BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal

Page created by Jack Webb
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
           T         R    A   N   S   C   O    N              A

           Vol 17. No.3                       December 2020

    Check out the
  updated Business
Directory on page 11.

                                              Photo credit: Scott Tingey
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
Message from the Executive Director
                                                     By Leila Dance

As we come to the end of my first year,         to service the community better and
I feel like I have been in the eye of a         most surprising the support from each         in future issues. He is a man that you
storm this whole time. Learning a               business to their neighbour.                  might know – he can be seen riding his
new position, meeting new people,                                                             bike around Transcona, delivering food
and rediscovering the beauty that               We as a community have the                    from long-time Transcona business
is my community during a global                 opportunity this holiday season and           Chicken Delight, or just snapping a
pandemic has been truly eye opening.            into next year to support those local         beautiful Transcona sunset. I am happy
I could not imagine running a small             businesses that fill downtown                 to invite Cornelius Thiessen to share
family business in a time like this.            Transcona, those businesses that              a more personal look at some of
There is no rule book or experience to          adjusted to the new world we are              Transcona’s amazing business owners.
look back on. There is no expert in the         living in, those businesses that provide
field, and we are all learning the new          jobs to our children, those businesses        I wish you all a happy holiday and hope
normal.                                         that support our community groups             that whether you are buying a gift for
                                                and most importantly those businesses         that special someone or treating yourself
Yet in this time I have had the chance          that are run by our neighbours and            that you look close to home at the many
to see the resilience of the community,         friends. #ShopLocal                           amazing retail, services and restaurants
family businesses that have found                                                             right here in Transcona.
a new way to offer services to our              I hope you enjoy this issue of the BIZ
customers, businesses that have                 Bullet. We have a special “reporter” that     Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year.
changed and added to their products             will be joining us this issue and hopefully   Leila

   Social Media
   The Transcona BIZ has stepped up their social
   media presence. We want you to have the
   most current information about what is going
                                                                              Working Hard
   on in the Transcona BIZ Zone as quickly as possible.

   You can find us at:
                                                                              for Transcona
   Facebook -
   Twitter      -
   Instagram -
   Website      -

   Visit us anytime!

   Transcona BIZ BUCKS Winners!
   September: John Moore, Frances Honke and Kim Kerr
   October:   Kendra Devine, Kathy Hackett and Jean Kimchak

   Transcona BIZ Bullet
   is published quarterly
   For more information call:
   204-222-8566 or

Transcona BIZ BULLET                                                  2                                                 December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
room with a kitchen table, chairs, and a
                         Cornelius Thiessen has been sharing his thoughts and photos                     lot of coffee cups. It was a gathering place
                         on the Transcona, And Proud of It Facebook® page for the                        for the older generation in Transcona,
                                                                                                         whether your car was in the shop or
                         last few years. He has his finger on the pulse of the community
                                                                                                         not it didn’t matter, you were always
                         and is happy to share stories of Transcona businesses and the
                                                                                                         welcome to sit down for a laugh, talk cars
                         many faces that run them.
                                                                                                         or Transcona. There were so many good

                    D&S Auto Celebrates
   Cornelius Thiessen                                                                                    times around that kitchen table in the back
                                                                                                         room with Dave and his brother Jack, the

                   45 years in Transcona!
                                                                                                         shop mechanic. Dave
                                                                                                         would sometimes
                                                                                                         point towards the
                                                                                                         CN Shops and tell me
                                      By Cornelius Thiessen
                                                                                                         he could have gone
Forty-five years of continuous service              knew the figures at the end were honest
                                                                                                         to work there, put in
on the Regent Strip, forty-five years of            and accurate.
                                                                                                         his time and be long
satisfied customers and honest business
                                                                                                         retired by now with a
practises. How many businesses can say              I remember when I first came to Transcona,
                                                                                                         nice pension but this
that? Dave Hrynchuk and his D & S Auto              barely a dollar to my name and my car had
                                                                                                         is what he chose and
can, with great pride. After ten years of           a blown water pump. I went to the nearest
                                                                                                         he had few regrets.
working for other garages in downtown               garage which happened to be D & S, Dave                                                       Jack Hrynchuk
Transcona Dave and his brother Steve                told me what it would cost, and I said I
                                                                                                         When that day finally comes when the
decided to start their own business and             would bring the car back in a week on
                                                                                                         shop closes, Dave and his brother Jack will
built it from the ground up. Customers              payday. He didn’t know me, and I didn’t
                                                                                                         be sorely missed. What will become of the
began coming and many of them have                  know him, but he said to leave the car with
                                                                                                         garage is still to be determined, whoever
been with him all these years. Dave ran an          him, he would replace the pump and I
                                                                                                         purchases the property will have big shoes
old school shop; there were no computers            could come back and pay him in a week. I
                                                                                                         to fill. Dave and Jack Hrynchuk, Transcona
or cell phones, your bill was figured out           was amazed at his trust in me and that was
                                                                                                         salutes you for forty-five years of good
with pen and paper, his handwriting wasn’t          the start of many years of business with him.
scholarly or neat but it didn’t matter, you         At the back of the shop was a small lunch-

                                                                                        Enter by December 31, 2020
                                                                                          to Win $50 BIZ Bucks!*
                                                                                                      (BIZ Bucks have No Cash Value)


Keith Cruise, Vice President BIZ Board, Dave Hrynchuk, Owner D&S Auto and
                                                                                         Include email for extra $50.00 draw if you wish to subscribe to
                                                                                                                the Transcona BIZ
Leila Dance, Executive Director BIZ. (Masks were removed for photo only)
                                                                                           *To be spent at the BIZ Businesses listed in this publication.
                                                                                            One entry per household. Winner will be notified by phone.

