Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET

Page created by Jessie Wells
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association • WHNA.NET

Winter 2021
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
                                                                3    4    STATE REPRESENTATIVE
                                                                          BY STATE REPRESENTATIVE EVAN GOYKE
 The Highlighter is a quarterly publication
                                                                          Well Washington Heights, you all voted       and equitable access to a vaccine, and
of the Washington Heights Neighborhood
Association. Washington Heights includes                                  like crazy! Here’s a little breakdown of     aid in the economic recovery to come.
  the blocks between Highway 175 and                                      how the Washington Heights voted on          I’m confident we can find places of
  North 60th Street and from Vliet Street                                 Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 and a            agreement and I hope both parties
             to North Avenue.
                                                                          comparison to the turnout of November        recognize what is at stake and can work
                                                                5         2016.                                        together to pass meaningful legislation
           Layout & Design
              Daniel Murphy
                                                                     6    The Heights are broken up within five
                                                                                                                       to move us forward.

                                                                          wards: 157 (northeast corner); 167           Beyond COVID, the Legislature needs to
             Contributors                                                 (northwest corner); 168 (Washington          fix local government funding. Our state’s
             Eric Anderson                                                Blvd to Lloyd throughout); 203               formula, called “Shared Revenue” has
               Laura Burke                                                (southwest corner); and 204 (southeast       not been changed in 20 years. Our local       a year) than all the UW-System schools
               Evan Goyke
                                                                          corner).                                     governments, both the City and County,
            LaTonya Johnson                                                                                                                                          (about $1.1 billion a year). We continue
           Christine McRoberts                                                                                         have been asked to do more with less.
                                                                          Every one of these wards had increased                                                     to have one of, if not the worst, racial
                                                                                                                       State law prevents local governments
            Michael J. Murphy
               Lyra O’Brien                                               voter turnout in 2020. Together, in                                                        disparities in incarceration in the country.
                                                                                                                       from raising revenues on their own and
             James Steeno                                                 2016, the Heights cast a total of 4,531                                                    This is an area of focus that needs our
                                                                     8    votes. In 2020, a total of 5,642 votes
                                                                                                                       blocked previous attempts to raise
                                                                                                                       revenues locally. Most cities or counties     immediate attention, can offer bipartisan
             Cover Photo                                                  were cast, an increase of 1,111 votes or     our size, like Minneapolis, Pittsburgh,       successes, and deliver meaningful
              Eric Anderson                                               almost 25%.
    Back yard of the late Jim Bagemihl,                                                                                and St. Louis, have specialized powers        reinvestment to reduce crime. I look
          5425 W Cherry Street
                                                                          The largest percent increase, 31%,           to raise revenues on their own. Each          forward to continuing my efforts to lead
                                                                          came from ward 157.                          raises revenues differently. There are a      the legislature down this hopeful path.
         Sarah Drillias: 839.5233
                                                                9         I want to thank all the neighbors that
                                                                                                                       lot of options that should be debated,
                                                                                                                       but its past time the legislature have this   Thank you for the opportunity to

                                                                     12   worked the polls and volunteered to
                                                                          help administer a safe, fair, and open
                                                                                                                       debate and trust us to guide more of our
                                                                                                                       own financial decisions.
                                                                                                                                                                     represent you in Madison. I absolutely
                                                                                                                                                                     love my job and am optimistic about
  To receive the Highlighter by mail,                                     election. Thank you also to all those that                                                 what we can accomplish this coming
  contact                                             advocated for voter participation and        In an era of deepening partisan divides,
                                                                                                                       one hope for bipartisanship is criminal       session. I’ve been appointed as the
                                                                          that took the time to participate directly
    To advertise in the Highlighter,                                                                                   justice reform. A majority of states          ranking Democratic member of the
                                                                          and vote. These are huge increases in
   contact                                                                                        have already engaged in meaningful            Joint Committee on Finance, the state’s
                                                                          voter participation and whether your
                                                                                                                                                                     budget writing committee, where I will
                                                               14         candidate won or lost, more people           reform and can show us a path to safely
                                                                                                                       reduce our incarceration rates and            work with Governor Evers to pass the
                                                                     15   participating in our democracy is a
                                                                          good thing.                                  reinvest those dollars in our community       State’s two-year budget this spring. I
                                                                                                                       to reduce crime and support crime             look forward to listening to your budget
Have an article or neighborhood event                                     In January, the new legislative session      victims. Louisiana, for example,              priorities and communicating with you
you’d like to include in the Highlighter?                                 will begin and the dynamics in Madison       where like Wisconsin the Governor
Contact us at                                                                                                                                   as the budget process moves forward
                                                                          remain largely unchanged. Governor           is a Democrat and the Legislature
                                                                                                                                                                     in 2021.
                                                                          Tony Evers, a Democrat, will serve at        controlled by Republicans, passed in
 The Highligher is available online at                                    least two more years as Governor,            2017 legislation to reform their prison
                                             16         and Republicans maintained majorities        system and reinvest in communities.
                                                                                                                                                                     I welcome any questions, concerns, etc.
                                                                                                                                                                     My email is
                                                                     17   in both the State Senate and State
                                                                                                                       Louisiana is showing progress, with
                                                                                                                       70% of savings (over $8 million), being
                                                                                                                                                                     and my phone number is (608)266-
 The deadline to submit articles and                                                                                                                                 0645. Please don’t hesitate to reach
                                                                                                                       reinvested from the prison system to
 ads for the Spring 2021 Highlighter                                      There will be no greater focus for the       communities and individuals in need.          out.
         is Friday, February 26, 2021.                                    beginning of our session than COVID-
                                                                          19. The Legislature is needed to stop        Wisconsin now spends more general             Thank you and have a wonderful holiday
                                                                          or slow the spread, to ensure rapid          revenue on prisons (about $1.2 billion        season and Happy New Year! 0

