Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes

Page created by Lynn Luna
Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes
Zoom Meeting Preparation
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Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes
Special Education Leader
      Monthly Call

    March 11, 2021
Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes
Agenda and Logistics

  I.   School System Planning          If you are experiencing audio difficulties,
 II.   Graduation Pathways             please make sure that your speakers are on
III.   Teaching and Learning           and that your volume is at a suitable level.
IV.    Data Systems / SER Updates      The call will be in the listen only mode to
 V.    Measuring Results               ensure we get through the information.
VI.    Closeout                        Please type questions into the chat box as
                                       we go along.
                                       Dial in by phone: 646-876-9923
                                       Meeting ID#: 921 3595 1551

Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes
School System Planning
Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes
Louisiana Educator & Staff Vaccine Access
On February 18, Governor John Bel Edwards announced that the state of Louisiana would move to
Phase 1B, Tier 2 of COVID-19 vaccinations. This new phase allows for K-12 and early childhood
education staff to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.
In order to ensure that all school systems have equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines and
information about the vaccine, the Department worked with the Louisiana Department of Health to
recommend that school systems develop a partnership with local clinics, hospitals or pharmacies to
orchestrate logistics in administering the vaccine. The Department also asked that systems determine
the number of employees who wish to receive the voluntary vaccine. Educators and support staff also
have the option to schedule their vaccinations independently with their local providers.
 •   Eligible employees include those who are housed on site at a center or school.
 •   It also includes system employees whose work takes them to centers or school sites routinely.
 •   Employees will most likely be asked to present a badge, paystub or some form of school system
     identification to receive a vaccine.

Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes
IDEA Grant Application Timeline
           Timeline                                               Activity

February 2, 2021                 Public survey open on SY21-22 IDEA funding priorities

January - March 2021             Development of application

February - April 2021            Stakeholder discussions

March 2021                       Draft application posted

March 24, 2021                   SEAP meeting and 30-day public comment period opens

April - May 2021                 Final revisions to application

May 7, 2021                      Grant application finalized and submitted to OSEP

*Draft application and public comment forms will be available on the special education funding page.

Zoom Meeting Preparation - Louisiana Believes
Strong Start Compensatory Education Funding
Strong Start Compensatory Services are services offered to students with disabilities to address
progress or skills lost due to the extended school facility closure. The Department is in the process
of reviewing compensatory education applications. After reviews, the Department will determine
allocations and present them to BESE in April for approval.
After BESE approval, allocations will be loaded into 2020-21 Super App application as part of the
school system’s flow-through funding. At that time, the school systems will need to budget the
funding and submit the application for approval. Depending on the status of the application at the
time of loading the allocations, the school system may need to create an amendment. For
example, if the school system’s 2002-21 Super App is Approved, they will need to create an
amendment to budget the funding.
Please contact specialeducation@la.gov with questions on Strong Start Compensatory Services
and LDOE.grantshelpdesk@la.gov with questions on the eGMS process.

ESSERF II Funding Guidance FAQ
The Department created an ESSER II Funding Guidance FAQ that contains the most
frequently asked questions and answers related to ESSER II funds. School systems
should continue to submit specific questions to LDOE.grantshelpdesk@la.gov.
In addition to the FAQ, the Department created an ESSERF II Use of Funds document
that provides examples of allowable expenses for each allowability.
More information about these funds can be found in the Fact Sheet released by ED.

ESSER II Funding Next Steps
Once the application and allocations become available in eGMS in March, the
Department will host the Achieve! Launch webinar, providing school systems with
pertinent information for creating their budgets in alignment with the priorities and
focus areas outlined in Believe to Achieve: Louisiana’s Educational Priorities.
More information about connecting expenses to these priorities will be provided in
the coming weeks.

Support and Resources

LDOE will continue to provide updates to our
school systems as new information becomes
available. Please look for this information in
the Federal Support and Grantee Relations
Library, weekly newsletter, Monthly System
Leader Call, and Monthly Federal Support and
Grantee Relations Call.

SPED Fellow Academy Information Sessions
SPED Fellow Academy is a year-long, comprehensive development program for novice
special education leaders (administrators) across the state. SPED Fellow will instill the
knowledge and skills the next generation of special education leaders need to lead and
sustain change to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. The second cohort of
SPED Fellow will run in 2021-2022. This program is free for accepted participants.
The Department will hold informational sessions on March 25 at 9 a.m and at 2:30 p.m.
The application will open on April 12. More information can be found on the SPED
Fellow Academy web page.
Please contact rachel.brown@la.gov with questions.