                  MS. ROBIN L. ZEISS                                                 Just drop off or mail your entry form
                                                                                              to the BIZ office at
                        Barrister, Solicitor & Notary

                                                                                          108 Bond Street Winnipeg,
                                                                                              Manitoba R2C 2L2
                          NEW LOCATION
                          931 Nairn Ave.
                                                                                             Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                                Phone: 204-222-8566
       Wills, Powers of Attorney - $175.00 plus tax
       General Practice. Flat Fee Services Available
   Ph: 204.615.5997                                        Keep reading to find next months BIZ Bucks ballot.
Transcona BIZ BULLET                                                        3                                                                 December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
Grime Doesn’t Pay
                       Graffiti vandalism can ruin the curb appeal            These jobs were called in by community
                       of businesses and residences, but there                members, as well as found while the team
                       is a way to deter it through quick and                 was out “blitzing”. This involved driving
                                               efficient removal.             around the neighbourhood to search for
                                               Thanks to the                  graffiti on everything from fences and
                                               BIZ’s Anti-Graffiti            garage doors, to park equipment and
                                               Campaign in partner-           sidewalks. Once spotted, the team could
                                               ship with the City of          begin the process of colour matching and
                                               Winnipeg, Down-                painting, pressure washing, or chemically
                                               town Transcona has             removing the criminal activity.
                                               had clean bricks
                                               since ’06! Over the            Our 2020 campaign has come to an end
                                               summer, our Graffiti           and will start back up again in 2021 once
                                               Coordinator and                the weather is warmer. For urgent graffiti
                                               Summer Students                removal, you can still report sightings to
                                               worked hard to                 the City’s 311 service or add to our list for
                       remove over 200 pieces of graffiti through-            spring 2021 by filling out the form on the
                       out our community.                                     Transcona BIZ website.

                         The Transcona community has some
                         amazingly talented people, including
                         photographers and storytellers. In this
                         issue of the BIZ Bullet, we are happy to
                         share some of that talent with you.

                         If you post a photo on social media that
                         includes one of our businesses, please
                         make sure that you tag @TransconaBIZ
                         in the post. While you are shopping,
                         dining or even just hanging out at the
                         Square make sure that you support local
                         and share these experiences with your
                         community. #TransconaProud

                                                 Photo Credit: Deirdre Dowd

Transcona BIZ BULLET                         4                                                              December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
25th Anniversary
    25% off any service including:
                 •     Ear Candling
                 •     4 in 1 Ionix Detox
                 •     RMT Therapeutic Massage.
                 •     Intracellular Detox & MORE!

    A First for Transcona and Winnipeg
                 •     Full Service Natural Health Clinic.
                 •     Medically Directed
                 •     Dr. Recommended 4 in 1 Ionix Detox.
                 •     M.A.S.T.E.R Practitioners.
                 •     Student & Couples Massage Training.
                 •     Sho-Tai Testing.
                 •     Kid/Family friendly.

                  Direct Billing to third Party Insurers
         Proud Supporters of The Children's Miracle Health Network
                   & The "Prayer Warriors of Winnipeg"!

          Miracle Health Network / Steven Hanks Massage Therapy
                           Phone: 204-770-4414
                 132 B Regent Ave W, Winnipeg MB R2C 1P9.
Transcona BIZ BULLET                            5                    December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
2020 Festival of Banners
    Winners Are Up!
    A flamboyance of flamingos painted by local school students can now be
    discovered perching on poles throughout Downtown Transcona as part of
    our annual Festival of Banners. The flamingo theme for 2020 was chosen by
    panelists as a nod to the unofficial bird of Transcona, often found keeping
    watch from lawns around the neighborhood.

    Despite adding a welcome splash of colour to our streets; these birds can
    camouflage, and finding individual banners turned into the Great Transcona
    Treasure Hunt for our artists and their families. Painting on QR codes or sewing
    in GPS tracking devices might make things easier, but for 2020 we relied on the
    simple art of looking up. Just ask the kids though; finally tracking down your
    own banner is like striking gold!

    To take part in your own treasure hunt, banners can be found along:
           • Regent Avenue West between Day Street and Plessis Road
           • Bond Street between Regent Avenue West and Pandora Avenue
           • Pandora Avenue between Day Street and Plessis Road                        Alex
           • Plessis Road from Pandora Avenue to the Plessis Underpass

Maddilyn                        Maëlle                            Natasha              Cianna

    Transcona BIZ BULLET                                      6                                 December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
Alia                          Ellie         Jared                                Logan

                                                        Enter by January 29, 2021
                                                         to Win $50 BIZ Bucks!*
                                                                    (BIZ Bucks have No Cash Value)

                                                       Include email for extra $50.00 draw if you wish to subscribe to
                                                                              the Transcona BIZ
                                                         *To be spent at the BIZ Businesses listed in this publication.
                                                          One entry per household. Winner will be notified by phone.

                                                    Just drop off or mail your entry form
                                                             to the BIZ office at
                                                              108 Bond Street
                                                        Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 2L2
                                                              Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Nyah                           Sydney                           Phone: 204-222-8566
                                                    Keep reading to find next months BIZ Bucks ballot.
       Transcona BIZ BULLET             7                                                            December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
BIZ Storefront Improvement Program Recipients
If you’ve been waiting for a sign,
here’s a few.

The Transcona BIZ offers a Storefront
Improvement Program to eligible BIZ
members within the zone. This incentive
helps existing businesses and property
owners to improve the external
appearance of their storefront. The
BIZ provides fifty percent of funding,
up to $5,000, to help cover the cost in
the form of a matching grant.