  2   Washington Heights Highlighter          |                                                                                                                                   Winter 2021    3
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
FALL COLORS IN THE HEIGHTS                                                                                                            WASHINGTON HEIGHTS COMMUNITY
BY ERIC ANDERSON                                                                                                                      BLOOD DRIVE
We in the Washington Heights had the                                                                                                  BY ERIC ANDERSON
most spectacular fall colors of the past
20 years! I think they were a little later                                                                                            On Saturday, November 28th, Mount
this year; my first photos were dated                                                                                                 Olive Lutheran Church & Christian
October 15th. Unlike other years, the                                                                                                 Day School hosted the 1st annual
colors peaked about the 31st through                                                                                                  Washington        Heights     Community
November 5th, and the vast majority                                                                                                   Blood Drive. For the past 15 years, the
of our maple trees held on to all their                                                                                               neighborhood church has hosted the
beautiful leaves longer. Then suddenly,                                                                                               Harold Radewahn Blood Drive in early
by the 9th, the trees shed their leaves                                                                                               June. With this great track record, Versiti
at about the exact same time! Even                                                                                                    Blood Center, which supplies blood
the old mighty oak trees in both of my                                                                                                to all the hospitals in Southeastern
neighbors’ back yards dropped all their                                                                                               Wisconsin, asked them to help. The
leaves in our yard by November 15th!                                                                                                  goal is to hold these events quarterly to
In most years, those trees don’t shed        visible! Leaves have color because of      Changes in these weather conditions           meet the demand.
                                             chemicals called pigments, and there       can play a role in how early the leaves                                                     about it.” The next biggest excuse is “I’m    Whole blood can be donated every 56
until mid December—after the City of
                                                                                        change and how long they keep their           Summertime and holidays are normally          too busy.” The actual time it takes to give   days, or 8 weeks. Plasma, to help burn
Milwaukee stops collecting leaves.           are four main types of pigments in each
                                                                                        beautiful colors. This year we had record     a low supply time, but in these uncertain     a pint of blood is 7–10 minutes. With a       patients and now COVID patients, can
Several years those trees held their         leaf: chlorophyll (greens), xanthophylls
                                                                                        warm temperatures in early November.          times of COVID, supplies have been            quick health exam, and answering a brief      be donated every 28 days. Platelets,
leaves until spring, when the new buds       (yellows), carotenoids (oranges), and
                                                                                        Remember last year? On October                dangerously low. Beth Milam and Jill          health survey, the whole process can be       most needed for cancer, transplant,
start to force them off.                     anthocyanins (reds). This also explains
                                                                                        26th, Hurricane Ulma pummeled our             Royten explained, “The need for blood         completed in less than a half hour. The       trauma, and open-heart surgery
                                             why one tree may have several colors
Why do leaves change colors? As                                                         Spooktacular. Then on Halloween,              (and plasma from recovered COVID              #1 reason why people say give blood is        patients, can be given every 14 days!
                                             mixed in.
summer fades into fall, the days start                                                  we got 4 inches of snow (6.1” for the         victims) is so huge!” They put this           that they “want to help others.”              Giving blood is a healthy thing to do,
getting shorter and there is less            Why are some years more colorful           month, the second most in history)!           pop-up drive together in a very short                                                       especially for men. It can reduce the risk
                                                                                                                                                                                    Not everyone can donate blood.                of cancer, high blood pressure, obesity,
sunlight. This is a signal for the leaf to   than others? Warm days and cool                                                          amount of time. “With the help of 8 small
                                                                                        Extreme weather changes can also have                                                       Because        of    age,  height/weight      and damage to the liver and pancreas.
prepare for winter and to stop making        low temperatures (above freezing) at                                                     signs posted around the neighborhood,
                                                                                        an effect on the leaves. For example, a                                                     minimums, past illnesses, and other
chlorophyll (the green). Chlorophyll         night boost the production of the red                                                    we got 39 donors, one short of our
                                                                                        drought or an early frost could make the                                                    health issues, only about 37% of the          The bottom line is, modern medicine
is important because it helps plants         pigments, producing a more dazzling                                                      goal of 40. Our Washington Heights
                                                                                        leaves fall off of the trees before they’ve                                                 US population is eligible to donate           and science cannot create a substitute
make energy from sunlight—a process          display, but early frosts weaken the                                                     neighborhood is so awesome!”
                                                                                        had time to change colors. So if you                                                        blood. Out of that, only 3–4% donate          for blood. It must come from another
called photosynthesis. As this slows         colors.
down, the green color starts to fade                                                    want to know how long the colors will         The ladies also offered some interesting      each year. One donation can save up           human being. Please, give the gift of life
and the reds, oranges, and yellows—          In the fall, the temperatures get colder   last next fall, be sure to keep an eye on     facts. Do you know what the number            to 3 lives! If just 1% more of Americans      this holiday season! Make it a habit. Go
the natural colors of the trees—become       and there is also more rain and snow.      the weather! 0                                one reason for not donating blood is?         would give blood, shortages would             to or call (877)232-4376 (BE
                                                                                                                                      “No one asked me, or I didn’t know            disappear for the foreseeable future.         A HERO). 0

