1.0 A Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Framework for Designing and Evaluating Learning Places (D. Radcliffe) - NTNU

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A Pedagogy-Space-
1.0   Technology (PST) Framework
      for Designing and Evaluating
      Learning Places (D. Radcliffe)

                        NEXT GENERATION LEARNING SPACES 9
A Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST)

                     1.0                               Framework for Designing and Evaluating
                                                       Learning Places

Over the past decade there has been a growing          There are real and virtual dimensions to each of       There are an increasing number of exemplars of
body of knowledge and working examples of new          these and this nexus is now being recognised           next generation learning spaces, often associated
approaches to the design of learning spaces in         and discussed. For example a recent paper by           with the various consortia listed above. Some
higher education institutions. Despite this, a clear   Oblinger (2005) concludes that “the convergence        like the Technology Enabled Active Learning
consensus is yet to emerge. A number of factors        of technology, pedagogy and space can lead to          (TEAL) project at Massachusetts Institute of
are driving innovation and experimentation in the      exciting models of campus interactions.”               Technology (MIT) (Long 2005) and the Learning in
design of learning spaces in North America, Europe                                                            a Technology-Rich Environment (LITRE) at North
                                                       This paper presents the Pedagogy-Space-
and Australia. These include changing social                                                                  Carolina State University have a particular focus
                                                       Technology (PST) Framework for guiding the design
patterns, generational change, a changing funding                                                             on technology.
                                                       of learning spaces which takes account of these
environment, new and emerging technology and
                                                       three factors in informing the conceptual design       Others, like Wallenberg Hall at Stanford University,
the shift to a more learner-centred pedagogy.
                                                       and post-occupancy evaluation of either discrete       combine technology with a flexible architecture
There has been a tendency for many initiatives         learning environments (e.g. individual rooms) or       and mobile fittings. The Stanford Centre for
in learning spaces to be technology-driven             networks of places (e.g. a whole campus).              Innovations in Learning, responsible for Wallenberg
(Long 2005; Valenti 2002) or to a lesser extent                                                               Hall, focuses on people, places and processes,
                                                                                                              although there is also a strong theme of advanced
                                                                                                              technology, especially web-based tools.

David Radcliffe                                                                                               The history of the Integrated Learning Centre at
                                                                                                              the University of Arizona highlights the importance
School of Engineering Education                                                                               of having the right people involved at each stage
Purdue University, USA
                                                                                                              in the development of new learning spaces. At the
                                                                                                              inception the visionary and the key (political) allies
                                                                                                              are the key drivers. During the conceptual design
                                                                                                              the “grounded dreamers” need to be brought on
pedagogy-driven. On occasions both technology
                                                       Innovative Learning Spaces                             board and should be drawn from students, staff,
and pedagogy are considered in tandem (Brown
                                                                                                              teaching consultants, instructional technology
2005; JISC). Somewhat differently, Jamieson et         In the United States of America there are several
                                                                                                              specialists, facilities designers and Information
al. (2000) examines the pedagogy-place nexus.          collaborative initiatives, consortia and consultancy
                                                                                                              Technology specialists. They argue that the
Where pedagogy is a focus, these initiatives           groups active in developing innovative learning
                                                                                                              planners including the architect and the project
adopt some explicit form of learner-centred or         environments, including:
                                                                                                              manager only need join by the time of detailed
constructivist pedagogy paradigm (Brown 2005;
                                                         s 4HE .ATIONAL ,EARNING )NFRASTRUCTURE )NITIATIVE    design; although this is contestable. By the time
Oblinger 2005).
                                                           (NLII), sponsored by Educause, and their           of construction the builders, contractors and
Moore and co workers (2006) observe that as a              Learning Space Design Constitutive Group           sub-contractors have joined the team. In the early
response to the different approaches to learning                                                              years of occupation all the people involved to this
                                                         s 3TUDENT #ENTERED !CTIVITIES FOR ,ARGE
and sensibilities of the next generation, “some                                                               stage should be the promoters of the initiative.
                                                           Enrolment Undergraduate Programs
faculty have changed teaching strategies simply to
                                                           (SCALE-UP) at North Carolina State University      The Integrated Learning Centre (ILC) in the Faculty
recapture the attention of students who are net-
                                                           to develop a highly collaborative, hands-          of Applied Sciences at Queen’s University, in
surfing, instant-messaging, and text-messaging
                                                           on, computer-rich, interactive learning            +INGSTON /NTARIO #ANADA WAS CONCEIVED WITH
during scheduled meetings”. They go on to
                                                           environment for large enrolment courses.           several purposes in mind. These included having
argue that “creating learning environments that
                                                                                                              a learning environment that supported a major
challenge students to become actively engaged,           s 4HE +ALEIDOSCOPE 0ROJECT WHICH IS FOCUSED ON
                                                                                                              piece of curriculum reform based on a shift to a
independent, lifelong learners inside and outside          developing learning environments that support
                                                                                                              more active and project-based approach. They
of formal learning spaces should be the critical aim       undergraduate study in science, technology,
                                                                                                              also sought to use the building itself as a learning
of change in teaching strategies”.                         engineering and mathematics (STEM).
                                                                                                              tool and encouraged integration of academic staff
In reality there is a nexus between pedagogy,            s 4HE 4EACHING ,EARNING AND 4ECHNOLOGY 4,4          from different departments through a common,
technology and the design of the learning space.           Group                                              overlapping space at the intersection of several

