                                                                                                                                            additional tools to collect or analyse data that is project or      As the documents are all held within Google Drive you can share
                                                                                                                                            partnership specific.                                               them so that everyone has access to the data and analysis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                You can protect sheets or ranges within sheets to avoid any
                                                                                                                                            Confidence in designing, analysing and updating data within
                                                                                                                                                                                                                inadvertent editing of the data.
                                                                                                                                            spreadsheets was an area highlighted as a capacity gap for
                                                                                                                                            many partnerships in recent evaluations. Ensuring that the          Google Forms also offers logic branching, email notification of
                                                                                                                                            spreadsheets that are designed for M&E are done collaboratively     responses and mobile friendly forms, functionality that you will
                                                                                                                                            and can be accessed by everyone is a positive step to addressing    likely have to pay for with other online survey tools. Other than
                                                                                                                                            this need. Working within Google Drive or OneDrive allows you       the space available in your Google Drive and the fact that if you
                                                                                                                                            to collaborate on spreadsheets and see who is editing what. You     export to Google Sheets it will only record the first 400,000 cells
                                                                                                                                            can combine this with a Skype or Hangout call to talk through the   of information, there are no limits to the number of forms or
                                                                                                                                            design as it is made.                                               respondents with Google Forms.
                                                                                                                                            Online surveys and questionnaires                                   You can use Google Forms not only to collect information
 Volunteers working with The Kambia Appeal. Photo: Timur Bekir
                                                                                                                                                                                                                from community members or stakeholders but also to collect
                                                                                                                                            For online surveys, there are three products that are worthy of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                information from within the project. Use it to collect data on
                                                                                                                                            mention: Google Forms, Survey Monkey and Kwiksurvey.
Volunteer And Training                                                The spreadsheets with the results can be accessed offline as well
                                                                      as online if you install the offline version of Google Drive.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                the number of participants completing training courses, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                outcomes of audits, or pre and post-course assessments.
Management                                                            Podio (see Project Management) is online only software that has
                                                                      a number of template apps you can install within it for training      Designing a form in Google Forms                                    Published form
There are tools that can be adapted to help in the management         or volunteer management. It is free for teams up to 10. Available
of volunteers and training.                                           via a web browser and on android and iPhone/iPad.
Google Forms (see feature and Data Collection section) can
be used to design forms that collect data or help manage the          Eventbrite will manage invites and registration for events. It
process of delivering training or mobilising volunteers including:    is an online tool with mobile apps. It is free to use if you are
                                                                      promoting free events. If you are charging for your event, then
Training                                                              there is a charge for NGOs of 2% and £0.65 per ticket. You can
• applications to attend training                                     make your event public or by invitation only and can market it
•	Pre-training questionnaires to help tailor training                via email or social marketing channels such as Facebook. When
   to capacity gaps and needs                                         you log into Eventbrite you can see who has registered and your
                                                                      attendee summary can be exported to Excel or as CSV.
• Attendance forms
• Pre-training tests
• Post-training tests                                                    I’ve used Google Forms for registering candidates
                                                                         for courses; it is easy to set up and you get the data
• Training follow up questionnaires                                      streamed straight into a spreadsheet document within
• Evaluations                                                            Google drive

Volunteers                                                               GRACE LE,
• Selecting volunteers                                                   University of Oxford, COSECSA
                                                                         Oxford Orthopaedic Link
• briefing volunteers before their Trip
• Debriefing and feedback post trip
                                                                      Evernote (see feature) can be used to ensure everyone has
Data from the forms can be exported as csv or saved into a
                                                                      access to key policies and procedures (all fully searchable). It
Google Sheet spreadsheet for further analysis. Google Forms is
                                                                      could also be used to create a shared resource of travel, contact,
available when you sign up for a Google account and then install
                                                                      cultural, contextual and institutional information useful to either
Google Drive. You also need the Chrome internet browser. All of
                                                                      short or long term volunteers. Evernote can also form an easy
which are free. The forms are only available to fill in online. The
                                                                      way of keeping track of all training delivered, trips undertaken,
forms are mobile friendly.
                                                                      feedback and lists of participants.

                             If you want to use Google Forms to collect live data where internet connectivity is patchy have a
                             number of backups in case of the internet or electricity being down – have a smartphone available
                             with a local sim with a data package and have paper copies of forms just in case.

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