4   Washington Heights Highlighter    |                                                                                                                                                                                                       Winter 2021    5
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
NEW DIY BOUTIQUE ON VLIET STREET                                                                                                       1ST ANNUAL WASHINGTON HEIGHTS
Melissa Faye Art Studio & Boutique                                                                                                     FALL MARKET
BY LYRA O’BRIEN                                                                                                                        BY LYRA O’BRIEN
Melissa Faye wants to help you connect                                                                                                 Hundreds of people came together on
with your creative side. She knows                                                                                                     October 3rd for the 1st Annual Wash-
everyone has it, and she’s here to help                                                                                                ington Heights Fall Market. Held in the
you see it too. With her new store,                                                                                                    parking lot of Mount Olive Lutheran
Melissa Faye Art Studio & Boutique                                                                                                     Church & Christian Day School, the
(5312 W Vliet Street), Faye offers                                                                                                     event featured festive items from 5ive
in-person and virtual opportunities for                                                                                                Seasons Farm. Neighbors were able
people of all ages and artistic abilities.                                                                                             to purchase prize winning pumpkins,
“My shop is my happy place. It’s primarily                                                                                             corn stalks, mums and a variety of
my art studio where I make all sorts of                                                                                                other fall plants.
things, like jewelry and home decor. I
                                                                                                                                       The event was such a success that the
also sell my work, along with some DIY       and says she’s fortunate to return to the     also offers online courses for crafting.    plan is to bring it back for next year.
products that others may use to create       Washington Heights neighborhood.                                                          Thank you to all who attended. 0
as well. As a former elementary school                                                     “I teach basic soldering, torch work,
teacher, I love to teach others and help     “This is home for me. I also have several     metal etching, and creating jewelry with
them realize their own potential,” said      friends with shops here on the same           resin. I have classes where we make tile
Faye.                                        street. I love how the Heights has            coasters, and have several other classes
                                             become an active art district in recent       in the works for home decor projects.
The shop is a feast for the eyes, filled     years. It’s a hidden gem that I am thrilled   They are a lot of fun to do alone or with
with a colorful array of sparkling gems      to be a part of. We hope to purchase a        a group. We do them via Zoom, so you
and tiny treasures.                          home here and become more involved in         can even schedule a private class for
                                             the community,” said Faye.                    you and your friends. I plan on launching
“Guests can find items that spark their
own creativity, like home decor transfers,   To keep her guests safe, Faye says she        additional classes in the spring too,”
stamps and mould. My favorite part of        asks that everyone wears a mask, and          adds Faye.
the shop is the Bauble Bar. Guests can
                                             keeps the in-person limit to a maximum        So whether in-person or online, you
create one-of-a-kind jewelry pieces in a
                                             of three people. She also offers private      can enjoy the ideas and art this new
matter of minutes! It’s so much easier
                                             shopping hours and curbside pick-up           shop offers. It’s the opportunity to
than people think,” added Faye.
                                             for items purchased on her website            learn a new skill while creating your
Faye opened her store this past October,     ( or on Facebook. Faye        own personal thing of beauty. 0

6   Washington Heights Highlighter    |                                                                                                                                 Winter 2021    7
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
TO THE NEIGHBORS                                  STATE SENATOR
BY LYRA O’BRIEN                                   BY STATE SENATOR LATONYA JOHNSON
This year, Mount Olive Lutheran Church            Hello Washington Heights!                                    that works hard every day to meet the
& Christian Day School wanted to give                                                                          needs of the 6th Senate District. By
a gift to the neighborhood. Students              I am honored to be your state senator
                                                                                                               contacting my office, you can voice
created hundreds of ornaments and                 for another four-year term. In my role as
                                                                                                               your concerns about what is happening
placed them on a giant pine tree outside          your state senator, I am here to serve
                                                                                                               in our state and community, get help
of the school.                                    you and am committed to making sure                          with state programs and services, and
                                                  that all of the residents of the 6th                         get connected to vital resources.
Neighbors walking by were encour-                 Senate District have all the resources
aged to take an ornament and place it                                                                          In the upcoming legislative session, my
                                                  they need to thrive.
on their own trees during the holiday                                                                          colleagues and I will face challenges
season. 0                                         In my first term as your state senator,                      we have never faced before. We
                                                  I was grateful to have spent time                            need to rebuild our state and prepare
                                                  getting to know my neighbors. I was                          ourselves to support citizens in need
                                                                                                                                                               hesitate to reach out:
                                                  also thankful to visit many amazing                          due to these challenging times. I was
                                                  organizations and churches in our                            honored to be appointed to serve                Email:
                                                  community. From volunteer days to                                                     DogMa
                                                                                                               another session on the Joint Finance            Phone: (608) 266-2500

