With a big heart The town - all the family - Borough of Broxbourne

Page created by Sara Elliott
Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019

                       The town
                        with a

             that’s full of fun
               things to do for
             all the family

Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
october 2018
                                                                      You Win Again –                        Charter Fair Community

         Welcome                                                      Celebrating the Music of
                                                                      the Bee Gees
                                                                      The Spotlight, Thursday 4
                                                                      October, 7.30pm
                                                                                                             Hoddesdon town centre,
                                                                                                             Saturday 6 October,
                                                                      Immerse yourself in the                The Community Day alongside
                                                                      brothers’ music through the            the Charter Fair will provide
                                                                      60’s, 70’s and 80’s – including        street entertainers, historic
                                                                      hits they wrote for artists such       engines/ vehicles and an array
     We Love Hoddesdon                                                as Celine Dion, Diana Ross
                                                                      and Dolly Parton. All seats
                                                                                                             of Craft and Charity stalls’
                                                                                                             Free. For more information
    So come and join in the vast array of events and                  £26.50, Spotlight Friends 10%          email town.centres@
 activities that the town has to offer! We are convinced              off. www.broxbourne.gov.uk/            broxbourne.gov.uk
 that once you have visited Hoddesdon, you will return                thespotlight 01992 441946              visit www.broxbourne.gov.uk or
                      again and again.                                                                       telephone 01992 785655
                                                                      Sounds of the 60s with
                                                                      The ZOOTS
Welcome to the second                                                 The Spotlight, Friday 5
edition of the Love                                                   October, 7.30pm
                                                                      Experience the 60s show that’s
Hoddesdon events guide.                                               wowing audiences around the
                                                                      globe, selling out venues from
                                                                      The Palladium to Old Trafford,
Love Hoddesdon BID Ltd represents each and every one                  with the spectacular “Sounds of
of the businesses in Hoddesdon town centre.                           the 60s” All seats £18.50
We know that many of our members provide an array of
                                                                      thespotlight 01992 441946
events and activities for all of the family, across all age
groups, but this information has not been available in one            Fun Palace start of                    Charter Fair Showtime
simple guide. So, we made the Love Hoddesdon Events                   National Libraries week                Stage
Guide – we hope you find it useful!                                   Hoddesdon Library,                     Hoddesdon town centre,
                                                                      Saturday 6 October, 11am               Sunday 7 October,
If you are new to Hoddesdon - it is an historic market                -1pm                                   11am – 6pm
town in south east Hertfordshire with ancient charters                Venue for a Fun Palace with            Local entertainers will provide
granted by Henry III in 1253 for both a weekly market                 stories, crafts and performance        an afternoon of fun for all
and an annual fair. Large parts of the town form a                    by Mayhem. Free                        the family, including the
conservation area comprising numerous beautiful,                                                             ever popular ‘Hoddesdon’s
historic buildings and inns. The town centre is located               Hoddesdon Charter Fair                 Got Talent’ Free. For more
close to the A10 and has good transport links, a good                 Hoddesdon town centre                  information email
range of supermarkets and independent retailers,                      Friday 5 October – Sunday              town.centres@broxbourne.gov.
                                                                      7 October, 1pm – 9.30pm                uk visit www.broxbourne.gov.uk
including numerous restaurants and cafes, as well as
                                                                      (Fri); 11am – 9.30pm (Sat)             or telephone 01992 785655
ample public parking. It also has street markets every                11am – 7.30pm (Sun)
Wednesday and Friday.                                                 Traditional fairground rides will      Harvest Festival
                                                                      fill the High Street offering all      St Catherine and St Paul’s
                                                                      the fun of the fair!	Most rides        Church, Paul’s Lane,
 2                                                                    £1.50 per person                       Hoddesdon,               3
                            Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
Sunday 7 October,
                                        Benedict Allen
                                        The Spotlight, Thursday 11
                                                                              October 2018
Come along and join in with             October, 7.30pm                       That’ll Be the Day                     October, 10am – 11am,
our annual celebration of               In a brand new show,                  The Spotlight, Sunday 14               11am - 12noon
Harvest, to give thanks for the         adventurer explorer, Benedict         October, 7.30pm                        Nursery rhyme and crafts for
food we enjoy. Donations of             Allen, tells the whole                Back by ever-growing popular           toddlers with a responsible
non-perishable food will be             unvarnished truth of his most         demand, get ready to party as          adult. £1.50 Call 01992
passed on to the Broxbourne             recent adventure – a solo             the UK’s favourite Rock & Roll         445596 to book.
Foodbank. Free                          expedition to Papua New               variety production returns with
                                        Guinea. All seats £18                 another BRAND NEW SHOW!
                                        www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                All seats £26.50, Spotlight            Fastlove – the music of
The Little Mix Experience               thespotlight 01992 441946             Friends 10% off www.                   George Michael
The Spotlight, Sunday 7                                                       broxbourne.gov.uk/thespotlight         The Spotlight, Thursday 18
October, 1pm                            Cliff Richard Live (12A               01992 441946                           October, 7.30pm
                                        Broadcast to the Spotlight                                                   You’ll be getting up (to get
                                        cinema screen                         Friends of Lowewood Talk               down) to all your favourite
                                        The Spotlight, Friday                 Programme                              songs: Careless Whisper,
                                        12 October, Monday 15                 United Reformed Church                 Freedom, Faith, Father Figure,
                                        October, 8pm, 2.30 pm                 Hall, Mill Lane EN10 7AZ               Outside, Jesus To A Child, and
                                        Britain’s ultimate pop star, Sir      Tuesday 16 October, 8pm                many more. Relive the passion
Four hugely talented girls pay          Cliff Richard is celebrating 60       75 Yrs of Hertford and Ware            and the flare in this incredible
tribute to one of the UK’s finest       years in the music industry and       Railway. Non members £3                concert sensation. All seats
Girl-Bands. With breathtaking           he wants to invite you to the         Members free (annual                   £26.50, Spotlight Friends 10%
dance moves, this is a high-            most fabulous big screen party        membership £8) Book via                off www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
energy show, packed with all            of the year! All seats £15 www.       Lowewood Museum or call                thespotlight 01992 441946
of Little Mix’s greatest hits and       broxbourne.gov.uk/thespotlight        01992 445596
suitable for all ages! All seats        01992 441946
£16 www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                                                                                           St. Catherine’s School:
