Page created by Lonnie Yang
               The Youth Directory was originally produced by the
                    Youth One Stop Shop (‘YOSS’) in 1995.

                  It is not a complete listing of all the agencies
and organisations that work with young people in Palmerston North – but a list of
               community groups that we use as referral sources.

On request from community groups YOSS in co-operation with START, have made
 this information available and it is important that it is used as a living document,
                        needing amendments and additions.

                    Please feel free to photocopy and hand the
                   Youth Directory on to friends and colleagues.

               Please contact us with any amendments or additions
                  that can be made in subsequent editions of the
                                 Youth Directory.

                       Corner Andrew Young & Cuba Streets
                         PO Box 2074, Palmerston North
                                  (06) 355 5143

               This directory was updated on 30 September 2011.
                                                                             Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association
24 Hour Help .................................5                              (MALGRA) ......................................................... 13
                                                                             MASH Trust ....................................................... 13
Alcoholics Anonymous .......................................... 5
                                                                             MUSA Advocacy Service ...................................... 13
Al’Anon ............................................................... 5
                                                                             Netsafe – The Internet Safety Group .................... 13
ARCS Manawatu Abuse and Rape Crisis Support ..... 5
                                                                             New Zealand Federation of Disability Information
City Doctors ........................................................ 5
                                                                             Centre’s............................................................. 13
Department of Child Youth and Family Services ...... 5
                                                                             No Bully ............................................................ 14
Healthline............................................................ 5
                                                                             P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc .............................................. 14
Kidsline ............................................................... 5
                                                                             Te Manawa Services ........................................... 14
Lifeline................................................................ 5
Maori Women’s Refuge......................................... 6              Counseling .................................. 14
Mental Health Emergency Team ............................ 6
Methadone Services ............................................. 6           ARCS Manawatu Abuse and Rape Crisis Support.... 14
National Poisons Center ........................................ 6           A Secure Base.................................................... 14
New Zealand Police .............................................. 6          Acorn Counseling Practice ................................... 14
Parentline Manawatu............................................ 6            Across Te Kotahitanga O te Wairua Social Services 15
Radius Medical, The Palms.................................... 6              Amesbury Christian Counseling Service................. 15
Salvation Army Helpline ........................................ 6           Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Service15
Samaritans .......................................................... 7      Feilding and Districts Youth Board........................ 15
Victim Support..................................................... 7        Journeys to Wellbeing – Huarahi Whakaoranga Inc 15
Women’s Refuge.................................................. 7           Manawatu Relationship Services .......................... 15
Youthline ............................................................ 7     Manchester House Social Services........................ 16
                                                                             Manline ............................................................. 16
Accommodation & Housing...........7                                          MASH Trust ....................................................... 16
                                                                             Methodist Social Service Centre ........................... 16
Baptist Youth Hostel............................................. 7
                                                                             No Bully ............................................................ 16
Camellia House .................................................... 7
                                                                             Salvation Army Counseling .................................. 17
Grandmas Place – Anne Keith Hostel...................... 8
                                                                             Te Aroha Noa Community Services....................... 17
Housing Advice Centre ......................................... 8
                                                                             Te Manawa Services ........................................... 17
Housing New Zealand........................................... 8
                                                                             Wellstop ............................................................ 17
Manawatu Community Housing Trust..................... 8
                                                                             Whakapai Hauora (Best Care).............................. 17
Manawatu Tenants Union ..................................... 8
                                                                             Women’s Health Collective .................................. 17
MASH Trust ......................................................... 8
                                                                             Youth One Stop Shop ......................................... 18
McAloon House.................................................... 8
North Lodge ........................................................ 9       Disability..................................... 18
Peppertree Backpackers Hostel.............................. 9
Salvation Army Men’s Hostel ................................. 9              Advocacy Network Services Trust......................... 18
Salvation Army Women’s Hostel ............................ 9                 Brain Injury Association ...................................... 18
                                                                             CCS Disability Action........................................... 18
Addictions .....................................9                            Child & Youth Crisis Respite................................. 18
                                                                             Deaf Aotearoa NZ............................................... 19
Alcoholics Anonymous .......................................... 9
                                                                             Disability Persons Assembly Palmerston North &
Al’Anon ............................................................... 9
                                                                             Districts............................................................. 19
Alcohol & Drug Help Line ...................................... 9
                                                                             Idea Services ..................................................... 19
Child, Adolescent and Family Service: Youth Alcohol
                                                                             Journeys to Wellbeing – Huarahi Whakaoranga Inc 19
and Drug Service ................................................10
                                                                             Manawatu Autism Support Association ................. 19
DHDP - Drugs & Health Development Project ........10
                                                                             Manawatu Stewart Centre Trust........................... 20
DPYK - Drug Proofing Your Kids(may delete). ........10
                                                                             Manawatu Supporting Families ............................ 20
Fetal Alcohol Support Trust ..................................10
                                                                             Options in Community Living ............................... 20
Manchester House Social Service..........................10
                                                                             Parent to Parent Manawatu ................................. 20
MASH Trust ........................................................10
                                                                             Phoenix Incorporated ......................................... 20
Palmerston North Street Van Inc ..........................11
                                                                             Royal Foundation for the Blind............................. 21
Teen Challenge...................................................11
                                                                             Whaiora Trust (Maori Mental Health).................... 21
Te Whanau Manaaki O Manawatu Trust ................11
                                                                             Workbridge Incorporated .................................... 21
The Gambling Helpline ........................................11
Whakapai Hauora (Best Care) ..............................11                 Health ......................................... 21
Youth Gambling Helpline – In Ya Face...................11
Youth One Stop Shop ..........................................12             Across Te Kotahitanga O te Wairua Social Services 21
                                                                             A Secure Base.................................................... 21
Advice and Advocacy Services ....12                                          Amesbury Christian Health Service ....................... 22
                                                                             Cancer Society ................................................... 22
A Secure Base ....................................................12
                                                                             Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health Service22
Central Region Advocacy Service ..........................12
                                                                             Community Mental Health ................................... 22
Citizens Advice Bureau ........................................12
                                                                             DHDP - Drugs & Health Development Project ........ 22
Community Net Aotearoa.....................................12
                                                                             Family Planning Health Promotional Palmerston
Manawatu Community Law Centre........................12
                                                                             North ................................................................ 23
Manawatu Home Budgeting Service ......................13

Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights Association                                Palmerston North YMCA Inc ................................ 30
(MALGRA) ..........................................................23      Te Manawa Services ........................................... 30
Manawatu Pregnancy Centre Trust .......................23                  Trade & Commerce Centre Limited....................... 31
MASH Trust ........................................................23      Training for You Limited...................................... 31
NZ AIDS Foundation Hotline/ Support Service........23                      Timaru Fishing School......................................... 31
Public Health Services .........................................23         Wanganui YMCA Inc ........................................... 31
Public Health Primary Care Team – Feilding Clevely
House ................................................................24   Employment ............................... 31
Sexual Health Clinic.............................................24
                                                                           Action Personal Consultants................................. 31
Sexual Health Services ........................................24
                                                                           Adecco – Palmerston North Branch ...................... 31
Sex Therapy NZ ..................................................24
                                                                           Allied Work Force ............................................... 32
Te Runanga O Raukawa ......................................24
                                                                           Coverstaff.......................................................... 32
Te Wakahuia Health & Wellbeing..........................24
                                                                           EVP (Innovate People Management) .................... 32
Te Whare Rapuora/ Maori Health Unit...................24
                                                                           Manawatu Multicultural Centre............................. 32
                                                                           PAC Resources ................................................... 32
Whakapai Hauora (Best Care) ..............................25
                                                                           PN Personnel – Recruitment Specialists ................ 32
Whaiora Trust (Maori Mental Health) ....................25
                                                                           Recruitment Plus Limited..................................... 32
Women’s Health Collective ...................................25
                                                                           START Youth Transition Service........................... 33
Youth One Stop Shop ..........................................25
                                                                           Sterling HR Outsourcing...................................... 33
Education and Training ...............25                                   Student Job Search ............................................ 33
                                                                           Workbridge Incorporated .................................... 33
Careers New Zealand ..........................................25           WorkSmart ........................................................ 33
Literacy Feilding..................................................26
Ministry of Education, Group Special Education                             Government Contacts................. 33
(formally Special Education Services) ....................26
                                                                           Department of Corrections .................................. 33
Palmerston North Community Truancy Prevention
                                                                           Department of Internal Affairs – Local Government
                                                                           and Community Branch....................................... 33
SPELADD ...........................................................26
                                                                           Department of Social Welfare .............................. 33
Te Aho o te Kura Pounamu (The Correspondence
                                                                           Ministry of Education .......................................... 34
School) ..............................................................26
                                                                           Ministry of Health ............................................... 34
Team Xtreme .....................................................26
                                                                           Ministry of Justice............................................... 34
Te Whare Akonga - Open Learning Centre
                                                                           Ministry of Youth Development ............................ 34
Manawatu Incorporated.......................................27
                                                                           Work and Income New Zealand - WINZ................ 34
Tertiary Education Commission ............................27
                                                                           Legal Services and Advice ................................... 34
                                                                           Citizens Advice Bureau ........................................ 34
Whakatipuria – Teen Parent Unit ..........................27
                                                                           Lower North Youth Justice Residential Centre........ 34
Secondary Schools ..............................................27
                                                                           Manawatu Community Law Centre ....................... 34
Awatapu College .................................................27
                                                                           Police Youth Aid ................................................. 34
Feilding High School............................................27
                                                                           Prisoners Aid and Rehabilitation Society (PARS)..... 34
Freyberg High School ..........................................27
                                                                           Te Whare Akonga - Opening Learning Centre
Highbury Whanau Centre Alternative Education
                                                                           Manawatu Incorporated ...................................... 35
Programme ........................................................27
Kelvin Grove Alternative Education Programme ......28                      Local Government Services &
Longburn Adventist College..................................28
Mana Tamariki....................................................28        Other Places That Help............... 35
Manawatu Community High School.......................28                    Ara Taiohi.......................................................... 35
Palmerston North Boys High School ......................28                 Corrections Department of Community Probation
Palmerston North Girls High School.......................28                Services............................................................. 35
Queen Elizabeth College ......................................28           Green Bike Trust ................................................ 35
St Peters College.................................................28       I-site Palmerston North Visitors’ Centre ................ 35
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Manawatu.....................28                    Mental Health Foundation ................................... 35
Tertiary Institutions.............................................28       MidCentral Public Health Unit............................... 35
International Pacific College .................................28          Palmerston North Community Arts ....................... 36
Massey University Students Association (MUSA) .....29                      Palmerston North City Council ............................. 36
Massey University (Turitea Campus) .....................29                 Sport Manawatu................................................. 36
Te Wananga O Aotearoa......................................29              Wellstop ............................................................ 36
UCOL.................................................................29    Work and Income New Zealand - WINZ................ 36
Youth Training Programmes.................................29               Youthlaw - Tino Rangatiratanga Taitamariki .......... 36
Agriculture NZ ....................................................29
Dive HQ .............................................................29    Maori Organisations ................... 36
G & H Training Agriculture NZ ..............................29
Horizon Education...............................................30         Maori Women’s Refuge ....................................... 36
Land Based Training Limited ................................30             Oranga Hinengaro (Maori Mental Health Team)..... 37
Mara Marketing...................................................30        Te Runanga O Raukawa...................................... 37
Palmerston North School of Design.......................30                 Te Wakahuia Health & Wellbeing ......................... 37