Projects include enhancements that            to manicures and pedicures, Root 37 has       locations across the city of Winnipeg,
are consistent with the character of the      got everyone covered from root to tip-toe     Wyatt Dowling has the proud distinction of
building and ‘Hometown/Old English’           and has certainly earned its spot on the      being the city’s largest insurance broker
Transcona theme, that contribute to the       map.                                          and now, its also the swankiest. Perhaps
economic development and promotion                                                          the universe is speaking to you, or maybe
of the businesses and the Transcona           Inspired by the Tragically Hip song of the    its just your friendly neighbourhood BIZ.
community, as well as improve customer        same name, Little Bones Wings’ new bright
comfort and safety such as exterior           and fun signage is sure to get you flapping
painting, signage and graphics, awnings       over for a taste. The new signage outside
and canopies, exterior lighting, entryways,   of the Royal George Hotel is the perfect
windows and doors, accessibility improve-     backdrop for your next selfie, and with
ments, landscaping, and much more.            75 wing flavours, there is bound to be
                                              something you’ll love.
This year the board of directors supported
three projects. The magnificent new           Next time you stop at the Regent Avenue
signage at 225 Regent Ave West lets           and Bond Street intersection, check out
customers know just where Root 37 Hair        the brand spanking new paint job on the
Design can be found. A full-service salon     exterior of Wyatt Dowling Insurance
offering everything from cuts and colours,    Brokers at 138 Regent Ave West. With 11

Transcona BIZ BULLET                                               8                                                   December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
Get Ready to Guac
                                           By Gemma Chaudhuri
There’s a fiesta in my bowl, and everyone’s           was yet to be introduced. Despite
invited. At least that’s what it feels like           dreaming up the idea of establishing a
after my first taste of the new kid on the            Mucho Burrito to our city in 2016, initial
block; Mucho Burrito Fresh Mexican Grill.             plans of a location at nearby Kildonan               Dinesh and Dharm
                          Cool, sweet,                Green fell through. The trio spent the next         enjoying talking with the locals, learning
                          golden cubes of             four years searching all over town for a            the ropes, and looking forward to future
                          plump mango and             new location, but just couldn’t shake off           opportunities to give back.
                          peaches mingle              that Transcona charm.
                          playfully with a                                                                Fresh ingredients take centre stage here,
                          touch of smoky              Opening any business during a global                with everything from hand-smashed
                          spice from tender           pandemic is a gamble, but when word of              guacamole to fire-roasted salsa created
                          chicken breast,             an available space in newly developed Park          daily in-store, and a seasonally changing
                          marinated in-house          City Commons got out, the team jumped               menu. Whether you are in the mood for a
                          and grilled to per-         on board. Extra glass partitions, a stream-         signature bowl or a take-home taco meal
fection. Familiar amigos of brown rice,               lined service area, and spacious seating            kit, the store is open for pick-up and
black beans, ancient grains, roasted corn,            arrangements have been built-in to the              dine-in 7 days a week, with delivery
seasonal greens, citrus slaw, and                     design of the store, along with advanced            available through SkipTheDishes, Door-
fajita veggies frolic onto the plate to               health and sanitization protocols employed          Dash, and Uber Eats. This winter, things are
impart their healthy wisdom. But it’s that            right from the start to keep everyone safe.         heating up, with flavours of maple chipotle,
sprinkling of shredded monterey jack, the                                                                 smoking BBQ, and ghost peppers featuring
drizzle of made-from-scratch chipotle-                Finally, on August 4th 2020, Mucho Burrito          on the menu. If spice isn’t your thing,
peach crema, and those crispy jalapeno                made its grand debut at 1510 Plessis Road           no hay problema, ingredients can be
chips that really kick things up a notch.             to an overwhelmingly encouraging response.          customised to suit all tastes, and with your
Move over Mentos, there’s a new fresh                 Dinesh, Dharm, and Jag are thankful to              BIZ Bullet coupon, what better time to ask
maker in town.                                        the community for the warm welcome,                 the new kid for a dance?

Owners Dinesh Moghariya, Dharm Patel,
and Jag Patel decided on the franchise
after visiting friends at the Calgary and
Toronto locations, noting that Winnipeg                                                   Enter by February 26, 2021
                                                                                            to Win $50 BIZ Bucks!*
                                                                                                       (BIZ Bucks have No Cash Value)

   COUPON                                                                               Name:
         25% off                                                                        Phone:
  any Signature Bowl,                                                                   Email:
                                                                                          Include email for extra $50.00 draw if you wish to subscribe to
  Burrito, or Taco Trio                                                                                          the Transcona BIZ
  • Limit one per customer, pick up only                                                    *To be spent at the BIZ Businesses listed in this publication.
                                                                                             One entry per household. Winner will be notified by phone.
  • Coupon must be presented upon
  • Valid until December 31st 2020

                                                                                      Just drop off or mail your entry form
                                                                                               to the BIZ office at
                                                                                                108 Bond Street
   Mucho Burrito Fresh Mexican Grill                                                      Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 2L2
                                                                                                 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
                                                                                                    Phone: 204-222-8566
               2-1510 Plessis Rd Winnipeg
Transcona BIZ BULLET                                                        9                                                                  December 2020
BIZ BULLET - Check out the updated Business Directory on page 11. #ShopLocal
Hidden Gem of Transcona
                                    By Cornelius Thiessen