thespotlight 01992 441946                                                     National Theatre Live                  200 years of memories
                                        Reptile Weekend                       presents King Lear                     Lowewood Museum,
Chatterbooks                            Paradise Wildlife Park,               Live recorded broadcast                20 October - 19 January
Hoddesdon Library,                      Saturday 13 & Sunday 14               The Spotlight, Wednesday               2019, Wednesday – Friday,
Tuesday 9 October                       October 2018, 9.30am –                17 October, 7pm                        10am – 4pm,Saturday,
(then once a month on a                 6pm                                   Broadcast live from London’s           10am – 5pm. Closed
Tuesday) 4.15-5.15                                                            West End, see Ian McKellen’s           from 23 December until 2
10 Sessions with 12 places                                                    extraordinarily moving portrayal       January 2019.
available. £10.00 per child                                                   of King Lear in cinemas. All           Museum opening times
Book online at www.hertfordshire.                                             seats £15 www.broxbourne.              The history of St Catherine’s
gov.uk/chatterbooks                                                           gov.uk/thespotlight 01992              School, from its origins as the
                                                                              441946                                 first charity school on record
Big Bang                                                                                                             in Hoddesdon, built in 1818,
Hoddesdon Library                       On the 13th & 14th October                                                   to the current day. Free
Thursday 11 October, 2pm                we are celebrating Reptiles           Toddler Thursday
As part of National Libraries           at Paradise! Come and join
Week we are very lucky to have          us and take a chance and                                                     Wolf Weekend
Dr Gallaway from Bayfordbury            enter our Reptile raffle with the                                            Paradise Wildlife Park,
Observatory who will be                 chance to win an experience!                                                 Saturday 20 & Sunday 21
talking about the Big Bang.             Face your fears, hold a                                                      October, 9.30am – 5pm
Adult £5.00 per ticket. Tickets         snake and lots more! Normal                                                  Would you like to get close
available from the Library or           admission fees to PWP apply           (2 to 4 yrs) Lowewood                  to our wolves, and hand feed
online at www.hertfordshire.            www.pwpark.com/tickets                Museum, Thursday 18
  4     or call 0300 123 4049           01992 470490                                                                                              5
                                    Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
October/n0vember 2018                                                         Play Roulette, Black Jack
                                                                              Non-Members £5
                                                                                                                     more information call 01992
                                                                                                                     465100 or book online at
                                                                              For more information call              www.mayhemtheatrearts.co.uk
them? We are offering this              wolf masks on arrival for the         01992 466247 or email
unique opportunity each day of          children, free pumpkin carving        Info@stanboroughs
Wolf Awareness weekend! (T’s            sessions as well as our daily         conservativeclub.co.uk                 Monster Mash-Up Dance
& C’s apply). There will also be        Animal Spooktacular Shows.            website: www.stanboroughs              Day!
special talks each day, and lots        Normal admission fees to PWP          conservativeclub.co.uk/whats-on        Mayhem Arts, Monday 29
more! Normal admission fees             apply www.pwpark.com/tickets                                                 October, 9m -3.30pm
to PWP apply www.pwpark.                01992 470490                                                                 A day of Dance for 5-10 year
com/tickets 01992 470490                                                      Heatwave plus special                  olds with a small performance
                                                                              guests Odyssey                         to parents at the end of the day!
                                        An Evening with Pam                   The Spotlight, Saturday 27
                                        Ayres                                 October, 7.30pm
                                        The Spotlight, Wednesday              Return to the glory days of            Street dance- Modern
                                        24 October, 7.30pm                    disco, funk and soul with real         Theatre
                                        Pam Ayres has been making             dance music legends and                Musical Theatre, £30p/p
                                        the nation laugh for over 40          enjoy a sensational evening of         To book online visit
                                        years. Funny and warm, her            non-stop, dancefloor anthems           www.mayhemtheatrearts.co.uk/
                                                                              including Boogie Nights, Going         whatsonoffer
                                                                              Back to My Roots and Use It Up
                                                                              Wear It Out. All seats £29
Wolf Night                                                                    www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                 Apple n Spice
Paradise Wildlife Park,                                                       thespotlight 01992 441946              Hoddesdon Library,
Saturday 20 October,                                                                                                 Monday 29 October, 2pm
3.30pm – 9pm                                                                                                         A multicultural, participatory
Arrive at Paradise Wildlife Park                                              Some Guys Have all the Luck            dance theatre piece for children
from 3:30pm to wander the               charming understated manner           The Spotlight, Sunday 28               and families, it combines
animal park and enjoy keeper            belies a rare comic precision.        October, 7.30pm                        spoken word and shadow
talks and enrichment feed. The          All seats £24.50                      Enjoy classic rockers like             puppetry with the Indian dance
main event will begin at 6pm            www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                Maggie May, Baby Jane and              styles of Bharatanatyam and
in the Marquee and includes             thespotlight 01992 441946             Do Ya Think I’m Sexy through           Odissi, and the Western style
a presentation from renowned                                                  to big ballads such as Sailing,        of Contemporary Dance. It
specialists in Wolf conservation.                                             You’re In My Heart and                 tells the well-loved stories of
£20pp (suitable for 8 years of          The Illegal Eagles                    Tonight’s The Night. All seats         Snow White and Ramayana (an
age and over) www.pwpark.               The Spotlight, Thursday 25            £23.50, Spotlight Friends 10%          ancient Indian story).During
com/tickets 01992 470490                October, 7.30pm                       off www.broxbourne.gov.uk/             the performance, children have
                                        Featuring the very best from          thespotlight 01992 441946              the opportunity to join in with
                                        the Eagles’ repertoire including                                             the action, moving with the
Howl-O-Ween                             Hotel California, Take it to the                                             dancers and being part of the
Paradise Wildlife Park,                 Limit, Life in the Fast Lane, Take    ‘Spooktacular Week’                    soundscape to propel the story
Saturday 20 October –                   It Easy, Lyin’ Eyes, Desperado        Mayhem Arts, Monday                    forward. £5.00 per person
Thursday 1 November,                    and plenty more! All seats            29 October – Friday 2
9.30am – 5pm                            £26 www.broxbourne.gov.uk/            November
Throughout the half term, join          thespotlight 01992 441946             Daily Halloween themed
us for Howl-o-ween with so                                                    activities. Ages 5-12 years
many #fabzoolus activities                                                    £20 per day or £80 for the
taking place including, the             Casino Night                          week. 9.00-3.30pm. Late
Howl-o-ween hunt, free                  Stanboroughs, Friday 26               Club available until 5pm for
                                        October, 8pm                          an additional £5 per day. For