Te Whare Akonga - Open Learning Centre.............37                      Directions Youth Health Centre ............................ 43
Whaiora Trust (Maori Mental Health) ....................37                 Evolve Youth Service – Wellington ....................... 43
Whakapai Hauora (Best Care) ..............................37               Golden Bay Work Centre ..................................... 43
                                                                           Job Track Nelson................................................ 43
Parenting.....................................38                           LINK’D YTS........................................................ 43
                                                                           Nelson Tasman Connections................................ 44
A Secure Base ....................................................38
                                                                           Ngati Hine Health Trust....................................... 44
Barnardos NZ Family Support Service....................38
                                                                           Partners Porirua ................................................. 44
Open Home Foundation.......................................38
                                                                           People Potential Limited ...................................... 44
Palmerston North YMCA Inc .................................38
                                                                           Porirua City Council ............................................ 44
Parentline Manawatu...........................................38
                                                                           Porirua City Council – YTS Coordinators................ 44
Parent to Parent Manawatu..................................39
                                                                           Public Health South – Dunedin............................. 44
Te Manawa Services............................................39
                                                                           Pulse Marketing Limited ...................................... 45
Whakatipuria – Teen Parent Unit ..........................39
                                                                           Safer Communities Marlborough .......................... 45
Youth Organisations ...................39                                  SEEK - Kaikoura ................................................. 45
                                                                           Soloman Group Education & Training Academy ..... 45
All Saints Youth ..................................................39      South Canterbury Youth Public Health Clinic –
Canteen .............................................................39    Timaru .............................................................. 45
Chaplaincy Services Massey University ..................40                 Tai FM............................................................... 45
Creative Sounds (The Stomach) ...........................40                Tararua Community Youth Services...................... 45
Element Youth Group St Albans Presbyterian Church40                        Te Ahurei a Rangatahi – Waikato ......................... 45
Highbury Whanau Centre.....................................40              Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga – Hastings................ 46
Kelvin Grove Alternative Education Programme ......40                      Te Wairariki Purea Trust...................................... 46
Palmerston North YMCA.......................................40             The Learning Shop ............................................. 46
Skylight..............................................................41   The New Hub Nelson .......................................... 46
Soul for Real ......................................................41     The Pulse – Whangarei ....................................... 46
START Youth Transition Service ...........................41               Toi Te Ora Public Health – Whakatane.................. 47
UCOL Christian Chaplaincy ...................................41            Tui Ora Limited Youth Transition Service .............. 47
YMCA Specialist Youth Service Corps Programme ...41                        Vibe – Hutt Valley............................................... 47
Youth Action – life Church ...................................41           Wairarapa Workforce Development Trust.............. 47
Youthline ...........................................................42    Waikato District Youth Transition Services ............ 47
Youth One Stop Shop ..........................................42           Westfono Health Trust ........................................ 48
                                                                           Whai Marama Youth Connex - Waikato................. 48
Youth/Health Organisations                                                 Work’n it Out (Timaru/Otago/Southland) .............. 48
around New Zealand ...................42                                   Youth Horizons .................................................. 48
                                                                           Youth Line - Auckland ......................................... 48
Abel Tasman Educational Trust ............................42               Youth One Stop Shop Health – Palmerston North .. 49
Café for Youth Health – Taupo .............................42              Youth Services Trust – Wanganui......................... 49
Canterbury Youth Transition Service .....................42                144 Health – Nelson ........................................... 49
Career Connexions Tairawhiti Limited....................42
Centre for Youth Health.......................................43

24 Hour Help                                  22 Victoria Avenue
                                                  Palmerston North 4410
Alcoholics Anonymous                         Cost: Consultation charges will apply.
 0800 229 6757                              Hours: 8.00am - 10.00pm 7 days a
 (06) 356 3215                              week            If you need to be seen after hours for
Operates a 24 hour telephone service         non-emergency medical treatments.
that will connect you to a volunteer who
will be happy to answer your questions       Department of Child Youth and
and put you in touch with those that can     Family Services
help. If you prefer then you can attend       0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459)
meeting in your local area.                   313 Church Street
                                                Palmerston North 4410
Al’Anon                                       PO Box 4163, Manawatu Mail
 0508 425 2666                                 Centre, Palmerston North 4442
 (06) 355 2693                     
 Plunket Rooms, 177 Vogel Street            We work on helping children, young
    Palmerston North 4414                    people and families.                  Healthline
We offer support groups for people who        0800 611 116
have a relative or a friend who is an
alcoholic. Our free phone is available to    We offer a free 24 hour health advice
those who have any questions that you        service. This service is staffed by
have and will help direct you to a local     registered nurses who will assist you
meeting in your area.                        with any health needs that you have
                                             and will provide you with information
ARCS Manawatu Abuse and Rape                 and advice to help you make a decision
Crisis Support                               on your health needs.
 (06) 356 5868
Fax (06) 356 5867                            Kidsline
 Linton Court                                0800 KIDSLINE (0800 54 37 54)
     10 Linton Street               
     Palmerston North 4410                   Hours: Monday - Friday 4.00pm -
 PO Box 673, Palmerston North               6.00pm.
    Central, Palmerston North 4440           Support line for kids (under 14). Call                    from anywhere in New Zealand or on                  your mobile phone. We won't give
Crisis line: 8.00pm and 8.00am seven         advice, instead we'll listen really
days a week.                                 carefully to what you've got to say,
We have a support line that is staffed by    and we will support and encourage you
trained volunteers for survivors and their   and help you to come up with new
families to be able to access information    ways to approach what is going on.
and support when they are feeling
vulnerable and alone.                        Lifeline
                                              0800 111 777
City Doctors                        
 (06) 355 3300                              This is a telephone counseling service
Fax (06) 359 2563                            that provides 24hours 7 days a week
counseling and support. Calls are            where poisoning might occur. We can
confidential and free and you will speak     also give general first aid advice for
to a trained Lifeline counselor.             poisoning.

