Young Researcher Survey 2020

Page created by Ross Herrera
Young Researcher Survey 2020
Survey information

Period of survey                   28th of April – 12th of May 2020

Survey respondents                 242

Postdoctoral academic staff (AS)                Doctoral candidates (DC)
             N = 55                                     N = 187*

   A             N         W               A                      N                    W**
61.82%        14.55%     23.63%          47.6%                  27.3%                 25.1%

                                          *    187 DCs represent 20% of total DCs registered at UHOH
                                          **   The share of total DCs at UHOH by faculty is
                                                A 48%, N 25%, and W 27%.
      Results for
Doctoral Candidates (DC)
Sample DC – Gender                                                                        „Are you …?”


The distribution of participants’ gender
is almost balanced – with a slightly                              Male 45%
higher proportion of women.                                                               55% Female

                                                      Note: The total share of female DCs at UHOH is 51% and
                                                                         by faculty: A 50%, N 57%, and W 46%.

                                             by faculty

Participants of faculty N show the highest                   Female 52%                    47%
share of women.                                                                   69%

Men and women of faculties A and W
have equally participated.                                       Male 48%                  53%

                                                                           A        N        W
Sample DC – Nationality                                     „Where have you spent most of your
                                                       outside Germany
The majority of DCs originates from

24% have spent most of their lifetime
                                                                                       76%      in Germany
outside of Germany.

                                                    Note: The total share of international DCs at UHOH is 19%
                                                                    and by faculty: A 39%, N 19%, and W 11%.

                                          by faculty

Participants of faculty A with 36% show
the highest share of internationals.                   in Germany 64%
                                                                                 84%       89%
Participants of faculty W with 11% the
                                                  outside Germany 36%
                                                                                 16%             11%
                                                                          A        N        W
Sample DC – Dissertation status                    „Are you already working on your
                                                               dissertation project?”

Only a minority, 5 %, have not yet
started working on their dissertation

                                               „How much time has passed between
                                                your start of work at UHOH and your
                                                                 acceptance as DC?”
                                                           6%       7%
The majority of faculties A’s and N’s                                        5%
                                            > 24 months                 14%
participants have applied for acceptance                  14%
                                           13-24 months 9% 26%
within the first 6 months.
                                            7-12 months                 43%
The majority of faculty W’s participants
within the first year.                       0-6 months 71%     63%

                                                          A       N      W
Sample DC – Dissertation status

  „Is your dissertation project officially                          „Why have you not yet applied for
              accepted by the UHOH?”                              acceptance as doctoral candidate?”

                                                                     „because I am not 100
                                                                         present sure“
                                                                                                                   „It is easier to apply
                                                                                             desired              later in the course of
                                                                                                                     the dissertation if
                                                                                                                     you have already
                                                                                                                     done some work
                                             „haven’t gotten everything                         22%                   and passed the
                          8% no               ready for the application
          87%            5% n.a.                                                                    11%
                                                                               67%                           financing
      yes                                     requirements not met

                                                                                  „because we try to apply           „the funding for
                                                     „have not written my         for a project-Stelle first to        the research
                                                           expoé“                  finance my dissertation           project has not
                                                                                    project as there is not              yet been
Ø Reasons for a postponement of                                                    position available at my             approved.”
                                                                                       institute by itself”
  the application process are
  either desired, related to the
  financing situation, or
  (predominantly) the application
  process itself.
Sample DC – Financing situation                                                                      „My work / studies are financed

    The majority of faculty W’s participants
    are employed as academic staff.