                                                  our summer outreach program and                              Committee which will  by Laura
                                                                                                                                         help to Burke
                                                                                                                                                    craft      Toll-Free: (877) 474-2000
                                                  opening a new district office, we had                        Wisconsin’s 2021–23 Pets stateare budget.
                                                                                                                                                               District Number: (414) 313-1241
                                                                                                                                                  our responsibility, including teaching them when to                 •
                                                  a busy four years! Though the future is                      I am committed to ensuring
                                                                                                                                     be quiet. that    ourmany canines are well trained to protectively
                                                                                                                                                               Website: Johnson.Senate.WI.Gov
                                                  shaping up to look different than any                        next state budget putssound people    first,
                                                                                                                                            off at intruders,  others yip at rustling leaves. Consider these
                                                  of us could have anticipated, as your                                                                        Facebook:      @SenLaTonyaJohnson
                                                                                                               and ensures our state        can to
                                                                                                                                     approaches    return
                                                                                                                                                     quiet things  down:
                                                  senator, I am committed to meeting                                                      • Barking is naturalInstagram:
                                                                                                                                                                 for dogs, but@StateSenLaTonya
                                                                                                               better than ever on the other side of
                                                                                                                                                                                we humans don’t always
                                                  the challenges of the moment and                             this crisis.                                    Twitter: @StateSenLaTonya
                                                                                                                                            appreciate it. In your  dog’s mind,  however, there’s a good

                                                  continuing my outreach to you, our
                                                                                                                                            reason to bark, so figure out why they are barking. If you’re
                                                                                                               I look forward to hearingnot   from    you      Youbarking
                                                                                                                                                                      can also    subscribe     to need
                                                                                                                                                                                                    my tofree,
                                                  community organizations, and our
                                                                                                                                                 home    while the          is going on, you may
                                                                                                               about the issues you care about. I will         monthly e-newsletter, Community
                                                                                                                                            stage a scenario over the weekend to figure it out. Pretend               •
                                                  local churches.
                                                                                                               work diligently to improve the lives of         Connections,
                                                                                                                                            that you are leaving and then come back to spy on the dog.

                                                  Many people ask me, “How can I get                           all of our neighbors in the 6th   Senate
                                                                                                                                          • Do they bark at every

                                                                                                                                                               Again, thank you for trusting me to be
                                                                                                                                            at every   sound? An easy fix for this is to simply block the             •
                                                  more involved and have my questions                          district, and citizens all across
                                                                                                                                            view. Closeourthe shades. Confine her to a part of the house
                                                  answered?” The first step is contacting                      great state. Below you will  thatfind    my haveyour
                                                                                                                                                  doesn’t            stateShe
                                                                                                                                                                windows.    senator.
                                                  my office! We have an amazing staff                          contact information, please  not do
                                                                                                                                                 see ornot
                                                                                                                                                         hear. have a wonderful holiday season! 0