Maori Women’s Refuge                         New Zealand Police
 0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843)                  Dial 111 in an emergency
 (06) 355 0626                               (06) 351 3600
 (06) 356 7985 (office)                     Fax (06) 350 3860
Fax (06) 355 0364                             400 Church Street
 PO Box 573, Palmerston North                    Palmerston North 4410
    Central, Palmerston North 4440            PO Box 11040, Manawatu Mail                         Centre, Palmerston North 4442                           Book for other Palmerston North police
We offer education and support services      stations.
to people affected by domestic violence.
We provide information and safe housing      Parentline Manawatu
to women, young people and children           0800 4 FAMILY (0800 4 326 459)
who are experiencing abuse. If you know       (06) 355 1655
someone who is in this situation we offer    Fax (06) 355 1722
advice. Our crisis line is open 24 hours 7    Community House, 77-85 King
days a week for support and advice.               Street, Palmerston North 4410
                                              PO Box 2014, Palmerston North
Mental Health Emergency Team                      Central, Palmerston North 4440
 0800 653 357                      
Fax (06) 350 8163                   
 Palmerston North Hospital,                 Hours: Monday - Friday 9.30am-
     Palmerston north                        3.00pm
We are a 24 hours, seven days a week         We offer a telephone support phone
mental health emergency response             line available 24hours for parents who
team. We do consultation, assessment         need someone to talk to. Our helpline
and treatment for people with suspected      is staffed with a team who has a wide
or diagnosed moderate to severe mental       range of life and parenting experience
illnesses.                                   and they are here to support you.

Methadone Services                           Radius Medical, The Palms
 (06) 357 2066                               (06) 354 7737
Fax (06) 357 0755                             445 Fergusson Street, Hokowhitu
 Palmerston North Hospital,                      Palmerston North 4410
    Palmerston North                
To assist people who are seeking             Cost: Varies
treatment for opioid dependency.             Hours: Monday - Friday 8.00am -
                                             7.00pm, weekends and public holidays
National Poisons Center                      9.00am - 6.00pm
 0800 POISON (0800 764 766)                 Accident and family medical clinic that                          caters for all acute and long - term
We provide a 24 hour 7 days a week           illnesses found in general practice.
service that provides advice about acute
poisoning situations. The type of advice     Salvation Army Helpline
we give on situations of poisoning and        (06) 357 7540
DIRECTORY                     someone who is in this situation we
We offer a 24 hour 7 days a week              offer advice. Our crisis line is open 24
helpline that provides access to advice,      hours 7 days a week for support and
information and services.                     advice.

Samaritans                                    Youthline
 0800 726 666                                 0800 376 633
 (06) 358 2442                                (06) 357 3067 (Office line)
 Community House, 77-85 King Street           PO Box 575, Palmerston North
     Palmerston North 4410                       Central, Palmerston North 4440
 PO Box 1963 Palmerston North                Email/MSN:
     Central, Palmerston North 4440           Text: 234                       
We are a confidential support line that is    We offer a 24 hour 7 days a week free
open 24 hours 7 days a week. We will          and confidential helpline that is
listen and help people talk though their      available for young people who need
troubles. We provide support and              someone who need someone to talk to
encouragement and will help discuss           and someone to listen to them.
                                              Accommodation & Housing
Victim Support
 0800 Victim Support                         Baptist Youth Hostel
 (06) 351 3873 (office hours)                 (06) 355 5107
 Central Police Station, Church Street,       163 Fitzherbert Avenue, West End
   Palmerston North                               Palmerston North 4410           
The support line is available 24 hours 7      Provides accommodation to students
days a week for people who are affected       studying in Palmerston North. Fees
by crime and trauma. We provide free          cover the full tertiary year, fully
support and information so that people        catered evening meal, food provided
who are affected by crime and trauma          for breakfast and lunch, provides linen,
can feel in control of their lives and have   laundered free of charge and internet
their rights upheld.                          1gig data per calendar month.

Women’s Refuge                                Camellia House
 0800 REFUGE (0800 733 843)                   (06) 357 7056
 (06) 354 5055                                160A Park Road, West End,
 (06) 354 5355                                    Palmerston North 4410
Fax (06) 355 0626                              PO Box 106 Palmerston North
 PO Box 573, Palmerston North                    Central, Palmerston North 4440
    Central, Palmerston North 4440             www.camelliahouse.orconhosting.n                               
We offer education and support services       Cost: Dependent on the room
to people affected by domestic violence.      available, number of children and the
We provide information and safe housing       number of rooms needed. Costs cover
to women, young people and children           the room/s, food, power, gas and
who are experiencing abuse. If you know       telephone.
Provides short to mid term                 We can provide short term
accommodation for women over 17 years      accommodation for people on a low
with their children welcome. We provide    income and in need of support. We
a safe and supportive environment,         have one and two bedroom flats
advocacy and in house programmes.          available. Rent is low and tenants are
                                           responsible for their own telephone,
Grandmas Place – Anne Keith Hostel         electricity, food and any other costs.
 (06) 358 6928
 146 Grey Street, Palmerston North        Manawatu Tenants Union                          (06) 357 7435
Cost: $28-$56.00 per person per night       Community House, 77 - 85 King
Office hours: 8:30am - 8:30pm                   Street, Palmerston North 4410
Comfortable affordable Accommodation        PO Box 2060, Palmerston North
(Not Long Term).                                Central, Palmerston North 4440
Housing Advice Centre                      Cost: Free
 (06) 358 4875                            Provides advice, support at tenancy
 Community House,77 - 85 King             tribunals and mediation. We will also
    Street, Palmerston North 4410          write submissions on issues concerning
 PO Box 4348, Manawatu Mail Centre,       tenant’s welfare.
    Palmerston North 4442               MASH Trust
Hours: Monday - Friday 10.00am to           0800 6274 878
3.00pm                                      (06) 355 7200
The Housing Advice Centre offers a 24      Fax (06) 355 7201
hour free house/flat listing service        602-606 Main Street,
and provides information and advocacy          Palmerston North 4410
on flat mate and boarding positions.        PO Box 157, Palmerston North
                                               Central, Palmerston North 4440
Housing New Zealand               
 0800 801 601                    
 (06) 355 0122                            Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -
 117 Broadway Avenue,                     5.00pm
     Palmerston North 4410                 We are a support service for people
 PO Box 248, Palmerston North             with psychiatric, intellectual or physical
    Central, Palmerston North 4440         disability or illness. We provide some                           services at the residential homes we
We focus on rental housing and provide     support, we can come to peoples own
good quality subsided housing to people    home or in the community.
who are low income earner and those in
need in need of housing for the duration   McAloon House
of their need.                              (06) 356 4826
                                            19 Duff Crescent, Highbury
Manawatu Community Housing                      Palmerston North 4412
 (06) 355 4346                            Provides emergency housing for up to
 027 247 6222                             eight weeks – bond required. Support
 386 Rangitikei Street,                   is also provided to find permanent
   Palmerston North                        accommodation for tenants. For
further information contact Kevin the      We offer refuge accommodation for
Manager.                                   women and children. Our objective is
                                           to provide a safe environment for
North Lodge                                women and children and to provide
 (06) 358 3080                            them with support with re-housing and
 115 North Street                         re-locating. We also offer support and
    Palmerston North 4410                  refer them to appropriate services to
Provides short and long term               help them with any issues they might
accommodation. Bond is required for        be facing.
long term tenants. Will receive own room
with shared facilities.                    Addictions