    Faculties A’s and N’s participants
                                                                              UHOH employment                   29%
    indicate a higher share of third-party-                                                                                    45%
    funded PhD projects.                                                                                                                      56%

                                                                                    Third-Party fund            33%

    „Live on my own financial       „Personal
                                                        „Myself and we were
                                                                                                                               37%            18%
             means”                 finances”
                                                         awarded a research
                                                               grant”                      Scholarship          26%                            3%
                                                                                                                               8%             23%
                 statements on “other” financing sources                                             Other1     12%            10%
„Hilfskraftstelle”                                                                                                A              N              W
                                                                                                              Note: Other1 includes external candidates.
                                                         “Had a scholarship for three months,
       „Museum for Natural       „I have no more        maybe 6 months a hiwi-contract, the rest
            History”                 contract”            of the time i was financially unstable
                                                        (without a contract from the university, i
                                                           had to work on some jobs and my
                                                                 parents helped me out”                                                                    8
Sample DC – Financing situation                  „What share of a full position do you
                                                                  have on average?”

                                                            3%            0%             2%
                                                  50%      27%                           9%
Part-time employments constitute the
absolute majority across all faculties.                                   63%
Only a minority of participants are fully
employed.                                         65%      29%                          51%
50-65% shares are prevailing in                                    4%
                                                 100%       7%            10%
faculties A and N, and 75% shares in
faculty W.                                                                       2% 15%
                                            no contract    30%
                                                             A             N             W

                                                          50% TVL 13 Stage 1 means a net
                                                          income of approx. 1.300 € in Stuttgart.
                                                          DFG recommends at least 65%.
Sample DC – Financing situation                      „What is the average contracted
                                               duration of your position (in months)?”

                                                           5%             2%             0%
                                           1 - 6 months
Contracts issued up to 6 months                            11%                          16%
                                          7 - 12 months
seems to be a phenomenon that has                                         29%
                                         13 - 24 months    11%                          16%
only been experienced by participants
of faculties A and N.
The majority of contracts last between
                                         25 - 36 months    57%                          47%
25 to 36 months.
Unlimited contracts for doctoral
candidates represent an exception in       > 36 months
                                                           16%                          21%
faculty N.                                    unlimited                   7% 2%
                                                           0%                            0%
                                                             A              N            W
                                                          WissZeitG specifies at least 3 years in
                                                          the so-called qualification phase (for
Sample DC – Financing situation            „How worried are you when you think
                                             about the duration of your contract
                                                   and the financing situation?”

                                                                     Ø 2,8

                                             A                                3,1

In line with the shorter contract
durations and lower employment
shares, participants of faculties A and
N on average are more worried with           N                            2,9

regards to their financial insecurities.

                                            W                       2,5

                                                  1             2         3         4         5
                                           not worried at all                           very worried

Sample DC – Financing situation

      „Do you have any additional                                            „Why do you have an additional
                         job(s)?”                                                                  job(s)?”
                                                                          „It is not that
                                                                     easy/comfortable to live
                12%                    „I have a partner in          from 50% in Stuttgart.”
Yes   24%                            Berlin. Traveling with the
                          32%         ICE every weekend is
                                         very expensive.”                             79%

No    76%
                                         „because the 50% payment is not                                              „Owner of a
                                    enough to life a normal (NOT LUXUAR)                                                farm”
                                     life nowadays. Living expenses are far                             21%
                                        more than the 50% payment would
                                           cover. Additional 15% (~200€                                       Other
                                    netto/month) would cover the living costs
                                                                                                                        „To gather
       A          N        W                      more properly.”
                                                                                                                        outside the
                                                                                                 „Improved carrer       university.”
                                                                                                opportunities after
                                                                                                   obtaining my
                                                                                                doctoral degree.”

Sample DC – Financing situation                   „How many hours per week do you
                                                     work in your additional job(s)?”

                                                         > 20 hrs
The additional working time in                                   10%
secondary occupations corresponds
somewhat to the additional required              10-20 hrs 28%
                                                                               < 10 hrs
share at a 100% position.                                                63%

                                                „What is your actual working time per
                                                     week (in hours) at the UHOH?”

