You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days

Page created by Joann Mendez
You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days

    The difference you’re making in the lives of people being cared for by Hospice

    You help put a smile
    on Sonya’s face, even
    on the rough days
    Read more of her story on page 4

          Because of you,
       the future of hospice
        care in Hawke’s Bay
           is looking up.
You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days
Because of you, the future of hospice
care in Hawke’s Bay is looking up
“In just over a month, you and         extremely challenging time for many       that we can continue to run our
                                        of the people we care for, as they were   events and help our community to
 other wonderful supporters
                                        confined to their bubbles and were        support our work.
 like you have donated over             unable to access wider support that          I acknowledge that although
 $300,000 in response to our            may have been available otherwise.        there is still uncertainty ahead for
 urgent call for help. We simply           Thankfully, these people could         many organisations, I am feeling
 cannot thank you all enough.”          still access the support of hospice.      hopeful that with your support, we
                                        Your donations allowed us to focus        can continue to provide the best
You make our work possible, and I       on what was important during              possible palliative care for people
couldn’t be more grateful, thank you    this time, the patients, and their        living in Hawke’s Bay.
so very much. Please know that our      families and whānau, and I am                Thank you for everything you
team reads every single one of your     so grateful to you. I recognise it        have done to show you care.
warm and loving messages about          might have been a challenging
your loved ones who have received       time for you and your family as           Ngā mihi mahana
hospice care. Your kind words are       well, and I deeply appreciate your
treasured and mean so much to those     commitment to supporting the
who care for your family and friends.   people we care for.
   Your help means so much. The            Looking ahead, thanks to friends       Janice Byford-Jones
past few months have been an            like you, we are feeling optimistic       Chief Executive Officer

Do you want to help people now, and in the future?
Your support changes lives. Your        way. By setting up payments               to make the most of their
generosity helps us reach people        fortnightly, monthly or even              time together.
now, and our regular giving             quarterly, you are helping people            It is easy to join online at
programme allows you to continue        treasure every moment. 		        or by giving
to make a difference into the future       Any amount you commit goes to          our Marketing and Fundraising team
– in an even easier and convenient      supporting the people we care for         a call on 06 878 7047.
You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days
How you make a difference

                                                                                Holly Hospice Trail

“Throughout this time,                   night and staying for hours offer-
                                         ing support, care and advice. You
Cranford Hospice nurses                  couldn’t ask for any higher quality
cared for mum like she                   care than what those nurses gave -
was their own mum.”                      especially through tough times of
                                         Covid-19 as well.
Thanks to your support, Jude’s              Cranford nurses helped fight our
mum Maggie was able to access            battle to support mum in living her
Cranford Hospice’s care during           last few weeks with minimal pain
her journey with cancer. Jude has        and the chance to be surrounded
kindly allowed us to share her           by all of us rather being nursed in
experience with you all.                 the hospital.                          Wildflowers Sculpture Exhibition
                                            I have a strong sense of
I cannot find words to describe the      thankfulness for everything they       Dates for
                                                                                the diary
support and empathy they showed.         gave us.
On call 24/7, sometimes an emer-
gency call in the middle of the          Jude
                                                                                Hawke’s Bay Wine Auction
                                                                                Pre-tasting event – Wednesday
                                                                                19 August
                                                                                Main auction – Saturday
                                                                                19 September

                                                                                Hastings Karamu Rotary Charity
                                                                                Golf Tournament
                                                                                When: Friday 2nd October
                                                                                Where: Hastings Golf Club,
                                                                                Bridge Pa
                                                                                Entries open to all

                                                                                Hospice Holly Trail
                                                                                When: 12 – 14 November
                                                                                Where: Across Hawke’s Bay homes

Helping people                           lockdown. It was a truly special
                                         experience for the horse-lovers        Wildflowers Sculpture Exhibition
treasure every                           staying at the hospice, being able     When: 11 – 15 November
moment                                   to connect with ‘big softie’ Freddy.   Where: 125 Rosser Road, Hastings
To the delight of those staying          Helping patients treasure every
at our inpatient unit, Freddy the        moment is what hospice cares           Visit
racehorse visited our garden with        about, and you help us do this         or phone 06 878 7047 for
his owner and trainer, Lee, just after   every day.                             more information
You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days
“Te Hua o te Mahi
Tahi – the benefit of
working together”
At the end of June National Volunteer Week was
held, and this year’s theme could not be more
fitting “Te Hua o te Mahi Tahi – the benefit of
working together”.
    Volunteering is about connecting, about
belonging, together. It is through each volunteer’s
generosity and ngākau nui, big heartedness, that we
can provide the best possible palliative care to those
who need us. From the volunteers in our retail stores
and inpatient unit, through to those who run events,
farm for hospice, or sit on our Board, each volunteer
is part of the Cranford whānau.

If you would like to join the Cranford whānau,
and help patients in this way, Amanda our
Volunteer Coordinator would love to speak with
you. You can call her on 06 878 7047 or sign up
on our website.

                                             “For Sonya, the most important thing is
                                             spending time with people and making
                                             sure everybody knows they are loved and
                                             spreading as much happiness and joy
                                             and sunshine as possible”

Sharing good news for ‘Sunshine Sonya’
In our urgent appeal this year you        her youngest’s first visit to the      more time and awesome things to
read about Sonya, affectionately          aquarium, and some pampering for       do with the family to create good
known as ‘Sunshine Sonya’, a              Sonya, whilst her partner and her      memories for the boys.”
mum of two boys, 8 and 2 years,           boys played mini golf. Rounding off
cared for by the team at Cranford         the weekend with the Targa Rally,
Hospice.                                  the Farmyard Zoo and visits to local   You can follow Sonya’s journey on
   Through the charity Race4Life,         cafes and restaurants.                 Facebook at
Sonya was able to fulfil her wish           “I just want to spend time with      shineSonyaVsCancer, or search
of a special weekend making               family. The whole thing when you       “Our Love for Sonya”.
memories with her family –                get given a terminal diagnosis is if      Her posts are real, heart-warming
treasuring every moment.                  you want quality or quantity and       and honest about her journey, and is
   A day out in Napier included           my thing is quality, I just want       a space for support, aroha and care.

Contact us                   Phone (06) 878 7047
300 Knight Street  
Hastings 4122      
You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days You help put a smile on Sonya's face, even on the rough days
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