Peppertree Backpackers Hostel              Alcoholics Anonymous
 (06) 355 4054                             0800 229 6757
Fax (06) 355 4063                           (06) 356 3215
 121 Grey Street,                
    Palmerston North 4410                  Offer anonymous support groups to               people who suffer from alcohol            addiction. Meetings are relaxed,
Cost: Range from $27 - $66                 friendly and open and to discuss and
Office Hours: 8.00am - 9.30pm.             listen to each others stories about their
Check out: 10.00am                         drinking and their recovery. These
Offers cheap accommodation close to        meetings are very supportive of one
Palmerston North city. Rates vary          another.
depending on what type of room that
you are after.                             Al’Anon
                                            0508 425 2666
Salvation Army Men’s Hostel                 (06) 355 2693
 (06) 353 3459                             Plunket Rooms, 177 Vogel Street
 0274 860 370                                 Roslyn, Palmerston North 4414
    yHostels.aspx                                        Meetings: Tuesday and Thursday at
We offer emergency and medium term         7.00pm
accommodation and offers support for       Offer support groups that are
various issues that you might be facing.   anonymous for relatives and friends of
This hostel provides supportive            alcoholics who share their experience,
accommodation and assistance to            strength, and hope, in order to solve
disadvantaged and marginalized men         their common problems. We believe
who are making positive life changes.      alcoholism is a family illness, and that
                                           changed attitudes can aid recovery.
Salvation Army Women’s Hostel
 (06) 354 3890                            Alcohol & Drug Help Line
 027 234 2686                              0800 787 797
Fax (06) 356 5310                 
   yWHostels.aspx                          Text: DRUG (3784) text a drug name            to this number for health and safety
Lines open 10.00am-10.00pm daily.           DPYK - Drug Proofing Your
We are here to help with any questions      Kids(may delete).
that you might have about the use of
drugs and alcohol. These can be from        We aim to help educate parents with
legal issues to the effects of different    strategies needed to help steer
types of drugs and ways to minimize the     children away from drug use.
risk of using drugs. We can refer you to
a service that can help you if you ask      Fetal Alcohol Support Trust
                                             (07) 847 6752
Child, Adolescent and Family                Fax (07) 847 6752
Service: Youth Alcohol and Drug              2 Simon Place, Nawton, Hamilton
 (06) 350 8373                             We advocate and provide information
Fax (06) 350 8374                           to all families with Fetal Alcohol
 Community Village, Konini House           Spectrum Disorder and all associated
     Ruahine Street, Terrace End,           health issues. We educate the public
     Palmerston North 4410                  about how to stop drinking during
 PO Box 11036, Palmerston North            pregnancy and breastfeeding.
We are a team of drug and alcohol           Manchester House Social Service
clinicians who work with young people        (06) 323 7191
who have concerns about their drug and       (06) 323 6612
alcohol use.                                Fax (06) 323 0546
                                             68 Aorangi Street, Fielding 4702
DHDP - Drugs & Health                        PO Box 349 Feilding 4740
Development Project                
 (06) 353 5063                    
Fax (06) 353 5064                           Cost: Most services are free.
 81 Grey Street                            Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am -
    Palmerston North 4410                   5.00pm
 PO Box 772, Palmerston North -            We are a community social service
    4440                                    agency that delivers social work                    services, counseling and has a drug                          and alcohol support worker available.
Hours: Monday - Friday 10.00am -            MASH Trust
7.00pm Saturday 11.00am - 3.00pm             (06) 355 7200
Non-judgmental, confidential and            Fax (06) 355 7201
anonymous service for injecting drug         602-606 Main Street
users by way of harm minimisation               Palmerston North 4410
education, advice, referral and access to    PO Box 157, Palmerston North
the needle exchange program.                    Central, Palmerston North 4440
Sexual health advice and referral. 
Referral to other services and help
agencies in the area. Electronic            Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -
Dispenser - for after-hours NEX             5.00pm
purchase. Collection and destruction of     We have a mental health and addiction
NEX equipment.                              treatment service that helps people
                                            with drug and alcohol issues who have
simultaneous mental health difficulties.      We work with people who are in
This programme is about helping regain        recovery from drugs and alcohol and
or develop control over their lives and to    with their family. We also work with
establish skills that will help them have a   people who have been affected by
fulfilling life.                              alcohol and drug addiction.