                                                           3%       4%    3%
                                                 > 60 hrs
Although the majority of participants do
                                           41 hrs - 60 hrs 35%    38%    37%
not have 100%-contracts, they seem to
work much more than specified in their
contracts – consistently across all
faculties.                                      ≤ 40 hrs 63%      58%    61%

                                                           A        N     W
Sample DC – Work distribution                     „Please indicate the distribution of
                                                           your working time on …”

                                               Other    15%        14%         16%

For the participants from faculties A      Administr.   15%        16%
and N, research forms the major part of
their work, while for those from faculty
W the working time is divided equally
between research and teaching.                          59%        52%

                                           Teaching     12%
                                                         A          N           W

„How many years do you expect to
                                                        need from the start to the completion
Sample DC – Duration & career                                   of your dissertation project?”
                                                                                    Ø 4,2

On average, all participants expect a                      A                          3,9
duration of about 4 years for their
dissertation projects.                                     N                             4,3

                                                          W                              4,3

                                                               1        2     3      4         5

                                                                   „What is your career goal?”

An industry job constitutes the                  Full Professor    14%      9%
career goal of the majority of                                              16%
                                   Academic Middle Management      18%
participants – regardless of the                                                      18%
                                                      Industry     47%      56%
Only a small fraction of
participants has set the goal of
a professorship.                                         Other     21%      19%       18%

                                                                    A        N           W         15
„Which factors negatively impact
Sample DC – Hampering factors                                                                              the time schedule of your
                                                                                                                dissertation project?”
                                                                      „Way too much time is
                                                                        wasted by doing
                                                                       administrative stuff”
                                              „too much

                                                                                                           „corona and the digitalization of
                                                Teaching                13%                                   all my teaching material”
                                                            14%                            Corona
                          „Problems in data
                         collection Delayed
                                                                                     12%                           „Other jobs in
                            feedback from                                                                          order to earn a
                             supervisor.”                                                                              living”
                                                                                      11% Add. Jobs

                                                           32%                                                           „professor has too many students and set
                             Research issues                                         8%                                     priorities between the students -prof
                                                                                                                      struggeling and not capable in supervising, no
no paper acceptance                                                     4% 6%             Supervision                 time management, no time to correct students
  problems in data
                                                                                                                                     work or to supervise”
collection (field work
   is e.g. weather                „Failure of project,                 None Other
    dependend)”                 learning new ways of
                                    data analysis”                                             „My tutor (professor) has a really big group of PhDs candidates. He
                                                              „Currently I am not              takes a really long time to see manuscript drafts before you get the
                                                             expacting any delay.”              first comment. It can pass for 6 months without any feedback. This
                                                                                                         delays the preparation of the final version for sen”

„How often per year do you meet your
                                                  supervisor for discussions on your
Sample DC – Thesis supervision                                 dissertation project?”

Overall, meetings with supervisors tend                                                       5%
                                                     > 20 28%                 33%
to predominantly take place up to ten                                                   30%
times per year.
                                                  10 - 20 30%                 28%
Participants of faculties A and N on                                                    65%
average indicate an even higher                      < 10 42%                 40%
interaction frequency with their
supervisors.                                                      A           N         W
                                                       „How satisfied are you with the
                                             supervision of your dissertation project?”
                                                                                         Ø 3,8

On average, participants of all faculties              A                                      3,8

indicate a high level of satisfaction
regarding the supervision of their                     N                                    3,7

dissertation projects (4 out of 5 points).
                                                      W                                       3,9

                                                            1             2         3         4           5
                                                   not satisfied at all                             very satisfied
„Have you ever participated in a
Sample DC – PhD course offers                               research workshop at the UHOH?”

                                                               yes 25%            32%
Information on the research workshops
offered at the UHOH have not reached
                                                                no 54%     37%    49%
about every fifth of the participants.

                              no, because I have never heard of them 21%   24%    19%
                                                                     A      N      W

                                                                „Do the course offers help you
                                                                  achieve your career goals?”

Divided opinions about the benefits of the                                 41%
                                                               yes 49%            60%
courses offered.