Established in 1993, one of the smallest                            to B.C. There, Joe
shops in Downtown Transcona is J L R                                reconnected with his
Jewellers. I hadn’t been through that                               childhood sweetheart,
door since Joe Richarde ran the                                     who had managed to
cluttered little store, so packed with                              track him down after
tools of the trade you could barely turn                            50 years. Jace came
around. After a recent visit however, I                             into the shop one
was surprised to see it looks nothing like                          Monday morning to
that now. A bright tidy                                             find it nearly empty,
shop where jewellery                               all was gone except a few old pieces of
can be hand-crafted,                               equipment. He quickly phoned his Dad,
custom-made, and                                   who told Jace that now, at 68 years old,
repaired.                                          he had finally found his true love and
                                                   was retiring to B.C. The shop was             The well-worn machines and a battered
Jace Richarde, the son                             handed down to Jace who, with                 desk serve as a reminder of the hard work
of Joe runs the place                              nothing else to do but rebuild; slept on      and dedication Joe put into this shop. The
now. He had been                                   the floor of the shop while spending his      fact it is still going strong is a testament to
apprenticing under his                             days sourcing display cases, painting         the ongoing efforts of Jace. Here’s hoping
father for a few years, learning the            artwork for the walls, and revamping the         this little gem stays around to be passed
jewellery trade, when Joe went on vacation      business.                                        onto the next generation.

                         Lighting Up Downtown Transcona
                                                In a normal year, the Transcona Centennial       In October, we continued with the
                                                Square would be the heart of our Annual          program, providing free lighting updates
                                                Winter Wonderland and Hot Chocolate              and installations for participating
                                                with Santa events. Although those can’t          businesses. These lights are energy-
                                                happen this year, we are happy to add            efficient LED bulbs that provide a warm
                                                enchantment through the addition of              glow all year round, without the added
                                                two grand aspen trees, colourful lights          price-tag. Whether you are grabbing
                                                around the Square, and a skating rink in         dinner, attending an evening appointment,
                                                partnership with East End Community              or simply taking a stroll along the Avenue,
As the weather turns colder and the             Centre. There is also an extra sprinkle          the future is looking bright!
daylight becomes shorter, the glow of           of magic that can be seen along Regent
the holiday season begins to warm up            Avenue. String lights have descended upon
Transcona. Each year, the Transcona BIZ is      the rooftops of many buildings, just in time
proud to decorate the streets of our zone       to highlight the local shops. The BIZ’s
with holiday lighting. The downtown strip       Rooftop Lighting Program started in 2017
is illuminated with strings of lights and       as an initiative to make our downtown look
hanging snowflakes.                             beautiful at night and create a safe, inviting

                                                                                                                        Photos credit: Cornelius Thiessen

Transcona BIZ BULLET                                                  10                                                          December 2020
Business Directory
                                                     Shop Local. Support Community.


