YOGALAND PROGRAM 2018 - Saturday 18th of August

Page created by Lance Simmons
                        Saturday 18th of August
7:00-7:30 (ENG)
David H. Wagner (US)
Soulfulness Meditation
Lakhsmi Room

Heart Opening Meditation - In this 30 minute morning meditation, David
will guide us into the sacred-yet-deeply-human experience of the heart.
Open to all levels. Please arrive on time.

8:45- 9:45 (ENG)
Kenny Graham (US) with DJ Little Buddha
Form ’n Flow Yoga
Maha Room

Right Understanding - A form and flow vinyasa class followed by Yin
poses exploring seeing our bodies and minds as they really are in relation
to our world and our yoga. At a deeper level, direct personal experience
will lead us to right understanding.

8:45- 9:45 (ENG)
Marc St Pierre (US)
Form’n Flow
Shiva Room

The Laws of Attraction and the Manifestation -Playful approach to poses.
Explore the foundations for inversions and backbends.

8:30- 9:30 (ENG)
Geertrui Tavernier (BE)
Budokon Yoga
Yoga Church

Have you been curious about Budokon yoga and wanting to give it a
try? Here's your chance! “The way we move is the way we think” – so let’s
work together on our strength, fluidity, elegance and free flow and
simultaneously experience the determination and flexibility in our minds that result from it.

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08:45 - 9:45 (NL)
Annelies Schotte (BE)
Strala Yoga
Lakhsmi Room

Ont-moet jezelf - Een dynamische flow met borstopeners, flank-, psoas-
en hamstring stretches die de ochtendlijke stijfheid uit je lijf haalt.
Gezwind, vrij, speels, with ease... zo kan je STRALA YOGA -ontwikkeld door Tara Stiles en Michael
Taylor- wel noemen. Deze les stoomt je klaar voor een heerlijke dag vol yoga! Wedden dat je je
de rest van de dag "stralend" voelt ;-). Deze les is voor iedereen die reeds de basishoudingen
kent, zoals de zonnegroeten en krijgers.

09:15 -10:15 (ENG- NL)
Hadewijch Ureel (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Relaxing Yoga
Aveda Room

Relaxing Yoga- Join us for a relaxing session in which we integrate
principles of movement therapy, restorative yoga & meditation. Making
space in body & mind to connect with your inner flame. Open for everyone. Bring belt, bolster&
blocks if possible.

09:15-10:15 (NL)
Katrien Baert
Start 2 Yoga: Yin Yang
Decathlon Room

Relax and release -deze les heeft als doel de energie in je lichaam weer
volop te laten stromen, de geest te kalmeren en het lichaam helemaal te
ontspannen. Tijdens deze Yin/Yang flow met veel aandacht voor de adem en uitlijning brengen
we lichaam en geest weer in balans en zorgen we ervoor dat we weer vanuit onze kern (ons hart)
gaan leven en denken. In Yin Yang Yoga combineren we de rustige en zachte aanpak van Yin Yoga
met de actievere en krachtige stijl van Yang Yoga. Tijdens deze les krijg je de ruimte om op een
rustige manier je eigen grenzen te ontdekken en je vooral bewuster te worden van je lichaam. Je
leert je meer te focussen op je grenzen en op wat je voelt in een yogapose. De les bevat
toegankelijke backbend poses en heupopeners om je te helpen in het proces van ‘loslaten’.

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9:00-10:00 (ENG-NL)
Boban Krstic (NL)
Aerial Yoga
Aerial Temple

Aerial Yoga - Suspended in the present moment makes you feel more
connected and alive. Traditional Yoga poses - asanas with a beautiful
twist and with help of an Aerial Yoga hammock. A Playful flow with plenty inversions, working with
and experiencing the gravity. Learn to trust and let go. During the class we will decompress the
spine and the tight joints in our body. The fabric provides support and will massage the tight
tissue at the same time. We will open and stretch the whole body. The class will be closed in a
unique way, fully suspended in the air. Experience a space between 'heaven and earth’. Class level
- Intermediate.