                                                                no 51%     59%

                                                                     A      N      W
„How satisfied are you as a doctoral
Sample DC – Overall satisfaction                          candidate at the UHOH?”
                                                                         Ø 3,6

On average, DC participants seem to                      A                                   3,7
be highly satisfied as doctoral
candidates – especially in faculties A
                                                         N                               3,2
and W with approximately 4 out of 5
                                                        W                                      3,8

                                                              1            2         3         4           5
                                                    not satisfied at all                             very satisfied

                                              „Would you recommend others to do a
                                                        dissertation at the UHOH?”

The majority of DC participants, especially    don’t know 26%                  33%       33%
of faculties A and W, would recommend                  no 6%
others doing a dissertation at the UHOH.                                       19%

                                                        yes 69%                          63%

                                                                   A           N         W
Sample DC – Overall satisfaction
           „Why would you recommend                                                                               „Why would you not recommend
       others doing a dissertation at the                                                                         others doing a dissertation at the
                                UHOH?”                                                                                                     UHOH?”
     „I would recommend my way of doing
        cooperative PhD studies with two                                                                                     „outdated and opinionated leadership
        universities and two supervisors”                „undecided, pros are
                                                                                                                              management that is not transparent”
                                                          there, cons as well”

   „very collegial atmosphere in the                                                                                        „no money and time, only
Mittelbau, very nice place to work and                                         „probably i wouldn't do it                   work for the project goals”
the job itself is fun. On the other hand,                                      again, so i'm not sure if i
there are better universities to do your                                          can recommend it”
  phd-studies, many professors have                                                                                                       „not international at all”
 completely wrong priorities regarding
       the supervision of phds”                                „I am an external candidiate. I hardly                              „There is no contact point for
                                                                  know anybody at the University.”                                           problems”

         „can only speak for my institute and
        funding was never an issue so I can
      recommend but no idea about working                                                                                         „Not in the department or with the prof I'm
                                                                      „As the conditions in every
       conditions in other faculties/institutes”                                                                                              doing my phd with”
                                                                  institute are different, hard to give
                                                                     a general recommendation.”
                                                                                                                                  „Not at my Institute.”

                                                                                                                                                 „not in my department.”
          „It is highly depending on the professor and the                           „I have not enough experience working at
          institute. There are institutes I would never do a                        the University. But i dont get any feedback
            dissertation, even though the topic would be                             from my promotors from hohenheim and i              „Payment is usually limited to 3 years,
        interesting, because I know that the support of the                            think the level is quite low compared to             communication (especially with
                   doctoral students is not that good.                                  other european universities and its to             administration, but also between
                                                                                               much german centered”                            researchers) is bad”

„What should be the priorities to
   Sample DC – Improvements                                                                                   improve the environment for you
                                                                                        Good Practice -               as young researchers?”
                                                                                         Guidelines for
„- housing for PhD students (especially those coming         „better leadership          departments,
from outside Germany). Before they sign the contract            qualities of             supervisors,
   or leave their country, they should be assured of         supervisor (Prof.)”          candidates”
    having a room upon their arrival in Germany. -
   Guidance in choosing the right health insurance”
                                                                                         Supervision                  „- more information about the offers (workshops
                                                          Other                      14%
                                                                                                                     etc.) of the Graduate Academy - more structured
                                                                                                                                     PhD- Programms”
                             „ - longer duration of the        22%
                                   projects - better                                                  PhD Program
                               laboratory equipment”                                            12%
                                                                                                                           „- Research formation (theoretical exchange,
                                                                                                                            empirical exchange) of young researchers -
  „The financial situation in the institutes                                                                             didactic formation - regular possibility to connect
 or chairs is problematic, leading to high                                                      11%
 workload, short-term contracts and does                                                               Network           between the researchers of different departments”

     not allow any planning security.”                            27%
                                                  Financing                              8%                          „More exchange with other
                                                                                    6%                                academic staff from other
                                                                                                Administration               faculties”
 „Gehalt Wenn man sich nicht ständig                                               Nothing
   in finanziellen Notlagen befinden
 würde, deswegen zusätzlich arbeiten              „Contracts of at least                                                  „Decrease
und ständig einen ängstlichen Blick auf         75% in general for PhD               „I'm okay”         „Reduce       administration effort.”
 den Kontostand werfen müsste, dann             students (in my case I'm                              bureaucracy”
  könnte man sich besser auf seine                    very lucky)”
   Forschungsarbeit konzentrieren.”
                                                                              „I am happy the
                                                                                  way it is”