  6                                                                                                                                               7
                                    Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
The Wind in the Willows               In 2004, he was nominated             your face and go wild with             Juxtapose
The Spotlight, Monday 29              for an Olivier Award for his          your kids on the dancefloor            Spotlight Theatre, Sunday
October 3pm & 6pm                     title role performance in Jerry       to banging tunes. Raise a              11 November 3.30pm and
                                      Springer: The Opera. He lifts         glass at the fully licensed bar        6.30pm
                                      the lid on a half-century of          and celebrate life across the          Mayhems Theatre Arts Dance
                                      showbiz personalities from De         generations. Fancy Dress               Production 2018. Tickets are
                                      Niro to Pacino, Tony Curtis to        theme for Grown-ups and                £13 for adults and £10 for
                                      Kim Novak and his ex-wife, the        little people. Adults £10,             children. For tickets call 01992
                                      Bionic Woman! All seats £15           Children £7, pre-walking               465100 or or email info@
                                      www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                infants free but still require         mayhemtheatrearts.co.uk
                                      thespotlight 01992 441946             a ticket. www.broxbourne.
                                                                            gov.uk/thespotlight 01992
Meet all your favourite                                                     441946                                 Slipper Swap
characters including loyal            The Best of Wham                                                             Hoddesdon Library,
Mole, faithful Ratty and wise         The Spotlight, Thursday 1                                                    Tuesday 13 November,
old Badger as they do their           November, 8pm                         WW1 Evening                            10am -12noon
best to keep the mischievous          This fun-loving, vibrant,             Stanboroughs                           A sociable atmosphere –
Mr Toad out of trouble. Will          megamix tribute to the pop            8 November, 7pm                        refreshments – tables to sit
they be able to stop the Wicked       sensation of the 80s will be          Meal to Commemorate end                around- games/activities as
Weasel from taking over Toad          loved by ‘Young Guns’ of all          WW1 with Talk by Jim Nicholson         well as the Slipper Swap. Free
Hall? Adults £16, under 16s           ages, so come along to the            Non-Members £20
£14, Family of 4 (2+2) £54,           ‘Club Tropicana’ All seats            For more information call
babes in arms £5                      £25.50 www.broxbourne.                01992 466247 or email                  The Royal Shakespeare
www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                gov.uk/thespotlight 01992             Info@stanboroughs                      Company present
thespotlight 01992 441946             441946                                conservativeclub.co.uk                 Troilus and Cressida
                                                                            website: www.stanboroughs              Live recorded broadcast
                                                                            conservativeclub.co.uk/whats-on        The Spotlight, Wednesday
Keep The Home Fires                   Love Hoddesdon Poppy                                                         14 November, 7pm
Burning                               Project                                                                      ”Lechery, lechery, still wars
The Spotlight, Tuesday 30             Hoddesdon town centre,                Remembrance Sunday                     and lechery: nothing else
October, 7pm                          Friday 2 November –                   Parade                                 holds fashion” Troilus and
The show commemorates                 Friday 16 November                    Hoddesdon town centre,                 Cressida swear they will
the resilience and bravery            Enjoy the work of the local           Sunday 11 November,                    always be true to one another.
of the people involved                community in decorating               10.30 – 11.10am                        But in the seventh year of the
featuring a LIVE BAND and                                                   Remembrance Day parade                 siege of Troy their innocence
a special guest appearance                                                  from Spotlight Theatre to the          is tested. All seats £15
by THE BOROUGH OF                                                           War Memorial followed by               www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
BROXBOURNE COMMUNITY                                                        service at the War Memorial            thespotlight 01992 441946
CHOIR. All seats £16                                                        and laying of wreaths. Free
thespotlight 01992 441946                                                                                          Toddler Thursday
                                      the town to mark the 100th            Remembrance Sunday                     (2 to 4 yrs)
                                      anniversary of the end of the         Service                                Lowewood Museum,
Michael Brandon’s Stand               First World War. Free                 St Catherine and St                    Thursday 15 November, 10
Up Story                                                                    Paul’s Church, Sunday 11               – 11 11 - 12
The Spotlight, Wednesday              Big Fish Little Fish, Family          November, 11.15am                      Nursery rhyme and crafts for
31 October, 7.30pm                    Rave                                  Church service to give thanks          toddlers with a responsible
Michael shot to fame in the           The Spotlight, Saturday 3             for those who have served              adult. £1.50. Call 01992
UK in the 80s iconic series           November, 2 – 4pm                     and are currently serving in           445596 to book.
Dempsey and Makepeace.                The award-winning BFLF crew           our Armed Forces and to pray
                                      invites you to dress up, paint        for Peace in the world. Free
  8                                                                                                                                            9
                                  Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019

