When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super

Page created by Seth Cruz
When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
MTAA Super Update               Spring 2020

                            In this issue

                    When the good
                      times return
                      Silver linings
When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super

When the good times return
                                                        Optimism is es
How community spirit is driving
optimism for dealership group,
Peter Kittle Motor Company.                                 and a foun
Silver linings playbook
Staying positive during
difficult times.

Growing together
MTAA Super and
Tasplan merger update.

In this issue
05      Losing your job during
        a pandemic

14      Investment profile:
        Flinders Ports Holdings

16      Adapting for a good cause

1300 362 415

Locked Bag 5134,
Parramatta NSW 2124

Trustee: Motor Trades Association of
Australia Superannuation Fund Pty. Limited
ABN 14 008 650 628 | AFSL 238 718

MTAA Superannuation Fund
ABN 74 559 365 913 | USI MTA0100AU

This document is issued by Motor Trades Association
of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty. Limited (ABN
14 008 650 628, AFSL 238 718) of Level 3, 39 Brisbane

                                                        Optimism is es
Avenue Barton ACT 2600, Trustee of the MTAA
Superannuation Fund (ABN 74 559 365 913). Motor
Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund
Pty Limited has ownership interests in Industry Super
Holdings Pty Ltd and Members Equity Bank Limited.

The information provided is of a general nature and
does not take into account your specific needs or

                                                            and a foun
personal situation. You should assess your financial
position and personal objectives before making
a decision based on this information. We also
recommend that you seek advice from a licensed
financial adviser. The MTAA Super Product Disclosure
Statement (PDS), an important document containing
all the information you need to make a decision about
MTAA Super, can be obtained by calling MTAA Super
on 1300 362 415. You should consider the PDS in
making a decision.
When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
ssential to achievement
   As COVID-19 continues to devastate
   communities and businesses, it can be

ndation of courage

                                                                                                                          Spring 2020
   difficult to think positively about the future.
   But as we continue to tackle the challenges, we are also discovering
   tremendous determination, passion, and resilience that continues to amaze.

   Some of these remarkable traits are on full display from our members
   and community partners who are doing their best to cope and overcome
   obstacles that the pandemic continues to bring to communities
   across Australia.

   In this edition of Momentum, we highlight members and partners who are
   seeing positives through these difficult times and even some of the benefits
   of the changing environment around them. We share resources for those who
   may have lost work or their job during the pandemic and ways to get back
   on track.

   Plus, we give tips on pandemic budgeting and chat to MTAA Super employer
   Peter Kittle Motor Company about their support of local communities and
   vital Indigenous programs despite facing tough challenges themselves.

   I hope this edition inspires you to think positively – we will come through the
   challenges and the lessons learned will benefit us into the future.

   Onward and upward!

   Enjoy.                                    As COVID-19 continues to devastate
                                             communities and businesses, it can be
   Leeanne Turner, CEO
                                             difficult to think positively about the future.
                                             But as we continue to tackle the challenges, we are also discovering
                                             tremendous determination, passion, and resilience that continues
                                             to amaze.

                                             Some of these remarkable traits are on full display from our
                                             members and community partners who are doing their best to cope
                                             and overcome obstacles that the pandemic continues to bring
                                             to communities across Australia.

                                             In this edition of Momentum, we highlight members and partners
                                             who are seeing positives through these difficult times and even
                                             some of the benefits of the changing environment around them.
                                             We share resources for those who may have lost work or their job
                                             during the pandemic and ways to get back on track.

                                             Plus, we give tips on pandemic budgeting and chat to MTAA Super
                                             employer Peter Kittle Motor Company about their support of
                                             local communities and vital Indigenous programs despite facing
                                             tough challenges themselves.

ssential to achievement
                                             I hope this edition inspires you to think positively – we will come
                                             through the challenges and the lessons learned will benefit us
                                             into the future.

ndation of courage
                                             Onward and upward!


                                             Leeanne Turner, CEO

                                                                                                   mtaasuper.com.au   1
When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
Employer Profile

When the good
times return
How community spirit
is driving optimism for
dealership group
While many businesses look to consolidate        Despite the challenges that
                                                 COVID-19 has presented,
or find new opportunities in the market,         the Peter Kittle Motor Company
others are doubling down on what makes           continues to provide support
                                                 to foundations and charities
them unique in the marketplace. For the          including the Spastic Centres
Peter Kittle Motor Company, that has always      of South Australia (SCOSA),
                                                 Novita and Royal Flying Doctors
been the community. For more than 30 years,      Service – Central Operations.
the dealership group has been a strong
supporter of the local communities they serve.

When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
We recently chatted with the           When you operate from dealerships      Our company is also 50 per cent
Group General Manager of the           located in remote Australia our        owned by Indigenous people.
Peter Kittle Motor Company Group,      customers are our friends and          Our profits are directed towards
Tom Kelly, a 3rd generation car        neighbours or a friend or neighbour    the Centrecorp Foundation.