                                                                                                                    NEXT GENERATION LEARNING SPACES 11
A Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Framework for Designing and Evaluating Learning Places

existing buildings. The ILC, opened in 2004,           provided (NATALIE 2006).                                pushing the boundaries) and advanced concept
contains design and teaching studios, prototyping,                                                             teaching spaces (the interactive lecture theatre
                                                       The JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee)
instrumented plazas, active learning centre and                                                                of the future). While there is some knowledge
                                                       report provides some general advice on the
site investigation facility, competitive teams’                                                                and experience on the use of these new forms of
                                                       design of learning centres and a generic floor
spaces, group rooms and live (green) building.                                                                 learning space there is still much to discover.
                                                       plan but very little by way of specific examples.
The ILC learned lessons from the earlier Integrated
                                                       The Saltire Centre at Glasgow Caledonian                The project is based at the University of
Teaching and Learning Lab and the Discovery
                                                       University is highlighted. It is a large informal       Queensland which has a track record of innovation
Learning Centre, at the University of Colorado in
                                                       space that provides a hub – “the social heart”          in teaching and in the design and provisioning
Boulder and other innovative laboratories. Thus
                                                       for the university; it physically connects different    of new learning spaces. The project is led by
new initiatives build upon earlier ones (McCowan
                                                       parts of the campus and also provides wireless          a small team of co-principal investigators who
& Mason 2002).
                                                       connectivity. It has social and civic spaces and        have overlapping interests and complementary
The University of Waterloo (Ontario, Canada)           glazed atrium that provides natural lighting and        expertise in the design of learning environments
established the Flexible Learning Experience           ventilation as well as an exhibition space. The         from the perspectives of pedagogy, space and
(FLEX) Lab in 2000 to “support pedagogical             Centre incorporates a student services mall and a       technology. The team includes a senior faculty
innovation”. The focus is on achieving benefits        learning café. The upper floors contain the library     member with a history of innovation in teaching,
for both the teachers and the students. They           facilities in relatively informal layout with some      an architect who has designed numerous new
encourage experimentation and innovation,              formal seminar rooms (Saltire 2006).                    spaces in universities and high schools, and a
tracking results and sharing these with colleagues.                                                            university-based manager of teaching technology.