Accounting                                   Royal Bank of Canada                               Creative Arts
H & R Block Canada                           128-701 Regent Ave W                               Doreen Bissett School of Dance
3-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7                   ATM only.                                          120 Regent Ave E R2C 0C1
204-949-4110                                                                                    204-222-9368
LDF Consulting Services
114 Regent Ave E R2C 0C1                     Beautiful YOU                                      Private dance studio operating in
204-222-9373                                 115 A Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                         7UDQVFRQDVLQFHR௺HULQJDZLGH
Personal and Small Business Tax              204-661-6086                                       range of dance programs for ages
preparation and consulting, including        Appointments for esthetic services                 DGXOW,QVWDJUDP#GEVGBR௻FLDO
H¿OLQJERRNNHHping, and accounting for     Tue – Sat (including evening appts).               )DFHERRN'%6'/7'
VPDOOWRPHGLXPEXVLQHVVHV&RQVXOWLQJ      Only quality skin products are used and
of accounting systems with training.         apparel, purses, accessories, & more.              5-549 Regent Ave W R2C 1R9
Located in Transcona for over 20 years,      *LIWFHUWL¿FDWHVDUHDYDLODEOH                    204-777-6212
QRZR௺HULQJFRQWDFWOHVVVHUYLFHV                                                               Private professional instruction in piano,
                                             Fabutan Suntan Studio                              JXLWDUEDVVVD[RSKRQHÀXWHWKHRU\
Liberty Tax Services                         7-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7                         voice and violin.
309 Day St R2C 1B1                           204-224-8330
204-808-7835                                                           Dine In & Take Out
                                             company.                                           A&W
RJ Accounting & Tax Service                                                                     1450 Plessis Rd R2C 2X4
314 Bond St R2C 2L5                                                                             204-224-0686
204-224-5913                                 Hair Expansion                      8-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7
                                             204-222-9982                                       Chicken Delight
7ZHQW\¿YH\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHZLWK                                                            453 Regent Ave W R2C 1R7
personal income tax returns, monthly         +DLUVDORQR௺HULQJKLJKOLJKWV
                                             colour, ear piercing and tanning.                  204-982-1370
accounting, and corporate tax returns,                                                
deceased and estate returns, fast                                                               tion/453-regent-ave-w/
                                             B-130 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                         &KLFNHQULEVDQGSL]]DIRUWDNHRXWDQG
                                             204-807-0056                                       delivery.
Automobile Services                
                                             %DUEHUVKRSEHDXW\VDORQ                        Choy’s Chinese Food Catering Services
D & S Auto Service Ltd                                                                          110 Regent Ave E R2C 0C1
122 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                                                                        204-222-2005
204-222-1404                                 Lucky Nails
                                             2-453 Regent Ave W R2C 1R3               
Full automotive repairs.                                                                        Open 7 days a week, pickup and delivery.
                                             Excellent professional care, sculpted              /XQFKFDWHULQJDYDLODEOH
Ram Collision
345 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M6                    nails, overlay, gel nails, nail art, hand
                                             designs, manicure, and spa pedicure.               Dairy Queen &/26(')256($621
204-222-7464                                                                                    100 Victoria Ave E R2C 0E2
Collision repair specialist. We repair all                                                      204-222-9641
makes and models.                            Night N Day Hair Studio
                                             313 B Day St R2C 1B1                     
                                             204-421-9321                                       6RIWVHUYHFRQHVEOL]]DUGVVXQGDHV
RMK Auto Sales                                                                                  milkshakes, Customized cakes.
351 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M6                    Full service hair salon.
204-230-3949                                                                                    Dal’s Chicken Inn
                                             Rising Phoenix Hair Salon
                                             120-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                       122-126-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1S3
Spider Design Automotive                                                                        204-222-4255
361 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M6                    204-777-0647
204-229-1932                                                                                    salads, chicken and more for takeout
Automotive repairs and service, vehicle      Hair salon
                                                                                                and delivery.
safety inspections.
                                             Romeo Bros Barber Shop
                                             134 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                           Domino’s Pizza
7UXH:D\0XႉHU                                                                                  1-233 Regent Ave W R2C 1R3
1380 Plessis Rd R2C 4L1                      204-222-8196
                                             0HQ¶VKDLUVW\OLQJ                                  204-987-5557
6SHFLDOL]LQJLQPX௼HUVEUDNHVIURQW                                                          Pizza, wings and more.
ends and safeties, suspensions.              Root 37 Hair Design
                                             225 Regent Ave W R2C 1R3
                                             204-222-3704                                       KFC
Banking                                      +DLUVW\OLQJ(VWKHWLFV0DVVDJH                 1470 Plessis Rd R2C 5G6
Casera Credit Union                                                                             204-219-4852
1300 Plessis Rd R2C 2Y6                      Tony’s Barber Shop
204-958-6300                                 118 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                           L’Arche Tova Café
7RIXO¿OORXUPHPEHU¶V¿QDQFLDOQHHGV       204-224-0283                                       119 Regent Ave W R2C 0C1
with trustworthy advice, market-leading      )DPLO\RZQHGEXVLQHVVIRURYHUVL[W\              204-421-9388
products, and exceptional service that       \HDUVE\DSSRLQWPHQWRQO\             
                                                                                                Building a more compassionate society
Transcona BIZ BULLET                                                 11                                                           December 2020
Little Bones Wings                            Spikes Grill                                Princess Hotel