10:00-11:00 (ENG)
Anat Geiger (NL)
Yin Yang Yoga
Maha Room

Warrior Training - Yoga warriors are fierce, strong and powerful, and
at the same time kind, loving and wise. This class targets both aspects:
after a short warm up we move into awakening the strong warrior inside of us, learning to swing
the sword of goodness to the benefit of everybody. Then we move into kindness and acceptance,
relaxing the heart and gong within.

10:15-11:15 (ENG-NL)
Joachim Meire (BE)
Form ’n Flow Yoga
Shiva Room

Seven is the Magic Number - Yoga is a living tradition, always subject
to evolution. Yoga does not stand still! But every path always has a
residue of imperfection, even the path of yoga. Contrary to many claims, the current asana
practice is not a complete form of physical activity. Some crucial elements are missing! In this
playful workshop with Joachim Meire, discover how you can transform your asana practice into a
holistic form of physical exercise using innovative asanas and seven surprising elements. Expect a
spirited asana sequence, an in-depth meditation and uplifting inner yoga insights infused with a
touch of humor. This workshop is suitable for all-levels.

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09:45-10:45 (ENG)
Mounira Bazzi (LE)
Yoga Psychology with Live Gongs
Yoga Church

Sankalpa and Intention in Motion - In this heart opening
class ,taught with the beautiful sound of the Live Gongs you will feel
the effects of creating suppleness around your heart. Unlocking the heart center both physically
and otherwise provides you with a chance to witness your choices. You will access your heart's
intention through a powerfull meditation focusing on the Life Current of your Heart allowing the
central part of the brain and entire nervous system to be stimulated.

10:15-11:15 (ENG)
Ronald Van Pijkeren (NL)
Budokon Yoga
Lakhsmi Room

Get ready to flow slow and move with awareness in order to fully
reconnect - in this Budokon Yoga and Movement inspired flow class,
Ronald invites you to bring an open, explorative and playful attitude. Expect martial arts inspired
movements together with more “traditional” yoga poses and some spinal work. Budokon means
“the way of the warrior spirit” and we’ll definitely tap into that. This class will be active,
empowering yet meditative. Options for all levels will be given so don’t hesitate to join!

10:30-11:30 (NL)
Eline Vanoutrive (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Beginner Vinyasa
Decathlon Room

Learn to flow - In deze les leer je hoe te 'stromen' of ‘flowen’, wat
simpelweg betekent dat je houdingen aan elkaar koppelt om een
reeks te maken. We leren de zonnegroet (surya namaskar), die de basis vormt van Vinyasa yoga
en ontworpen is om het lichaam op te warmen, te versterken en te openen. Met bewustzijn
oefenen we het soepel bewegen van houding naar houding.

10:30-11:30 (NL)
Manu Fernandez (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Slow Flow
Aveda Room

Slow Deep Shanti Flow: Adem & focus...
Rustig & diep… Uitdagend & vernieuwend...
Harmoniserend & verbindend...

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10:30-11:30 (ENG-NL)
Nadia Feys (BE)
Aerial Yoga
Aerial Temple

Aerial Yoga - Suspended in the present moment makes you feel
more connected and alive. Traditional Yoga poses - asanas with a
beautiful twist and with help of an Aerial Yoga hammock. A Playful flow with plenty inversions,
working with and experiencing the gravity. Learn to trust and let go. During the class we will
decompress the spine and the tight joints in our body. The fabric provides support and will
massage the tight tissue at the same time. We will open and stretch the whole body. The class
will be closed in a unique way, fully suspended in the air. Experience a space between 'heaven
and earth’. Class level - Intermediate.

11:30-12:30 (ENG)
Chrissy Graham (US)
Restorative Yoga
Maha Room

Awakened Rest - In the morning our minds can feel bright and
awake yet our bodies are working off the sedentary nature of deep
sleep. This class will begin with slow warming movements, growing progressively and carefully
into deeper movement only to culminate into supportive relaxing restorative poses on the floor.
Awakening movements and constructive rest to awaken and recharge your body.

11:45-12:45 (ENG)
Marcel Van de Vis (NL)
Yin Yang Yoga
Shiva Room

Yin Yang - The best of both worlds, we’ll get the body and energy
moving before we dive in a juicy and slow Yin practice.