           Hoddesdon                                                                  A117
                                                                                          0                                     LEGEND
               Centre                                                                                                                      Your Town
         INKR                                                                     P
       L                                                                                                                                               A
    NT                                                                                                                                     St Catherine’s117

                                                                     ELL STREET
DINA                                                                                                                                                         0

                                                                                                                                           The Spotlight


                                STREET                                                                                                     Lowewood
                                                       P             Town Centre

                                                                                                       P                                   Mayhem Theatre




                                                                                     LANE                                                  Stanboroughs

                                                                                                                                           Conservative Club

                                                                                                                                       P   St.Parking
                                                                                                                                           and St. Paul’s
                                                                                  A11 7 0                                                  Church
                    PARK VIEW

    Barclay Park
                                                                                                             RIV                           Library






                                                                                                                        Walk Lake

    10                                                                                                                                                           11
                                         Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019            Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
November 2018
Santa Arrives at Paradise          November, 7.30pm                  All proceeds from the                event to a close. For more
Paradise Wildlife Park,            First half songs & dances         evening will be donated to           information 01992 785655
Saturday 17 November               from the shows, second half       the Zoological Society of            Free to visit, small charge for
2018                               songs for people to dance to.     Hertfordshire. £5pp                  activities There will also be
                                   Tickets £15. Call Ray Butler                                           special appearance by Titan
                                   on 01992 448856 or e-mail                                              the Robot’