123 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                      202 Bond St R2C 2L4                         202 Bond St R2C 2L4
204-777-2667                                  204-222-7329                                204-224-4885
                                              Open from 7 am – 7 pm. Located in the
Little Caesar’s Pizza                         EDVHPHQWRIWKH3ULQFHVV+RWHOIXOO\      Full service hotel with 350-seat
2-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7                    licensed family restaurant (children        EHYHUDJHURRPVHDWEDQTXHWKDOO
204-953-8888                                  welcome!). Serving home cooked              GULYHWKUXEHHUVWRUHVHDW
+RW15HDG\SL]]D2UGHUQRQFRQWDFW         meals.                                      restaurant, and 15 rental rooms.
pick-up and delivery online.                                                              %DQTXHWKDOODYDLODEOHIRUUHQW
                                              Starbucks                                   (seats 165).
Little Pizza Heaven                           101-1510 Plessis Rd R2C 5R5
101 Regent Ave E R2C 0C2                      204-899-5472                                Royal George Hotel
204-777-5575                                                                              123 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                    Subway                                      204-224-1882
2௻QJRXUVLJQDWXUHJDUOLFFUXVWDORQJ-        100 Regent Ave W R2C 2P9                    Open 7 days a week, Live entertainment
VLGHDOO\RX¶UH$/LWWOH3L]]D+HDYHQ        204-222-8778                                PXVLFYHQXHVHDWEHYHUDJHURRP
favorites. Besides pick up and delivery,                               VLTs, Vendor, Outdoor Patio, Hotel, Home
private events.                               delivery for catering platters and orders   special event.
                                              of more than 5 footlong sandwiches.
Maggie’s Restaurant                           Parties for lunches, dinners and            Funeral Services
 &/26(')256($621                            IXQHUDOVFDQEHRUJDQL]HGXSRQ
102 Victoria Ave E R2C 0E2                    request.                                    Bardal Funeral Home
204-698-6813                                                                              Arrangement Centre
Syrian and traditional drive-in food.         Szeto Chinese Food                          6-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7
                                              103 Bond St R2C 2L1                         204-774-7474
Mucho Burrito Fresh Mexican Grill             204-222-6868
2-1510 Plessis Rd R2C 5R5                     Full service restaurant Chinese food -      Transcona Funeral Chapel
204 306 7810                                  pickup and delivery.                        3-549 Regent Ave W R2C 1R9                                                                 204-222-5516
&DQDGD¶VODUJHVWSUHPLXPIDVW                Tasty Chinese Cuisine             
casual Mexican restaurant, serving food       129 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1
that is mucho real and mucho fresh.           204-222-3245                                Gas Stations
,WLVPDGHE\KDQGULJKWLQIURQWRIRXU     Chinese cuisine and homemade                7-Eleven
JXHVW¶VH\HVXVLQJRQO\WKHIUHVKHVW        IHDWXUHV/XQFK%X௺HW                      104 Regent Ave E R2C 0C1
LQJUHGLHQWVIUHHRIDUWL¿FLDOÀDYRXUVDQG                                               204-985-0188
preservatives.                                Tim Horton’s                                1-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7
                                              107 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M4                   204-985-0130
Pizza Hotline                                 204-222-0501                                Convenience, gas, lottery, hot food and
130A Regent Ave E R2C 0C2                                                                 grill items.
204-222-2222                                  TOM YUM Thai Restaurant
Pickup and delivery.                          3-233 Regent Ave W R2C 1R3                  Fas Gas Plus
                                              204-414-9144                                105 Pandora Ave E R2C 0A1
Pizza Hut                                     7KDL5HVWDXUDQWR௺HULQJDXWKHQWLF7KDL     204-224-1600
3-1510 Plessis Rd R2C 5G6                     cuisine.                                    Full service gas & propane, carwash,
431-317-0589                                                                              FRQYHQLHQFHVWRUHVDPRVDVDQG+H௺\¶V
                                              Will’s Tasty Food                           fried chicken.
Quinlan’s Café                                201 Melrose Ave E R2C 0B1
101 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                      204-489-8322                                Petro Canada
204-421-2122                                       107 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M4
                                              Tues – Wed: 4:30 pm – 10:00 pm              204-222-4086
Red Chilli’s East Indian Cuisine              Thurs – Sat: 4:30 pm – 12:00 am             Gas, diesel, propane, convenience store
11-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7                   Homemade artisan and gourmet pizzas,        and car wash.
204-615-5550                                  poutine, and hot and cold sandwiches.
(DVW,QGLDQFXLVLQH'LQLQJDUHDWR          Entertainment                               Shell Canada
                                                                                          1440 Plessis Rd R2C 2X4
accommodate up to 150 guests.                                                             204-224-0074
/LFHQVHGEDU*RRGIRUEXVLQHVV              Central Hotel
meetings and parties for a special            201 Melrose Ave E R2C 0B1
occasion.                                     204-222-4777                                609 Regent Ave W R2C 1R9
Royal Garden Chinese Food               
139A Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                     Beverage vendor, VLTs, monthly rooms,       Gas, car wash and convenience store.
204-222-4726                                  'DUWVDQG3RRO/HDJXH2௺7UDFN
Chinese food – pickup and delivery.           %HWWLQJ 27% IRU$VVLQLERLD'RZQV        Health Care
                                              :7)5HVWDXUDQW                             Clinics
Salisbury House of Canada                                                                 Plessis Medical Centre
19-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7                   Joe’s Pandora Inn
                                              103 Bond St R2C 2L1                         12-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7
204-222-0280                                                                              204-222-4200
Family restaurant.                            204-222-0571
Santa Lucia Pizza                             &RPIRUWDEOHURFNORXQJHZLWKGDLO\
                                              and weekly entertainment, seven large       Prana Medical Centre
108 Regent Ave E R2C 0C1                                                                  208 Regent Ave W R2C 1R2
204-888-5555                                  VFUHHQ79V9/7VVKX௼HERDUGDQG
                                              pool, south facing patio, Transcona         204-222-6771                                                      'U'RURWD1DZURFND'RFWRUVR௻FH
regent-ave-east/                              5DLOHU([SUHVVVSRQVRUHG&KDVHWKH
                                              $FHGUDZHYHU\7KXUVGD\6]HWR¶V           Family practice. Walk in Clinic. Mon,                                                                       Tues, Thurs, Fri – 8am – 7pm, Wed
                                               D%HY\IXQGUDLVHUHYHQWVDYDLODEOHIRU   DP±SP6DWDP±SP/DERUDWRU\
services.                                                                                 services and full service Pharmacy.