Concluding remarks for doctoral candidates

• Overall, we find support for a high level of satisfaction – as DC in
  general as well as with the supervision.
    Ø Many aspects at UHOH for DCs are working out very well.
    Ø The centralized support of the graduate academy is appreciated,
       especially with regard to the provided framework for supervisions.
• It seems that the formal requirements, e.g. for acceptance as doctoral
  candidate, cause a high administrative effort.
    Ø Need for facilitation and standardization of the process across

Concluding remarks for doctoral candidates

• Depending on the faculty, we observe differences in terms of
  employment share and work distribution (research vs. teaching).
    Ø Need for financial security & sufficient time for research.
• DCs call for more informal, but also research related exchange and
  networking possibilities.
    Ø Need for more networking events and formats.
• Training and course offers as well as their benefits are not yet
  sufficiently known and taken advantage of.
    Ø Need for a better communication of workshop offers and in some
       instances more developed PhD programs.

          Results for
Postdoctoral Academic Staff (AS)
Sample AS – Gender                                                         „Are you …?”


The distribution of participants’ gender
is balanced.                                                               49% Female
                                                          Male 51%

                                           by faculty

Also across the faculties, women and men                Female 47%   50%    54%
have participated equally.

                                                         Male 53%    50%    46%

                                                               A     N      W
Sample AS – Nationality                                       „Where have you spent most of your


                                                          outside Germany
The majority of AS’ originates from

27% have spent most of their lifetime                                                   73%   in Germany
outside of Germany.

                                             by faculty

As with the DCs, participants of faculty A                 in Germany 35%
with 65% show the highest share of                                                75%
internationals.                                                                          85%

Participants of faculty W with 15% the               outside Germany 65%
lowest.                                                                           25%    15%
                                                                        A         N       W
Sample AS – Financing situation                         „My work / studies are financed

The majority of faculties A’s and W’s                                 43%
participants are employed as academic   UHOH employment      66%
staff.                                                                           73%

Faculties N’s participants indicate a
comparatively higher share of third-                                  43%
party-funded AS positions.                Third-Party fund
                                                             29%                 20%
                                                    Other              7%         7%
                                                              A         N         W

Sample AS – Financing situation         „What share of a full position do you
                                                         have on average?”

                                         25%     3%                     8%
                                         50%     18%
The majority of postdoctoral
                                         75%     9%
participants are fully employed.

                                        100%     68%                   77%

                                   no contract
                                                  A          N          W

Sample AS – Financing situation                      „What is the average contracted
                                               duration of your position (in months)?”

                                                                     13%         8%
                                          1 - 12 months   15%
The majority of contracts last between
13 to 36 months.
                                         13 - 36 months   41%        50%        62%
Unlimited contracts for postdoctoral
academic staff only make up for a
small fraction.                            > 36 months    12%
                                              unlimited   32%
                                                                     25%        23%

                                                           A          N          W

Sample AS – Financing situation           „How worried are you when you think
                                            about the duration of your contract
                                                  and the financing situation?”

                                                                  Ø 3,2

Overall, there exists a financing          A                          3,0
insecurity among the participants.