                                                                                                                           Spring 2020
dealer who has been with Peter         of our customers.                      The Centrecorp Foundation
Kittle Motor Company for 21 years                                             provides benevolent relief to young
about striving for further growth      So, you always want to look            Aboriginal people whose aspirations
in uncertain times and why giving      after them, treat every customer       and capabilities are constrained by
back to the community is part of       interaction with respect just as if    disadvantaged circumstances.
their DNA.                             you were the customer yourself.
                                       If you support the community,          It also enhances the capacities of
                                       the community will support you,        Aboriginal people to participate
Tell us about                          that's what we believe.                fully in vocational, professional,
your business?                                                                commercial, cultural, and social life.
The Kittle name in the automotive      What kind of                           Centrecorp Foundation currently
                                                                              funds over 150 Aboriginal students
industry started in the 1940s when     community work is the                  to attend private schools.
Len Kittle (Peter Kittle’s father)
returned from the Second World
                                       company involved in?
War and became the General Motors      If you don't support the community,    How have you
dealer for the Northern Territory.     you don't earn the respect of          weathered the
There onwards the Kittle name          the community. We've always
has always been involved in cars.      supported the community where
                                                                              COVID-19 storm?
Peter worked his way through           we can. We have big corporate          We are weathering the storm.
his father's company and in            sponsorships such as the               The storm still has a long way to go.
1988 established the Peter Kittle      Royal Flying Doctor Service –          Through our CEO Andrew Kittle
Motor Company and became               Central Operations. We also support    we have introduced a number
the Toyota dealer, along with          organisations like the Spastic         of strategies and reshaped the
other franchises, in Alice Springs,    Centres of South Australia (SCOSA),    business model. We recognised that
Tennant Creek and Katherine.           Novita, the Children’s Ward at the     with a reduction in new vehicle sales
                                       Alice Springs Hospital along with      throughout Australia our business
It's a long history, and I think the   footy teams, associations, hockey,     model needed to change.
DNA in our business reflects that we   and soccer – you name it, we try and
are an active part of the community    help where we can.                     With the ongoing communication
where our dealerships operate.                                                and support from our major
                                                                              business partner, Toyota,
                                                                              strategies have been introduced to
                                                                              ensure the Toyota Network is strong
                                                                              on the other side of COVID-19.

                                                                              I think you've got to look at the
                                                                              big picture, it's like a drought,
                                                                              it will end, and when you have a
                                                                              strong team of people working
                                                                              for you, you want to make sure
                                                                              that the team remains focused,
                                                                              even through the hard times for
                                                                              when the good times return again.
                                                                              And, at the same time, you do have
                                                                              to keep supporting the community
                                                                              where you can. With our origins
                                                                              being from remote Australia our core
                                                                              DNA for our business is that you've
                                                                              just got to continue to support
                                                                              your community organisations and
                                                                              people where you can.

                                                                                           mtaasuper.com.au            3
When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
Employer Profile

                                              What do you see in the                  Manufacturers are getting more
                                                                                      involved with click and collect,
                                              future for Peter Kittle                 so you've got the ability with
                                              Motor Company?                          a number of manufacturers to
                                                                                      go online, build a car, make an offer
                                              Growth, definitely growth. This is
                                                                                      to purchase that car and then you
                                              another Peter Kittle Motor Company
                                                                                      get directed to a dealership to buy
                                              Big Rock. Our model, we believe,
                                                                                      the car from. That said, people still
                                              is to make every transaction easy,
                                                                                      want to touch and feel and feel
                                              enjoyable, and professional and to
                                                                                      confident they are dealing with a
                                              keep attracting good employees.
                                                                                      good company when they invest a
                                              The journey of growth is over a long
                                                                                      large amount of money.
                                              period and over this journey there
                                              will be short-term challenges we will
| Group General Manager of the Peter Kittle   need to address. With our strong        What’s the last
  Motor Company Group, Tom Kelly
                                              leadership and champion team of         biggest challenge
                                              employees we will enjoy this journey
                                              and achieve growth. You've got to
                                                                                      for the business?
                                              be optimistic about things, and as      I suppose the last big challenge
    Peter Kittle                              Monty Python says, "always look on      we had was the GFC. That said,
                                              the bright side of life!"               our business partners kept
    Motor Company                                                                     communication open and honest
    at a glance:                              It's challenging out there, but there   and assisted where possible.
                                              are some positives and good news        For example, Toyota sat down
                                              stories as well. At the Peter Kittle    with the Toyota Dealer network
    31 years                                  Motor Company we concentrate our
                                              resources on things/challenges we
                                                                                      and asked "okay, how do we best
    in operation                                                                      manage through this period of time?"
                                              can do something about. Things we       Toyota are doing the same now
                                              can influence, like generating          through the COVID-19 pandemic.
    320                                       opportunities and creating growth.
                                              That’s what Andrew Kittle is doing.
    employees                                                                         What does super
                                              What are some of the                    mean for you and
    Dealerships                               major changes you’ve                    your employees and
    in South Australia,                       seen in the industry in                 how does MTAA Super
    Northern Territory                        your time in operation?                 support your
    and Victoria
                                              We're seeing a lot more online
                                              activity by the manufacturers as        Super means security for our
    Company is                                they encourage a lot of people to       employees for when they retire
                                                                                      after a career with us at Peter Kittle
    50% owned
                                              research and review vehicles online
                                              before making purchase decisions.       Motor Company. Ability to access
    by Indigenous people                      That's all well and good, although we   insurance which offers protection to
                                              still believe customers want to have    our employees’ families wellbeing is
                                              an interaction with a dealership        also important.
    Strong                                    and they want to have a trusting
                                                                                      MTAA Super has always been easy
                                              relationship with someone.
                                                                                      to communicate with. They are

    ties                                      Buying a car is your second biggest     accessible and provide quality
                                              investment and people still want to     insurance products. But when it
    with Royal Flying                         be able to have a professional and      comes down to it, MTAA Super
    Doctor’s Service –                        trusting relationship when they do      provide security. I think we can all
                                              buy a vehicle. Someone to talk to       work very hard and have a career,
    Central Operations
                                              and know they are there to assist       but in the background, you just need
                                              whenever assistance is required.        to know that there's a safe exit plan
                                                                                      for when you do retire and that's
                                                                                      what MTAA Super provides.