                                   Funny Girl (featuring
                                   Sheridan Smith)
A visit to see Santa is a great    The Spotlight, Monday 19
way to start the festive season!   November, 7pm                     www.pwpark.com/tickets
From the 17th November, you        Following its record-breaking,    01992 470490
and your family can watch          sell-out run in London’s West
Santa arrive on his horse          End and national tour, the
drawn carriage. Be greeted         critically-acclaimed musical      National Theatre Live
by our beautiful reindeer          Funny Girl comes to the           presents Allelujah!
and then meet Santa in his         Spotlight screen. All seats £15   The Spotlight, Thursday 22           The Christmas Fair
magical grotto!	Normal             www.broxbourne.gov.uk/            November, 7pm                        The Spotlight, Sunday 25
admission fees to PWP apply.       thespotlight 01992 441946         Alan Bennett’s sharp and             November, 11am – 3.30pm
£4.50 per child to meet Santa                                        hilarious new play filmed live       Seasonal crafts, gifts,
in his grotto (includes a free                                       at London’s Bridge Theatre           decorations, jewellery, food,
gift) www.pwpark.com/tickets       Friends of Lowewood Talk          during its limited run, don’t        cards and stocking fillers,
01992 470490                       Programme:                        miss this ‘rousing chorus line       Father Christmas will be in
                                   The United Reformed               for the NHS’ broadcast to the        his grotto with a gift for all
                                   Church Hall, Mill Lane            Spotlight cinema screen. All         the little ones! Adults £1.50,
Christmas Market                   EN10 7AZ, Tuesday 20              seats £15                            children and over 63s £1
Paradise Wildlife Park             November, 8pm                     www.broxbourne.gov.uk/               www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
Saturday 17 & Sunday 18            Negotium and Otium – The          thespotlight 01992 441946            thespotlight 01992 441946
November, 9.30am – 5pm             role of the Villa in the Roman
Fancy a spot of Christmas          World. Non members £3
shopping? Join us exclusively      Members free (annual              Hoddesdon Loves                         The Christmas Carol
on the 17th & 18th November        membership £8)                    Christmas                               Concert
as we celebrate Father             Book via Lowewood Museum          Hoddesdon town centre,                  The Spotlight, Wednesday
Christmas’s arrival and our        or call 01992 445596              Saturday 24 November,                   28 November, 7pm
mini Christmas Market, where                                         10am-6pm                                Local schools invite you
you can browse and buy a                                             The Christmas event will                to enter into the spirit of
whole host of items ready for      Quiz Night                        see craft and charity stalls            Christmas with traditional
the festive season!                Paradise Wildlife Park,           selling unusual gifts and               carols. Adults £7.50, over 63s
Normal admission fees to           Thursday 22 November              produce for the Christmas               and under 17s £6
PWP apply www.pwpark.com/          2018, 6pm – 9.30pm                season alongside a full                 www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
tickets 01992 470490               Our Annual Quiz Night             day’s entertainment which               thespotlight 01992 441946
                                   returns on Thursday 22nd          will include a Brass Band,
‘West End comes to                 November so come along            local Choirs and Dance
Hoddesdon’                         and test your knowledge!          Groups with Fire Dancers,
Stanboroughs Conservative          Teams of up to 8 people.          a Father Christmas Parade
 12                                                                                                                                      13
Club, Saturday 17        Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019     and Fireworks
                                                                     Events            bringing
                                                                            Guide - October 2018 -the
                                                                                                   March 2019
november/December 2018
Phil Jupitus Juplicity              Children’s Christmas                  and festive songs bringing             A Blue Christmas Service
The Spotlight                       Silent Disco                          vibrancy to the High Street.           of Healing and Hope
Thursday 29 November,               The Spotlight, Saturday 1             Choirs will perform under              St Catherine and St Paul’s
8pm                                 December, 2-4pm                       the Jubilee Shelter at various         Church, Paul’s Lane,
Watch in delight and/or             This’ll keep them quiet, and          times throughout the three             Hoddesdon, Sunday 9
horror as this experienced          you! Dog and Whistle resident         market days. Free                      December, 4.30pm
funny man drags laughs out          DJ’s Rhodesy & Ricky Lee Hall                                                Although Christmas is a time
of the chaos of his own life        will be playing tunes at The                                                 of celebration for many, for
                                    Spotlight to suit little people                                              some of us it can be a sad
                                    and grown-ups! The bar will                                                  reminder of what we have
                                    be open so you can enjoy a                                                   lost, whether it is a loved one,
                                    pint or glass of wine whilst                                                 a job or good health. Join us
                                    grooving with your little ones!                                              as we hold a special service
                                    Matching Christmas outfits                                                   including music, readings,
                                    actively encouraged for this                                                 candle lighting and silence.
                                    disco family event. Adults                                                   Free
                                    £10, children £7
and the uncertain world that        www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                Carol Service
surrounds it. Adult themes          thespotlight 01992 441946             Paradise Wildlife Park,                Toddler Thursday
and situations, but delivered                                             Saturday 8 December 2pm                (2 to 4 yrs)
childishly. All seats £16                                                 What better way to get into            Lowewood Museum,
www.broxbourne.gov.uk/              The Rat Pack Live                     the Christmas spirit, than to          Thursday 13 December,
thespotlight 01992 441946           Christmas Party Night                 join us for our annual carol           10–11am 11am-12noon
                                    The Spotligh, Sunday 2                concert in the Jungle Theatre?         Nursery rhyme and crafts for
                                    December, 7.30pm                      Be greeted by our Reindeer,            toddlers with a responsible
Christmas Party Night –             They were the definition of           treat yourself to a mince pie          adult. £1.50. Call 01992
featuring Uncle Funk and            cool during their Fifties and         and a glass of mulled wine             445596 to book.
the Boogie Wonderband               Sixties Vegas heyday – Frank          and join in the sing-along.
The Spotlight, Friday 30            Sinatra, Dean Martin and              Normal admission fees to
November, 8pm                       Sammy Davis Jnr. Combining            PWP apply                              Christmas Afternoon Tea
Book our Christmas Party            the full sound of big band            www.pwpark.com/tickets                 Hoddesdon Library
Night featuring Uncle Funk          swing with charisma, panache          01992 470490                           Friday 14 December,
and the Boogie Wonderband           and swagger, the trio –                                                      2pm-3.30pm
and guarantee yourself              collectively known as The Rat
a night to remember!                Pack, had attitude to spare.          Rock & Roll Night
Outrageous costumes, slick          Terrace £25.50, stalls £23.50,        Stanboroughs, Saturday 8
dance moves and energetic           Spotlight Friends 10% off             December, 7.30pm
show that will keep your feet       www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                Live Music of songs from 60s.
firmly on the dance floor.          thespotlight 01992 441946             Non-Members £5                         Book a place at Hoddesdon
Tickets £21 includes a glass                                              For more information call              Library for our Christmas
of Prosecco.                                                              01992 466247 or email                  Afternoon Tea there are 20
www.broxbourne.gov.uk/              Festival of Carols                    Info@stanboroughs                      places available. Join in with
thespotlight 01992 441946           Jubilee Shelter, High Street,         conservativeclub.co.uk                 a Quiz, look at items from
                                    7/12/14 December (Market              website: www.stanboroughs              our Christmas Reminiscence
                                    Days), 9.30am – 3pm                   conservativeclub.co.uk/whats-on        Collection and we hope to
                                    Local schools will visit the                                                 have a choir to sing carols.
                                    town centre performing carols                                                Free
 14                                                                                                                                         15
                                Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
December 2018 January 2019
Dick Whittington (starring           Crib Service                          National Theatre live                  “parliamentary standup” wit,
Kid’s TV legend Dave                 St Catherine and St Paul’s            presents The Madness of                and then feel free to question
Benson Phillips)                     Church, Paul’s Lane,                  George III Live recorded               him about it. Followed by a
                                     Hoddesdon, Monday 24                  broadcast                              book signing. All seats £18.50
                                     December, 2.30pm                      The Spotlight, Thursday 3              www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
                                     A chance for younger family           January, 7pm                           thespotlight 01992 441946
                                     members to come along,                It’s 1786 and King George III
                                     dress up and take part in our         is the most powerful man in
                                                                                                                  National Theatre Live
                                     no-rehearsal nativity play            the world. But his behaviour is
                                                                                                                  presents Antony and
                                     Free                                  becoming increasingly erratic
                                                                                                                  Cleopatra (12A)
                                                                           as he succumbs to fits of