11:15-12:15 (ENG)
David H. Wagner (US)
Soulfulness Meditation
Yoga Church

Healing our Divide with The Infinite - Since the beginning, yoga has
been a sacred path of transformation and healing. In this totally
down-to-earth interactive session, David will discus the sacred dimension of yoga and the
practical ways we can deepen our practice. Session will include powerful guided meditations and
questions and responses with David

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11:45-12:45 (ENG)
Annick Cuvelier (BE)
Vinyasa Yoga
Lakhsmi Room

A journey home - We are born whole and complete, with a
guidance system within. It’s our natural state to be abundant. As we
live in this fast paced society, with many roles to fulfill and lots of impulses from outside, we tend
to loose touch with ourselves, with who we really are, with what we really want. However, our
guidance system, our inner GPS is always here, we just need to get still and listen and feel. Our
body knows what is good for us and gives us daily signals. This class will be a slow paced strong
vinyasa class in which you are invited to open, to trust, to let go of judgments, to feel every part of
your body and to re-establish a deep connection with yourself.

12:00-13:00 (NL)
Karel Ingelaere (BE)
Start 2 Yoga
Decathlon Room

Voel je vreugdevol ‘zonder reden’ - Vreugde voelen tot in je
diepste wezen, gewoon omdat je ‘Bent’. Niet ‘omdat’ je op reis kan,
‘omdat’ je een job en een huis hebt, ‘omdat’ en ‘omdat’ maar ZOMAAR, omwille van het Zijn…
Dankzij de klemtoon op relatief lang aangehouden, passieve houdingen waarbij je je volledig
overgeeft aan de zwaartekracht wordt diepliggend weefsel aangesproken en gemobiliseerd en
worden gewrichten, ligamenten en diepe fasciale netwerken versterkt en verjongd. Yin yoga is
een heerlijke meditatieve verjongingskuur voor je lichaam, mind en energie. Na de les ga als
herboren naar huis !

12:00-13:00 (NL)
Nadine Laenen (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Zachte Flow
Aveda Room

Disconnect to reconnect’ - afstand moeten nemen om opnieuw te
verbinden Een zachte flow van houdingen met veel aandacht voor
de uitlijning, gericht op beginners.

12:30-13:30 (ENG)
Bart Adins & Christina Malkouli
Hanstand Workshop
Yoga Church

Handstands: Invert your Tadasana - Awaken the powerful roots of
your hands and use them as tools to find balance while upside
down. In this class we will explore the path towards achieving a handstand, using other common
inversions (headstand, forearmstand /crow) to smoothly teach the body the key elements to
success. Prepare to test your mind and offer your body the numerous benefits of inverting while

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exploring a new world of opportunities. Open to everyone who is comfortable in attempting crow
pose (bakasana) and headstand against the wall

14:30-15:30 (ENG)
Marc St Pierre (US)
Form’ n Flow
Maha Room

Doing your Dharma via Love & Joy - Hips, Foreword Folds & Twists

14:30-15:30 (ENG)
Anat Geiger (NL)
Yin Yoga
Shiva Room

Feed the Hunger - This can be a great practice after lunch! A yin
class focused on the third chakra, Manipura, and the meridians
associated with it (stomach, spleen, liver, gall bladder and more). We
stimulate those areas as we explore the possibility to change worry into a state of contentment
and nourishment. We finish the class with a short chakra meditation

14:30-15:30 (ENG)
Goedele Leyssen (BE)
Kundalini Yoga with Live Gongs (Boventoon)
Yoga Church

Reconnecting with you - We have the natural tendency to direct
our energy outwards and look at what other people wear, do, say
and achieve in their lifes. As a result of that, we often start to doubt ourselves. A feeling of not
being good enough takes over. In this class, we direct our attention inwards and reconnect with
who we truly are. Only when we do that, we can experience true happiness. The session will be
supercharged by the powerful vibrations of sound healer Andy Vanbeveren van Boventoon. For all

14:15-15:15 (ENG)
Geertrui Tavernier (BE)
Budokan Yoga
Lakhsmi Room

Budokon yoga introductory class - Gertrud will guide you through
a selection of the primary series of Budokon Yoga which consist of 7
intelligently assembled sections of controlled movements designed
to improve mobility, agility, flexibility and strength. Level: beginner/intermediate