When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
Work/Life Matters

Mental health in the
face of losing your job

                                                                                                                          Spring 2020
                                                                                State government
                                                                                support programs
                                                                                Depending on where you live, states
                                                                                and territories have various support
                                                                                programs and resources to help
                                                                                those who have lost a job or income
                                                                                from COVID-19.

                                                                                These include financial support
                                                                                programs, rent and mortgage
                                                                                support, job search support,
                                                                                budgeting and debt assistance
                                                                                and more.

                                                                                For details go to australia.gov.au
                                                                                and look under State and Territory
With unemployment                         Beyond Blue                           Government information.
rates at their highest                    Beyond Blue has a great
in more than 20 years,                    resource for those who have lost      Volunteering to
Australians are facing                    work in the past eight months on      keep you active
                                          how to improve a mindset and
tough times.                              maintain a positive outlook.
                                                                                Volunteering can be a good way
                                                                                to make connections, stay in touch
                                          For details go to                     with people and give you a sense of
The stresses and anxieties that           coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au.        purpose while you wait to hear back
come from finding a new job can be                                              from employers or slot in gaps in
emotionally taxing, particularly taking                                         your resume.
on young people, who are expected
to be hit the hardest.                    R U OK?                               Along with a renewed sense
                                                                                of purpose, you can also build new
                                          R U OK? have created new handy
To assist, here are some useful                                                 relationships, networks, and meet
                                          advice fact sheets for those
resources to help you come to terms                                             others who may also be in the
                                          wanting to talk with friends and
with a lost job or income.                                                      same position.
                                          family about their mental health
                                          such as the Mateship Manual           Volunteering in a field you are
Help for you and                          and how to ask if someone is ok.      already passionate about might
your mates                                Check them out at ruok.org.au.
                                                                                also lead to a rewarding side-gig.
Mental health is critical in                                                    If that doesn’t convince you,
uncertain times.                                                                volunteering is also a proven way to
                                                                                alleviate stress and depression while
While the situation and outlook           Lifeline
                                                                                also leaving you with a greater sense
are grim for a lot of people,
                                          Lifeline also has dedicated           of well-being.
organisations, governments,
                                          resources about ways to cope,
and communities are here to
                                          helping children during the crisis,
support you in times of need.
                                          and information on supporting
                                          each other during isolation.

                                          Go to lifeline.org.au.

                                                                                             mtaasuper.com.au         5
When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
Special Feature — Silver Linings Playbook

When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
                                                                                                                       Spring 2020

While the challenges and tragedy of the                                        Those forced to work closer to
                                                                               home are also rediscovering their
pandemic can’t be ignored or minimised,                                        local cafes and shops, parklands,
staying positive during difficult times is a proven                            and nature reserves.

way to help deal with stress, build resilience,                                Slowing down has given us a chance
                                                                               to take a breath and take a closer
and flourish under adversity.                                                  look at the hidden gems closer
                                                                               to home.
With positivity having such a big      Gone is the daily commute, back
effect on our lives, we look at some   to back meetings, lunch on the run,
of the silver linings to come out of   and the mad dash between weekend        A time to reconnect
these pandemic times.                  sports activities with the kids.        More time at home means more
                                                                               time with loved ones.
                                       For some, this has signalled a return
A chance to slow down                  to basics and a chance to discover or   For working parents, this means
As cities and communities’ cycle       rediscover hobbies and pastimes we      more time to share meals,
through various stages of lockdown,    don’t usually have time for.            play games, help with homework,
many of us have been forced to                                                 and generally be more hands‑on
abandon hectic schedules and to        Bread making, crafting, gardening,
                                                                               with day to day routines.
settle into new, slower routines.      and home improvement projects
                                       have provided a much-needed
                                       distraction from social isolation,
                                       not to mention improving our mental
                                       and physical wellbeing.

                                                                                           mtaasuper.com.au        7
When the good times return Silver linings playbook Growing together - MTAA Super
Special Feature — Silver Linings Playbook

A recent report by US lifestyle             A better sense                           Ironically, the need to stay apart has
company Life360 found that                                                           proven how vital it is to stay together
33 per cent of families believe their       of solidarity                            — a lesson that will hopefully
parent/child relationships have             At heart, humans are social              be carried on when we return
improved throughout the pandemic.           creatures. We need to connect with       to “normal”.
Only six per cent believe it                others to feel a sense of wellbeing
has worsened.                               and purpose.                             A breather for
For families without children, the          It’s a big reason people are getting     mother earth
pandemic has been a chance to see           creative to stay connected and to        With entire regions shut down,
their partner in a new light, with many     show support for one another.            a drastic drop in industrial
couples confessing that seeing their
                                                                                     production, and reduced air and
significant other in “work mode” has        Dinner parties, birthday parties,
                                                                                     road traffic, 2020 has seen bouts
given them a greater understanding          catchups and trivia nights
                                                                                     of unprecedented improvement
and appreciation of the challenges          have gone online. As too have
                                                                                     in air and water quality.
they face daily.                            fitness initiatives, charity drives
                                            and social clubs.                        Earlier this year, there were
These little insights can help
                                                                                     significant drops in air pollution over
bring people closer to overcome             In cities across Italy, Spain, France,
                                                                                     China and northern Italy as well as
adversity together.                         India, and Germany, people stuck
                                                                                     urban regions of the UK, Germany,
                                            in quarantine have taken to their
                                                                                     and the Netherlands.
                                            balconies to sing, dance and make
                                            music together.