The report “Designing Spaces for Effective                                                                     The project has engaged a large number of people
                                                       Next Generation Learning Spaces
Learning, guide for the 21st century learning                                                                  representing a diverse range of stakeholders;
                                                       (NGLS) Project
design” (JISC) explores the relationship between                                                               learners, teachers, learning support staff,
learning technologies and innovative examples          In 2006, the Carrick Institute for Teaching and         administrators and design and technology
of physical space design. There are several            Learning in Higher Education in Australia funded        professionals at the University and nationally. This
examples that are of particular relevance to this      a national project called Next Generation Learning      agrees with the recommendation of Oblinger (2005)
project. The InterActive ClassRoom built in 1998 in    Spaces. This project is focused on what happens         that the following groups should be “at the table”
Mechanical Engineering at Strathclyde University,      in learning spaces and seeks to create a coherent       when designing new learning spaces: Administration,
Glasgow, Scotland relates to the ACTS (Advanced        and comprehensive framework for guiding the             Faculty, Students (undergraduate and postgraduate),
Concept Teaching Space) concept proposed               design and operation of new learning spaces.            Facilities, Planning, Information Technology, Library
here. Intended to encourage more student               The primary goal is to fully develop, rigorously test   and Teaching and Learning Support.
interaction via a Socratic dialogue method, the        in the field, thoroughly evaluate and disseminate
                                                                                                               A key feature of the project’s engagement and
room has relatively conventional facilities with       widely a new design framework. It will be in a
                                                                                                               dissemination has been a series of national forums
slightly curved desk tops plus the addition of a       form that allows the concepts to be generalised
                                                                                                               on Next Generation Learning Spaces, the first of
polling system – the Personal Response System.         and replicated in new and different applications,
                                                                                                               which was held in July 2007. This event provided
In 2000 the University built the first of its new      nationally and internationally. This new framework
                                                                                                               an opportunity for the diverse stakeholder group
Teaching Clusters to encourage collaborative           has been developed through a collaborative,
                                                                                                               to experience the new learning spaces at the
learning. There is little detail on these clusters,    interdisciplinary and participatory process, drawing
                                                                                                               University of Queensland. Various sessions were
so it is difficult to compare with for example the     on knowledge from all the stakeholder groups.
                                                                                                               held in the new spaces with forum delegates
CLCs (Collaborative Learning Centre). More
                                                       The scope of the project includes the design,           undertaking interactive exercises designed to
recently they created a product realisation studio
                                                       demonstration and evaluation of three distinct          demonstrate the features of the different spaces.
based on a similar one in Rensselaer Polytechnic
                                                       types of learning environments using this unified       The first forum also provided an opportunity for
Institute (USA). They claimed that “overall the
                                                       approach that have been pioneered at the                other universities to showcase the learning space
change to active teaching styles, with collaborative
                                                       University of Queensland. The three space types         they were most proud of.
learning, has been a huge success – both in
                                                       are: next generation libraries (connected learning
terms of student performance and retention. An                                                                 To complement the forums, the University has
                                                       experiences beyond information), collaborative
independent evaluation was carried out a couple                                                                hosted numerous delegations of visitors who
                                                       learning centres (challenging our assumptions and
of years ago” and several student quotes are                                                                   have inspected the new facilities and the project