                                                                                                                  The Spotlight, Wednesday
The Spotlight, Friday 14                                                   lunacy. All seats £15
                                                                                                                  16 January, 7pm
December – Monday 31                 Christingle Service                   www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
                                                                                                                  General Mark Antony rules
December. Various times              St Catherine and St Paul’s            thespotlight 01992 441946
                                                                                                                  alongside his fellow defenders
please see website                   Church, Paul’s Lane,
                                                                                                                  of Rome. But at the fringes
London’s streets are calling         Hoddesdon, Monday 24
                                                                           The King and I: From The               of a war-torn empire the
and with his faithful cat by         December, 4.30pm
                                                                           London Palladium Live                  Egyptian Queen Cleopatra
his side our hero Dick goes          Enjoy the wonder of
                                                                           recorded broadcast                     and Mark Antony have fallen
searching for his fortune            Christmas as we gather by
                                                                           The Spotlight, Friday 4                fiercely in love. In a tragic
in the big city. But he won’t        candlelight in this service
                                                                           January, 7pm                           fight between devotion and
make it without your help!           suitable for all ages. Free
                                                                           With one of the finest scores          duty, obsession becomes a
Packed full of fabulous tunes,
                                                                           ever written including:                catalyst for war. All seats £15
stunning dancing, spectacular
                                                                           Whistle a Happy Tune,                  www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
costumes plus lots of festive        Midnight Mass
                                                                           Getting to Know You, and               thespotlight 01992 441946
sparkle and chances to join          St Catherine and St Paul’s
                                                                           Shall We Dance, The King
in… this is going to be one          Church, Paul’s Lane,
                                                                           and I is testament to the
Christmas panto not to miss!         Hoddesdon, Monday 24                                                         Toddler Thursday (2 to 4 yrs)
                                                                           lavish heritage of gloriously
Various prices please see            December, 11.30pm                                                            Lowewood Museum,
                                                                           romantic musical theatre
website. www.broxbourne.             Join us we start our traditional                                             Thursday 17 January, 10-
                                                                           – it is the greatest musical
gov.uk/thespotlight                  celebration of Christmas Day                                                 11am 11am-12noomn
                                                                           from the golden age of
01992 441946                         Free                                                                         Nursery rhyme and crafts for
                                                                           musicals. All seats £15
                                                                                                                  toddlers with a responsible
                                                                                                                  adult. £1.50 Call 01992
                                                                           thespotlight 01992 441946
Carols by Candlelight –              New Year Street Fair                                                         445596 to book.
followed by Mulled Wine              High Street
and Mince Pies                       Friday 28 December –                  Michael Portillo “Life: a
                                                                                                                  Burns Night Supper
St Catherine and St Paul’s           Tuesday 1 January, 11am               game of two halves”
                                                                                                                  Stanboroughs, Friday 25
Church, Paul’s Lane,                 – 7.30pm                              The Spotlight, Monday 14
                                                                                                                  January, 7pm
Hoddesdon, Sunday 16                 The New Year Street Fair will,        January, 7pm
                                                                                                                  Piper, Traditional Haggis
December, 6.30pm                     again, visit the High Street for      Michael has endeared
                                                                                                                  Meal Followed by Dancing to
Hear the Christmas story             families to visit and enjoy over      himself to many with his
                                                                                                                  Harry’s Band. Non-Members
told again through familiar          the New Year. Several rides           obvious respect for the solid
                                                                                                                  £35. For more information
readings, music and Carols.          and activities will be sited          workmanship found in the
                                                                                                                  call 01992 466247 or email
Free                                 in the town centre so come            great railways of the world,
                                     along and get some fresh air          the effect of the railways on
                                     after the festive season.             the history of Countries and
                                                                                                                  website: www.stanboroughs
                                     Free to visit, small charge for       the daily lives of their people.
                                     activities                            Listen to his story, told with a
 16                                                                                                                                         17
                                 Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
February - March 2019
Someone Like You – The                 Discover the Ice Age                  Friends of Lowewood Talk               includes all games with some
Adele Songbook                         Lowewood Museum                       Programme:                             great prizes to be won!
The Spotlight, Friday 8                Saturday, 9 February 11am                                                    £5pp www.pwpark.com/
February, 8pm                          - 4pm                                 The United Reformed                    tickets 01992 470490
Hand-picked by Adele herself           A special display by the Essex        Church Hall, Mill Lane
on Graham Norton’s BBC                 Rock and Mineral Society              EN10 7AZ, 19 February
Special, the outstanding               showing how you can find              8pm, Demowbray’s Retinue
Katie Markham leads a                  evidence for this amazing             Non members £3
super-talented six piece               time in history today. Ice Age        Members free (annual
band through all your                  animal hunt and handle some           membership £8) Book via
favourite Adele hits from              real Ice Age artefacts.               Lowewood Museum or call
powerhouse performances                Free (donations welcome)              01992 445596
with Force 10 vocals through                                                                                        Jeremy Vine – What the
to intimate torch songs and                                                                                         Hell is Going ~On?!
a spellbinding sit down                Robert White – The Tank               Be an Artist – casting                 The Spotlight, Friday 1
acoustic section. All seats            Top Tour                              workshop (8 + years)                   March, 7.30pm
£22, Spotlight Friends 10%             The Spotlight, Saturday 9             Booking essential                      Get ready to laugh and cry
off www.broxbourne.gov.uk/             February, 7.30pm                      Lowewood Museum,                       as Jeremy tries to make sense
thespotlight 01992 441946              Robert White wowed the                Wednesday 20 Feb                       of a world that increasingly
                                       judges and viewers alike              10.30am – 12.30pm                      makes no sense at all –
                                       with his fast-paced comedy            Learn how to recreate objects          where, as he puts it “my
Ice Age                                routines when he made the             from life using a variety              listeners have better stories
Lowewood Museum Wed –                  finals on this year’s Britain’s       of materials and simple                than I do.” All seats £18.50
Friday, 10am – 4pm                     Got Talent. He is now set to          techniques. Fun and messy,             www.broxbourne.gov.uk/
Sat, 10am – 5pm                        bring all that fun you saw on         be ready to get your hands             thespotlight 01992 441946
9 February – 20 April                  the TV to The Spotlight in his        dirty. Parents are welcome
Museum opening times                   Tank Top Tour.      All seats         and encouraged to attend but
Discover some of the                   £20.50                                need to book and take part             Toddler Thursday
incredible creatures that              www.broxbourne.gov.uk/                too. £10 Book via Lowewood             (2 to 4 yrs)
roamed this area during the            thespotlight 01992 441946             Museum or call 01992                   Lowewood Museum,
last great Ice Age. Find out                                                 445596                                 Thursday 14 March, 10am
why it happened, how long it                                                                                        – 11am 11am - 12noon
lasted and how it shaped the           Toddler Thursday                                                             Nursery rhyme and crafts for
Lee Valley we know today in            (2 to 4 yrs) Lowewood                 Bingo Night                            toddlers with a responsible
this family-friendly exhibition.       Museum 14 Feb. 10 –                   Paradise Wildlife Park,                adult. £1.50 Call 01992
Free                                   11am, 11am - 12noon                   Saturday 23 February                   445596 to book.
                                       Nursery rhyme and crafts for          2019, 6pm
                                       toddlers with a responsible           Eyes down, look in! Our
                                       adult.   £1.50 Call 01992             annual Bingo Night returns
                                       445596 to book.                       here at Paradise. Come along
                                                                             for just £5 per person which