Palmerston North Street Van Inc               The Gambling Helpline
 (06) 356 3337                                0800 654 655
Fax (06) 356 6199                              Text for HELP 8006
 82 King Street, Palmerston North   
    4410                                      We are a FREE 24 hour helpline for
 PO Box 5477, Terrace End,                   people who have issues with gambling
    Palmerston North 4441                     or if you are concerned about someone                             you know who is gambling. We provide                            support and counseling to help
The 12 steps to freedom programme is          motivate you to make a change that
for people who are affected by addictions     you want. We also offer an anonymous
which is run over 14 weeks. We also           free text service.
offer parents support groups for parents
whose children are suffering with             Whakapai Hauora (Best Care)
addictions.                                    (06) 353 6385
                                              Fax (06) 353 1883
Teen Challenge                                 140-148 Maxwell’s Line, Awapuni,
 (06) 328 9889                                   Palmerston North 4412
Fax (06) 328 9889                              PO Box 1341, Palmerston North
 1650 Kimbolton Road, Cheltenham                 Central, Palmerston North 4440
     Road, RD 7, Feilding            
 PO Box 544, Feilding                                   Cost: Services free or low cost                   Hours: Monday - Friday
Is a long term (12 to 18 months)              8.30am – 5.00pm
residential Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation     W are an iwi owned and operated
& Training Center for males aged 16 to        provider of health, social and disability
35 years with drug and other life             service to everyone. We provide
controlling problem’s. Our approach is to     Alcohol and Drug counselling.
help the ‘whole person’ not just              Outreach clinics, Gambling Counselling
addressing the substance abuse.               and Health promotions services.

Te Whanau Manaaki O Manawatu                  Youth Gambling Helpline – In Ya
Trust                                         Face
 (06) 354 0043                                0800 654 659
Fax (06) 353 5252                    
 A & D Kaupapa Maori Services                Phone Lines: 5.00pm to 8.00pm
    115 Rugby Street, Awapuni,                We are a youth gambling helpline that
    Palmerston North 4412                     provides support and information                           about gambling and gambling
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am -               problems in New Zealand. If you are
5.00pm                                        concerned about a young persons
                                              gambling we are also here to offer
support and information. Our counselors     Hours: Monday - Friday 12.00pm –
are young people because we believe in      2:30pm
youth helping youth.                        We are a free advocacy service that
                                            makes sure that people are receiving
Youth One Stop Shop                         their full and correct legal welfare
 (06) 355 5906                             entitlements.
Fax (06) 355 5907
 7 Edgeware Road, Palmerston North         Citizens Advice Bureau
 PO Box 575, Palmerston North               0800 367 222
    Central, Palmerston North 4440           (06) 357 0647                           Fax (06) 357 9273                           Community House, 77-85 King
We are a social service that works with          Street, Palmerston North
young people between the ages of 10 -        PO Box 1206, Palmerston North
24. We offer support with drug and               Central, Palmerston North 4440
alcohol issues. We will provide advocacy,
education, support and advice to young
people on this issue.                       Cost: Free
                                            Opening hours: Monday - Friday
Advice and Advocacy Services                9.00am - 4.30pm
                                            The service therefore provides free to
A Secure Base                               all individuals an impartial and
 (06) 357 9163                             confidential service of information,
Fax (06) 357 9164                           guidance and support. We aim to make
 39 Cuba Street, Main Street,              sure that individuals know their rights
    Palmerston North 4410                   and responsibilities and know how to
 PO Box 5526, Terrace End                  express their needs effectively.
   Palmerston North 4441                     Community Net Aotearoa                     Community Operations
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am –                Department of Internal Affairs
5.00pm                                         Level 1, 46 Waring Taylor Street
Our service provides counseling and          PO Box 805, Wellington
psychotherapy with adult, children,
adolescents and families on issues 
around attachment, violence abuse,          We are an information sharing
sexual abuse, separation, couple            resource for the New Zealand
counseling, assessments, grief, foster      community and voluntary groups. On
support, depression and anxiety.            our website you will find guides, news
                                            and tools for and by clubs, groups,
Central Region Advocacy Service             charities, trust hapu and iwi.
 (06) 355 2094
Fax (06) 355 0612                           Manawatu Community Law Centre
 Commercial Building, Second floor 10       (06) 356 7974
    - 15 The Square                         Fax (06) 356 7952
 PO Box 733, Palmerston North               Level 2, 12, The Square
    Central, Palmerston North 4440              Palmerston North                        PO Box 2088, Palmerston North
                                                Central, Palmerston North 4440
DIRECTORY                       Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -
We provide legal information, advice and     5.00pm
assistance, promoting legal education        We have a mental health and addiction
and law reform and in certain cases we       treatment service that helps people
will represent people in court.              with drug and alcohol issues who have
                                             simultaneous mental health difficulties.
Manawatu Home Budgeting Service              This programme is about helping
 0800 2 BUDGET (0800 228 343)               regain or develop control over their
 (06) 358 2279                              lives and to establish skills that will
Fax (06) 359 4566                            help them have a fulfilling life.
 First Floor, Room F6, Community
     House, 77-85 King Street                MUSA Advocacy Service
     Palmerston North4410                     (06) 350 4500
 P O Box 7040, Palmerston North              Tennant Drive, Palmerston North
     4443                                     Massey University, Private Bag              11222, Manawatu Mail Centre,
     nz                                          Palmerston North 4442                   
We offer free budgeting advice,     
confidential and non-judgmental service      MUSA advocates for Massey University
to individuals and families. We help         students and help to make their time
individuals negotiate with creditors, work   at university enjoyable and fulfilling.
out a financial payment plan and general     We will advocate for your rights and
advice.                                      we also monitor the standard of
                                             education and services you receive.
Manawatu Lesbian and Gay Rights
Association (MALGRA)                         Netsafe – The Internet Safety
 (06) 358 5378 (answer phone)               Group
 Jersey Lane, PO Box 1491,                   0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723)
    Palmerston North                          PO Box 9386, Newmarket,                         Auckland 1149
We are a non-profit organisation and all
of our staff members are volunteers. We
provide a social service which empowers      Offers education on safe, secure and
gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender,         responsible use of information and
takatapui and fa’afafine people, and         communication technology for all New
those questioning their sexuality            Zealanders. We give advice and
                                             information on all online queries
MASH Trust                                   namely cyber and text bullying and
 (0800) 627 4878                            harassment.
 (06) 355 7200
Fax (06) 355 7201                            New Zealand Federation of
 602-606 Main Street                        Disability Information Centre’s
    Palmerston North 4410                     (03) 214 5000
 PO Box 157, Palmerston North                PO Box 1091, Invercargill
    Central, Palmerston North 4440                                  Contact: Carol Wood, President