                                                                                   Space                                                    Technology

team have presented at other regional events and         The JISC report argues that “a learning space              s $ESIGN TO MAKE USE OF THE VERTICAL DIMENSION
national conferences concerned with aspects              should be able to motivate learners and promote              of facilities
of new learning spaces. The latter has been              learning as an activity; support collaborative, as
                                                                                                                    s $ESIGN TO INTEGRATE PREVIOUSLY DISCRETE
achieved in part through active networking with          well as formal, practice; provide a personalised
                                                                                                                      campus functions
peak stakeholder groups throughout the project to        and inclusive environment; and be flexible in the
gather input and to critique ideas. These include        face of changing needs”. It states that the design         s $ESIGN FEATURES AND FUNCTIONS TO MAXIMISE
the Higher Education Research and Development            of individual spaces within an educational building          teacher and student control
Society of Australasia (HERDSA), the Deputy Vice-        needs to be:
                                                                                                                    s $ESIGN TO MAXIMISE ALIGNMENT OF DIFFERENT
Chancellors (Vice Presidents) for Academic Affairs,
                                                           s &LEXIBLE n TO ACCOMMODATE CURRENT AND                    curricula activities
the Tertiary Education Facilities Management
                                                             evolving pedagogies;
Association, the Association for Tertiary Education                                                                 s $ESIGN TO MAXIMISE STUDENT ACCESS TO AND
Management, and the Association of Educational             s &UTURE PROOFED n TO ENABLE SPACE TO BE RE                use/ownership of the learning environment
Technology Managers (AETM).                                  allocated and reconfigured;
                                                                                                                  Dension University, a small liberal arts college in
The major transferable outcome of the project              s "OLD n TO LOOK BEYOND TRIED AND TESTED               Ohio, established the Learning Spaces Project to
will be the new design framework based on                    technologies and pedagogies;                         “to enhance the utility, appearance and comfort
the pedagogy-space-technology nexus. This                                                                         of all campus spaces related to learning. Learning
                                                           s #REATIVE n TO ENERGISE AND INSPIRE LEARNERS
framework will provide a robust basis for                                                                         spaces must support many styles of learning,
                                                             and tutors;
developing design briefs, for assessing alternative                                                               be versatile, comfortable and attractive, rich with
concepts and for evaluating new learning                   s 3UPPORTIVE n TO DEVELOP THE POTENTIAL OF ALL         information and reliable technology, maintained
environments. It will be in a form that allows               learners; and                                        and accessible” (Siddall 2006). They present the
the concepts to be generalised and replicated                                                                     following set of design guidelines:
                                                           s %NTERPRISING n TO MAKE EACH SPACE CAPABLE
in new and different applications. The project is
                                                             of supporting different purposes.                      s ,EARNING SPACES SHOULD SUPPORT A DIVERSITY
developing detailed case studies that get into the
                                                                                                                      of learning styles
‘nitty gritty’ of what really works and what does        Oblinger (2005) takes a more focused and learner-
not, based on the development and evaluation of          centred approach to the design of facilities:              s ,EARNING SPACES MUST BE VERSATILE
these three new spaces and their predecessors.
                                                           s $ESIGN LEARNING SPACES AROUND PEOPLE                   s ,EARNING SPACES MUST BE COMFORTABLE AND
These case studies will illustrate the operation of
the new design framework.                                  s 3UPPORT MULTIPLE TYPES OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                    s ,EARNING SPACES ARE INFORMATION RICH AND
                                                           s %NABLE CONNECTIONS INSIDE AND OUTSIDE
                                                                                                                      technologically reliable
Design Principles for Learning                             s !CCOMMODATE INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                                                                                    s ,EARNING SPACES MUST BE MAINTAINED
                                                           s $ESIGN FOR COMFORT SAFETY AND FUNCTIONALITY              continuously
A number of authors have proposed lists of design
                                                           s 2EmECT INSTITUTIONAL VALUES                            s ,EARNING SPACES SHOULD BE UBIQUITOUS IN
principles or similar as guides in the creation
                                                                                                                      space and time
of contemporary learning spaces. There is no             Jamieson et al. (2005) promote the adoption
generally agreed approach to the creation of new         of multi-disciplinary approaches and the use of            s ,EARNING SPACES SHOULD BE USED EFFECTIVELY
learning spaces and various groups are promoting         participatory design processes and offer the seven
                                                                                                                    s 3UFlCIENT RESOURCES MUST BE ALLOCATED FOR
particular sets of guiding principles for the creation   guiding principles to be used for “augmenting
                                                                                                                      learning spaces
of such spaces. Some of these lists of principles        rather than replace in toto existing design
are aspirational while others imply they are based       principles” as follows:                                  Johnson and Lomas (2005) point to a series of
on experience. However there is really very little                                                                steps that combine “to create an iterative dialogue
objective data based on well-documented case               s $ESIGN SPACE FOR MULTIPLE USE CONCURRENTLY
                                                                                                                  among the design team and other stakeholders
studies or analysis that can be used to test these.          and consecutively
                                                                                                                  in the design process.” The process suggested is
As well there is little or no empirical evidence           s $ESIGN TO MAXIMISE THE INHERENT mEXIBILITY           organic and begins by considering the institutional
provided to support the proposed principles.                 within each space                                    context (its values, strengths and limitations) and
                                                                                                                  the learning principles that are to be promoted.

                                                                                                                        NEXT GENERATION LEARNING SPACES 13
A Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Framework for Designing and Evaluating Learning Places