                                                                                                                                                                               Spring 2020
In March, fish could be seen                             In 2019, FlexJobs’s annual                                Digital recruitment, telehealth,
swimming in the uncharacteristically                     survey found that 65 per cent of                          meeting and collaboration
crystal-clear canals in Venice.                          professionals believed they would be                      software, digital payment
                                                         more productive working remotely                          solutions, remote learning,
In April, the snow-capped Himalayas                      than at the office. Almost half said                      online entertainment, and
were visible from northern India                         they already go home when they                            cybersecurity providers have all
(about 200kms away) for the first                        need to get serious work done.                            experienced rapid growth.
time in 30 years.
                                                         Working from home usually                                 Since the pandemic started,
While these improvements may                             means fewer interruptions,                                participants in Zoom meetings
be temporary, it gives us a chance to                    fewer distractions, less office                           have increased from about
reflect on how we can collectively                       politics, quieter workspaces,                             10 million per day to around
take action to tackle the immense                        and less unnecessary meetings.                            300 million per day.
challenge of climate change
going forward.                                           It can also improve mental and                            Netflix has added an estimated
                                                         physical health and can lead to                           25 million customers.
The rise of flexible                                     savings on public transport, fuel,
                                                                                                                   Apart from helping to stabilise
                                                         parking, tolls, and even insurance.
work arrangements                                                                                                  otherwise erratic share markets,
                                                                                                                   this tech boom also has a positive
The pandemic has led to an increase                      A boom for tech-based                                     knock-on effect for end-users.
in flexible working arrangements and
new approaches to communication
                                                                                                                   Many tech providers are offering
and collaboration.                                       While many industries have suffered                       free or extended access to
                                                         under restrictions, our increased                         online services to better support
While giving employees access to                         reliance on digital solutions                             businesses and individuals
the tools they need to work from                         to connect, work and play has                             throughout the crisis.
home has been challenging for                            opened fresh opportunities for
some businesses, many are starting                       tech‑based businesses.                                    For some this may mean a few extra
to see the benefits.                                                                                               months of free binge‑worthy TV.
                                                                                                                   For others, it may provide the
Not that this should be surprising.
                                                                                                                   tools needed to keep their
                                                                                                                   businesses afloat.

References: Why pollution is plummeting in some cities — but not others, Nature. How The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Fast-Tracking Digital Transformation In Companies, Forbes.
The Benefits of Working From Home: Why The Pandemic Isn’t the Only Reason to Work Remotely, FlexJobs. They've wanted a dog for years. Lockdown has finally made it
happen, The Sydney Morning Herald. Zoom Surpasses 300M Daily Meeting Participants, Announces Zoom 5.0 with AES 256-Bit GCM Encryption, Zoom. Netflix adds another
whopping 10 million subscribers, but warns growth may slow, The Verge.

                                                                                                                                      mtaasuper.com.au                     9
Merger Update

Growing together
MTAA Super and
Tasplan merger update
We are well on track for our merger with
Tasplan on 1 April 2021. Apart from providing
greater efficiencies, improved products
and services, and increased capability,
this exciting merger will put us in a
strong position for continued growth and
competitiveness. This means more value
for your super well into the future.

New era, new name                        We’ve also been
After the merger process, we will be     listening to you!
taking on a new trading name and         In July we hosted four online
brand identity to better represent our   member-exclusive brand focus
diverse member and employer base.        groups to give you the chance to
Our legal name will remain the same.     provide direct feedback about
                                         our new brand ideas. This was the
Leaving the MTAA Super name
                                         perfect way for us to take our ideas
behind after 30 years will be
                                         for a test run, while also receiving
bittersweet, but we are excited about
                                         valuable insight into your aspirations
the road ahead.
                                         and expectations for the fund.
A new name represents more
                                         Your feedback has been vital in
than a new beginning. It shows a
                                         helping us shape our vision for
renewed commitment to providing
                                         the future.
service excellence and quality
retirement outcomes.                     We have no doubt we can deliver a
                                         brand name and identity you can be
It is also the perfect opportunity for
                                         proud of.
us to update our digital interfaces,
product guides, fact sheets, tools,      At this stage, we plan to release
and resources, to help you access        details about our new name and
and manage your super easier             brand identity in early 2021.
than ever.
                                         A full brand rollout will happen
Over the last few months, we have        upon completion of the merger
consulted closely with brand             on 1 April 2021.
experts to develop a new identity
that represents and champions
the goals, vision, and values of
our ever‑expanding membership
across the nation.

Changes to                            You will also be required to            Details of these changes will be
                                      re‑register for online access to        provided as they occur, and we will
member accounts                       your accounts as we switch to a         be available throughout to assist
We’ve worked hard to minimise the     new administration system.              you with this change.

                                                                                                                        Spring 2020
impact of the merger process on
                                      While this may cause some               To keep up to date, be sure to
accounts, but there will be some
                                      short-term inconvenience, we are        update your contact details
changes as we consolidate systems.
                                      confident that these changes will       on Member SuperSite at
Before 1 April 2021, all MTAA Super   make it easier and simpler for you to   mtaasuper.com.au/member-login.
members will be issued with a new     manage your super in the long run.
member number and BPAY details to                                             Changes to
make personal contributions.
                                                                              employer accounts
                                                                              As part of the merger, we will be
                                                                              moving our employer accounts
                                                                              to a new administration and
                                                                              payments system. This will mean
                                                                              changes to how we receive your
                                                                              super payments.

                                                                              Before 1 April 2021, employers
                                                                              currently making payments via
                                                                              the MTAA Super clearing house
                                                                              (Quick Super) will need to register for
                                                                              access to a new payments system.

                                                                              Employers making payments via
                                                                              Employer SuperSite (ESS) will
                                                                              also need to register for the new
                                                                              payments system or will need
                                                                              to make payments through an
                                                                              alternative system.

                                                                              Employer SuperSite is set to close
                                                                              on 1 January 2021.

                                                                              We will contact all employers
                                                                              in the coming months to let you
                                                                              know your options and what action
                                                                              is needed.