 18                                                                                                                                          19
                                   Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
March 2019
Julian Clary – Born to                 Friends of Lowewood Talk
Mince                                  Programme:
The Spotlight, Thursday 14
March, 7.30pm                          The United Reformed
In this outrageously camp              Church Hall, Mill Lane
new show, (that he was going           EN10 7AZ, Tuesday 19
to call Bed Knobs and Knee             March, 8pm
Pads but was advised might
not sell too well in Harrogate),
renowned homosexual Julian             Ally Pally Prison Camp
Clary will bare his soul as            Non members £3
never before in the interests of       Members free (annual
light entertainment.                   membership £8)
All seats £26, Spotlight               Book via Lowewood Museum
Friends 10% off www.                   or call 01992 445596
thespotlight 01992 441946                                                                   Want to keep updated
                                       Mother’s Day
                                       Paradise Wildlife Park,                               or find out more..
Adult Art – casting                    Sunday 31 March, 9.30am
workshop (16+)                         – 6pm                                                   Visit www.lovehoddesdon.co.uk
Booking essential                      Mothers can gain FREE
Lowewood Museum                        entry to Paradise Wildlife                                   Follow us on Facebook
Saturday 16 March 10.30 –              Park this Mother’s Day                                         @LoveHoddesdon
12.30                                  (when accompanied by one
                                       full paying child). Normal                             Email info@lovehoddesdon.co.uk
                                       admission fees to PWP apply
                                       01992 470490                                              Want to help?
A beginner’s art class for             Mothering Sunday                      We are also looking for volunteers to help Love Hoddesdon
adults, this artist-led workshop       St Catherine and St Paul’s                         promote the town and events by -
will take you step by step             Church, Paul’s Lane,                      ·     Staffing the ‘Love Hoddesdon’ gazebo on markets
through the artistic process           Hoddesdon, Sunday 31
                                                                                 days and at events - handing out promotional material
of casting. Learn how to               March, 10.30am
recreate objects from life             Our special opportunity to            ·          Putting up event posters in shop windows in the lead
using a variety of materials           give thank for our Mums and                                       up to events
and simple techniques. Fun,            all who Mother us. Free
effective and messy, be ready                                                       ·        Letterbox drops of flyers in your local area
to get your hands dirty. £10
Book via Lowewood Museum
                                                                                        ·     Helping manage/steward on event days
or call 01992 445596                                                             If you are interested please send your contact details to