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14:30-15:30 (NL)
Nathalie Verhoeven (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Anusara Yoga
Decathlon Room

Leven vanuit je hart - Een zachte opwarming van nek, schouders,
polsen en heupen gevolgd door een reeks zonnegroeten en nadruk
op hartopeners. De houdingen worden langer aangehouden zodat je voelt wat de yoga houding
zowel lichamelijk als mentaal met je doet. Er worden verschillende opties aangereikt zodat
iedereen meedoet op zijn of haar eigen niveau. De stijl is geïnspireerd op Anusara Yoga.

14:30-15:30 (NL)
Katrien Baert (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Slow Vinyasa flow
Aveda Room

Heart wide open - tijdens deze les maken we verbinding met ons
hart en creëren we meer rust in ons hoofd. Er wordt extra aandacht
besteed aan het openen van het borstgebied en de schouders. Deze poses zijn activerend en
geven je het gevoel meer ruimte te creëren in je lichaam, waardoor ook de ademhaling wordt
geoptimaliseerd. Naast het fysieke van yogaposes werken ze ook in op het mentale en
emotionele lichaam. Daarbij wordt je meer bewust van je gevoelens. Goed voor jezelf zorgen is
hierbij een must om zo even stil te kunnen staan en te voelen wat je ‘echt’ wilt! “Empathie” is
daarbij het sleutelwoord.

14:30 -15:30 (ENG-NL)
Bart Adins & Christina Malkouli
Acro Yoga
Zen Garden

Fly & base with grace - Have you ever seen an acroyoga pose that
looks so elegant until you tried getting in it yourself? We’ve all been
there! In this workshop we will make use of accurate timing and alignment as our allies to
effortlessly get in and out of fundamental poses. Join us and learn how to enter and exit the basic
poses with as much grace and finesse as to impress anyone watching! On the menu: lots of
creativity and fluid exploration! And as a bonus, many snapshots worth being shared
(indispensable hashtag #naturaltalent !) Open to all / No partner needed

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15:45 -16:45 (ENG)
Kenny Graham (US)
Form ’n Flow Yoga
Maha Room

Right Intent - A form and flow class followed by yin poses
connecting to the true intent of our yoga practice. Right Intent within
the practice must come from the heart and involves recognizing the equality of all life and
compassion for all that life, beginning with yourself

15:45 -16:45 (ENG)
Boban Krstic (NL)
Easy Yoga Flow
Shiva Room

Let softness be your strength - A gentle yoga flow with softer
movements and poses, where less physical strength is needed and
more inner awareness is awakened. We'll play with more emphasis on breathing, meditative way
of moving and deep stretching.
Let your softness be your true power and strength. A great class to relax... slow down... increase
flexibility and to let go - Class open for all levels

15:45 -16:45 (ENG)
Rim Bahri (NL)
Kundalini Yoga
Yoga Church

Heart Opening Kriya - This kriya works directly with the heart area -
physically & energetically. The heart chakra is associated with love,
compassion as forgiveness. An open and clear heart chakra helps us feel more connected to life
and to other people. One might feel softer, more loving and kinder after practicing this kriya.

15:45 -16:45 (NL)
Christel Meulebroeck (BE) & Benny Demeulenaere (BE)
Anusara Yoga
Lakhsmi Room

Embodying Shakti “Reconnect to the Shakti within and open up” -
Connectie maken, op zoek gaan naar onze innerlijke Shakti (kracht) om
van daaruit met creativiteit en speelsheid te kunnen openen en vrij te zijn.

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15:45 -16:45 (NL)
Eline Vanoutrive (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Beginner Vinyasa
Aveda Room

Connect - In deze les leer je de connectie maken met je lichaam
d.m.v. adem en beweging aan elkaar te linken. We starten met een
zittende ademhalingsoefening om het lichaam te aarden. Daarna gaan we zacht bewegen, mee
op het ritme van de ademhaling om zo het bewustzijn te vergroten en de aandacht naar binnen in
het lichaam te brengen.