Transcona BIZ BULLET
                                                                   12                                                 December 2020
Transcona Medical Clinic                    Hearing Centres                            Optometrists
 200-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1S3
 204-222-5221                                 Connect Hearing                               Transcona Optical
                                              130-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1S3                  A-212 Regent Ave W R2C 1R2
                                              204-942-7646                                  204-224-2254
Chiropractors                                 T.T.Y. Deaf Access: 204-942-7691    
                                                             Dr. B. Rosner        Dr. B. Chartier
 Moorhead Chiropractic                        Hearing health, hearing testing, wide         Dr. A. Boroditsky Dr. E. Fiorentino
 501 Regent Ave W R2C 1R9                     range of hearing aids for purchase,           Dr. S. Malo          Dr. K. Blackie
 204-222-2969                                 third party coverage, repairs and             Optometric practice providing a full
 Dr. Lloyd Moorhead                           cleaning.                                     range of services from comprehensive
 Dr. Richard Moorhead                                                                       eye exams to high quality frames and                                                       contact lenses.
 Chiropractic and massage therapy for        Massage Therapists                             Pharmacies
 your spinal and extremity joint
 dysfunction and pain.                        Aruba Massage Therapy Clinic                  Plessis Pharmacy
                                              112 Regent Ave E R2C 0C1                      15-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7
 Regent Chiropractic Centre                   204-777-6222                                  204-777-1468
 705 Regent Ave W R2C 1S2                                         Independent & locally owned
 204-222-1571                                 6 Licensed Massage Therapists. Open           community Pharmacy proudly serving
 Dr. C. M. Possia                             0RQ6DWZLWKRQOLQHERRNLQJDYDLODEOH   Transcona & surrounding areas since
 WUHDWPHQWDQGUHKDELOLWDWLRQIRUVSRUWV    environment. Massage therapy, deep-           friendly service including free city-wide
 work and other injuries.                     tissue, craniosacral, hot stone, pregnancy    GHOLYHU\FXUEVLGHVHUYLFHVEOLVWHU
                                              & children. We take care of your aches,       SDFNDJLQJEORRGSUHVVXUHPRQLWRULQJ
 509 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M8                    ZLWK%OXH&URVV*LIWFHUWL¿FDWHV            prescription services. We are open
 204-224-9474                                 DYDLODEOH                                    GD\VDZHHNDQGR௺HUDIWHUKRXU
 Dr. Livia Zaharia                                                                          service.
 Dr. Mark Zaharia                             Maryka's Massage Therapy Clinic                115 B Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                    Prana Pharmacy                  204-414-9392                                  208 Regent Ave W R2C 1R2
 Open late Thursdays until 8pm. Health         204-777-3093
 and injury care, pregnancy & children,       Online booking: https:// marykamassagether-   Full city-wide delivery and loyalty
 DXWR ZRUNDFFLGHQWVQHFN EDFN                    program. Walk-in clinic and family
 pain, headaches, sports & muscle             5HJLVWHUHGDQG&HUWL¿HG3UDFWLWLRQHUV       doctors accepting new patients.
 injuries.                                    Therapeutic, relaxation and pregnancy         Monday through Friday: 9:00 am-
                                              massage, cupping therapy and                  7:00 pm Saturday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Dentists/Denturists                           of operation. Open 7 days a week.             program. Easy to administer program.
 Kontiki Dental Centre                                                                      Tailor-made medications compounding
 C-212 Regent Ave W R2C 1R2                   Prairie Sage Massage Therapy                  service. Sharps and medication
 204-222-4238                                 109 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                      disposal program.
 Dr. Terry Wong                               204-691-9101
 Dr. Nancy Auyeung                                Regent Park Pharmacy
 Comprehensive general dentistry.             5HJLVWHUHGPDVVDJHWKHUDSLVWVR௺HULQJ        118-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1S3
 2௺HULQJDIXOOUDQJHRIJHQHUDO            therapeutic and relaxation massage.           204-222-3257
 cosmetic and implant dental services.                                                      5HWDLO3KDUPDF\R௺HULQJFLW\ZLGH
 New patients welcome.                        Steven Hanks Massage Therapy                  delivery, stamp shop and greeting
                                              (inside Miracle Health Network)               cards.
 Regent Denture Clinic & Implant Centre       132 B Regent Ave W R2C 1P9
 1-549 Regent Ave W R2C 1R2                   204-770-4414                                 Rexall Pharmacy
 204-224-8800                                                       1-1490 Plessis Rd R2C 5G6                   2XUWK\HDU$GYDQFHG0DVVDJH507
 Complete denture care & implant              0HGLFDOO\7UDLQHG,$67067$7&HUWL¿HG
 solutions.                                   (PRWLRQDO5HOHDVH (57 0XVFOH15*
                                              7KHUDS\ 0(7 NLGIULHQGO\GLUHFWELOOLQJ
 Transcona Dental Centre
 10-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7
 204-222-8609                                Medical Laboratories
 Dr. Charles Rubin                                                                      Physiotherapists
 Dr. Ken Strong                               Dynacare Laboratory and
 &RPSOHWHIDPLO\GHQWLVWU\2௺HUDIXOO      Health Services Centre                        Plessis Physiotherapy
 range of general and cosmetic dentistry.     140-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                  14-801 Regent Ave W R2C 3A7
                                              204-222-4930                                  204-222-2432
 Transcona Health & Safety Service            VHFRQGDU\QDY¿QGDORFDWLRQWUDQVFRQD        Private practice physiotherapy clinic.
 111B Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                    aspx
 204-414-7131                                 Open Monday – Friday 8am - 4.30pm,            Transcona Physiotherapy                            closed on weekends.                           C-230 Regent Ave W R2C 1S3
 0HGLFDOHTXLSPHQWJDUPHQW¿WWHU                                                         204-224-4015
 FRPSUHVVLRQOHJZHDUGLDEHWLF              Transcona Xray Clinic               
 orthotic footwear. Safety supplies.          140-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1        
 Healthcare products, cryo care               204-222-2482                                  Private physiotherapy clinic for
 post-surgery.                                Open Monday – Friday 8.30 am – 4 pm,          workplace, sport and other injuries.
                                              FORVHGGDLO\EHWZHHQSP±SP           'RFWRU¶VUHIHUUDOQRWUHTXLUHG
                                              closed on weekends.