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8   Washington Heights Highlighter   |                                                                                                                                         Winter 2021    9
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
                                                                                   Member   Owned,
                                                                                            Owned,         In January 2021, St. Vincent de Paul                employment program. In 2019, SVDP                       year-end gifts of all shapes and sizes
                                                                                                           Society Milwaukee is blessed to be                  Milwaukee gave $1.8 million in goods                    and invites you to donate online at
                                                                                  Locally Controlled
                                                                                          Controlled       featured as part of the Metcalfe’s Market           and services to those in need throughout       or by calling (414)
                                                                                  Financial Ins�tu�on
                                                                                            Ins�tu�on      “Feed the Need” program.                            Milwaukee County—serving an estimated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       462-7837 ext. 103 to speak with the
                                                                                Member    Owned,                                                               58,233 individuals.
                                                                                 In Your Backyard
                                                                                    In Your Backyard       By participating, you will receive 5% off                                                                   SVDP Milwaukee Development team.
                                                                                  In Your Backyard
                                                                                Locally Controlled
                                                                                                                                                               In addition to your participation in the
                                                                                                           your purchase and SVDP Milwaukee will
                                                                        Financial Ins�tu�on                                                                                                                            Blessings on a happy and healthy holiday
                                                        Lookingforfora anew
                                                                          newbank?bank?                    receive a 5% match. It’s a win-win!                 “Feed the Need” program, SVDP
                                                     Looking for a new    In Your bank?
                                                                                                           How can you help? It’s easy! Clip out
                                                                                                                                                               Milwaukee is incredibly grateful for                    season! 0
                                                                FOCUS Credit
                                                                   FOCUS     Union
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                                                          types      forChecking,
                                                                   Loans, aCredit
                                                                                  Debit  instead!
                                                          All types of Loans, Checking, Debit Card,        Wauwatosa Metcalfe’s at 68th and State
                                                            not  of
                                                               and  Loans,
                                                                 try       Checking,
                                                                     FOCUS      BillUnion
                                                                           Credit   Bill Debit
                                                                                         and   Card,
                                                                                            and more
                                                                                          instead!         St during January 2021. At checkout,
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                                                    Online   and of
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                                                           1530 N 68th
                                                             1530      Street,
                                                                  N 68th       Wauwatosa,
                                                                          Street, Nearest  WIWI
                                                                                  Wauwatosa,               Last year, SVDP Milwaukee celebrated
                                                                                   Nearest Branch
                                                          1530 N 68th Street, Wauwatosa,   WI              its 170th anniversary of serving the most
                                                             1530 N 68th Street, Wauwatosa, WI             vulnerable members of Milwaukee’s
                                                                                    262.255.0833           community. In addition to its two Thrift
                                                                                                           Stores, SVDP Milwaukee runs numerous
                                                                              www.focus‐             community outreach programs including
                                                                                                           a Neighbors Helping Neighbors Home
                                                                                                           Visit Program, an active Meal Program
                                                                                                           on Milwaukee’s northside and south-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                0   02530 00290 5
                                                                                                           side, and a newly launched Back2Work

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10   Washington Heights Highlighter   |                                                                                                                                                                                         Winter 2021    11
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
                                                                                                                                      a cozy indoor drinking/light dining
                                                                                                                                      experience, or a warm outdoor spot next

IN THE HEIGHTS                                                                                                                        to a “tower of power,” one of two giant
                                                                                                                                      flaming plumes. On Saturday, owner
                                                                                                                                      Tony Schroeder was grilling some
                                                                                                                                      hot sandwiches, while wife Honore
The last two weekends in November                                                                                                     explained their special holiday events.
have been very busy for our Vliet Street                                                                                              They are offering private wine tasting
businesses! On November 20th and                                                                                                      parties for 2–6 people, hosted by wine
21st they hosted their annual Holiday                                                                                                 connesseur Bill Gardener. Call 414-
Happenings, followed by Small Business                                                                                                305-7766 to make your reservations.
Saturday on the 28th. Shoppers were                                                                                                   You can also make reservations for a
blessed with unseasonably warm
                                                                                                                                      private POD Party. 0
weather both weekends. Thankfully,
these events were a huge success in a
much needed time.

Bino of Urban Sense described
the weekend as “overwhelming!”
Besides selling a large array of holiday
decorations and ointments, they have
also been providing fresh cut Christmas
trees. Bino added, “we’ve sold 3/4 of
our trees in 3 days!”
                                            Marye Beth Dugan, co-owner of               so astounding for our small businesses
At The Vintage Glass Garden, owner
                                            Rainbow Booksellers, was the most           on Vliet Street in these very hard times.”
Jean Marie Best thought, “Friday was a
                                            empassioned of all the business owners      She also gave thanks to Dan Schley for
little slow, maybe because of the tragic
                                            I spoke with. She also is providing the     the marvelous mural on the side of their
happenings at Mayfair Mall. Saturday
                                            safest, healthiest environment, by only     building: “Most people think I did that,
was wonderful! With my small space,
                                            allowing 4 people in the store at a time.   but it was all Dan’s doing!” Rainbow
crowds were about half as normal,
                                            Besides her regular hours, Marye Beth       Booksellers is the only children’s
but thankfully people are buying more.
                                            is offering private appointments so you     bookstore in the City of Milwaukee.
We’ve also been selling a lot on social
                                                                                        Right now, she has a special Christmas
media. Swoon and Dandy have been            can shop alone. She was emphatic
                                                                                        display of books. You better hurry in
too!”                                       about “how our neighborhood has been
                                                                                        though, those are moving fast! Also,
                                                                                        check out the giant flying frog on the
                                                                                        ceiling—“usually it’s only the kids that
                                                                                        notice it.”

                                                                                        LUCE Lighting and Luxuries wins the
                                                                                        award for most exquisite window and                Christ-Centered                            Exceeding Expectations
                                                                                        indoor decorations displays! Hats off
                                                                                                                                           Nationally Accredited                      Technology Supported
                                                                                        to Traci Klainer, their principle designer.
                                                                                        They were extremely busy on Small                  Licensed Faculty                           Remedial Services
                                                                                        Business Saturday, so owner Mitchell               Diverse Student Body                       Athletic Programs
                                                                                        Conklin was not able to speak to me.
                                                                                        Besides high end, distinctive lighting,            Rigorous Curriculum                        Chess Club
                                                                                        they offer many tasteful decorations               Outstanding Music Program                  Before/After Care
                                                                                        and furnishings. This is definitely worth
                                                                                        the stop to admire day or night.                              5301 W. Washington Blvd., Milwaukee, WI 53208
                                                                                        After and enjoyable day or evening of                                414.774.2200
                                                                                        shopping, Charles E. Fromage offers                                  CALL TO SCHEDULE A TOUR