                                                                              In the meantime, payments will
                                                                              continue as usual.

                                                                              Keep up to date
                                                                              We will be posting regular merger
                                                                              updates to our website. If any
                                                                              changes affect your account, we will
                                                                              be in touch directly to let you know
                                                                              your options and what you need
                                                                              to do.

                                                                              You can also keep up to date
                                                                              by regularly on our website at

                                                                                           mtaasuper.com.au        11
About you

COVID-19 impact
helping people become
more money-aware
As COVID-19 continues to affect our daily lives,
Australians are becoming more aware of their
spending habits and more motivated to have
meaningful conversations about money.

In June 2020, ME Bank found that         2. JobSeeker payment                     5. Sell some stuff
more than 50 per cent of Australians
                                         If your employer is forced               According to Gumtree’s latest
are talking about money more
                                         to close, you may be able to claim       Second Hand Economy Report3,
than they used to. Seven out of ten
                                         JobSeeker payments. It’s worth up        Australians can pocket around
Australians say this is because of the
                                         to $790.10 per fortnight1 depending      $5,300 just by selling their unwanted
economic impact of COVID-19.
                                         on your situation, and you could         household items. That makes it
Around a quarter also said they          also be eligible for the Coronavirus     worth clearing out the cupboards to
feel the need to improve their           Supplement of $550 per fortnight2.       see what you could offload.
financial knowledge, suggesting          Check out the Services Australia
the pandemic has motivated               website for the latest information       Free resources to
us to become more aware of               at servicesaustralia.gov.au.
personal finances.
                                                                                  manage money
                                         If you’re an employer who
                                                                                  We could all use a little extra help
                                         needs more details on the
The benefits of talk                     JobKeeper Payment, check out the
                                                                                  when it comes to making the most
                                                                                  of our money.
More than half (52 per cent) of          Australian Government’s Business
Australians surveyed said they have      website at business.gov.au.              With more people on the lookout
reduced household spending to                                                     for simple but effective money tips,
improve their financial situation        3. Help with your home loan              ME Bank recently launched a special
during COVID-19. One in three have                                                COVID-19 online learning module as
also set up a budget.                    Several lenders are offering support     part of its free Ed School of Money.
                                         to home loan customers who may be
Having control of your cash,             struggling to afford their repayments.   It is designed especially for those
and being able to access                 Consult your bank for more details       who have had their finances
emergency savings, can make it           – their website is a good first point    negatively impacted by COVID-19,
easier to handle a crisis.               of call. It’s best to act early.         and it covers useful topics like
                                                                                  budgeting and managing expenses.
Here are five ways you can continue                                               It only takes 15 minutes to complete
to achieve money-saving goals in
                                         4. Join the gig economy
                                                                                  and could be the key to get you back
tough times.                             Keep your cash flow ticking over         on top of money matters.
                                         by exploring opportunities in the
                                         gig economy. Make, craft, or write       To get started, head to
1. Explore new job options
                                         your way to extra income.                mebank.com.au/financialwellness.
Not every business has shut
                                                                                  Members Equity Bank Limited ABN 56 070 887 679
its doors. For example, the big          Just think about what you’re good at     AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 229500.

supermarket chains are busier            and take it from there.                  References: 1 servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/
than ever and might be hiring.                                                    you-can-get, 2 servicesaustralia.gov.au/individuals/
It’s a good idea to check online                                                  coronavirus, 3 gumtree.com.au/second-hand-economy-
job boards regularly.

Essential Information About Your Super

The Government’s
economic response

                                                                                                                        Spring 2020
to COVID-19

The Australian Government has made several
changes to super as part of its economic response
to the COVID-19 pandemic. A summary of these
changes is below:

Temporary changes to early                                 Reduced deeming rates
access rules                                               From 1 May 2020, the upper and lower social security
The Australian Government is temporarily allowing          deeming rates were reduced by 0.25 percentage points,
people financially affected by COVID-19 to apply           giving those on the Age Pension around $105 extra
to access up to $10,000 of their super before              (on average) in the first full year that the reduced
31 December 2020. Eligible applicants were also able       rates apply.
to apply to access up to $10,000 before 30 June 2020.
                                                           Support for businesses
Temporary reduction in minimum                             The Australian Government has announced several
drawdown rates                                             initiatives to help businesses manage cash flow
                                                           challenges and retain employees throughout
The Australian Government has temporarily reduced          the pandemic. It’s also offering temporary relief for
the required drawdown rates from super pensions by         businesses in financial distress. For details go to
50 per cent for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 financial years.   treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/businesses
This reduction allows you to reduce the amount of
money they are getting out of your pension each
pay period, giving you the ability to preserve capital     More information
in your account while still drawing an income.
                                                           For more details about these changes, go to
                                                           mtaasuper.com.au/coronavirus or call us on 1300 362 415

                                                                                             mtaasuper.com.au      13

Keeping the
economy moving
A profile of
Flinders Ports Holdings

We have a long and proud history of investing
in Australia’s roads, ports, and airports to keep
our economy — and our members — moving.

Here we take a closer look at one     Flinders Ports also owns
of our largest unlisted assets,       Flinders Logistics, an innovative
South Australia-based port and        logistics company and stevedore,       Flinders Ports:
logistics provider, Flinders Ports    and Flinders Adelaide                  the numbers
Holdings (Flinders Ports).            Container Terminal, the only
                                      container terminal facility in         7 ports
About Flinders Ports                  South Australia.