Transcona BIZ BULLET                                             13                                                     December 2020
Household Services &                         Insurance                                    Clark Transport
                                                                                          770 Pandora Ave E R2C 3N1
Trades                                       Ball Insurance Agency
                                             112 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                     204-453-6042
 Creative Door Services                      204-222-7771
 64 Hoka St R2C 3N2                                        Dominion Pallet & Crate Ltd
 204-224-1224                                Insurance sales and service for              414 Pandora Ave W R2C 3A5                        YHKLFOHVKRPHFRWWDJHEXVLQHVV          204-958-8068
 Commercial and residential garage           travel, and health. CAA Broker Partner.
 door products.
                                             Clarke Financial Planning &                  Exceldor
 Nexstar Mechanical Services Ltd.            Insurance Services                             )RUPHUO\*UDQQ\¶V3RXOWU\ 
 108 Bond St R2C 2L2                         110 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                     750 Pandora Ave E R2C 4G5
 204-226-3636                                204-487-6556                                 204-488-2230                   OLQGDBFODUNH#FODUNH¿QDQFLDOSODQQLQJFRP     Wholesale only - no retail outlet or
 Industrial, commercial, and residential     ZZZFODUNH¿QDQFLDOSODQQLQJFRP              OLFHQVHWRVHOOWRWKHJHQHUDOSXEOLF
 heating, cooling, and ventilation           7KH¿UPVSHFLDOL]HVLQR௺HULQJJURXS
 systems. Service and installation.          insurance & pension plan services to         Final Step Limited
                                             First Nation companies and                   22-630 Kernaghan Ave R2C 5G1
 RGC Plumbing & Mechanical                   governments. 100% First Nations              204-222-8822
 130 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9                    owned and operated.
 204-415-3512                                                                             *HRUJH:DNH¿HOG)RRGV,QF                       Medi-Quote Insurance Brokers                 B-1225 Plessis Road R2C 3L9            505 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M8                    204-488-0716
1RWIRU3URÀW                              Pet Services                             All About Computers
                                                                                    C-130 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9
                                           Pet Planet                               204-224-9285
Community Groups                           4-1510 Plessis Rd R2C 5R5      
 East End Community Club                   204-222-8069                   
 517 Pandora Ave R2C 0A5                   Pet Planet is a “natural grocer” for     4XDOLW\1HZ 8VHG'HVNWRS ODSWRS
 204-222-8013                              GRJVDQGFDWVR௺HULQJDZLGHUDQJHRI   &RPSXWHUV)DVW5HOLDEOH'HVNWRS                           healthy food, treats, supplements, a     /DSWRS5HSDLUV/DVHU7RQHUV ,QNMHW
                                           self-wash, and, of course, toys!         &DUWULGJHV³$/:$
John Russell Honey Company                Sevala’s Deli and Catering
                                          126 Victoria Ave W R2C 1S5
                                                                                     Services - Other
128 Victoria Ave W R2C 1S5
204-612-2337                              204-224-4900                               Access Information Management Canada                                                   76 Hoka St R2C 3N2                                    
¿QHVWSXUHUDZ+RQH\3LRQHHUVRI       FDEEDJHUROOVPHDWEDOOVERUVFKW        storage, destruction, and recycling
QDWXUDOO\ÀDYRUHGDQGLQIXVHGKRQH\V    pyryshky, plus a wide selection of         management services.
Fundraising and wedding favour            homestyle entrees ready to heat and
specialists. Co-packing services          serve.                                     Blaze Ink Tattoo
DYDLODEOH&,),6)&/LFHQVHG                                                  107 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1
                                          Soccerland                                 204-222-6668
LumberZone                                3-453 Regent Ave W R2C 1R7       
309 Bond St R2C 2L6                       204-470-1316                     
204-222-3281                                       Custom Tattoo shop that caters to all                                         styles.
Building supplies, hardware, paint, and   Hours: Monday – Friday 1pm – 6pm,
tools for commercial and residential      Saturday 1 – 5pm. We sell good quality     Kildonan Tailor
purposes.                                 custom soccer team uniforms and            736 Regent Ave W R2C 1S4
                                          accessories. Brand names including         204-615-5857
Mission Thrift Store                      .DSSD/RWWR'LDGRUD6RQGLFR,QDULD
701 Regent Ave R2C 1S3                    and Admiral.                               Nichol Commercial Licensing Inc.
204-667-5329                                                                         114 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9
                                          Ted's No Frills Grocery                    204-777-6700
Northern Lights                           1500 Plessis Rd R2C 5G2          
129 Regent Ave E R2C 0C2                  1-866-987-6543                   
204-415-5106                                                                         NCL is a Transportation Consulting Firm
Head shop and plant nutrients.            The Joint Glass Gallery & Tobacconist      that specializes in Commercial Fleet
                                          114 Regent Ave E R2C 0C1                   Licensing & Safety & Compliance needs for
Palliser Furniture Outlet                 204-615-5285                               companies operating in Canada & U.S.
79-630 Kernaghan Ave            
204-988-0800                              &DQQDELVDFFHVVRULHV            
Furniture outlet for high quality                                                    201 Bond St R2C 2L3
upholstered furniture at less-than        Tony Fernandez Signature Shoe              204-224-3483
retail prices. Cash & carry.              Repair & Key Cutting             
'HOLYHU\DYDLODEOH+RXUV               B-134 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9       
Wednesday - Friday: 10am – 7pm,           204-615-1245                               Used PC systems, service & sales, laptops too!
Saturday & Sunday: 10am – 5pm,
Closed Monday & Tuesday                   Video King                                 RC Amusements, Inc.
                                          309B Day St R2C 1B1                        128 Regent Ave W R2C 1P9
PharSyde                                  204-224-9521                               204-294-1110
117A Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                 9LGHR'LVWULEXWLRQ                        5HSDLUDUFDGHJDPHVDQGSLQEDOOPDFKLQHV
204-222-4753                                                                         VXSSOLHURIMXNHER[HVWREDUVDQGKRWHOV
A variety of convenience items, cat and   Security                                   Red Door Property Management Services
dog food, lotteries, hemp products, and
vape products.                            BIL Security Services Canada               2-549 Regent Ave W R2C 1R9
                                          Unit A - 1225 Plessis Rd R2C 3L9           204-505-1334
Pop And Shop                              204-254-3109                     
132-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1S3              Toll Free: 1-866-323-3585                  Specializing in condominium management.
Convenience store, lottery and game       Commercial security services,              Regent Park Banquet Centre
DUHDZDWHUVXSSOLHVDQGUH¿OOVNH\     specializing in CCTV and monitoring        116-701 Regent Ave W R2C 1S3
cutting, dry cleaning, photocopying,      services.                                  204-222-2931
Kinsmen Bingo, ATM inside.                                                 
                                          Oakley Alarms                    
Regent Pawn                               359 Pandora Ave W R2C 1M6                  Great location for socials, weddings,
105 Regent Ave W R2C 1R1                  204-654-9982                               EDQTXHWVPHHWLQJVVSHFLDOHYHQWV
204-222-6501                                           &DSDFLW\/LFHQVHG&KHIRQVWD௺
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