12   Washington Heights Highlighter   |                                                                                                                                                                 Winter 2021    13
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
A TASTE OF TUSK                                                                                                                 A LETTER FROM
BY CHRISTINE M CROBERTS                                                                                                         THE ALDERMAN
Tusk (5513 W North Avenue) has             more northern flavors of Zeugner.
                                                                                                                                BY ALDERMAN MICHAEL J. MURPHY
been serving up mouth-watering food
and specialty drinks since November        We picked the best of the current
                                                                                                                                Washington Heights Residents,               the city in my role as Chair of the
of 2018. This past summer, we added        menu and added some delicious
                                                                                                                                                                            Milwaukee Arts Board (MAB). This year,
some different flavors to our menu.        southern fare. In addition we wanted                                                 I hope you’re all staying safe and
                                                                                                                                                                            the MAB gave out over 40 sustaining
We decided to showcase the best            to give our customers more choices to                                                healthy during these difficult times. As
                                                                                                                                                                            arts grants to ensure that Milwaukee
recipes of both chefs from McBob’s         design their best meal. We now have                                                  with many workplaces, 2020 posed a
                                                                                                                                                                            arts organizations are able to continue
and Tusk. So the three of us—myself,       ten different sides to pick from.                                                    set of new challenges for all of us at
                                                                                                                                                                            their important work in our community.
Nick Crayton(Chef McBob’s) and                                                                                                  City Hall. I am extremely grateful to my
                                                                                                                                                                            One project that you may all be familiar
Nick Zeugner(Chef Tusk)—started to         These two recipes for perfect winter                                                 colleagues who continue to provide
                                                                                                                                                                            with, funded in part by the MAB, is the            members, neighbors, and Department
formulate our new menu by mixing the       dishes represent one from each chef.                                                 excellent service to the citizens of
                                                                                                                                                                            Dream Library mural at 57th & Vliet                of Public Works traffic engineers for
southern flavors from Crayton with the     Enjoy! 0                                                                             Milwaukee, even while faced with a
                                                                                                                                                                            Street that went up over the summer. I             a walk along North Avenue to discuss
                                                                                                                                rapidly changing climate.
                                                                                                                                                                            want to especially thank the Washington            rapid implementation strategies that
                                                                                                                                I remain encouraged during these            Heights Neighborhood Association                   will mitigate reckless driving and traffic
Seafood Gumbo                                                                                                                   times by seeing all the positive            for their work in commissioning that               accidents in the area. It is always great
                                                                                                                                progress that continues throughout the                                                         to have community feedback as we
Ingredients:                                                                                                                                                                project and bringing the idea to fruition.
                                                                                                                                neighborhood, despite unprecedented                                                            work to formulate improvement plans
                                                                                                                                                                            It has been a beautiful addition to the
4 tablespoons butter                                                                                                            obstacles. With new businesses                                                                 moving forward.
                                                                                                                                                                            neighborhood, and I look forward to the
1/4 cup flour                                                                                                                   opening, art projects being installed,      installation of similar arts projects in our       Though this year has not been easy, I
1 cup diced white onion                                                                                                         and various street improvement efforts,
1 cup diced green pepper
                                                                                                                                                                            community.                                         am consistently inspired by the tireless
                                                                                                                                I am optimistic about what the future
1 cup diced celery                                                                                                                                                                                                             work of our community members that
                                                                                                                                holds.                                      Lastly, I am hopeful about the steps
2 cloves minced garlic                                                                                                                                                                                                         strive to improve this neighborhood.
12 ounces andouille sausage,                                                          Tusk Fall Beef Stew                       While this year has been exceptionally
                                                                                                                                                                            being taken to combat reckless driving
   sliced into 1/2 inch pieces                                                                                                                                              in the neighborhood and in our city. Last          Please keep safe. I wish you all a very
                                                                                      Ingredients:                              difficult for local business owners, I am
1 tablespoon cajun seasoning                                                                                                                                                month, I joined Uptown Crossing BID                happy and restful holiday season. %
Kosher salt to taste
                                                                                                                                excited for businesses that are moving
                                                                                      2 pounds beef stew meat, in chunks
Pepper to taste                                                                                                                 forward with their plans to open in the
                                                                                      1⁄2 cup flour
4 cups chicken broth                                                                  1 large onion
                                                                                                                                neighborhood. North Avenue Market at
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper                                                         5 stalks celery, medium chopped           5900 W North Avenue plans to open
2 tablespoons lemon juice                                                             3 carrots, medium chopped                 their multi-level food and retail hall in
1 bay leaf                                                                            2 pounds potatoes (red or white),         July 2021. With 12 vendors operating
2 tablespoons hot sauce                                                                 medium chopped                          out of this location, there is sure to be
1 pound cleaned and deveined shrimp                                                   1⁄2 gallon beef broth                     something everyone can enjoy. Over
1 pound lump crab meat                                                                4 ounces Butter                           the last few months, I have had the
3 tablespoons chopped parsley                                                         1 teaspoon thyme                          pleasure of meeting with owner Chris
3 tablespoons chopped green onions                                                    1 teaspoon parsley
                                           the chicken broth, cajun seasoning,                                                  Harris-Wimsatt and neighborhood
                                                                                      1⁄2 tsp white pepper
Melt the butter, then add the flour,                                                                                            residents several times to discuss this
                                           crushed red pepper, lemon juice, bay       1 tsp ground fennel
stirring constantly to create a roux.                                                                                           new project and the potential impact it
                                           leaf and hot sauce.
You will need to cook the roux for                                                                                              could have in our community. I am very
                                                                                      Brown the stew meat in a skillet with
                                           Bring the temperature back up to a                                                   excited that Mr. Harris-Wimsatt has
about 30 minutes until it turns nice                                                  the butter. Drain the meat and add
                                           boil while stirring, then reduce it to a                                             chosen this neighborhood to house his
and dark. Next, add the white onion                                                   the vegetables. If needed add more
                                           simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes, then                                                  new endeavor. I hope you will join me
and cook for 5 minutes, then add                                                      butter and sauté. Add salt and pepper
                                           give it a stir and continue to simmer                                                in welcoming him to the neighborhood
the green peppers. After another 5                                                    to taste. After about 5 minutes add
                                                                                                                                and will patron this business next
minutes, add the celery.                   for another 60 minutes. Add the            the flour to the vegetables and coat
                                                                                      them. Add the broth and seasonings.       Summer.
                                           shrimp and cook for 5 to 7 minutes
Next, add your sausage and garlic          until cooked. Drop in lump crab to         Let simmer on low until thick, stirring   Another area of joy for me this year has
and incorporate it into the vegetable      heat. Finish it off with the parsley and   occasionally. Ready to serve when         been helping to fund arts projects and      Chris Harris-Wimsatt, owner of North Avenue Market, holds a socially distanced information session
roux. After a couple of minutes add        green onions.                              the gravy is thick.                       sustain arts organizations throughout       on his new business with residents.