These reflect concepts in classic works like          attractive to ‘big-picture’ thinkers but not so to    country, both current and completed, so that it
Chickering and Gamson’s “Seven Principles”            stakeholders concerned about the specifics.           is possible to identify patterns in what different
(1987) or the more recent NRC (National Research                                                            institutions are trying to achieve, how they do
Council) report on “How People Learn” (2000).                                                               this and how they evaluate success. Obviously
It is recommended that the design team works          Proposed Pedagogy-Space-                              additional and more detailed questions can be
from the desired learning principles to define a      Technology (PST) Design & Evaluation                  added in each section and at each stage as fitting
set of learning activities that will promote these    Framework                                             the particular instance.
principles. The design principles flow from
                                                      Based on the preliminary findings from the NGLS       The sequencing of the items in the framework
learning principles and the learning activities.
                                                      Project, we propose the following question-           is intentional and important. Each of the three
Thus there is not a single universal set of design
                                                      based framework to aid diverse stakeholders to        elements, pedagogy, space and technology,
principles but a particular set that meet the needs
                                                      approach the creation, operation and evaluation       influence each other in a reciprocal fashion. Thus
of a given project. It is only after the design
                                                      of new learning spaces. The framework invites         achieving a desired pedagogy might suggest a
principles are established that the requirements
                                                      stakeholders including administrators, faculty,       preferred way to arrange the shape and use of
for the particular setting are derived. Johnson
                                                      architects, students, equipment and technology        space, equally a learning space irrespective of
and Lomas go on to emphasise the importance of
                                                      providers at each stage of the conception,            its intended use will tend to shape what people
considering how to measure success in the design
                                                      development, realization and use of a new learning    do in it and hence the patterns of teaching and
of new learning environments.
                                                      space to reflect on what they are doing and why.      learning. Similarly a particular space places
Taking yet another tack, Long and Ehrmann (2005)      It is inherently self-documenting and aides the       constraints (or presents opportunities) for the
suggest four ideas that are useful in imagining       elicitation of lessons learned for future projects.   introduction of certain type of technology while a
the classroom of the future; Learning by Doing                                                              given technology can impact how a space is used
                                                      In recognition that each of these stakeholder
Matters; Context Matters; Interaction Matters and                                                           by teachers and students. Thus while all three are
                                                      groups has a particular set of background
Location of Learning Matters.                                                                               interdependent in a cyclical manner, the question
                                                      assumptions, expectations and practices about
                                                                                                            remains; which element do you start with?
They proceed to list the characteristics of the       how they should or could contribute to the
                                                                                                            Pedagogy seems to be the logical first element,
“classroom of the future” as:                         realization of a new learning space project, the
                                                                                                            then space and finally technology.
                                                      framework is not in the form of a prescriptive
                                                      model of the design or delivery process per se.       However this is not to suggest a hierarchy or to
                                                      A model-based approach would tend to privilege        value pedagogy more than space or technology.
  s /PTIMISED FOR CERTAIN LEARNING ACTIVITIES NOT    those who were familiar with that particular form     Rather it is a recommended place to enter the
    just stuffed with technology                      of representation, depending on what type of          pedagogy-space-technology loop in order to go
                                                      model was used or how it was presented visually.      through an iterative process. Ideally such iteration
                                                      For instance if the framework were constructed        would occur several times at each stage of the
    space, rather than built into the space
                                                      around a model of the design and delivery             life-cycle of a learning space (cradle to cradle).
  s !LLOWING INVISIBLE TECHNOLOGY AND mEXIBLE USE     process familiar to architects, this might not mean   While only two life-cycle stages are represented in
                                                      very much to a faculty member from the liberal        the Table 1 (as the columns - Conception & Design
                                                      arts who is trying to evoke a particular learning     and Implementation & Operation), the framework
  s 5SEFUL ACROSS THE HR DAY                        experience or an administrator who is focused         could be made more fine-grained by splitting
                                                      on project management issues like cost and risk.      these into more than two columns corresponding
                                                      By using a series of generic trigger questions all    to more life-cycle stages and writing appropriate
                                                      stakeholders potentially have equal access to the     questions to each stage. Thus if a particular
                                                      design conversation.                                  institution has a prescribed set of project stages
While these various lists offer general design
                                                                                                            with decision points (stage gates), then the basic
principles for guidance, they are difficult to        One reason for keeping the framework simple was
                                                                                                            PST framework questions can be re-written to
apply in practice with a multi-disciplinary team      to enable it to be used in a wide range of project
                                                                                                            suit the declared delivery steps or stages for the
of stakeholders in the creation of new learning       types and scales and institutional contexts. An
                                                                                                            institution; it can be tailored to meet particular
spaces. The style of the pithy taglines is rather     objective of the NGLS is to try to get comparative
                                                                                                            ways of doing work.
high-minded and universal and thus ambiguous;         data from many different projects across the

Table 1 - Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Design & Evaluation Framework

                                                        Life-Cycle Stage
            Focus                                    Conception and Design                                        Implementation and Operation

 Overall                          What is the motivation for the initiative?                        What does success look like?

                                  What is intended? What initiated the project? Who are the         Is the facility considered to be a success? By whom?
                                  proponents and opponents? Who has to be persuaded about           Why? What is the evidence? Does this relate to the original
                                  the idea? Why? What lessons were learned for the future?          motivation or intent?

                                                                                                    What lessons were learned for the future?

 Pedagogy                         What type(s) of learning and teaching are we trying to foster?    What type(s) of learning and teaching are observed to take
                                  Why?                                                              place? What is the evidence?