Graduation Pathways
Believe to Achieve: Louisiana ACT NOW
  The ACT NOW program provides funding to purchase pre-billed ACT test vouchers for eligible
  students in grades 12 and 10 as described in this application. To receive reimbursement for
  vouchers, school systems shall submit a completed application that includes specific
  programmatic, physical and accountability assurances no later than April 17. Vouchers
  purchased from ACT must be used for one of three administrations as outlined below.

                              Test Date              Registration Deadline

                               April 17                   March 12

                               June 12                      May 7

                               July 17                     June 18

The cost of vouchers for ACT without writing is $55 per student, and there will be no refund for
unused vouchers. Please contact meredith.mcgovern@la.gov with questions.

Jump Start Construction Scholars Program
The Louisiana Construction Education Foundation, Louisiana’s Community and Technical College
System (LCTCS) and the Louisiana Department of Education are collecting 2020-2021 Jump Start
Construction Connect Scholars Program Applications.
Scholarship Award
The Jump Start Construction Scholars program will provide up to 40 one-time scholarships in the
amount of $1,000 each to students graduating from high school with a Jump Start Diploma and
NCCER Credential planning to enroll in an LCTCS program or an Associated Builders and
Contractors training program. The application deadline has been extended to April 12.
Please contact megan.thompson2@la.gov with questions.

Teaching and Learning
LDH COVID-19 Family Stress & Resilience Survey

The Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Bureau of Family Health
seeks to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people living in
  • The purpose of this survey is to understand the challenges Louisiana families
     with young children are facing and learn about resiliency within families.
 •   The feedback from families will guide an internal review of resources and
     services that families are accessing to ensure families’ needs and mental health
     needs are being met.

Survey link: https://laredcap.oph.dhh.la.gov/surveys/?s=MKNJMKT9E4

Teacher Leader Summit
Registration for the in-person Teacher Leader Summit is underway. The Early bird ticket
window closed on March 1.
 • Purchasing an early bird ticket offered reduced pricing and first access to session
 • The session schedule and app will be released to early bird ticket holders on April
The regular registration window will run March 2-April 12.
 • All access codes turn off on April 13 preventing further registration.
 • The session schedule and app will be released to regular ticket holders on April 9.
Please contact LDOEevents@la.gov with questions.

Teacher Leader Summit: The Virtual Series
To maximize the delivery of content and educator development, The Teacher Leader
Summit: The Virtual Series will take place from June 1-11, and sessions will be accessed
remotely. The format will be similar to the Virtual Series offered during spring 2020.
 •   There will be a max overall registration limitation of 8,000.
 •   The Department is not allocating seats. Registration will be on a first-come,
     first-served basis.
 •   Paid ticket holders of the Teacher Leader Summit in-person event will receive an
     access code allowing them to register for and participate in the Virtual Series at no
     additional cost.
       • Each code will be one-time use and must be used only by the original ticket
           holder. Codes are not transferable.
Please contact LDOEevents@la.gov with questions.

Teacher Leader Summit: The Virtual Series
Registration for the Teacher Leader Summit: The Virtual Series will open in April.
Tickets are inclusive of all days of the event.

                       Ticket Type         Purchasing Window      Ticket Price
                 Early Bird Registration        April 1-25          $50.00
                 Regular Registration       April 26 - sell out     $65.00

The session schedule and app will be released to early bird ticket holders on May 10
and May 12 for regular registrants.
Please contact LDOEevents@la.gov with questions.

SER/Data Systems
February 1 MFP Spring Collection
Collection              Application System –
  Name                  What Data is Collected
EOY          IEPs To submit or delete created before       Deadline: March 26
              ● Reports to run and verify: Draft + SER
                  Flag and IEP Benchmark

Note: Part C compliance should be checked monthly along with the Transition List
to keep up with the data entry. To access the Transition List, click the LEA File
Share link under the User Tools menu in SER.

February 1 MFP Spring Collection
                     Statement of Affirmation
The SER Feb. 1 MFP Statement of Affirmation
Return form link is available with the final validation
report, which was dropped in the DM FTP the week
of February 22.
School systems should submit the completed form
with signatures by Friday, March 12 using the
JotForm link provided at the bottom of the form. It
is important that this form be returned by the
deadline to certify data for the Feb 1 MFP
Please contact bernetta.sims@la.gov with
Reevaluation Pilot Partnership
Key Actions                                                  Dates