15:45 -16:45 (NL)
Nadine Laenen (BE)
Start 2 Yoga: Zachte Flow
Decathlon Room
Disconnect to reconnect - afstand moeten nemen om opnieuw te
verbinden Een zachte flow van houdingen met veel aandacht voor
de uitlijning, gericht op beginners.

15:30 -16:30 (NL)
Ann Block (BE)
Aerial Yoga
Aerial Temple

Aerial Yoga - Suspended in the present moment makes you feel
more connected and alive.
Traditional Yoga poses - asanas with a beautiful twist and with help of an Aerial Yoga hammock. A
Playful flow with plenty inversions, working with and experiencing the gravity. Learn to trust and
let go. During the class we will decompress the spine and the tight joints in our body. The fabric
provides support and will massage the tight tissue at the same time. We will open and stretch the
whole body. The class will be closed in a unique way, fully suspended in the air. Experience a
space between 'heaven and earth’. Class level - Intermediate

16:30 -17:30 (NL)
Martijn Roelens (BE)
Foam Rolling
Zen Garden

Foam Rolling voor Yogis - introductie les. Foam Rolling is een
myofasciale release techniek en wordt vooral gebruikt om spieren en
fascia beter te laten recupereren na een inspanning. Ideaal voor yogis.

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17:00 -18:00 (ENG)
Simon Row (SA)
Vinayasa Yoga
Maha Room

Riding the wave - Ride the wave of your breath through progressive
cycles of juicy hip openers and heart-opening backbends. Root deeper
and expand further as you follow the way of your heart from the earth to the sky. Experience the
inner pulse of Prana as you drop back in to unite the Yogic principles of power (sthira) and grace

17:00 -18:00 (ENG)
Katherine Walker (US)
Yoga Therapeutics
Shiva Room

Spine Health - The Spine is the central axis to the body, its health
informs and even determines the way we move and hold ourselves.
This workshop-style class will go over a set of principles fundamental to yoga therapeutics for the
health of your spine! Great for teachers and students alike, beginners and advanced practitioners.

17:00 -18:00 (ENG)
Goedele Leyssen (BE)
Kundalini Yoga
Yoga Church

Reconnecting with the moment - The very first time I sat on my yoga
mat to meditate, I was not able to sit still for more than 5 minutes. The
urge to get up and do something was simply too strong. It was only by
learning how to connect with my breath, that I found peace inside. My breath connected me with
the moment, and as everything was good in the moment, I could relax. In this class, we celebrate
the breath. We will start with a series of gentle stretching exercises to open up the body. After
that we’ll move into a series of powerful breathing and meditation techniques. For all levels.

17:00 -18:00 (ENG)
Ronald Van Pijkeren (NL)
Budokon Yoga
Lakhsmi Room

Get ready to flow slow and move with awareness in order to fully
reconnect - In this Budokon Yoga and Movement inspired flow class,
Ronald invites you to bring an open, explorative and playful attitude.
Expect martial arts inspired movements together with more “traditional” yoga poses and some
spinal work. Budokon means “the way of the warrior spirit” and we’ll definitely tap into that. This
class will be active, empowering yet meditative. Options for all levels will be given so don’t
hesitate to join!

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17:15 -18:15 (ENG-NL)
Hadewijch Ureel
Start 2 Yoga: Relaxing Yoga
Decathlon Room

Join us for a relaxing session in which we integrate principles of
movement therapy, restorative yoga & meditation. Making space in body & mind to connect with
your inner flame. Open for everyone. Bring belt, bolster& blocks if possible.

17:15 -18:15 (NL)
Nathalie Verhoeven
Start 2 Yoga: Anusara Inspired
Aveda Room

Leven vanuit je hart - Een zachte opwarming van nek, schouders,
polsen en heupen gevolgd door een reeks zonnegroeten en nadruk
op hartopeners. De houdingen worden langer aangehouden zodat je voelt wat de yoga houding
zowel lichamelijk als mentaal met je doet. Er worden verschillende opties aangereikt zodat
iedereen meedoet op zijn of haar eigen niveau. De stijl is geïnspireerd op Anusara Yoga.