14   Washington Heights Highlighter   |                                                                                                                                                                                                     Winter 2021    15
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
DOGMA                                                                                                                                       THE GREAT WASHINGTON HEIGHTS
Should I Dress My Pet For Winter?                                                                                                           PUMPKIN DECORATING CONTEST
BY LAURA BURKE                                                                                                                              BY LYRA O’BRIEN
You know your dog’s temperament better         have an extra layer of insulating fur built                                                  The 1st Annual Great Washington
than anyone. If they have the patience         in. For them, too many layers could mean
                                                                                                                                            Heights Pumpkin Decorating Contest
and don’t mind an occasional fashion           overheating, which is just as bad as
show, go for it! Many dogs enjoy the                                                                                                        was held on the stone ledge in between
                                               getting a chill.
extra attention. There’s no right or wrong                                                                                                  Mount Olive Lutheran Church & Chris-
answer, as long as you’re not doing any        Booties                                                                                      tian Day School this October. Neigh-
harm. Then again, is your pet shy or                                                                                                        bors were encouraged to decorate
                                               Other than being a pain in the butt to get
sensitive? It’s probably not a great idea.
                                               on, booties were a lifesaver for our pup                                                     their own pumpkins and display them
If you do go for it, watch out for hazards.
                                               who dragged her paws in her old age.            If your dog will happily wear a hat for a    for others to enjoy.
For example, a scarf could get wrapped
                                               They also help in winter when salt is on        quick photo to amuse you, that’s great.
too tightly or be tripped over. Keep in
                                               the sidewalks. Sometimes just washing           If your dog has a legitimate need to get     People walking by were encouraged to
mind the comfort and well-being of your
                                               their paws after winter walks with a            dressed, go for it! If your dog is upset     select the one they liked best, then go
dog. Use your best judgment here.
                                               damp rag can help with salty paws.              or uncomfortable in clothing, it’s better    to Mount Olive’s Facebook page and
Baby, It’s Cold Outside                                                                        to pass.
                                                                                                                                            vote for the winner. This year, the Pete
                                               Anxiety Vests for Dogs
One reason for dressing up your pet:                                                           Walking the Runway                           the Cat pumpkin won a $50 gift certifi-
cold weather! For dogs with thin or light      Besides keeping your dog warm, clothing                                                      cate from Rainbow Booksellers.
                                               can also help with anxiety. The sense of        Dressing your pooch can be fun and
jackets of fur, the harsh cold of certain
                                                                                               easy. Here is a $5.99 used women’s
climates just isn’t manageable without a       security that comes from a snug-fitting                                                      Thank you to all who participated and
                                                                                               vest with some alterations. Now Luis is
good coat or sweater. There’s a reason         vest like a Thundershirt can be soothing                                                     voted. 0
                                                                                               ready for the red carpet!
you see Chihuahuas bundled up for the          for anxious dogs. Next time there’s a
cold more than, say, Newfoundlands.            thunderstorm in the forecast, or your           Do you have any article ideas you
Smaller, lighter, and less furry breeds        town is planning a big fireworks show, try      would like to see? Please contact
are sometimes more comfortable in a            an anxiety vest or a tighter fitting t-shirt.   Laura, Washington Heights Pet Sitter,
sweater, as well as dogs who are aging         It can make all the difference in ensuring      at Bark at you
or sick. Dogs that are made for the cold       that your dog feels safe and comforted.         later! 0