We provide information about generic         ARCS Manawatu Abuse and Rape
disability to individuals and where          Crisis Support
possible we will refer you to a local         (06) 356 5868
disability organisation.                     Fax (06) 356 5867
                                              Linton Court, 10 Linton Street
No Bully                                          Palmerston North 4410
 0800 NOBULLY (0800 662 8559)                PO Box 673, Palmerston North                              Central, Palmerston North 4440
We are a free and anonymous service 
that provides information and advice
about ways to stop bullying.                 Hours: Monday - Thursday 9.00am –
                                             5.00pm, Friday 9.00am – 2.00pm
P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A Inc                          We provide counseling and support to
 (06) 357 8914                              children, women and men who are                        survivors of sexual abuse and their                   families. Survivors group program,                     Voyage group for children 5-12 years,
Contact: Seinia Fruean                       High School Education Programmes &
Pacific Allied (Women’s) Council Inspires    Primary School Anger Management
Faith in Ideals Concerning all. A national   Programme & Education officer
organisation for Pacific Island Women        available.
but open to all. Our services include
budgeting, moral support, advice and         A Secure Base
encouragement.                                (06) 357 9163
                                             Fax (06) 357 9164
Te Manawa Services                            39 Cuba Street, Main Street,
 (06) 323 8330                                  Palmerston North 4410
Fax (06) 323 9330                             PO Box 5526, Terrace End
 Corner Stafford and Fergusson                  Palmerston North 4441
    Streets, Feilding 4702          
 PO Box 368, Feilding 4740                                 Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am –                     5.00pm
Cost: Donations                              Our service provides counseling and
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am –              psychotherapy with adult, children,
5.00pm                                       adolescents and families on issues
Offers a 16 week Youth & Parenting           around attachment, violence abuse,
programme to provide support, skills and     sexual abuse, separation, couple
knowledge to help young people aged 8        counseling, assessments, grief, foster
to 18 years and their parents/caregivers     support, depression and anxiety.
build a safe and healthy family life. The
programme addresses underlying anger         Acorn Counseling Practice
issues expressed by youth in often very       (06) 355 3345
unsafe ways.                                  027 232 3073
                                              39 Cuba Street
Counseling                                       Palmerston North 4410
                                             Hours: Monday 9.00am – 5.00pm
                                             Tuesday - Wednesday 9.00am –
Professionals in Parent & Child             work with children and adolescents
Attachment & Healthy Human                  with serious mental health issues and
Development. Provides a range of            provide assessment, diagnosis and
counseling for a range of issues.           treatment.