17:00 -18:00 (ENG-NL)
Kristel Decat (BE)
Aerial Yoga
Aerial Temple

Aerial Yoga - Suspended in the present moment makes you feel more
connected and alive.
Traditional Yoga poses - asanas with a beautiful twist and with help of an Aerial Yoga hammock. A
Playful flow with plenty inversions, working with and experiencing the gravity. Learn to trust and
let go. During the class we will decompress the spine and the tight joints in our body. The fabric
provides support and will massage the tight tissue at the same time. We will open and stretch the
whole body. The class will be closed in a unique way, fully suspended in the air. Experience a
space between 'heaven and earth’. Class level - Intermediate

18:30 -19:30 (ENG)
Marcel Van de Vis (NL)
Yin Yoga
Maha Room

Release - at the end of the day we prepare our physical body and
mind for the night, letting go of all the impressions and emotions of
the day. Stretching the body after all the intense yoga classes we did before. and finishing with a
nice short meditation.

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18:30 -19:30 (ENG)
Chrissy Graham (US)
Restorative Yoga
Shiva Room

Rest for sleep - Deep rest is one of the key ingredients to
maintaining a healthy nights sleep. This class will guide you through a
restorative sequence which will provide you with poses you can use anytime of the day to ground
and refresh or right before bedtime. Rest for sleep will leave you feeling less tension, stress and
an over all sense of well being.

18:30 -19:30 (ENG)
David H. Wagner (US)
Soulfulness Meditation
Yoga Church

A New Life Part One: The Yoga of Grace and Transformation - In
this session David will share essential teachings from the yoga tradition
about inner bondage, the work we do to get free, and the path of ultimate freedom and service.
He will also lead powerful guided meditation exercises and answer questions. Open to all levels.

18:30 -19:30 (NL)
Vanessa Barbier (BE)
Vinyasa Yoga
Lakhsmi Room

Vinyasa yoga - is een actieve yogastijl gebaseerd op de traditionele
dynamische en intensieve yogastijl Ashtanga yoga (Sri K. Pattabhi
Jois).Vinyasa Yoga zuivert het lichaam, versterkt je kracht en lenigheid en
helpt je in harmonie te zijn met jezelf en je omgeving. De asanas worden beoefend met aandacht
voor de ujjayi ademhaling, bandhas en drishtis.

18:30-19:30 (NL)
Karel Ingelaere (BE)
Start 2 Yoga
Aveda Room

Voel je vreugdevol ‘zonder reden’ - Vreugde voelen tot in je diepste
wezen, gewoon omdat je ‘Bent’. Niet ‘omdat’ je op reis kan, ‘omdat’ je
een job en een huis hebt, ‘omdat’ en ‘omdat’ maar ZOMAAR, omwille van het Zijn… Yin yoga is

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een heerlijke meditatieve verjongingskuur voor je lichaam, mind en energie. Na de les ga als
herboren naar huis !

18:30-19:30 (NL)
Manu Fernadez (BE)
Start 2 Yoga
Decathlon Room

Shanti Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra - Via Yin naar diepere lagen...
luisterend naar de stilte..
Door Yoga Nidra voorbij de stilte...
Verbindend met je ware Zelf… Nederlands/ Iedereen welkom.

18:30 -19:30 (ENG-NL)
An Block (BE)
Restorative Aerial Yoga
Aerial Temple

Restorative Aerial Yoga - Suspended in the present moment makes
you feel more connected and alive. Traditional Yoga poses - asanas
with a beautiful twist and with help of an Aerial Yoga hammock. A Playful flow with plenty
inversions, working with and experiencing the gravity. Learn to trust and let go. During the class
we will decompress the spine and the tight joints in our body. The fabric provides support and will
massage the tight tissue at the same time. We will open and stretch the whole body. The class
will be closed in a unique way, fully suspended in the air. Experience a space between 'heaven
and earth’. Class level - Intermediate

20:45-21:45 (ENG)
Simon Row (SA)
Club Moksha
Maha Room

Freeform Yoga and Prana Dance - Take your yoga out of the box
and off the mat. Flow like a river into the freedom of movement and
space. Turn up your own volume and give yourself to the rhythms of Moksha. ‘Honour your heart’s
own longing for freedom, let go and let’s dance!’

20:30 - 22:30
DJ little Buddha
Tao Tent
Chill out session

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