Development of Reeval Pilot Tab                              Spring/Summer 2020

10 Phase 1 Partners Participate in Pilot                     September 2020 - January 2021

14 Additional Partners Join in Phase 2, Pilot Continues      February - May 2021

Informational Webinars and Office Hours                      March - April 2021

Presentation and Guidance Release at Teacher Leader Summit   May 2021

Additional Webinars, Office Hours, Guidance, Support         Summer 2021

Whole State Implementation                                   Begins SY 2021-2022

Reevaluation Pilot Informational Webinar

The Department will host an informational webinar on reevaluation and waiver
changes in SER next month. Pupil Appraisal staff, special education coordinators and
directors, data coordinators, SER managers, SER clerks, and any other staff who work
with reevaluation and waiver processes in SER should plan to attend.
 •   Webinar Date and Time: Tuesday, March 16 at 2 p.m.
 •   Webinar Link: https://ldoe.zoom.us/j/93624601960
 •   Webinar Phone Number: 470 381 2552
 •   Meeting ID#: 936 2460 1960

Reevalulation Pilot Office Hours
Region                                 Date and Zoom Link        Region                                          Date and Zoom Link

1: Orleans, Plaquemines, Jefferson,    Tuesday, March 23 at      6: Avoyelles, Catahoula, Concordia, Grant,      Thursday, March 25 at
St. Bernard                            10:30 a.m.                LaSalle, Rapides, Vernon, Winn                  2:30 p.m.

2: Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East   Tuesday, March 23 at 1    7: Bienville, Bossier, Caddo, Claiborne,        Tuesday, March 30 at
Feliciana, Iberville, Pointe Coupee,   p.m.                      DeSoto, Natchitoches, Red River, Sabine,        10:30 a.m.
West Baton Rouge, West Feliciana                                 Webster

3: Assumption, Lafourche, St.          Thursday, March 25 at     8: Caldwell, East Carroll, Franklin, Jackson,   Tuesday, March 30 at 1
Charles, St. James, St. John the       9:30 a.m.                 Lincoln, Madison, Morehouse, Ouachita,          p.m.
Baptist, St. Mary, Terrebonne                                    Richland, Tensas, Union, West Carroll

4: Acadia, Evangeline, Iberia,         Thursday, March 25 at     9: Livingston, St. Helena, St. Tammany,         Tuesday, March 30 at
Lafayette, St. Landry, St. Martin,     11 a.m.                   Tangipahoa, Washington                          2:30 p.m.

5: Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu,       Thursday, March 25 at 1
Cameron, Jefferson Davis               p.m.

EdLink 360 Focus Group Opportunity
The EdLink 360 school system focus group will center on planning and implementation
of EdLink at the system level. EdLink 360 goes live in August.
Next Steps to Participate:
 ●   School systems should identify teams
 ●   Designate one member per system to complete this survey by March 19
 ●   Join the Department via Zoom Tuesday March 23 at 11 a.m. (formal invite to be
     sent to registered participants)
Project updates and resources for school system implementation will be released
in future System Leaders Monthly Calls.
Please contact EdLink360@la.gov with questions.

Measuring Results
SPP / APR Parent Involvement Survey
Each year, the Department surveys parents on their perception of the quality of their child’s
education and the quality of their relationship with their child’s school. Below is a timeline of this
year’s parent survey.

               Timeline                                       Milestone

   March 2021                   LDOE sends survey information to school systems for distribution

   March - June 2021            Survey window open

   Summer 2021                  LDOE analyzes results

   Fall 2021                    LDOE reports outcomes to school systems

   February 2022                Outcomes reported in the Annual Performance Report

SPP / APR Parent Involvement Survey
Allen Parish   East Carroll   East           Jefferson    Orleans        Pointe          Rapides
               Parish         Feliciana      Parish       Parish         Coupee          Parish
                              Parish                                     Parish

Sabine         St. Landry     Vernon         Webster      West Carroll   International   Avoyelles
Parish         Parish         Parish         Parish       Parish         School of LA    Public

Educators      ReNEW          Success        Akili        Iberville      LA Key          Ben Franklin
for Quality    Schools        Preparatory    Academy      Charter        Academy         HS
Alternatives                  Academy                     Academy

Edna Karr HS   Eleanor        Robert Russa   Lake Forest  Rosenwald      IDEA Public
               McMain         Moton          Elem Charter Collegiate     Schools
               Secondary      Charter                     Academy

SPP / APR Parent Involvement Survey

Participating school systems will receive survey instructions for families to access the
survey online. The survey is located on the Special Education Parent Involvement
Survey page on the LDOE website. The survey will be available in Spanish, Vietnamese,
and Arabic.

Call Summary
 Month                                  Key Deadlines                                     Resources
March    ●   Apply for Strong Start Compensatory Services Funding in eGMS by March 2.
         ●   Submit the SER Feb 1 MFP Statement of Affirmation return form by March
         ●   Attend the Reevaluation and Waiver Updates in SER Informational Webinar
             on March 16
         ●   Attend the SPED Fellow Academy information sessions on March 23.
         ●   Provide public comment on the IDEA Draft Budget Application after March

April    ●   Apply for the SPED Fellow Academy after the application opens on April 12.   April 8

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