Flinders Ports is a privately         In September 2019, Flinders Ports      1,932 vessel calls
owned port and logistics services     was ranked number seven in the         in 2019
group based in Port Adelaide,         South Australian Business Index of
South Australia.                      top 100 companies, with an annual
                                                                             21 million tonnes of
                                      turnover of more than $200 million.
As South Australia’s leading                                                 cargo in 2019
port operator, the company provides
services across all aspects of the
                                      What is MTAA Super’s
                                                                             326,933 twenty‑foot
port logistics chain including        stake in Flinders Ports?               equivalent unit
port infrastructure, stevedoring,     We own approximately 20% of
and logistics services through
                                                                             containers in 2019
                                      Flinders Ports, which operates
its seven South Australian ports.     under a 99-year lease arrangement.
Together these ports handle a         That lease is set to expire in 2100.
                                                                             1000+ direct and
variety of inbound and outbound                                              indirect jobs in
cargoes including grains and                                                 South Australia
seeds, motor vehicles, agricultural
commodities, iron ore and
general cargo.

                                                                                   Market Snapshot

Why we invest in                         This is equivalent to 94% of
                                         South Australia’s international
Flinders Ports                           trade and 24% of the state’s              Update for the
                                         Gross State Product.
To grow and protect your super,
                                                                                   financial year

                                                                                                                                   Spring 2020
we invest in a diverse array of listed
and unlisted assets.
                                         As one of the largest private-sector
                                         employers in South Australia,
Unlisted assets such as Flinders         the company contributes directly
Ports provide us access to stable        to the prosperity of Adelaide and
and long-term income streams,            several regional communities across       After a positive finish to
while also buffering us from             the state, and indirectly to a range of   the 2019 calendar year, the
short‑term share market fluctuations.    downstream businesses.                    COVID-19 pandemic has
We can also benefit from long-term                                                 had a devastating effect
                                         By investing in and supporting            on global markets and
growth in the value of the asset.
                                         companies that keep local                 economies, ending the
Investing in critical infrastructure     businesses and the Australian             strong run of positive
assets, such as ports, means we are      economy moving, we are helping            returns over recent years.
playing a key role in ensuring the       create a society that can provide
continued economic growth and            opportunities and support to our          For the twelve months
prosperity of our nation.                members throughout their working          to 30 June 2020,
                                         lives and beyond.                         our My AutoSuper
Flinders Ports facilitates the                                                     (Balanced) investment
movements of approximately               For more details about Flinders Ports,    option posted a return
$25 billion of trade per year.           check out the company’s website at        of -0.94% p.a. and our
                                         flindersportholdings.com.au               Pension Balanced
                                                                                   investment option posted
                                                                                   a return of -1.18% p.a.

                                                                                   Importantly, SuperRatings
                                                                                   has our My AutoSuper
                                                                                   (Balanced) option earning
                                                                                   risk-adjusted returns
                                                                                   of 8.0%* over 7 years,
                                                                                   putting us in the top ten
                                                                                   for Australian funds in
                                                                                   this category.

                                                                                   This means we have been
                                                                                   able to deliver strong
                                                                                   long-term returns within an
                                                                                   acceptable level of risk.

                                                                                   Investment returns were
                                                                                   marginally positive for
                                                                                   world equity markets,
                                                                                   delivering returns of 2.11%
                                                                                   (not including dividends.)

                                                                                   Domestically, the local
                                                                                   equity market lagged and
                                                                                   delivered a return of -10.8%
                                                                                   (not including dividends).

                                                                                   With heightened
                                                                                   instability now the norm
                                                                                   for share markets, we take
                                                                                   a cautious view of the next
                                                                                   12 months.
                                                                                   * Source: SuperRatings. Returns to end
                                                                                   June 2020. Risk and return ranking based
                                                                                   on Sharpe ratio.

                                                                                            mtaasuper.com.au                  15
Community Engagement

 for a good
Like many Australian businesses
and households, not-for-profit organisations
and charities are also facing difficult
challenges under COVID-19.

Here we look at how our community   Road Safety Education
partners are innovating during
the time of COVID-19 to continue    — RYDA 5.0 at a Social Distance
connecting with and supporting      In March 2020, Road Safety            Quizzes, and homeroom
our communities.                    Education Limited (RSE) was on        challenges that were distributed
                                    the cusp of rolling out the latest    through schools.
                                    iteration of their flagship road
                                    safety education — RYDA 5.0.              Apart from helping
                                    However, as the COVID-19 pandemic     students to learn important
                                    took hold and schools and educators      road safety concepts,
                                    were forced to embrace new                 each resource was
                                    teaching styles, it was clear the
                                    program needed to be more flexible.     designed to help build
                                                                          valuable resilience and life
                                    To protect their community,
                                    RSE suspended face-to-face
                                                                            skills in uncertain times.
                                    workshops and began focusing          As restrictions start to ease across
                                    on creating bespoke classroom         some parts of the country, RSE is
                                    and distance learning resources       now offering flexible programs to
                                    to ensure road safety remained        allow face-to-face engagement
                                    priority learning.                    where possible, while still providing
                                                                          extra resources for educators and
                                    Dubbed “RYDA 5.0 at a
                                                                          students still stuck in lockdown.
                                    Social Distance”, the program
                                    introduced new and exciting           For more details about RYDA 5.0
                                    student and educator support          go to rse.org.au/about-ryda.
                                    resources including online
                                    boredom busters, Kahoot!