Postdoctoral participants of faculty W
indicate a slightly higher financing       N                           3,1

                                          W                                  3,4

                                                1             2   3                4         5
                                         not worried at all                            very worried

Sample AS – Financing situation

      „Do you have any additional
                                                                                               „Interested in work and
                         job(s)?”                                                                 topics outside the
                                                                                                 university, esp. to get
                                                                                               and keep in contact with
                 0%                 „Participation in a start-up                                actual problems in the
Yes   9%                                                                                        industry sector as well
                          17%       together with former phd-
                                                                                                 as in technical fields”

                                                  „Why do you have any additional
               100%                                                      job(s)?”
No    91%                 83%

                                               „Strengthening network                 „There are other responsibilities
                                                 to find a permanent                 that are interesting for me, these
                                                       position..”                       complement my work with

       A          N        W

Sample AS – Financing situation                   „How many hours per week do you
                                                     work in your additional job(s)?”

                                                     10-20 hrs
Of the few who are engaged in an
additional activity, most work less than
10 hours a week in this activity.

                                                                         80%       < 10 hrs

                                                „What is your actual working time per
                                                     week (in hours) at the UHOH?”

                                                > 60 hrs 6%      13%                0%
The indicated working time corresponds
approximately to the specified
                                           41 hrs - 60 hrs 58%   50%
employment share.

                                                ≤ 40 hrs 36%     38%

                                                           A         N         W
Sample AS – Work distribution                    „Please indicate the distribution of
                                                          your working time on …”

                                              Other    9%                     6%

                                          Administr.   21%                    25%
As for the doctoral candidates,                                   25%
participants of faculty W show a higher
share of teaching activity.
Research makes up for the majority of     Research     47%
working time for postdoctoral
participants of faculties A and N.
                                          Teaching     23%        23%

                                                        A          N           W

Sample AS – Career goals                                                                              „What is your career goal?”

An industry job constitutes the                                              Full Professor        21%
career goal of the minority of
participants.                                                                                                             57%
                                                      Academic Middle Management                   39%
The majority aims at an
academic career – either as
professor or in the academic                                                                       16%                    21%
                                                                                   Industry                         38%
middle management.
                                                                                     Other         24%
                                                                                                                    13%   14%

                                                                                                    A               N      W
         „permanent contract
        somewhere; university,                 statements on “other” career goals
                                                                                                   „Not sure yet”

                                    „Permanent position in           „Apl. Prof,    „No idea ;)”
                                 university, ministry, or similar”   consultant”

„Have you ever participated in a
Sample AS – PhD course offers                                 research workshop at the UHOH?”

                                                                yes 48%
The offered research workshops are
especially used by the postdoctoral                                          75%
participants from faculties W and A.
                                                                 no 48%
                              no, because I have never heard of them         13%    20%
                                                                       A      N      W

                                                                  „Do the course offers help you
                                                                    achieve your career goals?”

However, as for the doctoral candidates,                        yes 39%      41%
benefits of the courses offered are not                                             56%
recognized equally by all.

                                                                 no 61%      59%

                                                                       A      N      W
„How satisfied are you as a
Sample AS – Overall satisfaction              researcher / lecturer at the UHOH?”
                                                              Ø 2,2

On average, participants seem to be                   A                     2,2
rather unsatisfied as postdoctoral
academic staff.                                       N                 1,9

                                                     W                        2,4

                                                           1            2         3        4         5
                                                 not satisfied at all                          very satisfied

                                          „Would you recommend others working /
                                                      researching at the UHOH?”
                                                       no 9%                      0%       0%

Interestingly, almost every participant
would recommend others working or
                                                     yes 91% 100% 100%
researching at the UHOH.

                                                                A           N          W
Sample AS – Overall satisfaction
             „Why would you recommend                                                                            „Why would you not recommend
           others working / researching at                                                                        others working / researching at
                              the UHOH?”                                                                                             the UHOH?”
        „ Small size is an advantage for
      teaching. Several unique features,
           Humboldt reloaded, helpful                      „Vibrant research                                           „Discrepancy between payment and
     administrative staff, nice colleagues”                  environment”                                                          workload.”