                         Washington Heights Rainbow Association
   Washington Heights Rainbow Association’s mission is to foster a better understanding of the lesbian, gay, bi-
   sexual and transgender residents within the Washington Heights neighborhood and provide support to its

   We are committed to the development of social and civic relationships that promote, benefit, and unify our
   own neighborhood and our relationship with the Washington Heights neighborhood.

                              MEMBERSHIP: MembershipJAE  is inclusive
                                                             / MRM and is not limited by neighborhood boundaries.
                              There is no annual membership or participant dues. Members are encouraged to attend
                              planning meetings, help with events, and participate in a variety of community

                                                                      For more information email


16   Washington Heights Highlighter      |                                                                                                                                    Winter 2021    17
Winter 2021 The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood Association WHNA.NET
WHNA 2019–2020                                     Washington Heights Neighborhood Map
                                                                                                                          BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                                                                                                         Beth Lappen                       727.0345
                                                                                                                         Vice President
                                                                                                                         Sabrina Eder                  262.719.7477
                                                                                                                         Ric Gesell                       305.6885
                                                                                                                         Ann Navin                         477.9528
                                                                                                                         Past President
                                                                                                                         Ann Navin                         477.9528

                                                                                                                         Area 1: Ric Gesell               305.6885
                                                                                                                         Area 2: Kevin Driscoll            778.1673
                                                                                                                         Area 3: Yvonne Scott
                                                                                                                                 Eileen Seeger-Garcia      828.4686
                                                                                                                         Area 4: Simon McConico           306.1422
                                                                                                                         Area 5: Heidi Steeno          920.639.1476
                                                                                                                         Area 6: Lyra O’Brien             861.0387
                                                                                                                         Area 7: Shelly Cozzens
                                                                                                                         Area 8: Andy Robinson            745.9463
                                                                                                                         Area 9: Alexa Pagley          262.444.3274
                                                                                                                                 Brandon Taylor            870.1339
                                                                                                                         At-Large – Even Years:
                                                                                                                         Eric Anderson                     771.7977
                                                                                                                         Sabrina Eder                  262.719.7477
                                                                                                                         Alec Knutson                     412.3139

                                                          YOGA CLASSES                                                   At-Large – Odd Years:
                                                                                                                         Mike Lappen
                                                                                                                                                                       Community Contacts:
                                                                                                                                                                       Third District Non-Emergency 933.4444
                                                                                                                         Ann Navin                        477.9528    Crime Prevention             935.7733
                                                                                                                         Ric Gesell                       305.6885    Graffiti Hotline             286.8715
                                                                                                                                                                       Block Watch                  588.5619
                                                                                                                         Liaisons                                      WHNA939.4622
                                                                                                                         Vliet Street
                                                                                                                         North Avenue
                                                                                                                         Vacant                                         The Magazine of the Washington Heights Neighborhood
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Association • WHNA.NET

                                                                                                                         Rainbow Association
                                                                                                                                                                         Winter 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               You could be
                                                                    INTRO SPECIAL:
                                                                                                                         John Elliot
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the next Highlighter
                                                   $49 FOR ONE MONTH UNLIMITED CLASSES!
                                                                                                                         Tom Rutenbeck                    453.3453                                                                                     cover photographer!
                                                                                                                         Committees                                                        YOUR
                                                                                                                         Neighborhood Safety
                                                                                                                                                                                           PHOTO                                                        Submit your best Heights photos
                                                                                                                         Dominique Leupi               720.473.2765
                                                                                                                         Sharon Heffelfinger              801.1307                                                                                      for consideration­—on Facebook
                                                                                                                         Communication                                                                                                                      or to
                                                                                                                         Green Committee
                                                        WWW.BIKRAMYOGAMKE.COM                                            Beth Lappen                       727.0345

                                                           5326 W. Vliet Street                                          Housing/Appearance
                                                                                                                         Tom Rutenbeck                    453.3453
                                                    If you practice regularly for one month and your chronic back pain                                                             The Spring 2021 Highlighter will arrive in late March.
                                                             is not better we will guarantee your money back.
                                                                                                                         Trent Muller                     559.6773     To submit an article or neighborhood event, contact

18   Washington Heights Highlighter   |                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Winter 2021    19
We not only SELL Washington Heights...
   we LIVE in Washington Heights!

List your home with us in 2021
       and receive a free
     UHP Home Warranty!
           ($525 value)

                                 Lyra O’Brien   Steve Draganchuk

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