Across Te Kotahitanga O te Wairua           Feilding and Districts Youth Board
Social Services                              (06) 323 6002
 (06) 356 7486                              027 439 9591
Fax (06) 357 4988                            139 South Street, Feilding 4702
 294A Church Street                         PO Box 404, Feilding 4740
    Palmerston North 4410          
 PO Box 1140, Palmerston North             Cost: Free
    Central, Palmerston North 4440          Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am –                         5.00pm                     We are a group of volunteers from the
Cost: Donations                             Feilding community who provide
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am –             support and help youth and their
5.00pm                                      families through issues of youth
We provide a wide range of counseling       offending. We have access to all social
options. There are individual counseling,   services in Feilding and Palmerston
support groups for people who has lost      North.
someone to suicide, couples counseling
and family counseling.                      Journeys to Wellbeing – Huarahi
                                            Whakaoranga Inc
Amesbury Christian Counseling                (06) 355 3387
Service                                     Fax (06) 353 1999
 (06) 357 4424                              Level 2, BNZ Building
Fax (06) 355 0119                              Corner Rangitikei Street
 142 Grey Street                              & 140 the Square
    Palmerston North 4410                    PO Box 1177 Palmerston North
 PO Box 1570, Palmerston North                4440
    Central, Palmerston North 4440 
Qualified counselors’, fee scaled on
income, approved Family Court, ACC and      Hours: Monday - Friday, 9.00am-
CY&F providers. GP practice, Osteopath      3.00pm
on site.                                    Peer support and advocacy services for
                                            people with a lived experience of
Child, Adolescent and Family Mental         mental distress, Wellness Recovery
Health Service                              Action Plans (WRAP) for maintaining
 (06) 350 8373                             wellness, Voice Hearers Support
Fax (06) 350 8374                           Group,
 Kauri House, Ruahine Street,
    Palmerston North Hospital,              Manawatu Relationship Services
    Palmerston North 4410                    0800 RELATE (0800 735 283)
 PO Box 2056, Manawatu Mail Centre,         (06) 357 6483
    Palmerston North 4442                   Fax (06) 357 6486                   Westside Chambers Level 1, 151
We work with children and adolescents          The Square, Palmerston North 4410
aged 0-19 years and their families. We
DIRECTORY                     MASH Trust
Cost: No to low cost                          (06) 355 7200
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am -              Fax (06) 355 7201
4:30pm                                        602-606 Main Street,
We provide counseling to individuals,             Palmerston North 4410
couples, children and their families. We      PO Box 157, Palmerston North
deliver stopping violence and anger               Central, Palmerston North 4440
change programmes for both men and  
women. Deliver education and        
information on the awareness of a            Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -
healthy relationship.                        5.00pm
                                             We have a mental health and addiction
Manchester House Social Services             treatment service that helps people
 (06) 323 7191                              with drug and alcohol issues who have
Fax (06) 323 0546                            simultaneous mental health difficulties.
 68 Aorangi Street, Feilding 4702           This programme is about helping
 PO Box 349 Feilding 4740                   regain or develop control over their                            lives and to establish skills that will                        help them have a fulfilling life.
Cost: Most services are free.
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am -              Methodist Social Service Centre
5.00pm                                        (06) 350 0307
We are a community social service            Fax (06) 356 8799
agency that delivers social work services,    663 Main Street
family support, budgeting, counseling,            Palmerston North 4410
community education programs, after           PO Box 1887, Palmerston North
school programs and holiday programs.             Central, Palmerston North 4440
Manline                                           z
 (06) 358 1211                     
Fax (06) 353 7577                                 nz
 F7, Community House, 77-85 King            Cost: Cost for education courses and
    Street, Palmerston North                 programmes vary from free to minimal.
 PO Box 12211, Palmerston North             Counseling fees are negotiable.                          Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -                         4:30pm
Cost: Varies.                                We are a social service agency that
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am -              delivers education programmes, offers
5.00pm                                       social work support and counseling for
Provides a service for men who need          children, their parents, couples and
help with anger, violence, grief, work,      individuals. We also operate a food
relationships, being a parent, separation,   bank.
divorce and who have been abused. We
run both individual and group meeting        No Bully
and we also run a telephone service           0800 NO BULLY (0800 662 8559)
where we offer support, counseling and
information during normal office hours.      Is a free 24 hour information line that
                                             provides helpful advice about ways to
                                             stop bullying.
                                            underlying anger that is expressed by
Salvation Army Counseling                   youth in often very unsafe ways
 (06) 357 7540
 431 church Street, Palmerston North       Wellstop
 PO Box 869 Palmerston North                (06) 356 9666                   Fax (06) 356 9699
Our qualified counselors work with           77 Broadway Avenue, 1st floor
couples individuals, couples and families        (above Christian Bookshop)
on spiritual, educational, vocational,           Palmerston North 4410
social, emotional and personal problems.     PO Box 420 Palmerston North
                                                Central, Palmerston North 4440
Te Aroha Noa Community Services    
 (06) 358 2255                    
Fax (06) 358 5399                           Contact: Gerald Warner
 12-26 Brentwood Avenue Highbury,          We provide a youth programme that
    Palmerston North 4412                   provides assistance and a range of
 PO Box 7141, Pioneer Highway              treatment services to young people
    Palmerston North 4443                   who have engaged in sexually                     harmful/abuse behavior. Our aim for                     this programme is to help the young
Cost: Varies                                person take responsibility for their
Hours: Monday - Friday 8.00am -             behavior and change their life for the
5.30pm                                      better.
We are a community service that
provides a wide range of community          Whakapai Hauora (Best Care)
based services. To name a few we             (06) 353 6385
provide family, child, individual and       Fax (06) 353 1883
couple counseling. Family/whanau             140-148 Maxwells Line, Awapuni
development services and young parents          Palmerston North 4412
groups.                                      PO Box 1341, Palmerston North
                                                Central, Palmerston North 4440
Te Manawa Services                 
 (06) 323 8330                    
Fax (06) 323 9330                           Cost: Services free or low cost
 Community Centre, Cnr Stafford &          Hours: Monday - Friday
    Ferguson Sts Feilding                   8.30am – 5.00pm
 PO Box 368 Feilding                       We have counseling services to                       individuals and families. We provide                    counseling to those who are struggling
Cost: Donations                             with addictions which alcohol and drug
Hours: Monday - Friday 9.00am –             related to gambling addictions.
Offers a 16 week Youth & Parenting          Women’s Health Collective
programme to provide support, skills and     (06) 357 0314
knowledge to help young people aged 8        027 854 0918
to 18 years and their parents/caregivers    Fax (06) 3559088
build a safe and healthy family life.        53 Waldegrave Street, Palmerston
Programme that addresses the issues             North

 PO Box 4253, Manawatu Mail Centre
    Palmerston North 4442                     Brain Injury Association                    (06) 354 3540                            Fax (06) 354 3540
Cost: Free                                     38 West Street, West End,
Services including health information,            Palmerston North 4412
pregnancy tests, support, referral             PO Box 34, Palmerston North
assistance and advocacy, cervical                 Central, Palmerston North 4440
screening clinic for                 
target women. Also subsidised        
counseling, and access to lower cost          Advocacy, information, education and
natural health therapists e.g. osteopath,     support for people who have sustained
hypnotherapist -                              a brain injury and their families and/or
for women and children.                       carers. Also provides rehab for brain
                                              injury survivors.
Youth One Stop Shop
 (06) 355 5906                               CCS Disability Action
Fax (06) 355 5907                              0800 227 2255
 7 Edgeware Road, Palmerston North            (06) 357 2119
    4410                                      Fax (06) 357 2118
 PO Box 575, Palmerston North                 248 Broadway Avenue
   Central, Palmerston North 4440                 Palmerston North 4410                              PO Box 143, Palmerston North                                Central, Palmerston North 4440
Cost: Free                           
We are a social service and primary  
health care service for young people              z
aged 10 - 24 years of age. We can             Cost: Free
provide counseling services,                  Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am -
psychological services, social work           5:00pm
support and drug and alcohol support.         We offer youth who have a disability
                                              navigate the health, disability and
Disability                                    social services. We offer a flexible
                                              responsive service that is designed to
Advocacy Network Services Trust               enable an individual to fully access and
 0800 555 050                                interact with their community. We also
 (06) 353 7236                               support youth to connect with
Fax (06) 353 7232                             vocational pursuits.
 Square Edge Room 202
    Palmerston North 4410                     Child & Youth Crisis Respite
 PO Box 1004, Palmerston North                (06) 355 7200
    Central, Palmerston North 4440             MASH Trust, 602 - 606 Main                            Street, Palmerston North 4410                          PO Box 157 Palmerston North                           Central Palmerston North 4410
Provides a service for people to raise a
concern or make a complaint about a  
health or disability service that they have   We work with young people aged
received.                                     between 5-19 years of age. We
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