 „ Because of it's small size personal
  networks can be initiated very fast.
Since working might by very similar at                                                                                                 „The only negative thing
different universities, living in this part          „Highly productive university, Nice                                                is the living situation in
    of Germany is quite nice: Good                   campus, lots of additional courses                                               the area. It can be difficult
     infrastructure, nice ambient.”                  offered (language center, sports),                                               to find a flat, so perhaps if
                                                                                                                                          the university could
                                                                                                                                       initiate some scheme to
                                                                                                                                       help new arrivals to find
        „the working climate at our instute is                      „ Very good colleagues, many units in the                                  something.”
         good; also good co-operation with                         administration very supportive (despite my
       neigbouring institutes; some institutes                        remark), good research facilities, very
        are well connected with each other”                         international research profile and student
                                                                   body, good opportunities to work inter- and

                 „It In general, the work situation at universities in
                Germany is ok. Eg contracts with all social benefits
                are good. Hohenheim has apparently also a good
                 reputation, which may also be a plus in your CV..

„What should be the priorities to
   Sample AS – Improvements                                                                                     improve the environment for

                                                             „Intermediate-stage Researchers are
                                     „I feel fine”
                                                           often seen as students by the professors.
                                                                  That should not be the case
„Closer connections to researchers of                                                                          „a secure position, without the pressure of
   similar fields/topics/interests also                                                                       regularly raising third-party funds, would be
 across the faculties (A and N), eg by
                                                               Other                                            great; there are practically no permanent
   having regular (weekly or at least                                                                       positions, and so one is forced to guarantee his
    monthly) seminars with (invited)                                16%                                     salary through third-party funds; in the long run
speakers or Journal Clubs on specific                                                                       very exhausting less administration would also
 topics or research areas or methods.                Nothing                                                               be an advantage...”
      These should then be better                              7%
communicated across faculties inviting                                                      44%
         everyone interested.”                                                                         Employement
                                                Network 7%
   „You spend more time with writing                                                                                            „unlimited contracts for full
proposals than research. The focus is                           9%                                                                  teaching positions”
    based on how to get third-party                  Research
 funding. Unfortunately, UHOH has a
      lack of money for research.
                                                                         16%                               „More tenured jobs below full professor. In the
                                                                                                         long-run implementation of a department system.
Improvements: - Make sure money is                                                                          Better spatial concentration of the economics
         provided for research”
                                                          Administration                                  department, now everybody is scattered around
                                                                                                           at the whole campus making collaboration and
                                                                                                                  exchange unnecessarily difficult!”
                    „more space and better growing
                   conditions should be available for
                  conducting experiments (e.g. climate
                   chambers, greenhouse space with
                   adequate technical infrastructure,             „REDUCE THE ADMINISTRATION AND IMPROVE
                    temperature control, light, etc.)”            THE FUNCTIONING OF SOME OF THE CENTRAL
                                                                 UNITS! Make the administration really fit to understand
                                                                 what we researchers are doing - not only the other way
                                                                  round. I'm fed up that I I have constanly to deal with
                                                                          issues that are not my business like”
Concluding remarks for postdoctoral academic staff

• The overall level of satisfaction of AS’ participants is rather low.
   Interestingly, however, almost every AS participant would recommend
   others researching or working at the UHOH.
• We find financial insecurity, especially with regards to the contract
   durations, to constitute a great burden.
    Ø Need for financial security.
• As for the doctoral candidates, we find differences with regard to work
   distribution across faculties.

Many thanks to
all participants for contributing!
                       Responsibe for the survey are
     the doctoral candidates’ representative in the senate of the UHOH:

               Alicia Prochotta
               Helen Mengis
               Thea Mi Weiß

   Special thanks for the support before, during, and after our survey go to:
                               Dr. Heike Behle
                            Michael Branschaedel
                               Yasemin Erginer
                                 Dr. Anja Pohl
                            Prof. Dr. Markus Voeth
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