                                                                                                                           Spring 2020
Mother’s Day Classic
— together apart
With communities unable to              This included access to exclusive        MTAA Super has always
host large gatherings, this year’s      wellness tips, yoga classes, sponsor     been a big supporter of
Mother’s Day Classic fun run and        prizes and giveaways, and a kid’s        the Mother’s Day Classic,
walk was held virtually, with tens of   activity zone.                           providing volunteers, teams,
thousands of Australians getting                                                 and committee support to help
involved from their living rooms,       The Mother’s Day Classic also            the event grow. We are also the
local parks, and garages.               teamed up with Vision Australia          proud official partner of the
                                        Radio to broadcast a live radio show     Canberra event.
To help participants feel connected     on Mother’s Day. This gave them
and to encourage them to stay           the chance to share inspirational        This year our MTAA Super Stars
healthy and active during lockdown,     stories and insights from researchers,   team of staff, friends, and family from
all 2020 participants were given        ambassadors, partners, event hosts       all around the country raised over
access to the Mother’s Day Classic      and participants.                        $2,500 for the cause.
virtual community.
                                                                                 Even apart, the Mother’s Day Classic
                                                                                 has once again shown that we can
                                                                                 do great things together.

                 Apart from raising life-saving funds for breast cancer research,
             the Mother’s Day Classic has become an important way to remember
             loved ones and celebrate survivors. Cancellation was never an option.

                                                                                              mtaasuper.com.au        17
Community Engagement

— #StayConnected
After a summer of devastating          “Many might be feeling                  To help #StayConnected, R U OK?
bushfires followed by the              disconnected from day‑to‑day life,      suggests the following three
pressures and uncertainty of           have new financial and employment       simple steps:
a global pandemic, mental              pressures, added family stressors,
health has become even more            be physically unwell, or experiencing   • Create a list — think about
important in 2020.                     heightened levels of anxiety.”            who in your world who might
                                                                                 be struggling.
With many unable to physically               To maintain our                   • Dedicate the time — make
connect with friends, family,                                                    ‘time to ask’ as part of your
or work colleagues, Australia’s most     connections, R U OK? is
                                                                                 daily routine.
recognisable suicide prevention          encouraging us to make                • Choose your channel —
charity R U OK?, is encouraging          #StayConnected part of                  communicate in a way that works
everyone to #StayConnected in
any way they can.                             our daily lives.                   for you both. Make a phone call,
                                                                                 send an SMS, video call, or email.
“Some people find change               “Think about who in your world
                                       might be struggling and make a          For more details about how to ask
pretty scary,” said R U OK? CEO,
                                       plan to reach out to them and ask,      “Are you ok?”, visit ruok.org.au.
Katherine Newton.
                                       ‘Are you okay?’,” said Ms Newton.
                                       “That question and a conversation
                                       has the power to change someone’s
                                       life for the better.”

                                                                               Australian Prostate
                                                                               Centre (APC)

                                                                                                                           Spring 2020
                                                                               With COVID-19 dominating
                                                                               the news, it can be easy to forget
                                                                               that many people are battling
                                                                               other serious diseases, such as
                                                                               prostate cancer.

                                                                               Nestled in the heart of Melbourne,
                                                                               the Australian Prostate Centre
                                                                               is a medical facility like no other,
                                                                               uniting research, education,
                                                                               treatment, and support in a one
                                                                               of a kind, world-class complex.

                                                                               Despite being caught up in
                                                                               Melbourne’s Stage 4 restrictions,
                                                                               the APC is committed to seeing all
                                                                               patients either at the Centre or via
                                                                               Telehealth services.

Big Super Day Out                                                              They remind all Melbourne
                                                                               residents that travel restrictions
— Indigenous super help online                                                 do not apply for people accessing
Since 2015, the First Nations         a future‑focused solution to             medical services, including allied
Foundation’s annual Big Super Day     super help that has been being           health services such as
Out has taken super support to more   designed by Aboriginal people for        physiotherapists and psychologists.
than 1600 people across 21 urban,     Aboriginal people.
regional, and remote Indigenous                                                 “It’s important that people
communities in most Australian        The website includes interactive
                                      educational content that speaks
                                                                                    continue to see their
states and territories.
                                      both broadly about the purpose and         doctors during this time,”
The goal is simple: to empower        benefits of super, as well as specific     said Mark Harrison, CEO.
communities by reuniting              challenges that the community
Indigenous Australians with           has raised, such as identification,
                                                                                  “It’s also important they
their superannuation.                 claims and access to clear and                continue to manage
                                      culturally relevant support.                    their health and to
Unfortunately, due to health and
safety concerns for supporters and    MTAA Super has recently signed on                access support.”
communities alike, the Big Super      as an Impact Partner for the website
                                                                               Currently, the APC has COVID-19
Day Out for 2020 was cancelled.       and is proud to be continuing to
                                                                               hygiene and screening measures in
                                      help Indigenous communities
But that doesn’t mean the                                                      place to minimise risks to patients
                                      better engage with and benefit from
First Nations Foundation is taking                                             and workers.
                                      their super.
a year off too.
                                                                               For details about accessing
                                      For details go to
To continue connecting                                                         APC services during the pandemic,
Indigenous Australians with                                                    call (03) 8373 7600 or go to
their super, they have launched                                                australianprostatecentre.org.au.

                                                                                            mtaasuper.com.au          19
Money on Your Mind

           Josh from Dubbo asks:

           Q: I’m thinking about accessing some of my super early
           to help pay bills. What do I need to know?

      Hi Josh, thanks for getting    The benefits of                           Potential risks of
      in touch. The Government’s
COVID-19 Early Release of            the scheme                                accessing super early
Super scheme was introduced          While super is designed to                While the ability to access super
to support Australians through       help people save for retirement,          early can provide important financial
tough times — particularly           the Government has recognised that,       assistance, there are a few things to
those who have become                for those significantly financially       consider before proceeding.
unemployed or have experienced       affected by COVID-19,
reduced hours because of             accessing some super now may              1. Withdrawing super early
the COVID-19 pandemic.               outweigh the benefits of maintaining
                                                                               may mean less money
                                     those savings until retirement.
Under the scheme, eligible                                                     in retirement
individuals can apply to access      If you are in severe financial hardship
                                                                               Withdrawing super early can have
up to $10,000 from their super for   and have no other options for
                                                                               a big impact on your retirement
the 2020-21 financial year before    financial assistance, accessing
                                                                               savings in the long run.
31 December 2020.                    some of your super now may be
                                     a good option to see you through          This can add up to a lot less super
                                     tough times.                              when it comes time to retire.