                                  Why is this likely to make a difference to learning?              What evaluation methodology or approach was used and
                                  What is the theory & evidence?                                    what methods were used to gather and analyse data?

                                  What plans will be made to modify programs or courses to          Who was included in the data gathering and analysis?
                                  take advantage of the new facilities?                             Students? Faculty? Staff? Administrator? Senior Leadership?
                                                                                                    Facilities managers and technology staff?
                                  What education or training for academics and other staff is
                                  built into the plan?

 Space                            What aspects of the design of the space and provisioning of       Which aspects of the space design and equipment worked
                                  furniture and fittings will foster these modes of learning (and   and which did not? Why?
 (including environs; furniture
                                  teaching)? How?
 and fittings)                                                                                      What were the unexpected (unintended) uses of the space
                                  Who is involved in developing the design brief? Why?              and facilities that aided learning or facilitated teaching? Do
                                                                                                    these present ideas for future projects?
                                  Which existing facilities will be considered in developing
                                  concepts? Can we prototype ideas?                                 How was the effectiveness of the use of space to aid learning
                                                                                                    and teaching measured? What were the different metrics used?
                                  Who is involved in the assessment of concepts and detailed
                                  design? Why? What are their primary issues and concerns?          Where there synergies between this and other spaces that
                                                                                                    enhanced learning?
 Technology                       What technology will be deployed to complement the                What technologies were most effective at enhancing learning
                                  space design in fostering the desired learning and teaching       and teaching? Why?
 (ICT; lab and specialist
                                  patterns? How?
 equipment)                                                                                         What were the unexpected (unintended) impacts (positive and
                                  In establishing the brief and developing concepts and detailed    negative) of the technology on learning and teaching?
                                  designs, what is the relationship between the design of the
                                                                                                    How did technology enhance the continuum of learning and
                                  space and the selection and integration of technology?
                                                                                                    teaching across the campus and beyond?
                                  What pedagogical improvements are suggested by the

                                                                                                                       NEXT GENERATION LEARNING SPACES 15
A Pedagogy-Space-Technology (PST) Framework for Designing and Evaluating Learning Places

Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. and Cocking, R.R. (2000)        Johnson, C. and Lomas, C (2005) Design the Learning        Oblinger, D. G. (2005) Leading the transition from
How People Learn; Brain, Mind, Experience and School.        Space: Learning and Design Principles, Educause Review,    classrooms to learning spaces, Educause Quarterly, 1:
National Academy Press, Washington, DC.                      July/Aug., 17-28.                                          14-18.

Brown, M. (2005) Learning spaces, In Educating the Net       Long, P.D. (2005) Learning space design in action,         Saltire (2006) The Saltire Centre, http://www.gcal.ac.uk/
Generation, Oblinger, D and Oblinger, J.L (eds), Educause,   Educause Review, July/Aug., p60.                           thesaltirecentre/building/index.html
                                                             Long, P.D. and Ehrmann, S.C. (2005) Future of the          Siddall, S.E. (2006) The Denison Learning Space Project,
#HICKERING ! 7 AND 'AMSON :&  3EVEN                 Learning Space: Breaking out of the box, Educause          Mission and Guiding Principles http://www.denison.edu/
Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education,     Review, July/Aug., 43-58.                                  learningspaces/mission.html
AAHE Bulletin, March.
                                                             McCowan, J.D. and Mason, J.L. (2002) Creating a Facility   Valenti, M.S. (2002) Creating the classroom of the future,
Jamieson, P. (2005) Understanding a Happy Accident:          for Developing Professional Skills, Proceedings ASEE       Educause Review, Sept/Oct, 53-62.
Learning to build new learning environments, Report of       Annual Conference, Montreal.
ECE Research Project on Learning Communities, TEDI,
                                                             Moore, A.H., Fowler, S.B. and Watson, C.E. (2007) Active
The University of Queensland.
                                                             Learning and Technology: Designing Change for Faculty,
*AMIESON 0 &ISHER + 'ILDING 4 4AYLOR 0' AND 4REVITT     Students, and Institutions, Educause Review, Sept/Oct.,
A. C. F. (2000) Place and Space in the Design of New         42 (5): 42-61.
Learning Environments, Higher Education Research and
                                                             NATALIE (2006) New Approaches to Teaching & Learning
Development , 19(2), 221-236.
                                                             in Engineering, http://www.mecheng.strath.ac.uk/tandl.
JISC Designing Spaces for Effective Learning, guide for      asp
the 21st century learning design.

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