 20                                                                                                                                          21
                                   Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
See blockbuster movies at the Spotlight – take a look at our            Boundary Park Youth Club
website for current screenings. Adults £7, Spotlight Friends            Community Flat in Christian Close EN11 9FF Thursdays,
£6.50 Family films all seats £5.50                                      7:30pm-9pm Meet others aged 13-16 and take part in fun
                                                                        activities that help you lean and develop. Free
Adult Ballet (All Abilities welcome!)
Mayhem Theatre Arts, Brewery Road. Every Monday, 9.30am-                Family Fun (5 to 11 yrs)
10.30am. Classes will run weekly from 17th September – 17th             Lowewood Museum Thursdays in school holidays, 12 - 3pm. Art
December £6.00 per class. For more information or to book               and craft making for children with responsible adult. £1.50 Call
your FREE TRIAL please email nicole@mayhemtheatrearts.co.uk             01992 445596 to book.
or call 01992 465100
                                                                        Hoddesdon Craft Club
Adult Tap Dance (All Abilities welcome!)                                Hoddesdon Library Every Friday, 10.30am-12.30pm. Come
Mayhem Theatre Arts, Brewery Road Every Monday, 10.30am-                along with your craft of choice and join the group everyone
11.15am Classes will run weekly from 17th September – 17th              welcome Free
December £5.00 per class. For more information or to book
your FREE TRIAL please email nicole@mayhemtheatrearts.co.uk             Detached Youth Work
or call 01992 465100                                                    Hoddesdon Town Centre / Barclay Park, Fridays, 6pm-8pm.
                                                                        Speak to our youth workers out and about on the streets of
Active Herts Intro to Exercise                                          Hoddesdon Town Centre then join us for games in Barclay Park.
Bollescroft Hall, The Spotlight, High Street, Hoddesdon, EN11           Referrals onto supports systems for young people age 11-19
8BE Every Tuesday 1pm-2pm 2pm-3pm. A one hour low impact                with issues. Free
fitness class delivered in a typical circuit format. The session is
                                                                        Friday Night Youth Sports Night
aimed for all abilities and over 16’s. *This session is based on
                                                                        John Warner Sport Centre EN11 0QG Fridays, 8pm-9pm Turn
a referral process, all participants need to meet the inclusion
                                                                        your Friday into a Fri-yay by joining us for a free sports session
criteria to be eligible. Free for the first 12 weeks and then £2.50
                                                                        at The John Warner Sports Center for ages 11-19. Make friends/
a session. For more information please contact Andrew Rix the
                                                                        stay safe and have fun! Free
Get Active Specialist on: 07506 503316.
Toddler Tales                                                           Barclay Park Saturdays, 9am Barclay Parkrun is a free 5km
Hoddesdon Library Every Tuesday, 2.15pm – 2.45pm. Story                 timed run, jog or walk through beautiful Barclay Park which is
time for 3-5 year olds, no booking required just turn up. Free          open to all abilities. Please register with Parkrun beforehand
                                                                        Free – need to register with Parkrun in advance
Baby Rhyme Time
Hoddesdon Library Every Wednesday, 10am to 10.30am &                    Saturday Stories
11am to11.30am. Story time and songs for under 3’s. Arrive              Hoddesdon Library 1st Saturday every month, 11.00am. Often
early as sessions can get busy, numbers limited to 40 per               with a special theme look in Library or on the Library Facebook
session Free                                                            for details. Free

Active Herts – Swim & Social                                            Colouring Club
The John Warner Sports Centre, Stanstead Road, Hoddesdon,               Hoddesdon Library 3rd Saturday every month. Come and
EN10 6AE Every Wednesday, 10am-11am. Make a splash with                 colour as a family with suitable colouring sheets for all ages and
this fun and friendly swim session for all abilities and over 16’s.     equipment provided. £1.00 per family
*This session is based on a referral process, all participants
need to meet the inclusion criteria to be eligible. Free for the        Your Town Walkers
first 12 weeks and then £2.50 a session. For more information           Every Monday at 9.30am and Your Town Runners (all abilities
please contact Andrew Rix the Get Active Specialist on: 07506           – 5k run) – every Tuesday at 7.30pm. For more details contact
503316                                                                  info@yourtown.community
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                              Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019   Events Guide - October 2018 - March 2019
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                      Events Guide -October 2018 - March 2019
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