                                     Any benefits paid under the               Super Consumers Australia put
                                     scheme are tax-free and do not            out some stats about this in
                                     affect Centrelink or Veterans’            April that might be worth a look.
                                     Affairs payments. You also do             You can find the figures at
                                     not need to pay any tax on these          superconsumers.com.au.
                                     benefits should you return to
                                     full-time work later.

2. It can impact your                     5. Know all your financial
insurance cover                           assistance options
Many Australians have default             Before you dip into your super,

                                                                                                                                                Spring 2020
life and total and permanent              you should consider all your financial
disablement insurance through             assistance options to make sure you
their super. Many also have income        are choosing a solution that best fits
protection cover too.                     your financial needs.

If you withdraw all your super or         Currently, there are several financial
reduce your balance to the point          assistance options available
you can no longer pay monthly             to individuals, such as income and
insurance fees, you may lose any          household support payments.
insurance attached to your account.
                                          Business owners can access                               Enter for
This could leave you without an           programs such as JobKeeper
important financial safety net if you     and the SME Guarantee                                    your chance
can’t work due to sickness or injury.     Scheme, which offers small and
                                          medium‑sized businesses with                             to win a $100
3. Make sure you are                      capital loans.

eligible before you apply to              See the Treasury website
                                                                                                   Visa gift card
avoid penalties                           for more details at
                                          treasury.gov.au/coronavirus.                             Enter the draw for your
If you decide to access super early,                                                               chance to win one of five
it’s important to make sure you                                                                    $100 Visa gift cards by
meet the ATO’s eligibility criteria       6. Get advice                                            updating or confirming
before proceeding.                                                                                 your details.
                                          Regardless of how and when you
The ATO has warned that it will take      access your super, you should always
action against any individual who         get advice first.                                        Enter via the website
deliberately exploits the system to                                                                If you are registered for
                                          For advice about your super,
access super they are not entitled to.
                                          fill out our Request a Callback form                     Member SuperSite or
If you provide false or misleading        and one of our Super Advisers                            ePension:
information you could face penalties      will be in touch. We offer this
                                          service at no additional cost.                           • Log in to Member
of more than $12,000 for each false                                                                  SuperSite or ePension
and misleading statement.                 Go to mtaasuper.com.au/request-
                                          call-back.                                               • Update your details
Full eligibility guidelines are on the                                                             • That’s it, you’re in the draw!
ATO website at ato.gov.au.                Keep up to date with
                                                                                                   Not registered for
If you are not sure if you are eligible   scheme changes
                                                                                                   online access?
or are concerned you applied when         As with most things COVID-19
you were not eligible, contact the                                                                 • Register now at
                                          related, the conditions around the
ATO on 13 10 20.                                                                                     mtaasuper.com.au/login-
                                          COVID-19 Early Release of Super
                                          scheme are subject to change.
4. Don’t access super early                                                                        • After you have registered
                                          Keep up to date via the ATO website                        follow the steps above to
as a tax dodge
                                          at ato.gov.au.                                             enter the competition
The ATO is also cracking down on          This information provided is of a general nature and
taxpayers using the system to avoid       does not take into account your specific financial       Enter via phone
                                          needs or personal situation. You should assess your
paying personal income tax at the         financial position and personal objectives before        • Call us directly on
                                          making any decision based on this information. We also
marginal rate.                            recommend that you seek professional advice from a         1300 362 415 and either
                                          licensed financial adviser.
                                                                                                     update or confirm your
If the ATO determines you have
                                                                                                     details over the phone.
deliberately exploited the system
to avoid paying tax, you may need                                                                  Entries open on 31/08/2020 and close
to pay administrative penalties and                                                                at 5pm AEDST on 28/2/2021. Terms and
                                                                                                   conditions apply. Open to AU residents who
interest in addition to tax on the                                                                 are MTAA Super members. Only one entry is
                                                                                                   permitted per person.
early release of super.

                                                                                                           mtaasuper.com.au               21
Change lanes
to MTAA Super
Get retirement                                                    You’ve worked hard to get to where you are. And just like your career,
                                                                  it’s going to take planning to make the most of your retirement.
ready with
a strategy                                                        MTAA Super offers low-fee retirement options that can help you
                                                                  ease into retirement or say goodbye to work for good. Speak to us
tailored to you.                                                  about a personalised retirement strategy.

                                                                  Change lanes and explore our low-fee retirement options today.

                                                                  1300 362 415
                                                                                                                                                                                                MA 1488.9 10/20 ISS1


MTAA Super is issued by Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd (ABN 14 008 650 628, AFSL 238718), Trustee of the MTAA Superannuation Fund (ABN 74 559 365
913). Motor Trades Association of Australia Superannuation Fund Pty. Limited has ownership interests in Industry Super Holdings Pty Ltd and Members Equity Bank Limited. The information
provided is of a general nature and does not take into account your specific needs or personal situation. You should assess your financial position and personal objectives before making any
decision based on this information. We also recommend that you seek advice from a licensed financial adviser. You should consider the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for MTAA Super
in deciding whether MTAA Super is appropriate for you. The PDS can be obtained by calling MTAA Super on 1300 362 415 or visiting mtaasuper.com.au/handbooks
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